HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191127Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN PIOWER a oMstoNoF PAcrfrcoeF RECEIVED ;0l9HOV 21 Pti 2:20 '1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 November 27, 2019 VA OWRNIGHTDELIWRY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I 1331 W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, Idaho, 83714 Re Annual BPA Balancing Account Statement Case No. PAC-E-07-01 Dear Ms. Hanian: Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits its annual Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Residential Exchange Program (REP) report containing monthly detail ofthe REP balancing account activity through fiscal year-end September 30, 2019, as required by Commission Order No. 30248. Electric Service Schedule No. 34 - Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-hour Credit is updated bi-annually. The current rate of$0.008403 per kWh, was approved by Commission Order No. 34450 on September 30,2019, with an effective date of October 1,2019 through September 30,2021. The rate is designed to provide an annual credit of approximately $8.5 million to qualifuing Idaho customers. During fiscal year 2019 Idaho customers received a credit of $8.I million. The cunent BPA REP account balance available to qualifoing customers is $3.2 million. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 with any information requests. Sincerely, Joe Steward Vice ident, Recu tiona Enclosure Cc: Teni Carlock P.cifiCorp BPA Rgidaltirl Etcbrrg. PrcgrrE Brhncing A(coutrt Activit - 20l9 Idaho l,ook Brck Cuslom.r Irt.r.st ArcurDulrtcdBPA REP BPA !lo0th Crrdit DcductioD Paymatrl!Bookcd Cr.dit.Book d Balanca O.t-lt $7r9,000 $690,83t (s?9q2u (1200,521) $5t8,479 $490,309 $65,979 $584,458 $6,114 $3,4E5,01I $12,534 s562,841 $s,966 t3,418,442 D.c-lE $EE7,372 ($200.s20)$686,852 $6r,3%s748,247 s6,302 s3,363,350 Jm-19 $930,865 ($2oo,s2o)$710,345 $38,803 $769,148 $6,538 $3,331,084 Frb-19 $806,982 ($200,s20)$606,462 $87,571 $694,033 $s,781 93.249.294 Mrr-19 $12t,674 ($200,s20)$52t,t53 $t25.221 s646.374 s t6,864 $506,100 $6.197 $3,t30,270 AprJ9 $689,756 ($200,520)$489,236 $6,003 $3,r 19,410 Mry-19 $836,644 ($200,520)$636,123 ($6E,208)$567,915 s6,289 $3,r93,907 Jun-19 $946,9t2 (s200,s20)$746,412 ($51,506)$694,906 $6,121 $3,2J1,534 Jul-19 $1,265,672 ($200.s20) $r,065,152 ($63,569)$r,00r,583 ($200,s20)s840,697 $ r 53,162 $993,t58 s6.3E1 $3.321,483 Aug-19 $ 1,M1,217 $5,589 $3,173,911 S.Fl9 $944,935 (t200,s20)i 3744,415 $27 231 $n|,646 $5,260 $3,r51,939 Totrk s92,051,772 (t45,963,6s0)$228,429,806 ( 6,434,483)$225,999,002 $1,023,333 $t08,345 $3,228 $o $4,148,955 (s2,971 $0 $1,208,299 8 $0 FY"2009 $6,783,403 (36,733,969)$49,434 (i1,323,705) ($2,076,435)FY-2010 $9,850,298 ($0.606,001)(s?55.704) FY-201t s9,516,701 ($9,373,550)$400,299 (x1,676,054) FY-2012 $s,3't7,228 FY 20t3 $5,377,228 F.Y 20t4 $6,90E.970 ($2,406,255)$2,97t,078 ($r,315,573)$1,655,400 $0 ($r,022,4E6)$ r,948,48?$10 (s360,376) (s2,406,255)$2,9 t0,9 73 $662,120 ($2,406,25s)s4,505.997 ($1.384,13 r)$3,118,585 $l2s s2,049,657 FY 2015 $6,911,687 ($2.406:5s)$4,505,432 ($1,501,648) $3,003,?89 $270 $3,551,569 Fl 2016 $r0,15 r,241 ($2,406255)$7,744,988 ($54,94.{)s7,680,045 $7,928 $3,624,44r Ft 2017 $10,151243 ($2,406,255)$7,'t44,98t s49,688 $1,794,616 $21,965 53,596,717 Fr'201E (t2,406:55)$8,079,697 $107,955 $8,1E3,591 $52.052 $3,544,875 rl'2019 $t0,481,880 (12,406245)$8,075,635 $465,47'l $8,541,t l2 $T2.s4t 139.189.634 BPA REGIONAL BALANCES - IDAHO 2o19.xIsx 1of1 --f $ l03t l,E90