HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960826_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING August 26, 1996 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Scott Woodbury, Susan Hamlin, Tonya Clark, Ron Law, Birdelle Brown, Madonna Faunce, Randy Lobb, Keith Hessing, Don Oliason, Judy Stokes, Bev Barker, Terri Carlock, Stephanie Miller, Joe Cusick, Stephanie Miller, Eileen Benner, Wayne Hart, Bill Eastlake, Rick Sterling and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Jeanette Bowman of Idaho Power Company, Ron Lightfoot of U S West and Mike McGrath and Terri Shoen of Intermountain Gas Company. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the decision meeting to order. Items from the August 26, 1996 Decision Meeting Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1. Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated August 26, 1996. Commissioner Hansen moved approval of the RCD agenda; Commissioner Smith seconded the motion, carried. 2. Jim Long’s August 20, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: USW-S-96-7, SIL-T-96-2; Clarification of Certificated Service Area Boundaries. Commissioner Hansen asked for clarification that it wouldn’t have an effect on any current customers? It will not. Commissioner Hansen then made a motion to approve the filing; Commissioner Smith seconded it, carried. 3. Judy Stokes’ August 21, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Tariff Advice No. 96-2 from Intermountain Gas; AUTOPAY. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the filing. Commissioner Hansen seconded it. Commissioner Nelson asked if was just level pay customers? Terri Shoen of IGC replied it was for everyone. Commissioner Hansen asked how many days was it giving the customers to decide? Terri Shoen said technically it gives them 8 days, the bill date is one day after the cut-off date. Commissioner approved the tariff advice. 4. Scott Woodbury’s August 21, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. IPC-E-96-15 Firm Energy Sales Agreement--Amendment Little Wood River Reservoir Hydro Project. It is a standard agreement. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the amendment; Commissioner Hansen seconded, approved. 5. Wayne Hart’s August 22, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Discontinuation of Fees for Electric Check, Utah Power’s Electronic Bill Payment Option-Pacificorp. Tariff Advice 96-07. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approved the tariff advice; Commissioner Smith seconded it, approved - also approved the payment to Lend a Hand. 6. Beverly Barker’s August 22, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Communications Advice No. 96-07-N Cable, Wire and Service Termination Policy. Commissioner Smith asked when the filing was made. It was stamped in August 1. Commissioner Smith asked if the company had responded to the decision memo? Beverly Barker said they had not. Company had been asked some questions. Decision was to suspend the filing and put it out for comment. 7. Birdelle Brown’s August 20, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Idaho Universal Service Fund - 1996 Annual Report - Case No. U-1500-174. Commissioner Nelson said he was concerned about the amount coming from toll. Want to get the ratio between toll and local back to 50% to get us there would be:   10 cents residential; 16 cents business and 1 3/4 mills for toll. Commissioner Smith said her concern was not that toll was paying too much. Her concern was whether we wanted to pay attention to the difference between residence and business and would take residence to 8 cents and business to 15 cents. That would leave an $11,000 reduction in the fund balance. If you don’t want a reduction, then would still leave business at 15 cents and raise residential to 9 or 10 cents. Would raise toll to two mills. They might have trouble billing for 1 3/4 mills rather than an even amount.   Commissioner Hansen said he personally was for maintaining the current level and was for reducing the fund. Then we can see how things go. That is where he is coming from. Commissioner Smith said people from TDS were in and talked to her - they are thinking of applying for USF. Commissioner Nelson said he would have a concern with only a $62,000 cushion. It would only be 10 days cushion; cushion with other proposal is 90 days. Don’t have any problem bringing residential closer to business. Would like to see if we can, getting local exchange lines paying their share. Commissioner Smith’s proposal was: 8 residential, 15 business, toll 2 mills. That reduces it $11,000. At 9 cents residential, 15 business and 2 mills toll, then there would be a slight increase.   Commissioners Nelson and Smith agreed to the 9-15-2 proposal. Commissioner Hansen voted against the proposal - passed 2 to 1. 8. Scott Woodbury’s August 23, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Earth Power Resources, Inc. Case Nos. UPL-E-96-3 Contract/Petition for Declaratory Ruling; IPC-E-96-14 Complaint; WWP-E-96-6 Complaint. Scott explained the three cases. said all are a little different but the common factor seems to be that all parties agree that the petition filed by Pacificorp may be dispositive for their particular case. Idaho Power has filed a petition to intervene in UPL-E-96-3. WWP has asked to consolidate its case with Pacificorp. Instead WWP will be an intervenor in UPL-E-96-3, also. Will do the declaratory ruling case first. 9. Scott Woodbury’s August 23, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. WWP-E-96-2 Schedule 26 - Experimental Direct Access Delivery Service. Commissioner Hansen has asked staff for an analysis of what affect the electric utility industry restructuring order would have on this matter. It will be held until the next decision meeting. 10. Scott Woodbury’s August 22, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Capitol Water Corporation Customer Complaint Petition. Scott Woodbury said a petition was filed; staff met with the company and their consultant.  Staff believes that it is advisable to proceed in this fashion (formal investigation). In talking to the company, although it is cooperative, staff things that given the profile, a formal investigation would provide staff a more feasible form to other parties that have expressed their concerns to the commission.   The Company is trying sequestering and yet it is the position of staff that it would be wasting some of its money and also it hasn’t metered its wells as the commission has ordered. Commissioner approved staff recommendation to initiate a formal investigation and let staffdevelop the issues. 11. Case No. INT-G-96-5 Application filed August 9, 1996. Eastern Energy Management (Rupert Cogen facility) Transportation Implementation Agreement ($.02065/therm.) Proposed effective dated September 16, 1996. Discussion re: Procedure. Staff recommended modified procedure.   Decision was to put it out on modified procedure with comment period to expire the Thursday before the September 16 decision meeting.   12. Discussion re: PL____(HR3448) - Repeal of tax on contributions in aid of construction (water utilities). Held. 13 and 14 were fully submitted matters and will be discussed at Executive Sesssions. Meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 26th day of August, 1996. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary