HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050906Application Part I.pdfLisa D. Nordstrom (ISB No. 5733) PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 Telephone: (503) 813-6227 FAX: (503) 813-7252 Email: lisa.nordstrom~pacificorp.com ,-- , ~ f~ ' ", " \' .;.._ /1..- \i'L,, ! ED lzJ '=" i'V: , - . 0: . ' (Jjtjij ;)L ' H!1 !L) !\ij puBLiC J ilL IT IES cOt/n-4!SSlON Attorney for PacifiCorp BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ACIFICORP d/b/a UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMP ANY FOR APPROVAL OF A NEW DSM COS T RECOVERY MECHANISM AND ENHANCED ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS FOR COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS CASE NO. PAC-05- APPLI CA TI ON COMES NOW, PacifiCorp, d/b/a Utah Power & Light Company ("PacifiCorp" or the "Company ), and in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201 et. seq.hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission ) for approval of a new demand-side management ("DSM") cost recovery mechanism, deferred accounting for DSM expenditures incurred on or after the service date of the Commission s Order approving this Application, and several new or enhanced energy efficiency programs for PacifiCorp s commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential customers. PacifiCorp proposes that the new DSM cost recovery mechanism be implemented through a new Schedule, 191 , that provides for a line item charge entitled Customer Efficiency Services to be included on customer bills beginning January 1 2006. The enhanced energy efficiency programs, which are optional for retail customers, offer program-specific APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - combinations of information and cash incentives to help customers install energy efficient equipment or make permanent operational changes to reduce energy consumption and save money. To administer these programs, the Company seeks to add new Schedules No. 115, 117, 125, 155 , and seeks administrative changes to Schedules 120, and 122 of its Tariff LP.C. No. 28. The Company requests to begin program implementation on November 15, 2005 or the date of Commission approval, whichever is later. PacifiCorp proposes that Schedule 191 have a January 1 2006 effective date. In support of its Application, PacifiCorp states: PacifiCorp is an electrical corporation and public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with regard to its public utility operations. PacifiCorp also provides retail electric service in the states of Utah, Oregon Wyoming, Washington, and California. This Application is filed pursuant Idaho Code ~~ 61-301 , - 307 , - 622, and 623. In particular, Idaho Code ~ 61-623 empowers the Commission to determine the propriety of proposed rate schedules, ~~ 61-307 and -622 require Commission approval prior to any increase in rates, and ~ 61-301 requires Idaho retail electric rates to be just and reasonable. This Application is filed in compliance with Customer Information Rule 102 (IDAPA Notices of the proposed rate change will be included with bills starting the week of September 5 2005 and will continue until all bills have been sent with a notice. The Company estimates this will take approximately 30 days from date of filing. See Attachment 3 for bill message text and the press release. APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 2 BACKGROUND PacifiCorp has historically offered a variety of demand-side management programs to its customers. For example, in July 1990 the Commission authorized the current commercial and industrial program for business customers in Order No. 23199. Utilizing Schedules 120 and 122, this program has been operational for approximately years. To address the needs of low income residential customers, the Commission approved the Low Income Weatherization program in Order No. 22333 issued on February 10, 1989. Twenty-eight (28) business customers acted upon program-provided information and completed projects since 1990, though the vast majority elected to pay for or finance the improvements outside the program loan offering. The Low Income Weatherization program has weatherized 561 dwellings since 1990. While these results have benefited participants and helped to control system costs, market experience indicates that new program introductions and proposed program enhancements will likely increase Idaho participation. Increased participation will allow more PacifiCorp customers to benefit from energy savings and simultaneously help control system energy costs. Current cost recovery for PacifiCorp DSM expenditures was authorized by Order No. 22299 issued in January 1989 in Case No. U-1500-165. Order Nos. 22299 and 22758 established the capitalization of demand-side resource costs and the use of a carrYing charge. The Company has deferred DSM costs and amortized DSM expenditures over the useful lives of the measures. While this cost recovery mechanism has been adequate for historic levels of participation and expenditures, the associated regulatory lag for recovery of prudently incurred DSM expenditures has made it APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 3 financially difficult for the Company to improve existing DSM programs or implement new ones. Moreover, minimal customer awareness ofDSM investments exists when the expenditures are amortized and included in general rates. In addition to removing a Company financial disincentive for increased DSM activity, the proposed recovery mechanism would increase customer awareness of DSM investments and help increase participation in the new and enhanced programs. Finally, the Company s proposed DSM cost recovery mechanism is generally consistent with the recovery methodologies approved for Idaho Power and Avista in the state of Idaho. DESCRIPTION OF NEW DSM PROGRAMS Schedule 191 New Tariff- "Customer Efficiency Services The Company proposes to establish a DSM balancing account, defer all DSM program investments made on or after the service date of the Commission s Order approving the Application, and account for them in the DSM balancing account. The DSM balancing account would be offset by revenue collected through a newly established surcharge mechanism and referenced as a new line item on the bills of PacifiCorp retail electricity users effective January 1 2006. In addition to DSM program expenses, the proposed DSM balancing account would calculate reciprocal carrYing charges to be added or credited to the balance. PacifiCorp proposes the carrying charges be set at the current Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) rate. Expenses posted to the DSM balancing account will be subject to applicable prudency review for DSM investments. Costs and carrYing charges included in the DSM balancing account would not be included in the calculation of Company revenue requirements for a general rate case. Additionally, PacifiCorp proposes that DSM investments made prior to APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 4 the service date of the Commission s Order approving this Application continue to be recovered through general rates until fully amortized. Current and proposed DSM accounting is shown in Attachment The Company proposes to label the line item charge Customer Efficiency Services - on the customer bill and in the Description section of Schedule 191. The line item surcharge will be calculated as a percentage of the base charges before the application of Schedule 34, the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit (also known as "BPA Credits ), because these credits vary by year and by rate schedule and are available primarily for agricultural and selected non-irrigation customers. All customer groups will have access to programs funded directly through Schedule 191 or through the Northwest Efficiency Alliance, thus delivering a system benefit in addition to participant benefits. Because all customer groups will benefit and calculation of the surcharge in a manner other than that described above increases billing system complexity, the Company does not feel additional collection metrics for any customer or customer group is necessary. The amount collected would be set based on a forecast of Commission-approved DSM program investments. The Company will review balancing account activity on an annual basis and adjust it based on the account balance and the forecast activity of the approved programs. The Company is forecasting initial expenditures for the balance of calendar year 2005 through calendar 2006 and proposes the initial annual review be completed after January 1 2007 to coincide with the first full year of Schedule 191 collections. The annual review and recommendation for a change (if any) in the APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 5 collection rate would be completed within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, with the first such review being completed no later than March 1 , 2007. The objective of the line item surcharge will be to set a collection rate projected to result in a zero balance in the DSM balancing account by the following review period. PacifiCorp intends to provide the Commission quarterly reports on the account's activity. The Company proposes to set the rate to initially collect approximately $1 825 000 -- approximately 1.5% of retail revenue based on rates in effect after September 16 2005. Any future changes to the collection rate will be filed by PacifiCorp for Commission approval prior to implementation and will not occur automatically. Schedule 155 New Tariff-Irrigation Efficiency PacifiCorp proposes to initiate a comprehensive Irrigation Efficiency program that will offer no-cost equipment exchange, equipment testing and incentives for energy efficiency measures installed. This program will complement the Company s load control offering and increase services available to irrigation customers. The Irrigation Efficiency program will include the following components: nozzle exchange, prescriptive incentives for certain pivot equipment, pump check and water management consultation and a pump testing and system analysis. In addition to energy and water savings from nozzles replacement, pivot measures and improved equipment operation resulting from the water management consultation, the Irrigation Efficiency program will offer program- funded energy engineering services and incentives for properly installed energy efficiency measures such as pump repairs and system upgrades. To simplify marketing and delivery, all energy efficiency services and incentives for Schedule 10 irrigation customers will be included in this new schedule. The overall APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 6 program is designed to be delivered by a third party program administrator under contract with the Company. The program cost and savings estimates in Attachment 1 - Table 1 are based on the most current assessment of program savings and implementation costs. The Company is finalizing the program design and anticipates the final program will be delivered with substantially the same features and program performance as described herein. Based upon the cost-effectiveness analysis summarized in Attachment 1 - Table , the initial program design is projected to be cost-effective. Schedule 115 New Tariff FinAnswer Express The proposed FinAnswer Express program (FE) is based on the successful program of the same name operating in the Utah and Washington markets. The FE program provides prescriptive incentives for common energy efficiency measures (EEM) with minimal transaction complexity. EEM categories include efficient lighting, premium motors, and mechanical upgrades associated with heating and cooling. Both new construction and retrofit projects are eligible for the FinAnswer Express program which would be available to commercial and industrial customers on the majority of Idaho rate schedules. The incentives are based on the equipment installed, i.e. per fixture or per horsepower (HP) or per ton. The program also provides a custom incentive calculation for measures not listed on the prescriptive incentive tables. Experience in other markets has shown the program to be popular with trade allies, i., equipment distributors and installing contractors that sell standard and high efficiency equipment to customers. The Company is considering proposals for sales support functions designed to assist these equipment distributors and contractors in their sales and installation of high efficiency APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 7 equipment. These services would be similar to the services currently provided in the Utah and Washington markets. Additional program details are contained in Attachment 4 and cost effectiveness results are summarized in Table 2 - Attachment Schedule 117 New Tariff-Refrigerator Recycling The proposed residential Refrigerator Recycling program is similar to the successful Utah program operated as "See Ya Later Refrigerator . The program will offer an incentive to residential customers and landlords to permanently discontinue use of their second refrigerators and freezers, and/or replace their primary refrigerators and freezers with new, more energy efficient models. Interested customers will be directed to call a toll free number to schedule a pick-up time. All appliances collected will be recycled so they are not placed back in use through secondary market sales. All recycling processors will meet current local and EP A guidelines. PacifiCorp anticipates that the program will be administered by the same vendor delivering this PacifiCorp program in Utah. The program is projected to be cost-effective as summarized in Attachment 1 - Table 2. DESCRIPTION OF REVISED PROGRAMS Schedule 21 Revisions Low Income Weatherization Services PacifiCorp s current low income weatherization program has been in place for approximately 15 years. It provides rebates to two local non-profit agencies (i., Eastern Idaho Special Services Agency and SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency) for weatherization services they complete in electrically heated homes. The proposed changes were determined through discussions with staff from these two partnering agencies and the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho during the 2005 APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 8 general rate case. The revisions are intended to increase customer participation and available incentives for the installation of additional cost effective measures. Proposed revisions include: 1) increasing the available annual program ftn1ding up to $150 000 annually, 2) increasing rebates from a maximum of $1 ,000 per home to an average annual rebate of $1 500 per weatherized home, 3) increasing agency administrative cost reimbursement from $150 per completed home to 15% ofPacifiCorp s rebate on installed measures with set maximums, and 4) expanding available program delivery incentives by providing a rebate to our partnering agencies of 50% of the costs associated with additional measures installed in homes regardless of heating source -- including compact fluorescent light bulbs, replacement refrigerators and water heater measures in homes with electric water heaters. Additionally, to promote the installation of efficiency measures that have become cost-effective in the last decade, incentives will be offered for homes in which services were provided under this tariff prior to October 1 , 1993 , once per individual measure and up to two times per dwelling. The Company will evaluate Schedule 21 program activities within two years of the Commission s approval of these proposed revisions to determine if further revisions are warranted. The program is cost-effective from a Utility Cost Test basis; See Attachment 1 - Table 2 for a summary of cost effectiveness results and Attachment 4 for more details. 10.Schedules 120/122 Revisions -- Commercial Energy Services This filing proposes that Schedules 120 and 122 be closed to new service, but that they remain as approved schedules to assist in the administration of the few remaining loans originated under the schedules. When the loans are re-paid, PacifiCorp will seek Commission approval to cancel these schedules in a separate tariff filing. APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 9 11.Schedule 125 New Tariff-Energy FinAnswer The Energy FinAnswer program has been operational in Idaho as a loan-based energy efficiency program for approximately 15 years and this filing is a revision of an existing program. The current program is covered by existing Schedules 120 and 122 and provides program-funded energy engineering and loans to business customers. PacifiCorp proposes to continue the Company-funded energy engineering and add an incentive offer of$0.12 for first year energy savings (kWh) and $50 per average monthly demand savings (kW) occurring during the peak periods specified in the customer s rate schedule, up to 50% of the approved project costs. To increase participation, the incentive offer will replace the loan offer (which will be discontinued). This incentive offer and level is the same as that offered by PacifiCorp in Utah. As described above Schedules 120 and 122 will be amended to manage the administration of existing loans. All new program services will be offered under a new Schedule, 125 , and will include various enhancements to increase new construction participation and early program involvement to capture lost opportunities. It will also require minimum savings above code and preclude incentives for fuel switching. PacifiCorp will make the incentive offer after the Company-funded or approved engineering analysis is complete and prior to customer equipment purchases. The incentive is to be paid as a single payment by Company check. For more details on the program, see Attachment 4. The projected cost-effectiveness of the Energy FinAnswer program is outlined in Attachment 1 - Table APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 10 TARIFFS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 12.Attachment 1 to this Application contains PacifiCorp s forecasted program expenditures, a summary of cost effective analysis results, Table A revised to show proposed Schedule 191 collections and a chart showing current and proposed DSM accounting. Attachment 2 contains PacifiCorp s new proposed Electric Service Schedules 115, 117, 125, 155, and 191 , and amended Electric Service Schedules 21 , 120 and 122 in both clean and legislative formats. Attachment 3 contains Customer Rule 102 implementation information, including the bill message and the press release. Attachment 4 contains program descriptions, evaluation plans and cost effective analyses for the FinAnswer Express, Energy FinAnswer, Irrigation Efficiency, Refrigerator Recycling and Low Income Weatherization programs. Attachment 5 contains market characterizations for the FinAnswer Express, Energy FinAnswer and Irrigation Efficiency programs. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 13.PacifiCorp believes that consideration of the proposals contained in this Application does not require an evidentiary proceeding, and accordingly the Company requests that this Application be processed under RP 201 allowing for consideration of issues under modified procedure, i., by written submissions rather than by an evidentiary hearing. APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 14.Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Bob Lively PacifiCorp 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84140 Telephone: (801) 220-4052 Facsimile: (801) 220-3116 E-mail: bob.lively~pacificorp.com Lisa Nordstrom PacifiCorp Office of the General Counsel 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 Telephone: (503) 813-6227 Facsimile: (503) 813-7252 E-mail: lisa.nordstrom~pacificorp. com In addition, PacifiCorp respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to: Bye-mail (preferred):datarequest~pacificorp. co By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 800 Portland, OR 97232 By facsimile:(503) 813-6060 Informal inquires also may be directed to Bob Lively at (801) 220-4052. CONCLUSION NOW, THEREFORE, PacifiCorp respectfully requests that the Commission issue its Order under Modified Procedure approving new DSM tariff schedules (Nos. 115, 117 125 155, and 191), revising existing tariff schedules (Nos. 120, 122 and 21), and authorizing PacifiCorp to defer accounting ofDSM expenditures incurred on or after the service date of the Commission s Order approving this Application as described herein. APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP - 12 DATED this 2nd day of September 2005. APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - Respectfully submitted ~!trtC~ Attorney for PacifiCorp ATTACHMENT (PacifiCorp s forecasted program expenditures, a summary of cost effective analysis results, Table A revised to show proposed Schedule 191 collections and a chart showing current and proposed DSM accounting. ) At t a c h m e n t 1 - T a b l e No v 1 2 0 0 5 t o D e c 3 1 , 2 0 0 6 Ye a r 2 Ye a r 3 Pr o g r a m s Ty p e De l i v e r y Du r a t i o n Mw a Mw a Mw a Ir r i g a t i o n Ef f i c i e n c y Ne w Th i r d p a r t y 25 y e a r s 72 0 , 22 9 56 7 95 0 En e r g y Fi n A n s w e r - in c e n t i v e s En h a n c e d Co m p a n y on - go i n Q 61 3 , 00 0 $ 1 79 8 00 0 0. 4 9 $ 2 38 2 00 0 61 2 Fi n A n s w e r Co m p a n y + Ex p r e s s Ne w ou t s o u r c e on - go i n g 17 6 , 43 5 17 0 , 25 7 17 0 , 30 9 Th i r d p a r t y - Se e V a L a t e r Ne w JA C O 2 y e a r s 25 8 , 38 7 25 8 , 38 7 Co m m u n i t y Lo w I n c o m e Ac t i o n We a t h e r i z a t i o n En h a n c e d Ag e n c i e s on - go i n Q 15 6 , 58 5 17 6 , 58 5 15 6 , 58 5 Ir r i g a t i o n L o a d KT S e r v i c e s & co n t r o l * Ex i s t i n g Co m p a n y on - Qo i n Q 37 0 , 00 0 37 0 , 00 0 37 0 , 00 0 NW E n e r g y Ma r k e t Ef f i c i e n c y Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Ex i s t i n g Al l i a n c e on - Qo i n Q 25 3 , 00 0 0. 4 4 21 0 00 0 0. 4 4 21 0 , 00 0 0. 4 4 To t a l s $ 2 , 54 7 , 63 6 50 . $ 3 , 55 1 , 17 9 50 . $ 3 , 28 8 , 89 4 50 . % o f r e v e n u e * * As % o f 1 4 m o n t h r e v e n u e 1 . * D o e s n o t i n c l u d e e s t i m a t e d $ 8 5 0 , 00 0 o f p a r t i c i p a t i o n c r e d i t s c u r r e n t l y i n p o w e r c o s t s . P a r t i c p a t i o n c r e d i t s d e p e n d o n m o n t h l y e n r o l l m e n t a n d a v o i d e d k W . ** B a s e d o n T a b l e A a n d $ 1 2 1 87 8 00 0 i n r e v e n u e ( l e s s s p e c i a l c o n t r a c t s ) In i t i a l c o l l e c t i o n r a t e s e t b e l o w 1 4 m o n t h p r o j e c t e d e x p e n d i t u r e s b a s e d o n p r o f e s s i o n a l j u d g m e n t a n d p r i o r e x p e r i e n c e w i t h r a m p u p t i m e s i n n e \ At t a c h m e n t 1 - Ta b l e 1 0 8 3 0 0 5 At t a c h m e n t 1 - Ta b l e 2 S u m m a r y o f c o s t e f f e c t i v e n e s s r e s u l t s TR C + Li f e c y c l e co n s e r v a t i o n Ut i l i t y C o s t T e s t Ra t e I m p a c t Pa r t i c i p a n t C o s t Re v e n u e I m p a c t s Pr o g r a m ad d e r TR C ( n o a d d e r ) (U C T ) Te s t ( R I M ) te s t ( P C T ) ($ / k w h ) Lo a d f a c t o r Ir r i g a t i o n E f f i c i e n c y 22 4 11 3 38 3 81 1 00 0 0 2 1 6 4 9 24 % En e r g y F i n A n s w e r 59 4 1 . 4 4 9 73 8 51 2 00 0 0 8 3 0 0 5 9 65 % Fi n A n s w e r E x p r e s s 54 4 1 . 4 0 4 03 2 64 9 85 7 00 0 0 1 7 0 8 8 6 51 % Re f r i g e r a t o r r e c y c l i n g 83 7 57 9 73 9 69 6 n/ a 00 0 0 1 1 4 9 4 5 65 % Lo w I n c o m e W e a t h e r i z a t i o n 93 6 85 1 06 3 54 4 n/ a 00 0 0 0 3 9 0 5 9 65 % 20 0 4 I R P - A u g u s t 2 0 0 5 up d a t e d e c r e m e n t v a l u e s TR C + Li f e c y c l e co n s e r v a t i o n Ut i l i t y C o s t T e s t Ra t e I m p a c t Pa r t i c i p a n t C o s t Re v e n u e I m p a c t s Pr o g r a m ad d e r TR C ( n o a d d e r ) (U C T ) Te s t ( R I M ) te s t ( P C T ) ($ / k w h ) Ir r i g a t i o n E f f i c i e n c y 35 4 23 1 53 8 80 1 81 1 00 0 0 1 5 4 1 3 En e r g y F i n A n s w e r 93 2 75 6 90 8 90 2 51 2 00 0 0 1 5 8 6 1 0 Fi n A n s w e r E x p r e s s 62 4 1 . 4 7 7 14 7 68 6 85 7 00 0 0 0 7 8 4 8 4 Re f r i g e r a t o r r e c y c l i n g 67 4 26 9 90 9 n/ a 00 0 0 0 3 4 5 9 1 Lo w I n c o m e W e a t h e r i z a t i o n 34 2 1. 4 7 4 75 5 n/ a 00 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 Ju n e 30 , 20 0 5 F o r w a r d P r i c e C u r v e s - B a s e C a s e TA B L E A B Y S C H E D U L E UT A H P O W E R & L I G H T C O M P A N Y PR E S E N T R E V E N U E S FR O M E L E C T R I C S A L E S T O U L T I M A T E C O N S U M E R S DI S T R I B U T E D B Y R A T E S C H E D U L E S I N I D A H O NO R M A L I Z E D 1 2 M O N T H S E N D E D M A R C H 2 0 0 4 Pr e s e n t R e v e n u e ( $ 0 0 0 ) Av e r a g e Li n e Ac c o u n t Sc h . No . o f MW h Ba s e Sc h 1 9 1 Sc h . Ne t No . No . De s c r i p t i o n No . Cu s t o m e r s (O O O ' Re v . Re v Cr e d i t Re v . (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) (9 ) (1 0 ) (6 ) + ( 7 ) + ( 8 ) + ( 9 ) 44 0 Re s i d e n t i a l S a l e s Re s i d e n t i a l S e r v i c e 17 3 30 6 32 1 25 , 65 9 $3 8 5 1.5 0 % ($ 5 , 88 6 ) $2 0 , 15 8 Re s i d e n t i a l O p t i o n a l T O D 15 , 99 6 29 9 , 98 4 20 , 25 6 $3 0 4 1.5 0 % ($ 5 , 76 4 ) $1 4 , 79 6 AG A - Re v e n u e To t a l R e s i d e n t i a l 48 , 16 8 60 6 , 30 4 $4 5 , 91 9 $6 8 9 1.5 0 % ($ 1 1 65 0 ) $3 4 95 8 44 2 Co m m e r c i a l & I n d u s t r i a l Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e - L a r g e P o w e r 98 3 29 8 , 20 4 17 , 64 6 $2 6 5 1.5 0 % $1 7 , 91 1 Ge n e r a l S v c . - L g . P o w e r ( R & F ) 23 5 29 , 33 9 96 2 $2 9 1.5 0 % ($ 5 6 4 ) 42 7 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e - M e d . V o l t a g e 64 8 17 1 1.5 0 % $1 7 4 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e - H i g h V o l t a g e 87 , 74 9 13 0 $6 2 1.5 0 % 19 2 Ir r i g a t i o n 57 8 67 4 , 12 4 41 , 53 2 $6 2 3 1.5 0 % ($ 1 6 , 60 0 ) $2 5 , 55 5 Co r o m . & I n d . S p a c e H e a t i n g 32 6 28 1 80 6 $1 2 1.5 0 % $8 1 8 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e 14 0 96 , 60 5 88 0 $1 1 8 1.5 0 % $7 , 99 8 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e ( R & F ) 23 A 32 1 15 , 93 1 40 6 $2 1 1. 5 0 % ($ 3 0 6 ) $1 , 12 1 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e O p t i o n a l T O D 72 1 10 2 1. 5 0 % $1 0 4 Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s 55 6 , 4 4 9 $4 6 , 98 6 $4 6 , 98 6 AG A - Re v e n u e $2 5 0 $2 5 0 To t a l C o m m e r c i a l & I n d u s t r i a l 60 3 77 4 05 2 $1 2 2 , 87 2 13 5 92 % ($ 1 7 , 47 0 ) $1 0 6 , 53 7 To t a l C o m m e r c i a l & I n d u s t r i a l ( E x c l u d i n g S p e c i a l C o n t r a c t s ) 60 1 21 7 , 60 3 $7 5 , 88 6 $1 , 13 5 1. 5 0 % ($ 1 7 , 47 0 ) $5 9 , 55 1 44 4 Pu b l i c S t r e e t L i g h t i n g Se c u r i t y A r e a L i g h t i n g 24 3 29 6 $6 2 1. 5 0 % $6 3 Se c u r i t y A r e a L i g h t i n g ( R & F ) 16 5 12 2 1. 5 0 % ($ 2 ) $2 6 Str e e t L i g h t i n g - C o m p a n y 12 7 1. 5 0 % $2 9 St r e e t L i g h t i n g - C u s t o m e r 21 9 85 4 18 9 1. 5 0 % $1 9 2 Tr a f f i c S i g n a l S y s t e m s 24 5 1. 5 0 % $2 0 AG A - Re v e n u e ($ 2 ) ($ 2 ) To t a l P u b l i c S t r e e t L i g h t i n g 67 9 64 4 $3 2 6 1. 2 3 % ($ 2 ) $3 2 8 To t a l S a l e s t o U l t i m a t e C u s t o m e r s 61 , 45 1 38 3 , 00 1 $1 6 9 , 11 7 82 8 1. 0 8 % ($ 2 9 , 12 2 ) $1 4 1 82 3 To t a l S a l e s t o U l t i m a t e C u s t o m e r s ( E x c l u d i n g S p e c i a l C o n t r a c t s & A G A ) 44 9 82 6 , 55 1 $1 2 1 , 87 8 $1 , 82 8 1. 5 0 % ($ 2 9 , 12 2 ) $9 4 83 7 No t e 1 : P r e s e n t B a s e R e v e n u e i n c l u d e s R M A r e v e n u e s c a l c u l a t e d b a s e d o n c u r r e n t R M A r a t e s w h i c h b e c a m e e f f e c t i v e o n J u n e 8 , 2 0 0 4 , p l u s $ 5 . 75 M S t i p u l a t i o n i n c r e a s e . Collection of program costs Amortization I Fixed asset by state (10) for program EX 102508 life of measure amortization straight line G/L#553400 Amort of OSM assets (908. In rate basePayment of program costs Internal Order I Settle(nentcharged to cost elements, 530190, ICR I DRDR I 545150, etc. Cash G/L Account DSM cost recovery prior to Commission approval date ------------- DSM cost recovery post Commission approval date Collection of Droaram costs remains the same Fixed Asset EX: 102582 No Amortization See note ---..................------ --- --- --- - - -- -- i Balancing Account!Summary ! i Prepared monthly i ! by Regulatory ! ! accountingL__nn__.,-____n___n_ Balancing account I asset for tariff rider recovery 182. Collection of tariff rider Manual journal entry - monthly Cash General business G/L account revenues (4401 442) G/L #301 xxx G/L 553405 Amort of 10 OSM (908. Not in rate base Note: Each calendar year, new assets will be created and settlement rules on orders will be changed to settle to the new assets. Going forward these assets will be set-up to not generate amorization and the tariff rider balancing account asset will remain as the collector account. ATTACHMENT 2 (PacifiCorp s new proposed Electric Service Schedules 115, 117, 125, 155, and 191 , and amended Electric Service Schedules 21 , 120, and 122 in both clean and legislative formats): Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.Schedule 21 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.Schedule 21 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.3 Schedule 21 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.4 Schedule 21 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.Schedule 21 Original Sheet No. 21.Schedule 21 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.3 Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.4 Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Original Sheet No. 115.Schedule 115 Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For QualifYing Customers Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For Qualifying Customers Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For Qualifying Customers Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For QualifYing Customers Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For QualifYing Customers Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For QualifYing Customers Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Original Sheet No. 117. Original Sheet No. 117. Fourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Fourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Fourth Revised Sheet No. 122. Fourth Revised Sheet No. 122. Original Sheet No. 125. Original Sheet No. 125. Original Sheet No. 125.3 Original Sheet No. 125.4 Original Sheet No. 125. Original Sheet No. 125. Original Sheet No. 125. Original Sheet No. 125. Original Sheet No. 155. Original Sheet No. 155. Original Sheet No. 155.3 Original Sheet No. 155.4 Original Sheet No. 155. Original Sheet No. 155. Original Sheet No. 155, Original Sheet No. 191.1 Schedule 11 Schedule 11 Schedule 120 Schedule 120 Schedule 122 Schedule 122 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 125 Schedule 155 Schedule 155 Schedule 155 Schedule 155 Schedule 155 Schedule 155 Schedule 155 Schedule 191 QualifYing Customers Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program Residential Refrigerator Recycling Pro gram Commercial Energy Services Optional To QualifYing Customers Commercial Energy Services Optional To QualifYing Customers Commercial Energy Services Optional To QualifYing Customers Commercial Energy Services Optional To Qualifying Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for QualifYing Customers Optional for QualifYing Customers Optional for Qualifying Customers Optional for Qualifying Customers Optional for Qualifying Customers Optional for Qualifying Customers Optional for QualifYing Customers Optional for Qualifying Customers Customer Efficiency Services Adjustment Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.1 Canceling Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Energy Efficiency Rider Optional For Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of existing residential dwellings inhabited by customers that meet income guidelines through the installation of energy efficient materials. The decision to extend service under this schedule shall be based upon the eligibility requirements contained herein. AVAILABILITY: This tariff is applicable to residential customers in all territory served by the Company in the state of Idaho. ENERGY CONSERVATION SERVICE TO LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS: This program is available to existing single family and multi-family residential units. It is intended to reduce the electricity requirements and increase the penetration of weatherization and efficiency measures in residential dwellings inhabited by low income households through the installation of permanent energy efficiency materials. The decision to extend service under this schedule shall be based on eligibility requirements contained herein. Definitions: Dwelling" is real or personal property within the state inhabited as the principal residence of a dwelling owner or a tenant. "Dwelling" includes a manufactured home, a single-family home, duplex or multi-unit residential housing. "Dwelling does not include a recreational vehicle. Duplexes and fourplexes are eligible if at least one half of the dwelling is occupied by low income tenants. Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 BlahOIA., C. No. 28 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21. Canceling Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - (Continued) Definitions (Continued):b. Triplexes and multi-family dwellings are eligible if at least 66% of the units are occupied by low income tenants. Agency" means a non-profit group, Municipality or County authorized to receive funds for installation of energy efficiency materials in low income properties. Low Income" means households qualifying under the federal low Income guidelines and certified for eligibility according to agency procedure. Income eligibility is based on 125% of federal poverty guidelines. Major Measure" means ceiling insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation and window replacements applicable in dwellings with permanently installed electric space heating systems. When cost-effective, all major measures must be installed or in place or financial assistance under this schedule will not be offered. If physical barriers exist that prohibit the installation of a measure, then the measure is not required as a condition for financial assistance under this schedule. Supplemental Measures and Additional Measures" are not required measures under this schedule, but may qualify for a Company reimbursement. Financial Assistance: 1. The Company will reimburse Agency up to an average of $1,400 per home annually on weatherized dwellings where at least one Major Measure is installed. Reimbursements on weatherized homes will be provided one time only on any individual measure, and up to two times per dwelling. An incentive will be provided a second time only on dwellings originally treated before October 1 , 1993. In addition to the above reimbursements, Company will reimburse Agency 50% of the cost of replacing a refrigerator plus $25 per refrigerator tested. Company will also reimburse Agency 50% of CFL and water saving measure costs installed in homes that do not receive at least one Major Measure. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah R lJUM C. No. 28 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.3 Canceling Sixth Revised Sheet No. 21. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - (Continued) Financial Assistance (Continued): The Company will reimburse Agency for administrative costs based on 15% of Utah Power s rebate on installed measures, not to exceed the following total administrative payment per building: Dwelling Units in Building 1 to 4 5 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 31+ Maximum UP&L Administrative Payment $350 $800 $1200 $1400 $1600 $1800 $2100 The minimum reimbursement will be $150 on homes with one or more Major Measure installed and $50 on homes without the installation of a Major Measure. Agencies must invoice Company within sixty days of job completion. Energy Conservation Measures Financial assistance will be provided based on the results of a cost effective analysis through a Department of Energy approved energy audit. The energy efficient measures eligible for funding must be installed in dwellings with permanently installed operable electric space heat except where noted. The energy efficient measures that may be eligible for funding are listed as follows along with their estimated measure life where applicable: Major Measures: Ceiling insulation up to R-48 for ceilings with less than R-30 in place. R- 30 or better attics will not be further insulated. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 BlahHIA., C. No. 28 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.4 Canceling Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued Energy Conservation Measures: (Continued) Floor insulation over unheated spaced up to R-30. Wall insulation up to R-26 for walls with no insulation installed (financing will not be available for the installation ofurea-fonnaldehyde wall insulation). Class 40 replacement windows. Nothing shall preclude the Company from providing a reimbursement for the installation of a greater R value on insulation for the above items that are detennined to be cost effective (Savings to Investment Ratio is 1.0 or greater) through the audit process. Supplemental Measures - Electric Heating System Required: Attic ventilation, excluding power ventilators, when installed with ceiling insulation (required if needed at the time ceiling insulation is installed). Whole house mechanical ventilation and spot ventilation for kitchen and baths at time ceiling insulation is installed. Ground cover and water pipe wrap when installed with floor insulation; other vapor barrier materials as required when installed with floor or ceiling insulation. Forced air electric space heating duct insulation and sealing in unheated spaces. Weather stripping and/or caulking, including blower door assisted air sealing and duct sealing. Thennal doors. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 ulah RIJUM C. No. 28 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21. Canceling Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - (Continued) Energy Conservation Measures: (Continued) Supplemental Measures - Electric Heating System Required (Continued) Timed thermostats on centrally controlled multi-room heating/cooling systems except when used with heat pumps. Heat anticipating type thermostats for zonal electric resistance heating systems. Additional Measures - No Electric Heating System Requirement: Pipe insulation, energy efficient showerheads and aerators where electric water heaters are present. Compact fluorescent light bulbs applicable in all homes - limit 8 Energy Star certified bulbs per home placed in fixtures that are on 2 hours or more per day. Existing Refrigerator models with annual usage listed in the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance center database as 900 kWh or greater may be replaced with an Energy Star model with estimated annual consumption of 500 kWh or less. Replaced refrigerators must be removed and recycled in accordance with EP A guidelines. Provisions of Service for Energy Conservation Service to Low Income Customers An Energy Audit must be completed by the Agency prior to installation of the Major Measures by the Agency. Agency must qualify residential customers for assistance using the Federal Low Income guidelines. Installation shall meet Federal, State and local building codes. Measures installed under this schedule shall not receive financial incentives from other Company programs. Agency shall inspect the installation to insure that the weatherization meets or exceeds required specifications. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 BlahOIA.' C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 21.6 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - (Continued) Provisions of Service for Energy Conservation Service to Low Income Customers (Continued) Company may audit Agency weatherization and financial records and inspect the installations in dwellings of customers receiving weatherization under this program. Company shall pay the Agency the amount established under the terms of their contract when provisions of this schedule have been met. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments and additional regulations prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulah nlJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 STATE OF IDAHO Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial Buildings and Industrial Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company s General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 8, 9 , 17, 19, 23 , 23A, 24, 35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Commercial Buildings and Industrial Facilities dairy barns served under the Company s residential rate schedules and traffic signals. DEFINITIONS: Commercial Building: A structure that is served by Company and meets the applicability requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement/Application is executed or approved by the Company which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facility. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Energy Efficiency Incentive: Payments of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of an Energy Efficiency Measure pursuant to an executed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement/Application: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company or a Company provided application submitted by the Owner or Customer and approved by the Company providing for Companyto furnish Energy Efficiency Incentives with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this Tariff Schedule. Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 ulah01." C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM): A permanently installed measure which can improve the efficiency of the Customer s electric energy use. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New Construction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of energy efficiency equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficiency equipment modification. In the case of both new construction and retrofits, EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer s reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts, rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives from the Company, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner s or Customer s facility. If the owner or customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner s or Customer s actual labor costs for such installation. Energy Efficiency Project: One or more EEM(s) with similar one year payback limitations (Page 3), covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved application. Industrial Facility: Buildings and process equipment associated with manufacturing. Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Efficiency Project meets the definition of New Construction or where the Company adjusts the baseline energy consumption and costs. New construction: A newly constructed facility or newly constructed square footage added to an existing facility. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.tt5 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facility square footage. INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: The Company will provide Energy Efficiency Incentives per the Provisions of Service to participating Owners or Customers who have installed EEMs listed in the tables in this schedule or are eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the formula listed below. Energy Efficiency Projects consisting of Retrofit lighting EEMs (listed & not listed) and or Retrofit EEMs are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the simple payback (based on electricity cost savings) before incentives is one year or more. EEMs with simple paybacks before incentives of less than one year are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the Energy Efficiency Project has a simple payback before incentives of one year or more. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be available to reduce the simple payback of an Energy Efficiency Project below one year. If required, individual EEM Energy Efficiency Incentives will be adjusted downward pro-rata so the Energy Efficiency Project has a simple payback after incentives of one year or more. Retrofit motor and HV AC EEMs (listed & not listed) are not subject to the payback limitations listed above. EEMs not listed in the incentive tables may be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives. Electric savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical equipment will not eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive. The Company will complete an analysis of the EEM Cost and electric energy savings and determine at its sole option whether to offer an Energy Efficiency Incentive and the Energy Efficiency Incentive amount. Energy Efficiency Incentives for such EEMs will be the lesser of (a) the product of multiplYing the Company s estimate of annual energy savings by $0.08/kWh; or (b) 35% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Company. Company may adjust baseline electric energy consumption and costs to reflect any of the following: energy codes, standard practice, changes in capacity, changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. Such adjustments may be made for lighting energy efficiency measures installed in new construction projects where energy code does not apply. Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 Blah RIJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: (Continued) For existing fixtures, the baseline for all fluorescent lighting Energy Efficiency Measures not listed in incentive Table 1 shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy efficient magnetic ballast and energy saving lamp combination as listed in the lighting table available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company web site. Except for motors and mechanical energy efficiency measures listed in Tables 2 and 3 Lighting Energy Efficiency Measures listed in Table 1 in New Construction projects and incentives for EEMs not listed (p.3), EEM Energy Efficiency Incentives shall not exceed 50% of the EEM Cost. All EEM Costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approving Energy Efficiency Incentive Application. All final EEM Costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paYing an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Company review and approval of EEM Costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. The Owner or Customer may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive from the Company per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE:(1) Company may elect to offer EEM incentives through different channels and at different points in the sales process other than individual Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement(s) or Applications prior to EEM purchase. The differences will depend on EEM or proj ect type and will be consistent for all EEMs or projects of similar type. Incentive requirements by EEM or project type and other terms and conditions will be available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company s web site. Changes in incentive requirements and/or terms and conditions may be changed by the Company with at least 60 days notice on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company s web site. Customer/Owner has the option to receive a signed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or request approval of an Application direct from the Company prior to purchase of eligible EEMs. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulah RIJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued)(2) Company will employ a variety of quality assurance techniques during the delivery of the program. They will differ by EEM and may include pre and post installation inspections, phone surveys, and confirmation of customer and equipment eligibility. Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed EEMs. This verification may include a telephone survey, site visit, review of plant operation characteristics, and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment and as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. (3) (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah H IJiM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Tijblel - 'LigbtingEn~rgyEffitieficYNfeasures , " Customer . . ......., ..... . ~Iic~J1tive " , Replijce .With .., '"" ,, .. ,., Cate2orY ' ... ,. .,'" ,. ... "' ,, Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade T12 lamp(s)magnetic - 1 or 2 T8lamps+1EB Standard T8 Fixtures (Standard T8 ballast (MB) lamps and electronic ballasts (EB)3 or 4 T12Iamp(s) + MB(s)4' - 3 or 4 T8lamps+1EB $10 with ballast factor (BF) ~0.88)3 or4 T121amps + MB(s)8' -3 or 4 T8 lamps + 1EB, see note 6 $10 8' -T12 HONHO lamps HONHO lamps +EB $15 MB(s)(maximum of 2 EB), see note 6 Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade to 4'4' - 1 or 2 T12Iamp(s) + MB or standard 4' - 1 or 2 Premium T8 lamp(s) + EB $10 Premium T8 Fixtures (Lamps with T8 lamp(s) + EB initial lumens ~31 00 or wattage ~30 4' - 3 or 4 T12 lamps + MB or standard 4' - 3 or 4 Premium T8 lamps + EB $15W; electronic ballasts with BF ~0.T8 lamps + EB 8' - 1 or 2 T12 lamp(s) + energy efficient 4' - 2, 3 or 4 Premium T8 lamps + EB $20magnetic ballast (MB) Fluorescent Delamping and Standard 2 T12lamps + 1 MB 4' - 1 Standard T8 lamp + 1EB $10 T8 Fixture Upgrade (Standard T8 lamps and electronic ballasts (EB)3 T12lamps + 2 MB 4' - 2 or 1 Standard T8lamp + 1EB $15 with BF ~0.88 - Fixture removal is 4' -4 T12 lamps + 2 MB 4' - 3 Standard T8 lamps + 1EB $15not eligible)4 T12lamps + 2 MB 4' - 2 or 1 Standard T8 lamp + 1EB $25 Fluorescent Delamping and Premium 2 T12lamps + 1 MB 4' - I-Premium T8lamp + 1EB $15T8 Fixture Upgrade (Lamps with initial lumens ~31 00 or wattage ~30 3 T12lamps + 2 MB 4' - 2 or I-Premium T8lamp + 1EB $20 W; electronic ballasts with BF ~0.4 T12 lamps + 2 MB 4' - 3-Premium T8 lamps + 1EB $20Fixture removal is not eligible) 4 T12lamps + 2 MB 4' - 2 or I-Premium T8lamp + 1EB $30 Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL)Incandescent ~1 OW (nominal) CFL hardwire fixture $10 Incandescent 210W, ~ 20W (nominal) CFL hardwire fixture $15 Incandescent 220W (nominal) CFL hardwire fixture $20 Incandescent ~40W two-piece screw-in CFL Incandescent Single-piece screw in CFL (all wattages) T5 Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade 2250 W MH, MV or HPS 3 - T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB - High Bay $70 2400 W MH, MV, or HPS 4 or 6 - T5HO lamps (nominal 4') + EB High $75Bay 4' 1 , or 3 T12 lamps + magnetic , 2, or 3 - T5 lamps (nominal 4' ) & 1EB $20ballast(s)I(interior fixtures) 4' 4 T8 or T12lamps + magnetic 2 - T5 HO lamps (nominal 4') & 1 EB (interior fixtures)$20 ballast(s) Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 , 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 ulahHI." C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) High Intensity Discharges (HID) Upgrades Based on lamp wattages ~40W and ::;120W incandescent or tungsten ~35W and ::;100W Ceramic Metal Halide :::-1O0W and::; 250W MH, MV, or HPS; :::-125Wand::;175WPulseStartMH c::::500W incandescent :::-250W and::; 400W MH, MV, or HPS :::- 400W MH, MV, or HPS :::-1O00W MH, MV or HPS :::-250W & c:::: 400 W MH, MV, orHPS :::-400WMH, MV,orHPS :::-1000 W MH, MV or HPS Incandescent or fluorescent exit signs ~400W MH, MV or HPS ~750W MH, MV, or HPS Exit Signs Lighting Controls Wall switch or no control Traffic light upgrades No control No control No control Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent $25 $100~250W and ::;320W Ceramic Metal Halide 400 W Ceramic Metal Halide $120 $60 :::-175W and ::;320W Pulse Start MH $80 :::-320W and c::::400W Pulse Start MH $100 :::-400W and c::::750W Pulse Start Metal Halide $120 4' - 4 lamp High Bay T8 fixture $50 4' - 6 lamp High Bay T8 fixture $50 4' 8 lamp High Bay T8 fixture $100 Light Emitting Diode (LED) or Electro $15 luminescent (EL) Exit Si n - 1 or 2 faced Wall or Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Sensor $30 (per sensor) Integral occu ancy sensor Photocell (per sensor) Time clock (per control) LED Green Ball LED Yellow and Green Ball LED Green Arrow (12" or 8" LED Don t Walk LED Walk $25 $20 $20 $40 $80 $30 $50 $20 Notes for Table 1: Incentives are capped at 50 percent of EEM Costs except for Lighting EEMs listed above installed in New Construction. 2' U-tube lamps may be substituted for 4' linear fluorescent lamps in the above table For retrofits of existing equipment, lighting incentives will be paid on a one-for-one equipment replacement basis. If fixture counts are changing, the project may be considered under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3). The total connected interior lighting power for New Construction projects required to comply with the energy code must be 10 percent lower than the interior lighting power allowance calculated under the current version of the Idaho energy code. The date of the building permit application shall establish the current version of the Code. For New Construction projects not required to comply with the energy code, the total connected lighting power must be 10% lower than common practice as determined by the Company. Incentives for the following equipment types are not available for New Construction projects Standard T8 fixtures Fixture de-Iamping * LED Exit signs One or two piece screw-in CFL fixtures Lighting controls required under the current version of the Idaho energy code. The date of the building permit application shall establish the current version of the Code. 6 Eight-foot T8s, T8 HONHO and High Bay T-8 electronic ballasts are required to have a BF::;J.2 to be eligible for incentives. Lighting equipment listed only in the "Replace" column of Table 1 is not eligible for incentives. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulahHI.II C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Table 2 - NEMA Premium Efficiency Motors ........... 1.5 100 125 150 200 85. 86. 86. 89. 89. 91.0 91.7 93. 93. 93. 94. 94. 94. 95. 95. 95.4 95.4 95. 95. 85. 86. 86. 89. 89. 91.7 91.7 92.4 93. 93. 93. 94. 94. 95. 95.4 95.4 95.4 95. 96. ......~e~~~.#i~j.... . ............., fJJ~. ., !ln~~i~1111.~,. 77.0 77. 84.0 84. 85.5 85. 85.5 86. 86.5 88. 88.5 89. 89.5 90. 91.091.7 91.791.7 91.792.4 92.4 93.0 93. 93.6 93. 93.6 93. 93.6 94. 94.1 95. 94.1 95. 95.95.4 Notes for Table 2:1) Motors larger than 200 horsepower are not a listed measure and may be eligible under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3).2) The NEMA Premium efficiency ratings listed are nominal full-load efficiency ratings. Motors that meet or exceed these efficiency requirements may qualify for an incentive. '~;~ JUii~i~~~t~: ;:~iil~1$45 82.5 82.$45 86.5 87.$54 87.5 88.$54 88.5 89.$54 89.5 89.$81 90.91.0$90 91.7 91.0$104 91.7 91.7$113 92.4 91.7$117 93.0 93.$135 93.6 93.$162 94.1 94.$198 94.1 94.$234 94.5 94.$270 94.5 94.$360 95.0 95.$540 95.0 95.$630 95.4 95.$630 95.4 95. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulahOIA" C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Unitary Commercial Air Conditioners Air Cooled (Cooling Mode) -c:::65 000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package 2:65 000 Btu/hr and -c::: Split System and Single Package 135 000 Btulhr ~ 135,000 Btulhr and Split System and Single Package -c::: 240 000 Btu/hr 2: 240 000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package Unitary Commercial -c::: 135 000 Btulhr Air Conditioners Water and Evaporatively ~ 135 000 Btu/hr Cooled Split System and Single Package Package Terminal Air :::; 8 000 Btulhr Conditioners (PT AC) (Heating & Cooling Mode) Heat Pumps Air Cooled (Cooling Mode) Heat Pumps Air Cooled (Heating Mode) Single Package )0 8 000 and -c::: 10 500 Single Package Btulhr 2: 10 500 and ::; 13 500 Single Package Btulhr )0 13 500 Btulhr Single Package -c::: 65 000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package ~ 65 000 Btu/hr and -c::: Split System and Single Package 135 000 Btulhr ~ 135 000 Btu/hr and Split System and Single Package -c::: 240 000 Btulhr 2: 240 000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package -c::: 65 000 Btulhr Split System Single Package ~ 65 000 Btu/hr and -c::: 47OF. db /43OF. wb Outdoor Air 135 000 Btu/hr 17OF. db /15OF. wb Outdoor Air ~ 135 000 Btu/hr 47OF. db /43OF. wb Outdoor Air 17OF. db /15OF. wb Outdoor Air 85OF. Entering waterHeat Pumps, Water Source -c::: 135 000 Btulhr (Cooling Mode) Heat Pumps, Water Source -c::: 135 000 Btulhr (Heating Mode) 700F. Entering water Continued) 15.0 SEER 12.5 EER 11.0 EER 11.4 IPL V 10.8 EER 11.2 IPL V 10.0 EER 10.4 IPLV 14.0 EER 14.0 EER 11.8 EER 3.3 COP Heatin 11.4 EER 2 COP Heatin 10.7 EER 1 COP Heatin 10.0 EER 0 COP Heating 13.0 SEER 11.0 EER 11.4 IPL V 10.8 EER 11.2 IPL V 10.0 EER 10.4 IPL V 0 HSPF 7.5 HSPF 3.4 COP 2.4 COP 3 COP 2 COP 14.0 EER 6 COP 210/240 340/360 ,.. ..,...." ~'sjjQmer Ip~~i1iY~~$/tgQ:~ ' $50 $50 $50 $50 210/240 $50 340/360 $50 $50 $50 $50 310/380 $50 210/240 $50 $50 340/360 340/360 340/360 320 320 $50 $50 See note 3 below See note 3 below See note 3 below See note 3 below See note 3 below See note 3 below $50 See note 3 below Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 ulah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Programmable Thermostats Industry Standard Rating $0.02/ISR CFM (ISR) CFM Programmable thennostat for air EnergyStarCID labeled $50/thermostatconditioner unit Optimizer programmable EnergyStar~ thermostat for heat pumps or all . t electric labeled $70/thermostat Variable frequency drives (VFD) HV AC fans and urn s Beverage or refrigerated display machine occupancy sensor :::; 100 hp HV AC fans or pumps HV AC fans and pumps See notes 4 and 5 below $80/hp Beverage vending or refrigerated display machine occu anc sensor $75/sensor Notes for Table 3:l) For retrofits of existing equipment, incentives are for one-for-one same size equipment replacements. Exception: PT ACs can replace electric resistive heating, which must be removed.2) Equipment that meets or exceeds all efficiency requirements listed for the size category in the above table may qualify for an incentive.3) Incentives for heat pumps are $50 per ton of cooling capacity ONLY. No incentives are paid per ton of heating capacity. Heat Pumps must meet both the cooling mode and heating mode efficiency requirements to qualify for per ton coolingefficiency incentives. 4) Throttling or bypass devices, such as inlet vanes, bypass dampers, three-way valves, or throttling valves must be removed or permanently disabled to qualify for HV AC fan and pump VFD incentives.5) For New Construction, incentives are not available for HV AC fan and pump VFDs required by current version of the Idaho energy code 6) SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio COP = Coefficient of Performance HSPF = Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IPL V = Integrated Part Load Value Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 117. UT AH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 117 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program PURPOSE: Service under this tariff is intended to decrease residential refrigeration loads through the removal and recycling of inefficient models. APPLICABLE: To existing residential customers in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho billed on Schedule 1. Landlords who own appliances in rental properties served by the company in the State of Idaho where the tenant is billed under Schedule 1 also qualify for this program. This tariff will expire August 1 2007. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by contacting a specified toll-free telephone number or website. DESCRIPTION: Customers receive a $40 incentive to discontinue use of their working second refrigerators and/or freezers or to replace their working primary refrigerators and freezers with new more energy efficient models. To qualify for the incentive customers must give up their appliances for recycling. Appliances will be collected and recycled to ensure they are not resold on the secondary market. Company will offer a packet with written energy efficiency information and instant savings measures. QUALIFYING EQUIPMENT: Working refrigerators and freezers that are a minimum of 10 cubic feet in size, utilizing inside measurements. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: Incentives will be available on a maximum of two appliances per qualifYing household. Incentive checks will be mailed within 30 days of the appliance collection date. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 ulah Alrllll C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 117. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 117 - (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) Incentives are also available to landlords that own the appliances used in rental properties in Utah Power s Idaho service territory where their tenant is billed on a residential schedule. Landlords may receive incentives on a maximum of two appliances per unit. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule will be accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 ulah RIJlM C. No. 28 Fourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 120. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 STATE OF IDAHO NO NEW SERVICE Commercial Energy Services Optional to Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to reduce the energy requirements of new Commercial Buildings and existing Commercial Buildings undergoing Major Renovation by promoting the installation of Energy Conservation Measures. APPLICABLE: Conservation Payments are not available to Owners after November 15 , 2005. The restriction on new service does not affect payment of Energy Service Charges currently required and obligations pursuant to an executed Energy Services Contract remain in effect until the Conservation Payment with interest is re-paid in full. This program is applicable to service to new Commercial Buildings larger than 12 000 square feet and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation under General Service Electric Service Schedules in the State of Idaho. Warehouses and other New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for a prescriptive approach are excluded from this program and are included under Schedule 122. Charges under this schedule will be in addition to the electric service charge under the Customer applicable electric service schedule. THE OBLIGATIONS UNDER TillS SCHEDULE WILL APPLY TO ALL CUSTOMERS USING ELECTRICITY AT THE REAL PROPERTY SPECIFIED BY AN ENERGY SERVICES CONTRACT. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of New Commercial Buildings larger than 12 000 square feet and existing Commercial Buildings undergoing Major Renovation to be connected to Company s system on or after the effective date of this schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulah RIJlM C. No. 28 Fourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 120. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued DESCRIPTION: (Continued) The Company will provide the Conservation Payments for incremental construction which result in the installation of Energy Conservation Measures. Upon connection of electric service to commercial buildings having such measures installed under this program, Company will bill the Customer an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kWh savings resulting from installation of the Energy Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Baseline Level: Electric energy use estimated to occur from compliance with current commercial building code requirements for New Commercial Buildings or from implementation of the Owner s building plans initially presented to Company, whichever is less. Conservation Payments: Any payments of money made by Company to Owner for installation of Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to an Energy Services Contract. If the Company has assisted in implementing the Energy Conservation Measures, Conservation Payments also shall include Company direct costs of such implementation, including the cost of materials, installation, and ongoing support as specified in the Energy Services Contract. Conservation Payments shall be either: ( a) Level l Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which do not exceed the Measure Funding Limit. Level 2 Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which exceed the Measure Funding Limit. The Level 2 Conservation Payments may not exceed, for any Energy Services Contract, the amount of the Level l Conservation Payments nor shall the maximum Level 2 Conservation Payments for any individual Conservation Measure be more than three times the applicable Measure Funding Limit. (b) Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property identified in the Energy Services Contract. Energy Conservation Measures: Permanently installed measures specified in an Energy Services Contract, which can reduce the Customer s electric energy use. Energy Services Contract: A contract between Owner and Company providing for Company to furnish or provide Conservation Payments with respect to Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah HI.IN C. No. 28 Fourth Revised Sheet No. 122. Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 122. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 ST ATE OF IDAHO NO NEW SERVICE Commercial Energy Services Optional to Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to reduce the energy requirements of certain commercial buildings by promoting the installation of Energy Conservation Measures through a prescriptive approach. APPLICABLE: Conservation Payments are not available to Owners after November 15, 2005. The restriction on new service does not affect payment of Energy Service Charges currently required and obligations pursuant to an executed Energy Services Contract remain in effect until the Conservation Payment with interest is re-paid in full. This program is applicable to service under the General Service Electric Service Schedules in the State of Idaho to New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation with 12 000 square feet or less, new warehouses, and other New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for prescriptive approach. Charges under this schedule will be in addition to the electric service charge under the Customer applicable electric service schedule. THE OBLIGATIONS UNDER TillS SCHEDULE WILL APPLY TO ALL CUSTOMERS USING ELECTRICITY AT THE REAL PROPERTY SPECIFIED BY ENERGY SERVICES CONTRACT. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of New Commercial Buildings with 12 000 square feet or less, new warehouses, and other New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for a prescriptive approach. This program will utilize a prescriptive approach. Company will provide to Owner a menu of recommended Energy Conservation Measures. From this menu, Owner will (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 BlahHIA., C. No. 28 Fourth Revised Sheet No. 122. Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 122. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 - (Continued) DESCRIPTION: (Continued) select the specific Energy Conservation Measures which are to be installed in Owner s Commercial Building and for which the Company will provide Conservation Payments. Upon connection of electric service to commercial buildings having such measures installed under this program, Company will bill the Customer an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kWh savings resulting from installation of the Energy Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Conservation Payments: Any payments of money made by Company to Owner for installation of Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to an Energy Services Contract. Conservation Payments shall be either: (a)Level 1 Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which do not exceed the Measure Funding Limit. (b)Level 2 Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which exceed the Measure Funding Limit. The Level 2 Conservation Payments may not exceed, for any Energy Services Contract, the amount of the Level 1 Conservation Payments nor shall the maximum Level 2 Conservation Payments for any individual Conservation Measure be more than three times the applicable Measure Funding Limit. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property identified in the Energy Services Contract. Energy Conservation Measures: Permanently installed measures specified in an Energy Services Contract, which can reduce the Customer s electric energy use. Energy Services Contract: A contract between Owner and Company providing for Company to furnish or provide Conservation Payments with respect to Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. Major Renovation: Replacement of the major components of the building s envelope which must include replacement measures for over 50 percent of all external window or uninsulatable wall area. Melded Interest Rate: An interest rate which is the sum of the interest rates specified in (a) and (b) below- (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 , 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 ulah R lJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 STATE OF IDAHO Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Incentives Optional for Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial and Industrial Facilities by promoting the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company s General Service Schedules 6, 6A, 8 , 17, 19, 23, 23A, 24, 35, and 35A. in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is not applicable to existing Commercial Buildings under 20 000 square feet. Square footage is the total Building or Facility area served by the Company s meter(s). This schedule is applicable to dairy barns served on the Company s residential rate schedules. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Efficiency Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings: The Average Monthly On Peak kilowatt (kW) savings resulting from the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures as estimated by Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings = (baseline average monthly On Peak kW - proposed average monthly On Peak kW), where; Average monthly On Peak k W = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum On Peak kW/12, where; (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 Blah RIJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) :::::- Monthly Maximum On Peak kW = highest of all 15 minute average kW (as determined below) for On Peak hours. On Peak hours are those hours specified in the electric service schedule under which the customer receives electric service. :::::- 15 minute average kW = sum of kWh used over 0.25 hrs/0.25 hrs Baseline Level: Baseline Adjustments: Company may adjust baseline electric energy consumption and costs during engineering analysis to reflect any of the following: energy codes, standard practice, changes in capacity, changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. For existing fixtures, baseline wattages for all fluorescent lighting Energy Efficiency Measures in all facilities shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy efficient magnetic ballast and energy savings lamp combination listed in the lighting table available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company web site. Commercial Building: A structure that is served by Company and meets the applicability requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement is executed or Application is approved which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facility. Commissioning: The process of verifying and documenting that the performance of electric energy using systems meets the design intent and Owner s operational requirement. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Energy Efficiency Incentive: Payment of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to an executed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 utah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement/Application: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company or a Company provided application submitted by the Owner or Customer and approved by the Company providing for Company to furnish Energy Efficiency Incentive with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM): Permanently installed measure specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application which can improve the efficiency of the Customer s electric energy use. EEMs designed to primarily reduce Average Monthly On Peak kW must also reduce electric energy use to be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New construction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Major renovation: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficiency equipment or modification. In the case of New Construction, Major Renovation and Retrofits, EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer s reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts, rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives from the Company, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner or Customer s facility. If the Owner or Customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner s or Customer s actual labor costs for such installation. Energy Efficiency Project: One or more EEM( s) covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 , 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah HIJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Industrial Facility: Buildings and process equipment associated with manufacturing. Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Efficiency Project meets the definition of New Construction or Major Renovation. New Construction: A newly constructed facility or newly constructed square footage added to an existing facility. Major Renovation: Changes, modifications or additions to existing facility systems or equipment that involve substantial removal and replacement with new systems or equipment where such changes, modifications or additions are required to comply with energy code, replace equipment at the end of its useful life, add capacity or change the use of the facility. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application who is the mortgagor under a duly recorded mortgage or the grantor under a duly recorded deed of trust or a purchaser under a duly recorded agreement with respect to such real property. Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facility square footage. Supplemental Services Agreement: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company providing for Company to furnish Supplemental Services with respect to Supplemental Services section of this Tariff Schedule. INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: . - Energy Efficiency Incentives: Energy Efficiency Incentives made by the Company for installation of EEMs pursuant to an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application shall be the lesser of the sum of (a) and (b) OR (c): (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: (Continued) (a)$0 .12/k Wh for the Annual kWh savings as determined using Company provided or approved engineering analysis; $50/kW for Average Monthly On Peak kW savings determined using Company provided or approved engineering analysis. 50% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Company. (b) (c) Energy Efficiency Proj ects are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the simple payback (based on electricity cost savings) before incentives is one year or more. EEMs with simple paybacks before incentives of less than one year are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the Energy Efficiency Project has a simple payback before incentives of one year or more. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be available to reduce the simple payback of an Energy Efficiency Project below one year. If required, individual EEM Energy Efficiency Incentives will be adjusted downward pro-rata so the Energy Efficiency Project has a simple payback after incentives of one year or more. All proposed Energy Efficiency Measure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approving an Application. All final Energy Efficiency Measure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paYing an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Company review and approval of Energy Efficiency Measure costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. To qualify for Energy Efficiency Incentives, a maximum of 50% of the annual kWh savings resulting from installation of EEMs specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application can result from lighting. For the purposes of calculating maximum annual electric savings resulting from lighting, electric savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical equipment and from lighting controls will be considered to be lighting savings. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah HIJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: (Continued) To qualify for Energy Efficiency Incentives new Commercial Buildings and Major Renovation projects required to comply with current Idaho energy codes must reduce the proposed electric energy consumption by at least 10% when compared to the baseline level of whole building electric energy consumption that would have resulted under the current Idaho energy code. The baseline and proposed building design shall be modeled using the methodology defined in Addendum e (Informative Appendix G) to ASHRAE 90. 2001 (or successor versions) using values from the current Idaho energy codes. Company shall maintain guidelines on the application of this methodology. The date of the building permit application shall establish the current version of the code. The Customer or Owner may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive from the Company per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (1) (2) Energy Analysis Company shall meet with Customer or Owner and any design team and may perform an initial site visit/plans review to determine what EEMs may be appropriate for an energy analysis. Supplemental Services Company may offer Supplemental Services beyond those described elsewhere in this Tariff Schedule through a Supplemental Services Agreement. Supplemental services shall include, but are not limited to: detailed design, life cycle costs calculations or compliance documentation for green or high performance building standards. Company will negotiate the amount and terms of the supplemental services on a project specific basis and may require any or all of the following: installation of EEMs delivering a certain amount of annual kWh savings, offset of a portion of the available incentive or direct reimbursement of a portion (up to 100%) of the direct Company costs for the service provided. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 ulah RIJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) (3) (4) (4a) (5) EEM Inspection Company will inspect any EEMs which are funded by or installed under this program. Satisfactory inspection by Company will be required prior to receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. EEM Commissioning Company will require that EEMs as specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application be commissioned prior to receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Commissioning Opt-Out: Required EEM Commissioning may be omitted with the following adjustments. Annual kWh savings, Average Monthly On Peak kW savings and eligible EEM Costs will all be reduced by 20% and an Energy Efficiency Incentive calculated using the provisions specified under Incentives for EEMs. EEMs where the Owner or Customer has "opted-out" of EEM Commissioning and are later commissioned are not eligible for an additional Energy Efficiency Incentive after the Energy Efficiency Incentive is paid. Measure Performance Verification/Evaluation Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed Energy Efficiency Measures specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. This verification may include a telephone survey, site visit, review of plant operation characteristics, and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) (6) (7) (8) Minimum Equipment Efficiency For Retrofit Energy Efficiency Projects EEMs must meet mInImum equipment efficiency levels and equipment eligibility requirements in Schedule 115 to be eligible for incentives available under this Schedule. For lighting, see Table 1 and notes 2, 6 and 7. For motors, see Table 2 and note 2. For Mechanical EEMs, see Table 3 and notes 1-4 and 6. Heat Pump Systems Company will provide Energy Efficiency Incentives for energy efficiency improvements to heat pump space heating systems only for Energy Efficiency Proj ects whose base case plans call for heat pump space heating systems. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be made available to induce fuel switching by Owner or Customer. Design team honorarium: Company may offer an honorarium as described on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company web site to a design team member with current professional certification including architects and engineers to encourage early initial Company consultation on Owner/Customer s design and plans. Honorariums will be equally available to all professionally certified architects and engineers for Idaho projects within Company s territory and will be limited to one honorarium per project. Additional conditions for the honorarium will be available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company s web site and may be changed with 60 days notice posted on the web site. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 ulah R lJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AGRICUL TURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 STATE OF IDAHO Optional for Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in agricultural irrigation systems and irrigation district pumping systems by promoting electric energy-efficient irrigation practices and the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company s Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Schedule 10, and to any customer who qualifies as a "Farm Load" under the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 and receives electric service on a retail schedule in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Efficiency Measures or improved equipment operation as estimated by the Program Administrator or Company. Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings: The Average Monthly On Peak kilowatt (kW) savings resulting from the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures or improved equipment operation as estimated by Program Administrator or Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings = (baseline average monthly On Peak kW - proposed average monthly On Peak kW), where; Average Monthly On Peak kW = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum On Peak kW/12, where; (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulah RIJIM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Monthly Maximum On Peak kW = highest of all 15 minute average kW (as determined below) for On Peak hours. On Peak hours are those hours specified in the electric service schedule under which the customer receives electric service. 15 minute average kW = sum of kWh used over 0.25 hrs/0.25 hrs Baseline Adjustments: Program Administrator or Company may adjust baseline electric energy consumption and costs during engineering analysis to reflect any of the following: standard practice, changes in capacity, changes in production or system use and equipment at the end of its useful life. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property, is the owner of the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Energy Efficiency Incentive: Payment of money made by Program Administrator or Company to Customer for installation of Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to an executed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement: An agreement between Customer and Program Administrator or Company providing for Program Administrator or Company to furnish Energy Efficiency Incentive with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. Energy Efficiency Incentive Application: An application provided by the Program Administrator or Company, completed by the Customer and approved by the Program Administrator or Company requesting the Program Administrator or Company furnish Energy Efficiency Incentives with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this Schedule. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM): Permanently installed measure specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application which can improve the efficiency of the Customer s electric energy use. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 ulah nlJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Energy Efficiency Project: One or more EEM(s) covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New Construction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the required/common practice equipment or system. Major System Upgrades: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the required/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or modification. In the case of New Construction, Major System Upgrades and Retrofits, EEM Costs shall mean the Customer s reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives available under this Schedule or United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) incentives, or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Customer s facility. If the Customer installs the EEM, then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Customer s reasonable and realistic actual labor costs for such installation. New Construction: New irrigation pIpIng, pumping, or system to provide irrigation for existing irrigated acreage or loads. Major System Upgrades: Changes, modifications or additions to existing irrigation systems or equipment that involve substantial removal and replacement with new systems or equipment where such changes, modifications or additions are required to replace equipment at the end of its useful life, add capacity or change the utilization of the acreage or loads. Program Administrator: Qualified person or entity hired by the Company to administer this Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 ulilh H lJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Retrofit: Changes, modifications or additions to systems or equipment serving existing acreage or loads. INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: Nozzle exchange: Program Administrator or Company shall establish procedures and requirements for a nozzle exchange program allowing Customer to exchange existing nozzles, gasket and drains for appropriately sized new and like equipment. Nozzle exchange procedures, and requirements will be posted on the Company web site. Equipment installed on pivot systems will not be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives under the Nozzle exchange portion of this Schedule but will be eligible for amounts listed in Table l , if not listed, based on the Energy Efficiency Incentives energy, demand and cost formula below. Energy Efficiency Incentives: Program Administrator or Company shall establish procedures and requirements for providing Energy Efficiency Incentives to Customers which shall be posted on the Company web site. Energy Efficiency Incentives include amounts listed in Table 1 and amounts available according to the energy, demand and cost formula listed below. All proposed Energy Efficiency Projects are subject to Program Administrator or Company approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application. Program Administrator or Company will establish Energy Efficiency Project approval criteria and post the criteria on the Company web site. For all EEMs not eligible under the Nozzle exchange or listed in Table 1 , Energy Efficiency Incentives made available for installation of EEMs pursuant to an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application shall be shall be the lesser of the sum of (a) and (b) OR (c): (a) $0.12 /kWh for the Annual kWh savings as determined using Program Administrator or Company provided or approved engineering analysis; $50/kW for Average Monthly On Peak kW savings determined using Program Administrator or Company provided or approved engineering analysis. 50% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Program Administrator or Company. (b) (c) (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 2005 Blah nlJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) IN CENTIVES FOR EEMS: (Continued) Energy Efficiency Incentives may be adjusted such that Customer does not receive more than 100% of EEM Costs in total incentives including incentives available under this Schedule and EQIP incentives. All proposed EEM Costs are subject to Program Administrator or Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approving an Application. All final EEM Costs are subject to Program Administrator or Company review and approval prior to paYing an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Program Administrator or Company review and approval of EEM Costs may require additional documentation from the Customer. The Customer may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive under this Schedule per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (1)Energy Analysis Program Administrator or Company shall meet with Customer and any design team and may perform an initial site visit/plans review to determine what EEMs may be appropriate for an energy analysis. The energy analysis may include a visual pump check, water management consultation, pump testing, and/or irrigation/pump system analysis. At the conclusion of the visual pump check and water management consultation, the Customer may be asked to sign an approval to proceed to the next step in the program and to commit to implement operational improvements identified in the water management consultation. If Customer signs the approval Customer will receive an irrigation/pump system analysis, an incentive offer if potential upgrades are identified, and post-installation testing of installed system. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulah RIJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) (2) (3) (4) EEM Inspection Program Administrator or Company may inspect any EEMs which are funded by or installed under this program. Satisfactory inspection by Program Administrator or Company will be required prior to receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Measure Performance Verification/Evaluation Program Administrator and/or Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed Energy Efficiency Measures specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application, nozzles or equipment received as part of the Nozzle Exchange, and/or improved equipment operation. This verification may include a telephone survey, site visit, review of system operating characteristics, and pre- and post- installation of monitoring equipment as necessary to quantify actual energy savIngs. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be made available to induce fuel switching by Customer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15, 2005 ulah nlJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) Category Pivot Span Low Pressure Drains Sprinkler PressureRe lators Sprinkler Package Dual Sprinkler Packages Table 1. Pivot E ui ment EnerReplace With Existing pivot low pressure drains Existing sprinkler pressurere lators Existing sprinkler package with design flow ::;:.. m/acre Existing sprinkler package with a design flow ::;:.. m/acre. Efficienc Measures New low pressure drain replacement parts or entire drain assemblies New sprinkler pressure regulators with the same or lower outlet desi ressure New sprinkler package with a design flow c:::: 5 gpm/acre Customer incentive $4/each $6/each $900 per center pivot Dual sprinkler head assemblies and a second $500 per sprinkler package with a design flow C::::center pivot m/acre Notes for Table 1: 1). All sprinklers on a center pivot must be replaced to qualify for incentives. 2). Minimum 80 heads maximum 170 heads per center pivot. 3). Drop tubes and new pressure regulators are considered part of the new sprinkler package and are not eligible for individual incentives. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15 , 2005 Blah R lJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 191 UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERVICES ADJUSTMENT PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company s electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer s applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7 A Schedule 8 Schedule 9 Schedule 10 Schedule 11 Schedule 12 - Street Lighting Schedule 12 - Traffic Signal Schedule 19 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 50 % 50 % 1.50 % 50 % 50 % 1.50 % 50 % 50% 50 % 1.50 % 50% 1.50 % 1.50 % 50 % 1.50 % 1.50 % 50 % Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2, 2005 EFFECTIVE: January 1 2006 ulah HI.IN C. No. 28 SeyeBthEi$?:hth Revised Sheet No. 21.1 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.1 UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. STATE OF IDAHO ResideBtialEBerg~7 EfficieBcy RiderLow Income Weatherization Services Optional For Income Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of 10\'/ incomeexisting residential dwellings inhabited by customers that meet income guidelines through the installation of permanent energy sa~(ing efficient materials .:. , and energy efficient electro technologies.The decision to extend service under this schedule shall be based upon the eligibility requirements contained herein. AVAILABILITY: This tariff is applicable to residential custOlners iln all territory served by the Company in the state of Idaho. Service under this tariff ,-..rill be limited to dv/ellings having pelmanently installed electric heat. ENERGY CONSERVATION SERVICE TO LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS: This program is available to existing single family and multi-family residential units. It is intended to reduce the electricity requirements and increase the penetration of weatherization and efficiency measures in low incOlne residential dwellings inhabited by low income households through the installation of permanent '.yeathelization energy efficiency materials. The decision extend service under this schedule shall be based on eligibility requirements contained herein. Definitions: Dwelling as described in Energy Conservation Service to Existing Residential Buildings.is real or personal property within the state inhabited as the principal residence of a dwelling owner or a tenant. "Dwelling" includes a manufactured home. a single-family home. duplex or multi-unit residential housing. "Dwelling: does not include a recreational vehicle. 's,1!t2JJJirlG \:1 IJ n~IGL~.)I~l ~T - ISSUED:. Se tember 2+.2005 M-V:tBet:A'3-1 t Bf'-,N,1';- ~)-f)f-) EF,FEC'I'lVE:November 15, 2005&Hl3fHtB:ed----tJneB-r ~~D: July 14 --2:f+ Blah R IJiM C. No. 28 Seventh Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21.2 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. Duplexes and fourplexes are eligible if at least one half of the dwelling is occupied by low income tenants. (Continued) Snl!n1itt ~~ ~L LID ~t~ rJ2r:d~r,ti, lSSlJKn: September 2+, 2005 Ad-V'i€t~--l::A3-H:e'F N nA)O"(J6 srEn J 1 )001;) '~,,.; lfi'I!?: I:;'. $:, $11.'-..,1, ,If"November 2005&lliffiT~tre'f1-Unde Ii'FFIi' (I=IVE A I ~ 200QL1.UgU~;t ulahOIA.' C. No. 28 Seventh Eighth Revised Sheet No. 21. Canceling Sh::tk Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 -= (Continued) Definitions (eot:ltinHt.,~lContinuedb. Triplexes and multi-family dwellings are eligible if at least 66% of the units are occupied by low income tenants. 2~. 34. 4~. Permanently installed mobile or floating home as described in Energy Conservation Service to Existing Residential Buildings. Agency" means a non-profit group, Municipality or County authorized to receive funds for installation of energy efficiency materials in low income properties. Low Income" means households qualifying under the federal low Income guidelines and certified for eligibility according to agency procedure. Income eligibility is based on 150% of federal poverty guidelines. Major Measure" means ceiling insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation ef stom1and window replacements applicable in dwellings with permanently installed electric space heating systemss. When cost-effective (Savings to Investment Ratio of 1.0 or greaterl, all major measures must be installed or in place or financial assistance under this schedule will not be offered. If physical barriers exist that prohibit the installation of a measure, then the measure is not required as a condition for financial assistance under this schedule. 56.Optional Supplemental Measures and Additional Measures" are not required measures under this schedule -,- unless the measure is recommended as part of a requiredmeasure.butmay qualify for a Company reimbursement. Recommended Measures" are not required measures under this schedule, nor are they deemed to be ah...."ays cost effecti'le. They are recommended to achieve maximum energy efficiency. Financial Assistance: 1. The Company will reimburse tfle--!.!.Agency.!.!. up to an average of $1 4(:)Q-500 per home annually (April 1 through March 31)on weatherized dwellings where at least one Major Measure is installed. Reimbursements on weatherized homes will be provided one time s.lib,nJLt~~~~LJJn~t G I. ~l rQ~rJ,,!g ISSUED: ...-:';ept emher +2. 2005 A ...1: ~o~;":' I ,;, ~1'~J'e,...1\.ILL,. ', A f!.(';'1'Ttlv l'-',.4:,..;,-,'tt"", . ,,-,. , ' l:.1-j'("y lSSlr T. I 14 ?mW ,.. ,-, ,i; : ..~"..; JC~ !"LYfIj,rl'm:jN1 ,I:' ,1(, .. " N, ,N, ~, No \'(,11111(' r 15 , 2005 S uhIni4-,k,~1--tJ-r-1Je-t~ FFIT(TPlE A o 000;J" ,,, ;J, -'. " llbUSt . .(..., ulahRI." C. No. Seventh Eh!hth Revised Sheet No. 21.2 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. only on any individual measure, and up to two times per dwelling. An incentive will be provided a second time only on dwellings originally treated before October 1 , 1993. In addition to the above reimbursements, Company will reimburse Agency 50% of the cost of replacing a refrigerator plus $25 per refrigerator tested. Company will also reimburse Agency 50% of CFL compact fluorescent light bulb and water saving measure costs installed in homes that do not receive at least one Major Measure. (Continued) Submitted tInder Order No.".."".-""'."'..'-"-.-.'.'-.-"".'.""'.'..."'.m ...'.--. .."".mmm ".. '.m...'..m.. _"'.. lSSUKD: Se tember +2. 2005 Ad.v1€€ .-be-He;r:-Ne-,-OO-O (:) ~:FFEc'rlVE:November 150 200S tilimittet1-- ..- -l-J-H:f1€f lSSlJEn: JUt:-/ 14 2000 F~'r (!L'2.:. A 0 1 5 ;;WOO , '" ~Jo H,, ! . ~ 0 BlahRIA. C. No. 28 Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.3 Canceling Fifth Sixth Revised Sheet No. 21. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued Financial Assistance (GHEfH-ltteflContinued The Company will reimburse t:fte-!!.Agency!!. for administrative costs based on 15% of Utah Power s rebate on installed measures, not to exceed the following total administrative payment per building:when all "major measures" have been installed, or are in place. Administrative reimbursen1ent will be made using the follov:ing schedule: Dwellin Units in Buildin 1 to 4 5 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 31+ Maximum UP &L Administrative Payment $350 $800 $1200 $1400 $1600 $1800 $2100 The minimum rein1bursement will be $150 on homes with one or more Major Measure installed and $50 on homes without the installation of a Maior Measure. Agencies must invoice Company within sixty days of iob completion. A maximum of $150,000 in Company reimbursements will be available annually (April 1 through March 31). Single Family Dv/elling $150 total reimbursement Duplex Dwelling $15 0 reimbur~;ement dv;elling units $300 total reimbursement Multi Family D\vellings $150 base reimbursement $ 25 per building S1thmjIt. s~.!:,i.. IJn ~1G. rJ)I~tQLtIQ_ lSSlJED: September 2+.. 2005 A ,,1. ' ' - ;.I.ib'-, .__ ,;)!f+ ,,--, !\. to,.. /\0 (fr;r",-, i:.. ./",_ ctT'-I.- , j:" 'h:.r, -'b'\:t-t" 1'" II:' W'I:~ "".' ... i!oN .i .. ' , N, ,1\ November 15, 200SgHl~mi4t€ft--lJHflE,"f ISSFEI)I 4 ?OOQ .~' .I FFE(TIVI~' ("( " 1 C "11'\(\/\ , , ;J , , , " ," ," " t:~lL,~~M'tt Blah01." C. No. 28 Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.3 Canceling Fifth Sixth Revised Sheet No. 21. $ 5 per dv/elling unit Energy Conservation Measures Financial assistance \-vill be provided based on the results of a cost effective analysis through a Depmiment of Energy approved energy audit. The energy efficient measures eligible for funding (Savings to Investment Ratio is 1.0 or greater) must be installed in dwellings with pemlanendy installed operable electric space heat except where noted. The energy efficient measures that may be eligible for funding are listed as follows: Company approYed measure~; applicable for installation under the Low Income 'N eatheri zati on Program are listed below: Major Measures - Electric Heating System Required A"!l of the following energy conservation measures must be installed to the degree recommended below, or financial assistance under the Lov: Income Program ~ill not be offered. If physical barriers exist that prohibit the installation of a measure, then the measure is not required as a condition for financial assistance under this schedule. 1a.Ceiling insulation up to R-4;8 for ceilings with less than R-30 in place. R- 30 or better attics will not be further insulated. !Continued) Continued) S lJhrnitl~,dJ) Il~J (lr ~t9LNQ, S. 1:1" ' ' 1 )h" ,..J1J.'~ : ,. eptemoer T.,~ t J J'!.;1 " ~""""-..-,;:, H.ox.,1\.; 1\/Jf';''ct:t'"n;;;",, X:.J",,"'1:t'-'J,- t~m,1-tjt.. I", 1 I~'!1?!1'Ii" . , if !, ," n n if,Novernber 200S-btif3-n-RttM--:4-1:Ek3f ISSlTI~n: Julv 14. 200(+-.- .; FFrg(TP/E '\ ;:sonG ' ' ~: ixHgH~:;t Blahnl.'N C. No. 28 Seventh Ei2hth Revised Sheet No. 21.4 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued Energy Conservation Measures: (eontitttte-tlContinued 2b.Floor insulation up to R 30 for floors 'vith less than R 19 in place, unless a superstructure would be needed to hold the insulation in place, in 'vhich case R is the target. R 19 or better floors '":ill not be further insulated.over unheated spaced up to R-30: 30 years.. 46. Wall insulation up to R-26 for walls with no insulation installed (financing will not be available for the installation of urea-formaldehyde wall insulation)j: 30 years.. "!here single glass 'l:indows \''ith stOffi1S or double glass \vindows do not exist storn1 ':indov/s or class 10 replacement 'yindows are required.Lo'll E \inylClass 40 replacement windows: 25 years.. Nothing shall preclude the Company from providing a reimbursement for the installation of a greater R value on insulation for the above items that are determined to be cost effective (s-Savings to Investment Ratio is 1.0 or greater) through the audit process. Supplemental Measures - Electricatly Heateding System Required Homes: I;!..Optional Measures: The follov/ing energy conservation measures are not required n1easures under this schedule unless the measure is recommended as part of a major measure~ such as attic ventilation with ceiling insulation or a ground co'/er and pipe "Tap with floor insulation. Each measure in this section has been determined to ahvays be cost effectiye. Attic ventilation, excluding power ventilators, when installed with ceiling insulation (required if needed at the time wffu-ceiling insulation is installed ). Whole house mechanical ventilation and spot ventilation for kitchen and baths at time ceiling insulation is installed.7"- Always considered cost effective. 2b.Ground cover and water pipe wrap when installed with floor insulation; other vapor barrier materials as required when installed with floor or ceiling insulation~ !:);:lw-ay-s-'€i-tn:si6~f€ft33jif11:-€:f-It.37ttve~(-1:t:!'qlffi~€,d-,i-t-~"Ht"e(k*i-wittt-f1Ho:r-+nffi:tla-tiHHt; Sl1J~ Ini IJt':~lm I.Lnfot~I- Q Q 9I", N J~!. ISSUED: September 2.L 2005 Adv1€ -e-be HBf "N+~:OO- Jttf\' 14 If no . , .. ..., . '-, . ~ fi:~ 1:' I::'IL~ 1 'jl, ; '-' -' , I, !!5,November 2005-S+Jmlittefl--lJnaef BlahII.IN C. No. 28 Seventh Eh!hth Revised Sheet No. 21.4 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21. 3(7.'Neatherstripping and/or caulking.Forced air e1ecnic space heating duct insulation and sealing in unheated spaces: 30 years.. 4d.Vlater heater '.vrap on 'vater heater in unconditioned spaceWeather stripping and/or caulking. including blower door assisted air sealing and duct sealing: Ahvays considered cost effective.. 5e.Timed thermostats on centrally controlled multi room heating systems. Heat anticipating type thern10stats for zonal electric resistance heating systems. Zonal thermostats must be separate from the heating unit and must be calibrated at the site to 'liithin 2 F of actual room temperature in the range of 65e~eF-. Thermal doors~ 30 years.. (Continued) S1J lmJin ~ ~LLJDSJ s:..f... L? I ~l ~ r, _NQ ISSUED: September 2+. 2005 f\(lV':i€B--be+.1B f--NH ;-09- 1;'!:;'i~'"IJ'I II:i'.11...,'\1..1."1,,11, fi,Novernber 200S&H+1Hlittet1---,t:4:1He-f lSSl11'~n: Jttly_.FIi'Tr\1\ 1 ~()OO , , U . . \; , ,,' ' ugw;t ~ ~ "-. , Blahnl." C. No. 28 ScvcBth Ei2hth Revised Sheet No. 21.5 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued Energy Conservation Measures : (E,,~fl-tiooe-Continued Supplemental Measures - Electrically Heatinged HomesSystem Required (continued) (B..Tim,ed thermostats on centrally controlled multi-room heating/cooling systems except when used with heat pumps. Heat anticipating type thelmostats for zonal electric resistance heating systems. Zonal thermostats must be separate trom the heating unit and must be calibrated at the site to '.vithin 2OF of actual room temperature in the range of 65OF 75O '\h';ays considered cost effecti';e.Recommended 14:easures: The follo'ving energy conservation measures are not required measures under this schedule, nor are they deemed to be always cost effective. However, they are recommended to achie/e maximum energy efficiency. Additional Measures - No Electric Heating System Requirement: Pipe +insulation, energy efficient showerheads and aerators where electric water heaters are resent a~'. . t.., considered cost effective. Compact fluorescent light bulbs applicable in all homes -limit 8 Energy Star certified bulbs per home placed in fixtures that are on 2 hours or n1ore per day:-9 years. Existing Refrigerators models with monitored results showing annual usage listed in the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance center database as ef-900 kWh or greater may be replaced with an Energy Star model with estimated annual consumption of 500 kWh or less. Refrigerator usage will be monitored for a minimum of 72 hours. Replaced refrigerators must be removed and recycled in accordance with EP A guidelines: 19 years..u. Forced air electric space heating duct insulation up to R lI on ducts with less than R 3 in unheated spaced. Thermal doors. Provisions of Service for Energy Conservation Service to Low Income Customers 1JbmjLt~~LtID~t~r..QH:19I.._);9 0 EFFf::CTIV,November 15 , 2005S-HlR-r'B4,-ree.-,-f::.JndeflSSUKD: Septernber 2+. 2005 A , ;', C!.41 .aJ+"" :"'-_ 1' 'L:._..t\()(\t'~ ~ ,,~,_ Tj,--rt:t::I t:"4u. 'tt'tt t:t'tJ ISSlTEH: JuI", 14. 2000 F~-'l'"' 11" 1 5 ~OQQ',;I : idJgUst , ulah R IJlM C. No. 28 SeveBth Ei2hth Revised Sheet No. 21.5 Canceling Sixth Seventh Revised Sheet No. 21.5 An Energy Audit must be completed by the Agency prior to installation of the Major Measures by the Agency. Agency must qualify residential customers for assistance using the Federal Low Income guidelines. Installation shall meet Federal, State and local building codes. Measures installed under this schedule shall not receive financial incentives from other Company programs. 5. Agency shall inspect the installation to insure that the weatherization meets or exceeds required specifications. (Continued) Colnpany Inay audit l\.gency v/eathellzation and-financial records and inspect the installations in dwellings of custonlcrs receiving weatherization under this progn.llll. Conlpany shall pay the f..gency the mnount estaWished-flflGeF-the tenns of their contract v/hen provisions of this sc1~aYe been nlet. ELECTRIC SER,TICE RECULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the-Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file witlHmd approved by the-Maho Public Utilities Commission incffiding future~e amendments and-additional regulations prescribed by regulatory authorities. ii~!:bm.i 'tt.~~t!JD~tGI.._Qr~i,9I,,_ 'I TiIJ'I"1 )h" l.11..,- eptc,U1Der T.,- Ae-v1ee-fJet 4t"r--NfJ-t)'()-f~6 " ( :~ , ' I ,.." ,;". November 1 5 0 0 5 &Ltf)I-HtH€t1---lf-Frat'f lS~l 1" 14 )(\nl\ ,.... J" Lt. .~: tt:ttr---- '" ~"' F~'TlVE-:--. 1 5 '"' 1.,UgUst f";:t't::t Blah HIBl" C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 21.6 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - (Continued) Provisions of Service for Energy Conservation Service to Low Income Customers: .( Continued) Company may audit Agency weatherization and financial records and inspect the installations in dwellings of customers receiving weatherization under this program. Company shall pay the Agency the amount established under the terms of their contract when provisions of this schedule have been met. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subiect to the Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. including future applicable amendments and additional regulations prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: tember 2 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 ulah nlJlM C. No. 28 Ori inal Sheet No. 115. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 STATE OF IDAHO Commercial and Industrial Enere:y Efficiency Incentives .QID:ional for Oualifyine: Customers PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial Buildings and Industrial Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company s General Service Schedules 6. 6A. 8. 9. 12. 17. 19. 23. 23A. 24. 35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Commercial Buildings and Industrial Facilities. dairy barns served under the Company s residential rate schedules and traffic signals. DEFINITIONS: Commercial Building:: A structure that is served by Company and meets the applicability requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement/Application is executed or approved by the Company which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facility. Customer: Any party who has applied for. been accepted and receives service at the real property. or is the electricity user at the real property. Ener2Y Efficiencv Incentive: Payments of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of an Energy Efficiency Measure pursuant to an executed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or ap?roved Application. Energ:y Efficiency Incentive Ag:reement/ Application: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company or a Company provided application submitted by the Owner or Customer and approved by the Company providing for Company to furnish Energy Efficiency Incentives with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this Tariff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued\ DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Energ.v Efficiency Measure (EEM): A permanently installed measure which can improve the efficiency of the Customer s electric energy use. Ener2Y Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New Construction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of energy efficiency equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficiency equipment or modification. In the case of both new construction and retrofits. EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer s reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts. rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives from the Company. or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner s or Customer s facility. If the owner or customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner s or Customer s actual labor costs for such installation. Ener2Y Efficiency Project: One or more EEMW with similar one year payback limitations (Page 3). covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved application. Industrial Facility: Buildings and process eqJ!ipment associated with manufacturing. Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Efficiency Proiect meets the definition of New Construction or where the Company adiusts the baseline energy consumption and costs. New construction: A newly constructed facility or newly constructed square footage added to an existing facility. J Continuedl Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued1 DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property. and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property. the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. Retrofit: Changes. modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facility square footage. INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: The Company will provide Energy Efficiency Incentives per the Provisions of Service to participating Owners or Customers who have installed EEMs listed in the tables in this schedule or are eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the formula listed below. Energy Efficiency Proiects consisting of Retrofit lighting EEMs (listed & not listed)~ or Retrofit EEMs are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the simple payback (based on electricity cost savings) before incentives is one year or more. EEMs with simQk paybacks before incentives of less than one year are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the Energy Efficiency Proiect has a simple payback before incentives of one year or more. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be available to reduce the simple payback of an Energy Efficiency Proiect below one year. If required. individual EEM Energy Efficiency Incentives will be adiusted downward pro-rata so the Energy Efficiency Proiect has a simple payback after incentives of one year or more. Retrofit motor and HV AC EEMs (listed & not listed) are not subiect to the payback limitations listed above. EEMs not listed in the incentive tables may be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives. Electric savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical eQIDPment will not be eligible for an Energy Efficiency Incentive. The Company will complete an analysis of the EEM Cost and electric energy savings and determine at its sole option whether to offer an Energy Efficiency Incentive and the Energy Efficiency Incentive amount. Energy Efficiency Incentives for such EEMs will be the lesser of W the product of multiplYing the Company s estimate of annual energy savings by $0.08/kWh; or (Q) 35% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Company. Company may adiust baseline electric energy consumption and costs to reflect any of the following: energy codes. standard practice. changes in capacity. changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. Such adiustments may be made for lighting energy efficiency measures installed in new construction proiects where energy code does not apply. Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulah RIJIM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued! INCENTIVE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES: (Continued! F or existing fixtures. the baseline for all fluorescent lighting Energy Efficiency Measures not listed in incentive Table 1 shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy efficient magnetic ballast and energy saving lamp combination as listed in the lighting table available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company web site. Except for motors and mechanical energy efficiency measures listed in Tables 2 and 3. Lighting Energy Efficiency Measures listed in Table 1 in New Construction proiects and incentives for EEMs not listed (QJ). EEM Energy Efficiency Incentives shall not exceed 50% of the EEM Cost. All EEM Costs are subiect to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approving Energy Efficiency Incentive Application. All final EEM Costs are subiect to Company review and approval prior to paving an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Company review and awroval of EEM Costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. The Owner or Customer may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive from the Company per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE:ill Company may elect to offer EEM incentives through different channels and at different points in the sales process other than individual Energy Efficiency Incentive AgreementCi) or Applications prior to EEM purchase. The differences will depend on EEM or proi ect type and will be consistent for all EEMs or proiects of similar tyPe. Incentive requirements by EEM or ?roiect type and other terms and conditions will be available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company s web site. Changes in incentive requirements and/or terms and conditions may be changed by the Company with at least 60 days notice on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company s web site. Customer/Owner has the option to receive a signed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or request approval of an Application direct from the Company prior to purchase of eligible EEMs. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 ulilh glJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continuedl PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continuedlill Company will employ a variety of quality assurance techniques during the delivery of the program. They will differ by EEM and may include pre and post installation instJections. phone surveys. and confirmation of customer and~ment eligibility. Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed EEMs. This verification may include a telephone survey. site visit. review of plant operation characteristics. and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment and as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. ill ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. including future applicable amendments. will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 BlahHI." C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade t04'1 or 2 T12 lam 1 ma netic4'lor2T8Iam s+lEB Standard T8 Fixtures Standard T8 ballast lam s and electronic ballasts 4' -3 or 4 T12 lam + MB with ballast factor (BF)-=::0.3 or 4 T12lam s + MB or 4 T12 HONHO lam MB(s) 4' - 3 or 4 T8lam s+IEB $10 8' - 123 or 4 T8lam s +IEB see note 6 li.Q + 8' - or 4 T8 HONHO lam s +EB $15 maximum of 2 EB see note 6 Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade to 4' Premium T8 Fixtures s with initial lumens ~31O0 or watta e -=::30 electronic ballasts with BF -=::0. 4' - 1 or 2 TI2Iam + MB or standard 4' - 1 or 2 Premium T8 lam + EBT8Iam+ EB 4' - 3 or 4 T12 lam s + MB or standard or remmm s +s + 8' - 1 or 2 T12 lam + ener efficient 4' 2 3 4 P T81 netic ballast or remmm s + Fluorescent Delam and Standard T8 Fixture Upgrade Standard T8 lam s and electronic ballasts with BF -=::0.88 - Fixture removal is not eli ible 4' - 1 Standard T8 lam + lEB4' -2 T12 la s + 1 MB 3 T12la s + 2 MB 4 T12la s + 2 MB 4' -4 T12 lam s + 2 MB Fluorescent Delam and Premium 4'2 T12lam s + 1 MB T8 Fixture Upgrade Lam s with initial lumens ~31O0 or watta e -=::30 4' -3 T12 lam s + 2 MB electronic ballasts with BF -=::0.8. 4'4 T12 lam s + 2 MBFixture removal is not eli ible 4' - 2 or 1 Standard T8 lam + lEB 4' - 3 Standard T8lam s + lEB 4' - 2 or 1 Standard T8 lam + lEB 4' - I-Premium T8 la + lEB 4' - 2 or I-Premium T8 lam + lEB 4' - 3-Premium T8 lam s + lEB 4 T12lam s + 2 MB Com act Fluorescent Li htin g ( CFL Incandescent 4' - 2 or I-Premium T8lam + lEB dOW nomina CFL hardwire fixture Incandescent li.Q ill. $20 $10 ill. $15 $25 ill. $20 $20 $30 $10 Incandescent ~20W nomina CFL hardwire fixture ~lOW , -=:: 20W (nominal) CFL hardwire fixture $15 3 - T5HO lam nominal 4'+ EB - Hi h Bav $70 4 or 6 - T5HO lam nominal 4'+ EB Hi h $75 Bav or 3 - T5 lam nominal 4'& lEB $20nterior fixtures 2 - T5 HO lam nominal 4'& 1 EB interior fixtures $20 Incandescent Incandescent -=::40W two- iece screw-in CFL Sin le-iece screw in CFL all watta T5 Fluorescent Fixture Upgrade ~250 W MH MV or HPS ~ 400 W MH or HPS or 3 T12lam s + ma netic ballast 4' 4 T8 or T12la s + ma netic ballast (Continued), $20 Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 ulahHI." IoP.C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continuedl h Intensit Dischar HID pgrades Based on lam watta ?40W and -:::::120W incandescent or tun sten ?35W and -:::::1O0W Ceramic Metal Halide 400 W Ceramic Metal Halide $25 $100 $120 ? 175W and -:::::320W Pulse Start MH $80 ?320W and -:::::400W Pulse Start MH $100 ?400W and -:::::750W Pulse Start Metal Halide $120 4' - 4 lam h Ba T8 fixture $50 4' - 6 lam h Ba T8 fixture $50 4' 8 lam h Ba T8 fixture $100 ~t Emittin ?de LED or Electro $15 lumInescent EXIt SI n - 1 or 2 faced Wall or Ceilin Mounted Occu anc Sensor $30 er sensor Inte al occu anc sensor Photocell er sensor Time clock er contro LED Green Ball LED Yellow and Green Ball LED Green Arrow 2" or 8" LED Don t Walk LED Walk $25 $20 $20 $40 $80 $30 $50 $20 ?400W MH MV or HPS ?750W MH or HPS ?250W and -:::::320W Ceramic Metal Halide Exit Si ?1O0W and -::::: 250W M or HPS ?125W and d75W Pulse StartMH -:::::500W incandescent ::-250W and -::::: 400W MH or HPS ::- 400W or HPS ? 1 OOOW MV or HPS ::- 250 W -::::: 400 W MH or HPS ::- 400 W or HPS ::-1000 W M MV or HPS Incandescent or fluorescent exit si htin Controls Wall switch or no control Traffic li ht upgrades No control No control No control Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent Incandescent Notes for Table 1: Incentives are capped at 50 percent of EEM Costs except for Lighting EEMs listed above installed in New Construction. 2' U-tube lamps may be substituted for 4' linear fluorescent lamps in the above table For retrofits of existing equipment, lighting incentives will be paid on a one-for-one equipment replacement basis. If fixture counts are changing, the project may be considered under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3). The total connected interior lighting power for New Construction projects required to comply with the energy code must be 10 percent lower than the interior lighting power allowance calculated under the current version of the Idaho energy code. The date of the building permit application shall establish the current version of the Code. For New Construction projects not required to comply with the energy code, the total connected lighting power must be 10% lower than common practice as determined by the Company. Incentives for the following equipment types are not available for New Construction projects Standard T8 fixtures Fixture de-Iamping * LED Exit signs One or two piece screw-in CFL fixtures Lighting controls required under the current version of the Idaho energy code. The date of the building permit application shall establish the current version of the Code. 6 Eight-foot T8s, T8 HONHO and High Bay T-8 electronic ballasts are required to have a BF-::::: 1.2 to be eligible for incentives. Lighting equipment listed only in the "Replace" column of Table 1 is not eligible for incentives. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 BlahHIA" P .C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continuedl Table 2 - NEMA Premium Efficiencv Motors ~ ~ $45 82.5 82.5 85.5 85.5 77.0 77. $45 86.5 87.5 86.5 86.5 84.0 84. $54 87.5 88.5 86.5 86.5 85.5 85.$54 88.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 85.5 86.$54 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 86.5 88.$81 90.91.0 91.0 91.7 88.5 89.10 $90 91.7 91.0 91.7 91.7 89.5 90. 15 $104 91.7 91.7 93.92.4 90.91.020 .$.lll 92.4 91.7 93.0 93.91.0 91.025 $117 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.91.7 91.730 $135 93.6 93.0 94.1 93.91.7 91.740 $162 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.92.4 92.450 $198 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.5 93.0 93. 60 $234 94.5 94.5 95.0 95.0 93.6 93.75 $270 94.5 94.5 95.95.4 93.6 93.100 $360 95.0 95.95.4 95.4 93.6 94.125 $540 95.0 95.95.4 95.4 94.1 95. 150 $630 95.4 958 95.8 95.8 94.1 95.200 $630 95.4 95.8 95.8 96.2 95.95.4 Notes for Table 2: 1) Motors larger than 200 horsepower are not a listed measure and may be eligible under the approach for measures not listed (see page 3). 2) The NEMA Premium efficiency ratings listed are nominal full-load efficiency ratings. Motors that meet or exceed these efficiency requirements may qualify for an incentive. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued\ ec amca ner Iclenc easures ~,.. ...... ........ Unitary Commercial 0::::65.000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package 15.0 SEER 210/240 $50 Air Conditioners.12.5 EER Air Cooled ;:::.65.000 Btu/hr and 0::::Split System and Single Package 11.0 EER $50 (Cooling Mode)135.000 Btu/hr 11.4 IPL V ;:::. 135.000 Btu/hr and Split System and Single Package 10.8 EER 340/360 $50 0:::: 240.000 Btulhr 11.2 IPL V ;:::. 240.000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package 10.0 EER $50 10.4 IPLV Unitary Commercial 0:::: 135.000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package 14.0 EER 210/240 $50 Air Conditioners. Water and Evaporatively ;:::. 135.000 Btulhr 14.0 EER 340/360 $50 Cooled Package Terminal Air 0:::: 8.000 Btu/hr Single Package 11.8 EER $50 Conditioners (PT AC)3 COP Heating (Heating & Cooling Mode);:::. 8.000 and 0:::: 10.500 Single Package 11.4 EER $50 Btu/hr 2 COP Heating ;:::. 10.500 and 0:::: 13.500 Single Package 10.7 EER $50 Btulhr 1 COP Heating 310/380 ;:::. 13.500 Btu/hr Single Package 10.0 EER $50 0 COP Heating Heat Pumps.0:::: 65.000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package 13.0 SEER 210/240 $50 Air Cooled ;:::. 65.000 Btu/hr and 0::::Split System and Single Package 11.0 EER $50 (Cooling Mode)135.000 Btu/hr 11.4 IPL V ;:::. 135.000 Btu/hr and Split System and Single Package 10.8 EER 340/360 $50 0:::: 240.000 Btu/hr 11.2 IPL V ;:::. 240.000 Btulhr Split System and Single Package 10.0 EER $50 10.4 IPLV Heat Pumps.0:::: 65.000 Btulhr Split System 0 HSPP See note 3 below Air Cooled Single Package 5 HSPP See note 3 below(Heating Mode) ;:::. 65.000 Btu/hr and 0::::47OP. db /43OP. wb Outdoor Air 4 COP See note 3 below340/360135.000 Btulhr 17OP. db /15OP. wb Outdoor Air 2.4 COP See note 3 below ;:::. 135.000 Btu/hr 47OP. db /43OP. wb Outdoor Air 3.3 COP See note 3 below 17OP. db /15OP. wb Outdoor Air 2 COP 340/360 See note 3 below Heat Pumps. Water Source 0:::: 135.000 Btulhr 85OP. Entering water 14.0 EER 320 $50 (Cooling Mode) Heat Pumps. Water Source 0:::: 135.000 Btulhr 70oP. Entering water 6 COP 320 See note 3 below (Heating Mode) T bl 3 . IE Effi . (Continued 1 Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulilhRI." C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 115. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 115 (Continued) Pro ammable Thermostats $5 O/thermostat labeled $70/thermostat Variable fre uenc drives VFD HV AC fans and Bevera e or refri erated dis machine occu anc sensor -::: 100 HV AC fans or HV AC fans and See notes 4 and 5 below $80/h Bevera e vendin refri erated dis machine occu anc sensor $75/sensor Notes for Table 3: 1) For retrofits of existing equipment. incentives are for one-for-one same size equipment replacements. Exception: PTACs can replace electric resistive heating. which must be removed. 2) Equipment that meets or exceeds all efficiency requirements listed for the size category in the above table may qualify for an incentive. 3) Incentives for heat pumps are $50 per ton of cooling capacity ONLY. No incentives are paid per ton of heating capacity. Heat Pumps must meet QQfu...lhe cooling mod~heating mo~e efficiency requirements to qualify for per ton cooling efficiency incentives. 4) Throttling or bypass devices. such as inlet vanes. bypass dampers. three-way valves. or throttling valves must be removed or permanently disabled to qualify for HV AC fan and pump VFD incentives. 5) For New Construction. incentives are not available for HV AC fan and pump VFDs required by current version of the Idaho energy code 6) SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio COP = Coefficient of Performance HSPF = Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IPL V = Integrated Part Load Value Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 117. UT AH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 117 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Refrieerator Recvcline Proeram PURPOSE: Service under this tariff is intended to decrease residential refrigeration loads through the removal and recycling of inefficient models. APPLICABLE: To existing residential customers in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho billed on Schedule 1. Landlords who own appliances in rental properties served by the company in the State of Idaho where the tenant is billed under Schedule 1 also qualify for this program. This tariff will expire August 1. 2007. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by contacting a specified toll-free telephone number or website. DESCRIPTION: Customers receive a $40 incentive to discontinue use of their working second refrigerators and/or freezers or to replace their working primary refrigerators and freezers with new more energy efficient models. To qualify for the incentive customers must give up their appliances for recycling. Awliances will be collected and recycled to ensure they are not resold on the secondary market. Company will offer a packet with written energy efficiency information and instant savings measures. QUALIFYING EQUIPMENT: Working refrigerators and freezers that are a minimum of 10 cubic feet in size. utilizing inside measurements. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: Incentives will be available on a maximum of two mwliances per qualifying household. Incentive checks will be mailed within 30 days of the appliance collection date. ,( Continued 1 Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 BlahRIAlr C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 117. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 117 - (Continued), PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continuedl Incentives are also available to landlords that own the appliances used in rental properties in Utah Power s Idaho service territory where their tenant is billed on a residential schedule. Landlords may receive incentives on a maximum of two appliances per unit. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule will be accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. including future applicable amendments. will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 TkirdFourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Canceling Seeoad Third- Revised Sheet No. 120. UT AH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 STATE OF IDAHO NO NEW SERVICE Commercial Energy Services Optional to Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to reduce the energy requirements of new Commercial Buildings and existing Commercial Buildings undergoing Major Renovation by promoting the installation of Energy Conservation Measures. APPLICABLE: Conservation Payments are not avaiJable to Owners after Novelnber 15. 2005. The restriction on new service does not affect payment of Energy Service Charges currently required and obligations pursuant to an executed Energy Services Contract remain in effect until the Conservation Pavment with interest is re-paid in full. This program is applicable to service to new Commercial Buildings larger than 12 000 square feet and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation under General Service Electric Service Schedules in the State of Idaho. Warehouses and other New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for a prescriptive approach are excluded from this program and are included under Schedule 122. Charges under this schedule will be in addition to the electric service charge under the Customer applicable electric service schedule. THE OBLIGATIONS UNDER TillS SCHEDULE WILL APPLY TO ALL CUSTOMERS USING ELECTRICITY AT THE REAL PROPERTY SPECIFIED BY AN ENERGY SERVICES CONTRACT. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 2005 Submitted Under Adyice Letter No. 00 06 EFFECTIVE:November 15. ISSUED July 11 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15 , 2000 ulah nlJlM C. No. 28 Third Fourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Canceling SeeoRd Third- Revised Sheet No. 120. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of New Commercial Buildings larger than 12 000 square feet and existing Commercial Buildings undergoing Major Renovation to be connected to Company s system on or after the effective date of this schedule. Company 'l:ill provide the Conservation Payments for incremental construction 'yhich result in the installation of Energy Conservation 14easl:lres. Upon connection of electric service to commercial buildings having such measures installed under this program, Company '1/ill bill the Custonler an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 2005 Submitted Under ,lice Letter No. 00 06 EFFECTIVE:November 15. ISSUED July 14 2000 EFFECTIVE: ,ugust 15 , 2000 ulahRIAlr C. No. 28 TkirdFourth Revised Sheet No. 120. Canceling SeeoRd Third -Revised Sheet No. 120. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 120 - Continued DESCRIPTION: (Continuedl The Company will provide the Conservation Payments for incremental construction which result in the installation of Energy Conservation Measures. Upon connection of electTic service to commercial buildings having such measures installed under this program. Company will bill the Customer an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kWh savings resulting from installation of the Energy Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Baseline Level: Electric energy use estimated to occur from compliance with current commercial building code requirements for New Commercial Buildings or from implementation of the Owner s building plans initially presented to Company, whichever is less. Conservation Payments: Any payments of money made by Company to Owner for installation of Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to an Energy Services Contract. If the Company has assisted in implementing the Energy Conservation Measures, Conservation Payments also shall include Company direct costs of such implementation, including the cost of materials, installation, and ongoing support as specified in the Energy Services Contract. Conservation Payments shall be either: (a)Level l Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which do not exceed the Measure Funding Limit. (b)Level 2 Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which exceed the Measure Funding Limit. The Level 2 Conservation Payments may not exceed, for any Energy Services Contract, the amount of the Level l Conservation Payments nor shall the maximum Level 2 Conservation Payments for any individual Conservation Measure be more than three times the applicable Measure Funding Limit. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property identified in the Energy Services Contract. Energy Conservation Measures: Permanently installed measures specified in an Energy Services Contract, which can reduce the Customer s electric energy use. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 Letter No. 00 06 EFFECTIVE :November IS 2005Submitted Under Advioe ISSUED July 14 2000 EFFECTIVE: ..ugust 15 2000 Blah lUMII' C. No. 28 Third FouI1h Revised Sheet No. 120. Canceling 8eeoRd Third -Revised Sheet No. 120. Energy Services Contract: A contract between Owner and Company providing for Company to furnish or provide Conservation Payments with respect to Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2,2005 Letter No. 00 06 EFFECTIVE :November 2005 Submitted Under /\d'/ioe ISSUED July 14 2000 EFFECTIVE: /'..ugust 15 2000 ... ulah HIJIl.' C. No. 28 Third Fourth -Revised Sheet No. 122. Canceling Second Third- Revised Sheet No. 122. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 STATE OF IDAHO NO NEW SERVICE Commercial Energy Services Optional to Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to reduce the energy requirements of certain commercial buildings by promoting the installation of Energy Conservation Measures through a prescriptive approach. APPLICABLE: Conservation Payments are not available to Owners after Noven1ber . 2005. The restriction on new service does not affect payment of Energy Service Charges currently required and obligations pursuant to an executed Energy Services Contract remain in effect until the Conservation Payment with interest is re-paid in full. This program is applicable to service under the General Service Electric Service Schedules in the State of Idaho to New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation with 12 000 square feet or less, new warehouses, and other New Commercial Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for prescriptive approach. Charges under this schedule will be in addition to the electric service charge under the Customer applicable electric service schedule. THE OBLIGATIONS UNDER TillS SCHEDULE WILL APPLY TO ALL CUSTOMERS USING ELECTRICITY AT THE REAL PROPERTY SPECIFIED BY AN ENERGY SERVICES CONTRACT. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of New Commercial Buildings with 12 000 square feet or less, new warehouses, and other New Commercial Submitted Under Order No. S' "!I.-)iL : , eptem)er_ ' ) l:,e-tte:r:-NH-;-OO-tl() !r'K~IPIl""'l''a:;-JI.~d.I!J .11 ,I, ' ;~ : November 2005S-!:+!:m1tt;tet::4:~Hd€T-Aa.vi-ee ISSlrl'~J I '1 j )000lL:J .~" KFFEf'+I\TE' B~ltlc't 1 ~ ""000 "'".. " Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Third Fourth -Revised Sheet No. 122. Canceling SecoRd Third- Revised Sheet No. 122. Buildings and existing commercial buildings undergoing Major Renovation determined by Company to be suitable for a prescriptive approach. This program will utilize a prescriptive approach. Company will provide to Owner a menu of recommended Energy Conservation Measures. From this menu, Owner will select the specific Energy Consen'ation Measures which are to be installed in O'vner s ComIllercial Building and for '.vhich the Company \\'ill provide Conservation Payments. Upon connection of electric service to cOl11ll1ercial buildings ha'ving such measures instal1ed under this program, Company \vi11 bill the Custon1er an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule. (Continued) Subrnitted tinder Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 1:,e-ti,*-~:FNf:J:'O (f-Of) EFFECTlVE:November 2005S-ttmiH:€-&--b'Fldef -i\ttVtB-B ISSl'~'n. /1 ')(\l\U\, '" FJi':fI\ '- ')\(\. . J , . . . . ' A ugust BlahIIBl!r C. No. Third Fourth Revised Sheet No. 122. Canceling Second Third Revised Sheet No. 122. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 122 -= iContinuedl DESCRIPTION: (€Continued) select the specific Energv Conservation Measures which are to be installed in O'Amer s COlmnercial Building and for which the Con1pany will provide Conservation Payments. Upon connection of elecuic service commercial buildings having such measures installed under this progran1. COlllpany will bill the Customer an Energy Service Charge as specified by this Schedule. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savings: The annual kWh savings resulting from installation of the Energy Conservation Measures, as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Conservation Payments: Any payments of money made by Company to Owner for installation of Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to an Energy Services Contract. Conservation Payments shall be either: (a)Levell Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which do not exceed the Measure Funding Limit. (b)Level 2 Conservation Payments -- Conservation Payments which exceed the Measure Funding Limit. The Level 2 Conservation Payments may not exceed, for any Energy Services Contract, the amount of the Level l Conservation Payments nor shall the maximum Level 2 Conservation Payments for any individual Conservation Measure be more than three times the applicable Measure Funding Limit. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted and receives service at the real property identified in the Energy Services Contract. Energy Conservation Measures: Permanently installed measures specified in an Energy Services Contract, which can reduce the Customer s electric energy use. Energy Services Contract: A contract between Owner and Company providing for Company to furnish or provide Conservation Payments with respect to Energy Conservation Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. Submitted Under Order No. S! T Ii:i' f 1. It" ,,')1:':: : _ eptemoer.. J beHt'r-J\JH' ~--- O~-O() KFFECTIV~: :Novenlber 15 , 2005&-clBHH.trett..---).nG€'f,-At=h,lte€ 18Slrli'\,' 14 ?f(WJ,-. .4. . ,u. " . ~ j , ,.; FFFEf'TIVE' A unu"t 15 '100P ..." ,(:") Blah R IJiM C. No. 28 Third Fourth Revised Sheet No. 122. Canceling Second Third Revised Sheet No. 122. Major Renovation: Replacement of the major components of the building s envelope which must include replacement measures for over 50 percent of all external window or uninsulatable wall area. Melded Interest Rate: An interest rate which is the sum of the interest rates specified in (a) and (b) below-- (Continued) Subrnitted Under Order No. ISSUED: SeQ1fIT1her 2. 200S 72-tk:.r -~N 1::)-:--OO-.\J & EFFEC'l'IVE:November IS 200Sb-ultn=Httea-t+H*'f--Adv-tB.e 18SlTIi~14 )~m( ...'-,~, . It. ,~ r--.I EFF~"+I\ !\ 1 ~ '1000i1..Ugt!St ~ ~"-' . ulah R IJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 STATE OF IDAHO Commercial and Industrial Ener2Y Efficiency Incentives Optional for Oualifyin2 Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Commercial and Industrial Facilities by promoting the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company s General Service Schedules 6. 6A. 9. 17. 19. 23. 23A. 24. 35. and 35A. in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is not applicable to existing Commercial Buildings under 20.000 square feet. Sguare footage is the total Building or Facility area served by the Company s meterW. This schedule is applicable to dairy barns served on the Company s residential rate schedules. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savin2s: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Efficiency Measures. as estimated by Company using engineering analysis. Avera2e Monthlv On Peak kW Savin2s: The Average Monthly On Peak kilowatt (kID savings resulting from the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures as estimated by Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings = (baseline average monthly On Peak kW :..illQPosed average monthly On Peak kW). where; Average monthly On Peak k W = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum On Peak kW/12. where; (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 ulah nlJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) =? Monthly Maximum On Peak kW = highest of all 15 minute average kW determined below) for On Peak hours. On Peak hours are those hours specified in the electric service schedule under which the customer receives electric service. =? 15 minute average kW = sum of kWh used over 0.25 hrs/0.25 hrs Baseline Level: Baseline Adjustments: Company may adiust baseline electric energy consumption and costs during engineering analysis to reflect any of the following: energy codes. standard practice. changes in capacity. changes in production or facility use and equipment at the end of its useful life. For existing fixtures. baseline wattages for all fluorescent lighting Energy Efficiency Measures in all facilities shall be the lesser of existing equipment or the energy efficient magnetic ballast and energy savings lamp combination listed in the lighting table available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company web site. Commercial Building: A structure that is served by Company and meets the applicability requirements of this tariff at the time an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement is executed or Application is approved which does not meet the definition of an Industrial Facility. Commissioning: The process of verifying and documenting that the performance of electric energy using systems meets the design intent and Owner s operational requirement. Customer: Any party who has applied for. been accepted and receives service at the real property. or is the electricity user at the real property. Enen!y Efficiency Incentive: Payment of money made by Company to Owner or Customer for installation of Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to an executed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. (Continuedl Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 Blah R lJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Enerey Efficiency Incentive Aereement/Application: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company or a Company provided application submitted by the Owner or Customer and approved by the Company providing for Company to furnish Energy Efficiency Incentive with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. Enerey Efficiency Measure (EEM): Permanently installed measure specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application which can improve the efficiency of the Customer s electric energy use. EEMs designed to primarily reduce Average Monthly On Peak k W must also reduce electric energy use to be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives. Energ"v Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New construction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Major renovation: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the code compliance/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficiency equipment or modification. In the case of New Construction. Maior Renovation and Retrofits. EEM Costs shall mean the Owner or Customer s reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts. rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives from the Company. or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Owner or Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Owner or Customer s facility. If the Owner or Customer installs the EEM then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Owner s or Customer s actual labor costs for such installation. Enerey Efficiency Project: One or more EEMW covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. ,( Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 BlahnlDiIl C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Industrial Facility: Buildings and process equipment associated with manufacturing. Mixed Use: Buildings served by a residential rate schedule and a rate schedule listed under Applicable shall be eligible for services under this schedule provided the Energy Efficiency Proiect meets the definition of New Construction or Maior Renovation. New Construction: A newly constructed facility or newly constructed square footage added to an existing facility. Major Renovation: Changes. modifications or additions to existing facility systems or equipment that involve substantial removal and replacement with new systems or equipment where such changes. modifications or additions are required to comply. with energy code. replace equipment at the end of its useful life. add capacity or change the use of the facility. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application who is the mortgagor under a duly recorded mortgage or the grantor under a duly recorded deed of trust or a purchaser under a duly recorded agreement with respect to such real property. Retrofit: Changes. modifications or additions to systems or equipment in existing facility square footage. Supplemental Services Aereement: An agreement between Owner or Customer and Company providing for Company to furnish Supplemental Services with respect to Supplemental Services section of this Tariff Schedule. INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: Enerey Efficiency Incentives: Energy Efficiency Incentives made by the Company for installation of EEMs pursuant to an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application shall be the lesser of the sum of (ill and (Q1 (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulah RIJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued), INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: (Continued), (b) $0.12/kWh for the Annual kWh savings as determined using Company provided or approved engineering analysis; $50/kW for Average Monthly On Peak kW savings determined using Company provided or approved engineering analysis. 50% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Company. (a) (c) Energy Efficiency Proiects are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the simple payback (based on electricity cost savings) before incentives is one year or more. EEMs with simple paybacks before incentives of less than one year are eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives provided the Energy Efficiency Proiect has a simple payback before incentives of one year or more. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be available to reduce the simple payback of an Energy Efficiency Proiect below one year. If required. individual EEM Energy Efficiency Incentives will be adjusted downward pro-rata so the Energy Efficiency Proiect has a simple payback after incentives of one year or more. All proposed Energy Efficiency Measure costs are subiect to Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approving an Application. All final Energy Efficiency Measure costs are subject to Company review and approval prior to paying an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Company review and approval of Energy Efficiency Measure costs may require additional documentation from the Customer or Owner. To qualify for Energy Efficiency Incentives. a maximum of 50% of the annual kWh savings resulting from installation of EEMs specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application can result from lighting. F or the purposes of calculating maximum annual electric savings resulting from lighting. electric savings resulting from lighting interaction with mechanical mPment and from lighting controls will be considered to be lighting savings. Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 Blah R lJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued) INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: (Continued) To qualify for Energy Efficiency Incentives. new Commercial Buildings and Maior Renovation proiects required to comply with current Idaho energy codes must reduce the proposed electric energy consumption by at least 10% when compared to the baseline level of whole building electric energy consumption that would have resulted under the current Idaho energy code. The baseline and proposed building design shall be modeled using the methodology defined in Addendum e (Informative Appendix G) to ASHRAE 90. 2001 (or successor versions) using values from the current Idaho energy codes. Company shall maintain guidelines on the application of this methodology. The date of the building permit application shall establish the current version of the code. The Customer or Owner may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive from the Company per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: ill ill Enerey Analysis Company shall meet with Customer or Owner and any design team and may perform an initial site visit/plans review to determine what EEMs may be appropriate for an energy analysis. Supplemental Services Company may offer Supplemental Services beyond those described elsewhere in this Tariff Schedule through a Supplemental Services Agreement. Supplemental services shall include. but are not limited to: detailed design. life cycle costs calculations or compliance documentation for green or high performance building standards. Company will negotiate the amount and terms of the supplemental services on a proiect specific basis and may require any or all of the following: installation of EEMs delivering a certain amount of annual kWh savings. offset of a portion of the available incentive or direct reimbursement of a portion (up to 100%) of the direct Company costs for the service provided. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulilh nlJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued), PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) ill ill (4al ill EEM Inspection Company will inspect any EEMs which are funded by or installed under this program. Satisfactory inspection by Company will be required priorto receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. EEM Commissionin2 Company will require that EEMs as specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application be commissioned prior to receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Commissionin2 Opt-Out: Required EEM Commissioning may be omitted with the following adiustments. Annual kWh savings. Average Monthly On Peak kW savings and eligible EEM Costs will all be reduced by 20% and an Energy Efficiency Incentive calculated using the provisions specified under Incentives for EEMs. EEMs where the Owner or Customer has "opted-out" of EEM Commissioning and are later commissioned are not eligible for an additional Energy Efficiency Incentive after the Energy Efficiency Incentive is paid. Measure Performance Verification/Evaluation Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed Energy Efficiency Measures specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. This verification may include a telephone survey. site visit. review of plant operation characteristics. and pre- and post-installation of monitoring equipment as necessary to quantify actual energy savings. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2 . 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 Blah nlJUMI,. C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 125. ELECTRICAL SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 125 (Continued), PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued), (6) (7) Minimum Equipment Efficiency For Retrofit Energy Efficiency Proiects. EEMs must meet mInImum equipment efficiency levels and equipment eligibility requirements in Schedule 115 to be eligible for incentives available under this Schedule. For lighting. see Table 1 and notes 2. 6 and 7. For motors. see Table 2 and note 2. For Mechanical EEMs. see Table 3 and notes 1-4 and 6. Heat Pump Systems Company will provide Energy Efficiency Incentives for energy efficiency improvements to heat pump space heating systems only for Energy Efficiency Proiects whose base case plans call for heat pump space heating systems. (8)Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be made available to induce fuel switching by Owner or Customer. Design team honorarium: Company may offer an honorarium as described on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company web site to a design team member with current professional certification including architects and engineers to encourage early initial Company consultation on Owner/Customer s design and plans. Honorariums will be equally available to all professionally certified architects and engineers for Idaho proiects within Company s territory and will be limited to one honorarium per proiect. Additional conditions for the honorarium will be available on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company s web site and may be changed with 60 days notice posted on the web site. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule subiect to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part. and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulilh nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 STATE OF IDAHO Optional for Qualifying: Customers PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in agricultural irrigation systems and irrigation district pumping systems by promoting electric energy-efficient irrigation practices and the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company s Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Schedule 10. and to any customer who qualifies as a "Farm Load" under the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act.. P.L. 96-501 and receives electric service on a retail schedule in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. DEFINITIONS: Annual kWh Savines: The annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings resulting from installation of the Energy Efficiency Measures or improved equipment operation. as estimated by the Program Administrator or Company. Averaee Monthlv On Peak kW Savines: The Average Monthly On Peak kilowatt (kW) savings resulting from the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures or improved equipment operation as estimated by Program Administrator or Company using engineering analysis as described below: Average Monthly On Peak kW Savings = (baseline average monthly On Peak kW :...illQPosed average monthly On Peak kW). where; Average Monthly On Peak kW = sum of the 12 Monthly Maximum On Peak kW/12. where; (Continuedl Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 Blah nlJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICUL TURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Monthly Maximum On Peak kW = highest of all 15 minute average kW eM determined below) for On Peak hours. On Peak hours are those hours specified in the electric service schedule under which the customer receives electric service. 15 minute average kW = sum of kWh used over 0.25 hrs/0.25 hrs Baseline Adjustments: Program Administrator or Company may adiust baseline electric energy consumption and costs during engineering analysis to reflect any of the following: standard practice. changes in capacity. changes in production or system use and equipment at the end of its useful life. Customer: Any party who has applied for. been accepted and receives service at the real illQI)erty. is the owner of the real property. or is the electricity user at the real property. Enerev Efficiencv Incentive: Payment of money made by Program Administrator or Company to Customer for installation of Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to an executed Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Enerey Efficiency Incentive Aereement: An agreement between Customer and Program Administrator or Company providing for Program Administrator or Company to furnish Energy Efficiency Incentive with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this tariff Schedule. Enerev Efficiency Incentive Application: An application provided by the Program Administrator or Company. completed by the Customer and approved by the Program Administrator or Company requesting the Program Administrator or Company furnish Energy Efficiency Incentives with respect to Energy Efficiency Measures pursuant to this Schedule. Ener~y Efficiency Measure (EEM): Permanently installed measure specified in an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application which can improve the efficiency of the Customer s electric energy use. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 ulah nlJt1lr C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Ener~y Efficiency Project: One or more EEMW covered by one Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) Cost: New Construction: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the required/common practice equipment or system. Maior System Upgrades: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or system minus the cost of the required/common practice equipment or system. Retrofit: EEM Cost is the total installed cost of the energy efficient equipment or modification. In the case of New Construction. Maior System Upgrades and Retrofits. EEM Costs shall mean the Customer s reasonable costs incurred (net of any discounts. rebates or incentives other than Energy Efficiency Incentives available under this Schedule or United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) incentives. or other consideration that reduces the final actual EEM Cost incurred by the Customer) to purchase and install EEMs at the Customer s facility. If the Customer installs the EEM. then the cost of installation shall be equal to the Customer s reasonable and realistic actual labor costs for such installation. New Construction: New irrigation pIpIng. pumping. or system to provide irrigation for existing irrigated acreage or loads. Major System UID!rades: Changes. modifications or additions to existing irrigation systems or eqillpment that involve substantial removal and replacement with new systems or equipment where such changes. modifications or additions are required to replace eqillpment at the end of its useful life. add capacity or change the utilization of the acreage or loads. ~ram Administrator: Qualified person or entity hired by the Company to administer this Schedule. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15. 2005 Blah01." C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued) Retrofit: Changes. modifications or additions to systems or equipment serving existing acreage or loads. INCENTIVES FOR EEMS: Nozzle exchange: Program Administrator or Company shall establish procedures and requirements for a nozzle exchange program allowing Customer to exchange existing nozzles. gasket and drains for appropriately sized new and like equipment. Nozzle exchange procedures. and requirements will be posted on the Company web site. Equipment installed on pivot systems will not be eligible for Energy Efficiency Incentives under the Nozzle exchange portion of this Schedule. but will be eligible for amounts listed in Table l or. if not listed. based on the Energy Efficiency Incentives energy. demand and cost formula below. Enerey Efficiency Incentives: Program Administrator or Company shall establish procedures and requirements for providing Energy Efficiency Incentives to Customers which shall be posted on the Company web site. Energy Efficiency Incentives include amounts listed in Table 1 and amounts available according to the energy. demand and cost formula listed below. All proposed Energy Efficiency Proiects are subiect to Program Administrator or Company approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application. Program Administrator or Company will establish Energy Efficiency Proiect approval criteria and post the criteria on the Company web site. For all EEMs not eligible under the Nozzle exchange or listed in Table 1. Energy Efficiency Incentives made available for installation of EEMs pursuant to an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or Application shall be shall be the lesser of the sum of W and (Q) OR (ft (a) $0.12 /kWh for the Annual kWh savings as determined using Program Administrator or Company provided or approved engineering analysis; $50/kW for Average Monthly On Peak kW savings determined using Program Administrator or Company provided or approved engineering analysis. 50% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Program Administrator or Company. (b) (c) (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 Blah RIJlM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICULTURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) IN CENTIVES FOR EEMS: (Continued) Energy Efficiency Incentives may be adiusted such that Customer does not receive more than 100% of EEM Costs in total incentives including incentives available under this Schedule and EQIP incentives. All proposed EEM Costs are subiect to Program Administrator or Company review and approval prior to offering an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approving an Application. All final EEM Costs are subiect to Program Administrator or Company review and approval prior to paying an Energy Efficiency Incentive per the terms of an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Program Administrator or Company review and approval ofEEM Costs may require additional documentation from the Customer. The Customer may receive only one Energy Efficiency Incentive under this Schedule per EEM. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (1)Enerey Analysis Program Administrator or Company shall meet with Customer and any design team and may perform an initial site visit/plans review to determine what EEMs may be appropriate for an energy analysis. The energy analysis may include a visual pump check. water management consultation. pump testing. and/or irrigation/pump system analysis. At the conclusion of the visual pump check and water management consultation. the Customer may be asked to sign an approval to proceed to the next step in the program and to commit to implement operational improvements identified in the water management consultation. If Customer signs the approval. Customer will receive an irrigation/pump system analysis. an incentive offer if potential upgrades are identified. and post-installation testing of installed system. (Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 BlahnlBilr C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICUL TURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued) PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (Continued) ill ill ill EEM Inspection Program Administrator or Company may inspect any EEMs which are funded by or installed under this program. Satisfactory inspection by Program Administrator or Company will be required prior to receiving Energy Efficiency Incentives specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. Measure Performance Verification/Evaluation Program Administrator and/or Company may verify or evaluate the energy savings of installed Energy Efficiency Measures specified in the Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approved Application. nozzles or equipment received as part of the Nozzle Exchange. and/or improved equipment operation. This verification may include a telephone survey. site visit. review of system operating characteristics. and pre- and post- installation of monitoring equipment as necessary to quantify actual energy savIngs. Energy Efficiency Incentives will not be made available to induce fuel switching by Customer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule is subiect to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part. and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. ,( Continued) Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 Blah RIJUM C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 155. AGRICUL TURAL ENERGY SERVICES SCHEDULE NO. 155 (Continued), Table 1. Pivot EQuipment Enere:v Efficiencv Measures Category Replace With Customer incentive Pivot Span Low Existing pivot low pressure New low pressure drain replacement parts or $4/each Pressure Drains drains entire drain assemblies Sprinkler Pressure Existing sprinkler pressure New sprinkler pressure regulators with the $6/each Re !!Ula tors reQUlators same or lower outlet desilm Dressure Sprinkler Package Existing sprinkler package New sprinkler package with a design flow c:::$900 per with design flow ::;.. m/acre center pivot gum/acre Dual Sprinkler Existing sprinkler package Dual sprinkler head assemblies and a second $500 per Packages with design flow ::;.. 7.sprinkler package with a design flow c::: 5.center pivot gum/acre.QDm/acre Notes for Table 1: 1). All sprinklers on a center pivot must be replaceq to qualify for incentives. 2). Minimum 80 maximum 170 heads per center pivot. 3). prop tubes and new pressure regulators are consiqered part of new sprinkler package and are not eligible for individual incentives. Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2. 2005 EFFECTIVE: November 15.2005 ulahnlJlII C. No. 28 Ori inal Sheet No. 191 UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO CUSTOMER EFFI CIEN CY SERVICES ADJUSTMENT PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Adiustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company s electric service schedules. MONTHL Y BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer s applicable schedule. all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule 1 Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7 A Schedule 8 Schedule 9 Schedule 10 Schedule 11 Schedule 12 - Street Lighting Schedule 12 - Traffic Signal Schedule 19 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50 % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Submitted Under Order No. ISSUED: September 2.2005 EFFECTIVE: January 1.2006 ATTACHMENT 3 (Customer Rule 102 implementation information, including the bill message and the press release. IDR~elnserurngO5sm B/3 1 : 48 PM Page H P Notice of Proposed Energy Efficiency Programs and Price Change Utah Power has filed for approval of several new and enhanced energy efficiency programs. The Company is also requesting approval of a new Demand Side Management (DSM) cost recovery mechanism to pay for these programs. The filing proposes an overall annual revenue increase of $1.8 million, or 1.5 percent of retail revenue. * The Company filed the application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) on September 2 2005. The application is a proposal, subject to public review and a Commission decision before it can take effect. If approved, the proposed DSM cost recovery mechanism will start on January I, 2006. Program costs will be collected by Utah Power as a line item entitled "Customer Efficiency Services" on bills instead of including the costs as part of general rates. If the Company proposal is approved as filed, the residential price increase will be 1.5 percent. For a residential customer using 790 kilowatt-hours, the proposed increase would be about $1.00 per month. Revenue collected from commercial, industrial and irrigation customers would also increase 1.5 percent. These percent changes do not include the effect of the BPA energy discount. (continued on back) . UTAH POWER 11111111 -+- ~aCk platE IDRatelnsertAugOSsm ~'48 PM Page H P The new and enhanced energy efficiency programs will offer information, services and cash incentives to help customers install energy efficient equipment or make permanent operational changes to reduce energy consumption and save money. New programs will be available on November 15, 2005 or when the Commission approves the application whichever is later. Copies of the filing will be available online at www.utahpower.net, click on "News" and then select Rates and Regulation" and "Idaho . Or, you can review a copy during regular business hours at the IPUC office in Boise, and in these Utah Power offices: 25 East Main, Rexburg 509 South 200 East, Preston 852 East 1400 North, Shelley 24852 U.S. Highway 89, Montpelier Based on rates in effect after September 2005. 8/05 . UTAH POWER _11__11 lCk platE UTAH POWER Contact: Margaret Oler, 801-220-2592 SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE September 6, 2005 Utah Power proposes energy efficiency programs BOISE, Idaho - Utah Power has filed for approval of several new and enhanced energy efficiency and demand-side management (DSM) programs for customers and a cost recovery mechanism to pay for these programs. The filing proposes an overall annual revenue increase of $1.8 million, or 1.5 percent of retail revenue, based on rates in effect after Sept. 16, 2005. The Utah Power proposal, if approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), would allow the company to offer customers new and enhanced energy efficiency programs. According to Bob Lively, Utah Power regulatory manager, the programs will offer information, services and cash incentives to customers to help install energy efficient equipment or make permanent operational changes to reduce energy consumption and save money. The new programs will be available Nov. 15 2005, or when the Commission approves the application, whichever is later. If approved, the proposed DSM cost recovery mechanism will start on Jan. 1 2006. Program costs will be collected by Utah Power as a line item noted as "Customer Efficiency Services" on bills rather than including the costs as part of general rates. If the Company s proposal is approved as filed, the residential price increase will be 1.5 percent " Lively said. "For a residential customer using 790 kilowatt hours monthly, the proposed increase would be about $1.00 per month. If approved, commercial, industrial and irrigation customers would also see an increase of 1.5 percent and that these percent changes do not include the effect of the BP A energy discount. Utah Power s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the filing will be available online at www.utahpower.net, click on "News" and then select "Rates and Regulation" and "Idaho." The filing is also available to be reviewed during regular business hours at the IPUC office in Boise and the Utah Power offices in Rexburg, Preston, Shelley and Montpelier. 30- ATTACHMENT 4 (Program descriptions, evaluation plans and cost effective analyses for the FinAnswer Express, Energy FinAnswer, Irrigation Efficiency, Refrigerator Recycling and Low Income Weatherization programs. FinAnswer Express Program Description The FinAnswer Express (FE) incentive program proposed for Idaho will be available to commercial and industrial customers on the majority of Idaho rate schedules. It is a successful existing energy efficiency incentive program for business customers in other markets served by PacifiCorp and is designed to provide a prescriptive approach for energy efficiency projects similar to the existing Schedule 122 which provides loans instead of incentives. While a successful program design, the loan based offering has limitations for many business customers. To increase participation, program performance as well as capture lost opportunities, the Company is proposing to replace the existing prescriptive energy efficiency program by offering the incentive based FinAnswer Express program. At the same time new service under the existing Schedule 122 will be restricted. Since comprehensive projects are directed to the enhanced Energy FinAnswer program, the major renovation clause from Schedule 122 or a comparable (e., maximum % of lighting) was not added to the FinAnswer Express program. The FE program is designed to complement the Energy FinAnswer program and operate as part of a suite of energy efficiency programs. FE is designed to help customers considering new or replacement lighting, motor, and HV AC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) equipment to purchase and install high efficiency equipment. In the case of lighting retrofits, many FE projects are the result of pro- active efforts to encourage customers to replace existing lighting with more efficient lighting. As part of introducing the program to the Idaho market, EEM categories were analyzed and updated to reflect changes in technology, efficiency standards, and market practices. Company obtained feedback from key market actors (trade allies), including installation contractors, suppliers, and distributors over the last few months to confirm the categories were in tune with the market. Equipment efficiency standards and incentive levels for similar programs were reviewed. Incentive levels were analyzed to confirm they are appropriate for the Idaho market. Based on this analysis, the Company is proposing to add a prescriptive incentive for variable frequency drives installed on HV AC system fans to the Idaho program. The rest of the proposed program matches the Utah FinAnswer Express program, making it simpler for customers and trade allies operating in both states. Incentives and Equipment Eligibility Requirements The FE program provides prescriptive incentives for common energy efficiency measures (EEMs) with minimal transaction complexity. EEM categories include efficient lighting, premium efficiency i.:..otors and mechanical upgrades associated with FinAnswer Express Program Description 91112005 Page 1 heating and cooling. The program also includes LED traffic lights, and technical expertise is available as part of the program. Motors meeting or exceeding the motor industry s NEMA Premium efficiency levels are eligible for incentives. The NEMA Premium standard is currently used by most other motors energy efficiency motors. Unitary HV AC units meeting or exceeding Consortium for Energy Efficiency Tier 2 efficiency levels, expressed in SEER, are eligible for incentives. The HV AC category includes incentives for evaporative cooling systems. The lighting category includes a premium T8 category as well as standard T8s with electronic ballasts and a number of other typical lighting energy efficiency measures. Both new construction and retrofit projects are eligible. Incentives for new construction are based on equipment that exceeds code requirements, so some equipment eligible for incentives in retrofit projects is not eligible for incentives for new construction. addition, there is a custom incentive calculation for measures not listed on the prescriptive incentive tables. Participation Process and Quality Assurance The proposed participation process and incentive delivery varies for each of the three technologies and is based on prior experience as well as characterization of the Idaho market. It is streamlined and designed to fit into the normal equipment sales process in the market and supports existing market actors. For lighting, the customer signs an incentive agreement or submits an application prior to purchasing equipment. Project specific energy savings calculations, performed by either a trade ally or a representative of Company, are included in the incentive agreement or application. The incentive agreement or application includes an optional provision for the customer to assign their incentive to a third party such as a contractor or supplier. After the incentive agreement is signed or the application is approved, the customer contracts for project installation. After the project installation is complete the Company inspects the project and reviews the project invoices. A final incentive is calculated and an incentive check is mailed by the Company to the customer within 45 days. Incentives for premium efficiency motors are available to the customer from participating motor vendors at the "point of purchase . The incentive is available to the customer as a credit on the motor dealer invoice. Motor vendors must participate in the Company s trade ally network to offer customer incentives in this manner. Participation includes signing a trade ally agreement covering incentive processing, customer services, etc. On a regular basis, after incentives have been paid and the required paperwork has been submitted and approved, Company provides reimbursement to the dealers. Company arranges to inspect a representative sample of the motor installations for quality assurance purposes. Incentives for efficient HV AC equipment are provided through a post purchase application. The customer purchases qnalifying equipment from their dealer, completes the equipment installation, and submits an application and cost documentation. FinAnswer Express Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 2 Customers receive an incentive within 45 days of submitting a completed application for qualifying equipment. Company arranges for inspections of a sample of HV equipment for quality assurance purposes. Incentives for equipment not specifically listed in the prescriptive incentive tables are available through the "apply before you start" incentive agreement or application process described in the lighting section above. In the event a customer does not want to receive a "point of purchase" motor incentive or "post purchase" HV AC incentive they may request an "apply before your start" agreement or application described above. To adjust to market changes, the Company has included language in the FE tariff that permits changing the incentive delivery mechanism by technology or project type (i., retrofit or new construction) with 60 days notice on our web site. Any changes in incentive levels or equipment eligibility will still require a tariff change. Program Delivery Similar to other markets, the Company intends to seek proposals for technology specific trade ally coordinator(s) for lighting, motors and HV AC equipment. The coordinator(s) will be tasked with qualifying interested trade allies, support trade ally driven project development, process incentive agreements and/or applications and perform installation quality assurance inspections. A primary goal of the FE program proposed for Idaho is sustainable trade ally participation in all phases of energy efficient equipment sales and installation. While the Company expects to provide the bulk of the services through Idaho trade ally networks, the proposed FE program contains provisions for Company paid energy analyst to deliver energy savings calculations to customers upon request. Similar to the Energy FinAnswer program, no financial obligations for the customer occur when they participate in project analysis, either through a trade ally supported by Company or through an energy analyst. Marketing Expected program participants include both large and small commercial and industrial customers. The program will be marketed primarily via trade allies as they respond to inquiries or are making sales calls regarding new and replacement equipment. addition, account managers and program staff will market the program to customers to encourage them to contact their vendors and to request high efficiency equipment. addition, the Company will prepare a marketing and communications plan that may include advertising as appropriate in the Idaho market. The Company will update its web site for energy efficiency programs with information on the new Idaho program offering. The existing suite of promotional program materials will be customized for the Idaho program. FinAnswer Express Program Description 9/112005 Page 3 Projected Results Based on the market characterization performed by Nexant (attached as a supplemental filing document), results from November 2005 through December 2006 are projected to be approximately 434 MWH and .06 MW of peak capacity reduction. After the second full year, the program results are estimated at 605 MWH and .09 MW. Results for the third full year and beyond are estimated at 605 MWH and .09 MW. FinAnswer Express Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 4 FinAnswer Express Evaluation Plan This is a general evaluation plan for the Idaho FinAnswer Express program and describes general approaches. An exact scope of work will be determined each year. The program will be on-going and this evaluation plan assumes an annual impact evaluation and process evaluations as required. If participation is low in the first year Company may analyze the possibility of moving the impact evaluation to the send of the second year to allow for a statistically significant sample size. After the program is ramped up impact evaluations undertaken annually. The need for a process evaluation will depend on the results from the on-going program quality assurance activities. All FinAnswer Express program evaluations will be performed by a third party evaluator selected and retained by the company for this specific task. Overview The goals of the evaluation(s) are to: 1. Estimate actual energy (kWh) and demand (kW) savings 2. Analyze Program cost effectiveness 3. Assess Program delivery Impact Evaluation The impact evaluation will include collecting key data, selecting a statistically valid sample of participants, estimating energy savings, and assessing cost effectiveness. The impact evaluation approach will vary by type of measure installed and will include one or more of the following; simulation modeling, engineering calculations or billing analysis. Measure Verification PacifiCorp has a comprehensive quality assurance process in place for this program that is tied to the incentive delivery mechanism. For lighting or any "agreement or application before purchase" project: Project manager or trade ally coordinator review and approval of energy efficiency measures prior to participant implementation. Idaho FinAnswer Express program evaluation plan 9/1/2005 Page 1 Project manager or trade ally coordinator review and approval of energy efficiency measures inspections. For post purchase incentive applications: Providing lists of eligible equipment efficiency levels to all market actors and customers. Providing easy access to concise incentive forms and references to equipment efficiency levels. Project manager or trade ally coordinator review and approval of post purchase incentive applications prior to payment of the incentive. Site inspections of a sample of installed equipment covered by the incentive applications. For point of purchase incentive delivery: Screening and qualifying equipment dealers who may offer the incentives and requiring a signed trade ally participation agreement. Providing lists of eligible equipment efficiency levels to dealers and customers. Trade ally coordinator review and approval of post purchase incentive applications prior to payment of the incentive. Site inspections of a sample of installed equipment covered by the incentive applications. The evaluator will review the quality assurance process to assure that each of these steps has been fully implemented. In addition, the evaluator will independently review a sample of the inspection reports. Establishment of Baseline Operating Practices and Efficiency Levels Energy codes, standard practices and the need for improved equipment all influence project baselines. The tariff contains language permitting the company to adjust engineering analyses to reflect these influences. Determination of what would have happened in the absence of the effort is key in assessing the effects of an efficiency program. Through review of project file data, the evaluator will characterize the baseline operating practices and efficiency levels and the prevailing standard practice of facility or equipment operation. Specifically, the evaluator will characterize: Estimated existing and improved equipment and resulting efficiency levels. Idaho FinAnswer Express program evaluation plan 9/1/2005 Page 2 Estimated equipment and resulting efficiency levels in the absence of this program. Site visits will be conducted to determine whether: Original assumptions used in the energy analysis report were reasonable Anal ysis methods are appropriate Measures were installed as planned Measures operated as planned Inspections confirmed efficiency levels and variables affecting energy savings. Any fundamental differences will be identified and revised savings analysis will be provided. Savings Analysis Evaluated energy and demand savings will be estimated using one or more of the following methods: Engineering calculations Billing or metering data analysis Conduct Cost-Effectiveness Analysis The evaluator will conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis using traditional cost- effectiveness analysis methods. The analysis will include the standard perspectives (i., utility, ratepayers, participants, and society). The benefits to PacifiCorp include the reduction in energy consumption and the Company s avoided costs. For participants, benefits include reduction in energy costs. Process Eval uation In order to inform the Company about issues or opportunities regarding the delivery and administration of the Program a process evaluation will be conducted as necessary and determined by the company program manager. The process evaluation may include interviews with utility staff, and/or program participants and non-participants. Survey Utility Staff The evaluator will interview utility staff regarding: Customer participation process Customer eligibility criteria and the verification process Idaho FinAnswer Express program evaluation plan 9/112005 Page 3 Marketing Vendor relations Program data collection Utility and implementer coordination Participant Survey Design and Implementation After reviewing the project files, the evaluator will complete telephone surveys with Program participants. The aim of the survey will be to determine: How each participant learned about the program Their assessment of the value of the FinAnswer Express program services Impact of the FinAnswer Express program services on their operation and maintenance practices Satisfaction with their participation in the program Whether they implemented any additional energy efficiency measures and whether the program influenced them to do so. Develop Findings and Recommendations The evaluator will analyze the collected data and opinions to assess Program strengths weaknesses, bottlenecks , areas for improvement, and best practices. Management & Reporti The evaluator will deliver a draft and final report of findings. The final report will reflect all the comments made by stakeholders. It will provide a complete description of the relevant evaluation objectives and how they were achieved. The final report is to contain the following elements: Executive Summary Description of the program, its goals, and objectives Statement of the evaluation goals and objectives Discussion of methodologies Implementation procedures and assumptions for each method Data-collection procedures and methods Sample design and sample attrition Results and their interpretation (demonstrated clearly with charts and tables) Idaho FinAnswer Express program evaluation plan 9/1/2005 Page 4 Energy FinAnswer Program Description The Energy FinAnswer program has been operational in Idaho for approximately fifteen years. The current program, covered mainly by Schedule 120, provides program funded energy engineering and a loan offer to business and institutional customers considering energy efficiency upgrades. While a successful program design, the loan based offering has limitations for many business customers. To increase participation and program performance as well as capture lost opportunities, Utah Power (the Company) is proposing to enhance the current program in addition to introducing the FinAnswer Express program. The focus of Energy FinAnswer remains comprehensive retrofit and new construction projects where project schedule and/or measure complexity favor project specific engineering calculations. The enhanced Energy FinAnswer program will operate as a complement to the FinAnswer Express program. Both will operate together as a suite of energy efficiency programs for business customers. Similar to Energy FinAnswer program enhancements in other markets, (UT and W A), the Company is proposing to continue the Company funded engineering, discontinue the loan offering, add an incentive offer and make various administrative enhancements to support those changes. The Company proposes to make these changes by Filing a new tariff for the enhanced Energy FinAnswer, Schedule 125, and Revising Schedule 120 to prohibit new service and leave the tariffs in place to address the few remaining loan obligations. The enhanced Energy FinAnswer program includes engineering services, cash incentives, commissioning support, and post-installation verification services. Each is described in more detail below. Engineering Services Based on prior program experience design and the comprehensive nature of the typical Energy FinAnswer project, program funded energy engineering services will continue to be available through this program to: Assist with defining cost-effective electric energy savings opportunities through an initial site visit. Energy FinAnswer Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 1 Develop the customer selected opportunities into a more detailed energy analysis with further refinement of energy savings and implementation costs. Provide due-diligence reviews of the savings estimates Inspect the installed systems The program funded engineering services will be expanded to provide commissioning plans to the customer for measures requiring commissioning as described below. The engineering service offering has also been enhanced to include a provision for supplemental services in cases where customers require more information to make an implementation decision. Examples include life cycle cost modeling, sustainable building requirements modeling or detailed design. To help insure the program offers these services only where required, this provision allows the customer and the Company to enter in a specific agreement for project specific supplemental services. These agreements may include a re-pay obligation unless the customer proceeds with a project. Incentives The proposed Energy FinAnswer program for Idaho will contain the same standard offer type incentive formula used successfully in the UT and W A markets. The incentive formula is: $0. 12/kWh per first year annual energy savings + $50 per average on-peak kW reduction; up to 50% of the measure cost. This incentive rate will be offered for all energy efficiency measures installed. A one- time payment will be made after proper installation of the project and based on the approved post-installation savings calculations. Incentives will not be available to reduce the project (one or more energy efficient measures) simple payback below one year for any qualifying project in the Energy FinAnswer program. Commissioning A commissioning requirement is part of the program enhancement and is designed to help ensure proper operation and compliance with the project's design intent before the full incentive payment is made. The program funds the development of the commissioning plan, and the owner or owner s contractor is required to fund the commissioning work. The project is required to be commissioned - typically by demonstrating the system is operating as intended at least 30 days prior to the final inspection. Commissioning is not required for some equipment upgrades. To help focus the commissioning infrastru ~ture on larger projects, and to accommodate tight construction schedules, a commissioning "opt out" provision will be added to the Energy FinAnswer Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 2 program. Commissioning "opt out" will entail discounting both measure costs and savings by 20% and calculating the "opt out" incentive with the same $0. 12/kWh and $50/kW. Measures where the owner has opted out are not eligible to be commissioned at later date for an additional incentive. Marketing Expected program participants include large customers, contractors, and energy services companies. Similar to marketing under the prior Energy FinAnswer program the enhanced program will be marketed to these participants by Utah Power program staff, account managers, and through trade ally contacts. Project leads will be generated through contacts with owner organizations, contractor associations, individual trade allies, and previous participants. A new marketing approach in the enhanced program is the design team honorarium. It is designed to promote early program involvement in new construction projects. The intended recipients are members of new construction design teams with plans prior to completion of the schematic phase, a fee agreement for design who can deliver a signed project LOI (see participation steps below). The honorarium will initially be set at $1 500 and can be adjusted with 60 days notice on the Company web site The Utah Power web site for energy efficiency programs will be updated with information on the new Idaho program offering. The existing suite of promotional program materials will be updated. Eligibility Requirements The program is available for both new construction and retrofits of existing commercial and industrial facilities receiving electric service on an eligible rate schedule. The minimum facility size for commercial building retrofits is 20 000 square feet (based on the area served by the electric meter). The program will target non- lighting measures, comprehensive electricity saving retrofits, and new construction projects. To encourage comprehensive projects, similar to the intent of the major renovation requirement in the current Schedule 120, a maximum of 50% of the project savings can come from lighting measures. The Company s experience in other markets is that a lighting requirement is more effective than a major renovation requirement in encouraging both participation and comprehensive projects. Interactive savings and lighting control measures may qualify for an incentive but are considered lighting savings and count toward the 50% maximum lighting savings requirement. Lighting projects will be referred to the FinAnswer Express as will fast moving single measure projects like package HV AC equipment. Energy FinAnswer Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 3 Utah Power s goal is to provide incentives for projects that exceed the commonly used energy efficiency standards such as local energy codes, EP ACT, ASHRAE Standard 90., NEMA, CEE and "common practice." For new commercial buildings and major renovation projects required to comply with energy code, projects must exceed energy code by at least 10 percent on a whole building electric energy basis to qualify for incentives. In addition, a project's baseline energy consumption and installation cost will be adjusted per the following guidelines: ... Energy-saving tube and magnetic energy-efficient ballast combination will be used for linear fluorescent lighting retrofits unless the existing fixtures are more efficient that this "34 watt" linear fluorescent baseline. ... Code minimum efficiencies will be used for air conditioning equipment and motors. ... The baseline for failed equipment replacements or equipment required to change the use of a facility or expand a system will be code compliant or common practice. ... For retrofits, energy efficiency measures must meet minimum eligibility requirements specified in the Idaho FinAnswer Express program. Existing equipment energy consumption will be used for all other projects. Participation Process The major steps associated with participating in the Energy FinAnswer program are: ... A Utah Power customer submits a signed Letter of Intent (LOI). ... Utah Power hires an energy-engineering consultant with the experience required for the specific customer project. A project scoping meeting/walk through is conducted to evaluate potential measures and opportunities. The project is broadly defined through this process. These results are provided to the customer to agree upon a final project scope. ... Based on the agreed upon scope of work, Utah Power contracts with the energy engineer to provided a detailed energy analysis, including documentation of baseline conditions, costs, and energy savings of the potential measures. The engineering document is reviewed by another energy engineering professional and presented to the customer along with a preliminary Utah Power incentive offer. The energy analysis report also includes commissioning requirements to be used by the customer or customer s contractor to meet Utah Power s commissioning requirement. ... The participant and Utah Power sign an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement or approve a submitted Applit;ation and the participant procures equipment and Energy FinAnswer Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 4 services installs the project, completes project commissioning, and submits invoices and other project cost documentation. Participants may elect the commissioning "opt out" provision of the program. Both measure costs and savings will be discounted by 20% and the adjusted figures used to calculate the "opt out" incentive with the same $0. 12/kWh and $50/kW. Measures where the owner has opted out are not eligible to be commissioned at a later date for an additional incentive. ... Utah Power will inspect each site upon completion of project installation and commissioning. The inspection report documents the installed energy efficiency measures, the savings, and the final costs. A final incentive will be calculated based on final energy savings and costs. The incentive payment is made within 45 days of inspection. Miscellaneous Changes Language has been added to restrict incentives for heat pumps to projects with heat pumps in their base case plans to prevent any appearances of load building. Other language has been added to prevent the use of incentives for fuel switching. Both these provisions are included in the program in other markets. Projected Program Results The annual energy savings are adjusted by a.8 net-to-gross ratio from the California Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER) data base. This adjustment is used to be conservative and will be replaced by Idaho specific impact evaluation results when available. Net savings projections for the first year (November 2005 through December 2006) are 1 840 MWH and .16 MW of peak capacity reduction. Increases in participation are forecast to increase this to 5 519 MWh and .49 MW in the second year. In the third year, the program is projected to reach a steady state and deliver approximately 6 920 Mwh of annual energy savings and .62 MW of peak capacity reduction. Energy FinAnswer Program Description 91112005 Page 5 Energy FinAnswer Evaluation Plan This is a general evaluation plan for the Idaho Energy FinAnswer program and describes general approaches. An exact scope of work will be determined each year. The program will be on-going and this evaluation plan assumes an annual impact evaluation and process evaluations as required, depending on program activity. If participation is low in the first year, Company may analyze the possibility of moving the impact evaluation to the end of the second year to allow for a statistically significant sample size. After the program is ramped up, impact evaluations will be undertaken annually. The need for a process evaluation will also depend on the results from the on-going program quality assurance activities. All FinAnswer program evaluations will be performed by a third party evaluator selected and retained by the company for this specific task. Overview The goals of the evaluations are to: 1. Estimate actual energy (kWh) and demand (kW) savings 2. Analyze Program cost effectiveness 3. Assess Program delivery Impact Evaluation The impact evaluation will include collecting key data, selecting a statistically valid sample of participants , performing on-site evaluations of the project, estimating energy savings including modeling of projects where appropriate, and assessing cost effectiveness. The impact evaluation approach will vary by type of measure installed and will include or more of the following; simulation modeling, engineering calculations or billing analysis. Measure Verification PacifiCorp has a comprehensive quality assurance process in place for this Program consisting of: Project manager review and approval of energy efficiency measures prior to participant implementation. Idaho Energy PinAnswer Program Evaluation Plan 9/1/2005 Page 1 Project manager review and approval of energy efficiency measures commissioning and inspection. The evaluator will review the quality assurance process to assure that each of these steps has been fully implemented. In addition, the evaluator will independent! y review a sample of the commissioning and inspection reports. Based on this review the evaluator will assess the level of on-site verification required. Establishment of Baseline Operating Practices and Efficiency Levels Energy codes, standard practices and the need for improved equipment all influence project baselines. The tariff contains language permitting the company to adjust engineering analyses to reflect these influences. Determination of what would have happened in the absence of the effort is key in assessing the effects of an efficiency program. Through review of project file data, the evaluator will characterize the baseline operating practices and efficiency levels and the prevailing standard practice of facility or equipment operation. Specifically, the evaluator will characterize: Estimated existing and improved equipment and equipment operation practices and resulting efficiency levels. Estimated equipment and equipment operation practices and resulting efficiency levels in the absence of this Program. Site visits will be conducted to determine whether: Original assumptions used in the energy analysis report were reasonable Analysis methods are appropriate Measures were installed as planned Measures operated as planned Commissioning was appropriate and conducted properly. Any fundamental differences will be identified and revised savings analysis will be provided. Savings Analysis Evaluated energy and demand savings will be estimated using one or more of the following methods: Building simulation modeling Idaho Energy FinAnswer Program Evaluation Plan 9/112005 Page 2 Engineering calculations Billing or metering data analysis Conduct Cost-Effectiveness Analysis The evaluator will conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis using traditional cost- effectiveness analysis methods. The analysis will include the standard perspectives (i., utility, ratepayers, participants, and society). The benefits to PacifiCorp include the reduction in energy consumption and the Company s avoided costs. For participants, benefits include reduction in energy costs. Process Eval uation In order to inform the Company about issues or opportunities regarding the delivery and administration of the Program a process evaluation will be conducted as necessary and determined by company program manager. The process evaluation will include interviews with utility staff, and participants. Survey Utility Staff The evaluator will interview utility staff regarding: Customer participation process Customer eligibility criteria and the verification process Marketing Vendor relations Program data collection Utility and implementer coordination Participant Survey Design and Implementation After reviewing the project files, the evaluator will complete telephone surveys with Program participants. The aim of the survey will be to determine: How each participant learned about the Program Their assessment of the value of the FinAnswer Program services Impact of the FinAnswer Program services on their operation and maintenance practices Satisfaction with the PacifiCorp hired energy consultant Satisfaction with their participation in the Program Idaho Energy FinAnswer Program Evaluation Plan 9/112005 Page 3 Whether they implemented any additional energy efficiency measures and whether the Program influenced them to do so. Develop Findings and Recommendations The evaluator will analyze the collected data and opinions to assess Program strengths weaknesses, bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and best practices. Management & Reporti The evaluator will deliver a draft and final report of findings. The final report will reflect all the comments made by stakeholders. It will provide a complete description of the relevant evaluation objectives and how they were achieved. The final report is to contain the following elements: Executive Summary Description of the Program, its goals, and objectives Statement of the evaluation goals and objectives Discussion of methodologies Implementation procedures and assumptions for each method Data-collection procedures and methods Sample design and sample attrition Results and their interpretation (demonstrated clearly with charts and tables) Idaho Energy FinAnswer Program Evaluation Plan 9/112005 Page 4 Irrigation Efficiency Program Description Utah Power (the Company) is proposing to offer their Idaho irrigation customers on Schedule 10 a comprehensive irrigation energy efficiency program. The proposed program will be offered in addition to an incentive based Energy FinAnswer/FinAnswer Express suite of programs in Idaho and the current Idaho load control program offered through Schedule 72. Irrigation customers will receive energy efficiency services exclusively through this program. This allows the Company to target services and contract for program delivery in the most cost effective manner. The Company plans to deliver these program services through a third party program administrator and so released an RFP on February 14 for final program design and delivery. Responses to the RFP were received March 28 2005 and a local agricultural services organization is the likely candidate to deliver these services as Program Administrator. While services to irrigation customers will be delivered exclusively through this program, it is the Company s intent to align the incentive structure and levels with the enhanced Energy FinAnswer program being proposed. Proposed Program Design PacifiCorp has reviewed other irrigation program designs in the process to best select a design with a "best fit" for Idaho customers that maintains cost effectiveness. Part of this process involved categorizing source of savings for irrigation systems into the following areas: Instant savings - low cost equipment measures Education - operational changes that tailor water use and system operation to the best available weather and crop conditions. Pump tests/repairs and replacement & system modifications Review of other irrigation programs indicate high customer requests for low or no costs services like pump tests and a low implementation rate for recommended changes. This combination adversely impacts cost effectiveness of a "pump test only" based irrigation energy efficiency program. To ~cquire cost effective electric energy savings, the Comr~ny asked for proposals to deliver a program with the following components: Irrigation Efficiency Program Description 9/112005 Page 1 Nozzle Exchange Pump Screening & water management consultation Pump testing, pump repair/replacement and system modifications This proposed program design appears to be comparable with other market offerings to irrigators including the Idaho Department of Water Resources pump testing program. Nozzle Exchange The proposed nozzle exchange part of the program will provide new standard brass sprinkler nozzles to replace worn ones. This part of the program will target irrigators with hand lines and wheel lines as well as solid set sprinklers systems. Additionally, flow control nozzles will also be part of the program. Gasket and drain equipment will also be available through this program element so that pivot system equipment customers will have access to some instant savings measures. The reference to Nozzles or Nozzle Exchange will also include drains and gaskets. Primary design elements for the nozzle part of the program are: No limits on the maximum number of nozzles. Flow control nozzles will also be available and allowed to replace worn standard nozzles. Solid set sprinklers will be allowed. Equipment suppliers will decide which nozzles are appropriate for participants. Participants will have new nozzles in hand prior to the replacement and return of old ones. Center pivots sprinkler packages will not be eligible for the nozzle exchange, but select pivot measures will be eligible for prescriptive incentives - see Pivot measure description. Gaskets and drain equipment will be available under similar terms as nozzles. The primary time to replace nozzles is during the irrigation off-season; i. November through March. Pump Screening water management consultation The pump screening & water management consultation portion of the program is a simple audit of a customer s irrigation system promoting irrigation management and identifying energy savings opportunities. The purpose of pump screening is two fold: provide irrigation management information resulting in permanent changes that deliver energy savings and to screen pumps prior to scheduling a full blown pump test. The primary energy savings opportunities of the pump screening portion of the program include: Information on irrigation management Irrigation Efficiency Program Description 9/112005 Page 2 Information on pump operation to minimize demand charges Identifying worn sprinkler nozzles, leaking gaskets and drains and referring them to the nozzle exchange portion of the program Identifying inefficient pumps for the pump testing portion of the program. This will be done by measuring the wire-to-water efficiency using the utility meter measuring pressures, lift, and estimating flow. It does not include direct measurement of voltage, amps, power factor or flow directly. The preferred time to do this work is in early spring for making impacts and referrals to the nozzle and pump testing program. The work can be done when the system is operating with a growing crop. Pump Testing, pump repair and replacement The proposed pump testing portion of the program will be a full pump test with some audit of the irrigation system. This will include measuring pump lift, flow, electrical demand and system pressures. This service goes beyond pump screening by directly measuring voltage, amps, power factor and flow. This work will be performed after the pump has been screened and the owner s financial criteria are understood. System modification repairs and replacement System modifications will be handled on a project specific basis with project specific engineering and project specific incentives. There type of projects will be screened during the pump check or pump test portion of the program and will generally be the result of a grower needing to make some production driven changes to their irrigation equipment. Recommended Program Implementation Nozzle Exchange The overall program is designed to be delivered by a local third party program administrator under contract with Utah Power. The program administrator will be responsible for identifying and enlisting the support and cooperation of existing irrigation supply stores who will inventory eligible equipment and provide them to irrigators. The expanse of the Utah Power service territory makes it important for the program administrator to enlist as many geographically distributed irrigation supply stores as possible. The benefits and logistics of the nozzle exchange program will be provided to irrigators through short classes or information sheets developed as part of an overall communication plan and delivered by the program administrator. Irrigation Efficiency Program Description 9/112005 Page 3 Pump Screening water management consultation The program administrator will be responsible for fielding the staff to perform the pump screening visits. If cost effective, there may be a possibility to use existing consultants who perform field pump related services for Idaho Department of Water Resources. Individuals or firms performing the pump screening work will have to work closely with the nozzle and pump testing portion of the program. Pivot measure equipment Based on discussions with growers, incentives for certain pivot measures were added to the proposed program design. The intent is to facilitate a high volume of replacement of worn pivot components. The selected components were those that are easily accessible and for which initial saving potential can be estimated with some certainty. The list of equipment eligible for prescriptive incentives is not designed to be exhaustive and other pivot measures will be considered eligible equipment and secure incentives through project specific portion of the program if energy savings can be calculated and the customer incurs costs to make the changes. Pump Testing As with other portions of the program, this segment will be delivered by the program administrator who will be responsible for securing qualified firms or individuals to perform this work. Pump tests will be primarily performed on pumps that have been run through the pump screening portion of the program. Pump tests can be done whenever the pumps are running. Testing during late summer is generally preferred because most systems are operating at that time and any changes are likely to take place after harvest. Pump repairs and replacements will be recommended based on energy savings and eligibility. System modification, re-designs and replacements This portion of the program will target customer equipment change-outs or upgrades. Engineering and incentives will be available on a project specific basis, likely after the site has participated in the pump screen or pump test portion of the program. Baselines will be adjusted as necessary to reflect changing equipment requirements driven by factors outside the program. Project count in this portion of the program is expected to be low compared to the other program offerings. Engineering approaches and incentive offers will mirror the Energy FinAnswer program offering. Irrigation Efficiency Program Description 9/112005 Page 4 Marketing Expected program participants include privately owned irrigated farms, large corporate farms, irrigation districts, and irrigation suppliers. The program will be marketed by the third party program administrator and in conjunction with marketing efforts for the Load Control program. In addition, PacifiCorp program staff, irrigation field staff and trade allies will all be potential sources of projects leads. The PacifiCorp web site for energy efficiency programs will be updated with information on the new Idaho program offering. The existing suite of promotional program materials will be updated. Incentives Nozzle Exchange The instant savings measure equipment, nozzles, gaskets and drains are a program funded equipment incentive. The program administrator shall establish procedures and requirements for a Nozzle Exchange portion of the program allowing Customer to exchange existing eligible equipment for appropriately sized new equipment. Nozzle program procedures, deadlines, and requirements will be posted on the PacifiCorp Web site. Center Pivot Equipment Prescriptive incentives will be available for four specific measures applicable to pivot systems; low pressure drains, sprinkler pressure regulators, low flow sprinkler packages in place of standard flow packages and the addition of a low flow sprinkler package to be used in conjunction with standard flow package on the same pivot. Participants will receive fixed incentive per unit of equipment replaced to facilitate participation and reduce administrative complexity. Pump repair/replacement, system modification and re-design Implementation incentives will be available for pump repairs/replacements, new construction, major system upgrades and retrofits through the program per the terms of Schedule 155. Similar to other Company programs, the program will fund project specific engineering to provide the customer energy savings options that can be implemented as an energy efficiency project. Program funded engineering analysis will begin with a pump check and likely lead to a pump test. Additional engineering will be r.:~ject specific. Requirements or guidelines for an energJ efficiency project, including Irrigation Efficiency Program Description 91112005 Page 5 minimum savings, eligible equipment, etc. will be developed during the final design phase and made available on the Company web site. The incentive formula for implementation incentives other than pivot measures eligible for prescriptive incentives will be aligned with the Company s Energy FinAnswer incentive formula which is the lesser of the sum of (a) and (b) OR (c): (a) $0.12 /kWh for the Annual kWh savings as determined using Utah Power provided or approved engineering analysis; $50/kW for Average Monthly On Peak kW savings determined using Utah Power provided or approved engineering analysis.(c) 50% of the EEM Cost as determined by the Utah Power. Customers, who participate in both the federally funded water conservation programs like the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Company program, may have incentives adjusted so funding from both sources does not exceed 100% of the costs. (b) Projected results Based on the market characterization performed by Fazio Engineering and the application of a conservative net-to-gross ratio of .75 for selected measures (see Fazio document in Attachment 5), net results for November 2005 through December 2006 are estimated at 4 221 MWH with 2007 results estimated at 3 681 MWH. At this time the Company is not projecting significant on-peak capacity reductions in addition to the load control program. Irrigation Efficiency Program Description 9/1/2005 Page 6 Irrigation Efficiency Evaluation Plan This is a general evaluation plan for the Idaho Irrigation Efficiency program and describes general approaches. An exact scope of work will be determined each year. The program will be offered for three years and this evaluation plan assumes an annual evaluation with both process and impact components. An impact evaluation will be completed by the end of the first year and annually thereafter. A first year process evaluation will also be undertaken in order to quickly inform the Company of any program administration issues or opportunities. It is anticipated at least one process evaluation will be undertaken during the program duration, but the need for a process evaluation will be determined by program results and the company program manager. All Irrigation Efficiency program evaluations will be performed by a third party evaluator selected and retained by the company for this specific task. Overview The goals of the evaluation are to: 1. Estimate actual energy (kWh) and demand (kW) savings 2. Analyze Program cost effectiveness 3. Assess Program delivery Impact Evaluation The impact evaluation will include collecting key data, selecting a statistically valid sample of participants , performing on-site evaluations of the project, estimating energy savings including modeling of projects where appropriate, and assessing cost effectiveness. The impact evaluation approach will vary by type of measure installed. The impact evaluation for three separate components of the Irrigation Efficiency program; Nozzle Exchange, Pump Screening and water management consultation Pump Testing and System Modifications will be measure specific. Measure Verification PacifiCorp, through its Program administrator, has a comprehensive quality assurance process in place for this Program consisting of: Idaho Irrigation Efficiency Program Evaluation Plan 9/1/2005 Page 1 Nozzle exchange Nozzle exchange participant requirements to insure installation of equipment within the territory and appropriate application of equipment. Program administrator review of nozzle exchange participant tracking information. Program administrator sampling, phone verification and on -site inspection of a sample of the nozzle exchange participant projects. Center Pivot Equipment Pivot equipment participant requirements to insure installation of equipment within territory and appropriate application of equipment. Program administrator review of equipment and sprinkler system participant tracking information. Program administrator sampling, phone verification and on-site inspection of a sample of the center pivot equipment and sprinkler system projects. Pump screening and water management consultation Pump screening participant requirements to insure delivery of services for appropriate equipment. Program administrator review of pump screening participant tracking information. Program administrator sampling, phone verification and on -site inspection of a sample of the pump screening participant projects. Pump testing, pump repair and replacement, system modifications & re-design Pump testing, pump repair and system modification & re-design requirements to insure delivery of services for appropriate equipment. Program administrator review and approvals of energy efficiency measures identified by the pump testing and system analysis. Program administrator review and inspection of pump repair projects. The evaluator will review the quality assurance process to assure that each of these steps has been fully implemented. In addition, the evaluator will independently review a sample of the quality assurance and inspection reports. Based on this review the evaluator will assess the level of on-site verification required. Establishment of Baseline Operating Practices and Efficiency levels Determination of what would have happened in the absence of the effort is key in assessing the effects of an efficiency program. Through review of project file data, the Idaho Irrigation Efficiency Program Evaluation Plan 9/1/2005 Page 2 evaluator will characterize the baseline operating practices and efficiency levels and the prevailing standard practice of equipment operation. Specifically, the evaluator will characterize: Estimated existing and improved operational practices and resulting efficiency levels. Estimated operational practices and resulting efficiency levels in the absence of this program. Site visits will be conducted to determine whether: Original assumptions used in the energy analysis report were reasonable Anal ysis methods are appropriate Measures were installed as planned Measures operated as planned Inspections were appropriate and conducted properly. Any fundamental differences will be identified and revised savings analysis will be provided. Savings Analysis Evaluated energy and demand savings will be estimated using one or more of the following methods: Simulation modeling Engineering calculations Billing or metering data analysis Conduct Cost-Effectiveness Analysis The evaluator will conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis using traditional cost- effectiveness analysis methods. The analysis will include the standard perspectives (i., utility, ratepayers, participants, and society). The benefits to PacifiCorp include the reduction in energy consumption and the Company s avoided costs. For participants, benefits include reduction in energy costs. Process Eval uation In order to inform the Company about issues or opportunities regarding the delivery and administration of the Program a process evaluation will be conducted annually. The process evaluation will include interviews with utility staff, and participants. Idaho Irrigation Efficiency Program Evaluation Plan 9/1/2005 Page 3 Survey Program Administration and Utility Staff The evaluator will interview program administration and utility staff regarding: Customer application process( es ) Customer eligibility criteria and the verification process Marketing Vendor relations Program data collection Utility and implementer coordination Participant Survey Design and Implementation After reviewing the project files, the evaluator will complete telephone surveys with Program participants. The aim of the survey will be to determine: How each participant learned about the Program Their assessment of the value of the Irrigation Efficiency Program services Impact of the Irrigation Efficiency Program services on their operation and maintenance practices Satisfaction with the PacifiCorp hired energy consultant Satisfaction with their participation in the Program Whether they implemented any additional energy efficiency measures and whether the Program influenced them to do so. Develop Findings and Recommendations The evaluator will analyze the collected data and opinions to assess Program strengths weaknesses, bottlenecks, areas for improvement, and best practices. Management & Reporti The evaluator will deliver a draft and final report of findings. The final report will reflect all the comments made by stakeholders. It will provide a complete description of the relevant evaluation objectives and how they were achieved. The final report is to contain the following elements: Executive Summary Description of the Program, its goals, and objectives Statement of the evaluation goals and objectives Discussion of methodologies Implementation procedures and assumptions for each method Idaho Irrigation Efficiency Program Evaluation Plan 9/1/2005 Page 4 Data-collection procedures and methods Sample design and sample attrition Results and their interpretation (demonstrated clearly with charts and tables) Idaho lITigation Efficiency Program Evaluation Plan 9/1/2005 Page 5 Date:August 30, 2005 To:Don Jones Jr. From:Brian Hedman Re:Idaho C&I Programs This report provides a cost-effectiveness analysis of PacifiCorp s proposed commercial and industrial programs for the state of Idaho: Energy FinAnswer, FinAnswer Express and Irrigation. The analysis is based on the August 2005 update of the 2004 IRP decrement avoided costs and the June 30, 2005 Palo Verde avoided costs. The discount rate used for the Total Resource Cost (TRC) is the U.S. Treasury Long-term Composite Rate as of August 19,2005. The discount rate for the Utility Cost, Rate Impact and Participant Cost tests is the after-tax weighted cost of capital from PacifiCorp s 2004 Integrated Resource Plan. Cost effectiveness parameters for line losses and 2004 average retail rates were provided by PacifiCorp s regulation department. The following tables present the evaluation inputs, the per-unit costs and savings assumptions, the total program cost, and the 2005 updated IRP decrement and the June , 2005 forward price curve base case avoided costs results on an individual program basis and with FinAnswer and FinAnswer Express combined. Table 1: Common Program Inputs Discount Rate for TRC test Discount Rate for UTC, RIM, PART tests Line Loss Energy Rate ($/kWh) 4.44% 176% Commercial- 10.23% Industrial- 6.62% Irrigation - 10.23% Commercial - $.0595 Industrial - $.0341 Irrigation - $.0376 Don Jones Jr. August 30, 2005 Page 2 FinAnswer Express The FinAnswer Express program is cost effective from a total resource cost, utility cost and participant perspective. It fails the rate impact test, indicating that there will be some rate impact. Table 2: Costs and Savings 28,672 28,672 88,764 58,999 147 763 88,012 245 170 012 170,309 Total 293,460 223,541 517 001 Table 3: IRP 51 % Load Factor Decrement Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0469 $784 983 212 119 $427 136 544 + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0469 $784 983 101 926 $316,943 1.404 No Adder Utilit Cost Test (UCT)0311 $422 764 $859 053 $436,289 032 Rate Impact Test 323 343 $859,053 $464 290 649 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$362 218 034 682 $672,463 857 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.0000170886 Table 4: June 30, 2005 Base Case Forward Prices Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0469 $784 983 275 130 $490 148 624 + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0469 $784 983 159 209 $374 227 1.477 No Adder Utili Cost Test (UCT)0311 $422 764 $907 710 $484 946 147 Rate Impact Test 323,343 $907 710 $415 633 686 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$362 218 034 682 $672,463 857 Lifec cle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.0000078484 Don Jones Jr. August 30, 2005 Page 3 Energy FinAnswer The Energy FinAnswer program is also cost effective from all perspectives except the rate impact test, which indicates there will be some rate impact. Table 5: Costs and Savings 1 $406,000 $207 000 2 $1 168,000 $630 000 3 $1 627 000 $755,000 Total $3,201 000 $1 592 000 Savings adjusted to reflect 80% net-to-gross ratio $613 000 798,000 382 000 $4,793 000 850,000 560 000 940 000 350,000 Table 6: IRP 65 % Load Factor Decrement Total Resource Cost Test (TRG)0375 538,102 $8,830,188 292 087 594 + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0375 538 102 $8,027,444 $2,489,342 1 .449 No Adder Utilit Cost Test (UCT)0336 072 104 $6,352,463 280,359 560 Rate Impact Test $8,607 700 352,463 255 237 738 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$1,465 998 $5,149,117 $3,683,119 512 Lifec cle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.0000830059 Table 7: June 30, 2005 Base Case Forward Prices Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0375 $5,538,102 $10 698,468 $5,160 366 932 + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0375 $5,538 102 725,880 187 778 756 No Adder Utilit Cost Test (UCT)0336 072 104 767 734 695 630 908 Rate Impact Test $8,607 700 767 734 $839 966 902 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$1,465,998 149 117 683 119 512 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.0000158610 Irrigation The Irrigation program values assume a 75% Net-to-Gross factor. Even with this assumption the program is cost effective from the TRC, UCT and PCT perspective under Don Jones Jr. August 30, 2005 Page 4 the June 30, 2005 Base Case forward price curves as well as under the August 2005 update of the 2004 IRP 24% load factor avoided costs. It fails the RIM test in both cases, which indicates there may be some rate impact. Table 8: Costs and Savings Total $72 850 $160 630 $160 130 $393,610 $36 $450,595 $407 820 $894 569 $109, $611 225 $567 950 288,179 Table 9: IRP 24 % Load Factor Decrement Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0498 523 513 864,490 $340,977 224 + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0498 523 513 694 991 $171,478 113 No Adder Utili Cost Test (UCT)0388 $1,095 157 514 712 $419 555 383 Rate Impact Test 102 911 $1,514,712 $588,198 720 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$428 356 204 210 $775 854 811 Lifec cle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.0000216491 Table 10: June 30, 2005 Base Case Forward Prices Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0498 523 513 062 230 $538 717 354 + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0498 523,513 874 754 $351 241 231 No Adder Utili Cost Test (UCT)0388 095 157 684 156 $588 999 538 Rate Impact Test 102 911 684 156 $418 754 801 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$428 356 204 210 $775 854 811 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kW $0.0000154126 Combined FinAnswer and FinAnswer Express Programs We also examined an option to file the FinAnswer mId FinAnswer Express programs as a comprehensive commercial and industrial energy efficiency program. The combined Don Jones Jr. August 30, 2005 Page 5 program is cost effective from all perspectives except the rate impact test, which indicates there may be some rate impact. Table 11: Combined Programs: IRP Decrement Total Resource Cost Test $0.0382 323 084 $10,042 307 $3,719 223 588 (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)$0.0382 323 084 $9,129,370 806 286 1 .444 No Adder Utili Cost Test (UCT)$0.0335 $4,494,868 211 516 716,648 604 Rate Impact Test $9,931 044 211,516 719,527 726 Participant Cost Test (PCT)828 216 $6,183,798 355 582 382 Lifec cle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.00010009 Table 12: Combined Programs: Base Case Forward Prices Total Resource Cost Test $0.0382 323 084 $11 973 598 650,514 894 (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)$0.0382 323 084 $10 885 089 562 005 721 No Adder Utili Cost Test (UCT)$0.0335 $4,494 868 675,445 180,576 930 Rate Impact Test 931 044 $8,675,445 255 599 874 Participant Cost Test (PCT)828 216 183 798 355,582 382 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh $0.00002371