HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211124Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER November 24,2021 li,r; ?itij ak Ai{ ll: I I Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 :_i r:,:. ,l: i\l rlJf li-_LL.,.-';r*! :'rl.i'S4Oru Re: YU ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, ldaho, 83714 Annual BPA Balancing Account Statement Case No. PAC-E-07-01 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits its annual Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Residential Exchange Program (REP) report containing monthly detail of the REP balancing account activity through fiscal year-end September 30, 202l,as required by Commission Order No.30248. Electric Service Schedule No. 34 - Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-hour Credit is updated bi-annually. The current rate of $0.010133 per kilowatt-hour, was approved by Commission Order No. 35185 on September 30, 2021, with an effective date of October l, 2021 through September 30,2023. The rate is designed to provide an annual credit of approximately $10.3 million to qualiffing Idaho customers. During fiscal year 2021 qualifying ldaho customers received BPA REP credits of approximately $9.0 million. The September 30, 2021, BPA REP account balance was $16,082 over allocated to qualifuing customers. Attachment No. I is a summary of the BPA REP balancing account activity. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 with any information requests. Sincerely, Joelle Steward SVP, Regulation & Customer/Community Solutions Enclosure "^.-D Cc: Terri Carlock Affachment No. 1 BPA REP Balancing Account History Etchrtrge Accourt Activity Idaho Month BPAREP Crdit Look Brck Dcductiou BPA PryucnB Vrrirncc Eook d Cuttoncr Crditr IDtcrcrt Boold Accumuletcd Belence Dct-z0 $670,502 $1,6I3,693$35 Nov-20 $6t0,627 $l 10,79I il12,s42 (s200,520)[469BrZ s5E0,771 $4t0,107 $592,s9 7l Dcc-20 tren 2l Fcb.21 $t21,657 $t78,7M i773,802 sll sl0 s8 s1,34E,962 sl2r2,53o $1,091,795 $ts222t $136,442 $120,744 $n335t $814,625 $694,025--aA3J7o ($200.520) ($200.s20) ffi21.137 $67t.1t4 $721,54tMrr-21 ($200.520)$7 $r70,443 ($200,520) ($200.s20) $467.07t fi75.672 $133,906 $266.014 $600,9t4 $941.68s $?l $4 $736,60t $470.598 [Iey-21 Iun 2l $667,598 $876,192 $152,590$l {us.21 $9e3,749 $136,900($200.520)s79t22e $930,t29 315,690$0 7 n3 720 (s16.0821$0i%7167ScF2l Totrh (s50.776- I 36)t s242-976.901 (s I 3.243.t27)l w41-736-755 s1.045.967Il I t,4l1,355 ($755,704) $4J4t,955 ($9.373.650) (s2.406.255) $400299 i2.971_078 $r20t299 ($ 1.3 I 5.573) ($82 ) $1.6ss.400 ($t0,606,001)($2 973 $0 $0 $0 ($2.076,436 ($ 1.676.054) ($360.376) FY-2011 FY-2012 $9.576.701 s53n228 ($2.406.25s)($1,022.486)$2970,c73 $t.%t.487 r"Y 2014 $6,90t,970 l3l I lt,5t55($2 sl0 |66.2,t20 $125 $2,049,657 t"Y 2015 FY 2016 $6,9t 1,6t7 $10.r51243 ($2.406.255) ($2.406.255) $4,s05,432 j7,744,9tt ($1.50r.64t) ($64.9,14) $3,003,7t9 $7.680,045 t270 $7,928 $3,551,569 i3,624A4t fitmt7 $10,15r243 $3,596,717$21,965($2.406,255)$49,688 $8,075,635 $ i46sA?7 i7,794,676 it.54l.t 12 201t s t'Y 2020 $9,679,792 st,723,496($2.406,243)s7273,549 s1,449,947 FY 2021 $9-679-792 709 $3,151,939 7t $72,s41 $22,457 - BPA REGIONAL BAIANCES - IDAHO 2O21.x|sx 1of 1