HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160120Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdfYPncrFrConp January 20,2016 VA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary PacifiCorp Notice of Affrliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter will serve as written notice pursuant to Commitmentl l7(2\ incorporated in the Idalro Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13, 2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now known as Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company or "BHE"), of an affiliate interest agreement with BNSF Railway Company ("BNSF") for a railroad crossing license allowing PacifiCorp to install certain electric facilities across BNSF property in Big Hom County, Wyoming. A copy of the License for Electric Supply Line Auoss or Along Railway Property, Tracking #15-54261 (the "Agreement") is included with this notice as Attachment A. PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of BHE. BHE is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. ("Berkshire Hathaway"). BNSF is also a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway's ownership interest in both PacifiCorp and BNSF may create an affiliate interest in some PacifiCorp jurisdictions. PacifiCorp needs to install new lines to serve a retail customer. This will require a license for the crossing BNSF's railroad property. BNSF uses standardized pricing for these types of licenses and this pricing is consistent from licensee to licensee. PacifiCorp will pay $3,600 for the railroad crossing license and has paid or will pay an additional $1,210 in processing, engineering and insurance fees pursuant to, or in conjunction with, the license. Crossing the BNSF railroad property is necessary to provide service to the customer. As the owner of the underlying real estate, BNSF is the only entity that can provide the license to PacifiCorp. The transaction set forth in the Agreement is therefore in the public interest. R. Jelf Richails Vice President and General Counsel 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake cia, aT 84116 801-2204734 Olftce j elfr , r ic h ar d@1t a c ift c o rp. c o m --n Jit i I t-T" -:-,-f, (,I)i {J} C}:1 FJ =crr -H, TT1 ,\, {loill .E -r..a = c:)crr Re: Jean D. Jewell Notice of Affiliate Transaction Jannary 20,2016 Please do not hesitate to contact me at (801) 220-4734 if you have any questions. Best Regards,@ R JeffRichards Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp Enclosures Attachment A The Agreement License for Electric Supply Line Across or Along Railway Property, Tracking #I 5-54261 Tnacking #15-5426', L'CENSE FOR ELECTRIC SUPPLY LINE ACROSS OR ALOI{G RAILI'TIAY PROPERW (Elec{ric L[ht, hwer Supply lnmpeo{ive of Voltage, Overhead or Underground) THIS LICENSE FOR ELECTRIC SUPPLY LINE ("Lioenie") is made to be effacthrc December 4, 2015,(fn "Effectlve Dato') by and betw€en Bi{SF RAILYITAY COllPAilY, a Delaware corporatirn ('Uoenrof) and PACFICORP BBA ROCI(Y frOUttlTAlN pOUtlER ('Llcnsea'), an Oregon corporaUon. ln conslderalion oJ the mutualcovBnanls contained herain, the partiee agr6a to the following: GEI,IERAL 1. Grsnt of Licensg. Llcensor hereby grante Llcensee a non-exclusiva license, su$ect to all righE, irrteresh, and eslates of third parties, irrcluding, without limltatbn, any leases, use righb, easemants, liens, or other enctrnbrancos, and upon the terms and mndlffons set forth below, to construct and maintain, in sbid acoordance wtlh the drawlngs and speclflcations approred by Licansor as part of Licansee's application prooess (the "Drawlngr ad Sp*lflcatlmt'J, an elechic supply line containlng a maximum of hm (2) conductors. together wlth lte supporUng or containing s{rucfirrBs (collectjvely, ths "Electdc Supply Linc"), acroos or dong Lioensor's rail conidor at or near ffre station of Basin, County of Big Hom, State of L{yoming, Line $egment 0005, Mile Poot &4.74, as shown on tre attachad Draring No. 65739 dated December ?8, 2015, attached htroto as Eft[ES-E and incorponated herein by reference (the ?lprnlses'). 2. Term. This Uoerre shall commenoo on fte Efiec-tive Date and shall contirure br a pariod of nrcnty-ltve (25) year, subjoct b prior termlnatlon a* hereinafur decribed. 3. Exls{ino lrnoroyements. Llcensee ehall not dbturb any irnprovemen6 of Lioensor or Llcensor's exis0ng less6€8, lk:aneees, easement berrfidarles or lien holderg, if any, or intarfare wilh the use, rspalr, malntenance a replacarnenl of st ch imprwements. 4. Use of the Premio6. Lipnsee slmll uss the Premlsos solely for construction, maintenance, and use of the Electrlc Supply Llne in accordanca witt lhe Drawinge and Specifications. Licansee shall not usa the kemlses for any other purpo6e. 5. Altrations. Except as set hrth in this License, Licensee rney not make any alteretiom to the Premises or pannanenty afiix anyhing to the Premiees or any bulldings or oftrer strudurss adjacent to lhe PremisEs without Ucenaor's prlor mitten oonsent, cotrPEt{sATtoN 6. License Fea. Licensee sfull pay Llceneor, prior to the Effec,tive Date, ths sum of Three Tlroueand Six Hundred and No/100 Dollars {S3,600.00} as oornpensation forthe use of ths Premls€s. 7. Costs and Exoonees. 7.1 For the purpose of this License, "oosf' ot "@Ets" and 'expgneeu or '$eon868' includeg, hrt is not limited to, adual labor and material costs includlng all asslgnaHe addlllves, and matarial end supply cosb at cunent value whse usod. F frd 421 : Rai,. 201 /m80, Trddng *1*X1 7.2 Lhensee sgre$ to reimburse Llcersor (purcuant to $e terms of Eectlon 8 below) for all costs and expenees incrned by Licensor ln @nnection wllh Llcensee'g use of the PrEmlses or the presence, onsfirc{ion and maintenance of the Electic Supply Line, including but not limlbd to the furnishing of Uoensor's flaggens and any vehide rental eoab incuned. Licsns€€ shall bear he cost sf flaggs s€rvixe and oher saFty measures provided by Lirnsor, ufien deemed necessary by Lirnso/s repreeer*atve. Flagging colte shall lnclude, but not be limited to, th€ following: pay br al lest en elsht (8) hour baslo day with time and one-half or douHe time fur ovortime, reat days and holidays {as applicable); vacation dlowance; pakl holidays (as applicable); raitway and unemploymert lnourance; publh lhbility and properfy damago insurance; healtft and wetfare benefits; transpodatlon; mEals; lodglng and auperuision. Negotiafions for railway labor or collediw bargain{ng agreemen8 and raE cfiange author2ed by appropriate Federal auttrorities may increase flagging raEs. Flagglrg raEs in effied at tha dme of prformance by the flaggere will be used to calculate the flagglng costs pursuant to this $ec{lon 7. 8- Parrment Tanns. All inrdces are due thlrty (30) days after the date of lnvoice. lf Lioerree faile to pay any monleo due to Liceneor within thlrty (30) days aftsr lhe involce dato, then Licensae shall pay inlercst on such unpaid sum fmm the due date untll paid at an annual rate equal lo lhe lesser of (l) the plme rate hst published in Tha Wall Sheet Jownal in the praceding Dewnber plus lwo and one-hatf percent l2-1t2%1, or CIU Ste maxirnum rate p€rmitted by lalrt. LICENSOR'S RESERVED RIGHTS L R$erved Rlohts of Use. Lloensor e:(cepB ard reoorves the right lo be exercieed by Ucensor and any otfrer parties *iro rnayobtain written permission or authorityfom Licerror: S.1 to maintain, use, operate, rspair, replace, mdiff and relocate arry utility, polver or communicdion pipe/llnes/cablee ard appur&nances (other than the Electric Supply Line) and othar faclllties or sbuctures of Uke charac{er upon, ovsr, under or acroee the Premises exlatlng as of the EMirro Date; 9.2 b construcl malnialn, ngne! r, use, operale, chango, rnodfi and relocate any facks or additional frcififfes, sfircrtlrs and related appurtenance* uponr (nror, under or across tha Pramises; or 9.3 to use ths Prernlsee ln any manner ae Licensor ln lts eole discrstion daems appropiate, provided Lhensor uses all cornrnercially ressonable G'fiorF to avoltl matsial interference wtth the use of the Premiseo by Lioensee for the prlrpo$e specifbd ln Sccdon 4 above. 10. Right to Rooufg Rahcation. tf at any tirne during tha lem of thls Llcenee, Li:ensor desir€e lhe uce of its rall conldor in such a manner ae urould, ln Licerso/s reasomble opinion, be interfercd \r,ith by the Electric Supply Llne, Lieneee shall, at lts sole oxpense, within thirty (30) dayt afier receivirg rritten notioe fum Uconsor to such effect, make suclr changes in fie Elsc&ic Supply Llne as in the sob dltcr€tlon of Licensor may be naoeesary to arroii intarferenca with the propoaed usa of Llcensofs rail conidor, indudirg, tathorrt limltation, the relocation of the Ebctrlc Supp{y Line, or lhe contilucthn d a neur eledric line to rcplaoe the Elec*ric Supply Line. ilotwithstanding the bregoing, Licensee agrc€s to make all emergerrcy changns and minor adjusffnentB, as deterrnined by Lkxnsor in lb sols discre{ion, to the Electrie Supply Une prompUy upon Lbensods request. -2-F tr.tli 421 i Rev. 201 4{,801 Trackirg #1*54m1 LICENSEE'S OPERATIONS 11. Constustion end Maintenance of lhe Eloe'tric Sunplv Line. 11.1 Licsnseo shall notfi Liceneo,'s Roedmasbr, al60Frf Aw N, Greybult, WY 82426, tehplwo $An 7654235 et least ten (10) buslness days prior lo installatbn of thc Electric Supply Line and prlor to entering tha Premises for any zuboaquent malntenance thengon. In the event of emorgerry, Li,censee shall notlfy Licensor of Li:eneea's entsy onb the Premises at the td€phone number abors aE soon a6 pmctlcable and ehall prompfly tlremafier fdlow up with wri$en notioe of such enhy. 11.2 Llcenseab on-gito supervisors shallrelalry'malntain a fully etecutad copy of this Licsnse at all timeg whlle on the Premises. 11.3 l,Yhlle on the Prcmlses, Ueensee shall use only publlc roadwap to cross from one slde of Liosnsofs tracks to lhe other. 11.4 Any conhadors or subcontrac&rs performing uork on the Electrlc Supply LinE or enterlng the Prernises on behalf of Lioensee shall be daemed servants and agenB of Licensee for purposm of thls Lleanee. 11.5 Undar no condltlonE Ehall Licensee be permitted to conduct any bsh, inveatigatione or any other *tlvtty uslng medranlzed equipment and/or macfilnery, or place or slore arry mechaniad equipment tools or other materials, rvithin tnenty-five (25) feet of the centedlne d any railroad tradt on the Premis* unlegs Licansee has obtainad prlor wdtten appoval from Liensor. Licensae shall, at tF sole co6t and expense, perform all activities on and about the Premlses in euch a rnanmr as not at any tlme to endanger or interfere with 0 lhe existenoe or uaB of present or future tracks, roadbeds. or property of Licensor, (li) the safe operation and activltlas of Llcensor or a<leting third partbe, or (iii) tte rigtrtc or lnteresb of thlrd partles. lf ordered b oeaee uslng the PremlEes at any time by Liceneor's personnel due trc any hazados condition, Uoeneee shall immediaHy do so. Notrithstanding the furegoing right of Uoeneor, he partias agree that Liceneor hro no duty or oHigatbn to monibr Licengee's uea d the Premises b determina the $af6 nafure thercol lt belng eoldy Liemee'o responsibility to €ntur€ thai Licensoe's use of ihe Premleee is sde. Neiths the exerciea nor tlp failure by Ucensor to exercisa any righte granted ln thls Sec'tion wlll alter the liability allocatlon pmvided by this Licenee. 11.4 Lioensee shdl, at its sole cost and expense, consbuct and maintain ihe Electric Supply Une in such a mam€r and of such materlel that the Electrh Supp{v Line will not at any Ume endarpor or lnterferc wifr (i) the odstanoe or use of preeent or fufure tracl6, madbeds, or property o,f Llensor, (ii) the safe operaffon and actMties of LhBrBor or existing third parties, or (iii) the rights or inter€sts of thkd partias. The construcffon of he Eleddc Supply Line shall be cornpleted within one (1) ysar of tha Efiecfive Dat€, and arry subsequsnt malntenarrce shdl be completed within one (1) year of initiation. Wlthln flfieen (15) days after complet'pn of the conattrc'tion st the Elec{ric Supply Line or the performance of any subsequant mairfrnance ther€on, Llcensee shdl, at Licengeds own oost and erpeneE, restore tha Premiess lo substantially their Etats aB of the EffBctive Dste, unlecs ffiierwbs appmrrad in advance by Ucaneor ln wrltlrg. On or before aplratlm or trenniration of th's Lk;ense fur arry nffixson, Llcensee shall, at lis sole cosl and sxpen66, eurender ttre Premises b Licensor pursuant to iha brms and conditions sEt forh in Scctlm 24 hered. 11.7 Lbsneor may direct one or more of its ffEld ergineus to obsene or lnepect the corusbrrclion andlor malntenance of fte Eleetrlc Supply Line al any time for cunpliarrce wlth th6 Drawlngs and -3-Fqm421; RErr.201{0801 12. Tnacldng #15-54261 Speclllcatlons and Legal Requirements (defined below). lf ordered at any time to halt consbuction or maintenanee of the Electic Supply Line by Licsnso,'e personnel due to rnn-compllance wi$r the Orawings and Specificatbns or any other haardous condition, Licensee shall immediately do so. Notwifistanding the foregoing rlght of Ucensor, the parti,es agroe thet Licensor hae no duty or obl'4gation to observe or lnspect, or to halt work on, the Elecflc SrJpply Line, it being solely Licensee's raeponslblllty b ensure tut th€ Elgcfic Supply Line ls construcbd and maintained in strict accordance wlth the Drawingc and Speclflcations and ln a sde and wprkmanllke manner ln compllance wilh all tenns heresf. Nelther the exercis€ of, nor the failure by Licensor b exerdge, any right granted by thh Sec,tion will alter ln any way the llabillty allocaiion prorided by ttis License. lf at any Ume Ucensee shall, in the sole fudgment of Licensor, fall to properly perform lts obllgathns under this Scc{ion l'1, Licensor may, al ib option and at Lbeneee'g sole o<pense, ananga for ttre perfomance of such uork as it &eme necessary for tre safsty of lta operations and actM$as, Llcensea shall pmmpUy relmburse Licensor for all costs and expenses of such work, pursuant & the terms of Srcflon 8. Licensor's fallure b perform any obllgations of Lhene€e ahall not alter the llabll lty allocation hereunder. 11.8 Ucensee shall, at its Eole mst and expense, comtnrct and al all times malntain the Ebcfic Supply Line in aocordane with tha l',tational ElEctic Safety Code. 11.9 lf the operatbn or maintenance of lhe Eledric Supply LinE al any ffme causes interbrence, inc{udlrp but not llmited to physical interference fmm electromagneth induction, electrcstalic lnduciion, orfom stray or olher cunEnts, witt the facilities of Ucensor or of any less€a or licansee d Licgnsar, or ln any maruter ir*erfere wilh the operation, rnaintenance, or usg by Licenoor of lb right-of-rray, hacks, slructrrcs, pole lineo, slgnal and communhaton llnes, radio, or other equipment devkxs, other pmperty or appurtenancee thereb, Llceneee egroes immedialely to make sudr changes in tha Electrio Supply Une and fumish srrch protec.tive devies andlor raplacement equipmant to Li,censor and its leseees or li:ensees as ehall be neessary, in lhe Judgmenl of Licensor's representative, to eliminab suoh lnErfercnce. The cost of such prutectlve d€vbee and theh inEtallations shall be bome solaly by Lbensee. lf any of he interferenm coyerd by thls Sectlon ll.9 shall be, in the judgment d Lipneor, of such importance to the safety of Lk:ensofe operations as to raquire imnpdHe cotucfive action, Llcaneee, upon notice fom Licensor, shall either, at Llceneods electirn, oease ualng the Eleelric Supply Lins fur eny purpose whahoever and rernove same, or reduce the rohage or had on the Electrlc Supply Line, or take euch oth6r lnledm protsctlve meaeures as Ucensor may deem advlsable, untll the protec{ive devlces and/or rcplacemanl equlprneril requircd by thls Sac.tion {1.9 have been installed, put in oporatlon, tgsted, and found to be satisfadoryb conectthe lntqrfercnca. fi "1A License€ shell, at itb sole coot and expengo, remo\re all combustibla materblfrorn around nnsden poles oo $e Fremises, lf any, and wlll at all timee keep he speca around zuc*r poles ftee of srlgh materlal, and if rernoval of euch combustlblo material shall not be aftendEd to wlth llfieon (15) days der having been mquestod by Uceneor to do so, Ucensor shall have the rlght itrself b perform the work and Licensse heteby agre€s b ralmburcs Uoenaor for tlre expsnse so inqrred. Borinq anq Exca\.allon. 'l'2.1 Prior to Llcans€e eondudlng any boring, excavation, or similar r,vurk on or about any porlion of the Pnerfliass, Licensee shall explore the poposed location for such trvork with hand tools to a desh of at least tnee (3) feei bdorr tha surf;aoe of lhe ground to determine whEthar pipellnee or other slructures exist belov the eurfiace, p&!&j(l, horrvernr. that in lieu d the foregoing, Licensee shall have the right b use sultraHe dEtedion equpment or o&er generally accoptpd industry pradiee (e.9., consultirg wlth lhe Underyrourd Ssrvbes Association) to datermino the exlstonce sr location Form 421: Rcy.2014(}8tll Tmcklrg #1564,281 of pipelines and other subsurface strtJotures prhr to drilling or excavafing with mechenizsd oqulpm€nt. Lkxnseo may request informalion from Licensor concernlng the existence and approxlmab bcation of Llcersols undergrcund lines, utilitios, antl pipelines at or near ttre viclnlty of the poposed Elecbic Supply Lire by contacthg Licenaofs Teleeommunications Helpdeok at least thirly (30) businoss dayt pnor to inetallation of the Electic Supdy Llne. Upon recetulng Llceneee's timely r?quest. Llcensor will provlde Lbemee with the intormation Liceneor ha in lts posseeslon regardlng any exieting undengrpund lines, utilties, and pipelines at or near the vlcinity of the propoaed Electrlc $upply Line and, I applicable, identily ths lo@tion of srrctr llnes on the Prernises pursuant b Ucensor's standard prcceduro. Licensor doc mt wanant tha accuracy or offiiplstaness of lrformation rclatirp to subsurf;ace condilons of fte PrBmises and Liens€e's operations will bo subjec{ at all times to ttre l'nbility prwisions herein. 12.2 For all bores greater lhan 2&inch diameW and at a depth less than 10.0 feet below bottom of rall, a soil invastigation musi ba performed by Llccnsee and rwiawad by Lioeneor prior to construc{ion. Thls rtudy is to dEtermine if granular matedal io prcoant, and to p"vent subsldencs during the installation prceess. lf the intestlgatbn dEtermlnes in Ucenao/s rcaeomble opinlon that granular rnaterbl is pres€nt, Licensor may mled a new location br Lhene€a's us/e, or may require Lbensse to fumlsh ior Lienso/s rwiew and approval, in Licenso/e sole rllscretion, a ramedid plan lo deal wlth ihe granula materid. Once Ucsrnor has approved any sucfi remedhl phn ln *riting, Uoemee shall, at Llcensee's sole cosl and expense, carry out the approved plan in aocordance wih all&rms thereof and haresf. 12.9 Any open hole, boring, or $Ell, oonstrucbd on the Promises by Licanse shall be safely mrrered and eecured at all tima when Llcenseo is not working ln the actual vhlnity ftereof. Fdlowlng comdetion of that por0on of the urork, all hds or buings consfitded on lhe Premlsas by Lloensee eha[ bs: 12.3.1 fllled in to surrourdlng ground lstrel with ompacted bontonltg grout; or 12,3,2 otherutise securcd or retired in accordance with any applkrble Leg€l Roqulr€mafit. tlo excava(ed matadals may rernain on Llcensor's proporty for mora than tan (10) days, but must be properly diapood of by Licensee In acoordance wlth applicable Legal Rqulremente. LIAEILITY AND INSURAIIICE 13. Liabilitvardlndemniflcatbn. 13.1 For purposes of thie License: (a) "lndemnitaae" means Licensor and Llcansods afiillded compani€s, partners, st ocggsonl, assigns, legd representatiws, o,fficers, dirac{ors, shsrehold€rs, employo€& and agents; (b) f-iabllltleto means all chims, liablliti*, finee, penalties, co6tE, damags, loss*, liena, caug€g sf aclion, suits, demande, Judgmants, and expens€e (ineluding, lrrlthotrt limitatbn, ootttt cogta, raeonable etbmgla'feea, costs of lnvestigation, lemovat and rcmediatbn, and gorremmentrl oversight oostB) grwironmental or oherwise; and (c) 'Llcurrc Parllecn maans Lloenseo or Ucenses'B orfricsrs, agents, invlteee, lbercees, employees, or contldors, or any party dlrea*ty or lndlrdy emplolred by any of them, or any perty they conhol or Exeiclse oontrol or/er. 13.2 TO Tl{E FULI-EsT ETTENT FERililTTED BV LAW, UCEI{SEE $}rALl* Al{D SHALL gAUSE ITS COIIITRAGTOR TO, RELEA,$E, lilDElll{lFY, DEFEIIID AHD HOLD HARITLESS IilDEilillTEEs FOR, FRO]', ATiID AGAIiIST AiIY AHD ALL LIAB|uNES OF A}.IY XATURE, Fonr .lilt; Rsv. 20{/t0801 Tncldng #15.54261 K!ND, OR DESCRrpTlOlr DTRECTLY OR TNDIRECTLY ARISIHG Ol,rT OF, RESULTTNG FROttt, oR RELATEDTO (rll tVl{OLE OR l}I PART}: 13.2.1 THIS LICENSE, INCLUDII\IG, IffITHOUT LIMTTATION, IT$ ET{VIRONTIIENTAL PROVIStOHS, {3.2.2 ANY RIGHTS OR INTERESTS GRANTED PURSUANTTO THIS LICEilSE 13.2.3 LICENSEES OCCUPATION AilD USE OF THE PREHISES, 13,2,4 THE EI{V'RONIIIEI{TAL CONDITPI{ AIIID STATUS OF THE PREMIEES CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO BY LICEI{SEE, OR 13.2.5 ANY ACT OR Ollll$SlOil OF AIIIV LICEN8EE FARTY. 13.3 TO THE FULLEST EI(TE'{T PERIIIfTED BY LAW, LrcENSEE HOW AI{D FOREVER WAIVES AiIY AI{D ALL CLAIT|S THAT BY VIRTUE OF Er{TERlt{G lt{TO THIS UCEI{SE, LICEITISOR lS A GE{ERATOR, OUrr{ER, OPERATOR, ARRA}IGER, OR TRANSPORTER FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE COMPREHET{S]VE ENUNONTENTAL RESPONSE, COIIiPEHSANON, AITD LI,ABIUW ACT, A3 AilEHDED {*CERCLA"I OR OTHER ENVIROHIilENTAL LAWS {DEFNED BELOW}. UCEXSEE WLL INDEHNIFY, DEFEI{D, AND HOLD THE ITTIDEHN'TEES HARiiLESS FROH ATTIY AIiID ALL SUCH CLAMS. ]'IOTHIT{C IN T}IIS LICETTISE 18 ITIEA}.IT BY EITHER PARTY TO COI'ISTTTUTE A WAIVER OF ANY IT{DEMil|TEB8 COITUO}I CARR,ER DEFEITISES AND THIS LICEI{SE SHOULD liIO'T BE $O COIIISTRUED. IF AilY AGENCY OR COURT GOI{8TRUE3 THI$ LICEil$E TO BE A WATVER OF ATTIY IHDE]SNITEE'S GOTMOII CARRIER DEFENSES, UCET{SEE AGREES TO IHDETUNIFY, HOLD HAR}ILES3, AND DEFEI{D INDEMI{ITEES FOR /TT{Y LIABILITIEE REI-ITED TO THAT COilSTRUCTION OF THIS LlCEItlgE lN t{O EltEIuT AS BETWEEI{ UCEilSOR At{D LlCEltlSEE AS TO UsE OF THE PBEIj|ISES A8 GO}ITEIIIPL TED BY THF UCENSE 6HAIL LICE}TSOR BE RESPONSIBLE TO LICEI{sEE FOR THE EHVNOilHE}ITAL GOT{DITION OF THE PREHIsE8. 13,4 IF AI{Y EI,PLOYEE OF AHY UCEITISEE PARTY AS$ERTS THAT HE OR 8HE IS A'tI EilPLOYEE OF ANY INDEIiI{ITEE, TO THE FULLEST EXTEIIIT PERH]TTED BY I..,.AW, LICEH$EE SllALL, At{D SHALL CAUSE tr$ COi|TRASTOR TO, RELEASE, INDEilH|FY, DEFEXD, At{D HOLD THE I},DEI$NITEES HARITLE$S FROiI At{D AcAlHgT AtrlY LlABltmES ARIS|HG OUT OF OR RELATED TO {ril W}|OLE OR ttit pAnn AI{y $UCH ASSERTION I}ICLUDING, EUT NgT Lffi;TED TO, ASSERTIOiI$ OF EHPTJOYHENT BY Ail Ii{DEiINITEE RELATED TO Tl{E FOLLOWII{G OR Al{Y PROGEEDIIIIGS THEREUI{DER: THE FEDERAL EMPTOYERS'LIABIUTY A6f, TTIE SAFETYAPPLIANCE ACT, THE LOGOT$OTTVE INSPECIIOil ACT, THE OCCUPEirPNAL SAFETY AilD HEALTH ACT, THE RESOUBCE GOITISERVATION A$lD RECOVERYACT, AND AIIIV SIiilILARSTATEORFEDERALSTATUTE. 13.5 TI{E FOREGOII{G OBUGATIOHS OF LICENSEE $HALL XOT APPLY TO THE E'CTEilT LIABILITIES ARE PROXIMATELY CAU$ED BY THE GROSS HEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL TIIITTCONDUCT OF AITIY ITIIDEHilITEE, BUT SHALL APPLY TO ALL OTHER LIABIUTIE$ fiCLT,DIHG THO$E ARIBIi{G FROM OR ATTRIBUTED TO AI'IY OTHER ALLEGED OR AETUAL I{EGUGENCE, I]{TENTIOI{AI ACTS, OR STRICT LIABILITY OF ET{Y II{trEI'I{ITEE. 13.6 Upon wrlhen notiee from Licensor, Licensm agro€s to aseume the defense of any laurutt or olher proceedirp brought againsl any lndemnitee by any entity, relating to sny matter oovgrsd by this Lbsnse for which Llcensaa haa an oblilption to assume lhbilityfor andlor save and hold harmless any lrdsmr$tee. Licensee shall pay dl cosls and expensee incident b guch dsfanse, lncluding, but *8-Forn 421: Rst.20140801 13. Trackirg #15-542S1 not limitd lq reasonaHe atbrneys'fees, investigators' feas, lltigatlon and appeal expeftiesr setffement paymenB, and amounh paid in satisfaotion of Judgmenb. Parsonal Prooerty Risk of Loss. ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY, tNGLUBIilG, BUT HOT LHffiD TO, H)ffURES, EQUIPTE}TT, OR RELATED iIATERIALIT UFOI{ THE PRE]frISES U'ILL EE AT THE RISK OF LICEilSEE ONLY, AtrlD HO lilDEMillrEE W|LL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAlllAcE THERETO OR THEFT THEREOF, i'TIHETIIER OR NOT DUE IN WHOLE OR Iil PART TO THE HEGUOEilCE OF ANY 11{DEmilmE. lnsurance. Liersee shall, at its sole oost and Expense. procur€ and maintiain durlng the life of thls Lioense the followlng tnsuence coverage: 15.1 Commerdal General Llabilltv lnsurance. This insurance shall contain boad form oontr*tual liabilily with a cornbined single llmlt of a mlnlmum of $2,0(m,000 ecft occurrence ard an aggregab limlt of al leagt $4,000,000 but in no event less than the arnount otherwke canied by Licensee. Coverage must ba purchased on a post 2m4 lSO {rccurenco or quivalent and include covemge for, but not limitad to, the folloring:r Bodlly lniury and Proporty Damagei Personal lniury arxd Adwrtislng Injury ' Fire legalliability ' Products ard compHed operatone This pollcy shall also contaln the folbwing endorsernenb or langu4e, wtrlch shall be indlcstsd on the cartiliate of lnsuranco:I The deflnltion of insured confact shall be amerded to remove any excluslon or other lirnilation for any rork belng done within 50 feet of railrcad property.. Waiver of subrogathn ln favor of and acceptable to Llmnsor.. Addltlonal lneumd endorsernent in favor of and ampttable to Licensor and Jones Lang LaSalle Bmkarage,lnc,. Separatlcn of ineureds. The policy shall be pnmary and nonontrfluting wlth negpact to any insunnoe canhd by Lloensor. It is agrced that the rrurkero' cornpenBallon and employars' liabillty related exclusions in the Commerclal General Lhblity lnsurance polic(s) required harcin arc intended to apply to ampbpm of the pollcy holder and shall nol apply b Lknsofs emfioycee. No otherendosaments limltlng coverage maybe indudd on the policy. 16,2 Business Aubmobile lngurance. This insurancs ehall contain a comHned slng{e limit of at least $1,000,000 per occunarrce, and irxdude cor€rage for, but not lirnlbd to the following:. Bodily injuryand propedydamage.. Any and all vehit:les oulned, used or hired. Thb policy shall also mntain the following endorsements, wtrich shell bo indieated on thg cartiflcate of insumnco: . Waiver of subrcgntiron in favw of an<l aceptable to Llcensor.. Addlsonal lnsured endorsemeflt in favr of and amptable to Llcansor.. Soper?tion of lnsufds. -7-Form,l21; Rcv. 20'la080l Trackhg #15-41261 . The polhy shall be pimary and non*onsibuling with respect to any inEurance cenird by Lhensor. 15.3 Workers' Comoensatlon and Emdovers' Lhbilitv lnsurane. Thls iruurance shall include coverage for, but not llrnited to:. Licensee's statutory liability under the wsrkers'compensation laue of the shte(s) in which tte sarvim are to ba performed. lf optlornl under stsle laue, thE insurarre musl covsr all amSoyees anywaY. " EmpLe!,ers' Liability (Part B) with llmlts of at lea$ $500,000 each accilent, $500,000 by disease polirry lim[, S500,000 by dbease eadt employree. Thls pollry shall also contain tho follorvlng endoreemsnts or language, wtrich shall be lndicated on the certfiete of insurance: ' Waivsr of subrogation in farmr of and acceptaHe to Llcensor. 15.4 Rallroad Pmtec'tiva Liabilitv lnsurance. This insurance shall narne only Licensor as the lnsured with mveragE of at laast $2,000,0(X) per occursnca and $6,000,000 in the a{lgr6gata. The coverry€ obtainad under thls policy shall only be sffecti'rc during the Inltlal inslrallation and/a construction of rh€ Boctric Snpply Llne. THE COilSTRUCTION OF THE ELECTRIG SUPPLY LIHE SHALL BE COIIPLETEO MTHIN OilE (l) YEAR OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE. F further maintenane of $e Eleotrlc Supply Une b n€eded at a leter date, an additional Railroad Protec{iw Liabillty lnsurance Pollcy shall be required. The policy shall be lssued on a standard ISO form CG 00 35 12 03 and include the following: ' Endorsed to indude ihs Pollution Exdusion Arnendment.. Endonsed to include the Umited Seepage and Pollution Endorsement.. Endorced to lnduda Eracuation Expense Coverage Endorsament. ' No other endorsemEnb resbicting co/€regg may be addsd.. The orlglnal policy must be provided to Li{Bnsor prior to performing any work or servicas under this Lioense.. Definltlon of 'l,hyeical Damage to Propertf shall be erdorsed to rsad: *means dlt€et and accidenhl loss of or damage to all property orned by any named lneured and all poperty in any nam6d insurcd's car€, cusbdy and confol ariaing oul of tho ac{s or omi$bns of the contracbr named on tha Dmlanations.' ln lieu d provilW a Raikoad Protective Lbbil@ PaW, for a period of one (1) par frorn the Efiecliw Date, Lbensee may partidpato in Licanso/s Elanket Railroad Prdeetive Liability Irxuranr,e Policy availaHe to Lioen$ee or lE oontractor. The limits cf covsrage ar€ the sam6 ffi above. The coat is 34,fi1.00. n ldoct to partldpate in Ucensor's Blanket Policy; il lalmt not !o partidpate in Lhansor"e Blankot Poliey. 15.5 Ofisr Reauifempnb: 15.5.1 Where allorable by law, all polbies (applyrns to coverage listed above) shall contaln no excluslon for punitive damages. 15.5.2 Lbensea agrses to walve ib rigtrt of recovery against Liensor for all daime and suits 4ralnsl Lloensor. ln addiilon, Llcensee's irsurers, through the terms of the policy or a policy erdorsament, must waive their dght of subrogation against Licaneor fur all daims .8-Fqn421t Rcv.20140801 Tt.s]ckirg#1$542O1 and suits, and the oertificate of insurancs must reflect the $lalver of subrogaUon endorsement. Licsns€€ further uairres its right of recovery, and its insurers must also walve thelr rlght of srSrogntion against Licensor for loss of Licensee's srned or lasd property, or proparly under Licensee's care, cusbdy, or control. 15.5.3 Liensee ls not allowed to self{nsura wlthout the prior written consent of Lioensc. lf granted by Licensor, any self-irsurcd retentlon or other financial responsibflity for daims shall be covered dilectly by Llceneee in lieu of insurance. Any and all Liceneor llabilifies that utorld othenrtise, in acmrdance wtth the provkions of his Llcense, be covered by Liensee's insurance will be cwtred as if Licensee elecled not to inchde a seJf-insured retention or olhry fi nancial responslblllty for claims. 15.5.4 Prlor b entering tha Pramises, Licensee shall furnbh to Licensor an arcptable certificEto(s) of insurance including an original signafurd of tha aulhodzed repr$entatlve evidencing the requlrcd coverage, endonements, and amendments. Llcensee shall notlfy Llcensor in urlting at least 30 days prior to any canmllation, non-Jsnenilal, substi&rtion, or material atteration. ln the event cf a daim or hvusuit involving Licensor arislng out sf this Uoenae, Lhensee will mako avallable any required polhy cowring such chim or latreui{. 15.5.5 Any insurance poltcy slell be wrfiten by a reputable insurance company acceptab{e to Lkrneor or wlth a currenl Besfs Guide Rating of A- ard Clms Vll or better, and authorizod to do buslness in lhe state(s) in which the service is to be prwidd. 15.5.6 lf mverage is purciased on a 'claims made' basig, Licensae tereby agrees to rnaintain coverage in forcs for a mhlmum of firee years after expiratlon or tarmination of thls Lioense. Anrudly, Llcense€ agrees to povide evldance of suc*r coverags a requked hereunder, 15.5.7 Licenree r€prosents that thls Licenae has b6en thormghly reviewed by Licensee's insuranse agen(s[broke(s), wtto hava been instruded by Licensee to procure the lnsurance covorage required by this Llcense. Allocated Loss Expenea ehall bs in addlton to all polby limib for ooverages refarenced above. 15.5.8 l.lot more frequently than once every five years, Licensor rnay reasonebly modlff he required hsuranca oo\rsrage to refieot thenq.rnent risk management pradices in the railroad industy and underwriting prdies in the in$urenoe industry. 15.5.9 lf any portion of the operation is to be subcontracted by Llcensee, Ucensee shall require that the subcontraaor shall provide and maintain insurance covorees as set forth herein, namirg Lic.eneor m an additional insured, and ehall mquira that the suboontrastor slmll release, d*nd and indernnlff Licenaor b the same extent and undEr the same terms and condltions m Lioensee is requlred to nEhass, defend and lndemniff Licensor hereln. 15.5.10 Failum to provide evldence as Fqulred by this $eotlon t5 shall entitle, but not require, LicensCIr to tgrminate this License immediately. Accaptanca of a oertificale that dom not comply with lhls Sedion shall not operate as a t*ahaer of Liensee's obligalions hersunder. -9-Form 421: Rsv. 2014080t Trae*ing #1S54261 15.5.11 The fac-t that insurance (lncluding, without limitation, self-insurance) is obtained by Lloens$ shall not bE desmed to relea$e or diminhh the liaHlity sf Uc6nsee, induding, without limitation, lhbility under lhe indemnity provisionr ol his License. Damages recovereble by Licensor ehall not be limlted by th6 amount of the required lnsurance cov€rags. 15-5.12 Thesa insuranca provisions are interded to be a separate and distinct obligation on the parl of the Licensee. Thergfore, hesa provisions shall be enfurceable and Licrnsee shall ba bound thereby regardleas of whether or not indemnity provisiors are determined to be enforeeable. 15.5.13 For prrpoaea of &i$ $ection 15, Licengor ehall mean 'Burlington Norhem Santa Fe LLC", 'BNSF Railvuay Companf and the subsidiarieg, sucffisoxs, asolgrs and afiiliateg of each. COMPLIANCE wlTH LAWs. REGUISTIONS. AND ENVIROIII}IENTAL ]UATTERS t6. CompliarEe with l-aws, Rules. and Rqulations. 16.1 Licensee ehall observe ard comply with any and all lauc, s&tutes, regulations, ordlnances, orders, covstanb, restidhns. or decisions of any court of competont jurlsdiction ("Legal Requlrenrentr') relating to ihe construction, maintenanoe, and use of the Elegtrie Supply Line and the usa of the Prembes. 162 Prior to entaring the Prcmiees, Lirxnsee shall ard shall cause ib contractor(s) to comfly wlth all of Licensods applicable safiety rules and reguldions. Lloensee must ernure that each cf ih employees, @ntractors, agente or inviteEg enlering upon fie Premisw oomphtes the safety orbnhlion program at the Webslle "wuar,ElVSFoontact*.oonf (th€ tddy Orbnffiion') within one yrgar prior to entering upon lhe Prembas. Additionally, Licansee muEt ensura ttral eactr and errery emf,oyee of Licenss, hs conhacbrs, agenb and invltees possoss a cad cerlifying mmpbtion of fte $afety Orientation ffir to aniaing upon the Prembes. Licensee must renew the Safety Orientation annually. 16.3 Liceneoa eflall obtain on or before the date it s its ontactor entars the Prsrnises, any and all addi[onal rights.of way, easemsnB, licenses and other 4reernents relating b the grant of righb and intelesb in and/or eocst to $e Prernbes (collectivelp the'Rights") and surch ofier rights, Iicanses, pennlte, authorizations, and approvals (lrrcludlng without llmihtion, any n€cesssry local, stiato, &rd or flbal authorizations and erwirunmental pennits) that are nocesBary in order to permlt Lioensee to corstruct mainbin, own and oporste the Ebctie Supply Line and otterulse to perfrrn ih oblbations hsreunder In aooordance u4th the lerms and condltions hereof. 16.4 Llffineee shall efthsr require that lhe inltid e@d term d each such Righb be for a p€riod that does not otpilt, in acordance with lb ordinary lerms, p&x to the lasl day ol the term of this License or, if the lnltial statect lerm of any sucfi Rlght expires in accardane with its ordinary terms on a dde eadhr than the last day of the term cf thls Llcense, Licansee shall, at ib oost, orerEise any Fencwal rights thszunder, or otherwise acguire such extensions. addlfons Endlor rcplacemenB as may be neoessary, In order lo cau8e the stated torm lhercof to be oontinued unul a date that ls not ealler $an the het day d the term of thh Llcenae. -10-Fclnl2l; Rev.20140801 Traeking*155/,261 16.5 Upon the expfuration or terrnination of any Rigtrt ttrat is ItecaEsery in oder for Llcensee to ofli1, operate or use the Electric Supply Line in accordance with the terms and cordiUons of lhis Liense, this LicensE theneby ahall automatlcally opire upon such explration or tarmination of &a Right. 17 Envlronmental, 17.1 Licaneee shall slictly comply with all federal, state and local envlronmental Legal ReguiremenE and rqulatlons in tb use of lhe Prtmbes, irrcluding, but not limited to, the Reeouroe Conservation and RmveryAE*, as amended (RCRA), tha Clean WaterAct, tha Oil Pollution Ad, the Hazardqis Matedals Transportation Act, and CERCLA (collectlvdy refened to as the Snvironmrntal Lilr). Licensee shall not mainbin a treatment, storage. trangfer or disposal faclllty, or undergmund shrege tank, as deflned by Envircnmental Laws on the Pemises. Lhensee shall not ralease or suffEr the releae of oil or hazardous substan@s, as delirpd by Environmental Laurs on or about the Premises. 17.2 Liceneee mrretunb frrat it will no( lrandle or hansport Trazadous tlesteo or trazardoue sub6liances", as *haardous wast€" and 'hazardous substancos" may now or in the future be definsd by any fedaral, stat€. or local goranmsnbl agensy or body on the Premia*. Uensee agra€s pgriodically to furnish Uconsor with proof, *aUsfa$ry lo Licensor that Lioensee is in compliane vt ith $e provblons of this Sedlon I 7.2. 17.9 Lloenseo ahallgiw Lbneor lmmedialo notice to Ucenso/s Resource Operations Csntar al (800) 832-5452 of any knottn {il rdease of hazardoua substances on, ffom, or affiecting the Premises, (ii} vlolatlon of Envlronmental Lauc, or (lll) lnspection or inquiry by gorernmantal authoritiee charged with enforclrg Environrnental Laws wi6t rcspeet to Llenseeb uee dthe Prcmises. Ucensee shall usa the baet efforle to promp$y reepond to any rdeaee on, from, or affec*ing lhe Premieos. Licens€e also shall give Licensor immediate rptce of all measures undertaken on behalf of Uoensee to inweligate, rgmedlate, respond to or otherwiss ctrB sncfi relase orviolation. 17.1 lf Li,censor has notioe from Lhansee or othenrvisa of a release or vidatlon of Environmer{al Laun arislng in any way wlth rsspsct tro the Electric &Jpply Une whlc*r omrrred or may ocanr durlrg tha term of tfrls Llcenee, Lbensor may rsquir€ Licensee, at Llaansae'e soh risk and oeense, to take tlmely measurea to lnvestgEte, remedhte, respond to or othanrisa curc sueh releas€ or violation affec{ng ths Prernisas or Llcensods right<f-way. 17.6 Llcansee shall prompty reptrt to Licensor ln writing any conditlons or aotivities upon the Premises knorn tp Li:ensee which wte a rbk of ham lo p€rsons, propsly or tle environment and shall take whabver action b neceusary tc prevent injury to pE BonE, property, or the envimnment arising out of sucfr condilions or actvlliar; prwided, hoilavor, that Licenseeb reporting to Licansor shall rpt rslle\r€ Lirrrsee of any obligalbn whaboever impoeed on it by thb Ltoense. Lhensee ehall pfiompw rspond to Lkrnsols request br infomatirx regarding saH oonditions or mtivilies. DIECLAIiIER OF WARRAI{TIES 18. No Vl/anantieo. 18.1 UcElrlSOR'E DUTIES AND UYARRANTIES ARE LHffED TO THO$E Ef,PRESSLY STATED N THIS LICEHSE AND S}IAIL NOT IHCLUDE AHY IMPLIED DI.'TIES OR IMPUED 1IVARRANilES, NOYY OR lN THE FUTURE NO REPRESEITITAIOIIS OR WARRANTIE$ HAVE BEEN MADE BY LICENSOR OTHER THA}I THOSE CONTAINED N TTIIS LICEI{SE. LICENEEE TIEREBY SIAII'ES AilY AilD ALL IIIARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR ITPL'ED, ITIT}I -11 *Form /Pl: Rev. 201'O801 Tracking #1Se1261 RESPECT TO THE PREHISES OR YIIHICH MAY EXIST BY OPERATION OF LAW OR IN EQUITY, IHCLUDI}{G, WTHOUT LIlllTATlON, ANY IYARRAiTTY OF ltiERCHAlilTABlLlTY, HABITABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 18.2 LEEN$OR UAI(ES NO WARRANTY, REPRESENTATTOT{ OR COt{DrTtOt{ OF At{y K|ND, EXPRESS OR r[rPLrED, COt{GERr{rilG (A} THE SCOPE OF Tr{E LICEI{SE OR OTHER RTGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER TO LTCEilgEE OR (Bl WHETHER OR NOT L|CE[{$EPS coNsTRt cTtoi,t, IiAINTENAi{GE, oUYI{ERSH!P, UgE OR OPERAT|oN OF THE ELEGTRTC SUPPLY LINE wlLL lrlOLATE OR IXFRINGE UPON THE RIGHTE, INTERESTS Al'lD ESTATES OF THIRD PARTIES, IilCLUDIilG, I,UITI{OUT LMTTAT|OT.I, ANV LEASES, USE RIGHTS, EA8EilENT8 AND LIEH$ OF AT{Y THIRD PARTY. 19. Dlsdaimer of Waranly for Quiet Eniovmant. LICEHSOR DOES NOT WARRANT ITS TffLE TO THE PREM|$ES l{OR UNDEHTAI(E TO DEFEND LICETTISEE IH THE PEACEABLE POSSE$EIOH OR USE THEREOF. NO COI,ENAIIT OF SUIET E}IJOYTJTENT Ig UADE 20. Eviction at Bilk_of L@nsee. ln case of the evistion sf Licensee by anlone ownlng, clalming tiile to, or ctsiming any interest in he Premlses, or by the abandonment by Licensor of the Efieded rall conidor, Licensor slull not be liable (l) b r€frrnd Licensee any compensalion paid hereunder, excepl for ihe prarata part of any reanning charge paid ln adrnanco, or (ii) for any damage Licansee sushlns ln connection wlth the evlction. LIET{S AT{D TAXES 21. Lieng and Q.lEtrues. Licensee shall pmmptly pay and discharge any and all lierxs arbing out cf any oonsfudion, alterathns or rcpairs done, suffEred or permitted b be done by Uenseg on PrernlE*. Licsnsor is heraby authorized to poat any notices or take any other action upon or wlth resped to Premises that is or may be permitted by lar to prevent the attiachment of any sucfi liens to Prcmlses; provided, howevel that failure of Licensor to take any such actbn ehall not relleve Ucensee of any oblfation or lhblltty urder this $cc*lan 21 or any other $edlon of thls Lloense. 22. Tarce. Lhenss€ shall pay when due any tiaxos, assessmefiE or olher chargos (collectively, Taxer') leyled or easees€d by any gonmmental or quasi-gowrnmenbl body upon the Elaoffh $upply Llne or any o$rer lmprorements constructed or lrstalled on the Prumi,ses by or for Lioensee (coHeclively, tha 'lmprovornonts') or any Tacaa levied or asscsod agairct Licensor or the Prsmlse that ara altrifutabh to lhe lmpovements. DEFAULT. TERIIiIi{ATIOH. A]{D SURRENDER 23. Default and Tenntnafion ln addition to and not in limltration of Llcenso/s right to lerminate for failurs to govlde anldence of hsurance as rcquired pursuant to the terms of Socffon 15, tte follon{ng evenb are also deemed b be evente of default pursuant to which Licensor has ttE rlght to terminate es s€,t hrth below: 23J lf dEfault shall be rnade in any of Licensee's covsnants, agruernenb, or obligations aontalned in this License and Lkrnseo {aib to cum said default wlthln thirty (30} dap after ryri&en notioe is provided to Llcensee by Li,oensor, or ln case of any assignment or banEfer of thls Llcense in violation of Sectlon 26 belot#, Ucensor may, al its optlon, terminate this License by servlng five {5) dala' notice in writing upon Lkensee. Notwifrstandlng the foregoing, Licensor shgll have the right b ierminate thie Lierrs Immedbtaly il Llcanse falle to prorlde evklenoe of lnsuranct * roquircd ln Scc{on 15. -12-Form'l2l; Rey. 20f 40801 24. Tra*lng #1$,54261 23.2 Should Licensee rrt comply tully with the obligations of $ectlon 17 regarding the handling or heneporting of hazardous wasta or haurdous material, notwtlhctanding anything contalned in any other provlsion of this License, Lioensor may, at lts optlon, terminate this Lloense by serving fr,re (5) da16'notioe of brmination upon Licansee. 23.3 Any uahrer by Llcensor of any defiault or defauhs shall not constitute a waiver of the right b ierminate this License for any subsequent default or defaults, nor slpll any *uch waiver in any way affecl Llcensods ability to enforce any Section of thia Llcenss. The remedy set forth ln thie Section 23 shall ba in addttlon b, and not ln llmhtion d, any ofier remedles that Llcensor mry luve at lau or in aquity. 23.4 ln addition to and not in limitation of Licenso/s rights to terminab this Lloense forfaitlure to provide widence of insurance or occur?Brrce sf defaulls as described abor6, thls Llense may be terminatsd by elthor party, at any time, by sorving thirty (30) days' *ritian notlle of tsrminatbn upon the other party. Such tormination shall not releaae Either party hEreto from any liability or obllgatbn under the Llcense, whether d indemnity or olhemdse, resulting fiom any ac{s, omlsshns or events happening prior to the date of termination or ther€aftor in case by the terms of the Ucense it is provided that anything shall or may be done after tsrmination horeof. Sunen{gr of the Premises. 24.1 On or before expiralion or termination sf thie License for any reaEon, Lhenss€ Stall, at lts sob cost and expense: 24.'1.1 if so dirested by LicEnsor in uriting, remorrs tha lmprovemenB. the Electrlc Supply Line and all appurtenances thereb, or, at tlp sole discrstion of Lkrnsor, approprhtely demmmbsion the Elecfic SupplyLine with a method satisfactoryto Licansor; 24.1.2 report and rcstore any damage to tha ftami8es o,r Llcensofe othe property arising from, grmving out of, or conneded with Lhansee's use of tha Premises; 24.1.3 rcmedy arry unsafe conditirt on the Premises created or 4pravabd by Liceneee; and 24.',.4 lmve the hemisas ln subotantiallythe condilion which exhted as of the Efiective Date, 24,2 Upon any elpiration or Hminalion d thls Lloense, If Limnsee falls to sunender tha Premlsee b Llcensor or lf Licemsae fuils to corndete lts obllgatione under Scctlon 2iLl above (the tstoretion Obllgetione'], Lilensee shall have a limited li:ense b enter upon the Premiees solely b the extent neoessery for Licsnsee to complate the Restoraflon Obligetions, and all llabllltles and obligalions of Licensee hereunde shall continue in efrsl until the Premlses are eunendered and the Restoration Obligaiione are oomphted. Neither termination nor expimtion shall r€l€ass Llosnsec ftom any llablllty or obllgatlon under ihie Licsnse, whethar of lndernnity or otherwbe, resultlng fom any ads, omissions or evenB happening prior to lhe date of termination, or, lf latar, the date when Licensee eunenders the Premiess and all of the Resbration Obligatbns are completed. 24.3 lf Ucensee fails to complete the Reetomtlon Obllgallons wlthln thirty i30) dap afier the dato of such tonnination of ils tenancy, then Licansor may, at its elec.t'pn, elther (i) ramove the Eledric Supply Une ard the olher lmprovements or ofiervvlee restore the Premlses. *rd ln such event Licensee shall, wlthln thlrty (30) dap dler receipt of blll therdor, relmburga Liensor for coet incurred, {ii} upon rmitten notice to Licengee, take and hdd the Elechic $upply Line and the offier - 13- Frt,n121l Rciv.2011080{ Tracking #1ffi4261 lrnprovements and p€rsonal propsrty as its $ole proprty, withoui peymant or obligation to Lioensee lherefor, or (lll) specifcally enforce Lioensee's obligntion to restore and/or pursue any remedy at law or ln equity against Licensee for failure to so ttstore. Further, lf Licensor has consented to the Eledric Supply Llne and the other lmprorremonts remalnlng on the Prembes following t€rminatlon, Lkxnsee shall, upon request by Llcensor, provide a bill of sale in a form acceptable to Licensor conveying the Electic Supply Line and the ottpr lmprovements to Licensor. i[!!rGEfLANEouS 25. Succossors ad Asshm. All ptovisions conteined ln thls Licanoo Ehall be binding upoo, inure to the benefit of, and be anforceable by the respaclive suocessorc and asslgns of Lloensor and Llcenese to the same extent as if each such successor and assign was named a party to this License. 28. Aesjonmont. 26.1 Uoensee rnay not sell, asslgn, transfer, or hypothecate this Licenss or any right, oHigation, or intereet herein (eithar voluntarily or by operation of law, merger, or othenube) rvlthout the prior written com€nt of Lioensor, yvhhh consant may not be unreasonably wilhheH or &ayed by Licensor. Any atbmpfud assignment by Licensee in violation of this Ssctlon 26 shall be a breaoh of thls Llcenss and, ln addition, ehall be voidaUa by Llcernor in ib sole and absolute dlscrgtlon. X.2 For purposes of thls Scctlon 28, the uord "aseign'ehall include withoui limitatbn (a) any sale of the equity int6r€68 of Llcensee follodng wfrich the equl$ lntereet holdars of Licensee lmmedhBty prior to zuch sale own, dlreotly or Indircctly less than SAoh of the corfibinod voting potrer of the ontstranding votlng equity lnbresb of Llcensee, (b) any sale of all or substantially all of the assats of (il Licensee and (il) to thE er&nt zush entities exist, Li:ansael parent and subsidiarkx, taken as a whole, or (c) any reorganization, recapltallzatlon, merger or corsolHafion involvlng Llcsndoe. Notwilhstanding the foregoing, any raorganization, recapltalization, merger or consolldation fiolloring wtrich the equity lntereet hoHers of Licenaee immediately prior to sucfr reorganizatlon, recapltallza{on, merger or conEolidation orrn, dkectly or lndlredly, at least 50% of the comblned voting poner of the outsbndlng wtlng equlty lnteresta of Lbensse or arry succ€sgor thsreb or the entity resultlng hom suclr reorganization, racapltallzatlon, msrgpr or consolidation shall not be deemed an ass$nrnent. THIS LICENSE SHALL NOT RUN WITH THE LAND WIIHOUT THE $(PRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF LICENSOR, SUCH CONSENT TO BE IN LICENSOR'8 SOLE DISCRENON. 263 Nqtwtttlstrrdlng lhe provlslons of Sec{lon 26.1 above or any{hing oontalned in thh Liense to the contrary, if Lixnsee sells, asslgns, transfers, or hypotheoatas this Lbonso or any intorest hereln in confavention of Ete provisions of tris Lbense {a 'Purported Acdgnrnent'} b another party (a 'Purpoltd Traneforee'), the Purportad Transfuree's enioyrnent of the rlghts and privileges granted uMer thls Licsno€ ehall be deemed to be tha Puporbd Transferee'g agroemenl to be bor.lnd by all of tha terrns and provisions st this Li:ensq includlng but rnt llmlted to tte obligation to comply udth the pmvisions of Ssctbn 15 abotle conceming insurance requlmmonls. ln addition to and not ln llrnltation of the foreplng, Lloenso€, for ihelf, lb sumsort and mslgns, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmleas LicEnsor for all Linbililies of any nature, klnd or description of any p€rson or entity directly or indirec.tly alslrg out of, rmulting firorn or r€latod to (ln ufide or in part) a Purported A.ssignment. X.4 The prwiskms of this Secdlon 26 sl'pll aurviva the explratlon or earlbr brmination ol this Lbrse. - 14- Form 421: RrM. 201,10801 27" Tracklng #J5-54261 Noticeg. Any notiee, inwlce, or otfH |siting r€guirsd or pormlttod to be gllren hereunder by one party to lhe other shall be in writing and the sarne shall be given and shall be deemed to have been senred and glven if (l) placed in the United Etahs mall, cerffied, r€tum receipt rcquested, or (ii) depositEd into the custody of a nationally recognized orrernlght delivery sen ice, addressad to th6 party to be notTied at the address for such party spec{fied below, or to suctt other addrose as the party to be notfled may designata by giving the other party no le$ than thmy (30) days' adrrance written notim of such change in addrEss. lf to Lirxnsor:Jonee Lang LaSalle Brukerage, lnc. 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 100 FortWorth, TX 76155 Attn: Permlts/Lienses BNSF Railway Cornpany 2flX Lou Menk Drive G0B-3Yt, FortWorh TX76131 Attn: Senior Manager Real Estab Paciftcorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 1,[07 W. ],lorth Tsmple, Sutts '110 $alt Lake City, UT 84116 with a copyto: llto Licensee: Survival. Nelther terminal[on nor explation will rclmse efrher party from any liability or obllgation under thls LicEnsa, wfiethar of lndemnlty or otherurise, resulling from arry acts, ombsions or ovants happenirg prior to ttre date of termlnation or expiration, or, if later, the date when the Electic Sumly Line and the ofter lmprovements are nemorcd and the Premisos are restoled to lts cordition as of lha Effective Date. Recordation. lt is understood and agreed ihat flfs Lbense shall not be placed or allov*ed to be placed on public reoord. Apolbable Law. AII questlom concamirg the interprertation or applicatlon of pruvisbns of this Ucense shall ba deckled according to ths substantive lalvs sf the State of Texas wihout regard to conf,icts of lar provisions. Severablitv. To the madmum extant possible, eacfi provlsion of thls Llcense slsll be interpeted in euctr mann€r as to b€ afiec{lve and valkl under applicable law, but lf any prcvbion d ttis Uoense shall be pmhibiled by, or hdd to be invalH under, applicaHa lavrr, $rh povision shall be inefiectlve soldy to the e*ent oF sucfr prohibition or irnralUity, and ttis slull not lnvalldate the Bmainder of euch provision or any ofrrar provision of thE Ucenss. lnteora$on. This License ls the full ard complete agr€ement between Licensor and Lioensee wi&r rcspect to all matters relatlng to Licenses's uee of ths Prcmisee, and supergodss any and all other agrrsernEntg bet$€en the partis hercto relating to Licensee's use of the Premiem as desalbed lrersin. l.lovwver, nothirg terein is intended to brminate any survlvlng oHlgation of Licensea or Lbsnsess obligathn to deftnd and hdd Lhensor harmless in any pdor wrltten agreemant betuisen the partles. Joint and Sareral Liabilitv. lf License conslsts of two or more parths, all the covenanls and agreemenb of LioenB€a hareln contained shall bs the joint and several correnants ard agreernenls of such parties. Walvar, The uralver by Licensor of the breaoh of any provision hercln by Llcenseo shall in no nray impair fte right of Licensor to enfotw tfut provision for any aubeequent beach thseof. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. u. -16-Fom 421 I FlBv. 20140801 35. Traoking #1$-54261 lntemreiation. 35.1 This Ueenee shall be interpreted in a neutral mannor, ard not more sfongly for or against any party ba6sd upon the sourca of the draflsmanship; both parties hareby agree that thio Licerm shall not b6 subject to the principb that a conkac* would be consbued agairst tha pafiy wtrich drafted the same, Artide titee, headlngs to sec{ons and paregraphs and fte table of contente (lf any) are inserted for convEnisnce sf referonco only and are not intended to be a part or to affect the meanlng or intsrpratalion heraof, The exhlbit or sxhibiE relened to herein shall be construed with and as an lntegral part of lhls License to the same ortent as if they were sel forth verbatim herein. 35.2 As ussd hareln, 'includeo. "includes' and 'includlng' are dmmed to be follawad by \yithout limitatlon' whether or nol they are ln fact follotrr€d by such words or r,rords of like import; 'kriting", \yritbn' and comparable larms efsr to printing, typing, llthography and oths means of eproducing words in a vbible funn; references lo any person are deo to that p€reon'g st coogsolt and permifted assbns; 'heref, 'hor€in', 'hareunder" and compraHe terms rufer to the entlrety hereof and not lo any partiorlar article, gec-tion, or other Eubdivision hareof or atlachment hereto; rsfsrenm io any gander include refelenoes to tlrc mascullne or lamlnlne as lhe conlext regulres; references to the plural indude ths singular snd vb versa; and referenees to thls License or other documents are a3 amended, modified or supplemented from time to time. Counteroarts. This Llcense may be executed ln rnultlpla countsrparts, emh of wirich shall, for all purposes, be deemed an original but whidt tog6&or shall onstitute one and the same instumenf and lhe signahrre pages from any counterpart may be appanded to any other munterparl to assemble fully executed documsnb, and aounterparh of thb Llcense may also be exchanged via email or elecbonlc fmimih machlnes and any email or elacfonic faceimile of any party's signature shall bE daemed io be an original signature for all purposes. Licensor'a Reoresentative. Jones Lang La$alle Brokeraga, lnc. is acting as representative for BNSF Railuray Company. EHD OF PAGE. SIGITIATURE PAGE FOLLOWS 38. 37, " 18- Fom 421: Rev.2!14{1801 Tracking #1Set261 This Limnse has been duly exeo{ecl by tha pafies hersto ae d the dale bdow each partfs signafure; to be efiEctlw, horre\rer, as dUte Effec,tive Date. L!9ES!!PB: BiISF RAILIiAY COilPAi{Y a Delauare corporaton By: Jones Lang La$alle Bmkarage, Irc., 4300 Amon Carter Blvd, Suite 100 Fort Wofih, ?( 76155 Bp Title: Date: Ed Dartor Senlor Vice Presldent - Natlonal Accounb LICEN$EE: PACIFICORP OBA ROCKY MOUHTAIN POUTER an Oregon corporation By: I4OTW,ltlorthTemde Sulb 110 sa't Lake city, uT 84116 By: Tille: Dats: -17 - Form 4Et; Rry.4n140801 COORDINATE SYSTEM: VVY EC TRACKTNG NO. 1$s426r Fl.d.naG{q t!IIJt o. E DRAWING NO.65739