HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060606Application.pdf", ,~ , ' , Pacific Power I Utah Power Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 ~ ~~!;.N ~QN~ P .. ,: . June 5, 2006 Idaho Public Utility Commission Statehouse 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 ATTN:Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Re: Case No. PAC-06-In the Matter of the Application ofPACIFICORP for authority to issue up to 30 000 000 shares of Common Stock to its Parent Dear Commissioners: PacifiCorp (Company) respectfully requests that the Commission enter its order, effective upon issuance, authorizing the Company to issue, from time to time and for cash, up to 30 000 000 shares of its Common Stock (Shares) to the Company s immediate corporate parent, PPW Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Parent) and wholly owned subsidiary of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company. The Company requests that authority for such sales and issuances remain effective until all the 30 000 000 Shares have been issued. As discussed in the enclosed application, the Company believes that the proposed sale and issuance of the Shares to the Parent, from time to time and in amounts that the Company may deem appropriate, would be reasonably required to (i) maintain or improve its capitalization ratio, (ii) maintain or improve the Company s access to capital on reasonable terms, (iii) assist the Company in maintaining its current investment grade credit ratings and (iv) enable the Company to acquire, construct, improve and maintain sufficient utility facilities to serve its customers adequately and reliably at a reasonable cost. In addition, the Company anticipates ongoing capital expenditure requirements, including those contemplated in the Commitments in the Commission s Order No. 29998 issued in Case No. P AC-05-8. The Parent may make common equity contributions to the Company in exchange for the Company s issuance of Shares to the Parent, but such contributions would be at the Parent's option and not be subject to specific time or dollar limitations. In addition, the Parent may elect to contribute equity into the Company for no consideration (i.without the Company issuing any Shares), and the Company believes that such contributions may be made without an order of the Commission. As such, any such contributions would not affect the number of Shares included in any order issued by the Commission in this case. Idaho Public Utility Commission June 5, 2006 Page 2 The requested authority is consistent with the Company s filings with the Oregon Public Utility Commission, the Public Service Commission of Utah and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for the Company to issue the Shares to the Parent. The enclosed Exhibit D (Balance Sheet) and Exhibit E (Income Statement) contain pro forma calculations of issuances of all the Shares, in each case based on the Company s unaudited financial statements for the quarter ended December 31 , 2005 and assuming that all the Shares were issued and sold in their entirety at the same time. These calculations assume a per Share price equal to $11.08 , the per share book value of the Company s Common Stock at February 28 2006. Because the issuances are expected to occur over time, the Company s actual capitalization will likely be different from that included in the enclosed pro forma financial statements. As the Company s financial flexibility is important, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue its order on or before June 23 , 2006, in lieu of within 30 days after the filing ofthe enclosed application as required by Idaho Code 961-904. The Company respectfully requests twenty certified copies of any order issued in this matter. Notice of this Application will be published within seven days as required by the Commission s Rules of Procedure. A check in the amount of$1 000 for the application fee is being sent separately. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Bruce N. Williams Treasurer Enclosures:Application, including exhibits (1 original and 4 copies) Proposed Form of Order (1 original and 4 copies) CD Rom (containing Cover Letter, Application including exhibits and proposed Form of Order) (1 CD Rom) Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. In the Matter of the Application of ACIFICORP for authority to issue and sell up to 30 000 000 shares of Common Stock to its Parent APPLICATION, P AC-b-Ob-Ot-r PacifiCorp (Company) hereby applies for an order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) authorizing the Company to issue and sell, from time to time and for cash, up to 30 000 000 shares of its Common Stock (Shares) to its immediate corporate parent PPW Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Parent) and a wholly owned subsidiary of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, without a further order of the Commission. The Company requests that such authorization remain in effect until all the Shares have been issued. This application is filed pursuant to Chapter 9, Title 61 , ofthe Idaho Code and Section 14 of the Commission s Rules of Practice and Procedure. The Company respectfully represents that: (a)The official name of the applicant and address of its principal business office PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 (b)The state and date of incorporation: each state in which it operates as a utility The Company was incorporated under Oregon law in August 1987 for the purpose of facilitating consummation of a merger with Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation and changing the state of incorporation of the Company from Maine to Oregon. The Company uses, or intends to use (as applicable), the assumed business names of Pacific Power (in the Company s Oregon, California and Washington service territories), Utah Power (in the Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 Company s Utah service territories, however, this usage is subject to further change) and Rocky Mountain Power (in the Company s Idaho and Wyoming service territories). (c)The name, address, and telephone number of persons authorized to receive notices and communications: Bruce N. Williams, Treasurer PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97232 Telephone: (503) 813-5662 Mark Moench, Senior Vice President and General Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, 23rd Floor Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4459 The Commission is also requested to dispatch copies of all notices and communications to the following: Gary R. Barnum Stoel Rives LLP 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone: (503) 294-9114 It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and Staff requests regarding this material be addressed to: Bye-mail (preferred):datareq uest~paci ficorp. com By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97232 By fax:(503) 813-6060 Informal questions should be directed to Brian Dickman at tel. (801) 220-4975. (d)The date by which Commission action is requested By June 23 , 2006, in lieu of within 30 days after the filing of this application as required by Idaho Code 961-904. Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 (e)Background In this application, the Company is seeking an order of the Commission authorizing the Company to issue the Shares without a further order of the Commission. The Company requests that such authorization remain in effect until all the Shares have been issued. The Parent may also make equity contributions to the Company for which no Shares would be issued and no Commission order would be required. All ofthe Company s issued and outstanding Common Stock is directly held by the Parent. The Parent is directly owned by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, an Iowa corporation. (t)Full description of the securities proposed to be issued Common stock description : The Company will issue the Shares of its Common Stock pursuant to its Third Restated Articles of Incorporation, as amended (Articles). The Articles authorize the Company to issue up to 750 000 000 shares of its Common Stock. As of the date ofthe Company s application in this case, 357 060 915 shares of Common Stock were issued and outstanding, and all of those shares were held by the Parent. Description of the transactions proposed: The Company proposes to issue and sell the Shares, from time to time and for cash, pursuant to one or more subscription or other agreements between the Company and the Parent. Sales would be made at a purchase price not less than the book value of the Common Stock, determined as of the last day of the month prior to each issuance. Justification for the transactions: The Company believes that the proposed sale and issuance of the Shares to the Parent, from time to time and in amounts that the Company and the Parent may deem appropriate, would be reasonably required to (i) maintain or improve its capitalization ratio, (ii) maintain or improve the Company s access to capital on reasonable Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 terms, (iii) assist the Company in maintaining its current investment grade credit ratings and (iv) enable the Company to acquire, construct, improve and maintain sufficient utility facilities to serve its customers adequately and reliably at a reasonable cost. The Company s senior long-term secured debt is currently rated "" by Standard & Poor s and "A3" by Moody (g) Effect of the transactions: The issuances will enable the Company to maintain or improve its capitalization. The enclosed Exhibits D and E contain pro forma calculations that are based on the Company unaudited financial statements for the quarter ended December 31 , 2005 and that assume the issuance of all ofthe 30 000 000 Shares for consideration totaling approximately $332.4 million. These calculations also assume a per share price equal to $11.08 per share, the book value of common shares at February 28 2006. As described above, the exact amount of the issuances of the Shares will vary with the book value ofthe Company s common stock, and the timing of such issuances, if and when they occur, is at the discretion ofthe Company and the Parent. As such, the calculations included on Exhibits D and E are not indicative ofthe exact pricing terms and timing of the proposed issuance of the Shares, and the Company s capitalization will likely be different from that included in Exhibit D. (h)The purposes of the financings The proceeds from the proposed issuances will be used for one or more of the following purposes: (1) the acquisition of property; (2) the construction, completion, extension, or improvement of the Company s facilities; (3) the improvement or maintenance of the Company service; (4) the discharge or refunding of the Company s obligations; or (5) the reimbursement of moneys actually expended for the foregoing purposes from income or from other treasury funds not secured by or obtained from the issue, assumption or guarantee of securities. Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 (i)Statement that applications for authority to finance are required to be filed with state governments In 2002 and 2005 , the Company filed applications (collectively, PHI Equity Applications) for authority to issue and sell shares of Common Stock to its former direct corporate parent, PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an indirect subsidiary of Scottish Power plc, a public limited company incorporated under the laws of Scotland. The PHI Equity Applications were made with the Commission and also with the Oregon Public Utility Commission and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. The Company subsequently issued 59 736 311 shares of its Common Stock to PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc. for a total consideration of approximately $635 million.' The Company is making new filings with those commissions, as well as with the Public Service Commission of Utah, and such filings are (except for the identification of the Company s "Parent") substantially similar to the PHI Equity Applications. This application is substantially similar to the other filings. The California Public Utilities Commission and the Wyoming Public Service Commission have exempted the Company from their respective securities statutes. The Company will not be required to obtain authorization from the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 , as amended, with respect to the proposed issuances. A statement of the facts relied upon to show that the issuance is appropriate As a public utility, the Company is expected to acquire, construct, improve and maintain sufficient utility facilities to serve its customers adequately and reliably at reasonable cost. The 1 While authority to issue approximately 5.1 million shares of the Company s common stock to PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc. remains under the orders issued in connection with the PHI Equity Applications, the Company has no intent to issue any such shares to PacifiCorp Holdings Inc. because it is no longer the Company s "Parent." As such, the Company acknowledges that the unused authority that remains under the Commission s Order Nos. 29144 and 29786 should be terminated. Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 proposed issuances are part of a program to finance the Company s facilities, taking into consideration prudent capital ratios, earnings coverage tests and market uncertainties as to the relative merits of the various types of securities the Company could sell. Accordingly, the proposed issuances (1) are for lawful objects within the corporate purposes ofthe Company, (2) are compatible with the public interest, (3) are necessary or appropriate for or consistent with the proper performance by the Company of its service as a public utility, (4) will not impair its ability to perform that service, and (5) are reasonably necessary or appropriate for these purposes. (k)A summary of rate changes which occurred during or after or which will become effective after the period described by the income statement included as Exhibit E Please see the disclosures beginning on page 13 of the Company s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31 2006, enclosed herewith as Exhibit G. In addition: In January 2005 the Commission approved the Company s application to reduce the BPA credit effective January 31 2005. The change will result in an reduction in the credit given to residential customers and a 20.5% reduction in the credit given to small-farm customers. Changes in the level ofthe BP A credit affect the net electricity costs to customers but do not impact the Company results of operations or earnings. In February 2005 the Public Service Commission of Utah approved a stipulation settling a general rate case. Under the stipulation, the Company was awarded an increase in prices of $51.0 million annually, resulting in an average price increase of 4., effective as of March 1 2005. Portlnd2-4566 140,6 0017507-00036 (1)Exhibits: The following exhibits are made a part of this application: Exhibit Description Third Restated Articles of Incorporation effective November 20 , 1996, as amended effective November 29, 1999 Bylaws, as amended effective May 23 , 2005 Resolutions of the Board of Directors authorizing the proposed issuances Balance Sheet, actual and pro forma, dated December 31 , 2005 Income Statement, actual and pro forma, for the 12 months ended December 31 , 2005 Source and Uses of Treasury Funds, actual and pro forma, dated December 31 , 2005 Annual Report on Form 10- K for the year ended March 31 , 2006 http://sec.gov/Archives/edgar/datal75 5 94/000007 5 9406000028/p 1 Ok.htm Exhibit to be filed with the Commission as soon as available. Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 PRA YER The Company respectfully requests that the Commission enter its order in this matter effective upon issuance, granting authority to the Company for the proposed issuance and sale to the Parent, from time to time and for cash, of up to 30 000 000 shares of the Company Common Stock without a further order of the Commission. The Company requests that such authorization remain in effect until all the Shares have been issued. Dated at Portland, Oregon on June ~, 2006. ACIFICORP BY:N W; Bruce N. Williams Treasurer Gary . B for Stoel Rives L 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600 Portland, OR 97204-1268 Telephone: (503) 294-9114 Attorneys for PacifiCorp Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 VERIFICATION Bruce N. Williams, declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am the duly appointed Treasurer ofPacifiCorp and am authorized to make this verification. The application and the attached exhibits were prepared at my direction and were read by me. I know the contents of the application and the attached exhibits, and they are true, correct, and complete of my own knowledge except those matters stated on information or belief which I believe to be true. WITNESS my hand and the seal of PacifiCorp on this ay of June, 2006. Bruce N. Williams (Seal) Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF IDAHO In the Matter of the Application of P ACIFICORP for authority to issue and sell up to 30 000 000 shares of Common Stock to its Parent ORDER NO. CASE NO. P AC-06- On June -' 2006, PacifiCorp (Company) filed its application in the named matter pursuant to Chapter 9, Title 61 , of the Idaho Code and the Commission s Rules of Procedure (IDAPA requesting an order authorizing the Company to issue and sell, from time to time and for cash, up to 30 000 000 shares of the Company s Common Stock (Shares) to its direct corporate parent, PPW Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Parent). Such issuances would be separate from any equity contributions by the Parent to the Company for which no Shares would be issued. In 2002 and 2005 , the Company had sought and received authority from the Commission (Order Nos. 29144 and 29786, respectively) to issue up to a fixed number of shares of common stock to its former direct corporate parent, PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc. FINDINGS OF FACT The Company was incorporated under Oregon law in August 1987 for the purpose of facilitating consummation of a merger with Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation and changing the state of incorporation ofPacifiCorp from Maine to Oregon. The Company uses the assumed business names of Pacific Power (in the Company s Oregon, California and Washington service territories), Utah Power (in the Company s Utah service territories) and Rocky Mountain Power (in the Company s Idaho and Wyoming service territories). Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 The proposed sales and issuances of the Shares are part of an overall financing plan to benefit the Company by strengthening its balance sheet and increasing its equity. Proceeds from the issuances will be used for the acquisition of utility property; the construction, completion extension or improvement of utility facilities; the improvement or maintenance of service; the discharge or lawful refunding of obligations which were incurred for utility purposes; or the reimbursement of the Company s treasury for funds used for the foregoing purposes; all as permitted under Idaho Code 961-901. PacifiCorp proposes to issue and sell the Shares to its Parent at a purchase price not less than the book value of the Common Stock, determined as of the last day of the month prior to each issuance. Exhibit D to the Company s application in this case sets forth the Company s pro forma capital structure, expressed in percentages and based on the Company s audited financial statements for the quarter ended December 31 , 2005, after giving effect to an assumed issuance of 30 000 000 shares of Common Stock to its Parent with an aggregate purchase price of $332.4 million. The Company has paid the fees required by Idaho Code 961-905. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Company is an electrical corporation within the definition of Idaho Code 961-119 and is a public utility within the definition of Idaho Code 961-129. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to the provisions of Idaho Code 961-901 et seq., and the Application reasonably conforms to Rules 141 through 150 of the Commission s Rules of Procedure (IDAPA The method of issuance is proper. The general purposes to which the proceeds will be put are lawful purposes under the Public Utility Law of the State ofldaho and are compatible with the public interest. However, this Portlnd2-4566 140.6 0017507-00036 general approval of the general purposes to which the proceeds will be put is neither a finding of fact nor a conclusion of law that any particular construction program of the Company which may be benefited by the approval of this Application has been considered or approved by this Order and this Order shall not be construed to that effect. The proposed issuances are also generally consistent with the commitments made in the MidAmerican sale case (Commission Order No. 29998 in Case No. P AC-05-8). The issuance of an Order authorizing the proposed financing does not constitute agency determination/approval of the type of financing or the related costs for ratemaking purposes, which determination the Commission expressly reserves until the appropriate proceeding. The Application should be approved. ORDER IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the application of PacifiCorp issue and sell, from time to time and for cash, up to 30 000 000 shares of Common Stock to its Parent is hereby granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization shall remain in effect until all the Shares have been issued. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the unused authority previously granted by the Commission in its Order Nos. 29144 and 29786 is hereby terminated. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authorization is without prejudice to the regulatory authority of this Commission with respect to rates, service, accounts, valuation, estimates, or determination of costs, or any other matter that may come before this Commission pursuant to this jurisdiction and authority as provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order and no provision of Chapter 9, Title 61 Idaho Code or any act or deed done or performed in connection with this Order shall be Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 construed to obligate the State of Idaho to payor guarantee in any manner whatsoever any security authorized, issued, assumed or guaranteed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Title 61 Idaho Code. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that PacifiCorp shall file the following as they become available: The "Report of Securities Issued" required by 18 CFR 9 34.10. Verified copies of any agreement entered into in connection with the Company sale and issuance of the Shares to its Parent and all resolutions adopted by the Company s Board of Directors relating to the sale and issuance of the Shares. A verified statement setting forth in reasonable detail the disposition of the proceeds of each sale and issuance of the Shares pursuant to this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that issuance of this Order does not constitute acceptance of PacifiCorp s exhibits or other material accompanying the Application for any purpose other than the issuance of this Order. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration in response to issues raised in the petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code 961-626. Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho , this day of -' 2006. PAUL KJELLANDER, President DENNIS S. HANSEN, Commissioner MARSHA H. SMITH, Commissioner ATTEST: JEAN JEWELL, Secretary Portlnd2-4566140,60017507-00036