HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070928Klein direct.pdfBEFORE THE RECEI D 2DG7 (::i-??q OM?! n'-'L..v 11!':'"'::1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMl\tlm!~~J~-.lm~19 v 1"_, I L;:(; LUi,;\1!SSiOJ' IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES CASE NO. PAC-07- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DANIEL KLEIN IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 please state your name and business address for the record. My name is Daniel Klein.My business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) as a Utilities Compliance Investigator What is your educational and professional background? Prior to my employment with the Idaho Public Utilities Commisslon,had two years and nine months experience working private industry for Qwe s t Corporation Sales Consul tant in Bolse,Idaho.received Bachelor of Arts Degree of Communication from Boise State University in Boise, Idaho, in May of 1998. Have you previously testified before the Commission? No. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? I will address the following consumer issues:(1 ) proposed changes in connection and reconnection fees;(2 ) proposed change in time period during which arrangements for reconnection of service can be made;(3) collection agency fees;(4) customer notification;(5) customer relations; and CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) (6) call center performance. Please summarize Staff's recommendations to the Commission as discussed in your testimony. Staff recommends that the Commission: (1 )Retain the existing reconnection and after hours service connection charges and rej ect the Company s proposal because of the significant impact on individual customers, the overstated costs, and the use of unnecessarily expensive resources in the Company s cost analysis. (2 )Not change the Company s after normal office hours for reconnect ion of service because the proposed change would have a minimal impact on Company cost but a significant negative impact on the affected customers. (3 )Not pass along collection agency fees or collection costs to individual customers because the Company has not provided adequate justification for shifting those relatively minor costs from the general body of ratepayers to individual customers. PROPOSED CHANGES TO RECONNECTION DURING OFFICE HOURS The Company proposes to increase its reconnection charge from $25 to $30 during normal business hours.Does CASE NO. PAC-07-09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) Staff support this change? No.The Company is proposing to recover through its reconnection charge the cost of both disconnection and reconnect ion of service.The Company maintains the cost associated with both disconnecting and reconnecting service during normal office hours is approximately $43.The cost of reconnect ion alone is half that amount.Normal office hours are 8: 00 a. m. to 4: 00 p. m., Monday through Friday. The Commission has previously supported the posi tion that reconnection fees should only represent those costs associated with reconnection of service.In Order Nos. 20600 (Barber Water) and 21939 (Washington Water Power), the Commission disallowed the proposed fees for disconnection of service.The Commission stated, The Commission rej ects imposing a chargefor actual "disconnection of service " for two reasons: (1) It would add to the financial burden of customers who are already having difficulty paying their bills and (2) it is unreasonable to charge people extra for beingdeprived of service. Case No. U-1008-289, O.N. 21939, p. PacifiCorp currently charges $25 for reconnection during business hours.Because PacifiCorp s reconnect ion charge is already higher than its actual cost (approximately $22), there is no justification for increasing its reconnect ion charge. How does PacifiCorp s current reconnect ion charge CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN , D. STAFF (Di) compare to other energy utilities in Idaho? PacifiCorp currently has one of the highest reconnect ion charges of the regulated energy utilities in Idaho.See Exhibit No. 114. PROPOSED CHANGES TO AFTER HOURS RECONNECTION The Company proposes to increase its after hours service reconnection charge from $50 to $100.Does Staff support this change? No.The Company is proposing to recover through its after hours service reconnection charge the cost of both disconnection and reconnection of service.After hours charges apply for work performed outside of normal business hours.The Company maintains the cost associated with both disconnecting and reconnecting service after normal office hours is approximately $150.According to the Company, the cost of reconnect ion alone is approximately $127.The after hours service reconnect ion charge applies when a customer has been turned off involuntarily by the Company, subsequently satisfies all criteria for reconnection, and contacts the Company between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. weekdays or 8:00 a. to 4: 00 p. m. on weekends or holidays to request reconnection. Which employees perform reconnection on behalf of the Company? Both Collectors and Journeyman Linemen perform service reconnect ions.Only Journeyman Linemen can perform CASE NO. PAC-E- 07 - 5 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) reconnections when pole work or work on three-phase serVlce is required.The Company was unable to provide Staff with information on how many after hours reconnections actually invol ve pole work or three-phase service and therefore require a Lineman s expertise.Although 34% of all after hours reconnect ions are performed by Journeyman Linemen , only 12% of all reconnects during normal business hours are done by Linemen.This suggests that Linemen are reconnecting service after hours for reasons other than the need for their technical expertise.To the extent this is true, after hours reconnection costs are driven up unnecessarily, because a Journeyman Lineman s activity rate is almost double that of a Collector. Another factor that drives up costs is that Collectors and Linemen are paid for at least two hours for any work done after normal business hours per labor contract. However , the Company has indicated that the average time taken for a reconnection visit is 25 minutes.It appears that the Company s after hours reconnection costs are heavily influenced by factors other than the actual cost of providing the service to customers. Have other States approved an after hours reconnect ion fee that is higher than that being proposed in this case? Yes.In Oregon, a $175 fee applies for after hours CASE NO. PAC-E- 07-09/28/07 KLEIN , D. STAFF (Di) reconnections.Staff does not know what the Company s costs are in Oregon or what factors the Oregon Commission used in deciding to approve this charge.However , the Oregon charge only applies to weekend and holidays from 8: 00 a. m. to 6:00 It does not apply to after hours reconnect ions on weekdays.Therefore , the Oregon charge is not directly comparable to Idaho. How does PacifiCorp s current after hours service reconnect ion charge compare to other energy utilities in Idaho? PacifiCorp currently has the highest after hours service reconnection charge of the regulated energy utilities in Idaho.See Exhibit No. 114. PROPOSED CHANGES TO CONNECTION OF SERVICE AFTER HOURS The Company proposes to increase its after hours service connection charge from $50 to $100.Does Staff support thi s change? No.The after hours service connection charge applies when a customer contacts the Company between 4: 00 p. m. and 7: 00 p. m. or on weekends or holidays to request new service or contacts the Company during normal office hours to request connection after hours.The Company maintains that it is proposing this change to better reflect the cost of providing this service.The Company maintains the cost associated with connecting service after normal office hours CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) is approximately $127. How does PacifiCorp s current after hours service connection charge compare to other energy utilities in Idaho? PacifiCorp currently has the highest after hours service connection charge of the regulated energy utilities in Idaho.See Exhibit No. 114. Is the same cost justification used by the Company to support its request for a higher connection charge as was used for its request for a higher reconnection charge? Yes.The same arguments used by Staff in urging the Commission not to approve the Company s request to double its after hours reconnection fee apply to the request to also double its connection fee. Have other States approved an after hours reconnection fee that is higher than that being proposed in this case? Yes.The Company indicated that it was allowed to charge customers a higher after hours connection fee in California and Oregon than the one proposed currently in Idaho ( $ 1 0 0) Staff does not know what the Company s costs are in Oregon and California or what factors the Oregon and California Commissions used in deciding to approve this charge.However, the Oregon charge ($175) only applies to weekends and holidays from 8: 00 a. m. to 6: 00 p. m.The California charge ($175) applies after 8:00 p.m. and anytime CASE NO. PAC-E- 07- 09/28/07 KLEIN , D. STAFF (Di) on the weekends or hol idays .In Idaho, the after hours charge applies during weekdays from 4: 00 p. m. until 7: 00 p. m. as well as 8: 00 a. m. to 4: 00 p. m. on weekends and holidays. Therefore, the Oregon and California charges aren t directly comparable to Idaho. Does the Company charge customers for service connection during regular office hours. No.The Company currently does not assess a connection charge in Idaho during normal business hours.The Company is not proposing to institute a connection charge during normal business hours in this case.The Company considers connection during business hours to be a cost of doing business to be recovered through rates instead of a fee directly charged to individual customers. IMPACT OF PROPOSED FEES What is the overall revenue impact of the Company proposed changes to its reconnection , after hours service reconnection , and after hours connection charges? The proposed changes to connection and reconnection fees would result in a total increase in revenue of $14 750 based on the Company s 2006 numbers.If approved, the effect on rates and revenue would be negligible, but the same cannot be said for customers who would have to pay these charges. What is the potential impact on customers? The proposed changes to connection and reconnect ion CASE NO. PAC-07-09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) fees would have a significant impact on customers.The increases would affect customers who probably already have problems paying their bills , and the new fees would place an even greater financial burden on them. What is Staff's overall recommendation for the proposed changes to the Company s connection and reconnection charges? Staff recommends that the Commission rej ect the proposed changes to the Company s connection and reconnection charge s .The Company has not provided sufficient justification for increasing its fees, especially to the degree it is proposing.PacifiCorp s current fees are already the highest approved fees for energy utilities in Idaho.See Exhibit No. 114.The proposed increase of the after hours service connection and reconnection fees would make the Company s fees twice the amount of any other company s fees during a similar time frame. PROPOSED CHANGE IN HOURS OF RECONNECTION Is PacifiCorp proposing any other changes to reconnect ion of service? Yes, the Company is proposing to change the hours during which after hours reconnection of service will be offered. What is the procedure for assessing charges for reconnection of service? CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) For the purpose of reconnecting service and assessing fees for reconnection, the Company uses the time the customer satisfies all requirements for reconnection of service to determine whether the normal business hours or after hours charge will apply.The actual time that service is reconnected is immaterial.The Company currently offers after hours reconnection from 4: 00 p. m. and 7: 00 p. m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.The Company is proposing to change the cutoff time for reconnect ions during weekdays to 6:00 p.Last year 115 customers contacted the Company and requested reconnection between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p. Very few (twelve) of those customers contacted the Company between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.If the Company were allowed to shorten the hours that it offers after hours service reconnect ion as requested , these twelve customers would not have been reconnected until the following day, even if all condi tions for reconnection had been satisfied.Leaving the cut off at 7: 00 p. m. allows customers a greater opportunity to restore service that same day.Not every customer that is disconnected involuntarily will have the opportunity to discover that their service has been disconnected by the 6: 00 p. m. cutoff, let alone make payment or arrangements to restore service.Staff recommends that the Company retain its after office hours of 4: 00 p. m. to 7: 00 p. m., providing affected customers with a three-hour window of opportunity to CASE NO. PAC-E- 07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) get reconnected that same day. COLLECTION AGENCY FEES The Company proposes changes to Regulation No. 10. Does Staff support this change? No.The Company proposes to add language to Regulation No. lOR. 8 to indicate that customers are responsible for reasonable court costs, at torney s fees and/or collection agency fees incurred in the collection of unpaid debt. In general, what are the terms offered by collection agencies in collecting debts owed to a business? Businesses often send accounts to a quick collect type of agency that charges a flat fee to try and collect the debt wi thin 30 days.The account is returned to the business at no charge if it is not successful.Businesses will then send the account to a full service collection agency, which will pursue the debt to its fullest extent, including charging interest and taking debtors to court.This type of collection agency generally does not charge the business any fees; it takes a percentage of the money collected from the debtor.If a debtor was taken to court, a collection agency may keep as much as 50% of the collected debt.under thi s type of arrangement, the business does not receive the entire amount owed by the debtor.It is unclear whether the Company wishes to recover from its former customers collection CASE NO. PAC-E- 07 - 509/28/07 KLEIN , D. STAFF (Di) expenses over and above what collection agencies charge the debtor. PacifiCorp stated that it spent $24,000 in collection agency fees to collect $88,000 in debt or $.27 on every dollar collected.This does not appear to be an excessive expense.If the Commission allowed recovery of these fees, it would not materially affect revenue or rates. The Commission currently allows the recovery of uncollectible costs to be recovered through rates.No other regulated energy utility in Idaho is allowed to pass collection agency costs to individual customers who have outstanding bills. Utilities are allowed to assess interest on past due amounts when customers do not pay their bills in a timely manner. the extent that a Company decides to employ collection agencies instead of pursuing collection through its own efforts, the Company should bear those costs associated with that business decision.Staff does not agree that PacifiCorp should pass along collection agency fees to individual customers. CUSTOMER NOTICE AND PRESS RELEASE Did Staff review the Customer Notice and Press Release? Yes.The Customer Notice and Press Release were included in PacifiCorp s Application.The Application was received on June 8, 2007.Staff reviewed the Customer Notice CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) and Press Release and determined they were in compliance with the requirements of IDAPA CUSTOMER RELATIONS Please describe how many and what type of complaints and inquiries the Commission has received regarding PacifiCorp. Exhibit No. 115 shows the number of informal complaints and inquiries received over the past four years. What did your analysis of complaints and inquiries received by the Commission from 2005 to 2007 YTD reveal? Of the complaints and inquiries received by the Commission for 2004 and 2005, about one-third involved credit and collection issues.Most of those were from customers who had been disconnected due to non-payment of their accounts or had been notified that they were in jeopardy of losing their service due to non-payment.Concerns about line extensions and billing together comprised over 40% of total contacts with customers during 2004 and 2005. In 2006, the Commission received fewer complaints and inquiries from PacifiCorp customers when compared with the prior year.Complaints and inquiries regarding credit and collection issues decreased, but concerns about line extension remained relatively high, comprising over 40% of the total contacts in 2006. Currently in 2007, credit and collection (26%) and CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN , D. STAFF (Di) line extension (23%) issues continue to be the major concerns expressed by customers. Staff reviewed all PacifiCorp complaints concerning Line Extension/Installation and Service Outage/Repair for 2005, 2006, and year to date 2007, and did not find any trends or patterns that warranted further investigation. regard to line extensions, the issues raised most often were in regard to cost and who is responsible to pay for that cost as well as delays caused by either weather, changes made by the customer, or the actions of the customer.Staff found that the Company had followed its tariff in all accounts. The complaints that pertained to billing dealt with rate schedules, billing due to slow or dead meters, and recurring and non-recurring charges not related to usage. To what might PacifiCorp s good performance with regard to the low number of complaints and inquiries be attributed? When PacifiCorp merged with Scottish Power in 1999, eight customer service guarantees and seven performance standards were established.The guarantees and standards were subsequently modified in 2005.When the Commission approved MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (MEHC) acquisition of PacifiCorp in 2006 (Case No. PAC-05-8), the seven customer service guarantees and six performance standards in effect at that time were retained.Exhibi t CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) No. 116 describes these guarantees and standards in greater detail.MEHC and PacifiCorp committed to continue the guarantees and standards through 2011.The guarantees provided conditions under which customers received payouts from the Company when the Customer service guarantees were not met.Customer service guarantees provide clear performance goals for employees and provide motivation for bet ter customer service. wi th respect to the customer guarantees and performance standards, how is the Company performing? The standards and guarantees have been successful in driving performance improvements.The Company regularly reports on its performance and meets with Staff to discuss its progress in meeting its goals. Is PacifiCorp responsive to the Commission Utility Compliance Investigators during complaint investigation? Yes.Rule 404 in the Utility Customer Relations Rules states that within ten business days of receiving notification from the Commission that an informal complaint involving the Company has been filed with the Commission, utilities must either respond orally or in writing to the Commission.YTD 2007 the average length of time to resolve informal PacifiCorp complaints was 4.32 days.PacifiCorp is well wi thin the acceptable parameters set by the UCRR. CASE NO. PAC-07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) CALL CENTER PERFORMANCE What are PacifiCorp s performance objectives for its call centers? PacifiCorp s performance objective is to answer 80% of its calls within 30 seconds. Is PacifiCorp s goal reasonable? In Staff's opinion , service levels of 80% ofYes. calls answered wi thin the range of 20 - 3 0 seconds . are reasonable. How have PacifiCorp s call centers performed? Very well.Staff requested call center data for 2005, 2006, and year to date 2007.The Company provided 30 months of data.The Company s call centers achieved their performance obj ecti ves in 20 of those months.The lowest service level during that time period was 75% and the high was 85%.During the last 15 months of data, the Company achieved a service level of 79% or higher. Does this conclude your direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes, it does. CASE NO. PAC-E- 07- 09/28/07 KLEIN, D. STAFF (Di) ENERGY UTILITIES ESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE CHARGES Atlanta Power - Connection Charge $25 Schedule page The charge applies to a customer establishing service for the first time at a service location. Idaho Power - Service Establishment Charge $20 for Schedules 1 , 7, 9, 19 24 & 25 Sheet F-, Rule F; Sheet 66-Schedule The charge applies to a customer establishing service at a location where service is currently energized. See list of Reconnect ion Charges for charges applicable to a customer establishing service at a location where service is not currently energized. An owner/manager with a Continuous Service Agreement will not be charged a Service Establishment Charge. Instead, he/she is charged a Continuous Service Reversion Charge each time service reverts to the owner/manager s name. A tenant establishing service at a location with a Continuous Service Agreement will pay the Service Establishment Charge. Intermountain Gas - Account Initiation Fee $14 during normal business hours; $40 all other times Sheet Section A The charge applies to each new account opened. It does not apply to rental property covered by a continuous service agreement or to safety inspections of new buildings or equipment prior to turn on. Rocky Mountain Power - Service Connection Charge $50 from 4 to 7 p., Monday-Friday, except holidays; $50 from 8 a.m. to 4 p. weekends or holidays Sheets 3R.l and 300., Schedule 300 There is no charge for establishment of service during normal office hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p., Monday-Friday, except holidays. A charge applies to each new account opened at times other than normal office hours. Page I of 4 Exhibit No. 114 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 1 of 4 Avista - New Customer Turn-On Charge $48 after normal business hours Electric: Sheet 70-, Rule Gas: Sheet 170-, Rule There is no charge for establishing service during normal business hours. The charge applies to each new gas or electric customer service connection at times other than normal office hours. If gas and electric service connections are performed at same time only one $48 charge applies. Page 2 of 4 Exhibit No. 114 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 2 of 4 ENERGY UTILITIES RECONNECTION CHARGES Atlanta Power - Reconnection Charge $25 for customers disconnected for a period of 30 days or less; $200 for customers disconnected for more than 30 days Schedule page Idaho Power - Service Connection Charge Schedules 1. 7 & 9 Connect/reconnect on weekdays $20 for customer request from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p. $45 for customer request from 6:01 p.m. to 9 p. $80 for customer request from 9:01 p.m. to 7:29 a. Connect/reconnect on weekends & holidays $45 for customer request from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p. $80 for customer request from 9:01 p.m. to 7:29 a. Schedules 15. & 42 Connect/reconnect on weekdays $40 for customer request from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p. $65 for customer request from 6:01 p.m. to 9 p. $100 for customer request from 9:01 p.m. to 7:29 a. Connect/reconnect on weekends & holidays $65 for customer request from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p. $100 for customerrequest from 9:01 p.m. to 7:29 a. Sheet F-, Rule F; Sheets 66-2 & 66-Schedule The charge applies to customers who are establishing service or requesting reconnection of service at a premise where service is not currently energized. Intermountain Gas - Reconnection Charge $20 for reconnections performed during normal business hours (8 a.- 5:00 p. Monday- Friday, except holidays); $40 all other times Sheet Section A The charge applies to reconnection performed after involuntary disconnection of servIce. Page 3 of 4 Exhibit No. 114 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 PagEt 3 of 4 Rocky Mountain Power - Reconnection Charge $25 during hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p., Monday-Friday, except holidays $50 from 4 to 7 p., Monday-Friday, except holidays $50 from 8 a.m. to 4 p., weekends or holidays Sheets OR. 7 & 10R.8; Sheet 300., Schedule 300 The charge applies to reconnection performed after the customer is disconnected involuntarily. It the customer pays or makes satisfactory arrangements during the hours of 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays, excluding holidays, or 8 a.m. to 4 p., weekends and holidays, reconnect will be done the same day. If payment or arrangements are made at other times, the company will reconnect service the following day, except in the case of medical emergencies and disconnect in error, which will be done the same day. Avista - Reconnection Charge (involuntary disconnects) & Gas Service Reestablishment Charge or Electric Reestablishment Charge (voluntary or seasonal disconnects) Gas & electric service $24 during hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p., Monday-Friday, except holidays $48 from 4 to 7 p., Monday-Friday, except holidays $48 weekends or holidays Gas: Sheet 170-, Rule 15.1; Sheet 170-, Rule 15. Electric: Sheet 70-, Rules 14.1 & 14. The Reconnection Charge applies to reconnection performed after the customer is disconnected involuntarily. It the customer pays or makes satisfactory arrangements during the hours of 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays, excluding holidays, or 8 a.m. to 4 p. weekends and holidays, reconnect will be done the same day. If payment or arrangements are made at other times, the company will reconnect service the following day, except in the case of medical emergencies and disconnect in error, which will be done the same day. The Gas Service Reestablishment Charge or Electric Reestablishment Charge applies if service is reestablished after the customer voluntarily requests disconnection, including seasonal disconnection of service. If arrangements for reconnection are made during hours of 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays, excluding holidays, reconnection will take place the same day. If arrangements are made on holidays, weekends, or hours between 7 p. and 8 a.m. weekdays, the company will reconnect service the following day, except in the case of medical emergencies and disconnect in error, which will be done the same day. If service is reestablished within 12 months of the date of voluntary or seasonal disconnection, the customer must also pay the monthly minimum charge for each month during which service was disconnected. Page 4 of 4 Exhibit No. 114 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 4 of 4 PacifiCorp Idaho Complaints 2004 - 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 All Other PacifiCorp Idaho Inquiries 2004 - 2007 2004 2005 2005 2007 .( , .. , ' 5/1. , r Line Extensionllnstallatione.~J"" "e.'e:,aL' ", ,-"""" Billing ~Z"dD ~~j\;:',~' ,,' " ~fu;:" PacifiCorp Idaho Complaints & Inquiries 2004 - 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 Exhibit No. 115 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 'ROCKY MOUNTAIN ~ e9~~c~o"e IDAHO . Service Quality Review April 2006 - December 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rocky Mountain Power Power Delivery has a number of Customer Service Standards and Service Quality Measures with performance reporting mechanisms currently in place. These standards and measures define Rocky Mountain Power s target performance (both personnel and network reliability performance) in delivering quality customer service. The Company developed these standards and measures using industry standards (to the extent they exist) for collecting and reporting performance data. In some cases , Rocky Mountain Power has decided to exceed these industry standards. In other cases, largely where the industry has no established standards , Rocky Mountain Power has developed metrics , targets and reporting. These standards and measures can be used over time both historically and prospectively, to measure the service quality delivered to our customers. Service Standards Program Summary Effective April 2005 through March 31 , 2008 Rocky Mountain Power Customer Guarantees Customer Guarantee 1 :The Company will restore supply after an Restoring Supply After an Outage outage within 24 hours of notification with certain exceptions as described in Rule 25. Customer Guarantee 2:The Company will keep mutually agreed upon Appointments appointments which will be scheduled within a two-hour time window. Customer Guarantee 3:The Company will switch on power within 24 Switching on Power hours of the customer or applicant's request provided no construction is required , all government inspections are met and communicated to the Company and required payments are made. Disconnections for nonpayment, subterfuge or theft/diversion of service are excluded. Customer Guarantee 4:The Company will provide an estimate for new Estimates For New Supply supply to the applicant or customer within 15 working days after the initial meeting and all necessary information is provided to the Company, Customer Guarantee 5:The Company will respond to most billing Respond To Billing Inquiries inquiries at the time of the initial contact.For those that require further investigation, the Company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10 working days. Customer Guarantee 6:The Company will investigate and respond to Resolving Meter Problems reported problems with a meter or conduct a meter test and report results to the customer within 10 workinq days, Customer Guarantee 7:The Company will provide the customer with at Notification of Planned Interruptions least two days notice prior to turning off power for planned interruptions. Exhibit No. 116 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 1 of ROCKY MOUNTAIN ~ ~9~~c~o", IDAHO Service Quality Review April 2006 - December 2006 2 Rocky Mountain Power Performance Standards Network Performance Standard 1:The Company will improve SAlOl by 6% by Improve System Average Interruption Duration March 31 , 2008, Index (SAlOl) Network Performance Standard 2:The Company will improve SAIFI by 6% by Improve System Average Interruption March 31 , 2008. Frequency Index (SAIFI) Network r-erformance Standard 3:The Company will reduce by 20% the circuit Improve Under Performing Circuits performance indicator (CPI) for a maximum of five under performing circuits on an annual basis within five years after selection. Network Performance Standard 4:The Company will restore power outages due Supply Restoration to loss of supply or damage to the distribution system on average to 80% of customers within three hours. Customer Service Performance Standard 5:The Company will answer 80% of telephone Telephone Service Level calls within 30 seconds. The Company will monitor customer satisfaction with the Company s Customer Service Associates and quality of response received by customers through the Company s eQuality monitoring system. Customer Service Performance Standard 6:The Company will a) respond to at least 95% Commission Complaint Response/Resolution of non-disconnect Commission complaints within three working days and will b) respond to at least 95% of disconnect Commission complaints within four working hours , and will c) resolve 95% of informal Commission complaints within 30 days. tvote.' Performance Standards , 2 & 4 are for underlying performance days and exclude those classified Major Events. Exhibit No. 116 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 2 of 4 ROCKY MOUNTAJN e2~~c~o.e IDAHO Service Quality Review April 2006 - December 2006 Reliability Definitions This section will define the various terms used when referring to interruption types , performance metrics and the internal measures developed to meet its performance plans. Interruption Types Below are the definitions for interruption events. Standard for Reliability Indices. For further details , refer to IEEE P1366-2003 Sustained Outage A sustained outage is defined as an outage of equal to or greater than 5 minutes in duration. Momentary Outage A momentary outage is defined as an outage of less than 5 minutes in duration. Rocky Mountain Power has historically captured this data using substation breaker fault counts. Reliability Indices SAID! SAlOl (sustained average interruption duration index) is an industry-defined term to define the average duration summed for all sustained outages a customer experiences in a given time-frame. It is calculated by summing all customer minutes lost for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes) and dividing by all customers served within the study area. When not explicitly stated otherwise, this value can be assumed to be for a one-year period. Daily SAID! In order to evaluate trends during a year and to establish Major Event Thresholds , a daily SAlOl value is often used as a measure. This concept was introduced in IEEE Standard P1366-2003. This is the day s total customer minutes out of service divided by the static customer count for the year. It is the total average outage duration customers experienced for that given day. When these daily values are accumulated through the year, it yields the year s SAlOl results. SA!FI SAIFI (sustained average interruption frequency index) is an industry-defined term that attempts to identify the frequency of all sustained outages that the average customer experiences during a given time-frame. It is calculated by summing all customer interruptions for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes in duration) and dividing by all customers served within the study area. GEM! CEMI is an acronym for Customers Experiencing Multiple (Sustained and Momentary) Interruptions. This index depicts repetition of outages across the period being reported and can be an indicator of recent portions of the system that have experienced reliability challenges. This metric is used to evaluate customer-speCific reliability GPI99 CPI99 is an acronym for Circuit Performance Indicator, which uses key reliability metrics (such as SAlOl and SAIFI) to identify underperforming circuits. It excludes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. 1 P1366-2003 was adopted by the IEEE Commissioners on December 23 2003. The definitions and methodology detailed therein are now industry standards.Exhibit No. 116 Case No. PAC-07- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 3 of 4 ~ ~9~fo ~OUNTAIN IDAHO Service Quality Review April 2006 - December 2006 CPIO5 CPI05 is an acronym for Circuit Performance Indicator, which uses key reliability metrics (such as SAlOl and SAIFI) to identify underperforming circuits, Unlike CPlgg it includes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. Performance Types & Commitments Rocky Mountain Power recognizes two categories of performance: underlying performance and major events. Major events represent the atypical , with extraordinary numbers and durations for outages beyond the usual. Ordinary outages are incorporated within underlying performance. These types of events are further defined below. Major Events A Major Event is defined as a 24-hour period where SAlOl exceeds a statistically-derived threshold value , Reliability Standard IEEE P1366-2003. Underlying Events Within the industry, there has been a great need to develop methodologies to evaluate year-on-year performance. This has led to the development of methods for segregating outlier days, via the approaches described above. Those days which fall below the statistically-derived threshold represent "underlying " performance , and are valid (with some minor considerations for changes reporting practices) for establishing and evaluating meaningful performance trends over time. Post-Merger Commitment Target Because of the benefits that the Company and its customers and regulators experienced from the Service Standards Program , the Company filed and received approval to continue the program through 3/31/2008. From a reliability perspective, the Company continues to develop stretch goals that will deliver important improvements to its customers. Exhibit No. 116 Case No. PAC-O7- D. Klein, Staff 9/28/07 Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 28TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2007 SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DANIEL KLEIN, IN CASE NO. PAC-07-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: mSTIN BROWN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 MAIL: iustin.brown~pacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER ACIFICORP 825 NE MULTNOMAH STE 2000 PORTLAND OR 97232 MAIL: datarequest~pacificorp.com (ELECTRONIC COPIES ONLY) JAMES R SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY PO BOX 816 SODA SPRINGS ID 83276 MAIL: jim.r.smith~monsanto.com ERIC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83201-1391 MAIL: elo~racinelaw.net CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 MAIL: cew~givenspursley.com BRIAN DICKMAN MANAGER, ID REGULATORY AFFAIRS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 MAIL: brian.dickman~JJacificorp.com RANDALL C BUDGE RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83201-1391 MAIL: rcb~racinelaw.net MAURICE BRUBAKER KATIE IVERSON BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES 1215 FERN RIDGE PARKWAY SUITE 208 ST LOUIS MO 63141 MAIL: mbrubaker~consu1tbai.com ki verson~consu1tbai. com ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 MAIL: tony~yanke1.net DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY ST SE STE 250 SALEM OR 97302 MAIL: dpeseau~excite.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 MAIL: bmpurdv~hotmai1.com KEVIN B HOMER ATTORNEY AT LAW 1565 SOUTH BOULEVARD IDAHO FALLS ID 83404 MAIL: kbh~khomer1aw.com TIMOTHY SHURTZ 411 S. MAIN FIRTH ID 83236 E- MAIL: tim~idahosupreme.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE