HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220915Notice of Affiliate Transaction - WGR Operating LP.pdf\PacrtEoRP.hcift Porcr Rocky Mountain Pmr Timothy K. Clark Senior Attorney 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 801-220-4565 Oflice T i m. C I a r k@r a ciJi c o rp. c o m September 15,2022 VA ELECTRONIC FILING Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l West Chinden Boulevard Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, Idaho 837 14-1021 Attention:Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction - PacifiCorp and WGR Operating, LP Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Commitmentl l7(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973, issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company or BHE), PacifiCorp hereby provides notice of an affiliated interest transaction with WGR Operating, LP (wGR). PacifiCorp entered into an agreement with WGR to contract encroachment and alternating current (AC) mitigation studies (collectively, the Agreements) pertinent to its Gateway South Project. A midstream energy company, WGR together with its parent, Westem Midstream Partners LP, is in the business of gathering, compressing, treating, processing, and transporting natural gas; gathering, stabilizing, and transporting condensate, natural gas liquids, and crude oil; and gathering and disposing of produced water. PacifiCorp, is constructing a new 153-mile single-circuit 500/345 kV overhead transmission line along a utility corridor where WGR has facilities, beginning at the Aeolus Substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to the Anticline Substation near PacifiCorp's Jim Bridger plant, approximately ten miles northeast of Rock Springs, Wyoming. The Agreements are needed to ensure PacifiCorp's transmission line, which is part of the Gateway South Project, is properly situated to minimize AC electrical interference (i.e., interactions between high-voltage power lines and pipelines) with WGR's corridor facilities. True copies of the Agreements and invoice are included with this Notice as Attachment A, Attachment B, and 1\j@@41!..1Q. Re: Idaho Public Utilities Commission September 15,2022 Page2 PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company. In turn, Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company is a direct subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. @erkshire). WGR Operating, LP, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Western Midsteam Partners, LP. A majority interest in Western Midstream Parlners, LP, is held by the Occidental Petroleum Corporation in which Berkshire, currently has a20.2%o voting ownership interest. Therefore, Berkshire's ownership of both Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and Occidental Petroleum Corporation creates an affiliated interest relationship between their respective indirect subsidiaries PacifiCorp and WGR. The Agreements between PacifiCorp and WG& were prepared in accordance with PacifiCorp's procurement policies and procedures. PacifiCorp will pay WGR a total of $1,543,342.02 for the Agreements. As owner of the pipeline assets, WGR is the sole source for the encroachment agreements and mitigation studies. Entering into these Agreements ensures PacifiCorp's continued ability to provide safe and reliable service to its customers and minimize risk to WGR's pipeline operations, thus, the transaction is in the public interest. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions Sincerely, - l;--fi-d K (/^*/-- Timothy K. Clark Senior Attorney PacifiCorp Enclosures: Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C ATTACHMENT A PacifiCorp Notice of Affrliate Transaction to Attachrnent A Page 1 of 10 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FORTIIE ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWERAEOLUS TO JIM BRIDGER 5OOKV TRANSIWSSION LINE This Encroachment Agreement ('Agreement') is hereby entered into Oris 23n day of April, 2019, by and between WGR Operating LP and its affiiates with offices located at 1099 I8n Steet, Suite 1800, Denv€r, CO 80202 ('Pipline Owner'), and Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, with an office located at 1407 WestNorth Temple#l 10, Salt Iake City, Utah 84 I 16 ('Rocky Mountain Power'), Pipeline Owner and Rocky Mountain Power are sometimes jointly referred to herein as the "Parties" and individually as a'?arty." WHEREAS, Pipeline Owner owrs, operates and maintains pipelines which tansport hydrocarbons throughout southwestern Wyoming; said pipelines are generally buried underground pursuantto easements andrights ofway ofrecord inC,arbonmd/or SweetwaterCounties, Wyoming. WHEREAS, Rocky Mountain Power desires to construct install, op€rate, access, and maintain a high voltage power line (the'?ower Line') over, , and through arcas covered by certain pipeline easements held by Pipeline Owner (collectively referred to as "Owner's Easements'), and Rocky Mountain Power desiras to obtain Pipeline Owner's consent for the PowerLine. A general vicinity map showing the location of the Power Line and the location of Owner's Easernents in the vicinity is attached as Exhibit A. The legal descriptions for where the Power Line crosses the Owner's Easements are attached as Exhibit B (the *Encroachment Areas'). Enoroachmcnt areas are also illushated at Exhibit A (attached hereto and incorporated herein). WHEREAS, Pipeline Owner is willing to permit, and Rooky Mountain Power desircs to constnrc! the Power Line acmss Owner's Easements subject to the conditions contained in this Agreement. NO'W, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual promises and benefits contained trereirl the Parties agree as follows: l. AUTHORIZATION: Pipeline Oumer hereby authorizes and consenB to Rocky Mormtain Power's use of the Encroachment fueas to install, constnrct operate, access, and maintain tlre Power Line in apcordance with the terms ofthis Agreement. 2. PERMITS: Rocky Mountain Power has obtained or will obtain all agreements, approvals, authorizations, certificates, licenses,2sning arrd permits from any and all landovuners and agencies, public and private, necessary for the construction activities contemplated herein. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEN{EhITS: Initial construction will be performed according to the Scope of Work (attached hereto as Exhibit C), using equipment t5pical for similar projects, of such [rpes aod weiglts as shall be coordinated with Pipeline Owner prior to initial construction. All construction, continuod and future use of the Power Line shall be performed in accordance with the Encroachment Guidelines (attached hereto as Exhibit O;. Attachment A Page 2 of 10 4. INSPECTION: Pipeline Owncr shall be pennitted to provide an onsite inspector flnspecto/) ufuile Rocky Mountain Power is working within the Encroachment Arcas. 5. ONE-CALLNOTICES: RockyMountainPowershallnotifyPipeline0wnertrroughthe local Ons-CalI Service at least two (2) full business days but not more thm forntee,n (14) full business days before excavation or gradi4g work commences on or near the Encroachmc,nt Areas, and shqll otherwise comply with the require,ments of the Wyoming Underground Facilities Notification Act 6. CATHODIC PROTECTION AI.ID AC MITIGATION: Pipeline Owner shall have the right, atRockyMountainPower's cost to conductstudiesto delerminerryhethcrinduoedACvoltage mitigation is require( which shrdies sball bc perfomred by a reputable AC corrosion anelysis contactor. Upon Pipeline Orryner's and its contactor's execution of a confidentiality agrcem€nt in favor of Rocky Mountain Power, Rocky Mountain Power will cooperate with the study and provide such data as may be reasonably neccssary for the contactor to perform the study. Pipelinc Ounrer shall provide Rocky Itdormtain Power with a copy of the study upon its completion, and Rocky Mountain Power and Pipeline Owner shall confer and mutualty agrec uporl what, if any, AC corrosiontesting, monitoring and/ormitigation will beinstalled. Thecostoffteageed-upontesting, monitoring aod/or mitigation shall be paid by Rocky Mountain Power. Pipeline Owuer agrees to participate in good faith negotiations with Rocky Momtain Power to reach a scparate pipeline mitigation plm as rcquired for Rocky Mouotain Power to cnergire the Power Line to includg but not limitedto, propermitigation" cathodicprotection andACmonitoring forPipeline Ournerspipelines withinthe scopeoftheEncroachmentAgreeinent. RockyMountainPourerehallbearaIIcostofsuch studies. 7 . ROADS: Rocky Mormtain Power or its confractor shall take reasonable precautions to protect Pipeline Owner's facilities at road crossings. 8. RESTORATION: Rocky Mountain Power shall be responsible for restoration of all disturbed land and darnages on the Encroachment Areas to the exteirt caused by RocJcy Mounain Power, its contractorc, agents and employees in the oonshuction ormaintenance ofthe Powerline. 9. REI-A.TT[/E PRIORITY OF RIGITIS: Pipeline Owner, its successors and assie,.s, retains all rights that Pipeline Owner possesscs under Owner's Easements. Although the Parties foresee theuse ofthe Owner's Easements inamutually agreeablemanner,theprese,nce ofthepower lineunderthis agreement is subordinatetoPipeline Owner'srights nnder Oumer'sEasements. Rocky Mountain Pow€r agrees to move or cause to be moved any of its or its contractors' personal property including btrt not limited to equipment, vehicles, and tailers ttrat may prevent Pipeline Oumer from reasonably accessiqg the Onmer's Easements and pipeline facilities in atimely manner. 10. INDEMNITY: RockyMountainPoweragreestoprotect,indemni$andholdharmless Pipeline Oumer, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss, damage, injury or death b any person or property, including Pipeline Owner, which may arise by reason of or incident to Rooky Mormtain Power's occupancy, use, installation, maintenance, or continuation of the Power Line within Owner's' EasemenE, except to the extent such loss, damage, injury or death 2 Attachment A Page 3 of 10 is caused by Pipeline Owner's occupancy, use, installation" maintenance of its facilitie.s on the property. 1 1 . INSLTRAI.ICE REQLJIF€MENTS: Rocky Mountain Power shall require its contactors to maintain commercially reasonable insurance during eonstuction within the Encroachmmt Areas. 12. AS-BLTILTDRAWINGS: Withinsixmonths followingthesubstantial completionof the Power Line, RockyMormtainPowershall provide withoutchargetoPipeline Owneraoopyofi$ "as-built" drawings of the Power Line. 13. NOTICES: All notices to either party hereto shall bc in uniting and delivered personally, or sentby U. S. postal or commercial delivery service with delivcry confirmation, to the addresses hereinabove gven 14. COOPERATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS: RockyMountain Power slrall ensure the cooperation of its contrasto$ and ageats with Pipeline Oramer with respect to the terms and conditions sfrhis Agree,meirt and their involvsrcnt with the activities described hereiu. 15. zuBSEQLJENT OWNERS OFENCROACHMENTS: This Agreementsballapplyto subse4uent owne(s) of the Power Line, and any subsequent owner(s) shall take ownership of the Power Line subject to the terms ofthis Agreemenl This Agreement shall ruo with the land and the Pipeliue Onmer's Easements, and shall intre to the benefit of and be binding on the respective successos, assigns, heirs and persoual representatives of the Pipeline On'ner. Nothing contained herein nhall be constnred to abrogafe, diminish or relinquish any rights granted by the Pipeline Owner's Easements orto waive statutory, common law orotherriglotsthatPipeline Orrrrnermay have against zubsequent owner(s) ofthe Power Line. 16. GOVERNING LAW. This Agrcement and the rights and dutics ofthe Parties arisine outofthisAgeement shall be governedby and constuedinaccordance withthe laws oftheStsteof Wyoming; except provisions of that law referring to govmnance or constnrction of the laws of another jurisdiction. Any suiq action, or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agrtemcnt may only be institutcd in a state or federal court in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Each party waives any objection whioh it may have now or hereafter to exclusive v€nue of such action or proceeding in the state or federal courts of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and irrevocably subruits to the exclusive jurisdiction ofany zuch state or foderal court in any such suil action or proceeding. 17. JURY WAIVER: to the fullest extent permitted by laq each of the parties hereto waives any right it may bave to a trial by jury in respect of litigation directly or indirccfly arising out of, under or in connection with this agreement, Each party firther waives any riglt to consolidarc any action in which a jury tial has been waived with any other astiou in which ajury tial cannot be or has notbcen waived. 3 Attachment A Page 4 of 10 The Parties execute this Agrcanent on tlrc dde first wrifion abovc. WGR By: Ils: LP rtArl d$' ACI'NOWITDGMENT STATE OF COLORADO ) )$ CITY AI'ID COI.TNTYOF-DEIMR ) o,rc#a"v or Aon I aor q me md by Imo duly'gryorn did say that Mre fte and tht the above Enqmchmcnt seid of beforc of wts on bchalf of acknowlcdgod b mp thd e/he' as lhe thc samo. z*<-- NohryPublh 5 Attachment A Page 5 of 10 Rocky Morffiin Poum, a division of PacifiCorp, an Olegon corpmafion By; Its:IP, ACXNOWLEDGIIIENT STATEOF cotNTYoF Sa,l*L-aVp oathclt{ dgy of me and being by re duly did sry tht s/he @AMBER BURNINGHAM NOIATV PEIJC. SIAIE OF I'TAH My Comm. Exp. 06/1712019 commission # 683728 pcrsonatty apeean0 beforc of y',r/,, ) )0 ) swmr md trdtre abow Encmrhcnt was signod m of Baid T;Ad Jt-u<-t.r^arJoowhdgod b m tlrat s/hg as tho signodfrosmo. 5 Attachment A Page 6 of 10 EXEIBIT A General Vicinity Map Showing Locetion of Power Line and Locefion of Pipetne Ornor'c Euemoltr ,I,,,,t -{x}-orts-oo, CORP rl a I It I I 1 \rf rf 1900-ot -{ AT{ADARKO;NO CORP tlr_t1ttlr t!. '\$t\ti \\'t ttr ttt t .00 l.$80.0t.r-00-o(B{0 i ..-;95=: 1..ii i a t t I t i t -t-tt____Fl --lt___t.!I itiI \t \ s\ 6 aa tatQ'' jA-' r-ti lrra____ AttadrmentA Page 7 of 10 E.XIIIBIT B - Encroachmert Ares **To be provided ac rmendment by Roclry Mountein Power to Pipeline Orvner within fifteeu (15) days after execution of Encroachnont Agreement** AHEAD SPANS 3-136 Anadarko Pipeline Access Road Crosslng 108'38 24.872"W 41'39' 16.394',N 3-134 Anadarko Plpeline Acccss Road Crosslng 109" 37',37.549',W 4L" 39'13.490" N 3-134 Anadarko Pipellne Access Road Crosslng 108" 37'42.899',W 410 39' 11.439" N 3-134 Anadarko Plpellne Access Road Crossing 109'37'46.181',W 41'39'10.997n N 3-135 Anadarko Plpellne Actess Road Crosslng 1(}8" 37'45.504" W 41'39',10.940',N 3-143 Anadarko Plpeline Access Road Crossing 108'40'32.315'W 4f 39'2.215" N 3-143 Anadarko Pipellne Access Road Crossing 108" 40'38.912',W 41" 39'2.943" N 7 Attachment A Page 8 of 10 EXHIBIT C-Scopc of Wor*, PROJECT DESCRJPTION Rocky Mountain Power is consfircting a neu, 153 mile single circuit 5001345 kV overhead hansmission line beginning at a new 50f,f230 kilovolt Aeolus Substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming to a new 500R45 kilovolt Anticline Substation near PacifiCorp's Jim Bridger plant, approximdely ten miles northeast ofRock Spriags, Wyoming. The tanmrission lire crosses Bureau of Land Managenoent State of Wyoming and private lands and will have a 250 foot riglt-of-way width. The line segmeirt from Aeolus to Anticline will consist of 138 miles of 500 kilovolt conshroted tanmission line utilizing lattice towers. The line segment between Anticline to Jim Bridger will be 345 kilovolt oonstucted utilizing steel H-frame $tructurcs. Constnrction of the project will begtn in Apil 2019 for access roads, pad sites, foundation drilling and tower erection. Overhead conductor constuction will begin third quarter 2019 and oontinue through August 2020. The projest is scheduled to be enorgized fourth quarter 2020. 8 Attachment A Page I of 10 EXHIBIT D - Encroachment Guidelines 1, FENCES'LANDSCAFING Fences moy not bo allour€d to pardlel he plpdine(s) withln a&sodabdrfgttd-xry. Fcnoe posb will not be alloursd withln 5 hot ot lhe centedine ot $e plpehe(j). Treas end mat re thrub erceeding 3 trrt h t€lght and/tr obstuo0ng he vlew ot lhe mad€r posts are not pcrmltcd o{'r tho ROW. The landoilner accepb tull rsspon3lblity ftr tut re damaga to he fEnceflendscadng h lho swnl acoosi b the plpdlne(s) ls r€qulrEd. 2. PIPEUNE GOVER ' BACKFILL I||ATERIAL fury change ln lho suface gredo o, eleveton on or over tlE plpelinB and easament must bo appoved by the Company ln advanoe. Any e,xposed Conpany ffie ba*fill matorhl shall be eviared and appoved by the CompEny prlor b use. No oonq€b or frofill md3rlal ls a[olved wlhln 12 lnche6 of the outer suface of a plP3llne. 3. S'IREETS, ROADs, PRNATE DRIVEWAYS, PARKhIG LOTS, ACCESS ROADS, EOUIPtrENT CROSSIT{OS A The plpallm mwt be covor€d $ilh a mlnhum of 4.0 fret in the csntEr dlhc ,oadway and t.0 frst In tie dralnagE dildles. The deplh of covEr BhEll be mshtalned across tho hdl widlh of tlle e8r,ernent and shal bs reasuGd from top.ot-plpe to bottom of mad surlee or dkfi. Not : f lh6 plpollno b be croGGod ls uB6d b tilsport a tdghly wlat'& [quld (HVL), lh6 ]dnlmum couer,n dralnagE diE Es must be {.0 lbet B. Roa& Blull not run loruhwl66 lrlthin lhe easement and [u3l cmss suah thal $c angle moaaured botulaen lha proped rcad and the oassrnenl lE nol less than 45 dagrsss. C. ACompenynpresentadveshall hawlhe opporlunitylo meke an lnepectlon ol lts undeEmnd plpelhe pdorbthe ahrl of any conabucUon- D. An 'englneedng Inpact sludf mtEt bo perturmed to onsure lhe additioflal longlt dlnal 6t ees dLE b erderml loads ls accepbuo. E. Equlpmefit suoh as brcon8budion, loggino, e,lc., mud cr6s fts plpeline(s) only d appmrrsd crosslng localons llttrsre lfte cover and lonoihdlnal stnes06s have beon c,hecked by 0le Compsny and d€t6rmtn6d rdeqjeb to meet loadSoarlng ,€qulrsmenlB. F. Wamholape, lrclraslar-C8n No. 8i!8m12 or equal. Crell bs placEd urder the paved aea along he mrte ot each plp€fino. 4, OPEN I'YATERWAYS Open uabrvayr ard dralnaoB ditche8 murt haw a mhlmum of 5.0 fset of cover fiun $o top d ho plpellne b tho bdbm d lhe dlhh. Laryer op€n uEErurays are defined as slrears, rivere or csneh rrd are oon8ldered on an lndivldual basb. 5. EXCAVAT|OiI A. Plans for oxcavelion and Bhorhg on the eGement must be apprwBd by he Company Frorb comm.rdng any rvo* vira a Fadllv Locate Ticket Frcarrauon dorsr ftrn 2.0 hot b he plp8llne 6hall ba dons by hand (sondlg bohnology) unlilthe Cpeline ls €xposed and $all be done only ln he Fos€noe of a company auhofized repl€sonlallve. B. Anf ptowing or rippiog oI60ll oo the eatemenl, lncludlng agrlorfural, at depths gr€aterlhan 1.0 foot shall not be perhrmed wlhoul lhe Cunpanys prlor apprcval and obsenalion. C. Wh€n a bacKloe ls uBed, ths buckel le€thibufier bar shatr be d,rled under eadl time lt b brouoht hack lnto ths dtlch to reduce fte cta0ce of bally'hrtter bar oonbcflng the dpe. Any oodirE/plpdcathodic prcteciion f€dllty darDage shal be report€d - see contacl8 belorr. 6. GENERALREOUIREME]TIS A An at,urrLod Company l€prercob0vl m|.!'t b€ m.atb during sl oc€valhn and cl€snup m* perftrned on lho Balam€nt B. All budcd llnes crcsing lhe csscrnBnl musl crors Bo hat fie 'lglemeesund behreen lh€ propooed burl8d Ine and casemcnl ls as Frpeldicular a8 pncdcal (betrcen 45 end 90 dogrce{. G. For perallel plpelfunlu0$[ cruoachnEntr' lf Sasltb, tp hrBlgn plpalinarutllty shonld bo locabd al lh€ sdga of he eris0flg rightof{vay butwlth no h63 lhan 15 feetothorLonlal aeprratlon. D. All b(lrl€{t breign lhrs Ghall qo8s bolo,, Cdrpanys pip3line and mahEln a mlnimum veillcal separallofl cf 10 tost u,ih th€ sema olovatlon d6pth csnied rclas tho ofiUro easomsnt E. As a prctectve rnEsurE 6r burtod lln€s crosdng Cdrpeny 6a3ern nt3, vW dked buri€d wamlrE tap€, i/lcltibster4an No. 8288T12 or equal, sh.[ be pbced abovg th6 crosdng line for tlo mUrE widh ol th€ plpoline easernent G. Surface tmil(ers $ell bs ln3hlbd byha EnsEadrlng Parly on eactl slde of the dllly clcslng ad shell edit it th3 depft of Ure croscing. H. N metallh hrp'€n llne croeslngs, sudr rs, but not limlEd to, mstElllc plp€llnos, and wabr malns, shall haye a lest dallon lnglalled at thg Encrosdrhg Partys €rp€me, et everycroslng, por[lgtdcal for€ign llns tsst sttlon drar{no !ttsd.d. Thc Oonpanyand tho Endoading Psrty 8lE[ loln0y co,tdud a cahodlo pfotecllon lilerf€r€'lcs sulycy. TIE Comprry shall drtEmlne f any tudfi€r modlficdons ate nesded. The Enooadrlng Psrty shall pay fur all srsodibd cosb reldBdb thehsbllalbn of tlg tBtslallon, inlerfrr.,r t6tlng. and 7. GOMIIUNICATION AI'ID ELECTRICAT LINES Oolephone,TV, Etc.) A, Sudr lims shail be hrtalled ln acco|dance uvilh guklolin6 ot fie Netonel Eleclrlc Sebty Code 0rubllc ufllty poreer ild llght companhs) ot lhr Na0onal Eleotrlc Code @dvEto porv€r and llghl cofipEniar). B. Such lln8s shall be enoa$d ln a rlgld nmmehlllc conduit across tle tull uldh of lhe tbht<frrey. C. Such lines shall har,B a mhlmum gEund cover as bllow$: U lnDhs8 for 0 b 800 volts; 30 lnchc! for 60l lo 2,0(x) vdq !8 hcho! for 22,001 to 4q@O tdlr; and tl2 lncheB lbr 4,,001 and abo\re, suuecl to pmvlslons conlalned ln Sec{on 0.. D. f lh. poupr caus haE an €xpo3sd concanlrlc neutrl, a tssl polil frorn lhe g nnd w[e stnu b lnEtall€d by ths pqrer oompa]ry. E, For al slslrical ancroadrmenb and qosslngs, aboye and bddn gmund, lhe Company shall perlbm an srulneslng rbk sfudy, sd inshll mltlgathn sy8lems &r necaalary. The Enooaching Party shrll pey fu all assodabd co8ts Elated to the mglne€ilng dsk shrdy and midgrtlon EysEms 8. SEIIIIERANDWAIER L]NES A. These 8h8ll mod all above G€n€ral Regdromem ot Euded Llne Crcslngs ocept motallb omduit. B. Seuuer llno crcedngs 8rg limltsd b main or lbht lines dlly. Dlelrihtm ftnes, perlbrabd o noFoncleed, Er6 not p€rnitted 8. SUB$URFACEDRAINTILE These shall rEot llE prcvblons ot General Requlremeob of Focign Line Crceslngs and Encroachmenb. 10, 'IIETALLIC PIPE CROSSNGS The8s shall me€t all above Generd RequiremenE of Buded Line Crosslngs e)oopl metslliccondult 9 AitadmentA Page 10 of l0 fl. Atolrlonflm uE ceo8tiloEtiD lilcxlld*l{tl A t&robd $f il iltEhr rhtrm dI trtdlhtoftmrUphllrs.** ilob: Thoo rpeolf,crtlor $r .ublct to €ft.ngc. Plor. conhct thc Cmpny prlor io cfirmenolttg your *{htQ. AFC,fEil Opfr 5-hn Connob: Op.dcl.Er3lr:Fh[supmkFrh5furtlru lddlb0l Ooll0rcL! dt*uRotlnEdIr&bOqh,l t07-t5it !&trcr{fz€aaurou.ag{8 Pdlo*IlrrEd t0r{8"16c!lUnriffinCafr(trCtl) t'r l0 ATTACHMENT B PacifiCorp Notice of Affrliate Transaction to Attachment B Page 1 ot 27 ENCNOACEMENT AGREEMENT X'OR THE ROCIff MOI'I{TAIN POWER AEOLUS TO JIM BRIDGER sOOKV TRANSMISSION LINE This Encroachcnt Agrcem€nt C'agFo€mcnf) is bcrcby coffied inO this Lffi^y rt(vt lv\ .2019, by and between WGR Openting LP and i6 eftIirter, with officcs locatd d 1099 tlfr Street, Suitc 1800, De,rlc, CO SU2O2 C'PipeliDB Olmed), aod Roclry Mountdn Powor, a division of PacifiCorp, a Oregou oorpordion, with an office locacd at 1407 Wcst Nosth Temple #l I 0, Salt Lcke City, Utah 841 16 ('Rocky Mountain Powed). Pipeline Onmer srd Rocky Mormtain Power arc somctimes jointly rcfErrcd to horein as thc ?afiies" md individully as a '?arty." WHEREAS, Pipclirc Oumer oryns, opoatcs and maintains ttigh pessne pipelines whiqh tmsport natural gas fuottghout sotilhwestern Y}rming; said pipelim arc gcocrally btlrid undcrgrormdpusmt to casem,ents md dghtr ofway of record. WHEREAS, Roclcy Mouutain Power desir€s to cmstsuct, insta[, olrcrdo, acccss, and msinhin a hiqh voltagg powcr line (tbc'?ower Line) oyrr, rmdetr, ad though areas coverod by c€rtain pipeline eas€mclts hetd by Pipelinc Owncr (coUestively refcnpd to as *Oumer's Eas@effi1, and Rocky Mormtain Porvrr dasircs to obtain Pipcline Owaer's oonseirt for thc Power Linc. A geoeral vicinity map showing the location of thc Power Linc and the location of Owner's Easemclffi inthe vicinityis athchdas E:rhibitA WHEREAS, Pipeline Oumer is wi[ing to p€rmit, and Rocky Mountain Powpr dcsircs to coDstruct, the Powq Line within Oumer's Bascmen8 subject to tbs csrditions contaiDod in this egeem.ent NOW,fiIEREF'ORE,incorsiderdionofthemuhulpomiscsaodbeoefitsoontainedhereb the Parties agreo as follows: l. AUIIIORUATION: Pipeline0raerhcrebyautorizesud cms€ffi to RockyMouffiin Power's use ofthe Encroachmcnt Areas to install constuct, opcrder accesq and maiutain fre Pover Line in accordancc with the terms ofthis aenecmeat. 2. PERMTS: RockyMountainPornmhasobtainodorwillobrtaina[agr€Emcffi,rypronl+ authorizations, catificatcs,liceuscs, zoning andpermits fiomany andall landowners mdagcncies, public aud prirrare, ncccssry forthe conshption agtivities contemplatod herein" 3. CONSTRUCTION OF IMPRO\IEMENTS: Initial constnrstiolr will bc pcrformed accordiagto the Scopeof ltrork (athchedhcrcto asExhibitB), usingequipmenttypical forsimilar prcjoct* of suoh 6pes md weights as shall be coondinaled with Pipcline Oumer prior to initial constnrction. All consfiuction, continued and firture use of the Power Line shall bc pcrformed in accordanccwithtbe following spccifioations (and pursuautto thc rcqufu€,ments sctfoffh onBftibit Attachment B Page2 ol 27 D, attached hereto and incorporated hcrcin): 1. Rooky Mountain Porrcr shall ensure that adequate cover is maintained over the pipeline during periods of ac'tive constnrction or aooess. 2. Rocky Mourtain Power shall not plant any tees or deep-rooted shrubs or vegetation within the Encnoachment Area 3. Rocky Mountain Power shall not conduct any encavatioas a{tlrin the Encroachment Area without Pipeline Owner's prior consent which shall not be unreasonably witbheld, conditioned or delayed. 4. INSPECTION: Pipeline Oumer shall be ptrmifred to provide an onsite inspector (.'Inspectof) while Rocky Mountain Power is worting within the Encroachmeirt Ar€as. 5. ONE-CALLNOTICES: RockyMountainPowersballnotifyPipelineovmertrrcug[the local One-Call Service at least two (2) full business days but not more rhan fouteen (14) ftll busioess days before excavation or grading work commences on or near the Encroachment Arleas, and shall othcrwise comply with the requirements of thc Wyoming Underground Facilities Notification Act. 6. CAfi{ODIC PROTECTION A}lD AC MITIGATION: Pipeline Onner shall have thc right atRockyMountainPowetr's cost to conductshrdiesto dstcnninewhetherinducedACvoltage mitigation is required, which studies sball be performed by a reputable AC corrosion analysis conhactor. Upon Pipeline Owne,r's and its contactor's exectrtion of a confidentiality agreement in frvor of Rocky Mountain Power, Rocky Mountain Power will cooperate with the sfirdy and provide such data as may be reasonably necessary for thc contactor to perform the study. Pipelinc Owncr shall prrrovide Rocky Mounain Power with a copy of the study tryon its completioxL and Rocky Mor:ntain Power and Pipeline Owner shall oonfer and mutually agrce upon what, if any, AC corrosion testing, monitoriug and/or mitigation will be installd. The cost oftb agreed-ryon testin& monitoring and/or mitigation stnll be paid by Rocky Mountain Power. Pipeline Owner agrec to participate in good faith negotiations with Rocky Mormtain Power to reach a separate pipeline mitigation plan as required for Rocky Mountain Power to eneqgize tbe Power LinE to includc, but not limited to, proper mitigation, cattrodic protestion and AC monitoring for Pipeline Ouner's pipelines within the scope ofthe Encroachment Agroeme,nt. Rocky Mormtain Power shall ber all cost of such studies. 7. ROADS: Rocky Mountain Power or its contactor shall take reasonable precautions to protect Pipeline Owuer's facilities at road srossings. 8. RESTORATION: Rocky Mormtain Power shall be responsible for restoration of all disturbed land and damages on the Enc,roachment Areas to the extent oaused by Rocky Mountain Power, its contractors, agents and employees in the consfrugtion or maintenance of the Power Line. 9. RELATMPRIORITYOFRIGHTS: PipelineOumu,itssuccessorsandassigns,rctains all rights that Pipeline Owner possesses under Owner's Easements. Although the Parties foresee tbe use ofthe Owner's Easements in amutually agreeablemanner, thepresenceofthepower lineunder Attachment B Page3 ol27 this agrcement is subordinatc toPipeline Orner'srigftsrmderOumer'sEasements, RockyMoutain Power agrees, if practicable, to move or c,ause to be moved any of its or its conhactors'personal property including brr not limitod to equipment ve,hicles, ad tailers that may prerrurt Pipeline Oumer fromreasonablyaccessing the Owner's Eas€Nncotsaodpipeline facilities inatimelymanner. 10. INDEMMTY: Rocky Mountain Power 4gees to protect, indeinni$ and hold harmless Pipeline Oumer, its officers, ageuts and enrployees fr,omand againstanyand all loss, damage, ir{uy or death to ary person or property, inoluding Pipeline Owner, $,hich may arise by reason of or inoident to Roc,ky Moutain Power's ocsqrancy, we, installation, maintenance, or continuation of the Power Line within O(tnetr's' Easements, orcept to the extent such loss, damage, injury or death is caused by Pipeline Owner or its officers, agents, e,mployees or invitees. I l. INST RANCEREQITIREMENTS:RockMoutainPowerSallrequireitscontactorsto maintain commercially reasonable insurance during constuction within the Encmachment fueas. 12. AS-BUILTDRAWINGS: Withinsixmonfts followingthesubshntialmmpletionofthe Power Line, Rocky Mountain Powu shall provide without chargc to Pipeline Oqmer a copy of its "as-builf' drawings of the Power Line. I 3 . NOTICES : All notices to either party hereto sball be in unitiug and delivered personally, or sent by U. S. postal or commer,oial delivery scnrice with delivery confirmation, to the addrcsses heneinabovc grven. 14. COOPERATION OF SLTBCONTRACTORS: Rocky Mormtain Power shall ensure the cooperation of its contactors and agmts with Pipeline Owner with respect to the tems and conditions ofthis Agreement and their involve,ment with the activities described herein. 15. SUBSEQITENT OWNERS OF ENCROACHMENTS: This Agreement shall apply to subsequent orryner(s) of the Power Line, and any subseguent orme(s) shall take oumership of the Power Line subject to the terrrs of this Agreemenrt This Agrecment slrall nrn wifr the land and the Pipeline Owner's Easernents, and shall inrue to the benefit of and b€ binding on the rcspective sucoessors, assigns, heirs and personal rqxesentatives of the Pipeline Owner. Nothing contained herein shall be constnred to abrogate, diminislq or relinquish any rights granted by the Pipeline Owner's Easements orto waive statutory, cornmon laworotherrightthatPipeline Ovnernrryhave against zubsequent owner(s) of the Power Line. 16. GOVERNINGI-AW. ThisAgreeoreirtmdtherightsanddutiesofthePartieadsingout of this Agreement shall be governed by and constued in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming, except provisions of that law referring to governance or consEuction of the laws of another jrnisdiction. Any suig action, or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement may onlybe instituted in a state orfederal court in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Eachpartywaives anyobjection rryhich it may have now or hereafter to exclusive venue of such action or proceeding in the state or federal oourts of Cheye,nne, Wyoming, and irrevocably srftrnits to the exclusive jurisdiction of any such state or federal court in any zuch suit, action or proceeding. Attadrment B ?ag/e40f27 17. JI}RY WAI-I to &G fuUest exffit pcrmitbd bylaq oach oftbo ptiesbemfrouaivcs any righ it may havc to a tial by juy in rcspest of litigdion direcilly or indircctly arisitrg out of, underorinconnrctionudfithisagr€cmont EaahpartyfiEthtrwaivrsanyrigbtocomsoliddeary action in vhic,h a jury tial has bo€o waivod wi& my otrcr ac{ion in u,hich a jury tial omnot be or has mtbocm nnaived. ***Rmaindcrof&is Page is IntentionallyIxfr Blank- Signatue Pagob follou/+r* Attachment B Pages ol27 The Puties executc this Agrccmcnt onthc ddc first \prifiEo abovc. WGR By: Its: Aeptil ACXG{OWI,DI'GIIIUIIT srArBor f nI$RADO ) tg mcand suorndidsay6ste/bcis lhd tho LP tu abovs)oh , of ms signcd on arJoowldgpdto signodtresame. behalfof methat s/hq as the NOTAfiY D lrfY ECMES Noury Roclq,, Mounhln Pmor By:Jdl,Ln-^ Attachment B Page6ot27 OD IB: ACIfiOWI,EDGMENI STATE OF UTAII CI)ITNTY gP Sa t..L l ., Iza ) Onthc21-day of Mou,"t ,').61q beforc me md being by mc dt$, swom did say that isec and that fte aborrc methstdhq Es M)TA}TI PUBUC. STAIE Of I'TAH irty Comm. E,p. 06/1712019'Commisdon # 6E3728 pcrsmaltyqeercA of ) )$ was rcJrnowledgcdto of ?z v,:,Vlr\ .+aivl -Surr . signcdftc sme. AlbdmontB Pqle7627 EXUIBITA Gemmrl Inefty INrp Shordn: Locrlhn of Pmrr I&c and Locdon of fficfinc Orns'r Errcmmt r@HEE 0 rgslgs? ErrIrxftE-tdrr o tm ..ry_i.Filrtaat rltrftfrxthrttttrt Cl. SrblrBldglf niD ltfrcr Drttif,otC dBo3c,9$; !>*go3s,9!; G,sEe O rnq btlI.irDI--.frt- o rs 4!qr tirtJL hrril2ltbtrS,htltr ho hlcl tr}3f,rrl qE ols9\e tEtass 0 rnq, -ttI.IJDt-EaffiE 0 r& .4d D.a: llrDla hara-ta t llllrf lAtildgr tdO l*Gl B)lr.a-ffi8.ff'E 0 r.o r4- $rss O reslet frD EIEII rffi[.hI.mtratarl. Erbt gffirtt d,Ei3rlt; 1r! €E N3r,9s; qF,rgs O .tlglgs 5tlr.lIhE.tttrF.--ryr R,D EG3 Drtslanol. Ir,lrL t grtlrtlltB-hrDfirBtdlr cFes O vq, Eath.tlh-8.ffi!.t-.--lg+. taD rtcrl D-!.non lrtubi!.f,rlthil tt trL t.lIrlr2r!Tn ise9t; $Ecs O rm Irlb.l-I-tsaaffiD .-.-..-llg--_gE,. KD llhct Eliall IrlD}!.Llrb.t t trl. bhblrBldlr2lt d'iiJc8!; ir^ rEllF-'#ro--,!!P-==sr r&!Be o rgslEtP tiraJta hD lt*cr BlflDtt $i qil r* -lt-.lII--a-litn o rc a,r9d cFleE O raeE ivD ECa hlt ltoia lftnhIffi,t trL erq.cE!SIiAIgrzlt €"Fo3 e, I!; €"i {;l 3.9s; (!$BEIB Q 1nm EtlI.a,It-I-ffiro ,e .rR. [rD ?rrtrL &errrrf rtSrblrllrlrlg!? trLca L*'DII d-Fdl i3 dEal i3 qnee O rn.q, -atI.lLI-E-16rr o t6 a.qd lrD t{rtrttf f t llf.t'lia IrfrCa DraLA4l Q'1m iEct -ltI.lII-ff-ffrn iiO *a,tlolo r.0 r'E!- -s.glrllt2t! rffi;l-!.Lb't Il l.lL B-lnto.rn Brtdgrt gi r3 IEat!; -aln.!lIfi-l-ffiF 0 r& a.q!. qFasg O rn-qt flnb.Inlldg.r ts LJL hrD lr*C!*ml, *I POWERel::vENG'NEER.S PACFICORP EGiil; AEOLUSTIItr BRIDGER PRq,EcT AIIADARI(O D(HIBTA PIPELINE CROIiSING L(TATIOiB "1Th6..r. thc ramlnd€r An.darfio crolalngtr not lnclurlad ln lhG amonded Roclry f,ount ln Pomr b Ph.[n€ OunG. EncroochmrntAgrramcotd.te.l Apdl zl, m{t,) ID htoE lhodSr-Di.(!.d SmDrta O!.ltOrm,$br,9r Ldt .Ldtdr tlrdr?rmt Iilrdhrrrtt ,lmq tl .- 17!i x2lllfr1u lrJlo/tr Amda*o PlIlDa AB CrorCnt 1d7 A rtrg:t" w a1. aa, sr.7aa. il ftEdrib T2lntdlell,M&Edrrt 2-1X aaLiral,11/t{rrrt qdMl.KMd t5r'dzr3?yw al' att' sr.rgai ta ArEaLr*o T21rt5s!3 DLMraS.Sh lnrdirt6 2-178 Dltnffi 1t1q0/rt krdart6 9lmln.lffiffi trd 20trr. w 4t'ait'57.7!l' ,t Ard.r*o T21nl6SB PtAO/t35 Andrilo - 17S ,.a/.,r,ot8 Ahrdarta Plmlna lB Cn6(dria 11. r, s?-?qrr il Dlmffil Ft oasst Ardrilo 7-176 An.drrl!6 PImlElffMm aa.4t sr.Zrt t lmdrrb Dlmffit Ptaoasb tfr.da*o z-tT,Dlal2trt uaofi8 Amd.il.o Pb.In lcoacl$r.lnJrrt T2lRtCSllrtr&Amdrrlo 1-180 t l4l2i1'11/!tO/1'AEd.*o Pba[m lds Galnr lcr 7' 2A ^gaa'W AEdsL6 T21tnNr2flr&6td lEl#2- 1A',2l1tfrtB 1r.l30lrt Amdrb PhGtrlalcs C6ste 10I 7 2rLOr6. W AEdrrta T2tta6st2 ttl6a6.la ftEd0116 2-15 1)lalfra rr,.nAt ArEd.llo PbcllEa6r Crcslnr ltrr7 24.Oar'W al'a,l'3&6S,. I AEdilto T2lntflg2 PLlOaC.5f Amdrrt6 a-7,o DJtlbat 1t^[/f Anrd*tuhrAm.rNnt 11 7 {(X(f W a1''L'5!1.16d 1{AEdsrt!T21Rt6Sl2 PLA(X6lr A[d.rlo x2ttx,o!l ,|uin/lt lm&rto Plodlm id. Cra!.firr to7. ?, Ea-Grr w al. u, s_tf,of x AEd,t6 Dtmffi, ,lffigh AEdrrt6 2-t,J t2lllatt Lll?o,ltt lrE&do PlD.lh. Acr Clt6slrr 107 7 ?8-dr:1. w lrdrrfto T2lt36St puoaGfr Am#r6 a-an t2larfra tr a6lrt nmtrletctuir (lr 6 '(lMo'w at'11' sr.roa" t{lmffio t2lta6stt Ansdarko z-477 TU",o''aum/il AErLrt6 Plo.ltr.ktu*t D!MRADlrllahAnadarto2-tn ,2alntt rri0/18 AE&rto PlilIr! AB Oordnr al. aa's7.704r il lE&rt T21nt6sllt ffi Ar.drrt6 ,-tn ,all/,dt 11 /,{ln/tA A[.d.r]o Dl9alm AB Oordm 1tr a g3ljlr w 41. ta' s7-7s1, r lnidrrto T21R86S3t PLAOaS6 Anadrrta 2-17A 1)laDoli 11/ltdrrt Ana&rtD PlBlEAffiCDdnr I'r 6 5it.705r w it1' +r' 57.76f N Anadrrto T21fie6sir3 PLAoaSo AnrbrtD -a1a xrhnn .a 11^tO/1t lDdrilb !l[.IE hc. am&t il7A5{.251'W t1'44' 57.722' N Amdrrlo T2lng6st3q&- 174 xuatmlt 11,,:lO/lt lEdrrto Dlillmbshffit tfrr r r3dr. w at. a. s t{r tr TAr85533n&, -1n ,,,l4,lm,3 LtlzoltS lnadrrto PhalmAa cEastrr 41.4,stjrM nrdrrt6 T2lttNtr Pl"toa6r Anrd.116 2-178 arlua6a Ta/'lnlaa fldi.Affia6&10r / 81t95. w lnrdarto T21i86!i33 PlA047.AnEd!rto laz xrrurtlz 1Ltg0/ta &.drrt6 Ba.tEMh(h rrrff B, tni w lt. &, qq (t 6. I Aneda*o T21R86S32 PLA047tl Amdrrto 2- la2 tuarrata Anadarb PtaltEhdntr tr "rt 1) arl. w af /t4'59535' it AnadaitD T2tn86sl2 Plffi 2-18:r L2l4hOrA a,',i,o/lt AnedErto Ploanna le.s Cffi tnt 7 s-tllr w at. &. tE ur r Tz1nt6s!r2Dlffi7l6drrL62 - 18:l ,.zlN20ra lr./!to/lt Amdrrfo PlDClm a@s cnrdil to'r 8, 7-708" w a1'a/t'S93:L' N lillrrt6 T2lnteaz Dtl8aTl Anrdrrta ,-fll 1) lalfra 11l$hl Atrido DlDdm A63 cro.dE tEd't6 12ilt5st2 Pr.AO07l /llrdrrto 2-1El 72 /tlnaa 1r rltor1t 9bllDrffiaffi trt. t rtrw a1.a4, !936d N ^tudrrto T2lffiI2 PLAtE2r Andr*o -fr2 xularoTe 1r-/30/14 Arrd.d.a th{ln.^dcCffitu 11 lqi tl ffi. w af as 29rr1' t{Ardarko 12maTsil8 9lffit An:d.rko 2-2tt Anr&rko Dbaltre k Cmch!tdr ti, s7-06r. w l^.d116 T21R87Sx) tlH l-2rs x2lalltta Andrto Ploatrra l.Er Cr6h!lft 16' tir-ma. w It at,r^6i?a.x hd,ta Dlm,tlG5-s.Anad.rL6 2-M 1altfr6,aalln/lB PlDClhcAcasClBhr lfr 17:tottaSi w a1'af a7.[lGl ]{AD|lailo T2lnAtS:lS PLA055Jf Anrd.rLo -2:2D D/[T'A1A rtaotls An d.rtD Phrnn.kffi 1dr.17.mnw a1. G, a5-2a*, tr Dtms26 PI.A(ESlr Anadr*o ,-xtL t:il&nc t ln.drrl.o PlmlmAffi CrbadE tfr. 17 3[794i w al'/aSr at-S!13' N lnrdrrh Trtm6 Prffiqb Aiad!rb 2-?36 72l4lzo.t8 ,71fi/1A ln.d.rto HilnrcAd<CE<ir 10t zr lta-oqir w a1' ,l5' 2!lr[r N &rdrrt6 DlmBte 9ll06rfe ddrrta 2-26L fl1lmu 1r!O/18 Anadarto thdlm AEcs cGdm 1fir 30' 9.506" W 41. art t2-atf N Aodrr*o nllaQsl1plagrosdAnJrrtoa -2n lzl4t2Dta l lrsrrr An drrto PballreAEscE$lr 1or 35, '3r5sr W /t1.a/s6.il8. I AnadartD 720n9ls12 Plat 0s.AiEdarho a-aD a2lL,,lat lt,tDrtt 9HhbRamd..ilrr35'ta.598',al'tlz 5{I,t9' N a[drlo TZX9,Srl 3>Eg N3 e,9 {@ pLlrro.Anr&rt 7rtaEfr1,I tao/tt edTt hlrlmffi 'mil,ae-m,w ^rEdrrta Ti2ffii, Pt-llf,G Ar0rffi 6 ril1nat8 r.t Ilolrt lnrdr*.9lDtrilAffiffirt to:t ta,stl!I7,w a1.lE zt_EroF t{ladatt6 tffi, Pt t rtc AE.brb 2-276 1)rafrma la,?oatt lEdrrb Dh.filAffi.:drt Llr. E4' Srgt. W 41. r(l' t -743. f,AEdrtd T2MIS' PtAarrod Anrdrrto m lataDnfi rLr:lorlt lildr116 ,h.Im ldsr affiSi!d. &l' ils39, t{AEdtto T2MG' ?utrtld Antd.r*o 2-,:r9 Arladrrto Arxd.rto AmdrlD Am.ltstE Andrlo Ardrrto 9LlA*b AEfufu!2 - lttr t2lltD t t linlrt AD&o Pb&rhcrd! I '/t5' 11344' W '472a3st'W al'39slrt't{Atr&rto Tt9fi92s Anaalr116 7.-,Jlilzo,a ln,,a/|rila AE&tu PlDclhc Ad$ ooslrt 1,rs6'aa.465"W 41':16'5tt.724'l Anldl116 fl9ngs2tr AEdrib 6 Ta,llma lo/:'C/|fr'l#fu DlDEr.kffi ar. tt ilnB. x hdr.ta ileucrq PtlE2I And.rtD l-l lat7,rn t ,irr6tbtJt /lmrtarta DlE h..d<M ,fir.57 Artt. w a1. !u, ,-75r. N Ah.dartt TEteasI qGq.&[6rto 3-ro 71tlrfrlu 7$r6,t,ort Ahadart6 lbln.AEGGnrdil l rl 7 3E 2t7tt W Aradar*a T19n9a!t16 DI AE (f hi&*6 t-io ttAxara An.d.rtD Phlml6ffiil l,1.1't7'asra6- tf lmdatto T19n9as16 PLAMSId Anadarto tiltlfrLa I,,/2612013 Andrllo Ploefm lffi CErdnr rE3.t36rW ,a1'37 1Lr21i N Anldrilo Tt!|Elssl3 PLIGSI ti**o ,J,al,,,l 16ltfiEm,gdDrffiaffi rmr'tt'dw ar.5t tmx fiqilstt 9rB ADdarto 3-18 atlt nfa tn,l6rtolt /lnrdrrb PlDtrr.lmMd 1f tt 172q. w af sr Gzil' il tulr*a t19Rlr31t ffi t-il w{mt8 771tl20rt Arrdato AtEdato PlDatrr^4scrElil IthdlrmCmln I w /+1':l7a3"4lr !t a1'37 2335:r X tlmgaslt PLlm6o lnrda.ta f ,'fnTe a6b*n7a Cm6iE 18217137"W ar.daffiil ArEdarto rt!n94s1, Ptaload Ard.rla -4 11111m71 1ll/,arh79 ffik adr rr rr.6 ttfl w rt.tF r tTtf r Tllxr6$llt Pt^lotle &D&.Io i3-4 trt rore ln/26Dn1t AEdr*a Dhllmh.amlil lff rtr efal. w rr . lc t-lt6! r T19R96SZi Platlls Arrdrd(o 3-69 a7l7/:DiA t6r:5rloil An.&rb DbclmBffir ff17g-G,'W al. il, am. |.ADdrrb ffili tUal1r 3- 5s tu7tfrt /lndarb ,b.,h.B(rcrr ior 17 sl.6:r9, w 41.:tt' orTq' N AMLrt6 T!9R37S1t 9Wtt hdrh ?-m tuLxz}ta An.ffi PloeltrD la fidirr af B:r so5q7 it lnrdrrh Ttgngrs,.l! DL i1lv &E&xul.rfrra 1,,,1fr1fr/,Atrrffi Pbdha rt6 Cr!.thr trrS'14 l3l5t'w lnadartt Tl9Rgrsla PLA1ltt AEdrrb i-59 ltltltcrt ,a/?;6l7,J.ta Anr&fto Plollho^@$ CEdhr 1or il, :16.807' w 41'!tt',.Eld il turda?ko T:.9ngrsll Ptlrl:,.Sh Anrdrto 75 fht:ma lo/,rf,i,m r Pbeth.A6OEhr 10tr1r!12.r.65'w !t.s t6 rrtr x Aradrrto ngngrsG ?talritb A[rffi 3-76 aa/lt ia ror26rratl Anrdrr*6 BDlbkadn,tts tc r1-ur w It. ec, f,-rcrn N nffi ,trlF Bh Anadarto 3-A'aalllhae 10I'BTfr]'Ahrd!rh HDnmkC*lr E tlrrcFw a1. ail D-iilI. tr bdrrlo T1ffi ru1h bdIb 3-tr tua,2f|z ,,jIEm/'.B Anl[to Plfflh.^6Gastrr tffzl.q21'w af 1r tLffi- t{lMdarto Ttllrg7sr, DLI1qb AnrdaaI6 l-E lUrr!018 fin6t2ilr,,Anrdarto Pln.lln. A6s Oo drr a1'ga,3aE!t!t il Anrdrr*o T19n9EitO PTAITI ft[drrto t111lfrt ,nh6r:n7,ffil'*.ffi lof 27 10.2r.f w /u'39.7:atrX Anada*D Tt9t98SrX ,latrd Amdrtto - tnt aatT]:,6aa lorIf,rbil lnrdrrt6 fr.IDh(t#'mrTralgrw al. tq,7 ?{. x Tl9R98g04 PUU!01 Arrh*o 3-1o1 1al'rmlt ,il,E,:fr'.U Ar*.td 'l.XD^ffif6.dE t6t! 27 l[2tB' W e.{v ?_at7 x hrhtu Tten*E M12d lrsl2tu e-mt ,lu,.t,ott li*rlo DloeilmlE(Mil ta 27 ,o-rta. ut 11.39 7-465" r lnadri*o TlStgasil Pt trlom Anadrrh 11hlfia 1nl)atfr,DffiAH..lH.t a1' 39 toJr4$ t{&Edarto TllrRg8SaX Dlr[l:ilh Andato 1-101 1111 lnTt m/rat5rr Pbdnc Acr Oosstrr ,.82r,109t1'w a1'3' 'O.t!17't{ ftnilrt@ T19R90S0a Pl l.:loo AEdrilo 3-M t lltm ao,nil,cta lEdrt6 DbdhhGr]Hn.tB ?r, 0.rr6p w It. ?s ln?Br x l.rArL6 nmlf,sM PllIXlo Amdrrl|3-lo1 aatTt)c|t torr6tlott AEdr.t6 Pbdh.k alilrhr tff r, ro-qt.I w &. rq ltralq. f,ln d2*6 T1!totsor DI t' $ArEdarb 3-llt aatTu)E A ,nncxDt AE&Plbdh.lffiCiiire iot Stl. l?-o(,. w al. E9 2-t{i2. !l A[&rtt T1qr0{i01 DUtr2-lr a-tll xualfrrt AEd.rto Dbr&[AcaCE(trr 41.39 Zr-704'N lmrLita Tl9n9SO1 DLATZ'h lmdrrb a-ltE tu7tD ,to,26lifrt ^rArto ?H!.t6Oordil fleffi PLAIAN Anrdrilo 3-101 77IA/2frA 7(fit6tm &rdr.t6 PbtrnrA.ffkdh.,rf re, lt-aslf wI t1. a(y Lffrt N h!d!rb Tlqt08so6 PtAlZlSc AradartD 3- 113 ll/'lffi 'N'E'D\A hffi Dln lmkoEatI nad:rto T19ngm1 ilA!r1 q 3-U4 Tr.t .rrott 1il12fl4n lDdarto PlmlnrAEsOdil af :lg3al6f,. il ArEahrio Tr9ngqiltl PUE.s.lmdrrb !t- 1L xvutnB ADdrrb Ploelnr AB OortfE uF 3l' llILEl' W a1'39 19132. il I Anaderho Tl9rcqso2 PL rtlsf lEdarb -tL ,,ltula$701:rt[mt tlmh[AGGosh!183f :nJ$rW '11'30'16Jr0f t{xr9R99S0:r 3>3gNJo3e,g {@ EEIB it s,Er6 Attachment B Pagez5 ol 27 EXIIBIT B - Scope of Work PROJECT DBSCRIPIION Rocky Mormtain Power is constructing a nelr 153 mile single circuit 5008,45 kV overhead hansmrission line beginning at a new 5WD30 kilovolt Aeolus Substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to a new 500/345 kilovolt Anticline Substation near PacifiCorp's Jim Bridger plad, approximately ten miles northeast ofRock Springs, Wyoming. The hansnission line c,rcsses Bureau of Land Management State of Wyoming, and private lands and will have a 250 foot right-of-way width. The line segment fiom Aeolus to Anticline will consist of 138 miles of 500 kilovolt constructed tansmission line utilizing latice towers. The line segm€nt between Anticline to Jim Bridgcr will be 345 kilovolt conskucEd utili"i"g stcel H-frame stnrsturcs. Constuotion ofthe project wiU begin in April 2019 for access roads, pad sircs, foudation drilling and tower erestion Overhead conductor construction will begin third quarter 2019 and continue through August 2020, \\e project is scheduled to be energized fourth quarter 2020. Attachment B Page26ol27 EIUIEIT L - bcmrrLunt Guftfircr brHb hlrrlh b tor!rccEt f, E, G. D, E o lt lI5 httdu tlbot-AfrJ n.mtbrdI .Trfr. Clr 0rrfhlllr.. r5fi,r4ldb t alfEq iOfE, rtlurtl mWmil!,' ?l[C{eiorDrrEqt3lmltr[ rdrtrrtrlt uf-bffirlrrIIilbilliilr{friG a, ilEtiAlnrYr A CrE f rqrrlml in[ lrf l. qFfrUt n*r ]rirtifn d ir rfrUE.t *.fu FlrbD tll Cryrllh&r D. Arlllif.ilrrfrif aaD.DaED.!5cDlrClr Elfrlr rila ct EEr- [DrroElE E 4Err]ErrErlIEr.{[:,aE rt.rhPilrgr qtr.trEilr oDq.illrffr !r ofi r!Dtrrarl r'r.a rE HrlhEa Bl. eE!.u f,olllrr rilIiD DnE,mgrrFrr-.F.'ilfr tD.. &lcrrlGElrrlr{-, fl r.t{t,ahF,EIIq LEa.'ErE-. Glrnrdlrnr rltudt,f.l tl,tr r. mrIGlmI m E.HrfrErlu!!G-thlt'W.rc, A b a ffi Ea. E A il a aEnt/EEmrflil.l a rt E.DETTFCETI trE,.rrFtsrhrsilEdrr*rybErlF}hrfficffhb s rh t mrmrtil A B. rJ ll'F[I a.;if drl il Drril| rffi frbh,f af.grrElrrll5.l.Urilb prEtn irilroulfrryqTrpprilrxkr. E. c 1b..rhfi rrrrfmrur olOrmli.$Ernoflffirlhou.l[r*ffirf ra. GnLllGFDtcndaB Ihdl 1rr t{rlcE Ocrd irghmdr CAfid Or Ceq|In.Edrffi!8iltl. 9 Atiad[nent B P4leZI ol27 t ilmmDr,rmslmr A a :hrlr:nrftirltnrrEihrDtts,' llalc ltrl llffir rDril*b offi fh oau b htqnllc b.alllllfr frdt, IcinQ*rhn fEE rEr--: -ItaE=I-IE IEEE GtE-EEEEEEil ffiI5t ifffrl BI,IItflr:rrEfif rr L , t0 ATTACHMENT C PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to \drestern Midstream Attachment C Page 'l of 1 BA NUMBER: JV41653201 INVOICE NO: O12O2AV4L653201M lNvOlCE DATE: 31281 2022 TERMS: NET30DAYS Amount Due: S 1,543,t42.02 INTEREST AMOUNTDUE --ll.llr/nl/^E--ilt v vt\rE Rocky Mountain Power 1tO7 West North Temple #110 Salt lake City, Utah 84.t1.6 ]TEM DESCRIPTION other Operating Exp TransporuFrt-Ground Cathodic Proteclion Contract Labor Surfa Spill Contain/Clean Road & Location Environ Consult Svcs 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 AFE 2Lfi672 21606,72 2Lffi672 2L60,672 2L60672 2L60672 2L60672 GROSS $ 1,298,367.30 $ 15,477.30 $ 185,670.89 $ 1,478.00 $ 4,297.00 $ 37,907.03 $ 144.50 1m% L0xl/o t0pP6 1fl)% L009" lffilo t@% '|,298,367.30 15,47?.30 185,670.89 1,478.00 4,297.00 37,907.03 144.50 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE TO WGR OPERATING LP: WGR Ooeretlnq LP (Co 0727) REMlr CHECK PAYMENTTO: WGR Operating LP P.O. Box 73(D51 Dallas, TX 75373{951 REMIT ELECTRONIC PAYMENT TO: JP Morgan Chase Bank Chicago, lL ABA 021000021 (wire only) ABA 071000013 (ACH only) WGR Operating LP Account # 758664676 A SUBSIDIARY OF WESTERiI MIDSTREAM s 1.sat3a2.oNl Please send inquides to Name (Heather.Weaver@WesternMidstream.com)'I of 1