HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131107Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 7,2013 VU OWRNIGHT DELIVERY Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attn: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: Annual BPA Balancing Account Report Case No. PAC-E-07-01 Pursuant to Order 30248 Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits its Annual BPA REP Balancing Account report containing the monthly detail through October 31,2013, of the Company's balancing account for Bonneville Power Administration's Residential Exchange Program. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 with any information requests. Vice President, Regulation & Government Affairs Enclosure Cc: Randylobb Cathleen McHugh Jeffrey K. f,arsen PacifiCorp Residential Exchange Balancing Account Study Idaho Month BPA REP Credit Look Back Deduction BPA Pryments Variance Booked Customer Credits Interest Booked Accumulated Balance BALANCE FORWARI) Sep-02 2,834,714.60 1,833,041.90 4,667,756.50 (302,t97.st 3,413.33 2,392,028.05 .03 2,503,179.73 2,216,t96.E6 4,779,376.59 0.00 (6,02tJ,313.tJ2. z,v5y,)9).51 tt6,l14.95 5,o)6,Jtu.24 U.UU (O,dl),/U/.JJ-u4 -u5 z,yJl,)oJ.uo Jzt,z66.lt 5,4)t,6tt.vl z,5ut.uo lv',tJz.9v -06 2,93t,563.E6 984,006.25 3,915,570.1 I 29,906.62 7,O22,55E.O4 ep-07 0.00 (t0,54t.38) 10,541.38 0.00 (r,298,685.r -08 0.00 (158.69) 158.69 0.00 (r,369,910.38 -09 $673,107 (459,588.00) $2r3,5r9 (213,519.01) ($0.01) $0.00 (t,323,704.72. Sep-10 $883,670.0s (723,900.00) $1s9,770.0s (1s9,770.05) $0.00 $0.00(0.07) (2.076.43s.52' Sep-ll - OR RES REVISION $1,079,1s0.13 (641,250.00) $437,900.13 (437,900.13) $0.00 $0.00 (t,676,053.63 Jep-12 $52t,279.29 (2O0,52t.25) $320,75E.04 (133,112.45) $rE7,445.59 $0.00 (360,375.9r Oct-12 s377,679.02 (200,s2 Nov-12 $303,564.48 (200,52 Dec-12 $379,300.83 (200,52 Jan-13 $401,685.40 (200,52 Feb-13 $360,355.29 (200,52 Mar-13 $323,991.53 (200,52 Apr-13 $287,249.75 (200,52 May-13 $367,331.60 (200,52 Jun-13 $487,577.62 (200,52 Jul-13 $767,393.92 (200,52 Aug-13 $799,819.23 Q00,52 Sep-13 s521,279.29 (200,52 .2s) .2s) .2s) 25) .25) .25) 2s) .25) .2s) .2s) 2s) .25\ (0.01) $t77,157 .77 $ 103,043.23 $ l 78,779.58 s201,1 64.1 6 $l 59,834.03 $123,470.27 $86,728.49 $ 166,810.34 $287,056.36 $566,872.66 ss99,297.98 (0.01) $320,758.04 (44,680.e9) $l 1,361.98 (69.827.17) (24,771.84) $11,439.s7 $10,182.24 $23,913.24 (18,e30.49) $82,669. l 4 (321,929.03) (382,784.78) (l10,910.28) $132,476.78 $l14,405.21 $ 108,9s2.41 $176,392.32 $ 148,394.46 $ l 33,652.s l $l10,641.73 $147,879.85 s204,387.22 s244,943.63 $216,5 13.20 s209,847.76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.68 $5.44 (31s,694.93) (327,056.9t) (257,229.74) (232,4s7.90) (221,018.33) (231,200.s7) (255,1 13.81) (236,183.32) ( l s3,s 14. l 8) $ 168,414.85 $551,204.3 l $662,t20.02 Oct-13 $s44,760.73 (200,s21.25) s344,239.48 (176,872.70) $t67,366.78 $7.21 $838,999.93 Totalsf $37,509,618.79 | (3t.726,6st.2s)l $188,117,307.98 I (14,095.536.12)l $187,844.s71.31 I $868.460.77 FY-2009 FY-2010 FY-2011 FY-2012 FY 2013 $6,783,403.00 $9,8s0,298.0s $9,576,701.12 $s,377,227 .93 $5,377,227 .96 ($6,733,969.00) ($10,606,001.00) ($9,373,650.00) ($2,406,2ss.00) ($2,406,255.00) $49,434.00 ($7ss,703.60) $400,299.40 s2,97 t ,077 .s6 $2,970,972.89 $308,345.34 $4,348,955.1 5 $t,208,298.97 ($1,3 l 5,573.06) ($834.268.41) 93,228.34 ($2,972.80) ($82.4e) $1,655,399.84 $1,948,487.08 ($1,323,704.72) ($2,076,435.s2) ($1,676,0s3.63) ($360,375.9r ) $662.t20.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10. l2 IDAHO REP BALANCES 2013 1of1