HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140923Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdf\P,nsklgsRq,, ff :;' ,'*1,,,, R. Jeff Richards Vice President and General Counsel 201 S. Main Sfieet, Suite 2400 Salt Lahe City, UT 84111 801-2201731 OfJice 801-2204058 Fox j eff. r ic h a r d@1r a c iJi c o rp. c o m September 23,2014 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,lD 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter will serve as notice pursuant to Commitmentl lT(2), incorporated in the Idatro Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14,2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (MEHC), of an affiliate transaction with Forney Corporation (Forney) for the purchase of igniter parts for the Company's Dave Johnston generation plant. Included with this filing as Attachment A is a copy of the Purchase Order that will be issued, which contains the terms and conditions for this transaction. PacifiCorp is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company (BHE). BHE is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Forney Corporation is wholly-owned by Graham Holdings Company. Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. holds approximately eight percent interest in Graham Holdings Company voting stock. Accordingly, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s ownership interest in both BHE and Graham Holdings Company may create an affiliate interest relationship between the Company and Fomey in some PacifiCorp jurisdictions. Forney manufactures equipment that monitors and controls the combustion of coal, natural gas, and other materials. The Company uses gas head detectors, unfiltered flame detector assemblies, pipe spacer guides, and other miscellaneous fiber optic materials purchased from Forney and now needs to purchase replacement igniter parts for the existing equipment. Fomey is the manufacturer of the original parts. To the best of the Company's knowledge, only Forney manufactures the required replacement parts. The Company anticipates a one-time spend of approximately $34,132.00 for the parts. Purchasing from Fomey is in the public interest. The Company must keep replacement parts in stock to properly operate and maintain its generation facilities. Jean D. Jewell Notice of Affiliate Transaction September 23,2014 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, R. JeffRichards Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp Enclosures Attachment A Purchase Order XPAcTFTCoRP Paclf,Corp Procurenent 825 NE fiulttonrrih Stroet, Sulte tOO Poriland, Orcgon 972!tz Page 'l of I 0711612014 09:35:19 verslon 1 Purchase Order Addrtee PadllCorp Naqhton Plar* l{wy 180, South of KEMMERERWY 83101 FORNEY CORPORATION 3,l06WtLEY POST RD CARROLLTON TX 7500&51 15 USA A[sl[q': ANNA GUTIERREZ Vordor Phono: (97121 $6-A3/42 VcrdorFlx (972)150-8600 Addrcsr PadffCorp Acoornb Peyable Dep.rtnent PO. Box3M0 Porlland, OR S7208 - 3040 Date Vendor No. Payment Terme Descrlptlon Buyer Phone Fax Ilellvery Date lnco Terms Decrlptlon lnco Terms (Part X) 07116t2014 104209 NET 30 Susle Cod< (307)3524474 (307) 3s2441s 0erc1nu4 FOB Orlgin Cctlect SEE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Showthe Purchase OderNumberm all packagee, lnvolcor, bllls of ladlng and cormspondenca. Send lnvolcer to Aooountr Payablc Department" Notlfy buycr lmmcdlatcly: (l) lf unable to shlp or dcllver on dates spocilled below or (2) when dccrlptlon le orsuperceded. Pbaso conffrm rccolpt of fib Po, dd vori& hat $e deltuory data to plani etb ]s aaaoptable, Thank pul rude.cook@dficorp.om, phone s07.36,2.1474 Shlpplng lnstructlons: tft nutrnH.sHlpplNG lNsTRuclloNsil.ffi h.tffi ..t.r. SUPPLIERS ARE TO SHIP MATERIAL PER SHIPPING 1NSTRUCTIONS LISTED BELOW WHEN FREIGHT OOSTS ARE PAID BY PACIFICORP. SUPPLIERS ARE NOT TO USE ANY ALTERNATE SHIPPINO SUPPLIERS WTHOUT APFROVAL OF THE BIIYER, AT$/ DEVIATIONS FROM THESE INSTRT'CTIONS WTTHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS THE 8UPPLIERS AGREEMENT TO PAY AlL TMNSPORTATON CHAROES, REGARDLESS OF THE AIr4OUNT. IF SHIPMET{T WEIGHS LESS THAN I5O LBS. SHIP LJPS GROUND, COLLECT: ON UPS ACCOUiIT NUMBER 63Rr/22 PLEASE INSURE SHIPMEI.TT FOR REPI-ACEMENT VAI.UE OF ORDER. FOR ROUTINE SHIPMENTS WEIGHING BETWEEN 151 THRU 6000 LBS, YOU MAY ENTER THE SHIPMENT ON.LINE 272647063 PLEAIE LOG.IN TO ECHOTRAK USING YOUR LOCATIO{ SPECIFIC LOGIN.IF YOU DO NOT HAVEA USERMME/PASSWORD, PLEASE CONTACT ECHo To GET SET UP. (312) 334-26/e http/Arv{rv,ocfi ohat,com Gunmcy: USD Item llaterlal/Dscdptlon Ctuantlty Um Nd Prlce Per Um ilst Amount 10 00010013640001001304 1.00 EA 5,896.00 I EA 5,896.00 CABLE,FItsER OPTIC,S/SPEC O85.OO-IN,LG LI oABLE, FIBER OPTIC, S|/SPEC 085.0G1N LG LIGHT GUIDE, 1E'DIAMETER lianufasturor Pail Number f,anufac'turcr W 79882.07 FORNFT @RPORATION \PnoRConp PaclflCorp Prccutwnent 825 NE ltulfi,0,mah Sfoo$ $ulte tl00 Portland, Oragon 07232 45007On74 Dated0T/1d2014 Page 2of 8. 07nA12014 09:35:19 Purchase Order Item ltlalrlal/Descrlptlon Quantlty Um Nct Prlce Per UM Nct Amounl 20 000100{356 1.00 EA 1,000.00 1 EA 1,000.00 LENS ASSY,FIBER OPTIC,HIGHLIGHT,UV LENS ASSY, FIBER OPTIC, HIGHLIGHT, t,V Manutacturcr Part Number llanuhc'turcr 906090I FORNEYCORPORATION Total Net Value USD 6,890.00 Vrtdor rhall fumlgh tfic Goodr rnd ScMccr rpecmad abora ln *codancr rrl{r thlr Purchere Ordor, lncludlng ttc provlCor rd lonh on tlef*r llorof rnd my othcr Ewltbnr attrohad to, lnoorporatcd Inb, or od[rurbr lmdc . part ol thlr Putham Ordra PACIFICORP PURCMSE ORDER TERMS & CONDIT]ONS (Rev. May 2014) Iho brma and con<lltlone lagued wnh thls purdra8e oder 3haR ba null and wld ln he oloumotance whera PadfiCorp and the Paily to uto.n thls purchese otdrr ls igsued have e valH wdtien agreerrent (&ly execubd by the auhortsxl l€pro3anmlws of bofi peril€s) to u,hbh he lbms h thls purohaF ofilcr aro ldfillfr.d. 1, DEFNMONS. Suppller means trc party idcnflfrcd rs tho vGndor on thc frce of thls Purdtaac Ordsr. Compeny meana Padf,Cop or ary afillkilcr or eubldlarler whdhcr dlrcd or indrccl adhg lhrough thc hrlness unil opaohlod on he faoe of hlr Rrrdrare Order, Confact m.an3 tre Rrdrarc Ords of $rhldr $cao bflnt and ondlflonr are a podfREtrssafrot'),dldootmcnfhoorpodcdbyro,lb ncaundrhePurchasefrer,hesebflrBandoordilornfiemrehrlgrdl0rery@ntld€fitEf,tyor nondbdoaro agtr m€ot d.crrbd by Cornpery an<l Supdbr, and all efibih and 8m€ndmor$ b all sudr do(rrmcntr. 'lbm!' nEan dry goo& or lon bcs b bo povldsd or periormcd by Suppller undcr lho Conlrad es deffned aboro. 'Prlco'm6ens tfio con8beratlon b b0 pots by Corllpeny b Supplor under thc Contrad fur he ltons, The Prlce ghall bo or(oluslvs of all to(es to bo bomo by Company arlslng out ol guppldi p.rfornancc hcrctndcr, lnoludlng wltrout llmltallon !!lcs, uoo, unlccs tpodflcrlly lhbd othsrb€, Localsalc and uac taxec ln .11!bb! *ull bc pald by Supdlcr snd hvolocd a. a sopanb flne ltom. Tho SuppLr b rcrporlble fur all lmport or crport dutlca and ulu+addcd brrc! rclatcd to thsse unth and all rypllcable padr. 2, B.ANKETORDER. lf the Pur$ae Oder ls dealgnabd fo Compary as a t{enket odor, Company shafl b0 obllgsbd b purfiaso orly those quan0tos d tomr $,hkfi lt lpoomodry rsqu€sE undrr lohase ordcB lr8uod by Company to Suppiler. 3. ACCEPTA'.ICE OF ORDER. Tlds Putdtarc Order br lbm rhail bo aoep0od by Supdbr upon rsodpt of he furcharc Oder. Any ttndy corfln€ncamat of Supplefu pefuirnance hmtndcr ehdl aloo be deemed b be an eltpneslon of Supplledr acceptanca of lhlg Oder lndudlng theo Terma and CondUone. No modlflcdlon, 6lbnton, or t codhn nude by Suppller b the tennr of thlB Contad rhdl bo a pad of hlr Purchacc Oder unlc0s aolod b ln a rvrung oxooutod by he eulhoilzstt raprcronhwes of both prrt6. 4. PR|CE. Thc Prloo chall bc a! shbd h tha Purchasc Ordcr unlcrr arctr ploe o(6ods th6 lowoot pdce at wtrloh Suppller b rClh4 llsnr or rHhr ltcrnr to [r olhe r qrgbmero ar of the dato of dolhrery b Company, kr vrtrM oase he lo{,er pdce shal control. lt hore b no prl6 ttsied ln lhe Rrchasc Oder, tha Pdco drall not bo hlher han $e mo.t curent dreEpd a quo{€d Pdce b Conpary br atch ltams by Suppller. lf h€ro hao boon no pltt,lcrlr fietlp or quota0on by Sumlor b Company fu lbms and lf no pdce b sot brth ln tre Purchaoo Oder, Cornpany sha[ harc ho tight to lrtim tho lbmr. Suppllar rhal pey lhe @d ot rrhrm bansporteton if Sumfior ohaEes a prlca ufik$ lr h €fice68 d ho lowest frlc. af whldi ADdlor b solln0 ftrmr b llB dhor qrbmcrs 8r ol ho ddr of dcflrEry b Compdry. f Olorbdolhcryof fhc nom!, Corpsny h ablob pudralo e por[on oral of tttc lbma, rrlrllarftcmc of lnoqu.Ity, at.pdclwhldr b Llshdlha fthe, Coopany strdl nory Supplbr. thalH Suppllc hff to mcot ludr lo*lr fb., Complny miy, at ns opdon, nrohoee tom hc drer eouoc at thc lqrtr prloe, and h hat cyrnt Company and Eupplbr ahall bc nllcvcd of hok obllgatons under he Contrac'i ln r€spect of het poillon of lhc llcm3 purchrsed tlom thc drs 80uroo. 5. ACCOUNTINGAI{DAUDITING. Suppller 3hall ko€p aoalrab and compl€& ftcountng rlroor& ln srppod ot el cost blllngE b Company ln accordanoe wltr gcnordry .cc.r,tcd accorm0ng p,rinchh!. Compeny or lto eudl reppsonta0vo thall haw tho r{ght at any roeronaHe Smc or tlmcs b c)Gmhc, audt, and ruproduco hc racoda, youdutt, and thelr souroa docfitent! whlch tcrro ac thc balb fa odnp.ntdlon odrcr firan oonpcncaton whldr b lllod ln etfioont by ftb Cdrhsct Sudr dooment ehafl be ernflable fa srcmlnotor, andll ad rcprodudlon lon troo (3) yraru affor ompleUon c btrln don ol $b Co.rhad All sulb of treae rdltr ehall be kspt oliltbttUd belween tha hro pailler and helr rgentr, $rpdle,r rhrll aslrt Compeny wtt ptparlng neceaeary audlt materhl atd wl allout Compory b l"vlew fiy uod( papoE ptopl]ld by lndopondent audilon as dlowcd by prof€sslonel d.ndads, Any ovor-colledlons $all be retrned ilhln thlrty (30) deys liom d8b ot notrco ot ovorcharuo. Ardlt frndings will be condderd b bo fml fo. the porlod audlted, 6, CREDIT REQUREMENTS. Suppllcr chdl med Un ruqulrcmcntc of any one or moro ot chuso 0), oleuee (l) c drure 010 belov: 0 Snpp0.r m.inbhs . 8$lor unaeculed debt ratlng hom slatdard & Poo/e of BBB- or belbr; 00 lf Snppller har no dobt rahg, SrJppff* meeb ALL of he fo0orhg cndft findarde a) tangNUe nef rodtr equal b bn 0me lhe prdec'ted modmum upoor.r under hlc Conhact b) no dungc ln the condltbn of [s snhes, nd wuh, 6 wortlng Silal ovar he lEd 24 mont! wtiofi would meBonably be an[dpatcd to lmpalr ho Supplle/e ablllty b meet [s obllgatlonr undor thls Conimc't, 8nd c) Suppllor ls mt ln dethult urdor any ol h8 othor ag]o€n€nts and ls cunont on all of lts fnanclal obllgatlons, a (llD Suppller shall poet socwlty reasoneuy satsfactory h Company. lf rgqusstcd by Coryaoy, Suppll.r chdl wlthln hlr0 (30) dEys p,ovldo Corprny vrl0r coples of lt3 mo6t rocant annu8l and quarbdy llnandal rilabmafi prlPorcd ln lccod.ncc ullh grnrrdv .oaopbd accounilng plndfle. 7. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. The Unfform Commer&l Code ae .dopted by fte Stata ln whldr the lbmt are delhretrd Ehell govem his Purchac€ Or&r, o(6pt as modlH h€fcln. DRAWNGS€PECIFICATIONSPROFRIETARY INFORMATION-CONFID,ENTIALIry.ADVERTIStr,IG. ,plbI rhill bc Mly and loldy rpsponrlbla for obtainhg produc't detrB edequate to doslgn, manufacture, (abrlcatr, consbuct and dollver ltamc ln complhnoa wilh rquhanrnb of lhe Contract. Company ohall robh all dghb to a[ $rch documents ll plovldes or ceusos to b€ pfirvldcd to Suppllcr. Suppllor shell conC&r sll fi documcnb tc be conlldelltbl. Upon Company's roquost, Euppllor stl6l promp0y rsiun to Corpany all arch doomenb and oCee trlDof. Suppller Cull not odlec ot publbh lhe Ec,t the Company has ombaclsd b pudraae lbmr from Euppllor, nor rhal any hrlomallon rdetog to th. Purchass Ods bo dsdosd rout Compenys fior wrlton permbslon. Unless ohorwlse .grscd ln wdthg, no cornmerchl, !nand.l, or technlcal lnformatbn dlsdosed ln any mann6r or d / tlma by Suppllerb Comparry rtrall b. dccmcd scorutoronlldontlal, DELTVER:T. e Srpller ehall delh,gr ltcmr b Company on he dat{!) hdloaiod h tha Puftfiese Order, lf Supplbr hfls to mab dclhnry ol any ped of he liems on tle dato(8) lhabd, h6 Company mey bmlnate and pursuo o0ter romodlos. All lhlpmsnt! !h6ll bc dolivcrud F.O.B, toths dx0ndon deCgnabd by Company h the rrchae Oder, and dsk d looE shail Bmaln w(h Srrppfler untll the ltomt arc llcclvscl by Corps]ry, lb .gcrt or conrlgnee reglad€.s of wfidher Compcrry has rdo M psym€nt tor lie noms, A packlng sllp mud rccornpeny cadr eudr ehlpment, end if a ehfiment b to a comlgnree or agcnl ol Compary, € copy of lho ,ddng JF shafl bo forwardcd conoutrcn0y to Cornpany. lf m euch peclfng sllp ls s€nt, he cornt or welght dobflrhod by Co.many or ib sgont or conslgnc. all be f,nal and blndng on tho olfier pafties. Suppllcr, or hc carbr lt uEes to traneport ltsms, whlcltot/Er ls epllcablo, shall (a) malnlah a'ra0&doqf aalety ting from the U.S. Dopartment of Transpolia0on and rhal prwilc Company wilh wrltcn prool ot suoh rathg on ]rqucst U thc aanbr b a mctor oanler, and (b) alnleln lhe lnqrenoe @rromge and pollcl arnounb requhed by Soodon 20, unlosE a larulg amount b rcquhcd by rny hdsrat, date, 6 lGl rqul.bry egBncy, whkh arent arc*r hrg€r am@nt shall bo mslntalnod. ). WARRN{TY. upplh wananb $at lor a gulod of t eo yoar8 affer lh€ dclvey of or periormanco cf lhe ltms. tro ltems u,il (a) bo ot merdrantablc qualttf (b) bo flt lbr hc ompany. lpadflod purposos; (o) be d hlgh quallry, and be ftee fiom del€ds in matorial and wakmsmhh; (O) conply vrttr thc moEt !tutrgGnt of Compandr or uppli#a opcdfrcatone, p€riomancs guaranbea and rsqutemenh; and (o) oompry $,ffi all nailonally rognizod oodc! and ot Htsh*t lnduoty rt.rurtb. All ems shCl bo sold by Supplier to Company fiBe and doar of ony lbnr and emumbran€a SupplL/s warantho and guaranlec rhell sr.uvlrle lnapedion, d6lhlwy. nd scceplance of tha lbmE andror psymsnt by CoflTrny. lf hc lbnr do nc^ afibrm to 6ny of hcro wemnto hen. at Corpan/s optbn, Swpllor shdl rep.lr a ,9hco t|o &6clh,€ lbru, F.O,B. Companys d.dgmbd slto st Supplle/e ogcnce , or ln tr cere of aowhec, ,}.por!om the sowloos Et Supplhds 60eorE. iupdls shd be rssponslble br all expcnlor and damage whidt Company lnorc. lndudhg but not lmlbd b, hddontal ard comoqrontd d8m.gp!, Thc rlogolne rvanantlco and obl[ratlons ahal aleo appf to he ltsns eupp[ed by Suppller ln stdr Fpdr, [pleo6lwrt, or perlbrmance, Supflk rhall lmrEdlsdy nancfcr b Compeny lhc benefrl d any manufacfrrrer'a wenanlhE. 11. RESTOCKINGFEE, n he went that Suppllor supplbs trrooflrc{ or dgMlvc lbnn or falr b dclher lbme on or beble the deltvery dab, or thl8 order b brmflabd for ceulo, Coflpsny rhall IE}e no oulgdon to pey rBtool&g 6 sfirillr hc. b Suppfior. liioForr€r, h no cvent shall Cdlpany be rrqdrrd b pay lEbd<lru o. 8[nllar bc! b Suppllr Jnl6E a mutusfly acc6ptauc fcc b agoed b ln a wdflrB o<eo$cd by lhe authorLed nporenbtilot d both pcth!. 12. CMNGES, Corparry $dl hava the dght to mako cnangos (lndudhg add[tons and/or omlsslon.) ,rom lkno to tknc ln the llemr, any epecfficdonr endor drrwlps whhh an a part ol he GonH. Coflp{ly ehal gh,E suppller wdtsn mtloe o( any audr ctrrnglr. fuy chfrrB by Srpfller for adjudment! in Eho oI delhory brmr der ib racelpt of Companys chango ord€r must bG s8ratcd ln wfilng b Company not more lhen ten (10) deyr afler gldr rcce$t by Supplbr, or sidl delm shd bo deemed b havo been wslvod. 13. PAYMENTSANDIT{IOICES. Unleoa ofietvbe sp.dtled ln tre Purdrare Orde c In a sepoate $'rltbn hlfumcnl Cgnod by Compfiy, no lnyola. $af, be hsued by lho Suppil.r prtu to lhe shlpnent or pedormanco ol lhe lleme, an<t m payment thall bo medo grbr to rocolpt of .udr tbmr and applord of rn lnvolae lbr nrch lbmr. Company may wlthhold any pqyment oheruh€ due under the Contad lo Go cxtcnt ncccals.y b offt€t rly ohln Cqnpany mey lern c arscd {alnd Suppller. 11, INSPESNON AND PRE.WARMNTY PERIOD DEFECTS. Company mcy lnapaot .ny lt rna ordcrcd hcrsunder duilrp $eh manuhcdurB, construodon or pllparatm 6t rwonable [moa qnd chall haro thc rlg]rt b hepeoi sudl ltoms d ha tmc o( the lr dellwry end/or complcdon. lloms fumlsh€d h€rsundsr may d any Ume prbr to trc bcAhnlng of hc uonanty p.rtod dd.d sbore ln Section l0 be t{ecied for d€hcb ruvealcd by lnspcctott or analpb ovon thdlgh oudr lbme may hrtt prcniouely bem h.peobd .trd eoc.dad. &rdr el.dod lbms may, et Compen/s op0on, be r*rned b Suppflef h tuI r$md b Coryany, frdrrdhrg rofiioval, *lppkrg snd trnryoft0oo chargo3. 16. PAIENI, TRADE SECRET, N.ID COPYRIOT{T SIFRINGEMENT. Suppllaf shsll Eotls or dcflnd, at lls rolc e:penso and $an hdemnfi and eave Company harr{ero ftom ary costr, rxpcrnro, locrcc, and damago oanlthg ftom any dalmr, !db, or prcocdhgc brougm agahd Compfiy wttft$ ara baeed upon s dtlm that tho llom, or any pct tho,sof lnfirlec on any patcG b*h socfrt or oopyrlgfit h oase the ]temo or arry pad thd€ot fumbhed hd€lmd* d}ttltub hfilngom€ril. Supfller rhail, at ltr adc oqanrc and at lr opllor (1) procuo fur Comparry the rlght l,o contnrr using ltre groods or p6rt lhotsof; (2) ]rplaco lhe samo wlth cubobntlally eryd hlt non-lnfrlnglng ltems, (3) modlfy the ltsna Eo ac b b€como non intlnglng; or (4) upon urltton apprcvd ot Company, ramor/€ thc ltfirr at Supplle/o sole erpeme rnd rcfund 0re Purchaea pdce and fte fanlporbtlon, hetallallon, and Bmoyal cost! trs.of. COfTIPUANCE WTH LAU,S AI.ID REOUI.ATIO}.,8. tplLr wlrtantt thrt .ll eoodt, ..rvlo.. rnd hbor prcvldcd puru.nt tD thll Purdur Ordcr hrvr boon ptovldcd h complhncr wlth all 4plhabtr . and trguladotl, .nd .ll ?pllo.ble rrrcutlnc, Judlchl and admlnbffio otdoo. !r oach may be appllclHe to the uod( pcrfurmcd hcemdrr, end od on toid aillclFtrd dolhr valua of thb PutJralc Ordor. Wlthout llml0ng th. gon.nllty o, thc lorrgolng, Suppllcr rprclfiorlly wrrrntr ftr nplhncr rtlth thc Forclgn Conupt Practcer Act and lh. Unltod Klngdoit Brlb.ry rrEi 20t0. Euppllrr rnd .ny .ubcoltb.ator drel! allo aHdo by tfie ulunentr of ll GFR t! 80,tl(al, E0.ilr05(.1 tnd 00-r4r.q.). thcrc ngub0om puttlblt dbcrlmln Uon.g.ln.t qurllflcd hdhlduals b.t d on lh.lr tur re proted.d votaratu or lndhddurh wlth dlrrbtltcr, and prohtblt dlrorknlnrtlon rgelnrt all hdMduCr bcrad on ftclr raco, color, illtgloq .q or lonal orlgkt. forrvrr, thoo Eguhdonr rcqulrre thrt oovurd prlm. contrectoNt ard tubcoffirctolr taka alfrrnrthra aodor io mCoy grd a&ancr mploymcr{ lndMdudr wlthout rrgerd to ncr, color, nllglon, rcr; nauonrl orlgln, protrotad v.taEn atrtur or dhablllty. Supplcr and rny rcontraotorr ehell ebo abldc [r tho nqulrrmclrir d Ercctrttvc Onlcr ll2l8, rr firrdrd, to do,rlop grd lmplomfit r rd&n dllnmtvc rcdon ,grem (AlP) .nd Exccudve Ordere l'1025 end ltl70 (utllrrUon ol dlt.drrmtrgpd budncr rnbrprlor) md thc Smdl Burhror AcL . CONFLET MNERAS. ppll€r shal pmvld€ tc Company Inlomallon ql lho oonbnl of prcduotc, manufaciured or conhacted to be manuhdurcd by Supplle,r for Gompany, $at ulf,ts or ntaln ttc 'oonict n*Erralg'vrolfarnitc, caroedb, olutttUt+.tanlrllb (@ltan), gold and thek dcta{hro mcbh: bntalum, th and tLngdsir. Thr hfonrdlon urf bc rvided ln a ionn that wll ellow Compa,ry b verffy coripllance wlth Seston 1 6(12 of tho Dodd+rank Ad (tr6 U .S , Cmillct Mlncrala Law) and wlll lnolude arldenoe tho orlgln or aourteo of lhe confilc* mlnorels. Tho lnbmdlon wlll bo submmd 8t or grlor to he trno of d€ahr€ry of produda h a brm approled rndlor derlgrnled compeny from Sme b tolo. Suppler ehdt obtBln Compsny's prlor wrltln conrnt be6oo proddng any produda to Company $at hdude oonild minenle iglnabd frcm ho D,rmcatlc Republlc cf Congo or the nhr adolnlng oonlllct oountleg Arpoh, Burundi, Cor$st Aftlcen RepbUq trc Rspubllc of tho Congo, rocofd hc country and place ol odgkr of all mlncrah hdudod h produdi provHed to Corpany, and to vcrlly compltars with thls Sethn, Company rh.ll b. rmlflad b audlt rudr rcorda ao Gasonabry noa.esary to contirm StmllCs complhnce uitr hb S:ocilon. $pfler sha$ hdenrnlfy rd Hd Company harmbc r all flnc!, ponal{o8, ogcnses or oths losses iusblnsd by Company aa a meult of Suppllcle brcaoh ol lhlr Sec,oon. 3, LENS. Wpllaf horoby t 6lt/€t n! dghb to 8ny mechEnlcb [rrr or o0rer lbn undor any applhsbb sBblc. or oilclwlro tor all lbnrs fumbhed ln cqmecdon vyffi $o onhaoL Prlor b SLppllel's rccdfl of cch Fymqlt wdc tte Contrac{, Supplr rhal dellver tc Corpany dl rfidavib. llen rdurcc, nEtr,blmatl oe{llcatsr nd otlpr documcnt! rcqdrud by Cornpany under trc appllcable llan lawc. lf at any tlme hom ihsll bo wldonco of the oxHonc€ d any euch lhn or cldm 6r mdt ono or lbm., m&rHs, soMao. o( oquipment fumbh€d by Suppller or any ohor paru h cfinacton lrfih ho Contract, thc Company nrcy ure rnoney Sror dtr u r booome due under he Conbad b dbcfie4te eudr llen or satbry Budr dafin and tnay qodlt adt anountr agelnrl thc amounb duo or b bcoonr. due to hc iuppllcr, 9. INDEMNTTY. ;updlor Bhall hdermlfl and hold Cornpany rnd lta cmploy\oo8, dlnoXor, ofren rnd agcnb hannl*o hom and agElnd all o0€m6, coct!, dlaEo!, dmag€c, iahr, aItr, lcacc, fics, p.ndth! or lbbiltes (lndudhg .ttorns/! foos) of flory lthd wh$oargr by reslqr or, arbhg out of or h any way oorncdcd wilh rcck anb, oo.unurco, lnjurloa, or loctes to, or o, .ny pcttc[r. or propetty lndudlno, dhout [ilafioo $edo, loG. ol rr!. of prcpcrly, rhk*r may mur bcfoo or fier delhrcry of thc cooplebd ltorne b Cornpeny, or rauillng ffom, h wlrcle, or ln psrt ho s*, dcdgn, pr€parallon, manuraotro, lbhlo.don, conctucilon, :omfleton, tr.ncpotbllon, ddhrory, latlull b ddhrgr, andror h3blle0on of lhs tbm! srdror orvlccc, exdudkrg only adt er are clrcd by ha loL nael|ocnoo of lompeny, but not excludlng sltratlone wfiere the Cornpanfs ncgllgcnc. oonclgb ollbiuruto dsoo,er a condlbn caused or pennfiad b exlst by $o Supdler or eny d li! eJbcontracblr, lf Supdhr is nol lrlpombb br any inrbllatlon or oervlccr or rupcoblon mucd to hdatlon urder [re Contad, srDflhr CraI havc rn lhtilty utd€r lhb gcctlon tB fur any o{ 0rc above rcsutung ontirely flom adr or omlsdorB ln tho pedbrmsnco of alch lnlblatbn. Suppllar, kr any hdfimmoatlon dakn hsandcr, hu@ crp nly and ur{0rout lelervaton welvoc any dchnso a hmunly I rry hsrre udor uty applbable lilorloda Confqudbn hw! or any othc rbfutc or ldldel decbhn, drellowlng or llmlfng rurfi lndemfitcatlon wheru an omploy.c ol Supptler mrkcc a ddm agalnct any krdemnltrc herrh, end Supplhr conraob ba c.lso of acdon brhdemntry. 20, INSURANCE. Supdlor thal tako out and rnaffin wlth a oalrlcr or oanlera havlog rr A.M. BeC lnergrce Rqorb rdrg of A.:Vtl ot bothr tho followlng r{nknum lnlurg6a qr\rerago at llE cxpcnrc br lhc duraton of he Gontract (lndudhg a[ w.nanty pedodr themunds) osvcfim allot Suppllcds obllgEtons un&] [r. Cont at (6) Wbr*cn Compcnrdon - Statdoqfi O) AnpbF/s Lhb$ty - mlnirrm olilgle orcnt llmll of $1,000,@ (c) Commorcl{ G.ndd tEfity . wlh a nin&nun *rgtc event llnrlt of tl ,000,000 .nd a t2,filo,fiD annu8l {Eflegato to prctcct agalnst end fom all lors by rearon of lnlury b pcronc or damege to hlrd p.ny prperly, indudng Suppllo/r enployo and all hhd peruons, and poporty of a[ h]d parto batcd upon and arldng ort ol he ncglgent ec-tr c qnbdqn d he Supplo& opedom horcund€r. hdudlm {te opentons ol [s albcootacton of any llcr; (d) Ptodcelonal tJabfify . co\frtrg damrger arilng out of noglhsrl acb, eron, ot ombslons commltbd by Supp[6r ln tho pcrfomanoc ol thc yvort or !crd6! ptwlded under tr Conhacl wttfr a lbbffiy [mlt of not loso tMn 31 ,000,000 osch dElm. Suppiler !hc[ malntdn hb polloy for a rilnhum of lrm (2) yeero dler conpleilhn of fie wat or revls or ehCl efialgc ftr a tuo yoar e&rdcd dkcovcry (td) provblon lf the pollcy b not ll'norv€d. The tnient of hir pollcy lr b pmvlde coverqe lor clalms arblng out of ho psrlorm.nco of nprlr or scrvlocg urder lhb Oont d rnd aaulcd by eny enor, omb.ton, brradl or n6g&ff1 act ftr whhfr 0r. Stpplhr h hell lhble; (e) Burlncc Adonroblla Lkblltry - wth a mhtmom rhglo llml of $,l,fl)0,fi10 for bodlly lnjury and property danrago wilh rorp€c{ b Supplleda vohldar whctrr owncd, hlnd or non.owrcd, crdg]r.d b or urd ln he performance of thc rorki and (0 Umbolla Lbbill$ - ryilh a mhfrum llrnlt of f5,000,000 oach oa€lrnncC.ggrcgate whetr .pplheble b be excege of the covorages and [mlls rcqulrcd h EmdoyEra'LJebXlty trsrrlance, Cornmord.l G€n.ral Lbtr{f,y hsuraro a]d Budncr AubmoHle LhHlty lnsuran6 abovc, lnaJ6ytco oovorago prwlded on a 'dalmr-made bash* rhall be kcpt ln dfcot for the longor ol two ysalB from tre data of Compmfe lnltal commerdel ulo d tho lbms and b such olhet lsngth of line ncccorary tio cov€r lab{H€s arklng out d he uplt or sswlca pqdded urdor th€ CartacL Al pdhha rcqulrcd by lhb Cor{nd lhCl rde provblons that such lnsuran@ ls prlmary lnsurance wlth raspect to the lnlercsb ol Company and thet any olhor lneuonce malntalngd by Company la ,3s ald nd cdrflhrlory lnainno! wlth trc lnurancc rsquhed hercundor. Al ,eqult d hlurance polbs shall not oontaln any provtslons Fohlutlu wah,cfs ol 'ogstm. Nooc of thc aborc lnrrrance oonorage rhell bc csnc.lsble €rc6pt upot ttlrty (30) daW ploJ wdflen notho b ths Company and to all o0rcr lnrurcd les, and Suppller shall Forddo Compory vlh a copy of any oudr canenatbn nodco lnr€dietoly efhtr &rpp[s's ,Eolpt ol lt SupplL't Crdl lncludo Company a. rddltbnd hsuBd on all llablllty tneurEnca. lf Supdler ls eubJec.t to any m fault hsuranco mqukamotc, lt shall dhrrc to all applbable lavo a,nd nguhtlonr alnlrlgberchnofaullhsuranc8. lnaddllhnbthepn vlslonsof Sccdon 19sbovo, lnthcw.ntof alawsu[orddmbyenomployrof Supple orof anyof tb @nhac-tors aeeimt Comgily, or 6ny o, Compsnys agBnls, ofncartr, drcctors, or anploytes ftr any lnJury (lndudttg, bul ttt llnlbd b deah) q dbearc adslne of, rrlabd to, or dalm€d b haw rb6n o,tt of, or to ha\rc bocn rolatsd lo tho emplo)r.o't ompbymont in tho p€rbrrnan€ ol ho Confirt, Swglhr, on bohdl ol ll and [s Worfters'Compcnsallon oarlor, hq€by uansilen ead e$lgna t Coryany and shatl causo eech of ltr Bubcontractors to hamfar and lslign to npany any aDd a[ llcnr c rubrogrton dghtr hat lt or thelr lnaurao mry have br Wo*on Compensdon bonefltl p6ld b he employce. On Corrpan$ rcquo.t, lpllcr shatl prcvlde oq'tlfrcahs of lngrlanco and rgnayalg arldenclno lnqJrance, TERMIMTION, SI.ISPENSION OR DELAY. mp€ny sh6ll have &e rbht at any Umo to tefinlnalrr iuspcnd, or dclay lhe Gontrad ln whole or ln part by prbr wrlttcn mffcc b Supplbr. lrmedab[ afbr rccoft luch rpthe, Suppllor rhal dop all pcrbnnancc hcrurndcr except aa may othenrfuo be dlredod by Corpany, ln lhe case o, tomln€ton oa the Contract, Supplc ill hsn hanrficr to Con?any, ln aooodance wltrr Coripany s dh.cdons, and whe$er looaH on th6 Job tlb, ln a rondor'a o( msnuffiJrrde fadlliy ot clccwhcrc, mabdrb and all hformatlon aoqrmuldod, 3poclfical[ prepamd or acqulrod by SupCla for uoo ln rclaflon to the deglgn, dovclopmnl, mrnulbcfrra, acrambly, ipmei[ hstrllatm, opcntion, rmlnbnance or repotr of Ure ltems end all swfllee, shop drawlnga, work h prmcor, cqulpmcnl medrlnc]y or p$b preprcd, quhed or uaed by fie Suppller ln conno(ton wilh sudr ltomr aM for whlci lhc Supplicr b b bc rclmbuncd hereqnder, and sll worldrc &il|ry., dctdl6s, eclftcalhns, and othcr hbflnaton E@Jmuldsd, plap€rod or acqulrld by Suppllcr wfth rupeal to rudr ltemr, The Suppller ahdl. f dkocbd by tha Compeny and he ordont sbtod h lho rdce of tormhs0on, luspsrllon a dday, mdre all e{iorto necaeary b guaentc the uo* ln pm0[tBs end b gobot tho lbllrB whefier ll at Suppfrods manufadurlng fedlffer or ln banr[ b Comp.ny. fadiltee. f Suppllor 18 not thon In dfidt ln tho poflbmarrc. of afiy d ]b ob0gsthns h.rrundcr, rd ll gupplbr tra hkcn rcaaonabls stEps b rd0g.ta frl dunrges rcsrdtlng from sudr tomha0on. Company thall pay to Supilcr, ar guppllcr'g lolc and cxofurlvc medy lor brmlnaoon under $h Secton 21, to thc o&nt not ahaady paH b Supplbr an amount equal b: (a) reaonablc ird documonbd corb ho"md by rppller in eccordenoe wlh lhe Contract prh b Supplbrs' r€celrl d notlca d tcmlrullan, plu, (b) hc ruaroabb md docundlbd coob and dErgos hqrred by 4ptler h wlMlng u9 ilr dvlllee urds ho Contmct prb. to lh6 dcclhlc t mlna{ofl dat . provld€d, }Dnrver, lh.t tlte amounb llsbd ln (a) and (b) d hb Sedlon lpluspriorpoyment!bSupp0or$dllnnoevontcxadftcConh.dPd6. lflheaurp*rhnordeleylrnotblor,.dbyebmhe0onofthoCfitract,Compony tall haw no obllg8ton or male any paynrcnb to srpfllar alter tho efirdve dete of he aurpcmlon or dday othor hdr, b ho oilont ml dBady peld b Sr.pplbr, upplcds rcaonablc ard doomcnbd ooda homd ln accordance wllh 0rc CdrtEct prlorb sudt efrcinp t'ab wtrhh alr not reduo.d or ellmlnatcd by ppoprlab mltgs$eo adion by Suppfic. Be&r Company rasumes perbrmenc. undrr tio Co{rhld lUlotttg sudr ruapomlfi a dclay. Sqpllcr and Corpeny nal nogo,tab ln good ftllir or he a{uatnenb, if any, wtrlch may be rcquhod ln paymmb b Supdler or in hc Cmbad Prloc b airold hequltee elher b &rpplbr r Coflpsny, 2. DEFAULT, 'tho Supp[er: (a) beoomco lnsoh6rt F) fia a pctlttpn under ary drapbr of he bankuptcy latm or ls the ubtect of an inwlumry pdtlon; (c) malss a gencral rsslgnment for thc bcircft of ilr or€dbr8; (d) hao e rocaiv€r eppdnbd; (e) ahotttr lal to rd<e promfl payment to ary a$cootrcobm or supflcn; or (f) fala b omfly with any of lta mabdal obllga[ont under lhe Contmc{, the Company rny,ln addlton to lb ilghb undcr Soctlon 13 abon, at lb opilon effier oue lhedefrult rt Supplle/s exponr or tam*fr tre Conhacl af,er fird gMng Supplhr tturo (3) thye wltbn no{o. to cun qrdr d.fuull" lmmodlatrv frr och brmlnaton, bnpmy may; 0) take posserlon cf ho lb.rB wh€.€ver th€y may bo located and in vrMaor datc of completlon h.y ,my bo bg€thcr witt all dnui'rgr and oth€r nformatlon nocssary b embl6 Company b lravc hr lHnr complclcd, indallcd, opcrated, malntatwd andlo repelled; ([) pay to Supdhr atry rrpu]il th6n duo rnder he Contrad aner bldng ful crodlt lbr ary of,t$ b whldr Corpeny rny be entl[ed; (ll) oontact u,[h or omdoy any olher pafi or par{6 to inbh oto llomli rnd (lv) cdlcd ftom hc Sr,rppllcr any addlllonal e:panec, locrc or damage nthlcft Cotpany may rtfrer. 2s. woRx oN PREM|SES, Befce Suppllcr prwlder any servlcer or roft on Company's pnmlres, Suppllor wlll emnlne tltc prmbca and any cp€oilloatonc or oft.r doqnlr*r furd.h€d ln oonnedbn wl0r ho lbms erd satl8ry ft.ell a! b thc condlllon of the punlscr and gl!c. No allorvmoe ahCl bo mrdc h roapcd d any crmras h any of lhc brcgdng on tho ptrt of Supphr. Sup,plbr lhdl d r[ tinco locp ihc promhas ft,ee from acanmulailone of Ur.b maiotlel or rubbleh. At the comCe0on o, hEtslletlon of ths lt6ms, Supplhr lhall loarra thc prtmba and $e ltdm btodnden, 24, EUPPUERS PERSONNEUDRT'GS, ALCOIIOL, AI.ID FIREARMS. Sugpller fiall employ h the perfurnence d tlr sork onf penoo! proporly qudfbtt for 0r eama guppllr !h.ll !t r[ tmcc crhrcc rfrld dlrdpllm .nd g@d order arnong lts employot ard ti6 €mplo!,ro8 of any subsupdler of any tbr. Sppller rhall not pcrmlt or rufrcr lhe Inboducfion or ure of any fircarmr, legal drulE, or inloxlcadng lhuor upon tre u,ort undor thb ConEaot, or upon any of trc groun& @oupbd ot onlmlod by Snppllor. Supplhr $all lmrudhlo[ rurrlors fiom the rvort 8ny pocon 6und b bc ln vlolatbn of thc aDo,c l€strlcilon and luch p6ton shsl nd rgaln bc cmployad h he peformanca of tm uoft herdn yvl$out lhc oxpr*8 wrltlrn cdrsont of cornpmy, 25. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK, IDENTTTYVERIFICATIONAND RETATED SCREENIT.IG. lf Gquegtod by $o Company, thc $ppll€r shal conduct, 8t Supplld! coot and cxpense. crHnal ba*grourd ch€dc ftr ho qtmnt ard past countics of oddcncc on afr cnrpby€€!, lgonta, arbonbacbr! or hd.p$d.nt oontrcb.! and [E tmploycao, aocntt or llprllantdhca of cubcontadtrs or hdepcndenl mnln&ru, lhat havc clcotronlo or phyaical acccso to vuort or Company aib. At a mlnlmum, a aodal eetrd$ numb.r vadfiadhn srd 3even-)r.e, o,lmlnal bactrgrurnd dreck, lndudlng ielony or mlsdeme.nor oonvlotons ln\DMng: (a) vblmce b penons/properly; 1b) hcflhud; (c) dnrg/Ccohd; or (d) baffrdcihar are roquhad. Empbymed ldrby, €drcatlon wrifioatbn, and protocdonal cedf,cethns rnay ebo De requllrd by thc Compary, All bad<grcurd dlocl6 uil bo conducbd h cacordanoe wllh f6dorel, sbto, prwlncbl, and looal larr!, and rublsd to eldltlng colloc'tlve bargEhlnO unlt atrccnrnt! or oh6r agr€qilontB, l{ sny, Sumlbr liall not allow pstons t$o hs\re not mot tllo Comp€nf! cdterls b perbrn txorl(. udoss Sup9lhr has rEcelvrd ssrcnl fiom Conpany, Supplicr shatr rupply a ca.UflcqUon that m€!t! Company's crltorla for och Suppllcr cmplopc, agant a rcprasenta0vc and h cmplqncc, agcntr or rcprcccntallvcs of any ulboontacbr or lndopcndont conbaoior cmployed by Suppfla. Suppllcr rhail cnarrc that employeer, a0a1b, ouboontndon or lndopcndcnt oonbaobo and thc employee ot srbontrao{oo or lndeperdent onbactom {n an appropdale aulhoftatbn furm pdorto crlmhd beckground &eckr belng cottduclsd, sclnowl€dglng ihe bed<ground dreck h belng conducbd end aulhoftdng the lnfomatlon obtained to be prwlded to Company. Supplcr rhal have s]d dlsurB compllsrco wltr a *ffinco abusardnrg end aloohd pollcy tr€t comdler wl,l an apficable fbftfal, rhb a.dror locel rteEbs or r€gulstons. ln addluon. tr requ€€tod by Comoerry, Supol€r rhetr ensw€ a drug tost, al Sup9fie/s ood and .xpanrc, 6r Cl .mplolrec. aouts, sr6conhaddr or lndepcMcnt conlracbn and tle omdoyoes, agentB 6 rlDr*nhtfuB of suffiadolr or lndspen&nt cooracbrl, lhat have d.cfionlc or phyrlcal accars b worl or Company lib hil bccn complcrt6d prbr b aldgrmcnt d Company. &rch drug bot rhall bc r flva ($ Pancl Drug Tcat, whbh rhould bc rugmLable at tccdng hbo a a 'SamHSAE pancl at 50NG - THC cut-o{f, Cerllfcalbn of allgnod u,ofis cornpllance wlh the c'lmlml bdqrornd dred< aM lhe d rug t€st shell bc tLbmltted b Company as d€oorb.d ln ho Company Olffi ftfln. Fc any ardpcd norkorrrtlo ha! hd a lrccnt badqrcund drd( d drug H. lhon 'rucont, dlrl bo d€ffrcd ar lqs $.n sft (Cl mofllh8 prh b fie esEbnmont dat6, Sucfi re6lt bedqgrcurd dEd( or dn 0 bst shal be documented por ho prwlous paragraph. SupglLr rhall Ort3ul! Dlputnont ol Tramporlallon mmpllanoa, hdudlng b(ll not lfnn€d b wlH ddwrc llo.mc, cqulpm€nt lnryedlonr, hotnr of scMcc and dl apgopdab doam.ntrtlon br any .$lgncd no*cr who mry dilro wh$c m aslgnmcnl to Company, Supplbr rvmanh lhat Supdlor, ito anployucc, agcn[ S$conlno{on or lndependent conhac&a and the omploycoe of Subconfao{ora or lndopfid€nl oonbeaton hrvo met the Compan/a crlteda or recofued r$ent tum h. Cdnp.ny.nd src ln conpliance wlth Supplhl,e arbobnae .busc/drug end alotrol pollcy. lt b undenbod and agreed that Company may mvlor Suppllc/r pdlclcc, back$ourd chealc and relaied doamenbtlon upon rtquod, sufleci b applhabte lbdenal, rhh ad/or bcal rbtuteo or rcguhtons. Compeny moy also r€guod tltat S$plhr pro,6o m mg trU afld updaEd lht of porsong hat hgv6 beon donlod accccE to Compsny wod( or stto. 24. BUS|NESS ETH|CS. tupfer, ltr orylq/ccc, agcnb, roplioccnlallw and &Soonbadol! sh€ll et all tmee rrhbtr $6 hbh.0t ohlo.l rtmdadr and aold confihb of ffil€C ln ho ondud ofwo* hr lho Company. N. NDEPENDENTCONTRACTOR. Suppllgr b ac[ng a8 en lndopondfit c,ontacbr, and ths mflnrr and meens o, @nducltrg hc work wtil$ b a pert of thc ]tcms wl[ bo under Supplleds role cqrbd sutdcct b complbnco rvl$ sll d tio terms ot lha Contaci snd b the omllnuhg rldrt d h8peoton !y Corpart'c ofuantatlvrc. &^ppllr ahcll fr{y cornply wltfi all rpploablc emdoyrr and liabllty hwr and Woilrcdr Compcn!.0on act o, caoh rtatc or pottoal rubdlvbkrn ln whbh hc lbmr alr b b. comfrudod or loo.bd, 28. NON.WAIVER. Ths f.$uro of Compeny b lnebt upon rtold peilormaoe of any of the prwblon of fire Contrnci or to .xerdr6 any dghb or rrm€dbi povlded thoEunder, or Compsny's delay in the axerdeo of any qloh rlghh or rlmodles, lhan not lrloalc Suppler fon any of llr rscponalbllliec or obll0dong htpoocd by law or by trb Purchaae Oder and sll8ll nol bc deemed a wElrrer of eny dght of Company to lnsbt upon sfrtot porbrmqnce ot thlr Cmfact N. ASEIGNMENT. Euppllc may mi acdgn hc ConM or any dgttt thcumda wftout thc pbr vutffcn calrcnt ol Corpany and any arelgnmant wllhout sudr consent shell be roH. Company rry aaslgn 0le @nhaot to ary of lb pmnt dlvlConr, elilletco, or rubcldary companleo het agnoe !o be bound by hc bnng an<l oondtom, and epplldtL sppendloa or odblls eet fortr hcruln. 30. ENTIREAGREEMENT. Iha Conhri set3 'orth tho erdl€ agr€drsnt botrrecn Supdl€I and Cornpeny on hc ulleds covsrsd hcreh. l.lo tama, ondltbnt, undqltrrdlng or aerlcmrrt puryo.lhe t modly or nry lhc trms of tr. Oo{ilrad !h.[ bc trhdhp udcas rn dc h wttrg ad aatnovtcOgld try Afpfcr.nd Corpdry. fuy brm and condlilma any o0nr purdraoo ordor, ml*re ordor, adoontedgme{, hvoioc or offrer hrm heu€d by Supgilar whkfi caill,r h ary way wlth he teme and condldom of$b Conbac-t ee ergerraded by hb Conbact. 31. Sts/ER BTLTTY. ln $6 or$t tlat any wods, phraso, clause, !€nbnoe or ofter povlsbn 0a fie Contact $ell vlold. any appEle lEtub, oftlnan€ or rulo of lay h any lurlsdlcilon ln whlcfi lt h u!ar, e)ch provblon shall b€ inetrodh/s to the oxtonl of sudr vlolatbn wlthout lnvrllddng my o,trr providon of hc Contaot GO\IERNINGLAW. ilt wholr Compqny! lob .no b bcatod ln a rtab otrcr t lan lhc St b wh6r lhe good. 16 r€c.hrod and il! l8vvr u,{,r ,.sp6d to modadca loB. uor*ctrll pdlls{m md o0rr amployor.omdo},€c tlhtlorl. matbtr .ndror bcal ltt€Um ofiqillc lrqdr, ho Oontl8cl ad dl ho porbrrnanoE thslund.r .hall bc lnrcd by and oqiltucd ln a6odanc. wlth tlc b{B d [ro Shh wtof! he g6ds err ]€cetvod, The psdes a$r! lhat thc Unllcd t{atbns Oom€n0on on tacb br h. lnbmrtbnd rde of ooodr 3h.[ not epply b hb Conhct. TO THE FULLEST EXIENT PERMITTED gY IAW EACFI OF THE PARTIES €TO WAIVES AITY Rrc}fi ]T MAY I{AVE TO A TRIAL BY JURT tN RE9PECT OF UNGAT]ON DIRECTLY OR INDIRECILY ARIShIG OUT OF, UNOER OR )ONNECTON WMI THIS AoREEMENT. EACFI PARTY FURI}IER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTTON hI WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS :N WAIVED WIH AI$1 oTHER ACTION lN WHIOH A JURY TRBI GANNOT BE OR HAS NoT BEEN WAIVED. FORUM. r looal, &b rd hderd couft. hevlirg Judrdctlon onr the looauolt wh€r€ tlr ltorns ar! b bo t8ed by Oompmy *ull havc sxdwivc luirdlaton or,.r .lt migntior rted b he Contast. AI.IOCATON. fic ownt d a plr0al fe[urc ol Sr4pllc/a rouro of urpply, Supgller wlll ffi moet dl d Company'r nqulrenurb herlundor pda b any allocaton amorE othc rtomr(r. . APPLICATTONFORSERVICES. eserbndsidhm!andcondtbneCraiapplybthopmlslonotailgood!ardhcpcrbnmneoldaewloehdudedlnorqrt mdetedbyttilsRrdnre d6r. Horeulf, h ho ovort het any Hnr or condtlon of lhb Purcfia$ Ordd oannot ,.asonebly be rppled to the perhmancc of any lowlce lndidrd h or ntompldod by hh Rrdrao Ordcr, utctr bfln Gcondilon ahclt bc domed lnapp[cable lhellb.