HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230428Annual DSM 2022 Report.pdf 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 April 28, 2023 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 Attn: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-05-10 IDAHO 2022 ANNUAL DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT REPORT Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for electronic filing the 2022 Annual Demand Side Management Report, pursuant to Order No. 29976 issued in Case No. PAC-E-05-10. All formal correspondence and requests regarding this filing should be addressed to one of the following: By E-mail (preferred): datarequest@pacificorp.com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Blvd., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 For informal questions, please contact me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, Michael S. Snow Manager, Regulatory Affairs Enclosures RECEIVED Friday, April 28, 2023 3:40:07 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Page 1 of 18 2022 IDAHO Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report Issued 5/1/2023 Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side-management Page 2 of 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 3 REGULATORY ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 4 MEETINGS WITH COMMISSION STAFF ........................................................................................................ 5 PORTFOLIO OF PROGRAMS ......................................................................................................................... 6 ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................. 6 WATTSMART HOMES .................................................................................................................................... 6 HOME ENERGY REPORTS PROGRAM ................................................................................................................. 7 LOW INCOME WEATHERIZATION ....................................................................................................................... 8 WATTSMART BUSINESS PROGRAM ........................................................................................................... 10 WATTSMART BUSINESS ................................................................................................................................... 10 PEAK REDUCTION PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................... 12 IRRIGATION LOAD CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... 12 WATTSMART BATTERIES.................................................................................................................................. 13 EXPENDITURES ........................................................................................................................................... 14 TOTAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PORTFOLIO SAVINGS AND EXPENDITURES ........................................................... 14 GROSS SAVINGS BY MEASURE CATEGORY ................................................................................................ 14 LOAD CONTROL EVENTS ............................................................................................................................. 16 COST EFFECTIVENESS.................................................................................................................................. 17 TOTAL COST EFFECTIVENESS RESULTS BY PORTFOLIO AND PROGRAM ............................................................ 17 Page 3 of 18 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rocky Mountain Power is a multi-jurisdictional electric utility providing retail service to customers in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, serves approximately 86,874 customers in southeastern Idaho. Rocky Mountain Power acquires energy efficiency and peak reduction resources as cost-effective alternatives to the acquisition of supply- side resources. PacifiCorp develops an integrated resource plan (IRP)1 as a means of balancing cost, risk, uncertainty, supply reliability/deliverability and long-run public policy goals. The IRP presents a framework of future actions to ensure that Rocky Mountain Power continues to provide reliable, reasonably priced service to customers. Energy Efficiency and peak management opportunities are incorporated into the IRP based on their availability, characteristics, and costs.2 Rocky Mountain Power employs external implementers to administer its energy efficiency programs.3 Evaluations for each program are performed by independent external evaluators to validate energy and demand savings derived from Rocky Mountain Power’s energy efficiency programs.4 Rocky Mountain Power utilizes earned media, customer communications, education, and outreach advertising as well as program specific marketing to communicate the value of energy efficiency, provide information regarding low-cost, no-cost energy efficiency measures and to educate customers on the availability of programs, services, and incentives.5 This report provides details on program results, activities, and expenditures of the Customer Efficiency Tariff Rider (“Schedule 191”) as of the reporting period from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. Rocky Mountain Power on behalf of its customers, invested $7.7 million in energy efficiency resource acquisitions during the reporting period. The investment yielded approximately 16 megawatt hours (“MWh”) at generator in first-year energy savings, and approximately 3 megawatts (“MW”) of capacity reduction from energy efficiency. Net benefits based on the projected value of the energy savings over the life of the individual measures is estimated at $1.4 million.6 1 Information on PacifiCorp’s IRP can be found at https://www.pacificorp.com/energy/integrated-resource- plan.html. 2 Information on PacifiCorp’s planning process can be found at https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand- side-management.html under the “Rocky Mountain Power planning” section. 3 Information on program administration can be found at https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side- management.html under the “Program administration” section. 4 Information on program evaluations can be found at https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side- management.html under the “Reports and program evaluations by state” section. 5 Information on communications and outreach can be found at https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand- side-management.html under the “Communications and outreach” section. 6 See cost effectiveness Appendix A, UCT Net Benefits exc. LIW. Page 4 of 18 The energy efficiency portfolio was cost effective based on the Utility Cost Test (UCT), which is the primary cost benefit test observed in Idaho. Cost-effectiveness results are provided in Table 9 and Appendix A. In 2022, Rocky Mountain Power’s DSM portfolio included the following programs: • Energy Efficiency Programs:  Wattsmart Homes  Home Energy Reports  Low Income Weatherization  Wattsmart Business  Peak Reduction Program:  Irrigation Load Control  Wattsmart Batteries Pursuant to Commission Order No. 32196, the Idaho Irrigation Load Control Program is treated as a system power supply with expenses flowing through base rates in lieu of the Schedule 191 DSM tariff rider. Notwithstanding, information on the Irrigation Load Control Program is provided in this report. REGULATORY ACTIVITIES During the 2022 reporting period, the Company filed compliance and/or informational reports, updates, notices, and requests with the Commission in support of Company DSM programs. The following is a list of those activities: • On January 6, 2022, the Company filed its reply comments in the matter of the Company’s application for authority to implement a battery demand response program, Case No. PAC-E-21-16. The Commission issued Order No. 35370 approving the Company’s application on April 14, 2022. • On January 24, 2022, the Company filed an application for authority to revert the Blue- Sky block value to 100 kilowatt hours from 200 kilowatt hours in Case No. PAC-E-22-02. The Commission issued Order No. 35362 approving the Company’s application on April 1, 2022. • On January 24, 2022, the Company filed an application for authority to increase Electric Service Schedule 191 – Customer Efficiency Services Rate in Case No. PAC-E-22-03. The Commission issued Order No. 35363 rejecting the Company’s application on April 1, 2022. • On January 24, 2022, consistent with the flexible tariff process, a 45-day notice of changes was posted to the Company website. Changes consisted of adjustments to incentives for heat pumps, HVAC, and engine block heater control offerings. • On February 3, 2022, the Company circulated the DSM balancing account report for the fourth quarter of 2021. Page 5 of 18 • On April 22, 2022, the Company submitted a compliance filing in the matter of the Company’s application for authority to implement a battery demand response program, Case No. PAC-E-21-16. • On April 27, 2022, the Company submitted a second compliance filing in the matter of the Company’s application for authority to implement a battery demand response program, Case No. PAC-E-21-16. • On May 2, 2022, pursuant to Order No. 29976, the Company submitted its $.4M Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report in Case No. PAC-E-05-10. • On May 3, 2022, the Company circulated the DSM balancing account report for the first quarter of 2022. • On July 8, 2022, the Company filed an application for authority to increase Electric Service Schedule 191 – Customer Efficiency Services Rate in Case No. PAC-E-22-10. The Commission issued Order No. 35546 approving the Company’s application on September 29, 2022. • On August 2, 2022, the Company circulated the DSM balancing account report for the second quarter of 2022. • On August 17, 2022, the Company filed an application requesting a prudency determination on DSM expenditures for years 2020-2021 in Case No. PAC-E-22-12. • On August 25, 2022, the Company filed an application in Case No. PAC-E-22-13 requesting authority to implement a commercial and industrial demand response program. • On November 11, 2022, the Company circulated the DSM balancing account report for the third quarter of 2022. • On December 21, 2022, the Company circulated its 2023 communications plans with Commission Staff. MEETINGS WITH COMMISSION STAFF The Company consulted with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff throughout 2022, with formal presentations on the following matters: June 7, 2022 • Discussed the Company’s 2021 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report. • Reviewed the 2022 Year-to-Date Status and forecast. • Reviewed the status of the Schedule 191 balancing account. • Discussed the Company’s Wattsmart Business Demand Response Application; and • Discussed the new battery demand response program tracking and reporting metrics. Page 6 of 18 PORTFOLIO OF PROGRAMS ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS WATTSMART HOMES Program Description The Wattsmart Homes program is designed to provide access to incentives for using more efficient products and services installed or received by residential customers in the following housing types:  New Construction Homes  Single Family Existing Homes  Multi-family Housing Units  Manufactured Homes The program applies to residential customers under Electrical Service Schedules 1 or 36. Landlords who own rental property where the tenant is billed under Electric Service Schedules 1 or 36 also qualify. The Wattsmart Homes program passed the UCT cost tests with a benefit cost ratio of 1.32 for 2022. Program Performance and Major Achievements in 2022  The Wattsmart Homes program generated 2,728,468 kWh savings at the site.  Disbursed $233,033 in incentives.  The program updated offerings for central air conditioners, smart thermostats, evaporative coolers, ductless heat pumps, air source heat pumps, and engine block heater controls homes.  The program also discontinued Wattsmart starter kits. Additional information on the program administration can be found on the Company’s website under the Program administration section: https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side-management.html Direct Link to Wattsmart Homes program administration: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/Id aho_Program_Administration_Wattsmart_Homes_22.pdf Page 7 of 18 HOME ENERGY REPORTS PROGRAM Program Description The Home Energy Reports program is a behavioral program designed to decrease participant energy usage by providing comparative energy usage data for similar homes located in the same geographical area. Additionally, the report provides the participants with tips to decrease their energy usage. The Home Energy Reports program passed the UCT with a cost benefit ratio of 3.65 for 2022. Program Performance and Major Achievements in 2022  Total savings for 2022 in MWh was 5,018, which equates to 5,018,450 in kWh savings.  In 2022 reports were initially provided to approximately 28,000, which was expanded to 41,000 customers in July 2022.  Report highlights o Individual recommendations to save energy o Insights on how customers are using energy by appliance type o Home characteristics included in report with easy access to update home profile o Monthly usage history included in reports  Online portal was improved to provide greater insights for all residential customers.  In 2022, only 0.29% of customers (190 customers) have requested to be removed from the program. Additional information on the program administration can be found on the Company’s website under the Program administration section: https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side-management.html Direct Link to Home Energy Reports program administration: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/Id aho_Program_Administration_Home_Energy_Reports_22.pdf Page 8 of 18 LOW INCOME WEATHERIZATION Program Description The Low-Income Weatherization program provides energy efficiency services through a partnership between the Company and local non-profit agencies to residential customers who meet the income-eligible guidelines. Services are provided at no cost to the program participants. The Company contracts with Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership, Inc. (“EICAP”) and Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency (“SEICAA”) to provide services. The two agencies receive federal funds allocated to and administered by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (“IDHW”). Energy efficiency measures are installed in the homes of income eligible households throughout the Company’s service territory by EICAP and SEICAA. The Company is required to fund 85 percent of the cost of approved measures, pursuant to Commission Order No. 32151. Under Advice No. 19-01 filed with Idaho Public Utilities Commission on January 16, 2019, Commission approved reimbursement of up to 100% of related installed costs of ductless heat pumps, effective March 6, 2019. Agencies cover remaining costs with the funding received by IDHW. The Low-Income Weatherization program did not pass the PTRC with a cost benefit ratio of 0.95 for 2022. Under direction of Case No. GNR-E12-01, Low Income Weatherization program uses the 10 percent conservation adder to the total resource cost test as its primary cost test. Cost- effectiveness was partially affected by the use a single-family heat pump load profile in lieu of a single-family cooling load profile to value the timing of energy savings. Several measures installed through the program save energy throughout the year and not just the summer months, therefore a heat pump load profile was selected to reflect energy savings in non-summer months. Program Performance and Major Achievements in 2022  In 2022, the program achieved savings at site of 31,995  Number of homes served 27 Low Income Energy Conservation Education Commission Order No. 32788 authorized the Company to fund the Low-Income Energy Conservation Education with $25,000 annually. These education services are provided by EICAP and SEICAA and target participants who receive Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (“LIHEAP”) funds. EICAP received $16,000 program year (“PY”) 2022 funding by the beginning of their 2022/2023 LIHEAP program year. SEICAA did not request funds in 2022 as they had funds from PY 2019 and PY 2021 to spend. SEICAA did not purchase kits as they had inventory of kits purchased in 2019 to distribute. COVID-19 restrictions in operations slowed the distribution of kits in PY 2020 and PY 2021 and increased in PY 2022 Page 9 of 18 The agencies provided a conservation education curriculum to households and reported the following activities and program specifics for 2022 in Table 1 below. Table 1 2022 Conservation Education Activities $ 16,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,674.71 $ 0.00 $ 30,194.04 $ 20,250.00 608 45 Distribution EICAP purchased 500 kits using PY 2022 funds. The new kits include two 9W LED bulbs, a LED night light, a window insulation kit, a wall plate thermometer, a refrigerator thermometer, a freezer thermometer, five foam light switch sealing gaskets, five foam electrical outlet sealing gaskets, a furnace whistle, one 2pk wool dyer balls, a faucet aerator, and one shower timer As of December 31, 2022, EICAP has 610 kits in their inventory. EICAP’s program objective was to educate Rocky Mountain Power customers on how to conserve energy through useful tips and tools to help them save year-round. They served Rocky Mountain Power households that received energy assistance and/or requested energy conservation education. SEICAA did not purchase kits in PY2022 and intends to utilize remaining PY2019 funds combined with the PY2020 and PY2021 funding to purchase new kits as well as reserve some of the funds for postage and professional fees. Table 2 below provides information regarding the education offered by the agencies. Table 2 Additional Information on Conservation Education by Agencies Educate Rocky Mountain Power customers about how to conserve energy. monthly bills for participants of the LIHEAP program. Target Audience customers who receive Low Income Home Energy Assistance Heat (LIHEAP) Heat and Crisis . received weatherization program services as a priority. Households can also be identified through SEICAA's other programs. Page 10 of 18 EICAP SEICAA How Company Funds Were Used Funds used to purchase energy efficiency kits in August 2022 and for shipping of kits. kits in PY 2023 and for shipping of kits. Additional information on the program administration can be found on the Company’s website under the Program administration section: https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side-management.html Direct Link to Low Income Weatherization program administration: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/Id aho_Program_Administration_Low_Income_22.pdf WATTSMART BUSINESS PROGRAM WATTSMART BUSINESS Program Description The commercial, industrial, and agricultural energy efficiency program portfolio is offered through a single Non-Residential Energy Efficiency program called Wattsmart Business. Wattsmart Business is designed to influence new and existing non-residential customers to increase the efficiency of electric energy usage both through the installation of efficient equipment as well as adoption of improved energy management protocols. Qualifying measures include those which produce verifiable electric energy efficiency improvements compared to an established baseline. Wattsmart Business offerings include:  Typical Upgrades  Midstream/Instant incentives  Custom Analysis  Energy Management  Energy Project Manager Co-funding The Wattsmart Business program passed the UCT with a cost benefit analysis of 1.49. Page 11 of 18 Program Performance and Major Achievements in 2022  In 2022, the program achieved gross energy savings at site of 6,940,859 kWh.  Distributed incentives of $863,132.  To foster continued growth and utilization of the Wattsmart Business Vendor Network (WBVN) and to increase customer satisfaction, the Company continued to employ full- time outreach specialist dedicated to Idaho. This staff member provides an outreach and support role to both vendors and customers interested in lighting as well as non- lighting incentives.  In 2022, participating WBVN vendors continued receiving quarterly vendor performance scorecards to provide timely feedback and encourage vendors to strive to reach “Premium” status, which entitles qualifying vendors to improved visibility and enhanced co-branding with Rocky Mountain Power. In 2022, there were three premium status Wattsmart Business Vendors.  Several challenges presented themselves in 2022 leading to lower savings in the Wattsmart Business Program than in years past. o Significant supply chain disruptions had a negative effect on program energy savings achievements. o Due to supply timelines and project lifecycles, there were no large energy savings projects completed in CY 2022 by the largest industrial customers within the utility service territory. The Company expects this to be rectified in 2023 through focused outreach efforts began in 2022. Additional information on the program administration can be found on the Company’s website under the Program administration section: https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side-management.html Direct Link to Wattsmart Business program administration: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/Id aho_Program_Administration_NonResidential_22.pdf Page 12 of 18 PEAK REDUCTION PROGRAMS IRRIGATION LOAD CONTROL Program Description The irrigation load control program is offered to irrigation customers receiving electric service on Schedule 10, Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service. Participants enroll in the program with a third-party administrator and allow the curtailment of their electricity usage in exchange for an incentive. Customer incentives are based on the site’s average available load during load control program hours, adjusted by optouts or non-participation. For most participants, their irrigation pumps are set up with a dispatchable two-way control system giving Rocky Mountain Power control over their loads. Participants are notified four hours ahead of control events and have the choice to opt-out of a limited number of dispatch events per season. The Irrigation Load control program passed the UCT cost test for 2022. Program Performance and Major Achievements in 2022  There were 17 load control events initiated in 2022. There were 8 mandatory and 9 voluntary events.  The available load from the Irrigation Program can be utilized as reserves which provides value to the program and benefits the customer.  Customers were given a 20% incentive bonus for participation in general.  Total customers participating in the program are 154, participation sites 1,091.  Total enrolled MW (Gross -at Gen) in 2022 is 169, maximum realized MW (at Gen) is 137. Additional information on the program administration can be found on the Company’s website under the Program administration section: https://www.pacificorp.com/environment/demand-side-management.html Direct Link to Irrigation Load Control program administration: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/Id aho_Program_Administration_Irrigation_Load_Control_22.pdf Page 13 of 18 WATTSMART BATTERIES Program Performance and Major Achievements in 2022 • Rocky Mountain Power called upon the batteries for a total of 40 minutes which equates to less than one battery cycle being used by Rocky Mountain Power during 2022. • All customer batteries enrolled in the program prior to the called events responded. There were no battery communication failures. • New customer enrollment with batteries and new solar only installs during the same period • No commercial batteries were enrolled in the program during 2022. • During 2022 there were 486 new customers interconnected with solar with seven customers completing the enrollment process into the Wattsmart Battery Program. The enrollment application for customer generation versus the enrollment in Wattsmart Batteries is a separate unique process. It is expected many of the solar enrollments will eventually enroll in the battery program. Program Description The Wattsmart Batteries program promotes and incentivizes the installation of qualified individual batteries for system-wide integration and use for overall electric grid management. Leveraging batteries has created an opportunity to maximize renewable energy for advancing a sustainable electric grid. The batteries may be used for frequency response, peak load management, transmission relief, daily load cycling, and other smart grid applications. Batteries participating in the Wattsmart Battery Program are integrated within PacifiCorp’s Energy Management System to provide real-time grid benefits Eligible customers who participate in the program receive an enrollment incentive based on the kW size of their battery and participation commitment, and ongoing annual incentives for continued participation. The battery program passed the UCT test using a 20-year NPV because the net benefits exceeded the program costs, however, did not pass using the 1-year NPV. This is primarily due to the program having high upfront incentives and limited participation during the first year of the program. Program enrollment information can be found on the Company’s website: www.rockymountainpower.net/battery Page 14 of 18 EXPENDITURES TOTAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY PORTFOLIO SAVINGS AND EXPENDITURES Table 3 Program Results for January 1, 2022– December 31, 20227 Energy Efficiency Programs kWh/Yr. Savings (at site) kWh/Yr. Savings (at gen) Program Expenditures Total Residential 7,778,913 8,483,761 $ 1,043,682 Total Wattsmart Business 6,940,859 7,533,097 $ 2,678,130 Total Energy Efficiency 14,719,772 16,016,858 $ 3,721,812 Other Portfolio Expenditures Total Other Portfolio Expenditures $ 429,795 Total Idaho Energy Efficiency Portfolio Expenditures $ 4,151,607 GROSS SAVINGS BY MEASURE CATEGORY Table 4 2022 Annual Savings by Wattsmart Homes Measure Category Total kWh (at Site) Total Incentive Appliances 2,591 $ 1,205 39 Building Shell 14,124 $ 5,505 9,520 Electronics 1,159 $ 285 34 Energy Kits 51,135 $ 2,579 408 HVAC 209,605 $ 37,713 187 Lighting 3,777 $ 611 11 Water Heating 26,359 $ 8,700 15 Whole Building 66,610 $ 20,625 67 Transportation 2,353,107 $ 155,819 1,527 7 The energy efficiency reported savings are gross, ex-ante. The values at generation include line losses between the customer site and the generation source. 8 The total energy efficiency system benefit expenditures does not include the irrigation load control expenditures (schedule 72 and 72a) Page 15 of 18 Table 5 Low Income Homes Served and Measures Installed Measure Type Installed Air Sealed/Infiltration 24 Insulation 65 Attic Ventilation 12 Lighting CFL/LED 27 Furnace Repair or Replacement 14 Duct Sealing and/or Insulation 2 Ductless Heat Pump 0 Thermal Doors and/or Window Replacement 28 Water Heater Repair 14 Table 6 Wattsmart Business Savings by Sector Sector Total kWh (at Site) Total Incentive Commercial 4,403,907 $ 572,708 Industrial 663,671 $ 29,071 Irrigation 1,874,091 $ 261,352 Table 7 2022 Annual Net Savings by Wattsmart Business Measure Category Total kWh (at Site) Total Incentive Building Shell 11,946 $ 2,830 2 Compressed Air 433,569 $ 35,279 2 Energy Management 536,431 $ 10,729 3 HVAC 912,310 $ 176,169 25 Irrigation 2,279,371 $ 302,636 146 Lighting 1,957,959 $ 245,851 276 Motors 392,413 $ 18,139 1 Refrigeration 91,384 $ 3,127 3 Wastewater 325,477 $ 48,822 1 Energy Project Manager Co-Funding $ 19,551 1 Page 16 of 18 LOAD CONTROL EVENTS Table 8 Irrigation Load Control Events9 Date Event Event Times 7/7/2022 1 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 136 7/8/2022 2 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 121 7/28/2022 3 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 97 7/29/2022 4 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT 89 8/15/2022 5 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 48 8/16/2022 6 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 61 8/17/2022 7 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 66 8/18/2022 8 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 66 8/30/2022 9 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 47 8/31/2022 10 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 29 9/1/2022 11 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 69 9/2/2022 12 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 66 9/3/2022 13 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 27 9/4/2022 14 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 29 9/5/2022 15 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 26 9/6/2022 16 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 56 9/7/2022 17 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT 60 Table 9 Irrigation Load Program Performance Total Enrolled MW (Gross – at Gen) 169 MW Average Realized Load MW (at Gen) 64 MW Maximum Realized Load MW (at Gen) 137 MW Participation Customers 154 Participation (Sites) 1,091 Table 10 Battery Control Events Start/End Time kW achieved Commercial Reason for Event 9 (v) = voluntary events Page 17 of 18 COST EFFECTIVENESS TOTAL COST EFFECTIVENESS RESULTS BY PORTFOLIO AND PROGRAM Program cost effectiveness is performed using a Company specific modeling tool, created by a third-party consultant. The tool is designed to incorporate PacifiCorp data and values such as avoided costs, and generally follows the methodology specified in California’s Standard Practice Manual. The analysis assesses the costs and benefits of DSM resource programs from different stakeholder perspectives, including participants and non-participants, based on four tests described in the Standard Practice Manual (TRC, UCT, PCT and RIM) as well as an additional fifth test, PTRC. Each of the cost-effectiveness tests for Rocky Mountain Power’s programs is outlined below. The primary cost/benefit test observed in Idaho is the UCT for all programs other than the Low- Income Weatherization program, which uses the PTRC.10 • PacifiCorp Total Resource Test (PTRC) is the total resource cost test with an additional 10% added to the net benefit side of the benefit/cost formula to account for non- quantified environmental and non-energy benefits of conservation resources over supply side alternatives. • Total Resource Cost (TRC) Test considers the benefits and costs from the perspective of all utility customers, comparing the total costs and benefits from both the utility and utility customer perspectives. • Utility Cost (UCT) Test also called the program administrator cost test, provides a benefit to cost perspective from the utility only. The test compares the total utility cost incurred to the benefit/value of the energy and capacity saved and contains no customer costs or benefits in calculation of the ratio. • Participant Cost Test (PCT) compares the portion of the resource paid directly by participants to the savings realized by the participants. • Ratepayer Impact Cost Test (RIM) examines the impact of energy efficiency expenditures on non-participating ratepayers overall. Unlike supply-side investments, energy efficiency programs reduce energy sales. Reduced sales typically lower revenue requirements while putting near-term upward pressure on the rates remaining fixed costs are spread over fewer kilowatt-hours. 10 Under direction of Case No. GNR-E-12-01, Low Income Weatherization program uses the 10 percent energy conservation adder to the total resource cost test. Page 18 of 18 Table 11 2022 Cost-Effectiveness Results by Program11 Program 12 Irrigation Load Control Program13 PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Battery Control Program (1-year NPV)14 FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL Battery Control Program (20-year NPV) PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Energy Efficiency Portfolio 1.07 0.97 1.31 3.19 0.42 Energy Efficiency Portfolio (exc. LIW) 1.07 0.97 1.35 3.27 0.43 Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio 1.14 1.03 1.49 2.83 0.47 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio (inc. NEI) 1.21 1.11 1.36 4.31 0.36 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio (exc. NEI) 1.10 1.00 1.36 4.26 0.36 Low Income Weatherization15 0.95 0.93 0.20 1.30 0.16 Home Energy Reporting 4.02 3.65 3.65 n/a 0.58 Wattsmart Homes 1.03 0.94 1.32 4.15 0.34 Wattsmart Business 1.14 1.03 1.19 2.83 0.47 Portfolio-level cost effectiveness includes portfolio costs, such as the Potential Assessment and DSM system database16. Sector-level cost effectiveness, reported in the Residential and Non- Residential sections of this report, includes sector-specific evaluation, measurement, and verification expenditures. The Company includes quantifiable non-energy impacts at the portfolio and residential level, as well as the Wattsmart Homes and Low-Income Weatherization program level. 11 Cost-effectiveness memo detail is provided in Appendix A. 12 The Low-Income Weatherization and Wattsmart Homes programs include non-energy impacts. 13 A “Pass” designation equates to a benefit cost ratio of 1.0 or better. 14 A “Fail” designation equates to a benefit cost ration of 1.0 or below. 15 Low-Income Weatherization conservation education funding is excluded from the program level cost- effectiveness testing but is included in the portfolio and residential sector cost-effectiveness. 16 All portfolio level cost-effectiveness is excluding the Low-Income Program Appendix A APPENDIX Appendix A: Energy Efficiency Cost-effectiveness Results1 1 Cost-effectiveness results were generated by Applied Energy Group (AEG) using the approved Cost-effectiveness methodologies. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 1 MEMORANDUM To: Alesha Mander, PacifiCorp From: Andrew Cottrell, Andy Hudson, Elizabeth Applegate, AEG Date: April 21, 2023 Re: PacifiCorp Idaho Portfolio and Sector Level Cost-Effectiveness Results (including Low-Income) – PY2022 AEG estimated the cost-effectiveness of PacifiCorp’s overall energy efficiency portfolio in the state of Idaho based on Program Year (PY) 2022 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides cost- effectiveness results at the portfolio and sector levels. The portfolio (including NEBs) passes the PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC), Utility Cost Test (UCT), and the Participant Cost Test (PCT). This memo provides analysis inputs and results in the following tables:  Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs  Table 2: Portfolio Level Costs, Nominal - PY2022  Table 3: Benefit/Cost Ratios by Portfolio Type  Table 4: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs)  Table 5: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs)  Table 6: 2022 C&I Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results  Table 7: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs)  Table 8: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs)  Table 9: 2022 Low Income NEBs  Table 10: 2022 Home Energy Savings NEBs by Measure The following assumptions were utilized in the analysis:  Avoided Costs: Hourly values provided by PacifiCorp based on the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Preferred Portfolio, converted into annual values using Idaho load shapes from the same IRP.  Modeling Inputs: measure savings, costs, measure lives, incentive levels, and portfolio costs were based on estimates provided by PacifiCorp.  Other Economic Assumptions: Discount rate, line loss, retail rate, and inflation rate values were provided by PacifiCorp and are presented in Table 1 below. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 2 Tables 1 and 2 below summarize cost-effectiveness assumptions for the PacifiCorp Idaho energy efficiency portfolio. All costs and impacts are presented at the portfolio level. Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 6.88% Residential Line Loss 9.06% Commercial Line Loss 8.59% Industrial Line Loss 3.83% Irrigation Line Loss 9.05% Residential Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.10 Commercial Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.09 Industrial Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.07 Irrigation Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.09 Inflation Rate 2.16% Table 2: Portfolio Level Costs, Nominal - PY20221 Category PY2022 C&I Evaluation Costs $160,361 Residential Evaluation Costs $49,508 Low Income Energy Conservation Education $0 Outreach & Communications $119,099 Potential Study $88,184 System Support $12,643 Total $429,795 Tables 3 through 8 present the cost-effectiveness results at the portfolio and sector levels. Tables 9 and 10 present NEBs impacts for the low income and HES programs. 1 To align with annual budget expectations, cost-effectiveness inputs are presented in nominal dollars. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 3 Table 3: Benefit/Cost Ratios by Portfolio Type Program PTRC TRC UCT PCT RIM Total Portfolio (Including NEBs) 1.07 0.97 1.31 3.19 0.42 Total Portfolio 1.04 0.95 1.31 3.18 0.42 Commercial & Industrial 1.14 1.03 1.49 2.83 0.47 Residential (Including NEBs) 1.21 1.11 1.36 4.31 0.36 Residential 1.10 1.00 1.36 4.26 0.36 Table 4: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.06 $5,723,386 $6,110,602 $387,216 1.07 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.06 $5,723,386 $5,569,203 ($154,183) 0.97 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.05 $4,151,607 $5,422,114 $1,270,508 1.31 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $3,115,004 $9,941,112 $6,826,108 3.19 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $12,832,197 $5,422,114 ($7,410,083) 0.42 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00034 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 2.51 Table 5: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.06 $5,723,386 $5,955,388 $232,002 1.04 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.06 $5,723,386 $5,413,989 ($309,397) 0.95 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.05 $4,151,607 $5,422,114 $1,270,508 1.31 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $3,115,004 $9,897,549 $6,782,545 3.18 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $12,832,197 $5,422,114 ($7,410,083) 0.42 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00034 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 2.51 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 4 Table 6: 2022 C&I Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.06 $3,876,580 $4,403,018 $526,438 1.14 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.06 $3,876,580 $4,002,744 $126,164 1.03 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $2,678,130 $4,002,744 $1,324,614 1.49 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,357,332 $6,672,963 $4,315,631 2.83 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $8,487,961 $4,002,744 ($4,485,218) 0.47 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00034 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 4.58 Table 7: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.05 $1,417,012 $1,707,584 $290,573 1.21 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.05 $1,417,012 $1,566,460 $149,448 1.11 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $1,043,682 $1,419,371 $375,689 1.36 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $757,672 $3,268,148 $2,510,476 4.31 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,914,441 $1,419,371 ($2,495,070) 0.36 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00010 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 1.04 Table 8: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.05 $1,417,012 $1,552,370 $135,359 1.10 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.05 $1,417,012 $1,411,246 ($5,766) 1.00 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $1,043,682 $1,419,371 $375,689 1.36 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $757,672 $3,224,586 $2,466,914 4.26 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,914,441 $1,419,371 ($2,495,070) 0.36 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00010 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 1.04 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 5 Table 9: 2022 Low Income NEBs Non-Energy Benefit Program Impact Perspective Adjusted Total NEBs $117,288 PTRC, TRC Table 10: 2022 Home Energy Savings NEBs by Measure Measure Name Total NEBs ($/yr) Quantity Measure Life Discount Rate Total NPV Benefits Appliances $283 39 13.52 6.88% $2,343 Energy Kits $5,073 408 10.26 6.88% $35,583 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 1 MEMORANDUM To: Alesha Mander, PacifiCorp From: Andrew Cottrell, Andy Hudson, Elizabeth Applegate, AEG Date: April 21, 2023 Re: PacifiCorp Idaho Portfolio and Sector Level Cost-Effectiveness Results (without Low-Income) – PY2022 AEG estimated the cost-effectiveness of PacifiCorp’s overall energy efficiency portfolio in the state of Idaho based on Program Year (PY) 2022 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides cost- effectiveness results at the portfolio and sector levels. The portfolio (including NEBs) passes the PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC), Utility Cost Test (UCT) and the Participant Cost Test (PCT). This memo provides analysis inputs and results in the following tables:  Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs  Table 2: Portfolio Level Costs, Nominal - PY2022  Table 3: Benefit/Cost Ratios by Portfolio Type  Table 4: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs)  Table 5: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs)  Table 6: 2022 C&I Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results  Table 7: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs)  Table 8: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs)  Table 9: 2022 Home Energy Savings NEBs by Measure The following assumptions were utilized in the analysis:  Avoided Costs: Hourly values provided by PacifiCorp based on the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Preferred Portfolio, converted into annual values using Idaho load shapes from the same IRP.  Modeling Inputs: measure savings, costs, measure lives, incentive levels, and portfolio costs were based on estimates provided by PacifiCorp.  Other Economic Assumptions: Discount rate, line loss, retail rate, and inflation rate values were provided by PacifiCorp and are presented in Table 1 below. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 2 Tables 1 and 2 below summarize cost-effectiveness assumptions for the PacifiCorp Idaho energy efficiency portfolio. All costs and impacts are presented at the portfolio level. Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 6.88% Residential Line Loss 9.06% Commercial Line Loss 8.59% Industrial Line Loss 3.83% Irrigation Line Loss 9.05% Residential Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.10 Commercial Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.09 Industrial Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.07 Irrigation Energy Rate* ($/kWh) $0.09 Inflation Rate 2.16% Table 2: Portfolio Level Costs, Nominal - PY20221 Category PY2022 C&I Evaluation Costs $160,361 Residential Evaluation Costs $49,508 Low Income Energy Conservation Education $0 Outreach & Communications $119,099 Potential Study $88,184 System Support $12,643 Total $429,795 Tables 3 through 8 present the cost-effectiveness results at the portfolio and sector levels. Table 9 presents the NEBs impacts for the Home Energy Savings program. Table 3: Benefit/Cost Ratios by Portfolio Type Program PTRC TRC UCT PCT RIM Total Portfolio (Including NEBs) 1.07 0.97 1.35 3.27 0.43 Total Portfolio 1.06 0.97 1.35 3.25 0.43 Commercial & Industrial 1.14 1.03 1.49 2.83 0.47 Residential (Including NEBs) 1.24 1.13 1.55 4.89 0.37 Residential 1.21 1.10 1.55 4.82 0.37 1 To align with annual budget expectations, cost-effectiveness inputs are presented in nominal dollars. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 3 Table 4: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.06 $5,575,411 $5,970,483 $395,073 1.07 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.06 $5,575,411 $5,431,160 ($144,251) 0.97 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.05 $4,003,631 $5,393,234 $1,389,603 1.35 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,994,220 $9,784,587 $6,790,367 3.27 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $12,648,481 $5,393,234 ($7,255,247) 0.43 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00033 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 2.43 Table 5: 2022 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.06 $5,575,411 $5,932,557 $357,146 1.06 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.06 $5,575,411 $5,393,234 ($182,177) 0.97 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.05 $4,003,631 $5,393,234 $1,389,603 1.35 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,994,220 $9,741,024 $6,746,804 3.25 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $12,648,481 $5,393,234 ($7,255,247) 0.43 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00033 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 2.43 Table 6: 2022 C&I Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.09 $2,750,562 $2,092,100 ($658,462) 0.76 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.09 $2,750,562 $1,901,909 ($848,653) 0.69 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.07 $2,322,076 $1,901,909 ($420,167) 0.82 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $1,165,466 $3,782,827 $2,617,360 3.25 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $5,597,825 $1,901,909 ($3,695,916) 0.34 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00023 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 4.05 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 4 Table 7: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.05 $1,269,036 $1,567,466 $298,429 1.24 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.05 $1,269,036 $1,428,417 $159,380 1.13 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.03 $895,707 $1,390,490 $494,784 1.55 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $636,888 $3,111,623 $2,474,735 4.89 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,730,725 $1,390,490 ($2,340,234) 0.37 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00010 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 0.88 Table 8: 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency Sector Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.05 $1,269,036 $1,529,539 $260,503 1.21 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.05 $1,269,036 $1,390,490 $121,454 1.10 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.03 $895,707 $1,390,490 $494,784 1.55 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $636,888 $3,068,061 $2,431,173 4.82 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,730,725 $1,390,490 ($2,340,234) 0.37 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00010 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 0.88 Table 9: 2022 Home Energy Savings NEBs by Measure Measure Name Total NEBs ($/yr) Quantity Measure Life Discount Rate Total NPV Benefits Appliances $283 39 13.52 6.88% $2,343 Energy Kits $5,073 408 10.26 6.88% $35,583 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 1 MEMORANDUM To: Alesha Mander, PacifiCorp From: Andrew Cottrell, Andy Hudson, Elizabeth Applegate, AEG Date: April 21, 2023 Re: PacifiCorp Idaho Wattsmart Homes Cost-Effectiveness Results – PY2022 AEG estimated the cost-effectiveness of PacifiCorp’s overall energy efficiency portfolio in the state of Idaho based on Program Year (PY) 2022 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides cost- effectiveness results for the Wattsmart Homes (WSH) program. The program (including NEBs) passes the PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC), Utility Cost Test (UCT) and the Participant Cost Test (PCT). This memo provides analysis inputs and results in the following tables:  Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs  Table 2: WSH Annual Program Costs, Nominal - PY2022  Table 3: 2022 Home Energy Savings kWh Savings by Measure Category  Table 4: 2022 Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category  Table 5: 2022 WSH Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs)  Table 6: 2022 Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_ERWH_7P)  Table 7: 2022 Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump)  Table 8: 2022 Electronics Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single Family_Plug)  Table 9: 2022 Home Energy Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_LIGHTING_7P)  Table 10: 2022 HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump)  Table 11: 2022 Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_LIGHTING_7P) Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 2  Table 12: 2022 Water Heating Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_ERWH_7P)  Table 13: 2022 Whole Building Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump)  Table 14: 2022 Transportation Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heating)  Table 15: Home Energy Savings NEBs by Measure - PY2022  Table 16: 2022 WSH Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs)  Table 17: Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results (with NEBs) - PY2022 (Load Shape - Residential_ERWH_7P)  Table 18: Home Energy Kit Cost-Effectiveness Results (with NEBs) - PY2022 (Load Shape - Residential_LIGHTING_7P) The following assumptions were utilized in the analysis:  Avoided Costs: Hourly values provided by PacifiCorp based on the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Preferred Portfolio, converted into annual values using Idaho load shapes from the same IRP.  Modeling Inputs: measure savings, costs, measure lives, incentive levels, and portfolio costs were based on estimates provided by PacifiCorp.  Other Economic Assumptions: Discount rate, line loss, retail rate, and inflation rate values were provided by PacifiCorp and are presented in Table 1 below. Tables 1 and 2 below summarize cost-effectiveness assumptions for the Home Energy Savings program. All costs and impacts are presented at the program and measure category level. Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 6.88% Residential Line Loss 9.06% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) $0.10 Inflation Rate¹ 2.16% Tables 3 through 15 present the savings and cost-effectiveness results at the program and measure category levels. Tables 16 and 19 present the NEBs impacts for the WSH program and the cost-effectiveness results including NEBs at the program and measure category levels. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 3 Table 2: WSH Annual Program Costs, Nominal - PY20221 Measure Category Program Delivery Utility Admin Program Development Incentives Total Utility Budget Gross Customer Costs Appliances $377 $13 $129 $1,205 $1,723 $3,160 Building Shell $2,052 $69 $704 $5,505 $8,331 $12,707 Electronics $168 $6 $58 $285 $517 $462 Energy Kits $4,566 $251 $2,550 $2,579 $9,945 $2,244 HVAC $30,460 $1,029 $10,451 $37,713 $79,653 $131,665 Lighting $32,539 $19 $188 $611 $33,357 $1,294 Water Heating $3,830 $129 $1,314 $8,700 $13,974 $11,728 Whole Building $9,680 $327 $3,321 $20,625 $33,953 $83,727 Transportation $341,954 $11,555 $117,321 $155,819 $626,649 $359,386 Total Program $425,627 $13,398 $136,036 $233,043 $808,104 $606,372 Table 3: 2022 Home Energy Savings kWh Savings by Measure Category Measure Category Gross kWh Savings at Site Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings at Site Net to Gross Ratio Net kWh Savings at Site Measure Life Appliances 2,591 80% 2,073 88% 1,824 14 Building Shell 14,124 61% 8,615 88% 7,582 45 Electronics 1,159 52% 603 97% 585 5 Energy Kits 51,135 55% 28,125 87% 24,468 10 HVAC 209,605 100% 209,605 89% 186,549 13 Lighting 3,777 57% 2,153 87% 1,873 16 Water Heating 26,359 61% 16,079 99% 15,918 13 Whole Building 66,610 100% 66,610 88% 58,617 40 Transportation 2,353,107 100% 2,353,107 100% 2,353,107 10 Total Program 2,728,468 98% 2,686,970 99% 2,650,523 11 1 To align with annual budget expectations, cost-effectiveness inputs are presented in nominal dollars. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 4 Table 4: 2022 Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Measure Category PTRC TRC UCT PCT RIM Appliances 0.31 0.28 0.60 0.96 0.26 Appliances (with NEIs) 0.95 0.92 0.60 1.70 0.26 Building Shell 0.62 0.56 1.05 1.57 0.34 Building Shell (with NEIs) 0.62 0.56 1.05 1.57 0.34 Electronics 0.24 0.22 0.29 1.19 0.19 Electronics (with NEIs) 0.24 0.22 0.29 1.19 0.19 Energy Kits 1.44 1.31 1.27 10.79 0.36 Energy Kits (with NEIs) 5.14 5.01 1.27 26.65 0.36 HVAC 0.64 0.58 1.26 1.70 0.34 HVAC (with NEIs) 0.64 0.58 1.26 1.70 0.34 Lighting 0.04 0.04 0.04 2.12 0.03 Lighting (with NEIs) 0.04 0.04 0.04 2.12 0.03 Water Heating 0.56 0.51 0.62 2.12 0.28 Water Heating (with NEIs) 0.56 0.51 0.62 2.12 0.28 Water Heating 0.56 0.51 0.62 2.12 0.28 Water Heating (with NEIs) 0.56 0.51 0.62 2.12 0.28 Total 1.00 0.91 1.32 4.08 0.34 Total with NEBs 1.03 0.94 1.32 4.15 0.34 Table 5: 2022 WSH Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.05 $1,181,433 $1,177,662 ($3,772) 1.00 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.05 $1,181,433 $1,070,601 ($110,832) 0.91 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $808,104 $1,070,601 $262,498 1.32 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $636,888 $2,600,361 $1,963,473 4.08 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,175,422 $1,070,601 ($2,104,821) 0.34 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00008 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 2.57 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 5 Table 6: 2022 Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_ERWH_7P) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.20 $3,678 $1,140 ($2,538) 0.31 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.20 $3,678 $1,037 ($2,642) 0.28 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.09 $1,723 $1,037 ($687) 0.60 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $3,590 $3,433 ($158) 0.96 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,951 $1,037 ($2,915) 0.26 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 14.14 Table 7: 2022 Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.13 $15,533 $9,638 ($5,895) 0.62 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.13 $15,533 $8,762 ($6,771) 0.56 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.07 $8,331 $8,762 $431 1.05 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $14,439 $22,666 $8,227 1.57 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $25,492 $8,762 ($16,730) 0.34 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 28.67 Table 8: 2022 Electronics Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single Family_Plug) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.25 $694 $165 ($528) 0.24 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.25 $694 $150 ($543) 0.22 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.18 $517 $150 ($366) 0.29 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $476 $564 $88 1.19 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $796 $150 ($646) 0.19 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 4.22 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 6 Table 9: 2022 Home Energy Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_LIGHTING_7P) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.04 $9,610 $13,846 $4,236 1.44 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.04 $9,610 $12,588 $2,978 1.31 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.05 $9,945 $12,588 $2,642 1.27 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,579 $27,833 $25,254 10.79 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $35,199 $12,588 ($22,612) 0.36 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 0.95 Table 10: 2022 HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.09 $173,605 $110,736 ($62,869) 0.64 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.09 $173,605 $100,669 ($72,936) 0.58 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $79,653 $100,669 $21,016 1.26 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $147,938 $251,181 $103,242 1.70 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $293,120 $100,669 ($192,452) 0.34 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00001 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 8 Table 11: 2022 Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_LIGHTING_7P) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $1.64 $34,040 $1,359 ($32,682) 0.04 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $1.64 $34,040 $1,235 ($32,805) 0.04 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $1.60 $33,357 $1,235 ($32,122) 0.04 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $1,488 $3,152 $1,664 2.12 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $35,898 $1,235 ($34,663) 0.03 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 7 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 7 Table 12: 2022 Water Heating Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - Residential_ERWH_7P) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.11 $17,002 $9,487 ($7,515) 0.56 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.11 $17,002 $8,625 ($8,378) 0.51 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.09 $13,974 $8,625 ($5,350) 0.62 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $11,847 $25,075 $13,228 2.12 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $30,349 $8,625 ($21,725) 0.28 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 6 Table 13: 2022 Whole Building Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.10 $97,055 $72,718 ($24,337) 0.75 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.10 $97,055 $66,107 ($30,948) 0.68 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $33,953 $66,107 $32,154 1.95 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $95,144 $149,349 $54,205 1.57 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $162,677 $66,107 ($96,570) 0.41 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 26 Table 14: 2022 Transportation Cost-Effectiveness Results (Without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heating) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.04 $830,217 $958,573 $128,356 1.15 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.04 $830,217 $871,430 $41,213 1.05 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.03 $626,649 $871,430 $244,781 1.39 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $359,386 $2,117,108 $1,757,722 5.89 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $2,587,939 $871,430 ($1,716,509) 0.34 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00014 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 1.64 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 8 Table 15: Home Energy Savings NEBs by Measure - PY2022 Measure Name Total NEBs ($/yr) Quantity Measure Life Discount Rate Total NPV Benefits Appliances $283 39 13.52 6.88% $2,343 Energy Kits $5,073 408 10.26 6.88% $35,583 Table 16: 2022 WSH Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.05 $1,181,433 $1,215,588 $34,154 1.03 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.05 $1,181,433 $1,108,528 ($72,906) 0.94 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.04 $808,104 $1,070,601 $262,498 1.32 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $636,888 $2,643,924 $2,007,036 4.15 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,175,422 $1,070,601 ($2,104,821) 0.34 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00008 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 3 Table 17: Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results (with NEBs) - PY2022 (Load Shape - Residential_ERWH_7P) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.20 $3,678 $3,483 ($195) 0.95 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.20 $3,678 $3,379 ($299) 0.92 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.09 $1,723 $1,037 ($687) 0.60 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $3,590 $6,095 $2,505 1.70 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $3,951 $1,037 ($2,915) 0.26 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 8 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 9 Table 18: Home Energy Kit Cost-Effectiveness Results (with NEBs) - PY2022 (Load Shape - Residential_LIGHTING_7P) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.04 $9,610 $49,430 $39,820 5.14 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.04 $9,610 $48,171 $38,561 5.01 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.05 $9,945 $12,588 $2,642 1.27 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $2,579 $68,734 $66,155 26.65 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $35,199 $12,588 ($22,612) 0.36 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00000 Discounted Participant Payback (years) 0.38 Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 1 MEMORANDUM To: Alesha Mander, PacifiCorp From: Andrew Cottrell, Andy Hudson, Elizabeth Applegate, AEG Date: April 21, 2023 Re: PacifiCorp Idaho Home Energy Reporting Cost-Effectiveness Results – PY2022 AEG estimated the cost-effectiveness of PacifiCorp’s overall energy efficiency portfolio in the state of Idaho based on Program Year (PY) 2022 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides cost- effectiveness results for the Home Energy Reporting program. The program passes all cost effectiveness tests. This memo provides analysis inputs and results in the following tables:  Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs  Table 2: Home Energy Reporting Annual Program Costs, Nominal - PY2022  Table 3: 2022 Home Energy Reporting kWh Savings by Measure Category  Table 4: 2022 Home Energy Reporting Program Cost-Effectiveness Results - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) The following assumptions were utilized in the analysis:  Avoided Costs: Hourly values provided by PacifiCorp based on the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Preferred Portfolio, converted into annual values using Idaho load shapes from the same IRP.  Modeling Inputs: measure savings, costs, measure lives, incentive levels, and portfolio costs were based on estimates provided by PacifiCorp.  Other Economic Assumptions: Discount rate, line loss, retail rate, and inflation rate values were provided by PacifiCorp and are presented in Table 1 below. Tables 1 and 2 below summarize cost-effectiveness assumptions for the Home Energy Reporting program. All costs and impacts are presented at the program level. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 2 Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 6.88% Residential Line Loss 9.06% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) $0.10 Inflation Rate¹ 2.16% Table 2: Home Energy Reporting Annual Program Costs, Nominal - PY20221 Program Year Program Delivery Utility Admin Program Development Incentives Total Utility Budget Home Energy Reports $63,000 $4,603 $20,000 $0 $87,603 Total Program $63,000 $4,603 $20,000 $0 $87,603 Tables 3 and 4 present the savings and cost-effectiveness results at the program and measure category levels. Table 3: 2022 Home Energy Reporting kWh Savings by Measure Category Program Year Gross kWh Savings at Site Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings at Site Net to Gross Ratio Net kWh Savings at Site Measure Life Home Energy Reports 5,018,450 92% 4,616,974 100% 4,616,974 1 Total Program 5,018,450 92% 4,616,974 100% 4,616,974 1 Table 4: 2022 Home Energy Reporting Program Cost-Effectiveness Results - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.02 $87,603 $351,878 $264,275 4.02 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.02 $87,603 $319,889 $232,286 3.65 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.02 $87,603 $319,889 $232,286 3.65 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $0 $467,699 $467,699 n/a Rate Impact Test (RIM) $555,303 $319,889 ($235,414) 0.58 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00024 1 To align with annual budget expectations, cost-effectiveness inputs are presented in nominal dollars. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 1 MEMORANDUM To: Alesha Mander, PacifiCorp From: Andrew Cottrell, Andy Hudson, Elizabeth Applegate, AEG Date: April 21, 2023 Re: PacifiCorp Idaho Low-Income Weatherization Cost-Effectiveness Results – PY2022 AEG estimated the cost-effectiveness of PacifiCorp’s overall energy efficiency portfolio in the state of Idaho based on Program Year (PY) 2022 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides cost- effectiveness results for the Low-Income Weatherization program. The program does not pass any of the cost effectiveness tests. This memo provides analysis inputs and results in the following tables:  Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs  Table 2: Low Income Weatherization Annual Program Costs, Nominal - PY2022  Table 3: 2022 Low Income Weatherization kWh Savings by Measure Category  Table 4: 2022 Low Income Weatherization Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category  Table 5: 2022 Low Income Weatherization Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump)  Table 6: 2022 Low Income Weatherization NEBs  Table 7: 2022 Low Income Weatherization Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) The following assumptions were utilized in the analysis:  Avoided Costs: Hourly values provided by PacifiCorp based on the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Preferred Portfolio, converted into annual values using Idaho load shapes from the same IRP.  Modeling Inputs: measure savings, costs, measure lives, incentive levels, and portfolio costs were based on estimates provided by PacifiCorp.  Other Economic Assumptions: Discount rate, line loss, retail rate, and inflation rate values were provided by PacifiCorp and are presented in Table 1 below. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 2 Tables 1 and 2 below summarize cost-effectiveness assumptions for the Low Income Weatherization program. All costs and impacts are presented at the program and measure category level. Table 1: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Inputs Parameter Value Discount Rate 6.88% Residential Line Loss 9.06% Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) $0.10 Inflation Rate¹ 2.16% Table 2: Low Income Weatherization Annual Program Costs, Nominal - PY20221 Program Year Program Delivery Utility Admin Program Development Incentives Total Utility Budget Gross Customer Costs Low Income Weatherization $8,503 $2,516 $16,172 $120,784 $147,975 $120,784 Total Program $8,503 $2,516 $16,172 $120,784 $147,975 $120,784 Tables 3 through 5 present the savings and cost-effectiveness results at the program and measure category levels. Tables 6 and 7 present the NEB impacts for the Low-Income Weatherization program and the cost-effectiveness results including NEBs at the program level. Table 3: 2022 Low Income Weatherization kWh Savings by Measure Category Program Year Gross kWh Savings at Site Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings at Site Net to Gross Ratio Net kWh Savings at Site Measure Life Home Energy Reports 31,995 72% 23,036 100% 23,036 25 Total Program 31,995 72% 23,036 100% 23,036 25 1 To align with annual budget expectations, cost-effectiveness inputs are presented in nominal dollars. Applied Energy Group, Inc. | appliedenergygroup.com 3 Table 4: 2022 Low Income Weatherization Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Program Year PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Low Income Weatherization with NEBs 0.95 0.93 0.20 0.16 n/a Low Income Weatherization 0.15 0.14 0.20 0.16 n/a Table 5: 2022 Low Income Weatherization Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (without NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.47 $147,975 $22,831 ($125,144) 0.15 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.47 $147,975 $20,755 ($127,220) 0.14 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.47 $147,975 $28,880 ($119,095) 0.20 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $120,784 $156,525 $35,741 1.30 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $183,716 $28,880 ($154,836) 0.16 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00001 Table 6: 2022 Low Income Weatherization NEBs Non-Energy Benefit Program Impact Perspective Adjusted Total NEBs $117,288 PTRC, TRC Table 7: 2022 Low Income Weatherization Program Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) - (Load Shape - ID_Single_Family_Heat_pump) Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kWh NPV Costs NPV Benefits Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder $0.47 $147,975 $140,119 ($7,856) 0.95 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder $0.47 $147,975 $138,043 ($9,932) 0.93 Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.47 $147,975 $28,880 ($119,095) 0.20 Participant Cost Test (PCT) $120,784 $156,525 $35,741 1.30 Rate Impact Test (RIM) $183,716 $28,880 ($154,836) 0.16 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh) 0.00001 Confidential Appendix B THIS ATTACHMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN ITS ENTIRETY AND IS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER Confidential Appendix C THIS ATTACHMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN ITS ENTIRETY AND IS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER