HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150914Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdf!,PeClFlCOnP,,ri s* r r i,i'r !: hI \ AM|DAMERICAil ENERGYI|OI"oIT{GSOOmmNY I R. Jelf Richards Vice President and General Counsel 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2400 SaltLakeCiO, aT 84111 801-2204734 OfJice 801-2204058 Fox j eff. ri c h ar d@p ac iJi co rp. c o m September 14,2015 VA OWRNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter will serve as written notice pursuant to Commitmentl l7(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13, 2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now known as Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company or BHE), of ongoing ordinary course affiliated interest transactions from time to time with Phillips 66 Company (Phillips 66). PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of BHE. BHE is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Berkshire Hathaway). On August 28, 2015, Berkshire Hathaway acquired 10 percent of the outstanding common stock of Phillips 66, causing Phillips 66 to become a PacifiCorp affiliate, as defined by certain PacifiCorp jurisdictions. Phillips 66 sells gear and engine lubricating oil, transformer insulation oil, hydraulic oil, grease, and other lubricating and insulating petroleum and synthetic fluids to PacifiCorp, all of which are used in the ordinary course of PacifiCorp's generation, mining and distribution operations. Prior to August 28, 2015, PacifiCorp purchased lubricant products pursuant to an existing master materials supply contract in place with BHE (the Agreement). The Agreement is used by several BHE subsidiaries, including PacifiCorp, to place purchase orders. PacifiCorp intends to continue using the Agreement to purchase lubricant products from Phillips 66. A copy of the Agreement is included with this Notice as Attachment A to this Notice. Exhibit B to the Agreement contains commercially sensitive pricing information that could expose PacifiCorp and Phillips 66 to competitive injury if disclosure is unrestricted. Accordingly, Exhibit B of the Agreement is submitted under seal, and PacifiCorp requests that it be made confidential. Jean D. Jewell Notice of Affrliate Transaction September 14,2015 PacifiCorp purchases lubricant products from Phillips 66 as needed from time to time in the normal course of its operations. As such, there is no set dollar amount of such purchases. PacifiCorp has historically purchased approximately $700,000 of oil and grease products per year and anticipates future purchase levels will be similar. The Agreement was competitively procured and contains standard commercial sales terms and conditions to protect PacifiCorp's ability to provide safe and reliable service. Thus, the continuation of the purchase order transactions under the Agreement will not harm the public interest. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Enclosures Best Regards,@ R. Jeff Richards Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp MAsf,ER, MATERIAIS Surrry COTTNECT BDiTWEEN BNNXSMN EETTNWAY ENERGY COMPANY AITD Huffs66CoMPN{Y TABI,EoPCoNTENTII ARTICI,E I. DEFIMTIO}IS ARTICI.E 2. DESCRIPTION OF SI'PPLY .....5 ARTICX,E 3. PT.'RCIIASE ORDERS ARTIO,E 4. PERIOD OF PERFORIVIANCts ARTICX.,E 5. COI.ISIDERATION Al.lD PAYMENT ARTICI,E6.TA)(BS ARTIO-E 7. ACCOI'NTING AI{D AI'DITING ARTICLE 9. TTNTENTIONALLY DELETEDI... ARTIC,LE IO. WITTIHOLDING PAYMENT ARTICX,E I I. DESIGNATtsD REPRESE}.ITATTIIES A}.ID NOTICES ...................'..,.......7 .............................. tARIICIE 12.DEI..TVERY ARIICI.E 13. SHIPPING AND HAI{DIING ARTICI E 14. RETTJRN OF MATERIAIII ARTICT,E I 5. INTETflONAI,LY DELEIED] ..........................,...E ARTICI,E 16. WARRANTY ARTICI,E 18. CHANGESTOCONTMCTA}.IDPI'RCHASEORDERII....... .........9 ARTICLE 20. II{DEMNIFTCAIIO}.I ........................ 1 I ARTICLE 22. INIENTIONALLY DELETED].,...12 ARTICLE 23. SIJPPLIER'S PERSONNEL; DRUGS, ALCOHOL Al.lD FIREARMS..................... ..................12 ARTICLE24- STJBSTAT.ICBABUSE;DRUGAT.IDALCOHOLPOLICY........ .............................12 ARTIq,E 25. DEPARTME}.IT OF TRANSPORTATION ................ ARTICI,E 25. BUSINESS ETHICS ARTICLE 2r. LIENS........... ............................ I3 ......................-..... l3 Phillipo 65 - MEHC }Luid! Ii,IEtr Sr4ply Co,ffi l3Novl3 Plgcl sf 19 ARTICLE 29. CONFLtrCTS, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, ORDISCREPAI{CIES IN CONTRACT DOCI.JMENTS........................I3 ARTICI,E 30. CLAIM NOTICE AND RESOLUTION PROCEDURE ................. 13 ARTICLE 32. TERMINATION FOR COI{VB{IE}\ICE ARTICI,E 34. DELAYS ARTICIA 36. CoNruCT MINERALS ....................l5 ARTICLE 38. RELEASE OF IMORMATION; ADVERTISING AhlD PROMO[ION................. ....................16 ARTICIE3g. CONFIDEI.ITIALINFORIUATIONNOIIDISCLOSITRE ..........,,..16 ARTICLE 40. oWNERSIIP OF DESIGNS, DRAWINGS A]\lD WORK PRODUCT.... ..............16 ARTICLE 4I. PATENT A}.ID COPYRIGIIT INDEMMTY ARTICI,E 42. ELECTROMC COMMERCE .............17 ...................... t7 ARTTS,E 44. STJBCONTRACTS ARTICX,E 45. NOI{WAIVER .............17 ARTTCLE 48. EQUIPMENT FLJI{D......................................... lt ARTICLE 49. EX{TIRE COMRACT; DOCUMENTS INCORPOMIED BY RE[tsRENCts ....... lt ARTICX"E 50. EXECUTION A}.ID EFFECITTIE DAT8............ ATTACHMENN Bfitsn A - MAIERIAI,S/{I'TD SPECtrICATIONS APPEI.{DD( I, SPECIAL @NDTflONS - PACIFICORP AppENDx 2, SpEcrAL CoNDmoNs - IVIDAMERTAN Enrnor Couplr.rv APPE.IDD( 3, SPECIAL CONDrTIONS _NV B{ERGY APPENDD( 4 COMPANY LOCAI]OilS ArrAeH[dENT I, PAcEtCoRp LUBE O[, SpEcIFtcATroN ArmcmrsNT 2, I\,iDAMERrCAI{ BI{ER.GY Lt BE OtL SmCTTCATTON E,SSTT B - PREING SCrIEIX'LE ExrBnB.l- PRICING Esclr,luox mn Dr-Escruanox EJtrlI .ITB.2-BERKSHIRE EITIERGY EQUIPIi,E}TTFUiID AT'ORTTZATION SCHEDT'I..E HffTBn C - FoRIU OF PI,RCIIASE ORDER EJamnD-[Rrsm,vro] $omn E - AFFILIAISi LIIIT AND PRNCP^L BUSINHIS ADDRESS ExHtsn F - FoRr[ or Amulere Pnnncmnox I-ETTER ................... l9 PhilliF 66 - MEHC Mttrirlr itrutr Sryply CffiE l3NOVl3 hr2 of 19 M,lsrBn Matgnnls $rrr,v Corvrucr BETWEEN BERKSIilNE EATHAWAY ENERGY COMPANY AT{D mtrIJPs66CoMPANy PARTIESI Thc Parties b this Masg Mdcrials Supply C.ontact (thc "C.ontccfl) arc Bcrlshirc Hrt[rwry Enclgl Conpeny wlnsc pincipol oddrcss is 656 Grand Avrnug P.O. Box 657, Dcs Moincg lora 503060657, ad ib Afrlim wlro clcct to utilizc ttris Contract and agr€c b be borrrrd by the tcrns aod orditions, and applioblc E:dribits and Appandiccs sct fodr herein (hercimfta colloctivdy 'tompm/'), md Philllpr 66 Compry (Ucrclnancr 'Srryplicr'), *,tosc addrcsr is 3010 BdEpa* Drivc, Ilourur TX nU2. Compary md Srpplicr are lrcminaftcr sonetime collccfiwly rrtrrcd b as'?atics'ard itrdividualtyas a?arty,'asftc corilodmayrequirc. Thc Parrics will inoorpmae ttcsc rnasbr lcrms and conditions in drcir oontracB for Sryplio's spply of fvlatcrials md Wort fur participating Atrlidos. Essh Afflie Puticipatim Lcficr isard in accodsroo wittt $is Contr&t shall mstihilc a s€pcdc corffit bctrrc€n C,ompy or itr applicablc prticipating AfEti& ud Supplia (and rcftrrnces to'tre Comract' or "&is Contarf' shdl bG constucd b nfEr b thG sp,plicable Putichstion Lcthr - - with thcsc tcnns inoorporaEd thcrcin). B:ch Affiliab ftd subnits an Afrliatc hicipdim Lctm in amrdance with thcsc mast€r tonms and conditions shall bG aonshrcd as 'torrpurp," wift rcspcct to tlc Purchasc Ondcrs placcd by suah Affilide and is rclety resporsible br thc oblig$ioru of "Cornporf' assumcd with rpspoct ttoec ordcq ud rcitrcr Berkshirc ltrdtraway Encrgr Comparly nor any othcr Affiliarc shdl htrc any rtsponsibility for such obligdiom. ARrrcLE 1. DEEBIIIISNS Atrlirt{r) shrll mean my cntity whictt Bettshirc Hathaway Encrry Company now or hercdEr (a) owns or co!$ols 8t least fifry pcrccflt (50%) c mort of ttc owncrship intcrcsq or (b) cxcrcises manEgpmcnt coffrrol; or (c) lists as an affilidcd compmy on Exhibit E. Any Affiliatc, which clccts b prticipstc in md utilize this Contract shall also be *Conpany" rmdcr this Contact and shall be rcsponsiblc for dl obligations associdcd with the purhasc of lv{arcrials fiom Srpplicr. Additio,nd Affiliacs may be sddcd to or rcrnoved tom Bxhibit E st sny time upon Supplicr's rcccrpt of Noticc firom Company. Churgnr to E fiibit E rc not rcquircd to bc incorporatcd via a rrritten amendmcnt to this Cotrhact. Whcn placing an initial ordcr for Mdaials, or in coqiunction with an initial purctrasc ondcr, an Affilirtc will cxcoutc and submit sn AfEliatc Participcion Lcfrcr with the ordcr in thc form of Exhibit E. Budrclr Dey shall mean a day, othcr than a Scudan Sunilay or holiday, on utich banks are gencrally open for busincss. Any gcncio rcftrcnccs b *dap" sball bc dccmcd to mesn a calcndar dsy rnd not I Busines Day; orovidod. horrwtr, tha if thc final 'day' of rny pcriod rpccified in this Contrac.t frllg on a day ottrcr than a Busincss Day, then the pcriod slnll be congtnred so as to cnd on the neld sucoeeding Buiness Day. CIPS Covercd A!rG0 shE[ mcur any 8ssails idcntifcd by Compmy as "criticd assc8 or'cdtical cybcr asscts," as fiose brrrs ars dcfined in thc North Amcdcan Elcclric Rcliability Corpordion Glossary of Tcnns. To thc cxtsnt the tvlatcrials arc to bc dolivcred b a Comparry Wod( Sib location that rtquircr Srryplicrto gain acccss to CIPS Covcred Asscts or any of tho Work b bc performcd relding to the sttpply of ldataials b Company rpquircs Supplicr !o gain aoccss to CIPS Covcrcd Assets, Supplicr strsll adhcre b thc rcquircmcrts sct forth in Apperdix I, AppcNdix 2 and Appcndix 3, Speial Conditions. Ddivcnblcr shall mean dl drEwingst murtuls, calculdions, spocificdions, maps, sketr;hcs, derigns, trlcings, notcs, r€porE, data, computr proglams, modcls, plans, prognms, proccdurtq prctocols, samplcs and other docrrmcnts and deliverablcs that are to bc providd obtaincd, prcparcd rnd delivercd to Company by Supplicr, as sst forth in thc Spccific*ions. Emcrgency shall mcan conditions undcr which, wi0tout effecting an immediatc repair or replaccment: (i) tift, hcalth, or saftty rrould be cndangsrcd by opcruion of thc Company's assitsl (ii) the Company's asscts vould be Phillipt 66 - MEHC Mahirk Mxtrr Supply Contsrt l3NOVt3 Prgc3 oflg unavailablc for commerrid use; or (iii) thc Compury's assets could not bc opcratcd, or demonstreted to be operating in compliancc with a) cnvircnmcntal rtgulaions; b) rcArltiotts, policics or procedrres issued by govemmcntal or rcguhory autlroritics; or c) prudcnt utitity practice. Force Mrjcurc Evcnt shall mcan a dclay oauscd by my nationel or general srikes (but excluding strikcs relcing solely to the rrcrk forcc of Company, Sup,plier or a Subcontractor), fires, riots, acts of God, acts of thc public encmy, floods, asis of tcrrcrism, unavoidrblc tansportation accidents or embargocs, or otler cvents which are: (i) not reasonably forcseeablc as of the d*e thc applicablc Purchssc Ordcr is rsleard; snd (ii) attibutrblc to a causc bqond thc contnol and witbout thc frult or ndigrnoc of thc Party inourring such delay. Thc term Foruc Majaut Event docs mt include a delay causcd by scrsonal wedher conditions, general coonomio conditiong chaqger in the cosr of goods or Supplicr's failure to placc ordens frr cquipmcnt, macrials or other itcms nrfficicmly in advanoc to cnsrre dclivery ofthe Matcrials md/or availability whcn acedcd. Lcrd finc shall mcen the ma,rimum production time frr my spcciftc itcm of lvlatcrial from the datc of Supplicr's confrrred rcccipt of Crmpany's Prnchasc Ondcr, as such Lead Times ars gEtcd in Edlibit A. Mrtcrirt(!) shall mean all lubricant products, cquipment mdcrids, goodq parts, associated hardware, documcntdio4 spare pa!t, dta packag$, softwuc srd associacd incidenal scrrrices to bc dclivcrcd or provided to Compann by Supplicr, under Oris Contract and prnuuenl io Prrrohase Ordcrs issucd b Supplier by C.ompany. Mrtcriet Advcnc Ctenge or MAC shdl mcur, wi6 rcspect to Supplicr, if Sttpplio, in the rcasonablc opinion of Compmy, has cxpcricnccd a mabid advcrrc changc in Supplicr's ftEtrcid condition or Srryplier's Ebility to fulfill iE obligations undcr this Cortract, including, but mt limitcd to, any suoh change that rcsults in iE inability to saticfy ARTICLE E, CREDIT REQUIREMENTS, inclrding ury wqrt or circumstancc that would give Oompury thc right to t€minstc for cause pursuant to ARTICLE 33, TERMINAIfON FOR CAUSE. Minimum Ordcr Qurnflty is d€fined as llrt* hundrtd fifty dollars ($350.00) on uy single Pursho$ Orrder. For ordcn less than thrce hundred fifty dollars ($350.00), Supplicr may clcct b ehip thc materid with a common carrier fOB Ship Poir4 freigtrt tcrms, pro-pay and add. Nct RcptrccmGnt Coutr shall mcan thc "cogt to covEr, remody availablc to Company in the event of a dcftult by Supplier rmder a Purclusc Order. The Nct Replace,ment Costs shdl bc cElsulstcd by: (i) subtrac,tirrg thc pnce payable undcr thc Pushasc Order from the osts incurrcd by Company to obtain sr demafivc suppliu to fimish the Mmerials that Supplicr rvas otherwisc obtigrtcd b providc; and (ii) adding a suu for additional rnanagcrial, administrafiw, and other rcasoneble aosts (ftrtcnd and third-party) Company incu: as a result of Supplicr's dcfault. Nothc shall msan I formsl writEn communication wtrich, punuant b thc Contast, one Party muct delivcr to the othcr in order to inroke a Contnct right get forth hcr€in. Pcnonncl shall mcan the cmployees of Supplicr or ury of thc cmployees or rc,prc$otdiv€s of any of Srpplier's agents, Subcotrtracbr& or Mcpendcm sontrastot!, of any tien, wlro arc erployed or crngagcd by Sryplier b pcrform Wor* or pmvidc all c part or any subprt of the lvlctcrials undcr this Coatrart Purrhrre Odcr shall mcan dre dmumeir(s) cortaining the informaion sct frrth in ARTICLE 3, PLJRCHASE ORDERS, wlrich is u!€d b order lUatcride punuatil to thc masEr tcrrts and conditioru sa forth in this Contrast. Slcdllcedon(r) sball mcon my urd all drawings, specifications, product dcscriptions urd/or ottrer requirrrncnts 3€{ting fr,rft Supplicr's obligatioru with rcspcct to tho Matcrials as dctailcd in Exhibit B, or in any dtachment rppended to a Purchase Ordcr for a specific Materials oldcr. Subcontnctor shall meEn any sub-supplicr or contrrctor, at any ticr, having an agttemcnt with Supplia to pcrform a portion of Srryplier's obligations undcr this Contract. Tcm shall mcen thc pcriod comme,ncing upon thc cxcoution ofthis C-ontnact by Compmy and continuing thcrcafter rmtil Deccrnber 31,2019, unlcss cr{icr tcrurindcd as providcd hcrein. Wor*' shall mcan all obligations, duties, requirc,mcnte and rcsponsibilitios for thc rucccssfirl supply and delivcry of tre ltfiaterials in accordanoc with the tcrrns and conditions sct forft herein aod inclusivc of thosc deteild within a spocific Prmhese Order. Work Sitc shatl mcan the location or locations on C,ompany's prcmises (if any) whcrc the MaErials are b be Phillip! 66 - MEHC MsErids tvlstorswply corm l3NovlS Plgc4 of 19 delivercd and any portion ofthe Work is to bc pcrformcd. ARTICLE a pESCnIPTIONOF SUPPLY Upon Supplier's reccipt of a Purcbasc fficr, Supplicr shdl sryply and deliver to Company tho lvlarcrials listod md spocifically describd in E dribit B in accordarrcc witr the Specifications containod thcrcin. Etoh Prrchasc Orrdsr issrrcd by Compary to Srryplier full be placed subj*t b, ad in acoodance widt thc gcncrrl Erms and cmditions sct fo,rth in this Conrtract, including alry Lcad Timcs and Minimum Onder Qurrtitics. Company is und€r no obliption to puroha* any sp€oific amount of Matcrialg rmdcr this Contract, and this Contact shall not be consEued in any way as grutiry to Supplicr an exglusiv€ riSht to providc any or all of thc Malcrials contlrpldcd herein. Thc usc of Srpplicr for thc purchasc of l\f,dcrials is disclttionary with Compaay, and Company og,rcssly rescrrvqs the dght to pmhase similrr or idcntical iEms fiom altematirc suprplicrs during thc Tcrm, in Company's dc discrction Tte imcot of this Coatract is to cstsblish mesErEnns and conditions fut will gov€m Purchasc fficrs issucd by Conpany b Sttpplicr drnirg thc Tcrm. Thc Prtics ecknowlcdgc thc difEorlty of dctermining in advmcc thc orast qumtity of Matcrials Company will necd to purclusc frrom Supplior during any conlract ycar, and agrce th* thcrc must bc somc clasticity around any cstimata As a consequencg Supplier aglecs to supply thc estimated quantity sGt for& in thc AfEliab Participdion l*"ttcr, ud Company agr€ca b entcrt good frfth cfiorBlo purchase thc c*immd quaotity. Supplicr shdl maintrin invomtory lcvcls of Lla&ialg b mcct C.ompany's estimdcd lvterials purchasc fratcas6, as such may bc provided to Supplicr fiom timc to dmc. ARrrcLE3. BtrCHASETqEDEBE Fach Purchase Order will idctrti& and/or describc: (i) the lt[tctial$ (ii) t]c guarantccd delivery datc, including any liquiddcd damagcs b bc esscsscd in thc Gvurtt of Supplicr's friltttt b timcly pcrforq (iii) agrccd fioing(if any) thr modifics bftibit B; (tg thc delivcry lmcion and agrccd dolivcry tcnm thd modi$ ARTICLE 12,DELMRY (if any); (v) wttc.thcr tbc pcrfrnnmcc of such lvq* will rcqdrc amccs to Compury CIPS Cor,3rld Asscts; (vr) thc dcsigned rcpreseirtrtivrs frr erch Party wi0r rapect to trc ords; (vii) ordcr-spccific inroici4g instnrctions; md (viiD ary othcr or&r-opccific Ems md amditions. ltc t€rms and conditions of thia Contract shall ryply to mh Purahasc Ordor, as supplemcnlod by 0rc ordcr-spccific Erms of thc Purclusc Ondcr. This Cortract and the applicablc Pulchaso Oldcr shall, togcdrer, congfrlttc thc cntha agrcancnt bcnrccn the Pgtics with rcspcd to my rpecific tvltcrials ords€d under this Conhact. A Purctusc Order will bc issucd flrough thc Company's prccurcsnGnt syslcm and will speoifically rcftncncc this Contaat. Purrh$G Ordcr Submlttrl - AJI PurclusG Ordcrs firom thc Company shdl bc scnt vie cmail to: Phillips 65 Grstomsr Scrvicc Ccutcr t0G'44t{630 E:t. 2 LubesC SCNaturalGas PowerGEN@p6 6.com ARIICI,El.W Thc Contrast shall be eftctivc fur lvlucrials ordcrtd pursuant b a Purchasc Orrdcr issucd during the Tcrm of the Contact whe&cr or not swh frd€risls arc schodulcd to bc dclivrned or actrally delivercd prior o fte orpirdion of such Term. Thc ogirdion of thc Tcnn shell not impact the Partics'respcctinc rights or obligtions with rtspect to ury Purchasc Onders iseucd pior to elpiralbn. Mortovcr, neither the opir*ion ofthe Tenn nor ey cadicr tqurination of tfiis Contact shall impact Eny warrarties, indcmnitics, insurance requircmouts, mnfidcntidity obligations, teminstion obligations, or other obligatiory which by thoir own tGmE e imsdcd to suni\rc the oompletion of delivery of Matcrials punuet to a Purshase Onder, all of uilrich shall continuc in full forcc and effost after tte tcrmination or expiration of tre Conhact. Eecb Purphase Orrder will specify a guranbcd dclivcry date for the lvlaterirls. Timc is of the esscnoe. Unloss otherwiso qcused by thc tams of this Coffiac't, Supplicr's failurc to timcly dcliwr thc MaErials shrll rwult in thc ass€ssmcot of liquidated damagss, to thc cxtcnt such liquidccd damsgc amounts ErE s€t forth in $rch Punchasc Ordcr. In ordcr for liquidrtcd damagcs to be c,nforceablc, a Prrchasc Ondcr contaiaing such liquidtcd damagcs must be submittcd in strict accordance with ARTICLE 3, PURCHASE ORDERS. Supplior rmy rcfirse to acc€pt my Purchasc ffier conuining liquidated danages pmvisions; providcd. howcvcr ttrst thc quartities included within Phitlip! 66 - ME[rc i&Erids M!ilE Snppty CoEact lSNOVl3 Pltl5 of 19 such Pruchasc Ondcr shdl be includcd within Company's good frith puchasc mnmitnert sct forth in ARTICLE 2, DESCRIPUON OF SLTPPLY. Wherc no liquiddod damsgls uc spocificd, Compury will havc all of thc rights and rcmcdics arailablc at law with rGsp€ct to latc dclivcry. Supplicr will providc advmce mmmunicdion to Company on all Purchasc Ondcr that will not bc dclivercd in full pcr thc confimcd Pu'dtrsc Orda delivcry due. ARTICI,E 5. CONSIDERATION AND PAYMEIYT E rccpt os othcrwisc act forth in the applicable Purchasc Order, priccs for tvlabrials shall bc those sa for in Bxhibit B. The pricing sEt forh in khibit B doos not include my oales and usc taxes to bc rcimburscd by Cornpany punuant to ARTICLE 6, TAXES. Escalcion or otlrcr adjuslmcnts to pncing shall only be permittcd b the e)ftnt orprcssly sct for6 in E ftibit B. Except as otterwise sct forth in thc applicable hnchasc Oldcr, Supplier shell inloicc Compauy for tvlAerials upon or after delivcry and acccpmcc by Company. All invoiccs shall includc acparatE linc iGm chrgcs frr each tvlatsrial purchascd by Company, including sGparEE linc itcms for any additionsl charges undcr said invoice. Supplier shall ftrnkh rcasonablc bapkup dcail and documcrtdion srryporting cach invoicc line ibm charge including; withorn limitation, roccipq bills of lading etc. srryporting all chargps. C,ompcny will pay Supplicr, as firll considcrdion for thc setisfactory performance of Supplicr's obligdions rmdcr thic Contract, dl amourts duc in acoordance with thc Co,ntast within fiirty (30) days of date of invoic{r). All invoiccs shall r€ftrcooe thc applicablc Conkact numbcr. Srryplicr elull idcnti$ and clearly sct frrth on thc inroicc uty diecount for oarly psymem. To tbc eltunt fiat Supplicr must rccubmit any inwicc for frilitg to conply with tho Company's invoicing requircmcntc, any offer ofa discomt for carly paymert sball rcmain valid utrtil such timc as Company has rooeived a propcr iuvoicc for palmerrt. Thc btal amorut of cmsidcrdion pafble for thc lvlderials will bc spccified in tbe hn'chase Ordcr. EEch Affilidc shall firnrish b Snpplicr a listiog of all oontasts ncecsssty d dclivcry locations for Supplicr to follow-up on pest duc or disprrod invoices. Each Atrlies shdl maltc bcst cfiorts to tpddc ad maintain this listing for accuracy md fornud updata &crcto to Supplic/s Trcamry Dcptrtuert via clcctuonic mail or by frccinilc o Suppliq'c dosigntc. Each Affilie fiuthen agllcs to nrpply via tho sanrc routing thc namcq phonc md facsimilc number of tlrc supervisors within thc Afrliate's Eaounts payablc d€rpsrtmcnt b nfiom pryrncnt disputcr can bc cscaldcd. Sr4plicr shall frst mrke rcqucrb hocundcr diredty b thc dclivcry sitcs and to thc po:onncl as providcd by each Affilistc in thc licting rcftrrcd b sbove. In odcr to qudlfy for tc pcymcm tcrnre includcd Sovc, any ncw AfEliatg mt initially idcntificd on E)&ibit E, shall have b saisfrturily corylctc a orpdit rwicw in accordaace with Supplicr's crcdit proccducs. Any Atrlidc, which roqucsts Morials firom Supplicr hereun&r, shall be rcsponsiblc for all oblig$ions associated with the Affiliate's n{uest md puthasc of such MOerislg. It h urdGrstood md agrccd flrd cach Affiliatc participuirU in this Contnpt is solely rroponsiblc ud lirblc for its obligEions rclatcd to tho purctrase and salo of I\{dcrials b Supplicr. Bcrtslrirt Hathaway Encrgr Comprny and any othcr participditg Affiliat{s) shall havc no obligrtion or liability, mutractrully or othcrwisc, for paymcnt incunod by tho spociffc Affiliab rcqucsting Materials fiom Srpplicr bcrtuodor. All invoioos shBll bo addrcssod to lhc AfrliaE rcquc*ing tho Matcriale u tlre addrcss ghown on thc Afrliuc Participation l*frer. Additional Affiliates, which may elect to participate in and undcr this Contact aftcr ttrc cftcti\rc datc hereof, shdl rctify Supplier of thc prcpcr billitU ad&css for forwarding Supplicr invoiccs. Company may ofrsa any srrch pe]rtncnt b rcflcct amouts owirg fiom Sup,plicr o Compony or iE Affili*os pursuant to this Codhtct or any odrcr agrccrncnt bchnecn ttr partics. In additiom, Company may witthotd all prymcnts otlrcftvisc duc Srryplicr until such time as Srryplicr hag providcd thc Defuilt Secuity, if ann thr is roquircd by this Oontact ARIICLE6. TA]IES Thc pncing dcacribd in E dibit B is qclusivr of dl axcs to bc borrc by Conpony arisiqg ortof Srpplicr's pcrftrmurcc hcrcrmdcr. insluding wiffDu limituion salGs iltd usc to(cs. Exccp,t rs olhcnrise sst fordr in thc ryplicablc Purphasc Ckrdcr, local salcs ad use taxcs in all s@s sltdl bc pEld by Sqplicr urd inrcicod ss e scporte linc ibm. Notniftguding the forcgpiq& Sqplicr is solely ruspotuiblo frr dl furport md crport dutie and value lddod tatrcs rclatcd b thc l\rst€risls and dl ryplicablc puts u supplics. Upon rcqucst of Company, Supplier shall promptly provide to Company widcncc sdisfactory to Computy of thc paymcut of all ryplicablc taxes. Phillip!66 -MEHC MaaialsMacr StrDph Cqxilct l3NOVl3 Plg.6 of 19 ARTICLE 7. ACCOT'NTING AI{D AT]DMNG Supplicr shall kccp accurmc and complete accorurting r€cords in support of any cost-bascd billing and claims charged b C.ompany in accordance with genenlly acocptd amounting principles. Company, or its audit rcpesenEives, shall bsve ttre right at eny rcasonablc time or timcs b examing audit ud copy the rrcords, vouchc6, and o&er sourpe documcots which rclde b any claim for compcnsation other than pricing clements whish arc fixed in amouil by this Contact. Such documcmts shall be arailable fur elomination, audit, and rcproduction for throc (3) ycars aftcr completion or t€finindion of this Contract. Supplier shall assist Company wift preparing ncccssary ardit mocrial and will allow Compony to rwicrw my work papers pepuod by indc,psndcnt audibn as allowed by professional stundads. Auy over-collections shall bc Eturncd within thirty (30) days firom dm of Notioc of ovachargc. Audit ftrdings will bc considcred r be find frr ihc period uditEd. ARNCLE&@ Supplic shdl mect thc rcquircmcnE of cithsr clause (i) or clause (ii) below: (i) Supplier maintains a senior unsccursd dcbt rating from Standrrd & Poor's of BBB- or bettor; or (ii) if Supplisr does not maintain a satisfrctory debt ntiqg Srpplier mcets ALL of the following credit standards: a) tangible net worth ten (10) timcs thc plojected maximum liability of Supplier rmdcr this Coffiasq b) rc change in tbc condition of its carnings, nct riortlL or working capital over tlrc last twenty-four (24) mon$s, which rrculd rcasonably bc anticipaled to impair Supplicr's ability b mcct its obligatious rmder this Contrrt; and c) Supplicr is not in dcfault under any of its orther agt6m51s and is curcnt on all of is finmcial obligations. If rcquostcd by Company, Supplier shall wifrin thirty (30) days providc Company with copics of its mogt rpccnt mnual and qurrterly fusncid stdanmts prcpared in accodancc with gcnerally acccprd accounting principlcs. ARIICI,E9.@ ARTICI,ElO.W Compeny may, without limiting any ofrcr rights or remcdics Company may havc, withhold fiom paymont sufficictrt srnounts which rcflest the rcasonablc oost to repair or rrplace non-confrrmirry or deftctivc lllatcrids or the naluc of any clqim which Compmy has agtitrst Srryplier undcr the Contracl ARTICLE 11. DESIGNATED REPRESEI\MATIVES AND NOTICES Supplicr shall dcsignale a reprtseutativr auftorired to receive hrchasc Orrdcn and aci on its behalf md shall advise Compony in rrriting of the nanq edeeq and tclcphonc numbcr of such dcsignarcd neprescnbtive, md shall inform Company of any rubecqumt churgs in sush dcsignation. AII oommunications b Srpplicr relatingto thc day-to{ay astivities undcr this Contrast and any applicable Purchasc Onden shall bc communicded b Supplicr's dcsignatcd rcprescntdivc. In each Purcha$ Ordcr, Company sluU dcsignstc a Epm€ntativc authorizcd b ast oD its bchalf with rcspect to thc N{Eterids ordcrcd pursuant to such Purchasc Ordlr, atrd shall inform Supplicr of ury subccqucnt chmgc in guch designation. Nl oommunic*ions to Company rel*ing b the day-bday activitics undcr such Purchasc Ordcr shall be mmmunic*ed to Company's dcsignatcd reprcsfltstive. Any forrral Noticc required to be dclivcred in writiss rmder thc tcrms of this Contract shall bc dclivrrcd to the rqt€sentatiye ofthe othcr Party as dcsignaEd bclow. In addition to pmvidiqg funral Noticc to Bcrlrshirc Hmharvay Enerry Company, Stryplier shall provide the participuing Affiliae, ebout which tlrc 6rmal Noticc pertain$, E Gopy of thc samc addrcssed to thc representative as sct fuh on Exttibit E, Affiliatcs List end Frincipel Busincss Address. Additional Affilides, which may clcct to participatc in and under this Coffirct aftcr thc cffpctivc date hcroof, shall notifr Supplier of thc propcr rc?rcs€ntative and addrcss for bnmrding frrmal Noticcs rcquired hcrcrmdcr. All formal rvritrcn Noticcs shall eittrer be: (i) hand dclivcred; (ii) dcposited in thc mail, propcrly stamped with the rcquir€d postage; (iii) scnt via rcgisarcd or ccrtificd mail; or (iv) scm via recognized overniglrt couricr service. The Parties' addresses for purposes ofNotice shall bc as set forth below and for Affiliatcs, as listcd on Exhibit E: Phillipr 66 - MEHC Ivlatrrirlr Mlstor Supply Contrrct l3NOVI3 Prg: 7 of 19 Ifto Company:Ifto Supplier: Bcrtshirc Hdhawav Encrw Compsnv Phillips 55 Compqny 825 NE Mulhomah Stccl Suite 400 2000 Wcst Sam Houston Partway So Portland. OrccoaYl232 Onc Briarlakc Plaza Attcntion: Tclephonc: IVIanagcr, Conragt Adminislration Attrution: IvlanagcrCornmercialLubricant 503-u3-5605 Tdcphone 2tl-293{600 Either Party may cha4ge 0re name or addrcss of the desigrced recipient of NotisGs by delivcry of a Notioe of such changc as provided for in this Artiole. ARTICLE t2. DELIYERY Delivcry oftrc Mrurids is a subEtartial and mAcrial oonsidcration undcr this Contsact Unlcss otlsrrisc set brth in a Pr.uplrasc ffier, dclivcry of the Malerials shEll be FOB b ttc Wott SiE or odrcr locaion specifed in thc Purchasc Ordcr, widr Supplicr rctaining dl rislq liability md responsibility, fimncial or otheivise, urtil Compony rcceives 8nd acoeptc such lvlsbrials, rmless oftmrisc Aecifid in Exhibit B. Srryplicr shall deliver I\,larisb sccording b gusnfrGd dclivcry d&s (as per the rcocercd Pursha$ Order), toc of dcftots, and wifrin a firm Lcad Time. ARTICI,E13.W Supplier is rcsponsible for cnsurhg that thc Itducrids fimished mdcr this Comrrct arc suitably packagsd to prurcrt darDage urder normal hrdling ard trmsporfation mcthods. A"RTICLE14.W Supplicr shdl acccp Ivldcrids fur rcfinn to Supplia invcntory without c,hrgp to Company whcn tbe following conditions aF met: a. Thc lvldcrials arc trot unique b Company, sc tltumcd in original packaging and in an unused conditioq and thc retum to Supplior by Company was witrin six (6) morths of C,onpany's r€ceipt of thc samc; b. Costs for Etum logistics to Supplicr arc to Oc accout of Company; and c. Such I\datcrials have bccn storcd by Company in aocordancc with Supplicr provided cnvircnmental storage cqrditions or, in the svmt Supplier fails O providc coviromnental Etorage guidclinos, in accordmcc with gcocrdly rcccptcd storagc guidclim fur such lvlrtcrials. ARTICI,ETS.W ARrrcLE 16. EABBANIS Snpplia lvanatrB ttat thc Magials firmbhod hffHmdcr shall confrrm 6 the Spocifioations (iucluding all inspcction and ta*ing critsria as dcfiDd by Oompaty in thc Spcoifiortions), b my o&crroquircments sst fodh in fie Cqtta.t, and to ary additional rcquimncnB sct forth in dnwings samplcs, dcsciptiom aud odrcr Ihlivcrablcs furnishcd pursuant b the Co,ntact (b tlrc €otErt thai such additional rcquircmcnts do trst conflist with the Spccifications). Supplicr fiu0rcr warrerts that the Mctcrials sha[ bc ficc trom defus rnd slrall bc suitsble for tlrc use spccified. TTIE FOREC}OING WARRANTIES ARE HPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTTIER'IVARRANTIES, INCLI.JDING BIJT NOtr LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRAI{TIES OF MBRCTIANTABILITY AI{D FITNESS FOR A PARTICIJLAR USE D(CEPT FOR THE USE AS SPECIFIED IN THIS @NTRACT, IP ANIY, AND CONSTITI..NES THE ONLY WARRA}.TTIES OF SI]PPLIER. WITII RESPECT TO TtM MATERXALS PI.'RSUA}IT TO THIS CONTRACT. Phillipr 66 - MEIIC ltlaErialr Martcr Sryply Coatact l3NOVt3 PrgE 8 of 19 Company shall prcscnt all warranty claims to the Supplier within a reasonable period of time. C.ompany shrll use mrmrercially rcarcmblc efrorts to preserve thc equipmcnt on which the tvlatcrials rvoc used and makc thern available fur Supplier's inspection. Supplicr's liability undu this warrarfy and Company's rcmedy will be limitcd to rsftnd of the punhase price by a billing adjustncng or re,placcmcrt of thc Supplier Mdcrials involvcd, at Company's sole opio4 orovided" horrever, to ihe extcnt damage to equipmart or prcp€fty o&ur as a result of the Mafrids' wtlethcr bccansc the MaEials are de,fcotivc or hause the lvlarcrials wu'e inconcctly delivere4 speoified or rtcommendcd by Supplier for usg then Supplier wilt be liablc for the cost of rcpaim, including componcnt replacemcm(s). Stpplicr shall not be rcsponsible pursuant o this plovision to thc qdcnt: (a) thc wrong Matcrials rrcre uscd for the application due to an act or omission of Company: (2) the damagc arises trom usc of othcr compctitor's (not Supplicr's) lubricants; (c) thc damagc uises fiom engine or equipment modification unrcl*ed o the Maerials; or (d) Company has friled b operre or rnaintrin the equiprncnt as rcquircd by thc manufacturcr and thc failurc of thc Matcrids to tncst thc fuegoirry lvararrticE wer€ not dre cause ofthc damags. If Supplier fails to pronptly malcc any rrpair, rcplaocment or reaerformanoe as rcquired hertin, Cornpany may oonduct the neccssary Work at Srpplicr's Expcnso. Srryplicr curct void the warruty for rcpair, rcplacement or re- perforuranoe pcrfunud under these circumstanccs. Plovided tha srrch rtpair, rephccrnent or ruperformanoc is conductcd in a tpasonable manDcr and with uro,rlcnanship and care consistnt with industry stldads, Supplier shall reimbunc Compury frr the cost of any waranty rcpair, rcplacemott or rc-performmcc salf-performod by Company. If any I\[aterials fail to mcct thc forEgoirg warraffics, Company shall havc the right, * Supplier's co6t, to perform Emeryency nplaccmelG or rcpain as Company dccurs ncccssry to mitigrc risks m pcrsons aord property and b minimire m-going production losses. fire Company agrEes b notifr Supplier of thcse Frncrgcncy rcpairs or rrplaccmenb Es sqrn as practical Supplicr cannot wid thc wrralrty for rcpairs m rcplacfircnb perhrmed undsr thsc Emcnggncy circumstanccs. Provided that tho Encrgcncy rcpain or rcplacemcnts uc perfr,rmed in a rcasonablc manncr md witfi rrorlcmanship and cre mcasured by the industry standdE, Supplicr shall rcimbute Compuy frr tte cost of any rvanantyreplaccm€[rtr orrepain madcbyC,ompany necassituod byanEmogcrcy. Supplio shall havc no obligation as !o my ldaierials, whish havc boco impropcdy sbrcd or handlcd, or urtich havc not been opcrOed or mainEincd acmrding 6 rrritEn instudions providod o Company by Supplicr. ARTICLE 17. TINTENTIONALLY DELETEDI ARTICLE It. Company m8y at any time in writing direct changes andlor additions within the gencrsl soope of a Purohas€ ffier or this Contrart, direcil the omission of o,r variation of lvlaterials and/or Work, or alter the delivcry schedule. If any such direstion results in a mst€rial dnnge in the amount or chracter of the Matcrials or Wodr, an equitablc adjustment in the Purchasc Ordcr picc snd oth€r sush provisions ofthis Contact or ury rclevant Purchase Ordcr as may be afected shall bc made and this Contraot and/or any rclevant Purshase Ondcr shall bc modified in triting rcordingly. Any claim by Supplicr for ur adjustrncnt under tris futicle shall be proocssod ia accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 30, CLAIM NOTICE AIID RESOLUTION PROCEDLIRE. No changc shall bc bindrnC rpon C.ompury until a change ordcr is executed by an authorizcd reprcserfitivc of Company which cxprtssly states thd it constitutes a changc order b this Conbact. IIIE IssUAlIcE oF INFoRMATION, ADVICE, APPROVAIS, OR INSIRUCTIONS BY ANYONE OTIIER TIIAN TIIE AUfi{ORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATII'E SHALL NOT CONSTITUIE AN AUTTIORJZED CHANGE ORDER ruRSUAITTT TO T1TIII ARTICLE. ARTICT,E le. EESBANCE Wi0rout limiting my liabilitics or any other obliptions of Supplicr, Supplicr shall, prior b commencing Worls, secure aod conrtinuorsly carry with insurc,rs having an A.IrrI. Bcst Insurance Rqorts rding of A-:MI or bcttcr sush insurarcc as will prutect Supplia trom liability and claims for injuries and drrnagcs which may arise out of or rccult firom Supplier's opcrtions undcr the Contrapt and for rrhich Supplicr may be legally liablc, nfucthcr such operdions are by Supplietr or a Subcontracbr or by anyonc ditwtly or indirectly cutployed by my of dran, or by anyonc for whosc acts 8ny of thcm may bc liablc. Supplier shall insrrc thc risks associEted with the Work and this Contract with minimum covGrage and limits as set fotth below: Phillips 56 - MEHC lvlalcrirls Mastlr Supply Contract l3NOVt3 PEgE 9 of 19 Wor*crs' ComDensdion. Supplicr shall comply witt dl applicable wodterl' compurdion laws and strall furnish proof thercof satisfactory b Company pnor b conmrcnoing Worlc If Wot* is to bc performcd in Washington or Wyoming; Supplicr will prtioipatc in the appopriate statc fitn(s) to co\rcr all cligiblc curployccs and providc a stop gap (employer's liability) cndoncrucnt. Covcr4ge should dso prwidc ryplicablc federal rcgulations (inclding withod limitatiotL FELA, USL&H and the Joncs Act). Emolorcn' Liability. Supplicr shell maintain cmplgrcrs' lisbility inrnnance witlr a minimum single limit of $500,000 crch acoifutt, $500,000 discasc ach cnployec, and $500,000 diseasc policy limit. Comnclcial Gepcral Liability. Srryplicr shall mafurtain oommercial gpncral liability insurancc on dre most rcccntty ryprovcd ISO policy form, or itr cquivalcnt, rritc,n on rn oocurrcrrcE basis, with limiB not lcss tran $1,000,000 per occurrcncd$2,000,000 gcncral aggregatc (on a pcr location and/or pcrjob basis) and shall include thc frllowing coverrge: Prremiscs and operations oovcragc Indopendcnt oontsctor' s oovcragc Contractual liability Products and onplacd opcrdions aovclasc Covcragc for ogloaion, collapse, ad undcrgrcund property da4ge Broed form propcrty damagc tilbility Pcmotrd urd advcrtisfu ittiury liability, with thc contrachlal cxchuion rcnrovcd Suddcn and accidental pollution liability, as applioable Businoss Aubnobilc Liability. Supplia shall mahbin business erfromobilc liability innnanoc on &e most rccatly approvcd ISO policy ftrnrr, or iU cquivelcnt, witr a minimum sfuryle limit of $1,000,000 crch aocident for bodily injuy and pmpcrty &me8e including suddcn ard accidcnbl pollution liability, with rcspoct b Supplicr's vehiclcs ufucthcr oltmcq hircd or non-owne4 assignod O or usod in thc perforrrmcc of thc Wor*. If applicable, thc aionpbile liability policy will include pollution liabihty covcragc cquivalcnt to ttrd prcvided rmdcrthe ISO Pollutim Liability Boodcncd Covcragr for Covcrcd Aubs cn&rsancnt (CA948) and Mor CarricrAst cndsscmcilt (MCS90) sttall be ehcd. Umbrtlla or Brccss Lhbilitv. Sttpplicr shall mahtain umb,rclla or cxorgc3 liability insurancc with a minimum limit of S5,00,0fi) cach occurrcncdaggregate r+,hcrc ryplicablc on a following form basis to bc oroess of thc insurancc covcrrge and limit rcquircd in emplolus' li$ility inrurancc, commcrcid gcncral liability insuranco and business automobilo liability iruurancc abovc. Supplier shall providc Notice o C.ornpony, if at any timc thc firll umbrclla limit requirrd undet this Coffiast is not available, ard will pulchasc additional limits, ifrequcstcd by Company. Transit lnsuranos. Srryplier shall mrinain tansit insurancc covering all vorldwido air, land and watcr shipmcnts, and shall include loadins ad unloading if such Wort is conductd by Supplicr or any Subcortacto& and oftiG sbraSc, if applicable. Transit insurancs shall be Eovidd on ao dl rislc basis b inchde dircct physical loss or duegB inoluding brn not limibd b loss ca,tsod by war, terrorism, strike, riot and cMl commotion, and frrbrication/rpeirs. Iasses rcsuhing fr,om damagc duriqg trusit shsll be providod to coycr firll replacemcnt cost of lhc plmt cquipmeng machincry, compon€nts, supplies and materials bcing shipped md providc vrtuation of not lcss thur CIF plns 1096. Dcductibles shall not be grcabr than $100,000 fur any loss. Supplicr shall havc obtained such transit oovcragc on or prior b thc dde on which the exposurc to the risk riscs. Company will be namcd loss payec or additional named insurrd for its int€rcct in the covered propcrty. Company docs not rcptucnt thst thc insuranoc covcragc specificd hcrein (whcfhcr in scopc of ovcragc or amoutts of covcrage) are adoquarc to protcct the obligEions of Supplicr, and Supplier shall bc solely responsiblc for any dcfisicmcics thcreof. Ekc€pt for workcrs' compensation, the policies rcquircd hersin shall includc p,rovisions or qrdorrcmenb naming B€rkhire llatharray Energl Compmy, its Affilifics, divisions, suboidiry compsnim, ftoility co{w[Gn, and thc officers, ditcstorc, agents, crnployecs, ssrvails and insurers of the sarne as additioual insureds to the extent of Supplier's indemnification obligutions of Company herein. In tte cvcnt additionat Afrliates elcct to participare in and rmder this Contract after the eftstivc dge hcroof, Supplicr shall provide Company updated certificatcs of a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Phillips 66 - MEHC Matcrialr Mster Suppty Coneact l3NOVl3 Pagc l0 of l 9 insuranoc cvidcncing frrat it has included such Af,Eliaes as additional insurcds to thc extcnt of Supplier's indemnifiodion obligations of Company hercin in csch of thc Supplicr's insurantce policics. fire commcrcial gcncral liability additiond ingurcd endorsem€nt shall be ISO Form CO 20 l0 or its cquivalent. To the e>rtcnt of Supplier's negligcnt asts or omisEioru, all policics rcquired by this Contract shall includc: (i) plovisioru that such insurancc is primary insurance with respect to the interests of Company and that any other iruurance maintaincd by Compury is excess and not contribubry insunncc with fte insurancc rcquircd harunder (ii) p,rovisions that the policy contain a orross liebility or swcrability of intsrcst clause or endorscment in the commercial gcncral liebility and aurmobilc liability colr€ragp; and (iii) provlsions 0ru such policies mt bc cancclcd or thcir limits of liability roduccd witborn: (a) fn (10) days priorNoticc to Compury if cancclcd frr nonpaymcnt of punium; or (b) thiry (30) days prior Noticc to Company if cancelcd ftr any other rtason. Unless prohibitrd by applicable law, dl r€guircd insrrance policics shdl contain provisions thatthc insurerwill havc no right of recovcry or subrogdion against Cornpany, ib parmt, divisions, Affilides, subsidiary companies, facility oo-o$'ncr$ agert$ dircc{ors, officcr!, employccs, s€ryants, and insuus to thc cr(Etrt of Supplier's indcmnification obligations of Company hcrciq it being the intention of the Parties that the insunnse as eftstcd shall prorcat all of the above- reftmenoed emities evidenced bywaiver of subrcgation *otdtng. A certificate of insurancc shaU b€ firmished to Company confimring tle issuance of sush insumnce prior to commcnccmcnt of t#ork by Supplicr. Nonrithsturding snythins to thc cornrary in thir futiclc, Supplier may self-insure for thc no,Ed insuencc rcquirrrncnts subjm't to the rcasonable approvrl of Company. Supplicr shall ftrnirh Company a lefier of df- insurance cvidcncing Supplier's compliancc with this futiclc. Supplicr shdl requirc Submntracors who pcrform Work at ttc Wort Sib or other designded dclivery location to carry liability insufancc (auto, commercial gencrel liability and cxccss) and rrorkcn' compensation/employer's Iiability insuance commensrude wifi thcir rcspective smpcs of *ork. Supplio ghsll rcmain rcsponsible for ury claims, lawsuib, losscs and expcnscs includcd dcfcruG oosts that exceed any of its $ubcontrastors' insunnco limits or fur uninsursd cleims or losscs. ARTICIJ 20. INDEMNIIICATION SIJPPIJER SPECIFICAIJY AI{D E)PRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIPY, DEEEND, AND HOLD HARMLESS COMPAI.IY, ALL AFFILIATES, Al.lD TI{EIR OffiCERS, DIRECTORS, EMPIOYTES AI{D AGENTS (HEREINAFTER COLLECTTVELY 'INDEMNITEES") AGATNST Al.tD FROM AI\IY Al.tD ALL CLAIMS, DEMAI{DS, SUITS, LOSSES, COSTS AND DAIvIAGES OF EVERY KIND AI{D DESCRIPTION, INCLITDING ATTORNBYS' FEES AND/OR LITIGATION EXPENSES, BROUGHT OR lv!{DE AOAINST OR INCT RRED BY AI.IY OF THE II{DEMNITEES RESULTING ITROM OR ARISING OIJT OF T}IE I{EGLIGBM ACTS, ERRORSi OR OMISSIONS OF SI.JPPLIER. ITS EMPLOYEES, AGEIITS, REPRESENTATIVES OR SUBCONTRACTORS OF AI.IY TIE& THEIR EMPIOYEES, AGENTS OR REPRESENTATwES IN TIIE PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF STJPPLIER'S OBLIGATIO}IS T'NDER THIS CONTRACT OR INA}TY WAYRELATED TO TTIIS CONTRACT. TIIE II{DEX\,IMTY OBUGATIONS I'hIDERTHIS ARTICLE SHALL INCLI,JDE 1VITTIOUT LIMTATION: A. LOSS OF OR DAI\{AGE TO A}IY PROPERTY OF COMPA}IY, SUPPLIER OR AJIIY TTIIRD PARTY; B. BODILY TNJURY 10, OR DEATH OF AlrY PERSON(SI INCLITDING WITHOUT LTMTTATION EMPI,OYEES OF COMPAI{Y, OROF ST'PPLIERORNS SI'BC]ONTRACTORS OFAI{YTIE& A}.ID C. CLAIIVIII ARISING OUT OF WORKERS'COMPENSATTON T'NEMPIOY-N,IEI{T COMPM.ISATION OR SIMII.ARSUCHII\WS OROBUGATIONS APPLICABLE TOEMPIOYEES OF SI.JPPLIERORITS SUBCONTRAC-TORS OF A}.IY TIER SUPPLIER'S II{DEMMTY OBLIGATTONS OWING TO INDEMNMES UNDER THIS ARTICLE ARE NOT UMTED BY A}.TY APPLICABLE INSI.JRANG COVERAGE IDENTIFIED IN ARTICX,E 19, IMIURANCts. SUPPLIER'S II{DEMMTY OBUGATION IJI{DER THIS ARTTCLE SHALL NOT BXTEI{D TO A}IY LIABILITY CAUSED BY THE NEGUGENCE OF AI{Y OF TTIE INDEMMTEES. THE INVALIDITY,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OF A}IY OF TIIE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS WILL NOT AFFECTTHE REMAINDEROF SUCHPARAGRAPH ORANY OTHERPARAGRAPHS IN T}IIS ARTICLE. Phillips 66 - MEIIC Matorials lvtacEr Supply Cutrac I3NOVI 3 PaeEll of19 COMPAI{Y AGREES TO IDEMNIFY, DEFEND A}.ID HOLD HARMLESS SUPPLIER AI{D ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS (HEREINATTER COLLECTMLY "SUPPLIER INDEMMTEBS") AGAINST AND FROM AI.IY AllD ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, SUITS, LOSSES, COSTS AI{D DAI},IAGES, INCLTDING REASONABLE ATTORMYS' FEES Al.lD/OR LITIGATION EXPENSES, FOR OR ON ACCOI.JNT OF BODILY INJURY TO, OR DEAfiI OF ANY PERSON(S), INCLUDING }VITHOUT UMITATION EMPLOYEES OF COMPANT, OR OF SLJPPLIER OR ITS SLJBCONTRACTORS OF Al.Iy TrE& OR IJoss oF oR DAMAGE TO ANY PROPERTY OF ST PPLIER OR OTIIERS RESULTING FROM OR ARISING OUT OF THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF COMPA}IY,ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORSI, EMPLOYEES, AOENIS, REPRBSENTATIVES OR SUBCONTRACTORS OF A}.I]T TIER. THEIR OFFICERS DIRECTORS, EMPIOYTES, AGENTS OR RBPRESENTATT\{ES. ARTICLE 21. WAIVER OF CONSEOUENTIAL INCIDETTAL AND PI.JNITIYE DAMAGES EXCEPT WTru RESPECT TO LIQUDATED DAMAGES INCLT'DED WIII{IN A PI,'RCHASE ORDER IN ACCORDAI{CE WIru ARTIC'LE 4, PERIOD OF PERFORIVIANCE, BUT NO|IWIT}ISTAI{DING AI{Y OTIIER PROVISION TO TIIE CONTMRY IN THE CONTRACT, A}.ID TO TIIE Iv!{xIMLlM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SI{ALL EITIIER COMPA}.TY OR SI'PPLIER BE UABLE TO THE CIIHER FOR CISNSBQI ENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PlrMITtlE DAIvIAGES. ARTIO,E22.@ ARTICI,E 23. SUPPLIER,S PERSONNEL: DRUGS. AIfOHOL AND FIREARI}IS Supplicr shall crnploy in the perfonnancc of tho Work only persons qualificd for the samc. Supplior shall at all times cnforpe strict disciplinc and good older among its employces urd the employees of any Subcontactor of any ticr. Srpplicr shall mt pennit or allow thc intoduction m usc of any fittarms, illcAal drugs or htoxicating liquor upon a Compury lVork Sirc or any other locdion u,htm Matcrials arc to be delivered. Supplicr shall immcdicely rcrrove fiom thc Work, whenever reqwsted by Company, my person considemd by Compeny to bc incompctc,nt, insubodinmc, cartlcss, disodorly, in violation of the above rcstristion on fircrms, illegal drug3 or intoxicaing liquor, or undcr thc inflrrcnce of illcgal drugs or intoxicating liquor, and suefi pcrson ehall not asain bc crnploycd in the pcrbrmurce oftte Workherein withoutthe r*ritEr conscntofCompaay. ARTICI,E 24. SUBSITANCE ABUSE: DRUG AITID AI,COHOL FOIJCY Supplicr "hdl havc in placc and cnsurc mmpliuroc wi0t a substans€ abnsc/dng and alcohol policy thaf complies with all applicable ftdffi[ stat! md/or local $attres md rcgulaioru. Supplicr rcpresents and wanants that Supplier and dl Penomcl cngggcd in performing TYotk for or providiag Matcrials to Company hercunder alr in compliancc with Supplier's subsbnoe abusc/drug and almhol policy. Dwing thc Erm of this Contart, Supplicr shall kccp acctrare ard detaild doqnncnt*ion of its dnrg policy and all Personrcl &ug tcrta, which it shall sqbmit to Company upon rcguest- Supplicr shdl designate one penon to bc responsibtc for compliancc with thc roqufurmentg of this Article and all rcporting ud fuquirics sha[ b€ made to a duly authorized ltprcsontdivc of Company in a timoly m"nncr. ARTICI,E 25. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFORTATION Supplier shall cngurc Dcpartmcnt of Transportation compliance, including but not limitcd to valid driver's liocnsc, equiprncnt inspections, hours of swice and all appropriatr documcntdim for aoy Personnel wlro may drivc wldle performing lVork underthis C-onragt. ARTICI,E 26. BUSIIYESS ETEICS Supplier, its cmployces, offic€rs, agents, reprcsgntdivcs and Subcontracton shall d all timcs maintain the highast cfiticd sandards and avoid conflicts of intcncst in the pcrforrrancc of Supplicr's obligt'ions undq thisContf,ct tn mqiunction with its pcrformance of thc rilor*, Supplicr md it employoeg officcru, agcnts andtrplscntativcs shdl comply with, and causc its Subcontractor and its anployccg ofrccrs, sgpnts and rtprcscntatives b comply with, all applioablc laws, stahilcs, regulcions and codes pmhibiting bribcry, oomrption, kick-bac*s or similar uncthical practiccs including, witlrout limitation, tte Unitcd Strtcs Forcign C.orrupt Pragticcg Act, the Unitcd Kingdom Bribcry Act 2010, and the Company C.odc of Business C.onduct Wittrout limiting thc generality of tlre foregoing, Supplier spccifically rEg€scnts and warrants that ueithcr Supplier nor .ny Suboontractoa employccs, officctt, rcpresertativcs or other 4gclfi of Supplier have madc or will make any Phillips 66 - MEHC tvlalorids ltlarEr Suppty Cotrrt I3NOVI3 P.ge 12 of 19 paymcnq or hnc given or will give uy0tittg of vdtre, in cifter cass to slry govcmmcnt offisial (including any officer or cmploycc of any govcmmartrl artlnrity) io influcncc his, hcr, or iB dpcision or !o gain any othcr d\rarilage frr Company or Supplier in connestion witr ttc Wotk to bc pcrformed hcrcrmdcr. Supplicr shall mtintain and causc to be maintaincd cftctivc acoounting prccedurcs md intcrnal confiols trecossary to record dl cxpcnditurcs in conncotion with this Contract and to \rcdry Supplicr's compliurcc wi0r this Artislc. Conryany shall be permitEd b adit such r€colds as rcasonrbly ncocststy to coDfim Stpplicr's compliancc with this Article. Srpplicr shdl immediately providc notft- O C.ompany of ury ficts, oircumstucer or allcgeions that constitrrc or might conrtihrtc a breach of this Articlc and shall coopcrslc wi6 Company'r subccqucnt investigcion of such mdtEm, Supplicr shall indcmnify and hold Corpany harmless fur all fincs, penaltics, Greenscs or otlrcr losacs urstdncd by Company as a rGcult of Supplicr's b,rcach of this p,rovision, Thc Partics rpccifically achrowlcdgc that Srpplier's fiilurc to comply wifr tto rcquircmeds of this Articlc shall constitute a condition of dcfauft undcr tis Coutract. ARTICLE 27. SAFETY AII{D WORK STIE REtrIJI,ATIONS Supplier, wlren performins my Wodr or dcliwring i[mrials at I Company Wo* Sie or othor dceignated loc*io,D, chall abidc by and adhcrc b thc Compauy Wor* Sib and ltfcty rcgulatioru md roquirrmcnu, if ay, includingwi0rornlimimion crnfummcmlprcEdkx, loas corol drutcouEoL Bafty,ad s6urity. Supplier aad its Personncl, of aay ticr, shall msimin acctuab and cumot saftty rcoods oorsistEnt with furdufiy pacticc during tlro pcrtrmanoc of lVotlt rmdcr this Coffiact Supplicr and its Pcrsonncl, of rny ticr, shdl immediahln and in m ct/cot more than twenty-fotu (24) hours, r€port to Compmy all crgcs of deedr or iqiury to any Pcrsonnel or my othcr third-partics during or rcl&d b thc pcrfrrmrnoc of Wo* undcr this Corlrrct Furthc, Supplicr ehall immodiacly notiry, md in no ovcnt morc ttrn twcoty-four (21) honts, r€port to Corrpmy my vGhiclc accideut OSIIA recordrblc saftty incidctrg or any rafety citation issncd by ary govcrnnrertal arthority. lVithin frrty-oight (4t) hours of any safcty incident rcportcd to Company, Supplicr shrll providc Company rqrrscnuivc with a preliminary, writen accidcnt invcrtigrtion rcport dctailing thc facte of thc incident any known root cau8G, rnd action otcpc bcing taken by Sup,plier to furthcr invcstigdo tho incidcot and mitigalc future oocurrEnccs. ARTICIJ2& LIENS Supplicr hcreby rraivcs its rights to my mochanic'r lhn, sccurity iutcrsst or othcr liar undcr auy ryplicablc $aturcs or drcrwioo frr all Matuials firnilhed in oonnostion with this Coufacf Prior to Supplicr's rcccip of oach payment rurder this Contract, Sqplicr shall (if rcqucrtcd by Compmy) dolivrr b C.ompury dl affdsvits, licn rclcascs, matcrialmcn's ccrtificacs md oftcr dosumeffi nccclsuy b fully prctcet Compury rmdcr thc applicabh Iicn laws. If at any time thcrc shdl bc cvidoncc of trc e:dstcne of any ruch liclt or slaim ftr Itilrtcrials fimrishd by Srryplicror any othcrparty in cotretion withtho C.onEact, Compmy nay tsc pa)4nc,rB tbcn due orb bccome drrc rnder this Contact to dischrgp guch lion or sdief such claim md may crcdit such mormt against tho paymcnt ducorb bccomc ducto Supplicr, AnmcLE29. COMI.ICTS.ERRORS.OMISSIqNS.ORDITTEP NCTESINCOIYTRACIDOCUMEIYTS Supplicr shall advirc Company in wititrg of all conflicts, errcs, omissious, or discrrpmcics a,mong thc vrrious documsnc aolryrising this Contrast inmcdiatoly ryon dirmvry and prior to Srpplicr's pcrforming the sficctcd lVork. Cnmpany shall rcsolne such oonflictr and suoh rccolution shall bc fiml. Any0ring mcntiorpd in the Spcoificcions and not shovm m thc drawings, or sliown om ftc drawings and not mcutioncd in thc Spccifications, shs[ be oqrsidsrrd as ifshown or meutiouod in both. ARTICI,E 30. CLUM NOTICE ANI' RESOLUTION PROCEDURE In thc ewnt Supplicr has a claim or rcqrrest for a time sriltnsion, additio,nal compcnsdion, my othor adjrulrnent of thc Comzst tstms, otr any dirputc arising undcr thc Conrtract (hcrcin!ftGr'Claim'), Supplicr rhall provide Company with Notico of such Claim within tttirty (30) calondr Dayr ftllowing thc oocurrcnoc ofthc cvtnt giving risc b thc Claim. Supplicr's failurc to givc Noticc ss trquirEd will constitrsc a waiver of all of Srryplier's righB wi& rcspctb the Clain. As soon as prac'ticable aftcr Claim notification, Supplier shall submit thc Claim b Company with dl supporting infomrdion and docrmentation. Supplier shall also reryond prcrnptly to all Compsny inquirics about thc Claim and ia b€sis. Phillip! 66 - MEIIC llaceidr ltlrrEr Supply Oomrrt I3NOVI3 Pr3E l3 of 19 Any Claim ttra is not disposcd of by mutual apemetrt betvvccn thc Partics shall be decided by Company, which shall p,rovide a rvritten desision b Supplicr. Such decision shall be final rurls$ Sttpplier, wi6in thirty (30) days after suoh rcceip of Company's dccisiorq pmvidcs to Company a wriflcn prctcat, stating clearly and in d*ail the basis thcrcof. Supplier's failure to protest Company's decision within that timc pcriod shall constitute a waiver by Supplicr of its right to dispute the decision. Even if a Claim arises, Supplier shall continuc fu performance of this Contracl ARTICLE 31. SUSPENSION OF WONK C.ompsny may, by writton Notice, dittot Suppliu to suspeod dcliveries of lvlarrials or performance of any or all of the Wor* undcr any Purchase Ordcr for a spccificd pcriod of timc. If such suspctuion is not causcd by thc fruft or ncgligcncc of Supplicr, Supplicr will bc compensatcd for cxtrr costs in amodancc with th€ provisions sa forth in ARTICLE 30, CLAIM NOTICE AI.ID RESOLUTION PROCEDT RE. Upott nccipt of such Notie to suspen4 Supplicr shall: (i) discontinue producfion of the applicablc Matcrials; (ii) placc no firther ordcrs or zubcontracts with respect to thc suspended lv{atcrids or Work; (iii) suspend all ordcrs and subco,rtracis with raspect to thc suspendcd lvlderials or Work; (iv) protcct and maintain the all Materials for which the suspcnsion applies; and (v) othcrwisc mitigaF Company's msa urd liabilitics for thosc lv!&rids or Wort supendcd; orovided" houwcr, tlre if the suspension is due to Supplier's failurp to comply with the Contnct or ryplicable Purohase Ordcr, no such psyment sheU bc made. ARTTCIJ 32. TERMINAIION XIOR COTWEMENCB Bi0rerParty msy Eminsc ttris Contaot, in urtrolc r in pafi, at ury tittp withort cause piorto tho eryriration ofthc Tcrm by scnding tlrc o,frrcr Pafiy one hun&cd ard ciglrty (lt0) days advancc writEn mticc of such Emindion. Upon such Ennination Company shall py Supplier, in frtll safisfadion and dischuge of all liabilities and obligrions owcd Supplicr, ar cquitablc mormt for sll I\[derials &livcrcd and rcccittod by Company and Wod( satisfacorily performed by Srryplicr as ofthc ddc of tenninstion. At any time prior b delivery of the Materials ordercd under a partioilar Purchasc Onder, C.ompany may, witbout cause, tcflninde te Purchrsc Or&r in urhole or in pat by sendiag to St4plicr writttn clcctunic notioe of such Ermindion. Upon srrch tEnninfiiotrt Cnmpany tnsy pay b Srpplicr m cquitablc tcrminnion ftc, b address Subcontacbr Emindion clrarges urd drcr orn of.pocka costs hcwrEd by Sqplicr as thc rcsuft of thc eminmion provided that s,trch cogtg cannd be reasonably mitigated. Company will not be liable for mticipatcd pmfits or overhead boscd rryon Work rrct yet pcrfonnod as thc do of trrmindion. ARTICI,E 3. ITRMINATIONX1OR CAUS Should Suprplier ftil to promp,tly or propcrly pcrbrm thc Work or any part thcrcof in apcordance wittr fre tcrms of this Contract, C,ompany may tsmrinatc Stpplia's right to pmcood with the Work. Sush tcrmindion will be subject to Supplier's rccciving fofi+ight (4t) hour writrcn notice tom Comprny, urd Supplier's frilrrc to oommcooe rnd pursue with duc diligcncc thc remcdying of any dcfrult idmtifid by Company. Additionally, thc oocurrcnoe of ury of trc following shall giye C,ompany fte right to tcrmimte ttc Contaot upon rvrifran notice to Supplier : (i) the filing by or against Supplicr of a procccdittg undcr uy banknrytuy or similar law, unless such proacding is dismi$cd withtu thirty (30) days tom the dcc of filing; (ii) thc m*ingby Supplier of any assignment for the benefit of crediton; (iii) the filing by or against Supplier for a prooeedirU for dissolution or liquidation, unless such pmcceding is dismiss€d wiftin thirty (30) days fiom the dare of filing; (iv) thc appoifrirent of or the application for the appointment of a rcccivcr, trustcc or custodian for any mrtcrial par of Supplicr's asgcts unless such qpointmcnt is rsvoked or dismisscd within thirty (30) days fiom thc dm thctcof, (v) thc attcmpt by Supplier to make any adjustne'ng sctlcmctrt or extension of its dcb,tE with iE qtditors generally; (vi) the insolvcncy of Supplier; or (vii) thc filing or rcoording of a noticc of lien or thc issumcc or thc obtaining of a lery of execution upon or against a mderial portion of Supplicr's asscts, rmlcss such licn or lcry of cxeoution is dissolvcd within fiirty (30) days from the date thereof. Upon ffrc occurcnoe of ury snch dcfaulg following thc applicable ptoccss dcscriH in this Afiiclc, Company shall be entitlcd to pursu€ any md all other righB 8nd rcraedies, including withont limimion dameg$ (orccp to tre crdcnt spccificElly limitcd by this Contract), tha Company may have against Supplicr under this Oontract or at law or in equity. All rights and remedies providcd in this Article ae cumulativc, and art not otclusive of any ottrer riglrts or rcmedies that may be available, whcthcr p,rovided by law, equity, statute or o$erwige. Phillips 66 - MEHC lUaarirls Martsr SrryDly Cont8t l3NOVl3 Page 14 ofl9 ARTICLE3,I DE&AIS Force lvlaieure. Ncithcr Party 3hall bc liablc for dclays caucd by a Forcc Majare Evcrt; orovidcd- howevcr, that bo& Partics agrpc to sock to mitigats &e potcntial impact of any such &lay. Any dclay anributrblc 6 a Forcc lvlajeue Evcnt shall not bc thc bssis for I requcst for additional compcnsetion. In thc wcnt of any such dclay, the grarantcod delivcry ddc may bc extcndcd fur a rcasonablc pcriod not orcccding thc time actudly lost by rcarcn of thc Forcc Majcrre Evcnt. Thc iryosition of any liquidacd dsnagcsr if applicable, for lm dofir,cry of 0ro Marials shdl bc ec6dd by an annrmt oftinr cquivalcm o 6o lcnglh oftirnc for thc Forcc Majcrm Evcd. Rcqucst for Time E)ilGmion. Any rcqucst fortimc ol@nsion or additionsl compoosation shall bc made in accordaacc with ARTICLE 30, CLAIMNOTICE AI.ID RESOLUIION PROCEDURE. ARTICI,E 35. COMPIJAI\rcE WTIf, I,/\}YS Supplier shdl at all times comply wift all larvs, ststutcs, reguldionr, rulcs, ordinanccs, codcs, and studards applicable to Supplicr's pcrfcrmancc of thc Wort including without limitrtion thosc govcrning wagcs, houn, dceagrqption, cmploymcnt dlscrimindion" cmploptcnt of minors, health md safcty.. Supplier confirms ff1at ib cmplof,ees md Sc crrployces of rll Subconftms cmploycd rmdcr thc Conhrd may legrlly luofi in thc Unitsd StrEs. lVlthout llEidtrg ttc &nGnltty of tho fongolng Supp[er rnd ruy Subcontrrcton rhrll rbldo by thc rrqulrcmcntr of 4l CFR S!6ll-1.4(r), 6ll€llC5(r) rEd 5ll-7115(r). Thct! rtguhdonr prohlbit dircrlmlnetbn ryrhrt qudlfiod lndMdmlr bucd on Odr il.ttrr er protoctcd vci.nnl or lndlvflurb wtth dt[btltth+ rod prohlblt drcriminrtion egrlr# dl lndlvldub bocd on ttdr nct, olor, nl$on, rcr, or nedond or$n. Morcovcr, thee rtguhdonr rcqulrc thrt covcrcd ptlmc contncton md ubcontncton trkc rIfitandvc rcdon io cmploy rnd rfrnncc ln omflqmcnt lndvldurh wlttout ngrrd to rrGg cobr, rcllgion, rcxr nrtlontl odgln, protcctcd vctcnn tbtur or dbrblllty. Supplhr end eny Subcontnc{on rhrll eko rblde by ttc ruqulrcmcnt of Erccutivc Odcr 11246 rr rncndc4 to dcvclop rnd mdntrh r wdtta rflhuetive rcdon prcgrrm (AAP) rnd Ereutlvc Ordcn 11625 end 13170 (udlhdon of dlrrdventrgcd burincs cntcrprbol) md ttc Smell Burhclr Act Supplic shall indconiry, dcftDd md hold hsmlcs Compeny, dl Atrlidcs mdthcirdirccbrs, ofEsr, cnployces urd ageffi fiotrr all losscq cosB and drnagcs by rcason of ary vbhlioa tercof ud fiom ury lirbility, inchdttg witp6 limiation ffnes, pcoelties 8nd oft€r 6sb uirLrg out of Supplicr's frihm o so oonrply, ARTTCI,E 36. CONFLICT MINERALSI Supplicr stull povido b Company informion on tte codcril of produsts' nanufrstrcd or mntsrtod b bo manrftptntd by Srpplicr for Corupu:t, trEt utilir ff omtain thc'onflict mincrals" woltunir, €sscdtc, cohmbito tashlite (ooh), gold ud thoir dcrivdve motals: Eblun, tin and tmgtu lte infonnstion will be povidcd in a formfu will dlow Oonpany b vEti& orylimcc rrith Scctim 15(}2 of ftc Dodd-Frank Act (fre U.S. Co!flist Mincnts Iaw) md will include ervidcncc ofthc origin r s<lrrocs of trc conflict minemls. Thc informaion will be suburittsd at ap*n to thc timc of deliwry of prodtrts in a ft,nn ryprcvcd and/or de"'gnmd by Conpany finrn time o time.. Supplia shall obtain Comprny's prior writEn oonscnt bcfore puiding ury prodncB b Cottrpury thlt inchde oorf,ist mirsals origindcd fiom lhe Democrtic Rspnblic of Ooago or thc dne a4ioinftU oodict mutrico; A[gola, Bunmdi, C.;€nusl African Rcprblic, th Rcpublic of the Cmgo, Rwutd4 Sordr Sudm, Tamsda, Ugmda, md Zmrbia. Supplie shall msinbin eftAivc accottrittg hGrld contols md audit p,rocoducs rcces3ay b rccord the oounfy and plro of origin of all niacrals incldcd in produss povidGd o Coupmy, utd b \rcrify curplime widr 6is Article. Compuy shall be pcmtibd b audit such rccords as rcasonably trcessry b conftm Sup,plia's compliurcc with this Articla Supplicr shall itrdqnnify odhold Cmpary harmlss frr all fnc* pcnrltica' cxpcoscr ororftcr locses sus6aircd by Compury ar e rcsuh of Srryplict's brcach offrir Article" ARTICLE 37. INDEPENDEI{T COI{:TRACTOR, Supplicr is m indcpadcnt cortracbr, and all pcrsons crrploycd by Snpplicr in conncction hcrcwith shall be employees of Supplicr srd not employees of Company in any mpcct Supplier shall maintain mmplac mnfiol over Supplier's employecs. Phillipc 66 - MEIC lt/hErials MrE&rSupply Consct l3Novl3 Prgc 15 ofl9 ARTICLE 3E. RELEASE OF IMORMATION: ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION Supplier shall not publish, r:lcase, disclosc or aruounsc to any mcmbcr of the public, press, official body or any ofircr third party any inforuratio,n conc€rning 6is Contact, a hrchasc Ondcr and/or the ttlorlg or any part theroo{, ilcept as required by law. Ncither the namcs of Conpmy, nor Company Work Site, nor any ot}rer delivery location designaEd by Cornpuy shsll bG us€d in any adwrtisirg or otficr promotional context by Srpplicr. ARTICI,D 39. Dsltntdon of Coufidcotlrl Infometlon. thc tcrm "C,onfidcutial Informdim" mcus: (i) proprictary information of Compang (ii) information mr*cd or derignded by Compary as confidcntial; (iii) Critioal InfiastucturG Informaion aad Protocted Informstion of Company; (iD informtioq whcthcror not in writtn fomr and whcthcrr or not dcsign*cd as confidcmial, which is knorm b Srryplicr as bcing ftdcd by C-ompany as confidcntial; (v) infonndion provi&d to Comprry by thitd putics u,hioh Compary is obliga;ted to kccp confidontial (including but not limit€d to infonnatiotr rclating to an ide,ntified or idcntifablc nahrrll pcrsor, ufiatrcr or not such informdion is publicly availabQ; and (vi) informaion dcvclopcd by Supplicr in conncction with thc pcrformancc of tris CorilracL Nondlsdorurc. Supplicr agrccr tlnl it will not disclosc Confidcntid Informdion, dircctly or indirectly, under any circumstanccs or by any mcans, to my third pcrson without thc orprcsr rvritteo cooscilt of Company. Nonurc. Snpplicr firthcr agrtcs thd h will not uEe Confideutial Informaion cxccpt as may be nGccssary to pcrform lhe lVort callcd for by this Contract. Protccton. Confidcrtial Information will be made awilable by Supplicr to is cnployoos only on a'nccd to knor+r' bosis md only after mtifying such cmployccs of thc confidential ndure of thc information and after hwing obligatcd thcrn to thc nouuc and nondisclosurc obligetims of this Contast Sttpplicr agrGcs b takc all rcasonablc precaufions to prstoct thc oonfide,ntiality of Confdcrtial Informcion and, upon r€qucst by Company, to rrtum to C;ompany ury documcnts whioh oontain or rcflcct such Confidcntial Informdion. Unlcss lyaivod ty Company, Sqplicr sball rcquirc ir cmpbycs and Subconhsbrs of any ticr to adherc b ltr3sc aonfdcntid infornr*ion md nondisclosu€ t€rms. ARTICI,E {0. OWNERSIHIP OF DESilGTIIS. DRAWINGS AND WORK PRODUCT To tte orEnt applicablq thc Ihlivcrablcs prsporcd or dcvclopcd hcrtundcr, or otrcr documerilg or in6rmation pmvidd to Compa4y, by Sryplicr c ir cnrployccs or a8eltts, u Subcomactors or treir elnployccs or a$otb including wiffpu limimtion drowings, gpecifications, rnanrnlE, calculdions, maps, slcachcg dcsigns, racings notca, Eportt, data, mmputsr program!, modclg ud sanrplcg shall bccomc thc propcrty of Company whcn prrpmd, ed shall, togerftcr with any doqmonb or info'rmdkm fumishod b Snpplicr and it cmploye or agEEB by Comprny hpmlndcr, shall be dclhrud !o Compaily upon r€qrst, and, in any Gyrot, Won Ermination or final soccptucc of thc Wolc. Company shdt trarc ftl righ and privilcgco b rs€ ad rqmducc asid ibm in ia opcration, mainbmrrcc, funpovcmcut and rcplaccmeil of Compmy's rs!€t$ and shall hcve fu[ rigb ad prrilcgcs o share the samc wi6 iB contrctors, agpo0u, officcrq dirccbn, qnployccs, joint orYr€ir, afrlielca and consulturt niro rc assisting Compmy withsamgwfthurrgnrdtornynu*ingEthdrreydcnotaaconfidfftialorpropridaryintacstinthcssiditcms. To trc odcnt thd any Dclivcnblcs itrcltdc or incorycats proaristing inlcllcotEl piopaty of Supplicr, Srryplicr hcro y graffs Computy a ftlly pai4 pcre€td liccnsc b usc suoh irrcllosttlal property 6r Conpany's opcratiorn, mainEnancc, raodificdion, impoveurant urd rrplaocnrcd of rhc C.ompury's asscts thc fullcgt cxEm nccessry b accomplish thosc pryosca, including thc right to sbare same with Conrpany'r ootrhrctms, agEot, officcm, dirc6rs, employecsr joLil ownors, affliEtcs md coruultams. homptly upon Company's request, Supplier shall prcvidc aU tools and informdiou (incMrnS wi&ortr limitstioa ryplicablc passu/o,rds and ailboriztion oodcs) ncccssary b ennnc Corupany rcceiws theftllbarrftoftlpWork ARIICI,E 4I. Supplicr shall indoruifr, dofcn4 and hold hamrless Company, is dircctors, ofEccr* crnployccq end agem against and from all claims, locscs, costs, suitt judgmcnts, darugos, and agenseq inclding dtorneys' ftes, of my kind or nstut bqsed on a claim tltd the l\dauials utd DclivCrrblcs oomututc ur infiingement of ury poeng copyrigltted or unmpyrighrd rrcrk. If notificd promptly in rrriting urd givcn autlrcrity, infrrmaion and assisance, and contingent upon Company not taking any position advenc to Supplicr in connestion with suoh claim, Supplier Phillipr 56 - MEIIC MrFiah }{arbr Supply Cofirct l3NOVl3 hga 15 of 19 shall dcfend, or may sefile d its elpense, any suit or procccding nEqinst Compmy so far as bascd on a claimcd infiingemcnt urd Supplir shall pay all drmagcs and costs awardcd thcrcin aSpinst Company due to such brcach. In case any MaErials or Dclivcrablcs arc dctcrulinGd in such suit to constitute suoh ut infiingcment and the use of said lvlatrials or Deliverables arc emjoined, Supplier shsll, d ib expcnse and ttnough mutual ag:eme,nt befireen Compny and Supplicr, cithcr procurc for Company the right to co,ntinuc using said Materials or Delivcrables, rcplacc same witt non-infiinging mst€rids or modiS 6c scmc so itbccomes non-infiinging. ARIICLE12.W In addition, Compa,ny is opcn to maximizing thc cost effectivc utilization of standards bascd electronio oouunerpe technologies, comptible with legacy computEr syctGmq including but mt limit€d to rcquircmcnts fo,r dcsk top ordcring cataloging documatatio,n, payrrcob, and pcrfrrmance monitoring In lhe cvEnt Supplio has implcrneuted elcstonic oommctpe capabilitics, Sup,plier shall ansurc such elcctronic oommercs (c-commcrce wEhic) intcrftcc shdl bc availablc to Company. Supplict's (snd is Subcontrrmor'r) Lcad Timcs for lvlatcrials shall be statrd in any available G-oommarlo wubsite. At a minimunr" Supplier shall rpdatc lhe Iead Times on a qustcdy basis or as changes in Lcad Times art known to Supplicr. Srpplicr Lcad fi6gs rhalt bc no grcatcr thur lhagc agrccd in thc ContracL Supplier urd itg Subcontzstor shall ptwide Company witt 2f-hou a day aoccss to Sryplier web bascd catalog and clcctnonic documcntrtion library. Supplicr's olcctnonic commcrpc busincss modcl shall includq (i) proccsscs for clestnonic invoicing and peynort systolffi; (ii) dcvelopmcnt of an clocfironic inspoction library for ccrtificdcs, tcst Eport$ stripment rcleasc documsrts, ac.; (iii) tracking aud tacing of Compuy shipmcffi tom ie Supplias; and (iv) clechonic links to iB Sryplicrs Gqinc€ring filcs, drawings, documcntation, installatiodopcraions manuals, urd product derts. Supplier elcctonic commcrce platform should support a scamless intcrfrcc with any c-commqle cntorprise platform apecifiod by Company. Supplier shall kccp an oloctnonio historical fflc of rll tamactions cxccutod urdcr this Contrast ud shall maimain sush rccords for tlre duraiion of ttis Contract plus ur additional thrce (3) yean. Supplier slnll hsvc I compmcrizod invcntory and/or podnciotr mflugtmcnt syshm end/or Purclrasc Ordcr tacking/erpoditing system, crpable of intcr&oing with Company systcms. ARrrcr,E{s. asEIgM[Ef Ncithcr Prty shr[ assigp this Cmtract or my part hcrcof, or my righb or rcrponsibilities hcrermdcr without fre prior nritten conscilt of the other Puty, and ary atEmpEd assigpmcmt in violdioa hcrcof shdl bc void. AXTICT,E 44. glJEggNIBAgIE Supptcr shall not subcomact any or all of ttc Work without prior writcn corucrrt of C-ompany, which shall not bc mreasonsbly wilhhcld. Supplicr sha[ bc fitlly respoltsiblc for 6c acts or omissioru of any Subcofracbrs of any ticr and of all pcrsmr cmploycd by then, shsll maiutain completc control ovor all srrch Subcontasbrs, and neithcr tro consoil by Company, nor anythittg contrined herciD, shsll bo dcrncd b otatc any contactud rplation bctr*tcn lho Subcodrrctor of any ticr and Company. ARncLE4s. IIQIIUATEB Thc failurc of ci6er Plrty to insist upon or cnforcc srict performancc by thc othcr of auy ofthc Erms of this Contract, or to orcrtho atry righB hcrein rhell not bc constuod as a rvrivcr or rclinquishmert to any adcnt of tle Prty's right to mforcc such tcnns or riglts on any futurt occasion. ARTICLE{5. SEVERABILITY Any provision of tris C.ontact prohibitcd or rcndwd unenforpeable by opcruion of law sb3ll b€ ineftctivc only to ftc extcnt of such prohibition o,r rmcnforpcability without invalidathg thc remaining prcr,isions of this Contragt. ARTICLEaT.@ In the went of any mafer or dispute arising out of or relatcd b a Contract, it is agrccd between the Partics lhd srrch e,ortrast shdl bc ifferyrced in accordmce witt the subsEtive and poccdunl lam (iooluding shhtte of Phillipo 56 - MEHC Mllaialr }16 Swply Confirt l3NOVl3 Pagc 17oflg limimions provisions) of thc jruidicion of thc pdncipal buincss address of tlrc ryplicablc Compeny. With rcspcct b Atrlidrs, ftis shrll mcan the principsl hrsiness addr€ss of thc Afrlio as idcntified h E fiibit . The larffi of such jurisdiction will govrrn tlrc imcrpraatiotr, wtidtty and eftct oflffi eril!.t wiftorn ngrd b trc plecc of oxccution, place of performanoo trcrco( or my conflicts of law prcvisions. Any litigEion bctwGon thc Putics aristrg out of or rclUing to the Coutras{ will bc conduced *clushrcly in epprop,riate courts of swlr jurisdictio& md Supplicr cons€nts to juddiction by srch courts. TortE FULLE|IT EKTrIIT pERMITTED By I^A% EAcH oF TIIE PARllEs HERETo wAI\rEs ANy RrcHT IT MAy HAVE To A TRIAL BYJI,JRY IN REIIPECTOF LITIGATION DIRECILYOR INDIREEII,YARISINO OUTOF, UNDEROR N C1CNNECIION WIn{ THE @NTRACT. EACH P,TRTY FURI}IER WAIVES ANY RIGHTTO CONSOUDATE ANT AC'NON IN WTflc}I A JT'RY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEET{ WAryED. ARTICI,E {E. FON $'ONI( PEruONMED IN CAITTORNIA, THE FOI,LOWING JIJR,Y TRIAL WAIVEN,ANI' AaBITf,ATIoN PnovB(,N APPIJES. TO TEE FT,LLEST ETTENT TERiIITIDI, BY I.AW, EAqI oFTIIE PAnmEs f,ERETO WAIYES ANY RIGIIT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL EY JT'RY IN NESECT OF LTflGATIOIY DINECTLY ON, INDInECTLY AruSING OIn OF, UI{DEn OR IN CONNECTION WrmI THrS OONTRACT. EACI| PAnTy IrUnTIrEn, WATVES AIVYRIGIITTOGONSOLIDAIEANYACTIONINWIIICUAJI'RYTRIALC/INNOTXDORHAIIM'TEEET{WAIVED. ITA WAIVER,OTJUN.YIruALISI'BEXEII EYANY OOUIT OPCOMPEIENTJI'NSDrcflONTONOT DEENNORCEAEI,E FOR ANY REASON, THENTOTIIEN'LLE T EXTET{TPERf,IITIED BY t,A%EACH OFTIIE PANTIESHENEIIOAGREETO DINI'INGANBITRATION. SUCHANBITRATIONETAITDEINAOCORIIANCEWITIITgENUIJSAITDPROCBI'UNESOF mTEaMERTCAN AXBTTflAflON ASSOCTT.TION (AAA). NOnrrfEETANDINGAIIyAAAXI LEtitI{D TnOCEDIJRDS,,OR AtvYOTEERTBOVXSIONOTANYETATEONTXDEMLLAW$IIEPARTIESAGNEEIIIATTHDANilInATOf,SSHAI,L NOTOOrygrrEX,(}RAWAnITPITNITTVEDAMAGESASAnEMDDy. UPONTEECOMPANY'SnEQUEEtrTAAAEffALL PROVII'E THE PARIUS A IJST OF AND.ITRATORS EAO OT WHOM EAYE EXPDruDNCE AI{D EXPERTISE AP'FT,ICTBLE I1O Tm wOnX. UFON EACU Or 1f,E PARTIETS' nECETT OF Suclr r,ErS, EACII PAnTY $IALL EAVE Tf,N (l 0) D y8 ToSELECTANANEITRATON. TMTWOSEI.ECTEDANBITRATON8SIAIITIIEI{SELSCTATIIIH'ARB]ITNATOR wmrrN TrrrRTy (30) D yS TRoM THE TTATE TTIE TNITTAL TWO AnEITnaTOnS WERE SEIICTETT aND THE MATTER t t LrEcr ro AnBTTRATIoN sf,aLL BD AnBTTnATED WTIIIN SD(Ty (60) IrAYg AtrTEn rf,E SELECT()I{ OFTTIE THInI' ANDITRATOR. ARrrcLE 1e. _@Utr!&NEEIJND As oonsidcruion for 6is Cortralt Srpplicr horcby agrccs to prwide Compeny thc following: A one'time $250,000 cquipmcnt frrnd ("Equipmcnt Fund) to bG uld solcly by Company for improving lubrication bcst practioos. Ttcao fiurds aro intondcd frr uso br projcots guch as sctting up bulk storage tanks and bEs, aDd lubriaat ctoragErcom rpgndcs, Wift r€gnrd b thc frrods abovg Company shdl submil to Snpplior: (i) a rrqwst for thc projects to bc implementod by tlre participoting Affiliatcs for apprcval prior r initiating any projcct srnh apprornl not to bc unrcasonably delaycd or dcnicd; and (iD thc rcccipt o invoics dooumcntiqg tte projost crpaditrc. Rcimburscmcot by Supplicr shsll bc made b Conpany wi6in thirty (30) days of rtcciviag thc wi@n prcof of payment Thc abovc funds me available for use drring thc rrm of this Contrct and arc b be uscd exchuivcly by thc puticipding Afrliarcs in apcordancc hcrcin. Furdrcr, thc ftndr cannot bc ucd br purohase of hroduct. Supplier rcscrvcs fte right to audit Compony's ulsge of tlr above fiud amou6. Company shdl not be entitlcd to claim and Supplicr shill not bc liablc to conyclr any unuscd fimd amouts rcDraidng d 6rrc of tsrmination or ocpircion of tlris Coniast. Frmd paymonb hqrund€r ue subject to the a,mortization soh€dule dhched hcrsto and inaorporatcd hcrcin as Exhibit 8.2. Upon crly tcrrnindion of ffrc Contrapt, Compony rhall rcimbursc Supplicr on a pm-raEd basis in aaoordmcc with thc E rhibit 8.2 schodulo. ARIICI,ESO. This Cortast and any rcfu,cnccd exhibits, appcndices, schcdules and stbchm€nts congtiturc thc complac agl€Grnert bctrrcen thc Parties. All undcrstandings, rcpms€mations, warantics, agrlc,mmb and aay rcftrcoocd dtachmcmts, if any, existing httrccn thc Parties rrgEdiqg thc subjoct mattc hmof are mergcd into md supcrsoded by this Contapt, which ftlly and mmplctcly exprcssos the agrecment of thc Puties with rcspeot b the subject malter hcrcof. Any Spccificdions, drawingp, schcdulcs or othcr exhibits or dosumsnE listcd in ttis Confact, Ptrillipr 66 - MEHC Matsials Mrrbr Supply Corfict l3NOVl3 ru! 18 of 19 eA TT including appliceble Purchas€ Ordcrs issued pursuant to the tcms hereo{, rrt incorpordod by reftrance into this Contrast. In the went of a mnflict betw€en (i) any Specificdiom, Deliverebles, drawiags, schedules or otter attechmcnt or cxlribit to this Contast, and (ii) thc above terms and conditions of this Contact, thc abovc tcrms and conditions of this Contract shall talce precedme md oont',ol. Company assumcs no rcsponsibility for any understanding or rcpresentation made by any of iE employees, officers or ag€nB during or prior to tho nogotidions and qecution of this Connart, unless such undcrdanding or rcpresentdion is oprcssly stated in thc Contast. The Prtics intcnd that tha terms and conditions of this Contnc( itr referenccd attrchmenE, and any Purchase Order th* may bc issued relating to this Conhact should be complcmentary with each other; howwer, in the event of a conflict bctwccn thc tcrms and conditions of any Purc'hasc Onder and thosc of thc Contrast, the tcnns and oonditions of rhis Contract shall takc precedencc and mmrol ov€r any Purchasc Ordcr; prggi&I, howwcr, thd whcre this Conhagt indicates oomme,rcial tcrms Otat may bo a,mended by the Purchase Ordcr, the hrchase Orrder shall be deemod to govern with rcspect to such conflicting commcrpid tprrrs. ARTICLE5l. This Contact has be€n execuEd by duly althotiad reptscntatiw of the Parties and shdl bc cftctivc as of dre ofoccution by Company, Suprmn: Phillipo 66 Cottmerw: Name: (IhtcErctubtl) By: Title: (IlpcorPrht) Ptillipr 66 - MEXIC l,lauiah Magtor Supply CortrC I 3NOVI 3 PagE 19of19 ExHrBrr A E:fiibitA MATERHLS AIYD SPECITICATIONS LTIBRICATION SI]PPLY Supplier shall provide Materials to Company in acrordance with Exhibi(s) B and the following. Comoanv end Suoolier Locations Supplier strall deliver Materials to the Company locations idcntificd in Appendix 4 or to othcr locations as may be specified by Company. Althotqh Appendix 4 ideitifies the Sqplier office nearest to eaoh Company location, Company shall have the op,tion to work with any Supplier office it so chooses. Deliven, Stsndud Order Lead Times - All Stock ltems arc expccted to be deliver€d within 5 business days, excluding the day tlre ordq is placcd. All Non-Stock or Spccialty ltems are expeotod to be delivered within 7 working days, cxcludi4g the day of order placernento Stock Itsms: Are considered as all paclcaged prodrrcts including drunrs, totes, pails, and sasos.o Non-Stock Itcnrs (or Specialty ltems): Are considcred as bulk ttrbine oils and bulk Transformer oil.o Emergency Order Fees: h the instances wherc Supplicr is expccted to deliver a Stock Item in lcss than the standard 5 bwiness days, Supplier rcsencs ttrc right to add a $100.00 cmergency fee to such ordens. In instances whcre bulk turbine oils are expectcd to be delivered in less than the requircd 7 business days, Supplicr reserves the right to add a $1,500.00 eNncrgency fec to such orders. Any special freight or handling charges incurred by Supplier due to emergency procedrres shall be relaycd to Bcrlahirc Energl for approval priorto shipnent. All deliveries shall occur during normal hours of operation Qocal time) for the applicable delivery location and be pre-approved and coordinarcd with the appropriate dclivery site prior to delivery. Altcmatively, the Parties may agrce to coordinate regularly sshedulcd delivery times or to schedule deliveries outside of normal hours of opcration. Supplicr aoknowlcdges that certain Company locations have pre-planncd overhauls or major projecc that may require geat€r assistance, suppo$ and more Materials ttun standard operating needs. Supplier agre€s to support such requirements. The Parties agr€e and undershnd that there may be e:rtenuating or emergency circrmrstances which requirc delivery requirements outside of the parameters sst forth abovc. The Parties agree to work togcttrerto mitigatc thc impacts of such extenuating or emergency cirpumstanoes and shall work together to coordinate all other deliveries. Communicetion Supplier agnees to assign a single and primary point of contactto maoage Company's accormt (includcs all Affiliates). Responsibilities of such contact shall include but not be limited to: serving as a point of escalation for problem resolution, co-coordinating rcporting efforts, managing broad communication cfforts, addrcssing pricing issues, and general aocount management duties. Supplier will bc available dtring normal business hours 0700 to 1700 local time Monday *rough**ton o Friday and will handle all standad work issues during such time. However, Supplier shall also be available twenty four (24) hours a &y, scven (7) days a week to ptovide parts and services to Company under any extcnuating or emergcncy circumstances. (Refer to Contract Article 3, Purohase Orders of the conffist for order confirmation requirements.) Appendix 3 contains Compny and Supplier and contacts for each location. Changes to such contact listing may be updated from time to time by the Parties as necessa4t and shall not requirc a formal writrcn noticc or clunge order. Identificetion and Crog Refer.encc of Materielr Supplier shall ensurc and provide proof, when requestc4 of ability of Material to be interchangeable with incrmrbent manufactures. If requested by Company, Supplier shall providc spccific information to Company rcgarding Materials including country of origin and manufacturing locations. Srpplier shall assist Company in cross referencing cxisting componcn$ at Company locations with approved manufapturcrs. Supplic,r shall expedite rcsolution of compatibility and fit issues on rccommendcd replaceme,nt components. Supplicr shall adequately answe Company material mansgement and maintenanc€ departnents that recommended alrcrnative products can be installed without modification to Company systems. Mcetinsr Integrated supply chain meetings shall be held as deemed nmessary by the Company, but normally shall not be more than once per quartcr. Past and futuc supply pcrformancc will bc utilizcd to review the production and supply schedule and discuss any delays, unusual conditions or critical itoms, which have affected or could affcot production oapacity and/or delivery performance. Reoorfins As requestcd by Company, Supplier shall provide to Company within five (5) busincss days thc following rcports: a. Toal Company or Affiliate spend over a givon time period b. Total spend by plant or location ovcr a given time perid Total spend by user over a given time period Total spcnd by plant or location oyer a give,n time period (specifiod by marcrial) Total rxage by Company or Affiliate (spcoified by material) Total usage by plart or location (specified by matcrial) Total usage by ruer (specificd by materid) Eleetrcnic Commerce Refer to Article 42 of the Contract for electronic cammerce rcquirements. c. d. o. f. e. Meteriel Prckeqins Unlcss othcrwise agecd to by the Parties, Company requircs thc following packaging requirements: A packing list for materials rcceived by Company must be pr,ovided with each shipnent. The packing list shall l) inolude, at minimum, the information listed below and 2) have such inforrration (except for employee name) encodcd in a barcodds). o Company material or stock item number o PO number and/orrelease number o PO Line ltsmNumbcr o Quantity stripped o Idanufasturer name and catalog number e Name of Company employee that placed the order Each carton must be labeled with the following information: o Company's material itern number (barcode and character &ta)o Short dcscription ofttre itcmo Quantity (barcodc and character data)o Unit of meastre . P. O. number and/or release numbcr Each carton or standard package must b€ identifiod with the specifiod barcode material label. Packrglng:. All lvlat€rial received at Company locations must bc packaged for oasy identification and sorting as follows:o Each product will be packaged scparately in individual bags or boxes and marked with Supplier's part number, manufroture part numbcr, sizc and descriptiorl and Company Puohase Ordernunber and stock mmrber (wherc applicablc).o All orders will be separated and grouped together br}, Purchasc Ordcr number.o Company and Supplier will agrce on items that will require full case quantities.o Partial ordcr shipments on critioal products ane encouraged. Supplier shall ship stooksd quantities immediately. Supplier shall fill backordcrs whenthe additional material arrives. Supplier shall not hold orders until they are complete.o Supplier shall clearly mark on the c:rterior of the box what is insidc the box. Ideally, the stock numb€r and quantity should bc on the exterior of the box.o Packing sheets shall be clearly identifie4 and easy to find.o Supplier shall not place loose or small objects inside large boxes. Supplier shall clearly identifi loose malerid.o Supplier shall rnark fragile materials clearly on the outside of boxes and pckagc accordingly.o Wherc possible, Supplier shall usc heary cardboard boxcs for shipments. ExhibitA Generrl Company shall have the right at any time to changc thc rcquircments s€t forth in Exhibits A as neoessary to ensurc that all Company rcquiremenb me met. For technioal speoifications, please refer to the following: Attachment I -PacifiCorp Lube Oil Technical Spocification Attaohment 2 - MidAmcrican Ene,rry Lube Oil Technical Specification Appendix 1 to lVIarEr Mrbriels Supply Conhact Sppcrrr,Coxomons Appucenm m PrcmConp CIPII Covpnro AsssN exo Cnrucrr, INI|RASTRUCTtIRE lrncnuenox NERC CIP6I RrOurREIrENrs NORTH AIT,IERICA}.I ELECTRIC RELIABILITY CORX)RATION (NERC) CSTTICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTTON STAI.IDARDS (CPS) Capitalizd tcrms usod lreroin shall havc the same mcaning as sct forfi in tho Contract, unlcss thc aontaxt may othcnvhc requirc. D'dtrcdTcrnr: ItrG tErms rucd in ftcac Spcciat Conditions apflio$lc b PacifiCsp shall havr tlrc Stloring mcaning: Conpmy't Crttsrlr shall mean applicable rcquimtrGots usod as tho bass[ne for doutrining whcthcr m individusl is altstricEd pcmon, as scil frrdl on Schodulo l,'tsac&grornd CSmk Clilcria" C.onpenytr Fedffda drall mean ary frcilitics oumc4 op€red or odprwigc amtoll€d by Compary, wtich rcquirc Compery atrthoizdion b ob,tain rcccss. Crtdcrl Infrrrtruetui'c Infornrdon shall mcan informdion conasrning CIPS C.oyercd Ass€ts Ord: (i) rcldeg to the production, generdion or tensmission of encrg4 (ii) could bc uscful to a palon planning ur afrack on critical infrasfrucUr; ed (iii) providcs s@gic infrrnration bsyud thc gcogrryhio locdion of dr€ sidcd a$Et, and nrhich is idmtifid as Critic€l infrascucture Infrrmuim by Conrpany. Scnritvc Pcnonnd shsll mcan all Pcrsonncl witr Errthorizd uocccorbd ph!6ioEl acccss or anlnrized qfter rcccssb Oompany's CIP$I Covcrcd fuscts. Uncrcortcd Pcnoud shall mcan dl Pcrsmnpl vith arrhorized uncscored physicNt rccss b Corymy's Focilities. SECIION l: ACCESSTOCOMPANY'SFACILHES 1.1 Roqutrtncutl for Uncrcomed'Pcnonnd rnd Scnritivc Pcrronnd Company shsll ryGGiry in thc Scopc of Worh uficthcr $ not tbc Work or Ssrviccs rm&r ttis Coutact roquires: (i) arltodred umsoqtd physical acccss b Compqr's Fasilitics (ic., uso of Unoscoltod Pcrsonncl); c (ii) authorizcd uncscortcd physical ascGEs or autrorizsd cyber acccss b Compury's CIPS C.o\rcrcd Asscts (ie., usc of Scnsfirc Pcmourcl). For all Porsonnol who rcquirt such aoccsr, Supplier shall: (a) Ensurr ffrd Uncscorted Persmncl ad Scositivc Pcrsoancl trnrc possd tre beckgrormd clrccks ordined in $@liCnLlQ) corcistcnt wi& thc Company's Brkground Cbcck Critcria sct forth on Schcdulc I pior o rcqucsting unescodcd physical acccse and/or oyber acccss b Company'a Frcilitic and/or CIPS Covcred Asscts, as applicablc; O) Ensuc trst Unescorted Pcn:omel and lhnsitiw Personncl omplgE Company providod or approvcd initid CIPS oomplianoc tnining prior b roqucsting unesco,r&d ph,Bicsl acocss md/or qlber acccss to Company's Facilitics and/or CIPS Covered Asssts, as applicsblc; (c) Ensurc that Uncscortcd Pcrsonncl and Scnsitivc Pcrsormcl havc pasced Supplicr's drug and alcohol exam and arc in compliance with Supplier's substancc abusc/drug and almhol policy as outlindintEli@2; and (d) Kccp acourde md dctailcd documcotdion to confirm completion dates for background ohecks, all gPS cornpliancc taining (initial urd auual tnining to fic orbnt pplicrble), rnd drug tesB, 8nd c€rtify b Company such documcntation by complcting a ContacbrAy'endor Infonnation Form, attached as Schedulc 2 hercto, frr cach UncscorGd Personnel or Sensitivc Pcrsomcl. Sup,plicr sball Dot dlow any Uncscortcd Penonnel or Sensitive Personnel who hsve not mrt the forcgoing requircmcnts of this subscgtion l.l to pcrform Wort or Scrvicca, unless Supplier has rcccivcd prior rmificn consent from C.ompany. 12 Additionrl Acccrr Requlrancntr Spedflc to Scnrldvc Porronncl In addition to thc acoess r€qufuuncnts outlincd in subscstion t.1. with respcct to all Scnsitive Pcrsomcl, Supplicr also shall: (a) Ensurc lhd Scnsitivc Porsonnel (md any Pcrsonncl with apccss to Criticd Infrasuucturc Information) are infrrmed of and oomply with Compeny's Criticsl Infras0usturc Inforrntion rrquirtrncnts containcd in the Contract, inoluding thc additional requirements applicable to Critical Inftasfructurr Informatiou set forth in Section 4 hersfur" 8nd any confidcntiality agltcmcnt previously exccutcd by Suplicr, if applic$lc; (b) In addition b the initial CIPS ooryliancc trining rcquircmcnt orrlincd in subs€ction 1.lft). ensure thct Sqrsitivc Personnel comple& Company provided or ap,provcd CIPS oompliancc training within Company's prcscribcd training window, and not lcss than on an annual brsis; and (c) Irmdiably rcport botr (i) Sensitivc Pcrronncl t$EitrEtiorr for causo and (ii) all other Scmsitive Pcnormsl tcrminaiions u changos in employrrent sffiis for tbosc who no loqgcr requirc aoocsE to Sc Corrya,ry's Tccbnolory Rcsource Ccrrtor (TRC). Thc TRC is cvsilable by calling cithcr (503) tl3- 5555 or (t0l) 220-5555. Supplier shall not allow any Sensitive Personnel who havc not mst tlrc forcgoins rcquiremcnts of this subscction 1.2 b pcrfonn Wort or Sorviccs, unlcss Supplier hss rcccived prior wriucn consent fiom Corryany. 13 Pcrronncl ScrccnlngBrckground Chcck Rcqulrcmcutr for Uucrcortcd Penonncl rnd Scnrltlve Pcnonnel For all Uncsoorbd PersonDcl or Scnsitive Pgrsonncl, the folhwing r€quircncltts must be mst by Supplicr: (a) Supplier shall conduct, at Supplicr'c coct and cxp€msc, thc rcquisitc brckgroud chcolcs for thc cun€nt and past coutrics of ttsidarcc of all Unescortod Pcrsonncl and Scnsitive Personnel consistcnt with the Cornpany's Background Chcck Clit€ria sct fort on Schsdule l. AII background checks will bc conduc&d in accordance wi0r ftdcral, s&, pvincial, and local laws, and subject to GxfuthS collcdivc bargrining unit agr€cmcnts or oftcr agu,mcnts, if my. (b) Followingthc initial background chockto obmin authorizction foracccss, thebackground shccks shall bc updatcd no less ficqucntly than cvery scvcn (7) ycam or upon r€qu6t by Compann and shsll, d a rrinimum, consist of a social security number idcntity vcrificdion and sevem (7) ycar criminal bookground chcolq including dl coavistions for a crimc punishablc by imprisonmcnt for a tcmr exc*ding one (l) year. (c) Supplier shall ensure thd each ofthe Uncscorted Pcrsonnel aad Scnsitiw Pcrsonncl sign an appropriatc authorization form prior to backgrcund checks being onduct( acknowlcdging that thc bockgound shcck is being conductcd, and authorizing thc infrrmation obained to be plwidcd to Company. (d) Company has the right to audit Supplicr'g rccordg supporting cach ContactorNcndor Information Forflr, eohcd asEC!EdU$, submittcd b Compann inchding background chcckrrsults, and to vcrifr that thc rcquisirc background ohcoks and drug tosts were perbmed congistcnt with Compuy's Backgroud Chcck Crircria sct for& on !gfo1[!i!. Supplicr shall provi& Company with dl rpqucstcd rrcords srryporting Cotrtracb/V€ndor Informdion Forms within a reasonabte time afor rrceiving such rcqu6t, and in the fum rcquested by Compmy, but not lorger than thrcc (3) busittcss dayr following thc dae of suoh rcqrcst. (e) For purposcs of this Contrct, a backgprurd chcck is mnsidcred valid punuant to thc Company's Background Chcck Critoriq sct forth on SgMulLL if it was conpletcd within two (2) fcss prior r thc ddc on which thc Srpplict signcd a C.onrrptor/Vcndor Informtion Fsrm for oach Uncscortd Pcrsomcl and Scnsfive Pcrsomel. Rcgrdlcss of nrhca prformc4 dl b&kgrcund chccks shdl bc dooumcmcd punuartb thc roquinmcnts sct frr6 inthig rubgsstion 1.3. (0 In tre ev€lrt Oorrpauy notifies Supplier of the impcoding ogirdim of tf,c backgrorud chcck of any UncscorEd Pcrsmncl or Sensitivc Pcrsorurcl, Sryplio shall prrovidc m updacd ContastorAr/mdor Information Form rcflecting a rtfrcshcd background c,hcck within turcoty (20) days of reccipt ofthc aoticg in ordcr to avoid rcvocdion of such person'E tcocs!. 1.4 Supplicr lla[ncc Supplio shal deignse onc pcrson. to bc rcrponsiblc for compliancc with thc rcquircmenB of this Scstion I ad dl rcporting rod inquirics (othcr trm Sasitivr,'Pcrsonncl tcrminations or changcs in employmcot $ers) shEll be madc via e-mail to ClPS-Contractinc@PacifiCom.com. Scnsftivc Pcrsonnel tcrnrinations or changps in unplolmont str0s should bc ttportcd b frc TRC punurnt to subccction l2(c). SECTION 2: SIIBSTANCT ABUSM)RUG AI{II ALOOf,OL FOLICY 2.1 DrugTerdng (a) Srryplicr shsll hrye and cnsure complirncc with a sub$ucc .bn$/&ng and alcohol pohcy thd comptics with all appliceble ftdcmt SaE d/or local stdilcs and rcgulatim* Supplicr shall suQioct eh of thc Pcrsomcl o a drug tcst at Supplior's golc oost and crgonso. Sudr drug toct shall, d a minimum, bc a fivr (5) Pancl Drug Tert, whish should be rccognizablc at tciling labs as a'SanIISAS pancl at 50NG-TIIC cutoff." (b) For any Pcrsonncl who haw had a rcccnt drug tcst, guch rcccnt drug tcst shdl be documcnEd pullutrt to thc prwiou poregaph. Supplicr wumfi that Sup,plicc urd tlrc Porronncl ae in conpliurce with Snpplicr'e ntbsrtoc tbtrsddrug and ahohol policy. (c) During tho coursc of \York or Scrviocs pcrfornrcd undcr this Coffia4 Supplicr shell kccp accrndo and dctdlcd documentation of its drug poligy urd all Pcrsomol &ug Gsts, vhich it shall submit to Company upon rcqucst. (d) Supplicr shall dcsignmo onc (l) ptrson to bo rtspoadblo for oompliancc with thc rcquircmcnts of this Section 2 ud all rceorting urd inquirics shsll bc mrdc b s duly arnborird rcprcrcntative ofConnpany in atimcly mmncr. SECTION 3: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFORTATION OOMPLIAI{CE Srryplicr shall cogurc Dcputment of fransportaion complimcc, including but rpt limifd o valid &ivcr'e licensc, cguipmomt fupcgtion& horn of ecrvicc md dl appmprim documentdion for rny Pcrsonncl who maydrivc whilc on assignmcntto Compuy. SECTION 4: NIDffiONAL REQITIREMEI\IIII APPLICABLE m CRITTCAL ININASTRUCTURE INFORMATION Confidotial Infonmaioa of Company lab€lod rs Critical Infra$rusim lnfutmcion shall bc protEsGd congistcrt wi0t thc following rcgufutmentr: (a) Gftical Infrasfuchtrc Infrrmaion rhall bc prctcctsd d dl timos, citk by rypopric sbragp or hsving it urdcr the psnonrl obccrvation and contol of a pcrson authoriad to rscsive ig (b) cash person rfio $orks with prctcctcd Critical Infrastnrgtnrc Inforoatim is pcrsonally ncponsiblc for trking propcr prccautions to cmut thf unauthorird porsonr do not garn acccss to iq (c) rcasonablc *cps rhall bc takm to mioimizc &s rirks of accocs to Criticd hfr.strrgtur€ Infrtmrtion by unautborird pcrronnel (whcn not in rsc, Critical Infiastrusturc Infrrmation shdl bo s€ouled in a seoune contrincr, such as a lockod doch flle csbinst or ftcility wherc security is providcd); (d) docuncnts or mcrial oontaining Gitical Infiashrcturc Infrrmdion rDsy bc rsproduccd b trc minimum erGnt nGccssary, coasistcfr with the nccd b crry out ftc Wod( or Srviccss provided thst te r€produccd mdcrial b madcd and protrcbd in tbo same mrnnor rs thc original mcrial; (c) macrial containing Critical Infrastnrcmre Infrtmstion should bc disposcd of thrcuett sscurcd shdding reqbclcs or othcr socurpd document dcstuc'tion mcttrods; (D Gitical Infiastustrno InformUion shall bG tansmittsd only by thc following mcans: (i) hand dclivcry; (iD Unitcd Statcs first clars, cxpl6s, ccrtificd or rcgistered mail, bo,ndcd ooruior, or through scsrrc olectnonic ncans; (iii) +meil with oncr5ry,tcd filc (such as, WirtZip with passrvord) (the password should not be included in c-rnait, brt rhoutd bc dcliwrcd by phone or in an unrcldcd c-mail nd mcntioning tho documat nanc; parsword-pnorcctcd Mcrcsoft Offico documcnts do not mGst the enc4ption rcqrdrmm8); sDd (d docrrncnts or m&irl contaioing Crftical Infiastruchre Informetion shsll bG rcturnod to Company or ccrtificd dcsfioycd upon compldion of thc Wort or Swices. End ofAppcndr 1 Schedule 1 Srngrr, Colunroxs AppITcABLE ro Pl,crrConp BAcKGRoultrD Cnncx Crurpnn C,ompury has a pohcy, 'tsadgs aad Acccss Strndardg" wtich outlines C,ompany standerds, ploccdurcs, coryliancc policics and nortforcc rcspottsibilities Egrrding badgw md acccss b all PacifiCorp oontolled areas. Access to Corpary's Facilities is subjcct t ttis policy and rcquircs aoccss b bG grertcd on an as- needed basis after courylction oftte rcquircd backgronnd ohcck and taining rcquircnrents. ln addition, thc Company is rcqufucd to oonply with th maddory Critical Infiestrust rc Probction Standards (CXPS) issucd by thc North Amcrican Elcctrio Rcliability C.orporation (NERC) and approvcd by thc Fedcral Encrry Rcplabry Commission on January 17, 200E. The CIPS rur adoptcd to cnsuFe tlut eleccic rnilitieq as part of thc neion's critical infiastuchut, alc ablc to suslsin and scctrc spinst vulncrabilitiss thd may ttrcdem thc clcctric systcrn ad thc rtiliticc ftat opo& it Spccifically, Stmdalrds CIP-001 ftroug! CIP{09 prwide a oyber sccurity Aamcrvork frr thc idctrtificafiion rnd protcction of asscts oritical to the rcliable operation ofths bulk olccfic sysEm (i.e., CIPS C-ovcrcd Assets). In order b cnsurc cornplianco with gPS and the Company's acccss policy, Coryany rcquirc! thst dl Personnel who will haw au&orizcd uaoscortrd physical accoss to Company's Facilitics (r'.a, Unosoortcd Porsourcl) and/or authorimd uncscortcd physical aoecss or ardhorizd cyber acccss to CIPti Covercd Ass€ts (including corfr,ol ccntcrsr subsEions, gcncration plols, citicel cybcr essots, etc.) (ie., Scnsitivc Pcrsonrcl) haw the apprcpriaE socurity clcarancc and sccurity hdning. A baskgonnd chcak of Supplia's Uncscortcd Pcrsonncl or Sousiti\rc Personncl will be considcr€d valid purnunt b thesc Crit€ria if it was cornplotcd wiftin tu,o (2) yeus prior to tbc duc the Supplicr signcd a Contastor/Vendor Information Fonn forcaoh such perron lndividuds who arc considerrd "rcstioEd pcrronso may Dot hryc uncscortcd acsess to Compmy's Facilitics or CIPS Covercd fuscts. An individnd will bc conridcrcd a 'hosfrided paron' if ttrc pcrson mccts any of thc followiag critctia: r Is currcntly undcr indiclrncnt for a crime punishable by imprisonment frr a term cxceeding onc (l) y€ar; r [Ias bccn convictcd (within tho past spven (7) years) in atry court of a crime punishablc by imprisonracnt frr a torm cxceedhg one (1) ycar; o Is cuncntly a fugitive fiom jusilic€i or o [s an alien illegally or unlaufirlly in the Unicd Stres. Ifan individual's background check iudioates tbat he/she meots any ofthc above critcria, the individual will be considcrcd a'rcstricted perrod' md uncscortcd acccss to Compoy's Fasilititx or CIPS Cov€rcd Asscts will not be au0rorizd. End ofSchcdulc I Company Nams: Addrass: Phone: Contnctor / Vendor Name:- (1)Succeesftllly Passed Empbye/s Drug and Alcohol Enm? Yee _ No Dab Completsd: (Yes-nnlddtlyyy) l2l SucceeefulV Pa3sed Employer's Badtgrcurd Check? Yee _ No_ Date Completed (Yes - mrlr*lfiyW) (3) Successfrrlly Conplebd PacifiCorps Secuftytnalnlnge? Yee_ No_ DateCmtplebd: (Ya-mrntCdlyyyy) I lloreDy @tfrTy frrat the htomatiotr prwiffi BWrdW tp @nffiorl Vetfur is acr,ulalifuaN documenffi*n to supryt this irtomdiut wlll M rc/E,lned W @ntnlctor / Ven&r empbyerad prwithd upon @mpanfs reqwsl Managw SBnaturc d futtr*tor / VeNu Ernploycr Stgmture d P*tfrfup Hiring tlhaget Prtnted Nmte d P*lfury Hiring tl/rtnqer lf Cmhac'tor / Vendor did nd pass the Bad<ground Chcck or Drug and Alcohol Eroam, but an cxccption ia rcquated prwide reason forexception: AWted by P*itup Chidbmplina Ofwr Contracor / Vcndor will mt be pernittcd aoccss b Coryuy coffiolhd artas wi&out thc couplction ofDtug/Alcohol, Backgrumd vcrificdions md cunplaion of sccurity raining. Scd 6c couplc0cd form clcctronically b C,orpceE Ph,licrl Scourity d "-Acccs Admiairts&rr" (acccssadnins@pacificorp.com) for ID badgc issrnnoc. Thc ftrm mEy bc attschd rc a rcquost for physicd aoeoss. Eudof Schdulo2 Appendix 2 to llflarter Mebrirb Supply Contract Spccirl Conditions Applicable to MidAmerftu Energr Compny CIPS Coverod A!s€& end Pnotectcd Infomation ![ERC CIPS Rcquirementr NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC REUABILITY CORPORATION (MRC) cRrrrcAl INFRASIRUCTURE PROTECTION (CIP) STANDARDS Capitalizcd torms uscd hcrein shsll haw thc semc moaning as s€t forth in thc Contast unlcgs the contcxt may othcrwise r€quirc. 1. PERSONNEL RISK ASSESSMEIITS, TRAIMNG, SECURITY AWARENESS, INFORMATION PROTECTION, PERSPNIIEL CHANGES AND DOCUMEITTTATION Supplier and all Penonnel cmployed by or otherwisc cngaged by Supplicr with urfprized cybcr or autlmrizcd uncscoltcd physical acc6s b Company's (hcrcinaft* also reftrrcd to as *MdAmcrican") CIPS Covcrcd Asscts and/or Prorccted Infrrmation, shall comply with (a) all requircmcnts of the NERC CIP standards, inoluding and not limited to (b) MidAmcrican's Personnel Risk Ageessment Prograrn, Training Program, Security Awarsness Prcgram, and Information Prrotection PrcSfant' inorpordcd tcrciD by this rcGrence, or Supplicr't prcgrrrrs for pmurcl risk asccssmcnt, training scouri$ awrtrcncss rd informdion protcction, if MidAmcrican has rwicrved and verificd and approved tho sarrc. In ooqiunction with the NERC CIP standards, Supplicr shall ensurc NERC CtP corapliancc and communicate all rcquircmcntg to Penonnel. Supplicr shall (a) conduct personncl risk asscsm€nts consisting of an identity vrrification (c a minimum socid scourity verifiction of U.S. citianr) and swu (7) ycar criminal background chcck and p,rovido rtrittcn ccrtification as spcoified in Section 2 of thcse Special Conditions for all Pcrconncl (cxccpt ifaoccss is only to non-public CIP scnsitivity classification Protcctcd Information); (b) fully inform and train all Persoonel on requircments of CIP $!n.lar& priom accessing CIPS Covcred Assas and/or Protcctod Information and shall qurterly rtinfrrce sccurity swattncEs. If Supplier focls any of MidAmerican's training or sccurity awarencss metcrials are inappropriatc or desires to uec Supplier's training or sccuriqr awanEness meterials, Supplicr shall provide Notice to MidAmeric8n, and providc the training and/or scaurity awarGncss documcots and any improvcd practicc to MidAmcrican for rcvicq verification and approval; (c) furnish MidAmcricaa a list that shows by namc of Perconnel, tte complction date of each training @unl€, and what mccrials rvcrc ailizcd; (d) ffmish MidAmcrican a list dcscribiag the s€curity aumrrncss mrtedals used and ddes and how thc secruity matcrials wcrc digtributcd; (e) providc MidAmcrican with a list of Pcrsonncl authorizcd to handle MidAmcrican's protcctcd CIP informetion that shows Personnel's infomrdion sensitivity classificdion clcrarce lcvcl and assurc Pcr$mcl adhert to hotegtad Inftrmfion handling proccduros; (D r€port Persomel terminations for ceusc immdiatcly to MidAmcrican but not longcr than twelvc (12) hours firom time of rcmtination and rcport all othcr Pergonnel terminEtions or ohangcs in employmcnt status for thosc who no longcr rcquirc accc$ within twlve (I2) hours fi'om time of occrxrcnsel and (g) kccp aocurat and dctailcd documcntdion to confirm compliuroc with rcquircments of NERC CIP standards as spocificd in Section 3 of thcse Special Conditions. lrFF rGD^ ^!E Supplier shdl designd€ orc person to be respousible for compliancc with the Contast rcquirpmerts. Rtportiry rclcingto thie soction shdl bc o MdAncrican's dcsignatcd aufiorizcd rcprcscnEiva In case of conflic,t or inconsisEncy bctttrccn MidAmcricen's programs md rcquircmerts of thc NERC CIP standerds, the NERC CIP ruquircmcnts shall govem. 2. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK, IDENTITY VIN,IFICATION AND R,ELATED SCREENING If rcquested by MidAmerican, Supplicr shell coDduct at its sole cost md cxpcnsc, criminal background checks frr thc current and past counties of rssidcnsc on all Persmcl that have cybcr or uncscortcd physical acc€ss to MidAmerican facilitics or North Amsricen Electric Rcliebility Corporation CIPS Cowrcd Asoets or krotecbd Infrrmation. The beckground chpalrs shall bc rpddod m loss frtqucotly tlran wcry seven (7) yoars c frr cause. At a minimum, an idcnuty vcrificdion (social occurity nunrbcr vcrification for U.S. citizcns) and scvcn (O ycar griminal background chock including ftlony or misdcmcanm oomrictions invohing: (a) violenrce to p€rsons/prop€rty; O) thefttfraud; (c) drug/alcohob or (d) tufEc/othcr are rcquircd, onrploymont hirtory, educdion wrificdion and profesrional ccrtifications may dso bs roquircd by MidAmcrioan. All background ohccks will bc corducbd in accordaroc with ftdcral sEb, pmvincial, md local Isrrs, rrd subjcct b existing oollcotive brgaining unit agtEctnctrB or otbcr agrccmcdsr if uty, Sttpplier rhall not dlow persons who havc trot mst MdAmerican's criEia to p€rform Wor*. m Scrvicee or asesss CIPS CovEsGd AsscB m PiotrGtcd Infurmation, rmtcss Srryplicr bos rcceivrd writm authorizarion firom MdAmcrican. Supplior shall supply a ccrtific*ion ftrt mcc& MidAmerican's critcda ftr all Pcrsomel employcd m cngngcd by Supplicr. Supplicr shall cmsure 6d dl Pcrsomcl sign an rypopric axhorizdim fom prior to oriminal backgrcund ohcclrs bcing condr.lctcd, rcknowlcdging th backgrcund cbcck is bcing ondusbd and altorizing thc informaion obrtained to bc pmvidcd b MdAmqicgn. It is urdcrstood and agrced th* MdAmcricatr may rcvicw Supplicr's policics, beckgtound chocks md rclaed documcrtation upon Eqrcst subjet to ryplicoblc fodcrsl, stcte aDd/or local sEfit* o rcgulations. Mid.{mcrioan may also rcqucst Orat Supplicr providc an ongoing md rpdaEd lirt of pcrmns thr havc bccn dcnicd authorization to pGrfonn Work c Scrviccs for MidAmerican or dcnicd scccas to MdAmcricon assetr, infurmdion or &cilitics. 3. AUDIT Srryplicr shall kcq such full ad dctailcd documentdion as may be nccossary for subshtrtidion of ompliancc wittr this Contract. The mcthod for maintaining documcntdion shdl bc ulisfrctory to MidAmcrican. MidAmerican or its dosignce shdl bc affordcd aoc€ss to, and allowcd b makc opies of all Supplier's reoords, booksr ocrrcpondcncq insfirtions, drawings, rgrccm€rts, mcmoranda srd similu dea thal in MidAmerican's judgrmq rctaE to fris Crntract This docummtatisn will bc availablc at Supplicr's rqular plaoo of busincss during normal rrorking hours or providod b MidAmcrican in a rcasonablc albrnaivc matrncr as may bc requcstcd by MidAmerican. Supplier shall prcserve all such doctmentatim frr a pcriod of thrce (3) ycan aftcr complaion of thc \Vmk m Scrviccs or longer rvhcrc requirod by law. Ilrcsc rcquircmcnts shsll also apply to all Personnel, of ury ticr, md to all companios fiat u! urttolly or partially ownod by or urc afrliaed wi0r Supplier. End of Appcndir_ Appendix 3 to Materiel Supply Contract Spociel Conditions Appliceble to I[V Energr CIPS Covercd Arsce and Protected Informrtion IIERC ClPSRequircmentr NORTH AI\{ERICA}I BLECTRIC RELI,ABILITY CORPIORATION (NERC) CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTI.'RE PROTECTION (CIP) STA}IDARDS C+italizcd Grms uscd hcrcin shall havc thc samc mcaning as sct fr,tth in thc Contrct, unlecs thc mDtcxt mEy othcnwise rcquire. 1. PERSK)NNDL RISK ASSESIIMEI{TS, IRAINING, SECURITY AWARENESq INFORI}IATION PROItsCTION, PERSOIYNEL CEANGFS ANII DOCUMEITTATION Supplicr Bnd all Pcrsonncl anploycd by or othcrwirc cngogcd by Suppliuwi0t au0rorizd cybcr or uiltdzqt rncscorted phyaicd sscccs to Compoy's (hocimftcr dso rsfcmcd to as A.[V Bnrry) CIPS Covucd &ssts and/or Prcecod Inbrmation, shdl comply with (r) oll rcquircmcnts of thc NERC CIP standardr, including and not limitcd to (b) NV Bnetgt's Penonnel Rirk AssGssm€ot rcvicw rnd NERC/CP Training hogram, hcrrin by trir reftrsncc, or Supplicr's trogruns for pcrsomol risk ssscssm€nt, tainiDg, socurity lwarlrrcss and infomution protegtion, if l{V Eneqg/ has rwicwcd and wrifcd urd ryprovcd thc cgmc. In oo4irmctim with the NERC CIP stmdg&, Supplier shall e,nsurr NERC CIP compliancc and communicate all rcquir:mcnts b Personncl. Supplicr rhdl (a) oondust perronncl risk asscssmcrtr consisting of ar identity vrrificaion (d a minimum social sconity verifisdim of U.S. citians) and sctco (7) ycer cimind background chcck and provide u,ritta ocrtificaion as spccificd in Section 2 of thcsc Spcciel Conditionc for all Pcrsonnel (except ifaccoss ir only to non-public CIP scnsitivity classificcion Protestod Inforaration); (b) fully inform and train all Perconncl on rcquircmcnts of CIP sffidrrds prior b reersiqg CIP Corrcrcd A.rscs and/or Prrotccnod lD$rmdion aod shall quarGrly rcinfrrcc scourity twarcness. If Supplicr fccls rny of NV Encr1ry's treining or sccurity awarcncss m*criab arc inappropriate or dcsittr to usc Supplicr's teining or security awarEnoss matcrials, Supplier rhdl providc Noticc to NV Encrry, utd providc thc trainitrg and/or security arvarEness documents and any improvod praoticc to NV Encrgy for rcvicw, vcrificstion and approval; (c) furnish IrlV Enerpr a list that ehowr by namc of Pcrsonncl, thc coaplction ddc of cach training coursg and whd materials rrcrc utilir4 (d) ftrnish NV Encrry a li* dcsoibirU th" sccrnity awsrrncls marcrials uscd Etrd ddcs and how thc sccurity mmaids wtrc dictribuE4 (c) prcvidc NV Encrgr with a list of Pcrsonncl authorizcd to handlc NV Encrgy'r protoctod CIP informEtion that shows Pcmonncl's informuion scnsitivity clagsificatim obrfic,c lcvtl and tssu! Pcrsmncl dhlrc b Plo,tsctcd Idormdion handling procedures; (D rr,port Pcrsonncl t€rminations frr causc immcdi.tcly to NV Bncrgr but not longcr thrn twclve (12) hours fi'om time of tcrmindion and rcport dl orthcr Pcrsonncl trrminations or chaagcs in cryloymcnt status for thosc who no longer rcquir€ acccss within twclve (12) hourg from time of occrmrnoc; and G) kccp accurab md dctailcd documentuion to curfimr coryliancc widr rcquiErtrarB of NERC CIP mdsds as spcaifcd in Scstion 3 of these Spccid Conditions. Supplier shall dcsigndc onc perron to bc rcsponsiblc for ompliancc widt the Contact rcquircments. Rcporting rclatingto this sestion shdl bc to NV Encrgt's dcsigpacd authorizcd rcpresertativc. Rsvision 02.20.2014 In casc of conflist or inoonsistency bctwccn IrIV Energl's ptogratns and rcquircnrents of thc NERC CIP standards, ttc NERC CIP roquircmcntr shall govcm. 2. CR,IMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK, IDENTITY VEMTICATION AND N,ELATEI) SCR,EENING If rcqucsted by NV Encrgy, Supplicr shall conduct, at its sole cost and clpurrc, criminal baokground cheskt for thc currcnt and past countics ofrcsidcncc on all Pcrsomcl that havc cyber or uncscortad physical accesr to NV Encrgy facilitics or North American Electric Reliability Corporation CIP Covcrcd Asscts cPro6ctd[rftmgtion Thcbar*goudcttcc}sshdlbcrpd@dforcuscbwrclcesfroqumflylfirncvcryswon (7) yean or fu cause. At a minimrmr, u idcmtty wification (social sccurity nunbcr vcrification for U.S. citircns) and scvqr (7) ycar criminal background cltcck including ftlony or midcrneamr convictions inwtving: (a) violcnpc to pcnondpropcrty; (b) thcftitlrd; (s) drudalobot or (d) tatrdothcr uc rcquirrd, ernploymcrt hisbry, cducation vcificdion and proftssional ccrtifioations may alco bc roquirod by NV Encrgr. All brkgrcund chccks will bc conducrcd in accordspc wi0t frd64 $dq provincirq and local hwr, and rubjc.t b cxising collctivc barpiniry unit eglqtco6 or dcr aglcourE, if ruy. Srryplia rhell nm allow pcrlms rrytto hsve rd mct IW Encqy'r criEir b pcrfom Wqlc m Scrviccs tr acqors CIPS Covcrcd AssG6 c Pro6ged In$nnatioq unlccc Srryplicr hes rcccivtd wdtEo authorization Aortr NV Energy. Supplia shatl sr4ply a ccrtificetion fiet nccts lW Eoct5r's critcrio for dl PcrsonnGl cmplo],od tr .,rgeFd by Srryplic. Supplicr rhall cmsurc rhil dl Pcnomol sigF e eepmerirdc au0rdiuti@ frrn prior b criminal ohscks bcing conductcd, acknowlcdging drc baokground chcck is bcing condustod and aueorizing drc inftrmation obtaincd O be p,ovided b I.I\r Encrgr. It is undcrstood and agrccd that NV Encrry may rcvicw Supplicr's policicg beckgmund stecks and rclacd docunootatior upon rcquost, subjoa o applicablc fodcral, serc and/or locd smtr$ or rqgulaions. NV Encrgr may also tlqucat thx Supplicr providc ar ongoing rnd qdatcd list of pcrsons thd hsvG bGcn dtnicd arrhoridim to pcrftrm Work or Scrviccs ftr NV Bncrry u dcniod aoccss b lW Encrry assGtq informdion or frsilitics. 3. AUI'IT Sqplicr shrll koq such firll md dctdlcd documcntdion as rray be ncccrsary 6r suhutietion of oompliancc with this Conhrct lhs mcttod for naiataining documqilation sball bo saticfrctory to I.IV Encrry. NV Eaolgr or ita desiguce shrll bc .fioded acscss to, urd allowcd b nr&e copioc of all Supplicr's rccords, bookt, aoncseondcooG, h!trucdms, drrwin$, sSrcclncnts, mmtrandE and similar de thd, in I{\f Ercq5/'r judgncnl rcldc b this Coutect. This doqmcnEtio will bc available Et fumlicr's tlgulr placc of hsinoss during rcmsl working houc or p,rovidcd b I{1/ EnGm/ in a rcasonahlc alunativo mrnrcr as rrEy bc rcqucstcd by NV Eucrry. Supplicr rhall prcscrvc all suah doctrDcntation for a pcriod of four (4) ycars after complction of thc Worh or Sorviccs or longrr whsre requircd by law. Thcsc rcquiruronrs shsll sko apply to all Pcrronncl, of any ticr, andto all ompanics&rt sr yrtolly orprtially orvned byorare ffilialld with Supplicr. EndofAppcndL3 Rsvisim 0220.2014 rlil ! t It 6l T l^ I It I I Elt I aI II I I Fg B EIr FiJTlit& bItg EEEI iEIT! I.! T =I I E EI 1g I -pIt ! Eo E,g EEIf9f, 5Ero<EXLE9to- Eo gE EE EE fE!tGXEEIgt ano =-ul =I5o0oI xIi I aIIt I.II -.It,6ts (,*EzH 2 0c, .9 a!! HegdEtrouJ(r>t2tx?EoCLo. E3 BaoE Ea, 3 €oz orl,t o b E€ao?tI v! IIrt, t I !, t I !, I FIlaIEIIE[ir 3I EIIEiirII 5 8 ttF II I I I I I I I I t I Irl ,,,,t t ,,, ilil I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ,Ifi] , Irt t IrI ir t IrI t Irt , IrI t IrI , trt a Irt t Irt Irrl ,I n t I I I I I t I iir tr !r I :e I I II II II :3 3 I I e :I e I iir I Iir liil, id !h:ilIltlfl ItII II ilr T I I I I I tI I I IIIt I I I I II I 5 II g I II II I ? II tI II EI I5E t I II tI II tI EI Ii H t t I I t I I I i t I I I t H I Il E I I I I I I E !I B t t !!!I titi T 3 :t I I i t T titi a E a i I !t t 3 I t T I t !I .l5 I r t I I t I I I EI I E E I t t I I It !I it It tI I II I gt I I i I I TI !I i!,iilir ilri iiili,ii!t 11. tll [i{IIi iiliii II tiil I I itfi , T Ir ii !i I i I II- Is! a r! fi rl l! ll ii ilal I I I I I I fi iii il Iii t l! iii JIII I t,J' II {IIj I lul, II t. 'Ir! sl iii ffr tom[ E TIlaIEI$E $i a 3l ETTErE \JEITIE 5 t IIF rI I I I I I 1 I t I I I I FE I a ,t t I ,t t t , ilil I I I t I I I I I 1 III , IrI i,I t trt , ir3 , tr3 t IrI a IrI IETI E.I tI I I t I t I t I ftr tr 3 I q q 3 3 i I 3 I I ?t I 3 t I I I I T Ti I I t! I qI t EI I It I IIt I qt I : ItI I Ti I t Ttt lf IIIi II it!i II I T! ri II IIII lr I(!i II tI ii III I IIIIi iI IT E! g I II g E II E E E E IIa Et I a II II tt II It tI I I t5e E!II g I IE I I I t I t I t I ;f $H Es t I E i i I I II I !l E I I t t a -I I I c I I I I !i E I tt ,3 E i d I t I !t I i a I I I I fiI I T d I I i 3 I I I t t I a I i I I I I E I 5 I r F t Il. I It I Et I tI I tI I !II I tI I t 3a I T!It I ii atIII IIt TI EIt,I II a,t IIIIt III, T III I I irI ir I I t itaI IIilii Ii fi I I I tI iI I flI II ilili!#i lil Iri iti iii fi ii fu ff III rIl it lr I I liiJiii tiitllii iI Ti! !i !i I !t i!rlar!I IJ, i $ !i Ir! ir ii J,I It 1.t; II tI t x I tt t $ I tt[- il ii iI 1i,r !tI t. tdI. Ii t,ti It' J. Ii ,, 3g I{rti II I,Ig II, I f,tl I riI. fi I,I $ I riJXrIt II Ia T g I !t T I il G ro Fc -Elat8 IE E#lB IF g EEEiIEfiS trII 5iErII 5 I f; TI I T I I 1 I TE lEE IEI IEE rEl lEl UE GI rEI rll IEE lEE ,rI I a o , ilil I I I I I It II I It II II II It II ]II It II It II It II II It II II II II url I I II I II II It It II lil'I T II It II It II It It I T I iI I II I I II I I I II II II t t Ir I it i1ItIi iriI t! itil t! irlr II II tt tI ii t I I I It It T It It II II II It l E E I t I I t I i I I I E I 3 titi I I I I I t t I I t I : tilli t I I I it I t I t I I I I I T I r nIII t Ittt I tItI t I I IIt I ! E I ta t I I II I Itt Ig Bt I ElI iiii iiiii lrI fir itt iiiii I irI II ii 'i{ilillil'r il liII ,ii iI,ll !fl, ilil ll il ll il iil IIaaII fi I I tg I E t't lu tI l' IriI I II I!it { t, lii ii! ,tlr H: itiltt I,t IlI I I ti it it ir! IJI iifi , iti tii ttrrl fl Ii l! Ii T :{"$! fi ir t iir fii fir i'ii fiil !l ls- IIlr ri lt!rlt iit! t ii I! I I I T li Fc!IaIEI[ E iE aii!6I HIIE;l rDI! rlII 5 I I ET F I II IEE I I I t ftt a a illl IT ,II I!II ETI I lil' I g I I istI ir ir tt tt ii I I Il I rf I E t ffii J I I 3 fili t I I I r T It I It I I I I ii it fi fi' iirlrl il iil irl ii Ii ilrl lilu i!ir t l, fifi I I It Ir lllltHtl iI I lrilli f Et,IEr.xir Efl ;.I.! Eit Ef;l=rro;FqlI!!IE 5 t I EIF ilEil&r ! trllr Earrlai frrrla ffi,:!4ffir-_8r!lEqlrclB*E brlloffilf,OC,rra,lirttttlhrEr5^fr. LO D .lttSa.FEFqr[!,)thlrb..lfr,slnrulat hrEt..at =Hffi. llh0farf.tts{C,SrraHraua,nf hrtrir^tu rfOF ffi 5bEl0.n,fOinUt,P.rl*r.Ot Erh[-aa[i!at-rrhI0 -,HC-,aOE:til ftE VIL [rCE:nk,ralED.rEM2- (r#tal-aerlq, - E lllrorraltr* E{lOrFrtfirl q,rhd,..-LF,-,fl Zrst ft. [A nEE-lhUI ,filnl.lFl.cltr- )tvBllffiElllotl..r'rlrI.t{vrrlr, D lO .tr-il-. tl nar-t -ItItta-l-rta-FXII0lt--Cr-r-1.xtro1.rll.iat--t:lqlgt _.-*!.a-rur.'Et$r2.0rltrtxilqU--rlrll.ffi.DZDErilOlr-b--Ei.r*f,iln|.dttil,.<uEtott,ailm.hH-.trA.-.al;r!.h.ft -Irarl ,ail a-. rtEalr. - f, ErE-- EEilDrrrt:u-E ra#a-rt{435-ofrIt.<rGrr-Xrn.hii.a.IXilOia-0-tELr.t.,.lIDtqll.iaH-F-,Ga r!ar--5ts. ffi -r EED 2! tE t(titIillE?-fr-.EOr-rtroilaillA.lIk-.oa-Et5l[.hE-.aF --<OF!-*--t.rlail D'I(-ro|ItAt-tnts b.IilOl,a.tahlr rr-XilO.If,-OF crn r'am.IflOIr.fiL.t -*(i.r:L9 r1-frE-t-attE ab-XtIo 3.Ililr fi d I I ia-l5llo I--todrCEld,EtG-m-rIIOtl..tr.ilE,il,L,DqlDlr{! Ot. DID.EFrat ? t-XilOt0.Oto..t thailrE h- XBO- - Hlts rlotE.XII OE- Or;ED.E!Aa-G (trE-ffiDtc -*La, ar* D-tafl Dtr- tn It DG tilhrigtor*r- reotEu nb hk.ro.5ttf-r dtf-It|tmta(Fr*hIllr|tma[.qtFIo.E!Ilr+I.- b-xilDI-i-!.CDb.mDil-IErffldh-lh-.D.AtG€:-.tutr -EEr-5-.FaE !r---ra;Liilo-h-rdEEr--;-iE=ffi *r gt'-lrrUa O, hnr a-, CP. mrD. aOf, 3 llrt ltl C, h.l -i l'.mE, Btlut Xail.ruIq hl1 tutLrl HRFa rao ErAe airr! H i.- Il(altll* ellt*6(YilQ.frdair.arao-ta--trtt2. at[--tt-a[cliIL.|l--,l iaii End-rt, }{t rlllOaq'D.ttsr.t?l faiallht;aOI|tlr&rlrtECadli-..iri- f EHEITOEO0at-raatDadlllfl2 lh:Lbrrmli EE{aao*hlUod}L0l'ffrrr,lFfflEilrDllLImUI Fi!*rD{ Oif$.ad.i.|baErn -&r3ror5 Xl6:L{.fi0al,qql FtbldrrEoencdh! ffis3b* ol rrd.Blb,Erflc.cr{r.co.cGs-#r ffiffi ffi*G.o.--*.h80il,, tfaddDa- - - q tqat'rrcrmrio..,ltcDt.F.rr..cl. ffitffif#ffia(-,tEal o:-ru*riiirliolhril,Aamtlffittqrafil m.tmee lri(lh,lloEeD.I-Eua uE o*IlIr. xitt,l', m.ltblht-Glrrn HtHra! F, xat I --hdb.Dtaia.th.Ua [t O*Dt:, tah...,e. iaalta! (h- !c{ta-rt*a!rarnl -- }tcb. rc DYOa arn$ il.h-i-ll-E iE&ilFt,-FtEF.tt f,o f,at2q, Iti,h.ELrAhrUlr.mip.4I rrerqrl4EO{tF!{BtEolrh,-.r.flD.{mi Eiiia[i'E5Er*g lEdr--fbEOLJ U c,r.n,-,1r.*p,Erlt.,Hc,r iffiaf.H#-^?-.-C. Irl.,tatE.i'h. Xa, hra-lr; Et[rC, bOEhh' E oryrhut!(l}t?..Eir.hLlHtreOd qhti-trdDt'"u'b'n''' !I!!E--.-.a--.rh(-,I.cb. EEa, rh-Utl,lIL E Ho mfsor--lmh-r|t-.---e[C!t ffiffitE=;;,+all-aaa3O-il*ch. rrlDLL t-nU lt' r--or*tttr. fa*F,rf ?.r;aiLa..e. fO.El!-2 cr.'r*r.,o..e.^.I e.u.ril.sc,{ ffi;lffi!:d*0l ll. -,D.nP,FE n, ftr.UIOf 'ilrf horlArt-.r-,e. f VCtl hU trt6.i a.-dat l.tal-Ocr-*rE{ll -HOE,C-- Irracirl Eh,r*l,. Ert3rtD.JanVElrtIllailtlq.n-uH, rloAth. F-i.frrillathnlrt E-rhoalilal6hahc.F.rE-.nr.Eor.{.r-tr8 m*f-*t-q,rh{HFEft.ro.DBA,Ih-U DrLrlGl llGrillch}-ar}I -4ffiE'5rl.ac,aFrotlraitqb. hr FUCatai lturulglilrN.h.r H1l3rr. -.a|! Bfr ltlr ltif -r. 5h,l5Ta E!-lltIG P: Dtl, XO, ilr2 a,atrrhtltirdFlr?t!-. FFr,h{-t,&- cl..urs(r-re{l,01ffi t*t l{r-.tant, lova!.Ithrnu hmdl.kt{drr-d -EE Ltf,GrE EO BM Eatl Fafl Es Eatt tacatr Eo|r afl Eala 30ta pr EGw,EA Eor EA reo rc&a rc.o FG&rco EE }EG{N Eoa E ft h* n n Ea r* h fr fr Afr b * b&* & E SnUI ixmdt-nil.ta,dErjYlulr*. w roe sn rc.o reC xto.oa Saal E.E Efl EOa EOa EOat w ECat ECO ncr E0a! EC' SG ECpqEA E' Ir0 ECI GA EC re.c EC? EO Eail 3fr1 @, E{rr m'Ca E.G E{r wt m EE E,&EOt EA D s h * * b & t* n* n * n ,5 * h n* h** tr tr b h h h * * E* m* s n r *** n Eh c Et.fmaircCffil.-hhtt.h#r l.ffi:r*'*h-.D.-, HES.jHaE--[ ffi.jEI_,0|. ailrt tE.ls.-t6.1 E llra -,ma,raiat nollnaute:rl.o,,Ce HOh, DWgA Elrlda..talh,Li.Jlbhil Et, lUrl-r-t Arar-OEEt.m,[az0l H, lFaa hdiF. l-rfr. E FllI' Iir-UllF,{llllrtt (IrrI !aadLr.bU(l, E -rd A.F,A-. rA FrO lO, ah-nrOrarEiltHma&all.tlrr.,.l brrHlq,rd,HrrSurtia DVorq, l,.-I 740?SrrrtEa-tlrtsrrfC, E,lFtacf,lirF. Er*th. iaAmEETTUI(lF,(-.*Grtr.r.A*i.a.FEt, HbiHrfbat.blHUt eEaa 0a. ld, rF-a--tEE thfr, rA, EEtl Srau lCC. hl qlllgrrl L.t r qttL. llraa! Et Ola,ItiUEirila, E, r. F E lt Itr.U l P, mre. fElaDEFibraErEan..l h, H O b. Ef, AtL, tlrilf, e l.Ia.na.tlttr. i.tlratn lhl5,D, tlo. f,C2 O- ki C b. Ef, e llhru ElE lIIiItlk n+.Fh,brtQ-rlrtb.rbtIO.Irt(lh.-,Ohllrjlral:r5ul$ C-lo+5oa Ffi-X=,f.fffiffi -dinilirr-r"i. lrttf -,hrt,Dvqll,fr-U ;-Era;.tst-tt l. -lI]!.c.fr leDE ffilt{:E lQffihrlE{ l}aa,.rll'tqCal Itr DWSchr,rmrl*ruE i-.ro E-r lffilmffiEla-rtutlIhtn,iriLD AtH:5.ts -a-FpF(l, 5a. lFatedirF. f.*rb, E DYa,a,Ih-UaC, E lff rt Ji-,lhIlI4IArE/S alrrtla 0.-il*tilhtl+ffihrFal rH. iiailrhdE .., 1fr, iro Evo l, l,a( JL C,ei-t4*4 lrrr$llC*f.atFr.lE tl, -al[lobt*llAxf,l.Dt-'aanlCCr.?rlrri q, Itl, lh araa. lrr, L, IL'ln.lOa. CFe A.tC. arff, rE -r. m?. rao .lirnu re DVC4 E{OE-haE!4,.l, Itrm,,' -rE -, ,trtt i5. FE ll[,arr-Ul[F.EIQ r,aFrf 15.lFr-,htiltfh,[a,lDElll, orhrlf,lrlCq!lhrl.Lral.DLhuL tffiltlltallFil. q, hiAiF-l btsd!:lla-,hF, Eh-.lt-ariarnr.3ri3 -OrEC/-.q, fH,lrlFaLrata.h.hn.!a...l*am hmilf.-..-idtE0 -QDr-d-,raGtlltqb. HO, FE'Z EtaUiiA lfitsrulio*lk r,m.frlh.ECh.I5, FFiI linulotr,1rloiFI-r..32.lto. Loh. lJCb. EYO0, hriUa, hcttI|tu, l$tQdr Lr+D, x.c 2c-tr! -aLara---Efia)b.halrE[-,5--U-,U- --rLr. ttlffirlb.i*Hbrh,tratatC-tlCb.Fll L llriua. ilirtrrk .ltitrrrih..tttUlraEE'lr.EL2 -qrilb.I-lErD@EBEil, tEd-E-rifE a-r.Irit b'if-[{,al -b-rrrr D-Olh,lFaf h1l[*tF{fFil. hrrGr:Hraffi tItii!Ih.D.FY!4ah'$! li.a{.iL, -rifrOh. lF.F.lSFiLLi.trU hmrarr-bdljtFatQ,-.l.Ir.lallk,l t,]|tD -Hth€rrrr.lALh,q,hrqff-!,rH.il.,f,stE rr5r{.6{,ffi.-F,llC, i'E m, -, mtD, tl.u ll DL,Irb.inhc b, it5,3llll ftr6$ta,qf hDdI#qnt .t*tr-it|.(-crrra[x.Cr, -HbDr3!. 0f r-, r*F,rl|trrlr-,l-HIr .DFo' fftr.nYl S-bCIFdfrirrffi 'cbE!ll, erc. ctEdF -a h C h. tsU! fl!, h-U O,rU[ rX.atlEr.ffi5-rrO.. f,all dtraEirmC-. lllff.a--raElfrrit-f lE:l.r-tnrl-Ct Hl.-lrl-Dar!:rtae- rt-q lrdo b. lova rDo, trtitrrtr .aa *,ala rq, IE Elil:r, lllfrr [a I a,H,rO,*cEFVOa A, iart, h. rC{-t FE l!, 4-r $a r&E Bt[ BT BAI Fto E-t0r ptE E!-ff. E16 Eit ElC 840 E{ll Efia EtI E{ta EC{ta Etr 80.fla G-t B{t UA rB4t &14 H' G{t 3ta Ei'l E!a ru4'. 14! D,U *5A EIt rGtt Eaa Etar 54a Bta lEt{ bta H E*n * n * k n b r Z H. 5a B b r h h ft* n b n *** h E * fr * E n Xa b s b E m* & E -lL3{r[, lba.-Cb.aore lG litmul'-r*- ttr.. iuIIfrD ha aaa Ehatcf n ,.rt[Srumrfi itq'mmtcif F4u b.Ear-.,Eo.,lltd llt --, Er- a b, h ro E IIII rf C,aliElllrVEIIi--ibr. tt-, xo. ]!r-, bL-. D- I railrUlt,i-l-.-8. o.L.lrts IcG,Drlo,n-sI C, hlqb DrH, lI r!,tr c'{ o-* -E-G----rGl?lt{.Dr-d-rb,Fa-. C-.EEaElraaloaAkrru(4oTt.Ot[l!ilaalltkrll-iftlrIH^Xtl0l,It-,tsr l^lm'rFIrlJrl$aCr. h.Car:OLC4C, rnu lG,f,Jr-o.*llt*r*F.}IrllFrb,It m,x.oa(b,Fd b. tE, FYll' rEiul'|-ri*!-EhararD,IO,Irti-.Eth.E E-rG,Lil*{ -Eaft-turE- I'Ith, E C b,f n tq, atrrllPIIA] llrrItr-tu-'h--Itslr5a-he.m.f,aaq,H,aGr,3D,5rl,lhUI -,HAb, m,EEQ, ttf iuil,arart rar-llh, Llr rIEt| hO, E, X,aItI, trn nq' ltstrrr &r,l1t EB ILThUITCla*tFa-.rliF,Ak r, Xf f E lte, atr-UI h,F-ah,m,Dr!Ll-Str.l?.IAfbllts- h ratrbr-tlh, tJEt h, Ir-ob.lOValG h-uA lI-D -bE!.-EU.- -EaL..riH--IJ|h, rxlch,lo[a.hrlL lltrl}mEhlrrE-+aaCf i5.h-Iilrrflilil.Gillt r Slrrq' cfi Jradcr$ l5lf,.i-rt,TDC h, LaFroiti..... Dt. aallflct'to'.l,H,Lt*t€EDul0q,i.{'ErqrAE DILrhua,rr,&1l--E:-|llG,---LtEorllrdBLrIAa -.ar-ch.IrBtf,a.rF-L b- ----Ef--9 talt.ot c, Fra,an rartl-lllrLba EUor,ali$lI il. irE, E ih.i--so- E-&rhlUAtlr--hr-r r]a bo*fr -qiL-Ob, irl*[ Dv!IO-ata.fa[, ttErbr, lilrlhtl,(r-FF-aFaE.tfr-E als-t- EilrliF-iDL-tsEff| -, EOb,DntO,Lrnuitr.aarcJtiitst la- 1lrDc*lll:,i4 lll2 IE-.'488-.{-il--E-r-qo---E!l,-Ihbtr-If.--l hrDS.tall.l t3raaEl Iic b.lI-EFl, -EraGtE htcoart*rhtarlr+ltrrf-it{Fi,ai.D ,h-nrLfr[{or..lrt-ll.lrHlhro;U -Irtrabtt hEaHtllH,E-tS- SrarLr,q-mrIH, CEbi-drc h.ltr*rfarEf-tt fldlIi-tm. ,l4 :r I tlta I at, lEE I I tlllr rll rll rll I E: GE ; IIi I Ei I t I t It I rl I l,rtt li, I li,II I It l,! I lrI tt IIIII ot f [ :,t tl ,aIt ltt! tt iiri.i,! fi r llil[[ [[ttr lll rr I I tttll r. I l!t t !lr ii,ii - a , , lI I i E G r r-tl riii,i,ii I)! It I: H I rfiltiilIII IIl, !ililiillilliIIII II It I! It II ir It ,l ir ir IIt ,l ,l ,lt' ,[! llli,i,llllll,,fllllllllllt''!illl !trrorrt r . Iilil ! ilriiirt $ii,iii' iii! ii!,[[t[[E ! [ [Iarll t I t I f .q.rtr t t I ll Iiltt r.rr.t ! I I f t I I =l ri II!l illlr 6iilI. IT ililII r lrlll r iiiiiii IIi,I ifilii*iJi! ill!!! t, ri ri iliilittll tt ! II ht! Fi trlI i I ri I l!! II I tt I l l l attttt I I ,l 1lI t ; r ! l: I iiiri; r rlE t, r rrll aa I ll t rt ttB ltB 1l!l t 1 rr, I I I ,l r r rl r r r rtttt ir irlrir I I I I i, ir ir ir ir ir r rll I I ,lr ritrrlrlt.ll h IiTII I rrr rlt I t l!t:3 iet!!i3 i iii ii ill i rii,ili,ii,iiI g[t t [ [ t tlE[[[[t tll I I I I t ll I I i I I rto ol I o ,lt t ttrrltIII l r rt ! ! I I ! r I .S I ! .,. r I I l:rt I I o E E L ,, I r I l;l r II,l ;l It'[,!.liiiiiltrtll r r ol _t rllt r I ll ,l.t ir I r,l Itt.l Irll t'lt'li{r lli [['tl f r I.IIr. titr. t I irt I i I,llrilr ii 'lil,t,i:' I III!II I h Ii I I rl ! I r I i I r irrtiiiii.ii,i:iiir illiiltllll l ltHti l,iill fi Ir fi I llll ll ltiiIiillIl.tl-I ,l I irI IE It ! I I, II t II T ll I I lr t I I r riil,i,ii'iiii llllillilirllfillllllll I !t It!lt I I ! I I I l!! a It tt 1t ,t 1 a I t: : : I r nlnl'll 'EE 'lt ll ,aIrlr!,t l! !r !'! r :I lrI ir:i ill li,lilitI Elt I il I !'r I !, ! rl r 'i'iir It II It It II !'Ir.I t: ii L llfifilfi ifiil#fi lfi ifi fitiiltt th I ill fir ih lil lLlllfi irffi fi# ltlllJliIIIIIIIIII!IlI II! I IIII!!! IiIIi lt I i,i,!, rl I I ir I llTItltltlttIIt! 11 lll, !,i, Ill,I llltu ll,l.- I r'lI , 'i,!,llriI,.;E rli t!'r t Eriiiiiii,iiii;i Fi ,t $$$t t Il rt,trrII! I , t ! ! r.r i t.,i I ,' I I r l'i tit r I tit t I I;iii,iiliii II It TI I I : t I I I : I I I3 I II I T ! Iit lr t lI tl? iIt atII I!t[ Ell I tt t II rl t ll I il iirI t !r , iiifi ii!!i, II t I I I I !r t:r iiii!i,ii,t t[tll llr I!T :13 .tl r[ri,[r 1 , I I Irt Ia I t III I ffi ffiililllili,,ifi,l, Iiiiill#rl*{il lilil ifi I'lil ll ffilI i i E i i I i I I I I I !I I I III I I fit t r ll! lltGB I !tt ,ft1 ri lr t I It lEl rlE rl3 I t Irt I lltttlttllrlrilItii,' llr I Itll I I li, Ir t ti Ill lr Irtltll I IIIII'l'' i iili,fi' [ [[r tlol rr IIt IrEtl IIlllItlltll.ll !r lll.llrl 'lll I'iiiii,:tB'. IiilrrrIrrrlr!r! i ',rr I II !I I I II !I ; I I IIttlt I lrrTI irrrnnI. r r tr n I I I t r! rl I t I lI t i i i i ritili tiii.rrr[ur r II II II II 'tt lfri r burl ni ftrlt arir-.l ltl. mrh. SritLL C ?-rJ-l.*afflffi -'IE* -- t-b -llhhE IE,dIE,GE,E GA 3E'5dFTPEItrfr*Cm.a E EC38IN E0 EdEOwmSfrww,EOxG.[reflreoruMOrcrOEOE{XT.TIE{tE&'E6rEGIEqr G.012 rc ilE{'rtl'otIreH'EAa EO rftoa EA Eot ru E{aEO'tu,TGOI Xl!,61IEmmpo reo m,OreereqE{rreHBApca ralc r.EGI t{taD -Eqar- ra?-hlde!- $.1OD H IttEOao ral UI-b -dridlaClm--H -atT-xE -Il.tlE6E,.tiDnHIh.JIt-h ta ilEJtdHfrtarCF H 1- qn l{arF H h -t{EtrdbxafilrCE x- mOEtltbEa.lb-Ll* ftEl hG Idgiirn h- H ttlEsmero rht lbO-e.lAEEb-mCr-LllI-6E flt-3rv$ttn.lfll*.*rrobt*uaffiIChrUDara.qO kltblE{ H?a.tlaltE ltHt-rr|bBEIhra|lLHr.ttrlLl-UrhhLlsFrfri5rdHrcsr|l..l.crl,clOEErllardl, t-xEaO-hroltbq- Lllrorr/5 On]t ra.atr3.lbhr. t{lEl f ot.n ad(i,rradyll.lor-oli5ll-LtI5ET]hhDi-o-NIl,EP-rlc-EarFri5fficIl-LIlahrraltllHhaIrrI[CBrlhdr rrEraO-Ll tli.CrE GLra -El!IlstlrtrkCIW*rDttha,*.lroalEu.Lrrilt&r.a-lhcfiES!htlr-totEil!tlt-lt{Lart-DctchFftrt!h.lotra$iln Egalh D6T.tirdr$lHol:llHdl{1lllltqiIr.CrtIHSllQta.tx-abhti.rmLEftrll krDff.hlt*f,..hlffi ,..fl..O4U hF.k.hthr5ttrH-OraUl-lffrffilffIhlff.. 5l- hld*I-iff'.5tff.. 5lr-Br I-i..tsI-tlfrrlr#5E.CTd..{a5ifr L rdal- a-thti r.t{-A- hAlg -mnf, ltrt- dEld*FrhLtDrtadit h.--Lltfrfi rtr.Qra{drtFaahI.Grff. hohr*rldtrlldaa.$9!&lldltiarE D t,hlSsrtclbttoml*Hho Lrlrt-,,-t dl-.x-i.a*rISt a*.|I..I-Si.5X.lhll-l€...[-l*5tfr.h.al.iEr5tfr*.8iff..rEtL.dfr,-t*--ar#L-6.hrifrhtffr.5lffr .LrdSt.arlr r.trah-Otfra rait.a!-la.la'-I'Iffit r..!8.lE #-* iE tt. 3r-f-S r*-* ,ll-Dd-.El-..I-ltfr.Llt dtft.Lbl..rtfr5E5-5iff.5Dfr. E.CX lffih*-iirI-tl.ftrI-t.5nhl.fra.rGFh-ry IIDrtlfrlr0 bh.afil{rrhhf ta.tl-leart l.a-tr2 Oi-lldrl-l-C- tsr--r&.AlmU*l-L.*ntrlfilrO*trcE lalrrf... LOl0,iG.Ed rrDhL*rhiaHhtr{rff-Ul.EF*r,*Il--h.Ua- ft bd'aal.atlt r-Ll!r Aa.fialrhatHdllr-rtArl.tat aL IlFa-l..hath.r-t-..* -allrrtsFrll-rni.Iik rtrilb-hr..thBa-t.tfita.udtba6mt[lltarrl-rEr ilaIbhrl..trililEHatsilgbbar€t.lbl.5i.r{!.llr*xr*r rqr Jtdsl ha r€trtrr-tEtd. trrfrlrrl D-*t-u&L a-.|--hllf u*:re ll|trt .rfra.ltrlda-tdlltrfrnlhatrframhfirtt *rdSG r.Failhf,rtriila,cdE tomEEaIlDbit rt*kltl*-i{llfga*rlu.3htfrE-c,, E6 t5EGrG.CrcGOre{Ir,Efr,t,fr rc r]{tI,xBdIECx&rnaaIIGOEOffi.oIMCm{! -oiaElLl--tatalc.tLc-Xall-OBmrAdIt-hUb .lmoFra-at- hbIflr ,lxtra-l..'*lfiE]it-.lAlIl-Whoir-155EICS tEir--6Gr^rOlD(I€lial|t ..rt l,tahoaDaocEffirex.ffis3ltllwiXltcfl0torOill.L+a.{f,haatiFd,!tdffi ia lDa-;rt-ll.tIllt.mt'ahFrIEHomr l&mtltloar.AIll-mnOEE taardB Itr.# ui.aE-tt*Ixr5tfr5t- 5ldr.lb.r xitfia.. il6tfra. r.Et r,cr Ht E{tl lL(E6bEall ll.l EcI EE l.' co ,E r@ --EO! rdsilbEGhcXE'I EXEfl htw -t)rlt h Gfr l..'lr l-rsH h C'IThCt' trl Oi* O a aG{,idrfl hra {tlln-h;Eila-ttvrrrtdra:ilr@LT5r[ OABmVe fa[I EG-ffirEmlLrrl'lI.aH FCEITE-IErIISlffbtd.rDHbtE]ii Id'r EAraa.rb.tUnEhHt.brair-.('ltn-anacr.* Iiit*.ab-*tnic-fDlHC!-ilIlhhLldlulrlttl-ririlBq 5l#..mtr-IiltailHaoEnElh-frtSt rEC I'rttE E[hrtc[ htrctn !E EEbGA5HIE 3,,' Ifl HHEil '-E,,--wug, !EE{hTET hIxHhEoa ,.1m0-IEO fnffiobEtbE,CI EEAHEat tsET oln Ea 6ilt Gd,CDre.Ga xd Hfl EID hl*o t-EO C€Ha x.a,EG' tIEb*O et-MHEO 11'nCT- 5.oE I]r$araE0 b mh- tt!{ ftdIGT TbIEC U-EE itdE'Ca l-EG-rer rrraa?rna h-rlIEED HlhhaaaDF.dlLhl.d3Elbtsl3D -lra-I&ahalL-tItab-!ta hllr.alrut#a Hal*.ir**ad-ddbaaEalarh, O-ll -*a-Hir'rrt!-tn.r*fr*, bilfrl'l.rH,.ltrmrh..r.frG ,r-a--t-.fr*.e ltdt-t- -. rara.dttt!Drira ffit-aHurtr-h2 Hldh. f.#.--Irl UEET 5-Irha d.-a r.*.*a Etlfr 5l.4tr hlrf.t:. 5#i W m -ralrFa&Ds{ LrF ultbtrEEm}lil*CW ,**. hrb[*- H taoEiaratloG0 ,E lFi.-flDEfi O'ilE(n l*.FES- E{ &o EMTEON EGfr, C.E* taEil/!r- htffIr.*.O{I n *..rtnt'tr E{ An 6Earr l*,il Ocr (lmllllqllul! blltarCaSlut d?rl-.irnr hh-titdflErCll,tbrxuflE r t-lltot-(ll! -(t!!tafm.iIc-CtIlEIm'JE*a*DahLr t--tbLfmlll.ffitr-aad*lvror rr.rrrdaHrl iE,OFHhmD h-t*-..LlllExsIF.rEtftlkr{rffiriFaib.f r/3t-0arfl..tAl5l-ErI 51..hntca,It-t.rlDtr.r.tal(t nr!t15btnilrtt d-rh5- E,e do bFlrlll.rarlal Ed i{ lr* H.-(IlE 5ffihn ll.4l-LIUTIWThEC' I- bEiilCDxtl,G hr.hl.. fo-C.-l-xE(I H dtlltJ bli.E-nC (.r bl-.tb-4E 5I-iE.C rI I.IICDEC f t*IaElrm.,I.tLElE(I 1- r-hattlrEO uH- rarFnauhrDE0 xfl ldt:- lErtL.ffi ]l. tnaarita.ar-riadatrlD illrrdtSIEEg ftl nhtal I liil.lrdil n iallr5,3-EratfrIllUIt*C{Hmr*f,il.!VIf..irttI?-.*laIEHE' Or-tifEmra t..rratDE ffiLi}l'-mo tlmral^SFdlvHhdt ilSaIiIbrilrao0oolfr.C{lr.alL.Oa?aIEtltEam[fiqqihIatiri-ra htfr hlffr U...*l- H!.fri 5lrff. I l. ?DrI ,Bna - rh,a! f.ar.- ct fl lffrMLff EEFCPCr3ilgfrwSfrE6E.EFGGOtxffi,at&trutgE EO)mat@ G6t x.aw,wru30H'G'D wwEOww,liD!,ETmEOE6EIEFOaXCEC EC ITGCmwwMTEIHE' GE *g EIA XBiS &aEiEF,'mi[E[w ftgreE!E[EtniDmr,l IEilll lEil,l lEr! EI,, tlgutEilEg8l,3EntEIGI,,XEt lxroEtmEt0Gttn{tIS'tramixTEIIrc{axEtXGT'EI'EtrEt!m.ttrcxtctxmEitI l-CEa.lEOEl-ODhfll-tE -lh*HtaEiJlh h -EEqhffiII-*rd tLr-ah. h-htlBI--c*t-ei-a.fbI.IhOa-Crr3l t bdEtl-ffi traaari-flh OF axh-I 6mi OF lraO-haahl..CDH -IO-HIh U.F -rtarilF lE Hgrflhr LEImr6-utttIJe!-ftaflEtileEH--ir-r.thrder-IoOohDmlrbLanhh bh*bfl r!tff.. 16tfft hSbt*. slrb 5iff..Elfr I-tfr f.rt*. alr:d r#..S4 hF.i.b 5l-- 5tffL Ll.laamia ltilfr 5ifr rc*.dH btr-Ofr rrta.(* t.rllEi rffi$.ffit 5t-.. htlffbr ,.!FL'O-ra (lq-b tid. htdf. h.EFL hlffi 5lt#. 5l- I6t rlfrtlh.XErEalHtdi.Ir h-I-. hnI.--. h- Etfrrl.rt aoEFtrtLa-olAfllbtardDaChh..i5fOI-t*0OEllo.I$J*iaahf..r-a-dIlilo-sUoFi.lEhr-lt-lilttr.da3hUt.i-ahol5 't.tOr-AgIFnn-rLrittrIloDllht!{llaarLlrhUarboSrrfoiahlrobbh-aDh.lbLfbNlra GFoiildt-4.. t moi-lEhI botl[hErt:lriSnlFJ -hxEdrmL.t IlClil.iHl|-lCitEharoJba.I.ilFf DdmElIfi l-.3nFa OrfaEiB h *t0-t-:ttrrlht--h-t*.aarthr-il Sh.rltS{l-rlt kdg*Df{.0l0rbl..hixtttr-cJ IEh,.-rdlsII.IrL*rlFaIolrfrlubha.rtiFard*il. r**A rt 1,lab.lb- r.raa.:Ec.ftaaarl0r*rtFaA-FrnaflamIralh.rtHh3.|EmruaCs',rLIlDlSTM''!Fu itlrrltaarrHt[- rE rECa !Ilibtltir*sH- 6m.I.ilt ffit#--L, t*drm--rgS,r-anEah-i..illFraH!tHrLP!mi-lrsr! i-lr.b.H*It-dt-l.|t*r- frlSrhr-.il1n lr dE'dffi* t*ah-a.rhttGffi q bH.,r-I.-a-,h-LrLSlrlrrkc{r.aLr*IrtrfCl-f,aa5haY3rr.l l*thrllltrzlr .lDr!-It ar.b.t Hirha hrtlthabt ndmtrrtlllhh-tit d r-.thltFlHl H-tr-**idh-.-lnIr*a.h. 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Oqr-.. 4: Dlrlllrllrpr]#rt**ra?,l,.tlISsrOI. hatdtGFralktEn al,f. thatErt'.raOrI*l-Ll.tne,rFar*x-rrIotohmhl.aerl.td.tlr5h&lrFahL$-gftilrdir rdr.tH L#f-dfa i*darildut ffillla.-drt+ hEhraLtr$Dfdrrl'*.rrtfrL CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT B THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL BE PROVIDED SEPARATELY. CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT 8.1 THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AI\D WILL BE PROVIDED SEPARATELY. CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT 8,2 THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL BE PROVIDED SEPARATELY. YhcrtEsnP! rEfr{rlla!:GFr*&ryEucrural,,[tGhtunh$il3frr0ffi|uqs, ua, SaEIrle RoLGaEG herl of 2 0lr01201l 11.R12 rrlrton,t Purchase Order lratffiDrfllrd l*n-lm D6 01/0r80fl tb.PqruilTrrrhflon tEf$ DI ottrtfIfl ]alA ]tUA tnDcctdonfroTrrllfltll dLdta rC ortlpunro. Drl hnhrb f.Eulb pttDhOgrnt* mt Uryrr ffi $l rf,b5 rr[ ranfrry*db-ucflf rfurhr$u jeupr$, I EEIIED EII}EEI| PTCFDTA'E o TfiTicIM" Ilrlilrftil nh a.rr.rd hb l, ru kr (uilfff rt Flo;Eoflr (qffil I Iitlm tlA tna dwui ch ehtr tcop dt{il r*nd hrrhbi*tr dfr bfr fr r:t tYrroHtG drr ffi lrrb ffidatr H gIft .dril rtud mrfn rrEtl!.nEbtf Lb. Ib fr pr4 prtnrl| rrr! I ffi I fr Ptlllr OrE ffi far l*libr ra rt ru r& ffid b: E rcaD B'rly+- Cnry llSD lrLldFturt O1n1f?ofi Tot, lAill?0/l1 lbr SfllDrclfilcn qlllrry ur x.tFlh. FU uI lllt^ltn|ll r.00 8\,G 0.m I svt 0.0 CcErJSfi,h Rhdttrhttffirt4ffi l0 PACIFIEORP tfffirPIlwmflllEffiar*fr(,AfrtOffi,O.aa Jlfr .firtazm Purchase UllltHr USD 0.0 Itr lcct nl lrar ryftd in h uttsnrl1lt h*rO*, f!5ilr FUlttt:d ttlt crtls*ra rU dr furrln .fEl t fntFd lh, a ffi rh r Ft dllr lrh OCr. lla ?rr*a Crf eI h rffi U h Iil d ufrr dl: h llruril uff [ ir prr b lt rrn&r olir h t t rr llr htt hillr.ff rl-rftG Plgezd 2oloun{t tarctz Order ErtlhftCl f,uafEEm,MDAMrclN| ITTrcf GOUDTNY Ib EL I E E t: rrillElg u E$bus-221 IHE dts E P 2 o e !- E;.G r;a E!H IHE IE EIdt E'lll r ET i tst i- iiB iE riE I f* Li [i; HE tE iE I t.s i ttr L trr t, 3d E-E -.. Is T- I,tT- E-t Eo EIIE o l:Ht.rl(J t.E-d9iuFE IE EE r,5 ?H iitl,ZrotitrIo.I:EI:Ol:(DIuIogr c,c!I J E EI; riE EIE Fo H3N 1I T H l6 IE II i E 5 iE IE HIlr IH H; q3 r E IX IE :I i- rl$ GttI F IBlo i3 1S i- i le l8t2 if; l. I il EIhlHrC3 I&nakrmar(m,ltVEmcv tVEnerg;r. LItldrlb ilVrry;Adhyatomlf,orpIlYr*D@r PUBCHAsI Of,DEN $ierra nrciEchwn Cmprry d/UaIWErcrE, G{IE) htrordt r Xll65[Ipllrr ldrurr @D*lrild t ld.t?4tttllrlllt r I xa* fiETEAII8toE?re $rlIlINGtrOGlttatr lfrDrdtlfrr. I.EAIUTtrlr t tIIcIItlTE^(E|TrLpr h-ha (til0{O6ttt Ltlr r (rtQ{Offi fr'BlrlrUrm rB.[tG?mtntalta! r t@tu r t Dryr l&a !0 D;l E1 l( Iithlt lLryEhlb ftrdfprmr Gnat&mxrwlBollcr,rwDfrt!mE-l8q*Fctt$$'rile!{,feU,Ull.rmuryrwDrstlml!ilr.tt Er?AY.SG'IIICINI Eiltrlr'ilE[, klrlbt ,CH r fflDiAlEN bd:f IcbltillfftMtrtdrol&r&d$frbr llnrclodElA t odlhYfu. a lrAAE'UB XA?(IIIIAD{ MT.n}IA.trilt1luADmts8tr a nffrxE urrbr?o.e.sal, a lf. @1 ai| nrl;Ol l. IrP cltJrD BA m'l!lE9 Dlrcllrb LWrt lEl*r h TAIAEI at 2 aaaataaa ^StilllEnwjSr.PURCHAII OBDET Shra Pdft hrerCmpary d/UaNVtur$r C{IrE) tdLrdclls fffiOrie r QIItrSt| NVEr,tndIryS Ilht lclrar CBPOElmtn Dlll*a t tittZl4l6tEil)lwuiD@+ l{.IlriDt t 2 fBtfLI t t. t r . [.ad rtra r ,m'Gry9r.*Eitr'l I)*ta/*13,- flO'HLllDlOt ""'' ' rrr /ll,chn|'o{lr.t. 04|l rhlda. oro aa!- c rrttst c lE-tEfffircrEI\l&gtlHEdrrdffiI&. fHrolqt drE.rH&ffthrqr b r lrpt e llp.rl (El, !a d Ury d rh.r i-EItsd.-dtEc-ffil|irl rb i-r.rIlYEll lEl Er ltrr d ffi. Dplr frtrir Hr * rBL rrd!'l O IE d OfifidG ff- brldlr-!'t!.' elrFr- ., I 6 hdrt6ffi IllLd d{r nD. bcrts rilEdffi, LAitwD{rtalryr Etrhibit C.4 trunfCkrasaE(hE CrrEmncv (tsnrruw Cmr.uot It ! a I D I lg I' *# trEIII B ftsil 'fiirl 3i fiI!t i T,t E It I E ? pt 6 { !l 3I I il IE td E6-II rfi |I rEIE LOl(, loz EE Ho lnIlItIlI|aUIUI lllaa|n g- irli:T ,tH tll T Istlt t- I m q Ef; EI EIE EE3 EEiir III lU[E E$ HE EEEE b E E fiGut I 3Io HLo HF I P T 3IJt HJtItI E PEo I E Ed, I 9 f;t P Ek E f; 6 BE II HE EH HEctr Ii IE IEE E E I P Et d ILo T $ E =e P $ Ht I $ f; d blll E fr d { .r $a EtoF E6I G, Ho H H 3F l; 'l'- [* iE rB E2oF IH,g E Es--il.9 GD'i g 6-l tIs!tboF ilrr 1 I I I Er(i- ! i,pi Exhibit E Armuerrs Ltsr enm kuvcpru Bustlpss ADDRESS Berkshire llathaway Energr 666 Grand AYenue, Suitc 500 Des Moines, IA 50309-25t0 CdEneqgy Crsncration 7030 Gentry Road Calipatria, CA92233 CalEnergy Philippines 24 Floor, 5750 Building 6750 AyalaAvenue Malofi, Metno Manila Philippines 1226 HomeServiocs of Americg Inc. 333 South 7th Stle€t, Suite 2700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Intelligent Energy Solutions, LLC 980 BiminghamRoa4 Suite 501 Milton, GA30004 Kcm Rivcr Gas Transmission Compny Sdt l,alce City, UT lt4.lzl Metalogic Inspection Serviseg 400, 10525- 170 Strcet NIV EdmontonAlbnta Csnada, TSP M7 MidAmerican Ener5r Company 666 Grand Avemug Suite 500 Dcs Moines, tA 503()9-2580 MidAmerican Rencwables, I-LC 666 Crrand Avcnue, Suite 500 Des Moines, LA 50309-2580 MidAmcrioan Transmission e25 NE Multnomah Stnect, Suite 1600 Portlan4 OR97232 NevadaPower Company dbsNv Energy 6226 West Sahara Avcnue Las Vegas, Nwada E9146 Northern Ndral Gas Companylltl South l03rdShect Omaha, NE 5Et2+1000 Northem Powcrgrid Lloyds Court Ncwcastle Unitcd Kingdom 50322-7916 PacifiCorp E25 NE Mutttomah SfieGq Suitc 400 Portlan4 OR9'n32 dbaNVEnerg 6l(X)Ncil Road Rcno, Nevada E95ll nllFastCottonwood Parlsray, Suitc 300 Sierra Pacific Powcr Company l0-2014 2014 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company Affrliate Participation L etter TO: Phillips 66 Company This letter confirms the intmt of PacifiCorp to participate in and utilize the contract documents of the lubrication supply contract (the "Contact') benveen Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and Phillips 66 Compaoy that became effective December 23,2014. We have reviewed the terms and conditions of the Contapt in dctail and agree to abide by them. It is understood and agecd tbat each effiliate participating in this Contrast is solely responsible and liable for its own ptuchases and payrrent to the appropriate entity for products or senrices provided to that Atrliafe. Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and the other Affiliate companies shall have no liability for palment or other obligations, contractual or othenrrise, incunod by the specific Affiliarc. Fnrther, we agree and acknowledge that the tertrls, conditionsn and applicable appelrdices or exhibits set forth in the Contact will apply to Phillips 66 Company and PacifiCorp. As a participating rnajority-oumed Affliate, in rcturn for Phillips 66 Company's commitnents, it is oru intention to purchase material, equipment, or work in accordance with the Contact. It is understood and ageed that matedal, equipme,nt, or work will be provided in accordance withthis C,ontaot. All invoices for material, equipment or work for PacifiCorp shall bc addressed as follows: PacifiCorp Attr: Accounts Payable Departo.at P.O. Box 3040 Portlan4 OR 97208-3M0 Printed: Micheal G. Dunn +2D11