HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050914Comments.pdf/~~IO\vi ~'1'h-jM vs t t Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Tuesday, September 13 20056:09 Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 5 : 09 : 14 Case: PAC-E-05-09 Name: Gaylen Jensen Street Address: 980 Westwood Dr. C i t Y : Rexburg State: ID ZIP: 83440 Horne Telephone: 208-356-8335E-Mail: j enseng~byui. eduCompany: UP&L mailing list _yes _no: (y~ Comment description: I am excited whenever a renewable energy source is developed! Wind power makes so much sense; we need to do anything we can to move it along as fast aspossible. The developers of this proj ect having been trying for years to get this proj ectin operation. I have been watching from afar and am disappointed in all the waitinginvol ved. Please move this along! Let's reduce our dependence on foreign energy! Pleasedont let the big energy companies keep the farmers out of the picture. It is a greatcombination for a farmer to get some extra income from their property. Everyone wins. Transaction ID: 9131709.Referred by: http: I Iwww. puc. state. id. usl scripts/polyform. dIll ipuc User Address: Hostname: ~ .;tvr-=- /JM"f '1/11105- /-r, iTvV 0/ 'l ~~ ,SEP-13-2005 03:27PM FROM-BONNEVILLE COUNTY 208-529-1319 T-944 P,OOl F-705" ,',.:',","" ",l"i:'"'i'"' /j./ 'i""1i" """" 'I"~;:J"" )""""" 11' " "' ,, " I;'~r:ifJ'(1" ::~' lJ.:, :,.,~:":, ",',' ,,, "' .. ," ,:;':,;(~~"~:: i',i"/;,1j,II, , ' /:,~,, .' ;~~:~~~ ~L~ pq ~y, ~ ~?- ; , ': '; .: ': , Y~1;E;~~;!0?;~1 ~' J10AIU).OF,COMMISSI.ONERS " ": ,~:,, ,' ," ' : "I, ' " "' ," ", , ,. "; r~:~: :.'!'1 , ': "; :, ":'; ~ROG ~~c : CIJJUSTENSEN~ ClnJRMAN~ DJS~RICT #1 ' 605 NORTH C~PIr~LAVt~,~;:,'::~r-;"",,.rr( .~"~, DAVE:FORD DISTRlC't'#Z ' , lDAROr.ALLS.IDAnO83~O2 '- "" ,.. -J:iA, 'N ;:!' o" " " ' ';o'.;f' LEE ST'AU~'DISrRlCT #3 ' OFFICE'; (208) 52!J-1.)50r"~ " ~'" ".. 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",.' :f...,~,.:..L , """" , , ".. ,,' ,-, , Septenlber 13,2005 Idaho P~1blic Utilities Col'1l,mission Jean Jewell 208-334-3762 Fax Case #P AC- E-O5- Dear Idaho Public Utilities CoIl1111ission, As County Conunissioners we ve been watching the progress of the Schwendiman sTI'1all wind power prodL~ctiol1 facility with great interest. Our support of tlle anenlQlneter installation since 2002, the project location, and the fact that the Schwendiman have been farming in our county for several generations are all positives for this project. SmalJ wind fanns are important to us as well as the large ones. Clean alternative energy along withjob creation is important as well. Thank YOll for yo\.lr consideration as we hope small wind power generation can be a reality here in Eastern Idaho. irn1an, Bonneville County Con11nissioners Sep 12 05 07:19a Power Quest pr . 0 0/" --11. (20B J 524 -0402 p. 1 Regarding Case IfP AC..O5-09 Schwendiman wind farm My Name is Tory Talbot. My Brother Trent and I are 5th generation farmers and own the property directly East of the proposed Schwendiman wind fann sight. Weare ADAMA TEL Y OPPOSED to the erecting of the 300 ft. plus tan wind mills. Our objections are four fold. First, thes~ wind mills are extremely expensive and it i~ higWy questionabl~ as to whether or not they will pay for themselves, let alone be profitable. Federal Govermnent Grants are use to put the wind farms up and if that isn t costly enough, the utility consum~s are asked to pay any additional costs of power generation. This just adds insult to injury after oW' Tax Dollars are used to put up these towers, we are then ask to pay a higher price for any electricity they happen to generate. We urge the commission to consider cost/ben~fit of these wind farms. Second, the general public has no Idea the foot runs East of Idaho F aHs will change forev~r. These 300 ft p1u.~~ tall towers arc far from b~ing unobtrusive. The proposed Schwendjman wind farm is located on top of ridge appTox. 3 miles East North East of Iona. One wiIl see these monstrosities for as far away as Shelly. With a11 of the truly rural land, we question the placement of these unsightly structures so close to and in plane view of a populated area. Most folks who live here are outdoors enthusiasts and hold in high regard the beauty of the local landscap~. Third" the environmental concerns regarding these wind mHls. The rEX CREEK WILD LIFE MANAGEMENT AREA is on1y about 4 miles Due East of the proposed Schwendiman wind faun. All the studie.s we have able to find, conclude these wind fanns to be highly damaging to wild life. The noise, although not apparent directly around the towers, is very loud farther away and can be herd up to 5 miles away. After speaking to the head of the IDAHO Fish & Game Dept. we discovered they are adamantly opposed to these wind farms being place so dose to a wild life refuge. Forth, These wind farms have a negative effect on land values. Although the property surrounding the proposed sight is agriculture, it is on the hill side that is plane view from many towns and cities in the valley. These huge structures are unsightly at best and drive dowu land values. We urge th~ commission to take into consideration these points before giving any kind of approval to Schwendirnan' s proposed wind farm. If we arc going to have these as a source of electricity, it seams to make sense to put these wind mills in locations where people are not forced to look out their front doors and see them. It also seams prudcnl to build fewer numbers of these faJ'ms that have n'J.ore mills in them, thus preventing the countryside from being littered with srnaller groups of these wind mill~. We feel it would be in the public s interest to examine these issue in depth before making any decision. Weare going to do what we cat) to raise pubic awareness of this and lry to urge relocation of the mills on propo~ed sight sought by Schwediman. Sep 12 05 07: 19a Power Quest pr ~~~~5' n~ C) (20B J 524 -0402 P 4 Regarding Ca~e #P AC-OS.O9 Schwendiman wind farm My Name is Trent Talbot. My Brother ToQ' and I are 5th generation farmers and own the property directly East of the proposed Schwcndiman wind farm sight. We are ADAMATEL Y OPPOSED to the erecting of the 300 ft. plus tall wind mills. Our objections are four fold. First, these: wind mills are extremely expensive and it is highly questionable as to whether or not they will pay for themselve~. let alone be profitable. Federal Goverrunent Grants are use to put the wind fanns up and if that isn t costly enough, the utility Consumers areasked to pay any additional costs of power generation. This just adds insult to jnjury after our Tax Dol1ars are used to put up these towers, we are then ask to pay a higher price for any electricity they happen to generate, We urge the commission to consider costlbenefit of these wind farms. Second. the general public has no Idea the foot hills East of Idaho Fans will change forever. These 300 ft plus, tall towers are far from being unobtru~ive. The proposed Schwendiman wind farm is located on top of ridge approx. 3 miles East North East of lon3. On~ wil1 see these monstrosities for as far away as Shelly. With all of the truly rural land, we question the placement of these unsightly structlU'CS SO close to and in plane view of a populated are~ Most folks who live here are outdoors enthusiasts and hold in high regard the beauty of the local landscape. Third~ the environmentAl concerns regarding these wind mHls. The TEX CREEK WILD LIFE MANAGEMENT AREA is only about 4 miles Due East of the proposed Schwendiman wind fmm- AU the studie$we have able to find, conclude these wind farms to be highly damaging to wild life. The noise, although not apparent directly around the towers, is very loud farth~r away and can be herd up to 5 miles away. Afterspeaking to the head of the IDAHO Fish & Game Dept. we discovered they arc adaroantly opposed to these wind fanns being place so dose to a wild life refuge. Forth, These wind ranDs have a negative effect on land val ues. Although the property surrounding the proposed sight is agriculture~ it is On the hill side that is plane view from many towns and citie~ in the valley. These huge structures are unsightly at best and drive down land valuef.:, We urge the commission to take into consideration these points before giving any kind of approval to Schwendiman' s proposed wind farm. If we are going to have these as a source of electJ:'icity, it seams to make Sense to put these wind mills in locations where people arc not forced to look out their front doors and see them. It also seams prodent to build fewer numbers of these fanns that have more mills in them, thu.'t preventing the COlU'1try~jde f.-om being littered with smaller groups of these wind mills. We fcel itwould be in the public s interest to examine these issue in depth before making any decision. We are going to do what we can to raise pubic awareness of this and try to urge relocation of the mills on proposed sight sought by Schwediman. A. A- '1Jt~/o~ Ii 10 A ,v~ :, H September 13, 2005 State of Idaho Public Utilities Commission Boise, Idaho 83701 To the Commission: Re: Case # P AC-E- 05- Regarding the proposed Schwendiman Wind Farm Project, I wish to register my objections and concerns as follows: Location:With the vast amount of wasteland in this state, I question why the wind farm should be placed in a growing area of residential subdivisions and near the Tex Creek Wildlife Refuge. It would seem far more plausible to seek an area that would not devalue the tax base of the county and state. Profigwilitv:Studies show that wind farms are not cost efficient. Why, then does the government, state and federal, fund such projects, I believe we need alternative sources of energy, but they must be cost effective. Environmental Impact:Placement of the proposed wind farm near populat~d areas poses many environmental concerns, an environmental impact study has been made, I hereby request a copy of such, The Tex Creek Wildlife Refuge was created by the Idaho Fish & Game Department, Funding for this preserve came ITom the taxpayers of Idaho, To disrupt this wildlife refuge is a gross waste of state tax dol1ars. I urge you to reconsider the placement of the wind farm. Surely, there are far more appropriate locations in the state that would not devalue the land and tax base of this valley. Respectfu~ly, ~ 9~UV' Patricia J. Smith 3106 Springwood Lane Idaho Falls, ill 83404 1 . d 19vEE2SBO2 ~OJ3a3WOH ~ I A~iS I i~~dBl:vO SO El das