HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071026Widmer rebuttal.pdf. RECE1VFf. 2U07 OCT 26 MilO: I. iDAHO PUBLIC UTlUT/ ' CO"'~MJSS10r. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROV AL ) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES CASE NO. PAC-07- Rebuttal Testimony of Mark T. Widmer ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-07- October 2007 Please state your name, business address and present position with the Company (also referred to as Rocky Mountain Power). My name is Mark T. Widmer, my business address is 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 800, Portland, Oregon 97232, and my present title is Director, Net Power Costs. Are you the same Mark T. Widmer that previously submitted testimony in this proceeding? Yes. Summary of Testimony Will you please summarize your testimony? I present an update to the Company s proposed net power costs. In addition, my testimony: Rebuts Mr. Timothy Shurtz s recommendation to update natural gas expense and Provides the net power cost impact of Mr. Michael Gorman s proposal to remove generation assets that were or are planned to be placed in service during calendar year 2007. Net Power Cost Update Please describe the updates proposed by the Company. The Company proposes three updates to net power costs. Those updates include the correction of a natural gas swap error, removal of demand side management costs, and an adjustment to remove the Goodnoe Hills wind project. The impact of these updates on revenue requirement in this case is provided in the rebuttal testimony of Company witness Mr. Steven R. McDougal. Widmer, Di-Reb - Rocky Mountain Power Please explain the natural gas swaps error? Based on a review subsequent to our filing, the Company determined that natural gas swap sales were incorrectly coded as purchases, due to a data system error. The Company notified the Commission Staff and other parties of the error. As correctly noted by Commission Staff in its testimony, correction of this error reduces net power costs by approximately $34.7 million on a total Company basis and $2.4 million on an Idaho basis. Please explain the demand side management program adjustments. During the discovery process the Company discovered that certain demand side management expenses were double counted because they were included in net power costs as well as FERC account 557, other power supply expense which is not a component of net power costs. This adjustment removes the expense fTom net power costs because the Company s actual accounting includes the expense in account 557. This adjustment reduces net power costs by $1.0 million total Company or $63 064 Idaho. Please explain the Goodnoe Hills wind project adjustment? As explained by Company witness Mr. McDougal , the Goodnoe Hills wind project is being removed due to the uncertainty of the number of turbines that will be placed in service prior to December 31 , 2007. This adjustment is consistent with Staffs proposal to remove all resources that are not placed in service by December 31 2007, and it increases net power costs by $2.5 million total Company or $163 051 Idaho. This adjustment increases net power costs because the zero cost Goodnoe energy is principally replaced with market purchases. Widmer, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mountain Power Shurtz Natural Gas Expense Please explain Mr. Shurtz's natural gas expense concerns? Mr. Shurtz is concerned that the Company has not reflected the market price decline of natural gas that occurred subsequent to the Company s filing and requests that the Commission determine whether the decline should be included in the Company s results. Do you agree with Mr. Shurtz's assumption that the decline in natural gas market prices translates into a decline in the Company s net power costs? No. Natural gas is hedged on a forward basis to insulate customers fTom exposure to significantly higher net power costs as experienced by the Company during the 2000/2001 California energy crisis. While hedging protects customers fTom price increases, it also prevents customers and the Company from benefiting fTom price decreases. Have you calculated the impact of updating natural gas prices? Yes. The Company s original filing used market prices based on the Company March 30, 2007 official forward price curve. Updating natural gas fuel prices to the June 29 2007 official forward price curve actually increases net power costs by $4.2 million on a total Company basis and $276 431 on an Idaho basis. This is an example of the result when market prices drop below the hedge price. Gorman Exclusion of 2007 Generation Plant Did Monsanto calculate the net power cost impact of Mr. Gorman recommendation to eliminate all 2007 plant additions? No. Widmer, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mountain Power Have you calculated the net power cost impact of Mr. Gorman recommendation? Yes. The impact of removing the Lake Side combined cycle combustion turbine Marengo wind project, and Blundell bottoming cycle increases net power costs by $40.2 million on a total Company basis and $2.6 million on an Idaho basis. The Goodnoe Hills wind project was excluded from this calculation because it is being removed fTom the Company s filing as discussed above. If the Commission adopts Mr. Gorman s recommendation to remove all plant additions placed in service during 2007, net power costs must be updated by this amount to properly match the costs and benefits related to new plant. Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony? Yes. Widmer, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mountain Power