HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060209Comment.pdfDoug Moyle 3949 No. West Side Hwy Clifton, Id 83228 . DaJ rf~D & Elecf:nric~ IDCO) :tJTING &COOLING Ph.: 1-208-747-3276 ~4 6 " ~Wir tHet7gt~Tb. ~asecallandletuscome. . ,--,' -, ~;~~; ~zg:r.J;~~~~~ "" tW "t 9/1 " rr\ ~~~ ~II"k ~e.l1 Phone: ~" ~"" "f3q,;:J." ; -' . c ,cSIU,4-t 1"0 " \\, (;A7esr.l)~ ~3~ ~b~~~~i:i3f:JfJ-, To: Address: :..LBUl1 Quantity.Description / Quote Price Amount lJ'llli J .......";.. . IJII.~ j)J(~-A)J1 Alh) d:~~/Lil IIIMtI. J ~ 7L.l /1-. rI// )tttJ-J- , :';;"'/ ~ /-A..~J JI 1-.z::;~'A ~1, /r t: ~C' /:t. f/,j! AJ'1) ,-1/. 'i v 71. , ;:t AMd '/ /MJ.~ '" - 1/,4.1 nJ.l' A" " /~ n&A / . ~-:"A:7 -,7-".11 L) _. /~ f2 j ,7~ I- ,j - ~ ij~k'/ d - u A.lid ;" // /;. ~~J/;Yg/ I ~'(J j' ;;., /I VV ~rf' ill..,/) ULJ ;; ?7 U- AVA! V.:..d... .... .I. ~ ~WdIrJ -JI 1.'Ti/.J. ~:/.J :.9A.U~ ::'/.- ' " J j)A "'. ~ (U/f" ~1J~:i I z"AI./~ 'll~- -:./' ." ~"'" 4L. ~A ..1 ~ 61 ~f ;i _.If) .A /MId ffnt/ ~ "" ,'1 / A ~/ . ;;; '- - "- M'~A / ~- ~ ' d/"'.1~ I. // -~; 1,~;;' A ';/II~ 1. /'tc r ~I b-' /. - ;j ~ /. ll-'i ~ Ai. '/u /jrh- ~;, ' -. ",. - 7/ - LAd ..1. - AU k/ ;- J.~IJ ;;Z '/ ;i ~- "' - 61 ~~... /'~A ,,- H, k;; AIt'J -/. N' "1'~ ,:" n:h' .. 0 '?': A 1/ 1 d/ h-lJlfl)- j J- //., - -, -:/'.1'./ ~;';;L~ _J;.. :. j..! /11 /-' 1I., :.-/ IIJfHP -;&; -, ."-' / j ;;~ -- ~,. 4./;./ ~Z -C' ~,tJ ~~ j A", ';u-d rh J L ~~I ;.:J' -- . - 7d:, t ~j L,/ 61// ~....~)' ~~.K "h"~ diAl AId 'Z.~ :: ~A '~ .I ~: d ;'~7 . If? . -/. ./J1'1/) /HJ ~dA J-~ ~ 7 '/Iff :t;/ fa ~/bI r A . ! - .I" ;~ ~J,,)j _L_'A ;J .IP, ~;li /lAd - - ~1- .. ,"; !)- '.... IJ d lid ~~...." ~~ AI.lD ~..d "'7 ' ., -:-! - ~ . ~'.1 -:. .1 1~;1l 'J.AA )~/II ~iIA~ -tfItrv; jJj,;J/ r, ~AA4 T".A.".., ~~!d '7h. AAAJ. .u - ., /m.L, ~v i~ .L -- . J ~/:L ~1 .t, '1J! 'k~ 7M1P~ ~lJ'r /~, ;; A _""JI' .r:. -- 7L:~A'" ' - ;,;,u 4l~ j- IA :.-ff ~./ k~. j A -(11'/d"-1J:,# '~C/' ~" '- - . ::1 .'~IJ.lI A ~d/ hll.//. AA~-, j- ta - -.... -' ~ TERM AND DISCLOSURE il\.T1::MENT: Accounts are due upon receipt of invoice. A finance cnarge of 2% per month TOTALwhich is 24% per annum ($ .00 minimum charge per month) wili be charged on the unpaid balance of past due accounts. Customer agrees to pay reasonable attorney s fee and other costs of coliectlon after defauit and referral to an attorney. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE Doug Moyle 3949 No. West Side Hwy Clifton, Idaho 83228 D & ElecfJric~ IDcO) HEATING &COOLING We Wire, Heat, Cool, & Plumb. Please call and letuscome. Date: Ph.: 1-208-747-3276 Cell: 1-208-339-1269 FAX: 1-208-747-3008 Mail: DnTCOMPANY(1Yaol.com To:Phone: Address: Quantity.Description / Quote Price Amount TERM AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Accounts are due upon receipt of invoice. A finance charge of 2% per month which is 24% per annum ($2.00 minimum charge per month) will be charged on the unpaid balance of past due accounts. Customer agrees to pay reasonable attorney s fee and other costs of collection after default and referral to an attorney. TOTAL CUSTOMER SIGNATURE