HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221208Notice of Affiliate Transaction - Bridger Coal Company.pdf\PeonCoRP. ,iECEiVED i-? irl:i -8 Pt{ 12' 52 r;l la. i- ,'|.]I-.lv, ,,, l:) :iilisiflN Timothy K. Clark Senior Attorney 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake Cily, aT 84116 801-220-4565 Ollice Ti m. C I a r lt@t a cifi c o rp. c o m hcift Fof,cr Rocky l"htntarn Prer YA ELECTRONIC FILING December 8,2022 Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l West Chinden Boulevard Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, Idaho 837 14-1021 Attention Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Re:PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction - PacifiCorp and Bridger Coal Company Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Commitmentl 17(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973, issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14,2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company or BHE), PacifiCorp hereby provides notice of an affiliated interest transaction between itself and Bridger Coal Company. PacifiCorp entered into an agreement with its affiliate Bridger Coal Company to purchase one MagneTek Viking Power 3-Phase 60 hertz (Hz) transformer and one General Electric 3-Phase 60 Hz transformer (collectively, the Transformers). Bridger Coal Company no longer has use for these Transformers as its underground mining operations have ended. In contrast PacifiCorp has need for the Transformers as reseryes to ensure electrical service to its customers is not unreasonably interrupted. The purchase and sale agreement (the Agreement), bill of sale and invoice (#18518) are included with this notice respectively as Attachment A, Attachment B and Attachment C. PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, is the direct 100 percent owner of Pacific Minerals, Inc., a Wyoming corporation. In turn Pacific Minerals, Inc., holds a 66.7 percent ownership interest in Bridger Coal Company, a Wyoming joint venture company. Therefore, PacifiCorp's indirect ownership interest in Bridger Coal Company through Pacific Minerals, Inc., creates an afliliated interest between PacifiCorp and Bridger Coal Company. Bridger Coal Company originally purchased the equipment for $556,193. The value of the equipment to be purchased by PacifiCorp, doing business as Rocky Mountain Power, under the Agreement is approximately $355,950. Bridger Coal Company offered the specified equipment to PacifiCorp at the best cost and terms when compared to other options on the market, along with a premium that benefits PacifiCorp's customers. Thus, the use of Bridger Coal Company as supplier of the Transformers under the Agreement is in the public interest. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, -tr*L d K A^*L- Timothy K. Clark Senior Afforney PacifiCorp Enclosures: Attachment A.pdf Attachment B.pdf Attachment C.pdf 2 ATTACHMENT A PacifiCorp Notice of Affrliate Transaction to PURCEASE AND SALE AGREEMENT GRANSFORMERS) TEIS PURCHASE AIIID SALE AGREEMEI\:I ('Agreemenf), dated 24 of Ootober, 2022 (Elfecdve Dde'), is exesuted and delivered by md b*ween Bridger Coal Company ('Seller"), a joint venhrro of Pacific Minerals, Inc., a Wyoming oorporation and wholly ov,ned subsidiary of Buycr, and Idaho Energy Resouoes Co., a Wyoming corporation, and PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation ('Buyer," together the'?artiee," and each individually a'?arty'). WHEREAS, Soller is the own€r of one MagncT€k Viking Power 3-Phase 60 IA transformer, and one General Electrio 3-Phase 60IIZ transformer looated at932 Nine Mile Road, Point of Rocks, Wyoming 82942 ('Transformers"). WHBEAS, Seller has agreed to sell, and Buyer has agreed to buy, all of Seller's dght, title and interrest in the Transformers. NOW, TI{EREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained hereiq and othergood and valuable consideratio,n, thereccipt and suffioiency ofwhich arehereby aclcnowledgod, the Parties, intending to bo legally botmd" her$y agree as follows: l. Purchase and Sale of Bquipmmt Seller hereby sells, conveys, hnsfers, and assigns, inoluding all of Seller's rights in and to the Transformers described on Schedule A (the "Sold Equlpmenf) attached hereto, to Buyer, and Buyer accepts all of Seller's riSq titlc and int€rest in and to the Sold Equipment. Payment of the Payment amount shall be made by Seller to Buyer within five (5) business days of the execution qf this agreemeitby all Parties. 2. Title: Delivery: Cosb. Title and risk of loss (including responsibility to insure) to the Sold Equipment nhnll fansfen to Buyer ou tho Effective Dafe. Buyer sha[ tske delivery from Seller at the currenrt location of the Sold Equipment. Buyer strall be responsible for all costs related to the Sold Equipment from and after the Effeotive Date. 3. Covenants, Seller hereby covenants to be bound by and comply with this Agreement in respoot of the Sold Equipment. 4. Suocessors aod Assisns. The terms and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and are enforceable by the Parties and their respectivo successors and permitted assigns. 5. Amendment. This Agree,meirt may not bo amended, supplenre,nted or modified excqlt by an insbument in writing signed on behalf of Seller and Buyer, 6. Severabilitv; Modification. tf any term or provision of this Agroement is invalid, illegal, or incapable of beiug enforced by law or public policy, all other tenns and provisions of this Agree,ment shall nevertholess re,main in full force and effect so long as the legal substance of the hansactions conternplated hueby is not affected in any matter materially adverse to any Party. Upon such determination that any term or provision is invalid, illegal or incapablo of being enforced, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreem€nt so as to affec't the origiml intent of the Parties as closely as possible in an acceptable maon€r in order that the transac'tions contemplated hereby are con$mlmated as originally oonteurplated to the greatest ext@t possible. 7 . Govarnine Law. This Agreemeirt shall be governedby and oonstrued in accordanoc with tho Iaws ofthe State ofWyoming wi6out referenoe to any conflists oflaw provisions. 8. JuTv TTiAI WaiveT. TO TIIE FT.,LLEST BXfiENT PERMITTED BY I,AW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WAT\IES AI.TT RIGHT IT MAY IIAVE TO A TRIAL BY JT'RY IN RESPECT OF LXTIGATION DIRECILY OR INDIRBCTLY ARISING OUT OF, I.'I{DER OR IN CONNECTION WITII TIIIS AGREEMB.IT. BACH PARTY FT RTIIER \VAMS AI.IYRIGIIT TO @NSOLIDATts A}.IY ACIION IN WIIICH A JI.'RY TRIAL HAS BEEN WAIVBD WNH ANY OTI{ER ACTION IN WHICH A JI,TRY TRIAL CAI{NOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WATIfED. [signatne page follows] IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the Parties havs caused this Agrc€ment to be duly exesurcd by their authorized representatives as of fte dats first above uniten. SELI,ER: Bridgu Coal Compmy, a Wyoming joint venturo C-, c , frrla,r-.,+- G <.ot t'L4^ ^"iar- By: Title: BIIYER: PACIFICORP m Oregon corporation By:P*rr/7#* Name:'scl{ Tifle:D;." c{ar Schedule A t g o DO E THREE PHASE SUESTATION TRANSFORMER PRIyARYVoITAOE: 34mOoEIT 6lU 200KV SEGOiO RYVOLT GE lAtw/rlloo UL: itol(\,PRil RY TAPS: +. l* FClt{ t lll 't06.50 SE@TDARY IAPA itG e $tt l.,. tERTZ:0OCYCIEs -ffiIits4s-unil4: UlrcC4: !DClCm: rc6TMffi: 2miltr: 2sUlm:@ NOTE: t. ffi d lr[*. ffi d ar6i o Fot V||w. 201.00 213.63 e ffi"* <#.,5qryr^aA \..7 fffiEEIn -'@ qr-Er Fg:.]g-IT LI t.4 29.62 155.75 56.50 {- s.so l-- 6s.oo --l 12.6lt l-1 so.oo ;.-l[-- sa.so --l - 7E.00 1m.00 itn 9lbH$.a.l?rlE fd NN2I2NS Bddgcr Cdtg, SOLOMON CORPORATION SOLOMON, KANSAS (78s) 6ss-2191 TRANSFORMER VOLTAGES PRIMARY 34500 DELTA SECONDARY 12470Yt7200 THREE PHASE 60 HERTZ POWER CLASS LTC TRANSFORMER KV-BIL FULL WAVE IMPULSE LEVEL Hl .H2.H3= 200 XO.X1 .X2.X3=1 10 IMPEDANCE VOLTS I_IO I * AT 85"C - 15000KVA 34500 - 12470 FULL LOAD CONTINUOUSLY 15000/20000 KVA oA/FA 6s'c RtsE senrx-*l ++z+s 'l JOB #19947 - HV WINDING CONNECTIONS WINDING VOLTS 15000I(VA DIAL POStTION CONNECTS HIGH VOLTAGE DELTA 36225 239.07 1tA ATOB 35.3di 24-90 2ta BTO il6nn 241 02 oTol 33RqA 257-45 4tD DTOE a2n8 2il-23 IE FTOF LV CONNECTIONS VOLTS L.L AMPSt5(m REVERSING SWTCH ONmsCOMTACTS ON u,o E 1?549 M +,0 694.49 EuJ3oJ A APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS EXPRESSED IN U.S. POUNDS TOTAL --87380 lbs. UNTANKING (coHE&corl) -- 36525 lbs. TANK AND FITTINGS .- 26800 |bs. LTC TANK -GALS. 170 MAIN TANK * GALS. 3024 - 23955 lbs. 3O DEGREE PHASE SHIFTx1 H1 H2 H3 HlCl 600:5 O00O HrC2m5 ca00 H2C1ffi:s C0 H3C16005 c100 pc2 6005 cm H3C26@5 0r{0 HV WINDING ""r-t E c PHASE A PHASE B PHASE C P1 P1 P3 PI P3 LOC I 2005 c50 1oCO:5 P xoc2c4m12m:5 xoc1c4001m5 x1c2 c400 1 200:5 xlclw I 2005 LV WINDING x2c2c4m,200:5 x2c1cr0012m:5 x3c2c{00lm0:5 x3clc{rc 1 2005 x0 x1 x2 x3 THE 25"C LIOUID LEVEL IS 1 5.5 INCHES BELOW TOP OF HIGHEST MANHOLE FLANGE. ORIGINAL MFG. . FEDERAL PACIFIC LIQUIO LEVEL CHANGES 1.12 INCHES FOR EACH 1O.C CHANGE IN AVERAGE LIOUID TEMPERATURE. LTC MECHANISM . Relnhaus€n RMV.II I5OO THE MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURES OF LIQUID PRESERVATION SYSTEM 8.0 PSI POS.TO 8.0 PSI NEG. DATE OF REMFG. - JULY 2OO5 FTLLED wtrH NoN-pcB otL AT TIME oF REMANUFAcTURE. TANK ts sutrABLE FoR 1 4.7 LBs vAcuuM FILLING. MADE lN u.s.A. + THE TRANSFORMER MUST NOT BE ENERGIZEO FROM ANY VOLTAGE SOURCE WHEN HV TAP CHANGER IS OPERATED. LDC-CT lS 1 200:5 AMP FOR USE WITH LOAD TAP CHANGER. t - POLARTY MARK 5Wr4€ -lI ,t s -l r w] -ffi;i ffi -ffi;i lf; l$ 'H E t[EtrE O*.rE!m!E oooo ffiffi***,@ @ ffiffiffi ); JE ffi ?m ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffi IIE ;Er GE 6t ffi fr *EB* 8fififl flflEfiflf,flfl88 sla ,Irt^E il a a-s t!! IE 4]=el=6-f- Brillga CNI Con.parry,wtyA a trxT ErDs6crcre III!IJ! o aooo **@ @ ffi ffiffiffi )r )e ffi 9t [ffil4E ffiffiffiffiffi88ffiffi E G 6t fr fr *gE* ffiH t1flflt1 EEEflflflflflEE sBa E!6 $H 1T.1.. rU pF**,stNz e ,l n rrylriryirfllrirflirlfliFfiTr t----l -F.:l f.:l -H:lI### il a a-* e:el'ce-* .Wtl€.t' a trl, jr Offaro6rEieG*otE d,[o*EjE;SrE EEA ooca *,^'.,@ @ m".ffi.l:ffi )" lifl ffi SIAEN?AE ffiffiffiffiffiffimm' ffiH E&Gl-6tl & -*rBE* Ufltl flflEflflflflfl88 sBm EN6 l;Elm,Ira I..trT. f,=:Eil::f.t.:r rU SWPAE -l n p --]t- W] F.:] # -F:l #:l## il a a-f- -6.5re-e' Twr '^E.4" l-l*5.7lrilas tSNXv/ ' tD17 ,6a;\ ,6-\/.....\ /.aaaa\I.o....\ /aaaaaal1.......1 1.......1\....../ laaaaoa,\..a../ \aaaaal\!!r/ . \!!r/ r---l _l n ffiffi &ffi m L -a---.r-6.i=E#-- *@ @o-aa----o-lI5,iE-.-ar- ffi HHHHHHHH s€ E eeaa EE*YYI 6 EEEEfl8fl€€E ff E-] oo ffi o o fiaa-* -6-€ -6- LlVtuol Brill$ct Cults$ tvA ,,ta, E- r Pr#x-l T F.drd Pdlcr r$66 toEt umaEra@6BUODEGm' I oo EEIts F EF EID El.!!..' rGf *ffi8S'GB.r I-+ts- - +F-- +F -52. 216 ,2a r F b ,a,*^rra*@ -g.!r. L-___.1 @ .......Ltftffi Ei! Ig :IIt!t{ 3!II ffiffi J .hl'-r*_* rFrTE .l 1 trr tuoISfuaC4,rdiilSd@ti ,mtLrSn , J L.- ro,t- j 3tqeat4t,.E ffiffi ffiffi cDE--.IEr.-D.tDItr I & ttr, r s!tt 4 I $tl E $ @ I@ t!E! rxluH o ]"" tdII 3 II IIt ii I E 1 t LI L H&"4ldi,-gb-.re rwr)lrUgu CulConpan)atwtffiru/ taT---ta ra ral:l:l:L- L- L-*o 1r.o asrot___!__+__ r T T--I 19e55 rcB ore.E a-Ew.E'llu'I' 'IEE EIr-dE'raE(EtEil. a i DItlg F !FF L.e I ?tu$$ I r g E ]"nsxl^u&x @ & @LI ItI ( iI 3 ?!i Lt 4 ffiffi la, '.oit- Lr *@i ',*.jt*ffi .t 1 l fuweqpAa&l@-rs. 6t&23+2Efl)BUntuA I ',ffiffikffi nanautEx @ 5 afrndMM ffilGffir@Brffi l;;-lqc -"e E--------!!- otAtljt-E ffi ----L-tffitffi @ iotEs Om@Effifr- ffiN-! IlI iq'i dtiII I d I;t6 , Ef ( I ,nlua a rr9t, a oo u"o' 9. eF o'o- o" @'E THREE PHASE SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER taxro/zm KvA aY t6. c asE oArFA Fnfa F \,OLT Ge gAXrO€LtA AL Zror(v SECO{DAnYV(f,TAOEI 1l?6fl72q, tlj tlo l(vmnr iYlAPrS: +.tta Fc r{It}t SECONOARYTAPT: tll e6/!!a T.p.XERfiI: 3,CTCLES 188.75 .ffiIllgl8-lailOl*: aloLrcil4: laCICWI: xt.oIXrt: ImooC.m: lllrlrOrrtm:@@ NOTE: l. Art bE rd Anr&. bodcia ndalwn d Frfitvlil. 18850 -l to.m r-1 20.m 't934 145.50 T 49.00 t3.50 12a.63 ---------l 1.50 6s.50 --l-.- 5s.7s --l.- 6s.so *nd.E&.rarrr \irl:D E W iie 'a,, aTtnEfrs $e-Lt Dridgct CNI,os3 .'SOLOMON CORPORATION SOLOMON, KANSAS (78s) 6s5-219r MON TRANSFORMER VOLTAGES PRIMARY 34500 DELTA 12470Yt7200 THREE PHASE 60 HERTZ POWER CLASS LTC TRANSFORMER KV.BIL FULL WAVE IMPULSE LEVEL H1 .H2.H3= 200 XO.X1 .X2.X3=1 10 IMPEDANCE VOLTS f ZIAI* AT85'C - 15000KVA 34500-7200 FULL LOAD CONTINUOUSLY 15000/20000 KVA oA/FA 65'C RISE SERIAL#447M JoB#flssss I LV CONNECTIONS VOLTS L.L AMPS r5000 @NTACTS ON REVERSING SWITCH ON UL E 11 694.49 ICU39 't0 , HV WINDING CONNECTIONS WINDING VOLTS 1 5000ruA DIAL POS]TION CONNECTS HIGH VOLTAGE DELTA AEz'B 1tA ATOB 3i?m 2lA BTOC 34500 2q1 0?alc DTOC 33538 257.15 4lo NTOF 32775 2&.23 5tE ETOF APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS EXPRESSED IN U.S. POUNDS rorAl -- FT555lus UNTANKING (coRE&corl) - TANK AND FITTINGS -. 46180 lbs. 39000 lbs. LTC TANK - GALS. 150 MAIN TANK - GALS. 4140 32175 lbs. 30 DEGREE PHASE SHIFTx1 H1 H2 H3 HlCl xm:5 C100 f, Hrc2 tsms c{m g pcr x8005 c100 f t1zc,2 E6005 c0 H Hitrl600:5 Ot00 H3C2m5 c$"nNO LOAD HV WINDING l---1-'Ic I PMSE A PHASE B PMSE C 14 l4 l4 GOt0m5 l5 x0c2or001m05 xocrc4m1405 x1c2c{0012m:5 x1c1cam 1 2005 LV WINDING x2c2c4ml2m:5 x2ctcsr2005 x3c2c4001200f x3c1ce1m05 x0 xl x2 x3 THE 25"C LIOUID LEVEL IS 'I 4.5 INCHES BELOW TOP OF HIOHEST MANHOLE FLANGE. ORIGINAL MFG. . FEDERAL PACIFIC LtOUtDLEVELCHANGESI.l |NCHESFoREACHIo.CCHANGEtNAVERAGELteUtDTEMPERATURE. LTcMECHANISM-F.P. TYPETc25E19z THEMAXIMUMoPEBATINGPFESSURESoFLIoUIDPRESERVATIoNSYSTEM 8.oPSI PoS.To 8.0 PSI NEG. DATEOFREMFG..JULY2OO5 FILLED WITH NON.PCB OIL AT TIME OF REMANUFACTURE. TANK IS SUITABLE FOR 14.7 LBS VACUUM FILLING. MADE IN U.S.A. * THE TRANSFORMER MUST NOT BE ENERGIZED FROM ANY VOLTAGE SOURCE WHEN HV TAP CHANGEB IS OPERATED. LDC.CT IS I4OO:5 AMP FOR USE WITH LOAD TAP CHANGEF. I - POLARTTY MARK Actual Size - 12" x 17.0' FEDERAL PACIFIE H i$]'r$lFrns rrIp HJrdOt A!!o * +tI*Jb, Itil ^a-t< d\,+lol t-5 le lffi*ily ..t L____ a L+- I I I I I I i{ ih u L2 E It N tzzt23na I P3 a , J f 90 t !a AI c tx(D) I t L t LSr lx(D) Llccfil truo6&-rt n&aCatCoryttl,swrya a rrtt , T --€F.*[ ruomrlamrnc @ ftr}"-- .. --!t ilEI-.{l FF+1,EE ffiffitl t l @@@ ,Qo- L l ]e JF t l It ['l huffil [] .gggaffir"1 tr{t t}+t: *A -1?,llt rttffi rf]]r++r lI.}n4l lF+l I p" S@Ii Br*lgqCul,sfi rva , ,rs' It --€F.*,,.a w a,,.il w !!! rm:rrmcrnc @ ffiffil bilffilIl rtr"-trTttrtr tlfl fnl+Jl rlEffiFl Ll|r rlrJ ? e'e l,i*ren t- lstl L l Tt-; a "ffi_ **t l lr Ddtit cffiltNw Bridp'CulI56tyA t rrss F1P FEDERAL PAEIFIE Stondord CT Hookup EsEbllsed 1971 Remanufactured for Bridger Coal Company July 2005 Current Tronsformers H[-H?-H3 / (2) 600z5 Accurocy Closs C4OO Roting Foctor 2.O (\lotloxxxxx Tops 600A x2-x3 50:5 xl-x2 100:5 x1-x3 150:5 x4-x5 2OOz5 x3-x4 ?50:5 x2-x4 300:5 x1-x4 400:5 x3-x5 450:5 x2-x5 500:5 x1-x5 600:5 o oc o \7 c \76 Current Tronsformers x1-x2-x3-xo (?) 12OO:5 Accurocy Closs C4OO Roting Foctor 2.0 (\t (" t loxxxxx Tops 1200A x2-x3 100:5 xt-x2 200:5 x1-x3 300:5 x4-x5 400:5 x3-x4 500:5 x2-x4 600:5 x1-x4 800:5 x3-x5 900:5 x2-x5 1000:5 x1-x5 1200:5 ATTACHMENT B PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to BILL OT'SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESB PRESENTS: Bridger Coal Company, a Wyoming joiut venture compsny (lScller), for and in cmsidcration of the sum of $355,950.00 and other good and valuable oonsid€ration (the "Purchrre Prlce'), provid€d by PacifiCorp ("Purchasef), the roceipt of whici is hor$y aoknowledge( does horeby sell, assigg transftr, sst over, deliver aod convsy to Purchns€r all of its rig!! title and interest in the Transfornffi deec,tibed on Annox A attachod h€r€fu uato Purrdaser and to hrchascr's suc6sor$ and assigns forover, along with, whatever claims md righh Seller may have agpinst the manufrofirer and/or supplier of the Transforrros, inohding; bril not limiteal to, aU wananties ud rcprescntations. hrchas€r is prn&asing the Transformcrs pursumt b thc Purchase and Sale Agrocroe,nl dated as of Oaoba 24,?.U22,by and betwoen Pur*aser and Sella (the *PSA'). Seller represents md wmants to Rnchaser and ite succssors and aseigns that (i) Puchaser will aquireby the te, s of this Bill of Sale good and mrketable title to the Tlansfurm€rs froe trom all Liens (other than Permitted Licns) and (2) Sellarhas tho firll, legnl d beucficial titlo to the Traneformers, as well as the right to sell aod oonvcy the Transformers. Soller agre€s with Prnohaser ald its suocessoffi and assigns that Seller will warrant aod forwer defbnd such title so conveyed against dl claims and de,mands whatsoevs. All tcrms used hcrein which are not othem*ise defnod hsrein shall have the meaoing ascribed to thein in the PSA and the rules ofusage set forth thqein shall apply hereto. TIIIS BILL OF SALE SHALL IN ALL RESPECTS BE GOIERNED BY A}.ID CONSTRI.JED IN ACCORDAhICE WITTI TIIE LAWS OF TIIE STATE OF WYOMING. lRenwin&r of Wge lntentiorully lefi blankl IN I[IIt{E8S WEEREOF, Pmdasor and Sdlcr have orocutod and ddivorcd lhis Bill of SaIe &is 24 day of Odobc 2022. PTJRCTIASR; SELLER: PACIFICORP BRIDCBRCOALMMPANY LB),: Nmo: T1tle: Bp Nmc: Iltlo: ATTACHMENT C PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to Invoice BRIDGER COAL COMPAI\Y 932 Nine Mile Rd P. O. Box 68 Point of Rocks, WY 82942 Ph: (307) 922-7600 Fax (307) 362-5330 Re: Dato: lnrcico f: Rolaas No. Tms: \ltlo: FO8: 24-Na-22 18518 Due upon Receipt 't 0079468 Rocky Mountain Power Attn: Alex Vaz 1407 W North Temple, Suite 270 salr Lake city, uT 84116 Rocky Power Pick up at minesit€ Bank: JP Morgan Chase Address: Chicago, lL ABA: 021000021 Account Number 09-49556 Account Name: Bridger Coal Company Beneficiary Address: 932 Nine Mile Road, Point of Rocks, Vt{ 82942 Ln#DESCRIPTION RATE OUANTITY AMOUNT ,|MagneTek Viking Power Transformer Class: OA/FA 3-phase 60 HZ Ser. No. A0223V General Electric Transformer Class: OA/FA 3-phase 60 HZ Ser. No. H880573A Sold ra b no liDlhd or arpDaa Hmnty. 339,000.00 Total Amount 5% Sales Tax Shipping Total lnvoice Balance Due s 33S.OO0 00 s 16.950.00 s 355.950.00 s 355.950.00