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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060621Application.pdfP.~~!BfQ~ June 21 , 2006 Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 : . i !;::B ~, ~... -'~'' , , i". PAc --f --Or:, Application of PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement with Monsanto Company Re: Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and 9 copies ofPacifiCorp s Application for approval of an electric service agreement with Monsanto Company dated May 18 , 2006. The Agreement, filed as confidential, replaces an electric service agreement approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Case No. PAC-01-16. PacifiCorp requests that the enclosed application be processed under modified procedure pursuant to Rule 201 through 204 ofthe Commission s Rules of Procedure. All formal correspondence regarding this Application should be addressed to: Brian Dickman Dean Brockbank ACIFICORP 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4975 Fax: (80l) 220-3116 Email: Email: dean. brockbank~Pacifi Corp. com James M. Van Nostrand STOEL RIVES LLP 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone: (503) 294-9679 Fax: (503) 220-2480 Email: Jean Jewell June 21 , 2006 Page 2 Communications regarding discovery matters, including data requests issued to PacifiCorp, should be addressed to: By E-mail (preferred):datareq uest~pac ifi corp. com By Fax:(503) 813-6060 By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97232 Informal inquiries may be directed to Brian Dickman, Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs at (801) 220-4975. Thank you for your assistance with this filing. Very truly yours f;'+ ~!1//l D. Douglas Larson Vice President, Regulation cc:Service List Enclosures Mark C. Moench Senior Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4459 Fax: (801) 220-3116 . i ; :7: :~: , '; . ,..., : :. ,~.' ':: " ::.' :~: i : " BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application ofPacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement with Monsanto Company Case No. PAC-06- APPLICA nON OF ACIFICORP This Application is filed by PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power ("PacifiCorp" or the "Company ) for approval of an electric service agreement with Monsanto Company Monsanto ) dated May 18, 2006 ("Agreement"). The Agreement replaces an electric service agreement ("Existing Agreement") approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) in Case No. PAC-01-16. PacifiCorp is a public utility doing business in the state of Idaho and subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Monsanto is a Delaware corporation qualified to do business in the state of Idaho. Monsanto operates an elemental phosphorus plant near the City of Soda Springs in Caribou County, Idaho. The electric power requirements of the plant have been supplied by PacifiCorp or its predecessor since 1952. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: APPLICA nON OF ACIFICORP - Brian Dickman PacifiCorp 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (80l) 220-4975 Fax: (801) 220-3116 Dean Brockbank Senior Counsel PacifiCorp 201 South Main, Suite 2200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4568 Fax: (801) 220-3299 A copy of the Agreement is attached to this Application. The Existing Agreement governing electric service to Monsanto terminates effective December 31 , 2006. The Agreement will become effective January 2007, subject to approval by the Commission, with an initial term through December 31 , 2009. The Agreement will automatically renew for successive one year terms unless and until either party gives not less than 180 days written notice of termination. On June 21 , 2006, the Company submitted the Revised Tariff Schedule No. 400 in a separate application to revise Electric Service Schedule Nos. 10 400 , and 401 reflecting new rates for Monsanto pursuant to the Agreement. The Company requested an effective date of January 1 , 2007 for the revision to Schedule No. 400. Section 2.2 of the Agreement provides that the rates for service under the Agreement shall be adjusted to equal the Commission approved rates applicable to Monsanto resulting from any general rate case or other filing by PacifiCorp effective after January 1 2008. Commission authorized tariff rate changes after January 1 , 2008, including surcharges APPLICA TION OF P ACIFICORP - 2 or credits, as reflected in Schedule No. 400 or its successor, will apply to service under the Agreement on the effective date of the authorized adjustment. PacifiCorp requests that this Application be processed under modified procedure pursuant to Rules 201 through 204 of the Commission s Rules of Procedure. WHEREFORE, PacifiCorp respectfully requests that the Commission process this Application under modified procedure and approve the new electric service agreement dated May 18 , 2006 for service to Monsanto. DATED: June 19 2006. Respectfully submitted ~ .~~~ Mark C. Moench Senior Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power APPLICA nON OF ACIFICORP - 3 CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this ~D~~day of June, 2006, I caused to be served, via U. mail, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document to the following: Randy Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY 201 E. Center O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - THE AGREEMENT IS CO NFID E NTIAL