HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060508final_order_no_30033.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date May 8, 2006 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FILED BY IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN CASE NO. IPC-06- ORDER RESCINDING ORDER NO. 28804 IT APPLIES TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO DISCONTINUE THE REQUIREMENT TO FILE BIENNIAL COST INFORMATION- UNBUNDLING REPORTS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FILED BY A VISTA CORPORATION DBA A VISTA CASE NO. A VU-06- UTILITIES FOR AN ORDER TO DISCONTINUE THE REQUIREMENT TO FILE BIENNIAL COST INFORMATION- UNBUNDLING REPORTS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF PACIFICORP DBA UTAH POWER & LIGHT CASE NO. P AC-06- COMPANY REQUESTING THAT ITS BIENNIAL UNBUNDLED COST INFORMATION REPORTING REQUIREMENT BE DISCONTINUED ORDER NO. 30033 On February 28 , 2006, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power ) filed a Petition seeking relief from the requirements of Order No. 28804, as it applies to Idaho Power. Order No. 28804 requires Idaho Power, Avista Corporation ("A vista ) and PacifiCorp dba Utah Power Light ("PacifiCorp ) to file biennial cost information-unbundling reports with the Commission. On March 10, 2006, A vista filed a similar Petition, asking for relief from the filing requirements of Order No. 28804 as it applies to Avista. On March 10, 2006, PacifiCorp also filed a similar Petition, asking for relief from the filing requirements of Order No. 28804 as it applies to PacifiCorp. On March 30, 2006, the Commission issued a Notice of Petitions, Notice of Modified Procedure and a request for comments. Order No. 30009. The Commission also approved the consolidation of these matters for hearing. The only comments received were submitted by Staff. ORDER NO. 30033 BACKGROUND Order No. 28804 was issued by the Commission on August IS, 2001. Under this Order, Idaho Power, A vista and PacifiCorp are obligated to file biennial cost reports that include inter alia unbundled cost information at the actual earned rate of return and not adjusted to authorized return levels, as well as the actual earned rate of return for each customer class. In its Petition, Idaho Power states that it intends to regularly file general rate actions with the Commission that would enable the Commission to routinely examine its costs. Idaho Power believes that these more frequent rate case filings will allow the Commission and its Staff the opportunity to review Idaho Power s costs in greater detail than afforded in the biennial cost reports. PacifiCorp similarly states in its Petition that it anticipates that regular rate case actions will be needed in the future, and that such rate case filings will afford the Commission and its Staff the opportunity to review PacifiCorp s costs. It further states that in addition to the review allowed by rate case filings , the Commission and its Staff receive PacifiCorp s annual results of operations.PacifiCorp will file these results for the 10 years following the Commission ratification of the Revised Protocol, PacifiCorp inter-jurisdictional cost allocation methodology. A vista states that given the anticipated frequency with which it intends to file general rate cases, it believes the Commission and its Staff will continue to have access to Avista s costs through the cost of service studies that are part of the rate cases. COMMENTS Staff noted that unbundled cost studies breakout the costs of providing service by rate schedule or by delivery voltage level. Costs are identified as generation related, transmission related, distribution related or other. Some of the four major categories are further divided into subcategories. Staff acknowledged that by Commission Order, the three electric utilities participating in these matters have filed unbundled cost studies with the Commission for 1996 1998, 1999, 200 I and 2003. The Staff uses or references this unbundled cost information from time to time. The Staff believes that with the larger staffs that the three electric utility companies employ, and the fact that the companies' staffs are more acquainted with their own models and data, it is easier for the companies to do these studies than it would be for the Staff to complete ORDER NO. 30033 them. However, Staff observes that this information is only occasionally needed and that, in general, unbundled cost results change slowly and, therefore, this type of analysis can be done on an infrequent basis. The Staff observes that there is every indication that all three utilities will have more frequent rate cases in the near term. General rate cases require the companies to file cost of service information, which contains the elements of the companies' costs used to derive unbundled costs. The Staff believes, however, that there is a substantial effort involved in putting the data in the unbundled cost format. Staff further believes it will have an opportunity during the course of a rate case to request this information from the relevant company if it is deemed necessary. Due to the infrequent requirements for unbundled cost information, Staff supports the three Companies' Applications to discontinue the biennial filings required by Order No. 28804. However, Staff requests that the Commission order the Companies to provide unbundled cost information upon Staff request in a general rate case. As time allows, Staff commits to work to develop the models necessary to extract and organize the information. FINDINGS After reviewing these Petitions and the written comments, the Commission finds that the Companies shall not be required to file these biennial cost reports with the Commission. Due to the Companies' statements that they will be filing for more frequent general rate cases , thus allowing for more frequent scrutiny of their costs, the need to file the unbundled reports biennially is reduced. As these reports can provide information that is important and insightful however, the Commission finds that the Companies should be prepared to provide such reports to Commission Staff upon Staff s request during a general rate case, and they may assume that the Commission will reinstate the requirement ifthe Companies do not comply with the request. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Idaho Power Company, Avista Corporation and PacifiCorp are not subject to the requirement under Order No. 28804 to file biennial cost reports containing unbundled cost information, unless and until the Commission reinstates the requirement. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) ORDER NO. 30033 days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code 9 61-626. DONE by Order ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this gf/o- day of May 2006. MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER (kz ATTEST: ~Cj J a D. Jewe Commission Secretary 0: IPC-06-A VU-06-PAC-06-cg2 ORDER NO. 30033