HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070928Nobbs direct.pdfRECEI\/E. BEFORE THE ZOO? SEP 28 Pi"12: 18 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES CQM~I~~i~(~~\~slor, IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES CASE NO. PAC-07- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOHN NOBBS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 Please state your name and business address for the record. My name is John Nobbs.My business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) as an auditor in the Utilities Division. What is your education, experience and background? I received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1971 from Fresno State College , with thirty units in accounting. In 2000, I received a Master of Science degree, with twelve units in accounting and taxation.I completed the National Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners ' Annual Regulatory Studies Program in 2007. I have worked on budgets, forecasts, inventory accounting, cost accounting and on currency transactions. have drawn trial balances and developed financial statements from those trial balances.I performed financial analysis. I have worked as a Chief Accountant, Internal Auditor, Assistant Controller and as a Controller.I was a Medicaid audi tor. During the time I have worked at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I have worked as an auditor in the Utilities Division. CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? The purpose of my testimony is to explain audit results for five expense accounts for the fiscal year 2006. These accounts are Corporate Aircraft Expenses; FERC Account 921 , Office Supplies and Expenses; FERC Account 923, Outside Services; FERC Account 930., General Advertising expenses; and FERC Account 930.2, Miscellaneous General Expenses. have recommended adjustments totaling $1,583,426.For FERC Account 921 , adj ustments total $387,243; for FERC Account 923 $347,067; $121,887 for FERC Account 930.1 and, $727,229 for FERC Account 930.The effect of these adjustments is to reduce the Idaho revenue requirement by $93,040. SUMMARY Please describe the results of your audit of corporate aircraft expenses. I reviewed aircraft operations and maintenance expenses for 2006.The reported expenses were found to be reasonable for ratemaking purposes. When you audited FERC Account 921 , what did you find? Staff adjustments to FERC Account 921, Office Supplies and Expenses, are shown on Exhibit No. 101. FERC Account 921 included expenses for setting up market monitor activities.These market monitor set up CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) expenses totaled $86 132.These expenses result from MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (MEHC) acquisition of PacifiCorp.Acquisition Commitments limit costs to no more than those prior to the acquisition.These expenses are set up costs, are non-recurring and would not have been incurred absent the acquisition.There are also on-going charges for continuous monitoring, which are not specifically identif ied.These on-going monitoring charges would not be incurred at this time if MEHC had not purchased the Company. These additional expenses should not be included in rates until customer benefits can be shown to offset costs similar to other acquisition related costs discussed specifically in the Acquisition Commitments.Staff recommends that the Company be directed to isolate these expenses in separate sub accounts.A cost/benefit analysis should be provided by the Company for these on-going market monitoring expenditures and reviewed prior to inclusion in future rate cases. This account also included brokerage fees of $66,600 for stock options.These costs were incurred due to changes in the Company retirement plan.They are not recurring expenses and therefore, were removed by Staff. For fiscal year 2006, the account included $36,841 of expenses for the 2005 health fair.No expenses were found in fiscal year 2006 for a health fair.Consequently, CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) the $36,841 was removed as an out of period expense.FERC Account 921 included general rate case expenses for other states, totaling $108,286.Staff also found general rate case advertising expenses totaling $89,384 for other states. This is a total of $197 670 in general rate case expenses, which should be directly assigned to other states.General rate case expenses for Idaho are reflected in the Idaho revenue requirement.All adjustments for FERC Account 921 total $387 243 on a system basis and reduce the Idaho revenue requirement by $22 754. Please describe what you found in FERC Account 923. FERC Account 923 is used to record expenses from outside services, such as professional consultants.Staff adjustments to FERC Account 923 are shown on Exhibit No. 102. FERC Account 923 included $67,250 in non-recurring consul ting expenses resulting from changes in the Company retirement plan to a 401k plan.These were removed.This account contained expenses for consulting services on general rate cases for states other than Idaho.These services totaled $190,433.Staff also found advertising expenses for general rate cases in other states totaling $89,384.The combined total for general rate case expenses in other states is $279,817.This amount should have been CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) assigned to the other states.All adj ustments to FERC Account 923 total $347,067 on a system basis.These adj ustments reduce the revenue requirement for Idaho by $20,393. What did you find during your audit of FERC Account 930. General advertising expenses are found in FERC Account 930.Staff adjustments to this account are found on Exhibit No. 103. Audit Staff found $49,611 in image enhancement advertising.The Commission has consistently held that this type of advertising should be recorded below the line. second group of advertising expenses was found.Thi s group includes advertising via signs, banners or as portions of printed programs or publications.Some items included in this group were American Legion baseball games, holiday parades, The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, cattle dog trials and sports events at schools.These advertising expenses totaled $19,100.While supporting such organizations and events is good corporate citizenship, they should not be reflected in customer rates.This adj ustment is consistent with Commission policy in numerous cases. General rate case advertising expenses for states other than Idaho were also found.This advertising totaled $53,176.These expenses should have been assigned to the CASE NO. PAC-E- 07 - 5 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) respective states for ratemaking purposes, not allocated to Idaho. The total of all adj ustments for FERC Account 930.1 equals $121,887 on a system basis.The effect of these adj ustments is to reduce the Idaho revenue requirement by $7,162. What did you find in your audit of FERC Account 930.2 ? FERC Account 930.2 is identified as the account to record expenses not properly recorded in other accounts, in addition to dues and memberships.Staff adj ustments to this account are shown on Exhibit No. 104. Staff found membership expenses for organizations such as chambers of commerce, rotary clubs and economic development associations, etc.These expenses totaled $39,970.While supporting these organizations is beneficial to the areas involved, the Commission has consistently removed this type of expense for ratemaking purposes.Audi t Staff found challenge grants totaling $32 250.These donations may support worthy causes, but they are not costs to be included in customer rates. This account also contained $982,514 for a set tlement with the Internal Revenue Service.This tax settlement is associated with $22 million of tax-exempt, pollution control revenue bonds issued in 1995.Staff CASE NO. PAC - E - 07 - 5 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) requested a comparison showing the difference between the tax-exempt interest cost and the taxable interest cost if the tax-exempt status was lost.This interest differential was then compared to the $982,514 settlement amount.The Company believes the settlement option was the least costly from a total cost perspective.Staff examined the comparison and supports the Company s position that the settlement was reasonable.However , Staff believes that it is not appropriate to expense the entire $982,514 in a single year for this one-time settlement.Staff believes it is more appropriate to allocate this expense over three years, and recommends including an amortization expense of $327 505.Total adj ustments to FERC Account 930.2 are $727 229, system wide.This reduces the Idaho revenue requirement by $42,732. Does this conclude your direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes, it does. CASE NO. PAC-E- 07 - 5 09/28/07 NOBBS, J. STAFF (Di) Rocky Mountain Power FERC Acct 921-0ffice Supplies and Expenses FYE 2006 Adjustment to expense Market Monitor Set up Brokerage Fees 2005 Wellness Fair General Rate Case Expenses Subtotal $20 087 $21 933 $26 829 $16 892 $22 545 General Rate Case Advertising Expenses Subtotal $12 553 $61 887 $123 $10 899 922 Account 921 Total Amount $86 132 $66 600 $36 841 $108 286 $89 384 $387 243 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-07- J. Nobbs, Staff 9/28/07 Rocky Mountain Power FERC Acct 923 - Outside Services FY 2006 Adjustment to Expense 401 k Consulting Expenses Consultants - General Rate Case Expenses Subtotal Advertising - General Rate Case Expenses Subtotal Account 923 Total Amount $67 250 $23 874 $95 644 $30 825 $40 090 $190,433 $12 553 $61 887 $123 $10 899 922 $89 384 $347 067 Exhibit No.1 02 Case No. PAC-07- J. Nobbs, Staff 9/28/07 Rocky Mountain Power FERC Acct 930.1 - Advertising FYE 2006 Adjustment to expense Image Enhancement Advertising Sports events, RMEF , etc. General Rate Case Advertising Expenses Subtotal 645 525 031 $37 975 Account 930.1 total Amount $49 611 $19 100 $53 176 $121 887 Exhibit No.1 03 Case No. PAC-07- J. Nobbs, Staff 9/28/07 PacifiCorp FERC Acct 930.2 - Dues & Other Expenses FYE 2006 Adjustment to expense Total Memberships: C of C , Rotary, etc Challenge Grants $39 970 $32 250 Pollution Control Revenue Bond Tax Settlement Allocation FY 2006 (1/3 X $982 514) $327 505 Allocation other years (2/3 X $982 514)$655 009 Account 930.2 Total $727 229 Exhibit No.1 04 Case No. PAC-07- J. Nobbs, Staff 9/28/07 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 28TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2007 SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOHN NOBBS, IN CASE NO. PAC-07-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: mSTIN BROWN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 MAIL: iustin.brown~pacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER P ACIFICORP 825 NE MUL TNOMAH STE 2000 PORTLAND OR 97232 MAIL: datarequest~pacificorp.com (ELECTRONIC COPIES ONLY) JAMES R SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY PO BOX 816 SODA SPRINGS ID 83276 MAIL: jim.smith~monsanto.com ERIC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83201-1391 MAIL: elo~racinelaw.net CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 MAIL: cew((l),givenspursley.com BRIAN DICKMAN MANAGER, ID REGULATORY AFFAIRS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 MAIL: brian.dickman~JJacificorp.com RANDALL C BUDGE RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83201-1391 MAIL: rcb~racinelaw.net MAURICE BRUBAKER KATIE IVERSON BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES 1215 FERN RIDGE PARKWAY SUITE 208 ST LOUIS MO 63141 MAIL: mbrubaker((l),consultbai.com ki verson~consultb ai. com ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 MAIL: tony((l),yanke1.net DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY ST SE STE 250 SALEM OR 97302 MAIL: dpeseau~excite.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 MAIL: bmpurdy~hotmai1.com KEVIN B HOMER ATTORNEY AT LAW 1565 SOUTH BOULEVARD IDAHO FALLS ID 83404 MAIL: kbh~khomer1aw.com TIMOTHY SHURTZ 411 S. MAIN FIRTH ID 83236 MAIL: tim~idahosupreme.com k'~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE