HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150702Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdfYPacrFrConp\ arvrroruenrcANENERGvHororNcscoMpANy ii,i '!.r- *; i.l1 lf,* .":i;iii July 2,2015 VA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter will serve as written notice pursuant to Commitmentl l7(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13, 2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (now known as "Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company" or '.BHE"), of an affiliate interest transaction with FlightSafety International Inc. (FlightSafety) for the purchase of training services. A copy of the FlightSafety Master Professional Services Contract for Flight Training (Agreement) is included with this notice as Attachment A. PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of BHE. BHE is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Berkshire Hathaway). FlightSafety is also a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. Therefore, Berkshire Hathaway's ownership interest in both FlightSafety and BHE may create an affiliated interest in some PacifiCorp jurisdictions. FlightSafety provides aviation training services, including training for pilots, flight attendants and customer service personnel. PacifiCorp owns an aircraft and employs pilots to fly the aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that all pilots take flight simulator training at least once per year. BHE requires pilots to take training at least twice per year. PacifiCorp's aircraft uses a specific navigation system for which FlightSafety is the only known provider of flight simulation services. The Agreement was negotiated between BHE and FlightSafety. PacifiCorp has the right to order training services under the Agreement. Based on projected training schedules, PacifiCorp expects to pay FlightSafety an estimated $51,200 over the two-year term of the Agreement. See Attachment A for the rates applicable to training services. R Jeff Richards Vice Presidenl and General Counselr | 201 S. Muin Struet, Suite 2100\- I Salt Lake CiU, aT 841I I 801-22047i4 Ollice 801-220-4058 Fax j eff , r i c h ar ds@1t a c ift c o rp. c o m Re: Jean D. Jewell Notice of Affrliate Transaction Ju,ly 2,2015 Transacting with FlightSafety is in the public interest. PacifiCorp uses corporate aircraft for a variety of purposes. These include transporting personnel throughout its six states in emergency sifuations. PacifiCorp also uses the aircraft to transport personnel for ordinary-course utility business when such use is more cost-effective and efficient than commercial flights. The pilots on staff must take at least two trainings per year to meet FAA and BHE safety requirements. Because FlightSafety is the only known entity offering simulation training for PacifiCorp's navigation system, it is essential for PacifiCorp to transact with FlightSafety. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, R. Jeff Richards Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp Enclosures UGErEI T{O. MAsmn kortsgroryAt SEnvrrrs Comnem BICTWIDN Burxsmp E,ITEAwAY ENENGY COT,PANY AND FLIGtrTSArlilY lltrrnnrrnorlr. [r, FM, Augrmlnw TABLEOFCOITTTENTS PA@ ARTICI.E I.DEININONS ARTICI,E 2. DBSCRIPTIOI{ OF WORK ARTI(I,E E. ACCOI,'NIING A}{D AI'DIIING ARTIC[.,B 9. INTH{TIO}iIALLY OMITTD .... AI(NCI.E TO. INTE{TIOIIIALLY OMITTED ...................... 5 ARTICIE I l. INTH{IIO},IALLY OMITTED -.. 3 1 5 5 ARTICTE 12" DETII@TIATE) REPN,BSEITMATTIE A}{D NOTICES ARTICTE 13. E'(AMINATION OF WORK A}{D PROGRESS RPORTS..,.. AtrTICtE 15.CIIANGBS ARNCLE 16. IMITJRATiICT ARTICLE 17. INDEMNITICATION 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 ARIICLE lE. CHANGES INPERSOT,INEL. ARIICI..B 19. @T$tr,L.TANT'S PERSOIIINE DRUOS, AITOHC,L AND FIREARMS.. ............. 9 ARTICLE z). INIB{TIOI{AIIY OII,TITTED......................-.. 9 ARTICI,E 21. SI,BSTAI{CE ABUSq DRUG A}ID AIJCOHOL POL[CY ARIICI,E 22. DEPARTMENT OF IRANTIPIORTATION ARTICT.E 23. BUSINESS EiIHICS............. ARII(LE 25. SAFETY A}.ID SrrB REGT'II\TIONII .9 l0 l0 l0 10 ARfiCXE 26. PROGRESS MEETINOS ............................ 10 ARTTCTE }7. @OPER/[IOT{ WTru OrIIEN,S ARrrcLE29. CONFLICTS, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, ORDISGnEPAI{CIESI INCONTRACT DOCT ME{TS .....,................. ll ARIICI,E 30. CI.AIM NOfiCE A}iID RESOLUTION PROCEDI'RE ...... u ARTICAE 3 1. INTENTIONALLY OMITTM 1t ARTICTE 33. FORCE MAIEI,'RE BIIE Mu Mdod SaYiccr Cotu 3-mlt hjct of 19 t2 uilElct llo. ARrICI,E 34. OOMPLIATiICE WITI{ I,AWS ............................. l2 ARTICI,E 35. INDEPEITDENT CONTRACTOR ARTICLE 36. RELEAIIE OF IMORMAIION; ADYEK-ISING AI{D PROMOTION ................. 13 ARilCLE 37, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; NONDIIICIOSURB............ .,......................... 13 ARTICLE 38. OWNERSIIIP OF @NTII'LTA}IT @T'RSB MATERIATS .-........... 14 ARTI(LE 39. PATEM A}{D @TTRIGITT III{DEXUMIY ARTICX,E 40. ASSIGNMENT ARIIq,B 4T. SI,'BCONTRACTS ................ l4 ARNCIE 42. }ION-E'(CTJUSIVE RIGIITS ARIIq,E 43. NONWAIIY'ER ................ l4 ARTICLB44. SWERABIUTY -....--..-........ 14 ...................... l4ARNCLE 45. APPLICABLE I"AW AT{D VENI'E ARIICLE46.E}iITIREAGjREH\{ENT; DOCUMEX{TSINCORXIRATEDBYREFBENCE ............................ l5 ARTIq.,E 47. P@{JTIO}iI AIrID BFFECIIVE DAXB ATTACIilM.rrs EamrrA-S@PEorWonr Damrr B -hrrarrpuruv OrrrroEoffirc-bfiBrln{ IIY(It[rrE Eamlr D - [,rrBrTpIv{I.LY OIt[mD Bomrr B - hnprrmurrv OrrfiITD BGmIiT F - F1ORM G AFtrJAIB P.TRIrcPAIDN I.BnE, $ADN G - INTENTIONALLY Or,gr[@ t1 t4 t4 l5 BHE Me Pmiftriod Scn'ictr Cofirt }'AltS P.Sc2 of19 CmctNo. MASITR PBOTESSIONAL SBYIGS COIiITRACT BTIVEEIY Bmnsrmp ErtsawAv Evmcv Colrelw AITD I|rrcf,rgArgff IruuuAno{At Dr. trm Ir^rcsrlhrnmrc EABEg Th! Pard6 b this ]vt 0E fficsimal Scviccs Cmract (t[b Ti,IrE Comcfl re Ecr]illrc Erttury DncE Coryuy c,toc pincipsl Eddrc$ is 666 GnodAvmE, P.O. Box 657, D€ Moinq IowE 5030ffi57 (tsclahim Hrfrsrvry BffiEflbgoecrwithits Afiliau cftoclcclbutilia&islt[atuCffiactodrgrcbbobcrDdbythoEE!adcmdftimras pmvildtcrch(Gadr, hdvidully, a "Corryaf) udfLIGEfgAfETf INTBNATIONAL INC, ufroeo pircipal ad&clr irkGudb Aneod, Madnr Ah Tcrniul, ftrrltrry; Now Yqt ll37l (hcrcinr$cr'Emultmf). Wnh rlspGct b tris lvllsr Cdact or cach indivirfual hrc,hsro Ord6 imrd by m Atrlir wticL incorpomr tro EEs !d ftdL in thil Cmrcg 6e ryplic$lc Atrlirn md Cmsultaot ar hcrchaftcr colloodnop rftrrcd to ag'?atief aod hdividrdly !d a'?arty,' as tho cffit nryrcquiro. ThielvlrsErCortsactrctsfudhftcgmslErnsoda@dilionlfrcachidivlfualfutLacoolrdrrisardh.rtordlr. Tho fu[owing doomm pcrdffi to a gira turactim shll, bgc{bcr, coudine a &posrb ootact (tmfasd) bctutsca thc applicabloCoryauyudCosdum (DthiEltraffiC@ac4($ttoryplkx$btur'hooOdc(a)crerodbyCmnrlhtudrho ryplicabto Coryuy rccciving fte Sdvicos (td wibcnr r!8[d b ry redsd g!-fied It md oonditio appcodod thuo); (O eG Soopoof WodrqffitudbyCoallmtrodfuryplicablcCoryuyrcciviogttc Ssnicce; (iv) uyCoryoyaoonOq Coflil@ &aurud c olhor doom (if u$ 6a tho Paticc oplicidy agrc in yrdtry rhmld frro a put of tho Comacq ud (v) ary orhibit nAmnmd in uy of fro ftrogoing &cmd (@lcctincty, trc dcr"qab hicd rbor,€ h iE il (0 fturryh (v) rhll oollcctivrlycmcftrufuaOomrtDoomootd). EaACoarycdityfufusssaPuchroOrdcrundcrlhisl,tar&rCdrctir solcbliubb adrcrpmsibb frtrcobligadm of"Corys:f camodwithtorpocto60eplkabb Comactlloomcfr, udm oec( fi[da cofity shall trrrc any littbi]ity or rcryonbiliay frr cuch obligsims. ARrrcr.EL DEEIWQNS As uscd iu &is lvflst( ConEaet ed ach fuchsc Odlr issd udlr til C@Ea4 ths bllowing Err hsyE thc Ecmiogs sA fortt bclow. AII crhibib litbd in fu Tebb of Cm rhll fuu I put of thi: tda$Er Cmast wtcfrcr cmt rcftracod in tho ragE Em md coditior bclow. Afrlhb shrll m PacifiCcp (rn OreSeo coporatim), and MidAucdcan Eocrgy Cory.ny (an Iora coryoratioo). Wha phcing an initial oder fc Wort, or h soqitrclion with rn idtid Purchso ffic, cachAfflimc will cxccuG md cuboit ro Atrliae Putisipaion Irffi in ltc ftrn ofBlrhibit F (Mcipatim I#). Irctrwrrblcr ahII m thao ihr to bo dcwlqd md dclitErGd by Cmultrut as part of 6c f,Ioft or Scrvioos aod ss rt fr(6 inthoScqoofVodc ForrcMrfeurc Brcnt rhll rncm a dolsy co$cdby auy raioal orgwel stibg (bd achding urikcs nlatiag oolcly b thc x/ort fuc. of Co4my, Con$Iffi or a Subcffiactr), frcs, riot, asts of Oo4 acb of thc prblic €oGNElt f,oods, act of tErorim, rmavoidabls trorporUo roidots c cobugocs, u o&c ovcdi: (0 xrtioh u! Dot rcuonrUly forrsodlc ar of fu d&tb Cotsastwas cxcube (D which a! dlihmablGto Ecilsobo5,mdlhooffiol ildwithorttbofult orryligwc of tho Party ircrrring nrc'h dclay; ad (iD tho oftsts of vtich cranot be aroidod c nitigatod by tbo Party clainiqg nroh Force M4iarc Evd truugh thc urc of co,r'mmially rcasomblc cfrDrtB. Tbc Eru Fore Itlajarc Bvo doos trot includo a &lay causd by scasmal wsothm coditimc, gml cmmio cooditiosr chqcc in tho cctr of grood+ c othcr itans strcicntly in advam e co$rc thet tbo Worlcor Sanico ie oorylmd in acpordanco wi& thc Comaot Mrtcrirl Advcrrc Chengo (or MAC) sh"ll mn, with rcrpcst to C-oocolffi, if Cmnrlet, in tho ruasoo$lo opinioa of Conpany, hac crpori@md a m*aial adverso cnango in Consultut's fioaacinl oodition or Cmndffi'e ability to fulfill itr obligationr unda this Contrept. BHE Me lhtuol Scwicc Cotac IZtl S Pa3c 3 of 19 CffiicrNo. lf6{Bsb.llrn.nafumlwrimcmmimtimxrtich,F[andolbCmrct,GoIttyEustdclivublhcofrEri!odcrbin& a Contrs rilh d ffi hcir- Pcmoucl shgll Ecan the cryloyoc of CoocuLmt ard fu crylopos or rcptc!@tivls of aay of Cmtltrd'r agffi, Suboontracton, or indcpoodart cootnstoq of any dtr, xrto rc cryloyod or cogagod by Colsuttmt to pcerm Wort c Scrvioc udrr ltis Cotfact hrcLrrc (}rd:r thall mcanadoclmcotirarodbymAtrliaie id'tdtrngddocctibiryeo Scntioce tobopcrfunodnd*tiry ffiadotrfiFoioctryocifictcrmsodc@ditimrltdmodiryftirCdact APtuchreffiwillboisercd6rcugh6! rppticablo Coqnny's prorxncmat cysm ud will rofows fris Cmmrt Any nroh hrchap Ordlr mst bo orooud by CosulEdandtro rypli;ablc effiiato rccoivilg tho Scrrvicos inordorto bo c&ctitrs. Soopc of Wut aball ncaoBtibitA udthcrcquftm rogtdingftc Scrvioos andDolivcrablor' ar doccribod in, crfu by, ttcPrcharc Odcr. Sen*{l) rtall mm ay labor, *ill or advfocpiovidod b Coqaypumm b ttir Conhact SnbcmE ctor ehall mcan uy cotity or pcrsm (ircMiDg cfu@tmoffii of uly tir) haviqg En agrccoctrt vitL Connrlffi r my ofu Suboomacu o pr&rn o putio of Oomulffi's ob[gatims und€r 6b Coaaact Wortrbllmeanall obligtbn, edoq r€qufuumldq ud rcpuibililicc frr lhcarccocsftl coqlodmof ttrCffiactby Cooeltmt, itrchding fu fmiSing of all Scrvioes, Dclivsabls and iridcol mialr ud cquipneo in omodam wilL thc tsrmsEod aoodftionssct futin 6c ConEacr Wor*rrr' Coryrnndon Llwr shsU moao thc ffney rtquftlooDtr of fu etao aodor frderal (c.g., FlBIa' tXlI^&lI, Jom Ast) xrtcrc 6c Wottis o bc pcrM. Wort & drall r'-n thc locgtftn c bcatirus m Coqaa/e prwitre wtcrc 6c Wot or Ssviccr is b bc pcrfumod. ARIICI,E 2. DEs(RIPIION OF WORK Cmsrtuu shall pcrfom tb Wort c Servioor ar rcquircd by tho Scopo of Worlq in a rnqn''cr oonsbbot wi& tb tfiDsd prwfuim b thb Connrct Excopt as o6cnvise providod in thir Coma$ Coultut rhrll $e mldy rccpor{bh Br thoffiq Dctrodsr and pocoeres ofpcrftaming thc f,Iort or Scrvime ANflCLE3" PT]RCEASE ORDER. Each Purohasc Ord6 will id€dify aod/c dcsoribc: (D fu Scrvicoo inctding any tEy Ihlirarrbloc rcqufud by Coryuy; (ii) tho Wqd( Site; (iii) 60 complctim dsto fff ttG Scrviacs d m5, Lcy Dcltucrablce and auy otbr soho&rb m coryhim milcs@; (rv) 6E ds{gnaEd rqsscdd'ws for oach Party with rtecct to tb Coffiacq (vi) p,rojc*-rycaific im/oicitrg iastoctions; md (vi) my ottc projectacific EDs Ed coudilioos. Ttao gojoct-tpocifc icmc may bc 6Eod in or sttrcH b a Purrder ffc, or inooryor&d by roftacacc. Th! t nns d cditims of tftir lv{stor Contnct shr[ rypty to eolr Prrcharc Ord!( ud shdl form a uniquc Cootmct, es nplommcd by tbc prcjoctep*ific etm8 and oooditions of tbs otha Corhact DoctrmnB. Thc Cootact Docurcob ohalt togcthcr, ootitrtc ttc atirc lgm€nt bcturo€a tbo applicablo Coryary and thc Coosulad wift rucpoct to any Scrvims and Dolivuabhs b bo firnirH udor 6p Cmtacr A hushaso trGr will be iEsrrcd ltmrrtA thc plicable Cmpaqlt's trocurm@t sysm ond will reftr€nce this ltastcr Conhact md fu mlbablc Afrliar Prmicipatim Lstcr. Conculbd *rll mtly achowbdgo all hrchrcc tran plrcod by Compny uA eccpttrEiccttbchn*arOrdcraspbcodbVCoqooy.. IfrcWO4Consultrilehallgoryttycx*ubschPurrchrao Ordfi md rctmr to &e ryplicablc Cmpany's procrnEmGrt or oftcr dcigeond rcprcscuEtirc. If rcjGctod, Cosultmt sbdl pronptly aoti$ thc applicable Corqmy'r Procurancnt or o&cr desigparod rtplacohfil,o ud rd\ds€ ttc basis for arch rcjxtioa. ARIICI,E 4 PMIOD OF PERBONMAITICts Unlsos eedic Cminstod u provittcd br"in, ltt Em of '' ir C.ortsrt ghall o@cncG rpon cxccutim by &o Partiosd c!ryiro Iuly 31, 2017. Unlees oulicr EuinaEd as pruvidod hoia thc uns ud coditions of rhie Mrdor Cotilract lhll amtlnr iD Gftst until ratisfrctory corylaion of all Sorvicoc ordatd prior to July 31, 2017, whcthcr or not tha Scnricoe Erc schodrlod to bc corylotod prior b ths cxpintim of tho fttcgoiag dala Tho cxpir*ioo of thc fucgoing dab cball lot iryact tte Putiee' rcsecctiw rights or obligationr wifr rupcct to any Srviccs authorizd pria o crgiretion" Noltlrcr ttc complctim of tb Scrviccs rrcr my cdicr uninatioo of Oie LlasEr Cortract lhdl impoat uy unrrdioE, irdcrnnitics, inrutrsco rcquircociltl, coafidcotiality obligatims, ErEinttion obligatioar m ottcr obligtimc u,tioh by ltcir o*a tcrnl at irradGd b BHE Mtmrinl Scvia Cmra }.20l S h3o4of 19 CffirctNo, swivc thc corylction of eo Sorvipcs, rll of rvhich shell co*inrc in full frrce md Gftct after thc corylotion of aoh ordc for Sorrricro. ARTIq.E 5. CONSIDIRATION AITID PAYMENT As fttl cmsiahrttim fur tb setirfrctory porfornmcc of Cwul6's obligations uDdlr &is Coffiacq Coryruy wil poy Oomilm in accordaom with Exhtit B. Cmmltant dolt invoicc cach Affiliato pria b lhc coomcnccmt of Scrvicca" aod sh.Il cftEit iryoiocc to lhc Afilirc qfio r€qrred &o Scrviccs d ttp tddtlss sbora m tbc hrcharc &dcr. All iwoiccs tbdl inchdc lto d!!6iptlrn of ecrvicor fmirhcd by Conmlmg dAoe of trriniry pcr&,rmoa r-. of !:airc md, if aplicablc, thc n 'ne of thc taidng psognttt Coosulffi rhelt fu1affi rcaronablc b.chrp dotait d docuor@tio! srpportitrg oach innbo lirc ih c,hgo includia6 wi6ors liniUo!, tlcciets srepcdrg crpcocGs tht arc rcimbuncd pr[su d to ARTICLE 6, TRAVEL AI{D OTHER E)(PENSES. Coqany will pay all rudirputod invoico amoMr within thifiy (3O) calcodar dayr of &to of a propcr iwoico. Paymt shdl bc coffiingErt upon C,msultrd'r coryliare with Coryany invoicing rcquirEm.ilt as scil 61fr in tr ir Artiolc. Ary Amfioto urtich rcqrcets Savfurs ftom Cmsl@ undcr this Contrrct shdl bc cololy rrcporiblc for dl obligatim assocfurtsd with tho Afrliato's r€qt&st and puclusc of guch Scrviccr. It is udcmbod ud agrccd tai Grh Afilirb ptftcipefrg i! this MastEr Cootraot ie eololy roepmntlc md liablc for itc obligationr rclod to tho Scnicc* Bcrla&irr Ilatbauay EDcryI/ Corymy rod uy othcr psrdcipqdng afliato(c) BhEll bEr/G no oblig4ion or liability, conElcfrully or otbmrfuq fc paymcct incumd by thc ryocific Affiliaio rcqudng Savicoc fiom Conmltant hcrsundor. ARrICX,E6. TATGS Thc cmgideruion !o bG paid utrdtr lh. Coffiact crchrdcc all trxcs ricing out of Cmrultrat'e pcfoenarco hersuod€r. If any withholding or orthcr uxor (oalcg nsc, VAT c tic liko) aro or bomc duc on tbc payrcntr ftom Coryaly b ConmlEat uodct this AIE!@cot, Coryaay ehatl groee up cuch ps],Gtrt eo tbrt CorutUnt rhsll rmdvo fu full amornt providcd for hcraudcr. ARTICX,E 7. TNAVEL AND OTEEN, EXPENSES Ifrcquird fuhcpcrfrnnaorc ofthcWorts ScrviceE Corymyprc*pgovod cxpoce fsfiavol aod ottccpcoroq incltditrg bu rct Snitcd b Snbcomaptor qlponso, ircurred by Cmsrlmt.hrlt bc rcimbonod at Cmrulffi'e coct, vitbout nart up r any onhcr surcbrrgo, to tto qiout 6!t suah crpcorcs arc swotud ty GidnEl rlcciptl or iwoicoc. Suoh cpocr willbo itnloicd ar acpcre linc icmr onany applir:ablc invoicG odsboll hchdc npporting dctdlcdrccoipo ttatraUaar ana spporturchccpcns. ARIICI,E & ACCOT]NTING AI{D AT'DMT{G Cmailm shell kocp aosuilo and cqh rcoatirg Eordr in sr{pct of rny cort$ascd billitrgt nd claimr cnsrgd o Corymy in accordmcc wie gposdlyecc€Etld accomhgprircipbs. Corymy, a ib audit rcprcc"tativcs, shl hsvo 60 rigtt at my rcaemablo 1i66 66' timcr, wie ttfuty (30) dEyl prior mifim Dotkr, b cxmino, ardig and copy Coryony imroiccg rnd paynooto at Coryaay's c[pcos. Such rlocnrncnf rftefl bo rveilebh fu crminetion, adit and rcpoercdm fu thoc (3) youu aftr corylaion 6 Emintion of ttb Comct Cmilm shall urooablyasit Cqmy wift prEpadng ffirry adit nerint Ardit fir'&nlF by Oo4any'r Epsatadrc will bc sh€d with Corulor frr rurdffy. Asy ovcr colhstior trall bc rfim.d bCoryoy wiftin thifty (30) oahodr dayc tom dO of Notbc of orcrchrgc. ANTICX.E 9. INTEtr{TTONAITYOIIITIEI) ARTICI,EIO.@ ARTICI,E T1. INIM{TIOI{AI,LY OIilITIEI) ARIICX,E 12. DDSIGT{AIDD REPRDSEI\TTAIIYE At{D NOIICES Any frrnal Ndioc roquitd b bo dolivcrod in widng udtr thc kms of ftb ltfesr Cffirc{ Ehrll bG &tivqld b lb rcpmecnEtit'o oftbo othcnPartyae dceigndcdbolow. All frnralNoticls d'rll dftcrbe: (i)brnd ddivuro4 (O deositrd in6c mril, propcrly strryed with tbe rcgirod pooEgc; (iii) s€ot via rqgistErld c ccrtifiod 'm"il; c (iv) 8€ot via rmognizcd ovtrnight couria s€ilicc. Tbc Prtics' adregscs ft( purpoocr ofNotico shEU bc as sct ffi bolor ad for Atrlietcs, ae listrd on Exhibit B: BHB MrcPro&rdot Scndca Ccrura 3-Il5 PrgEi of19 CdlgtNo IfoCmmu EtoCm$lmt Hi@.fi*y Imcraaimel Inc. IaGudia Aipcl illrinc Air Tcsmiral825 NE ltulumah Strcct Suitg 400 IhchingNGB,Yst 11371Podd.OR97232 Ann: CouacrAdmiofumim Phre: 503{t}5655 For Mi&{ocricaa Euty Coryary Puchaso Otdcrs: 4299 liIW Urbodalc Drivc Urbodalc,IsrB 50322 Afu GGdC,0I!EI Phmc 718565-{116 AIn: Phmc: Srryply CbahDet do CbazBcnidy 515A42-y46 Eithr Prty may chragc thc nrm c ad&rec of tho &signrcd rccipiart of Noticos by dclivcry of s Notic€ of sch ohago ae psovidld for in this Articlo. Any additioral ^Ctrtiab ufio latr choco o partioipao h this Contact d ars lddod !o ftig lr,IlsE Cmact by a *ritm agrcom€ot sigd by lLo PartiGE shall pr,ovidc ftcir rcAocdvc cooilrct idomatim in 6o Pdicipotion I-Gttlr guch Amliaus s$trdts to Connrlht ARIICI,E 13. EXAMINATION OT WORI( AND PROGRESS REFORTS Cmnrltaot finfl rubmit pcriodic progrlss nporb rs rcquctcd tV Coryaoy. Corymy, ib agcoB or npreoo',trtivcs myvisitConmltant'8 oficc atmyrusonablctinc b &tcrnirc thc rtmrsofongoing WottFquircdbyeb Comrct, All Wotr will bG subjcct to cxaminatim at ey rcalorablc timc c tincl by Coryany, qfiic[ rr'r[ hnc tho tiSh to rdcct unsntfictory \Yort Noithcr oramimtim of Wort ror tho hck of saoc nor rcccpbcc of fto Wu* by Coopeny nor palnGnt ItEFcfu sbsll ralisv€ Colnrltmt fiom aay of itc obligationr udcr this Cmact ARTICI,E 14. TROTESSIONI, NTSPONUNILTTV Csasuttrd rhrll pcrfom tb Wck or Savicoc in amodrmc witt 6c Scopc of Wo,rt Ed ughg tbo Sarderds o,f cam, rkill, aod diligm rmoally provirlad by a ptoftssioad in thc pafo,rnam of eimihr nlort c Scrviocs, aod $all coryly wifr all laun, mdog odehdade ryplioablc to thc f,ro,rtc Serviocc In thc eritot of CoanrlEst'e frihr€ to do so, Conmlmt ehr[ rym Notioc by Coryaoy, proryty rcecrtrm ttc Wo* or Scrviccs ud conect thc dc&ct at Conslunt'c cob cost Cosulffi'g obligilio! to corroc ud rcporftrm its trlclc a Servioos shall bc h addition to, atrd rot in liar o{, my othcr right 6et Coryuy may harrc. ARrrcx.Er. gEANGES AII ohangce ud/or additione within thc gpffial rcopc of this Coolrrrct mugt bc qgccd to by tb partice in *ritiag. No cr-r8c shrll bc bfodiry ryou eittcr porty unlil a clwrgo odfi i8 orccu.d l5r m n'thoriaod ltDlqc!ffirlc of Coauy d Cormlmt which agcseiy sbtss ftd it costfurg a c'hange odcr b thio Cmact TIU EsurNcts (tr' IIIToRMATDN, AD\ncE, ff?novAlsr oR DIstRt cTxtrits BY ANYoNE OIHm. TH N THE AUTITnI4D cory&y RpRESE\rrAfiVE SHAII IOT O(f,tIllTnUIB AIt AUTT'ORI2ED CITT}{IE ORDER, PI,'RSUAT{TTO TIIIS ARTtrlX. AmrclE 16. BEIIBANCE Without limiting aoy liabiliticc a auy othor obligatic qf Cmf,rltaol Consulffi rhrll, prior to coooocitrg Wod., scsrrE 8od oomftuously carry with insram coryanioc io good stadiry mcpbblc b Batrhirc tlatauay focqgr md iDamrs having an AM. B6t Inurmcc REpofts ratiag of A-:V[ c bctcr nrch insnucc as will pmmct Cuailht eom Uability ed BIIB }lrrta ffiiod Sab Cdrct il-Zlls Prgl6 of19 CmrctNo. olairu for iqiu*r a[dl drnrgce, rvtich nay arisc d of or rcsult fironn Cmntlm's pcrforoare and opccudonr undr tbo Cmrct dfrrwffrnComlmtmybolog![yliablo, vrtcthcrnrchpcrfrrmremdopaadom arotyConrlffica Suboffircbc by anymo dirccdy c indirectly enploycd by ary of ecq c by ayw fu who rtr auy of tto my bo liabh. Coculbu rhrll hsur Sc dslts arsocbEd with fu Wort and fris C@tact with rninirmrm covcrage md limitc as rct frrlh below: Workr'Cmcnrdim. CmsutEtrheloorylywithallrytcabhwodct'ooqcoruinhwraodrhllfumirhpmof togafr.rirfrturyOCorpoypimboor.npociryWorL IftrlottisbbcpcrfrrdinWashingOooWyooiryCmlffi wi[ psticbo in tbo appaWiato sbb fud(s) to covcr atl oligibb cryb5m d povidc e @ 8ry(cqlqu's lhlrlity) codflmd. ColrErage shouE ds Fnovi& aplicabb ftdsrl roguldms (ir.Ulng withf,[ liniadoq FE,A USL&II ed lhc Jom Act). Fq'nlolErs' Liibiliry. Cmsltrr shall ,'xin0rin crybycrs' [sbiey fuf,r@ wi& a mininurn singb timit of $500,0(Xl oactr miko, e500,000 diss oaecqlolpc, md $500,000 dirc policy timil Cmnssial Gcocrrl LiSility. Comtlht eholl mai&in cmncrcial gcoGmt liebility innrre m thc oort rwcatly qprovod ISIO polrcy frro, or ib oquivrlcat, writm or m oocurrcnoc basir, with liniE lot lGos thr $1,000,000 pcr oosurr@62,000,000 gcolrd sggrtgsc (on a pcr looatioa ud/or pcc job beris) Ed Srll inchdo tbc fo[owing covl[l8o: Premicco rnd qcratiors cov€r8go Indopoodcat omacm'r covcfilge Conactual liability Prro&ct ud corylcrod Aaationc covuage Brcad frm propqty dEoryo li,ability Pnoftrriosl LhbilitI. Cusultaot rhrfl rnaintdn poftsoioaal liability iuurree covcrfug demegoE arising ort of tro8liSld acts! crrur, or oorirsioar comitEd by Conrlrltsnt io tho porfrroaoco of 6ir Csrtnct, with a liability lhit of rct hss thatr 01,000,000 oach clain Consul.hot +hell m,inain this pofloy fr1 6 minimum of fi,o (2) ycan aftcr complctirn of ttp Wodr c cbrll arnnge 6r a two (2) ycr cxrndod dircovcry (tail) prcvisim if 6o policy ir not rco€mrod" Tho itut of this polkry is to provido cov!6ags fr claims ariaing out of thc pcrfornmco of Slo*, or Scndcos uldtrtbo tlilasrcrCmtnct aod caurodbymy cm)r, missim frrufti€hthc Coosultam i! bcld liablc. Umbdla c Ercors Liabilitv. Coorulhl rlrrll naiein rmbrclh or Gf,cGEB lirbility innmncc yi$ s rrrinimurn lioit of S5,000,000 cach ocolrrocdaeSrcgatG crhcrc ryplicablo m a following fun bnsis to bc cxco of the inmaoo covErigp and linit rcquirEd in oryloycn' liabitity inmaooo, comcial gcocral lhbilig inommc. Cml@ shEU povidcNoticc to Coryary, if at aaytime tb ftlluobrdlrlimitrcquireduodtrthie Cmtractie mt avaihblG, ardwill prncb8s€ adddoDal limiu, ifroqucetd by Coryany. BdircllathewayErErB/atrditl Afrlialce do notrcprrscottcthc imaoocaovurto ryooificdhcrcin(wtcthc inrcopc of corrEf,Sp or enrute of covcnga) ac adcqualc b psoEct tLc obligiliont of Cmiltru, md Cmgrtet ehll bo oololy rcepodlc frr aoy dcficiocios thdloe Exc€pt for vor&crs' cmp@8ado! md proftorionl lilbility inluraooc, to policice roqdrcd hcluin rhall holudc pmvilim! or adortmon6 nlming Bcftshiru Ildrray Encrgr, it Atrli&s, diviriolr ntciOlary coopuicsr o-lcolccE, ev61ru!,joif ows aod tte officcrs, dirwtur, agFnto, orylofrocs, sdt/sfis ad ilslur of ttc smo as rdditiml incurcds. Is thc ot tnn additimd Affilirm clct b prtclpct in end rndcr &b MrsE Comagt aftct thc cffoctiva ddc hdlof, Cmothnt gtal prcvidc Bo*rhirc Hathawzy B&rgy aod dl iE pcrticipsting Affiliabe Wded ccrtifipats of insnmoe svidonaing th.t it has irchdod ulch rwly pnrticipating Affiliane ee additional fuucds in oach of thc Consulhnt's innrrmco policics. Tho additioral inrucd codortcmcot shell bc ISO Fco CG 20 10 rld ISO Form CG 20 37, or 6oir cquivdcffi. To tb crffit of Cormlffi's trcSll8@t aats or @issionc, all policics rcquird by this CoaErct rlnlt irchrdc: (i) prrwirior that nrch innrrec is pdnary inrurmco witt rcrycst b 6c intcrccB of Bcrlnhto Ilathaway EugI/ end its Atrlians Conpray and 6at any otrr ingurrc meinrrircdlby Bcrlahiro l{atbaway FrqB/ and ib AffiIiabs (irchlding rclf-inrurrc)Ooryoy is cxcoss sd mt omtribubry insuranpc with thG innrrmca requirod hcfiarDda; ard (ii) provirionc thx thc policy cetah E cn es liEbility c eovtrability of intatst clausc or odorroocot in tho commcrcial glocml fiahility. Cmnrlht rhall provirb Noticc to Borlchirc Hothauny ErUy ed all itl pordcipodng AtrliaEa imnodieElyryon roccipt of notico of anypolicy carcollation or rc&rctim of policy limib for aay resson Ed sball providc proof of firll rcphccmt covurgc prior o tto cftc.tivt dAo of aanccllaioo; od (iii) proviaions ftat $rch policfox not bc caocelod c thoir limits of lirbility roducod withouf (a) m (10) calcodardays pric c/dtt@ Notico to Coryroy if cascclcd for noryeymmt of prcmium; or (b) ftirty (30) cah'ndar dayl prior vrrittto Noticc b Coryany if caocolod for auy orihcr rcasoa. Ualecs proffiitcd by applicable lexr, ell rcquircd irsurr1cc a- b. d. e. BtlB }{r$cPrcftrind Sqvica Cotrt 3-2015 nup7of 19 ConrctNo. policic (cxccpt proftcohnal lidility) qhnlt coffiir provisioos ttat thc inortr will havr m rig[t of rccovety c nrb,rogadm E$ioS Balchire Hathec,ay EDErE Coryany, itr partnt, divirims, Affiiaos, sttbsidiuy coopaoics, co'leascs, or co rrcofilEri, iofut owm$rEourcs, agd8, dittctorE, oftco, oqloltos, Emnfrt and inrucrs, it bGi[g tb inktim of thc Partiestht6c inmrmcc as cfbctod ubdl probct alt of tbc abovp*c,&rencod cutitio* A caffco of ineruce shrll bG firnilhd b B&hirr Ilathaway Eo€rgy ad dl participating Atrlianr cofirnhg tbc i86llatroG of cuch itrsurancc priu to comnopcm€d of Wo* by C,omulEt. ShouH a loss dsc &ring tb Tcrn of the Cmtnct 6et may grw riso to a olaim agsiut Cmnrlffi and/or Bcdshirc Hrthaway Eaoryy or ie Affliatr ar additiooal iDflrcdq Conrlffi rhsll ddiwrto Bslghir" Ila6awayEmrry and itB porticipoting Aflims (m oarso to bG doliwrcd to Coaany) ccrtificd copica ofarch irsmncc policios. Cmrhm shdl reSdrc Subomtnc8re xrto pcrfrrn Wort Et lto Wot Sito to ogr)' liability innlrnac (recirl Ecmcrrl lhbility md accos) aod vo*crs'conpcrladodcfiploytds lirbility iDsurre oonmmsuaE wi6 ttcir rupocCnc ocqc of cruds CmilE fisll r€Bin rcryons$lc for any chins, larruit, loa*c and cxpcos (irhdfug d!ftoro cosE) tht ilccod ury of i6 Subcoatnclus' insnacc limitr md for unfosred claims or bcocs. ARrrcr,E 17. EDE!88!C4E0N Cosrlm ep*ifically aod oqnosdyaE Ga b Ucooi&, ddco( aod toldhrolcrs Compoy, Batshirs lLrbauay Bacrpl, aod dl itc AtrIiatoq and tbir roreccdvo offocq dirustora, crylqteos, joint osnss ud ogents (torofuOa colhctiroly'qCoryafiy Tndcrrnrrihcs') eg&st tod trom my md dl cltim+ dam&, eftt to$csr costt Ed dcdnqgos Of orCy Lid 8Dd acsorbdo, irhrding asorogJn' ftos ud/or [tigptim cilpcrsq bmnSh or madc a$hst or imu€d ty ury of ttcOqmylndmita rcsltiqg fioE or rfuiog o$ of &e nosligeocc or willfrl mlscorduc't of Cmsrltn, ib cryloyrcq agcnts, rcprcscffitives or Pcrlmcl of any ticr, thcir cqloyci, agot! or nprcccotatiw in tb pcrbrmrcc or norycrfornuoco of Coonrltaff'r obligatbrs uadcr thc Cootmot Tho indmity obligEtims uadcr ftfu fu1ist6 rhell irchdc withont limihtim: a. [5,s 6f q' rlmnagc b aoy p(qlcrty ofCry;a CmerlEt or uy tffi prqf b. Bodily iqiury b, r dcd of uy pr,sm(e), i',chdry siltort limihtim qkry6p6 of Corym1t' q' of Cmrltut or i6 Pcnml, ofuytis; and c. Clsim ufuiqg d[ of s rold b urslqs' c@pasdim, ucrybyffi oqcodo!, 66 rirnilr srh lacn or 6liediorE mlicalrlc o cqlqru of Cosrlffi q ib Pml of ary tir. If aay clain, @al actim orsrrit uisiry fim thc Scnfon ir iortitmdbyrypcrtm q cmty agaim a Coqoy Indcmitoo as r rtsult of o acdoo for whien Coonrlbd tss qgrcd b ind.irnrii, Corymy urd66 6i8 Artbb tbco Comd@ will rmtrc tho &fto$ of ttd clsto, bgd astim or sril ryo being dfld b do m by Coryloy rtrd win pay uy jdgpct fi $dmr rtodcdinnrchaclimrnif ItbundcnbodmdrgcodbyComlmftstifeCqluyrndcnniboirumd6dcrftry{rrrria6ay arch cldm, bgal rdoo c sdt aod Cooltmt frilr a acahct b sserE 6! d!fuc l:hoof lOEr bd,ing ba otificd b do rc, C.oopuymaycoEpr@irc mde.ntbord&dtho clafur, @ElrctimcoitmdCmslm isboudto roinhneCoryryfrrfu mm crpcodd by Cooryoy in poyiag uy judgncc c $tdmt, bgGtrE with dl EaeoorHc dcnclr' ftce aod cqfi coffi,hsrrrdbyCoqeybyrcasmofit dc&nscfiscdarqtof f,tchbgd rcdmwndr Anyjudgmcd umrutorydcdby Cqsfiyincorymfuingoroctling s&hl€EElecilimc adtshrlbcoorhrsivc as dsEoiriagtro amruforwhichCmsrlbnt is liablo o Fiohrrsc Coryary. Cmerltmt's inAmity obliett@s rud:n eis Articlc rhqlt mt exhd b ry lhbility card by ttc ncgli$oce of ury of thoCryy rg{crrr+tpce. tn claims, lcgd rtims a srit lgrins uy of ttc Corymylndmircs by c on bchelf of m cqb5roq ag€st 6 rrpmsoEtirc of Cosdffi tr ro coplolr*, aglot or EFaclfidrc of auy Subcmrcbr, Cmrluds indo ificuim ohlbdms rmdcr dds Arddr rhrtl Dt be limibd by a liaitrin oo mfr c typcs of dmages, mEpcotEtbn a b6.dt pEyabb byConrlMma Subcurfrrcffimdcrmrtors'corycosatkn acts, di$iltty acb aolhcrcnployoo bcncfttac8. Cogultsnt's lndclnftity obligrtims owing b Corrymy Indmircce uodcr ftis Ardcb arc rct linitod by uy pplioabh insneG coveragc idmtificd in ARIICLE 16, INIIITRANCE CorymV rycifcatly ad eorynsely agrcoc b dcfto4 ud hld hrnhrr Comftarn, io pasq prEscrrt and ftfim pttrrcffi, *rbridiarioc, divisions, Prdoooc8on, rffitirher cmtolling IrGtEo63, shrtholdem, dircctorsr ofrccrq afig1as,rs,qloSrro, Ecn/affi, hcin, adminirilratotq lrcrccrsots, usiSnsr ud agents (haeinaftcr colloctivoly, *Contractor lDdcmnib6") from ud againct dl claima, liabilitios, rigbts, dm.ad6, auita, matus, obligatkns, dr"'agFs, iochrditrg bot not linitrd to drnrgc b any aircmft, bodily i4iury, doath r propcrty daoago, losos, actioar tr carsc of actionr, of cvcry ldtrd @d aescrigtoo, in law or oqnity, vrhctbtr bsscd in torq cofia€t, a any othcr thoory of logrl rooovcry, ilohdirg arracyr' fooe BHE Mrr hftrriul tttrvioc ffi !2015 hEtof 19 CdrotNo, rnd/or frtft*ion oxpcotcs! rteildng tom on ariring out of 6G negtipo or willfirl nigoodrt of Conpu5l, ir Affliarq or iU rccpccti\r3 c6pto,€cs, ageo8, rcprssrrtdivcs in ttc pcformmco of norycrftrmmcc of Coryany's obligptionr uldfi 6c Contract The iodmity obligsti@ uda ffs Atdolc.hll inchdc withfi limititi@: i. Irss of tr drt agc to uy prop€rty of Coryqr, Cmnrlm m any ttid part56 b. Bodily itrjuryto, c dd of uypcno{s), irchdiry witor$ lioiUtim erylqtec of Compary c of Cmiltsd c i6Pqmclofrytig;Ed c. Chims Gitifg cril of r rul&d to ryulsc' offiecosdm, unlryto5lmcd oqcutdkq s cimilr crlh hws or obligfihs aplic$b b arplcrytco of Corym:t If uyclaiaq bgal rtionorcdtefuingfimlb Scrviccsir inffinodbyoypanoncAityrgrin+aCmtrffiIdomitsc ar e rcerlt of m ar*im frr ufrtuh cqoy hes 4&od o indoifr CmrE ufu 6h Ardcb, tha Cqmv will acsre ttr dc&aecofthetolain,lcAEl rtionorsil rpobciognonifodb do rby0onhr6rwillpaymyffimtrEdgrE rilrtodcttd in irh rdim a sdt It is undEsbod aod aSFEd bV Cory fu if a Cmmm Indannitcc fu lmd i r{,ftndrat h my such cldn, hSFl actfom r Euit md CqEy ftilg c rcdoctr b rrcm lb d!fue th.mf e hariry ba rffipd b do eo, Cmrcbrmay coiltrotriso sad scffilc udc&nd 6c olaiq lcgd actim or adt md Cquyis bord o rcfohrrc CmtracErfrr &o amunt opcodcd by Cmacm h peying ryMgru ffi $dcmntr bgctlr wilt dl tEalm6lo attdrclr' ftc8 Ed aorrt aosq imuld by Cffiby reamn of i6 (hc a scdrod of Erch hBC Etim c edt Any judgncat tr mil crpdod bV Cmaor in orymicing u soding sch l€Sd dim or cdt rfi.fl bo omtrivc u dmruiniry 6c rmrd fts $tich Corymy ir liabb b ninhrao Cdrstr. Coryau5/s ffinnity obligdions undcr mb Articlc sha[ not oftod to aly liability cared by er mgfismcc of any of tto Cbdac& r'rlF'''iceo. Ia chin$ legd ldion8 u guio agrfrrt q, of lto Coqmy tndannirg by or m bcfioEof m qloFq lgd c rqlme@ffivo of Cmcotet c ao crybycq, qg@ a rcFrdvo of my $$cmacoc, Corym/r indcmificatim oblifilioo unda this Adcb rlrnll rct bo linibd by a limibtin m mmt 6 t1ryGs of drorgls, cqcorfu c ba& pe5nblc by Conrlbut r E S$c@tacu rrndcr wqlst' ooqcnsdfo! ac8, diEability rcf o othcr qlqc bco!fit ac8. Tho iffalidifi, in urholo or in part, of any of thc frrogolng will mt r&ct ftc rmaindcr of nrch parrgraph or any othsr paragnphs in thie Artiolc. .ARTICI.ETA@ Aay rcplaoomnt Pcrmncl rhrll la6 tbc copcricaco Erd ceabilitio lmcsry b pcform tbc Wo,rt or dslivc thc Scrrdccc. ARIICI,E 19. Conrdur chll eryloy in tbo pcfumrc of thc Wodc s Sorvitn oly pcoms qrulifod br thc eaoc. Cmilblt :hrll 1 {t 1is6 c6rcc drict dirciplinc eod gpod odr aooag io qloyoc aad all Pcconncl of roy ricr. Cmsbanr rlull sp1pcnit or allow thc irtrcdlctiotr c urc of uy firtrnq ifiogal drus! r hnoricaing liErr upm Oo Wo* Sito undGr thit C@mct, or qxrr aoy of tbo gounds ooot+i!{ codolloq or usod by C,:milbm in tho porftrmoooc of tho Wort c Scrvicce. Conslim $all imcdi&lyroExlvs ftoBthcWqtorpaforoaoe of Scrviocs, rficnsvenrcqrrdodtVCoryaq,, anypcnor couihrrd by Coryauy o bo ineoryctcot, inrubotdfoato, cdclcsq asoruU, in vbhtim of 6c $ovc rcsridiotr oa frGam, iflo8d rtrrgs u imo:ricating liquor, c uodc thc inf,rmoc of iltoed &tt3t c irffiicatiry li$r, aud ntch pcreoa rhall not "grin 66 o-nloyod inthcpcformaooc ofthcWortcScrvicor hcrchwittCI[tb mftca conscot ofCorymy. ARTICI.E 2{I. INTDNTIONAITYOMITITI) ARTICI,E 21. SUBSTANCE ABUST. DRUG AND AITOEOL FOLICY Cmeilm shdl hEve in placc rd oasrc coryliarcc with a srbatrnco abuec/&ng ad Ebohol polby thd corylice with dl ryplicablo ftdsat sa@ 8rd/s local dmfto d rosrrlrti@& Cmil6 mfirnts fu Cmrl@and all Penorel @gryd in perfornfog Srort q ScnriccE fur Coryany hcdcr uc in coryliucc with Cosulbil's alfuc aburc/&ug aud alcohol policy. Dring the Era of thie Cootrrt, Cmulhut ihll koop accurrtc and dGtailcd dosuulsEti@ of ito &ug policy and all Pcrsmd dnrg tcstr, whioh it "ha[ gubmit to Coryary rpon rcquosl Conrulft rhqll dosit3sb onc pcrrm b bc rlcp@siblc fm soryliaoac with tto rtqufuwfr of this Articlc ad Ell rsp6&rg ad inquirie shsll bc 'ne& to a duly rUhmird rcpcceontivc of Corymy ia tr timcty mmnd'. BHE M* mrdmd Sois Cdrct 3-Z)I 5 PUE9of l9 CorrtNo. ARIICLE22. Cmgrlffi sholl 6nflrc pcnartmcat of Itaocporbtim ooAlirncq ineluditrg ht mt linitod b rntid drivcr'r li:6o8c, oquipod itrlpoc{b!& bours of strvicc aod dl appropriafu dosuo;trEim for any Parmcl who oay &ivo wtilo oa ergrgrrmootto Coryotry. ARTICX,E 23. BI'SINESS ETEICIT Coguht, itc cmployoog ofEccn, lgeo0rr qlrccoatva d Subcmraon rhqll at all timos mrfuin tto hi$cst cthioal shdards aod avpld con0ictr of itr!ilEst in tho pcrfomnm of CosulEt'e obligdioos rrn&r thb Cmtsact In cqirta tim wift ib pcrtrmarc of thc Wort, Cmlm and io qlof,ccs, officcn, agcots aud rcpuatativu shall ooryly xrith, rd coro its Subcolrtncbr ud ito cryloSrooq ofioaq rycob adEgaGfrdvls b coryly xrier dl ryl&Slo hun, sbtrEq rcgulsdor! Ed codcs prctfriting brfucry, ccnrydoo, kic&+ech tr similr Eocttiad eractioa inohdinS, withort liEitrtioo, tho Uuibd Stabs FottigD Cofirryt Pncticos AEq th Uritld Kingdm Bribcy Apt 2010, 8od fu Bqhhire Ilathaway Codc of Bruincss Coadrct Wi6ou linitiDS tho gffnlity of thc ftrcgoitrg, Cmmltad cpccifically rcprGrcots Ed warraffi tb* ncithor Coorltaut rur Ely Suboodactor, cmplo5rcoq offiacrs, m[llcedrcE r ottcr agootr of Cmmliad hw nado or will Eab ocy pa),n nt or havo givcn c wi[ give eything of \Eb, i! dltct clsc b my gowrmcut offcid Cucludng my offccr or oryloyeo of my gowrmcffil arthtrity) to inducnoc hfu, h!r, or itr dccigim o b grin uy olhcr ad\rafrgc frr Coryaly c Cmnr16 in c@Ectim wi& thc Wod( b bo pcrernod hrouda. Cmiltc rhrlt mrinrin 1gl sq565$mlnainod cdfoctiw lcconngprocoOta udiffitrd cffibmorruyb Eoosddl opcdtrns incmotim with thfu Cornot d b wrifr Courlu'c ooryliaco with 6ie Artfub. CoAoy &rll bo pcrmircd to adit ruch rccordr ar rcamnOty reccssry io cmfirm Conerlffi'g complirocc wilh ttil Articlc. C@arlffi **ll inoodiarly prcvido dicc b Corycry of aoy frcts, sirourstrffis tr albSltimr thst cddi@ m night o@tituE a breach of ttie Attbh ad lball coopcate with Compony'e eubecquat invcstigatiotr of mch nrtrae Cmdffi rhrll idannit aod hold Corysy hrrulcss fur all fitrc, poaltios, cxpasco o othcr losc€s ru*aircd by Corymy as a rmlt of Courltrnt'o brcaoh of thit prorrieioa ltc Panico specificalty aohowlodgo that Cmn{M's frihrc to oooply vifr thc rcquirmm6 of thic Articlo cball coostihtb a coditioo of dc&ult udEr thb Cosrrsct ARTI(x.E 2I. REYIEW OF DELIVMABLIS ncdery byCo,qary of any Dcliuabbr submitodby Cmstdl rhrllbo colcly frrthc bcacfitof Corycaytod ahEll not rclicve Cmsulhut of its nryoasftility b coryly wilh dt rcquirloroE of lhs C@rct md for thc mrnoy of fu Dolirtuablcs. ARTTCI,E Z'. SATEIYA}ID SITE RDGTILUIONq Coasrltant nhetl bc mhly rcspmuiblc for bciog a*rrc of and initistiog, mrimeinlq& and srpcvising corylirm with a[ saery hwr, rogulatiorg erooddo!& and prmgranr in cmotion with 6! pcrt -co of ttic Coalnrct Cmorttart shlldrc mfc iEetrf awuc of aod rdha€ to ell ryplicablo Coryoy Wott Sito rcgulrtims wittCIs liEitdim,or,irwrld pr'oeadoo, loss affiol dust oofrol, ra&ty, Ed s*urity, to 6! cxtsd tha nrch rcguldonc are povidod b Couolt,"rtinuniting. OoaeilM ed it8 Pmorel, of any tic, s!{! mrirrtein eclr& and cunat ss$ty r*o[ds aoosiffi wilh idultry 1nacdoofuing mG pcrtrmroo of Wort or Serviccs nndq' fli3 Cotrast Fur6c, Cmrlnm Ed its Petrom[ of aay tic, rhalt trrnodirtely, and in no qrcot es promptly as practiceblc, rtport !o Coqlary all crrce of dcrth u iqiury b Cmsltut or Pcnmol c aay ottm third prtios &rirg c rslaod b ec pcrfrrumse of Wodc c Scvicca rmdtr fris Coffirct Comthot shall provido Notioo to tho Coryaoy nmrcocoativq ufiich nofification &all irchdc, brr ir not linird b, ndioo of all v*ictc aooidctrtr, olcqtsicst contacts, clostical flreha, ed OSIIA rooor&blc itrsid.ot& Ar prorytly rs practicrblo of aay safttyircidm lteorld !o C@!try, Ooomlm shall povnb CoryaayRcprlsGtrEiw wilt a pdimimry saoidd imrecdgrdoo ryat d.tailiog fu frcts of thc incklGilil, my hown rmt causc, ud actioa stcpa boing tlrca tV Coanrltt o firrttcr invc*iedc 6c ilcidcd ud EidgEE fttrc occerrm. Comlmt :hrll imncdistoly rotify, as prourytly as practicabb, Compey and provi& a cry of aay saftty oitation issd by my Govumcfrl emsity. Contarly, Coryany shU rtpct b Cmil6 dl cacca of d€sth c iqiuryro C.rmrlm orPcrodc myofrcrthirdputiccdringorrolabd m thcpcrbrnmoc ofWoa*c ScrviccerrodcthisCofrBot ARTI(I.E 26. PR(rcRDSS MEETINGS Compmy will corArct rrcokly, or at o6cr rtgular imonnls as agrcod by both Partics, moctiqgs with Conml6at b discuss trc pcfornaoce of tho IilorL ffiElrfrr ffiinal &rvft! O@tset 3.m15 PrS! l0d19 CmatNo. ARTICIJ 27. CI}OPERATION WIIE OTEERE Comrlum rhrll frlly coopcrstc md coordinatc witt Comproy oryloyEcg Ed ottcr cootractfii who moybc ffinsdod ottrr work Cmnrlao shll not c@it or pcrnit Eoy rot cfibh will ierftne wih thc pcrfornanec of worrt tty Compaoy cryloytcc or otbcr cotrtsac&rs. ARIICLE2& LIN$ Cmmttd shdt (i) indconi&, &eo{ rsd hold hunloca Coqalry ftotn Ell hbor!tr8', mErialrrurr'g and mochdice' licos, or o&E clainr mrdc c fitcd rpm tb WodE, Wo& Sit, or othcr Coryary Fopcrty otr acaortr of ry Wo,rtq Ssvioc pcrtmea c firmishsd W Coamlum's Snbooolrrcbn of my ticr in comection vith frr f,rorlq ud (ii) bcp CorymypropcrtyAlc dclcoof alllicocuclaimo uidng frolaltopcrtrmmoof aryWoLcovorcdbyttis Cortraatty cmarlE m itr subcffiactors of uy tior. If my lico aftirg or of thb Cffiact i8 fld bcfirc c affcr lVd b cqtcte4 CoculEt, witth 6 (10) calcotu dE/s afu rlaciving fiom Corryay*rifiroNdioo of mch licq dollobtei!rcloaroofordcwisc saddy$ch troo If CmulEt fiils b do m, Cqmy may trhc snch @o a[d Esloo nrh qcodiucs as h its discrctin it dccru dvilEblc b oboaitr rclcasc of c denvisc ratfug my xrch liro u licor, md Coosl@ chetl qo daed rtimhtrao C@@iy frr all cosb inclnrod rnd cugddirrcs Ea& by Cmeuy in obtaining och rclcarc c ratir&dim. If ay nonauyna claim is m.do dirccdy againd Coqerryruirdng q! ofm*eimdb ony Subcmtrrbr(inahding aoylirnr orolaims brrodm 6c frihno orallcgod frihrr! to maishin a paymcd bd), CoailE rbdl rss'-G ih. dfuo of erch chin wiftin m (10) oal€odr d8yr afu rocciving fion Coqmy writa No&c of sd claim. tf Cmsultut frib o & r, Coarltd full rryon d---l rcinhlrsc Cquy frr rll oool imrcd aod eqpcodiues rdc bv Coryuy to sati$d cldr. Cmrdffi's obligdotr O indmifr, d!eo{ Ed hH hrmlcrl CqEy fio,m lfuos &dl d in oy uay bc rcadmd uacotrrcOtG, or alae4 mdcd, olimirtd or ofrcrrvbo mditimod by rry hsE rtrd rqutrtionr rcl&d b poming sob licoc. CqEy shrll [avc no oblig6im to &liva a copy of my mico of e;la,tn c righ b a lln b Cmrulhd c aay o6ct parclcdy. ARTICI.E 29. COMI,ICTS. ENRORS. OMIESIONS. ON, DISCRI-PAT{CIDS IN C{)NTRACT DOCUMEI{fiI Esohpartyrhall lAdElho othErparty in wdtilg of dlcodictr, crmlt, omissiour ordbcrcpocios anoqg ttc various docunmts c.rydaing this Cmact innodiatcly rpo dircovry md prir b ConnrlM's perbrning tbc eftOd Wo*. Ttc particr *sU coopcrdoud rosoh! sch omflictamd srrhrcroldbn sholl bc finet ARIICI,E3O. CIAIM NOTICE AI{D RTSK)LUTION TROCEDUND In thE cvcnt Coasiltd has a clcin fi rlqucst ftr a ti-c cxbrdoo, additioul cory.nratioq uy o,6cr adjustnmt of tto Cffiact tcrms, tr any dirylc ariling uldcr ths Comact (tscUm'Chim"), Cm$m rhdl pioyi& Compoy with prcryiNotioc of srch C:leim following tbc ocqnrw of ths enut gMng ricc to tts Clsin" Cmerlm's frilurc to giw Notbc ar roqufuld ury coasdailc a waivlr of all of Connrl@'s rigbts with Elpcct to 60 CldE- As so@rs practicrblc aftcr Chim mtificatioq Cmilrushall submit 6o Claimto Coryanywithclt gpportirg iD$rmtion anddocumontadon Connlltortshs[alsoEryodprcrytlytodlCorymyinryirioclbottt!CtEimrodibbrsi& Any Cl-- that is not dispotod of by mfinl ryrccmd bGtcrc@ the PEti6 shall be dtridod bV Comparv cftich Ehll p,rouid3 8 *"ittca dcisim b Cmrlffi. Such dsciBim Ehalt bG final unlors Colsuhld, wifrio ltfoty (30) dgys rftr mch rcccipt of Coryrny'e docisiotr, providc to Compeny a wd6caprotcet, sEtitr8 obuly sd in dEtail60 brdl rhcrcof Consulteotb frilup to pmtcltCoryanys dociriorwithintbd tiEcpcriod shalt costitrb a wzivubyC.:mmhmof iturightb dilpre 6c dcoicio. Evo if a Chim aris, Connrltad shdl contins its pcrfrrmmo of thir Cotsact ARTICXJ 3L INTENUONAI.LY OIIITTEI) ARTICI,E 32- IERMINATION FIOR CAIISE l- Forpurpos offris C@tsact, adofrultbyCmultut&allbothcoccrutnoeofmyofthafrllwing: a A broacn by Comthnt of rny ofib mauial obligatioos uodcr this CoffiEct, if euoh br€ach contimoo unctrod for a pcriod of thirry (30) &ys Eftlr rccoi$ ofNotioo frm Corupmy, urloss suoh bm,h cannoi by itr ranrre be rcnedied within such pcriod in wtich crcot Cosnrlbnt ahell provide widre rraconably mtisfrctory b Colryaoy within thirty (30) daye eftcr tmoipt of arch Noticc ttat thc curc of arch brcaoh hss coDDrGd aad Cmsulht 6crraftcr malcs rEas@Eblc ad oootimqs progrcss to thst cod. Fc pnpococ ofdrir Contsact, a dcfiultby Cmulm shalt bc BHE MrrEPn&rrinal Savi= Camot !2015 hgott of 19 CmtutNo. d@d to irclud€, withou limitutioo, Cmrltsrt's rcfirsal or ESloct b spply mffaid aod propaly skillod Pcrsomol, matcriab of thc propor gudity or quatity, tr Equipotot rcccsllry to pcrfrnm &o Wott or Scwiccr dceoibod ia ttis Cffiact propcrly, or Conrltds frihnc in my nryct to pcr$rm thc Wort c Scrviccs rloscrfrGd itr lhir Cdtst or uy part lhcnsuf in accodrec wilh all of tbc nuial providoo haoof; b. A daninotim thc m1, rcprcdcotatioo, statcmcd c rrarntry madc by Coeilm h 6is Contrrt c any o6r drtcmcot, rcport or docrrmcst, wtic,h C@!ffi is rtquircd b nmish o Coryany, was frlcc tr 'rri.losding in oy nachl roepccq c. Ib occumoo of ruy of tho following (0 tbo flins by r agli!il Coert@ of a prroocoding udcr uy tantrupty m eiailr laq unlcee such prococding fu dismis$d wiein 6irty (30) dcyr fiom 6c ,{rto sf fimg; (ii) 6c rrrelring by Coasulid of auy aseigmcm fur tio bmcfit of mdifq Gii) th! filtnS by or rfin.t Omorlbut for a p,occaiqg fu dissolutiotr or liquidatioq unlcse suc.hprooocdhg is dimnirrcd withinthifiy (30) days firom 6c detc of ffling; (iv) tho appointmcat of or thc applicdioa for thc appoiutocot of a rcoirrrr, tustoc or oustodie for aoy mahial pert of C,osrltsafs as6cb rulGss such rypoinmm is rut/oftod q'dirrnirccd wi6in ttifty (30) dEB froE thc datr thcrcot (v) thc atcopt by Csllrtht to -ako eny 4iustm6l eatlomcnt or cmtcnrim of in dcbtr with iB crldibrl goaalty; (vi) thc imolvcooy of Cmulh$ or (vii) tbc filitrS or rcoqding of a mticc of lia o,r tto iernraoco c ttc obhining of a lary of cxccrrtim upm or agnins a mauial portion of Omnrltut's arfd, uohsE such licn or lerry of crccrtion isdissolvod withia thirtr(30) drys ftomtbedate thcrc@ c d" A !{a!uial Adrr€mc Ctstrgc has ocqrrod wifr rcapcct b Co*rlbt aad Coeiltut frils b provido aroh pcfrrnanoa amrarcr as &E rcasmdly Fqrcstod by Coryso& 2, IJpon 6c ooclrrlooc of any mch &futt' Co'nFrny rlrell bo cdtld b pgsgul lgy sd dl othcr fi@ aEd rcoldics that it nay hcvu ogsiut CmmlEilrrdcrthis Cffiactor at lawm in cquity. 3. In thc cr/E il of a ftll or prtial tcrninrtim undcr thb Artialq Co4aay nay, for tb gpoeo of cqlcting &o Wort or Savicoc or cnfmciqg thcec pruvisims, pay Conrulbat for md ufo pooeadm d all corylctd and inarocac I)elivutlcs uec th of fily fiaielr 6o Wo,rt or Scrvicc bV vtaUm rcesoublo ollbod it may da cxpcdid ircluding: (0 at in rclccocudcrpcorc,C,;orpqf Esyhhearcpbooatc6ulb(0toooryIoblhcnmainiogWoftu Scrvioco tbat Cmerlffi pa8 ottcrwirc o,bligpbd to cqlco rrrdcr ftc Cmact usiqg arch fum of agr!@d as Coryony nay dm advisablc; c (ii) at its sols coct rnd opcolq Coryuy mry itEGIf prlvnb my labu fi ostsrbls b complcE tb lt/ortor Scwiooe. 4. All right aod rwedioe pmvidod in this Articlc arc cumilativs, and arc not cxchuiw of any ota rigbto or rrmodice ttd may bo availablc, u6c6a providcd by law, oquity, ItrirE, in ay othcr agrccmcd bct*teo fu Prtics or ottcrwirc, Upoa thc oocuillroc of aay arch &fo{t, followitrg thc apUcablo trocoss doocribod in thb Artiolo, CorymV shdl bc ootitld b puur aay rnd all othcr rightc aod rurodics, imhding wifuut linitdim daorycs, that Coryany may havc ryahst CmsultrtrutrdEr this Cffiact 6 at laworin oquity, ARTICX,E 33. FORCE MA.IUI'RE Force lfirleuro. Nei&or Psrty shs[ bc lisblc frr dolaya canscd by a Furc ltdqiauo Evaq DESU!&L ho*wtr, that both Prtics agree b rcck to EitiSE& tho pomial iqaot of my guch dolay. Any dcley aflributrblo O a Foros Mqiorc Evrnt rhnlt not bo thc basis frr a roqucst ftr additional come€otlafim. h the swot of any nrch &lan thc rcguirod corylaim dr& may bcqgrdcd frr a rcasouablc pcdod not Ercccding ttc timc actnlly loct by turcn of tho Forcc Mqlarc Evrnt Rooud For Tlm Ertmlon. Aay rtqrrat fq tine ffidon or additioal coryasEfion shall bc oadG in accordaaoc wie ARTICLB 30, CI.AIM NOIICE A}.ID RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. ARTICX,E :}'. COMPIJAI{CE WIIE I"AWS Each puty rhrll 4 ill tince co,ryly wi& dl law8, rtsbrcq nguldimo, dcq cxmtivo orrdcrr, o[dirarccs, codEc Ed sbndrds rylicablc rc thc perfornanoc of ftis Coffiact irlrrdiog; wittmt linitdos, 6oeo Cgtruaiqg tealtfr rd Esftty, wagoc, hrrs, qloymoofniffis, dmogryEtion mdcoployomtdi$inindoo, asoachmaybc rylicabloto thc Scrvicos pcrformca mrumdcr, aod bslcd m totrl auticipatcd dollar vrluc of thie Contract Cmilm furtct co&ms tbat ic cry$iw od 6o rnrlqrs of aU Snbcdactrs cryloyrd urdcr thc Cmrct ury lEEElly worl in &o Unibd Sbtss. Coryany rtprEscots aod *umnts to Cocultant thrr 6r echipel inforntim (aod any datod mrtcrials) rcceivod trom Coasuttstrt will mt bc usd by asy iodividual or cmity of tho gorrcromcm of Cubs, tao, Nore Ifu€a, Sudan m Syria or uy otho cannEics for vhich tb Unitrd Shtos rDairbirs a corythcorive eaactiou program" Coryany alm altcsts ttat it hos oo BIIB Marftoftr*ml Scrviccr Cffiec $$t5 Ptgo 12 of19 CoilutNo. rsalotr b bcliotre thrt anyponon rccoiving tainiqg will Eaosftr, osport or rctceort Eainiqg tmhoiquoc or matorialc obtaiasl trom Coasultad to ruy individual or cntity locatod in, c port of tto govrnmmt oq any of tbc aforcmcoti@od counfics. Coopaay firrtk certifics that it will rot allow auy individual or oryEizadon lictod on thc U.S. Dcprtmt of Trcear/r List of "spccially DoeignaEdNsticds 8trd Bloolcd Parocn b uEo ttc Echicsl iaft,rnation (od any rdatcd natcriab) rwofutd fiomCoasult!tr. C,orponyfirtharcgrcccotsaodwrraotethatitkmttd€rthocontolo{,raDldmalorrtcidcntofany cdargecd courtry or a dcsigUcd natiooal of thoec aountric* Thir povirion rhall nrvivo thc tcrmintion ofthis Aglccncnt Coaoy&Il indcmify,dedod boldhloesConsult!il,ib ditlctut, ofrocm, calopoemdsgnb fondl losscq oods od d-'rgotlymeon ofroyvhlatim6crcof aodfiomanyfiability, ircludingwi6f,tlinimionfiroq p€osldcc do6rcoro oririog ot of Cmpaafes frihre o eo oryly. Xfttbut [nlrtrt the gercm[tt of tte fortgolry. Corf,ltrnt ud rny Subcontrroon lbdl rbEc by tLo roqulrcomE of 41 CTR $!dl-l.(r)' 6ll-306005(r) eld d0-741@-741S(r). Thcrc rcguhtlom protlblt dlrrlnludon rgrhrt qurlficd hdtvtdudr brrcd m frdr ilrhr rr prohctcd wE Dr or hdh{durb wt& dlnHlldc+ rnd prohtbtt dLctlmlnrtlon rgdut dl hdlvldrdr brrod on thch nce, cdor, re[gbnr rq rcrurl orlcntrtbq 3nldff H.ofrty or nrtlord or$n Morcov:r, thcrc rcguhttour rcqulne t[il cortrcd prlnc contrrcbn rntl mbcontrrcton qle rttrrnrtlvc rcdon to cmploy end edvrncc ln enptoymt ldMdurlr rrlthort rcSlrd b ncq cdor, rd$on, lcr, rcxurl otlcntrdon, 3cudcrldcnflty, nrflmd or[ln, pmtrctod vcncrrr rtetur or dhUnty. Couuttut erd uy SubconErcton atrll rbo ebldo bytc rcqdrmotr of Enuttve Odrr lll/fttr emAo[ b derdop rd ulntrh r rrlth rftrmrfivc lt{or pngru (AAI) rlld Dxccufrve Ondon 11625 .d il1170 (udlLrttoa of dLrdvutryd brdrcr GnerprbGr) md the Snall Bufr..rAct)Act Corailhotshalindcmi&,dcftndandhoHhmbssCqm)t,ioditts&,otroanrtAblrwaodqBGdfi'mdlblcor,colb ud&rnagestyrcaemofmyvbhionkcofodfonmyliebility,;qidimgwi6olliniEtioffacrp@ldcsdofucoo6 arising o of Comtlm's fiihrc b so ooryly. ANTICT.E 3I'. NII)EPENIDEI{T CONIRACTOR, Consulmt ir m indcpeodcot offiacfr d Ell pcrr@r cqloyrd by Coaoltrnt in coretim hffif,,ith "l'rll bcqbyces of Couulmt od not qloyoa of Co,ryory in any rcsp*t Cmultf rhll mri.tain coryhtc cdol ovcr Coonrlht'a cqrbpcs aod Subcoeacors. ARUO.E 36. RDI,EASE OF INEORMATION: AI)VRIEING AND PROMOTION Cmoilm shll mt pr$lisll rclcasc, dioclocc, or amorrcs b rny @b6 of ttc prblb, poeq offcial body, c oy oft€r ftfud prty ary infum*im corcoraiag thir Coffiact d/or 6c Slqt, q uypart tbato{, cnaGpt as rtqrftld by lrw, Ncibcrtbnaacs ofCoryoy, aorlheWott Sito rhll beucodinany r&rcdiriqg c othcrprmortionlcoaffitby ConrlEr ARTICX.E 37. CONFIDEITITIAL IIYXIORMATION: NOIIII)IIICIIXIUXE Dcftldm d Couf,dondd ldormrdcn. Ttc Erm "Cmfidc, thl InftrmtbnS rcm (i) emtrituy infrmaion of Corymy; (ii) lofmmm mr,{rd or db.rgq&d by Corproy ar cofiddal; (iU) lnfrmudoa, wbthc c mt in ffiih frrm rodc,hstbrr ornot&rignrted ae cofidcmial, whichir tDowab CmedmacbcitrgtsodbyCoqoy rs coafdcatial; (iv) iaftrmalimprovidodto Cqaryfthird pctico cfiice Cqofiyir oblig&d b klq cofi.lcndil (inctrtlng hrtnot liEiEd b infsoatimElating to m idcotifiedoridcmifable rmalparor& xft.&fi6Dtsucninftsnatiooirpr$liclyavaihbh); ad (v) infunation dovclopcd by Conultm in cmncctioa with fu pcrfr,rnaooc ofthis Contnct NmdLdoeurc. Cmrlrm agpos tht it will rct diocloo Coddcoirl Ufrrmtim, diredly or indirscd,y, undcr uy cimmrbocca mbyaaymcau, to mytbirdperron wi6out fu eugrcsr wrtficoc@scntofCoryq/. Nonure, Contlm fitrtter agFes tbat it wiU trotusc Confrldid Infumatim crccptas maybc mocsayto pcrfrrnthc Wut -llod fr b,ythis Contrad. Ptttecitor. Cofidcntial lnfuratim willbo Drdc availablc byCmrlhmto its qloyccrmly m a heodto ho\flbasis 61d ody afu noti$ing such c,qloyece of ttc confdcatial aatns of ttc infunation and aft6 hyiqg obligaod $.!n 6 ftc 116ruc and noadisclosurc obliptior of this Cootract Cmsultru agrcer !o tab rll rcaronable prcoatioar b probot tbo aoddcdidity ofCmfidmial Inftrnation an4 rpon Equostby Corymy, to rtnrnb Corymy any doouocots xfrirl c@il orrcf,ootsuoh Confidcathl Infmmatioa- I,hlcss u/Eircd by Coryany in writin& Cosltrrt $aU rEquirE all Pcnml of ary tbr, b adhcrc b 6t& cotratial infrrodim and nondicaloro Ems. BHE tt{rr H6cind Scvks Cornct 3-20t5 P$c 13 of 19 CmrctNo. ARTICI,E3t. Cooanlht'l couno ocrials tI" copyrigLt protccbd md oonrtiun Cona{hd's idolloc@l ptrWcftJ/. Thcy uo intn&doaly brtho uec of thc idividualtraiuc lhal rocsivostbom fonConstilffifrru* &ringtho tnfudngcounc ttrtis thc erbj*t of thir furmcnt ed cu&d rwicw outrido of chsr. Tb dorbtc tE lot irtcndod frr usc itr-fliSbi, srr Ery 6sybc cqio4 distribubd o olhm, striosftrrcdb ottcrs frr myrcan !" ARII(I,E 39. PAIE{T AI{I' COPYXIGET IITI'f,MMTT CosrlEt sbll indomit, &eo4 mdbH hrmlcrs Corymy, iU dtoctur, otEpcrq cryhtelt rnd eg.ils agdn$ and fiola all chiru, lcs60, costs, ruiq j@pcds, .ls-.gpe, md ccacocos, inchding rmn$b mracys' ftcq of my lrind or aafrnr vtatrcvcr m atatrurt of infringm of auy pffi, ooP!,tigbd c tmpytighed wt, irhdhg olains thslof ecffiid!8 o r uisirg fim Scrviccs or DdirtrSbs povid by Cocult nt's pcrftmreo urdcr lhis Codact, urlcss (a) nrn albgodly idiq$ng Scrvicca or Dolivanblos crEre prcpald in aacordre vfth e rycifcdion proviH by Ooryauy c (b) Corymy uoa in a 'ne"ncr for which it ras aot i4ndcd or mdifiog srch Scrrriecs or Dclivrneblo pnuvirtcd by Comultant *tioh canrs ilEh Sfrvice c Dolirrcrablee to bo infingin& If aodfiod psorptly in *ritins and gvlo odbrity, infrrsatio,D, Ed asoirbmc, and cmtingent upon Compouy trot FLing any poot'don adnurc to Cmadht in cmostion with guch claio, Cmmlur shdl dcfto{ or nray scffilo at itr expmc, uy srdt or Fooocdhg against Cmpany eo frr ae barod m a clsinodiattgmfi which muH rcsilt in a htach of this warnnty ard ComlUrt rhrll pry 8lt d?mngos aod cosb arvrrdcd &rcin epinlt Corymy duo to $rch bmach" Ia oaro my Scrvioo or Doliverablc is itr orch suit Lold to oogifirtc sr,h aa i!fiingmcnt ad thc use of said Slrvioo c Dolivcrablo ir €cjoinoq Corulm rhnll, at itr cryeorc rDd lkfigh nnfist aSI!@Glrt bctf,rcco tho Coryoy aad Cmrlm, oithcr procurc for Coopmy thE rigtt to cotrtiurc 'r-g leid S€rvioo c Dolivaablo, or rqlaoc samc with a oon-intirying Scrvico u Dcliwrablc, or modi&.amo co it bccm reintinging. ARTTCIS 4II. AIITIIGNMII{T Ncithcrportyshdl e$iSf this Cutnct, r myparthcroo{, cuyrigttronrymrDilifar krundcwi&ortltcprior udttsn oouod of tho ottr party, od atry sttsmped errignrrlrt ia violstim bcslof ehall bc rcid. ANflCX.T 41. ST'BOONIRAqTS CoeilE rtnfl iet subcmtrct ary or all of tho trlort or Scviccs vieout prifi *rittso cmscnt of Coryao1', ufiich shell rct bc urroasoorbly wifttdd Qmnrltant *hrll be futty rtseomfulo fu tho sts c omfudcu of my Subcotncbn of my ticr od of dl pcrlmc oryloycd by thco, rhatl mrintrin coryh6 coutsol ovq' ell suoh $rbcOotrrrfiqs, d Dai&.r 6G coacot Uy Coryuv, nm ything codincd hErcin, shdl bc dccmd to olt& my cootnrshal relatbu bctcrca tto Subootrctot of myticradCoryary. ARTICI,E'2. NON-IXCI,I'8IVE BIGTTS No{hIDg in this Cmtrrct is to bo cols&rod as gntrtiDS b Coamlbnt m crclurivr riSht b pmvidc my or all of tb lVo& raticipatod hcrsin Tbe uc of Cmgulbt's $rviocs is corylfily dborotiory with Coryv. This Cmfrast lhll not bo consfircd iaany *ayto imposc adutyrryon Compmyouso Cmrlffi. ARTI(x,E,A. NONWAMR, Thc frihrc of a party to isaist up@ ot aoforoc ctrict pcrforrnaocc by tb othcr party of any of 6p ums of this Coofirct u to crcrpire any rigtts hEr?in shll trot bo corstrrod as a rrivcr r rclin4rirhcd b roy cxtd of 6c frty's right b coftrcc nrch tsrms tr righb m ay firtrc occasim. ARJTICXJ {{. SIVER.ABIIJIY Aay prcvirion of this Coffiet FohibiEd c rcodcod unmfrrcoablo by opcraion of hw 'rlqll bo ircftctirc only o tho qtat of och prohrbition or uncotrecatlity wittou iavalidting tho rcmaidng provisiou of &is Cocact ARTICLE'IS. APPIICABLE L/\W AND VEI{IIE Thir Codact.hrU bc imcrprroa in amordare wi6 fu ubcmivu md procoeral lans of tb Strb of Ncw Yor*, witoutrcgud b my mflictr of lawpro'vieior oontdrd tbasin Any litigation botrcco 6c Prtict rriring ort of orruleting to &is Comad will bo coductod uclusinoly in ttc Stds u Fcderal corte of lhc Strts of New Yorlq d thc Prtics cosotrt o juricdiodon by arch contrs. To TIIE FULLEST EffENT PERMITTED BY IAw, EACII OF TIIE PARTIES HERETO WAt\rES Ali[YRIGIff IT!yIAY HA\IETOATRIAL BYJITRYINRESPECT OF IJTIGATIONDIRECTLY OR BIIE Mm Mdod Sodccr Cmtrt 3-2015 h3o 14of 19 comullo. INDIRBCTLY ARISING OlrTOF, UITIDBR On,IN @NNECflON WnH THIS COIIIRACT. BACE PARTY FtrRrHm. WAII/ES AIIY RIGHT TO C0IIISOIIDATE AlIy ACTION IN WIIICII A nRv IAIAL HAS BBEN WAIIID WEfl ,rNY OTHER. ACnON IN WHICH A JL,RY IRIAL CAltl{OT BE OR HAS NOT B&{ WAII,ED. ARtICLI {6. E$IIIf,ETGREEDIENTt IX}CITMENIE ING}XIoIAIIL DY BXFEFE{CI Thir Cmrctrodmyrcftrcarccdcrdibih, lmfidccst rcbdubrrodrm,hmr, coodolctbccqbtryld banco &! PEtb. An rudEmdiagt rtDrclcdrdo!+ wildct rgrlar+{r rd ruy rctrmd Chm, if rny, crilting bctrctn fu Prticr rqmdry thc rlbjcct m0ar h:ncof,ar mcgd ffi d efcnoad Uy ltir furrt, rfiicf, ftfiyd orybolycrpctrrth grcrdofthPdicawilhftAcstbfuflbjcctrGrbrof ArySoogoof Woe. futdlgf, rcbelcr c othr dcrffi lied in tldr Coerg rc inooreqroU Uy n&coe iato thl Offirct Io tte otrt of r @ htmoa (i) tbe Scopc of wo*, dnililEr, r.Hutc+ Oecoaiocs c otrct.flrchrm r a6ftit b thir Ombrc.t.d (ll) fu rbot G tsrE ed conditio orfthir Aorcrct, fu &ovc crc ud coditim: dthir Oomc ft[ trlt pcccdorc ad coobol, Coryuy uo[trEr mrcryodbilityftrrflyrdtcalntirg or rGpGrcofilinmdobyry of in oqloycol &a oragddrirycpicmthqoticknrdqGEudotroffrirCor*t udsrochudcrmlbgctrpildlimbryrutyred ialhaOoafrct ANIICX.E 4Z ETEctrlIONAID TEECTTYI DAT Thb frrrcr Mct lrr bcm cmsarcd by dnly rutrsizcd npacutiucs of lh hrdcr md rh! bc ofhaivc er d drCIofcxeuirubyCoryry. CONilILTAT{T: FLIGET&IEIY @ir?Arw: DENTEEInI EAMAWAY E{INOY OOMPANT B!,: m3rrtm) Nrmc: (tlrpoorlih0 Tl0.B (mnco By: Nrms: .'lorEiPp lluyrrcn(TypcrIdrO Tl0c:n;etcr/lt- Sfrrr llnlaet DHE Mar ho{brdonrl Scrricr C'ffira 3-A[5 P!!r 15 ofl9 carNa I lEt'HmA &opo of Wch FIIGET IBAIIIIINGAtn.Ub rd udr r prt of lrofirdorl llcrvlo CnErrf tttqo[l[o0.tbdhltnffi. TrrHag SrdTrrHrypcrtrr 1 Frbu 50EX (lcumot Tlrhing)SirbriErrlndfi intavrlr a Fdoor 900 E ( Socururc Tninfog)Sirtodnr nnalr fuEvlr FdomThritimTnhire OnrarrurLdbrdt 2 KlnrAir200hlitrG2l Shblirdilavrlr 2 Kir Alr 2flt Grrnin lU lR:currnt Tn Sirbtirrlnilfifuvdr FSt, # BHB tltPncnend Sfl{c. Coltrl !-20t j h! 16oflg ffiNo' frUbltl PrH{ Iho3nn Evrnt Blrd Progrrski. Affrchd brndd:rprrtofT[r]IuE Prqrm zUSntr ,0f5 nrnc 2017Bra. Frlcm9O0BX Initirl 3'l4,goo $lrpoo t25,7oo FrlcmgqlEXTlmritln 3tz,mo il7,9t0 llu(n FdDoCIOBX(Rqnura il5,t00 st5tm El6,1m Fthm50BXIrddal $l9,qn s19,900 $m,fio Frlc6S0tsXTlrrtim ilt,00 il{,000 fl4J00 Prbm50EJ(Rcuucot ElaMO tl4Om 3lam Kiig Air 2m Prolb 2lhitlrl s13,900 Il3pm sr+mo KiqE Air 200 Prclhe 2l Rrcurrurt $,m0 s7,000 t?,300 KingAL200 Grrmh t000 Initirl 312,700 $12"700 3t3,100 KiryAir2fl)carrir 1000 Rarnot i6Jm t6,30 t6,600 t. Xrcr liod rbors rrcpcrpilog prcvtd2. Evcurt Blrcd Fidug lhd rbove L gdkrad m O,q.oy .c",r'g AI.L pAa 6HiS !o Cmrcor 6r$ it! trrn of ttir rgrcaaoot re 4ocificd h Arlich 3 (c@trdht htly 31, 2017). IXrcontsd n*r lircd $oyc rqpftr plhfr e trin u rpocificd in Bxbibil A.3. BtilBrcdPricing(RlquftE tainiryavcry6-9rmrdhqiomvu,nolotsthntb9mdhuvrlrovrstslrily-rtro mdr corg l[ry I 2015 b Iul], 31, 2017) Fsl ,.t BtlE Ug Mnrl Sorvbc Cont*r !{015 h! l?of t9 CotuNo. EIUHTT 2013 Bcrl-irc Ertlenry Encrgr Comprny A,illhtc Prrd@rtlou Lrttr Attr:Led b ud nrde r prrf of Prdcdonrt Servloe Cotrrct TE Flighsletylfrorntiotrtl This lclor cofirns 6c iffi of PacffiCcp to puticipm h ad riiliz tts cmrgt doq@ of ft! Fti$d!frty hbrnational cotnct (tc "CotacP) bctem Bahbire lls6lray Eocrgy Corysy aod nigrcafuy IuEtatimat ttatbs@ oftctino tDATEl. tr/o hcvG rwicnEd tho uos ad cuditimr of ths Cotract itr dohil d agpo b obido bytl'.u Iticundcreood@dr8rood&etilchAtrliatopcdcip!fitrginttisCffirtbrhtyrurymotlemdliablcfait o*! prrrrstlla aod peynoa o lbo rypopriatc Gotry frr Fodrcts c scnica pruvidcd to that Afilhto. Bcrhhirs Ilrfreway Eoqgy Coryuy Ed to ottcr Afrliab aoqmios drll barrc ro liability fu pryna q ofu obligationr, coffiicttrsl or oOcrwiro, incuuld by es rycific Atrlim. F\rtbc, r! qgru! aod acknowlodgo frat tbo 6ru, corditimlr and rplknblo ryeceUico or qhibib ea frrth in ttcCffirct will apply b Flighdaftty huoatimsl ad PlsifiCorp. Ao a prrticipating nqiorityoxEod Affiliriq in ffirn frr Flithsafrty hil*latiooal's oommitmcntr, it ls our intrtion to purcbaso meriat oquipcot, m ruk in accmdarpo urlth th! Coffilct It is udastood ud rgrccd that mataial, Gpipo.nt, c nrod< wil bc providcd in accodoco wi6 tfirCffiact All irmica foE $rvipcq u urork forPrcifiCup shdl bc addmsscd as frlbw8: PacifiCorp Atto Apcdn8Payablc Addrco: POBox30{0 Dortlrn4OR- 9720t-304O Sinocrd1/, PacifCup Dato: By Pricd Titb: BHB Mrfr Plo&5orl Ssvioo O6E t-20t5 P4c lt of t9 CmtrctNo. f,ihlHtf, Arf S Bcrltllrc Erthmry EncrEr Coryeny Altr[rb Prrdcbrfo l*mr Ar*hslbrndE dcrFrtd PrffonlScrvtoeCmbrct TO: FligNE&tylronuiml Thir loucr mfrmr tho intcnt of trlidAmcritrn So6Iy Coryy o puticipeb in d udlizc fu omect docmo of thc fU$manty Intmdioml contnct (&e "Coatacfl) betrvocn Bertchho lldavny ErcrSr C@perry and ltligffiafttyIroadml thd boc.ao cftctivc [DATE]: Ws havc rcvkurGd tho ErnB and codidms of thc Cmrct in ddil Ed agrabsbidebyt@" Itirundamodaod8grcd6dctchAtrlieeuUcipatogiathisCoartrrcticrololyrorpmriblo aad liablc frr iE ounprchrn udpslmcd b fr! qrotrirE cd'ty fuercdrcb orsfivfrErpoviaoa b thrt Afflirb.B*hirc Ildevay Bncr3y Coryany rad fu o,6d Afrliab compmils chall hsvc ro liability frr poyocc or o6a obligdmr, ooltriotud r o6crniao, incurrcd by tto ry*ifio Afilbb. F\rlbc, wo agrto ud acloowlodgs lhrt tb Gma, conditimr, ad rylioabb aggcoaU or cxhibib Bot futh in thc Contsact will apply b Higmeety Intrnstimll md lvfidAnsioan Enqy Coryany. Ar a prticip'tng mqiorityoumod Affilialc, in rEtnn frr Fligffsa$ty Intcrantimal'3 comnihcurb, it is or iatmim to purchaac Edaial, cquipomt, d wuk in accordmc,o wi& tto Contaot. It is uod€rrtood ad Egrccd ltrt rrsGiEI, cxluipanat, m wort wiU bc proeidd iD accordmcc with thfu Coffiact AII hvoicoo frr srviocq on woft for ltfi&{ncricm fsgy Coryaoy shrU bo r&tparod ac followr: Midt{,rsricao fmgy CoryuV At$ Accounr Payablo Addro$: Sincaoly, MidAomioa gugy Coryuy By Pridcd BHE trl*Fnftrdod Ssvbg CoErt 3-2015 ho19of t9