HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071026McDougal rebuttal.pdfCK=l\/r''-' 0... 4 i.. ". " ZO07 aCT 26 Ar1/0: IDAHO PUBLIC'UTILITIES COMMISSfOf\ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES CASE NO. PAC-07- Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-07- October 2007 Please state your name, business address and present position with the Company (also referred to as Rocky Mountain Power). My name is Steven R. McDougal and my business address is 201 South Main Suite 2300, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84111. I am currently employed as the Director of Revenue Requirements for Rocky Mountain Power. Are you the same Steven R. McDougal that previously submitted testimony in this proceeding? Yes. Purpose of Testimony What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony in this proceeding? My rebuttal testimony explains and supports the Company s revised overall revenue increase request of $15.4 million, reduced from the $18.5 million request originally filed by the Company. In addition, my testimony provides the following: A detailed calculation of the $15.4 million requested revenue increase including a summary of the differences between the original filed request and the current amount. The revised request includes the impact of adjustments proposed by other parties that the Company is willing to accept and other miscellaneous adjustments to the original filing. The Company s response to other revenue requirement issues raised in the direct testimony of intervening parties in this case. Revisions to the estimated revenue requirement of the additional resources included in this case and previously provided as Exhibit No. 13 to my direct McDougal, Di-Reb - Rocky Mountain Power testimony. Required Revenue Increase What price increase is required to achieve the requested return on equity in this case? As shown in Exhibit No. 47, an overall price increase of$18.6 million is required to produce the 10.75 percent return on equity requested by the Company in this proceeding. Is the Company requesting the full $18.6 million required to earn a 10. percent return on equity? No. The Company has reflected the Rate Mitigation Cap as approved by the Commission and described in my direct testimony. The Rate Mitigation Cap decreases the revenue increase requested in my rebuttal testimony to $15. million. Please describe the calculation of the revised overall revenue increase. The Company s revised revenue increase of$15.4 million was calculated using the same allocation methodology and factors included in the original case, and it incorporates adjustments proposed by other parties and miscellaneous items identified by the Company that required adjustments from the Company s original request. In support of the revised calculation, I am providing the following exhibits: Exhibit No. 47 shows the total Idaho revenue requirement and the capped revised protocol price change of$15.4 million. This replaces Exhibit No. 11 page 1.0 from my direct testimony. McDougal, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 contains revised results of operations summary, Exhibit No. 11 Tab 2 from my direct testimony. Exhibit No. 49 contains backup pages for the revised and new adjustments made to my direct testimony. These adjustments are summarized below and are all included as adjustments in Exhibit Nos. 47 and 48. Revenue Requirement Revisions Please identify and briefly describe the revenue requirement adjustments proposed by intervening parties that the Company agrees to accept. The following adjustments were proposed by intervening parties and have been accepted in whole or in part by the Company: Impute Additional Renewable Energy Credit (Green Tag) Revenues (Exhibit No. 49, page 3.8) - Increases revenues for the variance between calendar year 2006 actual revenues included in the case and the expected calendar year 2007 levels through December 2007. This adjustment replaces the adjustments proposed by staff witness Ms. Terri Carlock. Support for this revised adjustment and reasons for the modification to Ms. Carlock's adjustments are provided by Company witness Mr. Mark R. Tallman. Abandoned Projects (Exhibit No. 49, page 3.9) - Remove test year write-off expense associated with abandoned projects as proposed by Staff witness Ms. Patricia Harms. Non-Recurring expenses (Exhibit No. 49, page 3.10) - Removes items that are not considered recurring and/or related to Idaho utility operations from the test year as proposed by Staff witness Mr. John Nobbs. The Company is willing to McDougal, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mountain Power partially accept Mr. Nobbs' proposed adjustment, with the exception of certain general rate case expenses. The Company also requests an accounting clarification as it relates to a settlement between the Company and the IRS. These two items are addressed in more detail later in my testimony. Net Lease Expense (Exhibit No. 49, page 3.11) - Reduces net lease expense (lease expense less sublease revenues) for certain floors in the One Utah Center as proposed by Staff witness Mr. Joe Leckie. Fiscal Year Conversion (Exhibit No. 49, page 3.12) - Removes the costs originally included in the case for the Company to change its fiscal year to a calendar year reporting period as proposed by Staff witness Mr. Leckie. Change-in-Control Severance (Exhibit No. 49, page 3.13) -Removes a portion of the change-in-control severance expense as proposed by Staff witness Mr. Leckie. This is discussed in more detail below and in the rebuttal testimony of Company witness Mr. Erich D. Wilson wherein he discusses the details supporting the Company s severance plan and the prudent nature of its use. Blundell Tax Credits (Exhibit No. 49, page 7.9) - Adds into results the Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit and Utah State Renewable Energy Tax Credit associated with the Blundell bottoming cycle facility that were inadvertently excluded from the original filing as identified by Staff witness Ms. Harms. Cottonwood Coal Lease (Exhibit No. 49, page 8.13) - Removes the Company estimate of payments to the Utah Trust Lands Administration regarding the Company s bid in an auction to lease the Cottonwood coal reserves as proposed by Staff witness Mr. Leckie. McDougal, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mountain Power Bridger Dragline (Exhibit No. 49, page 8.14) - Removes the book value of a dragline included in the Jim Bridger Mine rate base that has now been sold. This adjustment was proposed by Staff witness Mr. Leckie. Please identify and briefly describe any other revenue requirement adjustments that the Company is making that are different from those contained in your original filing. The following are additional adjustments proposed by the Company and that are reflected in the Company s rebuttal revenue requirement: Wage and Benefit Adjustment (Exhibit No. 49, pages 4.20 through 4.23)- Senior Executive Retirement Program costs were inadvertently removed from the filing in both the original wage adjustment and the MEHC transition adjustment. Some mining benefit expenses were also included in both the wage adjustment and in the cost of fuel. Both of these items that were double counted are corrected. This adjusts Exhibit No. 11 , pages 4.2 through 4.5 in my direct testimony, which are the wage annualization adjustment and the pro forma wage adjustment. Incremental O&M (Exhibit No. 49, page 4.24) - Removes the incremental O&M expense associated with the Goodnoe Hills wind plant. The Company expects some of the individual wind turbines to be in service before the end of 2007, but the entire project will not be completed. Since the project will not be completely in service, we are removing the incremental O&M associated with the plant in this adjustment, the rate base in the following adjustment, the Renewable Energy Tax Credit in the adjustment to page 7.11 below, and the projected energy from net power costs. This adjustment corrects Exhibit No. 11 , page 4.10 in the McDougal, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mountain Power original filing. Net Power Costs (Exhibit No. 49, page 5.7) - Reflects the change in the net power cost study to reflect the removal of the Goodnoe Hills wind plant, and corrects errors related to gas swap mark-to-market values, allocation codes identified with actual net power costs, and the double counting of certain demand side management costs. These adjustments are discussed in more detail by Company witness Mr. Mark T. Widmer. This adjustment corrects Exhibit No. 11 page 5.1 in the original filing. Major Plant Additions (Exhibit No. 49, page 8.15) - Removes certain major plant additions (5 transmission, 1 hydro) from rate base because their projected in-service dates have been extended beyond the test period. This adjustment also removes the rate base associated with the Goodnoe Hills wind plant, consistent with other adjustments in this filing. This adjusts Exhibit No. 11 , page 8.8 in the original filing. This adjustment is discussed in more detail below. Depreciation Expense (Exhibit No. 49, page 6.3) - Removes depreciation expense and reserve related to the removal of certain major plant additions (5 transmission and 1 hydro) described above. This adjustment also reflects the removal of the Goodnoe Hills wind plant. This corrects Exhibit No. 11 , pages 6. and 6.2 in the original filing. Oregon Tax Credit (Exhibit No. 49, page 7.10) - Adds into results an Oregon Business Energy Tax Credit ("BETC") resulting from the Leaning Juniper wind plant. This tax credit was inadvertently left out of the Company s original filing. Renewable Energy Tax Credit (Exhibit No. 49, page 7.11) - Removes the McDougal, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mountain Power Renewable Energy Tax Credit associated with the Goodnoe Hills wind plant. This adjusts Exhibit No. 11 , page 7.3 in the original filing. SO2 Emission Allowance Sales Why does the Company support a 15-year amortization of revenue from the sale of SO2 emission allowances? Revenue from the sale of SO2 emission allowances is amortized over 15 years to match the benefits and costs of the allowances. The SO2 emissions allowances are partially a result of new clean air investments such as the Huntington 2 scrubber. These investments, along with the cost of the power plants, are spread over a longer period of time. As such, it is appropriate that the revenue from the sale of SO2 emission allowances also be spread over a longer period of time to better align the cost and benefits associated with these investments, and the Company believes that 15 years is an appropriate time period. Are there any other reasons for spreading the SO2 allowances over a longer period? Another reason for spreading the sales revenue over 15 years is the variability in both the volume of sales and the sales price. Since both of these are difficult to predict, a 15 year amortization ensures Idaho customers receive the benefits of any sales, even ifthey do not occur in a test period. Under Mr. Michael Gorman s proposal to reflect sales as they occurred, the only sales that will be reflected in rates will be those that materialize during the test period of a filed rate case. McDougal, Di-Reb - 7 Rocky Mountain Power Severance Expense Please describe the adjustments the Company has agreed to make with respect to change-in-control severance. As noted above, the Company agrees to accept Staffs adjustment to change-in- control severance as proposed by Mr. Leckie. While the Company believes the costs were prudently incurred and should be fully recovered, for ratemaking purposes in this case, the Company is willing to accept Mr. Leckie s position based on his cost benefit calculations as the Company believes Staff's position represents a reasonable compromise in this case. What about Mr. Timothy Shurtz's proposed adjustment to change-in-control severance? Mr. Shurtz filed a response to a data request from the Company indicating that he agrees with Commission Staffs proposed adjustment, which the Company has also accepted. Accordingly, the Company does not believe there is a need to respond to Mr. Shurtz s direct testimony on this issue. What about Monsanto s proposed adjustment to change-in-control severance? The Company disagrees with Mr. Gorman s adjustment. Why does the Company disagree with Mr. Gorman s proposed severance adjustment? Mr. Gorman asserts that the Company should not be able to defer severance of any employees displaced prior to October 2006 when the deferral order was approved. This does not match the enabling costs associated with a manpower McDougal, Di-Reb - 8 Rocky Mountain Power reduction with the benefit customers are receiving through reduced salaries. In support of this position, Mr. Gorman impliedly relies upon a state of Washington rule. Such a position arbitrarily denies recovery of a substantial portion of the severance costs based on a rule that has no bearing in the state of Idaho. The Idaho Commission has allowed the recovery of prudent costs incurred prior to filing for deferred accounting authorization in prior proceedings. Two examples of proceedings where recovery was granted for costs incurred prior to the filing of the deferral application are case P AC-03-5 for tax audit payments and P AC- 02-1 for excess net power costs related to the spike in power prices during late 2000 to mid-2001. Mr. Gorman also proposes to allocate the costs to Idaho based on the proportion of merger savings ultimately allocated to Idaho. Proposing ad hoc allocation methods sets a bad precedent and is not consistent with the allocation method used in this case and approved by the Commission. Severance costs should be allocated in accordance with cost causation and the Revised Protocol methodology, similar to all other costs in the case. Plant Additions What is the Company s position on the proposed adjustments to major plant additions? The Company acknowledges that as a result of the test year conventions being applied in this case, plant that will not be in service prior to January 1 , 2008 should not be included in revenue requirement. However, the Company once again reiterates that it is spending a significant amount of capital to meet the McDougal, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mountain Power needs of its customers for which it is not earning a return due to regulatory lag and test year conventions. With that said, as part of our rebuttal case we have removed those plant additions identified by Staff (5 transmission and 1 hydro identified below) that will not be completed prior to January 1 2008. In addition we are removing the Goodnoe Hills wind plant because the plant will not be completely in service by the end of the year. The Company does not agree with the additional adjustments made to major plant additions. Please identify the 5 transmission and 1 hydro project which are being removed from the major plant additions. Below is a list of the 5 transmission and 1 hydro project being removed from this filing due to a change in the projected in-service date for each project: McClelland Emigration Tap I.4Mi OH Line (transmission) Transmission Relay Repl Zone 3 Setting (transmission) Copco transformer 250 MY A (transmission) Line 1 Conversion Project, Convert Line 1 to 115 kV (transmission) Upper Green River Valley project (transmission) Copco 2 Electrical Overhaul (hydro) Do you believe the electric plant in service amounts included in this case are at a reasonable level given the test year conventions that are being applied? Yes. There was considerable discussion in testimony as to whether th~ major plant additions included in the case are known and measurable. The best measure of electric plant in service is to look at actual results. Actual electric plant in service allocated to Idaho as of September 30, 2007 is $955 million. This is $29 McDougal, Di-Reb - 10 Rocky Mountain Power million above the $926 million of electric plant in service included in the original filing and $32 million above the electric plant in service included in this rebuttal filing of $923 million. Please respond to Monsanto s argument that you have not included increases in accumulated depreciation in your rate base forecast. The Company has followed a traditional procedure for using an historic test period with known and measurable adjustments for plant additions. While Monsanto mentions the exclusion ofthe increases in depreciation reserve, they fails to mention customers benefited because this was more than offset by also excluding from rate base plant additions less than $2 million. In 2006, the Company spent $477 million on projects costing less than $2 million, and only had depreciation and amortization expense of $454 million. In 2007, we expect to spend over $477 million on projects costing less than $2 million, none of which are included in this case. The Company s filing does adjust the accumulated depreciation reserve for the depreciation associated with the plant additions included in the filing. It is the Company s desire to move to a fully forecasted test year to set rates based on a forecast of all changes in rate base, expenses, and revenue, it has not done so in this case. Monsanto s proposal is simply attempting to "cherry pick" certain additional items in contravention to the Commission established test period convention in Idaho simply to reduce the revenue requirement in this proceeding. To follow Monsanto s logic would be to prepare a full forecast test period case, including all plant additions, even those less than $2 million, and McDougal, Di-Reb - Rocky Mountain Power include increases in accumulated depreciation of approximately $25 million per year. What is the Company s position on the $100 million threshold proposed by Staff for major plant additions? The $100 million threshold for major plant additions proposed by Staff is unreasonably high. As pointed out by Staff, only a small percentage of the Company s plant additions meet this limit. Staffs proposed adjustment only allows partial recovery of prudently incurred investment in projects costing less than $100 million unless the investments were made prior to January 31 , 2007. Staff tries to justify the exclusion of plant under $100 million as being immaterial. Although the individual projects may be immaterial, when added together they become material. In 2006, the Company spent $125 million on projects which individually cost between $2 million and $100 million, but for which the Company will not be allowed full recovery using the $100 million threshold proposed by staff. During 2007, the Company will invest a total of $172 million on projects individually costing between $2 million and $100 million. In aggregate, these projects are material to the Company and the Company believes it is entitled to a return on this investment. New Depreciation Rates Please respond to Monsanto s suggestion that the new depreciation rates filed with this Commission would result in $1 million reduction in the revenue requirement. The new depreciation rates are not included in this case and should not be. McDougal, Di-Reb - 12 Rocky Mountain Power Although the depreciation study has been filed, it is not yet approved, is still subject to change, and will not become effective until January 1 , 2008 at the earliest. If the new depreciation rates are used, what else should be updated in the case? If new depreciation rates not effective until 2008 are included in this case, the Commission should look at the use of a forecast test period to correctly forecast all components of the Company s revenue requirement to a 2008 level. To be consistent, the Company should forecast loads, revenues, net power costs, O&M costs, and rate base to their projected 2008 levels. Non-Recurring Expenses Why is the Company removing the adjustment proposed by Staff witness Mr. Nobbs pertaining to general rate case costs from other states? The Company objects to Mr. Nobbs' proposal for two reasons: 1) the Company believes that these costs should be allocated to all states; and 2) his adjustment incorrectly changes the allocation of rate case costs for all states other than Idaho to situs allocation, while leaving Idaho rate case costs system allocated so that only a small percentage is being paid by Idaho customers. Why should the costs of general rate cases in all states served by the Company be system allocated? The Company is filing rate cases in several of its states each year. Due to the volume of rate cases and structure of the Company s staff, work done on rate cases in one state often reduces the work required for rate cases in other states. McDougal, Di-Reb - 13 Rocky Mountain Power The only alternative available to allocate costs fairly would be to keep track of all rate case costs, including employee labor, and whether the costs were specific to one state or multiple states. The Company does not currently have such a system in place. What is your position on Staff witness Mr. Nobbs' adjustment to amortize the IRS settlement related to tax exempt bonds? The Company has included Mr. Nobbs' adjustment to amortize costs for a one- time settlement with the IRS in our rebuttal case; the Company is willing to accept Mr. Nobbs' adjustment on the condition that the Commission authorize deferred accounting treatment of the unamortized balance, allowing the Company to set up a regulatory asset for the remaining balance. Revenue Growth Please respond to Dr. Dennis Peseau s proposal to adjust revenues to account for load growth included as Agrium Exhibit No. 405. Agrium Exhibit No. 405 has the following errors: . Agrium s exhibit compares the incremental revenues to the average net power cost ("NPC") level rather than the incremental NPC amount. The average NPC of$15.35 is significantly below the incremental NPC required to serve new load. If the incremental NPC is estimated at $50/MWh, multiplied by the 33,562 MWh used by Dr. Peseau, then his calculated revenue requirement reduction is overstated by over $1 160 000. . Agrium s Exhibit No. 405 only adds incremental load for Idaho. To be correct, load should be increased in all states since NPC are system McDougal, Di-Reb - 14 Rocky Mountain Power allocated. On the other had, if Idaho is the only state with increased load there must also be a corresponding increase in Idaho jurisdictional allocation factors. Adjusting the Idaho energy factor by including an additional 33 562 MWh and the Idaho capacity by adding 3.8 MW per month (33 562/8760 hours per year), would increase Idaho revenue requirement by approximately $1 million. This $1 million should be included as a deduction in Dr. Peseau s computation. The Company has not included revenue in this case related to load growth nor has it included the corresponding additional capital cost for meters lines, or infrastructure. These costs would be incremental to all of the capital additions already included in the case. If Dr. Peseau s adjustment were corrected to reflect the errors noted above, it would have minimal if any impact on the Company s Idaho revenue requirement. Property Taxes Has the Idaho property tax reduction mentioned by Mr. Shurtz been included in this case? Yes. The affect of House Bill No.1 has been reflected by the use of a 9.3 mill, or 93 percent composite Idaho property tax rate applied to an estimate of assessed value. This rate is approximately 22 percent lower than the 12.0 mill, or 1.2 percent composite Idaho property tax rate for 2005. Thus, the amount of Idaho property tax expense included in the company s current rate case is lower due to the passage of House Bill No. 1. It is important to note, however, that for purposes of setting the Company s rates, property tax expense is allocated on a McDougal, Di-Reb - 15 Rocky Mountain Power Mailing system wide basis. Thus, customers in Idaho and the other five states served by PacifiCorp share in the benefit of reduced Idaho taxes in the same way that Idaho customers would from favorable tax legislation passed by other states. Have you reviewed the issue raised by Mr. Shurtz regarding the cost difference between mailing bills and having bills sent electronically to customers? The Company continually explores options to reduce customer costs, and currently offers customers the option of receiving bills electronically and of paying online. Despite these alternative options, the number of customer mailings increased by 400 000 between 2005 and 2006. As a result of these increases, the postage adjustment proposed by the Company is appropriate. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. McDougal, Di-Reb - 16 Rocky Mountain Power R 1= r' r.. ! \ r- ('" zna? OCT 26 Af~ 10: t;~se No. PAC-07- !r'p' (; c' , ,E~bit No. UTILljhrsv&~fijl~s~~rness: Steven R. McDougal BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Revised Price Change October 2007 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO Normalized Results of Operations 12 Months Ended December 2006 with Known and Measurables Company Rebuttal Position (1) December 2006 Rolled-In Revenue Requirement (2) Rate Mitigation Cap (3) Capped Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement (4) Normalized December 2006 General Business Revenues (5) Capped Revised Protocol Price Change 191 196,377 101.67% 194 389,357 178.992 843 15,396,514 Revised Protocol (6) Filed Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement (7) Normalized December 2006 General Business Revenues (8) Revised Protocol Price Change (9) Capped Revised Protocol Price Change (10) Reduction to Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement 197 613,774 178,992 843 620.931 15,396,514 (3,224 417) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 47 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Page - . RF(',i=!VFI.. 2001 OCT 26 AM 10: Case No. PAC-O7- Exhibit No. 48 Witness: Steven R. McDougaliDAHO PUBLIC UTILITiES COMMISSIOh BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Revised Results of Operations October 2007 Rocky Mountain Power RE5UL T5 OF OPERATIONS Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 1 of 39 CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Witness: Steven R. McDougal USER SPECIFIC INFORMATION. STATE: PERIOD: IDAHO DECEMBER 2006 FILE: PREPARED BY: DATE: TIME: JAM-Idaho GRC-Dec2006DRebuttaI1 01707 Revenue Requirement Department 10/24/2007 3:37:05 PM TYPE OF RATE BASE: ALLOCATION METHOD: Beginning/Ending REVISED PROTOCOL FERC JURISDICTION:Separate Jurisdiction 8 OR 12 CP:12 Coincidental Peaks DEMAND % ENERGY % 75% Demand 25% Energy TAX INFORMATION TAX RATE ASSUMPTIONS: FEDERAL RATE STATE EFFECTIVE RATE TAX GROSS UP FACTOR FEDERAUSTATE COMBINED RATE TAX RATE 35.00% 54% 614 37.95% CAPITAL STRUCTURE INFORMATION CAPITAL STRUCTURE EMBEDDED COST WElGHTED COST DEBT PREFERRED COMMON 49.10% 50% 50.40% 100.00% 26% 41% 10.75% 074% 027% 5.418% 519% OTHER INFORMATION Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 2 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. innin /Endi Witness: Steven R. McDougal RESULTS OF OPERATIONS SUMMARY UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO Descri tion of Account Summa Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENTS ADJ TOTAL Operating Revenues General Business Revenues 847 007.473 707,459,234 139,548 239 39.444.604 178.992 843 Interdepartmental (7)(7) Special Sales 750,904 692 704 076,767 46,827 925 76,032.200 122 860.125 Other Operating Revenues 2.4 147,397 762 142,055,496 342,266 132 789 475.056 Total Operating Revenues 745,309,919 553,591,489 191,718.430 116,609 593 308 328,023 Operating Expenses: Steam Production 740,727.406 692,965 418 761,989 993 722 755.711 Nuclear Production Hydro Production 36,497 550 34,195,851 301 699 960 324 659 Other Power Supply 925 911 510 885.451 266 460,243 109,339 949 149 800.192 Transmission 136,930,481 128,278.726 651 756 357 936 009 692 Distribution 218,820 422 207.464,521 355,901 278.420)10,077.481 Customer Accounting 107 864 332 103,228 728 635 604 (49,249)586,354 Customer Service & Infor 739 370 49,601 990 137 380 476,275)661 105 Sales Administrative & General 238 975,926 225,798,106 177 820 (1.874 813)303 007 Total 0 & M Expenses 2.458.466,997 326,984 605 131.482 392 109,035.809 240 518 200 Depreciation 391,176,792 368,273,332 22,903.460 589 645 24.493.105 Amortization 931,521 59,727 356 204,165 140,673 344.838 Taxes Other Than Income 101,034 471 96,321,414 713,057 217.460 930.517 Income Taxes - Federal 140 680,908 137.500,624 180,285 (403,792)776.492 Income Taxes - State 190,112 16,801,131 388.981 25,013 413.994 Income Taxes - Def Net 27,178,051 25,500,976 677,075 758,784 2.435.858 Investment Tax Credit Adj.(5,854 860)(5.097 070)(757.790)(757 790) Misc Revenue & Expense (15,439 233)(14 415,629)023 605)855 123 (168.481) Total Operating Expenses 177 364.759 011,596,740 165.768 019 112 218,715 277 986.734 Operating Revenue for Return 567 945.160 541,994 749 950,411 390,879 .341 289 Rate Base: Electric Plant in Service 14,745 911,135 879,811,503 866,099,632 57,182.299 923 281 931 Plant Held for Future Use 283,901 218 437 65,464 (65.464) Misc Deferred Debits 112,065,538 108 895,143 170,395 515,239 685 634 Eler;; Plant Acq Adj 044 642 996,668 047,975 047 975 Nuclear Fuel Prepayments 29,605 268 831,068 774,200 774.200 Fuel Stock 885 637 63.430,222 4.455.414 285.407 740 822 Material & Supplies 123,572,819 116,086 160 7.486.659 7.486,659 Working Capital 66,893 859 63,843,094 050,764 095,675 146,439 Weatherization Loans 18,187.445 359,012 828,433 828,433 Miscellaneous Rate Base 676 454 088 719 587,735 587 735 Total Electric Plant 15,255.126 697 14,357 560 027 897 566,670 60.013 156 957 579 826 Rate Base Deductions: Ar;;cum Prov For Depr (5,801 309,811)(5,445 638,690)(355 671 121)(518 643)(356.189 764) Accum Prav For Amort (372,108 846)(351,419,894)(20,688,952)(38 318)(20 727.270) Accum Def Income Taxes 194 262,511)115,991 726)(78 270,785)311.620 (77,959 165) Unamortized ITC (12 979,804)(12,921,554)(58,250)067.067)(2.125,317) Customer Adv for Const (8,446 845)(8,686,619)239,773 (499,058)(259.285) Customer Service Deposits Misc. Rate Base Deductions (92 950 646)(87,656,742)293.904)(3.420 148)(8.714 052) Total Rate Base Deductions (7.482 058.464)022,315 226)(459,743,239)231,614)(465 974.852) Total Rate Base 773 068 233 335.244.801 437 823 432 53,781 542 491 604 974 Return on Rate Base 307%927%172% Return on Equity 345%608%094% Net Power Costs 773 021 586 152.344 57.755.258 100 Basis Points in Equity: Revenue Requirement Impact 136 606 556 213 993 052 Rate Base Decrease (501,579 685)(34 311 644)(37 114 022) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 3 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Customers 440 Residential Sales 065 628 795 032,652,803 32,975 992 074,470 51.050,462 065 628,795 032,652 803 32,975,992 18,074 470 51.050,462 442 Commercial & Industrial Sales 746.291 229 639 970,519 106 320.710 21.370.359 127 691.069 746,291 229 639,970 519 106 320.710 21.370,359 127.691 069 444 Public Street & Highway Lighting 18,427 832 176,295 251 537 (225)251 312 18,427 832 18,176,295 251.537 (225)251 312 445 Other Sales to Public Authority 16,659,617 659 617 659,617 659,617 448 Interdepartmental DPW (7)(7) (7) Total Sales to Ultimate Customers 847,007 465 707 459,226 139,548,239 39,444,604 178,992,843 100 101 102 103 447 Sales for Resale 104 WSF 738 888 738,888 105 WSF 757 499,306 709 727 999 771 307 088 817 122.860.125 106 WSF (14 333 503)(13 390 120)(943,383)943 383 107 WSF 108 109 750 904 692 704 076,767 827,925 76,032.200 122.860.125 110 449 Provision for Rate Refund 111 WSF 112 WSF 113 114 115 116 117 Total Sales from Electricity 597,912 157 411,535,993 186,376,164 115,476,804 301,852,968 118 450 Forieited Discounts & Interest 119 CUST 910 738 673 838 236,900 236,900 120 CUST 121 910 738 673,838 236,900 236.900 122 123 451 Mise Electric Revenue 124 GUST 263,802 148,114 115,688 115 688 125 126 25,024 555 470 1,470 127 288,827 171 669 117,158 117.158 128 129 453 Water Sales 130 228 267 960 960 131 228 267 960 960 132 133 454 Rent of Electric Property 134 DPW 268,511 913 665 354 846 354 846 135 906,539 597 111 309,428 309 428 136 217,826 205 032 12,794 12.794 137 19.392,877 715 808 677 069 677 069 138 139 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 4 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2.4 Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 140 141 456 Other Electric Revenue 142 DMSC 969.612 969 366 224 224 143 GUST 144 OTHSE 11.951 743 165,120 766,623 766,623 145 OTHSO 241 227 146 OTHSGR 666.497 345,179 523,316 132,769 656 108 147 146 149 115 790 092 111,479,913 310 179 132 769 5.442 969 150 151 Total Other Electric Revenues 147,397,762 142,055,495 342,266 132,789 475,056 152 153 Total Electric Operating Revenues 745,309,919 553,591,489 191,718,430 116,609,593 308,328,023 154 155 Summary of Revenues by Factor 156 929 159 016 766,903 121 140 255,897 39.444,604 179.700.501 157 156 361 760)(2,225.001)(156 759)943,383 766.623 159 243 091 226,613 276 14.276 160 616.269,570 766,684,556 605,014 76.221 607 127 626.621 161 DGP 162 163 Total Electric Operating Revenues 745,309,919 553,591 469 191 716,430 116,609 593 306,326.023 164 Miscellaneous Revenues 165 41160 Gain on Sale of Utility Plant - CR 166 DPW 167 166 169 170 171 172 173 41170 loss on Sale of Utility Plant 174 DPW 175 176 177 176 4116 Gain from Emission Allowances 179 160 (15,619 250)(14,591,244)(1,026 006)655,123 (172,883) 181 (15,619 250)(14 591 244)028,006)655,123 (172.683) 182 163 41161 Gain from Disposition of NOX Credits 164 165 166 167 4194 Impact Housing Interest Income 166 169 190 191 421 (Gain) /loss on Sale of Utility Plant 192 DPW 72,609 72,641 (32)(32) 193 253 237 194 195 PTD 563 656 727 727 196 PTD 182,679 172,137 10,741 10.741 197 (143,507)(134,457)050)050) 196 160,017 175,615 401 4,401 199 200 Total Miscellaneous Revenues (15.439.233)(14 415,629)023,605)855,123 (168,461) 201 Miscellaneous Expenses 202 4311 Interest on Customer Deposits 203 CUST 204 205 Total Miscellaneous Expenses 206 207 Net Misc Revenue and Expense (15,439,233)(14 415,629)(1,023,605)855,123 (168,481) 206 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 5 of REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 209 500 Operation Supervision & Engineering 210 159.284 824 885 334 399 257.983 592.382 211 SSGCH 526 906 1.437 837 070 (146)88,924 212 22,686.191 21,262,722 1.423.469 257 837 681 306 213 214 501 Fuel Related 215 439 612,173 410,678 392 28,933 781 250.496 184 277 216 217 218 SSECT 219 SSECH 45.467.404 691.684 775,720 308 592 084 313 220 485.079,578 453 370 076 709 502 559 088 268 590 221 222 502 Steam Expenses 223 29,831.632 950 315 881 317 881 317 224 SSGCH 2.488,756 343,578 145 178 145 178 225 32.320 388 293 893 026.494 026 494 226 227 503 Steam From Other Sources 228 110,724 905,987 204 737 12,903 217 640 229 110 724 905 987 204 737 12,903 217 640 230 231 505 Electric Expenses 232 862.058 681 564 180.494 180,494 233 SSGCH 353.346 274 401 78,945 78.945 234 215.405 955,965 259 440 259.440 235 236 506 Misc. Steam Expense 237 28.907 136 27.084 123 823 014 823,014 238 239 SSGCH 783.535 679.496 104,040 104 040 240 30,690,672 763,618 927 053 927 053 241 242 507 Rents 243 050,584 984.329 66.255 255 244 SSGCH 122.887 115,719 168 168 245 173 471 100.048 423 73.423 246 247 510 Maint Supervision & Engineering 248 171.457 845.321 326,135 326,135 249 SSGCH 2.432,903 290,983 141 919 141 919 250 604.360 136,305 468.055 468 055 251 252 253 254 511 Maintenance 01 Structures 255 18,800,652 17.614 998 185,654 185 654 256 SSGCH 675,302 635 909 393 393 257 475.953 18,250,907 225 046 225 046 258 259 512 Maintenance 01 Boiler Plant 260 87.213,304 81.713.241 500 063 500 063 261 SSGCH 033 533 856,577 176 956 176 956 262 90.246 837 569,818 677,019 677 019 263 264 513 Maintenance of Electric Plant 265 31.859,935 29,850.704 009.231 009 231 266 SSGCH 646 757 609,029 728 728 267 32.506,692 30.459,734 046,958 046.958 268 269 514 Maintenance 01 Misc. Steam Plant 270 115.402 540,543 574,858 163 894 738 752 271 SSGCH 501.736 355,801 145,935 145 935 272 617 137 10,896,344 720.793 163 894 884 687 273 274 Total Steam Power Generation 740,727,406 692,965,418 47,761 989 993,722 51,755,711 REVISED PROTOCOL Beginning/Ending FERC ACCT 517275 276 277 276 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 286 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 296 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 306 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 316 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 326 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 518 BUSDESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Operation Super & Engineering Nuclear Fuel Expense 519 Coolants and Water 520 Steam Expenses 523 Electric Expenses 524 Misc. Nuclear Expenses 528 Maintenance Super & Engineering 529 Maintenance of Strvctures 530 Maintenance of Reactor Plant 531 Maintenance of Electric Plant 532 Maintenance of Misc Nuclear Total Nuclear Power Generation 535 Operation Super & Engineering 536 Water For Power Ref UNADJUSTED RESULTSTOTAL OTHER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 6 of 39 CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Witness: Steven R. McDougal IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTALIDAHO 667,553 560,583 306,970 20,334 327 303 581,405 2,416,610 162,795 20,864 183 659 448,958 979.193 469 765 197 510,962 157 569 147,632 937 937 83.976 78,680 296 296 241,545 226 312 233 15.233 REVISED PROTOCOL Beginning/Ending FERC ACCT 537338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359. 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 538 539 BUS DESCRIP FUNC Hydraulic Expenses Electric Expenses Misc. Hydro Expenses 540 Rents (Hydro Generation) 541 Maint Supervision & Engineering 542 Maintenance of Structures FACTOR Maintenance of Dams & Waterways543 Maintenance of Electric Plant544 Maintenance of Misc. Hydro Plant545 Total Hydraulic Power Generation Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 7 of 39 CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Witness: Steven R. McDougal IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTALRef UNADJUSTED RESULTSTOTAL OTHER 978.341 651.063 727.449 610 004 IDAHO 250 892 059 (965)249.927 41,059 629.403 (965)290 986 170 616 787 239 239 12,660.214 419 792 337.452 970 578 548 11.861,804 077.995 291.951 798 410 341 796 200 200 (10,192) (2.715) 788.218 339.081 18.080.006 (12.907)127 299 758 874 94,633 16.939 800 729 13.936 88.665 140.206 030 938 (23)007 938 968 (23)945 885,458 186 791 072,249 080.640 354 622 829.617 175,011 004.628 012.490 332.258 841 780 621 150 364 (48)55.793 11.780 (48)67.573 (633) (2.122) 67.517 20.242 435.262 90.514 755)759 410,100 538.167 948.267 972.072 571.368 543 441 324 65936,497,550 344 748 384.237 504 228 888.465 647 704 535.335 383.040 34,195,851 124 368 033 160.401 301 699 25.863 939 (537)25.325 939 802 537)59.265 (1.003)123.365 36.033 003 960 159 398 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 8 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 406 407 546 Operation Super & Engineering 408 170,218 096,419 73,799 (763)036 409 SSGCT 410 170,218 096,419 799 (763 73,036 411 412 547 Fuel 413 102 611,570 95,858,025 753,545 184,814 12,938 359 414 SSECT 27,082,022 828.179 253 843 869,519 123,363 415 129,693 593 120,686 204 007 389 054 333 16.061,722 416 417 548 Generation Expense 418 301,472 777.944 523.528 274 530,802 419 SSGCT 900 581 601 041 299,539 323 306 862 420 12,202.052 378 985 823,067 14,597 837.664 421 422 549 Miscellaneous Other 423 930 812 745,982 184.830 480,194 665.024 424 SSGCT 425 930 812 745 982 184,830 480,194 665.024 426 427 428 429 430 550 Rents 431 566,261 530 550 35,711 35.711 432 SSGCT 13,076 156 071,992 004 164 (86,462 917.702 433 13,642.417 602.542 039 875 (86,462)953.413 434 435 551 Maint Supervision & Engineering 436 437 438 439 552 Maintenance of Structures 440 100,339 011 328 328 441 SSGCT 138 686 128,035 650 10.650 442 239 024 222,046 16,978 16.978 443 444 553 Maint of Generation & Electric Plant 445 639 986 536,561 103,425 103.425 446 SSGCT 922,328 851,499 70.829 70,829 447 562,314 388 060 174,254 174 254 448 449 554 Maintenance of Misc. Other 450 258,198 241.915 283 16,283 451 SSGCT 177,890 164 229 13,661 661 452 436 088 406 144 944 29,944 453 454 Total Other Power Generation 162 876 518 151,526,382 11,350,136 461 899 18,812 035 455 456 457 555 Purchased Power 458 DMSC (111 678 304)(79,926,206)(31 752.098)31.752,098 459 691 191.252 647.601 628 43,589,624 69.191,883 112,781 507 460 127 941 208 119 520,552 8,420,656 (3,193,142)227 514 461 Seasonal Co P SSGC 250,835 250,835 462 463 464 707 454 156 687 195,974 258 182 101,001 674 121,259 857 465 466 556 System Control & Load Dispatch 467 2,484 435 327 755 156,680 319 158,998 468 469 2,484,435 327.755 156 680 319 158.998 470 471 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 9 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC 6US UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 472 473 557 Other Expenses 474 (183 792)(150,819)(32,973)996,370 963.397 475 53.280 193 920,105 360,088 (122,573)237 515 476 SGCT 477 478 SSGCT 259 259 479 TROJP 480 481 096.401 49.769,286 327 115 674 056 201 171 462 463 Embedded Cost Differentials 464 Company Owned Hyc P DGP 10.(86 887 925)(66,887 925) 485 Company Owned Hyc P 10.86,687.925 406 363 5.479,543 5.479.543 466 Mid-C Contract 10.23 (44 989,353)(44 170.696)(618.657)(616.657) 467 Mid-C Contract 10.989,353 42,152.122 637.231 637 231 468 Existing OF Contract! P 10.43,952,746 43,310,873 641.872 641,672 489 Existing OF Contract! P 10.(43 952.746)(41,160,888)(2,771,857)(2.771.657) 490 491 (5,368 131)368,131 368.131 492 493 Total Other Power Supply 763,034,992 733,924 884 29,110,108 101,878,050 130.988.157 494 495 Total Production Expense 703,136,466 612,612,534 90,523,932 113,356,631 203,880.562 496 497 498 Summary of Production Expense by Factor 499 (67.909 351)(36,766 152)(31 143,196)32,748,468 605.270 500 122 316 690 051 538,360 70,778,330 70,003.171 140 781 501 501 673,275 676 628,962.956 44,312,720 255.071 50.567 791 502 SNPPH 503 TROJP 504 SGCT 505 DGP (86 867 925)(66,867 925) 506 DEU 507 DEP 508 SNPPS 509 SNPPO 510 DGU 511 (44.969,353)(44.170,696)(818,657)(818,657) 512 SSGCT 18.215.640 16.616,797 396,843 (76,660)319 963 513 SSECT 27.082,022 826,179 253.643 669 519 123.363 514 SSGC 250.635 250,835 515 SSGCH 565,662 15,599 331 966,331 (146)966.185 516 SSECH 45,467.404 691 684 775.720 308,592 084 313 517 Total Production Expense by Factor 703 136 466 612,612,534 523,932 113,356 631 203,680 562 518 560 Operation Supervision & Engineering 519 756,554 269.265 489.289 16,762 506.051 520 521 756 554 269 265 469,269 16,762 506,051 522 523 561 Load Dispatching 524 562.245 146.400 413.845 413,845 525 526 562.245 146,400 413,645 413,845 527 562 Station Expense 528 320.015 299 834 162 182 529 530 320,015 299,834 20.162 162 531 532 563 Overhead Line Expense 533 320 086 173 771 146,315 146 315 534 535 320 086 173 771 146,315 146,315 536 537 564 Underground Line Expense 536 539 540 541 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 10 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-07-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 542 565 Transmission of Electricity by Others 543 88,186,215 82,624 796 561.419 825,289 386 708 544 924,418 534,493 389,925 (380,361)564 545 546 547 110 633 88,159,289 951 344 444 928 396,272 548 549 566 Misc, Transmission Expense 550 938,870 879,661 59,209 59,209 551 552 938 870 879,661 209 59,209 553 554 567 Rents - Transmission 555 343,348 258 631 84,718 (31,840)52.878 556 557 343 348 258,631 84,718 (31,840)52,878 558 559 568 Maint Supervision & Engineering 560 19,767 18,520 247 247 561 562 767 18,520 247 247 563 564 569 Maintenance of Structures 565 958,521 835,008 123,513 (6,306)117,207 566 567 958.521 835,008 123,513 (6,306)117 207 568 569 570 Maintenance of Station Equipment 570 10,062,229 9,427,660 634 569 634 569 571 572 10.062.229 427 660 634.569 634.569 573 574 571 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 575 10.812,758 10.130 857 681,901 (65,608)616.294 576 577 10,812,758 130,857 681 901 (65 608)616,294 578 579 572 Maintenance of Underground Lines 580 581 582 583 584 573 Maint of Misc. Transmission Plant 585 723,453 677.829 624 45,624 586 587 723,453 677 829 624 45,624 588 589 Total Transmission Expense 136,930.481 128,278,726 651.756 357,936 009,692 590 591 Summary of Transmission Expense by Factor 592 924,418 534,493 389 925 (380.361)564 593 131 006 064 122,744 233 261 831 738 297 000,128 594 SNPT 595 Total Transmission Expense by Factor 136 930 481 128,278.726 651 756 357,936 009,692 596 560 Operation Supervision & Engineering 597 DPW 722,506 736 966 (14.460)392 (14 068) 598 DPW SNPD 24,650,460 537 166 113.294 (210 333)902,961 599 25.372,966 24,274,132 098.834 (209,94t)888 893 600 601 561 Load Dispatching 602 DPW 603 DPW SNPD 310,097 754,134 555 963 364 573,326 604 12,310 097 11,754.134 555 963 364 573 328 605 606 562 Station Expense 607 DPW 989.947 696,002 293 945 821 299.766 606 DPW SNPD 165 659 158 368 7,491 129 619 609 155.806 654.370 301,436 949 307 385 610 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 11 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 611 583 Overhead Line Expenses 612 DPW 16,597,211 15.657,946 939.265 18.978 958 243 613 DPW SNPD 932.158 890.059 42,099 690 42,790 614 17,529 369 16,548,005 981,364 668 001,032 615 616 584 Underground Line Expense 617 DPW 527 073 511,717 15,356 361 15,718 618 DPW SNPD 619 527,073 511 717 15,356 361 15,718 620 621 585 Street Lighting & Signal Systems 622 DPW 851 851 623 DPW SNPD 148.456 141,751 705 471 176 624 149 307 142,602 705 471 176 625 626 586 Meter Expenses 627 DPW 678,544 3.493,366 185,179 273 189 451 628 DPW SNPD 448 356 382 943 65.412 536 66,948 629 126.900 876 309 250.591 809 256 400 630 631 587 Customer Installation Expenses 632 DPW 633 DPW SNPD 634 635 636 588 Misc. Distribution Expenses 637 DPW 516 422 174 384 342.038 082 349 121 638 DPW SNPD 341 398 829.184 512,214 19,789 532.003 639 857 820 003 568 854 252 871 881 124 640 641 589 Rents 642 DPW 632.664 600.467 198 32,198 643 DPW SNPD 692,187 660 925 261 261 644 324,851 261 392 63.459 63.459 645 646 590 Maint Supervision & Engineering 647 DPW 226 901 226,901 648 DPW SNPD 283,243 180 125 103 119 217 106 336 649 510 144 2.407 026 103 119 217 106 336 650 651 591 Maintenance of Structures 652 DPW 973,736 866,936 106 800 106 800 653 DPW SNPD 339 217 323 897 320 320 654 312,953 190.832 122 120 122 120 655 656 592 Maintenance of Station Equipment 657 DPW 058 873 9.424 629 634 245 113 645 358 658 DPW SNPD 291,132 187 657 103 475 198 107,673 659 12,350 005 612 286 737,720 15,311 753 031 660 593 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 661 DPW 915 799 951 469 964 330 179 302)785,028 662 DPW SNPD 665 667 545 277 120 390 659 179 049 663 85,581 466 496 746 084 720 120 642)964 078 664 665 594 Maintenance of Underground Lines 666 DPW 22.136 180 21.476 576 659,604 (1,114)658.490 667 DPW SNPD 139,753 133.442 312 123 6.434 668 22,275,933 610,017 665 916 (992)664.924 669 670 595 Maintenance of Line Transformers 671 DPW (10,548)(27,172)624 299 16,923 672 DPW SNPD 182 45,051 131 265 395 673 634 879 18,755 563 318 674 675 596 Maint of Street Lighting & Signal Sys. 676 DPW 111 030 948,985 162 044 618 165,662 677 DPW SNPD 814 596 217 223 678 115 843 953.582 162,262 623 165.885 679 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 12 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 680 597 Maintenance of Meters 681 DPW 185,839 942 984 242 855 762 248,617 682 DPW SNPD 914 197 827 745 86,451 607 059 683 100,036 770 730 329 306 369 337 675 684 685 598 Maint of Misc. Distribution Plant 686 DPW 197 670 192,994 677 728 687 DPW SNPD (14,453)(13,800)(653)(54,476)(55 129) 688 183,218 179 194 024 (54,424)(50,400) 689 690 Total Distribution Expense 218,820,422 207,464,521 355,901 (1,278,420)10,077,481 691 692 693 Summary of Distribution Expense by Factor 694 157,460,701 148,876,001 584 699 (1,122,665)7,462 034 695 SNPD 61,359.721 58.588 520 771 202 (155,755)615,446 696 697 Total Distribution Expense by Factor 218 820 422 207,464,521 355 901 (1,278.420)10,077 481 698 699 901 Supervision 700 GUST 762,498 384 658 377 840 841 385,681 701 GUST 957 030 716 688 240 341 517 246,859 702 10,719,527 10,101,346 618,181 14,358 632,539 703 704 902 Meter Reading Expense 705 GUST 360.168 076,592 283,576 323 317,899 706 GUST 468 178 449,289 889 (101,160)(82,271) 707 828 346 25,525,881 302,465 (66 837)235,628 708 709 903 Cus1omer Receipts & Collections 710 GUST 080 040 835 385 244 654 556 251 211 711 GUST 46,869,152 44,978 176 890,976 52,007 1.942,982 712 52,949 192 50,813,562 135 630 563 194 193 713 714 904 Uncollectible Accounts 715 GUST 499 899 236,719 263,180 263,180 716 717 GUST 593 398 327,362 266,016 (55 562)210.454 718 093,297 15,564,101 529,196 (55,562)473,634 719 720 905 Misc. Customer Accounts Expense 721 GUST 31.445 31.445 722 GUST 242,525 192,394 50,131 229 50,360 723 273,970 223,839 50,131 229 50,360 724 725 Total Customer Accounts Expense 107,864 332 103,228,728 635,604 (49,249)586,354 726 727 Summary of Customer Acets Exp by Factor 728 734 050 564 799 169,251 46,719 217 970 729 130,282 56,663,929 2,466 353 (97,969)368,384 730 731 Total Customer Accounts Expense by Factor 107 664,332 103,228,728 635 604 (49 249)566 354 732 733 907 Supervision 734 GUST 735 GUST 301 809 249,286 52,523 704 227 736 301,809 249 286 52,523 704 53,227 737 736 906 Customer Assistance 739 GUST 562 065 40,822,263 739.803 365,947)373 855 740 GUST 148,849 981.461 167,389 (57,055)110,334 741 742 743 47,710,915 803 723 907 191 (1,423,002)1.484,190 744 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 13 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 745 909 Informational & Instructional Adv 746 GUST 630 967 584 787 46,181 46.181 747 GUST 989 708 869 086 120,622 (53,978)66,645 748 620 675 453,873 166,803 (53.978)112 825 749 750 910 Misc. Customer Service 751 GUST 96.060 85,597 10,463 10,463 752 GUST 911 511 400 400 753 754 105 971 108 10,863 10,863 755 756 Total Customer Service Expense 52,739,370 49,601,990 137 380 (1,476,275)661 105 757 758 759 Summary of Customer Service Exp by Factor 760 289,093 492,646 796 446 365,947)430,499 761 8,450 277 109,344 340 934 (110,328)230,606 762 763 Total Customer Service Expense by Factor 739,370 49,601 990 137 380 (1,476 275)661 105 764 765 766 911 Supervision 767 GUST 768 GUST 769 770 771 912 Demonstration & Selling Expense 772 GUST 773 GUST 774 775 776 913 Advertising Expense 777 GUST 778 GUST 779 780 781 916 Misc. Sales Expense 782 CUST 783 GUST 784 785 786 Total Sales Expense 787 788 789 Total Sales Expense by Factor 790 791 792 Total Sales Expense by Factor 793 794 Total Customer Service Exp Including Sales 52,739,370 49.601 990 137 380 (1,476,275)661,105 795 920 Administrative & General Salaries 796 PTD 639,855 639 855 797 GUST 798 PTD 141 303,971 133,004 496 299,475 211,573)087,902 799 142.943 826 134,644 351 299 475 (3,211 573)087.902 800 801 921 Office Supplies & expenses 802 PTD (433.633)(434 262)629 629 803 GUST 041 999 804 PTD 10,486 023 870.128 615.896 (82 236)533 659 805 10,053,431 9,436 864 616 567 (82 236)534 331 805 807 922 A&G Expenses Transferred 808 PTD 809 GUST 810 PTD (23 386,081)(22,012.502)373 579)(23 028)395,507) 811 (23,386,081)(22 012 502)373 579)(23 028)396 607) 812 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 14 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 813 923 Outside Services 814 PTD 92,403 92.391 815 CU5T 816 PTD 18.368 024 289,180 078,844 (113.695)965 149 817 18,460 427 17,381,571 078 856 (113,695)965.161 818 819 924 Property Insurance 820 PTD 392 399 018,449 373,950 373,950 821 392 399 22,018,449 373,950 373 950 822 823 925 Injuries & Damages 824 PTD 10,053 029 9,462,565 590,464 590 464 825 053 029 9,462,565 590,464 590 464 826 827 926 Employee Pensions & 8enefits 828 LABOR 829 CU5T 830 LABOR 831 832 833 927 Franchise Requirements 834 DM5C 835 DMSC 836 837 838 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 839 DM5C 234 710 920,106 314 605 314.605 840 CU5T 841 DM5C 527 1,438 842 FERC 198.856 123,251 75.605 75.605 843 435 094 044 794 390 300 390.300 844 845 929 Duplicate Charges 846 LABOR 847 LABOR 238 413)695 795)(542 617)(2.607)(545 224) 848 (9,238,413)(8,695 795)(542 617)607)(545,224) 849 850 930 Misc General Expenses 851 PTD 150,472 13,076,147 325 865 103 190 852 CU5T 75,485 72,439 045 045 853 LABOR 14.162,922 13,331,084 831.858 1,494 064 325 922 854 388 879 479 651 909 228 522,929 2,432 157 855 856 931 Rents 857 PTD 714 714 858 PTD 188 579 707 623 480,955 (85 608)395 348 859 197 293 716,337 480,955 (85 608)395 348 860 861 935 Maintenance of General Plant 862 352,342 308,069 274 120 45,393 863 CU5T 005 64,302 703 703 864 22,256,696 949,451 307 245 119 883 1,427 128 865 22,676 043 321 821 354 222 121.003 1,475.225 866 867 Total Administrative & General Expense 238,975,926 225,798,106 13,177,820 (1,874,813)303,007 868 869 5ummary of A&G Expense by Factor 870 22,044,864 21,611,020 433,844 985 463,829 871 215,588,676 202 926 096 12,662,580 904 798)10,757.781 872 198 856 123,251 75,605 75.605 873 143.531 137 740 791 791 874 Total A&G Expense by Factor 238,975 926 225,798 106 177 820 874 813)303 007 875 876 Total O&M Expense 458 466,997 84,131 482,392 109,035,809 240,518,200 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 15 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 877 403SP Steam Depreciation 878 067,698 666,978 400.720 2,400.720 879 41,102,483 38,510 375 592,107 592,107 880 51,223,994 47,993,579 230.415 365.623 596.038 881 SSGCH 977,377 8.453 696 523,681 523,881 882 139 371,552 130,624 629 746.923 365 623 112 546 883 884 403NP Nuclear Depreciation 885 886 887 888 403HP Hydro Depreciation 889 170,500 844,425 326,075 326.075 890 227 723 150 298 77.426 77.426 891 341 805 004 927 336,878 (27 042)309,836 892 1.472 897 380,010 92,888 (7,711)85.176 893 13,212,926 12,379,660 833 266 (34 754)798,513 894 895 4030P Other Production Depreciation 896 42,197 39,536 661 661 897 17,514,823 16.410 259 104 563 954.673 059.237 898 SSGCT 161,217 918,456 242,761 242 761 899 SSGCH 900 718 236 19,368 251 349,985 954 673 304.659 901 902 403TP Transmission Depreciation 903 12,338,372 560,259 778,113 778,113 904 13,404,865 12,559 494 845,371 845,371 905 29,173,292 27,333.493 839 799 144,482 984,280 906 916,530 51.453 247 463 283 144,482 607,765 907 908 909 910 403 Distribution Depreciation 911 360 Land & Land Righis DPW 272,235 254,766 17.469 17.469 912 361 Structures DPW 845 531 831 123 14,408 14.408 913 362 Sta,.nE_ma", DPW 13.447 237 080,774 366,463 366 463 914 363 SI...g. Ban.'Y Eq' DPW 145,834 145,834 915 364 Poles & Towers DPW 33,000,531 031,839 968.692 124 565 093,257 916 365 OH Conductors DPW 201 694 338,992 862,702 862.702 917 366 UG Condun DPW 226,098 078,850 147,248 147.248 918 367 UG Conductor DPW 13,094,024 12,654 398 439,627 439 627 919 368 Line Trans DPW 304 443 20,992 342 312,101 312,101 920 369 Services DPW 126 537 641 838 484 699 484 699 921 370 Meters DPW 6.423 840 964 957 458,883 458 883 922 371 lnot Coo, Pr.m DPW 381,075 373,838 237 237 923 372 L.a..d Pr.peny DPW 293 166 127 127 924 373 5".' LIghting DPW 309 814 278,318 31,496 31,496 925 123 780 186 117,669,035 111 151 124 565 235.716 926 927 403GP General Depreciation 928 5ITU5 13,076,085 12,211,700 864 385 864 385 929 DGP 482,726 452 283 30,443 30,443 930 DGU 874,488 819 339 149 55,149 931 32,026 918 108 108 932 GUST 375,422 319 930 55,493 55,493 933 720,321 422,636 297 685 2.498 300.183 934 PTD 18.410 269 17,328 943 081 325 576 088.901 935 SSGCT 13,322 12,299 023 023 936 55GCH 192,704 181 463 241 241 937 39,177,362 778 511 398.851 074 2.408,926 938 939 403GVO General Vehicles 940 941 942 943 403MP Mining Depreciation 944 982 982 945 982 982 946 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 16 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 947 403EP Experimental Plant Depreciation 948 949 950 951 4031 ARO Depreciation 952 953 954 955 956 Total Depreciation Expense 391 176.792 368,273,332 22,903,460 589,645 24,493,105 957 958 Summary 136,856,270 129 880 735 975,536 124 565 100.101 959 DGP 960 DGU 961 222 158 184 208,147 892 010,293 1.432 522 15.442,815 962 18,410,269 17,328.943 081,325 576 088.901 963 375.422 319 930 55.493 55.493 964 32.026 29,918 108 982 090 965 SSGCH 170,081 635,159 534,922 534 922 966 SSGCT 174,539 930,755 243.784 243.784 967 Total Depreciation Expense 6y Factor 391 176 792 368,273,332 903.460 589 645 24.493.105 968 969 404GP Amort of L T Plant - Capital Lease Gen 970 SITUS 123 509 123.509 971 972 PTD 941 179 827,164 114 015 114.015 973 DGU 974 GUST 214 060 205,424 636 636 975 DGP 976 278 749 156 097 122 651 122 651 977 978 404SP Amort of L T Plant - Cap Lease Steam 979 980 981 982 983 4041P Amort of L T Plant. Intangible Plant 984 SITUS 69,609 200 20.409 162 47.571 985 809 624 185 185 986 290,254 893,562 396 692 262 401 954 987 PTD 30,626 700 28,827 844 798 856 28,272 827 129 988 GUST 555,055 371.278 183 778 183.778 989 2,471,230 315 383 155,847 977 235.824 990 397 626 372 550 25,076 076 991 DGP 84,454 128 326 326 992 SSGCT 993 SSGCH 777 440 337 337 994 DGU 18,380 17,221 159 159 995 521 894 41.934 230 587 665 140 673 728.338 996 997 404MP Amort of L T Plant - Mining Plant 998 999 1000 1001 4040P Amort of L T Plant - Other Plant 1002 SSGCT 240 199 221 754 18,446 18.446 1003 240 199 221 754 18,446 18.446 1004 1005 1006 404HP Amortization of Other Electric Plant 1007 511 353 158 158 1008 37.428 35,068 360 360 1009 1010 940 37.421 519 519 1011 1012 Total Amortization of Limited Term Plant 48,080,782 45,349,502 731,281 140,673 871,954 1013 1014 1015 405 Amortization of Other Electric Plant 1016 1017 1018 1019 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 17 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1020 406 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adj 1021 1022 1023 1024 5,479,353 133,800 345 553 345.553 1025 1026 5,479 353 133,800 345.553 345.553 1027 407 Amort of Prop Losses. Unrec Plant. etc 1028 DPW 363.418 363,418 1029 1030 1031 1032 333 105 312 098 007 007 1033 TROJP 674 863 568 538 106.325 106,325 1034 371 386 244 054 127,332 127,332 1035 1036 Total Amortization Expense 62,931,521 59,727,356 204,165 140,673 344,838 1037 1038 1039 1040 Summary of Amortization Expense by Factor 1041 556 536 536 127 20,409 162 47.571 1042 809 624 185 185 1043 TROJP 674 863 568 538 106 325 106 325 1044 DGP 1045 DGU 1046 32,567.880 30.655,009 912.871 28.272 941 144 1047 SSGCT 240 199 221.754 446 18.446 1048 SSGCH 777 440 337 337 1049 769 116 576,702 192.414 192.414 1050 114 341 161 163 953,178 239 038.417 1051 Total Amortization Expense by Factor 62,931 521 59,727.356 204,165 140,673 344 838 1052 408 Taxes Other Than Income 1053 DMSC 839 643 20.839 643 1054 GPS 71,469.505 271 750 197,754 217,460 4,415,214 1055 326 867 837,789 489,078 489 078 1056 398 457 372,232 26,225 26.225 1057 1058 DMSC OPRV- 1059 EXCTAX 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 Total Taxes Other Than Income 101,034,471 96,321,414 713,057 217,460 930,517 1065 1066 1067 41140 Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Fed 1068 PTD DGU (5,854,860)(5,097,070)(757,790)(757.790) 1069 1070 (5,854,860)(5,097,070)(757 790)(757.790) 1071 1072 41141 Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Idaho 1073 PTD DGU 1074 1075 1076 1077 Total Deferred ITC (5,854,860)(5,097,070)(757,7901 (757,790) 1078 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 18 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1079 1080 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt 1081 764 521 764 521 1082 SNP 245 313 780 231 299,084 014 696 014 696 1083 245 313 780 231,299,084 14,014 696 764 521 779 216 1084 1085 428 Amortization of Debt Disc & Exp 1086 SNP 627 114 134 250 492,864 492,864 1087 627 114 134 250 492 864 492.864 1088 1089 429 Amortization of Premium on Debt 1090 SNP (86 967)(81 999)(4,968)968) 1091 (86.967)(81 999)968)968) 1092 1093 431 Other Interest Expense 1094 NUTIL OTH 1095 1096 SNP 26,043,696 24.555,828 487,868 1,487 868 1097 043.696 555.828 1,487 868 1,487 868 1098 1099 432 AFUDC - Borrowed 1100 SNP (22 680 359)(21 384,637)295 721)295,721) 1101 (22.680 359)(21 384 637)(1,295 721)295,721) 1102 1103 Total Elec. Interest Deductions for Tax 257 217,264 242,522,526 14.694.738 764,521 16,459 258 1104 1105 Non-Utility Portion of Interest 1106 427 NUTIL NUTIL 1107 428 NUTIL NUTIL 1108 429 NUTIL NUTIL 1109 431 NUTIL NUTIL 1110 1111 Total Non-utility Interest 1112 1113 Total Interest Deductions for Tax 257 217,264 242,522,526 694 738 764,521 16,459,258 1114 1115 1116 419 Interest & Dividends 1117 1118 SNP (23.612,825)(22,263 832)348 993)(1.348,993) 1119 Total Operating Deductions for Tax (23.612 825)(22 263,832)348,993)(1,348,993) 1120 1121 1122 41010 Deferred Income Tax - Federal- 1123 294 175,203 280,847.321 13,327,882 042 13.333 924 1124 TROJD 25,516 23,894 622 622 1125 DGP 265 265 1126 LABOR 79,340 317 74,680,271 660,046 660,046 1127 SNP 246 53,033 213 213 1128 47,972.412 815 031 157 381 65.619 223.000 1129 923.383 612,892 310,491 (136 257)174,234 1130 GPS 10.266 635 663 625 603,010 603,010 1131 DITEXP DITEXP 878,411 878,411 1132 GUST BADDEBT 10,492.884 147.846 345.038 345.038 1133 GUST 848 19.047 801 801 1134 SGCT 1135 DPW SNPD 320.154 305,695 14,459 14,459 1136 447 596,863 425 172,920 22,423,942 813,815 23,237.758 1137 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 19 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1138 1139 1140 41110 Deferred Income Tax - Federal- 1141 (262,338 420)(251,160,459)(11 177 961)(10.308)(11 188 269) 1142 (32 668,592)(30,518.456)(2,150 136)(142.875)(2.293 011) 1143 DGP (362,775)(362,775) 1144 5NP (3,469,355)(3,271 152)(198.203)(198 203) 1145 (30,799 515)(28,857,159)942.356)98,151 844.204) 1146 GP5 555 281)(1,463,932)(91.349)(91 349) 1147 LABOR (84,366,245)(79,411.002)(4,955,243)955 243) 1148 5NPD (2,191 311)092,344)(98,967)(98 967) 1149 CU5T (3,564)(3,420)(144)(144) 1150 CU5T BADDEBT 093,241)(1,057,292)(35 949)(35 949) 1151 DITEXP DITEXP 1152 TROJD (947 126)(886,930)(60,196)(60 196) 1153 5SGCH (623,386)(587.022)(36,364)(36 364) 1154 1155 1156 (420,418 811)(399.671 944)(20,746,868)(55.032)(20 801 899) 1157 1158 Total Deferred Income Taxes 178,051 25,500,976 677,075 758,784 435,858 1159 5CHMAF Additions - Flow Through 1160 5CHMAF 1161 5CHMAF 5NP 1162 5CHMAF 1163 5CHMAF 1164 5CHMAF TROJP 1165 5CHMAF 1166 1167 1168 5CHMAP Additions - Permanent 1169 645,089 645 089 1170 332 156 244 478 87,678 (52,456)35,222 1171 LABOR 5NP 652 931 3,444.241 208,691 208 691 1172 5CHMAP-178 251 756,637 421,614 421,614 1173 DPW BADDEBT 229.804 090.715 139 089 139.089 1174 18,038,231 17, 181 ,160 857 071 (52 456)804.616 1175 1176 5CHMAT Additions - Temporary 1177 SCHMAT-SITUS 5 508,157 37,494 227 013,930 162 1.041 092 1178 55GCH 642,607 546 788 819 95.819 1179 DPW CIAC 80,878 139 77,225,423 652 716 652.716 1180 5CHMAT-SNP SNP 505,411 019,961 2.485.450 2,485.450 1181 TROJD 562 598 399 729 162 870 162,870 1182 1183 5CHMAT-23,688,072 129 003 559,069 376,498 935,566 1184 15,445,832 14,471 748 974,083 (86 849)887.235 1185 5CHMAT-GP5 GPS (15 789 551)(14 862,153)(927,398)(927.398) 1186 SCHMAT-(2.839 172)(2,672.414)(166 758)(166.758) 1187 5CHMAT-5NP SNPD 21,122 090 20,168,149 953,941 953.941 1188 CU5T 161 993 168 168 1189 DPW BADDEBT 1190 BOOKDEPR 5CHMDEXP 413 279,041 389,081 491 24,197.550 545 145 25.742,695 1191 622,007 385 588,005,946 001,439 861,956 35,863,395 1192 1193 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADDITIONS 640 045 616 605,187 106 858 510 809,500 668 010 1194 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 20 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-07-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1195 SCHMDF Deductions - Flow Through 1196 SCHMDF 1197 SCHMDF DGP 423 6.423 1198 SCHMDF DGU 1199 6.423 6.423 1200 SCHMDP Deductions - Permanent 1201 SCHMDP 1202 785.742 19.417,695 368 047 (582 148)785,899 1203 PTD SNP 428,811 404 313 496 24.498 1204 SCHMDP IBT 1205 375,720 973.636 402,082 533 463.615 1206 SCHMDP-30.674,719 26,873 042 801 677 (468 293)333,383 1207 56.264 992 54,668.689 596 303 (988 908)607 395 1208 1209 SCHMDT Deductions - Temporary 1210 612,678 511 298 101.380 101 380 1211 DPW BADDEBT 24.768 251 23,953 795 814.455 814.455 1212 SCHMDT-SNP SNP 264 746 35.135,823 128 923 128 923 1213 GUST DGP (70 183)(70 183) 1214 27,667 139 25,846,182 820 957 172,909 993,866 1215 SCHMDT-362.309 771,880 590.429 (187 255)403 174 1216 SCHMDT-GPS GPS 738,154 935,765 802,389 802,389 1217 SCHMDT-29.571 621 834 735 736 886 736 886 1218 TAXDEPR TAXDEPR 476.219,081 448 336 382 27.882 699 742 503 32,625,202 1219 DPW SNPD 39.775 979 796 796 1220 676 173,570 637,293 655 879,915 728 157 43,608.072 1221 1222 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M DEDUCTIONS 734,444 985 691 968 767 42.476,218 739 249 215.467 1223 1224 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADJUSTMENTS (94,399,368)(86,781,661)(7,617,707)(1,929,749)(9,547,456) 1225 1226 1227 1228 40911 State Income Taxes 1229 IBT IBT 190.112 16.801,131 388,981 48,878 437 859 1230 IBT IBT 1231 IBT IBT (23.865)(23 865) 1232 IBT IBT 1233 Total State Tax Expense 17,190,112 16,801,131 388,981 25,013 413 994 1234 1235 1236 Calculation of Taxable Income: 1237 Operating Revenues 745,309,919 553 591.489 191 718.430 116 609,593 308,328 023 1238 Operating Deductions: 1239 0 & M Expenses 2.458,466 997 326,984,605 131.482,392 109.035,809 240 518,200 1240 Depreciation Expense 391.176,792 368,273,332 22.903.460 589.645 24.493.105 1241 Amortization Expense 62,931 521 59.727 356 204.165 140,673 344.838 1242 Taxes Other Than Income 101,034,471 96,321.414 713.057 217.460 930,517 1243 Interest & Dividends (AFUDC-Equity)(23,612.825)(22,263,832)(1,348.993)348 993) 1244 Misc Revenue & Expense (15,439.233)(14,415.629)(1,023,605)855 123 (168.481) 1245 Total Operating Deductions 974 557,723 814,627,246 159.930.476 111 838 710 271 769,187 1246 Other Deductions: 1247 Interest Deductions 257 217,264 242,522,526 14.694 738 764 521 16.459.258 1248 Interest on PCRBS 1249 Schedule M Adjustments (94,399,368)(86,781,661)617 707)(1,929,749)547.456) 1250 1251 Income Before State Taxes 419,135 565 409 660,056 475,509 076,613 10,552,122 1252 1253 State Income Taxes 17,190 112 16,601,131 388,981 25,013 413,994 1254 1255 Total Taxable Income 401.945,452 392,658,925 086,527 051,600 138 128 1256 1257 Tax Rate 35.35,35.35.35. 1258 1259 Federal Income Tax - Calculated 140 680 908 137.500,624 180,285 368,060 548,345 1260 1261 Adjustments to Calculated Tax: 1262 40910 en.... Cled (771 ,852)(771 852) 1263 40910 DMD 1264 FITOTH fiT True...p NUTIL OTH 1265 40910 IRS Sellie LABOR 1266 Federal Income Tax Expense 140,680,908 137,500,624 180,285 (403,792)776,492 1267 1268 Total Operating Expenses 177,364 759 011,596,740 165,768,019 112,218,715 277 986,734 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 21 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1269 310 Land and Land Rights 1270 329.517 182.608 146 910 146 910 1271 34.680.486 32.493 379 187 107 187,107 1272 642 756 827 384 815 373 815.373 1273 1274 SSGCH 238,960 166.687 273 72.273 1275 82,891 720 670,057 221,662 221 662 1276 1277 311 Structures and Improvements 1278 236.722,536 221,793.750 14.928.786 14.928.786 1279 328.619 328 307 895.118 20,724,210 20.724,210 1280 162,902,709 152 629,333 10.273,376 273.376 1281 SSGCH 46,396,937 43,690 446 706,491 706,491 1282 774 641.511 726,008.647 48.632.863 632.863 1283 1284 312 Boiler Plant Equipment 1285 745,671.241 698.645 864 47,025,377 47.025,377 1286 700,973.177 656,766.661 44.206.516 44,206,516 1287 989,822.653 927.399.992 62,422.661 422 661 1288 SSGCH 224 506,333 211,410,117 13,096,216 13,096.216 1289 660,973,404 2,494.222.634 166,750,770 166.750 770 1290 1291 314 Turbogenerator Units 1292 152.275.185 142,672,028 603 157 603.157 1293 154,459.967 144 719,028 740.939 740 939 1294 365.986,325 342,905,584 080 741 755,143 30.835.864 1295 SSGCH 52.299 098 248.314 050.784 050.784 1296 725.020,575 679 544.954 45,475.621 755,143 53,230,764 1297 1296 315 Accessory Electric Equipment 1299 86.535,143 82.951 719 583 424 583,424 1300 139.836,986 131 016,238 818,748 818.748 1301 55,820,744 52.300,437 520,307 520,307 1302 SSGCH 46.772.142 44,043,765 728.376 728.378 1303 330,965,015 310.314.159 650.856 20,650,856 1304 1305 1306 1307 316 Misc Power Plant Equipment 1308 5,450,462 106.732 343,731 343.731 1309 190.450 736.988 453,462 453.462 1310 714.164 10.038,460 675,683 675.683 1311 SSGCH 139,216 956 094 183 121 183,121 1312 26,494 291 24,838.294 655 997 1.655.997 1313 1314 317 Steam Plant ARO 1315 1316 1317 1318 Unclassified Steam Plant - Account 300 1319 530,469 307,822 222,647 222.647 1320 530,469 307 822 222 647 222.647 1321 1322 1323 Total Steam Production Plant 604,516,986 315,906,569 288,610,417 755,143 296,365,560 1324 1325 1326 Summary of Steam Production Plant by Factor 1327 1326 DGP 1329 DGU 1330 230.164.300 963,391.146 266 773.155 755.143 274.528.297 1331 SSGCH 374 352,665 352.515,423 21,837,262 837 262 1332 Total Steam Production Plant by Factor 604 516 986 315 906,569 286,610,417 755,143 296.365,560 1333 320 Land and Land Rights 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 321 Structures and Improvements 1339 1340 1341 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 22 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1342 1343 322 Reactor Plant Equipment 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 323 Turbogenerator Units 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 324 Land and land Rights 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 325 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 Unclassified Nuclear Plant. Acct 300 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 Total Nuclear Production Plant 1370 1371 1372 1373 Summary of Nuclear Production Plant by Factor 1374 DGP 1375 DGU 1376 1377 1378 Total Nuclear Plant by Factor 1379 1380 330 land and land Rights 1381 10.610.163 941.039 669.125 669 125 1382 311.339 976.382 334,957 334 957 1383 081.722 887 375 194 347 (7)194 340 1384 635,700 595 610 090 40.090 1385 638,924 18.400.405 238 519 (7)238 511 1386 1387 331 Structures and Improvements 1388 822 424 20.446,204 376 220 376 220 1389 6.462,731 055.162 407 569 407 569 1390 264,144 283.455 980,689 (25 510)955 179 1391 608.150 254 475 353 675 353.675 1392 81.157.449 039.296 118,153 25.510)092,643 1393 1394 332 Reservoirs. Dams & Waterways 1395 158,239 016 148.259 753 979.263 979 263 1396 880.011 20,500.159 379.852 379 852 1397 544 643 221.910 322 733 (298)322.435 1398 34.492,017 316.795 175.221 243.881)931 340 1399 283 155.686 265,298 618 857.069 244 179)612,890 1400 1401 333 Water Wheel, Turbines. & Generators 1402 31.617,069 623 155 993,914 993,914 1403 10.006.605 375 543 631.061 631 061 1404 36.263.262 33.976 338 286.924 (41.646)245 278 1405 163.892 585 976 577.916 577.916 1406 87.050.827 81,561.011 5.489.816 (41 646)5,448 170 1407 1408 334 Accessory Electric Equipment 1409 920.654 547 271 373.383 373,383 1410 347,224 073.069 274 155 274 155 1411 27.077.128 25,369 522 707 605 (12.849)694.757 1412 661.297 3.430 399 230 898 230 898 1413 41.006,303 38.420,261 586.042 (12,849)573.193 1414 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 23 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1415 1416 1417 335 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1418 548,634 1.450,970 97.664 97,664 1419 218,684 204.893 13,791 13,791 1420 053,298 986,873 66.426 (735)65,691 1421 474 59.471 003 003 1422 884 090 702,206 181.884 735)181 149 1423 1424 336 Roads, Railroads & 6ridges 1425 577,915 289.211 288,704 288.704 1426 843,537 790,340 53,197 53.197 1427 7.472,246 001 013 471 233 535)469,698 1428 550,271 515 568 703 703 1429 13.443.969 12,596,132 847,837 (1.535)846,302 1430 1431 337 Hydro Plant ARO 1432 1433 1434 1435 Unclassified Hydro Plant - Acct 300 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 Total Hydraulic Production Plant 528,337 249 495,017,929 33,319.319 (326 460)32,992.859 1443 1444 Summary of Hydraulic Plant by Factor 1445 1446 528,337 249 495,017.929 33.319,319 (326,460)32.992.859 1447 DGP 1448 DGU 1449 Total Hydraulic Plant by Factor 528 337 249 495 017,929 33,319 319 (326,460 32.992.859 1450 1451 340 Land and Land Rights 1452 522,127 20,164 845 357,282 357.282 1453 1454 SSGCT 1455 21,522.127 164 845 357,282 357 282 1456 1457 341 Structures and Improvements 1458 42,716.059 022,192 693,866 693,866 1459 172.431 161,557 10,874 10,874 1460 SSGCT 233,108 908.033 325,075 325,075 1461 121,598 091 782 029 816 029 816 1462 1463 342 Fuel Holders, Producers & Accessories 1464 15,182.356 224 889 957.468 957.468 1465 121 339 113,687 652 652 1466 SSGCT 270 194 095 857 174 336 174 336 1467 573,889 16,434 433 139.456 139,456 1468 1469 343 Prime Movers 1470 1471 790 414 740 567 49,847 847 1472 352,435,391 330 209,232 22,226,158 226,158 1473 SSGCT 100.452 47,176,269 924 183 924 183 1474 404.326,256 378 126.068 200.188 26.200.188 1475 1476 344 Generators 1477 1478 24,394 22.856 538 538 1479 510 625 82,928,748 581.877 28.475 676 057 553 1480 SSGCT 15,873 643 14,654,651 218 993 218,993 1481 104.408,663 606,255 802.409 28,475 676 35,278 084 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 24 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1482 1483 345 Accessory Electric Plant 1484 28,928,280 103.933 824 347 824 347 1485 157 127 147 218 909 909 1486 SSGCT 005 055 620,700 384,356 384 356 1487 090.462 871 850 218 612 218,612 1488 1489 1490 1491 346 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1492 668.992 3.437,609 231 383 231.383 1493 813 068 745 745 1494 680 805 448 677 232 128 232.128 1495 1496 347 Other Production ARO 1497 1498 1499 1500 Unclassified Other Prod Plant-Ace! 300 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 Total Other Production Plant 632 723.800 591,743.909 40,979,891 28,475,676 69,455.566 1506 1507 Summary of Other Production Plant by Factor 1508 1509 DGU 1510 554.241 348 519 288.400 34,952,948 28,475,676 63.428.624 1511 SSGCT 482.452 72,455,509 026.943 026,943 1512 Total of Other Production Plant by Factor 632,723.800 591 743 909 979.891 28,475,676 69.455.566 1513 1514 Experimental Plant 1515 103 Experimental Plant 1516 1517 Total Experimental Production Plant 1518 1519 Total Production Plant 765,578,034 402,668,407 362.909,627 35,904 358 398,813.985 1520 350 Land and Land Rights 1521 22,891 863 21,448 199 1,443.664 1.443 664 1522 48.957,004 869 555 087.448 087.448 1523 18,586 819 17,414 651 172 168 069)171 100 1524 435,685 84,732,405 703,280 069)702 212 1525 1526 352 Structures and Improvements 1527 1528 682 526 198 031 484,495 484,495 1529 18,268.880 116.762 152.118 152,118 1530 307 024 25,584 921 722,104 722.104 1531 53,258 430 899 714 358,716 358.716 1532 1533 353 Station Equipment 1534 135.538 265 126.990 613 547 652 547 652 1535 198.842 629 186,302 720 12,539,909 539 909 1536 597 305 678 559 636 900 37.668 778 (55 301)613,477 1537 931 686 572 872,930 234 58.756 339 (55 301)701 037 1538 1539 354 Towers and Fix1ures 1540 156,406 453 146,542 760 863 693 863,693 1541 127 021 570 119 011,020 010,551 010.551 1542 301.738 86.480 776 820,962 (521)820.441 1543 375,729 761 352,034 555 695 206 (521 694.684 1544 1545 355 Poles and Fix1ures 1546 318 178 946.662 371,516 371,516 1547 119,372,807 111.844,622 528.185 528.185 1548 315,931.877 296,007.794 19.924,083 558 518 26,482 601 1549 504 622,862 472,799,078 823 783 558,518 382,302 1550 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 25 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2.25 Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1551 356 Clearing and Grading 1552 208 026 202 194 907 135 13,119,066 13.119.066 1553 158 802,308 148,787,522 10.014 787 014.787 1554 283.157,381 265 300,205 17.857 176 (3,306)853 870 1555 649 985 891 608 994,862 40,991,029 (3,306)40.987 723 1556 1557 357 Underground Conduit 1558 371 969 402 402 1559 162 746 152.483 10,264 10,264 1560 654 227 486,839 167,387 167 387 1561 823,344 645 292 178 053 178 053 1562 1563 358 Underground Conductors 1564 1565 018,663 954.421 241 64.241 1566 590 794 301 278 289.516 289.516 1567 609.457 255,700 353.758 353.758 1568 1569 359 Roads and Trails 1570 905 513 785 343 120 170 120.170 1571 501.203 469 595 608 31.608 1572 028.885 459.483 569,402 569.402 1573 435,602 10,714,422 721 180 721 180 1574 1575 Unclassified Trans Plant - Acct 300 1576 918.405 608 228 310,177 310 177 1577 918,405 608 228 310 177 310,177 1578 1579 TSO Unclassified Trans Sub Plant - Acct 300 1580 1581 1582 1583 Total Transmission Plant 630,506,009 464 614,489 165,891 520 498,322 172,389,842 1584 Summary of Transmission Plant by Factor 1585 DGP 1586 DGU 1587 630 506 009 2.464,614.489 165,891 520 6.498 322 172,389 842 1588 Total Transmission Plant by Factor 630 506,009 464 614.489 165 891 520 6.498,322 172.389 842 1589 360 land and land Rights 1590 DPW 648,572 39.442,208 206 363 206,363 1591 648,572 442,208 206,363 206.363 1592 1593 361 Structures and Improvements 1594 DPW 962.426 187 867 774 559 774 559 1595 43,962.426 187,867 774 559 774 559 1596 1597 362 Station Equipment 1598 DPW 638 753 714 619,309 573 444,141 444 141 1599 638 753 714 619 309.573 19,444 141 19,444,141 1600 1601 363 Storage 6attery Equipment 1602 DPW 371,688 371,688 1603 371,688 371 688 1604 1605 364 Poles. Towers & Fix1ures 1606 DPW 787 587 752 736 361 036 51.226 716 614 249 55.840.965 1607 787 587 752 736 361 036 51.226 716 614.249 55,840.965 1608 1609 365 Overhead Conductors 1610 DPW 581.675,258 549 987,797 687,460 31.687,460 1611 581 675 258 549 987 797 687.460 687,460 1612 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 26 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1613 366 Underground Conduit 1614 DPW 250.961 848 244.772.061 189 786 189.786 1615 250.961,848 244 772 061 189,786 189.786 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 367 Underground Conductors 1621 DPW 592 668.229 572.224 822 20.443,407 20,443,407 1622 592,668.229 572,224 822 20,443,407 20.443,407 1623 1624 368 Line Transformers 1625 DPW 897 227.265 840.298 783 928,482 56,928,482 1626 897.227.265 840 298,783 928 482 56.928.482 1627 1628 369 Services 1629 DPW 442 862 777 421.180 979 21.681 798 21.681.798 1630 442.862.777 421.180.979 21.681 798 681. 798 1631 1632 370 Meters 1633 DPW 188 162.806 174,381.139 781.667 781 667 1634 188 162.806 174.381 139 781 667 13,781.667 1635 1636 371 Installations on Customers' Premises 1637 DPW 898.145 739.190 158 955 158 955 1638 898 145 739 190 158 955 158.955 1639 1640 372 Leased Property 1641 DPW 658 785 873 873 1642 49,658 785 873 873 1643 1644 373 Street Lights 1645 DPW 240,012 55.687,459 552.554 552.554 1646 240,012 55.687 459 552 554 552.554 1647 1648 Unclassified Dist Plant - Acct 300 1649 DPW 374.728 20.592,759 781 969 781 969 1650 374.728 20.592.759 781 969 781 969 1651 1652 DSO Unclassified Dis! Sub Plant - Acet 300 1653 DPW 1654 1655 1656 1657 Total Distribution Plant 552,444,877 327,582,146 224 862.731 614,249 229.476.980 1658 1659 Summary of Distribution Plant by Factor 1660 552,444.877 327 582,146 224 862,731 614 249 229.476.980 1661 1662 Total Distribution Plant by Factor 552.444 877 327 582 224 862 731 614.249 229 476 980 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 27 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1663 389 land and land Rights 1664 SITUS 298,224 100,585 197 639 197 639 1665 GUST 118,885 073,743 45,142 45.142 1666 DGU 332 311 1667 228 150 1668 PTO 598 055 269 254 328 801 328,801 1669 016,724 14.445,043 571 681 571 681 1670 1671 390 Structures and Improvements 1672 SITUS 101 809,664 92,318,549 9.491 114 9.491 114 1673 DGP 371 115 347,711 404 23.404 1674 DGU 579 602 1.479.985 617 99,617 1675 GUST 836 617 11,359,058 477,558 477.558 1676 667.456 3,436,169 231,286 231 286 1677 PTO 103,437 803 362,394 075 409 075 409 1678 222,702,257 206 303,868 16.398 389 16,398 389 1679 1680 391 Office Furniture & Equipment 1681 SITUS 16,605.637 15.572,126 033,510 033 510 1682 DGP 401 485 376,166 25,319 319 1683 OGU 446,050 417,920 28,130 130 1684 GUST 584,752 359.431 225,322 225 322 1685 151 163 763 243 387,920 387 920 1686 156,684 146,372 10,312 (496)817 1687 PTD 81,841,988 77,035,006 806,981 806 981 1688 SSGCH 313.570 295,278 292 18,292 1689 SSGCT 617 109 508 508 1690 111,507,945 104,971,651 536 294 (496)535 799 1691 1692 392 Transportation Equipment 1693 SITUS 66,822,762 62,088,229 734 533 734 533 1694 PTD 280,805 794.433 486,372 106,536 592 908 1695 14,014 786 13,130.951 883,835 883,835 1696 GUST 19,078 18,309 770 770 1697 DGU 202,151 126,338 813 75.813 1698 752.964 703.406 49,558 49.558 1699 DGP 196,994 184 570 12.423 12.423 1700 SSGCH 355.057 334 345 20,712 712 1701 DGU SSGCT 59,476 54,909 567 567 1702 91,704,072 85.435.489 268,583 106,536 375,119 1703 1704 393 Stores Equipment 1705 SITUS 990 910 375,408 615,502 615.502 1706 DGP 333 770 312,721 21.049 21.049 1707 DGU 864,628 810,100 527 527 1708 PTD 644.349 606,504 37,846 846 1709 393 137 242 215 150,922 150,922 1710 DGU SSGCT 106 993 98.777 216 216 1711 333,787 12.445,725 888,062 888,062 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 28 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC 6US UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1712 1713 394 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1714 SITUS 768,034 28,278,323 1,489 711 1,489,711 1715 DGP 269,684 063,483 206,201 206 201 1716 16,101,265 15,085,847 015,418 69,486 084 904 1717 PTD 4,426 922 166 907 260,015 260 015 1718 933 831 102 102 1719 DGU 701,510 4,405,011 296,498 296,498 1720 SSGCH 178 813 051 716 127 098 127,098 1721 SSGCT 57,700 269 431 431 1722 535 860 134 386 3,401,473 69,486 470 960 1723 1724 395 Laboratory Equipment 1725 SITUS 25,065,523 23,943,603 121 920 121 920 1726 DGP 120 895 113,271 624 624 1727 DGU 857 087 803 035 54,052 54,052 1728 PTD 856,276 512,309 343,968 343,968 1729 438 645 793 793 1730 153,176 828,194 324 982 324 982 1731 SSGCH 180,809 170 262 547 547 1732 SSGCT 107,944 655 289 289 1733 37,384 150 35,509 974 874 176 874.176 1734 1735 396 Power Operated Equipment 1736 SITUS 209,471 065 383 144 089 144 089 1737 DGP 503 118 1,408 325 94,793 94,793 1738 095 951 23,513,287 582 663 582,663 1739 PTD 157 180 030,479 126 702 126,702 1740 DGU 661 168 493,343 167 825 167,825 1741 73,823 964 859 859 1742 SSGCT 1743 SSGCH 726 569 684,186 383 383 1744 118,427 280 110,263 966 163 314 163,314 1745 397 Communication Equipment 1746 COM 108 359 363 102 051 907 307 456 307,456 1747 COM 295 761 898 722 397,039 397,039 1748 COM 579 164 848 930 730 234 730.234 1749 COM 740,866 43,054,281 686 585 686,585 1750 COM 939 236 739 959 199 278 199,278 1751 COM 56,290,892 740,936 549 956 549 956 1752 COM 254 236 019 019 1753 COM SSGCH 876,343 825 223 120 120 1754 COM SSGCT 916 770 145 145 1755 234 172 796 220 244 963 927 833 927 833 1756 1757 398 Misc. Equipment 1758 SITUS 068 394 012 587 807 55,807 1759 DGP 708 078 630 630 1760 DGU 236,476 221 563 913 913 1761 CUST 175 429 168 352 078 078 1762 PTD 060.639 880 873 179 766 179,766 1763 869 614 255 255 1764 990 587 928 116 62,471 62,471 1765 SSGCT 650 447 204 204 1766 579,753 256,629 323.124 323 124 1767 1768 399 Coal Mine 1769 247 653,294 231 353,595 299 699 504,453 804 153 1770 1771 247,653,294 231,353,595 16,299 699 504,453 804 153 1772 1773 399L WIDCO Capital Lease 1774 1775 1776 1777 Remove Capital Leases 1778 1779 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 46 Page 29 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 papa 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDouga FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1780 1011390 General Capital Leases 1781 SITUS 306,030 306.030 1782 12.411,745 11,629 005 782,740 782,740 1783 PTD 14,943 593 14,065,883 877,710 877,710 1784 34,661 369 33.000 918 660.451 660,451 1785 1786 Remove Capital Leases (34,661,369)(33 000,918)660 451)660,451) 1787 1788 1789 1011346 General Gas Line Capital Leases 1790 1791 1792 1793 Remove Capital Leases 1794 1795 1796 Unclassified Gen Plant - Acct 300 1797 SITUS 1798 PTD 190,985 179 768 11,218 11,218 1799 CUST 1800 1801 DGP 1802 DGU 1803 190,985 179 768 218 218 1804 1805 399G Unclassified Gen Plant - Acct 300 1806 SITUS 1807 PTD 1808 1809 DGP 1810 DGU 1811 1812 1813 Total General Plant 158 208,903 083,545,056 74,663,847 679,979 83,343,827 1814 1815 Summary of General Plant by Factor 1816 460,304 013 429,112,732 31,191,282 31,191.282 1817 DGP 1818 DGU 1819 178,934,081 167,649 695 284 387 69.486 11.353,873 1820 276,179,463 259,958,090 16,221,373 106.536 16,327 909 1821 248,791 259 232,416 662 16,374,596 503.958 878,554 1822 673,998 22,718,851 955 147 955.147 1823 DEU 1824 SSGCT 356 296 328,935 27,361 361 1825 SSGCH 631,161 361,010 270.151 270 151 1826 Less Capital Leases (34 661 369)(33 000,918)660,451)(1,660,451) 1827 Total General Plant by Factor 158 208 903 083,545 056 663 847 679 979 343,827 1828 301 Organization 1829 SITUS 393,835 593,572 800 263 800.263 1830 PTD 1831 1832 393,835 593,572 800,263 800,263 1833 302 Franchise & Consent 1834 SITUS 000,000 000,000 000,000 1835 945,256 759.515 185 741 185.741 1836 65,069,672 966,086 103,586 022 672 126 258 1837 703,142 091 218 611 924 611 924 1838 DGP 844,878 665,467 179,411 179,411 1839 DGU 679.586 636 728 858 42,858 1840 82,242 534 76,119,015 123 519 022,672 146,191 1841 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 30 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-07-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1842 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant 1843 SITUS 643.236 251.858 391 378 391,378 1844 57,887,617 236,964 650 653 72,609 723,262 1845 PTD 381,255,297 358,862 305 22,392,992 390,109 783 101 1846 583 553 413,512 170 041 170,041 1847 GUST 105 167 238 100,924,177 243 061 243,061 1848 SSGCH 1849 DGP SSGCT 1850 548.536 942 517,688,817 30,848 125 462,718 310,844 1851 303 Less Non-Utility Plant 1852 SITUS 1853 548,536,942 517 688.817 30,848,125 462,718 310,844 1854 Unclassified Intangible Plant - Acct 300 1855 SITUS 1856 1857 DGU 1858 PTD 1859 1860 1861 Total Intangible Plant 639.173,311 601,401,404 37,771.907 485,391 39,257,298 1862 1863 Summary of Intangible Plant by Factor 1864 11,037,071 845,430 191.641 191,641 1865 DGP 1866 DGU 1867 139 130 152 130 355,979 774,172 095,282 869,454 1868 381 255,297 358.862,305 22,392,992 390 109 22.783 101 1869 105,167.238 100,924 177 243,061 243.061 1870 SSGCT 1871 SSGCH 1872 583.553 413,512 170 041 170.041 1873 Total Intangible Plant by Factor 639 173,311 601,401,404 771,907 1,485,391 257 298 1874 Summary of Unclassified Plant (Account 106) 1875 374 728 20,592,759 781 969 781,969 1876 DSO 1877 190,985 179 768 11,218 11.218 1878 1879 1880 1881 918 405 608,228 310,177 310.177 1882 TSO 1883 1884 1885 530,469 307 822 222 647 222.647 1886 Total Unclassified Plant by Factor 30,014,588 688 577 326,011 326 011 1887 1888 Total Electric Plant In Service 14,745,911.135 13,879,811 503 866,099,632 57,182 299 923,281,931 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 31 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1889 Summary of Electric Plant by Factor 1890 023,785,962 765 540.308 258 245.653 614,249 262.859 902 1891 251,374 811 234 830,174 544.637 503,958 25.048.595 1892 DGU 1893 DGP 1894 261 313 139 740 317.638 520 995,501 43,567,447 564 562 948 1895 657 434 760 618,820,395 614 366 496,645 39.111 010 1896 128,841 237 123,643,028 198.209 198 209 1897 DEU 1898 SSGCH 378 983 847 356,876.433 22.107,414 107,414 1899 SSGCT 78.838,748 72.784.444 054 304 054 304 1900 Less Capital Leases (34,661 369)(33 000,918)(1.660,451)660,451) 1901 745.911,135 879,811 503 866.099 632 182,299 923 281.931 1902 105 Plant Held For Future Use 1903 DPW 245,855 245,855 1904 1905 038.046 972,582 65.464 (65,464) 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 Total Plant Held For Future Use B10 283,901 218,437 65,464 (65,464) 1912 1913 114 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 1914 1915 142 633.069 133.637 987 995 082 995,082 1916 14,560,711 642,447 918,264 918.264 1917 Total Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustment B15 157 193,780 147,280,434 913,346 913;346 1918 1919 115 Accum Provision for Asset Acquisition Adjustments 1920 1921 (67 239,448)(62.999 027)(4.240 422)(4.240,422) 1922 (9.909.689)284 740)(624 950)(624.950) 1923 815 (77.149 138)(72.283,767)865 371)865.371) 1924 1925 120 Nuclear Fuel 1926 1927 Total Nuclear Fuel B15 1928 1929 124 Weatherization 1930 DMSC 452 290 408,094 196 44,196 1931 DMSC 276 259 1932 816 452.565 6.408.354 44.212 44,212 1933 1934 182W Weatherization 1935 DMSC 10,675,315 953.328 721.987 721.987 1936 DMSC 1937 DMSC SGCT 1938 DMSC 059 564 997.331 62,233 62.233 1939 816 734 879 950 658 784 221 784 221 1940 1941 186W Weatherization 1942 DMSC 1943 DMSC 1944 DMSC GNP 1945 DMSC 1946 DMSC 1947 816 1948 1949 Total Weatherization 816 18,187 445 12,359 012 828,433 828,433 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 32 of REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1950 1951 151 Fuel Stock 1952 DEU 1953 66.790,938 62.394 986 395 953 081 040 5.476.993 1954 SSECT 1955 SSECH 640,026 2.478,856 161.170 204 367 365.537 1956 Total Fuel Stock B13 69.430,965 64,873,842 557,123 285,407 842 530 1957 1958 152 Fuel Stock - Undistributed 1959 1960 1961 1962 25316 DG& T Working Capital Deposit 1963 (339.000)(316.688)(22.312)(22.312) 1964 613 (339 000)(316,688)(22.312)(22 312) 1965 1966 25317 DG& T Working Capital Deposit 1967 (1,206.328)(1,126.932)(79.396)(79 396) 1968 613 206 328)(1.126,932)(79 396)(79 396) 1969 1970 25319 Provo Working Capital Deposit 1971 1972 1973 1974 Total Fuel Stock 613 885.637 63.430.222 4.455.414 285.407 740 822 1975 154 Materials and Supplies 1976 MSS 63,329,283 724.785 604.498 604.498 1977 MSS 177 491 040.169 137.322 137 322 1978 MSS 636,544 397.199 239.345 239,345 1979 MSS 76.235 71.758 4.478 4.478 1980 MSS SNPPS 59,073,262 55.368,210 705,052 705,052 1981 MSS SNPPH (21.081)(19,751)(1,329)(1,329) 1982 MSS SNPD (5.512.045)(5,263,103)(248 942)(248.942) 1983 MSS SNPT 1984 MSS 1985 MSS 1986 MSS SSGCT 1987 MSS SNPP 1988 MSS SSGCH 086,129 022.772 63.358 358 1989 Total Materials and Supplies B13 123,845,819 116,342,038 503,782 503.782 1990 1991 163 Stores Expense Undistributed 1992 MSS 1993 1994 613 1995 1996 25318 Provo Working Capital Deposit 1997 MSS SNPPS (273.000)(255.878)(17,122)(17.122) 1998 1999 613 (273.000)(255,878)(17 122)(17,122) 2000 2001 Total Materials & Supplies 613 123 572,819 116.086 160 486 659 486 659 2002 2003 165 Prepayments 2004 DMSC 586,356 2.429.054 157 302 157 302 2005 GPS 038.995 566.825 472 170 472.170 2006 103.341 970.695 132 646 132.646 2007 942,463 748 800 193,663 193,663 2008 PTD 934 112 13,115,693 818.419 818.419 2009 Total Prepayments 615 29,605,268 27,831,068 774,200 774 200 2010 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 33 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2011 182M Mise Regulatory Assets 2012 DDS2 185.217 522,733 (337 517)(27 938)(365,455) 2013 DEF5G 604 276 604 276 2014 55GCH 12,440,211 714 531 725 680 725.680 2015 DEF5G 2016 DEF5G 2017 928,327 867,228 099 (61.099)(0) 2018 DDS02 162,816 859.578 303.237 303,237 2019 B11 69.716 570 68,964 071 752,500 515 239 267,739 2020 2021 186M Mise Deferred Debits 2022 LABOR 334.457 334.457 2023 2024 2025 DEF5G 29,816,416 27.936,059 880,357 880,357 2026 LABOR 287,023 270,164 16.858 858 2027 911,072 390,392 520,680 520.680 2028 5NPP5 2029 EXCTAX 2030 Total Misc. Deferred Debits B11 42,348,968 39,931 073 417,895 417,895 2031 2032 Working Capital 2033 CWC Cash Working Capital 2034 cwe 878 861 929,813 949,048 518 277 3.467.325 2035 cwe 2036 ewe 2037 B14 878,861 929.813 949 048 518 277 3.467 325 2038 2039 OWC Other WorK. Cap. 2040 131 Cash 5NP 397 250 974 647 422,602 (422,602)(0) 2041 135 WorKing Funds 197 629 185.166 12.463 463 2042 141 Noles Racaivabl GP 997.447 938 862 58,585 585 2043 143 Other AJP,002,724 20,710,396 292,328 292 328 2044 232 AlP PTD 2045 232 PTD 705 940)(1,605.742)(100.198)(100 198) 2046 232 198 869)119,964)(78,906)(78.906) 2047 253 Oa'a""d Hedge P 2048 2533 0""""'0 Dt.C,.. P 2049 2533 ""'" Moo Df. co.. P (5,408.401)052.438)(355,963)(355.963) 2050 230 ....., R,tir Obig. P (1,860,504)(1.738,052)(122.452)(122,452) 2051 230 -" R,m. Obig. P 2052 254105 ARORegUob;lity 2053 254105 AROR,gU,b;Iity P (406,339)(379 595)(26.744)(26.744) 2054 2533 ChoU, Redam,don P 55ECH 2055 614 20,014,997 18,913,281 101,716 (422 602)679,114 2056 2057 Total Working Capital B14 893,859 843,094 050,764 095,675 146,439 2058 Miscellaneous Rate Base 2059 18221 Unrec Plant & Reg Study Costs 2060 2061 2062 615 2063 2064 18222 Nuclear Plant - Trojan 2065 (1,575,378)(1,575.378) 2066 TROJP 767.609 528,432 239.177 239.177 2067 TROJD 5.484.223 135,665 348.557 348,557 2068 615 676.454 088.719 587 735 587.735 2069 2070 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 34 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. BeginningfEnding Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2071 2072 1869 Misc Deferred Debits- Trojan 2073 2074 SNPPN 2075 B15 2076 2077 Total Miscellaneous Rate Base B15 676,454 088,719 587,735 587,735 2078 2079 Total Rate Base Additions B15 509,215,562 477,748,524 31,467,038 830,857 34,297 895 2080 235 Customer Service Deposits 2081 GUST 2082 CUST 2083 Total Customer Service Deposits B15 2084 2085 2281 Prop Ins PTD (1,004,415)(945.421)(58,994)(58,994) 2086 2282 Inj & Dam PTD 248,079)(3,057 303)(190,776)(190,776) 2087 2283 Pen & Ben PTD (63 443,389)(59,717,047)(3,726,341)(3,726,341) 2088 2283 Pen & Ben PTD 2089 254 Ins Prov PTD (2,892,363)(2,722 480)(169,883)(169,883) 2090 615 (70 588,245)(66.442 252)145,994)145,994) 2091 2092 22844 Accum Hydro Relicensing Obligation 2093 2094 2095 615 2096 2097 22842 Prv-Trojan TROJD (2,676 847)(2,506,716)(170,131)(170,131) 2098 230 ARO TROJP 347,494)(2,198.469)(149,025)(149 025) 2099 254105 ARO TROJP (890 548)(834,014)(56 534)(56,534) 2100 254 2101 615 (5,914,889)539 199)(375,690)(375,690) 2102 2103 252 Customer Advances for Construction 2104 DPW 266,338 (324 976)591,314 (591,619)(305) 2105 DPW 2106 (258,980)(258,980) 2107 DPW 2108 GUST (8,713 184)361,643)(351 541)351,541 2109 Total Customer Advances for Construction B19 (8,446,845)(8,686,619)239,773 (499,058)(259,285) 2110 2111 25398 S02 Emissions 2112 (2,350,891)350,891) 2113 B19 (2,350 891)350,891) 2114 2115 25399 Other Deferred Credits 2116 (5,493,257)(5.414,274)(78,984)(78,984) 2117 (532,374)(501 105)(31,269)069,256)100,525) 2118 (8,707,768)(8,158,617)(549,151)(549,151) 2119 (1,714 113)601 296)(112,817)(112,817) 2120 B19 (16.44 512)675 291)221)069,256)841.477) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 35 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2121 2122 190 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2123 18,840,389 735 750 104 639 612 121 251 2124 144 156 138 340 816 816 2125 LABOR 140,932 435 369 705 563 705,563 2126 DGP 939 939 2127 GUST BAD DEBT 943 562 616,587 326 974 326,974 2128 TROJD 485 25,738 747 747 2129 890 878 582,437 308,441 (62,619)245,822 2130 649 652 146 178 503.474 892.163 395,637 2131 PTD SNP 49,438 46,614 824 824 2132 DPW SNPD 11,683,432 155,771 527 661 527 661 2133 2134 Total Accum Deferred Income Taxes B19 150,374.863 142 887.723 487 140 846,156 333,297 2135 2136 281 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2137 2138 DGP (467 329)(467 329) 2139 SNPT 2140 B19 (467 329)(467 329) 2141 2142 282 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2143 (983 530)(983 530) 2144 ACCMDIT DITBAL 244 206 738)162,595 266)(81 611 472)(679,434)(82 290 907) 2145 DGP 2146 LABOR 636,666 540 537 96,129 129 2147 PTD SNP (464 975)(438 411)(26 564)(26.564) 2148 976,157)648 643)(327,514)(327,514) 2149 387 275 416,884 970 391 970,391 2150 B19 233,607 459)(1,152.708,429)(80 899,030)(679,434)(81,578,464) 2151 2152 283 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2153 (32,382,955)(32 251 156)(131,798)(131 798) 2154 932 688)(9,306,288)(626,400)32.596 (593.804) 2155 (14 933,734)(13.950 846)(982,888)112,302 (870,585) 2156 LABOR (19,425 930)(18 284 950)140,980)140,980) 2157 GPS (16,528 878)(15.558 056)(970,822)(970 822) 2158 PTD SNP (12 017,507)(11,330 951)(686,556)(686,556) 2159 TROJD 512 210)416 100)(96,111)(96 111) 2160 PTD SNPD 2161 SGCT 2162 SSGCH (3.828,685)(3,605 345)(223,340)(223,340) 2163 B19 (110 562,586)(105 703.691)(4,858 895)144,898 713,997) 2164 2165 Total Accum Deferred Income Tax B19 (1,194.262,511)(1,115,991.726)(78,270,785)311,620 (77,959.165) 2166 255 Accumulated Investment Tax Credit 2167 PTD 067 067)(2,067 067) 2168 PTD ITC84 781,541)781 541) 2169 PTD ITC85 (5,419,804)419 804) 2170 PTD ITC86 (2.342 943)(2.342 943) 2171 PTD !TC88 (325,944)(325,944) 2172 PTD ITC89 (692 950)(692 950) 2173 PTD ITC90 (416,622)(358,372)(58 250)(58,250) 2174 PTD DGU 2175 Total Accumlated ITC B19 (12.979,804)(12 921 554)(58,250)(2,067 067)(2,125 317) 2176 2177 Total Rate Base Deductions (1.308,639,807)(1,225,256,641)(83,383,166)(5,674,653)(89,057,819) 2178 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 36 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2179 2180 2181 108SP Steam Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2182 2183 (814 307 951)(762 954 035)(51 353 916)(51.353.916) 2184 (908.917 121)(851 596,726)(57.320 395)(57,320.395) 2185 (396 213,930)(371 226,901)(24 987 029)(182.811)(25.169.841) 2186 SSGCH (208 389 028)(196 232,989)(12,156,039)(12.156.039) 2187 B17 327,828,030)182,010,651)(145,817 379)(182.811)(146.000.190) 2188 2189 108NP Nuclear Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2190 2191 2192 2193 817 2194 2195 2196 108HP Hydraulic Prod Plant Accum Depr 2197 2198 (151.478 467)(141,925,555)(9,552,912)(9,552,912) 2199 (28 310,690)(26,525 291)785 399)785 399) 2200 (38,673 513)(36 234,587)(2,438,925)(4,917)(2.443.842) 2201 (12 392.382)(11 610,863)(781 519)203 079 (578.441) 2202 817 (230 855 052)(216.296 296)(14,558 756)198 162 (14 360 594) 2203 2204 1080P Other Production Plant. Accum Depr 2205 2206 (2,079,955)948 784)(131 171)(131.171) 2207 2208 (56.480 589)(52,918,669)561 920)(477 337)(4,039,256) 2209 SSGCT (11 757 005)(10 854,143)(902,862)(902,862) 2210 B17 (70 317,548)(65,721 596)595,952)(477 337)(5,073.289) 2211 2212 108EP Experimental Plant - Accum Depr 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 Total Production Plant Accum Depreciation B17 (2,629,000 630)464,028,543)(164,972,088)(461,986)(165,434,073) 2218 2219 Summary of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor 2220 2221 DGP 2222 DGU 2223 (2.408,854 598)(2,256,941,411)(151 913,187)(461,986)(152.375,173) 2224 SSGCH (208,389 028)(196,232,989)(12,156 039)(12 156 039) 2225 SSGCT 757,O05L--(10,854,143)(902,862)(902,862) 2226 Total of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor (2,629.000.630) (2.464 028,543)(164 972 088)(461 986)(165,434,073'- 2227 2228 2229 108TP Transmission Plant Accumulated Depr 2230 (334,252 863)(22.498,332)(22.498,332) 2231 (334 924 965)(22 543,571)(22 543 571) 2232 (266 762,528)(17,955 604)41,322 (17 996 926) 2233 Total Trans Plant Accum Depreciation B17 (935,940,356 (62 997,507)322)(63,038,829) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 37 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2234 108360 Land and Land Rights 2235 DPW 002.571)(4,802 259)(200,311)(200.311) 2236 617 (5.002,571)802.259)(200 311)(200,311) 2237 2238 108361 Structures and Improvements 2239 DPW (14,553 770)(14 032,854)(520 916)(520.916) 2240 617 (14 553 770)(14 032,854)(520,916)(520.916) 2241 2242 108362 Station Equipment 2243 DPW (160,920 994)(153,596,282)(7.324 712)(7.324.712) 2244 617 (160,920,994)(153,596,28:1)324 712)(7,324 712) 2245 2246 108363 Storage 6attery Equipment 2247 DPW (33.717)(33.717) 2248 617 (33,717)(33,717) 2249 2250 108364 Poles. Towers & Fixtures 2251 DPW (402 808,979)(380,590 240)(22,218,739)(62.283)(22.281 022) 2252 617 (402 608,979)(380,590,240)(22.218,739)(62,283)(22.281.022) 2253 2254 106365 Overhead Conductors 2255 DPW (229,955,968)(218 907,786)(11 046,162)(11.046.182) 2256 617 (229 955,968)(218 907 766)(11 048 182)(11,048,182) 2257 2258 108366 Underground Conduit 2259 DPW (103.782,652)(100,681,324)101.329)101 329) 2260 617 (103 782.652)(100,681,324)101,329)(3,101.329) 2261 2262 106367 Underground Conductors 2263 DPW (215,289 506)(205,120,332)(10,169 174)(10.169.174) 2264 617 (215,289.506)(205,120,332)(10,169 174)(10 169,174) 2265 2266 108368 Line Transformers 2267 DPW (335,780,073)(309 547,408)(26.232 665)(26 232.665) 2268 617 (335 780,073)(309 547,408)(26,232 665)(26 232.665) 2269 2270 108369 Services 2271 DPW (135.503,433)(125,431 141)(10,072,291)(10 072.291) 2272 617 (135,503,433)(125,431 141)(10 072 291)(10 072 291) 2273 2274 108370 Meters 2275 DPW (87 177,195)(81 687 590)(5,489,605)489 605) 2276 617 (87 177,195)(81.687 590)(5,489.605)(5,489.605) 2277 2278 2279 2280 108371 Installations on Customers' Premises 2281 DPW (5,848,265)712 338)(135,927)(135 927) 2282 617 (5,848 265)(5,712 338)(135,927)(135,927) 2283 2284 108372 Leased Propeny 2285 DPW (42,329)(37 535)794)(4,794) 2286 617 (42,329)(37 535)794)794) 2287 2288 108373 Street Lights 2289 DPW (19,690,579)(19 431,814)(258 765)(258 765) 2290 617 (19,690,579)(19,431 814)(258,765)(258 765) 2291 2292 108DOO Unclassified Dist Plant - Acc! 300 2293 DPW 2294 617 2295 2296 108DS Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 2297 DPW 2298 617 2299 2300 108DP Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 2301 DPW 2302 617 2303 2304 2305 Total Distribution Plant Accum Depreciation B17 (1,716,390.030)(1.619,612.621)(96,777,410)(62,283)(96,839 693) 2306 2307 Summary of Distribution Plant Depr by Factor 2308 716 390,030)(1,619,612,621)(96 777,410)(62.283)(96 839,693) 2309 2310 Total Distribution Depreciation by Factor 617 716.619.(96 777 410)(62 283)(96,839 693) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 38 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BllS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2311 108GP General Plant Accumulated Depr 2312 SITUS (145,055 671)(133.660,396)(11,395,274)(11 395 274) 2313 DGP 742,509)(8.191,167)(551,342)(551,342) 2314 DGU (17 221,109)(16 135,068)(1.086 040)086 040) 2315 (38 377 157)(35,956,921)(2,420 236)249)(2.421.485) 2316 CUST 584.890)(5,359.563)(225.327)(225.327) 2317 PTD (93,286,976)(87,807.774)(5,479,201)(3,788)(5.482 989) 2318 (517 715)(483 640)(34 074)(34.074) 2319 SSGCT (43,455)(40 118)(3,337)(3,337) 2320 SSGCH 881 702)(2,713.603)(168.099)(168 099) 2321 B17 (311,711 182)(290 348.250)(21.362,932)(5,037)(21 367 969) 2322 2323 2324 108MP Mining Plant Accumulated Depr. 2325 2326 (145.270 106)(135,708 921)(9,561,185)51,985 509.200) 2327 B17 (145.270,106)(135,708.921)(9,561 185)985 509 200) 2328 108MP Less Centralia Situs Depreciation 2329 2330 B17 (145,270 106)(135.708.921)(9,561,185)985 (9,509 200) 2331 2332 1081390 Accum Depr - Capital Lease 2333 PTD B17 2334 2335 2336 Remove Capital Leases 2337 B17 2338 2339 1081399 Accum Depr - Capital Lease 2340 2341 B17 2342 2343 2344 Remove Capilal Leases 2345 B17 2346 2347 2348 Total General Plant Accum Depreciation B17 (456,981 288)(426,057,171)(30,924,117)46.948 (30,877 169) 2349 2350 2351 2352 Summary of General Depreciation by Factor 2353 (145,055,671)(133 660,396)(11.395 274)(11,395,274) 2354 DGP 2355 DGU 2356 (145.787 821)(136 192,561)(9.595 260)985 543 275) 2357 (93,286,976)(87,807 774)(5,479 201)788)(5.482.989) 2358 (5.584 890)(5,359,563)(225,327)(225.327) 2359 (64,340 774)(60,283 156)057,618)(1,249)(4,058 867) 2360 DEU 2361 SSGCT (43.455)(40.118)(3,337)337) 2362 SSGCH (2,881,702)(2,713,603)(168 099)(168,099) 2363 Remove Capital Leases 2364 Total General Depreciation by Factor (456 981 288)(426 057 171)(30 924 117)46,948 (30 877,169) 2365 2366 2367 Total Accum Depreciation - Plant In Service B17 (5,801,309,811)(5,445,638,690)(355,671,121)(518,643)(356,189,764) 2368 111SP Accum Prav for Amort-Steam 2369 SSGCH 2370 SSGCT (193.573)(16 102 2371 B18 (209,674)(193,573)(16 102 102) 2372 2373 2374 111GP Accum Pray for Amort-General 2375 SITUS (15,908,720)(15 908 720) 2376 CUST 755,807)684.967)(70,840)(70 840) 2377 (288.652)(270,448)(18.204)(18 204) 2378 PTD (5,860,848)(5,516 611)(344 236)(344 236) 2379 2380 B18 (23,814,027)(23,380,747)(433 280)(433.280) 2381 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 48 Page 39 of 39 REVISED PROTOCOL CASE NO. PAC-O7-05 Page 2. Beginning/Ending Witness: Steven R. McDougal FERC BUS UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2382 2383 111HP Accum Prov for Amort-Hydro 2384 (344.258)(322,548)(21 710)(21,710) 2385 2386 (937)(878)(59)(59) 2387 (255,706)(239 580)(16 126)(16,126) 2388 818 (600 901)(563,006)(37 896)(37 896) 2389 2390 2391 1111P Accum Prov for Amort-Intangible Plant 2392 SITUS (9,179,394)714 504)(1.464 890)464.890) 2393 DGP (2.802,651)(2,625,904)(176,748)(176,748) 2394 DGU (311 935)(292 263)(19 672)(19.672) 2395 (674,811)(630 397)(44.414)(44,414) 2396 (30,055,084)(28.159,676)(1.895,409)631)(1.898 040) 2397 (9,881 800)(9,258,610)(623 191)(21 551)(644 741) 2398 (2,445,587)(2,291,357)(154 230)(154 230) 2399 CUST (72,612.464)(69,682,853)(2.929,611)(2.929 611) 2400 SSGCT 2401 SSGCH (11,314)(10 654)(660)(660) 2402 PTD (219,509,204)(206,616 353)(12 892 851)(14,136)(12 906 988) 2403 818 (347,484.244)(327 282 569)(20.201.675)(38 318)(20.239.993) 2404 1111P Less Non-Utility Plant 2405 NUTIL OTH 2406 (347,484 244)(327 282,569)(20 201 675)(38,318)(20.239,993) 2407 2408 111390 Accum Amtr - Capnal Lease 2409 SITUS 2410 2411 PTD 2412 2413 2414 Remove Capit.1 L.... Amtr 2415 2416 Total Accum Provision for Amortization B18 (372 108,846)(351,419,894)(20,688 952)(38,318)(20,727,270) 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 Summary of Amortization by Factor 2422 (25,088,114)(23,623,224)(1.464,890)(1,464 890) 2423 DGP 2424 DGU 2425 (674,811)(630,397)(44.414)(44.414) 2426 (225,370,052)(212,132,964)(13.237,088)(14 136)(13 251 224) 2427 (74 368,270)(71,367 820)(3,000.451)000.451) 2428 SSGCT (209,674)(193 573)(16 102)(16 102) 2429 SSGCH (11 314)(10,654)(660)(660) 2430 (46,386,611)(43.461,263)(2,925,348)(24 182)(2,949,530) 2431 Less Capital Lease 2432 Total Provision For Amortization by Factor (372,108.846)419 894)(20,688,952)(38 318)(20 727 70) '"\I'.r b i\/i. :(' 20Ul OCT 2& A~\ 10: 48 Case No. PAC-07- Exhibit No. 49 Witness: Steven R. McDougalIDAHO PUBLIC . UTiLITIES COMMISSIOi BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Rebuttal Adjustments October 2007 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 1 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case Docket No. PAC-O7..oS RE: REBUTTAL TESTIMONY REVENUE REQUIREMENT ADJUSTMENTS Filed Adj Ref# Adjustments Rebuttal Adj Ref# None Impute Additional Renewable Energy Tax Credit (Green Tag) Revenues None Abandoned Projects None Non-Recurring Expenses None Net Lease Expense None Fiscal Year Conversion None Change-in-Control Severance None Blundell Tax Credits Cottonwood Coal Lease Bridger Dragline 2 and 4.Wage and Benefit Adjustments - Page 1 - 4 20 and 4. Incremental O&M Net Power Costs Major Plant Additions 1 and 6.Depreciation Expense None Oregon Tax Credit Renewable Energy Tax Credit Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 2 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal R()cky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Impute Additional Renewable Energy Credit (Green Tag) Revenue PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Miscellaneous Other Revenue 456 271,991 306%143,282 Adjustment Detail: Jan - Oct 2007 REC Sales November 2007 December 2007 Annual Revenues Minus Calendar 2006 Sales Adjustment to REC Sales Revenue 941 675 171 000 171 000 283,675 (1,011 684) 271 991 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment imputes additional revenue associated with the sale of green tags to calendar year 2007 levels. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 3 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Abandoned Projects PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Type COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Office Supplies & Expenses 921 (273.427)873%(16,060) Mise Dist Exps.588 578)SNPD 516%(71) Mtce Of Misc. Dist Plant 598 319,556)SNPD 516%(59 595) Other Expenses 557 (3,607)306%(227) (1,598,167)(75,954) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes write-off expenses associated with abandoned projects as proposed in Staff witness Harms' testimony. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 4 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Non-Recurring Expenses PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# 1) Adjustment to Expense: Miscellaneous General Expense 921 (387 243)873%(22 745) Miscellaneous General Expense 923 (347,067)873%(20,385) Miscellaneous General Expense 930 (849,116)873%(49 873) 583,426)(93,002) 2) Add Back into Results Idaho General Rate Case Expenses: Miscellaneous General Expense 921 Miscellaneous General Expense 923 Miscellaneous General Expense 930 197 670 279,817 176 530,663 873% 873% 873% 11,610 16,435 123 168 Description of Adjustment: 1) This adjustment removes expenses that are not considered recurring and/or related to Idaho utility operations as discussed in Staff witness Nobbs' testimony. 2) However, the Company objects to general rate case expenses being removed as part of Staff witness Nobbs' adjustment and therefore this adjustment adds back into results general rate case expenses incurred during the base period.. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 5 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Net Lease Expense PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Net Lease Expense 931 (125,000)873%(7,342) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment reduces net lease expense (lease expense less sublease revenues) for One Utah Center. The Company provides lease reductions in its subleases as community and economic development incentives. These incentives increase net lease expense to the Company as proposed in Staff witness Leckie s testimony. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 6 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Fiscal Year Conversion PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: A&G Expenses Transferred 922 (390 320)873%(22 925) Outside Services 923 (34.371)873%(2,019) (424 691)(24 944) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes the costs included in the case for the Company to change from a fiscal year to a calendar year reporting period (see IPUC Onsite Audit Request 5) as proposed in Staff witness Leckie s testimony. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 7 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Change-in-Control Severance PAGE TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF#ACCOUNT IYm! Adjustment to Expense: Administrative & General 920 (2,784,177)873%(163 528) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes a portion of change-in-control severance pay as proposed in Staff witness Leckie s testimony. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 8 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Blundell Tax Credits PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Tax: Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit Utah State Renewable Energy Credit 40910 40911 (312.412) (54,672)IBT 5817% 2628% (20,562) (1,237) Description of Adjustment: Includes into results a Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit as well as a Utah State Renewable Energy Tax Credit associated with the Blundell power plant that were inadvertently excluded from the original filing. Rocky Mquntain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 9 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Cottonwood Coal Lease PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Rate Base: 2 - Coal Lease 182M 500,000)582%(230,358) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes the Company s estimate of payments to the Utah Trust Lands Administration (Page Ref. 8.2) as proposed in Staff witness Leckie s testimony. The Company incurs these costs only upon the successful bid in an auction to lease Cottonwood coal reserves that has not yet happened. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 10 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Bridger Dragline PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Rate Base: Mining Property 399 932,304)582%(127 178) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes the book value of a dragline no longer used and useful from the Jim Bridger Mine rate base included in the Companys case. This dragline was sold in 2007 as described in Staff witness Leckie s testimony. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 11 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-O7- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power PAGE Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Wage and Benefit Adjusbnent - Page 1 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: SupelVision & Eng. Steam 500 089 306%447 SupelVision & Eng. Steam 500 (4)SSGCH 833%(0) Fuel - Steam 501 582% Hydro Expenses 535 585 SG-306% Hydro Expenses 535 573 SG-306% Other Power Generation 548 200 306% Other Power Generation 548 165 SSGCT 679% System Control & Load Dispatch 556 306% Other Expenses 557 309 306%146 Other Expenses 557 SSGCT 679% Transmission Expense 560 849 306% Distribution Expense 580 Situs Distribution Expense 580 681 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 581 666 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 582 Situs Distribution Expense 582 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 583 653 Situs Distribution Expense 583 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 584 Situs Distribution Expense 585 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 586 136 Situs Distribution Expense 586 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 588 139 Situs Distribution Expense 588 762 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 590 Situs Distribution Expense 590 123 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 592 313 Situs Distribution Expense 592 161 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 593 438 Situs Distribution Expense 593 251 SNPD 516%102 Wage & Benefit Adj - Annualization 1 Total Wage & Benefit Adj - Annualization 2 Total Total Annualization Adjustment 19,532 172 704 141 457 598 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment corrects Adjustment 4.2 in the original filing for the following items: 1) SERP double count 2) Remove mine medical benefits Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 12 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-O7- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power PAGE Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Wage and Benefit Adjustment - Page 2 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT I:iQg COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense Distribution Expense 594 646 Situs Distribution Expense 594 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 595 Situs Distribution Expense 595 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 596 Situs Distribution Expense 596 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 597 132 Situs Distribution Expense 597 100 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 598 Situs Distribution Expense 598 196 SNPD 516% Customer Accounts 901 283 035% Customer Accounts 901 212 Situs Customer Accounts 902 035% Customer Accounts 902 225 Situs Customer Accounts 903 800 035% Customer Accounts 903 274 Situs Customer Accounts 905 035% Customer Accounts 905 Situs Customer Service 907 035% Customer Service 908 150 035% Customer Service 908 188 Situs Customer Service 909 035% Customer Service 910 Situs Administrative & General 920 Situs Administrative & General 920 518 873%207 Administrative & General 921 Situs Administrative & General 921 873% Administrative & General 922 (3)873%(0) Administrative & General 923 Situs Administrative & General 923 873% Administrative & General 929 (77)873%(5) Administrative & General 935 035% Administrative & General 935 Situs Administrative & General 935 186 873% Wage & Benefit Adj - Annualization 2 Total 172 457 Wage & Benefit Adj - Annualization 1 Total 19,532 141 Total Annualization Adjustment 28,704 598 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment corrects Adjustment 4.3 in the original filing for the following items: 1) SERP double count 2) Remove mine medical benefits Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 13 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power PAGE Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Wage and Benefit Adjustment - Page 3 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense Supervision & Eng. Steam 500 396 306% Supervision & Eng. Steam 500 (1)SSGCH 833%(0) Fuel - Steam 501 582% Hydro Expenses 535 115 SG-306% Hydro Expenses 535 113 SG-306% Other Power Generation 548 306% Other Power Generation 548 SSGCT 679% System Control & Load Dispatch 556 306% Other Expenses 557 454 306% Other Expenses 557 SSGCT 679% Transmission Expense 560 167 306% Distribution Expense 580 Situs Distribution Expense 580 331 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 581 131 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 582 Situs Distribution Expense 582 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 583 129 Situs Distribution Expense 583 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 584 Situs Distribution Expense 585 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 586 Situs Distribution Expense 586 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 588 Situs Distribution Expense 588 150 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 590 Situs Distribution Expense 590 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 592 Situs Distribution Expense 592 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 593 Situs Distribution Expense 593 443 SNPD 516% Wage & Benefit Adjustment - Proforma 1 Total Wage & Benefit Adjustment - Proforma 2 Total Total Proforma Adjustment 845 806 651 225 315 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment corrects Adjustment 4.4 in the original filing for the following items: 1) SERP double count 2) Remove mine medical benefits Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 14 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power PAGE Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Wage and Benefit Adjustment - Page 4 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Distribution Expense 594 127 Situs Distribution Expense 594 SNPO 516% Distribution Expense 595 Situs Distribution Expense 595 SNPD 516% Distribution Expense 596 Situs Distribution Expense 596 SNPO 516% Distribution Expense 597 Situs Distribution Expense 597 SNPO 516% Distribution Expense 598 Situs Distribution Expense 598 SNPO 516% Customer Accounts 901 035% Customer Accounts 901 Situs Customer Accounts 902 035% Customer Accounts 902 241 Situs Customer Accounts 903 354 035% Customer Accounts 903 Situs Customer Accounts 905 035% Customer Accounts 905 Situs Customer Service 907 035% Customer Service 908 035% Customer Service 908 Situs Customer Service 909 035% Customer Service 910 Situs Administrative & General 920 Situs Administrative & General 920 693 873% Administrative & General 921 Situs Administrative & General 921 873% Administrative & General 922 (1)873%(0) Administrative & General 923 Situs Administrative & General 923 873% Administrative & General 929 (15)873%(1) Administrative & General 935 035% Administrative & General 935 Situs Administrative & General 935 873% Wage & Benefit Adjustment - Proforma 2 Total 806 Wage & Benefit Adjustment - Proforma 1 Total 845 225 Total Proforma Adjustment 651 315 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment corrects Adjustment 4.5 in the original filing for the following items: 1) SERP double count 2) Remove mine medical benefits Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 15 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 IncrementalO&M PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Other Generation Maintenance 549 (154 121)306%(9,720) Description of Adjustment: Removes the incremental generation O&M included into results in Adjustment 4.10 for the Goodnoe Hills wind plant. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 16 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-O7- Rocky Mountain Power Witness: Steven R. McDougalPAGE 5. Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 . Net Power Costs TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Sales for Resale Existing Firm PPL 447 306% Existing Firm UPL 447 306% Post-merger Firm 447 (345,851)306%(21 811) Non-firm 447 582% Trans. - Off system sales 447 306% Total Revenue Adjustments (345,851)(21 811) Adjustment to Expense: Purchased Power Existing Firm Demand PPL 555 306% Existing Firm Demand UPL 555 306% Existing Firm Energy 555 26,592 285 582%750 214 Post-merger Firm 555 (25,433,212)306%603 933) Secondary Purchases (Non-Firm)555 582% James River Royalty offset 555 306% Seasonal Contracts 555 SSGC 349% Total Purchased Power Adjustment 159,073 146,281 Wheeling Existing Firm PPL 565 306% Existing Firm UPL 565 306% Post-merger Firm 565 306% Non-firm 565 (722)582%(48) Total Wheeling Expense Adj (722)(48) Fuel Consumed 501 (63.677)582%191) Other Steam 503 (676,494)582%(44 525) Natural Gas Expense 547 (24 828 364)582%(1,634,119) Peaker Fuel Expense 547 134 738)SSECT 322%(760,219) Cholia/APS Fuel Expense 501 (4,080)SSECH 105%(249) Total Fuel Exp (34,707 353)(2,443,302) Net Power Cost (33 203,151)(2,275,257) Description of Adjustment: The net power cost adjustment has been updated to reflect for the removal of Goodnoe Hills wind plant, corrects the gas supply swap mark-to-market values, corrects allocations code issues and removes DSM credit double count. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 17 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Major Plant Additions PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Rate Base: Hydro Production 332 (3,419,672)SG-306%(215.660) Other Production 344 (24 571 551)306%549 592) Transmission Plant 355 (15,040,466)306%(948,519) (43,031 689)713,772) Adjustment to Tax: Accumulated Deferred Income Tax 282 855.198 DITBAL 559%56,095 Schedule M Deduction for Tax Depr SCHMDT 913.200)TAXDEPR 855%(346,219) Schedule M Addition for Book Depr SCHMAT 406.348)SCHMDEXP 855%(82,342) Deferred Income Tax 41010 (1,710 395)DITEXP 238%(72,495) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes from rate base certain major plant additions (5 transmission and 1 hydro projects) whose in-service dates have been extended beyond the test period. Also the Goodnoe Hills wind plant has been removed. These capital additions are included in Adjustment 8.8 in the original filing. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Depreciation Expense ACCOUNT Adjustment to Expense: Hydro Production Other Production Transmission 403HP 4030P 403TP Adjustment to Reserve: Hydro Production Other Production Transmission 108HP 1080P 108TP Description of Adjustment: TOTAL COMPANY (91 848) (982 862) (331 638) (1.406 348) FACTOR SG- SG- FACTOR % 3064% 3064% 3064% 3064% 3064% 3064% Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 18 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-O7- Witness: Steven R. McDougal PAGE 45,924 491.431 165 819 703 174 IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# (5,792) (61,984) (20,915) (88.691 ) 896 30.992 10.457 345 Removes depreciation expense and reserve for certain major plant additions (5 transmission and 1 hydro project) whose in-service dates havebeen extended beyond the test period. Also the Goodnoe Hills wind plant has been removed. These capital additions are included in in Adjustment 8. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 19 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-O7- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Oregon Tax Credit PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Business Energy Tax Credit 40911 000,000)IBT 2628%(22,628) Description of Adjustment: The Leaning Juniper wind plant qualifies for an Oregon BETC (Business Energy Tax Credit) of $1 million. This adjustment includes the credit into results. The net effect of this adjustment is to decrease Idaho state income taxes while increasing current federal tax due. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 49 Page 20 of 20 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Results of Operations December 2006 Renewable Energy Tax Credit PAGE ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR % IDAHO ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Renewable Energy Tax Credit 40910 546,454 5817%35,966 Adjustment Detail: Goodnoe KWH Factor (inflated tax per unit) Renewable Energy Tax Credit 322,710 020 546,454 Description of Adjustment: Removes the Renewable Energy Tax Credit associated with the Goodnoe Hills wind plant included into results on adjustment 7. , ", .._-q""'. 'fC . ,.... 20m OCT 26 At-, to: 48 Case No. PAC-07- Exhibit No. 50 IDAHO PUBLIC Witness: Steven R. McDougal UTILITIES COMMISSIOf\ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Resource Revenue Requirement October 2007 Rocky Mountain Power New Generation Resource Idaho GRC Revenue Requirement Impact Lake Side Resource: Additional Capacity : In-Service Date: Months In Test Period: Maintenance Costs: Net Power Cost Savings: Depreciation Expense: Property Taxes: Capital Investment : Weighted for Months In-Service Monthly Weighted Investment Depreciation Reserve: Accumulated DIT Balance: Net Rate Base Interest Synch Rev. Req. on Change of Interest Exp CWC and Bad Debt Impact Return on Investment Test Period Revenue Requirement Idaho Revenue Requirement Idaho ECD Impact Total Impact to Idaho Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 50 Page 1 of 4 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Lake Side Page Ref. 534 MW Nominal Rating June 30, 2007 8.8.4 Six 039 000 (28 500 000) 726 072 300,452 330 841 583 50% 165,420,792 (2,363 036) 369 162) 161,688 594 969 758) 044 046) (372 587) 230 921 (620,188) (39,112) 845) (44 957) 10. estimate estimate Rocky Mountain Power New Generation Resource Idaho GRC Revenue Requirement Impact Marengo Resource: Additional Capacity : hi-Service Date: Months In Test Period: Maintenance Costs: Net Power Cost Savings: Depreciation Expense: Property Taxes: Capital Investment : Weighted for Months In-Service Monthly Weighted Investment Depreciation Reserve: Accumulated DfT Balance: Net Rate Base Interest Synch Renewable Energy Tax Credit Rev. Req. on Interest Exp Tax Cr CWC and Bad Debt Impact Return on Investment Test Period Revenue Requirement Idaho Revenue Requirement Idaho ECO Impact Total Impact to Idaho Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 50 Page 2 of 4 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Marengo Page Ref. 140.4 MW Nominal Rating August 1 , 2007 8.8.4 Five 168 000 (11 100,000) 309 023 822 796 258 541 351 41.67% 107 725,563 154 512) 270,634) 102 300,417 (3,144 367) 406 502) (7,424 073) (191 330) 065,510 649 926 167 116 516 174 632 10. estimate estimate 8.4 Rocky Mountain Power New Generation Resource Idaho GRC Revenue Requirement Impact Leaning Juniper Resource: Additional Capacity : In-Service Date: Months In Test Period: Maintenance Costs: Net Power Cost Savings: Depreciation Rate Annualized Depreciation Expense: Property Taxes: Capital Investment : Weighted for Months In-Service Monthly Weighted Investment Depreciation Reserve: Accumulated DIT Balance: Net Rate Base Interest Synch Renewable Energy Tax Credit Rev. Req. on Interest Exp / Tax Cr CWC and Bad Debt Impact Return on Investment Test Period Revenue Requirement Idaho Revenue Requirement Idaho ECD 'Impact Total Impact to Idaho Leaning Juniper Page Ref. 100.5 MW Nominal Rating Sept 14, 2006 8. Twelve 304 000 (14 000 000) 00% 017 370 248 719 175,434 259 100% 175,434 259 532 052) (15 645 666) 155 256 542 772 058) 922 846) ( 12,482,442) (214 290) 346,564 219 922 392 256 773 414 029 10. estimate estimate Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 50 Page 3 of 4 CASE NO. PAC-07- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Rocky Mountain Power New Generation Resource Idaho GRC Revenue Requirement Impact Huntington Scrubber Resource: Additional Capacity : In-Service Date: Months In Test Period: Maintenance Costs: Net Power Cost Savings: Depreciation Expense Annualized Depreciation Expense: Property Taxes: Capital Investment : Weighted for Months In-Service Monthly Weighted Investment Depreciation Reserve: Accumulated DIT Balance: Net Rate Base Interest Synch Rev. Req. on Change of Interest Exp CWC and Bad Debt Impact Return on Investment Test Period Revenue Requirement Idaho Revenue Requirement Idaho ECD Impact Total Impact to Idaho Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 50 Page 4 of 4 CASE NO.. PAC-O7- Witness: Steven R. McDougal Huntington Scrubber Ref. Dec 7 , 2006 Twelve 3,498 666 10. 276% 860 345 929 175 117 837 160 100% 117 837 160 091 020) (219 394) 115 526 745 550 899) 174 976) 530 640 884 027 $ 22 527 877 1,420,709 520 $ 1,499,229 (1) Estimated based on $210.253 from page 8.6 annualized for 12 months estimate (1 )