HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190221Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdfYPacrnConp , _,,.,.:t R.Jelf Richards. - , i : - ,/ Wce President and General Counsel 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320' -'' ; l' l: i $olt LakeCitY, aT 84tt6' 801-220-4734 Ollicei., jeff.richards@tacificorp.com I .: .,1'1,.:, February 21,2019 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,lD 83702-5983 Attention: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Re: PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Hanian: This letter will serve as notice pursuant to Commitmentl l7(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now "Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company" or "BFIE"), of an affiliate transaction with Apple Inc. ("Apple") for a perpetual, non- exclusive easement allowing PacifiCorp to install transmission line across Apple property in Prineville, Oregon. A verified copy of the Right of Way Easement ("Easement") is included with this Notice as Attachment A. PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of BHE. BFIE is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Berkshire Hathaway, [nc. also has an ownership interest in Apple. Therefore, Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.'s ownership interest in BFIE and Apple creates an affiliated interest relationship between the Company and Apple in some PacifiCorp jurisdictions. PacifiCorp is installing transmission line on Apple property to connect the Corral and Friend substations to accommodate added load in the area. To accommodate the added load, PacifiCorp will be adding 1l5kv line and pole structures that requires crossing Apple's property. The Easement will extend the right of way PacifiCorp currently has with Apple. PacifiCorp paid $27,555 total for the Easement. The $27,555 was based on a Broker Opinion of Value used to determine property values in the area. Obtaining the Easement is in the public interest because it allows PacifiCorp to install and maintain facilities necessary to provide electric service and meet its obligation to provide safe and reliable elechic service. Without the easement, PacifiCorp would not be able to meet its obligation to provide electric service. As the property owner, Apple is the only entrty that can provide the License to PacifiCorp. Diane Hanian Notice of Affiliate Transaction February 21,2019 Page2 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, R. Jeff Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp Enclosures Rctunr to: Pacilic Power Aun: Right of lloy Department E25 NE Mnltnomah St., Suite 1700 Poriland, OR 97232 CC#: l l23l WO#: 10064894 RICHT OF WAY EASEIITENT For valuc reccivc'd, APPLE INC., a California corporation ("Crantor"). hcrcby grants to PACIFICORP. an Orcgon corporation. its succcssors and assigns ("Crantec"). a perpetual. non-cxclusive easement for a right of way in variable rvidth and length, as shown on the exhibits attachcd hereto: for the construction. reconstruction. operation. rnairrtenarrce, repair, replacemenl. enlargcrncnt, and rcmoval of Grantee's electric powcr transmission. distribution and cornrnunication lincs and all neccssary or desirablc accessories and appurtenances thercto. inctudirrg without lirnitation: supporting towers. poles, props. guys and anchors. including guys and anchors outside of the right of way; wires. fibers. cables and othcr conductorc and conduits thcrcforl and pads. transfonncrs. switchcs. vaults and cabincts. on, ovcr. across or undcr the surface of thc real propcrty of Grantor in Crook County. Statc of Oregon, more particularly dcscribedasfollowsand/orshownonW!-g,(..EasemcntArea'.)attachedherctoandbythis rcfcrcnce madc a part hcrcof. Any elcctrical scrvicc to Grantor's adjaccnt facilitics will bc scrvcd via Grantce's transmission systcm including lincs that Grantce may install in thc Eascrncnl Arca. Together with the right of ingrcss and cgress, for Grantce. its contractors, or agents (collectively. the "Grantce Parties"), to thc Eascmcnt Arca frorn adjaccrtt lands of Crantor for all activities in conncction with the purposes for which this cascmcnt has bccn grantcdl and togcther with thc prcscnt and (without payment thercfor) the future right to kc'ep thc Eascmcnt Area clcarof all brush. trccs. timber. structurcs, buildings and other hazards which rnight endangcr Grantcc's facilities or impede Grantee's activitics, Grantcc Partics' right of ingress and egrcss ovcr Grantor property to acccss the Eascment Arca shall (a) utilize Crantor's sccurity checkpoint unlcss direct acccss frotn a public road is availablc, (b) comply with Grantor's security and site acccss protocols. and (c) utilize all roads. paths and access points upon Grantor's property so as to minimize the damage and disruption to Grantor's propcrty attributable to Crantcc's use of thc Eascment Arca. Notwithstanding thc forgoing. in the case ofan emergency. defined as a need lo respond to a powcr outagc or irnrnincnt threat of outagc. the Gratrtee rnay utilize a dcdicated key lock box lo access the Easenrent Arca if thc socurity checkpoint othcrwise docs not provide immcdiatc acccss. Grantor reservcs the right to use and maintain all existing infrastructure. utilities and other existing scrvices within the Easement Area. Prior to constructing any improvements in the Easement Area. Grantec shall (i) conduct a utility survey to locate all existing infrastrucrure. and (ii) develop all plans and spccifications for any improvcmcnts to bc constructed within the Eascmcnt Arca to avoid interfcring with any cxisting infrastructurc. At no time shall Crantor place. use or pcnnit any cquiprncnt, rnatcrial or vegctation of any kind that cxcccds twelve ( l2) fect in height. light any fircs. place or store any flarnrnable rnaterials. on or rvithin Rqv.Il62017 the Easement Area. Subjecl to the lbregoing lirnitations. Grantor shall have thc right to install and maintain duct banks and othcr undcrground utilities, landscaping. roads, curbs. guncrs..security fencing, drainage and related appurtenances and improvements upon and under the Easement Area provided that such irnprovcmcnts ( I ) do not unrcasonably interfcre with thc purposc for which this casement has bccn granted. and (2) comply with all applicable codes and laws. Crantor shall consult with Grantee prior to making such improvemcnts and Grantec shall cooperate with Grantor to dcfinc tcrms, in accord with thc then applicablc safcty codcs. to govern any intcnded crossing ofthe Easement Arca. JURY WAIVER. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. EACH OF THE PARTTES HERETO WAIVES Arr*Y RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF. LJNDER OR IN COT.iNECTION WITH THIS EASEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TOCONSOLIDATE. OR TO REQUEST TllE CONSOLIDATION OF. ANY ACTIOI,{ IN Wlllcl.l A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WATVED WITH ANY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. THIS PARAGRAPH WILL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Grantor rcprescnts and warrants that it possesses all right. title and intcrest in and to thc Eascment Area. Thc rights and obligations of thc parties hercto shall bc bindiug upon and shall bcnclir their rcspective hciru. succcssors and assigns aLd plpll run with thc land. Dated this - W .ruv "r Nlo(dlnhdf . zore CRANTOR APPLE I corporation REPRESENTATI\IE ACK:{OWLEDGE[IEI'iT By: Its Me Statc of County of This instrurnent was ) SS. 7--t by of as :{am of RcpB'ot{trrs Titlc uI Rcprcrcnutrrc \!mc uf Enttry fi lx'fulf uf shom lhrs tnstruronl uu crccutr'd Rct.ll6'1017 Notary Public My commission expires: GRANTEE PAClflC()RP, an Oregon corporation A/ /**v Deanna Adarns Director. Real Management Date: REPRESENTATIVE ACKNOWLEDCEMENT STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH This instrument was acknowledged before me this ?o$ a^y by Deanna Adarns. Director. Real Estate Management for PacifiCorp. an Oregon corporation. @ OFFICIAL STAMP IMOGEN RUTH TAYLOB NOTARY PUBLIC - OBEGON coMMrsstoN No.973780 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 17,2022 of No'lgrrrggP* .20 t8. ul? ht A Notary My Rer. ll 62017 CAIIFORIIIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKilOWLEDGiIEI{T clvrl coDE s 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the documenl to which this certificate is attached. and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validig of that document. State of County of On Date personally appeared Here of the Name(s)of who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pjqonfi whose namepl islr subqlped to the within instrument and acknowle4q{ to me that h{fuIhl7 executed the same in{rs@f6fr authorized capacity(icG), and that byai{Ter/hrsignature{ffi the instrument the person6l? or the entity upon behalf of which the persoryFfactdf-, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALW OF PEBJUBY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and conect. WITNESS my hand and official seal Place Notary SealAbove OPTIONAL Though tlrls section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document:Document Date: Number of Pages: Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: Gapacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name:Signer's Name: Corporate Officer - Title(s):Corporate Officer - Title(s): me, Partner - Limited Generallndividual Attorney in FactTrustee Guardian or Conservator Partner- Limited , Generallndividual lAttorney in Facl- Trustee I Guardian or Conservator Other:Other: Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Representing: P IIUI{GARAY Comn[rrbn ,2l2a2gg ilotryPuulc-C.litorni. $nl.Clm @2014 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTARY (1{00-876-6824 ltem #5907 ) ) Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A POWERLI\E EASEMENT LOCATED L\I THE NEI 4 OF SECTION 12. TOW].ISHIP l5 SOUTH. RAI.IGE l5 EAST AIYD IN THE ]rWli4 OF SECTION 7" TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH. RANGE 16 EAST, W.M., CROOK COUNTY. OREGON LEGAI DESCRIPTION - PO\\'ERLTNE EASEMENT +1 I*sal descriptron for a powedroe easement. located across Parcel I of Panrtion Plat No l0l-l- 05. Records of Crook CouoN. Oregon. rn the Northeast ooe-quarter (NEl,'4) of Seclron ll. Tormshrp 15 South. Range 15 East, W.M.. Crook Couuty. Oregon" Drore partrcularh'descnbed as follou's, Beprunrng at the Southeast conter of sud Parcel I, thence North l7"l I'll ' West a distanee of 133.99 feel to the True Pornt of Beginning of this descnptroo. thence Nortb 00035'09" S/est a drstance of 1097 39 feet. therce North 66"09-43" West a drstanee of 65 30 feet to the East hne of sard Parcel I. thence North 00o15 09" West along taid East hne a drstanceof 1081-48feet: thmceNorth40o0l'46"Westadrstanceof4ll.5lfeettotheNolth hne of sud Parcel l. thence South 89"09'36'' West along sard North hne a drstance of 103 ll feet: thence Soutb {0o01 46'' East a drstance of 4.19 05 feet. thence South 00'i5'09" East a &staoce of Il7'l 05 feet. thence North 89"I3 I l" East a drstatrce of l0 00 feet to the True Pomt of Beeurnrng Contau; 143 l5l sqtrare feet LEGAL DESC'RIPTIO}_ - PO\VERLDG EASEMENT +] Legal descnption for a porredure earetrent. located m the North\rest one-grnrter (NWI {) of Sechon r. Tos:r:hrp 15 South Rance 16 East. \tr !I.. Crook Couurr'. Orecon. urore particularlv descnbed as follorrs: Beguuung at the \\'est oue-quarter coruer of sard Sectrou 7. tlrence North O0r-15'0g"Westalongthe\l'ertlrueofmrdSectrouTadtsta$ceof ll34.l-ifeet: thenceNorth 66s09'{3" East a distance of 65 30 feet: tlrcuce South 00"35"09"'East a distance of 1l-s9.91 feet. thence Sqrth 89"13'l l" IVest a dislarce of 60.00 feet to the Pornt of Begrnnn!'. contauung 68.815 square feet. Rcv. I I '6'2017 Exhibit B 9 JF E ei=aUIaoa.-atr :F l a Er E; rB-brtlOvleo -ohq-()brfr T l-.I Ei 66 -* 6eq.oIz I o, {a Ig t{Fdrt;0 F Efi6-. ,13 u : ? 0 E2oN tF) m (} C\J +(\ -Jl') 'c) C)!t ll LLI q.L\(4 I !t3-col .h-tY.*oli6; HiSes* $l*H,.r't HE:Eio-ispE+ Etpl H:*l FuOl reUlr E'rut ?zi flEslt [lFrl8 d"iu-) \1- z^ oauOFft:(J()EH :lrr-i}.o>z nis . rB o- \t+lUlC)elL)ty_Z3-5oOZi r E z -,tP Lil - IJ1 .Z (r1O,ft=.iz€i8; 3! a J FoA EfrH? l-ljo-<uJ2z.:l mE ==)<OLJO Uq FzI!Ilr1 3 Rur'. I li6,'2017 'cfI I