HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060621Larsen Exhibit 1 Part I.pdf',. \i,~' , ,, (! .: , ) I ,. 7 In. . '" ,iTJLfTiES"Case No, PAC-06-9!j :! S S IGii Exhibit No, 1 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ACIFICORP Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Jeffrey K, Larsen Revenue Requirement June 2006 PacifiCorp Idaho Normalized Results of Operation September 2005 -..-I ..J ..J PacifiCorp IDAHO Normalized Results of Operations 12 Months Ended September 2005 (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) September 2005 Rolled in Revenue Requirement Rate Mitigation Cap Capped Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement Normalized September 2005 General Business Revenues Capped Revised Protocol Price Change Revised Protocol (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Filed Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement Normalized September 2005 General Business Revenues Revised Protocol Price Change Capped Revised Protocol Price Change Reduction to Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement Page 1. 179,478,989 Page 9. 101.67% 182,476 288 163,120,418 Page 1. 19,355,870 184,016,693 163,120 418 20,896 275 19,355,870 540,405) Page 1. Page 1. Page 1. From Above PacifiCorp Page 1. IDAHO Normalized Results of Operations - Revised Protocol 12 Months Ended SEPTEMBER 2005 (1)(2)(3) Total Adjusted Results with Results Price Change Price Change Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 163 120,418 896 275 184 016,693 3 Interdepartmental 4 Special Sales 100,918,893 5 Other Operating Revenues 954 627 Total Operating Revenues 270,993,938 Operating Expenses: 9 Steam Production 49,599,328 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 372,179 12 Other Power Supply 119,642,762 13 Transmission 875 724 14 Distribution 447 092 15 Customer Accounting 924,018 29,368 953,386 16 Customer Service & Info 1,436,173 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General 12,477,591 Total O&M Expenses 206 774,867 20 Depreciation 22,711 585 21 Amortiza1ion 584,371 22 Taxes Other Than Income 772,087 772,087 23 Income Taxes - Federal 860 920 971 842 832,763 24 Income Taxes - State 763 898 947 358 711 255 25 Income Taxes - Def Net 515 861 26 Investment Tax Credit Adj.(778,990) 27 Misc Revenue & Expense (225,661) Total Operating Expenses:243 978 938 948 568 251 927 506 Operating Rev For Retum:27015000 12947707 39962707 Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 858 858 090 34 Plant Held for Future Use 380 35 Mise Deferred Debits 059 650 36 Elec Plant Acq Adj 590 787 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 777,193 39 Fuel Stock 396,869 40 Material & Supplies 761 277 41 Working Capital 876,325 42 Weatheriza1ion Loans 749,214 43 Mise Rate Base 802 609 Total Electric Plant:888,943 393 888 943 393 46 Rate Base Deductions: 47 Accum Prov For Deprec (342,708 924) 48 Accum Prev For Amort (19 266,030) 49 Accum Del Income Tax (76 087,127) 50 Unamortized tTC (63 279) 51 Customer Adv For Const (194 145) 52 Customer Service Deposits (486 294) 53 Mise Rate Base Deductions 836 009) Total Rate Base Deductions (445 641,808)445,641,808 Total Rate Base:443 301 585 443301 585 59 Return on Rate Base 094%015% 60 Return on Equity 751%11.400% 62 TAX CALCULATION: 63 Operating Revenue 376 689 866 907 54,243,596 64 Other Deductions 65 Interest (AFUDC) 66 Interest 545 435 13,545,435 67 Schedule "M" Additions 650 403 650,403 68 Schedule "M' Deductions 511 651 511 651 69 Income Before Tax 970 007 20,866 907 35,836,914 71 State Income Taxes 763,898 947,358 711 255 72 Taxable Income 14206109 19919549 34 125658 74 Federal Income Taxes + Other 4860920 6971 842 11832763 Rei. Page 2. PacifiCorp IDAHO Normalized Results of Operations. Revised Protocol 12 Months Ended SEPTEMBER 2005 Page 1. Net Rate Base - Idaho Jurisdiction 443 301 585 Ref. Page 1. Return on Rate Base Requested 015%Ref. Page 2. Revenues Required to Earn Requested Return 39,962 707 Less Current Operating Revenues (27 015,000) Increase to Current Revenues 947 707 Net to Gross Bump-up 161.39% Price Change Required for Requested Return 896 275 Requested Price Change 896 275 Uncollectible Percent 141%Ref. Page 1. Increased Uncollectible Expense 29,368 Requested Price Change 20,896,275 Franchise Tax 000%Ref. Page 1. Revenue Tax 000%Ref. Page 1. Resource Supplier Tax 000%Ref. Page 1.3 Gross Receipts 000%Ref. Page 1. Increase Taxes Other Than Income Requested Price Change 20,896,275 Uncollectible Expense (29 368) Taxes Other Than Income Income Before Taxes 866 907 State Effective Tax Rate 540%Ref. Page 2. State Income Taxes 947,358 Taxable Income 919,549 Federal Income Tax Rate 35.00%Ref. Page 2. Federal Income Taxes 971 842 Operating Income 100.000% Net Operating Income 61.962%Ref. Page 1. Net to Gross Bump-161.39% PacifiCorp IDAHO Normalized Results of Operations - Revised Protocol 12 Months Ended SEPTEMBER 2005 Page 1. Operating Revenue 100.000% Operating.Deductions Uncollect_ble Accounts Taxes Other - Franchise Tax Taxes Other - Revenue Tax Taxes Other - Resource Supplier Taxes Other - Gross Receipts 141% 000% 000% 000% 000% Sub-Total 99.859% State Income Tax!!!! 4.54%534% Sub-Total 95.326% Federal Income Tax!!!! 35.00%33.364% Net Operating Income 61.962% Page 1. PacifiCorp State of Idaho. Electric Utility Actual, Adjusted & Nonnalized Results of Operations. Revised Protocol Twelve Months Ended September 2005 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Unadjusted Type 1 Total Adjusted Type 2 Total Annualized Type 3 Total Nonnallzed Results Adjustments Actual Results Adjustments Actual Results Adjustments Results Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 122,633,302 34,869 840 157 503 143 551 222 163,054,364 054 163 120,418 3 Interdepartmental 4 Special Sales 035022 42,035,022 035,022 58,883,871 100 918,893 5 Other Operating Revenues 10,848,928 (4,478,725)370,204 370,204 584,423 954,627 Total Operating Revenues 175,517 ,253 30,391,116 205,908,369 551,222 211,459,590 59,534,348 270,993,938 Operating Expenses: 9 Steam Production 45,960,906 960 906 (2,317)45,958,589 640,739 599,328 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 140 634 15,277 155911 (329)155,582 216,597 372,179 12 Other Power Supply 30,346331 35,963,324 66,309,654 (820)308 835 333,928 119,642,762 13 Transmission 018 348 (74,051)944298 (303)943,994 931 730 875,724 14 Distribution 889 792 (19 247)870,545 887)868,658 578,434 447,092 15 Customer Accounting 257,997 474 221 732,218 (814)731,404 192 614 924,018 16 Customer Service & Info 419,478 (2,339)417,139 (99)417,040 19,133 436,173 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General 18,194,839 (5,584 552)12,610,287 (1,340)12,608,946 (131,355)12,477,591 Total O&M Expenses 116,228,326 772,632 147 000,958 910)146,993,048 59,781 819 206,774,867 20 Depreciation 869 470 (205)21,869,264 378 363 247,628 463,958 711 585 21 Amortization 370 874 883 463,757 463,757 120,614 584,371 22 Taxes Other Than Income 518 186 518,186 518 186 253 901 772,087 23 Income Taxes. Federal (492 571)531,311 38,740 665,105 703 846 157 075 860,920 24 Income Taxes. State 21,334 72,196 531 226,260 319,791 444 107 763,898 25 Income Taxes. Def Net 724 931 724931 724 931 (5,209 070)515,861 26 Investment Tax Credit Adj.(778,990)(778,990)(778,990)(778 990) 27 Misc Revenue & Expense (254,466)166,051 (88,416)(88,416)(137,2451 (225,661) Total Operating Expenses:151,207,093 31,634,868 182 841,961 261,819 185,103,780 58,875,158 243,978,938 Operating Rev For Return:24,310,160 243,753)23,066 407 289,403 26,355,810 659 190 27,015,000 Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 825,739,741 (3,594,354)822,145,387 612,803 828,758,190 30,099,899 858 858 090 34 Plant Held for Future Use 71,380 71,380 380 71,380 35 Misc Deferred Debits 155,670 727,840)427 830 427,830 631 820 059,650 36 Elec Plant Acq Adj 590,787 590,787 590,787 590 787 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 777,193 777 193 777,193 193 39 Fuel Stock 396,869 396,869 396,869 396,869 40 Material & Supplies 769,554 (8,278)761 277 761,277 761,277 41 Working Capital 554,285 428,091 982 376 698 008,074 868,251 876 325 42 Weatherization 749 214 749 214 749,214 749,214 43 Misc Rate Base 802,609 802,609 802,609 802,609 ...J Total Electric Plant:855,607,302 (4,902,381)850,704,921 638,501 857,343,422 31,599,971 888,943,393 46 Rate Base Deductions: 47 Accum Prov For Deprec (344,669,068)381,304 (342,287,764)(189 182)(342,476,946)(231,979)(342 708 924) 48 Accum Prov For Amort (19,243,671)37,948 (19,205,7231 (19,205,7231 (60,307)(19,266030) 49 Accum Def Income Tax (77 319 686)(77,319,686)(77,319,686)232,559 (76,087,1271 50 Unamortized ITC (63 279)(63,279)(63,279)(63,279) 51 Customer Adv For Const 722,718 (916,863)(194,145)(194 145)(194,145) 52 Customer Service Deposits (486,294)(486,2941 (486,294)(486,294) 53 Misc Rate Base Deductions 264,206)(5,264206)(5,264,206)(1,571,803)(6,836,009) Total Rate Base Deductions (445,837,192)016,096 (444,821,096)(189,182)(445,010,2781 (631,5301 (445,641,808) Total Rate Base:409770110 13 886 2851 405883825 6449319 412333144 30968441 443301585 59 Return on Rate Base 933%683%392%094% 60 Return on Equity 438%483%956%371%327% .(). 576.751% 62 TAX CALCULATION: 63 Operating Revenue 29,784 865 (640,245)144 620 180,768 34,325 388 (948,699)33,376,689 64 Other Deductions 65 Interest (AFUDC) 66 Interest 632,579 (2,230,474)402 105 197 064 599,169 946,265 13,545435 67 Schedule "M" Additions 25,338 879 338,879 338 879 311,524 28,650,403 68 Schedule "M" Deductions 41,877 177 41,877,177 41,877,177 (8,365,526)33,511,651 69 Income Before Tax (1,386,012)590,229 204 217 983,704 187 922 782 085 14,970,007 71 State Income Taxes 334 72,196 93,531 226,260 319,791 444 107 763,898 72 Taxable Income 11407.346\1 518.033 110687 757.444 868.131 337978 14206109 74 Federal Income Taxes + Other 1492.571\531,311 38.740 665 105 703.846 157,075 860 920 (1) Type 1 adjustments involve nonnalization for out of period adjustments and unusual Items that occur during the test period. (2) Type 2 adjustments annualize changes that occurred during the test period. (3) Type 3 adjustments are known and measurable items that will occur in a future test period. ..J IDAHO SUMMARY OF ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL Page 1. Net Powet' Cost Revenue Adjustments O&M Adjusbnents (Tab Adjustments Depredation &Ta. Adjustments (Tab Mise Rale Base Adjustments Tolal Adjustments (Tab 3)(Tab 5)Amortization (Tab 6)Adjusbnenls (Tab 8)(Tab 9)Other (Tab 10) Opefating Revenues: 2 Gene"" Business Revenues 40,487 116 487.116 3 Inlerdopar1menlal 4 Special Sales 58.883.871 58.883,871 Operaling Revenues (3.894.301)478.725)584,423 Total Opefating Revenues 95.476 685 36.008.391 59.468.294 Opefating E'I'Onses: 9 Sleam Produdm 638,422 512,436 125,987 10 Nudeer Production 11 Hydm Production 231 544 216,349 195 12 ~PowerSupply 89,296,432 130,291 88,133,168 32,973 13 Transnission 857376 285.703 513,255 58,418 14 DIstribution 557300 557300 15 Customer Accounting 668,021 668,021 16 Customer Service & Inlo 16,695 695 17 Soles 18 Adninislralive & General (5,717.248)317438)(472.934)(926.877) Tolal O&M Expenses 90.546 542 (4.317.438)911 860 90,772.410 (820,290) 20 DeprecIation 842.115 842,321 (205) 21 Amortization 213.497 242,757 (29,260) 22 Ta.es Other Then Income 253.901 253,901 23 Income Ta...: Federal 353.491 13.468.513 (1,645.976)(10.459,018)(362.535)068,596 283.912 Slate 742.563 830 147 (223.661)(1.421,207)(49.263)567.967 38.579 25 DelemKIlncome Taxes 209070)209.070) 26 Investment Tex Credit Adj, 27 Mise Revenue & Expense 28.805 216 589 Tolal Opera6ng Expenses:92.771 846 10.995.439 056.812 78.892.185 673,280 (318.605)(527265) 0pefa6ng Rev For Retum:704.840 25,012.952 (3.056,812)(19423.890)(673.280)318.605 527 265 Rale Base: 33 EJectric Planlln SeMce 33,118.349 33,118.349 34 Planl Held for Future Use 35 Mise Delerred Debits 096,020)142,719 (590,941)(647 797) 36 Elec Plant Acq Adj 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 39 Fuel Stock 40 Malerial & Supplies (8,278)(8.278) 41 Wor1dng COpilal 322 040 322.040 42 Weatherization Loans 43 Mise Rate Base Tolal Electric Plant 33.336.091 142.719 (590,941)33,784,313 Deductions: 47 Accum Prov For Depree 960.144 (421 160)381.304 48 Accum Prov For Amort (22.359)(60,307)948 49 Accum Del Income Tex 232.559 232,559 50 Unamortized rrc 51 Customer MY For Cons1 (916,863)(916.863) 52 Customer SeMce Deposits (486.294)(486.294) 53 Miscellaneous Deductions 571 803)571 803) Tolal DeductIons:195,385 (1.571.803)(486.294)(481 468)734.948 Total Rate Base:33.531,475 571.803)(343.575)(590.941)(481.468)36.519.282 60 Es6maled ROE i"""""312%11,897%434%165%-0,305%150%-0,710%000%000% 64 TAX CALCULATION: 66 Opefating Revenue 591 824 40,311 612 926,449)(31,304,115)(1,085.078)(253,901)849,755 67 Deductions 68 InlOfeSt (AFUOC) 69 Interest 087 144)(1,087 144) 70 Schedule "M" Additions 311,524 311,524 72 Schedule "M" DeductIons (8.365.526)(8,365,526) 73 Income Before Te.16,356.018 40,311 612 926.449)(31304.115)085 078)12,510.293 849.755 78 Slate Income Ta...742,563 830 147 (223.661)(1.421.207)(49.263)567 967 579 77 Taxable Income 15,613,455 38.481 465 (4.702768)(29.882,908)035,815)942,325 811.176 79 Federal Income Taxes 353.491 13.468.513 (1.645.976)(10.459,018)(362.535)068.596 283.912 PacifiCorp RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Page 2. USER SPECIFIC INFORMATION STATE: PERIOD: IDAHO SEPTEMBER 2005 FILE: PREPARED BY: DATE: TIME: JAM September 2005 Revenue Requirement Department May 31,2006 5:31:31 PM TYPE OF AVG: METHODOLOGY: FACTOR: FERC: BEGINNING/ENDING Revised Protocol Separate Jurisdiction 80R 12CP:12 Coincidental Peaks DEMAND % ENERGY % 75% Demand 25% Energy TAX INFORMATION TAX RATE ASSUMPTIONS: FEDERAL RATE STATE EFFECTIVE RATE TAX GROSS UP FACTOR FEDERAL/STATE COMBINED RATE TAX RATE 35.00% 54% 614 37.950% CAPITAL STRUCTURE INFORMATION MERGED COMPANY CAPITAL STRUCTURE CAPITAL STRUCTURE EMBEDDED COST WEIGHTED COST DEBT PREFERRED COMMON 47.30% 00% 51.70% 100.00% 46% 54% 11.40% 056% 065% 894% 015% OTHER INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING RESULTS OF OPERATIONS SUMMARY UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO Description of Account Summary:Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENTS ADJ TOTAL Operating Revenues General Business Revenues 601 266 528 478,633,226 122 633,302 40,487 116 163,120,418 Interdepartmental Special Sales 660 219,552 618,184,530 035,022 58,883,871 100,918 893 Other Operating Revenues 2.4 179 112,486 168 263,557 10,848,928 (3,894,301)954,627 Total Operating Revenues 2.4 440 598 566 265 081,313 175,517 253 95,476 685 270,993,938 Operating Expenses: Steam Production 700,838,160 654,877 254 45,960,906 638,422 49,599,328 Nuclear Production Hydro Production 270,438 129,804 140,634 231,544 372,179 Other Power Supply 823,589,738 793 243,407 30,346,331 89,296,432 119,642 762 Transmission 108,964,977 101 946 628 018,348 857 376 875 724 Distribution 197 874 045 189,984 253 889,792 557 300 447 092 Customer Accounts 86,527 325 269,328 257,997 666,021 924 018 Customer Service 609 885 46,190,407 1,419,478 16,695 436,173 Sales Administrative & General 245,833 784 227 638,945 194 839 (5,717,248)12,477 591 Total 0 & M Expenses 244,508,352 128 280,027 116,228,326 90,546,542 206,774 867 Depreciation 369 860,932 347,991 462 869,470 842,115 22,711 585 Amortization Expense 62,158,122 58,787 248 370,874 213,497 584,371 Taxes Other Than Income 95,521 057 002 872 518,186 253,901 772 087 Income Taxes - Federal 58,287,012 58,779 583 (492,571)353,491 860 920 Income Taxes - State 019,113 997 779 21,334 742,563 763,898 Income Taxes - Def Net 107 777 712 101,052,781 724 931 (5,209,070)515,861 Investment Tax Credit Adj.(5,854,860)075,870)(778,990)(778,990) Misc Revenue & Expense 2.4 (3,678,335)(3,423,868)(254,466)28,805 (225,661) Total Operating Expenses 934,599,106 783,392 013 151,207 093 771 846 243,978,938 Operating Revenue for Return 505,999,460 481 689,300 310,160 704 840 27,015,000 Rate Base: Electric Plant in Service 13,886,758,333 061 018,592 825,739 741 33,118 349 858,858,090 Plant Held for Future Use 322 660 251 280 380 380 Misc Deferred Debits 162,088,464 157,932,793 155 670 (1,096 020)059,650 Elec Plant Acq Adj 893,833 303,047 590,787 590,787 Nuclear Fuel Prepayments 146,592 30,369 399 777,193 777 193 Fuel Stock 51,179,390 782 521 396,869 396,869 Material & Supplies 106 813,508 100,043,953 769,554 (8,278)761,277 Working Capital 46,725,227 45,170 942 554,285 322,040 876,325 Weatherization Loans 188,605 439,391 749 214 749,214 Miscellaneous Rate Base 10,392 832 590 223 802 609 802 609 Total Electric Plant 415,509,443 559,902 141 855,607,302 33,336,091 888,943,393 Rate Base Deductions: Accum Prov For Depr 518,981 445)174 312 376)(344,669,068)960,144 (342,708,924) Accum Prov For Amort (343,654,308)(324 410,638)(19,243,671)(22 359)(19,266,030) Accurn Def Income Taxes 164,817 794)087 498,108)(77 319 686)232 559 (76 087 127) Unamortized ITC (15,010,369)(14,947 090)(63,279)(63,279) Customer Adv for Const (5,907 229)(6,629 947)722,718 (916,863)(194 145) Customer Service Deposits (486,294)(486,294) Misc. Rate Base Deductions (94 596 020)(89,331,814)(5,264 206)(1,571,803)(6,836,009) Total Rate Base Deductions 142 967 166)(6,697 129,973)(445 837,192)195,385 (445,641 808) Total Rate Base 272 542 277 862 772,167 409,770 110 531,475 443 301 585 Return on Rate Base 958%933%094% Return on Equity 7.421%438%751% 100 Basis Points in Equity: Revenue Requirement Impact 594,752 414 201 693 585 Rate Base Decrease (503 019,475)(32,847 004)(34,667 274) SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL Sales to Ultimate Customers 440 Residential Sales 946,093,309 921 290,684 802 625 23,649,360 48,451 985 946,093,309 921 290 684 24,802,625 649,360 451 985 442 Commercial & Industrial Sales 620,611 363 523,011 906 599 457 16,823,336 114,422,793 620,611 363 523,011,906 97,599,457 823 336 114,422,793 444 Public Street & Highway Lighting 16,330,460 16,099,239 231 221 14,419 245,640 330 460 099 239 231,221 419 245,640 445 Other Sales to Public Authority 231 397 18,231 397 18,231 397 18,231 397 448 Interdepartmental DPW Total Sales to Ultimate Customers 601,266,528 478,633,226 122 633,302 40,487 116 163,120,418 100 101 102 103 447 Sales for Resale 104 WSF 351,247 351 247 ) 105 WSF 641 156,334 599,904 059 41,252,275 59,666 618 100 918 893 .: 106 WSF 711 971 10,929,224 782 747 (782,747)(0) 107 WSF 108 109 660,219,552 618,184 530 035,022 58,883,871 100,918 893 110 449 Provision for Rate Refund 111 WSF 112 WSF 113 114 115 116 117 Total Sales from Electricity 261,486,082 096,817,758 164,668,325 99,370 986 264,039,311 118 450 Forfeited Discounts & Interest 119 CUST 460 622 251 979 208,642 208,642 120 CUST 121 460 622 251 979 208,642 208 642 122 123 451 Misc Electric Revenue 124 GUST 7,470 535 271,475 199,061 199 061 125 126 582 369 213 213 127 7,474 117 274 844 199,274 199,274 128 129 453 Water Sales 130 170,132 159 186 10,946 10,946 131 170 132 159,186 10,946 946 132 133 454 Rent of Electric Property 134 DPW 920,111 13,457 851 462,260 462 260 135 911 919 595,884 316,035 316,035 136 813,121 705,358 107 763 107 763 137 20,645 152 19,759 093 886,059 886,059 138 139 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2.4 BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL r--140 141 456 Other Electric Revenue 142 DMSC 583,545 60,266,108 317,437 317,438)(0) 143 CU5T 144 OTHSE 13,333,887 12,442,742 891,144 891 144 145 OTHSO 818,929 770,256 48,673 48,673 146 OTHSGR 626,100 62,339,348 286,752 423,136 709,889 147 148 149 145,362,461 135,818,454 544,007 894 301)649 706 150 151 Total Other Electric Revenues 179,112,484 168,263,556 10,848,928 (3,894,301)954,627 152 153 Total Electric Operating Revenues 440,598,566 265 081 313 175,517,253 95,476,685 270,993,938 154 155 5ummary of Revenues by Factor 156 700 052,590 572,231 887 127,820,703 169,678 163 990,381 157 158 25,045,858 23,371 966 673 891 (782 747)891 144 159 635,632 478,983 156,649 156 649 160 712,864 486 666,998 477 45,866,009 089,754 105,955,763 161 DGP 162 163 Total Electric Operating Revenues 440,598,566 265,081 313 175,517 253 476,685 270,993,938 164 Miscellaneous Revenues 165 41160 Gain on 5ale of Utility Plant - CR 166 DPW 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 41170 Loss on Sale of Utility Plant \ 174 DPW : 175 176 177 178 4118 Gain from Emission Allowances 179 180 266,270)(2,114 809)(151,462)216 (137 245) 181 (2,266,270)114 809)(151 462)216 (137,245) 182 183 41181 Gain from Disposition of NOX Credits 184 185 186 187 4194 Impact Housing Interest Income 188 189 190 191 421 (Gain) / Loss on Sale of Utility Plant 192 DPW 162,199 162 199 193 194 (182 282)(170,554)(11 728)(11 728) 195 PTO 43,913 160 753 753 196 PTO 131,124 123,331 793 793 197 (1,567 017)466,195)(100 823)(100,823) 198 412 064)309,060)(103 004)(103,004) 199 200 Total Miscellaneous Revenues (3,678,335)(3,423,868)(254,466)14,216 (240,250) 201 Miscellaneous Expenses 202 4311 Interest on Customer Deposits 203 GUST 589 589 204 14,589 589 205 Total Miscellaneous Expenses 14,589 14,589 206 207 Net Misc Revenue and Expense (3,678,335)(3,423,868)(254,466)28,805 (225,661) ) 208 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 209 500 Operation Supervision & Engineering 210 20,723,299 19,389,953 333,346 446,781 780,127 211 SSGCH 578,827 1,483,357 95,469 (323)95,146 212 302,126 873,310 1,428,815 446,458 875,274 213 214 501 Fuel Related 215 404 789,829 377,736,486 053 342 637 559 29,690,902 216 217 218 SSECT 219 SSECH 53,377,947 50,031 731 346,216 (417 480)928,736 220 458,167 776 427 768 217 30,399,559 220,080 619 638 221 222 502 Steam Expenses 223 30,490,036 528 293 961 742 961,742 224 SSGCH 121 049 992,793 128 257 128,257 225 611 085 30,521 086 089,999 089,999 226 227 503 Steam From Other Sources 228 213,136 931 560 281 577 132)275,444 229 213,136 931 560 281 577 (6,132)275,444 230 231 505 Electric Expenses 232 820,571 639,095 181 477 181 477 233 SSGCH 153,993 084,212 69,780 69,780 234 974 564 723 307 251 257 251 257 235 236 506 Misc. Steam Expense 237 025,970 22,480,128 545,841 545,841 238 239 SSGCH 564,185 469,601 584 584 240 25,590,155 949 730 640,425 640 425 241 242 507 Rents 243 863824 808,245 579 55,579 244 SSGCH 365 222 143 143 245 866 189 810,467 55,722 55,722 246 247 510 Maint Supervision & Engineering 248 078,781 752 010 326,771 326,771 249 SSGCH 536,259 382,895 153 364 153 364 250 615,041 134 906 480,135 480,135 251 252 253 254 511 Maintenance of Structures 255 16,799,857 15,718,947 080,910 080,910 256 SSGCH 727,546 683 552 994 43,994 257 527 403 16,402 499 124 904 124 904 258 259 512 Maintenance of 80iler Plant 260 85,163,099 683 668 479 431 479 431 261 SSGCH 535,525 321,737 213,788 213 788 262 698,624 005,405 693,219 693 219 263 264 513 Maintenance of Electric Plant 265 29,489,606 592 232 897 374 897 374 266 SSGCH 850,038 798 637 51,401 401 267 339,644 28,390 869 948 775 948,775 268 269 514 Maintenance of Misc. Steam Plant 270 815,662 377,140 438,523 947 782 386,305 271 SSGCH 116,757 988,759 127 997 30,234 158,232 272 932,419 365,899 566 520 978,016 544 536 273 274 Total Steam Power Generation 700,838,160 654,877 254 45,960,906 638,422 599,328 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 275 517 Operation Super & Engineering 276 277 278 279 518 Nuclear Fuel Expense 280 281 282 283 284 519 Coolants and Water 285 286 287 288 520 Steam Expenses 289 290 291 292 293 294 523 Electric Expenses 295 296 297 298 524 Misc. Nuclear Expenses 299 300 301 302 528 Maintenance Super & Engineering 303 304 305 306 529 Maintenance of Structures 307 308 309 310 530 Maintenance of Reactor Plant 311 312 313 314 531 Maintenance of Electric Plant 315 316 317 318 532 Maintenance of Misc Nuclear 319 320 321 322 Total Nuclear Power Generation 323 324 535 Operation Super & Engineering 325 DGP 326 812,625 567 319 245 306 777 271 083 327 557 409 521 545 35,864 307 73,171 328 329 370 033 088,864 281,170 085 344 255 330 331 536 Water For Power 332 DGP 333 293 81,676 616 616 334 006 373 633 633 335 336 159 299 149,050 10,249 249 337 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL r-, 338 537 Hydraulic Expenses 339 DGP 340 626 657 393,317 233,341 233,341 341 602 000 563,267 38,733 38,733 342 343 228,657 956 584 272,074 272 074 344 345 538 Electric Expenses 346 DGP 347 037 16,876 160 160 348 349 350 18,037 16,876 160 160 351 352 539 Misc. Hydro Expenses 353 DGP 354 902,895 330 079 572 816 22,044 594 860 355 506,679 023,696 482 983 (9,258)473,725 356 357 358 16,409,574 15,353,775 055,799 12,787 068,586 359 360 540 Rents (Hydro Generation) 361 DGP 362 162,144 151 711 10,432 10,432 363 23,748 22,220 528 528 364 365 185,892 173 932 11,960 960 366 367 541 Maint Supervision & En9ineerin9 368 DGP 369 370 371 372 \ 373 374 542 Maintenance of Structures 375 DGP 376 946,160 885 283 60,876 60,876 377 109 335 102 300 035 035 378 379 055,494 987 583 911 911 380 381 382 383 384 543 Maintenance of Dams & Waterways 385 DGP 386 969,106 906,753 62,353 (10)343 387 012,175 947 052 65,124 124 388 389 981,281 853 805 127,476 (10)127,467 390 391 544 Maintenance of Electric Plant 392 DGP 393 535,741 436,931 98.810 98,810 394 816,438 763,908 530 530 395 396 352 179 200,839 151 340 151 340 397 398 545 Maintenance of Misc. Hydro Plant 399 DGP 400 752,858 640 078 112,780 159,544 272 323 401 757 133 708,418 48,714 (3,861)853 402 403 509 991 348,497 161,494 155,683 317 177 404 405 Total Hydraulic Power Generation 33,270,438 31,129,804 140,634 231,544 372,179 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 406 407 546 Operation Super & Engineering 408 409 SSGCT 426 018 397 313 28,704 28,704 410 426,018 397 313 704 28,704 411 412 547 Fuel 413 253,194 827 786 425,408 309,171 734,578 414 SSECT 108 810 116,081 992,729 118,741 111,470 415 65,362 004 943 867 418 136 427,912 846,048 416 417 548 Generation Expense 418 826,241 5,451,378 374 863 025 378,888 419 SSGCT 562,021 322,019 240 002 10,289 250,291 420 388 262 773 397 614 865 14,314 629,179 421 422 549 Miscellaneous Other 423 1,455,599 361 945 93,654 93,654 424 SSGCT 868 810 425 1,456 467 362,755 93,712 712 426 427 428 429 430 550 Maint Supervision & Engineering 431 336,802 315 132 670 670 432 SSGCT 021 954 875 049 146,905 (337 159)809 746 433 358 756 16,190,181 168 575 (337,159)831 415 434 435 551 Maint Supervision & Engineering 436 437 438 439 552 Maintenance of Structures 440~441 SSGCT 150 633 140,484 149 10,149 442 150,633 140,484 10,149 10,149 443 444 553 Maint of Generation & Electric Plant 445 147 529 618 618 446 SSGCT 288,598 201 775 86,823 86,823 447 313,745 225 304 441 88,441 448 449 554 Maintenance of Misc. Other 450 574 583 991 339,083 344 074 451 SSGCT 191,807 178,884 924 12,924 452 269,381 251 466 915 339 083 356 997 453 454 Total Other Power Generation 95,725,265 284 767 440,498 444 149 884,647 455 456 457 555 Purchased Power 458 DMSC (118,911 588)(83 732 822)(35,178,766)35,178,766 459 683,960,382 639,954,076 006 306 108 358 114,664 460 117 144 127 109,315,026 829,100 (2,409,474)419,626 461 Seasonal (P SSGC 796,722 796,722 462 DGP 463 464 682 192,921 665,536,280 16,656,640 674 372 102,331,012 465 466 556 System Control & Load Dispatch 467 403,054 312,781 273 706 93,979 468 469 403,054 312 781 90,273 706 93,979 470 471 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 472 Other Expenses473557 474 (91 896)(75,410)(16,487)095,503 079,017 475 579,575 40,775,647 803,929 500 882,429 476 SGCT 477 478 SSGCT 780,819 728,209 52,610 201 811 479 TROJP 480 481 268,498 41,428 446 840,052 174 204 014 256 482 483 Embedded Cost Differentials 484 Company Owned H) P DGP (82 279,963)(82 279 963) 485 Company Owned H) P 279,963 986,034 293,928 293 928 , 486 Mid-C Contract (43 959,564)(43 131,437)(828,126)(828,126) 487 Mid-C Contract 43,959,564 131 186 828,377 828,377 488 Existing OF Contrac P 58,496 487 708,110 788,378 788 378 489 Existing OF Contrac P (58 496 487)(54,732 798)763,689)763 689) 490 491 318,868)318,868 318,868 492 493 Total Other Power Supply 727,864,473 703,958,640 23,905,833 86,852,283 110,758,116 494 495 TOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSE 557,698,336 479,250 465 78,447,871 93,166 398 171 614,269 496 497 498 Summary of Production Expense by Factor 499 (60,506,997)(26,100,122)(34,406,875)274 270 867 395 500 059,948 556 991 751 008 68,197 548 52,159,779 120,357 327 501 577,400,286 538,810,858 38,589,427 531,123 120,551 502 SNPPH 503 TROJP 504 SGCT 505 DGP (82 279,963)(82,279,963) DEU DEP 508 SNPPS 509 SNPPO 510 DGU 511 (43 959,564)(43 131 437)(828,126)(828 126) 512 SSGCT 23,422 718 844,543 578,176 (326,670)251,506 513 SSECT 108,810 116 081 992,729 118 741 111,470 514 SSGC 796,722 796,722 515 SSGCH 186,544 207 766 978,778 29,911 008 689 516 SSECH 53,377 947 50,031 731 346 216 (417 480)928,736 517 Total Production Expense by Factor 557 698,336 1,479,250 465 447,871 93,166 398 171 614 269 518 560 Operation Supervision & Engineering 519 101 942 773,681 328,261 116,454 444 715 520 521 101 942 773 681 328,261 116,454 444 715 522 523 561 Load Dispatching 524 760,442-4,454 153 306,289 306,289 525 526 760 442 454,153 306 289 306,289 527 562 Station Expense 528 696,830 651 996 44,834 834 529 530 696,830 651 996 834 834 531 532 563 Overhead Line Expense 533 102 985 967 678 135,307 135,307 534 535 102 985 967 678 135 307 135 307 536 537 564 Underground Line Expense 538 539 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 542 565 Transmission of Electricity by Others 543 75,947 329 060,845 886 484 696 605 583 089 544 006,778 805 826 200 952 (183,350)602 545 546 547 78,954,107 866,670 087,436 513 255 600,691 548 549 566 Misc. Transmission Expense 550 140 971 131 901 070 070 551 552 140,971 131 901 070 070 553 554 567 Rents - Transmission 555 723 163 612 294 110,869 (74 051)36,818 556 557 723,163 612,294 110 869 (74 051)36,818 558 559 568 Maint Supervision & Engineering 560 996 546 450 450 561 562 996 546 450 450 563 564 569 Maintenance of Structures 565 398 372 566 567 398 372 568 569 570 Maintenance of Station Equipment 570 793,267 356,186 437 082 437 082 571 572 793,267 356,186 437,082 437 082 573 574 571 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 575 986,875 472,996 513,879 513,879 576 577 986 875 7,472 996 513,879 513 879 578 579 572 Maintenance of Underground Lines 580 30,256 28,310 947 947 581 582 30,256 28,310 947 947 583 584 573 Maint of Misc. Transmission Plant 585 666 745 623 846 899 301,717 344,616 586 587 666,745 623,846 899 301,717 344,616 588 589 TOTAL TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 108,964,977 101 946,628 018,348 857 376 875,724 590 591 Summary of Transmission Expense by Factor 592 006,778 805,826 200,952 (183,350)17,602 593 105 958,199 99,140,802 817 396 040,726 858,122 594 SNPT 595 Total Transmission Expense by Factor 108,964,977 101,946,628 018,348 857 376 875,724 596 580 Operation Supervision & Engineering 597 DPW (230,102)(195,830)(34,272)(34,272) 598 DPW SNPD 25,572,432 24,430,186 142,247 80,660 222,907 599 25,342,330 234 356 107 974 80,660 188,635 600 601 581 Load Dispatching 602 DPW 603 DPW SNPD 557,406 175,172 382 235 340 406 574 604 557,406 175,172 382,235 340 406 574 605 606 582 Station Expense 607 DPW 847 330 622 255 225,075 907 233,982 608 DPW SNPD 326 145 311 577 568 617 15,185 609 173 476 933 833 239,643 524 249 167 , '610 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 611 583 Overhead Line Expenses 612 DPW 809,730 15,851 503 958 227 46,236 004,463 613 DPW SNPD 307,330 204 268 103 062 176 107 237 614 19,117 060 18,055 771 061 289 50,411 111,700 615 616 584 Underground Line Expense 617 DPW 219,253 195,665 588 144 732 618 DPW SNPD 619 219,253 195 665 588 144 732 620 621 585 Street Lighting & Signal Systems 622 DPW 623 DPW SNPD 201 101 192 119 983 644 626 624 201 101 192 119 983 644 626 625 626 586 Meter Expenses 627 DPW 246,517 026,313 220 205 10,479 230,683 628 DPW SNPD 538,536 469 814 68,722 261 983 629 785,054 496,127 288,927 13,739 302 666 630 631 587 Customer Installation Expenses 632 DPW 468 468 633 DPW SNPD 38,884 147 737 821 634 39,352 615 737 821 635 636 588 Misc. Distribution Expenses 637 DPW 11,418,709 649,105 769 604 687 791 292 638 DPW SNPD 846,986 317,815 529,171 079 550,249 639 23,265,695 966,920 298,775 42,766 341 541 640 641 589 Rents 642 DPW 019,875 005,142 733 733 643 DPW SNPD 750,431 716 912 33,520 33,520 644 770,306 722,054 253 48,253 645 646 590 Maint Supervision & Engineering 647 DPW 749,950 749,950 648 DPW SNPD 179,922 171,886 037 388 425 649 929,872 921 836 037 388 425 650 651 591 Maintenance of Structures 652 DPW 770,032 676 733 93,299 299 653 DPW SNPD 304 348 290,754 13,594 13,594 654 074 380 967,487 106,893 106 893 655 656 592 Maintenance of Station Equipment 657 DPW 463,828 107 615 356,213 15,488 371 701 658 DPW SNPD 807 721 726,976 80,746 859 605 659 271,549 834 591 436,958 347 459,306 660 593 Maintenance of Overhead Lines 661 DPW 175 009 93,943 461 231,548 69,594 301 142 662 DPW SNPD (45 604,797)(43 567 763)037 034)(22 610)059 645) 663 570 212 50,375 698 194 513 984 241,497 664 665 594 Maintenance of Underground Lines 666 DPW 20,887 325 20,236 587 650 738 655 674 393 667 DPW SNPD 170,623 163 002 621 307 928 668 057 948 20,399,589 658 359 23,962 682 321 669 670 595 Maintenance of Line Transformers 671 DPW 652,138 641 897 10,241 297 538 672 DPW SNPD (70,103)(66,972)131)(42)173) 673 582 034 574 925 110 255 365 674 675 596 Maint of Street Lighting & Signal Sys. 676 DPW 347 622 220,052 127.570 564 133 134 677 DPW SNPD 069 887 182 191 678 351 691 223,939 127 752 573 133,325 679 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 680 597 Maintenance of Meiers 681 DPW 637 998 453 573 184,425 944 193,368 682 DPW SNPD 454,319 389,359 960 298 68,259 683 092 317 842,932 249,385 242 261,627 684 685 598 Maint of Misc. Distribution Plant 686 DPW 257,695 074 601 183 093 951 716 134,810 687 DPW SNPD 10,215,313 759,025 456 289 269,521 725,809 688 14,473,008 13,833 626 639 382 221 237 860,619 689 690 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE 197 874 045 189,984,253 889,792 557,300 447,092 691 692 693 Summary of Distribution Expense by Factor 694 178,273,377 171,259,091 014 286 163,711 177,997 695 SNPD 19,600 668 18,725,163 875 505 393,590 269,095 696 697 Total Distribution Expense by Factor 197 874 045 189,984 253 889,792 557 300 447,092 698 699 901 Supervision 700 CUST 134 635 004 026 130 609 397 137 006 701 CUST 604 043 380,343 223,700 10,867 234 567 702 738,678 384 369 354 309 264 371 572 703 704 902 Meter Reading Expense 705 CUST 958,035 21,850,830 107,205 53,949 161 153 706 GUST 402 893 386 811 083 906 16,988 707 23,360 928 22,237 641 123,287 54,854 178,142 708 709 903 Customer Receipts & Collections 710 GUST 364,517 076 414 288 104 13,716 301 820 711 CUST 42,407 132 40,714 340 692,792 105 593 798,386 712 771,650 46,790 754 980,896 119,310 100,205 713 714 904 Uncollectible Accounts 715 CUST 10,439,168 10,487 917 (48,749)278,000 229,251 716 717 GUST 849,279)(4,655,707)(193,572)196 221 649 718 589 889 832 210 (242,320)474 221 231 901 719 720 905 Misc. Customer Accounts Expense 721 CUST 16,691 16,759 (68)(68) 722 GUST 049,489 007 596 893 372 265 723 066,180 024 355 41,825 372 42,198 724 725 TOTAL CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXP 86,527,325 83,269,328 257,997 666,021 924 018 726 727 Summary of Customer Accts Exp by Factor 728 913,046 435,946 477,101 352,062 829,163 729 614 279 42,833,382 780,896 313,959 094,855 730 731 Total Customer Accounts Expense by Factor 527 325 269 328 257,997 666,021 924 018 732 733 907 Supervision 734 GUST 735 GUST 321,924 229,238 686 642 95,328 736 321 924 229,238 92,686 642 328 737 738 908 Customer Assistance 739 GUST 354,826 42,113,589 241,237 12,878 254 115 740 GUST 008,647 968,384 40,263 710 973 741 742 743 363,473 43,081 973 281 500 588 297 088 744 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 745 909 Informational & Instructional Adv 746 GUST 56,641 52,427 214 214 747 GUST 574 344 551,417 22,926 521)405 748 630,985 603 844 141 521)25,620 749 750 910 Misc. Customer Service 751 GUST 170,275 157,042 13,233 13,233 752 GUST 123,230 118 311 919 (14)905 753 754 293,504 275,352 152 (14)18,138 755 756 TOTAL CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPENSE 609,885 46,190,407 419,478 16,695 436,173 757 758 759 Summary of Customer Service Exp by Factor 760 43,581,742 323 058 258,684 878 271 562 761 028,144 867 350 160,794 817 164 611 762 763 Total Customer Service Expense by Factor 609,885 46,190,407 1,419,478 695 1,436,173 764 765 766 911 Supervision 767 CUST 768 GUST 769 770 771 912 Demonstration & Selling Expense 772 GUST 773 GUST 774 775 776 913 Advertising Expense 777 GUST 778 CUST 779 780 781 916 Misc. Sales Expense 782 GUST 783 GUST 784 785 786 TOTAL SALES EXPENSE 787 788 789 Total Sales Expense by Factor 790 791 792 Total Sales Expense by Factor 793 794 Total Customer Service Exp Including Sales 47,609,885 46,190,407 419,478 16,695 436,173 795 920 Administrative & General Salaries 796 PTD 706,967 706 967 859 859 797 GUST 798 PTD 136,233,653 128,136 570 097 082 (184 911)912 171 799 136,940,620 128,843 537 097 082 (178,052)919,030 800 801 921 Office Supplies & expenses 802 PTD 106,643 105,412 231 231 803 GUST 707 519 188 188 804 PTD 12,490,013 747 666 742 347 (130,812)611 535 805 12,601 363 857 597 743 766 (130,812)612,954 806 807 922 A&G Expenses Transferred 808 PTD 809 GUST 810 PTD (27 880,339)(26,223 264)657 075)657 075) 811 (27 880,339)(26,223,264)657 075)657 075) 812 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RE5Ul T5 IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 813 923 Outside Services , 814 PTD 651 55,651 815 GUST 816 PTD 983,618 26,320,404 663,214 (11 118)652,095 817 039,268 376,055 663 214 (11 118)652,095 818 819 924 Property Insurance 820 PTD 160,040 19,902,388 257 652 257 652 821 160,040 19,902,388 257 652 257 652 822 823 925 Injuries & Damages 824 PTD 709,182 11,013,243 695,938 695,938 825 709,182 013,243 695,938 695,938 826 827 926 Employee Pensions & Benefits 828 LABOR 829 GUST 830 LABOR 831 832 833 927 Franchise Requirements 834 DMSC 835 DM5C 836 837 838 928 Regulatory Commission Expense 839 DMSC 052,750 724,205 328,545 328,545 840 GUST 841 DMSC 842 FERC 350,622 263 722 86,900 86,900 843 403,372 987,928 415 444 415,444 844 845 929 Duplicate Charges 846 LABOR 847 LABOR (15,319,837)(14 409,299)(910 539)(910,539) 848 (15,319,837)(14,409,299)(910,539)(910,539) , 849 850 930 Misc General Expenses 851 PTD 27,059,354 813,655 245,698 (5,244 221)1,477 852 GUST 654 508 146 146 853 LABOR 043,934 15,090,359 953,575 (220,564)733,012 854 106 942 36,907 522 199,420 (5,464,785)734,635 855 856 931 Rents 857 PTD (484)(484) 858 PTD 921,980 451,135 470,845 470,845 859 921,496 7,450,651 470,845 470,845 860 861 935 Maintenance of General Plant 862 140,077 990,748 149,329 149,329 863 GUST 39,020 37,462 558 558 864 17,972,582 904,377 068,205 519 135,724 865 19,151 678 932 587 219,091 67,519 286,611 866 867 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE & GEN EXP 245,833,784 227 638,945 18,194,839 (5,717 248)12,477,591 868 869 Summary of A&G Expense by Factor 870 120,957 396,154 724 803 (5,237 363)487,440 871 208,314 825 195 933,579 381 246 (479 886)11,901 360 872 350,622 263,722 86,900 86,900 873 380 45,489 891 892 874 Total A&G Expense by Factor 245 833 784 227 638,945 18,194 839 (5,717 248)12,477,591 875 876 TOTAL O&M EXPENSE 244,508,352 128,280,027 116,228,326 90,546 542 206,774 867 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 877 403SP Steam Depreciation 878 517,779 039,528 478,250 2,478,250 879 944 025 39,245,328 698,697 698,697 880 45,860 269 909,599 950,669 304 891 255,561 881 5SGCH 933 839 393,623 540,217 540 217 882 135,255,912 126,588 078 667 834 304 891 972 725 883 884 4O3NP Nuclear Depreciation 885 886 887 888 4O3HP Hydro Depreciation 889 206,043 871 084 334,959 334 959 890 235,984 156,460 79,524 79,524 891 972,721 652 774 319,947 811 349,758 892 449,524 356,261 263 (34)93,229 893 864,273 12,036,580 827 693 29,777 857 470 894 895 4O30P Other Production Depreciation 896 44,957 065 893 893 897 472 218 055,793 416,425 434,942 851 367 898 S5GCT 722,431 404 243 318,188 318 188 899 S5GCH 900 11,239,607 502,101 737 506 434 942 172,447 901 902 4O3TP Transmission Depreciation 903 12,407 413 11,609,115 798,298 798,298 904 13,430,872 12,566,724 864 148 864 148 905 489,550 785,201 704 349 55,430 759,780 906 327 835 961 040 366,796 430 422 226 907 908 909 910 403 Distribution Depreciation 911 360 LarxI & Land Righls DPW 269 410 251 941 17,469 469 912 361 Structures DPW 719,329 705,016 313 313 913 362 S_n Equipme" DPW 13,029 039 668 537 360,502 360,502 914 364 Poles & Towers DPW 780,498 29,913,758 866,740 866 740 915 365 OH Conductors DPW 15,821 679 976,957 844,722 844 722 916 366 UG Conduit DPW 945,399 803,489 141 911 141 911 917 367 UG Conductor DPW 526,878 12,098,185 428,693 428,693 918 368 Line Trans DPW 21,549,155 20,283,003 266,152 266 152 919 369 Services DPW 8,403 413 960,230 443,183 443,183 920 370 Meiers DPW 416,489 943,884 472 605 472,605 921 371 InstCustP",m DPW 384 068 376 906 162 162 922 372 Leased PIopefIy DPW 293 166 127 127 923 373 StreetUgtoing DPW 269 443 238,247 196 196 924 119,116 094 113,221 318 894 776 894 776 925 926 4O3GP General Depreciation 927 G-SITU5 12,409,090 617 508 791 582 791 582 928 DGP 514 345 481 252 33,093 093 929 DGU 950 884 889,704 180 180 930 035 34,560 475 475 931 CUST 1,495,517 1,435,820 59,698 (670)028 932 234,533 962 081 272,452 272,452 933 PTD 19,198,252 18,057 199 141 053 744 158 797 934 SSGCT 25,778 041 737 737 935 S5GCH 191 776 180 180 596 596 936 057,211 682,345 374 866 075 391 941 937 938 403GVO General Vehicles 939 940 941 942 403MP Mining Depreciation 943 944 945 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAl 946 4O3EP Experimental Plant Depreciation 947 948 949 950 4031 ARO Depreciation 951 952 953 954 955 TOTAL DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 369,860,932 347,991.462 21,869,470 842,115 711 585 956 957 Summary 131,525,184 124 838,826 686,358 686,358 958 DGP 959 DGU 960 203,731 119 190,622,971 13,108 148 825,041 13,933,189 961 198,252 18,057 199 141 053 17,744 158,797 962 495,517 435,820 698 (670)59,028 963 035 34,560 475 475 964 SSGCH 125,616 573,802 551 813 551 813 965 SSGCT 748,209 428,284 319 925 319,925 966 Total Depreciation Expense By Factor 369 860 932 347 991 462 869 470 842 115 22,711,585 967 968 404GP Amort of l T Plant - Capital Lease Gen 969 SITUS 988,702 988,702 970 971 PTO 293 898 216,994 76,903 903 972 OGU 973 GUST 140,386 134,782 604 604 974 DGP 975 2,422 986 340,479 507 507 976 977 404SP Amort of L T Plant - Cap Lease Steam 978 979 980 981 982 4041P Amort of L T Plant - Intan9ible Plant 983 SITUS 140,481 012 220 128 261 128 261 984 814 84,745 069 069 985 051 534 919,537 131 997 (841)131 156 986 PTO 732,295 33,608,537 123,758 120,614 244,373 987 GUST 872 263 717 692 154,572 154 572 988 I-5G 796,680 616,740 179,940 (14 444)165,496 989 664,179 621 445 734 (13,975)28,758 990 DGP 296,570 277 488 19,081 19,081 991 SSGCT 61,384 248 136 136 992 I-5G SSGCH 777 5,428 349 349 993 DGU 18,380 198 183 183 994 46,730 357 43,938,278 792 080 355 883,434 995 996 404MP Amort of L T Plant - Minin9 Plant 997 998 999 1000 404HP Amortization of Other Electric Plant 1001 1002 1003 43,406 40,613 793 793 1004 43,406 40,613 793 793 1005 1006 Total Amortization of limited Term Plant 196,749 46,319 370 877 379 355 968,734 1007 1008 1009 405 Amortization of Other Electric Plant 1010 1011 1012 1013 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNINGIENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1014 406 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adj 1015 1016 1017 1018 5,479,353 126,809 352 544 352 544 1019 1020 5,479,353 126,809 352,544 352 544 1021 407 Amort of Prop Losses, Unrec Plant, etc 1022 DPW 302,193 302,193 1023 122,143 122 143 1024 1025 1026 333,105 311 673 21,432 432 1027 TROJP 846 722 727 204 119 518 119 518 1028 482,020 341 069 140,950 122 143 263 093 1029 1030 TOTAL AMORTIZATION EXPENSE 62,158,122 787,248 370,874 213,497 584 371 1031 1032 1033 1034 Summary of Amortization Expense by Factor 1035 7,431 376 303 114 128,261 128 261 1036 814 745 069 069 1037 TROJP 846,722 727 204 119 518 119 518 1038 DGP 1039 DGU 1040 026,193 34,825,532 200,661 242 757 443,418 1041 SSGCT 384 248 136 136 1042 SSGCH 777 5,428 349 349 1043 012,650 852,474 160,175 160 175 1044 683,206 10,931 503 751 703 (29 260)722,443 1045 Total Amortization Expense by Factor 158 122 58,787 248 370 874 213 497 584 371 1046 408 Taxes Other Than Income 1047 DMSC 19,556,803 556 803 1048 GPS 491 825 63,480,431 011 394 273,888 285,282 1049 035,751 558 144 477 607 (21 144)456,463 1050 436 679 407 495 29,185 158 30,342 1051 1052 DMSC OPRV- 1053 EXCTAX 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 TOTAL TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 95,521 057 002,872 518,186 253,901 772 087 1059 1060 1061 41140 Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Fed 1062 PTD DGU 854,860)(5,075,870)(778,990)(778,990) 1063 1064 (5,854,860)(5,075,870)(778,990)(778,990) 1065 1066 41141 Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Idaho 1067 PTD DGU 1068 1069 1070 1071 TOTAL DEFERRED ITC (5,854,860)(5,075,870)(778 990)(778 990) 1072 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1073 1074 427 Interest on Long-Term Debt 1075 (1,087 144)087 144) 1076 5NP 235,726,728 222,168 850 13,557 878 13,557,878 1077 235 726,728 222,168,850 13,557 878 087 144)12,470,734 1078 1079 428 Amortization of Debt Disc & Exp 1080 5NP 10,502 912 898 834 604 077 604 077 1081 10,502,912 898 834 604 077 604 077 1082 1083 429 Amortization of Premium on Debt 1084 5NP (87 993)(82 932)(5,061)061) 1085 (87 993)(82 932)(5,061)061) 1086 1087 431 Other Interest Expense 1088 NUTIL OTH 1089 1090 5NP 448,641 23,984,956 1,463,685 463,685 1091 25,448,641 23,984,956 1,463,685 1,463,685 1092 1093 432 AFUDG - Borrowed 1094 SNP (14 084 028)(13,273 982)(810,046)(810,046) 1095 (14,084,028)(13 273,982)(810 046)(810,046) 1096 1097 Total Elec. Interest Deductions for Tax 257 506,259 242 695,727 810,533 087,144)13,723,388 1098 1099 Non-Utility Portion of Interest 1100 427 NUTIL NUTIL 1101 428 NUTIL NUTIL 1102 429 NUTIL NUTIL 1103 431 NUTIL NUTIL 1104 1105 Total Non-utility Interest 1106 1107 Total Interest Deductions for Tax 257 506 259 242 695,727 810,533 087 144)723,388 1108 1109 1110 419 Interest & Dividends 1111 1112 SNP (3,094 029)(2,916,075)(177 954)(177 954) 1113 Total Operatin9 Deductions for Tax (3,094 029)916,075)(177,954)(177,954) 1114 1115 1116 41010 Deferred Income Tax - Federal- 1117 251 934 047 237,029,277 904 770 (12 867 115)037 655 1118 TROJD 659 709 950 950 1119 DGP 70,849 70,849 1120 LABOR 96,717 382 90,968 959 748,423 (3,778,397)970,025 1121 SNP 32,363 30,502 861 861 1122 848,881 5,457 982 390,899 (8,100)382,798 1123 151,050 076,991 059 31,885 105 944 1124 GPS 1125 DITEXP DITEXP 1126 GUST BADDEBT 18,139 139 1127 GUST 1128 SGGT 1129 DPW SNPD 877 105 703,926 173 179 (132,496)683 1130 359,646,336 338,352 196 294 140 (16,736,085)558,055 1131 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1132 1133 1134 41110 Deferred Income Tax - Federal- 1135 (182 747,589)(172,304 946)(10,442,643)442,643 1136 319,224)(6,830,058)(489,166)(103,660)(592,826) 1137 DGP (334,300)(334,300) 1138 SNP (2,220,117)092,426)(127,691)(127 691) 1139 722,466)(5,354,280)(368,186)551 698 183,512 1140 GPS (289,462)(272 258)(17 204)(17,204) 1141 LABOR (50 142,091)(47 161 883)980,208)560,786 (2,419,422) 1142 SNPD 1143 GUST (152,298)(146,219)(6,079)(6,079) 1144 GUST BADDEBT 975,555)900,007)(75,548)548 1145 DITEXP DITEXP 1146 TROJD (609,301)(569,827)(39,474)(39,474) 1147 SGCT (356,221)(333 211)(23,010)(23,010) 1148 1149 1150 (251 868,624)(237,299 414)(14 569 210)527,015 042,194) 1151 1152 TOTAL DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 107 777,712 101 052 781 724 931 209,070)515,861 1153 SCHMAF Additions - Flow Through 1154 SCHMAF 1155 SCHMAF SNP 1156 SCHMAF 1157 SCHMAF 1158 SCHMAF TROJP 1159 SCHMAF 1160 1161 1162 SCHMAP Additions - Permanent 1163 798,105 798 105 1164 406,547 312,543 004 004 1165 LABOR SNP 681 115 469 395 211,720 211,720 1166 SCHMAP-SO 351 676 330,774 20,902 20,902 ; 1167 ) 1168 237,443 910,817 326,626 326,626 1169 1170 SCHMAT Additions - Temporary 1171 SCHMAT-SITUS S 328,216 26,396 724 931,492 (931 492) 1172 SGCT 938,633 878,003 60,630 60,630 1173 DPW CIAC 62,951,152 60,139 306 811 846 811 846 1174 SCHMA T -SNP SNP 016 080 209,942 806,138 806,138 1175 TROJD 566,947 465,431 101,516 101 516 1176 1177 SCHMAT-289,407 15,200,736 088 671 (656,113)432 558 1178 365,163 148,647 216,516 216,516 1179 SCHMAT-GPS GPS (6,041 503)(5,682,425)(359,078)(359,078) 1180 SCHMAT-(71 620,996)(67,364,184)256,812)875 554 618,742 1181 SCHMA T -SNP SNPD 11,778,984 252,851 526,133 (526,133) 1182 GUST 401,301 385,282 16,019 16,019 1183 DPW BADDEBT 1184 BOOKDEPR SCHMDEXP 390,150,721 367,081 538 23,069,183 549 707 23,618,890 1185 451 124 105 426,111 851 012,254 311,524 323,777 1186 1187 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADDITIONS 459,361 548 434,022 669 25,338,879 311 524 650,403 1188 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1189 SCHMDF Deductions - Flow Through 1190 SCHMDF 1191 SCHMDF DGP 423 423 1192 SCHMDF DGU 1193 6,423 6,423 1194 SCHMDP Deductions - Permanent 1195 SCHMDP 1196 579,558 006,160 573,398 573 398 1197 PTD SNP 351 707 331,478 20,229 20,229 1198 SCHMDP IBT 1199 240 567 240,567 1200 SCHMDP-175,642 511 415 664 227 664,227 1201 106,907 849 053 257 854 240 567 498,420 1202 1203 SCHMDT Deductions - Temporary 1204 (875 558)(889,704)146 146 1205 DPW BADDEBT (5,205 950)(5,006,867)(199,083)246,879 796 1206 SCHMDT-SNP SNP 734,899)405,055)(329,844)(329,844) 1207 GUST DGP 1208 124 077 10,380,621 743,456 (998,583)(255,126) 1209 SCHMDT-624,282 519,775 104,507 722 041 826,548 1210 SCHMDT-GPS GPS 26,175,675 24,619 917 555 758 555,758 1211 SCHMDT-502,686 20,224 668 278,018 (2,687 743)(1,409,725) 1212 TAXDEPR TAXDEPR 625,684,700 588,688,653 996 047 (6,539,570)30,456,477 1213 DPW SNPD 10,215 978 759,660 456,318 (349,117)107 201 1214 684 510,991 643 891 668 619,323 (8,606,093)32,013,230 1215 1216 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M DEDUCTIONS 704 624 321 662,747 144 877 177 365,526)33,511 651 1217 1218 TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADJUSTMENTS (245 262,773)(228,724 476)(16,538,297)677 050 861 248) 1219 1220 NOTE:Positive Schedule M amounts increase taxable income and therefore increase tax expense. 1221 Negative Schedule M amounts decrease taxable income and therefore decrease tax expense. 1222 40911 State Income Taxes 1223 IBT IBT 019 113 997 779 334 742 563 763 898 1224 IBT IBT 1225 IBT IBT 1226 IBT IBT 1227 TOTAL STATE TAXES 019,113 997,779 334 742,563 763,898 1228 1229 1230 Calculation of Taxable Income: 1231 Operating Revenues 440,598,566 265,081 313 175,517 253 95,476,685 270,993,938 1232 Operating Deductions: 1233 0 & M Expenses 244,508,352 128,280,027 116,228,326 90,546,542 206,774 867 1234 Depreciation Expense 369,860 932 347,991,462 869,470 842,115 22,711,585 1235 Amortization Expense 62,158,122 787 248 370,874 213,497 584 371 1236 Taxes Other Than Income 95,521 057 002,872 518,186 253,901 772,087 1237 Interest & Dividends (AFUDC-Equity)(3,094 029)916,075)(177 954)(177 954) 1238 Misc Revenue & Expense 678,335)(3,423,868)(254,466)28,805 (225,661) 1239 Total Operating Deductions 765,276,100 619,721,665 145,554,435 884,861 237 439,296 1240 Other Deductions: 1241 Interest Deductions 257,506,259 242 695,727 810,533 087 144)13,723,388 1242 Interest on PCRBS 1243 Schedule M Adjustments (245 262,773)(228,724,476)(16,538,297)677 050 861 248) 1244 1245 Income Before State Taxes 172,553,434 173,939,446 386 012)356,018 970,007 1246 1247 State Income Taxes 019,113 997 779 334 742,563 763,898 1248 1249 Total Taxable Income 166,534,321 167 941,667 407,346)15,613,455 206 109 1250 1251 Tax Rate 1252 1253 Federal Income Tax - Calculated 287,012 58,779,583 (492,571)5,464,709 972,138 1254 1255 Adjustments to Calculated Tax: 1256 40910 EnelllY Cred.(111 218)(111 218) 1257 40910 DMO )1258 FITOTH FIT True-up NUTIL OTH 1259 40910 IRSSeItie LABOR 1260 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 58,287 012 779 583 (492 571)353,491 860,920 1261 1262 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 934 599 106 783,392,013 151,207,093 771,846 243,978,938 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DE SCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAl 1263 310 Land and land Rights 1264 620 785 387 822 232 963 232 963 1265 34,725,391 32,491 145 234,247 234,247 1266 534,258 38,861 925 672,332 672,332 1267 1268 SSGCH 231 557 157 086 471 74,471 1269 111 991 75,897 979 214 012 214 012 1270 1271 311 Structures and Improvements 1272 237 989 420 222 677 078 312,342 15,312,342 1273 330 253 122 309,004 494 248,628 248 628 1274 152,383 436 142 579 020 804 416 804,416 1275 SSGCH 070,801 43,284 964 785,837 785 837 1276 766,696 779 717 545,555 49,151 224 49,151 224 1277 1278 312 Boiler Plant Equipment 1279 754 232,582 705,704 932 48,527 650 527 650 1280 716,735,284 670,620,226 46,115,058 115 058 1281 822,792 206 769 853,400 938 806 938,806 1282 SSGCH 224 858,312 211 261 442 13,596 870 596 870 1283 518 618,384 357 440 001 161 178,383 161 178 383 1284 1285 314 Turbogenerator Units 1286 154,749,649 144 792,990 956,659 956,659 1287 159 598,504 149,329 867 10,268 637 268,637 1288 327 942 073 306,842,138 099,935 361 917 30,461 852 1289 SSGCH 789,296 49,597 200 192 095 192 095 1290 695,079,521 650,562,195 517 326 361 917 879,243 1291 1292 315 Accessory Electric Equipment 1293 648 253 82,944 586 703,667 703 667 1294 140,523,837 131 482 472 041 364 041 364 1295 290 053 48,925,688 364 365 364 365 1296 SSGCH 45,988,591 207 724 780,866 780,866 1297 327 450 733 306,560,471 20,890,262 20,890 262 1298 1299 1300 1301 316 Misc Power Plant Equipment 1302 679,711 314 276 365,435 365 435 1303 156 666 567 522 589,144 589,144 1304 318,645 719 079 599,566 599 566 1305 SSGCH 133 709 944 218 189,491 189 491 1306 288,731 25,545 096 743 636 743,636 1307 1308 317 Steam Plant ARO 1309 1310 1311 1312 Unclassified Steam Plant - Account 300 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 Total Steam Production Plant 416,246 139 133,551,297 282,694,842 361 917 292 056,759 1318 1319 1320 Summary of Steam Production Plant by Factor 1321 1322 DGP 1323 DGU 1324 042,173,874 782 098,661 260,075,212 361 917 269 437 130 1325 SSGCH 374 072,265 351,452 635 619,630 619,630 1326 Total Steam Production Plant by Factor 4,416 246 139 133,551 297 282,694 842 361 917 292 056,759 1327 320 land and Land Rights 1328 1329 1330 1331 ) 1332 321 Structures and Improvements 1333 1334 1335 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1336 1337 322 Reactor Plant Equipment 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 323 Turbogenerator Units 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 324 Land and Land Rights 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 325 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 Unclassified Nuclear Plant - Acct 300 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 Total Nuclear Production Plant 1364 1365 1366 1367 Summary of Nuclear Production Plant by Factor 1368 DGP 1369 DGU 1370 1371 1372 Total Nuclear Plant by Factor 1373 1374 330 Land and Land Rights 1375 011 234 10,302,766 708 468 708,468 1376 283,685 943,730 339,955 339 9551377155,183 952 177 203 006 (23,856)179,150 1378 635 700 594 798 901 901 1379 20,085,801 18,793,472 292 329 (23 856)268,473 1380 1381 331 Structures and Improvements 1382 22,329 060 892 398 436,661 436,661 1383 6,473,871 057 340 416,532 416 532 1384 518 602 41,654 256 864 346 (35,514)828,832 1385 491 575 138,245 353 330 353,330 1386 78,813,108 742 238 070 869 (35,514)035,355 1387 1388 332 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 1389 161 384,909 151 001,334 10,383 575 10,383,575 1390 361 401 922,659 438,742 1,438,742 1391 60,656,761 754 079 902 682 911,000 813,682 1392 34,498 333 278 696 219 638 248)218,390 1393 278,901 405 260,956,768 17,944 637 909,752 854,389 1394 1395 333 Water Wheel, Turbines, & Generators 1396 188 357 117 344 071 013 071 013 1397 10,105,273 455,095 650,178 650,178 1398 423,596 401 788 021 808 (36,758)985,049 1399 821 341 382,453 438,888 438,888 1400 538,567 75,356 681 181 886 (36,758)145,128 1401 1402 334 Accessory Electric Equipment 1403 070,524 679,944 390,580 390,580 , 1404 428,870 143,915 284,955 284,955 1405 247 984 687 859 560,126 (11 048)549,078 1406 559 111 330,116 228,995 228 995 1407 306,489 841 833 464 656 (11 ,048)453 608 1408 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNINGIENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1409 1410 1411 335 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1412 724 870 613,891 110,979 110,979 1413 234,869 219,757 15,112 15,112 1414 109 178 037 813 365 71,365 1415 109 665 102,609 056 056 1416 178,583 974 071 204 511 204 511 1417 1418 336 Roads, Railroads & 8ridges 1419 759,520 453,290 306,230 306,230 1420 843,537 789,263 54,274 54,274 1421 683,497 253,478 430,019 (6,408)423,611 1422 494 041 462,254 787 787 1423 12,780,594 958,285 822,309 ,(6,408)815 901 1424 1425 337 Hydro Plant ARO 1426 1427 1428 1429 Unclassified Hydro Plant - Acct 300 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 Total Hydraulic Plant 512,604,547 479,623,349 32,981,198 796,168 33,777,366 1437 1438 Summary of Hydraulic Plant by Factor 1439 1440 512,604,547 479,623,349 32,981,198 796,168 33,777 366 1441 DGP 1442 DGU 1443 Total Hydraulic Plant by Factor 512 604 547 479,623,349 32,981 198 796,168 33,777 366 1444 \..-, 1445 340 Land and Land Rights 1446 490,495 879,872 610,623 610,623 1447 635 594 1448 SSGCT 926,028 796,256 129,772 129,772 1449 417,158 10,676,723 740,435 740,435 1450 1451 341 Structures and Improvements 1452 12,507 142 11,702,427 804 715 804,715 1453 173,937 162 746 191 191 1454 SSGCT 491 470 121,465 370,004 370,004 1455 18,172,549 986 639 185 910 185 910 1456 1457 342 Fuel Holders, Producers & Accessories 1458 557,033 1,456,853 100,180 15,069 300 15,169,480 1459 121,339 113,532 807 807 1460 SSGCT 282,762 128,954 153,808 153,808 1461 961 133 699,338 261 795 069 300 15,331 095 1462 1463 343 Prime Movers 1464 1465 818,416 765,759 52,657 657 1466 128,877,774 120,585,723 292,052 292 052 1467 SSGCT 120,566,842 112,443,291 123 551 123 551 1468 250,263,033 233,794 773 16,468,260 16,468 260 1469 1470 344 Generators 1471 1472 87,835 184 651 651 1473 45,571 946 639,828 932,119 932 119 1474 SSGCT 878 520 337 011 541 509 541 509 1475 68,538,302 64,059 023 479,279 4,479 279 '...."I SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1476 1477 345 Accessory Electric Plant 1478 11,329,004 600,091 728,913 728,913 1479 157 667 147 523 10,144 144 1480 SSGCT 221,522 869 706 351,816 351 816 1481 708 193 15,617 320 090 873 090,873 1482 1483 1484 1485 346 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1486 497 343 465 344 999 999 1487 627 042 584 584 1488 521 970 488,386 584 584 1489 1490 347 Other Production ARO 1491 1492 1493 1494 Unclassified Other Prod Plant-Acct 300 1495 1496 322 312 301 575 738 20,738 1497 322 312 301 575 20,738 738 1498 1499 Total Other Production Plant 369,904,650 345,623,777 24,280,874 15,069,300 39,350,174 1500 1501 Summary of Other Production Plant by Factor 1502 1503 DGU 1504 211 537 507 197 927 092 610,415 069 300 28,679,715 1505 SSGCT 158,367 144 147 696,685 10,670,459 670,459 1506 Total of Other Production Plant by Factor 369,904 650 345,623,777 280,874 15,069,300 350 174 1507 1508 Experimental Plant 1509 103 Experimental Plant 1510 1511 Total Experimental Plant 1512 1513 TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT 298,755,336 958,798,423 339 956,914 25,227,385 365,184,299 1514 350 Land and Land Rights 1515 344,713 19,971 385 373,328 373,328 1516 49,478 561 46,295,089 183,472 183 472 1517 17,600,013 467 620 132 392 132,392 1518 423,287 734 095 689 192 689 192 1519 1520 352 Structures and Improvements 1521 1522 152,987 628 420 524 567 524,567 1523 18,101 384 16,936,733 164,651 164,651 1524 728,048 201 375 526,673 526,673 1525 49,982,418 46,766,528 215,890 215 890 1526 1527 353 Station Equipment 1528 138,355,932 129,454,052 901 880 901,880 1529 199,583 527 186,742,237 841,290 841 290 1530 540,111 025 505,360,048 750,977 750,977 1531 878 050,484 821 556 337 56,494 147 56,494 147 1532 1533 354 Towers and Fixtures 1534 156,414 719 146,350,928 10,063,791 063,791 1535 127 203,071 119,018,771 184,301 184 301 1536 092 921 004 049 088,873 088,873 1537 362 710 712 339,373,748 336,964 23,336,964 1538 1539 355 Poles and Fixtures 1540 70,159 903 65,645,785 514 118 514 118 1541 119,016,847 111 359,252 657 595 657,595 1542 300,780,593 281 428,240 352 353 693,198 045,551 1543 489,957 344 458,433 277 524 067 693 198 34,217,265 1544 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAL 1545 356 Clearing and Grading 1546 208,471 876 195 058,705 13,413 170 13,413,170 1547 158,760,147 148,545,451 10,214 696 10,214 696 1548 255 171 933 238,754,060 16,417 872 16,417 872 1549 622 403 955 582,358,216 045,739 40,045 739 1550 1551 357 Underground Conduit 1552 371 961 410 410 1553 162,746 152 275 10,471 10,471 1554 198 764 057 295 141 469 141,469 1555 367 882 215,531 152 351 152 351 1556 1557 358 Underground Conductors 1558 1559 018 663 953,122 541 541 1560 924 534 736,368 188 166 188 166 1561 943,197 689,490 253,707 253,707 1562 1563 359 Roads and Trails 1564 942,448 817,470 124 978 124 978 1565 501 203 468,956 32,248 32,248 1566 943,800 368 352 575,448 575 448 1567 387,452 10,654,778 732,674 732 674 1568 1569 Unclassified Trans Plant - Acct 300 1570 290 120 142,773 147 347 147 347 1571 290 120 142,773 147,347 147 347 1572 1573 TSO Unclassified Trans Sub Plant - Acct 300 1574 1575 1576 1577 TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT 511 516,850 349,924,772 161,592,078 693,198 164,285,277 1578 Summary of Transmission Plant by Factor 1579 DGP 1580 DGU 1581 511 516 850 349,924 772 161 592 078 693 198 164,285,277 1582 Total Transmission Plant by Factor 511 516 850 349,924,772 161,592 078 693,198 164,285 277 1583 360 Land and land Rights 1584 DPW 33,713 058 557 407 155,651 155 651 1585 713 058 557 407 155,651 155 651 1586 1587 361 Structures and Improvements 1588 DPW 516,879 748 597 768 283 768,283 1589 516 879 36,748,597 768,283 768,283 1590 1591 362 Station Equipment 1592 DPW 621 153 380 602 082,252 19,071 128 071 128 1593 621,153,380 602,082 252 19,071 128 19,071 128 1594 1595 364 Poles, Towers & Fix1ures 1596 DPW 748 541 092 700 592 782 948,310 948 310 1597 748,541 092 700,592 782 948,310 948 310 1598 1599 365 Overhead Conductors 1600 DPW 562,239,514 531 523,089 30,716,425 30,716,425 1601 562 239,514 531 523,089 716 425 30,716,425 1602 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1603 366 Underground Conduit 1604 DPW 237 038,205 231 181 946 856,259 856,259 1605 237 038,205 231 181 946 856 259 856,259 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 367 Underground Conductors 1611 DPW 554,915,707 535,302,864 612,843 19,612,843 1612 554 915 707 535,302 864 612 843 19,612 843 1613 1614 368 Line Transformers 1615 DPW 852,634,753 798,486,972 147 780 54,147 780 1616 852,634,753 798 486,972 54,147,780 54,147 780 1617 1618 369 Services 1619 DPW 396 349 302 377 360 637 18,988,666 988,666 1620 396 349 302 377 360,637 988,666 18,988 666 1621 1622 370 Meters 1623 DPW 183 879,965 170,323,032 13,556,933 556,933 1624 183,879,965 170 323 032 13,556 933 13,556,933 1625 1626 371 Installations on Customers' Premises 1627 DPW 968 345 811 156 157,189 157 189 1628 968,345 811 156 157 189 157 189 1629 1630 372 Leased Property 1631 DPW 658 785 873 873 1632 658 785 873 873 1633 1634 373 Street Lights 1635 DPW 54,092 348 53,561 715 530,633 530,633 1636 54,092 348 53,561 715 530 633 530,633 1637 1638 Unclassified Dist Plant - Acct 300 1639 DPW 649 365 25,752 548 896,816 896,816 1640 26,649,365 752 548 896 816 896 816 1641 1642 DSO Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 1643 DPW 1644 1645 1646 1647 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT 317 741,571 104 329,782 213,411,789 213,411,789 1648 1649 Summary of Distribution Plant by Factor 1650 317 741 571 104 329,782 213,411 789 213,411 789 1651 1652 Total Distribution Plant by Factor 317 741 571 104,329,782 213 411 789 213 411 789 ..J SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1653 389 Land and Land Rights 1654 SITUS 222 040 024,402 197 639 197,639 1655 CUST 109,264 064 985 279 44,279 1656 DGU 921 798 124 124 1657 G-5G 228 149 1658 PTD 598 055 265,333 332,722 332,722 1659 932 508 357 666 574 842 574,842 1660 1661 390 Structures and Improvements 1662 SITUS 97,131 686 805,782 325,904 325,904 1663 DGP 384,094 359,382 713 713 1664 DGU 614 047 510,198 103 848 103,848 1665 CUST 559,992 098,545 461,448 461 , 448 1666 179,472 974 904 204,569 204 569 1667 PTD 101 523,230 95,489 171 034 059 034 059 1668 215,392 522 199,237 981 154,541 16,154,541 1669 1670 391 Office Furniture & Equipment 1671 SITUS 16,210,938 193,857 017 080 017 080 1672 DGP 455,175 425,889 29,286 29,286 1673 DGU 642,230 600 908 321 321 1674 CUST 048,558 807,114 241,444 241 444 1675 487 868 070,436 417 432 417,432 1676 169,053 157 755 298 007)292 1677 PTD 86,392,737 257 963 134,775 134,775 1678 SSGCH 332,263 312,172 092 20,092 1679 SSGCT 427 288 139 139 1680 116,800,250 109,883,382 916,868 007)915,861 1681 1682 392 Transportation Equipment 1683 SITUS 63,027,813 58,714 393 313,420 313,420 1684 PTD 980,292 565,417 414,875 414 875 1685 10,581 732 900 899 680 833 (366)680,467 1686 CUST 081 18,319 762 762 1687 DGU 228,730 149,673 057 79,057 1688 783,494 731,131 52,363 363 -...-I 1689 DGP 223,837 209,435 402 14,402 1690 SSGCH 364,583 342 537 22,046 046 1691 DGU SSGCT 86,090 289 801 801 1692 295 652 712,094 583,559 (366)583,193 1693 1694 393 Stores Equipment 1695 SITUS 418,662 836,104 582,558 582,558 1696 DGP 331,732 310,388 344 344 1697 DGU 001 681 937,233 449 64,449 1698 PTD 777,623 731 405 46,218 218 1699 G-SG 654,465 548,016 106,449 106,449 1700 DGU SSGCT 176.333 164,452 881 881 1701 360,497 527 598 832,899 832 899 ,..J SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1702 1703 394 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1704 SITUS 123 811 25,826,499 297,311 297 311 1705 DGP 3,472 145 248,745 223,399 223,399 1706 241,457 13,325,155 916,301 916 301 1707 PTD 4,492,734 225,707 267 027 267 027 1708 87,619 81,763 856 856 1709 DGU 113,316 784,323 328,993 328,993 1710 G-SG SSGCH 132 267 003,332 128 935 128,935 1711 SSGCT 184,388 171,965 12,424 12,424 1712 56,847 736 53,667,490 180,247 180,247 1713 1714 395 Laboratory Equipment 1715 SITUS 23,947 008 23,039,122 907 886 907 886 1716 DGP 162,177 151,743 10,435 10,435 1717 DGU 160,471 085,806 74,665 74,665 1718 PTD 925,256 573,087 352 169 352,169 1719 553 108 445 445 1720 277 991 002,743 275 248 275 248 1721 SSGCH 79,138 353 785 785 1722 SSGCT 163,673 152 645 028 028 1723 35,767 267 34,127,606 639,661 639 661 1724 1725 396 Power Operated Equipment 1726 SITUS 733,346 980,552 752,793 752,793 1727 DGP 047 887 916,125 131 762 131 762 1728 226,806 054,086 172,721 172,721 1729 PTD 952 010 657 686 294 324 294 324 1730 DGU 655,743 549,212 106,531 106,531 1731 73,823 68,889 934 934 1732 G-SG SSGCH 977 239 918,146 59,092 59,092 1733 111 666 854 104 144 697 522,157 522 157 1734 397 Communication Equipment 1735 COM 105,015,396 98,946,959 068,437 068,437 1736 COM 375,168 964,986 410 181 410,181 1737 COM 124 837 10,409,060 715,777 715,777 ----' 1738 COM 50,795,033 776,017 019,016 244 439 263,455 1739 COM 569,499 347 178 222 321 222 321 1740 COM 633,797 569,018 064 779 064 779 1741 COM 730 876 853 853 1742 COM SSGCH 872,453 819,697 52,756 756 1743 COM SSGCT 177 212 966 966 1744 227,443,089 213 886 003 13,557 086 244,439 13,801,525 1745 1746 398 Misc. Equipment 1747 SITUS 978 495 931 649 46,847 46,847 1748 DGP 53,506 063 443 443 1749 DGU 474 529 443,998 30,531 30,531 1750 GUST 164,304 157 746 559 (12,326)(5,768) 1751 PTD 076,408 893,561 182,847 182 847 1752 207 925 281 281 1753 841,909 787 740 54,169 169 1754 SSGCT 34,429 109 320 320 1755 627 787 300,791 326,996 (12 326)314 670 1756 1757 399 Coal Mine 1758 271 683,773 253 526 316 18,157,458 396,818 22,554 276 1759 1760 271 683,773 253,526,316 18,157,458 396 818 554 276 1761 1762 399L WIDCO Capital Lease 1763 1764 1765 1766 Remove Capital Leases 1767 1768 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1769 1011390 General Capital Leases 1770 G-SITUS 166,694 166,694 1771 SSGCT 205,873 787 733 418,139 418 139 1772 PTD 327 494 16,297 630 029,864 029,864 1773 30,700,060 29,252,057 448,003 448,003 1774 1775 Remove Capital Leases (30,700,060)(29 252 057)448,003)(1,448 003) 1776 1777 1778 1011392 General Vehicles Capital Leases 1779 LABOR 1780 1781 1782 Remove Capital Leases 1783 1784 1785 Unclassified Gen Plant - Acct 300 1786 SITUS 1787 PTD 12,576 829 747 747 1788 CUST' 1789 1790 DGP 1791 DGU 1792 12,576 829 747 747 1793 1794 399G Unclassified Gen Plant- Acct 300 1795 SITUS 1796 PTD 1797 1798 DGP 1799 DGU 1800 1801 1802 TOTAL GENERAL PLANT 151 830,512 077,383,450 74,447,062 627 558 79,074 620 1803 1804 Summary of General Plant by Factor 1805 440,975,889 411 466,012 29,509,876 29,509,876 ' 1806 DGP 1807 DGU 1808 144 649,950 135,343,110 306,840 (366)306,474 1809 287 853,449 270 744,805 108,644 244 439 353 083 1810 272 881,251 254,643,763 237 489 395,812 22,633,301 1811 470,699 23,493,887 976,812 (12,326)964,486 1812 DEU 1813 SSGCT 941 390 6,473,693 467 697 467 697 1814 SSGCH 757,944 4,470,238 287 706 287 706 1815 Less Capital Leases (30 700,060)(29,252,057)448 003)(1,448,003) 1816 Total General Plant by Factor 151 830 512 077 383,450 447 062 627 558 79,074 620 1817 301 Organization 1818 SITUS 537,916 19,937,390 600,526 600 526 1819 PTD 1820 1821 537 916 19,937 390 600,526 600 526 1822 302 Franchise & Consent 1823 I-SITUS 000,000 000,000 000,000 1824 093,506 958,809 134,697 134,697 1825 143,306 501 575 641 731 (460,072)181,659 1826 15,606,301 14,602,185 004 116 (379,814)624 302 1827 DGP 844 878 661,838 183,041 183,041 1828 DGU 679,586 635,861 43,725 725 1829 367 578 360,267 007 310 (839,886)167 424 1830 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1831 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant 1832 I-SITUS 981 244 590,869 390,375 390,375 1833 I-SG 33,647,267 482,387 164,880 (24 964)139 916 1834 PTD 353,574 606 332 559 807 014 798 435,057 449,855 1835 760,270 642,626 117,644 117 644 1836 GUST 100 933 022 96,904 015 029,008 029,008 1837 SSGCH 886 139 747 747 1838 DGP SSGCT 275 77,664 611 611 1839 491 008,570 463 284 507 724 063 410,093 29,134 156 1840 303 Less Non-Utility Plant 1841 SITUS 1842 491 008,570 463 284 507 724 063 410,093 29,134,156 1843 Unclassified Intangible Plant - Acct 300 1844 SITUS 1845 I-SG 1846 DGU 1847 PTD 1848 1849 1850 TOTAL INTANGIBLE PLANT 606,914 063 570,582,165 36,331,898 570,207 36,902 105 1851 1852 Summary of Intangible Plant by Factor 1853 519,160 20,528,259 990 901 990,901 1854 DGP 1855 DGU 1856 127,014 845 118 842 655 172 190 (864,850)307 340 1857 353 574,606 332,559,807 014 798 435,057 449 855 1858 100,933 022 96,904,015 029,008 029,008 SSGCT 83,275 77,664 611 611 1859 SSGCH 886 139 747 747 1860 760,270 642,626 117 644 117 644 1861 Total Intangible Plant by Factor 606 914,063 570,582,165 36,331 898 570,207 902 105 1862 Summary of Unclassified Plant (Account 106) 1863 26,649 365 25,752,548 896,816 896,816 1864 DSO 1865 576 11,829 747 747 1866 1867 1868 322,312 301,575 738 738 1869 290,120 142 773 147,347 147,347 1870 TSO 1871 1872 1873 1874 Total Unclassified Plant by Factor 274 373 208,725 065 649 065 649 1875 1876 TOTAL ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 13,886,758,333 13,061 018,592 825 739 741 33,118,349 858,858,090 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1877 Summary of Electric Plant by Factor 1878 782 236,619 536 324 053 245,912,566 245,912 566 1879 274 641,521 256,286,388 18,355 133 395,812 22,750,945 1880 DGU 1881 DGP 1882 549 497 572 063 759,639 485,737 933 27,055,368 512,793,301 1883 641 428,055 603 304 612 38,123,443 679,495 39,802,938 1884 125,403,722 120,397,902 005,820 (12,326)993,494 1885 DEU 1886 SSGCH 378,859 095 355,950,012 22,909,083 909 083 1887 SSGCT 165,391 809 154,248 042 11,143,767 143,767 1888 Less Capital Leases (30,700 060)(29,252,057)(1,448,003)448 003) 1889 13,886,758,333 061 018,592 825,739,741 33,118,349 858,858,090 1890 105 Plant Held For Future Use 1891 DPW 250,171 250,171 1892 1893 119,475 111 788 687 687 1894 1895 953 014 889,321 63,693 693 1896 1897 1898 1899 Total Plant Held For Future Use B10 322 660 251 280 380 380 1900 1901 114 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 1902 1903 142,633,069 133,455,996 177 073 177,073 1904 560,711 13,623,868 936,842 936,842 1905 Total Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 615 157 193,780 147 079,864 10,113,916 113,916 1906 1907 115 Accum Provision for Asset Acquisition Adjustments 1908 1909 (61 217 570)(57,278 805)938 765)(3,938,765) 1910 (9,082,376)(8,498,012)(584 364)(584,364) 1911 615 (70,299,947)(65 776,818)523,129)523 129) 1912 1913 120 Nuclear Fuel 1914 1915 Total Nuclear Fuel 1916 1917 124 Weatherization 1918 DMSC 20,708,417 653,289 55,127 55,127 1919 DMSC (12 055 720)(11 339,185)(716,535)(716,535) 1920 616 652 697 314 104 (661,408)(661 408) 1921 1922 182W Weatherization 1923 DMSC 535,908 125,287 6,410,622 6,410,622 1924 DMSC 1925 DM5C SGCT 1926 DMSC 1927 616 535,908 15,125,287 6,410 622 410,622 1928 1929 186W Weatherization 1930 DMSC 1931 DM5C 1932 DMSC GNP 1933 DMSC 1934 DMSC 1935 616 1936 1937 Total Weatherization 188,605 24,439,391 749,214 749,214 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNINGIENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1938,1939 151 Fuel Stock 1940 DEU 1941 656,425 471 401 185,025 185,025 1942 SSECT 449 573 876 876 1943 SSECH 707,195 349,416 357 779 357 779 1944 Total Fuel Stock 813 376,069 832 390 543,680 543,680 1945 1946 152 Fuel Stock - Undistributed 1947 1948 1949 1950 25316 DG&T Working Capital Deposit 1951 (731 000)(682 145)(48,855)(48,855) 1952 813 (731,000)(682 145)(48,855)(48,855) 1953 1954 25317 DG&T Working Capital Deposit 1955 (1,465 680)(1,367 724)(97 956)(97 956) 1956 813 465 680)367 724)(97 956)(97 956) 1957 1958 25319 Provo Working Capital Deposit 1959 1960 1961 1962 Total Fuel Stock 813 179,390 782 521 396,869 396 869 1963 154 Materials and Supplies 1964 MSS 43,072,232 40,416 082 656 150 656,150 1965 MSS (8,278)(8,278) 1966 MSS 896,507 702,924 193 582 193,582 1967 MSS 254 592)942 284)(312,308)(312 308) 1968 MSS SNPPS 494 041 48,196,549 297,492 297 492 1969 MSS SNPPH (19 212)(17 976)(1,236)236) 1970 MSS SNPD 247,645 236,583 062 062 1971 MSS SNPT 13,857 651 966 044 891 607 891 607 1972 MSS 1973 MSS 1974 MSS SSGCT 402 689 375,556 27,132 132 1975 MSS SNPP 1976 MSS SSGCH 389 548 365,992 555 23,555 1977 Total Materials and Supplies 813 107 086,508 100 299,471 787 036 278)778,758 1978 1979 163 Stores Expense Undistributed 1980 MSS 1981 1982 813 1983 1984 25318 Provo Working Capital Deposit 1985 MSS SNPPS (273,000)(255,518)(17 482)(17,482) 1986 1987 813 (273,000)(255,518)(17 482)(17 482) 1988 1989 Total Materials & Supplies 813 106 813 508 100,043,953 769,554 278)761 277 1990 1991 165 Prepayments 1992 DMSC 172,078 093,832 246 78,246 1993 GPS 753 838 709,033 805 805 1994 335 145 184 901 150,244 150,244 1995 355,032 130,805 224 227 224 227 1996 PTD 530,499 250,828 279,671 279 671 1997 Total Prepayments 815 32,146,592 369,399 777 193 777 193 1998 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 1999 182M Misc Regulatory Assets 2000 DDS2 058,724 92,000 735 989 (57 989)(0)2001 DEF5G 146,044 146,044200255GCH13,843,242 006,161 837,082 837 082 2003 DEFSG 2004 DEFSG 2005 842,052 251 110 590,941 (590,941)(0)2006 DD502 318,497 942 956 375,542 (936,192)(560 650)2007 811 121 062 515 119,200,962 861 553 439,077)422,476 2008 2009 186M Misc Deferred Debits 2010 LABOR 692 042 689,542 500 5002011289,407 289 407201265053,6502013DEFSG772,429 25,985,539 786,890 786 8902014LABOR85,096 80,038 058 0582015476,382 976 712 499 669 499 66920165NPPS 2017 EXCTAX 2018 Total Misc. Deferred Debits B11 025 949 731 831 294 117 343 057 637 174 2019 2020 Working Capital 2021 CWC Cash Working Capital 2022 CWC 909,397 268 381 641 016 322 040 963,0562023CWC 2024 CWC 2025 B14 46,909,397 45,268,381 641 016 322 040 963,0562026 2027 OWC Other Work, Cap. 2028 131 Cash SNP 2029 135 Working Funds GP (34 332)(32,123)209)209)2030 143 Other AIR 130,537 231 250 899,287 899,287 2031 232 PTD 2032 232 PTD 058,897)758,221)(300,677)(300 677)2033 232 (3,085 385)879,179)(206,206)(206,206)2034 253 Deferred Hedge P : 2035 2533 Other Msc. CI, CrtI, P 2036 2533 Other Msc. CI, CrtI, P (5,217,328)868 638)(348,690)(348,690)2037 230 Asset Retir, Oblg, (1,593 668)487 158)(106,510)(106,510)2038 230 Asset Retir. 0bIg. 2039 254105 ARORegLiabiily P 2040 254105 ARO Reg Llablily (325,097)(303 370)(21,727)(21 727) 2041 2533 Cto.. Reclamation P 5SECH 2042 B14 (184 170)(97,439)(86,731)(86,731)2043 2044 Total Working Capital 46,725,227 45,170 942 554,285 322 040 876,325 2045 Miscellaneous Rate Base 2046 18221 Unrec Plant & Reg 5tudy Costs 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 18222 Nuclear Plant- Trojan 2052 (2,005,026)(2,005,026) 2053 TROJP 795,139 484,802 310 337 310 3372054TROJD979,920 527 719 452,201 452,2012055B14770,033 007,495 762,538 762,5382056 2057 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL '2058 1059 1869 Misc Deferred Debits-Trojan 2060 2061 8NPPN 2062 2063 2064 141 Impact Housing - Notes Receivable 2065 622,799 582,728 40,071 40,071 2066 2067 815 622,799 582,728 40,071 071 2068 2069 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS RATE BASE 10,392 832 590,223 802 609 802,609 2070 2071 TOTAL RATE BASE ADDITIONS 528,751,110 498,883,549 29,867,561 217,742 30,085,303 2072 235 Customer Service Deposits 2073 GUST (486,294)(486,294) 2074 GU8T 2075 Total Customer Service Deposits 815 (486,294)(486,294) 2076 2077 2281 Prop Ins PTD 163,549 153,829 721 721 2078 2282 Inj & Dam PTD (6,822 563)(6,417 062)(405 501)(405,501) 2079 2283 Pen & Ben PTD (53 600,868)(50,415,087)(3,185,781)(3,185,781) 2080 2283 Pen & Ben PTD 2081 254 Ins Prov PTD (4,809,973)524 091)(285,882)(285 882) 2082 815 (65 069,855)(61 202,412)867,444)(3,867 444) 2083 2084 22844 Accum Hydro Relicensing Obligation 2085 2086 2087 815 2088 2089 22842 Prv-Trojan TROJD 865,809)680,144)(185,664)(185,664) 2090 230 ARO TROJP 617,926)(2,448 496)(169 430)(169,430) 2091 254105 ARO TROJP (842 448)(787,925)(54,522)(54 522) 2092 254 (2,477,669)(2,477,669) '--" 2093 815 (8,803,851)(8,394,235)(409,616)(409,616) 2094 2095 252 Customer Advances for Construction 2096 DPW 414,604 200,028 214 576 218,995)419) 2097 DPW 2098 (189,726)(189,726) 2099 DPW 2100 CUST (12,321,833)(11,829,975)(491,858)491 858 (0) 2101 Total Customer Advances for Constr.819 (5,907 229)(6,629 947)722,718 (916,863)(194 145) 2102 2103 25398 802 Emissions 2104 571 803)571,803) 2105 571 803)571,803) 2106 2107 25399 Other Deferred Credits 2108 (6,659,969)(6,586 158)(73 812)(73 812) 2109 GPS 2110 (10,629,394)(9,945,494)(683 900)(683 900) 2111 (3,432,950)(3,203,516)(229,435)(229,435) 2112 819 (20,722 314)(19,735,168)(987 146)(987 146) ..J SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2113 2114 190 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes \.. 2115 16,311 342 311 342 (15,342)(15 342) 2116 76,149 73,109 040 040 2117 LABOR 645,441 34,467,410 178,031 121,572 299,603 2118 DGP 536 536 2119 GUST BADDEBT 19,772 090 19,015,976 756,114 (46,843)709,271 2120 TROJD 045,543)(977,806)(67 737)(67,737) 2121 16,925,911 15,836,890 089,020 98,036 187 057 2122 059,234 782 952 276,283 168,960 445,243 2123 PTD SNP 814 608 710 241 104 368 104,368 2124 DPW 5NPD 546,407 119 996 426,410 (446,752)(20,341) 2125 2126 Total Accurn Deferred Income Taxes B19 134 109,175 127 343 645 765,530 326,383 645,161 2127 2128 281 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2129 2130 DGP 219,496)219,496) 2131 SNPT 2132 B19 219,496)(1,219,496) 2133 2134 282 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2135 102 229)102 229)(42,200,338)(42 200,338) 2136 ACCMDIT DITBAL 206,331 284)126,900,895)(79,430,389)074,293 (38,356,096) 2137 DGP (102 622)(102 622) 2138 LABOR 780,265 258,408 521 857 521,857 2139 CUST 2140 (12,541 701)(11 703,501)(838,200)(838,200) 2141 (768,925)(719,452)(49 473)(274 316)(323,789) 2142 B19 212,066,496)(1,132 270,291)(79 796,205)400,361)(81,196,566) 2143 2144 283 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 2145 (16,670 399)(16,568,063)(102 337)158 (63 179) 2146 (5,783,021)(5,410,939)(372,082)(10,832)(382,914) 2147 (9,556,759)(8,918,052)(638,707)790 214 151 506 2148 LABOR (32,453 449)(30,524,570)(1,928.879)892,264 036,615) J2149 GPS 135 337)(2,008,423)(126 914)42,485 (84,429) 2150 PTD 5NP (15 561 318)(14 666 305)(895 013)(895,013) 2151 TROJO 284,003)(1,200,818)(83 185)(83 185) 2152 PTD 5NPD 2153 5GCT 196,692)(2,054,798)(141 894)(141 894) 2154 2155 B19 (85,640,978)(81 351 967)289 011)753,289 535 723) 2156 2157 TOTAL ACCUM DEF INCOME TAX B19 (1,164,817 794)087,498,108)(77 319,686)232,559 (76,087 127) 2158 255 Accumulated Investment Tax Credit 2159 PTD 2160 PTO ITC84 508 771)508,771) 2161 PTD ITC85 268,219)(6,268,219) 2162 PTD ITC86 (2,651 223)(2,651,223) 2163 PTD ITC88 (362,979)(362 979) 2164 PTD ITC89 (766,585)(766,585) 2165 PTD ITC90 (452 592)(389,313)(63,279)(63 279) 2166 PTD DGU 2167 Total Accumulated ITC B19 (15,010,369)(14 947,090)(63 279)(63 279) 2168 2169 TOTAL RATE BASE DEDUCTIONS 280 331,413)(1,198,406,960)(81,924 453)(1,742 400)(83,666,853) 2170 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2171 2172 2173 108SP Steam Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2174 2175 (779,110,628)(728,982 313)(50 128,314)(50,128 314) 2176 (883,112,227)(826,292,405)(56,819,822)(56,819,822) 2177 (350 691,085)(328,127 469)(22 563,616)(152,446)(22,716,061) 2178 SSGCH (201 130 461)(188,968,382)(12,162,079)(12,162,079) 2179 817 214 044,401)072 370 569)(141 673,831)(152,446)(141 826,277) 2180 2181 108NP Nuclear Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 108HP Hydraulic Prod Plant Accurn Depr 2189 2190 (149,772,457)(140,136,033)(9,636,425)(9,636,425) 2191 (29 069 945)(27 199 572)870,373)(1,870,373) 2192 (34,279,902)(32 074,319)205,584)150,487 (2,055,096) 2193 (11 547 864)(10,804 870)(742,995)(742 978) 2194 B17 (224 670,169)(210 214 793)(14,455 376)150,504 (14 304 871) 2195 2196 1080P Other Production Plant - Accum Depr 2197 2198 (2,255,105)110,010)(145,094)(145,094) 2199 2200 (44 553,140)(41 686,571)866,568)(217 471)(3,084 039) 2201 SSGCT (8,783 639)(8,191 815)(591 824)(591 824) 2202 817 (55,591 884)(51 988,397)(3,603,487)(217,471)(3,820,957) 2203 2204 108EP Experimental Plant - Accum Depr 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT DEPR (2,494,306 453)(2,334,573,759)(159,732,694)(219 412)(159,952,106) 2210 2211 Summary of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor 2212 2213 DGP 2214 DGU 2215 284 392,353)(2,137,413,562)(146,978,790)(219,412)(147 198 202) 2216 SSGCH (201 130 461)(188,968,382)(12 162 079)(12 162 079) 2217 SSGCT (8,783,639)(8,191,815)(591,824)(591,824) 2218 Total of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor 494 306,453)334 573,759)(159,732,694)(219,412)(159,952,106) 2219 2220 2221 108TP Transmission Plant Accumulated Depr 2222 (345,778,342)(323,530,815)(22,247 528)(22,247,528) 2223 (343 255,320)(321 170 125)(22,085,196)(22 085 196) 2224 (255,577 124)(239 133,182)(16,443,943)(27,715) ' (16,471 658) 2225 TOTAL TRANS PLANT ACCUM DEPR 817 (944 610,787)(883,834,121)(60 776,666)(27,715) ,(60,804,381) ..J SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2226 108360 Land and Land Rights 2227 DPW 660,559)482,083)(178,415)(178,415) 2228 817 660,559)482 083)(178,415)(178,415) 2229 2230 108361 Structures and Improvements 2231 DPW (13,226,460)(12,115,130)(511,330)(511 330) 2232 817 (13,226,460)(12 115,130)(511 330)(511,330) 2233 2234 108362 Station Equipment 2235 DPW (152,919,418)(145,684,791)234,627)234 627) 2236 817 (152 919,418)(145,684,791)234,627)234 627) 2237 2238 108364 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 2239 DPW (373,038,436)(352,650,567)(20 387 868)(20,387 868) 2240 817 (373,038,436)(352,650,567)(20 387 868)(20 387,868) 2241 2242 108365 Overhead Conductors 2243 DPW (214 212,482)(204 086,248)(10,126,234)(10,126,234) 2244 817 (214 212 482)(204 086,248)(10 126,234)(10 126,234) 2245 2246 108366 Underground Conduit 2247 DPW (97,197 008)(94 205,340)(2,991 668)991 668) 2248 817 (97 197,008)(94 205,340)991,668)(2,991 668) 2249 2250 108367 Underground Conductors 2251 DPW (202,387 870)(192,505,925)881,945)(9,881 945) 2252 B17 (202 387,870)(192,505,925)(9,881 945)(9,881,945) 2253 2254 108368 Line Transformers 2255 DPW (320,000,193)(294 251,245)(25 748,949)(25,748,949) 2256 B17 (320 000,193)(294 251 245)(25,748,949)(25,748,949) 2257 2258 108369 Services 2259 DPW (124 859 541)(115 266,235)(9,593,306)(9,593 306) 2260 817 (124 859,541)(115,266,235)(9,593,306)(9,593,306) 2261 2262 108370 Meters 2263 DPW (86,336,715)(80,769,804)(5,566,911)(5,566,911) 2264 817 (86 336,715)(80,769,804)(5,566 911)(5,566,911) 2265 2266 2267 2268 108371 Installations on Customers' Premises 2269 DPW (5,741 629)(5,605,863)(135,767)(135 767) 2270 B17 (5,741 629)(5,605,863)(135 767)(135,767) 2271 2272 108372 Leased Property 2273 DPW (42,668)(37 779)888)(4,888) 2274 817 (42 668)(37,779)(4,888)888) 2275 2276 108313 Street Lights 2277 DPW (18 724 434)(18,472 084)(252,350)(252,350) 2278 B17 (18,724 434)(18,472 084)(252,350)(252,350) 2279 2280 108000 Unclassified Dist Plant - Acct 300 2281 DPW 2282 2283 2284 108DS Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 2285 DPW 2286 2287 2288 108DP Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 2289 DPW 2290 2291 2292 2293 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT DEPR 817 (1,613,347,413)(1,520,733,094)(92,614 319)(92 614 319) 2294 2295 Summary of Distribution Plant Depr by Factor ..J 2296 (1,613,347,413)(1,520,733,094)(92 614 319)(92,614,319) 2297 2298 Total Distribution Depreciation by Factor 817 613,347 413)520,733,094)(92,614 319)(92 614 319) SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJ TOTAL 2299 108GP General Plant Accumulated Depr 2300 SITUS (142,276,349)(131 427 869)(10,848,480)(10,848,480) 2301 DGP (8,808,582)241 834)(566,748)(566,748) 2302 DGU (16,901,706)(15,814 243)087 463)(1,087,463) 2303 (33,725,140)(31,555,250)(2,169,890)161 169 729) 2304 GUST (5,239,575)(5,030,424)(209,151)335 (208,817) 2305 PTD (92,020,019)(86 550,785)(5,469,234)(8,872)(5,478,106) 2306 (630,664)(588,515)(42 149)(42,149) 2307 SSGCT (48,250)(44,999)(3,251)(3,251) 2308 SSGCH (2,599 146)(2,441 979)(157 167)(157 167) 2309 B17 (302 249,432)(281 695,899)(20,553,533)(8,377)(20,561 910) 2310 2311 2312 108MP Mining Plant Accumulated Depr. 2313 2314 (164,467 359)(153 475,503)(10,991 857)215,648 776,209) 2315 B17 (164,467 359)(153 475,503)(10 991,857)215,648 (8,776,209) 2316 108MP Less Centralia Situs Depreciation 2317 2318 B17 (164 467 359)(153 475,503)(10 991 857)215 648 (8,776,209) 2319 2320 1081390 Accurn Depr- Capital Lease 2321 PTD 2322 2323 2324 Remove Capital Leases 2325 2326 2327 1081399 Accurn Depr - Capital Lease 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 Remove Capital Leases 2333 2334 2335 2336 TOTAL GENERAL PLANT ACCUM DEPR B17 (466 716,791)(435,171,401)(31,545,390)207 271 (29,338,119) 2337 2338 2339 2340 Summary of General Depreciation by Factor 2341 (142 276 349)(131,427,869)(10,848,480)(10,848,480) 2342 DGP 2343 DGU 2344 (165,098 023)(154,064,017)(11 034 006)215,648 818 358) 2345 (92,020,019)(86,550,785)(5,469,234)(8,872)478,106) 2346 (5,239,575)(5,030,424)(209,151)335 (208 817) 2347 (59,435,429)(55 611,328)(3,824 101)161 (3,823,940) 2348 DEU 2349 SSGCT (48,250)(44,999)(3,251)(3,251) 2350 SSGCH (2,599,146)(2,441,979)(157,167)(157 167) 2351 Remove Capital Leases 2352 Total General Depreciation by Factor B17 (466 716,791)(435,171 401)(31,545,390)207 271 (29,338 119) 2353 2354 2355 TOTAL ACCUM DEPR. PLANT IN SERV B17 (5,518,981,445)(5,174 312,376)(344,669,068)960,144 (342,708,924) 2356 111SP Accurn Prov for Amort-Steam 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 111GP Accurn Prov for Amort-General 2363 SITUS (14 302 104)(14,302,104) 2364 GUST 703,464)(1,635,466)(67,998)(67 998) 2365 2366 PTD 815,497)(7,350,981)(464,516)(464,516) 2367 2368 B18 (23,821 065)(23,288,551)(532 514)(532,514) 2369 SEPTEMBER 2005 Revised Protocol Page 2. BEGINNING/ENDING FERC BUS PITA UNADJUSTED RESULTS IDAHO ACCT DESCRIP FUNC FACTOR Ref TOTAL OTHER IDAHO ADJUSTMENT ADJTOTAl 2370 "371 111HP Accum Prov for Amort-Hydro 372 DGP 2373 DGU 2374 (205,677)(192,443)(13,233)(13,233) 2375 2376 B18 (205,677)(192,443)(13,233)(13,233) 2377 2378 2379 1111P Accurn Prov for Amort-Intangible Plant 2380 SITUS (21 741,504)(19,582 069)159,435)(2,159,435) 2381 DGP 549,996)(2,385 928)(164 068)(164,068) 2382 DGU (288 960)(270,368)(18,592)(18,592) 2383 (716,178)(668,314)(47 864)(47 864) 2384 (14 018,718)(13,116,748)(901 970)737 (901 234) 2385 (6,837,426)(6,397 503)(439,923)20,595 (419,328) 2386 986,861)(1,859,026)(127 835)16,617 (111,219) 2387 GUST (66,504,253)(63,849,561)654,692)(2,654,692) 2388 SSGCT (35,348)(32,966)(2,382)(2,382) 2389 SSGCH 092)(3,845)(247)(247) 2390 PTD (204 944 231)(192,763,318)(12 180 913)(60,307)(12,241 221) 2391 B18 (319,627 567)(300,929,644)(18,697 923)(22,359)(18,720,282) 2392 1111P Less Non-Utility Plant 2393 NUTll OTH 2394 B18 (319,627 567)(300,929,644)(18 697 923)(22 359)(18,720,282) 2395 2396 111390 Accurn Amtr - Capital lease 2397 SITUS (860 585)(860,585) 2398 SSGCT (54 658)(50,976)683)683) 2399 PTD 352,738 153,467 199,271 199,271 2400 2,437 495 241 907 195 588 195,588 2401 2402 Remove Capilal Lease Amtr 437 495)241 907)(195 588)(195,588) 2403 2404 TOTAl ACCUM PROV FOR AMORTIZ B18 (343,654,308)(324,410,638)(19,243,671)(22,359)(19,266,030) ~405 BEGINNING/ENDING 2406 2407 2408 2409 Summary of Amortization by Factor 2410 (36,904,192)(34,744 757)159 435)(2,159,435) 2411 DGP 2412 DGU 2413 (716,178)(668,314)(47 864)(47,864) 2414 (209,406 990)(196,960 831)(12 446,159)(60,307)(12,506,466) 2415 (68,207 717)(65,485,026)(2,722,691)(2,722,691) 2416 SSGCT (90,007)(83,942)(6,064)(6,064) 2417 SSGCH 092)(3,845)(247)(247) 2418 (25,887 636)(24 222,015)(1,665,622)948 627,674) 2419 less Capital lease 437,495)(2,241 907 (195,588)(195,588) 2420 Total Provision For Amortization by Factor B18 (343,654,308)(324,410,638)(19,243 671)(22,359)(19,66,030 IDAHO REVISEO PROTOCOL Page 3.0 Tolal Revenue Adjustments (Tab 3) TOTAL 3.4 Weather Revenue Effective Price Other Electric SO2 Emission Total Normalized Normalization Normalizing Change Revenues IRS Audit Deferrals Allowances Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 40,487,116 (74 656)944,491 617,275 3 Interdepartmenlal 4 Special Sales 5 Other Operatin9 Revenues 478 725)(161 287)317,438) Tolal Operating Revenues 36,008 391 (14 656)34,944,497 617,275 (161 287)317,438) Operatin9 Expenses: 9 Steam Production 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 12 Other Power Supply 13 Transmission 14 Distnbution 15 Customer Accounting 16 Customer Service & Info 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General (4,317,438)(4,317,438) Tolal o&M Expenses 317 438)(4,317,438) 20 Depreciation 21 Amortization 22 Taxes Other Than Income 23 Income Taxes: Federal 13,468,513 (24,943)675306 876,788 (53,888)750) Slate 830 147 (3,389)586,480 255,024 (7,322)(645) 25 Deferred Income Taxes 26 Investment Tax Cred~ Adj. 27 Misc Revenue & Expense 216 14,216 Tolal Operatin9 Expenses:995,439 (28,333)13,261 786 131,812 (61 210)317,438)821 Operating Rev For Return:25,012 952 (46,323)21,682,711 485,463 (100 077)821) Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 34 Plant Held for Future Use 35 Misc Defened Debits 36 Elec Plant Acq Adj ,--", 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 39 Fuel Stock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Working Capital 42 Weatherization Loans 43 Misc Rate Base Tolal Electric Plant: Deductions: 47 Accum Ploy For Depree 48 Accum Prov For Amort 49 Accum Def Income Tax 50 Unamortized ITC 51 Customer Adv For Const 52 Customer Service Deposits 53 Miscellaneous Deductions 571,803)571 803) Tolal DeductJons:(1,571 803)(1,511,803) Tolal Rate Base:571,803)(1,571 803) 60 Estimated ROE impact 11.897%O22'10 10,235%645%047%000%040% 64 TAX CALCULATION: 66 Operatin9 Revenue 40,311,612 (74 656)34,944,497 617,275 (161 287)(14216) 67 Other Deductions 68 Interest (AFUDC) 69 Interest 70 Schedule M" Additions 71 Schedule M" Deductions 72 Income Before Tax 40,311 612 (74,656)34,944,491 617,275 (161,287)(14,216) 74 Slate Income Taxes 830,147 (3,389)586,480 255,024 (7,322)(645) 76 Taxable Income 38,481,465 (71,267)33,358,016 362,251 (153,965)(13,571) 78 Federal Income Taxes 13,468,513 (24 943)675,306 876 788 (53,888)750) PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Weather Normalization ---, TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Residential 440 (26,056)Situs (26,056) Commercial 442 (48,600)Situs (48,600) Industrial 442 Situs Public St & Hwy 444 Situs Total (74 656)(74 656) Description of Adjustment: This adjustment normalizes revenues in the test period by comparing actual loads to temperature normalized loads. Weather normalization reflects weather or temperature patterns which were measurably different than normal, as defined by using 30- year historical studies by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Only residential and commercial sales are considered weather sensitive. Industrial sales are more sensitive to specific economic factors. ..,J Ta b l e 1 R e v e n u e Ro c k y M o u n t a i n P o w e r St a t e o f I d a h o Su m m a r y o f R e v e n u e A d j u s t m e n t s 12 M o n t h s E n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 S ($ O O O ' To t a l To t a l To t a l To t a l To t a l Bo o k e d No r m a l i z i n g Te m p e r a t u r e Ty p e 1 Ty p e 1 Ty p e 2 Ty p e 3 Ad j u s t e d Re v e n u e Ad j u s t m e n t s No r m a l i z a t i o n Ad j u s t m e n t s Ad j u s t e d Ad j u s t m e n t s Pr o f o r m a Re v e n u e Re v e n u e Ad j u s t m e n t Re s i d e n t i a l $2 4 80 3 $2 1 33 4 . 85 1 ($ 2 6 ) $2 1 30 9 $4 6 , I I I 34 1 $4 8 45 2 Co m m e r c i a l $2 2 02 9 40 7 . 43 6 ($ 4 9 ' 35 9 $2 3 38 8 32 0 $2 4 70 8 In d u s t r i a l $2 9 , 93 4 $1 2 43 8 . 29 9 $1 2 43 8 $4 2 37 3 86 8 $4 4 24 1 Pu b l i c S t & H w v $2 3 1 ($ 8 ($ 8 ' $2 2 3 $2 2 $2 4 6 Nu W e s t 91 5 ($ 4 ) ($ 4 91 1 $6 6 97 7 Mo n s a n t o - Fi r m 26 3 ($ 0 ) ($ 0 ) 26 3 26 3 Mo n s a n t o - No n F i r m $3 9 45 8 ($ 9 5 0 ) ($ 9 5 ( ) ) $3 8 50 7 $3 8 50 7 Mo n s a n t o C u r t a i l e d $7 2 6 $7 2 6 $7 2 6 $7 2 6 Mo n s a n t o - Su b t o t a l $4 1 72 1 ($ 2 2 4 ) ($ 2 2 4 ) $4 1 , 4 9 7 $4 1 , 4 9 7 To t a l I d a h o $1 2 2 63 3 $3 4 94 4 ($ 7 5 ) $3 4 87 0 $1 5 7 50 3 55 1 $6 6 $1 6 3 12 0 $0 . 00 1 So u r c e / F o r m u l a 30 5 F Ta b l e 3 Cu s t o m e r B+ C A+ D Ta b l e 3 Ta b l e 3 E+ F + G In f o . , Se r v i c e s I. I n c l u d e s n o r m a l i z a t i o n o f s p e c i a l c o n t r a c t r e v e n u e s , n o r m a l i z a t i o n o f R M A r e v e n u e s , r e m o v a l o f B P A c r e d i t , B l u e S k y r e v e n u e s a n d a d j u s t m e n t m a d e t o re c o n c i l e B l o c k i n g r e v e n u e w i t h b o o k e d r e v e n u e . 2. I n c l u d e s I r r i g a t i o n . 3, I n c l u d e s S c h e d u l e 1 9 b i l l e d c h e a p e r a n d a n n u a l i z a t i o n o f p r i c e c h a n g e a d j u s t m e n t s . 4. P r o f o r m a c h a n g e o f N u W e s t c o n t r a c t . 5. T h e r e v e n u e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h c u r t a i l e d l o a d i s a d d e d b a c k , s i n c e t h e r e d u c t i o n i n l o a d s d u e t o c u r t a i l m e n t i s c o n s i d e r e d a n a c q u i s i t i o n o f r e s o u r c e s t o m e e t t h e l o a d . Pa g e 3 . PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Revenue Normalizing ,"--, TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT IYQg COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Residential 440 334 851 Situs 21,334,851 Commercial 442 1,407 436 Situs 407,436 Industrial 442 210,155 Situs 210,155 Public St & Hwy 444 946)Situs (7,946) Total 944 497 944 497 ..) Description of Adjustment: Included in test period revenues are a number of items that need to be normalized in regulatory results to reflect normal revenue levels. These items include normalization of special contract revenues, normalization of RMA revenues, removal of BPA credit, and Blue Sky revenues. PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Effective Price Change TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Img COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Residential 440 340,565 Situs 340,565 Commercial 442 320,162 Situs 320,162 Industrial 442 868 130 Situs 868,130 Public St & Hwy 444 365 Situs 365 Type 2 Total 551 222 551,222 Adjustment to Revenue: Residential 440 Situs Commercial 442 Situs Industrial 442 66,054 Situs 66,054 Public St & Hwy 444 Situs Type 3 Total 66,054 66,054 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment annualizes existing tariff price changes. This is done by comparing actual revenues for the test period to the annualized revenues calculated by applying new prices in the tariffs to current load usage. ...J PacifiCorp PAGE 3.4 Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Other Electric Revenues TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT IYJ1g COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenues: 1) Other Electric Revenue 456 (1,815,955)6.434%(116,839)3.4. 2) Other Electric Revenue 456 (690,820)6.434%(44,448) 3) Other Electric Revenue 456 (25,191 017)Situs 3) Other Electric Revenue 456 (4,054,682)Situs Total (31 752,474)(161,287) Description of Adjustment: 1) The Bonnevile Power Administration (BPA) has a contract with the Company for the use of a 500/230 kV transfonner bank at the Malin Substation. BPA began using the transfonner bank on January 1, 1999, but no payments were received by PacifiCorp until January 2005. Additional monthly payments have been received since that time. This adjustment removes the prior period payments so to only include an annual revenue amount of $233,057 for the test period. 2) The Company has contracts with Intennountain Power Agency and Deseret Generation and Transmission for use of the Mona substation. Because of contract disputes related to the use of this facility, several payments were posted to account 456 during the base year that relate to prior period usage. A regulatory adjustment is necessary to normalize the revenues related to this facility to the ongoing expected annual level. 3) This entry removes the Centralia gain from unadjusted results. This adjustment is included in this filing to appropriately calculate any tax implications of this gain. ..) ..J ..J PacifiCorp Malin Substation Use of Facilities Revenue Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Page 3.4. Posting Date January- January- Account number 301915 301912 FERC Allocation Account Code 4562000 4561600 Back Payment Revenue 301915 4562000 301915 4562000 301915 4562000 SG 301915 4562000 301915 4562000 301915 4562000 301915 4562000 301915 4562000 Monthly Payment Revenue Total amount of revenue recorded in the test period February- March- April- May- June- July- August- September- Monthly Revenue Amount Months in the test period Amount of revenue that should be in the test period Variance Amount Description 423,547 Malin Transformer charges for 1999 to 2004 1,4 70,094 Malin Transformer charges for 1999 to 2004 893,641 19,421 19,421 19,421 19,421 19,421 19,421 19,421 19,421 155,371 049 012 Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer Bonneville Power Administratio Transformer 19,421 233,057 (1,815,955 Mona Substation Use of Facilities Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Description Expected Ongoing Level of Revenues Total Amount booked in Base Period Adjustment to Base Period Page 3.4, Amount FERC Account RP Factor Ref. 300 000 456 990 820 456 (690,820)3.4456 Pacificorp 3.4. Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Centralia Gain Adjustment Amortization By State MonthlYear Oregon Washington Total Oct-1 ,895,462 433,545 329,007 Nov-707 396 406,373 113,768 Dec-102,617 455,845 558,462 Jan-919,496 545,657 3,465,153 Feb-544,805 724 814 269,619 Mar-063,686 358,156 2,421,843 Apr-734 352 484,988 219,340 May-884,786 383,515 268,301 Jun-816,734 107,806 924 540 Jut-019,007 148,342 167,349 Aug-120,861 641 126,502 Sep-381,815 381,815 25,191,017 054,682 29,245,699 PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 IRS Audit Deferrals TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Other Electric Revenues 456 317,438)Situs (4,317,438) Adjustment to Expense: Misc. General Expense 930 (4,317,438)Situs 317,438) Description of Adjustment: On June 7, 2004, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved a stipulation (Case no. PAC-03-05) which allows PacifiCorp to defer for regulatory purposes and recover, through a surcharge, $4,198,000 for federal and state income tax payments made in 2002 and 2003, which resulted from the IRS income tax audit for the years 1994-1998. The surcharge became effective June 8, 2004. The $4 198,000 will be collected through this surcharge for a 16 month period ending September 15, 2005. In addition to the $4,198,000, $119,438 is also recovered on the same surcharge for deferred net power costs. Since a separate surcharge has been ordered, this adjustment removes all accounting entries that are included in the unadjusted data. The other related accounting entries are not included in the unadjusted data and do not require a regulatory adjustment. -..J \.., 'wi PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 IRS Audit Deferrals Page 3. FERC MonthlY ear Accounts Text Amount Oct-930 / 456 FY 05 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset $ (1,498,645) Nov-930/456 FY 05 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (224,547) Dec-930 / 456 FY 05 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (279,489) Jan-930/456 FY 05 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (285,583) Feb-930 / 456 FY 05 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (265,843) Mar-930/456 FY 05 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (251 208) Apr-930 / 456 FY 06 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (217 359) May-930 / 456 FY 06 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (228,882) Jun-930 / 456 FY 06 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (289,202) Jul-930/456 FY 06 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (450,117) Aug-930 /456 FY 06 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (326 562) Sep-930 / 456 FY 06 Amort Exp/Rev - ID Tax Pymt Reg Asset (4,317,438) '....I .."J PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 S02 Emission Allowances PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Gain from Sales of Allowances 4118 266,270 683%151,462 Amortization of Sale of Allowances 4118 (2,053,554)683%(137 245) Total 212,716 216 Adjustment to Rate Base: Regulatory Deferred Sales (23,518,342)6833%571,803)25398 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment reflects the gain on emission allowances amortized over a fifteen-year period. This adjustment reflects actual sales through February 2006 and forecasted sales through December 2006. Pa c l f t C o r p Re s u l t s o f O p e r a t i o n s S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 S S0 2 A l l o w a n c e S a l e s 11 M . . t h o l " ' 0 1 1 Be g Un a m o r t i z e d Ba l a n c e De e - O S Un r e a l i z e d G a i n SC H M A T Re a l i z e d G a i n SC H M D T T. E x p e n s e Ac c u m u l a t e d Ac c u m u l a t e d De f e r r e d I n c o m e D e f e r r e d I n c o m e Ta x Ta x l; I e s c r l p U o n Da t e B o o k e d Re f . Sa l e s T o D a t e Ac c u m u l a t e d Am o r t i z a t i o n De e - o 6 En d U n a m o r t i z e d Ba l a n c e De e - 0 6 Cu r r e n t P e r i o d Am o r t i z a t i o n -- - - - EP A A u c t i o n Ma y - 06 5 , 35 7 1 22 9 , 48 0 83 5 , 87 7 13 7 , 68 8 97 3 , 56 5 13 7 , 68 8 52 , 25 3 74 8 , 96 8 69 6 , 71 5 EP A A u c t i o n Ju n . 0 5 20 0 , 91 4 J I 21 , 20 4 17 9 , 71 0 13 , 39 2 19 3 , 10 2 13 , 39 2 08 2 73 , 28 2 68 , 20 0 P. M o r g a n S a l e De e - 0 5 13 , 95 8 , 50 0 00 8 , 11 1 12 , 95 0 , 38 9 93 0 , 56 4 13 , 88 0 , 95 3 93 0 , 56 4 35 3 , 14 9 26 7 , 82 2 91 4 , 67 3 P. M o r g a n S a l e Fe b - 0 6 12 , 99 5 , 00 0 79 4 , 13 4 12 , 20 0 , 86 6 79 4 , 13 4 12 , 99 5 , 00 0 79 4 , 13 4 (4 , 63 0 , 22 9 ) 63 0 , 22 9 Fo r e c a s t e d E P A A u c t i o n Ma y - 00 0 , 00 0 17 7 , 77 6 82 2 , 22 4 17 7 , 77 6 00 0 , 00 0 17 7 , 77 6 (1 , 45 0 , 53 4 ) 45 0 , 53 4 Fo r e c a s t e d V o l u n t a r y S a l e No v ' 0 6 To t a l s 33 2 1 9 , 77 0 23 0 7 0 5 30 9 8 9 0 6 5 05 3 , 55 4 16 0 4 7 6 1 9 16 9 9 5 , 00 0 20 5 3 , 55 4 (5 . 67 0 , 27 9 ) 09 0 , 07 2 11 , ~0 , 3~ 0 (P a g e 3 . 12 M o n t h o l n d O l l 12 M o n t h o l n d e d 11 Mo n l l l . l - De e - O S De e - 0 6 26 6 , 27 0 (P a g e 3 . Be g i n n i n g B a l a n c e En d i n g B a l a n c e Av e r a g e B a l a n c e 16 , 04 7 , 61 9 30 , 98 9 , 06 5 51 8 , 34 2 (P a g e 3 . Be g i n n i n g B a l a n c e En d i n g B a l a n c e Av e r a g e B a l a n c e 09 0 07 2 11 , 76 0 , 35 0 92 5 2f 1 Pa g e 3 . IDAHO REVISED PROTOCOl Page 4,0 Total O&M Adjustments (Tab 4) TOTAL 4.4 Blue Sky Program Miscellaneous Intemational Out of Period Memberships and Uncollectible Total Normalized Costs General Expense Assi9nees Expense Subscriptions Accounts Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 3 Interdepartmental 4 Special Sales 5 OIher Operatin9 Revenues Total Operatin9 Revenues Operatin9 Expenses: 9 Steam Production 512,436 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 216,349 12 OIher Power Supply 130,291 (30,883)(5,994) 13 Transmission 285 703 (74 051) 14 DisllibuUon 557 300 891)(16356) 15 Customer Accounting 666 021 474,221 16 Customer Service & Info 16,695 339) 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General (472 934)(503)(31,661)(49 830)(54 902)(73 870) Total O&M Expenses 911 860 (33,726)(31 661)(58,715)(145,309)(73,870)474,221 20 DepreciaUon 21 Amortization 22 Taxes OIher Than Income 23 Income Taxes: Federal 645976)11,268 585 617 48,549 24,681 (158 442) State (223,661)531 438 666 597 354 (21 530) 25 Deferred Income Taxes 26 Investment Tax Credit Adj, 27 Mise Revenue & Expense 589 Total Operating Expenses:056 812 (20,926)(19658)(36432)(90 163)(45 835)294249 Operatin9 Rev For Retum:(3,056 812)20,926 19,658 432 163 45,835 (294 249) Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 34 Plant Held for Future Use 35 Mise Deferred Debits 142,719 36 Elec Plant Acq Adj 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 39 Fuel Stock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Working Capital 42 Weatherization loans 43 Mise Rate Base Total ElecIIic Plant:142719 Deductions: 47 Accum Prov For Deprec 48 Accum Prov For Amort 49 Accum Del Income Tax 50 Unamortized ITC 51 Customer Adv For Const 52 Customer Service Deposits (486 294) 53 Miscellaneous Deductions Total Deductions:(486 294) Total Rate Base:(343,575) 60 Estimated ROE impact 434%010%009%017%043%022%-0.139% 64 TAX CALCULATION: 66 Operatin9 Revenue 926 449)33,726 681 715 145 309 73,870 (474 221) 67 OIher Deductions 68 Interest (AFUDC) 69 Interest 70 Schedule OM" Addilions 71 Schedule oM" Deductions 72 Income Before Tax 926 449)33,726 681 58,715 145,309 870 (474 221) ---- 74 State Income Taxes (223,661)531 438 666 597 354 (21 530) 76 Taxable Income (4,702,788)194 30,243 56,049 138,712 70,516 (452,691) 78 Federal Income Taxes (1,645 268 10,585 19,617 549 24,681 (15~442) IDAHO REVISEO PROTOCOL Page 4,1 Total O&M Adjustments (Tab 4) TOTAL Generation Customer Service Wage and Benefit,Wage and Benefit,Wage and Benefit,Wage and Benefit,Additional Power Ovemaul Deposil DSM Irrigation Annualization 1 Annualization 2 Proforma 1 Proforma 2 Delivery Programs Normalization Operatin9 Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 3 Interdepartmental 4 Special Sales 5 Other Operating Revenues Total Operatin9 Revenues Operatin9 Expenses: 9 Steam Production (2,317)445,951 821 915 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro ProductiOn (329)63,414 12 Other Power Supply 008 312 (820)157753 169,618 13 Transmission (303)58,339 301 717 14 Distribution (1,551)(336)298,473 64,703 215,258 15 Customer Accounting (814)156,688 35,926 16 Customer Service & Info (99)19,133 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General (1,340)257 989 56,821 Total O&M Expenses 008,312 (5,320)590)023,930 498,513 609 722 991,532 20 Depreciation 21 Amortization 22 Taxes OIherThan Income 23 Income Taxes: Federal 874)(336,887)777 885 (342,105)(166,558)(537 824)(331 281) State (662)(45,777)242 118 (46,486)(22,632)(73,081)(45,016) 25 Deferred Income Taxes 26 Investment Tax Credit Adj, 27 Mise Revenue & Expense 14,589 Total Operatin9 Expenses:052 625,647 (3,301)(1,607)635 339 309,322 998816 615,236 Operatin9 Rev For Retum:052)(625,647)301 607 (635 339)(309,322)(998,816)(615,236) Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 34 Plant Held for Future Use 35 Mise Deferred Debits 36 ElecPlantAcqAdj 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 39 Fuel Siock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Wor1tin9 Capital 42 Weatherization Loans 43 Mise Rate Base Total Electric Plant: DeductiOns: 47 A=m Prev For Depree 46 A=m Prov For Amort 49 A=m Def Income Tax 50 Unamortized ITC 51 Customer Adv For Const 52 Customer Service Deposits (486,294) 53 Miscellaneous Deductions Total Deductions:(486 294) Total Rale Base:(486,294) 60 Estimated ROE impact 009%-0,295%002%001%-0.300%-0,146%-0,471%-0.290% 64 TAX CALCULATION: 66 Operatin9 Revenue (14,589)008,312)320 590 023 930)(498,513)(1,609,722)(991,532) 67 Other Deductions 68 Interest(AFUDC) 69 Interest 70 Schedule"M" Additions 71 Schedule "M" Deductions 72 Income Before Tax (14 589)008312)320 590 (1,023,930)(498 513)609 722)(991 532) 74 Stale Income Taxes (662)(45,777)242 118 (46 486)(22632)(73,081)(45,016) 76 Taxable Income (13 926)(962,534)078 472 (977 444)(475,880)536,640)(946 517) 78 Federal Income Taxes (4,874)(336,887)777 865 (342,105)(166,558)(537,824)(331,281) IDAHO REVISED PROTOCOL O&M Adjustments (Tab 4) TOTAL Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 3 Interdepartmental 4 Special Sales 5 Other Operating Revenues Total Operatin9 Revenues Operatin9 Expenses: 9 Steam production 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 12 Other Power Supply 13 Transmission 14 Distribution 15 Cuslorner Accounting 16 Customer Service & Info 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General19 TotalO&MExpenses 20 Depreciation 21 Amortization 22 Taxes Other Than Income 23 Income Taxes: Federal24 State 25 Deferred Income Taxes 26 Investment Tax Credit Adj. 27 Mise Revenue & Expense28 Total Operatin9 Expenses: 30 Operating Rev For Retum: 32 Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 34 Plant Held for Future Use 35 Mise Deferred Debits 36 Elec Plant Acq Adj 37 Nudear Fuel 38 Prepayments 39 Fuel Stock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Wor1OOg Capital 42 Weatherization Loans 43 Mise Rate Base44 Total Electric Plant: 46 Deductions: 47 Accum Prov For Depree 48 Accum Prov For Amort 49 Accum Def Income Tax 50 Unamortized ITC 51 Customer Adv For Const 52 Customer Service Deposits 53 Miscellaneous Deductions 55 Total Deductions: 57 Total Rate Base: 60 Estimated ROE impact 64 TAX CALCULATION: 66 Operatin9 Revenue 67 Other Deductions 68 Interest (AFUDC) 69 Interest 70 Schedule M" Additions 71 Schedule M" Deductions 72 Income Before Tax 74 State Income Taxes 76 Taxable Income 78 Federal Income Taxes Page 4.2 Total Incremental Generation 0 & M MEHC Transaction Generation 0 & M Normalization Adjustments 270947 (24,060) 153,264 169,465 (337,159) (575617) 169,465 424,212 (936,836) (56,620)(141,733)313,006 (7,694)(19,259)42,532 105,151 263,219 (581 297) (105,151)(263,219)581 297 142,719 142,719 142,719 O50%-C,124%270%000%0000,1,000%000%000% (169,465)(424 212)936,836 (169,465)(424,212)936,836 (7,694)(19259)42,532 (161,771)(404 952)894,304 (56,620)(141,733)313,006 PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Blue Sky Program Costs TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Administrative Blue Sky Expenses 909 (57 559)992%(2,298) Administrative Blue Sky Expenses 910 041)992%(42) Administrative Blue Sky Expenses 921 878)944%(290) Administrative Blue Sky Expenses 923 (1,810)944%(108) Administrative Blue Sky Expenses 930 775)944%(105) Power Costs 555 (480,000)6.434%(30,883) Total (547 063)(33,726) Description of Adjustment: The Blue Sky Program is designed to encourage voluntary customer participation in the acquisition and development of renewable resources. To prevent non-participants from subsidizing this program, this adjustment removes any administrative and other expenses directly associated with the program from the test period. Note that the customer sales revenue is removed in adjustment 3.2. Costs shown above are direct program costs only that have fallen above-the-line and must be moved below- the-line. In May 2005, the accounting for direct program costs for Blue Sky was modified to charge these costs below-the-line, except for revenues and power costs (Green Tags). ,..J PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 FERC FERC DESCRIPTION 9090000 INFORMATIONAL & INSTRCT ADVERTISING EXP 9100000 MISC CUSTOMER SERVICE & INFORMATIONL EXP 9210000 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 9220000 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TRANSFERRED - CR 9230000 OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED 9301000 GENERAL ADVERTISING EXPENSE 9350000 MAINTENANCE OF GENERAL PLANT 5552500 NET POWER COSTS TOTAL BLUE SKY A&G ABOVE LINE FERC FERC DESCRIPTION 4160000 COSTS & EXP OF MERCH, JOBBING, CONTRACT 4261000 DONATIONS 4264000 EXPEN CERT CIVIC POLIT & REL TD ACTIV TOTAL BELOW LINE TOTAL BLUESKY TOTAL 12 Mas ended Sept 05 Ref # 559 041 878 810 775 480 000 547,063 437 578 348 129 434,797 981,860 PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Page Power Costs. Green Tags Fere Summary Reports , ' I~J :!-1~ :i!fj'l.l~~ l~:I1~ jfj:~~:~ji ;~~ 11 ' , jg~~lW\ :jf\rnjjjf800)g ,J~i-~B i~,fiA1;;tf ~ft;1~il',tI11lilf.~i~~~\J~X~; . Actual fPlanl\'ar1ance Report Type 1 Record Type . e Actual Type 2 Record Type 'a Actual Type '1' Plan Version ' 6 Actuals Type 2 'Plan Vers,10n : a, Actuals' Controlling area' 45G8 Profit center FERC locat1cn SAP account FERC' account Detalled Plan Detailed Plan , see sel ectioi1, ~JICCt OAS&JDf,t~m~~lj ~~4\J8H15,-AEtiiir ii'iifl"~":Ii'iiifl'a~ 5552568 OTHfIHT/RECfDEl 24a eeG 248 aGG , .., i =-,1196 Total Power Cost = $480,000 PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Miscellaneous General Expense TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Miscellaneous General Expense 920 417)944%(84) Miscellaneous General Expense 921 (15,908)944%(945) Miscellaneous General Expense 923 (423,255)944%(25,156) Miscellaneous General Expense 930 (92.457)944%(5,495) Total (533.037)(31 681) '-" Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes from results of operations miscellaneous expenses that should have been charged to non-regulated accounts. ...) PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Miscellaneous General Expense Adjustment Summary FERC Amount to Account Description Factor Exclude Ref 920 Review adjustments 417 921 Review adjustments 908 4.2.3 923 Review adjustments 423,255 4.2.4 930.Review adjustments 92,457 TOTAL $ 533 037 Pa c i f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e S e p t e m b e r 20 0 5 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s G e n e r a l E x p e n s e FE R C A c c o u n t 9 2 0 R e v i e w - I t e m s t o R e m o v e Fi s c a l P o s t i n g Ye a r Pe r i o d A c c o u n t Am o u n t Te x t 20 0 6 50 1 2 5 1 1, 4 1 7 I R S P e n a l t y ta x r e i m b u r s e m e n t TO T A L $ 41 7 Pa g e 4 . FE R C Ac c o u n t 92 0 0 0 0 0 4. 2 . Fa c t o r l. . . Pa c i f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e S e p t e m b e r 20 0 5 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s G e n e r a l E x p e n s e FE R C A c c o u n t 9 2 1 R e v i e w - I t e m s t o R e m o v e Fi s c a l Ac c o u n t FE R C De s c r i p t i o n o f i t e m s t o b e r e m o v e d Ye a r nu m b e r Am o u n t Ac c o u n t Fa c t o r Fr a u d u l e n t C h a r g e s 20 0 5 51 6 9 0 0 $ 2 09 3 92 1 0 0 0 0 Fr a u d u l e n t C h a r g e s 20 0 5 51 6 9 0 0 93 4 92 1 0 0 0 0 Fr a u d u l e n t C h a r g e s 20 0 5 51 6 9 0 0 61 6 92 1 0 0 0 0 SP O N S O R S H I P F E E F O R T H E W Y F O R U M 20 0 5 50 3 1 2 0 00 0 92 1 0 0 0 0 20 0 5 F O O T B A L L S E A S O N T I C K E T S 20 0 5 50 3 1 2 0 68 2 92 1 0 0 0 0 Ch r i s t m a s p a r t y g i f t s 20 0 5 50 3 4 0 0 46 0 92 1 0 0 0 0 Re e l f r o m 5 4 5 5 5 0 ; L a w S o c i e t y o f A l b e r t a C a n a d a 20 0 5 50 3 1 7 0 13 7 92 1 0 0 0 0 Sh a k e s p e a r e a n F e s t i v a l B o a r d L u n c h e o n 20 0 5 50 3 1 1 5 78 6 92 1 0 0 0 0 20 0 5 B U R N C N T R T O U R N A M E N T G O L F B A L L D O N A T I O N 20 0 6 50 3 4 0 0 62 7 92 1 0 0 0 0 BA S K E T B A L L S E A S O N T I C K E T S 20 0 6 50 3 1 2 0 02 6 92 1 0 0 0 0 Ma r k e t i n g - br a n d i n g m a t e r i a l s 20 0 6 51 6 9 0 0 54 5 92 1 0 0 0 0 TO T A L $ 1 5 , 90 8 Pa g e 4 . 2 . 3 \. . t .. . . . , ) Pa c i f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s G e n e r a l E x p e n s e FE R C A c c o u n t 9 2 3 R e v i e w - I t e m s t o R e m o v e Tw e l v e M o n t h s E n d e d S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 S SA P Co s t FE R C FE R C FI s c a l Y e a r Pe r i o d Ac c o u n t # SA m o u n t Te x t Ca t e g o r y Ce n t e r Or d e r Ac c o u n t Lo c a t i o n DO R N O C H 20 0 6 53 0 0 9 5 1, 4 5 6 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - F E B 0 5 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 20 0 6 53 0 0 9 5 12 6 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - M A R 0 5 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 20 0 6 53 0 0 9 5 20 3 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - M A Y 0 5 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 20 0 5 53 0 0 9 5 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - J A N 0 5 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 20 0 5 53 0 0 9 5 61 4 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - S E P 0 4 Do m o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 20 0 5 53 0 0 9 5 15 , 67 8 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - A U G 0 4 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 20 0 5 53 0 0 9 5 63 8 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - O C T 0 4 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 20 0 5 53 0 0 9 5 14 4 DO R N O C H - C A P I T V E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - N O V 0 4 Do r n o c h 21 9 9 8 1 92 3 0 0 0 0 27 , 90 6 RA N C H 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 15 8 51 8 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 07 9 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 13 4 35 1 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 07 9 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 31 8 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 (7 7 , 05 6 ) K L A M A T H R I V E R R A N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 (1 2 04 0 ) K L A M A T H R I V E R R A N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 21 3 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 46 9 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 (1 5 8 51 8 ) K L A M A T H R I V E R R A N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 (2 4 07 9 ) K L A M A T H R I V E R R A N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 16 2 51 3 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 19 , 23 6 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 (1 3 4 35 1 ) K L A M A T H r U V E R R A N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 (2 4 07 9 ) K L A M A T H R I V E R R A N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 13 7 98 1 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H B R I D G E R E P L A C E M E N T Ra n c h 31 7 5 3 3 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 20 0 6 53 0 1 9 0 19 , 71 4 K L A M A T H R I V E R RA N C H O L D B R I D G E R E M O V A L Ra n c h 92 3 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 7 8 39 5 , 34 9 TO T A L 42 3 , 25 5 SO F a c t o r Pa g e 4 . 2. 4 .. . . J Pa c i f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e S e p t e m b e r 20 0 5 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s G e n e r a l E x p e n s e FE R C A c c o u n t 9 3 0 . 1 R e v i e w - I t e m s t o R e m o v e Po s t i n g SA P Co s t In t e r n a l FE R C FE R C Fi s c a l Y e a r Pe r i o d Ac c o u n t $A m o u n t Te x t Ca t e g o r y Ce n t e r Or d e r Ac c o u n t Lo c a t i o n 20 0 5 01 0 53 0 0 2 0 61 6 V A F U O U S B L U E SK Y J O B S Bl u e S k y 12 0 1 5 93 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 20 0 6 00 6 53 0 0 2 0 34 2 20 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 S P O R T S S P O N S O R S H I P S Sp o n s o r s h i p s 93 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 20 0 6 00 6 53 0 0 2 0 50 6 20 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 S P O R T S S P O N S O R S H I P S Sp o n s o r s h i p s 93 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 Ad v e r t i s i n g E x p e n s e s 99 3 Se e p a g e 4 . 2 . TO T A L 45 7 SO F a c t o r 4. 2 , Pa g e 4 . 2 . PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 International Assignees TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Generation 557 (93,161)6.434%(5,994) Distribution Expense 580 (64,718)SNPD 4.467%891) A&G Expense 921 (838,395)944%(49,830) Total (996 27~J58 7t5) --I Description of Adjustment: This adjustment removes international assignees (lA's) costs that are non-recurring or are out-of-period. In addition, ongoing positions filled by lA's are priced at either the lessor of US market compensation levels or actual compensation levels. Page 4. PacifiCorp International Assignee (IA) Costs Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Costs for Oct 2004 - Sept 2005 Adjust Onaoina Positions to US Compensation Levels: Actual Compensation Levels: Mng Director-Gen CFO Mng Director-Perf Rpt9 275,113 504,866 374 135 154,114 207 622 693,139 231 971 132,732 (67,491) 142,164 (209,655) Total 154,114 Above 786,619 940,732 (209,655)Above (786,619\ (996,273) 944,459 Adjustment. Lower of Actual Cost or US Market Mng Director-Gen CFO Mn9 Director-Perf Rpt9 Gen 557 A&G 921 A&G 921 Sub-Total Gen 557 A&G 921 A&G 921 Sub-Total Gen 557 A&G 921 A&G 921 Total US Compensation Levels Mng Director-Gen CFO Mn9 Director-Perf Rpt9 IA Total Costs: On-going Positions One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total Costs ...., Total Adjustment: Ongoing Positions - Adjrnt to Lower Cost/US Market One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total Adjustment Costs for Recovery BY FERC ACCOUNT: Acct 557 On-going Positions One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total Distribution Expense. Acct 557 275,113 670 300 783 Adjustment to Acct 557 On-going Positions One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total Adjustment to Generation EXD - Acct 557 (67,491) (25,670) /93,161) Acct 580 On-going Positions One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total Distribution Expense. Acct 580 718 64,718 Adjustment to Acct 580 On-going Positions One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total Adiustment to Distribution EXD . Acct 580 (64 718) /64,718 Acct 921 On-going Positions One-time and out-of-period IA costs Total A&G Expense - Acct 921 Adjustment to Acct 921 On-going Positions One-time and out-ot-period IA costs Total Adiustment to A&G ExDense . Acct 921 879,001 696,231 575 231 (142 164) (696,231) /838,395) (996,273)Total Adjustment PacifiCorp PAGE 4.4 Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 "-- Out of Period Expense TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: 1) Operating & Maintenance expense 567 150,923)6.434%(74,051)4.4. 2) Operating & Maintenance expense 598 (366,178)SNPD 4.467%(16,356)4.4. 3) Operating & Maintenance expense 921 (1,341 731)944%(79,746)4.4. 4) Operating & Maintenance expense 923 238,000 944%14,146 4.4. 5) Operating & Maintenance expense 935 180,000 944%10,698 4.4. Total (2,440,832)(145,309) ....,I Description of Adjustment: Accounting adjustments were made to expense accounts that are either one-time and non-recurring in nature or relate to a prior period. These transactions are removed from results of operations to normalize the test period results 1) A lump sum right-of-way payment to the Yellowtail tribe was expensed during the test period. This expense is the result of prior period right-of-way use. 2) A transmission feasability study was written-off after the the study was cancelled. 3) CWIP was written off for the "Identity management" project after the project was cancelled. 4) A legal expense liability set-up in 2003 was trued-up to equal the billed amount. 5) A property tax refund associated with the Lloyd Center Tower building was recorded to the income statement in May 2005. This refund is removed from results as it is a one-time, non-recurring event. Page 4.4.PacifiCorp GLPCA 530050 12 Months ended September 30, 2005 1, IYear 2006 2006 2. IYear 2005 2005 3. IYear 2006 4. IYear 2006 5. IYear 2006 I FERC Acctlln transaction curro I5670000 575,461 5670000 575,461 Ref#4.' 1,150,923 Ref# 4.4 ~Postg Date IText003 06/29/2005 Rights of Way Exp, 003 06/29/2005 Rights of Way Exp I FERC Acctlln transaction curro I5980000 333,280 5980000 32,897 Ref# 4.366,178 Ref# 4.4 ~Postg Date IText010 01/31/2005 AUC Expensed012 03/31/2005 AUC Expensed I FERC Acctlln transaction curro I 9210000 1 341,731 Ref# 4.4 ~Postg Date IText 006 09130/2005 AUC Expensed I FERC Acctlln transaction curro I9230000 (238 000) Ref# 4.4 ~Postg Date IText006 09/30/2005 OR LlC - Liab Reserve write down ~Postg Date 'Text I FERC Acctlln transaction curro I002 05/31/2005 Refund on Accrued Property Taxes - Apr '02 9350000 (180,000) Ref# 4.4 '-...... PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Memberships and Subscriptions PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjusbnent to Expense Miscellaneous General Expense 930 (450,091)944%(26,751) Miscellaneous General Expense 930 (792,766)944%(47,118) Total 242,858)(73,870) Description of Adjusbnent: Based on past practices of the IPUC (Idaho Power's Order #29505), national and trade organizations are recognized at 75% (PNUCC, UARG, and WEI (former1y WEPI)). WSCC is included at 100%. All other membership dues are removed. Page 5.1 PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Memberships and Subscriptions Adjustment Breakdown Account Description Amount References Total Memberships and Subscriptions 930.SAP Extract 2,398,105 Calculation of Adjustment: National and Regional Trade Memberships 930.2 PNUCC 605 930.Edison Electric Institute 792 766 930.UARG 156 256 930.2 WEI 500 930.Tri-State Trans. & Gen. Asn.28,511 930.Intermountain Elec Asn. Removed 930.National Joint Utilities Asn.000 930.NW Power Quality Service 000 930.N. American Energy Standards Br(000 930.Elec. Pwr Gassification R&D 000 930.OR Joint Use 500 Sub-total before EEl Removal and 25% Adjustment 109 138 Remove Pro Fonna 6/06 Discontinued EEl Membership (792 766) Sub-total of Memberships to be Adjusted 316 372 IPC Order - Membership adjustment 25%(79 093) Net Membership Al1owance 237 279 WSCC Membership 930.WSCC 918 568 Net Memberships 155,841 Total Adjustment (Net Memberships less Total Memberships)(1,242,858) Adjustment Detail: Other Memberships (450,091)To 4. Discontinuance of EEl (192,166)To 4. Total Adjustment (1,242,858)To 4. PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Memberships and Subscriptions List Regional and National Membership Dues: Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee Western Energy Institute Edison Electric Institute Utility Air Regulatory Group Tri-State Trans. & Gen Asn. Intennountain Electrical Asn. ($15k Dues Remove( National Joint Utilities Asn. NW Power Quality Service N. American Standards Board Elec Pwr Gassification Oregon Joint Use Association 605 500 792 766 156,256 511 000 10,000 000 000 500 Sub-Total Dues Before 25% Adjustment WSCC *NWPQS is reclassed to SAP acct 545550 from 530172 -.J 109 138 918,568 To 4.5. To 4.5. To 4. To 4. To 4. To 4.5. To 4. To 4. To 4. To 4. To 4. To 4. PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Uncollectible Accounts PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense Uncollectible Accounts 904 915,647 992%196,221 Uncollectible Accounts 904 599 000 Situs Uncollectible Accounts 904 278,000 Situs 278,000 792,647 474,221 Description of Adjustment: Certain adjustments to uncollectible accounts booked to FERC account 904 were related to reserves set up in prior periods and should be removed from current results. Un c o l l e c t i b l e E x p e n s e A d j u s t m e n t Ou t o f P e r i o d I t e m s - A S B O O K E D (1 , 23 4 87 1 ) Pr i o r p e r i o d r e s e r v e s e t t l e m e n t (1 , 23 4 , 87 1 ) In D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 2 , t h e C o m p a n y s e t u p a r e s e r v e f o r t h e j o i n t - o w n e r s s h a r e o f T r a i l M o u n t a i n M i n e c l o s u r e c o s t s . I n N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 4 , t h e d i s p u t e wa s r e s o l v e d a n d t h e r e s e r v e w r i t t e n - o f f . T h e j o i n t o w n e r s s h a r e w a s n e v e r c h a r g e d t o c u s t o m e r s , a n d i s a p r i o r p e r i o d n o n - r e c u r r i n g e v e n t t h a t s h o u l d b e re m o v e d f r o m r e s u l t s o f o p e r a t i o n s . 20 0 5 90 4 0 0 0 0 55 0 7 5 0 ( 1 , 67 3 90 8 ) E n r o n w h o l e s a l e s a l e s e t t l e m e n t 3/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 C N Wh e n E n r o n f i l e d f o r B a n k r u p t c y , t h e C o m p a n y , i n D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 1 , c r e a t e d a r e s e r v e f o r $ 1 , 67 3 , 90 8 a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a w h o l e s a l e s a l e s a g r e e m e n t w i t h E n r o n . In M a r c h 2 0 0 5 , a s e t t l e m e n t w a s r e a c h e d a n d t h e r e s e r v e r e v e r s e d . T h i s i s a n o n - r e c u r r i n g e v e n t t h a t s h o u l d b e r e m o v e d f r o m r e s u l t s o f o p e r a t i o n s . 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 90 4 0 0 0 0 90 4 0 0 0 0 90 4 0 0 0 0 55 0 7 5 0 55 0 7 5 0 55 0 7 5 0 1/ 5 / 2 0 0 5 1/ 5 / 2 0 0 5 12 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 4 (1 , 34 9 , 61 5 ) P a y m e n t s r e c e i v e d f r o m I S O 34 9 , 61 5 P a y m e n t s re c e i v e d f r o m I S O (1 , 34 9 , 61 5 ) Pa y m e n t s r e c e i v e d f r o m I S O (1 , 34 9 , 61 5 ) Th e r e w a s a n a c c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e a n d d o u b t f u l a c c o u n t r e s e r v e c r e a t e d f o r t h e C a l i f o r n i a I S O b a c k i n F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 0 1 . T h e C o m p a n y r e c e i v e d p e r i o d i c pa y m e n t s f r o m t h e C a l i f o r n i a I S O t o t a l i n g $ 1 , 34 9 , 61 5 . T h e s e p a y m e n t s w e r e r e c o r d e d a s a r e d u c t i o n t o t h e A c c o u n t s R e c e i v a b l e b a l a n c e . I n De c e m b e r 2 0 0 4 th e C o m p a n y r e d u c e d t h e D o u b t f u l A c c o u n t l i a b i l i t y r e s e r v e t o r e f l e c t t h e s e p a y m e n t s a n d c r e d i t e d a c c o u n t 9 0 4 , u n d e r s t a t i n g t h e B a s e P e r i o d e x p e n s e . Th i s i s a n o n - r e c u r r i n g e v e n t t h a t s h o u l d b e r e m o v e d f r o m r e s u l t s o f o p e r a t i o n s . 20 0 5 90 4 0 0 0 0 55 0 7 5 0 ( 6 5 7 , 25 3 ) W e a t h e r i z a t i o n l o a n r e s e r v e a d j u s t m e n t 1/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 An a d j u s t m e n t w a s m a d e t o t h e u n c o l l e c t i b l e r e s e r v e b a l a n c e o n a J a n u a r y 2 0 0 1 w e a t h e r i z a t i o n l o a n . T h e w e a t h e r i z a t i o n l o a n i s n o t r e c o v e r e d i n b a s e r a t e s an d t h e a d j u s t m e n t t o t h e r e s e r v e s h o u l d n o t b e i n c l u d e d i n r e g u l a t e d r e s u l t s o f o p e r a t i o n s . 20 0 5 90 4 0 0 0 55 0 7 5 0 ( 5 9 9 , 00 0 ) R e v e r s a l o f U S M a g R e s e r v e 3/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 A p r i o r p e r i o d c o n t i n g e n t l o s s r e s e r v e w a s r e c o r d e d f o r a d i s p u t e d c o n t r a c t t e r m i n a t i o n . A f t e r s e t t l e m e n t , t h e r e s e r v e w a s r e v e r s e d d u r i n g t h e B a s e p e r i o d . Th i s a d j u s t m e n t r e m o v e s t h e t r a n s a c t i o n a s a o n e - ti m e , n o n - r e c u r r i n g e v e n t . 20 0 5 90 4 0 0 0 55 0 7 5 0 (2 7 8 , 00 0 ) I D B a d d e b t r e s e r v e 1/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 Gr a n d T o t a l (5 , 79 2 , 64 7 ) Pa g e 4 . -.J PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Customer Service Deposit PAGE REF#ACCOUNT TOTAL COMPANY IDAHO ALLOCAJ"EDFACTORFACTOR"Io Adjustm~nt to Expense: Customer Service Deposit Interest 589 Situs 14,5894311 Adjustment to Rate Base: Customer Service Deposit Balance Situs (486,294)(486.294)235 Adjustment Detail: Balance at September 30, 2004 Balance at September 30, 2005 Average Balance (456,645) (515,942) (486,~~1l Description of Adjusbnent: The Company pays interest on customer service deposits. The deposit balances are treated as a reduction to rate base and the interest is treated as an expense of electric operations. Absent this adjustment, the interest true-up would nullify any recovery of customer service deposit interest. PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Customer Service Deposits - Idaho Balance and Interest as of September 30, 2005 Total Customer Service Deposits - ID Balance Ref # Actual September 30,2005 515 942 Actual September 30, 2004 456 645 Total Deposits Rate%Interest Interest expense on average deposits as of 12 months ended September 30, 2005 486,294 0% $14,589 Pa c i f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e S e p t e m b e r 20 0 5 Cu s t o m e r S e r v i c e D e p o s i t s O. p o e l l B 01 & 8 1 1 1 , - Id a h o f i l I I i ' 3 O t J D O 4 $0 i f t I I ( e o r , ; n a . q u e o y a n d. h i h c f C l l . ?, 3 D t 4 0 Ou I I _ l d Ci r l " " " ' U , C U o l " " " " , i! ~ () t S l 8 1 u 8 C d A I I I " n a M C r e a l " " " 0 1 ea - . " r q o T ! . . . - n P 1I 1 I I ! i 6 7 2 1 J o ~ '* a. a 6I1 L ' 2 D I J o I ~, u 1Z 1 f 1 M 1 4I M : O O o 4 , a . S 4$ ' 2 0 0 0 I I ~. ( I ~ 1~ 3 7 A M ~" :) M' 2 D I J o I ' C U Ii$ A I I Z Q D 4 J I ' X ) 4 - t1 . - 2 4 1 : Z : 1 W 1 M ~9 3 1 Q I !o ~ 01 . $ S'2 1 1 1 2 0 1 ) 0 ~. I a 1t 2 1 M 4 'l l l l V W $ 61 ' 2 3 1 2 0 0 4 A C T ~~ ~. u . 1 ,, : I I A P M 91 1 t $ 2 1 S I 2: 9I ' M . ' C \ 1 I 4 C M I 2i X I S ~ . 2 3 1 3 ' . t e A M '9 B 3 I I 4 ! I C . ; J I II SO f 2 C O l l C U i Si 7 J 2 0 0 4 ~. : ! B 1 2 n M t '9 I W i 3 1 8 1 2 ~ I l ~ Ok S ~ ' 11 I ~ ~ . 15 , ! ) 1 : C G M I '8 8 5 ' ! m g ) MI I I 2 C O 4 C l i ml l / 1 C O 4 J O J 5 - 0 3 4 ) 2 1 Z t 2 . A M '$ 1 ) 5 i 2 ) W 2: 4 1 ' i ' ~ N ; T 4" 1 1 f X A ~ - 1 5 1 ~ 2 3 P M n9 J 4 B ! O ., 11 1 ' 2 1 ~ ' Cl ; & 11 1 2 1 1 2 O C ' O 1 ~ 1 2 ~ 1 2 a & A M .! $ 1 3 ~ 1 J Y 2 ' t ~ CU I 3o ' 2 1 J 2 m 3 ~ . 1D - 2 1 o 1 : 2 O M i 91 1 1 i " ~ ' 1 1 S' I ! 5 I X m - A C T !f ! 5 I 2 O O O ~ - : l I I ' a 2 3 P M 'I U M ~ lJ , ' * 1 ! f 2 ( I ) 4 . o\ C T &' 1 6 1 2 0 0 4 : 2 C O \ o o O 8 . U, I 0 : 2 1 P M Sn n 1 t ' o 2 I 4'1 5 I ' 2 C O 4 el l .4 / \ S I 2 . ( I Q I I : ~ - 23 1 7 , t l l A M '8 D e T , 49 i " O I '2 Q ' 2 O 1 2 C ( o 4 Q U I 9I 2 W 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 G , oo - 2 3 1 z r , 6A M et r i ' I " : ! 1 ' 2 1 I .0 1 r . ' 2 6 I 2 O O 4 , I\ C T :! i ' 2 ~ ~ . ( I ! l 1 0 : 4 4 P M De p o s i t D e t a i l s . I m h o t J 9/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 5 Cu s t o m e r I C u s t o m e r . C u s t o m e r . E f f e c t i v e D t S t a t u s C d 98 5 9 4 8 5 0 2 1 1 / 2 t 1 2 0 0 2 C L S 98 1 1 4 4 7 6 1 7/ 6 / 2 0 0 5 A C T 98 6 7 6 1 7 1 I 51 1 5 1 2 0 0 3 A C T 98 6 8 8 4 0 9 :I 8 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 4 A C T 98 7 1 2 6 3 7 81 3 0 1 2 0 0 5 A C T 99 1 7 7 2 7 5 2: 0/2 3 1 2 0 0 5 C L S 99 1 7 7 2 7 5 91 1 3 1 2 0 0 5 A r : r 99 2 4 6 4 6 9 2/ 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 5 A r : r 99 3 6 2 8 8 9 :I 2 1 1 4 / 2 0 0 5 C L S 90 4 1 1 8 8 0 6/ 2 / 2 0 0 5 C L S 99 4 1 1 8 0 0 2: 9 1 2 7 / 2 0 0 5 A C T 99 4 8 1 2 8 0 2: 8/ 1 / 2 0 0 5 A C T 99 5 5 4 8 5 4 7/2 8 / 2 0 0 5 A C T 99 6 0 0 0 3 8 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 4 C L S 99 7 9 B 4 6 8 61 2 0 1 2 0 0 5 A C T 99 8 1 9 8 9 6 9/ 6 1 2 0 0 5 C L S 99 9 8 2 2 2 7 5/ 2 6 1 2 0 0 4 A C T li l t 1 J ) f e C I j " tl f p r , iC O ' I I S l J u : t U ' D C d 1~ I Q a ! C l 1 J 7 R b i ! P U O O O O1 1 ! I O E P C G ~ 11 f f B ' ~ 'o 7 l U J E P C a O O 11 ' 2 : ! 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I tO O , I r c e : C O Q o o s q'* Y o n d e l a l l s o f G I L 2 3 0 1 4 0 Ag r e e m e l l l C r e a 1 i o n O t C o n c u \ T & I 1 f La s t E " e c l i v e D t P r i c i n g St r u c t u r e C d 11 / 2 1 / 2 0 0 2 2 O ( ) 5 . . 1 2 - O ; 10 1 1 4 1 ' 2 0 0 5 O'7 R O E P 0 3 0 0 7/ 6 1 2 0 0 5 2 o o 6 - O 7 , 2( 12 / 3 1 1 2 9 9 9 0 7 R D E P 0 3 0 0 5/ 1 5 / 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 5 - 0 5 . 2( 12 1 3 f 1 2 9 9 9 0 7 R D E P O O o o 8/ 1 6 1 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 - 0 8 " 2 : 12 / 3 1 / 2 9 9 9 01 R O E P O O O O 81 3 0 1 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 5 - 0 9 . 1: 12 1 3 1 / 2 I H J 9 O ' 7 R D E P O O o o 6/ 2 3 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 1 0 - 2: 91 2 9 1 2 0 0 5 O 1 R D E P O O o o 9/ 1 3 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 1 0 - 1 : 12 / 3 1 / 2 9 9 9 0 7 R D E P O 3 O O 2/ 2 2 1 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 $ - 0 2 - 2: 12 / 3 1 / 2 9 9 9 0 7 R D E P O 3 O O 21 1 4 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 C J 6 . 0 3 . o : 3f l / 2 O ' 0 8 0 7 R D E P O 3 0 0 6I 2 I 2 o o ! ! 20 0 5 - 1 2 . 1 1 10 / 6 1 2 0 0 5 0 7 R D E P O 3 o o 9/ 2 7 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 1 1 - 0' : 12 / 3 1 1 2 9 9 9 0 7 R D E P O 3 0 0 6/ 1 1 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 0 8 - 1 1 12 1 3 1 1 2 9 9 9 0 7 R O E P O ' 3 0 0 71 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 0 8 - 1 ' 12 / 3 1 / 2 9 9 9 0 7 R O E P O 3 O O 10 1 1 2 / 2 0 0 4 2~ 1 1 - O ' 10 1 3 1 / 2 0 ' 0 5 O ' 7 R D E P O 3 0 0 61 2 0 1 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 0 7 - 0 : 12 / 3 1 / 2 9 9 9 O ' 7 R O E P O 3 0 0 9A ! I 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 1 2 . 1: 12 J 6 1 2 0 0 5 0 7 R D E P O 3 O O 51 2 6 1 2 0 0 4 2 O Q S . O B - O l 12 / 3 1 / 2 9 9 9 0 7 R O E P O 3 0 0 Sl a l e C d To t a l 0 9 1 3 0 1 2 0 0 5 Pa g e 4 . ~1 " , . . C d :1 ) 'I )I') fu I ' I J . ~ ~ t M. . . : l t n I . . ; . ; . , S . q M" , . V . . . , , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( C o r " " " " f i r ~ ' T . " , . . . ; $ 1 5 0 , 00 :2 2D O M 1 ~- Z i '~ : 1 & M I I :S 14 ! 1 2l 1 O 5 O O ~ a ! , 12 : 3 1 i I M Ut O 20 0 4 1 1 : : g ) 4 . 1, 4 - \ I ; 2 0 : 0 ! M I I $ 1 0 5 , (1 ) 2~ , ~1 G 12 2 9 M 1 1 :$ 1 1 0 . 00 2~ 2U J i $ J : J t - d J I; , ~P M ;I 10 0 1 ) ) 20 0 9 ) 0 ~: n 12 ; 1 " " " " :$ 15 0 0 0 :2 2D O $ Q $ ~: i 1 ! - 1 ; 2 . ; 1 " " " ;I 9 0 , 00 :I 20 0 & ) 2 2 : D " " a i , ' : \ . - D i c O U o M :$ 15 5 0 0 20 0 ! ' ) Z ~1 2 : 1 2 , I I , M ;! U O O 2o a 3 0 4 ~ o I ) 4 o o ' 5 1 ( ) 2 3 I - \ \ \ I 9 5 , (1 ) 20 0 5 1 1 2 O ) S - I : / : - I " . C ! 1: 2 : ~ :S 7 5 , 00 .2 20 0 4 1 1 ) ~ . 10 - : l 1 'S 1G O . ( \ ) 20 0 3 0 6 IO 2 . ' ! P M :$ , ' 1 1 2 5 , 00 20 0 ~ 10 : l t P M S B D , oo 2 2 0 0 ! i 1 i 9 , ~2 3 , 12 , '& A ' " S ' i 1 ' CJ : ) ;Z 2I 1 C 1 ! . o C \ 1 ~ ~ 1 2 : 1 5 A M t 1 & 5 , 00 2D ! W ) 5 10 ~ ~ f ' M 4$ 6 , &0 \ 5 4 8 \p a g e 4 . 7. 1 FL i m l i m e r l l A m o u n t M a x In v o i c e S e C ! M a x Y e a r M o n l h m a x i m u m ( C o n c u I T e t l C y T I m e s ! S 9 5 , 00 20 0 5 1 1 2 0 0 5 - 1 2 - 0 2 1 2 : 3 6 A M S 2 7 5 . 00 20 D 5 0 7 2 0 0 5 - 0 7 - 20 1 2 : 4 0 A M S 1 5 0 . 0' 0 20 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 5 . 0'5 - 2 6 1 0 : 2 3 P M S 2 2 5 . 00 20 0 4 0 8 2 o o 5 - 0 8 - 2 3 1 0 : 2 1 P M S 0 0 . 00 I 2 0 0 5 0 ' 8 2 0 0 5 - 0 9 . 13 1 2 : 3 3 A M $ 5 0 . 00 20 0 5 1 0 2 0 0 5 - 1 0 - 2 2 1 2 : 1 2 A M $ 5 5 , 00 20 0 5 0 9 2 0 0 5 - 1 0 - 1 2 0 9 : 0 7 P M $ 5 0 . 00 1 , 20 0 5 0 2 2 0 0 6 - 0 2 . 22 1 0 : 2 2 P M S 7 4 , 00 20 0 6 0 2 2 Q 0 6 . 0 ~ 0 2 1 2 : 2 0 A M $ 5 0 , 00 20 0 5 1 0 2 0 0 5 - 1 2 . 10 1 2 : 2 7 A M S 1 3 0 . 00 20 0 5 0 9 2 0 0 5 - 1 1 . 07 0 5 : 1 3 P M S 1 8 0 . 00 20 0 5 0 8 2 o o 5 . ~1 0 12 : 4 3 A M S 1 1 5 , 00 20 0 5 0 7 2 ~ 1 ) 8 - 1 1 1 2 : 2 2 A M S 9 5 . 00 20 0 5 1 1 2 Q O 5 - 1 1 . 01 1 2 : 3 6 I ' I M $ 5 5 . 00 20 0 5 0 8 2 O O 5 . 07 - 02 1 2 : 1 2 A M $ 2 5 5 , 00 20 0 5 1 2 2 0 0 5 - 12 - 13 1 2 : 5 8 A M S 1 0 5 , 00 20 0 4 0 5 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 - 0 9 1 0 : 4 4 P M 51 5 94 1 . 78 Ip a g e 4 . 7. 1 PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 DSM Irrigation PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Other Purchase Power 557 (842,680)6.434%(54 218) Other Purchase Power 557 842,680 Situs 842,680 Other Purchase Power 557 219,850 Situs 219,850 Below Total 219,850 008,312 Adjustment Detail Sept 2005 Actuals Sept 2006 Forecast Incremental Change in Payments 842,680 062 530 219,850 "-'" Description of Adjustment: Load control payments made to the Idaho irrigators are system allocated in the unadjusted data. This adjustment corrects this allocation by situs assigning these costs to Idaho. This adjustment also increases the amount of the credit to reflect the amount expected to be paid during the 2006 irrigation season. .-J PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 DSM - Irrigation PAGE Oct '04 to Mar 05 $ Apr '05 to Sep '06 $ 477 842,202 842,680 Pa c i f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 DS M . I r r i g a t i o n Ju n e Ju l y Au g Se p t Pa r t i c i p a t i o n O o t i o n Co u n t o f P a r t l c l o a t l n a S i t e s Av o i d e d k W Av o i d e d k W Av o i d e d k W Av o i d e d k W tJ i o N 8p m 48 9 44 , 25 0 . 11 5 , 93 5 , 45 , 4 2 2 . 12 9 , 90 8 , 45 , 08 3 . 12 1 72 4 , 82 9 , 25 , 04 3 , ,,' fT i i : q j j j i i i " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' " "" " " " " " " " " " " 47 6 " " " " " " " " " " ' " 47 ; 4 2 7 : 1 0 ' " "" " " "2 : 6 2 " " " " "" 2 " 4 - ; 2 5 9 : 0 0 " ' " "4 " 8 : 3 5 0 : 0 0 ' " "" " " ' 2: 8 6 " " " " "" " 13 8 ; 2 i i f o ' o" " " "4 " 6 : 3 7 3 : 8 0 ' " "" " " no " " " " "" " 12 5 : 2 0 9 : 2 6 " ' " 7; 9 8 7 : 5 i f " "" " " o" . 6 s " " ' " "" " 25 ' 83 1 " : 5 0 " ' " ij" MW " 3 : 6 p i i i " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " 5" " " " " " " " " " " ' " "" " " 13 9 " . 6 " " ' " "" " " ' 1:2 6 " " " " "" " " ' 17 5 : 9 0 " " " ' " "" " ' 15 8 j " " ' " "" " " '1 " : 4 " " " ' " "" " " ' "2 2 3 : 7 7 " " " " " "" " ' 15 8 ' 7" " ' " "" " " ' T3 " " " ' " "" " " ' 20 6 : 3 " " " " " "" " " 96 : 6 " " " " "" " " 0." 3 1 " " " " " "" " " " 29 : 9 5 " " " ' " ij" MV , i ' "4 : " ' fp i i i " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " ' Hi " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " 13 7 " 7 " . 6 " ' " "" " " T2 6 " " " " "" " " 1" . 7 ' 3 5 : 7 8 " " ' " "'; 3 6 1 ; : 0 0 " " "" " " ' f4 " " " " " "" " ' "1 : 9 2 6 : 0 6 " " ' " "" " 13 3 " f . 6 " ' " "" " " ' T3 " " " ' " "" " " U3 " f . O ' 8" " " ' " "" " 10 7 " 2 ' . " 9 " " " "" " " 31 " " " " " "" " " ' 33 2 : 6 0 " " " " ij" fT i i ' 3: 6 j j i i i " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " ' ,0 " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " ' 67 6 . " 3 " " ' " "" " " T2 6 " " " " " "" " " ' 85 2 : " 1 4 " " " ' " T: ' 3 S : 6 0 " " "" " " T4 " " " ' " "" " " 1:6 0 1 : 2 0 " " " " "" ' (0 4 4 : 6 0 " " "" " " " 1:3 " " " ' " "" " " ': 3 5 7 : 9 ' 8" " " ' " "" " ' 77 " 5 " . 3 " " ' " "" " " 0. " 3 1 " " " " " "" " " ' 2" 4 0 : 3 " 4 " " " " if f f i i ' 4:7 j i i i i " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " ' 1" 3 " " " " " " " " " " " ' " "" " ' "4 2 6 , 6" " " "" " " "1 ' : 2 6 " " " " " "" " " ' 53 7 : 5 2 " " " ' " "" " ' "4 0 2 Y " ' " "" " " "1 ' : 4 1 " " " ' " "" " " ' 67 ' : 8 1 " " " " " "" " " 17 3 . 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" un U 20 0 6 c a l e s 81 , 20 9 To t a l 08 9 , 68 4 30 1 , 41 8 36 6 , 13 9 34 0 , 91 8 Se p t 2 0 0 6 F o r e c a s t $ 91 8 24 0 27 2 , 27 8 06 2 , 53 0 Re f # 4 . 7 Pa g e 4 . PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Wage and Benefit - Annualization 1 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Supervision & Engineering - Steam 500 (36,266)6.434%333) Supervision & Engineering - Steam 500 SSGCH 047% Fuel - Steam 501 221 683% Hydro Expense 535 (2,092)SG-6.434%(135) Hydro Expense 535 (3,028)SG-6.434%(195) Other Power Gemation Expense 548 (327)434%(21) Other Power Gemation Expense 548 (798)SSGCT 738%(54) System Control and Load Dispatch 556 (301)434%(19) Other Expenses 557 (11 260)434%(724) Other Expenses 557 (16)SSGCT 738%(1) Transmission Expense 560 711)6.434%(303) Distribution Expense 580 (126)Situs Distribution Expense 580 (9,769)SNPD 467%(436) Distribution Expense 581 846)SNPD 467%(127) Distribution Expense 582 (572)Situs (47) Distribution Expense 582 (72)SNPD 467%(3) Distribution Expense 583 191)Situs (241) Distribution Expense 583 (488)SNPD 467%(22) Distribution Expense 584 (308)Situs (6) Distribution Expense 585 (75)SNPD 4.467%(3) Distribution Expense 586 (784)Situs (55) Distribution Expense 586 (381)SNPD 467%(17) Distribution Expense 587 (0)Situs Distribution Expense 587 (10)SNPD 467%(0) Distribution Expense 588 (2,331)Situs (113) Distribution Expense 588 465)SNPD 467%(110) Distribution Expense 590 (300)Situs Distribution Expense 590 (162)SNPD 467%(7) Distribution Expense 591 (3)Situs Distribution Expense 591 SNPD 4.467% Distribution Expense 592 (1,358)Situs (81) Distribution Expense 592 (802)SNPD 467%(36) Distribution Expense 593 (6,108)Situs (363) Distribution Expense 593 644 SNPD 467%118 Annualization Page 1 Total (89,058)(5,320) Annualization Page 2 Total (51 315)590) Annualization Total (140,373)-.JZ,91 0) 12. Description of Adjustment: PacifiCorp has several labor groups, each with different effective contract renewal dates. The company negotiates wage increases with each of these groups throughout the year. This adjustment annualizes the wage increase during the base period for labor charged to operation and maintenance accounts.See page 4.12.1 for more infonnation on how this adjustment was calculated. PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Wage and Benefit - Annualization 2 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Distribution Expense 594 021)Situs (124) Distribution Expense 594 (36)SNPD 4.467%(2) Distribution Expense 595 (178)Situs (2) Distribution Expense 595 SNPD 4.467% Distribution Expense 596 (594)Situs (29) Distribution Expense 596 (1)SNPD 4.467%(0) Distribution Expense 597 (659)Situs (47) Distribution Expense 597 (386)SNPD 4.467%(17) Distribution Expense 598 (445)Situs (23) Distribution Expense 598 (2,090)SNPD 4.467%(93) Customer Accounts Expense 901 (1,422)992%(57) Customer Accounts Expense 901 (744)Situs (33) Customer Accounts Expense 902 (119)992%(5) Customer Accounts Expense 902 896)Situs (282) Customer Accounts Expense 903 (9,115)992%(364) Customer Accounts Expense 903 (1,565)Situs (72) Customer Accounts Expense 905 (49)992%(2) Customer Accounts Expense 905 Situs Customer Service Expense 907 (346)992%(14) Customer Service Expense 908 (355)992%(14) Customer Service Expense 908 (906)Situs (67) Customer Service Expense 909 (102)992%(4) Customer Service Expense 910 (4)992%(0) Adminstrative & General Expense 920 (0)992%(0) Adminstrative & General Expense 920 (341)Situs (36) Adminstrative & General Expense 920 (21,949)944%(1,305) Annualization Page 2 Total (51 315)590) Annualization Page 1 Total (89,058)(5,320) Annualization Total (140,373)(7,910)12. Description of Adjustment: PacifiCorp has several labor groups, each with different effective contract renewal dates. The company negotiates wage increases with each of these groups throughout the year. This adjustment annualizes the wage increase during the base period for labor charged to operation and maintenance accounts. See page 4.12.1 for more information on how this adjustment was calculated. PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Wage and Benefit - Proforma 1 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Tvpe COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjusbnent to Expense: Supervision & Engineering - Steam 500 980,288 6.434%449,115 Supervision & Engineering - Steam 500 (5,373)SSGCH 047%(325) Fuel- Steam 501 (42,483)683%839) Hydro Expense 535 402,734 SG-6.434%25,912 Hydro Expense 535 582,871 SG-6.434%37,502 Other Power Gemation Expense 548 62,886 6.434%046 Other Power Gemation Expense 548 153,503 SSGCT 738%343 System Control and Load Dispatch 556 57,903 6.434%726 Other Expenses 557 167,172 6.434%139,437 Other Expenses 557 995 SSGCT 738%202 Transmission Expense 560 906 729 6.434%58,339 Distribution Expense 580 24,298 Situs Distribution Expense 580 880,301 SNPD 4.467%83,988 Distribution Expense 581 547,758 SNPD 4.467%24,467 Distribution Expense 582 110,132 Situs 954 Distribution Expense 582 13,894 SNPD 4.467%621 Distribution Expense 583 806,588 Situs 477 Distribution Expense 583 93,970 SNPD 4.467%197 Distribution Expense 584 358 Situs 150 Distribution Expense 585 14,482 SNPD 4.467%647 Distribution Expense 586 150,915 Situs 10,533 Distribution Expense 586 73,378 SNPD 4.467%278 Distribution Expense 587 Situs Distribution Expense 587 896 SNPD 4.467% Distribution Expense 588 448,735 Situs 21,801 Distribution Expense 588 474,373 SNPD 467%21,189 Distribution Expense 590 57,710 Situs Distribution Expense 590 31,234 SNPD 4.467%395 Distribution Expense 591 549 Situs Distribution Expense 591 SNPD 4.467% Distribution Expense 592 261 323 Situs 15,569 Distribution Expense 592 154,365 SNPD 4.467%895 Distribution Expense 593 175 579 Situs 69,958 Distribution Expense 593 (508,840)SNPD 467%(22 728) Proforma Page 1 Total 17,141,226 023,930 Proforma Page 2 Total 876,722 498,513 Proforma Total 27,017,948 522 443 12. Description of Adjustment: PacifiCorp has several labor groups, each with different effective contract renewal dates. The company negotiates wage increases with each of these groups throughout the year. This adjustment recognizes these increases prospectively and adds them to operation and maintenance accounts. It also normalizes pension, employee benefits, and incentive to levels the company will incur during the rate effective period. See page 4.12.1 for more information on how this adjustment was calculated. PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Wage and Benefit - Proforma 2 TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT Tvpe COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Distribution Expense 594 773,983 Situs 23,779 Distribution Expense 594 906 SNPD 4.467%308 Distribution Expense 595 34,337 Situs 298 Distribution Expense 595 (942)SNPD 4.467%(42) Distribution Expense 596 114,420 Situs 593 Distribution Expense 596 198 SNPD 4.467% Distribution Expense 597 126,784 Situs 990 Distribution Expense 597 228 SNPD 4.467%316 Distribution Expense 598 85,618 Situs 485 Distribution Expense 598 402,249 SNPD 4.467%17,967 Customer Accounts Expense 901 273,645 992%10,923 Customer Accounts Expense 901 143,232 Situs 6,431 Customer Accounts Expense 902 809 992%910 Customer Accounts Expense 902 134,743 Situs 54,230 Customer Accounts Expense 903 754,391 992%70,031 Customer Accounts Expense 903 301 201 Situs 13,788 Customer Accounts Expense 905 372 992%374 Customer Accounts Expense 905 Situs Customer Service Expense 907 66,528 992%656 Customer Service Expense 908 246 992%724 Customer Service Expense 908 174 307 Situs 945 Customer Service Expense 909 19,558 992%781 Customer Service Expense 910 692 992% Adminstrative & General Expense 920 992% Adminstrative & General Expense 920 65,544 Situs 894 Adminstrative & General Expense 920 224 660 944%251,094 Proforma Page 2 Total 876,722 498,513 Proforma Page 1 Total 17,141 226 023,930 Proforma Total 27,017 948 522,443 12. Description of Adjustment: PacifiCorp has several labor groups, each with different effective contract renewal dates. The company negotiates wage increases with each of these groups throughout the year. This adjustment recognizes these increases prospectively and adds them to operation and maintenance accounts. It also normalizes pension, employee benefits, and incentive to levels the company will incur during the rate effective period. See page 4.12.1 for more information on how this adjustment was calculated. \....) ..J 12. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho General Rate Case Labor Escalation - September 2005 The base period (12 months ended September 2005), and the test period (proforma December 2006) labor expenses are summarized on page 4.12.2. The following is an explanation of the procedures used to develop the proforma labor expenses. 1. Actual September 2005 total labor related expenses are identified on page 4.12., including bare labor, incentive, other labor, pensions, benefits, and payroll taxes. 2. Actual September 2005 expenses for regular time, overtime, and premium pay were identified by labor group and annualized to reflect wage increases during the base period. These annualizations can be found on pages 4.12.3 and 4.12.4. 3. The annualized September 2005 regular time, overtime, and premium pay expenses were then escalated prospectively by labor group to December 2006 (see pages 4.12.4 to 4.12.7). Union costs were escalated using the contractual rates found on page 4.12.8. Non-union costs were escalated using budgeted merit increases also found on page 4.12. 4. Non-union incentive payments for the test period were provided by the Human Resource department and were calculated based on the fiscal year 2006, and 2007 budgets. Union employees do not participate in the Company s annual incentive program; instead, they receive annual increases to their wages that are reflected in the escalation described above. The budgeted incentive expenses can be found on page 4.12. 5. Proforma December 2006 pension and employee benefits expenses were provided by the Human Resource department based on the calendar year 2006 budget. These expenses can be found on page 4.12.2 and page 4.12.10. The proforma payroll tax calculations can be found on page 4.12., along with the wage amounts used in the calculation. 6. The December 2006 level of bare labor, incentive, other labor, pensions, benefits, and payroll tax expenses have been spread back to FERC accounts based on the percentages calculated using actual September 2005 expenses (see pages 4.12.13 through 4.12.15). Page 4.12. Idaho GRC Wage & Benefit Reconciliation 5001XX Regular Ordinary TIme 389,531 698 395,477 015 945,317 405,336,362 859,347 5002XX Overtime 46,422 199 130,728 708,529 48,305,710 174 982 5003XX Premium Pay 478,599 4 546 955 68 356 4 660 312 113 357 Subtotal for Escalation 440,432,496 447,154,698 722,202 458,302,383 11,147,685 12.3 - 4.12. 500110 Secondary Labor Adjustment 515,989 875 13,060 12. 5005XX Unused Leave Accrual 265 080 34,571 331 12. 500850 Other Salary/Labor Costs 661,008 12. 50109X JO Cutbacks (1,727,002)12. Subtotal Bare Labor 452 147 571 500880 Performance Unit 5hare Compensation 973,218 973,218 12. 5004XX Incentive 46,003,103 46003 103 32843422 12. Total Incentive 47,976,321 47 976 321 32843422 500250 Overtime Meals 868,896 868,896 868,896 500600 Temporary/Contract Labor (16,364)(16 364)(16 364) 500700 Severance/Redundancy 450,287 413,087 037,200) (1)413,087 501103 Joint Owner Pension Payment 418 038 418,038 418 038 501325 Physical Exam 222 222 222 502300 Education Assistance 399,879 399879 399 879 Total Other Labor 121,959 3084759 4037200 3 084 759 Subtotal Labor and Incentive 507,245,851 509 946 941 2701 090 505988407 3 958 534 501100 Pension - FAS 87 39,396,618 39,396,618 58,423,280 19,026,662 501105 Pension - IBEW 57 - FAS 87 072,802 072 802 501106 Retirement Allowances 626 093 282 693 343,401) (2)290,769 076 501115 5ERP Plan 124 310 124 310 471,519 347,209 501150 Post Retirement Benefits - FAS 106 21,887,006 21,887,006 796,687 909,680 501160 Post Employment Benefits - FAS 112 321,769 5321769 5326327 4 5S8 Total Pensions 73,355,796 70012395 3343401 103 381 383 33368987 12. 501102 Pension Administration 306,699 306,699 948,476 641,776 501125 MediCal 617 862 617 862 45,742 253 124 391 501175 Dental 667 747 667 747 000,795 333,048 501200 Vision 424 417 424 417 498,592 175 501225 Life 056 297 056,297 214 864 158,567 501250 5tock/401(k)/ESOP 16,947 692 16,947 692 19,344 974 397,282 501251 401(k) Administration 094,322 094,322 253,887 159,565 501275 Accidental Death &. Disability 664 664 310 646 501300 Long-Term Disability 232 604 232 604 418,902 186,297 501650 Worker s Compensation 071,785 071,785 276,836 205,050 502900 Other Salary Overhead 572,192 (3)1 572 192 1 430 397 141 795 Total Benefits 69,994,282 69 994 282 78 187 286 8193004 12. Subtotal Pensions and Benefits 143,350,078 140 006 677 3343401 181 568 669 41561992 12. 580500 Payroll Tax Expense 342,839 790,477 447 639 31,655,961 (134,516)12. 580700 Payroll Tax Expense-Unemployment 522 367 522 367 522,367 580800 Other Pavroll Taxes (9,889)9889 9889 Total Payroll Taxes 34,855,317 3530 955 447639 35 168 439 134516 Total Labor 685,451,246 685256574 194672 722 725 515 37468941 Non-Utility and Capitalized Labor 191 188,927 191,134 628 (54 299)201,585,622 10,450,994 Total Utility Labor 494,262,319 494 121,945 (140,373)521,139,893 27,017,948 9 and 4.11 and 4. Notes: (1) This annualization adjustment is the severance expense associated with the rebasing initiatives. In June 2005, the Company booked a liability of $4 037 200. This adjustment removes this expense from results. (2) This adjustment removes a non-recurring entry that was included in the base year. (3) Account 502900 shows a total debit balance of $1,527 790 for the period 12 months ended Sept. 2005. The intemationaLassignee adjustment removes a credit of $44 402 from this account. The credit has also been removed in this adjustment to prevent a double count. \. - . - '- ' 'w i Es c a l a t i o n o f R e g u l a r , O v e r t i m e , a n d P r e m i u m l a b o r (F i g u r e s a r e i n T h o u s a n d s ) Ba s e P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d S e p t . 2 0 0 5 Te s t P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 1i; O \1 ' ,, 5o o 1 ~ X Re ' rd i n a Tim e 29 . 1 0 4 30 , 94 2 04 2 2 , 35 , 74 6 92 7 33 , 03 9 35 3 88 3 16 1 33 7 38 9 , 53 2 5o o 2 X X ve l 1 l m e 15 5 33 7 74 1 23 5 46 7 51 3 55 0 50 6 38 2 92 7 83 2 46 . 42 2 5o o 3 X X em i u m P a 26 7 34 0 31 7 32 0 32 1 28 2 38 2 25 0 33 1 83 1 39 8 43 9 ~: : ~ ~ Gr a n d T o t a l 33 . 12 6 34 , 61 9 38 , 10 1 32 8 32 , 72 4 39 , 49 5 38 , 82 2 36 , 83 8 , 3 ! 1 , 1 9 0 37 , 09 6 38 . 48 6 39 , 60 8 Ra l . 12 . 2 O f f i c e r / E x e m p t 3 ' B E W 1 2 5 4 i B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W y o m i n g 9 I B E W 4 1 5 ( L ar a m i e 5 7 11 i B E W 5 7 P O 12 i B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n . Ex e m p l 15 1 8 E W 5 7 ( W e s l V a i l e 18 N o n - Ex e m p t Gr a n d T o t a l Re I . 4 . 12 . IE x e m o t 3'i B E W F 2 5 4i i ! E W ' 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W y o m i n g 9 1 8 E W 4 1 5 ( L a ra m i e 5 7 11 1 B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n - Ex e m p t 15 I B E W 5 7 ( W e s t Va i l e 18 N o n - Ex e m p t Gr a n d T a l a ' 03 % 79 % 00 % 2T F % 00 % 00 % 00 % 2 O f f i c e i l E x e mD t 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W y o m i n g 9 i B E W 4 1 5 ( L ar a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 12 i B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n . Ex e m p t 15 I B E W 5 7 ( W es t V a i l e 18 N o n , Ex e m D I Gr a n d T o l a l 12 . Es c a l a t i o n o f R e g u l a r , O v e r t i m e , a n d P r e m i u m l a b o r (F i g u r e s a r e i n T h o u s a n d s ) Ba s e P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d S e p t . 2 0 0 5 Te s t P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 LI i 2 O f f i c e r / E x e m I 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m i n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 1 B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n . Ex e m I 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s t V a l l e 18 N o n . Ex e m I Gr a n d T o t a l 49 % IE x e m 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m i n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n - Ex e m I 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s t V a l l e 18 N o n . Ex e m t Gr a n d T o t a l Re f . 4 , 12 . 56 % 00 % 00 % 12 % 50 % 00 % 50 % 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m i n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n . Ex e m I 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s t V a l l e 18 N o n . Ex e m t Gr a n d T o t a ' 12 . 4 Es c a l a t i o n o f R e g u l a r , O v e r t i m e , a n d P r e m i u m l a b o r (F i g u r e s a r e i n T h o u s a n d s ) Ba s e P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d S e p t . 2 0 0 5 Te s t P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 83 % 83 % 87 % 68 % 83 % xe m t 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8U W U A 1 2 7 W m i n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 1 B E W 5 7 P D 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n , Ex e m t 15 I B E W 5 7 e s l Va l l e 18 N o n , Ex e m I Gr o n d T o t a l 34 5 49 4 10 7 77 7 91 3 97 3 50 7 10 9 89 6 22 5 56 4 80 3 16 2 18 8 45 4 08 9 65 4 14 0 81 4 ,- - - , "" , !~ , ,.. _ " " , 18 . . 1 5 . 29 7 1 . 2, 7 0 0 2 . 63 3 2 . 97 3 2 . 66 1 3 . 07 3 46 0 3 . 03 9 3 . 06 4 2 . 90 0 3 . 93 4 1~ 10 IV 1Q 09 7 3 . 26 9 4 09 4 4 13 0 4 53 2 46 42 47 48 11 5 07 2 7 89 0 7 23 3 6 , 94 0 7 50 7 19 0 3 . 43 3 3 . 65 4 3 . 58 6 2 . 95 9 56 5 60 3 61 3 62 0 66 7 17 4 19 0 14 4 16 4 17 1 77 3 99 7 82 5 86 0 91 6 ,~ " " _ 3 ! " " , ~ - " , - ~ " ' " ~ ~ , !L , . . . ,." , J~ , ~~ . - ~ - " ... . . . 1 , ~ , ! ! ? ! ? , . , .- " " ~~ ~ ~ ~ " 15 . 1 74 0 3 . 18 5 2 . 95 0 77 0 3 , 57 4 3 . 44 5 20 9 13 8 15 0 60 4 3 . 42 8 3 , 40 1 21 45 88 1 7 82 9 8 , 12 0 58 7 3 . 36 3 3 . 86 9 55 2 64 6 62 4 16 4 16 0 17 6 92 4 94 3 92 9 ,. _ ~ .! ~ , ~ " . . _ . _ ~~ . ~ _ . " , _ , ~~ , , ~! 1 2 O f f i c e r l E x e m I 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m i n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n - Ex e m I 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s l V a l l e 18 N o n . Ex e m I Gr o n d T o t a ' 56 % 00 % 00 % 12 % 50 % 00 % 50 % 2 O f f i c e r / E x e m I 3 I B E W 1 2 5 87 7 70 0 97 3 66 1 07 3 74 0 18 5 33 . 53 0 4 I B E W 6 5 9 25 8 46 0 06 4 90 0 93 4 2, 7 7 0 57 4 38 . 18 0 5 U W U A 1 9 7 16 2 13 8 12 7 14 5 18 2 20 9 13 8 82 1 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W min 43 0 09 7 09 4 13 0 53 2 60 4 42 8 50 1 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 5 60 5 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 97 6 07 2 23 3 94 0 50 7 88 1 82 9 89 . 80 1 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 41 1 19 0 65 4 58 6 95 9 58 7 36 3 95 9 13 P C C C N o n . Ex e m I 66 8 57 9 62 9 62 0 66 7 55 2 64 6 43 8 15 I B E W 5 7 We s t V a l l e 17 4 18 0 14 8 16 9 17 1 16 4 16 0 95 8 18 N o n - Ex e m I 89 2 79 3 84 5 86 0 91 6 92 4 94 3 10 . 86 9 Gr a n d T o l o ' 36 , 68 1 21 5 38 , 49 3 38 , 00 3 40 , 43 8 38 , 24 4 39 , 72 0 45 9 , 82 1 12 . '- - \. . . . -- J Es c a l a t i o n o f R e g u l a r , O v e r t i m e , a n d P r e m i u m L a b o r (F i g u r e s a r e i n T h o u s a n d s ) Ba s e P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d S e p t . 2 0 0 5 Te s t P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d O e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 2 O f f i c e , / E x e m I 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m l n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 p o 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n , Ex e m , 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s t V a l l e 18 N o n - Ex e m I Gr a n d T o l a ' 68 % 83 % 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m i n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n . Ex e m t 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s t V a l l e 18 N o n . Ex e m , Gr a n d T o l a ' 43 5 59 0 II I 85 2 17 9 08 6 52 0 11 2 91 9 35 , 26 5 90 1 28 5 16 3 52 2 03 4 41 1 66 8 17 4 89 2 36 , 88 3 70 5 27 7 15 1 64 6 64 9 65 3 64 6 16 5 99 3 40 , 56 6 76 2 2, 7 9 3 21 I 60 4 95 4 58 7 55 2 18 4 92 d 38 , 36 5 er x e m I 3 I B E W 1 2 5 4 I B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W m l n 9 I B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 11 I B E W 5 7 P O 12 I B E W 5 7 P S 13 P C C C N o n , Ex e m , 15 I B E W 5 7 W e s t V a l l e 18 N o n , Ex e m , Gr a n d T o l a ' 09 % 71 % 00 % 00 % 00 % 00 % 00 % 00 % 08 8 18 2 13 1 4; 2 5 1 51 1 76 4 62 9 1d 8 84 5 39 , 27 6 12 , -. . . . . ) .. J Es c a l a t i o n O f R e g u l a r , O v e r t i m e , a n d P r e m i u m L a b o r (F i g u r e s a r e i n T h o u s a n d s ) De c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 P r o f o r m a L a b o r Ba s e P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d S e p t . 2 0 0 5 Te s t P e r i o d : 1 2 M o n t h s E n d e d D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 2 O r n e e r l E x e m I 3 ' B E W 1 2 5 4 ' B E W 6 5 9 5 U W U A 1 9 7 U1 N UA 1 2 7 W min 9 ' B E W 4 1 5 L a r a m i e 5 7 I1 1 B E W 5 7 P D 12 I B E W 5 7 p s 13 P C C C N o n , Ex e m p l 15 I B E W 5 7 (W e . I V a n e y ) 18 N o n . Ex e m p l Gra n d T o t a l 46 0 13 8 09 7 07 2 19 0 56 5 17 4 77 3 33 , 83 5 43 5 59 0 11 1 88 3 17 9 06 6 52 0 f1 2 91 9 35 , 29 6 90 1 28 5 16 3 56 0 03 4 41 1 66 8 17 4 89 2 36 , 92 2 Re f . 4 12 . 70 5 27 7 15 1 68 6 64 9 65 3 64 6 16 5 99 3 60 6 51 9 38 , 82 0 , 5 9 8 89 . 78 8 40 . 86 3 37 7 93 4 10 . 7 8 4 45 8 , 30 2 12 . 7 \- ; la b o r I n c r e a s e s Oc t o b e r 2 0 0 4 t o S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 In c r e a s e s o c c u r o n t h e 2 6 t h o f e a c h m o n t h , F o r t h i s e x h i b i t . e a c h i n c r e a s e i s l i s t e d o n t h e f i r s t d a y o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o n t h , F o r e x a m p l e . a n i n c r e a s e t h a t o c c u r s o n S e p t e m b e r 2 6 . 20 0 4 i s s h o w n a s e f f e c t i v e o n O c t o b e r 1 . 2 0 0 4 Mo n t h s En d e d Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 Ih - G m L i i ' i : G d d ~ : t \ t i l I ' ;~ ; f W t ; T I i J 1 ' ( * , n , ; l t i i l ) ' . 6 t i , G:~ o a 4W 1 Q l i t ' t 4 4 y , ' \ ' 4 i 1 \ 1 % 1 , N d \ l I : O , .t1 i W j , l j ) f f ; j De e ! I f 4 f ~ t J i/ : L . o Q S J i F J I T : 1 ! r 1 ) F e I i ' l l S : i ? ~ g r 6' M i i f i Q ! 1 J . ~ ; " i l i A "r. ~ Si& & l 1 l l 1 f k M a V ; o $ ~ ; ' i j J , ( f f 3 f J t i jf t ~ O S . I : \ Z 1 1 ? J Q I f I ) 5 1 1 0 1~ 4 i i n f O 5\ . H n % S e D ; o , S : - ; ; l 1 i Of f i c e r / E x e m p t 00 % 12 5 99 % 16 % IB E W 6 5 9 99 % 16 % UW U A 19 7 08 % 25 % UW U A 12 7 W v o m i n Q 00 % 03 % IB E W 4 1 5 La r a m i e 5 7 1 00 % 79 % IB E W 57 P O 00 % IB E W 57 P S 67 % 0. 4 9 % PC C C No n - Ex e m p t 00 % IB E W 5 7 ( W e s t V a l l e v \ 00 % No n - Ex e m p t 00 % Gr a n d To t a l 12 M hE d d S on ! ep t e m b e r 2 0 0 6 ~: G , tb 11 i~ t C m t ' R tJ l f : i ) ; K 1 : & i ' t ' i W $ ' . 1 r a b 1 ; l : ~ G f , o1 J i ' , '2 ! f ' :Y W f.t C l 6 1 i i l 1 $ i I $ f . I J X " i ' ~ I i t;o S i \ t i 1 i l 4 i i t n ~ " C ; o S1 f i & J I ; ~ i I H J ; l 6 R Q ~. ! I \ ~ F f j b ! n ~ : ' G A 1 I . M I i ! ' . f a G : ~ ' I ;i\ ' U F A D f j i ) 6' 8 ' W i " " M I i \ I f ( ) 6 Y f b J 4 i 1 0 i 1 I i I j ~ O 8; 1 i & j ; 1_ ~ 1 i I 1 : O 6 ' _m l i ' f i ' ? A i J a f O ' 6~ ~ 1 t $ ~ % : S f j ' ril i j ) , 6~ 1 Of f i c e r / E x e m p t 50 % IB E W 12 5 99 % 83 % IB E W 6 5 9 99 % 83 % UW U A 19 7 08 % 87 % UW U A 12 7 W y o m i n o 56 % 68 % IB E W 4 1 5 ( L a r a m i e 5 7 ) 00 % IB E W 57 P D 00 % 83 % IB E W 57 P S 12 % PC C C N o n - Ex e m o t 50 % IB E W 5 7 ( W e s t V a l l e v ) 00 % No n - Ex e m p t 50 % Gr a n d T o t a l 12 M o n t h s E n d e d ep t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 Q t ! t R Q 6 - 1 ' & ' : W ' " dv . 1 O 6 ' : W ' % P" \ , I ' J P : i \ , q( , l ) : 8 _ ' % ' 1 j i 1 R I I ( O ! : Q ' l 4 ' \ \ I 4 a ) l F , ~ I ) "! " 1 ' - I - M i i t ~ t _ W . A Q t f O 7I i ' . V i I 1 _ M ii l i f l ! 1 ' - 1 - l I " t O ' 1 ! f / f . c 18 1 f f I ! ; U Ut ' 0 T h W & ! J IA l i t A L i a ; I J ' t . \:' I i W ; $ i! D ; l J 1 ( ' , ~ 2 1 SG t f i l l Y f ( G I ) d i ! S l * il i lI: l i l ) t ! ; J : n l ' O t i f 2 O f f i c e r / E x e m p t 00 " 1 0 3 I B E W 1 2 5 00 % IB E W 6 5 9 00 % 5 U W U A 1 9 7 00 % 8 U W U A 1 2 7 W v o m i n Q 09 % 71 % 9 I B E W 4 1 5 ( L a r a m i e 5 7 1 00 % IB E W 5 7 P D 00 % IB E W 5 7 P S 00 % 13 P C C C N o n - Ex e m D t 00 " 1 0 15 I B E W 5 7 ( W e s t V a l l e v ) 00 % 18 N o n - Ex e m p t 00 % Gr a n d T o t a l 12 . Co m p o s i t e L a b o r I n c r e a s e s Re g u l a r T i m e / O v e r t i m e / P r e m i u m P a y S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 44 0 , 43 2 , 49 6 Re f e r e n c e 12 . To t a l A n n u a l i z e d S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 In c r e a s e 44 7 15 4 69 8 1. 5 3 % 12 . To t a l P r o F o r m a D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 In c r e a s e 45 8 , 30 2 , 38 3 2. 4 9 % 12 . Mi s c e l l a n e o u s B a r e L a b o r E s c a l a t i o n Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 De c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 Ac c o u n t Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 In c r e a s e An n u a l i z e d In c r e a s e Pr o F o r m a Re f e r e n c e 50 0 1 1 0 51 5 , 98 9 1. 5 3 % 52 3 , 86 4 49 % 53 6 92 4 12 . 50 0 5 X X 26 5 , 08 0 1. 5 3 % 29 9 , 65 1 2. 4 9 % 35 6 98 2 12 . 50 1 0 9 X 72 7 00 2 ) 1. 5 3 % (1 , 7 5 3 , 36 1 ) 49 % 79 7 07 2 ) 12 . 05 4 06 7 07 0 , 15 5 09 6 , 83 4 An n u a l I n c e n t i v e Es c a l a t i o n De c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 Ac c o u n t Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 FY 2 0 0 6 B u d g e t FY 2 0 0 7 B u d g e t Pr o F o r m a 50 0 4 0 0 39 1 , 57 8 39 1 , 57 8 39 1 , 57 8 39 1 , 57 8 50 0 4 1 0 61 1 52 5 29 , 78 1 , 75 5 67 5 , 20 7 30 , 45 1 84 4 50 0 4 X X 46 , 00 3 , 10 3 32 , 84 3 , 42 2 12 . Bu d g e t e d f i g u r e s b a s e d o n 5 0 % p a y o u t t a r g e t De c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 d a t a i s t h e w e i g h t e d a v e r a g e o f t h e F Y 2 0 0 6 b u d g e t ( 2 5 % ) a n d t h e F Y 2 0 0 7 b u d g e t ( 7 5 % ) . Pe r f o r m a n c e U n i t C o m p e n s a t i o n E s c a l a t i o n Ac c o u n t 50 0 8 8 0 Se p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 97 3 , 21 8 FY 2 0 0 6 B u d g e t FY 2 0 0 7 B u d g e t De c e m b e r 2 0 0 6 Pr o F o r m a 12 . 12 . ..) 12, Rocky Mountain Power Pension & Benefits Adjustment Employee Pension and Benefits Summary 501100 Pension - FAS 87 39,396 618 40,662 148 60,300,000 423,280 19,026 662 501105 Pension - IBEW 57 - FAS 87 7,300,000 072 802 072,802 501106 Retirement Allowances 282 693 282 693 290 769 290,769 076 501115 SERP Plan 124 310 124 310 471,519 471 519 347 209 501150 Post Retirement Benefits - FAS 106 21,887 006 497 567 29,600,000 796,687 909,680 501160 Post Employment Benefits - FAS 112 321,769 470 315 475,000 326,327 558 Subtotal 70,012 395 72,037 032 106 437 288 103,381 383 33,368,987 12. 501102 Pension Administration 306 699 315,237 974 880 948,476 641 776 501125 Medical 617 862 42,882 130 131,812 742,253 124 391 501175 Dental 667 747 765,753 111,036 000 795 333,048 501200 Vision 424 417 441,181 518,286 498 592 175 501225 Life 056,297 082 031 244 461 214 864 158,567 501250 Stock/401(k)/ESOP 16,947 692 514 187 19,991,600 19,344 974 397,282 501251 401(k) Administration 094 322 124 856 288,873 253,887 159 565 501275 Accidental Death & Disability 664 096 66,604 310 646 501300 Long-Term Disability 232 604 294 034 485,457 418,902 186,297 50Hi50 Workers Compensation 071 785 129,261 340,000 276 836 205,050 502900 Other Salary Overhead(1)572,192 527 790 390 000 430 397 (141,795) Subtotal 994 282 079 555 543,009 78,187 286 193,004 12. Grand Total 140,006,677 144 116,587 186,980,297 181,568,669 41,561,992 12. 12. Payroll Tax Adjustment Calculation FJCA Calculated on September 2005 Annualized Labor Reference Annualized Wages Adjustment 738 290 12. Annualized Incentive Adjustment Total Labor 12 Months Ended March 2005 738 290 Medicare Rate (no cap)1.45% 705 Social Security Rate 20% 417 774 Percentage of Social Security Elligible Wages 83,76% 349,933 Total FJCA Tax 447,639 12, FJCA Calculated on December 2006 Pro Forma Labor Pro Forma Wages Adjustment 11,174 365 12, Pro Forma Incentive Adjustment (13,159,681)12, Total Pro Forma Wage Increase (1,985 316) Medicare Rate (no cap)1.45% (28 787) ...,J Social Security Rate 20% (123,090) Percentage of Social Security Elligible Wages 85.90% (105,729) Total FJCA Tax (134,516)12. Rocky Mountain Power Payroll Calculation for Idaho GRC - September 2005 The Medicare Rate used is 1.45%. The Social Security Rate is 6.20%. FICA CAP 12 Months Ended September 2005 Labor Annualized 12 Months ended December 2006 Pro Forma Labor 12, CAP Social Security Eligible Wages 90,000 83.76%200 85.90% Composite increaseAmount 12 Months Ended September 2005 Labor Actuals 500,123,892 12 Months Ended September 2005 Labor Annualized 506 862,182 Pro Forma 12 Months Ended December 2006 Escalated Labor 502,903,648 35% 78% Assumptions The Calendar Year 2005 FICA salary cap is $90,000. This amount has been applied to the September 2005 annualized labor. The Calendar Year 2006 FICA salary cap is $94 200. This amount has been applied to the December 2006 proforma labor. FICA CAP Summary Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Q2Q 80,400 900 87,000 900 90,000 200 12. Wage & Benefit Adjustment by FERC Account and Factor Idaho General Rate Case - September 2005 127 696.346 18.6295%(36,266)127 660.080 980.288 134 640,367 SSGCH (98,302 0143%(98.274 (5.373 (103,647 501 (77i.180 1134%221 (776.960 (42.483 (819.443 535 SG-367.550 0748%(2,092)365.457 402,734 768.191 SG-10,662.953 5556%(3.028 10.659.924 582.871 11.242.795 548 150.423 1678%(327)150.096 62.886 212.982 SSGCT 808,158 0.4097%(798 807 361 153,503 960,864 556 059,274 1545%(301 058.973 57,903 116.877 557 39,645.931 7839%(11 260)634 671 167 172 41.801 843 SSGCT 784 0080%(16 54,769 995 57.764 560 16,587,558 2.4199%711 16,582.647 906,729 17.489,576 580 0000% SNPO 397 944 0183%(9.769)388.175 880.301 36,268,476 444 507 0648%(126 444 381 24.298 468.679 581 SNPO 10,020,601 1.4619%(2.846 10.017.755 547 758 10.565.513 582 50,439 0074%(14)50.425 757 53.182 163.796 0239%(47)163 749 954 172.703 616.684 0900%(175)616.509 33,710 650,219 SNPD 254 166 0371%(72)254.094 13.894 267 988 764 717 1116%(217)764.500 802 806.301 161,813 0236%(46)161 767 845 170,612 Wyp 257.282 0375%(73 257.209 064 271.273 583 814.491 1188%(231)814.260 523 858.783 850.250 1240%(241)850.009 477 896.486 352.790 7809%(1,520)351 270 292.601 643,871 SNPD 719.069 2508%(488)718.581 93.970 812.551 344.907 7798%518)343.389 292.170 635.558 277.768 1864%(363)277,405 69,847 347 251 Wyp 944 072 1377%(268)943.804 606 995,410 WYU 171.318 0250%(49 171.269 365 180.634 '..i 584 82.963 0121%(24)82,939 535 87.474 038 0031%(6)032 1.150 22.182 503,170 0734%(143)503.027 505 530,532 362.559 0529%(103)362.456 19.819 382,275 38.820 0057%(11)38.809 122 40.931 WYP 757 0065%(13)744 2,447 191 WYU 32.574 0048%32.565 781 346 585 SNPD 264 940 0387%(75 264,865 14.482 279.347 586 121 602 0177%(35)121 567 647 128,215 192.694 0281%(55)192,639 10.533 203.172 088.050 1587%(309)087 741 59.476 147.218 SNPO 342.375 1958%(381)341.994 73.378 1.415.372 852.290 1243%(242)852.048 46.589 898,637 292.685 0427%(83)292.602 15.999 308.601 WYP 180.671 0264%(51)180,619 876 190.495 WYU 32,826 0048%32.817 794 611 587 0000%(0)103 SNPD 680 0051%(10 670 896 36,565 588 49.413 0072%(14)49,399 701 52.100 398,817 0582%(113)398.703 801 420,504 155,599 0.4604%(896)154,702 172 495 327 197 SNPD 678.107 2660%(2.465)675,642 474 373 150.015 571.746 5211%014)570,731 195,243 765.974 326.383 0476%(93)326,290 841 344 131 WYP 647 202 0944%(184)647,018 35,378 682.396 WYU 59.936 0087%(17 59,919 276 63.196 590 410.633 0599%(117)410,516 22.446 432,963 SNPD 571.397 0834%(162)571 234 234 602.469 405.074 0591%(115)404,959 22.143 427 102 WYP 240.033 0350%239.965 13.121 253.086 591 (2.533)0004%(2.532)(138)671) SNPD 0000% 12.569 0018%12,565 687 13.252 592 175.431 0256%(50)175.381 590 184.971 284,818 0416%(81)284,737 15.569 300,306 272,628 1857%(361)272,267 69.566 341 833 SNPD 823.937 0.4120%(802)823,135 154.365 977 500 701 637 0.2483%(483)701.153 93,017 794 170 .,j 578.038 0843%(164)577.874 597 609,471 WYP 768.061 1121%(218)767,843 41.985 809,827 WYU 0000% 593 962.599 1404%(273)962,326 52,619 014 945 Annualized Proforma 12. Proforma 279.793 1867%(363)279.429 69.958 349,387 551.471 3722%(725)550.747 139 472 690,218 SNPD (9.308.649)3580%644 (9.306.005)(508.640)(9.814.846) 14.621 106 1331%152)14.616.953 799.236 15.416.189 443,200 0647%(126)443.074 227 467 301 Wyp 326,503 1935%(377)326,127 72.511 398.638 WYU 321.191 0469%(91 321.099 17.557 338.657 594 512.738 0748%(146)512.593 28.028 540,621 435,004 0635%(124)434 880 23,779 458,659 872,511 5650%100)871.411 211 684 083.095 SNPD 126.337 0184%(36)126,301 906 133.207 381.209 0768%(2.096)379,113 403.480 782.594 028.095 1500%(292)027.803 56.199 084 002 wyp 725.004 1058%(206)724 798 39.631 764 .429 WYU 204 576 0298%(58 204.518 11.183 215,700 595 196 0035%(7)189 323 25,512 5.455 0008%(2)453 298 751 403.501 0589%(115)403,386 22.057 425.443 SNPD (17.235)0025%(17.230)(942)(18,172) 46;961 0069%(13)46,948 567 49.515 78,776 0115%(22)78.754 306 83.060 WYP 69,272 0101%(20 69.253 787 73.039 596 65.288 0095%(19)65.270 569 68.839 102,317 0149%(29)102.288 593 107.881 618.273 0902%(176)618.097 33.797 651 894 SNPD 629 0005%(1)628 198 826 888.562 1296%(252)888,310 48.572 936.881 138.790 0202%(39)138,750 587 146.337 WYP 209.381 0305%(59)209.322 11.445 220,767 WYU 70.579 0103%(20 70.559 858 74.417 597 18,045 0026%(5)18.040 986 027 164.469 0240%(47)164 422 990 173.413 670.027 0977%(190)669.836 36,626 706.462 SNPD 357.919 1981%(386)357 534 228 1.431 762 943.714 1377%(268)943.446 51.586 995.033 222.018 0324%(63)221.955 12.136 234 091 Wyp 274.468 0400%(78)274 390 15.003 289,394 WYU 26.621 0039%26.613 1.455 28.069 598 598 0013%(2)596 470 066 82.043 0120%(23)82.019 4.485 86.504 190,705 0278%(54)190,651 10.425 201 076 SNPO 358.686 0736%(2.090)356.596 402 249 758.845 178.830 1720%(335)178.495 64.439 242.933 45.900 0067%(13)45.887 509 48.396 Wyp 36,931 0054%(10)36.920 019 38.939 WYU 23.271 0034%23.265 272 537 901 36,836 0054%(10)36.826 014 38,839 006.020 7303%(1.422)004.598 273.645 278.243 117 641 0172%(33)117 607 431 124.038 1.481.459 0.2161%(421)481.039 80,981 562.020 (208,287)0304%(208.228)(11.386)(219,614) 471 092 0687%(134)470,958 25.751 496 709 Wyp 611.441 0892%(174)611 267 33.423 644 690 WYU 110.076 0161%(31 110.044 017 116.062 902 687 121 1002%(195)686.926 560 724.486 417.261 0609%(119)417 142 22,809 439,951 992.082 1447%(282)991 800 54.230 046,030 192.311 9034%(1.759)190,553 338.491 529.044 364.387 3662%(2.660)361 727 511 887 873.614 568 160 2288%(445)567 714 85,721 653.435 WYP 692,275 2469%(481)691,794 92.505 784,299 WYU 262.488 0383%(75 262.414 14.348 276,762 903 172,572 0252%(49)172,523 9.433 181 956 32.094.562 6823%(9.115)32.085.447 754.391 33,839.837 252.237 0368%(72)252.165 788 265,953 713,370 2500%(487)712.883 93.658 806,542 777 122 4052%(789)776,333 151 806 928.140 366.825 0535%(104)366,721 20.052 386,773 WYP 196.291 0286%(56)196.235 10,730 206.965 WYU 31.706 0046%31,697 733 33.430 905 171 452 0250%(49)171.403 372 180,775 0000% 907 217,056 1776%(346 216.710 66.528 283.238 908 0000%(0) 248.483 1821%(355)248.128 68,246 316,375 12. ( ) Annualized Proforma 236,814 0345%(67)236,746 12.945 249691 089.206 1589%(309)088.896 539 148.436 294.636 1889%(368)294 269 70,769 365.037 13,556 0020%(4)13,552 741 293 Wyp 554.538 0809%(157 554.381 30,313 584 694 909 357,782 0522%(102 357 681 19.558 377.238 910 12,663 0018%12.659 692 13.351 920 16.935 0025%(5)16.931 926 17,856 220 0000%(0)220 232 126,126 0184%(36)126 090 894 132,984 388,317 0567%(110)388,207 227 409.434 77.285.309 11.2751%(21,949)77.263,359 224.660 81.488,020 134.299 0196%(38)134 261 341 141 602 66.834 0098%(19)66,815 653 70.468 Wyp 466,546 0681%(133 466.413 25.503 491,916 416 NUTIL 647.747 2404%(468 647.279 90.071 737.350 425 NUTIL (18,105 0026%(18,100 (990 (19.090 426 NUTIL 854.413 1246%(243 854.171 46.705 900.876 Secondarv Labo (blank)4.405.456 6427%(1.251 404,205 240.816 645.021 Capital (blank)184.299,416 26,8873%(52.342 184,247.074 10.074 391 194 321.465 Utilit Labor 494 262,319 72.1076%(140,373 494 121 945 017,948 521 139,893 Ref 4.12.2 Non Utility! Sec Labor! Capital 191.188.927 27.8924%(54,299)191 134,628 10.450.994 201 585.622 Ref 4.12. Total 685.451.246 100,0000%(194 672)685.256.574 37.468.941 722.725,515 Ref 4,12. PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Additional Power Delivery Programs PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Maintenance of Misc Trans Plant 573 689,387 6.434%301,717 13. Maintenance of Misc. Dist. Plant 598 000,000 SNPD 4.467%268,003 13. Maintenance of Misc. Dist. Plant 598 947 255 Situs 947,255 13. Customer Accounting 903 900,000 992%35,926 13. Maintenance of General Plant 935 956,013 944%56,821 13. Total 13,492,655 609,722 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment adds additional ongoing Power Delivery programs into the Idaho GRC for the 12 months ended 12/31/2006. Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Additional Power Delivery Programs 12 mos ended 12/31/06 stem-Wide Pro rams Transmission Vegetation (891,700) Transmission Maintenance 581 087 Total Transmission 689,387 Ref 4. IT Project Expense 500 000 Additional Power Delivery Support 000,000 Increased Eng. & AM to support Capital and O&M 800,000 21 st Century, EMS/SCADA, etc.700,000 Total Power Delivery System 000 000 Ref4. Communication Maintenance 956,013 Ref4. Metering Programs 603,000 New Customer Service Programs and Growth 297 000 Total Customer Accounting 900 000 Ref 4. Total System-Wide Programs 12,545,400 Situs Pro rams Distribution Vegetation 68,278 Distribution Maintenance 878,977 Total Situs Programs 947,255 Ref 4. 13. PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Generation Overhaul Normalization PAGE TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense Steam Maintenance 514 12,304,553 6.434%791,680 14. Steam Maintenance 514 500,000 SSGCH 047%234 14. Other Generation Maintenance 554 636,251 434%169,618 14. 15,440,804 991 532 Description of Adjustment: This adjustment normalizes actual Generation overhaul expenses in the 12 months ended September 2005 to the level forecasted in the future. Actual Generation overhaul expenses were lower than FY2003, FY2004, or that forecast in FY2006, FY2007, or FY2008. The future forecasts better represent a sustainable level. ..,J Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 GENERATION OVERHAUL ADJUSTMENT Page 4.14.1 (1)(2)(3) 12 mas ended 12 mas ended (2)-(1) 09/30/05 12/31/06 Adjustment Thermal 126 198 430 750 304 553 Chona 500 000 500 000 Other Generation 590 000 226 251 636 251 716 198 157 002 440 804 Ref # 4.14.Ref # 4.14.2 Ref#4. .....J Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Generation O&M Overhaul Cost Actual 10/1/04 - 9/30/05 m - dollars Blundell Carbon CurrantCr DaveJohnston Gadsby Hunter Huntington Jim Bridger LakeSide LittleMt Naughton WValley Wyodak Camas Cholla Coistrip Craig FooteCreek Hayden Hermiston Less: Labor included above Total 2,424 267 712 126 261 308 590 031 ) 716 Bv Function Steam Cholla Other 21,126 590 21,716 Ref# 4.14. 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 565 685 3,475 4,427 741 235 113 091 939 350 500 990 297 314 2,428 (44) 157 33,431 500 226 157 Ref#4.\4. Page 4.14. ..J PacifiCorp Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Incremental Generation 0 & M ACCOUNT IYQg TOTAL COMPANY PAGE IDAHO ALLOCATED 169,465 REF# 15. FACTOR %FACTOR Adjustment to Expense: Other Generation Maintenance 554 633,880 6.434% Description of Adjustment: This adjustment adds incremental O&M costs for Current Creek Phase II that came on-line March 2006. Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 NEW PLANTS INCREMENTAL COSTS (1)(2)(3) (2) - (1) Actual 12 mos ended 12 mos ended 09/30/05 12/31/2006 2006 Adjustment Currant Creek Labor 810 508 129 499 318 991 Non-labor 250 304 565 192 314 889 060 812 694 692 633 880 Below Ref # 4.15 12 months ended 12/31/2006 Actual Actual Budget Budget January February March 12 mos ended 2006 2006 2006 2007 12/31/2006* Currant Creek Labor 121 685 000 105 099 522 287 129,499 Non-labor 456 132 000 159 703 437 565 192 199 140 143 000 183 259 225 724 694 692 Above *January - March 2006 plus 75% ofFY 2007 4.15. PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Generation 0 & M Normalization TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT IYQg COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: Steam Operation 501 718,394 683%114,846 Steam Maintenance 514 426,185 434%156,102 Hydro Maintenance 545 (60,009)SG-6.434%(3,861) Hydro Maintenance 545 442,093 SG-434%157,125 526,663 424,212 16. Description of Adjustment: This adjustment normalizes the base period to the 12 months ended December 31,2006 for known and measurable increases in operation & maintenance expense due to diesel fuel, addition of the Huntington Unit No.2 scrubber, scrubber reagent costs and Hydro relicensing implementation. Idaho General Rate Case - December 2006 GENERATION OPERATION & MAINTENANCE NORMALIZATION KNOWN & MEASURABLE INCREASES 16. m dollars Actual Normalized 12 mos 12 mos ending ending 2006 9/30/05 12/31/06 Adjustment Diesel Fuel for start-up and equipment 663 381 718 Ref#4.\6.1 Huntington Unit 2 Scrubber 288 288 Scrubber Rea ent Dave Johnston 141 155 Hunter 960 317 356 Huntington 788 938 150 JimBridger 3,468 792 324 Naughton 751 000 249 Wyodak 797 841 Total Thermal 906 11 ,332 2,426 Ref # 4.\6. Hydro Relicensing Implementation - Ea~329 269 (60) Ref#4.\6. Hydro Relicensing Implementation - We 811 253 2,442 Ref# 4.\6. 16,708 23,235 527 PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 MEHC Transaction Adjustments TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Expense: West Valley Lease Expense 550 (5,004.000)SSGCT 738%(337 159)17. Blundell Steam Expense 503 (360,000)683%(24,060)17. Workforce Reductions 920 185 279)944%(248,753)17. Workforce Reductions 920 (3,125.590)944%(185,770)17. Management Fee 930 (195,865)944%(11 641)17.4 A&G Expense Reduction 930 (2,178,036)944%(129,452)17. Total (15,048,770)(936,836) Adjustment to Rate Base Severance Regulatory Asset 182M 2,401,247 944%142,719 17. Description of Adjustment: This adjustment reflects into results various MEHC merger commitments and workforce reductions that have occurred as a result of the MEHC transaction. West Valley Lease: This adjustment reduces the annual West Valley Lease amount as stipulated in PAC-05-08, Item 127. Blundell Steam: This adjustment reduces Blundell steam expense by $360,000 to reflect reductions in steam expense from April 2006 to December 2006. Workforce Reductions: This adjustment reflects into results workforce reductions that have occured as a result of the MEHC transaction. Affiliate Management Fee: This adjustment sets the Affiliate Management Fee credit at $1.5 million, as stipulated in PAC-05-08, Item 128. A&G Expense Reduction: This adjustment reduces total company A&G expense to $222.8 million as stipulated in PAC-05-08, Item 131. 17. PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case - September 2005 West Valley Lease Expense Description Monthly Cost Savings Number of months Amount 417,000 Annualized Cost Savings 004,000 .-/ 17. PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case - September 2005 Blundell Steam Description Annual Blundell Steam Cost Savings Monthly Cost Savings Amount 480 000 000 April 2006 to Dee 2006 Cost Savings 360,000 \. . . . - Pa c l f i C o r p Id a h o G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e - S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 Wo r k f o r c e R e d u c t i o n s Em p l o y e e s T h a t L e f t P r i o r t o M E H C T r a n s . C l o s e ( 5 5 E m p l o y e e s ) Wo r k f o r c e R e d u c t i o n s P o s t T r a n s a c t i o n ( 2 9 E m p l o y e e s ) 70 9 , 06 4 44 7 22 6 Me r i t I n c r e a s e De c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Ca p i t a l i z a t i o n U t i l i t y La b o r D e c e m b e r Ut i l i t y L a b o r I d a h o y 2 0 0 8 ( 1 ) Pe r c e n t a g e 20 0 8 Al l o c a t e d 67 % 5 , 80 4 21 5 2 7 . 89 % 18 5 , 27 9 24 8 75 3 67 % 6 , 55 4 , 68 0 2 7 . 89 % / , , - 4 , 72 6 , 42 1 2 8 0 , 91 6 Ma r c h 2 0 0 8 To t a l 15 6 29 0 52 9 , 66 9 3! i M 9 5 Se v e r a n c e To t a l S e v e r a n c e E x p e n s e Se v e r a n c e A m o r t i z a t i o n - A p r 0 6 t o D e c 0 6 40 3 32 4 ) (1 , 60 0 83 1 ) 60 0 83 1 ) (9 5 , 14 6 ) Un a m o r t i z e d S e v e r a n c e B a l a n c e - E n d Un a m o r t i z e d S e v e r a n c e B a l a n c e - B e g i n n i n g Un a m o r t i z e d S e v e r a n c e B a l a n c e - A v e r a g e 80 2 , 49 3 ~8 8 9 43 4 , 52 3 2,4 0 1 , 24 7 It 0 4 . 17 No t e s : (1 ) 8 M o n t h s o f a n n u a l 2 . 5% i n c r e a s e 17 , PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case - September 2005 Affiliate Management Fee Group Expenses Electric Ops Expenses Affiliate Expenses Stipulated Amount PAC-05- Adjustment Amount FY 2005 Totals 600 640 296 505 304,135 500,000 (195,865) 17.4 to 4. Description September 2005 Actuals Aa.G Adjustments IRS Audit Deferrals Blue Sky Program Costs Miscellaneous General Expense International Assignees Out of Period Expense Memberships and Subscriptions Wage & Benefit - Type 2 Wage & Benefit - Type 2 Wage & Benefit - Type 2 Wage & Benefit - Type 3 Wage & Benefit - Type 3 Wage & Benefit - Type 3 Additional Power Delivery Programs MEHC Commitments Sale of Skookumchuck Hydro Facility Regulatory Asset Amt. Removal Regulatory Asset Amt. Removal Regulatory Asset Amt. Removal Regulatory Asset Amt. Removal Regulatory Asset Amt. Removal Regulatory Asset Amt. Removal Total AI!r.G Adjustments Adjusted A&G Expense MEHC Transaction Aa.G Cap Adj. Total Normalized AI!r.G Check A&G Per All State NRO A&G Plus FERC Allocated Check A&G Per All State NRO - After Cap A&G Plus FERC Allocated Check 317 438) 10 100%317,437.59)00% (8,463) SO 94%(503.00)25% (533 037) SO 94%(31 681.20)25% (838,395) SO 94%(49,830.20)25% (923,731) SO 94%(54,902.19)25% 242,858) SO 94%(73,869.57)25% (0.06) CN 99%(0.00)00% (341) 10 100%(340.54)00% (21 949) SO 94%304.57)25% 12 CN 99%0.48 00% 65,544 10 100%65,544.00% 224 660 SO 94%251,093.25% 956,013 SO 94%56,820.25% 506,734) SO 94%(446,164.69)25% 565) SO 94%(93.02)25% (5,730,211) UT 00% (926,784) 10 100%(926,783.55)00% (1,944 841) WYE 00% (344 133) WYW 00% (1,454,328) WA 00% 262 486 00% 20,811,064 (5,529,450.72) 225,022 720 (2,178,036)to 4.25% 222,844,684 225,037 256 225,037 256 222 864 589 222,864 589 Total Com Factor 245,833,784 0/0 Idaho Allocated PAGE 4.17. Ref. FERC FERC Allocated (21) 314) 067) 277) 064) (54) 10,415 357 (18 507) (4) (14,536) (5,370) (19,905) IDAHO REVISED PROTOCOL Page 5.0 Total Net Power Cost Adjustments (Tab 5) TOTAL 5.4 James River Royally Offset Net Power Cost Little Mtn Steam Trail Mountain Mine BPA Regional Total NOIT1l3lized Adjuslment Sales Closure Exchange Credit Operating Revenues: 2 General Business Revenues 3 Interdepartmental 4 Special Sales 58,883,871 58,883 871 5 Other Operatin9 Revenues 584 423 584,423 Total Operatin9 Revenues 468 294 58,883,871 584,423 Operating Expenses: 9 Sleam Production 125,987 125,987 10 Nuclear Production 11 Hydro Production 12 Other Power Supply 88,133,168 52,954 401 35,178,766 13 Transmission 513 255 513,255 14 Distribution 15 Customer Accounting 16 Customer Service & Info 17 Sales 18 Administrative & General Total O&M Expenses 90,772,410 55,593 643 35,178,766 20 Depreciation 21 Amortization 22 Taxes Other Than Income 23 Income Taxes: Federal (10 459 018)099,298 195262 (11,753,578) State 421 207)149,376 26,533 597 116) 25 Deferred Income Taxes 26 Investment Tax Credit Adj, 27 Misc Revenue & Expense Total Operatin9 Expenses:892 185 56,642,317 221,795 828.073 Operating Rev For Return:(19423 890)041,553 362,629 (21 828 073) Rate Base: 33 Electric Plant In Service 34 Plant Held for Future Use 35 Misc Deferred Debits (590,941)(590,941) 36 Elee Plant Acq Adj 37 Nuclear Fuel 38 Prepayments 39 Fuel Stock 40 Material & Supplies 41 Workin9 Capital 42 Weatherization Loans 43 Misc Rate Base Total Electric Plant:(590,941)(590 941) Deductions: 47 Accum prov For Deprec 48 Accum Prov For Amort 49 Accum Def Income Tax 50 Unamortized ITC 51 CustomerAdvForConst 52 Customer Service Deposits 53 Miscellaneous Deductions Total Deductions: Total Rate Base:(590 941)(590,941) 60 Estimated ROE impact 165%964%171%017%10,303%000%000%000% 64 TAX CALCULATION: 66 Operating Revenue (31 304 115)290,228 564,423 (35,178,766) 67 Other Deductions 68 Interest (AFUDC) 69 Interest 70 Schedule M" Additions 71 Schedule M" Deductions 72 Income Before Tax (31,304 115)290,228 584,423 (35 178,766) 74 State Income Taxes 421 207)149,376 26,533 (1,597,116) 76 Taxable Income (29 882,908)140.851 557,891 (33,581 650) 78 Federal Income Taxes (10 459 018)099.298 195.262 (11,753,578) PacifiCorp PAGE Idaho Results of Operations September 2005 Net Power Cost Adjustment TOTAL IDAHO ACCOUNT COMPANY FACTOR FACTOR %ALLOCATED REF# Adjustment to Revenue: Sales for Resale Existing Firm PPL 447 48,875,550 6.434%144 674 Existing Finn UPL 447 232,758 6.434%207 997 Post-merger Firm 447 875,249,747 434%56,313 947 Non-finn 447 (11,711 971)683%(782,747) Trans. - Off system sales 447 6.434% Total Revenue Adjustments 915,646,085 883,871 Adjustment to Expense: Purchased Power Existing Finn Demand PPL 555 (17,557.164)434%129,636) Existing Finn Demand UPL 555 22,158,471 6.434%1,425,686 Existing Finn Energy 555 (16,266,565)683%087,144) Post-merger Finn 555 764 532,588 6.434%49,190,357 Secondary Purchases (Non-Finn)555 (19,785,568)683%322,330) James River Royalty offset 555 10,146,565 6.434%652,834 Seasonal Contracts 555 37,406,020 SSGC 7.477%796,722 Total Purchased Power Adjustment 780,634,347 50,526,489 Wheeling Existing Finn PPL 565 797 145 6.434%308,650 Existing Finn UPL 565 28,525 6.434%835 Post-merger Finn 565 001 197 6.434%386,120 Non-finn 565 (2,743,401)683%(183,350) Total Wheeling Expense Adj 083,465 513,255 Fuel Consumed 501 37,788,761 683%525 538 Other Steam 503 268,244 683%17,928 Natural Gas Expense 547 34,551,322 683%309,171 Peaker Fuel Expense 547 687,571 SSECT 036%118,741 Cholla/APS Fuel Expense 501 (6,659,523)SSECH 269%(417,480) Total Fuel Exp 67,636,375 553 898 Net Power Cost (59,291,897)(3,290,228) Description of Adjustment: The net power cost adjustment normalizes steam and hydro power generation by adjusting sales for resale, purchased power, wheeling and fuel in a manner consistent with the contractual terms of sales and purchase agreements. and normal hydro and weather conditions for the twelve-month period ending December 31 , 2006. \..."I PaclliCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Net Power Cost Study Adjustment to Revenue: Sales for Resale Existing Firm PPL Existing Firm UPL Post-Merger Firm Non-Firm Trans. - Off System Sales On-System Wholesale Sales Total Revenue Adjustments: Adjustment to Expense: Purchased Power Existing Firm Demand PPL Existing Firm Demand UPL Existing Firm Energy James River Royally Offset 1 Post-merger Firm Secondary Purchases Seasonal Contracts BPA Regional Adjustments Total Purchased Power Adjustments: Wheeling Expense: Existing Firm PPL Existing Firm UPL Post-merger Firm Non-Firm Total Wheeling Expense Adjustments: Fuel Expense: Fuel Consumed - Coal' Fuel Consumed - Gas Steam from Other Sources Natural Gas Consumed Si~1e Cycle Combustion Turbines Cholla I APS Exchange Miscellaneous Fuel Costs Total Fuel Expense Adjustments: Net Power Costs Adjustment: Reconciliation Booked NPC Adjustment to Match GRID Type 3 Adjustment Normalized NPC Account 447, 447,122 447,447,447,447.61,447, 447. 447, 447, 555, 555,55, 555, 555,, 555, 555,555,61,555, 555,25, , 555 555,555.12,555.133 565, 565, 565,46, 565, 565, 501.1 501.11.501.4 501.35 503, 547, 547 501 501 628870390 115,972,927 (59 291.696) 685,351 419 Factor FERC SITUS Page 5. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Booked Adjustment to Bookouts Actual Costs Nonmlized Type 3 Costs Match GRID (1)+(2)Costs (see REF#)Adjustment B Tabs )-( REF# 405,379 16,405.379 67,260,929 46,675.550 22,767373 22,767,373 26,020,131 232,758 599 963,562 (666.005 516)599.963.562 475.213,330 675,249,747 711,971 11,711 971 (11,711 971) 784,910 (784,910) 566,337 566.337 660.219 552 351.247 686,005 516 652,868 305 568,514 390 915,646.085 223 154 223.154 57.665,990 (17.557,164) 33.144 617 33.144,617 55,303088 22,158 471 96,676 559 96,676.559 60,611.994 (16266,565) 10,146565 10,146,565 575 592,610 (666,005,516)575,592.610 340.125,196 764,532,588 265.568 (460,000)765,568 (19 765,568) SSGC 37,406,020 406,020 (116911,568)116,911,568 682 192,920 118,431 588 (686,005 516)800,624508 581.258855 780,634 347 SSECT SSECH 1 The revenue offset for the James River contract is included in adjustment 5, 2 Fuel Consumed - Coal indudes the approximately $25,1 m credn from Bridger Coal. 36,255,168 170 165 521.976 OO6, 954,107 36,255.168 41,052,311 797,145 170 165 196,710 26,525 521,976 523,175 001,197 OO6,263,743 401 954 107 87,037 572 083,465 394,075,016 432,768,661 36,693.665 1.4 904 904 (904,904) 213 136 461,360 266,244 54,761 272 312,594 34,551 322 10,600,732 12,268 303 667,571 53,3n,947 46,716 424 (6.659523) 517.933,007 585,569.382 67,636 375 744643.317 685 351 419 59.291 898 Ref# 5, 394,580,719 904.904 213 136 54,761 272 10,600,732 53,947 304,205 527 742 915 (505 703) 304205 8OO.90B) 628670,390 115972.927 Page 5. PacifiCorp Idaho General Rate Case September 2005 Net Power Cost Study Seasonal Contracts APS p167566 APS p172318 APS p205692 Morgan Stanley p196538 Morgan Stanley p206006 Morgan Stanley p206008 UBS p223199 UBS Summer Purchase 999,960 267 160 582 600 270 800 084 640 796,000 342 800 062 060 Total (To Page 5.37,406 020 -....,) PacifiCorp Generic Study Period Ending Dec"()6 SPECIAL SALES FOR RESALE Pacific Pre Merger Post Merger Utah Pre Merger NonFirm Sub Total TOTAL SPECIAL SALES PURCHASED POWER & NET INTERCHANGE BPA Peak Purchase Pacific Capacity Mid Columbia Mise/Pacific F. Contracts/PPL Study Results MERGED PEAK/ENERGY SPLIT ($) Merged 09/02 280,929 475,213,330 26,020,131 --- 568,514 390 38,208 751 1,796,011 35,027,577 734 982 733,901 Pacific Sub Total ------------------------------ ----------- Gemstate GSLM OF Contracts/UPL IPP Layoff UP&L to PP&L 134 501 222 700 100 140,441 801 26,020 131 Utah Sub Total - -- ----- -- - --- -- ---- - -- --- -- -- - ---- ------ APS p167566 APS p172318 APS p205692 APS Exchange APS Supplemental Purchase BPA So. Idaho Exchange Clark S&I Agreement (Net) Combine Hills Deseret Purchase Duke HLH Duke p99206 Georgia-Pacific Camas Hermiston Purchase Hurricane Purchase Idaho Power RTSA Kennecott Generation Incentive MagCorp Reserves Morgan Stanley p196538 Morgan Stanley p206006 Morgan Stanley p206008 Morgan Stanley Exchange NuCor P4 Production Rock River TransAlta Purchase Tn-State Purchase UBS Summer Purchase UBS p223199 Weyemaeuser Reserve DSM Idaho Irrigation Wolverine Creek ,.J 169,162,032 999 960 267 160 582,600 (67,620) 793 355 (96,509) 603,376) 301 564 29,473 227 554 560 057,600 10,146,565 179,904 33,504 727,745 9,422,191 354,680 270,800 084 640 796,000 (67,620) 722,000 10,683,998 886 609 133,560 627 190,070 062,060 342 800 291 600 842 667 376,823 Pre-Merger Pre-MergerDemand EnerQV 280,929 26,020 131 93,301 060 ---- --- 38,208 751 600,000 196,011 10,508,273 24 519,304 981,859 3,753,123 367,107 35,893,618 Non-Firm Page 5. Post-MerQer 1,475,213 330 1,475,213,330 473,177 --------- ----.---- ------------- --------------- 665,990 65,362 056 700 100 549,83929,282 957 26,020,131 473 177 98,609,006 55,303 088 --------- --------- ------------- --------------- 609,006 999,960 267 160 582 600 (67 620) 793,355 (96 509) 603,376) 301 564 29,473,227 11,554,560 057 600 10,146,565 85,179 904 504 727 745 422 191 354,680 270,800 084 640 796,000 (67 620) 722,000 10,683 998 886,609 133 560,627 190,070 062,060 342,800 291 600 842 667 376,823 249 939 Page 5.1.4 paCifiCOrp Study Results Generic Study MERGED PEAK/ENERGY SPLIT -..."I Period Ending ($) Dec-O6 Merged Pre-Merger Pre-Merger 09/02 Demand Enerov Non-Firm Post-Mercer Short Term Firm Purchases 902 425,417 902,425 417 --- -- ------ -- --- --- - -- --- - --- - ____n--n---_n__--- --_--n-__n_-__n_n __--n----_---- New Firm Sub Total 277 ,595,601 277 ,595,601 Non Firm Sub Total TOTAL PURCHASED PW & NET INT.581 258,855 112,969,077 611 994 387 677 783 WHEELING & U. OF F. EXPENSE Pacific Firm Wheeling and Use at Facilitie 052 311 052,311 Utah Firm Wheeling and Use of Facilities 198,710 198 710 Post Merger 45,523 175 45,523 175 Nonfirm Wheeling 263 377 263,377 -------- TOTAL WHEELING & U. OF F. EXPENSE 037 572 251 020 263,377 523,175 THERMAL FUEL BURN EXPENSE Carbon 758,938 12,758,938 Cholla 46,718 424 46,718,424 Colstrip 963,700 963,700 Craig 15,337 608 337 608 Currant Creek 34,191 922 191 922 Dave Johnston 261 937 38,261 937 Gadsby 433,109 433,109 Gadsby CTs 075 381 075 381 ..J Hayden 737,627 737 627 Hermiston 49,827 741 827 741 Hunter 936 866 936,866 Huntington 71,232 141 232 141 Jim Bridger 117 ,909 677 117 ,909 677 Lake Side 316,667 316,667 Little Mountain 543 155 543,155 Naughton 990,177 990 177 West Valley CT 212 922 212,922 Wyodak 17,640,009 640,009 --- TOTAL FUEL BURN EXPENSE 581 088 002 581,088 002 OTHER GENERATION EXPENSE Blundell 481,380 4,481 380 TOTAL OTHER GEN. EXPENSE 481 380 4,481,380 --------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------- NET POWER COST 685 351 419 60,919 037 611 994 585 832 759 (42,012 371) --------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------- PacmCorD Generic Study Period Ending Dee 2006 SPECIAL SALES FOR RESALE Black Hills BlandinQ BPA Flathead Sale BPA Wind Cowlitz Flathead Hurricane Sale LADWP (IPP Lavoff! PSCO SCE Sierra Pac 2 SMUD UAMPS s223863 UMPAII Short Tenn Finn Sales System BalancinQ Sales TOTAL SPECIAL SALES PURCHASED POWER & NET INTERCHANGE APS p167566 APS pl72318 APS p205692 APS Supplemental Purchase Clartl S&I AQreemenl (Net) Combine Hills Deseret Purchase DouQlas PUD Senlement Duke HLH Duke p99206 Gemstate Geomia-Pacific Camas Grant CounlV Henniston Purchase Hurricane Purchase Idaho Power RTSA IPP Purchase Kennecon Generation Incentive MaQCorp ReservesMoman Stanlev pl96538 Moman Stanlev p206oo6 Moman Stanlev p206oo8 NuCor P4 Production PGE Cove Rock River Small Purchases east TransAlta Purchase Tli-State Purchase UBS Summer Purchase UBS p223199 Weve"'aeuser Reserve Wolverine Creek DSM Idaho IrriQation QF California OF Idaho OF O"'llon OF Utah OF WashinQton OF WvominQ Biomass Desert Power OF R. Johnson ExxonMobii OF Kennecon OF Simplot Phosphates Sunnyside Tesoro OF US MaQnesium OF Chelan - Rockv Reach DouQlas - Wells Grant Displacement Grant Reasonable Grant MeaninQlul PriorilV Grant Surplus Grant - Priest RapidsGrant- Wanapum APS ExchanQe Black Hilis CTs BPA Peak Purchase BPA So, Idaho ExchanQe Moraan Stanlev ExchanQe Short Tenn Finn Purchases System BalancinQ Purchases TOTAL PURCHASED PW & NET INT, WHEELING & U. OF F, EXPENSE Finn WheelinQ Non-Finn WheelinQ TOTAL WHEELING & U. OF F, EXPENSE COAL FUEL BURN EXPENSE Carbon Cholla Colstrip Crail! Dave Johnston Havden Page 5, Idaho CY2006 Golden 3.15.2006 Net Power Cost Analvsis 01/06-12/06 1$1 156 128 520.324 14,506 128 422 521 298,112 293,890 020 131 59.322.995 44,160.000 31,534,227 12.964.801 665,760 588,245 912,438.723 440,622.405 568.514.390 999,960 267,160 582 600 793.355 (1.603,376) 301,564 29.473.227 826.956 11,554,560 057600700,100 10,146 565 614.982 85,179,904 504 727 745 26.020,131422,191 354.680 270800 084.640 796,000 722.000 10,683,998 120 000 886 609 403,211 133,560,627 11,190 070 062,060 342 800 291.600376823 842,667 975.523 872,505 12,855.644 057 078 948 279 614.905 24.411.415 15,150.373 227,273 42,579.347 13.270,725 315.767 37,159283 066.598 13.267 776 609.878 455 103 14.606,379 (14 049 108) 18.044.028 409,003 125.337 (67,620) 796.011 38,208,751 (96,5091 (67 6201 524.316 760 378.108.657 581.258 855 86.774 196 263 377 87,037 572 12,758.938 46.718.424 963,700 15.337.608 38,261 937737.627 PacifiC"", Generic Study Period Ending Dee 2006 Hunter HuntinQton Jim Brickler NauQhton Wvodak TOTAL COAL FUEL BURN EXPENSE GAS FUEL BURN EXPENSE Currant Creek Gadsby Gadsbv CTs Hermiston Little Mountain West Vallev CT TOTAL GAS FUEL BURN EXPENSE OTHER GENERATION EXPENSE Blundell TOTAL OTHER GEN, EXPENSE NET POWER COST Net Power CastINe! System Load Idaho CY2006 Golden 3.15.2006 Net Power Cost Analysis 01106-12106 Page 5. 74,936,866 232,141 117,909,677 67,990,177 17,640,009 479,487 105 34,191 922 433,109 075,381 49,827,741 543 155 212,922 101.600.897 4.481,380 4.481,380 ----------- ---------- -- ------------------------------------- -------------- 685,351.419 - ---- ------- --------------- ------- ------- -- ------- ------ ------- ------- --- 12. Pac/liCorp Generic Study Period Ending Dee 2005 NET SYSTEM LOAD SPECIAL SALES FOR RESALE Black Hills Blanding BPA Flathead Sale BPA Wind Cowlitz Flathead Hurricane Sale LADWP (lPP Layoff) PSCO SCE Sierra Pac 2 SMUD UAMPS s223863 UMPAII Short Tenn Finn Sales System Balancing Sales TOTAL SPECIAL SALES TOTAL REOUIREMENTS PURCHASED POWER & NET INTERCHANGE APS p167566 APS p172318 APS p205692 APS Supplemenlal Purchase BPA Henniston Losses Clark S&I Agreement (Nel) Combine Hills Deseret Purchase Douglas PUD Sentement Duke HLH Duke p99206 Gemslate Geolllia.Pacific Camas Grant County Henniston Purchase Hurricane Purchase Idaho RTSA IPP Purchase Molllan Stanley p196538 Molllan Stanley p206006 Molllan Stanley p206008 PGE Cove Rock River Small Purchases east TransAlta Purchase Tri-State Purchase UBS Summer Purchase UBS p223199Wolverine Creek OF Califomia OF Idaho OF Oregon OF Utah OF Washington OF WvomingBiomass Desert Power OF R. Johnson ExxonMobll OF Kennecon OF Simplot Phosphates Sunnyside Tesoro OF US Magnesium OF Canadian Entitlement Chelan - Rockv Reach Douglas-Wells Grant Displacement Grant Meaningful Priority Grant Surplus Granl- Priest Rapids Grant. Wanapum APGllColockum Capacity Exchange APS exchange BPA Exchange BPA FC II Storage Agreement BPA FC fV Storage Agreement BPA Peak Purchase BPA So. Idaho Exchange Cowlitz Swift EWEB FC I Storage Agreement PSCO FC III Storage Agreement Redding Exchange SCL State Line Storage Agreemenl Tri-State Exchange Short Tenn Finn Purchases System Balancing Purchases TOTAL PURCHASED PW & NET INT, Page 5, Idaho CY2006 Golden 3.15.2006 Net Power Cost AnalYSis 01/06-12/06 IMWh) 53.902,938 364,730 13.140 353,808 33.455 104.832 10.496 539.064 144,986 736 000 459 900 350.400 17,520 223,410 720.409 629.412 25,701 562 --------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------ - ---- 79,604500 ------- ---- - ------------ ---- ---------------- ---- ------------------ -------- 97,600 48,800 82,400 297,500 (70 853) (233,337) 107,194 814 680 78.072 244,800 244,800 37.448 178.574 87.634 745,243 047 539.064 123,200 41,600 41,600 12,000 125,212 046 386.496 223,846 30,800 600 157,755 36.117 76,638 125,181 20.876 16,922 11.453 145.753 151 904 66.430 872,995 192,720 83,220 385,060 187 982 175,200 (64 6431 325.759 253 081 404,204 245,688 35,490 717,777 (269,0191 245 221 082 (5,750) 14.783 047 (8,991) (264) 17,303 (900) 8.446.667 040,033 26.214.115