HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071115Annual BPA Balancing Statement.pdf~~~OUNTAIN ~c: 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 November 15, 2007 VI OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83702-5983 Attn: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretar Re: Annual BPA Balancing Account Statement Case No. PAC-E-07-01 Rocky Mountain Power, a division ofPacifiCorp, hereby submits an original and seven (7) copies of its annual statement containing monthly detail of the Company's balancing accounts for the Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchage progr through October 31, 2007. As required by Order No. 30248, the statement shows payments made by the Company to its customers and the Idaho account balances, in addition to payments received by the Company from Bonneville Power Administration. It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and staf requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By E-mail (preferred):datarequest(Qpacificorp. com By fax:(503) 813-6060 By regular mal:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnoma Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Informl inquiries may be direced to: Brian Dickman Maer, Regulation 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 841 1 1 Telephone: (801) 220-4975 E-mal: Brian.Dickman(QPacifiCorp.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission November 15, 2007 Page 2 ~ t ~/r Jeffey K. Larsen Vice President, Reguation Enclosure Cc: Randy Lobb Lou An Westerfeld PacifiCorp Residential Exchange Balancing Account Study Idaho (SAP 288202 - 187252) BPA Customer Interest Accumulated Month Payments Credits Booked Balance BALANCE FORWAR (302,197.51 ) Oct-01 2,834,714.53 372,970.28 6,110.92 2,165,657.66 Nov-01 2,834,714.60 231,727.24 10,628.92 4,779,273.94 Dec-01 2,834,714.60 159,504.18 12,731.5 7,467,215.71 Jan-02 2,834,714.60 190,039.93 15,151.97 10,127,042.35 Feb-02 2,834,714.60 1,054,627.68 18,140.36 11,925,269.63 Mar-02 2,834,714.60 2,188,154.78 20,089.78 12,591,919.23 Apr-02 2,834,714.60 1,768,189.32 21,149.38 13,679,593.89 May-02 2,834,714.60 2,538,989.78 21,589.54 13,996,908.25 Jun-02 2,834,714.60 5,127,169.48 17,182.14 11,721,635.51 Jul-02 2,834,714.60 7,696,589.01 10,290.97 6,870,052.Q Aug-02 2,834,714.60 5,489,395.17 6,285.12 4,221,656.62 Sep-02 2,834,714.60 4,667,756.50 3,413.33 2,392,028.05 Oct-02 2,931,563.23 2,966,836.68 3,447.93 2,360,202.53 Nov-02 2,931,563.23 2,124,483.67 3,940.10 3,171,222.19 Dec-02 2,931,563.23 2,390,437.10 4,238.88 3,716,587.20 Jan-03 2,931,563.23 2,509,380.06 4,428.48 4,143,198.85 Feb-03 2,503,179.73 1,862,802.58 4,623.09 4,788,199.09 Mar-03 2,503,179.73 1,543,824.92 5,938.49 5,753,492.39 Apr-03 2,503,179.73 1,292,864.40 6,643.47 6,970,451.9 May-03 2,503,179.73 1,787,582.13 7,586.13 7,693,634.92 Jun-03 2,503,179.73 5,669,239.97 4,120.09 4,531,694.77 Jul-03 2,503,179.73 7,010,386.93 20.25 24,507.82 Aug-03 2,503,179.73 6,271,863.71 0.00 (3,744,176.16) Sep-03 2,503,179.73 4,779,376.59 0.00 (6,020,373.02) Oct-03 2,939,595.31 2,796,920.13 0.00 (5,877,697.84) Nov-03 2,939,595.31 1,691,380.35 0.00 (4,629,482.88) Dec-03 2,939,595.31 1,898,879.31 0.00 (3,588,766.88) Jan-04 2,939,595.31 2,090,477.43 0.00 (2,739,649.00) Feb-04 2,939,595.31 1,796,036.90 0.00 (1,596,090.59) Mar-04 2,939,595.31 1,551,701.6 0.00 (208,196.84) Apr-04 2,939,595.31 1,361,329.90 1,102.62 1,371,171.9 May-04 2,939,595.31 2,898,169.73 1,190.38 1,413,787.15 Jun-04 2,939,595.31 4,965,058.61 0.00 (611,676.15) Jul-04 2,939,595.31 5,971,375.18 0.00 (3,643,456.02) Aug-04 2,939,595.3 i 5,393,151.69 0.00 (6,097,012.40) Sep-04 2,939,595.31 3,658,370.24 0.00 (6,8 i 5,787.33) Oct-04 2,931,563.86 2,382,204.35 0.00 (6,266,427.82) Nov-04 2,931,563.86 1,540,731.94 0.00 (4,875,595.90) Dec-04 2,931,563.86 1,936,67234 0.00 (3,880,704.38) Jan-05 2,931,563.86 1,893,187.96 0.00 (2,842,328.48) Feb-05 2,931,563.86 1,576,359.14 0.00 (1,487,123.76) Mar-05 2,931,563.86 1,307,775.48 27764 136,942.26 Apr-05 2,931,563.86 1,144,044.11 4,182.17 1,928,644.18 May-05 2,931,563.86 1,420,686.72 8,405.23 3,447,926.55 Jun-05 2,931,563.86 2,262,344.99 10,189.86 4,127,335.28 Jul-05 2,931,563.86 4,125,910.92 7,948.00 2,940,936.22 Aug-05 2,931,563.86 4,564,120.57 3,734.53 1,312,114.04 Sep-05 2,931,563.86 3,452,851.97 2,307.06 793,132.99 Oct-05 2,931,563.86 2,075,174.13 5,229.03 1,654,751.5 Nov-05 2,931,563.86 1,242,312.24 10,762.48 3,354,765.85 Dec-05 2,931,563.86 1,680,123.59 16,037.75 4,622,243.87 11/14/2007.9:42 AM 1 of 2 Annual Balancing Account Statement 2007.xls ..Idaho (SAP 288202 - 187252) BPA Customer Interest Accumulated Month Payments Credits Booked Balance Jan-06 2,931,563.86 1,628,879.96 21,364.20 5,946,291.97 Feb-06 2,931,563.86 1,535,961.62 24,896.25 7,366,790.46 Mar-06 2,931,563.86 1,431,183.56 33,985.04 8,901,155.80 Apr-06 2,931,563.86 1,192,433.13 41,187.92 10,68),474.45 May-06 2,931,563.86 1,763,923.61 49,067.68 11,898,182.38 Jun-06 2,931,563.86 3,430,221.04 46,756.92 11,446,282.12 Jul-06 2,931,563.86 4,846,849.44 41,760.99 9,572,757.53 Aug-06 2,931,563.86 4,562,729.50 35,065.78 7,976,657.67 Sep-06 2,931,563.86 3,915,570.11 29,906.62 7,022,558.04 Oct-06 1,775,503.62 1,586,915.66 31,914.74 7,243,060.74 Adj 10/06 13,837.38 61.4 7,256,959.36 Nov-06 1,789,341.00 1,368,542.58 32,876.36 7,710,634.14 Dec-06 1,789,341.00 1,621,332.68 34,938.00 7,913,580.46 Jan-07 1,789,341.00 1,917,644.40 34,527.38 7,819,804.44 Feb-07 1,789,341.00 1,847,860.13 31,025.77 7,792,311.08 Mar-07 1,789,341.00 1,259,346.02 36,911.7 8,359,217.63 Apr-07 0.00 1,090,539.18 31,230.18 7,299,908.63 May-07 0.00 2,017,726.01 23,409.07 5,305,591.69 Jun-07 0.00 3,341,014.24 8,440.29 1,973,017.74 Jul-07 0.00 2,941,251.0 0.00 (968,233.46) Aug-07 0.00 319,910.27 0.00 (1,288,143.73) Sep-07 0.00 10,541.8 0.00 (1,298,685.11) Oct-07 0.00 12,279.01 0.00 (1,310,964.12) Totas 182,136,988.25 184,014,198.30 868,443.44 11/14/2007.9:42 AM 20f2 Annual Balancing Account Statement 2007.xls