HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091123Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdf~~:OUNTAIN \t:'"n Rr'CE.. i .' ,.. I.'.. .. . f \' k'-"-'.. 7.ßßQ NO~ 23 M~ ß: 58 201 South Main, Suite 2300 \ Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 23, 2009 VI OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton Boise, ID 83702-5983 Att: Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta Re: Annual BP A Balancing Account Statement Case No. PAC-E-07-01 Rocky Mounta Power, a division ofPacifiCorp, hereby submits its anual statement contaning monthy detail of the Company's balancing accounts for the Bonnevile Power Administration (BPA) Residential Exchange Progr (REP) though September 30, 2009, (RPFY 2009) as required by Order No. 30248. It is respectfuly requested that all formal correspondence and sta requests regarding ths matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By E-mail (preferred):datarequestêpacificorp.com By reguar mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Informal inquiries may be directed to: Ted Weston Manager, Regulation 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 E-mail: Ted.WestonêPacifiCorp.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission November 23, 2009 Page 2 Sincerely, ('i.1J 1V"v ~ / l)f1 J~I:J l Larseli . V) Vice President, Regulation Enclosure Cc: Randy Lobb Lou An Westerfeld PacifCorp, I...--..----.-.-.-.-.-----.----.---~----t--. -- ---- .-.-----Residential Exchange I.._. -_._........__....._-_.__..__....~.__._--_._.._._~----------- -~-~----~--_._---_.._- --_._-_...~..._- Balancing Account Study--------~----- I i+ 1 I I_. ---------l-------------- ------~ _.+.._-.._-.. -_._.._-_.._- --- --'--- -- ---- -1---------- -~----_. --- - ----- Idaho (SAP 288202 - i 87252)------- BPAREP Look Back BPA Customer Credits Interest AccumlÙated Month Credit Deduction Payments Booked Balance Nov-03---._...----... Dec-03 Jan-04 Apr-04 May-04~_._-- Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04..... ..._-- Sep-04-- _........._..._._----_._- --"--- Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05~--------------- Jun-05 Jul-05 I ----I _. ...- __-0I f\~~~~5_ SeJl:05 Oct-05 11/20/2009.12:58 PM 1 of 2 Annual Balancing Account Statement 2009.xlsx I 1 I IdahoL~-i Customer : (SAP 288202 - 187252) f-. ..~I'A_~I'__ j~~~~-~()o~ Back Credit . Deduction ---'-'- Accumulated------_.-- Balance BPA Interest Month Payments Credits Booked teb-06 2,931,563.86 1,535,961.62 24,896.25 7,366,790.46Mar-06 __ __ 2,931,563.86 1,431,183.56 33,985.04 8,901,155.80 Apr-O~ ... ________ ____ _ __ _ ._... .. -1. ______ i 2,93 I ,563.86t_~_______.!è122~_________4 I, I 87 :22_ ___..,~~~,~74.45 t-ay-~6. _ _ __ __ ______ ___ l-- __ _ _ t- ___ ~_ _~931,563.8~+_.--~~~,9E~~---------~9,067.68 1___~898J~23~ Jun-06 ___ ___ _._ __ ___ tl ~--~--- 2,931,563 8~j'______~,430,221~L_~~.___~~46,756.92 +___~_.i1,".4~,28212 Jul:O~.__ ~_ _____ _____ _________ ___ -- 2,931,56386 _ 4,846,849.44 ___ 41,760.99_t______ 9,.s7_2,752.s~ i::-~: .-- i --------t_ i:::::~::.:: i - ~:~~~::~~:~~----~~~~:.~-f- _. --- ~:;;~~~:._----------- -~--_._.-_---- -_._.~-_. --.--_. ._,,--_. -----_.Oct-06 ____ 1,775,503.62 1,586,915.66 31,914._?" ______7~~~060.74~~06 13,837.38 61.4 7,2~,2~~~~-06 __________ __ 1,789,341.00 1,368,542.58 32,876.36 7,7iO,6~~Dec-06_______ : i 1,789,341.00 1,621,332.68 34,938.00 7,913,580:~;'== .... _.* - ~ur~ :::::;:::: ::::::::: ::::~ ;::::~::: ;;~ = ... =~.t::=~"".":: i .._::::~:::_ ::~;¡~ .. ~;::~: May-07 i________ __ _ ,__ _ _ 0.00___ ~,~.!7, 726tlL________2~~4.e907____..'.305,52169 ;:; .~-= .-t ...~.--:::::::~+-. -'=~J.=-';:tii:)Aug:07 0.00 i 319,910.27 I 0.00: (1,288,143.73)--- . --- -- ---- -- ----.- ----- ---- --._-+- .- --- -----+--- --- --------------+--- ._----------------+---- _ ----------_.~ ---j---'--- .. ... ....- ------ Sep-07 ____ ---------------i--------- I ___ _ 0..0+-___.______ 10,541 ~~l___ . ..___--~_~----(1,2.28è685:11) Oct-07._________-+ . +-_~______ ~._OO i 12,27901 L------ 0.00 t- (i,3\(),9~4:_~~) ~.-~=-:l=::- -r -=..L:t=~~-~~~:~ ::-~: - -~f--=-~ -=~--~-----' i ~:~~ ~:~:~::: ~:~~ ~:::::::~::~~~~l'r-08___ _ __ _____ 0.00 (686.88) 0.00 (i,362,47L34)May:08__ _ ______ __ 0.00 I (0.30) 0.00 (1,362,4~i~ ::-1' ---------~---- 0 ~t: --- 6,~~::~~_~~__~~~~ I------~;::¿;:;~-;~:~Sep-08 -- i - - +---------- ~.~~ i -- ____(.!60.604-_________~oO+~--(1?369,75L~) ûc~. .. - u_;_ _ 44','20 00 1 ,:::",,,,,OO.ii,,y,,L -='~1l ~-== :1: 1-= .:;;~:~: ~:2~:---- ---11- ~-=~_-_~-:~~~~~i~_~ .. ~57~?77~:~~4______.____j257,5270ll~. 2,304.98__ 00;+____(l~i272~9).... _. " . _(702è2~~.00)1'_____ ... _ j~~.i2~~()OlL------.--~()I) ___..___~():~~-i___~_Q~926?().!~.5~ fJan-09 .. .!. 460,332001___J.72.~593()01I_n----(~~6L~0)L.---------- (43.86)1 _________ 0.00 ì .. ____£.239,234.:7.32 :~~~ViSEDWA~OOKED-;~~1~ (565,208.00) (130,623.00) 0.02 i 0.00 ~i::::::~~~:~..-..--..-...._.... ~------.-------T~2l2. 382,766.00 L- (522,389.00) (139,623.00) 853.87 0.00 (2,510,334.61)Apr-09 ___.~~~,407.~() (465,298.00) (13,891.00) 49.03 _____ 0.00 _.c2,6."~ May-09 418,694.00 ____ (476,716.00) (58,022.001f-_ __ 0.00 I .__ 0.00 i __Q2g.i-,29664);..m~,",", f.- '-::~n¡S'3,';'oOt== :;::::~: I.._~ (1.761.4- ..... n -.::iL~~ Jul-0.' __~ ... . .. I 848_,1~4:00.~ .____i633, 7 ! 8. 00)f-______31~,"5!i00 4-~-~--- _.-2.J.6_3L_____ _.. 00 :~~,00"77 L38) Aug-09_ _.. ..i---- _1,0_2".¿4100 j (553~!9.e~0)l __ .____~70_'~~'-()L ........___~___ __L3.s~_~__ ..._____ O.O~T_----- (1,537,223.73) Sep-09 _ __ 673,107~001.n_ _('1.59,588 ~______2B,512. 00; _______n_ (0012_________ O!l:t._ __jl,~23_'7()~72) Oct-09 t _656,132goL___ _(716,5(.i.e)~ ________J~0,36~~0)l-- _~_____~.()O ______ _~_ 0.00 _______~12.84,0~l~) l' -- --- -- - -~- ------ ------------t-----.------ .------.--------- --.,-.... i ._-. ----- -- ---i -- Totals 7,439,535.00 (7,450,470.00)182,126,053.25 184,076,37290 868,443.44 11/20/2009.12:58 PM 2of2 Annual Balancing Account Statement 2009.xlsx