HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070604final_order_no_30336.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date June 4, 2007 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR REVISIONS TO STREET LIGHTING SERVICES ORDER NO. 30336 CASE NO. P AC-07- On April 17, 2007, Rocky Mountain Power filed an Application for authority to revise its Electric Service Schedule No. 11 (Company-Owned Overhead System), Schedule No. 12 (Customer-Owned System), and Electric Service Regulation No. 12 (Line Extensions), regarding revisions to the Company s street lighting schedules. On April 25 , 2007, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Modified Procedure establishing a deadline for interested persons to comment upon the Company s Application. On May 16, 2007, the Commission Staff filed comments in this matter. No other comments were filed. With this Order the Commission approves the Application as more fully set forth below. THE APPLICATION The Company states that the purpose of this Application is to revise its street lighting schedules to clarify applicability, include expanded lighting options such as metal halide and decorative lighting, to close non-standard lights to new service, and to add or rewrite service provisions clarifying Company and customer obligations surrounding the installation conversion, and maintenance of facilities. As stated in the Application, the proposed changes are responsive to customer inquiries regarding expanded street lighting offerings. The Company states that it has shared its proposals with representatives of multiple cities within its service territory and has worked with Commission Staff to develop this Application. The Company has sent a letter detailing its proposal to all customers receiving service under Schedules 11 and 12. The Company serves approximately 19 customers with 188 lights under Schedule 11 , and 51 customers totaling 3 574 lights under Schedule 12. Of the 574 customer-owned lights, 3,406 receive full company maintenance and another 160 receive partial maintenance. The specific changes to Schedule 11 include: (a) metal halide and decorative fixture options are added; (b) non-standard light sizes are closed to new service, existing fixtures will continue to be maintained; (c) service to pole-mounted outlets is to be provided under a metered ORDER NO. 30336 general service rate; (d) contract term requirement is extended from three to five years; and (e) the schedule name is changed to Street Lighting Service - Company-Owned System. The specific changes to Schedule 12 include: (a) standard lights are listed in the tariff with monthly lamp rates, a per kilowatt hour rate is available for non-listed, energy-only luminaries; (b) monthly maintenance will no longer be offered for new consumer-owned lights; however, the Company will continue to perform maintenance under existing service agreements; (c) installation, maintenance, transferring, or removal of lights must be performed by qualified personnel or, if qualified personnel are not available, by the Company at the consumer expense; (d) service to pole-mounted outlets is to be provided under a metered general service rate; (e) references to light sizes in the "no new service" section are removed where there are no longer any active agreements; (f) references to low pressure sodium vapor 8 000, 13,500 , and 500 lumens are removed from energy only; and (g) traffic and other signal system service is removed and is instead referenced to metered general service, the title of Schedule 12 is changed to Street Lighting Service - Consumer-Owned System. The Company also proposes to add language to the existing Rule 12 for line extensions, specifying a street lighting line extension allowance equal to five years of revenue based on the applicable rates for the lights to be added under Company-owned street lighting service. The allowance will be applied toward the cost of installing the required facilities and connecting to the Company s system. The Consumer must advance any costs exceeding this allowance. ST AFF COMMENTS Staff reviewed the Company Application and proposed tariff changes and recommended that the request to revise the street lighting tariff, Schedules 11 and 12, and Electric Service Regulation No. 12 (Line Extensions) be approved as filed by the Company. Staff worked with the Company in the development of this proposal and believes it represents a reasonable response to changing market conditions, and is structured in a manner that will protect existing customers. Staff noted that the new products proposed by the Company are in response to requests from customers. The Company provided an analysis that indicated the prices for the new products were established using the same general procedures as those for the existing products. ORDER NO. 30336 Additionally, Staff noted that the proposed changes to the line extension provisions provide clarity and consistency in how the Company addresses line extensions required for street lighting. Staff believes the changes will reduce customer confusion over when charges will be imposed and result in more consistency in the application of line extension charges to street lighting customers. DISCUSSIONIFINDINGS We have reviewed the record for this case, including the Application and comments. No protests to the Commission s use of Modified Procedure were filed. We continue to find that the public interest does not require a hearing to consider the issues presented in this case and that Modified Procedure is appropriate. IDAPA The Commission has jurisdiction over Rocky Mountain Power, its Application for authority to revise its Electric Service Schedule No. 11 , No. 12, and Electric Service Regulation No. 12, as well as the issues involved in this case by virtue of Title 61 , Idaho Code, specifically Idaho Code ~~ 61-129, 61-117, 61-307 , and 61-501 , and the Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. We find the proposed changes regarding the Company s provision of Street Lighting Set;Vice to be reasonable, and to be structured in such a manner as to respond to changing market conditions and requests from customers, as well as protecting existing customers. The revisions were made in response to customer requests, and were developed in conjunction with input from Commission Staff. Having no objection or protest to any ofthe proposed revisions in the record we approve the proposed revisions to Schedule No. 11 , No. 12, and Regulation No. 12. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company s Application is approved. The revised tariff sheets reflecting changes to Electric Service Schedule No. 11 (Company-Owned Overhead System), Schedule No. 12 (Customer-Owned System), and Electric Service Regulation No. 12 (Line Extensions) filed with the Company s Application are hereby approved as filed with an effective date of June 29, 2007, as requested. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code ~ 61- 626. ORDER NO. 30336 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this t(.JL- day of June 2007. ARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER \" \\,"-~ , MACK A. REDFO , COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ~(j. Je~D. Jewell ~mission Secretary O:PAC-07-06 dw2 ORDER NO. 30336