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Jean Jewell
Ed Howell
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 5:48 PM
Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark
Comment acknowledgement
WWW Form Submission:
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
5: 47: 55
Case: PAC-E-05-09
Name: Tory Talbot
Street Address: 1313 Pebble Creek Court
City: Idaho Falls
State: Idaho
ZIP: 83404
Home Telephone: (208) 524-0402
E-MaIl: 131398t~srv. net
mailing list yes no: yes
Comment descriptIon: I am writing to voice my opposition to the Schwendiman wind farm
proposal. Let me first say that I am not opposed to al ternati ve sources of energy as long
as they are efficent, and from a business standpoint productive and profitable. After much
research I have discovered that Wind farms are only at best 20 percent efficent. I do not
see how this can be productive or profitable. Allowing this proposal to go through would
do nothing more than put an additional burden on the customers of PacifiCorp. Where there
is another wind farm being built just a few miles from the proposed site I believe that
the PUC should wait and see if Wolverine Creek Energy LLC proves to be profitable. Only
then decide whether to proceed with any more wind farms. As a land owner that would border
this proposed wind farm I am adamantly opposed to this proj ect for a multitude of reasons.
From a strickly business standpoint however, I believe that approving of this wind farm
operation under any other criteria other than it meeting the 90/110 requirements would
allow Schwedimans to develop a wind farm that would not be in the best interest to the
customers of PacifiCorp.
Transaction 10: 1181747.
Referred by: http: / /www.puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc
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