HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171128Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN BP,yy,En".,RECEIVED ?0l1HOV 28 AH 9: 0l+ lDitfiO llUSLlC i i'i I l-lTi i:S tl0tu{ M lS$lON 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 November 28,2017 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,lD 83702-5983 Attn: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Re: Annual BPA Balancing Account Statement Case No. PAC-E-07-01 Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits its annual Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Residential Exchange Program (REP) report containing monthly detail of the REP balancing account activity through fiscal year-end September 30,2017, as required by Commission Order No. 30248. Electric Service Schedule No. 34 - Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-hour Credit is updated bi-annually. The current rate of $0.008403 per kWh, was approved by Commission Order No. 33896 on September 29,2017, with an effective date of October l, 2017 through September 30, 2019. The rate is designed to provide an annual credit of approximately $8.5 million to qualiSing Idaho customers. During fiscal year 2017 ldaho customers received a credit of $7.8 million. The current BPA REP account balance available to qualifying customers is $3.6 million. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 with any information requests. Sincerely, "^"-DJoeSteward Vice Enclosure Cc: Randy Lobb PacifiCorp Residential Exchange Balancing Account Study Idaho BPA REP Look Brck BPA Varianae Cstomer Inlenst Ac.mxlaled Month Crcdit Deduction Jan-16 $901.60t.76 ($200,521.25)$701 -080.5 l $16.297.80 $717.378.31 s6t8.24 s3.627,557 .46 Fcb-16 $79E.2E9.52 ($200,521 25 $591.16E.27 $12.r83.89 $609.952.16 $704 90 s3,616,07E.47 Mrr-16 $7tE.867.96 ($200,521.25)$518_346 71 ($9,r08 r6'$509.238.55 $3.626.000.97 ADrl6 $653-665.76 ($200.s2t.25 $453.144.5 I $2.61 LE6 $455.756 37 s3 624.200 87 May-16 $774,551.s5 ($200.52r.25 s574 036 30 $14-637.94 s559.398.36 $870.83 $3,639.709.64 Jun- l6 $ 1.057.239.E9 ($200.521 25 $856.71E.64 ($r06,6s1.E5 $750.066.79 $915.17 s3.747.276.66 Jul- l6 sl.l40-492.4E ($200.521.25)$939.971.23 $70.218 85 $1,010,190.08 $900.97 $3.677.95E.7E Au!-16 $t.052.14E.9E ($200,521.25)$E51,627.73 $33,079.15 $884.706.88 $918.84 $3.645.79E.47 Sepl6 $877.870.38 ($200.521.25)$671.349.13 $22-276.8e $699.626.02 $9t9.ll $3.624.440.69 rct- l6 $690.695.61 ($200.521.25)$490.174.36 ($r0.234.8t)$479.939 48 $946.50 $3.635.622.07 Nov-16 $635.049.45 ($200,521.25)$434.52E.20 $20,034.55 $454,562 75 $936.65 $3.616.524 l7 )ec- I 6 $850.763.84 ($2oo-521.25)$650,242.59 (s12.542.48)$637.700.1 I $1.t66 0l $3,630.232.66 Jan-17 $901.601.76 ($200,52r.25)s701.080.5 l $7?,450.09 s778.530.60 1392 44 $3.554.175.01 Feb-l? Mar- 17 $718.867.96 6roorl25) - $51E.346.71 - $1E.564.04 $53Arl0J5 t.616.40 $33r6J9rit Adjushent $0.01 Apr-l 7 $653,665.76 ($20u.521.25)$453.144 51 ($ 12.596.7 r)$440.547.80 $t,833.05 $3,5t 1,022 37 May-l7 $774.557.55 (s200.52r.25)$574.036.30 ($58,916. l2)$515.120.tE IIJ $3,571.966.67 Jun-l?$1.057.239 E9 (s2oo.52l.2s)$E56.71E.9 ($E1.443.40)s775.275 24 $2,344.79 $3.655.754.86 Jul-l?Sl 140.492,11t ($200,s21.25)$939.971.23 s30.72t.26 $970.692.49 $2.7.10 59 $3 .621 .71 4 .19 Aug-17 st.052.14E 9n ($200.521 25)$851.627.73 ($21,147.E7)$830.479.86 $2,858.46 $3,651,780.52 SeD- I ?$877.E70.3E ($200.521.2s)$677.349 l3 $57,E52 2E $735,20t.41 $2.?88.80 $3,596,717.04 Od-17 $719,000.31 ($200,521.2s)$51{1.,179 06 ($37.320.06)s481.159.00 i2.958.36 $3.636.995.46 Totals s71.E07.002.08 ($4r.351.671.25 s212.192.952 6l (s17.045.234.89 s209.755.458.3t FY-2009 $6,783,403.00 ($6,733,969.00)$49.434.00 $308.345.34 s3 22a 34 $0.00 ($1,123.704.72 FY-2010 $9.850.29E.05 ($ 10.606.001.00)($755.703.60)$4.34E.955. I5 ($2,912.E0)$0.00 ($2,076,435.52) FY-20t I $9.s76.701.12 ($9.373.650 00)s400.299.40 $l 208 298 97 ($82.49)$0.00 ($1,676,053.63) FY-2012 s5 .377 .227 93 ($2,406,255.00)$2.97 | .077 .56 ($1.315,573.06)$t.655.399.E4 $0 00 (s360.375.9r) FY 2013 $5,377,227.96 ($2.406,255.00)$2.910.972 89 ($r.022.485.83)$1.948.487.08 $ 1 0.12 9662.120.02 FY 2014 $6.908.970.44 ($2,406.255 o0)$4.505.996 75 ($1,384,130.84)$3.1 18.5E4.60 $12469 $2.049,656.E6 FY 2015 $6,91 1,686.91 ($2,406,255 00)$4.505.431.92 ($r.50r,64?.8r)$3,003.789. l6 $269 E5 $3.551.569.47 FY 2016 $10, l5 1,243. I 8 ($2,406,25s.00)$7.744,9EE. l9 ($64,943.6s)$7.680,0,M.53 7.927.56 $3.624.440.69 FY 20t7 s10,t5t,243. l8 ($2.406,255.00)$7.744.988.19 $49.688.31 $7,794-676.49 2t.964 65 $3.596.71?.04 s81.1 3.1 s8l I 76 I I (s200 521 2a s591 768 27 s4t 947 55 s639 7t 5 82 st 312 78