HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071119Third Amended Agreement.pdf~~I~OUNTAIN E November 19,2007 ZOU1 NOV 19 10= 08 ¡DM-iO PUBLIC _ . ûTH.:tIES COMMISSlù, . 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 VL OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta Re:Joint Motion for Approval of Thrd Amended Agreement Case No. PAC-E-05-9 Rocky Mountan Power, a division of PacifiCorp and Schwendiman Wind LLC hereby submit for filing an original and seven (7) copies of their Joint Motion for Approval of Thrd Amended Agreement. Please note that the documents included in ths filing are exact duplicates of the origials. Service of pleadings, exhbits, orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the followig: Brian Dickman Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Rocky Mountain Power One Uta Center, Suite 2300 201 South Mai Salt Lake City, UT 84111 brian.dickmani$pacificorp.com Jorda A. Whte Senior Counsel Rocky Mountan Power One Uta Center, Suite 2300 201 South Mai Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Jordan. white(ipacificorp.com It is respectfuly requested that all formal correspondence and Sta requests regarding ths material be addressed to: Bye-mail (preferred):dataequest~pacificorp.com By reguar mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon, 97232 By fax:(503) 813-6060 Idaho Public Utilities Commssion November 19, 2007 Page 2 Sincerely, )# il ~/ßP Jeffey K. Larsen Vice President, Reguation Enclosures cc: Service List CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 19th day of November 2007 I caused to be served, via U.S. Mail, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing Joint Motion for Approval of Third Amended Agreement in Case No. P AC-E-05-09 to the following parties as shown: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 j jewell (fuc. state.id. us Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702 scott. woodburyuc.idaho.gov Brian D. Jackson, P.E. 7800 Alfalfa Lane Melba, ID 83641 brian(iclever-ideas.com Dean J. Miler, Esq. McDevitt & Miler LLP 420 W. Banock Boise, ID 83702 joe(imcdevitt -miler .com Jordan A. White Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 jordan. white(facificorp.com Bruce Griswold Manager Origination PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Ste 600 Portland, OR 97232 bruce. grswold(facificorp. com Barton Kline Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho Street Boise,ID 83702 bkline(iidahopower.com ebbie DePetris Supervisor, Regulatory Administration Jordan A.Whte Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 841 1 1 Tel: (801) 220-4640 Fax: (801) 220-3299 jordan. whiterqpacificom.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power 19 ArUJ: f 7 Dea J. Miler (ISB # 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, 10 83702 Tel: (208) 343-7500 Fax: (208) 336-6912 joerqmcdevitt-miler.com Attorneys for Schwendiman Wind LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) )IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP FOR ) APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE ) AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE AND ) PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY )BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND )SCHWENDIMAN WIND LLC ) ) CASE NO. P AC-E-05-09 JOINT MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF THIR AMENDED AGREEMENT COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, a division ofPacifiCorp ("PacifiCorp" or the "Company") and Schwendiman Wind LLC ("Schwendiman Wind" or the "Seller"), hereinafer referred to as the "Paries" and in accordance with RP 56 hereby move the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for an Order approving a Third Amended Power Purchase Agreement ("Third Amended Agreement") as embodied in Attachment 1 to this Joint Motion. This Joint Motion is based on the following: I. BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURA HISTORY As set fort in the March 31, 2006 Agreement, Schwendiman Wind proposes to design, constrct, install, own, operate and maintain a wind generating facilty with a nameplate capacity of twenty (20) MW to be located in Bonnevile County, Idaho. As previously described in the Application and Exhbits fied August 15,2005, the Facility has been self-certified with FERC as a Qualified Facility ("QF") and is to be interconnected with PacifiCorp on the Sugar Mil/Goshen-Rigby 69 kV line 11 miles norteast of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Schwendiman Wind would sell and PacifiCorp would purchase approximately 7.15 average MW ("aMW") of electrc energy generated by the Schwendiman Wind Facility ("Facility"), a qualified small power production facility under the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1 978 ("pURP A"). To that end, PacifiCorp and Schwendiman Wind entered into a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement on July 19, 2005 (the "Original Agreement") and submitted it to the Commission for approval in this docket on Augut 15 2005. Pursuant to Order Nos. 29880 and 2992 i, the Paries submitted an amended Agreement ("March 31, 2006 Agreement") which was subsequently approved by the Commission on March 31, 2006, in Order No. 30000. The Paries executed a Second Amended Power Purchase Agreement C'Second Amended Agreement") on September 07, 2007 which was submitted to the Commission on September 21, 2007. Prior to the Commission's consideration of the paries' Joint Motion for Approval of the Second Amended Agreement, it became necessar to make minor changes to the Second Amended Agreement. The paries therefore, requested the Commission to refrain from review of the Second Amended Agreement in favor of consideration of the most recent version of the March 31, 2006 Agreement - the attached Thrd Amended Agreement. JOINT MOTION FOR APPROVAL 2 II. CHANGES TO THE MARCH 31, 2006 AGREEMENT As detailed in Attachment 1 to this Joint Motion, proposed changes to the March 31, 2006 Agreement include the following to: a) Replace Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit 0, and Exhbit F-2 with new exhibits reflecting Schwendiman Wind's substitution of Nordic wind turbines for Clipper wind turbines; b) Update the Recitals to reflect the Nordic wind turbine output; c) Move forward in time the Scheduled Commercial Operations Oate and other intermediate milestones in Section 2; d) Stipulate (in Section 2.3) to Schwendiman Wind's liability for Delay Liquidated Oamages, from August 1,2007, until the Commercial Operation Oate; e) Update the capacity factor table in Section 4.2.1 to reflect the new turbines; and f) Add a new Section 22 containing security provisions applicable to Schwendiman Wind. The Third Amended Agreement also adds pricing for year 2028 in Section 5 and updates obsolete contract information in Section 2 i. Otherwse, no substantive changes to the March 31, 2006 Agreement are contemplated. (intentionally blank) JOINT MOTION FOR APPROVAL 3 III. NOW, THEREFORE, the Paries respectfully request that the Commission proceed pursuant to a modified procedure pursuant to Rules 201 through 204 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure and issue its Order: i) Approving the Third Amended Agreement between PacifiCorp and Schwendiman Wind without change or condition; and 2) Reaffrmng that prices to be paid for energy and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that the cost incured by PacifiCorp for purchasing capacity and energy from Schwendiman Wind are legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission wil allow PacifiCorp to recover in rates in Idaho in the event other jurisdictions deny recovery of their proportionate share of said expenses. Respectfully submitted this /br~ay of November 2007. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER McOEVIIT & MILLER LLP JO~ Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power ~ \1l-- Oean J. Miler Attorneys for Schwendiman Wind LLC JOINT MOTION FOR APPROVAL 4 ATTACHMENT 1 ~~Af.l,foloÇQ.~p ENERGY 825 NE Multnomah. Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232 October 16, 2007 Schwendiman Wind LLC 9633 East Highway 33 Newdale, ID 83436 Attn: Tyler Schwendiman Re: SECOND AMENDMENT TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT Oear Mr. Schwendiman, This letter amends the (5;econd) Amended Power Purchase Agreement Between Schwendiman Wind LLC and PacifCorp, which was most recently amended on September 7,2007. PacifiCorp and Schwendiman Wind LLC (Schwendiman) desire to: (1) update the Recitals and Section 7 to reflect the revised Nordic wind turbine output; (2) postpone the Scheduled Commercial Operations Date in Section 2; (3) update the Capacity Factor Schedule in Section 4.2.1; (4) update Default Security amount and Scheduled Commercial Operation Date in Section 22; and (5) replace Exhibit D and Exhibit F-2 with new exhibits reflecting Schwendiman's updated Engineer's Certification. This Agreement otherwise makes no substantive changes to the Agreement. Upon the Idaho Public Utilties Commission's unqualified approval, the attached (THIRD) Amended Power Purchase Agreement Between Schwendiman Wind LLC and PacifCorp supercedes the' September 7, 2007 Agreement. (Remainder of page is intentionally left blank) Please indicate your approval of the foregoing amendment by signing below, initialing next to the changes in the attached amended Agreement, and returning a copy of both to the above address. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. SCHWENDIMAN WIND: . íf1e, Sx~.æ.Jnu~'- ~me/ /Ji5l -e/Title 1/!f2~107Date r I Attachment: (Third) Amended Power Purchase Agreement Between Schwendiman Wind LLC and PacifìCorp Lg-G .AiVENDED POWE.R PURCHASE .\.GRFEiVIEXr(Third) BI::TWELN ,,2:; *~~..3 ::** Schwcndiman Wind U.C AND I'ACTFICORP ¡IDAHO QUALIFYING FACILJTY -~IOaMW/Month or Icssl Original Agreement executed July 19, 2005 First Amended J";,"l, 2;, 200.6 Second Amended . C. l' , 2007 Third Amended 10 L l!. ----, 2007 , ,,2:: ~-! d'~=t *Changes noted ",,2::" in the max-gin were agreed to by letter agreement dated f:2.5j~.~-7__________________, 2007 between PacifiCorp and Schwendiman liJind IJLC ( "Second Amendment") , **Changes noted "..3::" in 1D Jì Iv ("Third (Amendment") . the margin were agreed to by letter agreement dated i 2007 between PacifiCorp and Schwendiman Wind LLC S(:h\\':~:IHj¡¡11al1. \\' )!(l ¡;¡:'i\.\ ,:1' ¡)ri';\;,X'i SCC'¡CII1 ¡: Deiii:iij,."),, S'':C.l(,P .~. l:.,:~l1~. (':):r,l"l:i' ri;¡\ ()r~~:r;Hì(:\r,; : ");i:* **Ii SCCII)11 .". R~ï)IT,_.i:LlII,;:I" :u)d \V;m:lIilll,"'.:, S,.cio,i 4: Lkll"c'r:; (if Fi:c!!y ;ind (';'ip;l(:ii.:¡ii ** Sc:c\ion .~: l'\IrCh;l~c: Prjcc~ ...i 2* Senion (i: Operation ;ind (',mimI .. lei Seciion 7: Motive Fon:c'..... l(,* * * Section 8: Metering..,...J() Seclion (): Billings, Computations and Payments. Section 10: Defaults mid Remedies. 17 17 Section II: Inc!eliiiilicalioIL... Section 12: Liabilir.y and InslIninec. I () I'J Section 13: Foree :-vlaJcurc ,."................."."............... Section 14: Several Obligations"".."."........".... ...2 i .......................................'. '1 Section 15: Choice of Law..".."....."......""........ . ~ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . '. .. ....22 Section 16: Partial Invalidity .......".".........................................".."......................... ..".23 Section 17: Waiver.".."....."..........""....................."......... ......................................"......23 Section 18: Governmental Junsdiction and Authori7.ations "....".."...."..........".....""",,. 23 Section 10: Successors and Asstgns "".."........"..".......... "."...................................."..". 23 Section 20: Entire Agreement................................ ...... ............. ..................... .................. 23 Section 2 J : Notices ...... .... . ............................. ...... ........... ....................... ............. ... ...... 24 * Section 22: Security....................................... 25*** II .1 *These Sections contain changes aqreed to in the Second Amendment. ,,:2.., (.-l,; "-r-::~ --These Sections contain changes agreed to in the Third Amendment. ,3, ~ ~ PO\VFR PI;HCH\SV\(;RFE\JF",j 1..1...' , . FI ').'i,.¡ .1.'1..1"11''-..'1' I. t I.. I')..w-. I î"'AI'I'Y\: 1:- ¡'()\\L.!~ J ¡,i 1:\:- . .\(" .,\ i..,!, .~ntC'rL:,- in "1'1h l. ¡ ',1'. ,'i :\)n~,,_ -'1, 21i1)f\. I" hct\\,.:t'11 Sc)mClldll1:ìi \V111d 1.1.('. an Idahl! 1 imi tcd ¡¡ahili!\ comp~!n:, iJlê "ScIlÚ" ¡ ,ind 1';lcIIICi.rp.. ;in ()Lè~"on ,.,'liv,)rê:u()'l ac:lll:, ill ih rC~liLtkd d~c¡ric utility cap;li':lly ("PacilïCorp"l. Seikr :1i\iI D,IC¡lìCnrp are l,_'fCIT(~d.o e()lkc\¡v~ly a~ :.ie "Parties" "'HI indi\idi.:.iilv ;,,; ,i "P,irty" REClrAI.S .'\. SelieI' inknds 11\ iOllSlrul'I, 1\\\11, nperaie and I1Ii1iiitaiil it wind power gc)),:raii,11 LlCilitv Ill! the generation 01' ekciric power loc;akcl in Bonneville C'Olllty, (daho with an cxpecie:i Faciliiy ('apacity Ri1ing (if 20,OOO-kilowilt (kW) ("Facility"); and B. Sclltr intends to operate the Facility as a Oualifying Facility; as ;;ucli (erni iS detined in ScC'ion i .J7 below. C Seller C' in des. thai the average annual Net Output to be delivered by the Facility to L~' Lfi' Paci l¡Cor¡) is ~f;1h~-;) 6 kilowatt-hours (kWh) pursuant tn.. the monthly C:apaeity Facto(",. -,-_..~ schedules in Exhi'hit 0 hereto. which amount of energy PacilïCorp will include in its resourcc'h.- .~ planning; and D. Seller shall sell and PacifiCorp shall purchase the Net Output rì'om the Facility in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. E.. This Agreement is a "New QF Contract" under the Paci fiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Cost Allocation Revised Protocol. F. On the 19th day of July, 2005, the Parties executed a Power Purchase Agreement (the "Original Agreement") and thereafter submitted the Original Agreement to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for approval in Case No. PAC-E-05-09. G. On October 4, 2005 the Commission issued Order No. 29880 disapproving the Original Agreement. H. The Parties havc in good faith negotiated this Amended Power Purchase Agreement with a view toward meeting the Commission's objections expressed in Order No. 29880. NOW, TI--IEREFORE, the Parties mutually agree as follows: SECTION 1: DKFINlfIONS When used in this Agreement, the foiiowing terms shaH have the following meanings: 1.1 "Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Capacity Factor" shaH have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3. I .2 '"As-built Supplement" shall be a supplement to Exhibit A, provided by SeHer following cDmpletion of construction of the Facility, describing the Facility as actually built. ''';i:h\\'t'l~t'iiìn:i;) iiid 1)(\\,,:' ,,!",l)'/'i¡:.::c: i.:; "Billing Periodll nl~'_::H-;~ ihe tlinc pVl!t)d hCt",\,;~o(';'i lì~tciC;('tJlPIS í~~;¡(¡¡n~_~, ¡'\foii.. \1()\\~'r pm,.li:!:,',. iiid::r :il ¡he I.:icijit'i .lId '-',r :hh \!.r,,:cll1'~:l1t ;,kill (iii~(id(; with eaknd"r 11,,¡Hhs. . ,.l "Capacity hidor" !i1l':IiS iì)" 1m':, givcn p...rii\d (Ie iime. thc '!ei Oll\t1111 ,.hJl\Crcd ,ii\.,..kd lli, r:ic;\il'i Cap:¡city ¡~:!li!i=i dl\ïdcd hy ioU i hours in !he ~'ivcn period uliiiilt .' "Capacity F:lt'or SelH'(ÌUÌ\" .;11:111 Iny:; ihi., a',c:min;i ,,,:1 íììrth in Sc'ciiol1 4.1 01 . hi e;\ ~1.CCnL:,ni I.!) "Commercial Operation" means ¡hc l'ICiliiy IS lully ilixTaÙ,)nal .H1d I'('iiahh:. III n01 lcss ¡han ninety percenl (l)I)0';,¡ or the: èxpcctt:d Facility Capacity Ratin~, and iiicrcollíl:ctcd and synchronized with ihe Transmission Provider's Systcin III ordcr lo mcet ¡hc requirements for Commercial Operation, all of the lè)llowing events shall have occurred: 1.6.1 I)aei fiCorp shall have received a certi licate addrcssed to Pac! tìCorp lrom a Licensed Profcssionii\ Engineer (al stating thc Faciliiy Capacity Raling of ¡he hiciliiy ;it the anticip,ìtcd time of Commercial Operation and ¡b:i stating thai the Facility iS able to generate Glcctric power reliably in amounts n~quired by this Agrccment and ¡;i ;H:cordance with all oiher ienns and conditions oftliis Agreement; i .6.2 Start-I)p Testing oftl1e Facility shall have been completed; 1.(d PacifiCorp shall have received a certificate addressed to PaciliCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer, an aHomey in good-standing in Idaho, or a letter Iì-om PacifiCorp Transmission, stating that, in accordance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement, all required interconnection facilities have been constructed, all required interconnection tests have been completed and the Facility is physically interconnected with the System in conformance with the Generation Interconnection Af,'Teement; and 1.6.4 PacifiCorp shall have received a certificate addressed to PacitiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer, or an attorney in good standing in Idaho, stating that Seller has obtained all Rcquircd Facility Documents and, if requested by PacìfiCorp in writing, Seller shall have provided copies of any or all such requested Required Facility Documents. Seller shall provide notice to PacifiCorp when Scller believes that the Facility has achieved Commercial Operation. PacitiCorp shall have ten (10) clays altcr receipt of such notice either to confinn to Seller that all of the conditions to Commercial Operation have been satisfied or have occurred, or to statc with speci ficity those conditions that PacifiCorp reasonably believes have not been satisfied or have not occurred. If, within such ten (10) day peiiod, PacifiCorp does not respond or notifies Seller confimiing that the Facility has achieved Commercial Operation, thc original date of receipt of Seller's notice shall be the Commercial Operation Date. If PacifiCorp notifies Seller within such ten (10) day period that PacifiCorp believes the Facility has not achieved Commercial Operation. Seller shall be obligated to address the concerns stated in PacifíCorp's notice to the mutual satisfaction afbath Parties, and Commercial Operation shall he deemed to occur on the date or such satisfaction, as specified in a notice tì'om PacitìCorp to Seller. i l Commercial Operation is achieved at less than one hundred percent (1 OO°IiI) of lhe I 2 ')i:iì\.\:.'¡i(¡j~i.i;ì~.i \\- lll(! :)l.ì\~,:¡'-:l ,:'.p~'Ck.i 1.;Jlïili::' (.;\p:IC';IV ¡(¡:Lng, Sc!kr,Ii,i\i Xii\id,: F',ICil:I.,lrp ,:\1 ':.\P,~C\(\I.i:iiè' ¡;,I" .,clilè\ i:1:' iik '.\\1"Clc:d I';iuliiy (':\p:iciiy i~atiiii~. :\I,d the ¡:iei lii;"',: i. ',i¡'Lìl'IIY 1~.;Il1!=, on thai dale shall be :he: ,:¡¡;'l 1.;.,':1;1., C::P':Cliy R::tin:c ïJ1¡k:r ili:S\",r,.:"ii~,:rii. In 11,) ....'Cl',il¡ III ¡ii:iii,'\.iii~ i.": ,:\pcciccI :'.,icility (',ip:iciiy R:iiin:2. hcvo:id ii;: c.'(ìi~¡I\¡(,rci"i (lpu.;!l('.!1 ILi\( P0';PITlë :\'c. b.im:liinn D:ile spcciiictÌ in Scction 2 ! :. . TonimercÌ;il Operation Dalf" 1ì"~~IJ'S the ,Lilt the F::ciliiy :ir,;1 ,.ichic:',cs (")l1ill".Tcui ()IWi.,'l;()n. .~: "Commission" rricans ihe Id:i1ìO Pllhlic Uiiiiii,,:s ( 1)1111I1iss\011 ,) "Conforming Energy" means all 'let F.J1~I'gy cixccpi Non..Conlòrming Energy and fii;idvcrteni Energy. i. i 0 "Contract Price" means the applicable price for energy and capacity, specdied in Sec-iion 5. i. I. I i "Contr,iet Y car" means :i twelve (i 2.) month period conimcncing al OO:()O hours Mountain Prevailing Time ("MPT") on .Jannary 1 and ending on 24:00 hours vlPT nn December ~ i; provided, 1/()1vcver, that the Ii r5t Contract Year shall commence on the Commercial Operation Date and end on thc next succeeding December .3 i, and the last Contract Year shall end on the lasi day of the Term. i. i 2. "Delay Liquidated Damages", "Delay Period", "Delay Price" and "Delay Volume" shall have the meanings set forth in Section 2.3 of this Agreement; 1.13 "Effective Date" shall have the meaning set tònh in Section 2. I of this Agreement. i. i 4 "Expiration Date" shall have the meaning sct fOi1h Il Section 2.1 of this Agreement. I. I 5 "Facility" means Seller's Schwendiman Wind Power Project, including the Seller's Interconnection Facilities, as described in the Recitals, Exhibit A, and Ii:xhibit B. i .16 "Facility Capacity Rating" means the sum of the Nameplate Capacity Ratings for all generators comprising the Facility, 1. i 7 "Force Majeure" lias the meaning set forth in Section 13.1. i .18 "Generation Interconnection Agi'eement" means the generation interconnection agreement to be entered into separately between Sellcr and PacifiCorp's transmission or distribution department, as applicable, specifying the Point of Delivery and providing for the construction and operation of the Interconnection Facilities. 1.19 "Inadvertent Encrgy" means: (l) energy delivered in excess of the Maximum Monthly Piirdmse Obligation; and (2) energy delivered at a rate exceeding the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate. ,.' SC¡'i\.\:,;~lldii'll~¡i: \\/;:)11 p.'i',\'(:io ¡)ï\_)\~:(:i I 'Ii '.Index Price" shad in..:iii .he n¡'. I. llllk.\'c'ghkd J,...ra\\( of die da'lV iHI- PÇ:I~ ;1I1d cd (.t)èak r leI'.\' bni.' \,1 id.(iil¡¡mhi:i Il1ik\ (I )mviolil.S MidI' lndcx I prict:s~',r lir:m e'llT~,\'~ ;lld 12) 'he \'.i:.i.!,lii.~d ;I'.',:r:igc 01 ¡he d:nlv o\1.pc:ik ;ind ,,¡ï-pc;;; DO\\ .1')11(:' P:iki \/erde ind..x I Dul,l: .!,Ylt? l':dOl \ic'de index) pricts Ii)r iinn i'iicr~~y For Siind:iy :ind Nl':I~( holidavs, the .:.\.1-1(1,11. Index F1rii;c,1i:ill hc :¡sul. i!likss \)Olwir'I1èS ",¡ shall publish a Fiin O:i-I\::ik aii:i Firrn ()!f-Pc:i~ Pi'ile: ¡i1l ;;lIcli d:i'.S r~ir \lliiC .:nl! ¡'ale. \j'.:rdc. in '.'. hich (....",n! such indices sh:i11 he ¡i¡ili/ed ¡()r such d:iy:;. If :h~' j)(~W Joiies r\i indc\ or :my repl:iccnient of ¡hili indc\ ceases ¡O bc puhlislicd diirinco 'he' 'crT, oj' ¡his .\gn:Cllll'lli, ¡):ieif(Corp shall ;;deci as a rcplacem.:nt a ,1IhSl;lIi¡;t1ly \:qiii\:ik:il\ 'l1.k\ ¡h;ii. ,¡I'ld any' :ippr,ipii;ili ell' lìc".,"S',:ll)' .ldjuSl!lli.lilS. proVides the iiiosi T:ison:ih k suhst ji Ilk i~lr ihe i iidc'\ i ii qiies! ion P:iclliC.orp' s ,;L:1cctiol\ shall be suhject !O Selkr's cOl1sent, which Selkr sl1allno! ,inrcasonahly withhold, coiil!iii,)l iir dehy . 1.21 "Initial Year Capacity Faclur Schedule" shall have the meaning set lOlth 1m ScetiC)Jl 4.2 i. i .22 "Interconnection Facilities" means a\l the facilities and ancillary equipment used to interconnect ¡he Facility (0 thi~ PacifiCoiv transmission system, including clcetric:al transmission lines, upgrades, tranSf~)m1erS, and associated equipment, sunstations, relay arnd switching equipment, and safety equipment. 1.23 "Licensed Professional Engineer" means a person acceptable to PacifìCorp in itts reasonahle judgment who is licensed to practice engineering in the state of Idaho, who has training and experience in the engineering discipline(s) relevant to the matters with respect llo which such person is called to provide a certification, evaluation and/or opinion, who has no economic relationship, association, or nexus with the Seller, and who is not a representative of a consulting engineer, contractor, designer or other individual involved in the development of tbe Facility, or of a inainif.'leturer or supplier of any equipment installed in the Facility. SuCh Licensed Professional Engineer shall be licensed in an appropriate engineering discipline for th required certification being made. The engagement and payment of a Licensed Profession:l Engineer solely to provide the eerti fieations, evaluations and opinions required by this Agreement shall not constitute a prohibited economic reiationship, association or nexus with tle Seller, so long as such engineer has no other economic relationship, association or nexus with tl Seller. i .24 "Material Adverse Change" shall mean, with rcspect to the Sellcr, if the Seller in the reasonable opinion of PacifiCorp, has experienced a inateiial adverse change in ability ~ fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. i .25 "Maximum Facility Delivery Rate" means the maximum instantaneous rare (kW) at which thc Facility is capable of cleliveting Net Output at the Point of Delivery, ¡a,,, speei ned in Exhibit A, and in compliance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement. i .26 "Maximum Monthly Purchase Obligation" means the maximum amount iof energy PaeifiCorp is obligated to purchase under this Agreement in a calendar month, Rii accordance with Commission Ordcr 29632, the MaximuinMonthly Purchase Obligation for a given month, in kWh, shall equal 10,OOn k W multiplied by the total number of hours in th;at month. 'f ~("1\\ \:n(I,ln~llì \\: :nd jii)'..."i,':,: 1 ~~"",: '.\lniivc F'urct Pian" :~;i~dl ;1;1',.:-; ¡ l'c ìlì'':;i1\¡ll~_ ~;i:l ¡nnh ¡Iì :-("1.11Cilì 7 iil 111¡~: :\!,.!'l'l'ilICni ¡ ..!8 "'ameplatc C'apacity Rating" inc:aiis ;he il:1xiilUIII il¡SLilllancOlis ;('ncr,niii," capacity 1)1' ,my ql!:iliCyin~; sliliil power ')1' c,igl.,ii;:ri¡tion gcn,;r:uing ¡mit supplying ail ür in,n 1)1' ¡he: ::ncrgy sold by the Faciìity, sxpïcssèl m ¡v1 W. when OPl'L\tCJ consisi.IH \\ iih ¡he l1Z1nulacmrcr's rCC0111lCliikd power 'ilLl¡)r and ,llh.:ra¡ing ¡xiraiiClcrs, ilS,d lònh in a noiicc Cron! Sclki Ii'i P:lCiliCorp ,k!i\.ercd heCo¡.c iìii: c',--niriicrciai Opc:raiìon Dale .iiill, il .ippl:cibk iipdai(;d III til( .\5 huili Sl!pp1ciicnt. I.:;') "i\d Energy" iiCiins the cii,'rgy u\liipOllciit. II kWh, orNet OnipUL. i .30 "Net Output" iicans all energy and (;apacity prodiici.:d by the ¡'acilily, less station US(; Jild less tr;11slimmliion and transiiission losses and other adjustments. i r any. For purposes oC calculating paynicni under this Agreement, Net Output oj" energy shall he the allHJunl of energy !lowing through t he Point ol Ddivèry. less any station tise not provided by the Facility. 13 i "Non-Confonning Energy" means for any Billing Petiod: (I) ihat portion ol Nei Energy delivered in excess of 1 i 0% of the Facility Capacity Raiing multiplied by lhe lotal hours in the Billing Period and l1ulliplied by the Schedulcd Monthly Capacity Factor for that BillinQ Period; or (2) all Net Energy in which Selkr';¡ Capacity Factor is less than 90'% of the Sclicdulc~i Monthly Capacity Factor for that Billing Period; or (3) all Net Output produced by the Facility prior to the Commercial Operations Date. 1.32 "PacifiCorp Transmission" means PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, acting in its transmission function capacity. 1.33 "Point of Delivery" means the high side of the generation step-up transfonner(s) located at the point of interconncction between the Facility and PacifiCorp's Iransl1ission system, as specified in the Generation Interconnection Agreement and in Exhibit B. 1.34 "Prime Rate" means the rate per annum equal to the publicly announced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loans to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by Citibank, N.A. Ifa Citibank, N.A. prime rate is not available, the applicable Prime Rate shall be the announced prime rate or reference rate tor commercial loans in effcct from time to time quoted by a bank with $10 billion or more in assets in New York City, N.Y., selected by the Party to whom interest based on the prime rate is being paid. 1.35 "Prudent Electrical Practices" means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electrical utility industry or any of the practices, methods or acts, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the facts known at the time a decision is made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliability, safety and expedition. Prudent Electrical Practices is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be a spectrum of possible practices, methods or acts. I.Jó "Qualiying CUl.tailment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3. 5 '~:ci~\\('i1dirn~111 \\/iîì¡j ¡l!)\\.-:,:~' !.ir'),li.'c-1 ,~: "QF" llk;;n~ "Qualifying Faeiliiy". ,is ¡h::! iL.ri\l ,~ dc:iinc:d in ¡hc: 'it.'","") tl" i'T R(. :i.C~lil:iI;ulh (I'iidili,.d :11 i ..~ eiR I);iri 2')2) ill c~fl..:et i)!l iilt: d:ile :1rìhi~ .\~rcL'in(n\ ¡,x ""Replaccmelli Period", ""Iet Repl:H:eniciii Power Cosh", "Replacement Price" .ind --Replacement Volume" shall have :hè nlcClnlligs set !"onh iii ScciiClIl lilA pI' ihis -\ \!!"\;cincii i: 1.ì'J "Required Facility Documents" ilC,HlS all matcrial ;iuihnn/;nions. and ClslcCl1lic.nls IllCc:;s;iry for C()ì1stnli.llOn. Upci,i¡ion, :lId i";¡c¡Liv, :iichidin~ w;tholl liii;t:nion ihdsc sd forih in Exhihit C i iccns.:s, pCnl1ilS. 11winknilncc ,'II' !he I AO "Scheduled Commercial Operations Date" means 1he dah.' hy which Sdkr promiscs to achieve Commercial Operation. as spcci fied in Section 2.2.6. 141 "Scheduled Maintenance Periods" means ihose times sc1ieduled by Seller with advance notiee lo PacilïCorp as provided in Section 6.2 unless othi~rwisc mutually agreed. i.42 "Scheduled Monthly Capacity Factor" means the C:apaciiy Factor during a given calendar month, as specified by Seller in the Capacity Factor Schedule. i.43 "Start-Up Testing" means the completion of required factory and stal1-Up tests as set forth in Exhibit Ii: herelo. 1.44 "Suhsequent Capacity Factor Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth 11 Section 4.2.3. 1.45 "Tariff' means the PacifiCorp FERC Electric Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. I i Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tarff, as revised from time to timc. 1.46 "Transmission Provider" meanS PacìfiCorp Transmission or a Successor including any RTO. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant capaeit; function as purchaser under this Agreement, has no responsibility for or control over PacifíCorp Transmission or any successor Transmission Provider. SECTION 2: TERM, COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE 2. I This Agreement shall become effective after execution by both Parties and after approval by the Commission ("Effective Date"); provided, however, this Agreement shall not become effective until the Commission has detennined that the prices to be paid for energy and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that the costs ineun-ed by PacifiCorp for purchases of capacity and energy from Seller arc legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission will allow PacifiCorp to recover in rates in Idaho in the event other jurisdictions deny recovery ofthcir proportionate share of said expenses. Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, the Agreement shall remain in cffect until the twentieth (20th) anniversary of thc Commercial Operation Date ("Expil'ation l)ate") 6 '"~;.:¡'.'.\;~'1".i.!¡ì:1~:n \A/ll)ll !l(,.J\\';~'l ¡);'( li:_'(l. , ) ; ink' :~ of 'he. ,'~~,:n(':, M l!iìS :\!lrc:cm~'nL .did S,-lIer', :lhi1:y !n met! ccr,ain :.',.U,llìl\'I"!l:1h prior:o ¡he C"!1lu,:rcl,\; Opi..idlOn DM,: ,11lIÌ toiehievc ( "lrmlCrC¡:i1 ()per.iiiurh by i,,_. ""L-.diikd (\,ini;icr,-;il i lp,,''':lil,)n I):lic ¡~ uiiic:d \\/ ;1.:n¡\n:ìi1l. L2. i íl y De('emherl 1. 2001:', SCI kr '.Iw \I u,;c be,;t ctkins iO Ohldi 11 and plYI"ide 10 f\iciliC"rp ;:npics 1)1(\11 ;2nv¡_~rnl\clìta! Dcrniil,;tnd :iuiìh)ri/;iiii"is iicc::~,;:;rv k,r ('i \lì :,t n ie! ioii n ,- i h::' Fiie i i ii '/ )) -, By Decemher -'1, 2006, Sdk: siiall iise: hi:';l dTor:s to pni\'idc 1.0 i'.\cifiC\irp :l ci)p:~ ul ,In i:xi.'c\llt:d (ii:IlCratlon liiicrcol1iicciiol\ :\!lrCCI1Cnl, whose kl'l1h ,1i:llIIK' consistent with the !(;1l1S o!-ihis .\\;r(;eni(.:111 . August 30, 20 q7 _, .... ~2 ~ ~.l_I~) 2.2 3 ByI)~mÐff-3L,-:W6, Sellcr sh:i 11 HSè--licst- ctIØi:l-S-tH- provide H)- !':ici lìCorp written evii knee acceptable to Paci ti('olV ihat Seller has obtailKid construcTion lìnancing lor the Facility (or alternatively permanent financing suhject only 10 constniction of the Facility and Seller's execution ofthc lender's lo~in documents). Au~ust 30, 2007. .." ~2 ~ Si Lc2.2.4 By He:eember-l,---;M)()Ú-, Seller shall ttseheñl'-eHfl!-to provide to Paci tìCorp written evidcncc acceptable to Paci lìCorp that Seller has obtained Une contractual righl 10 take delivery of the type and quantity of wind iurbines spccilìed in Exhibit A.in time to achieve the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date. --'~-(d~:L--.~;./' 2.2.) Prior to Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide PacifiCol' with an As-built Supplement acceptable to PacifìCorp. -' ~. !!ay 1, 2008 '" .:2:: Cy~dl ¿/ 2.2.6 B~~H:~Å£lî~7 ~Ö~?~- shall have achieved Commercial oper,! .. ("Scheduled Commel'cl~ peratlOn'late). .: 3:: -- 2.2.7 Beginning July 1, 2006, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp a onc-pa monthly update bye-mail on the progress of the milestones in this section 2.2. 2.3 Selle! 1lIiltl-efltse-ltF-te~e Commercial Operation O1befure ~e &trerlu-icd Coiiiiiietcial Operation Date. -tomfforça~w:fier the Schedulei -Gffal Operation Date, Seller shall be liable to pay PacifiCorp delay damages for tme number of days ("Delay Period") the Commercial Operation Date occurs afterlle--&èi -Eoll1licicial Operation Oa:I:e;-Ulrt&-ae-~l-2-O-(:l ("Delay Liquidated Damages").July 31, 2007. ~2~ 2.4 Delay Liquidated Damages equals the Delay Price times the Delay Volume ,~') :;~.4~~ Where: "Delay Price" equals the positive difference, if any, of the average Index Price minus tine Contract Price for the Delay Period; and "Delay Volume" equals, for the Delay Period. the sum of: the applicable Capacity FacttJT from the Initial Year Capacity Factor Schedule times the Facility Capacity Rating times twenty-four, for each day of the Delay Period. I 7 ")C;-I\\-:,.'11i.1Ir¡:n ..\.¡i¡(l 1";\\-:...1 ..' :) Ih- P:Il"llc'." d"ri~'-' rhili ¡lie' d:imCl:cC". ¡;aeilil (;IP \\.niiid inuii ,ilie ill delay in ihc F,iciliiy iichic'.ï;i!; .COI1 Il".'l"eLl I OpnClílol\ ¡.)i) :)1" b.:i;)'c ,lie Sci¡...:dulcd Cnmrnt:rci:;Ì ()i)C-ril;¡OIl Ih,c' \\.,).ild he, clifiici 11 ('I 'nijlossihk 10 ¡m.:dic \\ii1i cc¡:iiiniy. :md ,ii:li ¡he: rkLI', L:(lllllIaicil f)a'li.l:.;c's 111'..: 1m ;lppr,);riaiC i,ppri)\iiiiaiiuil "I' ,;Ldì ,lamnC;cs. . . SE(',!IO'i 3: REPRESF\T\TI ONS AND \-VAHR,\ynFS ) 11:h'i fi! .iirp ri;pröl'ni,;. iJl\'L'l1ilt1h, :mel \Varr:iilLS 10 Sdler 11ul: ; !. i ¡l:lcifiCorp is duly (i!'.~llIi/i~d :mel viilidly C\i\iin(~, IliHicl ¡he I:(\\s or ihe Siate ¡if Ore,gnn. 3. i.2 PacitiCoiV has ¡he rcquisite corporate power and authority to enter iiiro ihis 1\I',rcciieiil :md to perform accordi ng to tlie rerms oftliis Agreement . ì. i.3 PacifiCorp has taken 1\ II corporate anions requi red to be iaken bv it to :\ulhorJ7.ê ihe ,:xcciiion. delivery and pcrf"orinan¡;c uf ihis .'greenieni and -the consummation of ihe iransaciions contcnip bted hereby. 3. i.4 Subject to Commission approval, the execution and deliverv of this Agrecnieni docs not c(;ntravene any provision oC or constitute a dclàul1 under, any indenture, mortgage, or other material agreement binding on Paci liCorp or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which Paci liCorp is subject. 3. l.5 Subject to Commission approval, this Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of PacifiCorp, enforceable against PacifiCorp in accordance with its temis (except as the enforceability of t~is Agreement may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, bank moratoriurn or similar laws affecting creditors' riohts generally and laws restricting the availability of equitable remedies and except as'=the enforceability of this Agreement may be subject to general piinciples of equity, whether or not such cnforceability is considered in a proceeding at equity or in law), 3.2 Selicr represents, covenants, and warrants to PacifiCorp that: 1.2. I Sclier is a limited liability corporation ùuly organized and validly existing under the laws oflùaho. 3.2.2 Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform according to the temis hereof, including all required regulatory authority to make wholesale sales from the Facility. 3.2,3 Sel1er's shareholders, directors, and offcers have taken all actions required to authorize the execution, delivery and perfonnance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby_ 3.2.4 The execution and delivery of this Agrcement docs not contravene any provision or, or constitute a üefault under, any indenture, mortgage, or other material 8 "~t:h\\'\.:ihliiri,in \\:;11:1 j\.,'.\,:..,; ¡J¡"(,\l.('i~ ï~~~h,'t:,nìi:"¡ll hì"l(lilì~~ ('1:1 St"!kr \'ì: ;tny \';illd C1nL:f n¡' ~iii:. i:l."'.l!l:. ")" Jll\' l".\~.l!Ì;ll¡j;'\' :'i;~.L'rH.-\'I.q' ,',he'!' .)()dv !i;I\lllc' ;!l¡,htqii, .,'¡ \'.hi,:h "c:k-r is \llhieC! U,5 ihi:'; \:'li.'c'lIl\:lll i\ ,I 'v':!lid ;.id k:-.;lll\ hindiri,~ ohlig'¡¡¡')li of \,:ìlèr, c'iii(irci',ihk :igaii:s, "c!kr :11 ;iccnribnce \vi II) iiS kTlns tc:\CCPI ciS ¡he cnl'Hc::ahìliiy of iÌliS Agrcemci'i may bc limiied hy hankruptcy, insolveni',!, h,mk moraluriiini (iI' similar 1:\\"; an~ciing cr(:dit,)!';:' ri",hlS generally and I:IW\ ¡,:sir:cting the ;i\.;nlahiliiy ..)1' i:qniuhlc rc,inedie;; and C\CLlpt ,is ihl.: cnt()lccahility of IhlS :\grccnicl1 may he suhjèci 10 general principlö or ;:quity, \vlh:'hcr or not such cnfOt'Cc3hiliy IS ;,'iiiisiikr,,'t! in a prol'ccdin~ ;It ("pii!y or iii i:IWi. :t2.() "he Facility is and shall i~.ir the term of this :\gTcenient continue to he a OF. Sdlcr has provided the apprapiiaie QF certi lìcation, which may inchidc a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission self-certification to P8cifiCorp prior to PacilìCorp's execution Ofihis Agreement. Ai any iille PacitìCorp has reason to believe during the lerm of this Agreement that ScI Ier's status as a QF is in question, PaeilìCorp may require Seller to provide PaeilìCorp with a wrillen legal opinimi from ~m atlomcy in good si:mcling in the sWie of Idaho and who has no economic relationship, association or nexus with the Sdkr or the Facility, stating that the Facility is a QF and providing suffcient proof (including copies of all documents and data as PaeifiCorp may request) demonstrating that Seller has maintained anù will continue to maintain the Facility as a QF. 3.2.7 Neither the Seller nor any of its principal equity owners is or has within the past two (2) years been the debtor in any bankniptcy proceeding, is unable to pay its bills in the ordinary course of its business, or is the subject of any legal or regulatory action, the result of which could reasonably be expcctcd to impair Seller's ability to own and operate the Facility in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3,2.8 Seller has not at any time defaulted in any of its payment obligations for electricity purchased from PacifiCorp, 3,2,9 Seller is not in default under any of its other agreements and is CUlTent on all of its financial obligations, 3.2, i 0 Seller owns all right, title and interest in and to the Facility, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other thun liens and encumbrances related to third- party financing of the Facility. 3.3 Notice, if at any time during this Agreement, any Party obtains actual knowledge of any event or information which would have caused any of the representations and warranties in this Section 3 to have been materially untrue or misleading when made, such Party shall provide the other Party with written notice of the event or infon11ation, the representations and warranties affected, and the action, if any, which such Party intends to take to make the representations and warranties true and correct The notice required pursuant to this Section shall be given as S0011 as practicable after the occurrence of each siich event. 9 :-);'.:Ì"',\',,'J"Hl¡:r:;ll! ..\:¡~ìd FJn\\;'~T Pr(l1,.ll SEÇTI();'d: DELlVF.irVf)fEi'f:RGV\r\D C\P.\(TlV _l r~,~~_~J.i~..:.çry, ,~,~~aü." __~:,~~_ÇC~i)P'ì.a!.~,ç'",. S.2,h.Hl?JJL l,: ¡i ¡ :~s 0) 1 her",,\'- i ~\.~ P 1'0 \" 1 di..'i. l ¡h:l:.~': I ì. P:iciiíC,l1V \'nli yin:li;i:,i: :'Ilt! ':.,;lkr .),III;,:I! :tll "liile 'jc;\ tlll,plll :'rl¡:lí the Jt:\ci.!iiy. .'l2 ('apacitsFacli)!:)G)lçilI¿Js: ')clkr s\i;ii L PlCP:lIL dild ¡1li.\idl: i() í)jCi líCurp, ili) an (,nl!t.lii'~ h:!~i", ;i '.vr¡Hcn scl:cduk or '\c: EnuC!\ êXPt~c\,~d to h,-' dc:!i\.,:ri:d :w thc Jt:icilii". i./ap,~~'it:. Factor Schedule"). in .iccordaiicc '.,ilïi"hL~ loll(;win~:' . .t21 !)iirin!. Ilk lir:.;1 è\\CI"ê liil! ,'ak,id:ir ll0111lh lèdlmving ih~ i .onimcrcial Opcrations I):irc. Scllc- prcdìcr~ thai the F:ic¡lity "'.'ill produce and dcl¡VtT the li)lk)wing Jl'ìnih\y amounts ('-Initial Year Capadty FacioI' Sdieclule"): ~ Month Capadtv Fadm- :::~ ~)....--1-;/January :H-,+% z- 33. 0 % July August September October November Decembcr ~-7~3%~26.9% =lZJIr,~40.2% 4i:-3-36.9% 4tG%~35.8% 3-7-+%~31.9% 3--:1-%z. 2 6 . 9 % 3-%~28.5%~~24.8%. i M-~25.5%35 r& 3 1 . 6 % 2Tó%~27.0% February March i\pril May June 4,2.2 Seller may revise t!he Initial Year Capacity Factor Schedule any time piior to the Commercial Operation Date. 4.2.3 Beginning at the e:d of the ninth full calendar 110nth of operation, and at the end of every 3rd month thereafter, Seller shall supplement the Capacity Factor Schedule with three additional months of forward estimates (which shall be appended to this Agreement as Exhibit D) ("Subsequent Capacity Factor Schedule"), such that the Capacity Factor Schedule wi 11 provide at lcast six months 0 f Capacity Factor estimates at all times. Seller shall provide Subsequent Capacity Factor Schedules no later than 5:00 pm of the 5th day after the due date. ~f Seller does not provide a Subsequent Capacity Factor Schedule by the above deadlirne, Capacity Factors for the omitted period shall equal the Capacity F'-actors scheduled by SeHer for the same three-month period during the previous year. i () ~1.',¡-I\.vC!H_I¡!n;~¡-i ;\:¡Jìl) j),:)\\ .L2.-+ ¡$c~irlìi!1~ ,'iii); ¡he: ,.'n-i ,.)j. ¡iie 'hiid lllUiiih ,11'kr ilù:: fd¡ìn:ni'J~.d UpCI,¡¡¡Oli Lh¡~. ~'Iidlt 111,: ;'nd or CV('I.,' ihird m,mlli ihn,:~\nc": (1) ¡Ì1(; S;;ikr '11;1, :)It 'i:vi~.c ;ii,: iinnc:d::iic'. nc\; Jircc 11:011tiis "I' rirc:\.;,y,¡,ly prll'vidcd ( i.lpacilY i':lclOr~. hilt h\ '.vrill,:n !llìiice: :~lVC:1I:0 j);ICliiC¡wp no Likr ¡lw:1 5:Wì 1)\1 ofilic: :'ili day li.,I\C.\\i:ig ihe.: ;:1:1 "I' the PI":'-:i\)\lS :1\)nl\¡. l:K S,~lkr m,iy 1...Vlse ¡¡II ni!iü pI'.VitlllSlY provided \ci Elì;'I~,'! ,\mounts. !~:iil'.rc 10 proVide rlni,~ly wriitcii notice: of c!wiigcd ;iiioiinls ,viii h,' ,kcllc:d'I;\ he :111 ~'kci;on ofn,) ,.'1;il1~.C. !'\i!j_a',II1JÇJ1_i()I'(.ill,;icli~1':\ci(:r I l \';:C1 Ii (\:irp is.:.\c\lscd Irol1 ~ICU:plllig all i\r p;lrl "f S,;I kr' i; 'kt Outpui :lUi~ i, ì 1 he: occurrence: ill' CllTU insuiiccs spec i licd llì Seciio¡! ().3. I, or if Seiler is excused li'om deli"",!)' due Ii) thc nCCuirCI1CC (if cireumst,inces spcci lied !il Sc~cri()n 1l.4, ("Qualifying Curtailmeiit"\ the Scheduled Monthly Capaciiy Factor will be adjusted, pro rala ("Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Capacity Fal'tor"). lhe /\diUSICd Scheduled Monthly Ciipacity Factor shall he calciilalcd :1,; Itlllow', SMCr;(adi)Si'CF* 11- ¿((HcJlln ,¡, (('c/Cmax'l) I i Where: SMCF ScheduJçd Monthly Capacity Factor SMCF (adj) --, Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Capacity ractor. Ht total hours in the month in whieh curiailment occurs He total hours of Qualifying Cui1ai Iment in month in which curtailment occurs. Cc¡ Capacity curtailed due to a Qualifying Curtailment (MW) Cmax Facility Capacity Rating (MW) 4.4 Iermiaa,ton for Non-availability_ Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver any Net Energy for a continuous period of three months shall constitute an event of default. 11 ......j-\\, :..'l\¡I¡i'l¡~,U'l \.-V\\ll! Pld\\\:,__i" ¡,¡ SHTlQ!,5: Pl:R(II.\SE I'Rj(l':S '; 1 (.i,llllòl1iÜtt:'L:i1c:lg) :'lIicks,; ¡'xii:( .Olp \VII p:iv Seiler iLL' ¡(\lhw.:icg ;1(conLìJlCC \"iili C.'.)JI:111S,.iii\1 Ordc:r 29(¡cl( L.:..cC'pt a.) pl\~\'hlr:d :lì ~'.:cljn1i;- S.~ d¡ìd S...l, ili)r1-:;,\('.li/ò'l ¡)r¡i.'~:,:S ¡'ill :_';ip~iL'l\\; ~1¡1d i:n(,l~_Y, III \'ear:Si\IWh 2(1)(i S:).2 ') ') 20((S:)1.81l 200S S5)Oì 2000 S 5().)I) 20 i 0 s -~';').;) ¡ 201 I ~58 ()2 2() 12 $6021 2013 $61 (í) 2014 $6308 2015 $64.53 2016 $66.02 2017 $6754 20\8 $69.oi 2019 $70.68 2020 $72,3\ 2021 $73.97 2022 $7S.6R 2023 $77.42 2024 $79.20 2025 $81.03 2026 $82.89 2027 $84.80 2028 $86.76 ~2 ~¿¡C, ..:iE; 12 '\ch\I..1.:nd i li1Hn \\1 ¡ 1"1\ I ¡);.,\\;,',,'l J'lr¡'iji.:~~i ì" ~()~~.l i U C~( i ~~oiiCOlJtornlln", P ¡1L.l-' i, Ii'¡ ¡ ¡ "., 1I..( ',)ri !òrm 1l:- i .:L'rco'/ ,III(: ;);¡Cl !î(;)1D.~.i!i ;1:!\' SI.~ll¡'1 ¡he (~-dltJ-"\ ~n~ \1or. it'\".~1i/(~d P:-lL'I.'S lnr '..':ip:il..'l!:': -- -. ìlìd .-TiiT:.::i' \s~ai'S/\IWIi ~iì(j()~~.)1 ': ( ¡i í"?44. 'i I ~11(i~.:i ~ ~.~ 2 (¡O'J III 'is 20 L I)'P64 20i :\ 48.74 4(i,gCi 5 i (in 5217 20 i i 2012 20 i ..1 2015 2016 5:\.37 54.51) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 55.84 57.12 2017 5843 59.77 61.15 62.55 63.98 65.45 66.95 68.49 70.06 71.68 (~t( ':~.( 2." 2__.: _1~ I I.'.' ~"j:','. ,lidmi.,t: \\j¡id I'",:. iT ;';\ \'1 n,:i' I ; ;)i':h!..~ Hìllin:.:, P~~":!"i in ':ich ( i.ììi,LICi \'\:~i.: \,i.l Ii. (:ipaei iy I. clCl¡H iS hc: \'.-::,-'11 (I( l'" ,ui,j i 1 ii'" IÌ i ~hc Sch.:du!cd \Inri! (.ilJUC ¡ I \i ¡: ,¡el,);. ¡hcn. P:iYllklìl Ci)\1li)1T1111,!! Enci'c¡y II(\Vli) iim,:, ('nnl~\r:ijli'!, ¡:!li:r"y Purchase Pric,: \i'vlWh) di\i,kd 11'. )1)01, :,..i.2 lC (''Pih:I,) Fiieim is \c;;;; ihan 'II)";, ,.,1' ili,: Scli,'dli!c'd \'In!\lhly ( 1¡\1,Il':I) F'iC(C,r. ¡hen: Pavl1cni Non-Con tnrlling Energy (k Wh) ii ine" '\on-( 'on torining I::ncrgy Piir.:lusc; Price (S!i'vl\Vh) divided by ioon 5.:;.3 I r Capiicil y FacIoI' IS greater than 110".';' o!' the Sehedliled Monthly Capacily F:;¡CIOr. i!ic:n Payniento. Cdoniimning I":iiergy (kWh) times Con (()riiing Energy Purchase Price (S/Nl Wh) divided by 1000 pIiis Non-Contì:miiing (kWh) times Noii-Conlìmning Energy Purchase Price ($íMWh) divided by ioon 5.4 !Jl!ilverie.J1LJ~nergy--PacilìCorp may accept Inadvertent Energy at iissole discretion, but will not purchase or pay for Inadvcrtent Energy. SECTION 6: OPERATION AND CONTROL 6.1 Seller shall operate and maintain the Facility in a safe manner in accordance with the Generation Interconncction Al:'Tcement, Pnident Electrical Practices and in accordance with the requirements of all applicable federal, state and local laws and the National Electric Safety Code as such laws and code may be amended from time to time. PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to purchase Net Output from the Facility to the extent the interconnection between the Facility and PacifiCorp's electric system is disconnected, suspended or interrupted, in whole or in part, pursuant to the Generation Interconnection Agreement, or to the extent generation curtailment is required as a result of Seller's non-compliance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 6.2 Seller may cease operation of the entire Facility or any individual unit for Scheduled Maintenance Periods not to exceed one hundred ¡¡fty (150) hours for each calendar year at such times as are provided in the monthly operating schedule set forth as Exhibit D. 6.3 Energy Acceptance 6.3.1 Paci fiCorp shall be excused from aceeptìn¡~ and paying for Net Output or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point or Delivery, if it is prevented fì'orn doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if PacifiC~orp determines that curtailment, interruption or reduction of Net 14 ~~'\"\\,'~:ndj~'l\::liì ')/ll1d l)!:'i\.l,;!:'! '1,1 i liiipa :\1' !li:id':':::"c:iìl 11'.'1',,\ d..:li,....,.IL., I.; ;..,.'C:~'.::ir'. ')':('1\1,:: ,:(in,' ,.DI1SII'U(I;()ll 1I lìì:iinl(':i:m,:,: r::quirC:ì:cnl'. ë::r:.T~.~'nC'L';. ,:icctricil ,,:,;,,:11 :ipi.-r:iiiii': c('Ildilinri- "\1 11\ ~,\..t:~'lll iì!" :,h t)t!h:p,\:ist- r("~i~ii¡,,~~d PnitlC!1T ¡ '\('clri~..:d Pl::C:.i(~'('s. ¡ L l,):- rcasons iHhcr tJ;;,llì :;ii C:Vël1i Gl :~'l!TL' \1:I.L.iirc. Pi¡cilIC"IV rcqull(:~ ';UCfi " ;,'llnil1111\dll, 1I11\.TlllPlIOIi '11' :¡:,JuCli"ri :11' ,\,'.' O::rpui :kJivCTic, ¡¡',r ,i ix:ri"d 'h:1i :'xct'c',L 1'\e'IlIY (_~íIJ days. nniii,: .'.iih iJK 1\\\:IH:,.lir,;t dcl\. nl,IICii :ll\"IIi1j'iíllIL C\lnailnK:'11 ill' r~:,hCli,)n. Sè:l!cr will h~' ,k;:in;:d III he dc:livc:rin.:! f\ki Olilplll :11:1 ¡':ile: :..qlil'::IL::ni til the pro LlU daily :1\ c'l'a!:e ,il :IiL' ;11ì10U\lh ,;¡ii:cilicd L'LV :ih' :,pplic:ihk :llO!1ih in SCCIII)!1 .Lì jl:icifiCm~) \vill nOlif' Si:'!kr \':hen ¡he lilkrrupllon. u:rt:nlnii:ni (\1' :-,:du\:iion :s lcin~iiì¡ltClI f1.3.2 PacliìCnrp shall not he oh!igai,~d 10 ptichihc, receive ur pay It)J Nd Oillpill thai is nol delivered to the PoilHoi" Delivery iii) dnring tinics and to the extenlthai sudi energy is nol delivL~rcd hccansc the interconnection between the Facility and I'ac irì Corp '" system is disconnectcd, Siisp(~nc\ed or interrupted, in whok or II; part, piisi.i:ini to ihe: Cìc:neration Interconneciion Agreemeni, (b) during iimes and to the extent ihnl such energy is not delivered hee¡inse the 'l'ransmission Provider Curiails (as defìned in the TalifTi Neiwork Integral ion Triinsrnis~ion S,~r\'icc (¡IS defined in the Taritt) 10 Paci lì(~orp pursuanl to the terms of ihe T:Hi tt, or (el diiing times and (0 the extent thai an event of Force :V1:1jeure prevents eiiher Party from delivering or receiving such energy. (d.i Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Output and/or Inadverlent Energy from Ihe Facility to the Point or Delivery in an amount ihai exceeds the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the ~vlaxirnum Facility Delivery Rate shall he a Material Breach of this Agreement. 6.4 Seller Declared Suspension of Energy Del iveries. 6.4. I If the SeIler's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipmem failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in Section 6.42 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to PacifiCorp from the Facility or from individual generation unites) within the Facility affected by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next (ull hour following the Seller's notification as specifiecl in Section 6.4.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. In the inonth(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occun-ed, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in Section 4.3. 6.4,2 If tlie Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in Section 6.4 1, the Seller will notify PacifìCorp's generation coordination desk, bye-mail to lV5(lIiYJ!g.çj~:gl12s.(lIJ. by telephone (503-813-5304), or by fax (503-813-5512), of Seller's unscheduled outage. Seller shall take all reasonable measures and exercise its best efforts to avoid unscheduled maintenance, to limit the duration of such unscheduled maintenance, and to perform unscheduled maintenance during non peak hours. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy \ :) Jt .. \,.'h\\'\.TI(!¡¡ll:U1 \\/!~iti ¡):~\\'::r lriilt'i. I kli,,','rie'S.\'¡¡ h._ 'ii ,Lc c:i:li".Si ih,; lkV.' ¡'ull hour :il:.cr !n:lk¡\1~'.,"\nta,:I,'.illi j),:\'lii( ,11'1)'., ' I' ihe: Selkr .viii. \';:\1111 .20+ holl.s :.i1I,:I. ¡he 1,;kplin\1(: e')t);l.:L. provide l':ic'llit\lm;¡ \'.TIlttli I1nll..c. Iii 1"..:'nrd;ll1ct \,'11i Si'ei;!):) ,~i ¡Ic:,:!:iring the hcginl1ng Iwur ,tiid durlllll\1 ,d.ilie ikcL¡red ;'w'pension iil' F.ncT"ly Di:ìl\UI~.'; and a ikscrip¡iuiii\f'ilic: coiidlii,ilb ilui (.mlSel! ¡he :-..:Ilèr Iii illítil!k ii 'kclared Slhpcibioii of 1:llcrgy Dc!iv('l1cs P:icliíCoqi \viil I.èvic'\v ih,: '\(,l'llmcl1':ilion provided hy the SdkI' to iìci(~nnilk P:ieiCICor¡ls aCCêniallCL: of ¡he descrihed :;)rc,'i! 'lll\;o"': :IS ijiialilying lor ;1 Dcclan.:d Suspe\1slon of 1~l1crgy Ik.¡ivi:rics as :')kl'ilicd in pa;iigr:iph 1i.4.1 P:I('iliC'orp'" :lcccptiince of ihc Selkr', ¡"reed outage as iin IICl'Lï)I:i!)k ¡()rcc:d "i:(;¡g,~ \v¡ll hc bil;;L~d upon iht: cle'lr docul1wl1iitiol1 provided by 11K' 'iciki iii;¡¡ :h,:. Ii,re,." 'llllagC is ¡IOI due 10 :in ~.\2ni eif Fnrcc \.hjeurc or Iw iiegl.ci. disicp:iii "I lack 01' adequatc prcvc'ntativc maintenancc of thc Seller's ¡:;icility. Sdlcr ;lgri:C:s to i'ctain all peiformance related d;¡ta r(1r the Facility fi)f a miniml!11 otthr~'c years, and to cooperaie with PacilìCorp in the event PacitíCorp decides to audit Sellèr's reporting 01' Facility Net Output and Adjusted Schcdiiicd Monthly ('apaçity Facicr SECTION 7: MOTIVE FORCE Prior \0 the Effective Date of this Agreement, Seller provided to Paei nCarp an engineering r~port, dCI.l1onstrating to Paci (;0 '~. reasonah~e satisfaction: (I) the fcasi,bility t1~at Facility, N~,t:!,1l~ Lnergy will equal or exceed ~ r' :ij,( kWh 11 t:ach full ca.ienciar year for the lull term 01 thts ~ Agreement; and (2) the likelihoo(í th~lt the Facility, under average design conditions, wiiì3, U U ,.. generate at no more than 10 aMW in any calendar month ("Motive Force Plan") acceptablc to PacifiCorp in its reasonable di5cretion and attached hereto as ExhibitF- i, together with a certification from a Licensed Professional Engineer attached hereto as Exhibit F-2, certifying to PacifiCorp that the Facility can reasonably be expect.ed to perfomi as predicted in the Motive Force Plan for the duration of this AgleemenL SECTION 8: METERING 8. i PacifiCorp shall design, furnish, install, own, inspect, test, maintain and replace all metering equipment required pursuant to the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 8.2 Metering shall be perfonned at the location and in the manner specified in Exhibit B and the Gcncration Interconnection Agreement. All quantities of energy purchased hereunder shall be adjusted to account for electrical losses (as reasonably calculated by PacifiCorp), if any, between the point of metering and the Point of Delivery, so that the purchased amount reflects the net amount of power flowing into PaeifiCorp's system at the Point of Delivery. 8.3 Paci fiCorp shall periodically inspect, test, repair and rcplace the mctering equipment as provided in the Generation Interconnection Agreement or at the request of Seller if Seller has reason to believe metering may be off and requests an inspection in writing. Seller shall hear the cost for any Seller requests. If any of the inspections or tests tlisclose an error exceeding two percent (2(10), either fast or slow, proper con'cction, based upon the inaccuracy found, shall be made of previous rcadings for the actu~I period during which the metering equipment rendered inaccurate mcasurements if that penod can he ascertained. I f the actual period cannot be ascertained, the proper correction shall he made to the measurements taken 16 ,,\~:'j").-\'J_:¡¡(;l;rìJI-" VJ ¡i':d Pi i '.\"I,-'! ¡:l¡¡J~~l'1. \'!I:'1n~~: the ¡inìr_' iiii~' ~n¡,:'L','"r¡i!~_~ ,,-'ouin;)1Crli \'.1;1:: in ,';('1''.-":c(.' ji;(',:",: Lhl ¡.('sied, hUi nnt (~'\c('(',d!ll~.! 11Ì\\~c U) Biilil1:l P:T:oJs, II' ¡he :i.ni..;in; the niCknl:g ::quipinc'l1' shal! In,-,: h:~(;11 ,ho'.\'11 10 hei i~l '1lTor SIH:II ,':';1. .\11'/ u)iú'ciiol1 !! hilling,; or p:.i','11K'nl:- r('sliitIJ\~ 11'011 :1 CllITel'nn :1' thè ;i1(\lr r,Y:ird.; ,h:ili he' ilL!\k !J ¡he nê\l monthìy hilliJlg ';1- pllV!nCll rClì(!lruL SA To thc C\tcnt not Oil1CI"\il,,: pri\\ick1d:!1 :he (jClKr.ii,'ll1 '¡¡krconncciion :\,ir:clIi-II:t. :dl P:ICiiìCi,rp',; costS relating Iii :ili liLIL'r:I1¡'.~uiipmc;i1 ;i:su¡lcd :0 Jcco:rì11od:iiC ';,.I1.,'r', ¡:;iclliiV ,lwil he horne hv Sc\ki. SECTION (): BILLINGS, C()!\IPUT\TIONS AND p,\ )'i\IE:-TS () ¡ On i\r hcfore the thirtieth (.ìOil1) day f'ol\nwìiig Ihe ènd of each Billing Period, Paci iìCiwp ~hal I ~end to Seller payment i~)r Seller's del ¡vcries of Net Output to PacifiCorp, !ogcihcr with cnniputations supporting such payment PaciflCorp may offset any such paynwnt 10 reflect :l1louni'; u\Vili,~ from Seller to PacltiCoip purS\l\It to this !\grccnicnt and the Cìeneration !nterconnection Agn:cmcllt. ')2 :\ny amounts owing alter the due date thèrL~or shall hear IItcrest at the Prime Rate plus two percent (2'~/;)) li'om the date due uniil paid; provided, however, that the interest rate shall at no time exceed the maximum nlle allowcd by applicahle law. SECTION 10: DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES 10. I The föllowing events shall constitute defaults under this Agreement: i O. i.1 Seller's failure to make a payment when due under this Agreement, or maintain insurance in eonfoimance with the requirements of Section 12 of this Agreement, ifihe failure is not cured within tcn (10) days after the non-Jelàulting Party gives the defaulting Party a notice of the default. 10.1.2 Breach by a Paity of a representation or waranty set forth in this Agreement, if such tàihire or breach is not cured within thirty (30) days following written notice. 10,1.3 Seller's failure to care any default under any commcreial or financing agreements or instrument (including the Cìeneration Interconnection Agreement) within the time allowed for a cure under such agreement or instnimcnt; or 10,1.4 A Party (a) makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; (b) files a petition or otherwise commences, authorizes or acquiesces in the commencement of a proceeding or cause of action under any bankruptcy or similar law for the protection of creditors, or has such a petition filed against it and such petition is not withdrawn or dismissed within sixty (60) days aftcr such filing; (c) becomes insolvem; or (d) is unable to pay its debts when due. 1'7 ¡:.;('i!'.,;.';"!1d!i~);':n \i,' ¡;,l ì~. 'j.:. 'i : ~-', " \ iii S,.lkr hii-:. I'::c ì :1 (" "11. \ \Lilt.n;i! :\..\''-r,,: ( L11I~::t~ has ,,;,'(,!iic';j '.v:ili r::s!,!..' ~c'I!('r :!i:d '~\¡ch p(OrfnniariCi.- ~1:-S\!~O:!l,C'.':'; ;ìS :\r(: ¡"('ii:;,')'!!:!h!.'-: i"t'L\UL',':lèd '\:11::11 :1n'~:..~n! .~'ì d;i~,.~ !'rcìill ih,~ d.:dC l.)l~;~iCh 1-'.'qik~'\L ¡ i.ì, .\ P:¡¡"iy :.)ìhc'r~,\"'¡~e l;'ills to pcrl~)nn ;illY rli;,tli'ri£i1 ()h.!i~;ltiun (l¡h;ludi!1E hut !Wl limike! in !;\ilmc: hy Selkr 10 meei :\l1Y dcadlin,:; sct ¡ìHih 111 Sccii,m 2 21 impose:: upon ih;¡¡ r':irl\' hy ¡his Agrcement il the !":i;!mc is nni c¡ired within ¡hiiiy 130) day~ ancr ihe' ntll1.,kl;lliiiil1,:, Party givcs ,hc dcl:uiiing Party notice of ihe dct:nili: ,Ii(;)vidl'd itO\\iTl'ï. 111;11, I:POIl wrilli:n noiicc 1'1'11 Ihe defaulting Party, this ihiny i3U¡ day Pçriod ~hal i he c\ tended by aii ;iddiiional ninei y ¡9U) days ì l (a) the taihirc cannot n:;asonably he clired within ihc: thirty nO) d,ry period despite diligèll eflorts. (b) the dehuh is cap;lhle of being cured within the additional nind)' (()O) day period. ;mò (i~) the defaulting Panv commenccs the cure within the original thi rty (30) day penod and is at all times ih~reaft¿r diligently and continlitHlsly proceeding In cure ihe lailure. 10.2 In !he cv,:nf of any dcl~lUll hereunder, ihe Iloii-del~iulting Pany must notil\' the delaiiliirig I)arty ill writing ol ihe circumstances indicating Ihe default and olliliniiig ihe rc;qiiircnients 10 cure the deülll1i. If the defuuh bas nm bcen cured within the prescribed iime, above, Ihe non..dclau1ting Parly may ierminate thi s Agreement at its sole discretion by delivering wrìncn notice to the other Parry and may pursue any and all legal or equitable reinedies provided by law or pursuant to ihis Agreement. rhe rights provided in this Section 10 are cumulative such that the exercise of one or more rights shall not consti lute a waiver of any other rights. 10,3 If this Agreement is terminated hecause of Seller's c1etàuH, Seller may not require PacifiCorp to purchase çl1ergy or capacity from the Facility prior to the Expiration Date, and Seller hereby waives its rights to require PacifiCorp to elo so, This subsection 10.3 shall survive the tennination of this Agreement. 10.4 If this Agreement is tem1inated as a result of Seller's default, Seller shall pay PacifíCorp for the energy and associated capacity that Seller was scheduled to provide for a period of twelve (12) months ("Replacement Period") from the date of tennination plus the estimated administrative cost to acquire the replacement power ("Net Replacement Power Costs"). Net Replacement Power Costs equals the Replacement Price times the Replacement Volume plus the estimated administrative cost to the utility to acquire replacemcnt power. Where: "Replacemcllt Price" equals the positive difference, if any, of the avcrage Index Price minus the Contract Price for the Replacement Period; and "Rcplacement Volume" equals, for the Replacement Period, the sum of: the applicable Capacity Factor from the Capacity Factor Schedule times the Facility Capacity Rating times twenty-four, for each day of the Replacement Period, Amounts owed by Seller pursuant to this paragraph shall be due within fíve (5) business days after any invoice tì'om PacifiCorp for the same, 1 g - '~t'li'..\:c.l;dii1L!,il \;\"1:1(1 P(i..,.\.-';..r ¡'lr()iCCI SECTIOi\ 11: INDf\i"J 1l'l!d\DO\ i ! II.d'.l~'ni¡lcc; I!. ì. ¡ !nden1Iili:.~hy,S(:Jcr. ')ci \;1 ',11:,11 ¡\:!CCIS';. Indcllnil\' lind hold k!Jnlös 1':Il'IIi( .¡~rp! its dl¡eCIOrs, olìicers, ;igcnis, :in,i it:)l,;c;enLi1IVCS .lgaiiisi and ¡'rom iill\ aiid :111 lths. fines. penaliies. claims, :ictlOih 1\1' S\lIIS, including cosh aiid aiiullcv's fccs, boiii ;\1 Inal :iiit! Oil appc;\I, resulting from, () :crisiiig out ul (Ii' in aiiy \\'ay uinntT:ct! w:ih (:1) tiie energy iklivcrcd .))' Seller undc:r :l11s'\grcclIcllt 10 and .it tilL' l)ollt 01 ¡)L'!ivcry, (hi .iny LICillllCS on Seller.s sidc uC the ¡'oim i)l Delivery. (e) Selkr's t)pcraiion and:o: m:iinicnancc tìl the hiciliiy, or (dl m'ising lrom this i\grccincni, including \'.:iihoul liiniiaiion any loss, claim, action or suii, lòr or on accoiint 01' injllY, bodily or othcrwise, to, or death DC persons, ni for damage to, Ol deSlnlciion or economic loss of properly belonging lo PaeiliColp, Seller or oihers, excepting only siich Inss, clnim, action or Siiii ,is may be ciiised solely by thi: l~tu1t m gross ncgli~'!\~l1Cl~ of PacifiCorp, lIS directors, officers, employees, agents or reprcsentatives. i i. i.2 In~Lcmii!lY.by...EJlciiiCQJ. PaeifìC'orp shall release, indemnify and hold harmless Si:ler, its directors, oltcen;, agcnts, Lenders and representatives ai~ainst and from any and all loss, fines, penalties, claims, actions or snits, including cnsts and aiiorney's fees, both altrial and on appeal, resulting from, or arising oul of or in any way connected with the energy delivered hy Seller under this Agreement after the Point of Delivery, including without limitation any loss, claim, action or suit, for or on account of injury, bodily or otheiwise, to, or death of, persons, or for damage to, or destruction or economic loss of property, excepting only such loss, claim, action or suit as may be caused solely by the fault or gross negligence of ScBer, its directors, oftcers, employees, agents, Lenders or representatives. 11.2 NQ.J),egjcation. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Pary's system or any portion thereof to the other Pary or to the public, nor affect the status of PacifiCorp as an independent publie utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. 113 COJ1seqiieIJ!i'!QllJlf~~. Except to the extent such damages are included in the liquidated damages, delay damages, or other specified measure of damages expressly provided for in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for special, punitive, indirect, exemplary or consequential damages, whether such damages are allowed or provided by contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, statute or otherwise. SECTION 12: LIABILITY AND INSURANCE 12.1 r;tI.tiJÇllL~. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp insurance certiticate(s) (of "ACORD Form" or the equivalent) certifying Seller's compliance with the insurance requirements hereunder. Commercial General Liability coverage wr¡Hen on a "claims-made" basis, if any, shall be specilically ideiitifìcd on the certificate. If req\1ested by PacitìCoii), a copy of each i () '.r.::l\\"~.'¡ìdinì;-H1 \V11H1 Pi.'.,\'~_'l ¡~¡li;t';-'! l:i:;ul:I1IV,~ ¡iiilic'., ,xrtiií,':d:h:1 'r'i,' COP'.' hy aii :¡lIt!iOl!.i''i: I'PICi'_Thii..:c' iil!lh.: ,;;11In;: 1!bl!rmr:.. .111\,);,,'1\'. ch:111 he lùrli1sii,:i.:i1 .l:lclliCorp ')) l(cJI1!Ìrc~r)(\lic:ès .iil,ì(.()\èraJl_~. ',vìih(\lIl ¡iilì!t¡ii~ (my ¡iahilities or ,iiiy oihi.:r "i,li.i:iiiio!l:; or Sellcr tinder Ihi,;\grccl1cnt. frorn the conimeriCcni(~ll i)f interconnection \viih P:lcifiC'orp', elèctric IransniisSI(\il sysk'l1 until the TCIl1inaiicin ¡-):Ik or this Agri::emeii, at its ,'wn t:"pènse. S¿~¡kr sliall secure and coni¡mlt)lIsly c:iny, \viih an insurance company or ::nmpanic:s raled !lot .O\\.'r tli;iii .'.:\ ,\I heiier" hy 1 hi.: \.:"1. ikst Coinp:lIv. ihe 111:i1l:inCL' (,I)\'T:i~c speci li('d helow: 12.2. ¡ Wi)rkcr'" Compensation insurance: wliich coriiplics with ihe laws oj ¡he slaie v,,¡thin \vhich i!i\~ Wind Facility is IOUHed~ 12,22 Commercial General Liahility insur;\lce with hodily injury and property damage i'onibincd single limits of at least S l .oon,non Der OCClIlTencc. Seller shall maintain ¡he policy in accordance with teniis available in the insurance market fiH similar electric generating facilities. Such Insurance shall include, but not necessarily he liniiled 1(\, speci fie coverage for contractua i I iabi lit y encompassing the indcmni fic;ition provisions in this Agreement, broad lèirm property damage li;ibility, personal injury liability, explosion and collapse hazard coverage, produets/complcted operations liability, and, where applicable, watercraft protectiDn and indemnity liability; . 12.2.3 All Risk Insurance, The policy shall provide coverage in an amount equal to not less than 80% of the current replacement in kind of the Facility fOT "all risks" of physical loss or damage except as hereinafter provided, including coverage for boiler and machinery, transit and off-site storage accident exposure, but excluding the equipment owned or leased by Operator and its subcontractors and their personal property. The policy may contain separate sub-limits and deductibles subject to insurance company underwriting guidelines. Seller shall maintain the policy in accordance with temis available in the insurance market for similar electric generating tàcilities. The policy shall include coverage for business interrption in an amount covering a period of indemnity equal to twelve (12) months. Additional coverages to be included arc: (a) Catastrophic Perils Insurance not less than 80% of the currnt replacement cost of plant, building, and/or equipment. 12.3 InsuranQ~S.t!1!Çll1re. Seller may satisfy the amounts of insurance required above by purchasing primary coveragc in the amounts specified or by buying a scparate excess Umhrella Liability policy together with lower limit primary underlying coverage. The structure of the coverage is at Seller's option, as long as the total amount of insurance meets the above requirements. 12.4 OCÝlllI~.lJçJ;:J.3il~~.LCovera~. The coverage required ahove, and any iumhrella or excess coverage, shall be "occurrence" form policie,;. In the event that any policy is written ona "claims-made" basis and such policy is not renewed or the retroactive date of such pol\icy is to he changed, the first insured Party shall obtain or cause to be obtained for each sucl policy or policies the hroadest hasic and supplemental extended reporting period coverage or "tail" reasonahly availablc in the c.ommercial insurance market for each such policy or policics and 20 "~;_~j1\\-~:'i¡illl1i:i;1 \.\ '!\¡l t)i1\\to'¡ í)!(\j('_i,~.t ,i i.iÌ ! prdVlik I:. l;!leT 1);111\ .\.iiii pr",)r ilvi .:uc 1:');lSI(' ;;IH! ~::P!)L:iY'. Ii;'! :.v:(ï1ikd :.::POlïIIL' )"~'lil\i_ì~'i)'.'~:1 ;'1~~\.~ ~')r ":~L! 1" ha:. h;~:.'l1 cih!.:,.il:h~~d. i 2.:' Lnd(\rselll.';I!Lllciil.~. ')cllcr,lvli ¡lìilli'diaiciy c:I\I,e ;I, insur;;rs ii; :imend iiS (\-,mmerci:ii (j,,:n::r;11 r_ia1id:iy '1IHI I iinhrelLi ,;r r;xccs~ Lia1iiliiy pnlicies 'Nitli ,!I: ortlie liillowlIg '.'ndorSCll1Ciit !tll1s. :lld in amend its \Vorkcr's Coinpcns:ìt¡OI) ¡)O!iey \V:i!i ih,~ eiidOf'ClleiH items ,;~I 1;.\1,1' in I\li:'~:!;ra¡iiis : 2.': 3 ¡mil i 2.'\.1 helow r.2 '\.1 l\iclliC orp and ¡is.\llil¡;ncs. ¡k:ir ¡('speUI\c dircctors. olliccrs, ,'nq.iiiiy,:(:s. :iiid d!,cnis ;h :in ::ddition:i\ 'l1surcd under this policy :\1(\ ': the llLI\ltì1ini :::xtent all()\vcd by law. shall be provided '.vith ('ovcragc:ii lLast as broad as those required eillhe Sellcr by this Agn::ement; i 2.).2 This insurance is primary v\'ith respect 10 the iniercsi of PacitiCorp ~lJd it'; Atlili:itC:S and thèir respective directors, otiiccrs, employees, and agents; 12.)..1 Insurer hereby waives ,ill riglits DC subrogation against PacifiCorp. i is /\ ii ¡¡aks, olìicers, directors. employees and ageiits; and i 2,).4 Notwithstanding any provision ofthc policy, this pohcy may not bc canceled, non-renewed or materially changed hy the insurer without giving ten Ò 0) days' prior wrillcn not ice to Paci fiCorp. 12.5,5 Cross liability coverage so that the insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, even in instances where one insured claims against or sues another insured. i 2.6lerjodic_Review. PacifiCorp may review this schedule of required insurance as often as once every two (2) years. PacifiCorp may, in its discretion and if allowed by the Commission, require the Seller to make changes to the policies and coverages deseribed in this Exhibit to the extent reasonably necessary to cause such policies and coverages to confonn to the insurance policies and coverages typically obtained or required for power generation facilities comparable to the Facility at the time PacifiCorp's review takes place. In addition, Scller shall have the right, subject to PacitiCorp's consent, to make changes in the coverages and limits of the Builder's All-Risk Insurance and the All-Risk Insurance required under this Section, to the extcnt the coverages and limits specified herein are not reasonably available at commercially reasonable rates. SECTION 13: FORCE MAJEURF', i 3.1 As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Seller or of PaciliCorp which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such paity is unable to prevent or overcome. By way of example, Force Majeure may include but is not limited to acts of God, tire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil stri fe, strikes, and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sahotage, restraint by Couit order or other delay or l~iilule in the performance as a result of any action or inaction on behalf of a public authority which is in each case (i) beyond lhc reasonable ).1 - ~~ch\V(:~1(¡iin;.!n \\-:r)(; i\'i\\.:'.~':' ¡)riji_'(~ "'.111 m! Ili. such iHn \', II i) h:: Ilk' ,.;\CI"C)'l: .) I r,.,I:,;,)11 :ih k lòri:.;1 ¿hi ;;ich P,¡¡-¡Y úl\i!d noi rc'c¡sol1:ihlv h:i'::: h~,_':i c\pc:ckd III i;\('iidmd 1111) b\ ¡he c:\crcISC ,)Cdl!c:i¡llg,:ncc. stich pany ,hall h:: IIl1iihl~. in :)r~'\c'iii ",. ,were.\I,lt: ¡."1\.': \Lojcur,:. \))\\::,::r, spn:iiìc:i\::i ,',,'Iuks the: COSI or iivaibhil;iy c:l ¡'iiel or I1lO!i':c Ci)rCc~ \0 "1Kr:iri: ¡he hkiliiv or ..:h:in:;c,; in 11\.rk(;1 condiiions thai :ilkCi 11K: pnCe: ,)l ,:ncrgy (~r transmission. 11 ('lllk'r p:iny s '."nc\crcd wholly nr :n ¡i:\l unable in pcrtnrm 1l~ ohlii.iill0n Iillder ihis .\~r('cmcl1r hCCiil!;;C oj' an event or Force ¡vtaieme, both Panics shall hc C\cus,_'d Irnl1 \\h:iici.,:r ¡wr:-,..rnuiicc: is .iilcc!cil hv :he (;\,C11 olForcc \1,1ICIII-'':, pi(wi(kd ili;w i.'" ¡. i :he' 1:011' pcllì)iiiiiiJ~l. par1',. sh,ill, wlih!11 tiv" (1) we~eks after the ,Kciirr~~ni~i: or the I:o¡-('o; \:tajeure, give rh,,: \)!hcr pany written notice descrih'ng the pariiciilar;; of ¡he. .xclIrencc, including ~hc ;.t:ill date oj the Force Majeure. the caiis,; 01 Force Vtajeiirc, whether ihe Facility rcnia¡ns partially operational and thc éXJkcied end date 0 l the Force iVlajcure; and 13, I .:2 the suspension () f perfulïll anee sha i\ he () f 110 greater scope and 0 l no ion!i,cr duration than is required hy ihe r:orcc \-¡a¡curc; :ind 13.1 '1 to perf(¡rni. the non-pcrhirming party uscs its h(~st clTorts to remedy its inahility i 3. i.4 the non-performing party shall provide prompt written notice to the other party at the end of the Force Majeure event detailing the end date, cause there oi~ damage caused there by and any repairs that were required as a result of the Force Majeure event, and the end date of the Force Majeure. i 3.2 No obligations of either party which arose before thc Force Majeure causing the suspension of performance shall be excused as a result of the Force Majeure. 13,3 Neither pai1y shall be required to settle any strike, walkout, lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole judgment of the party involved in the dispute, are contrary to the party's best interests. S)i~CTION 14: SEVE,RAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, tnist, partnership or joint venture or to impose i1 trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability between the Parties. If Seller includes two or more parties, each such party shall be jointly and severally liable lÌ)1 Seller's obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 15: CHOICE OF LAW This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Idaho, excluding any choice of law rules which inay direct the application of the laws of another j urisd iction. 22 Si'hv.",.'.)i;.liii¡;.iii -.hi!)d ¡)l)\\':t~:l SECTION 1(1: P.\.RTL\Lll~~'~\.L1Qn\ It ~ :101 ¡he' ¡nll.'llilt"n: ul tilt; P~l!.\¡L~'S ;0 ".-:¡olah.~ ~tny a~ss :SliVCll1ì!\g thi.' ,~uh.l(.:ct l1iat1('r of th¡" :\~rl',_:m('ni II' any 01' ihc ienn:" t); tlK :\grcciic:l1l ~irL: í¡iUIlY held or dCkl'nill1cd to h,: Ilìv~ilIJ. illegal or vuid a:; hcing contrary t'J ~lI!Y ~ippìicab\c Liw or public policy. ill! oTher krms 01' ibe .\(;rcC:lìcnl shail rc:main il1 dTccl. II' ~jiiy terms ~llt tìnilllY held or dctermil1cö to hc :nv;ilid. iikg~il ,ir "'.i'd. tiic' Pattic", sliiil enler min iicgntiaiions concerning ihe ICrIb aiiected by ,;nch dCCISi,)lI ¡(Ii' ,he purpose oi' ;iciiieving (()it()r'liIY \viili l('quiIL'mc'Il'; of' ¡'n', ,:¡ipiicahk :~;w ;.iid ihl.: illi:Jll nl ¡Iii: P;iriic;; in ihis Ag:\:cl1':lIl. SECTION i 7: WAIVER Any waiv.:r at any iime by (~iiher party 01' its rights with respcct 10 a dd~llllt under ihis Agreeiieni or Wiih r,~specl 10 any other iiatters arising in connection with ihis i\grei.iicl1t miist be in writing, and suc.h waiver shall not he rleeilicd a waiver with respec\ 10 any suh;;cquent (kLIIlI¡ or other mattcr. SECTION 18: GOVERNMENTAL ,IlJRISDlCTION AND AUTHORIZATIONS Tliis Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of thosc governmental agencies having control over either party or this Agreement. PaeifiCorp's compliance with the terms of this Agreement is conditioned on Seller's submission to PacifiCorp prior to the Commercial Operation Date and maintaining thereafter copies of all local, state and federal licenses, pem1Ìts and other approvals as then may be required by law for the construction, opcration and maintenance of the Facility. SECTION i 9: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement and all of the tem1S hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the beneiìt of the respective successors and assigns of the Paries. No assignment hereof by either party shall bccomc cffcctive without the written consent of the other party being first obtained and such consent shall not be unreasonably withhcld. Notwithstanding the forcgoing, either Party iiay assign this Agreement without the other Pai1y's consent to a lender as part of a financing transaction or as part of (¡i) a sale of all or substantially all of the assigning Paiiy's assets, or (b) a merger, consolidation or other reorganization of the assigning Party. SECTION 20: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 20.1 This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, proposals, representations, negotiations, discussions or letters, whethcr oral or in writing, regarding PacitiCorp's purchase of Net Output from the Facility. No modi fication of this Agreement shall he effective unless it is in writing and signed by both Pai1ies. 20,2 By executing this Agreement, each party releases the other from any claims, known or unknown, that may have arisen prior to the Effeetive Date with respect to the Facility and any predecessor facility proposed Lo have been c.onstructed on the site of the Facility. ,.,-,-' ')~'h\'-'\."\:t \: i':~:\ll '-.\:- ~l, ;),)\.\.-'1' iJri i1õ:.'i.1. SEtlJO\ 2L_~..cn'¡CFS -) i .\) ì'i(iliC(:~ :.~-'CCP\ :1:- ¡)then.vi,,;.__' prf")\.idcd n ihi;;. '\~:!.rC\.',Tn'.-,!'1 :-h:ill ()(' llì '.\THinÅ¡. .,li'¡l !i,' dir,'cicd ,i'; i,.llIO\v, :¡iid "h;!l1 he cnii,idcrcd i.kli\.ercd it' ,kli\uc\! in 1);',,;ul1 01' ..'.heii ;!Lpnsircd :n ¡he liS. \1;111, DOSI;I:," p'.\~paitl hy ce:rt\ fieid iir :'(:C'hri~n',d :n;li1 ;ntl i\'j¡¡r: rs,:pt r,.¡pi,,~"r(\ I i\orjl'C" .\I! :\oiic("; I ,\11 Invoices: Ir-----.v---------"-......--: Scheduling: i i ..... ._.. _ . Payments: Wire Transfer: Credit and Collections: ladtïCorp Sdkr f';\Cllì( .iirp S2S i\E !'illtl\I\lVIi Street i'ortl"iid, OR ()2;2 \11' Tyler 'ichw':lldim;1!l * p(~)--gt)-,-"-16.~ 5 3 04 T _1 _ d '¡' C i r R.if.j,¡.;.l ¡.)-g.~-+; l\r.ilTo n ,: D 8 34 0 1 ¡ EM;lÍ i: tyknàlholdcl1l1ccarty.cnll Phone: 208-3904285.'\nn: Coniract Administration. Su ite (¡ni) Phone: (503) X i 3 . 5956 Facsimile: (.'in) 813.6291 Dims: 00. yi()..i)O i:; Fci\tral Tax ID Number: (n024()()()U Val Schwendln\an 9633 East: Hwy 33 Newdale, ID 83436 Phone: 208 - 4 58. 4 2 61 Ann: Back Otiice, Suite Phone: (503) 813.5674 Facsimile: (503) 813- 5580 Attn: Resource Planning, Suite 60n I ~ho~c: (5?3) 8-.13 - ~090')i acsiniile, (50.)) 8b 6ji5 .Ä.ù;~~'B~~kÖ rfice,- Sui te ~;O';:¡ÕÕ*--'-'- Phone: (503) 813 - 5674 Facsimile: (503) 813 ....5580 Bank One N,A. To be provided in separate letter from Paci fiCorp to Seiler ........Att~C:reiltlYiånag~r,-Suite '1800 ---- 0...--------,.-. Phone: (503) 813 - 5684 Facsimile: (503) 8 i:1 . 560t) With Additional Attn: General CounseL and Notices of an ! Event of Default I or PotentialEvent of Default l.~::........_._.. ..__............_______.._.___..__0-__..__._....... ..- Dean Brockbank, Atty 5029*Phone: (503) 8 I 3..~ and (801) 220.4568 7252 * Facsimile: (503) 813-7-26.2 and (80 I) 220.3299 The Parties rnay change the person 1.0 whom such T10ticcsare addressed, or their a(ldrcsscs, by providing wriiicn notices thereof in accordance with this SuhscciiolL 24 kTÌ1ese changes agreed to in Lhe r~econd Ainendm(~~nt.c: 2:, ! " ¿r.'liÆj'-I. .L.c. -;:::. ". ".r.~;~. '7 SChivclililn,in Wind 1\)\tT I'rnjcci SECTION 22---SVCliRITY'" 22.1 I )I'Jh_Ü\L()Jl_~.. 22.1. i $275,000 -'Default Seeurity" Illc,lJS S21)().OOO US. ;I!:!rccd to in writing. d~~ Iilllcss oihcrwist' .;,~. y) 1.2 "Letter of Credil" l1icans aii ilTt~vocable standby lettcr of credit, li'oii an institllti Oil that has a long-term senior lI11secun:d debt raiing of "i\" or greater from Standard & Poors or ":\r or greater Ii'oll Moody's, in a form reasonably acceptable to P,leiIiCorp, naming PaciliCorp as the party entitled to demand payment and present draw requests thereunder. 22.2 12uLllPost S.~8_!Ii!Y. Schwendiman, within 5 business days after iiiUC approval orthe Second Amcndmentto this Agreement, shall post a Leiter orCredit in the amount \)1" the Dcraiilt Security. To the extent PaciliCorp draws on the Leiter of Credit cause the rcmaining DeI~\uit Security to drop below $50,000, Schwendîman, within lìfteen ( 15) days, shall rcstore thc Default Security to no Icss than $50,000. 22.3 Riu:ht to Draw on Security. PacìfiCorp shall have the right to draw on the Letter of Credit to collect Delay Liquidated Damages, which Schwendiman will begin accniing, pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Second Amended Power Purchase Agreement, on August 1,2007. Commencing on or about September 1,2007, PacifiCorp will invoice Schwendiman for Delay Liquidated Damages incimed during the preceding month. Any undisputed amount not paid within 30 days of the invoice date shall be drawn on thc Letter of Credit. Billings and payments for Delay Liquidated Damages shall be made in accordance with Section 9 of this Agreement 22.4 Additional Security. The amount of Default Security represents the ~~ estimated value of Delay LiqMb~~Mi,~pl.rll~s, from August ), 2007 to the Scheduledd ~ Commercial Operation Date (May 1, 2068), based on foiward price estimates and based --f::/ upon Schwendiiian's Initial Year Capacity Factor Schedule. In the event PacifiCorp reasonably determines at any time that the remaining amount of Default Security is less than the estimated value of Delay Liquidated Damages (due to upward changes in market price and/or due to Scliwendimails inability Lo meet the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date), PaeitiCorp may demand that Schwendiman post within S business days additional Default Security equal to the estimated (unpaid) Delay Liquidated Damages. 22.5 Termination of Letter of Credit. Schwendiman may terminate the Letter of Credit on the l80th day following commencement of Commercial Operation by providing PacifiCorp with no less than thirty (30) days advanced written notice of its intent to do so unless PacifiCorp disputes whether all Delay Liquidated Damages have been paid. *This Sect ion 22 added in its -: 2:- ,-:i\:.. d\_S;"entirety by the Second Amendment. - ") r:L., .) SChWèlHliliian Wiiid I\mc'r I)rojèd 22.1) Ikj':iill!. F:iiliirc III iiwiiit:iiii SCCllrity iii :lcC\lnlaIKe \iirh Section 22.2 ;iiid Section 22.4 uniil properly terminated in accordance wiih Si:ction 225 shall ,'CHistiiule an I:,('nt (\1' DclalilL unless cured in :iccordniiec with Section If) 1.1 iil'ihis Ag.reement. rl~enininder Ill' this page inlentionally len blank I 26 . .sch\\'!.;,ndll~-1~;r: \lJ::1d PO"'v~r'ï ?n)JGct fN WrrNESS WHEREOF. the Farties hcrë:ta Ìlave c:iused thIS'\greerncnt te JC cx'_:::%:d in ¡heir re~-pccii'.c names as ofthc (Lite ¡ïrst aho'/c written. P_a¡:i1CQW S_i~: t¡~y qr1JljD:~~.ii,Y¿jl~"tJ ~,_L(~ By:, __~U,,~~~J.----i ç-_~(:t' 1:2:1:'- ':::----- (' ~£__//7ø /:~=-.BY:.'~~~::_ /,.' ././ (/~Na'e::--ií -~._-~)jllVe rJ¿ ¡iyie Titie:-.VJdLtt.1e_C~ , Name: Judi Johansen..,-_.:------------- Titlc: President and CEO______ ~o) 27 ~2~, (i.. (~/l:-~ 1...'1111311 " fWSCRIPII()N OF SFLU.R'S IV'IUIY ., 11Ibine Sekcii\ii :ll1d ( onligur:itiiii: Seller intcnd.; 10 conslnll! Illl: ¡,icilii) iising the wind turbine described in this Exhibit ,\. Any chnnges to the lina! contigllation ol'the wind turbines madc by the m:inutaciun:r in its 11 0 1'11 a I course ol business. whidi does not cause the Facility 10 ('xceed the ivl:ixiliuli F:icillty Delivery Rate of in ;irvlW, would not constitute a det:iuli oltliis Agri:ellent. Any di:inge inihe ni:l1ulacturer and/or model of iiibiiic ¡ised in the hicllity shall require the express wriiten consent of PaciliCorp. F:1C~!~tiSda~~~ci!t_~:~ti~g: 20,(!~~l k_W at..~,,~ndsi!_~ed _~?L~t \:'.i~~:_J i n1j)I::ind ~~_!!T!1 The maximum net output of the Facility should be below the nameplate 20,000 kW based on :incillary station loads. Ilowever at this facility such auxiliary loads an: very small so as to be inconsequential ;md thus the Ilaximuii nameplntc should be considered the l1:ixiliilm facility output. Location of the Facilty: The Facility is to be constnicted in the vicinity of Idaho Falls in Bonneville County, Idaho. The location is more particularly described as follows: Scctions 3 and 4 of Township 2 North, Range 39 East, Scctions 33 and 34 of Township 3 North, Range 39 East The equipment to be installed meets and exceeds industry standards and PacilìCorp requircments for low voltage ride through and power factor compliance. Total Project design constraint specities less than i OaMW capacity per month or approximately 20MW tàcility output. Seller's Facility current design consists of twenty 10 MW wind turbine generators manufactured by Nordic Windpowcr. If revisions are made to the generation units by the same manufacturer or their specifications, such information will be provided to PacilìCorp in the As-Built drawings at project completion or when appropriate. More specifically, the current generators planned for each wind turbine at the Facility is described as: i. Introduction This document defines the major system attributes of the Nordic Windpower 1.0 MW Wind Turbinc Gencrator System intended for this project at this timc_ Nordic reserves the fight to change any specification contained herein without prior notice. It is the purposc of ihis document to providc general information rcgarding the product represcnted. *This Exhibit A replaces the prior Exhibit A in its entirety. A -- i .-:2 :' ....,'1((j ) -_...~._.._._,.:1$ Si'liwi.:ndiman \Vind I)O\\,cr I'rnii'd î (;t'iieral Spedtkatiol1s Type Number or Blades Oricntation Operation Rotor Specd Control Principle Jlub Height Primary Braking Air Brake !\etivalc,l)c;lctivatc Powcr Output Yaw Cut-in Wind Velocity Cut-out Wind Velocity J.I~otor Diameter Swept Area Type of Blades Tip Speed at Rated Output 4,Blade Blade Length Material 5.Hub Type Teeter Bearing 6,Gearbox Type Gear Arrangement Ratio Main Bearings Cooling 7.GeneratOl's Type Operational Speed Rated Power Voltage Enclosure/Protection Cooling IliHi/'ll1lal,\"is î IJpwind Fixed Speed ~" rpm SI..111 (i() 11 i\ i r rhakL~, Turnable Blade Tips Centrifugal Forceillydraulics 1000 kW i\çtive 4 111/S 20 m/s i 0 min avcrage i 0 in in avcrage 59m 27 34m2 Nordic Designed 7 I Il/s 29,5m Fiberglass Reinforced Epoxy (GRP) Teeter E 1 astoineric Planetary & Helical 2 Planetary & 1 Stage Hclical 1:62.4 Integrated Turbine Bearings Heat Exchanger 4-1)0Ie Induction with Variable Slip i 560 rpm 1000 kW 690 VAC lP54 Liquid (Glycol-Water) A - 2 Sl'liwc'ndi in~ii1 \V ind 1 )0\,/(, i),., 'ic't'i x.Parking Brake Typi' -\\'I jynie/ Deai'! i vali 9.Yaw System I'ypc or Motor Dri Vl' \:Iotor HI.Tower Type Diameter Top/Bol\ol1 1 i.Control System Type Control 12.Environmental Application Limits Extreme Wind Speed 13.Grid Compatibilty Frequency- Continuous Line Voltage Continuous Power Factor 14.Noise Performance Sound Power Level L W A, ref 40 db (A) at Distance IS.Weights Tower Nacelle wI Turbine Turbine Vki~lwnical Disk Flrake witli ¡iv,) Cal iiwrs Springs/llydr:iulic Pressure Roll ing Bearing Three Hydraulic Welded Steel Tube. Painted 1.913.0in IY icroprocessor Rciiiote 55 ni!s (standard) 60 i-iz 690 VAC 1/.99 at 0/1 00% power 100 db (A) 330m 45 tonnes 29 lonnes 17 tonnes A - 3 .kF:\IIIHITI~ POINT OF 1)F1lvTRY Pr\RTIIS' INTFR(ONNI:CTIUN 1,\ClLlTII.'S The Scliwi~ndiin¡in Wind Power Project IS located ariprixliiati'lv II niiles nortlieast of Idaho Falls Idalio. rhe project coiisisb of several wind tiibii ie generators, connected to a 14.4 k V distriblllh)n syslCIl. I;,ieh geni'cator IS connected to the distribution circiiii via ¡I pad-inount ¡ranslìinllcr ¡II the h;lSi' of each iower i\ single. .'-phasc. (il) 144 k \" IS'W'2:i \IV:\ tr¡iiislìiriier IS uscd \(1 step lip ¡he voli:igc 01' the proJcci 106') kV i\ -I mile, 4ill.'CSR "Pengnin" Ci'l kV i:ondiictor Iransmission Imc will conncetthc projed to the: Pacifi( .orp 31.-1 iiile, Sligar MilHìoshe:n Rigby 69 kV line. The Poini of Interconnection will be lueated about 3 miles soiith ol'ihe Licon substation lap and three miles north otthc Sandcreek suhstation iap. Sehivendiiian will (l\n ihi' 4 miIc (i() kV line to thc Point of Interconncction. Hi-dircctional reveniie metering will be installed at the wind plant end orthe 69 kY line, The mdering \vill usc CIs and revenue class mcters. The mcter readings will he adjusted for losscs hack to ihe I\iint 01' Interconnection. The i~)ii()wing map shmvs a general turbine array Layout with the Substation location also indicated. The mctering point shall he at the substation. The site will be adjusted to accommodate twenty turbines under the latest conliguration. *This Exhibit B replaces the prior Exhibit B in its entirely.-:.2 ;, "1 "ii L l,+-c -l":- ~ ß - i ..1 .....",..,'.L.~. Ii'. ~.ir .")'-; - n - 2 .'" . SC!:\\'(:¡vl¡nLLì ',\ ll¡ ¡i.,,;\, ¡Ii" .\',1 ¡. \; III tV: ( :'i(l! !IFf) \III i IY j)IH.~ \1l\:" (l¡¡;'¡11\1ì;' i.,ICi!i \111'Ihcl "¡'lin ITRC:()I"I).:.!\I).I,i, \ The !()i iD'X!1!, I)ouiinc:iih iire n:quired 10 ('(ìmp lete i hi,; proìccl: 1.:aSCI1K',llS: Wind r:;irm Fa,,clIcilil j)ncuiiiciii from properly Owner I'crmiis: Conditional Use Pennit tì.oni Bonneville County for Commercial Wind Fann Bonneville County Building Pennits for Foundations State Electrical Pem1its for Turbines and Substation (' I Schwendiman Wind Power Project EXHIBIT D* CAPACITY FACTOR SCHEDULES Schwendiman Wind Farm Averaged Energy Production Estimate, 20MW Nameplate Capacity, Nordic Wind Turbines Estimated Generation,Monthly NET Capacity Month kWh Ave MW/mo Factor January 4915693.4 6.61 33.0% February 3610268.9 5.37 26.9% March 5989054.7 8.05 40.2% April 5307957.7 7.37 36.9% May 5320198.3 7.15 35.8% June 4597813.2 6.39 31.9% July 4007853.2 5.39 26.9% August 4244318.7 5.70 28.5% September 3567259.2 4.95 24.8% October 3789624.4 5.09 25.5% November 4556966.4 6.33 31.6% December 4016267.4 5.40 27.0% TOTAL 53923275.7 6.16 30.8% Scheduled Maintenance- Seller will provide a suggested maintenance schedule annually not to exceed i 50 hours per turbine per year. *This Exhibit D replaces the prior Exhibit D in its entirety.~jQi îÇ D- i Sch\\,('I';I,liii¡;r1 \l, 'l¡(: 1;;..¡" i"j"!'l:_'Ll j'".\¡ í H 1'1' i' SI\I~T!;D li.:STI,\(: R(-q;IIJ\'d ~\('r(J!" ::..:-~,iJ¡;. incj¡idë's .'1ìlch Ch~~i~k~;nìtÌ i(~Si-"S i,CCC),;':'ll:., rI'-) d(;IC1Tnii)(' ;!ì;it ihi.~ ;,oqlii¡iiJ¡Clil Sy:,klllS ;!ld s:lhs'..q,'llS :i;i\.c' belL'1i pi'opcrly n:anUI';¡Cliiret! ;lit! Ilhulled, lunciiül1 property. iiii'. :ire: iil ;i.:iindi!inn to ;kTlnit sale' and cl':iciciil,;I:irt.l;p ')I.ll1e ¡:;IC!l!tV.. ;",hie!: mii'. iiich.!:: btli :!I.(' 1\1',1 j¡¡yii,:d !(,: ;; ii. l,'';i nÎ r~h.:~',:L:!n:c~il ;,ind '.:kci.rical \:ql.ipnlt'ni' (.:iIiDlJIl'1!l "f ,'Iii 11i()nli()ril1:~ i:i,¡ninicnh: ()~')cr~ll)n"~ '~l.S~S (ìi' :dl \';ilvi,'~, 0pt'rainr';;. inninl" ~;ial:(~r~ ;ir.d llìOi,('lr, ,\Iarms. ,;ipnals ¡i:id fad-safe or ,;~,.,1c1l "huidown CO'lIll! :ól~: lOIlI-Il.poiili e,mi ¡nui,y töts; Bcnch tesis ()f proiec:iiw devices; and Ceqs rC'!lii:'cd hy ni:lll1l¡;.:tlircr of cquipmeni Required siart-up tcsts arc ¡hose checKs and tests necessary 10 dc(cnnillC ihat ail lcatilrL:s and equipment, systems, and subsystcms have been properly insialkd and adjusted, function properly, ¡lnL! ,ire c,ip;ihlc oi' operating siiiiiliane:oiisly in such condiiion thaiihc Facility is capablc ofconiinuous delivery into PacifiCoiv's electrical system. \vhich may include but arc not limited to: i. furhine/generator mcchanical runs and functionality; 2. System operation tcsis; 3. Brake tests; 4. Energization of lransfonnels; 5. Synchronizing tests (manual and auto); G. Excitation and voltage regulation operation tests; 7. Auto stop/start sequence; 8. Completion of any state and federal environmental testing requirements. (). Tesis required hy manu faeturt:r of equipment; The following Wind Turhine Generator Installation Check Lists are required documents to he signed offby Manufacturer or Subcontract Category Commissioning Personnel as part otthe Commissioning and stai1up testing: Turbine lnsiallatÎon Foundation Inspeci ion Controller Assembly Power Cables Cable Installatioii Check Lists including:Controller Top Deck I Yaw Deck Tower Top Section / Saddle Mid Section Cables or buss bars Base Section Tower Base Section Tower Lights and Outlets Tower Mid Section Tower Top Section Nacelle Rotor i ~- i sa ',... :ì\\:I_'1:(.1 :~!il \\"j:id 1:;(1\\.-,,,,( ¡'l(ìj'. 1'1 EXHIF)!~r j~: - ,¡ \\î"!!i SPiT!l ill! \ SI\lk1.\!!j1:S I11L' ii¡Jll\\\ing h ;.'\C:_'1"piCd ""rO;\) iih.:: ll'llj~lj ;1ii:i..:ill¡\iU~i,i:~.i !',..port j~,')r dil' ¡~r(ji(":.t j iI'' 'ììl":-I!¡: !)ld lti',\,'1 \0 lH ¡;tli. ~ind \",';J:1llbULcJ till chi i:lfL.:uih;:r ,:IJl.: ¡i~; I:U\H1dt" 1\'\':(1",:.,.1 rt'(;'~i:.Tll:f~ ILtiLinìì ';)...: ~.í)'\\_ j;in.~ii;¡l;,' ¡ 1) )(\~:~iJ\V_ ~ii~d ,,:'1i'\,:)i:i)l) ':i\;.q 1'1 li'i;~i ;0\'.\':' .;ih :!iOP ,j kn\jil. r':1:,"!i' .i;-~' Irli.~J))('Jlit'I!_'r~ ~ll ih,' .~O..nì. ,~l)~l1~ Jnd .~í)-in :..~\í.b, \:.:iih ih~.' .in rì1 1::"';"1 :):.~ing .1 :;.ltih ¡U;:t\L I!h,'r.~ :ìl\': diila ¡hl'(IU:1h ,";''PL:il1l',,~r .:iin~. \\-\: 11:1'.:C ;i1so :~1.,'Ii.kd di.\I~1 ~'n)¡n t1h:: l',.\:in I~;,!lh .iiq)or¡;h;ì ~)II'i\'isli)ll;li "l~f,:r~'lli,~t~ :!Ièiiinl1i~:~er ¡lll,,' :,,'l)!f;:bli:,\ì1 ,-~li\.:nici(.n: ì-= 11tH ih:n ~~Ji.ai (ÎI.,r~ ¡òr d~)Jh' ','. Illd'~. i) lnr Ilkl!;íhl~;;\\!ind:-L hiii It d-il.s i:dp:1 ¡¡I;!c.' to 'iLll:: ¡1tt:. :\\t) :,,:';:;11':' 0:' t):,-:.ii~' ;,LiL': in ~l ~~r;.,.:'lL'i Clill);ltiiloy,ji:~l i l:oIH":,",:. l-nr th: ,L;'111011lh p..~lll)(1. 1'1(' average- wind speed:H tilt 20-n1 and .~O"rn kvd.) i)r ih~~ Si:h\vt~lldinian tnWt'f \\TI"i' i(),t.~ "wi i (,.'J. I1ph. :-especiivl'y. lhe ,,0-11 jcv,~i .hl; :iPpl':\'; '" have:. Ii,'en ,:oinpiùiiisòd ait-r 3 lièw 1l011hs, as 11 'ypJ':dly rim,; k" ih:in ih,; .~O-ni kvd 'inlikcly 10 h" ,,:al. Thc'lC:I(W".. Wl? h;iw compleicly i~nord ¡he ~O-in Chi:i in l)1J1' JIl;:IYs~':' hckiw Monthly Mean Wind Speeds (mph) SchlNendirnan Tower, Idaho NREL Calibration Constants MostlyTwin Invalid Month Year Falls 20-m 30-m 40-m ~='~-No~==~--20c-"~~--i"O~O=="~o='17.7'~==-18~Õ==~~, 18.8Dec 2001 10.2 13.8 14.4 14.6Jan 2002 .------~iO_:1--15.3 159 15.6Feb 2002 10.4 14.3 14.8 15.2Mar 2002 12.3 20.1 209 20.7 -----Ap,:--- 2002 12.1 -------2o.T---- 21.Õ-----21.0 '---May 2002 12.1 19.8 205 20.3JUIl 2002 10.3 170 17.3 17.4 JuI2002--------~---.- 17--4---17.9----18.0 ---- Aug 2002 105 13 3 13.4 13.4Sep 2002 9.9 144 14814ß Oct 2002 ----9:9-------13.7-----1"4.,-----13.8Nov 2002 9.5 '? 11 '?A '2 è Dec 2002 10.1 15.4 16_1 16.5 Jan 2003 7.5 13.5 14.0 14.1Feb 2003 118 1613 1/ 3 11 3 Mar 2003 13.2 23.6 247 24.5 --':Ar"---' --'''---2003" ...."--"--1~O-....~ ..........-l':rã---..- t8~'5-""-'" .--'--~~-May 2003 9.8 ;., i) : ?jJun 200311.2 16.8 1"3 15.8 ....----.Jul .'--. _...-- 2003.--M-~-9:7-...---..-"---.-1~'5..-- . --"-15jf"'-". ".-14.8-" -_.Aug 2003 9.8167 170 .15.5 '=0__ Se2._~._ 2003 11_1 154 158 151Overall 10.56 1-6.43 16.05 ~== Data Recovery Key: black = 90-100°1..; çireen = "15-90%; blue = 50-75%; orange = 25-50%; purple = 10-25%; "x" = 0-10% All values represent the estimate for the full month when data recovery is less than 100%. I" 1- 1 EXHIBIT F-2* ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION (1) THAT THE FACILITY AVERAGE NET ENERGY ESTIMATE IS 53,923,276 KWH PER YEAR IN EACH FULL CALENDAR YEAR OF THIS AGREEMENT; Wind data has been collected on and near the Schwendiman wind farm site since the year 2001. Correlation and other wind data analysis has been performed on all of the available wind data, resulting in a long-term annual average wind speed estimate of 17.4 mph at 40 meters AGL at the Schwendiman 40 meter wind data tower location. The frequency distribution of the wind data closely follows a Rayleigh distribution, and the calculated wind shear estimate for the site is 0.09. Using these figures, wind data and the wind turbine manufacturer's power curve for the average air density of the site (1.02 kg/m\ annual gross energy production estimates were performed for the 40 meter data tower site. For a Nordic wind hirbine (59 meter rotor, 60 meter hub height) at the 40 meter data tower location, the gross capacity factor estimate is 35. i 2%. Adjusting for the other locations in the proposed wind farm array, the overall wind fann gross capacity factor estimate is 34.19% for the Nordic wind turbines. Gross to net losses are calculated at a total of 10%, including array and control losses, electrical distribution losses, icing, turbine availability, etc., which results in an overall wind fami net capacity factor estimate of 30.8% for the Nordic wind turbines. Without adjustment of the net wind fami energy production estimate for monthly variability from year to year, the average annual net energy production for this wind farm (20 MW of Nordic wind turbines) is estimated at 53,923,276 kWh. Actual delivery over time will vary from this number according to the natural wind resource variations in any given year. (2) THAT THE FACILITY, UNDER AVERAGE DESIGN CONDITIONS, LIKELY WILL GENERA TE NO MORE THAN i 0 aMW IN ANY CALENDAR MONTH. In all of the wind data collected at Schwendiman's and other area anemometer towers, the highest monthly wind speed average recorded since 2001 was approximately 23.3 mph. Using this average and data for that month, the calculated wind farm gross capacity factor for the Schwendiman wind farm site would have been 47.3%, and net capacity factor for that month would have been approximately 42.6% for the Nordic wind turbines. This would result in a monthly average power generation level of 8.52 aMW for Nordic turbines for that particular wind month, the highest monthly average recorded in the last seven years. Therefore, under average design conditions with existing data, this project wil likely generate no more than 10aMW in any calendar month. This engineering certificatìon has been prepared by Idaho Professional Engineer Kurt S. Myers, PE, 4001 S. Pine Needle Cir., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404, and is based on a detailed analysis of the site data and intended generation equipment. 1WJ~ IDAHO PE#12048, Dated: September 19,2007 *This Exhibit F2 replaces the prior Exhibit F2 in its entirety. ~h~ ~