HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120106Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdf‘ROCKY MOUNTAIN FECJ POWER ADlVISONOFPACIFICORP 2tH2 J!b i1 !O:1 8 201 South Main,Suite 2300 Salt Lake City,Utah 84111 January 6,2012 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attn:Jean D.Jewell Commission Secretary Re:Annual BPA Balancing Account Statement Case No.PAC-E-07-O1 Rocky Mountain Power,a division of PacifiCorp,hereby submits its annual statement containing monthly detail of the Company’s balancing accounts for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)Residential Exchange Program (REP)through September 30,2011,as required by Order No.30248. It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and staff requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By E-mail (preferred):datareguest@pacificorp.com By fax:(503)813-7274 By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah,Suite 2000 Portland,OR 97232 Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston,(801)220-2963 or E-mail: Ted.Weston@PacifiCorp.com Sincç,rely, L /77 Jeffrey K.Larsen Vice President,Regulation Enclosure Cc:Randy Lobb Lou Ann Westerfield PacifiCorp Residential Exchange - Balancing Accnunt Stndy — Idaho (SAP288202-87252) BPA ROP Look Back BPA —Customer Interest * Accumulated Month Credit Dcdcctior Puvororts Crcditu Braked Buluocu BALANCE FORVARD .(302,197.51) Oct-0t 2,834,714.53 372,97028 6,110.92 -2,165 657.66 Nov-01 .2.834,714.60 231,72724 10,62892 4,779,273 94 Dec-01 ,2,834,71460 159,504 8 ,--12,731 35 7,467,21571 Jau-02 .2,834,714.60 190,03993 15,15197 10,127,042 35 Feb-02 —-2,034,714.60 -1,054,62768 -18,14036 11,925,269.63 Mar-02 2,834,714.60 -2,188,15478 -20,08978 12,591,919.23 Apr-02 2,834,71460 -1,768,18932 -21,14938 13,679,593 89 May-02 .2,834,71460 -2,538.98970 21,58954 -13,996,90825 Jun-02 —I ---- -2,834,71460 -5,127,169.48 -17,182 14 11,721,63551 Jul-02 -2,834,71460 -7,696,5s9 ul 10,29097 o,87u,u52 07 Aug-02 I - -2,834,71460 5489,395 17 6,285 12 4,221,65662 Sep-02 -2,834,71460 4,667,75650 -3,41333 2,392,02805 Oct-02 r 2,931,56323 2,966,83668 3,44793 2,360,20253 Nov-02 2,931,56323 2,124,48367 3,940 io4 3,171,222 19 Dec-02 --2,931,563 23 2,390,437 10 L 4,238.88 3,716,587.20 Jao-03 2,93 1,563 23 2,509,38006 4,428.48 4,143,198 85 Feb-03 2.503,17973 1,862,80258 4,62309 4,788,199M9 Mar-03 -2,503,17973 1,543,82492 -5,938.49 5,753,492.39 Apr-03 2,503,17973 -1,292,864.40 -6,643.47 6,970,451 19 May-03 ___________________—— —[2,503,17973 -1,787,582.13 -7,586.13 7,693,63492 Juu-03 - 2,503,17973 -5,669,239.97 -4,120.09 4,531,69477 Jal-03 2,503,17973 7,010,386.93 -2025 24,507.82 Aug-03 - ________________ 2,503,17973 6,271,86371 -0.00 (3,744,176.16) Sep-O3 2,503,17973 -4,779,37659 -0.00 ,(6,020,373.02) Oct-03 2,939,59531 2,796,920.13 0.00 -(5,877,697 84) Nov-03 2,939,595.31 1,691,380.35 000 (4,629,482 88) 1 -2,939,595.31 1,898,87931 000 -(3,588,766.88) Jau-04 _________ —-2.939,595 3!2,090,47743 000 -(2,739,649 00) Feb-04 — — —2,939,5953)-1,796,036.90 000 (1,596,090 59) Mar-04 -—-2,939,5953!1,551,70!56 0.00 (208,196 84) Apr-04 ____________ 2,939,5953)-1,361,329 90 1 1,102.62 1,371,171 19 May-04 ________- -2,939,5953!-2,898,16973 1,19038 1,413,787 15 Jau-04 -2,939,59531 -4,965,0586!-000 ,(611,676.15) Jul-04 -,2,939,595.3!5,971,37518 000 (3,643,456 02) Aug-04 —2,939,595.3!5,393,15169 -000 -(6,097,012.40) Sep-O4 2,939,5953!3658,37024 000 (6,815,787.33) Oct-04 2,931,563.86 -2,382,20435 000 (6,266,427.82) Nov-04 2,931,563.86 1,540,731 94 000 (4,875,595S0) Dec-04 2,931,56386 -1,936,67234 0.00 (3,880,704.38) Jan-OS -2,931,56386 1.893,18796 0.00 (2,842,328.48) Feb-OS -2,931,56386 -1,576,359 14 0.00 (1,407,123.76) Mar-08 -2.931,56386 1,307,77548 27764 136,94226 Apr-08 ,-2.931,563 86 -1,144,044 II 4,182 17 *1,928,644 18 May-OS -2,931,563 86 -1,420,68672 8,40523 -3,447,92655 Juo-08 -t -2.93 1,563 86 -2,262,34499 10,18986 4,127,33528 Jul-OS ——2,931,563 86 -4,125,91092 7,94800 ,2,940,93622 Aug-OS -2,931,56386 -4,564,12057 I -1,312,11404 Sep-OS - ——[2,93)563 86 -3,452,85!97 ,2,307 06 -793,132 99 Oct-08 2,931,563 86 2,075,174 3 5.22903 I 654,75)75 Nov-OS ——[2,931,56386 -1,242,31224 10,76248 3,354,76585 Dec-08 2.931,56386 I 1,680,123 59 16,03775 4,622,243 87 Jan-06 2.931,563.86 -1,628,87996 21,36420 5946,29!97 Feb-00 2,931,56386 1,535,96!62 24,89625 7366,79046 Mar-06 - 2,931,563.86 1,431,183 56 33,985 04 8,901,155.80 Apr-06 -2,931.563.86 1,192 433 3 -41,16792 -10,681,474.45 May-06 -2,931,563 86 1,763,923 6!49,06768 -11,898,182.38 Jun-06 2,931,563 86 -3,430,22!04 46,756.92 -11,446,282 12 Jul-06 --2.931,563 86 -4,646,84944 -41.76099 ,9,572,75753 Aug-06 --2,931,563 86 -4,562,72950 35,065 78 -7,976,65767 Sep-O6 2,931,563.86 3,915,570!)29,90662 7,022,55804 Oct-06 1,775.50362 -1,586,91566 3!9)474 7,243,06074 Ad)10/06 13.83738 -6!24 7,256,959.36 Nov-06 -—I 789341.00 1,368,54258 -32,87636 7,710,634 14 Dec-06 1,789 34!00 +1,621,332.68 34,93800 *7913,58046 Jan-07 -I 789,34100 -1,917,644.40 -34,52738 -7,819,804 44 Feb-07 ---I 789,34!00 -1,847 860.13 -31,02577 -7.792,3!!08 Mar-07 —--1,789,34!00 -1,259 346.02 36,9!!57 8,359,21763 Apr-07 —0 00 *1,090,539 8 31.230 (8 7,299.908 63 May-07 —-000 -2,017,72601 23,40907 5,305,59!69 Juu-07 0.00 3,341,01424 8,44029 1,973,01774 Jul-07 2 0.00 2.941,251.20 000 (968.233 46) 1/5/2012.1:46 PM 1 of 2 IPUC-FY2OI1 Annual Balancing Account Statement.xlsx Idaho (SAP 2gR202 -IX722 BPA REP Look Bock BPA Cosoo,or lnIrcO Month Crodfl Doductiro Paunuoots Crtd,tu Book:d Solaocc Aug-07 0.00 31.9127 000 (1,288,143 73) Sep-07 ---0.00 10.541 30 000 (1.298.685 II) Oct-07 0.00 12,27901 000 (1.310.964.12) Nov-07 0.00 2343930 000 ((334403.42) Dec-07 ,000 ,(.03666 000 (1,335,440 08) Jan-08 ,.0.00 -20,242 79 000 —(1,355,682 87) Feb-OS 000 2,77344 000 (1,358,45631) Mar-08 —000 4.701 SI 000 -(t,363,158 22) Apr-OS -000 (606 08)’000 (1,362.471.33) May-08 0 00”f”(030)’-000 ,-(1,362,471 04) Jun-08 000 si4’5’’”000 (1,362,986.26) Jul-08 ‘000 6,92003 0.00 (1,369,912 29)::- Oct-08 $441,920 ($453,879)($11,959)S7 1 23 SO 00 ,($1,381,940.6I) Nov-08 $316,245 ($573,7724J (S257,527)$2,304 98 $000 ($1,641,772 59) Dec-OS $417,983 -($702,228)—($284,245)($0 0!)$000 ,($1,926,017 58) Jan-09 $460,332 ($773,593)($3I3,26lj ($43 86)$000 ,($2,239,234.72) Feb-09 $434,585 ,($565,208)($l30,623)$002 $0.00 ($2,369,85T74) Feb-09 REVISED VA BOOKED IN MARCH L....... Mar-09 $382,766 ,($522,389)($139,623)f $053 07 ,$0.00 ($2,510,334.61) Apr-09 ,$331,407 ,($465,298)($1 33,891)j $4903 $000 ,($2,644,274.64) May-09 $418,694 ($476.716)($58,022)$0 00 $0 00 ($2,702,296.64) 10/08-5/09 TRUE $374.55!L__$374,551 $000 ,($232774564) Jun-09 $659,298 ($553,790)$105,508 ,($1,76l.89)$0.00 ,($2,220,475 75) Jul-09 $040,174 ($633.74 82(4,456 $1,751 63 L $000 ($2,007,771.38) Aug-09 8)024,34!—.—-($553,790),$470.55!$3 35 $0.00 ($1,537,223 73) Sep-09 $673,107 1 ($459,588)$213,519 (SO 0I)$0.00 ($1,323,704 72) Oct-09 $656,132 ,(S716,50!)($60,3)j_$0.00 ,$000 ($1,384,073 72) Nov-09 $563,233 ($903,450)($340,217)$000 ,$000 ,($1,724,290.72) Dec-09 ,$748.51!—._....4.!.105,800)($357289)5000 $000 ,($2,081,579.72) Jan-10 $802.70!($1,219,800)($417,099)$000 $000 ,($2,498,678 72) Jan-10 ADJUSTMI ($80,658)(580,658)F ($2,579,336.72) 10/09 -1/10 TRUE ($77,008)j,______________,,_,($77,008).($2,656,344:72) Feb-10 $660,030 ($892,050),($232,020)$000 $0.00 ($2,888,364 72) Mar-10 ,$584,398 ($820,80Oj_($236,402)($1 Jj $000 ($3,124,765 37) Apr-10 $509,180 ($732,450)($223,270)$0.00 ($3,348,035 37) May-10 8635.70700 ($749,550.00)($1 13,043 00)(52 73($000 ($3,461,875 64) Jun-10 ,5002(44.00 ,($872,100.0O)(569,95600)572579 ,$000 ,(S3.53255743) .I -,__—- _,(83,532,55802) (53.532,558 01) Jul-10 ,81,62)65600 ,(S997500.00)—5624.156 00 ,SO 00 ,$000 ,—($2,908,402.01) Aug-10 ,Sl.540.602 00 ,,(S872,!0000)5668.50200 -($3,694 5(SODS ,($223620530) Sep-10 S083.670 05 ,(8723,900 00)—S159.770 05 ,$000 ,SO 00 ,-(S2,076,435.45) (S2.ii76,13 521 Oct-I0 ,S628.09I 8!(S632,700.00)($4,608 19)$000 ,5000 ,($2,081,043.71) ($2,081,043 79) Nov-10 S496,897 03 ($798,000.00)’(S301,102 97)S000 $000 ($2,382,146.76) ($2,382,146 75) Dec-10 ,$674,454 63 (S977,550 00)(S303,09537)—5000 S000 -($2,685,242 12) Jan-il $721,747 45 (SI,077,300.00)(S355.552.5),SO oo $000 ($3,040,794 67) ,--4 -($3,040,794.66) Feb-Il S620,443 77 ($789,450.00)($169,00623)5000 $000 r ($3,209,800.89) Mar-Il S573,798 08 ($726,750.00)($152,951 12)8000 $000 (83,362.75201) (83,362.752 02) Apr-Il 5496.079 8!(S646.950 00)(SI 50.870.19)($132 491 $000 ($3,513,489 72) May-I I ,$581,685 88 (8664,050.00)($82,364.12)——-$000 ,$000 ($3,595,853.84) Juo-I 1 .(S3,595.853 83) S752.783 2!($769,500.00).($16,716 79)5000 5006 (S3,612,570 62) Jul-I I --—.-—(53.612.57063) 81,586,4(629 ($880,650 00)8705.76629 55000 SO 00 (82,906.854 34) Aug-Il (S2.906.854 35) 5(365(5223 (S769.50000)j -—$595,652 23 ,$000 $000 ,(82,311,20212) CRCALLOCATJON —________-(82.113,95376) Sep-Il -OR RES REVISION ,SI 079,150 (3 ,(S641,25030)[$437,900 13 5000 $000 ($1,676,053.63) .. Totals 826,21 0,402 (7 (S26,7(3,620 00)1 $181,633,770 42 I $184,073,317 6!8068,44344 1/5/2012.1:46 PM 2 of 2 IPUC-FY2O11 Annual Balancing Account Statement.xlsx