HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210708Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdfYPacrnConp r'.i-il[:V*$ Timothy K Clork 'i : i: r: - n FH ,i: T qfieniot Attorney 'i : I r:i - 1'i I i: $' ' '140Tla. Norlh Templersuite320 . - ' , , ' '',, -,:,l,-l sah Loke ciry' ar M116 "f i . .,,;''lr,ii;.:; :i"::{!-t-229'4565 ofJice Tim C lar k@t a c iJi c o rp. c o m VA ELECTRONIC FILING July 8,2021 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Boulevard Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, Idaho 837 14-1021 Attention:Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Docket No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Commitnentl l7(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973, issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 on March 14,2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company or BHE), PacifiCorp hereby provides notice of an affiliated interest transaction with Kern River Gas Transmission Company (Kern River) for Exclusive Rightof-Way and Easement permits (No. 58- 021-0334,No. 58-033-0033 and No.58-033-0124) (Permits), to allow Kern River facilities to cross three properly parcels owned by PacifiCorp. A verified copy of each of the Pennits is included with this Notice as Attachment A. Attachment B and Attachment C, respectively. The Permits apply to certain PacifiCorp property located in Utah County, Utah, where the company is registered with the state to do business as Rocky Mountain Power. Each Permit, in part, carries with it rights of ingress and egress to and from, and access on and along a right-of- way, with the right to use existing and future roads, for the pu{pose of constructing, inspecting, repairing, protecting and maintaining the facilities and the removal or replacement of same at will, either in whole or in part, and the replacement of said pipeline with either like or different size pipe. PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company (BHE). Kern River is also a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of BHE. Therefore, BHE's Re July 8,2021 Page2 ownership interest in PacifiCorp and Kern River creates an affiliated interest relationship between PacifiCorp and Kern River. Kern River owns and operates the Kern River pipeline system, which transports natural gas to California, Nevada, and Utah. Certain of Kem River's Utah pipelines are in an area used by PacifiCorp and located within Utah County, Utah. Kern River is building a new pipeline to provide service to customers. These Permits are necessary to accommodate the larger pipeline. This transaction is related to the transmission of electric service in Utah. The Cook Group was employed as a third-party vendor for the appraisal to avoid preferential pricing. Reports developed by The Cook Group on all three parcels formed the basis of the price that the parties agreed upon. Additionally, an industry-standard fee and a rounded total were used to price the easements. Kern River is acquiring the rights of way necessary to build, operate, and maintain an improved delivery pipeline. Kern River will pay $208,000 for the three Permits. Acquiring the Permits is in the public interest because it allows Kern River's need to install and maintain its pipeline in service to its customers. Moreover, PacifiCorp financially benefits from the sale, at a price determined by a third-party appraiser. As the sole property owner, PacifiCorp is the only entity that can grant the Permits to Kern River. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,'-'/ '1- i /". ( ' Timothy K. Clark Senior Afforney PacifiCorp Enclosures 2 ATTACHMENT A PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to aJ Recorded al the requast of Kern Rfu€r Ga6 Transmission Company \Mrn Recorded Mailto: Kam Riwr Gas Tranomission Company Ath: Land Department 2755 E Cottonwood Ph^ry, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 8412'l Kem River Gas Transmlsslon Company EXCLUSIVE RIGHTOF-WAY AND EASEMEITIT State of UTAH County of UTAH KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS, thatthound€rsignodRockyMountalnPou,er,anunincorpolated dlvblon of PaclflCorp, succossor in irtero3t to Uteh Pow6r snd Llght, whose address is 1407 W. North Temple, Sufte 1 10, Salt Lake CiV, UT 841 16, hereinaftor referred to as Gran{or, for and in consideration of tha sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, to the Grantor in hand paid by KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, 2755 E Coffonwmd Pa*wey, Suile 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121, hereinafter reierred to as Granlee, the rec€ipt and sufrciency ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, Bell and conr/€y unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an exclusive (rht-of-way and oasement to locate, suNey a rout€, conslruct, entrench, maintain, protect, inspec{ and operate a pipeline and/or communications cable with appurtenances including but not limitsd to valvgs, motering oquipment, eleclrical cable, cathodic equipment, underground conduil, csbles, splicing boxes and roads (6aid pipeline, communications cable, appurtenancos, \ralves, metering equipment, cathodic equipmont, underground conduits, cables, Eplicing boxe8, markers and roada being heralnafter sometimes colleclively called the 'facilities") over, undBr and through tho hereinaftar described land, approximetely along the linE dGsignat€d by suNey heetofore made or heGafler to be made by Grantee, through and ov€r th€ seid land on 8 right- of-way mors specifrcally desdibed as: That certain parcel of land situated in Section 10, Township 5 Soulh, Range I West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Utah County, Utah more particularly described in a Warranty Deed recorded ln Deed Book 2833 Page 214; in the Register of Deeds of Utah County, Utah, less and €x6pt any conveyancss heretofore made. See attached Exhibit W To the extent that any discrepanry exlsts betwBen the legal description and survBy heretofore made or hereinafter deEcribed and the actual locstion of the plpeline, the actual location of the pipeline shall govern, with ths rightd.{vay and easement running parallel to and extendlng twenty five (25) feet on each slde of the actual location of lhe centedine of ths pipeline as it exists on Grantofs property. This right-of-way and €aEement shall carry with it the right of ingress and egress to and fom, and access on and along said right-of-way, with the right to use existing and future roads, for lhe purpose of construcling, inspecting, rcpairing, protecting and maintaining the fecilities and the removel or replacsment of same at will, elther in whole or in part, and the replacement of said pip€llne with either like or different size pip€. During temporEry p6riods Grantoe may use such portions of the propefiy along and adiacent to said right-of-way as may be reasonably necessery in connedion with clnslruction, majntenance, repair, removal or replaccment of the tacilities. TO FAVE AND TO HOLD th€ above described rights and easementE, together with all rlghts n€cessary to op€rate, protecl and maintain the facilities overthe right-of-way hereby granted uoto the said Grantee, its succes6ors and assigns, and the Grantee may assign the rights and easement horein granted, either in whole or in part, subject to lhe terms ofthis grant, end such rights and eas€menls shall be covenants runnlng with the land and be binding upon Grantor, his hsirB, legal representalives and succesGors in litlo. Grantee may at any time permanontly abandon said right-of-way and at its discretion may remove or abandon in phce facilities constructed thereon and upon 6uch abandonment adion. Grantse may at its discretion execute and record a reconveyance and release hereof, whereupon this righlof-way and eas€ment and all rights and privileges her€in mutually granted shall be fully cancelled and terminated. Granteo shall compensete the Grentor tor damag$ to Grantor's growing crops, pasture, fences, livestock and other roal or personal property impro\rements caused by the construction, maintenance, repeir, replacement or removal of the tacilitios. Grantee shall compensate the Grantor for dam4es to Grantor's timber caused by the initial conslruction otlhe facilities: thereafter, Grantee Ehallhavethe right to cut and keep clearwithout payment of damages all trees, brush and other obstructions thst may in the Grantee's opinion endanger, hinder or confrict with the oonstruction, operation, insp€ction, prot6c.tion, maintenence and use of said facilities. Grantee further agrees that within a reasonable time iollowing the complation of cons$uction, GEntoo shall reslore said ngmd-way. Restoration shall include, where nEcessary, final grading, reseeding and installation of ercion conlrol measures. Grantor r.3on r. lh. rbht b ut6 and eniry seld prop€tty €xopt lbr thc pupolc h.rBin $enbd, but such urs rhdl nd hlnder, conl[ci or lnbrfue wih Gnntsrl 3ulbc. or suhurfac. dghb h.r.undsr or didrrt !ts lHitio! lnd no road. I€alrlrolr, oaarrailion, dEng. ln lurbco grda, ob8tldbn a lrldlra thall ba cm!fuucbd. crBsiad or mintahcd on, o,rt, elong of withln lald dgtttofrrry wihod Gran!!€,r ptbr wriu.n cdi.ant Gl8nbr rlpr€s.nb rrd wE rantB lhat hc b the own6r ln f.c limpb of tlo seld dcctlb3d lsnd. Grantsa lhall haw lhe right b dbchaEp or rodal br Grenbr, h Ulrolc or in pert any morlg.g8, tEx or o0l.r lbn m reld bnd and thoroupon b3 rubogst d b a.rrr frn and dghb lrddoot thd€0o. Grent3o urda0.iendr that Grantor may, h lho fi.ilur!, con!frucl addilonal hdlltler or maintrln sdrilr€ hcili&s, and thet to do ro, ogulpncrt wllh wCehtr in res of 20,000 pound! pct erde 0ncludlng wha pulcra whlch couH wclgh appodnalely 100,000 poun&) nry travll o\Er, acros3 or bo p.Il(cd upon hs phe[nc &rhg BU.rr conrfructlon or rminbmtr. Granbr agrls to buy thc plpehe b a rutrdent d€ptt rudr tH oquixrsrt nortiry ct thc ludbca orBr Gianbol plpelhc lhall nd ittdblt u,ih or danqc Glailil6'3 Fadlith3, Th€ plpotrnc ahall beturild durlng hl[d confifrlon no lcr lhan $dy (60) lndrs brlotf, thc eldr&tg eurhce gndc. A tsro (2) lbot rdnhum srparation di*ance raquircd at €xEffng und€reround cablc croaelngt. To the fulled ardont pcmitbd by bw, .odr of fi6 parucr horfi wrlv.! any tlght n m.y har€ b ! tlal by Jury h rsrped of fitlgdofl dincily or hdir€ctly .rislng olt of, under d ln comctbn wnh $b oduefuc dghtd{ay andclcdrent EecI party furttd weiv6 any rlght to conrcfi(ht. a,ry dion ln slriah a lwy tslal h!! bcen wah,rd with ary oftcr aalon in which a lury omnot bo or has not ba€n seh,rd. Itb hcEby undor$od thsttho partb! accrrriEthir gnnton bchdf of h!Grlnbo.I!ni0rod.uthorilyb rnalc eny cot rnrnt u agfiaomcnt not l€rBln oQrasrod. WTNESS THE D(ECUTION HEREOF THE - DAY OF . 2O-. By GMNTOR(S): ttlAME Iltiftnr.r b SlOnrt r€(r) lllAIUE oollPAitY ftrddent Opcdlon! and Engh€.rlng ACIO{ilLEDOTlEilT STATE OF ttr** couuwor &{ I#r rhOn th.mlL tay b$tad r*norfOgcO b m€ hd tanc. My oommbrlon erpher: ^rt 6.1bltl My commhllon opior: terg+zoaL /i,ldail Publh ln mdlorthe*a'a ut*t* .@ffiiACI(xOW.EDGTENT STATEOFTJTAI| ) couNTYoF SAf,TlrtG ) on oe t lrf ory.of&!L-, 201L Rob.il Chadffi p.nondfy.ppx.!d bdotr moffiana tam *srrc i*V eirnirntw.bnrd on bdraffdlcm Rh,rrGr Tnnrmislon Conp.lu, lnd ld(nou,Ltpdb .rrthet he ffi&dlh..m..,*Ws.t irf U+ah- @ffi: EASEMENT EXHIBIT UTAH POWER & UGHI COMPAI{Y INAPARTOFTHE W 1i2OF SECTICN 10. TOWNSHIP 5 SOUftI, RANGE 1 WEST. S-t, B&IV1, IJTAH COIINTY ItrAH SCAIE. l'= 1,000 oRAW! BY: (ER Citam2l CiiC(Eo BY: TC c2jznml REV:0 sffi 62556.PHg1 1.{,TAH PEI sl&lss.Rlt{ RM ffi ls2 EXHIBIT ''A'' til a PART OF THE lV lr2 OF SECnON 10, TOmlEHlP 6 8OUIH, RAIICE I IYE8T, 8.L Btf,, UIAH COUNTY, I'TAH LINE TASLE NUMBER BEARING DETANCE L1 N 00'20i€f E 89.98' t2 N s4'05'/t?. E 128.89 u|N07'33'W 3n.78', L4 N 04'5628" E 1,68223' L5 N 40.42'tZ E 130.02', L6 N 04'451,1'E 188.30' L7 N 413a50:W 329.S7' L8 N,lE 27!l' E 50.00' L9 s 41'3?59f E 350.7s' L't0 S o't',lfl4'W 238,37 111 s 4s'42'r2'W 130.11' L12 s (x'56'26'W 1.656.17 113 s 07'3328'E 391.32', Lt,l S 3.['0517 W 220.72 sEc.10 2.5'BRASS CAP IN CONCREIE UTAH COUNTY LAND SURVEY DATED,1959 POWER& COMPANY u 2 s 02'4729"W ."d$d$" olE w1t4)1O *dd ttF-I--J Wlra ltsEc. l0 3'ALUM. CAP. BLTI OATED 2OO1 J il \ t_ oc,,z/G -7 I loIe\o\po 6 is{ a\i uba o \+v\tF UTAH.tlc I SUNRISE 3,LLC t Irlrl' I I SEE DETAIL 5(I PERM. J -1 I I I D.O.B. I F IcI ooc f I u? .I , USA I I (DEPT OFITIEARMY) _J-Ir S1^'CORNER sEc.102.' BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE UTAH COI'NTY I.AND SURVEY DATED t95O CONFIGURAION DETAIL N.T.s. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LEGEND -- rots Ed" [ .d0 t.o.B. t.o.G. o POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCEMENT POINTOF INTERSECI]ON SECTION CORNER SECTION UNE EASEMENT UMITS PROPERTY LINE ADJOINER LINE TH€ TOTALAREA OF THE EASEIIENT SHO^/N HEREON THIS UTAH POWER A LIGHT COMPANY PROPERTY IS 145,75I SOUARE FEET ({'.35 ACRES).+ NOTES: 1. IHIS EXiIIBIT ANO LECA! DESCRIPTION WERE PREPAREO USltlG A 3&YEAR TIILE CTMMITII{:NT PROVIEO BY THE CLIftT, AND MERETOflE ENCOMFASS ENERGYSERVICES}65 NOT RESSRCHEO OR SHOM AW Offi ffiEMEMg RIGHT&OF.WAY. VARhNCTS ND OR AGREEIIEilTS C: kEcmD. 2. THIS EXHIEIT IS NOT A BOIJNDARY SURVEY. OR N BtrIOVEMEM SURVfr PdI . 3. SEEAITACIIEO LEGAI DESCRPNONWHICH 8Y THIS REFERTNCE IS MADE PARI HEREOF. 4. IHE DISTAIICES SHOWN IEREON ARE IJTAH S]ATE PLANE GRIO V&UES WTft A COMEINEB SCALE TACTOR OF 0.s971717. ._.eHry EASEMENT EXHIBIT UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY lN APART ff Il€ W ln 0F SECIIG{ 'l0, I0Vvl6l{lP 5 SdJI}|, RJNGE 1 WE$I, S.t. 8lll, UT HC0IjNTY.t,IAn ta,tlE r^0R uiNft(En @am\oGoTGDSXTC QtA&l RE\l l) tcl6a+le{ t.wAllPlL PaESELoEESE!!9! Atl AREA OF llND FOR At{ E SElrlE {T ON A PrnCE Of lA{D OM{ED BY t IAn POUIER t UG}IT COIPANY ANO 18 LOCAIED lN A P l(t OF THE W 12 OF 6ECT|ON 10, TOVINSHTP 6 SOUTH, R r{GE 1 WEST, OF THE S.L. S!lI. @UNT\r Of UTAH, SrATE OF UTAH, AiD BEING MORE PARIICUIIRLY DESCREED A8 FOLLOITJ8: EASEIETT DE]3ChIPfl O]{: CO*I'CIIO AT THE 6W CORNER OF SAID SECTION 10 (AS MOiIUiIEI.TIED EY A FOUND 2.5' BRAS6 CAP N CONCRETE, UTAH CO{,NTY L r{DSUFl/Ey.DATEDtsS9,FROLwHtCHT}€Wrr4COnilEROFSAIDSECIOi,|r0(ASUONIT/iENTEDBYAFdTiD l'AUmNUMC'AP- Bt rl, DATEO 2001) BEARS N of2old E, A DISTANCE OF 2,657.6a FEET. FORM$lc lllE B 3E oF BE nNGS USED ttl THIS DESCRIPnONi THEIICE, N 0020,16' E A OISTANCE OF 9S:}.57 TO A FOINT ON THE WESIERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF IIND, SAID POII{I BEII{G THE FOITIToFBEelltno; fiETCEAONG rHE PERITEIER OF SA|D EASEME]IT, THE FOtrOvr'tNO FOURTEEN (r4' COmSES: 1 ! &ottc &llD !'\ESTERIY UNE, N 00'20'16" E. A UST NCE OF 89.08 FEEr; a OEPARnNO SAD T^ESTERLY LINE, N 34'0r,a7 E, A USTANCE OF 'l28.Ee FEET: 3I N OT3:I2T W A OSTANCE OF 3N.7t FEET: a) N (x'5d26' E, A OtSTAilCE Of r,662.40 FEET: t) N 4S.42r 2', E. A DISTANCE tr t 30.02 FEEI: 6) N oa'as't4'E A D|STANCE OF rSC.30 FEEI; 7)Nrli'34'6e'WAOISTAI{CEOF34.37FEETTOAFOIMIFROIIwHlcllTHESADw114CORNEROFSECTIONl0BE nSS02'47'2trw A DETANCE OF I.IE.O2 FEET: 8) N 4t27!1'E, A UErff{cE OF 50,00 FEETi O 8,ll5a5e E, A OISTANCE OF !t0.75 FEEI; 8 oa'lt5''ttl'w, A Dtsf,At{cE oF 238.37 FEEr; s49.4212" W, ADETANCE OF t30.r1 FEET: s 04'58'rf w A DETANCE OF r,06Ar? FEET: S 0,'3328 E, A DISTANCE OF 30I.32 FEEI: S 3'l'05"1r W A IrlST r{CE OF 220.2 FEET TO THE P()lm oF BEGlilIltaG. THE TOT L AREA OF THE ABOr'E DESCRIBED EASEMENT lS l/.5J5'l SOU RE FEEI OR 3.35 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. il,NVEl/OR'3 TTATEI'ETT; l, ftlO[tAS G. CARLSON, A t IAH PROFESSION L LAND EUFI/EYoR, HEREBY STATE I]iAT IHIS LEGAL oESCRIPIK,N AND ACCOMPANYING EfiBTT UVERE PREPAfiEO FROIT Ail ACTI.IAL GROT.|ND SURVEY PERFORT\IED UNDER MY St,PERVIS|oN, 1}IAT THIS T"EGAL OESCRIPTION AilD ECTEITAREIRUE ANO @Rf,ECTTO]HE BESI OF Tfi KilOIVLEDGE, NFONillATl(,N ANO ESJEFA}{)I}l^TTXE FIETD 8UR\iEY OI.I YY}iICH 'T 18 EASED MEET THE UINf,TUII sTA}IDAROS FOR SUFI/EYING II{ T'[AH AND I}I,AI THIS LEGAL DESCRIMON AIID E(HIBTT ARE I{C}T A EOU}IDARY gURVEY OR SUBDMSIICN PTAT. t0) 1't ) 12) 'ts) 14) Tt{olt s c, crRLsortl, t T PLs fi0rc3217 FOR A'{TI ON BEHALF OF EN@UPASS ENERGY SERT'ICES, lIC K'ESI. I}I3 LEGAIOGSCfuPNON M ETXSIUEBE PREPMEDtarioAsyEA m@mref,I PRovto€o lYlal cuNr, lrD THSEF(rc E 50liaPl88 EIEROY l8RUCa HrS NOI RESElnCHEo 0R 38ol,${ A{Y oTltR EASEXEIIS.Rtorfr84FWAY. VmAlCE9 ANo 0R IOREIEm Ot GCfiD 2. ru LEG{oE$Rlm ArD An{lrrffi nor Affi IURIEY, OA Tfl TfROVEIG}{T 8UhGY ilI, !. 8El Alrl TGD EXHIN WT{CH IY I}(l REfERBICT E ITDG Pffi}GNEOF. a. frE stlilcE! BHo*t{ HEns mf, [u SIAE PuxomvlEmA corffi ruFlgmRG o.s?l?rr. !fr 2q2 ATTACHMENT B PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to 4 Recordad at the rEquet of Kem Rlvar Gas Transmission Company 'Wh€n Record€d Mailto: Kem River Gas TrammBsion Company Ath: Land Dopartment 2755 E Cotonwood Pkwy, Suite 300 s€lr Leke city, uT M121 K.m River Ge! Tranrmlrelon Comprny EXCLUSIVE R'GHT'F.WAY AND EASEHENT Slaie of UTAH County ofUTAH KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thet tha undeclgnod Rocky t5ountEln Poworr an unlncorpor.tld dhblon of Prcltlcorpt luooolsor ln lntrrtst to t tlh Pow.r end Ught, whoss addr€$ b 1407 W. North T€mpl€, Suite 1 10, Salt Lak€ Clty, UT 841 16, hersinaft.r rEfBrI€d to es Gr8nb( for and ln consideretlon of tho ium of TEN DOLI-ARS AilD OTHER COilSIDERATIONS, to tho Granbr in hand psid by KERN RIVER GAS TRAI{Sil|SSION OOMPANY, 2755 E Cotbnyvood ParkwEy, Suitc 300, Ssh Lake Clty, lnah 041 21 , hcEinefi€r rGfBned lo e3 Grentoe, the rocGipt and sufficbncy ot which b her$y acknowledged, docc horoby grant, s€ll and convEy unb leid Grant€e, ib succassom and assigns, en oxclusive rightd{,vay and caE€mant to locat6, sun ey I routc, aonslruct, rntrench, rnsinteh, prctect Ins@ and operate a pipeline and/or communications cable with appurtenanca lnduding but not limlted to velves, m6t6rlng €quipment, olacirical cable, celhodic equlpment, underground conduit, cabloi, splicing bo(ss and,osd8 (8ai, pipellne, coinflunirtions cable, appurtenances, vahr8s, m€terlng cquipme( cathodic oqulpmonl, undorground conduits, cablca, splicing box€s, rl8rkeia and roads boing hertinafur 3om6limes collrtircly called he 'Edlitie6') over, under and through th€ hereinafier describ€d hnd, approxlrnatcly along th6 line d€eignatad by surwy heretofore nude or her€aftsr to b€ ,nade by Grantee, through and ov€r the lald bnd on e rtght- of-rvay morc apecllically describod ar: Th€t cortain percel of land Bituatod in Northea8t comsr of Soctlon ,16, ToilnBhip 5 South, Renga 1 W€st, Salt tek6 Besr and Morldian, Uhh County, Utah more panicuhrly doGcrib€d in a Wanenty Da6d rscordcd h D€sd Book 2833 Pag€ 219; in the RoglEter of De6ds of t tah County, uteh, lg3s and e,(copt .ny conrcyances hcretobre rnede. See atlached E$ibil'N To lh6 sxt€nt thst any diBcrepancy exisb befircon the l€gal d6cription and survEy h6r€tofuro mad6 or horEineftcr dGcdb€d and th€ ecluel loc8tion of th6 pipallno, the aclual locatlon of the pip6lin6 shall govem, with th6 rightd{ry and e8s6rnent running parallel b end exterdlng t$renty ,iv€ (25) Gst on each elde ol thc etual location of thc centBrline of the pipellne e8 it erlatB on Granto/B properly. This rightd{/vay and easemonl Bhall cany wlth lt th6 right of irurlss and .gre88 to and from, and sccaGs on and along seid right<f-way, with the r[ht b uee exieting and futrr€ roads, br tho purpo!€ of condruc{ino, in3p€c{ing, rrpairing, pmtecting and meintalning tho lbcllitlrs end the rrmoval or replaclmant of same at will, cllher ln whole or in pert, end tho GplacsrEnt of ssu pip€line with oithor like or dlfirront sizo ph€. During temporary poriods Granlco may uee sudr portlons of tha prop€rty elong and aqacent b ield dght-of-ryey as mry be raeronebv nrcorsary ln conneclion wth construcdon, meintenene, repeir, r€rno\ral or rrphcemcnt of the f*Ctbe. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ebo\rc describ€d righta and Gasernent3, together wi[r all rights ne.stery b op€ratr, protod and rnalntain the faclllti€s ov€r hr right-of-urry herBby granted unto the tald Grantrs, ib lucca8sors and eeeigns, and th€ Grant6 mey as8ign the ,ighb and cas€m€nt h€roln grantod, eithor in whole or in pert aubjoct to the tenns of this grent and 3uch rightr and essemsnts Bhall b6 covenants running with the lend end be blnding upon Grantor, his helrB, legal r€prescntstivos and succaa3oc in tttle. Granteg may at eny time pormanently abandon seid right-of.ryey and at lts discretion may Fmov€ or ebandon ln place hcllitlcs construc{ed thct€on and upon suct abandonmont aciion. Glanteo may at its disqrtion €rccuto and r€cord a rocon\r6yenca and release heraof, whBrsupon thb right-of-wey and €a8emont snd all righto and prfuibgc8 hereln mutuelv granted shall bc fully cancalled and lerminaEd. Grant€o lhall compensste the Grentor for damages b Granto/B grori,ing crops, pacfur€, fen6E, ltuegbck and othor real or per8onal piop€rty impro\Emenb csus€d by th6 con8lrudion, maint€nanc€, repair, roplacamBnt or romoval of tho facilities. Grantce shall compensate the Granior br damages io Granto/B timbor cauaed by lhe inilial construc0on ofth6 taoimi€B; here8fior, Grant€e shall hew the rightto cut and k6€p clearwithout paym€ntofdamagGs all tr6€s, bruih aM othcr obBtuclions that mey in th€ Granto€'s opinion sndanger, hlndsr or conllbt wnh tho con3fuclion, operatlon, inapec{ion, protsdion, mainl€nanca erd ule of said hcililios. Granbe fudher agr€€s that within a reaaonable tmo fullovuhg tho complction of construc-tion, Grant s shall rostor6 sak, r'tght-of{ay. Restoration shell include, wherB n€cos8ary, final grading, r€saedlng and lnstellation of croaion conlrol measur€8. Grantor reserve3 lhe dght to uB€ and enioy said prop€ily excapt 6r th6 purpos€s h€rein granted, brrt Buch u8€ Bhall not hinder, contlic{ or interEre wih Grantse's sufface or subsurfeca rlghtg hereunder or di8turb its facllltlos and no ro€d, ]€ssn/oir, mvEtbn, chanoa in surfeca grede, oHn cdon or stsucturB Bhall b6 contfl,ct€d, crEted or rmintrirod on, over, along of wilfiln sald rlghtd-rvay without Granbe's prbr wrman cons€nt. Grantor r6pras6nt! and warranh that hc is the own€r in fua sknph ofth€ said de8cdbed land. Grantee shell haw thc right to disdla Ee or rcdeern h Graltor, in u/hols or ln pad, eny mortgage, lax or oth6r lhn on sak land rnd thereupon be subrogsted to Buch lien and rlghtE |ttcident thrrcto. Grant€€ und€Btands thst Grentor may, in the firlun, construct additonal hoilitiea or maintaln oxHing fecilfies, ard thet b do so, equlFnent with wrlghtr ln exc6E of 20,000 pounds per axl6 (lndudfE whB pulors f,,hirr oould sElgh +prox[rl't ly 100,000 pounde) may tra/Bl o\€r, acrcGa or bc pa*ed upon h€ pipalino durlng such constructlon or maintenance. Grantcc agr€a3 to bury tha pipellne to a sufficiont depth such that equlpment m*ing on ths surface over Gr.ntee's pipollna shell not intclftr€ with or damage Grantcc'B Facilitics. The pip€line 6hall b6 buried durlng hlthl construc-tlon no lors then siXy (60) inches bolow thc cxisting Eurhc€ grade. A t\ro (2) foot mlnlmum sGparaffon dbtancc ruquired al erdsting underground cable cro8sings. To th6 fulbst e)(bnt permiE€d by lew, each of the pedils h€r€lo walves any .ight it may heyo b a tlsl by Jury in r€spect d litigstfuil dLscty or indiredly ariaing out of, und6r or ln connccffon with thb o<clushr€ rlght{t{ay and ea8ernont. Eacfi party further wdv€s sny rlght to con8olHde any e'tion in whlch a jury tlal he! b€on wai\€d wlth any ottor actbn in whlch a lury cannot be or has not b.cn u,Ehr€d. ll is hereby un&rstood tllat the peillG8 sodring lhia grant on behaltof lha Grantee ar€ without atllhority to make any colEriant or aoramcnt mt hcruin e)gr€ssodi WTNEss THE ExEcUTIoN HEREoF THE I$I,. DAY oF ,tIU., . 2oA. By GRANTOR(S): TIAME tMtneal to Slgndun(a) IIAITE Vrce Prssldont, Op.ntbn! and ErEln.€rlng STATE OF th** COUNTYOF *r LkE On lh. I?E My cornnbdon ophel: lrr. 6.LaLtl 6|TATEOFUTAH ) COUNTYOF SALTIIIG Ity oomdlllon oebos: et&EJg&s2.\- ACIOIOWLEOGXENT zoLL ACKIOITLEDOXEITT mc worn, dU cay thrt b$e.nd.MgpdbrEthd ilotiry Pubtr in and br thetud ilffl* i@.ffi1r \EZ S.ffi.ea_____i Ch.cffi p.trofially apper€d b6lr m€ thc rbova Fedlny Ersamnlwr. dgnld on ,*,W SldBof t tfah- untl{Y raclatotl{dr,Aaa( -tr.l'dt r.lrCm.rao6rza! iAy CoihrLthri tlolc dod t9 r02!@ EASEMENT EXHIBIT UTAH POYUER & UGHT COXPAiTY il A PN|T 0f IXE ilE i'1 0F 6ECnoN tG, rg{Vi6tp 5 SOUH, mrCE ,t WESI, S.L B!il,tIIlHcoufiY.urtH SC IEtrtr IXA$i{ Br: XER @Awt otEct(E)BrIE ouazEr RRA ' u6ePloli.l,l tF&E1dl EXHIBlT'4" lil a FART OF THE rE ila OF AECT]oIf lt, TOWrlSlllP 5 SOUIll, MIIOE I WEaT, A.L Btt, I,TAH COUNTY, T'TAII I/1@RNER fiO@RTERsEc. r0 Ztr BRASS CAP IN COiEREIEtT H@Ui{TYt-AlDStRV€Y OAIE' 1S9 s 89'44t4'W sEc. t83^l'tr{[{utlclFall, DAIEDZI'1 itEcoiNm sEc. r8 25BR SSCrPN@tiEfEIEur H corr{TY ullD sl,rRvEY DAIE ig$880'4t/trw r,t 2i .Eot 08&84 i I I I 1 I IloBlc,.ir= 8- rEI iEb !EFf; i I (POCTO UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY UTAHWATER CONSENVANCY DISIRET -a/"/ *e)\6sL" COLLINS ONE, I.IC -------ftof,fir-v-ri s t5.5c3:rE,,go,E) SEE 6HEET 2 OF 3 FOR DEIAIL AND UNE TABIE 88C.18 2.'ERASSCAP IN@IIICREIE t l ltcoutrYl lDs{rmrEf DAIED,1950 GRAPHIC SCA€ IN FEET LEGEND --l-!!-1 a(g?,,o&to,!., o.G POIiITOF SEGINNING POOITOF COTMENCEIENT POIiITOF INIERAECIION SECIbNCORNEN SECIION UNE EASEMENTUTITS AD'OINERUNE PROPERTY UNE THE TOTAL AREA OF THE EASEIIENT SHOIA,N HEREON ]HIS T,TAH POI/'IER &o+ucmcoilPAlfv PRoFERTYTS t6rr88 gOTJ RE FEET(r!.!2ACRES). NOIE3T t. lt{s EorEr rif,, rEoll. tEscRF,rEN wEnE PREPAf,Eo C["ENT. ATO fiEREFORE EilCO'PTS8 E}IBOV SE|RVICE9 }l^8 IDI NEEEARI}IED OR AiOVil All' OI}CR AgEilE}IT8, REiITSCY{AY. VARl^t{CEg A'O ff AGiEEIGN'B C RECM. a Im oolEl t9 {OTA BOt NtXFy A,R!/EY, fiANUPROI/EIEMgfitEVPllT. 3. sCEITT CTCDt-EG t t €8CnPfi)N V*tO{ CY DIs REFE}ICE E IIADE PART HENEG. .. IHE OtsTAT{CE8 8HO"II HEREON ARE UTAH STAIEmv urEEr$THAmtGNED8C r"EF grOnOF PUM 0.grr17 EASEMENI EXHIBIT UTAH POWER E LrcHT COIIPAI{Y flAPART0FrHENE ilt oF8Ecnoil fi,mw$rp6SOrJrlt RAI{GE r WEST,SL BCt UIAH TNllIY I'IAH SCAE }{r&DRAtIllil:XR aflml CIfO(E)BY:IC 0irl2/202l RA':t @ t 65&PtDlt.{rr }tPtLSrllssrtw REvr EXHIBIT "A'' N A PANT OF IHE t{E I,. OF SECNOX 16, TOW{8HIP t souil. RANGE I WEIT,8.L 8If, UTAH COUNTY, UIAH VARYNG EASEMENT CONFIGURATION DETAIL xT,s. LINE TABI.E NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE Lt s 3t.o5.l.7 w 2,171.V UI s 66!5a'tr E t0.37 L3 slfsmtrE 5.89 L4 s34'0lr@w 70.84' L5 N l0'802s'w m.86' L6 SS,a'05arW 35.85' L7 s3raxf w 787.,a5' L8 s78?6BW 76.04 LE N 37'6:t'3f E au29' Ll0 N 34!6'il7 E 231fi', Ltl N 80'4A48'E 60.54 LEGEND: I.o... POINT OF BEGINNINGt,o.e Po[{roFcoMriENcEllENTO PODITOFINTERSECTION+SECIION CORNER EECTbN UNE EASET'ENT UT,IITS ADJOINER LI[{E PROPERTY LINE TdTB:t, T}ISEIHIIIA}I' IEGAIIESCRPTtrN IIENE FREPANEOtJgIB A S}EAR TTII! @HMITII}IT PROI'IDE gY 1}C CT.E[I.rloIHENEFORE EilCOtfASS ENER6/SEFIT'ICIS H 8iO'RESE RCHEDOR 3r0l'lllltt dIXER E 8ElENrg,REI{I3'FWAY VARUNC€8 AI]D OR AORE$E}'B OF RECOID. e ftIs E)otor 19 l{or A BorrND F, q.RvE'Y. 0R A{ HFNO'EGT'T STJRVEY PI.AT. t sEE ATr ClrE tEG Ll:ECRPnOil ttrcfl BYIHB REENE}f,E 18 UIDE PArI lCiREOf,. .. .I}G TISTA'XEg $NVN tGiEO{ ARE UIAH I'IA'IE FII'E oRlD v uEB wmr A coi,rBhED tc lE F cIoR oF o.m?t7t7 E 2qS EASEMENT EXHIBlT UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO]IIPANY ['l A PART Ot TH€ tiE l/1 Of SECIOT 16, I0tilSHP 5 SOi./IH, RjtlGE 1 lrESI, g.L 8&\t, ur^itconflY,urx{ SCltE U DiAllNfY:XER @ttll,&t CHECIGDBTTC GIITM,REvi I 6a56&FlBl r -UTAltPtL sr 3a! PARCELOEECnpnoil AN AREA OF I-AND FOR AN EASEMEiII ON A PARCEL OF LAND OVO,IEO BY UTAH POlirER A UGHT COiTPANY Al{D lS LOCATED lN A PART OF I}IE NE tA OF SECTIOI{ 1€, TOVINSHIP 5 SOUIH, RANGE 1 I/TIEST. OF THE S.L, B&M. COI,NTY OF IJIAI{. STAIE OF UTAI.I, ANO BEING MORE PARnCULARLY DESCRIBED As FOLLOyTTS: E SEIEI.I DESCRIFtIOI'I: cotlEilct||c AT THE NE CORNER OF SA|D SECIION 16 (AS MONUMENTEO BY A FOUND 2.5'8RASS CtP lN CONCRETE UTAH COUNTY LANDSURVEYDATEDt95S).FROMWHICHTHEElr4COfi}{EROFS IDEECIION16(ASMONiITENTEDBYAFOUIID2'5"BMESCAPlN CONCREIE IJIAfI LANO SURI/EY DATED 195E) SEARS S OO'2O44'W A DISTANCE OF 2,5€A.66 FEET. FORITING I}IE 8^SIS OF BEARIIIGT usED tilTHts DEscRtmoN; THEIICE, 9 89'46'/'6f W A OETAI{CE OF 668.02 FEET TO A PdiTT ON THE NORTHERLY LIIIE Of SAID PARCEL OF tAi{L S^IO POINT BEING THE POrfI OF EEoNilIilO: THEI{CE ALONG THE PERITTETER OF SAID EASET'ENT, THE FOLIOWI,IG ELR'EN (1 T) COI'RSESI 1) DEP RIING SAID NORTHERLY UNE, S 34'05',4r W, A olsrANCE OF 2.174.02 FEET: 2) S g5'5453', E, A D|STAT{CE OF 10.37 FEET; 3) S ,10'5029'E, A USTANCE OF 5.89 FEET TO A POrNr ON rHE SOTTHEAAEiLY UNE OF S ID P RCET OF r^t{Dl a) ALOt{o sAlD SOUTHEASIERLY LINE S 1,1'03'02 W A DI9TAi{CE OF 70.E { FEET| 5) DEP RT|NG sNO SOUTHEASTERLY LINE, N lo's0zv w' A DISTAIEE OF m.65 FEET; t) s 3t'05xP w A otsrANcE oF 35.85 FEET: O 8 3f$l€r W A OISTAI{CE OF 767.'16 FEEr TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND. 6ROl, W'llCH THE S ID E U4 CORNER OF 6EC1IC'N 16 BEARS S t55033' E A 0l6',rANCE OF 2,4m.s2 FEET): 8) ^LONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, 8 7E'26'O2" W A DETA{CE OF 76.0t FEET: 9) DEPARTTNG SA|D SOUTHERLY LINE, N s7'53'36' E, A OISTANCE OF 82,1.29 FEET; l0) N 34'051r E, A DISTANCE OF 2,234..18 FEET TO A POINT ON IHE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAD P RCEL OF LAND: tl) ALot{G sAtD NoTTHERLY L|NE, N 89'4516'E, A DISTANCE OF 60.55 FEET TOTHE Folir (r AEGilMtlG. THE TOTAI AREA OF fiE ABOVE DESCiIBED EASEMENT IS 153.388 SOi.'ARE FEEI OR 3.5C ACRES, TIORE OR LESS, sT,FVEYOR'8 ATAIEXEIT: I, THOMAS O. CARLSON. A UTAH PROFESSIOMI LAND SURVEYOR. HEREBY STATE THAT THIS LEGAL DESCRIPnON AND ACCOMPANYING E(HBT TN'ERE PREPARED FRO' AN ACTUAI OROUND SUFIVEY PERFORT'ED I,I{DER MY SI'PERVISIOT{, T}IAT THIS I,EGAL DESCRPNOil AiID EXHIBTT ARE TRUE AIID CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOVI'.EOGE. IiIFORIIAIION AND BEUEF AND THAT THE FIEI,.O SURVEY ON Ii/IIICH lr ls BASED ITEET THE U|Nh'tnlt STAT{DARDS FOR SUR\IEYING IN UIAH A}O T}IAT THIS LEGAI. DESCRIPTION ANO EXHIBIT ARE NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY OR SUBDMSION PTAT Ittota S G. cARLsoN, uT Pt.8 tluqPlT FORN{O ON BEMLF OF E ICOT'PAS8 ENEROY SERMCEq UC mlE&I. Ml&OMBPmNffiEEMEPMO ussrc A svErR nru collllnEM moDED aYI{E erem AtD TlgEFoR€ Et{CoilP^s8 €tEnov SER1'!CES MS rOT RESCAECHSD OR 8}OI,iIT At{Y ONIER EAsEURIIS.ntoHr$oF{AY. v&acB m of,.ro8ffiE}m} 0F fficoFo. 2. ntsEc{ rSCWm rc gHgn mE tol A gottD^nY SNW, OR T }fROI/EIGI' SUiVEY PUT. I, I*E ATTACHEO ExHSIBICH BY THs RTF€REIICE 16 UDE PAT XERIOE a. flE o{gtacEs $m xffis ^RE urs Sr tE ME GFOV UES|{mACOilAMOSdlF CrnOF0.0il717, ATTACHMENT C PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction to 5 Recorded at the request of Kern River Gas Trammission Company \/vhen Recorded Mailto: Kern River Gas Transmission Company Attn; Land Department 2755 E Cofionwood Pkwy, Suite 300 Sall Lake City, UI 8r'.121 Korn Rlvor Gas Transmission Company EXCLUSIVE RIGHTOF-WAY AND EASEMENT State of UTAH County of UTAH KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, lhat the undersigned Rocky Mountaln Power, en unincorporated dlvlslon ot Pacificorp, successor in inter6t to Utah Power and Light, whose address is 1407 W. North Temple, Suito 1 10, Salt Lake City, UT 841 16, her€lnaftar r€ferred to as Granlor, for and ,n conBideration of lhe sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, to the Grantor in hand paid by KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, 2755 E Cottonwood Parkway, Suile 300, Satt Lake Cig, Utah 84121, hereinafter referred to as Grantee. the receipt and Eufficiency of which is hereby acknoi,ledged, does hereby grant, s€ll and convey unto said Grantea, rts succesoors and assigns, an exclusivo rightof-way and easemsnt to locats, survey a rcute, construcl, ontrench, maintrain, protect, insp€ct and opsrate a pipeline and/or communlcations cable with appurtenances including but not limited to vafu€s, meterlng equipmenl, eledrical cable, cathodic equipment, underground conduit, cables, splicing boxes and roads (said pipeline, communic€tions cable, appurtenances, valves, metgring equipment, cathodic equipment, undBrground conduits, cables, splicing boxes, markers and roads being horeinafter sometimeg coll€clively called the'facililies') over, under and through the hereinanerdescribed land, approximately along the line designated by survey haretofore mad6 or hereafter lo be made by Grantee, thtough and over the said land on a right- of.way more specillcally described as: That certein pa,cel of land situated in Northeast corner of Seclion 16, Township 5 South, Range I West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Utah County, Utah more particularly described in a Wananty De6d rBcordod in Deed Book 2833 Page 219; in the Register of De€ds of Utah County, Utah, le$ and except any conveyances her€tofor€ msde. See attached Exhibit ?' To lhe extent that any discrepancy exists between the logal description and survey horetofore made or hereinafter doscribed and the aclual localion of the pipeline, the aclual location of the pipeline shsll govern, with the rlght-of-way and easement running parallel to and extending turenty five (25) fuet on each side of the actual location of the centerline of the pipeline as it exists on Grantofs property. This righld-way and sasement shall carry wlh it the right of ingress and egress to and ftom, and access on and along said right-of.way, with the right to use existing and future roads, for tho purpose of conslructing, inspeciing, repalring, protecling snd maintaining the facilitie6 and the removal or replacement of same at will, either in whole or in pa( and the replacement of sald pipeline w'rth either like or different size pipe. During temporary periods Grantee may use such port-ons oflhe propsrty along and adjacent to said right-of-way as may be reasonably n€cessary in connection with conEtruc{ion, maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of the facilities. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th6 above described rights and easemenb, together with all rights necessary to operate, protec{ and maintain the facilities over the right-of{vay hereby grantod unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, and the Grantee may assign the rights and oasement herein grantsd, either in whole or in part, sub,ect to th6 termB of this grant, and such righB and easements shall be covenants running with the land and be blnding upon Grantor, his hoirs, legal representatives and successors in litle. Grantee may at any time p€rmanently abandon said righlof-way and at its discration may remove or abandon in plaoe facilitiee constructed thereon and upon such abandonment aclion. Grantee may at its discretion execute and record a reconveyance and release hereof, whereupon this right-of-way and easement and sll right8 and privileges herein mutually granted shall be fully cancelled and terminated. Grante€ shall compensate the Grantor for damages to Grantols growing crops, pasture, fences, livestock and other real or personal property improvements caused by the construction, maintonance, repair, r6plac6ment or removal of the fecilities. Granlee shall clmpensate the Grantor for damages to Grantor's timber caGed by the inilial construction ofthe facllities; thereaffer, Grantee shall have the rightto cutand keep clear without payrEnt of damagBs all trees, brush and other obstructions that may in lhe Grantee's opinion endanger, hinder or conflict with the construction, operation, inspecrtion, protection, maintenance and use of said facilities. Grantee further agre€s thal within a reasonabl€ time fol,wing the completion of mnstruction, GEntee shall rostore said rbht-of-way. Restoration shall include, where necessary, final grading, reseeding and inslallation of erosion control measures. Grantor reserws th6 rilht to use and onjoy Bsid proporty excepl br th. purposc! heroln granted, but such u8e Bhsll not hind€r, conlli, or ir{6r{br€ wilh Grantee'c surftce or sub3urfuce rightB herounder or dirfurb ita lacili0es and no road, r€sarvolr, cxcelration, dunge in surhcc grade, obsfrucuon or !ffuctur€ ghall be conrffirtad, creatod or maintolned on, ovEr, along of wlthin said dghtd.{vay without Grantoo's prlorwrl[en consent. Granbr r.pnronb and wanants that he is th€ flner ln bs simplc of th€ aaid doscrlbod bnd. Grantao shall haw th6 right to diacharge or rcdeem br Grentor, in whole or in psrt any modgago, tax or dhcr lion on sEkJ land and thcEupon bo subIogaH to 8udr llen and rights incident thsrlb, Granbe understands that Grantor may, in $e futuE, conslrud sdditionalfellltio8 or mainbin exiating fadlltlas, and that b do 5o, €guipment vr'lth woights ln excese of 20,000 pound8 p6r ara (irduding wirE pullerr whbh could nEigh apprordmail€ry 100,000 pounds) mey tawl owr, ecrGe or b€ pad(ed upon th. pipellne during such comffucdon or malnt nence. Grantee agrGB b bury the pipeline to I suffcient depth ruch that rquhmcnt sErting on lhc surftce over Grant66'B plpollne Bhall not intorler€ with or damage Grantee's Facililiqs. The plpelinc ehall be burigd during lnldal conrtflrcfion m less lfien sixty (60) inches b6lou, tho €xEting suriacc grade. A trc (2) bot minimun soparaucn didanca r€quircd at sdstttg und€rground cebh cro8sln$. To the fullest erdent psrmiltcd by law, ech of the pgrtk ! hento waiws any right lt may harc b a fial by Jury an r€spacl of litbation diruc-tly or kdlrsctly sd6lng out of, und6r or ln conn6clbn with this €xdu8hre dght-of-rry and €6arfltent Each party fufiher wahrEs any right to consoldat! any acilon in wfiich a lury tial hao been wEi\r€d with any other adlon ln which e lury cannot be or has not basn uahr€d. ll is heEby undor8tood lhat the parff€s securing this grint on bGha[ of tho Graril€e rr3 wfrhout aulhority b nake any covonant or egre€ment not hoGin Bxpr€33ed. VWI1IESS ]HE EXECUTION HEREOF TI{E By Wltnsrs to Signsture(s) lX* *"o, l[,.ry .zott . GMNTOR(S): NAME NAME lr*I,*IA COMPANY Prolldont Opordions and EnghsrirE AGKI|OWLEDGIENT STATEOF Itfl4l couxrvoriu;l:LkL On ths nL by sEm, dld.ry bft€rdecloorrlodgldbm.thst lema, My commirsim ogkar:(I', 15, ?n'r{Slat of STATEOF I'TAH ) @uNwoFsALTlItG ) Or trc I I$ Ory oflYlgg-- 2O2l, Rob.rt Ch.dclb portonelly +peard bebr. nr6grirton^-il1-cBrift- reEE rEduty rwdn--endthcthoebo,! F*:irty Eirei.Lnrwr rqnrd oftb€hdtoffisr RYI€$ Tnnrmbdon Corprrry, rd *towtcOg.d b nDtr.t ho mcuhdth.lan . 201!, d .l III IA,oroyur.EDoxrElrr .@Tffi tlyadnmk lonarellls: ff*nhe- t9rzrvrt ,**iWsuc'ot U*nh - @ffi: EASEMENT EXHIBIT UTAH POWER & UGHT COilPANY lN A PART 0: IHE SE 1/4 Of SEC lloli 16 TOTVtlsHIF 5 SOUTH R NGE 1 WEST, S.t. B&i{. tnAH COI]NTY IIIAH scful t! 5m'DRAwt\ EY|ZU 03/01n021 CPECXEISY;TC o1tlz&1 REV: C Y@ EXHIBIT'A'' lI A PART OF THE gE tr4 OF SEC!'!ON 18, rOWrSHtP 5 8OUTH, RANGE I WEAT, A.L Bat, [.[AH COUNTY, UTA}I ---l-'t:--- UDOT \i POvl,ER& ItIUGHT COTPANY UTAH DEPARlMENT OF IRANSPORTANON \1'4 CORNER (EDGE HOMES UTAH, LLC ,\ sEc. 16 ZS BRASS CAP IN CONCREIE IIIAH COUNTY LAND SURI/EY DAIED 1959aoEoF 8L 9EEst<6ErOE EEes 3? 50 PERM. S l/,1CORI€R sEc.18 2.5'BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE IJTAH COUNTY LAND SURVEY DAIEO I95I @!E!UEAIIelU-eEU&NJs, GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LINE TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 00.23'0r'E u.12', t2 N 37'5:i 36',E 25.31', L3 N 78'25'02" E 76.95' L4 s 37's3'36'W 1€.9{'tr=::F=F=::-l8WO& LEGEND rHE TOTAL AREA OF THE EASEMENT SHOV\'N HEREON THIS UTAH POWER & P.O.B.p,o.c. a PCINTOF EEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCEMENT POINT OF INIERSECTION SECTION CORNER SECTION LINE EASEI'ENT LIMITS ADJOINER UNE PROPERTY LINE UGHT COMPAI{Y PROPE{TY IS 4,358 SQUARE FEET (aO.IO ACRES).+ \OTES: I. ]HIS E{HBITAND iEGA]- D€SCRIPIION WERE PREPAR€O USING A 3$YEAR TITLE COMMIilE*T PROI1DED BY TN: CUENT. AND TTIEREFoRE ENCOMPNS ENmGY SERVICES HAS NOT RESffiCIIED OR SHqIfr AW OIHER EreEUEM, RIGffiSOF.WAY. VARIANCES AND OR AGREAIEMTS OT RECORO. 2. IHS EXHIBII IS \O] AAOUXDffiY SURWY, ON NIM''HOVSEMSUffi NU]. 3. STEATTACHEO LEGAL OESCRIPTION VV}IICH BYNIIS REFERENC€ ls ME PANT HEREOF. 4. THE DEINCES SHOM hMEONAFEWAH STAE PWE GRID VALUES WI:H A COIJEINEO S*LE FACTOR OF 0_09s7r717_ D.o.4. i ",sr$NAv ze )L -iP POI/IER e / LTGHT UTAH EDGE HOMES UTAH,LLC ./ COHPANY 62556+HS11.UtAHP&L SE4-S1STSS-R1W RElo SF 1e2 EASEMET{I EXHIBIT I'TA}I POWER E UG}IT COXPAI{Y ilAPlmoFIf 8E ilr 0f sEcnofl tqrwr$f SsorrEuM[.r tEgt ilar& -roora0lr I * -REroOIEOGD BY;tC ##Iia*rs ararsY 4ircas c2altft|rl{InFlL re 2a2 PAiCIL OESCRF tOfl AI{ AREA Of t T'D FOR Afl EAEET'€NT O}I A P^NCEL OF llI{o otIIi{ED BY UIAH FOIA/EN E UC}IT OOT'P^I{Y AID T9 LOCATED [I A PARI OF TltESEiltOFSECfi)ilrATOWNSHPSAotrH,M,{GEtlIE8r,oFI}rE6.LB$r,CottfrrOFltr ]r,AT TEOFIJT H.AnDE$lGilORE PARTCI'.ARLY DESCRSED AS FOI.LOYIE: IA'EIEN' DCSCHPTIOT: omt ctltc AT IHE 6 ila ooRiER oF s^to sEcT|oN rc (As MoNlITEitTED BY A Fd,l{o 2.5| BRASs CAP ll{ COr{CiErE t tAH COT NTY LAD Stnt,Ey OATED r05lr, FROI rSrCH rllE N rX OOR|€R OF sAD SECTICTN 16 ( S MOilflErnED Bl A FOtnD Zr BRASE C P tN ooltcREIE lJrAlt uxD stm/E oAlEo ress) E€ARS r{ 0c2n!r' E A Dlgr r{cE ff 5,2t.s FEET, FORMilG T}G B 8lB OF BAin@ USED tN rr{rs D€ScfilPnoit I{EaaCEli0d23tl'E,AD|ST NCEOF2,aaC.1tFEETIOAPOll{TOilTllEIIEETER|YU1,EOFSA|DPARCELOFt^l{D,SAIDPOIIIIBEING tHE F06fi OF lECtilLlr{Oi lrlEIGE ALOIIG THE PEflXETER OF 6AID EASEf,IE 'T, THE FOLLOYUIi{G FOUR (') COJRSES: OAtoiIO SADI/EEIERTY LNE, N Szall'E. A D|sTANCE OF l2'i2 FEEIi 2) OEPARING SAto VGSTERLY UXE N Sr6:t3r E, A Dl5r r{CE OF 2531 rEET; 3) N rf26'02! E ADl6T NCE OF mo5 FEETi 4) t l7'6gt8 W, A DlgrAilCE tr r,B.g. FEET TO TIC FOIIT OF lEOlxtHO. I}X TOTA! AREA OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED EASEXEI B {.t5t AOIANE FEEI OR O.IO ACNE8, tlORE OR 1868. SURVIYOT8 SIATEICiF: l TtlOI S c. CeRL6ON, A UlAll PRIOfESS|OML lIl{D StnvEYOR, HEnEtrY SIATE T}lAl I}n8 LEOAL oESCnFIEN AilD ACCOilP ilililG ExtGN TENE PREPAiED FRTOIT All ACTUAL GROIJIS SUNVEY PERFORIED Ui€EN IY 8I,PERI/I8DN. IHAT THt6 LE(UL DESCN|PT|oN AIDEtlfTANE'IRUC AND COIREST!OT}€ ESTOFTY XI}IOI'IILEDGE. I]fORIAW)I.AT{O EELEFA{DT}IATTIC FICLD EURIGY OX ITHICHN EBASEDIEETfiE IIilN'MISIA'{OANDS FOR SUiVEYING N UTA}IATDII{ATTHI6LEGALDESCiIPIX'I{^'{D A}5TARE NOT ABOTIO RYSUf,rt/EyOR Sr.ENrrEt()ll Pt L THolI S G. Crilso}l, W PLs fi 018217 FORArO(,{ BEMLFOf Eil@IPASS Et{tRGY SERI/|CE8. [C rlorE& '. IIIEIIOILE4NPIIN^lOEPEITTEPIEPIRID[to A $YEAX tm.E oargr rmrE 8Y ffi eEn,,o rlcisG EaoErla Eagt tBvEBma r*rrREsEltalofi tffi r{v ollce cllgEf,I8,oom#mY. vrfl art! ro il rGEra c REooro. A IflBICOT.EAPID| A}SEtrTItnEIOTAU'OIRY l. lEE ArItaH@ Efil3r il*H r nG ErEngrcE E mrFTXI IIICO;. .. rl€ DtrI rEes *Ottit lcRGotr ra€ utH tl It RAIGgno va,lEallmt A coEI@ scal.E ?rcloR oF0.s?t?tr.