HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221012Notice of Affiliate Transaction - Kern River Gas.pdf\ PacrlCoRp. | illl ff..*",*, iiIfilVED ','.',i?.Lii iZ Pti h:32 320 ii: . ii,j: i:iJi,lllC' | ;:: lli)i,l,tilSS!ON Timothy K. Clark Senior Attorney 1407 W. North Temple, Suite Salt Lake CiA, UT 84116 801-220-4565 OfJice T i m. C I ar k@t a c iJi c o r p. c o m VA ELECTRONIC FILING October 12,2022 Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l West Chinden Boulevard Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, Idaho 837 14-1021 Attention:Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction - PacifiCorp and Kern River Gas Transmission Company Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Commitmentl 17(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission OrderNo.29973, issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by OrderNo.29998 March 14,2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company or BHE), PacifiCorp hereby provides notice of an affiliated interest transaction with Kern River Gas Transmission Company (Kern River). PacifiCorp entered into an agreement with its affiliate Kem River for a non-exclusive right-of-way and easement (Easement) that allows Kern River entry onto and for its facilities to cross land owned by PacifiCorp. The 75-foot permanent Easement, transverses PacifiCorp's Pavant-Delta 46kVC transmission right-of-way in Millard County, Utah, where the company is registered with the state to do business as Rocky Mountain Power. In part, the Easement carries with it the right of ingress and egress to and from, and access on and along a right-of-way, with the right to use existing and future roads, for the purpose of constructing, inspecting, repairing, protecting and maintaining the facilities and the removal or replacement of same at will, either in whole or in part, and the replacement of said pipeline with either like or different size pipe. A copy of the Easement is included with this notice as Attachment A. Re PacifiCorp is a wholly ownedo indirect subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company (BHE). Kern River is also a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of BHE. Therefore, BHE's ownership interest in PacifiCorp and Kern River creates an affiliated interest relationship between PacifiCorp and Kern River. Kem River owns and operates the Kern River pipeline system, which transports natural gas to California, Nevada, and Utah. Certain of Kem River's Utah pipelines are in an area used by PacifiCorp and located within Utah County, Utah. Kern River is building a new pipeline to provide service to customers. The Easement is needed by Kern River to construct, operate, and maintain the improved delivery pipeline. Kern River will pay $1,000 for the Easement. Acquiring the Easement is in the public interest because it accommodates Kern River's need to install and maintain its pipeline in service to its customers. Moreover, PacifiCorp benefits from the sale financially. Further, it is consistent with other easements that PacifiCorp has entered into that do not interfere with the current or future use of the property as transmission corridor lands. As the sole property owner, PacifiCorp is the only entity that can grant this Easement to Kern River. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions Sincerely, - /,-*. h- ,./ Timothy K. Clark Senior Attorney PacifiCorp K (/n.f - Enclosure: Attachment A.pdf 2 ATTACHMENT A PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to Rocorded atthe requet of Kem Rfuer Gas Trarrmlssion Company When Recorded Mailto: Kem River Ges Tranamlsslon Company Altt: Land Departmentn# E @ttonrcod Pkwy, Suite 3fi) Salt Lake City, UT 84121 aa221945S. 733 P: 144 Fee $4O'00si..ii bickc.s. llillard-Rccorder Page 1 of 6 Urt23/2e22 02:O3:16 PIl By KERI{ RIVEF GfiS tlil lfrillTl! I li*lrlHillth r[J[ tll] l|t,lhlf ltdt ild, Il lll Kem Rlvs Gar Tnnrmlrlm Compeny I{ON.EXGLUSIVE RIG}IT.OF.WAY AND EASEXTENT State of UTAH CounydMILLARD KNOW AtI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the underclgned Rocky tountrln Pmr, rn unlnoorpor*rd dMrlon of PeclflCorp, .uocr..lor ln lnteroct to tlteh Prycr and Llght, whose addr€ss ls 1407 W. North Temple, Sulte 1 10, Salt Lake Clty, UT 84'l'10, herclnafier refened to as Grantor, for and in onsHeratlon of the cum of TEN DOLLARS AilD OTHER CONSIDERATIOilS, to the Gnantor ln hand pald by lGRt{ RmR GAS TRANSXISSIOil COUPAIIIY, 2755 E Cottonwood Parlouay, Sulte 300, Satt Lake ClU, t tah 84.121, hselrder refened to ag Grantee, the recdpt and sufficlency of $filch b hereby acknowledged, does tt€r€by grant, soll and conv€y unto aald Grantee, lb gucceseon and asalgns, a non€xcluslve rlghl-of-way and €ae€ment b locate, suiley a rcute, construcL entntlch, malntaln, proted, lnspect and operate a plpellrn and/or communications cabh wlth appurtenanoss irrcludlrB but not llmlted to valves, metelng equlpment decfrical ceble, cathodlc equlpment, undergrund conduit, cables, sdiclng boxe and roads (seld plpellne, communlcatlong cable, appurtenancc, valvoo, rnebrlrE equlpment, cathodlc equlpment, undergrcund oondultg, caUee, spllcing box6, markera and roade beirp hereinfrer sometlmes ollectively called the Tac[Hes') wer, under and through the herelnfrs deacribed land, approximately along the line deslgnated by suruey herctofore made or hereats to be made by Grantee, through and over the gaid land on a dght- d-rray more specifically described as: That cortrain parcel d land sltuetod ln Sectlon 17, Townshlp 18 South, Rangp 5 Weat, Salt Lake Bare and Medtlian, Mlllatd Comg utah more perticularlydeacrlbed in a Quitclaim Deod rocorded ln Deed Book 218 Page l7; in the Regbterof Dodg d Mlllard County. utah, lesg and except arry conveyanceo heretdore made. See attachd Exhlblt'A'. To the extont that any discrepancy exigts betuoen the legal decription and survey heretofore made or hereinafter deecribed and the actual locatlon of the plpeline, the ac{ual location of the plpellne shallgovem, wlth the rlghtd-way and easement runnlrp parallel to and extending twenty{ve (25) feet on one slde ard 50 fuet on the o0prside of the actual location of the cenbrline of the plpellne as lt o<ists on Granto/s property. This rlghtof+vry and eaeement shall carry wlth it the right d ingrcs arrd egreee to ard from, and acoosr on and along said rlglttof+vay, wlth the right to use exbting and future roads, br the purposo of onsfirc[ing, inspec'tlng, rcpalring, protec[ang and malntaining the fadllties and the remoralor reflacement of came atwill, either ln whole or in part, and the replacement d eald plpellne wlth either llke or dlfrrent elze pipe. Durlng temporary perlode Grantee may use such portions d the property along and adlacent to eald rlghtofaray as may be reasonably neeesary ln connec'tion with constuc;lion, maintenanoe, r€palr, removal or replacement of the facllilles. TO HAVE AIIID TO HOID the abore described rights and 68€ments, together with all rights neoeesary to op€rate, protec{ and maintaln the facllitlee owr the rlghtof-way hereby granted unto the sald Grantee, its Bucceasor8 and asslgns, end the Grantee may aselgn the righb and eaaement herein gnanted, elther ln udrole or ln part sublect to ths termg d thb grant, and sucfi rights and easements shall be ovenants runnlng s'lth the land and be blndlrB upon Grantor, hb hdrs, legal repreeentatiVes and Bucoor8o{a ln tltle. 4022t945B: 733 P. 145 rcc 3{0.@ si)i5iio2l'b;?a*, IA'}f, '' -";;"[8ii *, r.8"E8., "' . :lll ll trlltl ll r Lrhl[iHrl'lii I I rlhltt tIld rrl tl, i li$il Il lt, Grantee mey et any tlme permanen$y abandon sald right of-way and remove factitiee conshrc{ed thereon and upon such abandonment actbn. Grantee wlllexearte and record a Faonve!/arrce and release hereof, whereupon thls fuht-d.way and eacement and all rlghb and privllegBs herein mutually granted shall be fufiy canoelled ard tsmlnated. Grantee strall have a non+xclusive right to install, operatg furspect repair, replacc, urd maintain the Pipeline. Grant€e, its srcccssors ard assignq will not usc or permit b be uscd on Easemeot Arca omsfiuction crancr or other oquipnent that violate OSHA urd Utah High Volt4ge Act Safety Clearance Standads. Grantee shall not store materials within tp Easeinent Area Grante will not excavate within 50 fect of C.rrantods transurission sfiucttues witlrout the exprcss writtco pior approval of Grantor. The storage of flammable aod haadqrsmaterialsornefirelingofv*icle/equipmcotisprohibitodwittrintheEasementArpa Atnotimeshall Grante place my oquipment c materials of any ldtd &8t cxocods twelve (12) feet iD hciglt, or thd creatcs a mataial risk of endangpriog Grantor's facilities, or tlut may pose a risk to humur safcy. Grurte's use of the Easem.ent Area shall oomply with OSHA and Utah High Voltagp Act Safcty Clerane Standads. Granbe shall ompensate the Grantor for damages to Grantor's Sowing crops! pasture, foneE, livestod( and other rsal or personal prop€rty lmprovemenb caueed by he constudlon, malntenance, ropair, replacement or rernoval of the fadlitiee. Grantee ehall compeneate he Granto for damagos to Grantor's timber caussd by the lnltlal conetruction d the fx llthe; 0tereiler, Grantee shall have the right to oI and keep clear wlthort payrnent of damagea all trees, brush and other obetruc'tions that may h the Grantee's oplnlon endanger, hlnder or conf,ict with the consfucton, operation, lnspection, potection, malnbnarrce and uso d gald facllitiea. Grantee furthor agroes that within a reasonable ffme following the completion of oomhrctlon, Grantee shall r€storo saH rlghtd-way. Restoration ehall lndude, nrheru noosseary, ffnal gradlng, reseedlng and installation of erogion conhol measurw. Grantor lusorves the fuht to use and enpy eaid prcperty except for he purpcos hersin granted, but such use shall not hlndor, conflbt or lnbrbre wlth Grantee'a eurface or gubsurface rlghts hercunder or dleturb lts facilities and m road, r€oervoir, excavatlon, change in surface grade, obstsr.rc'tion or efuc'turo ehall be constructed, croated or maintained on, orer, along of withln aaid rlghtof+vay s,ithout Granlee's plor written consent. Grantor representE and wanants that he ig the owner in be elmple of the eaid deecribod land. Grantee ahall have the right to dlscharge s redeem for Grantor, in whob or in part, any rnortgagp, tex or other lien on sald land and thereupon be subrogpted to euch lien and rlghts lrrcUent thereto. Grantee understande that Grantor may, ln the ftrfure, congtuct additional fadll0es or maintain existing facilltlee, ard that to do so, eguipment with welghts ln excess of 20,000 pounds per axle (lrdudlng wlre pullers which conld uoBh approxlmatdy 100,000 pounda) may favel over, acnos8 or be parked upon the pipeline durlng such conetruction or maintenance. Grantee agrsss to fury the pipeline to a sufiident depth such that equipment rrorltlng on the surface over Granbo's plpellne shall not intgrfer€ with or damago Grantee's Faclllties. The pipellne shall be furi€d during inltial congtudlon no lees than skty (60) lnchee bdm the exbUng gurfae grade. A two (2) bot mlnlmum sepaation distanco requlred at exlsting undergnound cable crooslngs. To the fullest extent permltted by law, each of the partles hereto walvee any rlght it may have b a bial by Jury in regpect of Iltlgaticn df6c0y c lndlrec{y arislng qrt of, under or ln connec[ion wfth thls non exdusiw rightd-way and easement. Each pafi further wafues arry right to onaolidate any ac{lon ln whir*r a lury trial has been wahred wlth any other action ln whlch a Jury canmt be or has not been walved. It !s heeby urdoretood that tho partlea eecurlng thle grant on bohelf of thc Granbe aro wlthout authority b make any corsnaril or agreement not hereln orpressod. wTNEss rHE EXECUnON HEREOF rHE I 0. DAy oF s'Pl- . 2@. By GMNTOR(S): IIIAME l.lAME €r*r; to COMPAtIY -DB yrco ft€sEont, Oporatbm and Erpineilrp 402219458: 73,11 P: ttl6 Fer 3{0.COSlerra Oiclcnc. t1.i llard Rccordcr Paor 3 of 6ogtayzex2 o2ro3.16 Pn oy KERI RIVER 6es llll trrrilhld,llrt8Uiil :l#lhltll lttl J ll ltF4lh,l ll ll I STATE OF couNw or *tr krc lb# o., ACKl{OWLEDGTENT ?n 3. ?;,1"personally artU belqrg Bworn, dld say that he/she ls the and acknowledgod to me that Notary ln for tho State of n ?:L Robert Checketts personally appered bdorc rne by rne duf swom, and that the above Facllity Easement wae signed on Comparry, and ackncnd€dged to me that he executed the same. Notary ln and br Strate of 0o22r945 nlLOn the of before executed 8emo. My oommlssion expires: to/t s /zozrt .(Euffifl] AcKilowLEDGrE'rr STATEOFUTAH ) COUNTY OF SALT I-AKE On the v7A My commission expires: ) B: 733 P: 147Sierra Oickens. ltidc!,23tZe 2 OZ 9.Sl.lG 34O. eoRecordcr Paoc 4 of 6By XERIr nlven (.:nS FCG I lard PN @ Ht^naJoo![Erlu.ry iallc'strL o, ttdr CorD. Xo. 72tltT ,fy Cdtt illtoa EPtor. ql xo, l. l0ll Ilil t{?rilllh,Lr,l[]i*d'[ {t},lLlrlr,liu hil'}t })trt ll lll .-EFG EASEET{I EX}ilETT I'TA}I PO*ER t I.BH[ COTPAI{Y il A Pfrt S llC lE trff 8Eclot 1?,rqra? I Sqrn ilre gEt lr tal' tunD 6r.w, ulx ? tccloctct;norr AIiIAREAS I.^NOFORAI{ EASffffiO{ A PIRCELOf lrxo OtlilED BrUTA}I FOIEi ILBHT OqnAraYAilO ls LocArED n A PART OF DC 8E tX G SECnOT 17, ?OuiEHP tt 80t tH, R^raOE t IEST OF nC S.L !tI. @UTTY OF [i.TTRD, STAIE T UTA}I. At{D BE}IG X(NE PARN TARLY OCSCreD A8 FC.LOI{II: EAICETfTDCTGI?IEI; OruGIO AT IIE 8E CmCR Of sAD SECIlOll 17 (^8 tlOilLENTED BY A FqrtD i !^R YtfiH ]trfArtlrltil cAP ?rs rtag), FRfl UT|EH nc swomrER oF sAD SECTIO{ r? G3 rcnE{rE lv^ FOI|O G BIR WTH $il'AltmStr C P ?tS rta3) !€ R8 t{ at'ttt4'W A D}STAT.CE S 5,$O7t fEET, FGlSrO n{E !A!! OF tlAnl{0t rrlEo n THS DESCRiTION: ngcE. 1{ n'aa?s' w. A D|ST racE of $a.sc FEEI To A Fo}rI otir ItG EASmRLY l.lC ff 8 D P RCEL (r ulo. g D Foitt EnlG l}C Fotr G lEofrno, lllttlGE, ALOiIG n{E FERiIEIER OF q fi) EA8EUEI{T T}lE FOtLOrUlilG FotIR (rt) Ooti8E8: t) TPARTi.o 8AD EASrEfr.Y tiE. X ecooof W A OrSTAircE OF r tt.37 FEEI TO A FOrltT Cr TtE UESIERLY LiE G SAIOPARCEL OF t TD; 2) AChlG SAD YESIERLY tiE. N zt!eE.'W A UST llCE OF 6.rlt FEEI; l)EPARIIIIOE DIESTERLYLiE,NTC0oTE,ADIST iICEOF tt!.e?FETTOAFOiITOlIl{EEASIERLY UiE C sA|D PARCEL ff IIIO; .) ^toilo 6AD EASIERTY ulE, 8 2ti90.'E, A D|STAI{CE OF t6..r FEEr TO rHE FilrT S TGOXTO IHE TOTAL AREA 6 T}G AEOVE T,SCREED EASEXEI{T I8 !.5'! EOI.IARE FET M O.M ACRE8. TORE OR LE88 II.IIIYEYOBTTIATBfT: I. THOTASO. CARI,SOO{. A I'TAH PRCESSloilA LTTS SUFIGYOR, HEREETSTAIET}IATIHISI.ESAL TSCRPTIOT{ At{o ACCOTIPAT{YNG E'O{gfITIGREPREPAREO FROII AIIACTI'AL GROIADSTNVEY PEtrORIGDttITRTfr SIJPERVISIOII,I}NT IHE I.EG^I ESCRFNO}'AtO EI}XETTARE TRI.EATOCGRECT TOTIf, IESTOF lfY xrlOlYtEDOE,tifoRlt TlO{AtOlEuEf AIDIHATI}f FIEIDSIR\EYOlW}lEtlllEe SCDtlEEIr}EIim.t STAT0ARE Fm 8Um/EYnB n UrAH AT{o TH T THTS LEq[ O€sCRp'nOil ArO EX]ETAnE ]aOT A Elr{U,RY srrR\rEY fi 8lr30t\n8to{ FIAT. xIrEt: t. tlG rEo^r rScePTp{ lrE Er}rIr wEiEFnPeo rm A $rtrR lIru co[ilct{t PROVE 8V ltc Ct E{t. XS nmEForEBM"T$ ETEROY CM'rcEs }U8 IloI REIE.IRCICOil o{tua AltY ootB EAIBCIfE. lorr}of-uu Y. v^trr0rct8 lrD 0r rfiEaEl{I8 0F nEcilD. z nratloAr rscnplxx Aro Exrtfl Anc ffirr A n.lloArt' uJm'EY. il AX lpro\raaar g.mrEY RAT. t tEE ATT CTCD gran w}rcil wnG REfEiETTEEllrffinfttr. + ttc oErAxcf,8 g{rsx r€REot ARE u[trt$ArEnI,I m vr,tE8 fifl{ A coD:D tctE mc?m(ro.5ttil{ ETCOr|PASS ETGROY S€NMCES. LTC rHoilAs0. c RLS(}{, uTPt-9rr0rturT FORAitOot{eEH TFOF @.@.s -- ur._lrr.mtn-l!ryr 00221e45g. 733 P: l4E Fee 3{0.00Sierr a Dicle rs, llj I lard Fecorder Pagc 5 o{ 6OE/23/2O22 4r2 o5.t6 pll By hERN RI/EF Gns aEftrl li!flr 1** urfl,u [:tii{'H1il,'|}IJul[*]h\{ I,i lllli a-rEG EASEUEIT EXHIBIT lrT [FomltfiTcmrf,Y x A ffi, rrc !t u c tm tr. RHr!, rluH rre grEI. tt IltuDoqxn,fixl oltotEfr rc yu1ln Ett3CItr\B mrf,rrY5 y,l@l lEr 202ZffiSccr^.ata5tv -t,EBrlr t rl'l'l lFrrlt ltsELa6ts1 mr ES.m.Stfft $r.rGnil iarr EXHIBIT'.A,t A pAlf, nc tE tr o7 tEcnff rr,lotlD? ra aoufil irroE aET, tr- lrl r,ruRDccrilTY, t T H ? I I | ,-f ll. CmfRV re.n I oor;qrrD,--r I t-t- ,OPEilEAEIT _J_rlE LT,01 9SESAA[9!.egel.Y.a --n _t nthct otc.l00 UTA}I FOWCRt ]JOHT oorPAltY _ii.r_aliffi_J__ il!.r'!f yY.t.!0,?6, \1a nnEo( ET AI I I I ! I I I I 4r^. ,u:L25'w-$a.to(FOCTOFA) 3roffif,l GC, r'iIARW$trAu.rcrPrutte3 LEGEND tJl,JG FCniII CtE(Il|li.o EC6B t8c. t,ilrRUW !fl'ALIJUCTPruioll ORAPITCTC^IT NfEET TI{E TOTA AiEA C T}€ EATCEI.I Afl}I }CIEO{ TIIE T'YX{ FilER T tB}T? ffAilYpioPERry E r,c.rtorxiE FEET (a20ACFE!!. Fil'TGOffi'rcETCi'T FOrrCrrEiaCcllor. SECnOXOmER SECrOll LsE - EAffmt.f,TS -?- PRoPERTYUTE ilIIE8: r. rl8 ErSt ArO rES IESCRFIUi rEE PneAiED U8ilO A *itlR rlll€ oilrEarrcl,ErrrlIct"Ell.ADDAE(X EroorPlSE AErrY tEFVrcC! HASrol lCElFct:Dil DfinH t aY oncn cAtaEa?!, refitc{vAY. v EltcEE AroilAonffifi8 c l!cm. 1 DGEilT^IO NX.OEtr.IDIAfif I€TAtq/rofr snvEt. m r,. PRol,E{? llt gY ntr. t. AITACIID t COA TSCRFIU{ trllCH fY I1G RCFAArcEBITTPMI}EEOf. a. nc ogtAtGES irrill lclBor lnE urnr t?ArER.* m YI-IE! rm{ ^ CIID@ tCAE Flcrceso.rrtr.. I.tCTAI.C ,{.5ER *IRTE tttil^tsE Lt xrolGw Ir!.f7 Lil xffilf n Lrlf It NFUGE rr!.a7 L.l trllf E GJ.I 0022L945B: 733 P: 149 Fcc 340.O0Sierra Dickcns. llillarcJ Recorde' Paoa 6 of 6 O9/23r2O?? O2 65:16 Pn By xCRx RIVER 6A5 Ul I t rrrllflll! J Jlt{,[ lt r' lt d{J, tl/l l',,U lWt f '}I X, lril 3 I I I