HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170303Annual DSM 2016 Balancing Account Review.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\A/ER IIri-,',-.-lri r.nl1: L,Ll\ l..t-,, ,.- j ,..": _t ,it.t o. I ;-r rl {iiL,t rJ l'1ri -j' I v March 3,2017 ' ': I i '. ! . i r..'' 1,.',,',ir,iJ;ilCil VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Attention: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary RE: PAC-E-05-I 0 AI\INUAL DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT (DSIvt) BALAI\ICING ACCOUNT REYIEW In compliance with Order No. 29952 Rocky Mountain Power is providing the 2016 Demand-Side Management Balancing Account report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Based on this review of the DSM balancing account, the Company is not recommending any changes to Electric Service Schedule No. 191 - Customer Efficiency Service Rate. As of December 31, 2016, the DSM balancing account had an uncollected balance of approximately $0.2 million. Projected expenditures for 2017 are $4.3 million and estimated revenue collections are $5.1 million. Based on the current Schedule No. l9l rate the Company anticipates that the DSM balancing account could be over collected by approximately $0.6 million by the end of20l7. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, Vice President Regulation and Government Affairs CC: Stacey Donohue 1407 West North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 aottDo ^toooNllooo6[o- o- o_ $-llo666ll55Sll+e I ooNhooNi$eO(Dotd*jdooNoo+d OONrN660o-N_'aqo6NOoooo-o-+ *oOFNFONootooo+@ooF$ ON OONN(oo*o@000oto@FN.Ooooot NoFNooN@NOFooN+OoN@oo Noc!o€l: oosol@OFOoI+o_ o- o- o-lo-ooo616@oN lo -FN16 I o@o- @o@ Noo-*oq otooiN@ $N No-ulEl oooooodoONoo or F E'F6-Ei6abEE oooootfooO- -- N_ o- ot(oo@NNeNN-O oNooo@oooNOFddnoooo$NFF(O oooNFNOfo-ao_o-NOFtONN6N FO (oNON -Odo FO (oNoo!r- clooFO NNotNo)-'+NONr OOF{FFoONOo-o-o-ao.r@NOoFNNNNFNF o0F-O@FFDOOr: o_ tt- o- :ONNFO -0 rf N FOooo- o_N$o oNc?oo@ !t@-No Noo" 0o oryooo, ot-t-Nrt o N.ttt sNo_oo@ oFo{o@o- ts o- Nos- oN!t- ts+o oo oio@ @ 1 $N oNN.o@o- (oo.ooo @@oo\@-NrfO-ON o@!NoooiNotoo FO -OoortoONN@ a. N.ooFN ONooO- r:o$@(oos" No@ @@ No odo o1-N No@-oN No odo ot-N otsoDooo@N- @- O_ O_ NF@r(o@ooN$ e-A*@FONo- t_ o- t-too@Oort NOOoo@t- o- N- o@NNON. FOO(OF-oo- o- N_oo@FN{oNo 6OFot@N+tsoil+o*FO- OFNtN@\o"o-oNoOO-F(o -ONFo-INOt--@ NFN(Oo- ts-nhooN oo@o. Fo!t+oc! o No@- Noo-ooN. oory@NN tNo-ooN 2tr2urx EI=er;bz=s:s9s =3E3s E>. Ex.,tooo8g o 5ls I.a..io-5Esooo6€9;oootE6!EcOgoELocO-t,qgEEgfr E € $ E E $i !a6;Et!a,i 96 t fl E=.eg,r5E 9tE=9=E E:A E8-9io<o-sEZl-EE8€E E Efi €z.= oE=-.e: Eoa oAE()tr 9 e i.! 3 ! EEE!TY? Ef E f E E Hg6F.iF 6 E Eoot t) @-K E.E E e $t 3 EE E , MgHEE6EPE;!irii.ES(,,fiE=gE: E BE EE B $rrrL<z!E E Eoo o-' u60eooEEUE a8o--ocd0ElrrB6 5E E EgE6L;OeE& E_*8tlJ l! Z JN66-ONS=iIoeNFN o60NFtN@N .9oEt6t=uo Go o E Eoo Eq?Q H EF=q $gE = o=!SEOOO OL O oNEOC/ *EgEE ;"6E8;FO60 EEIETE>EOEo6000pird-ooq oolg(, o Eoo =o D -oo EPgBEE HgEbEE Egg6EE Egg EEE H9giEE G =g o (, 6o I EEUI !6oF