HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140822Notice of Affiliate Transaction-2.pdf\Pec I r I CoRP,o,, ;: ::''*'*, o, August 22,2014 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter will serve as notice pursuant to Commitment I l7(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (MEHC)I, of an affiliate interest transaction with Forney Corporation (Forney) for the purchase of fiber optic cable and fiber optic lens. lncluded with this filing as Attachment A is a copy of the Purchase Order that will be issued, which contains the terms and conditions for this transaction. PacifiCorp is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company (BHE). BHE is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (Berkshire Hathaway). As of March 31, 2010, Warren E. Buffet (an individual who may be deemed to control Berkshire Hathaway), Berkshire Hathaway, various subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathaway and various employee benefit plans of Berkshire Hathaway subsidiaries together held an interest in excess of 5 percent in Forney. Therefore, Berkshire Hathaway's ownership interest in Forney may create an affiliated interest in some PacifiCorp jurisdictions. Forney manufactures equipment that monitors and controls the combustion of coal, natural gas, and other materials. PacifiCorp uses gas head detectors, unfiltered flame detector assemblies, pipe spacer guides, and other miscellaneous fiber optic materials purchased from Forney, and now needs to purchase replacement fiber optic cable and fiber optic lens for the existing equipment. PacifiCorp contacted several potential vendors for a quote for the needed parts. Only Forney returned a quote. Forney is the manufacturer of the original parts. To the best of PacifiCorp's knowledge, only Fomey manufactures the required replacement parts. PacifiCorp anticipates a one-time spend of approximately $6,896.00 for the parts. R. Jelf Richards Vice President and General Counsel 201 S. Mqin Sffeet, Suile 2400 Salt Lake CiA, UT 84111 801-2204734 Office 801-2204058 Fsx j eff. ri c h ail @p ac iJi c o rp. c o m ' As of April 30,2OL4,MEHC was renamed Berkshire Hathaway Energy. Idaho Public Utilities Commission August 22,2014 Page2 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, R. Jeff Richards Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp Enclosures XPActFtCoRP PaalflCorp Procutenent 825 NE tuttnomah Stroet, g,r,E tnO Porfland,Oregon 972!12 Paga 1 of I 07116D014 09:35:19 verrlon I Purchase Order Shbplno Addreoe PactrlCorp Naughton Pl.nt l{ury 180, Sou0r of XEMMERERWY 8310I VendorAddrcrs FORN T CORPORATION 34O5WLEY POST RD CARROLLTON TX 76006-51,t5 usA Afl€n0o.il AN].IA GUTIERREZ Vondor Phonoi (9721 468.A942 VcndorFax (072)4$a690 Bllllns Addrcge PadflCorp Aocounb Payable Depertment PO. Box3M0 Porllend. OR S7208 - 3040 Date 0711812014VendorNo. 104209 Payment Tcrms Deecd$lon NET 30 Buyor Susle CookPhone (907)3824474Fax (307)352415 Ilellvery Date gUOlnOM lnco Terme Deecrlptlon FOB Orlgln Collec-t lnco Term,s (Part X) SEE SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Show tho Purcfiass Oder Number on all packagcq lnvolcer, bllls of ladlng and correepondence, Send lnvolces to Account Payabla Departmont Notfi buyer lmmcdlatcly: ({} tf unable to ahlp or dellvor on datoe speclfled below or (2) when deecrlfilon le oreuperceded, Pbase conflrm rccolpl of trb PO, fid wrify hd $c dell€ry data to planl sih ls aa€ptsble, Thank youl auole.cook@pedfrcorp.com, phone 907.62.14?4 Shlpplng lnetructkons: ffi hfr t.sHlpPlNo hlsrRUcrloNsilffi milffi t.tr SUPPUERS ARE TO SHIP MATERIAL PER SHIPPING INSTRI,,CTIONS LETED BELOW WHEN FREIGHT COST8 ARE PAID BY PACIRCORP. SUPPLIERS ARE NOT TO USE AT.IY ATTERNATE SHIPPINO SUPPLIERS WI}IOI,IT APPROVAL OF THE BUYER, AT$/ DB/IATIONS FROM II{ESE INSTRT'CTIONS WMIOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS THE SI'PPIIERS AGREEMENT TC' PAY ALL TMNSPORTATON CHARGES. REGARDLESS OF THE A'I,IOUMT. IF SH]PMENT WEIGHS LESS THAN 150 LBS. SHIP UPS GROUND, @LLEGT; ON UPS ACCOUNT NUMBER 6sRv22 PLEA{IE INSURE SHIPMEITT FOR REPLACEMENT VATUE OF ORDER. FOR ROI'T]NE SHIPMENT8 WEIGHING BETWEEN 15T TTIRU 6()00 LBS. YOU MAY ENTER THE SHIPMENT ON.LINE 272547963 PLEASE LO&IN TO ECHOTRAK USING YOUR LOCATIOT{ SPECIFIC LOGIN.IF YOU DO NOT HAIEA USERMME/PASST'VORD, PI.EASE coNTAcT ECHO To cET SET UP. (312) 33+2642 hth:/Arw.edptak.com Gunency: USD ltem tderlal/Decdptlon Quantlty Uill Nd Prlce Per Utl NotAmount 10 00010013640001001364 1.00 EA 6,896.00 I EA 5,896.00 CABLE,FItsER OPTIC,S/SPEC O85.OG!N,LG L1 CABLE, FTBER OPTIC, S/SPEC 085.flLrN LG LIGHT GUIDE. 1E'DLAMETER Manufacturur Part Number f,anufac'turcr W7S882.07 FORNETCORPORATION YPAcTF[oRP PaclflCorp Ptuicutwnent 825 NE Mutfitoma,t Sfieet Sufte tl00 Poriland,Oregon 97232 45007 ort 7 4 Dated 07/ 1 d20 lf#ilff 3oJ, 11 Purchase Order ttom tlalerlal/Deocrlptlon Quantlty Utl Net Prlce Per UM Net Amount LENS ASSY,FIBER OPTIC,HIGHLIGHT,UV LENS ASSY, FIBER OPTE, HIGHLIGHT, tJV iianutactursr Part Number ilanuhc'turcr 9O5OOOI FORNEYCORPORATION Total Net Value USD 6,896.00 Vcndor rhall fumlrh thc Goodt and Sarvlc€c lDocn d aDoro ln accodancc wffii thlr Purcharc Ordor,lncludng ttc pmvlCctr rd for{r on thc heltol rrd en, otirar pfovLbm rttehod tq lncorporatcd lntq or otharvrLr mede r part of thlr Purchace Orde r. PACIFICORP PURCHASE ORDER TERMS & CONDIT]ONS (Rev. May 2014) The brmr rnd condlibm b$rod wlth thls puftfiers ordsr shal be null and voH ln he chcumstance whem PaolllOotp and lhc Paiy to ryho.n ihls purchaso otdor ls h!u.d hs\re a y.lH ilrltlen agraameni (duly o<ecubd by the auhofted lrpr€ssnbtlws ot bofrr parths) to wtrlch thc ]bms h $ls purcha$ ordor aro klfitlllod. 1, DEFNMONS. Supflle mear trc porty klenufrcd as tlrc rrndor on lhc laca of thls Pudtaac Order. Company meana PadfiCorp or ery rfillhb orsuboldlarler whe[her dlrcd or indtcc't acthg lhrcugh the hrslnee unlt opeolllad on 0le face of hb Purfisso Order, ConbEc{ mo€n. hc Pudnrc Ords of whi.fi th€€o tdm! end ondlffonr alt a pad CRrrdta!. Order,), all doormonU lnoorpcatod by rgfurence tnds tro Putduae Oder. he:6 bflm erd aondilons hemsehros wltt $U confrdontlefity or nmdlsdo$lte .gmcment qodrbd by Compeny and Supdler, and all srdrlbiis and amondmeds to ell sudt doqmont!. 'lbmt' moal any goods or len lcts b bo Uovld.d or poformed by Supplier urdcr th€ Cont ad as deflned abore, 'Prjce'means the consldoratbn b bo peld by Comp.ny b Suppter under tho Contrac't for h. lhms, The Prlco shall bo e,(du8h,o of all to(es to be bomo by Compsny ailslng u.rt ol Suppffdo porlornancc hcrclrldcr, lncludlng wltrout llmltrlhn !dct, uao, unlcls tpcdioally ahbd o0rqrhe. Local sllec arrd uss bxes ln :ll rdcr $all bc paH by Supdlcr and h\rob.d as a r€pallb fne f,om, Tho SuFpilcr b tupmrlUe br all lmport or orport dutlca and taluc+dded brcc rclalcd to hee6 unlt! and dl +pllaablo prtb. 2, BLAIIIKETORDER. Itthe Purdrsse ffior ls deelgnabd R Cornpdly as a t ankd odor, Compony sha[ !o ooligaisd b puduso onty troso qugl0nos d bflre wftcfi lt lpcdllcdly lEguoEb undor r€has6 odor! l8$red by Company to Supplls. 3. ACC-EPTANCEOFORDER. Tldr Puthare Order br ltomo rhall bo aooop0od by Supdkx upon r€oolpt of the Rlrchaae Ordor. Any tfinely ormencemant of Supp[eCe pafomance hemunder shdl alao be deomed b be an exprcaebn of Suppller'g acceptanca of lhls Oder lndudlng these Tetme and CondUom. No modlllcdlon, elbra{on, s ocepuon md3 by Supplhr b lhe isrmr of trh Conbaot shall b€ a part of hlc Purchaao Otdor unlcoe qr€od to ln a vvrfrng o(eoutod by he aulho,lz€d r€ptl'lendvos ot boffi p.rd6. 4. PR|CE. Thc Prhe $all bc at abtcd h lha Puroluso Ordcr unleaa urdr ploe orceede the lowod pdca atwt{oh Supplbr lr relllt4 ltems oraHlar ltcmr to lla other qrdomcl! ar of the date of <telhary b Compary, ln wfiloft oare t|e lonEr prlco .hal contrcl. It hora b no pdce otated ln flre Rrtfixe Old6r, lh6 Prlc Ehsll not bo h[her han he mod cunnnt ttraryed a qroted Prlce b Company tor such ltarc by Supdlor. lf fitera hss beqr m padous dtarye or quoh0m by Stmfier b Compeny fu lbme ard lf no prlce b s6l hrth ln ho R.rrchaEe Order, Contpany thall hsvo tho right to lrtum tho lbm& Suppllor J€[ pay lho coct ot rstum tln$orh(on if Supller charyes a prlce whlch ls h excsrs of ho low$t prlco at whldr Suppller b solllng ltom b nB olhor qJsbmgrs as ol tho datc ot dcllr,.ry b Compmy. f ptlor b dslbqy of ho lbms, Company b able b puftfiaso e porton orall of lhe ltemq or rlmllar ibms d llkr qualiy, at a prlce whldr b lcrg $an lhe Prloe, Conpany atull nollFy Supfller. Should Supplior hfl b mcet stlcfi lowsr prloo, Company mry, ot ils optlon, purdraoo from tte drs sdrroe at he lo{ror pd€, and h hat svcnt Cmrpany and Supplbr chall bc olcved of troh obhgtons undcr ha Contract tn re.pect of thet podlon of lhc lteme purchmed ftom the olher touloe. 5. AC@UNNNGAI,IDAUDITING. SupplLr lhall keop a@rEb and comd& eoundng rcoqdg ln uppott d 8t cost blllngB to Company In accodanoa wl0r g6noral! acaptod accoun0rg g[rc$cc. Company or [s eudl rept?sfitawe lhall hayo lho dght at any r*ronauc dmc or ilmar b oxamhc, audt, and oproducc ihc rcoordc, roudra6, and thelr souroo doornanlr whhh serre ar hc baalg b canpcnulhn 0016 hfi oorpcmaton wlddr b frx€d ln dmont !y hb Cqlkaot Sudl do(rlmonb *ra[ be rvailable fa c,(amlnetm, aldfl" 6nd ruproduofon for hre (3) yearc aftor @md€Son or bnrln ton of thb Conbact All lreulb of hels andlls ghall be kept @nfrdendd betw€en the tuo pailler and trelr rgente. Suppller .hell eoslst Compcny wlh prcpadno neceBsBry audit meterlal and wU allor/ Compsny to revlotr dly vork pap€E proparsd by lndependent aud&ors as allowEd by profeeslonal danda]ds. Any over-@lledlons rhall be retumsd wftln lhlily (30) deyl from dab of noice of ovorcher$. Audlt llndlngn wffl be conddeEd b be f,ftBl for file p€.lod 6udit€d. 6. CREDIT REQUIREN'ENT8. Sr.rppllcr ahdl mect On mqulrcmrote of any one or nmte ol cbuee (l), olause (il) a d.rre OI) bdov: (i) Suppier mrlntrhr a eqlor umoqrrd d€bl ra0m from Skrdatd & Poo/s of BB& or b€,@ 0l) lf Supplls has no debt rdrg, Supd.r me€0e ALL of he ftflorfig cndfr slerdetds a) taqdble ne[ ulwt]t equal b ten llme the prCccted marmum qpo.ore under lhlc Contact, b) no drsngp h the condltbn of tB emhes, nd uorfi, or wo*lng @ilel over ho lasl 2,t monh! ur{$ wouE oemnably bo an0dpstcd to lmpalr he Supplleda abllty b rneet lts obllgatlonr undor $lB Contact and c) Suppllor b not ln detsult undor 8ny of lt8 other {lBom€nt8 end ls cun€nt on all of [e finenclat obllgatlons, or (lll) Suppli€r shell posl socurlty l€€sonably satbtsclory to Compsny. lf r€queet d by Company, Suppll.r ohCl unhln hlrty (30) daF pmvlde Corpany vyl0r codss of ns mGt rocent annual and quarbrly flnanclal rbhncftc pirpslld ln rccodsnG sllh gcncl!fiy aocopbd accounung prlncid€6. 7. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Thc Unlfom Commercbl Cod6 ss €doded by the Slab h whloh the lbms ate dellvercd shall govem hi8 Purdlase Ordor, qc€pt as modlEd hor€h. DRAWNGS€PECIFICATION$PROPRETARY INFORITATION4ONFIDENTLALITY-AOVERTISI.1G. ,pller shall bc fully and eoldy reeponeible hr obtalnlng product date adaquale to deslgn, manufacture, fabdcate, coosbuc{ ard delher ltema in complhnco with cqu[utnb of lhe Contnct. Cornpany ghall mbln all ilghb to a[ euch docum€nB lt provld€€ or causo8 to b€ pro,Ecd lo Supplhr, Suppller ohall consider .ll fi docu.rEnb b be oonfidontbl. Upon Compeny'8 mquest, Suppllor 8hs[ p.ompty rstum lo Company all cuch dodm€nb end codea thsoof. Suppller shall not orllaa or publbh fie hct the Compeny has confachd b prrrciaso llems horn Suppller, nor ohal any ffirndlon relatng to lhe Purchas€ Ords b€ dsdosed xout Compenys ptlor wdton pormMon. Unle oherwlse agrccd ln wdthg, no cornmercbl, inanchl, or t€chnlcal informatloo dl8closed in eny mannor or d / tlmo by Suppllor b Gompany rhall bc dccrncd sadlt or oonfidentlal. DELIVERY. e &ppller rhell delhaer ltEms b Company on he date(g) hdloet€d h ho Purdlass mer. f &pplbr hls b mdc delhory of any pert of the ltemr on 0le date(s) lbabd, he Company may bmlnalo and pursue o$$ rornedlos. Atl shlpmonts shalt bc dclivcrsd F.O.B, to the de$nauon dealgnabd by Company h the rrchase Oder, and dsk of loss shall Bmaln wlth Suppller unul th€ llsms arc Gc.lrr€d by Corpany, lb egert or coneignee rcgadleae of whether Company ha8 ldo li{ psymonl lor lhe nems. A packlng sllp mud accompcny cadr oudr ehlpment erd if a shpmort b b a conaignee or agonl ol Compdly, I copy ot lho ,ddng slh shail b6 forwardcd oonanncnfry to Cornpany. lf m euctr packlng sllp ls senl, ho corrnt or uolght dobnffiod by Cmpany or n8 ag€nt or comlgnco all bc f,nal and blndng on lhc o$er partier. Suppllcr, or he canler lt uses to traneport lbms, whlchovor ls +pllcaue, ehall (a) malnlah a 'ca0*o{oq/ raloty ting from fite U.8, Department of Traneportdon and rhel prwilc Company wllh wdton prco{ ot sudr rathg on r.quoGt I lho canbr b a motor oanler, and (b) alntsln lhe lnruBnco coveregB and policry amounb ,equ[€d by Sec0on 20, unlese a larger amount la rsquM by any federat, date, or lml ogulabry agency, whlch evall auch larger amount ehall b€ melntalnod. ). WARMNTY. uppllor vrananh that lor a pcriod of two yoars afl6r lh€ d.llvery of or perturmance of tre ltom8, the ltems wll (a) be of m€rdrantabh qualltyi (b) bc ft for hc ompan/e rpecllled putposos; (c) be of hlgh qu.llg, and be fme from ffi ln matedal and workmamhh; (d) mmply wih th6 rno6t &lngcnt of Company's or upplkr'c epeclfica0ona, pGrbmanc€ guarenb€s alld rrqukeflEnb; and (o) oomply wlth all na$onally rognEed ooder and cdaublpd lndwtsy ctaM.ld3. All Eme thell be sold by Supplier b Company ftee and deerof any ll6ns 8rd enanmbrancce. Suppller'o wananllee and gueranteee ehall surviw inapedion, dolfuory, nd acceptance of th6 lloms andor payment by Company. I Sro llans do nd osrbrm to any of Ureae wanentbs hen, at Compant's qton, Suppllor shell rspalr a rpl86 tho &Gc$/o ltofits, F,O.B. Comp€ny! dclhmbd sito 8t SupCler'a ogcrue, or ln tre case ol sewloec, I€-perfum tho sorvlcos at Suppllcfs expon8o. iuppll* 8llal bo respondble br all cxpansoe and damagee whidr Company lnorra, lncfudtrg. but not Imlbd h, lncftronbl and consoquenual dsmagps. Tho )r€going wd?.ntlos and oufudlone ehal also appv to ho ltern8 euppled by Supplbr ln sudr Gpalr, rcplacammt, or performane, Supfller chall ImmcdiaHy ranrk b Conpany the benefrt d any rnanufactrrcfa wansnths. I1. RESTOCKINGFEE. n he arcnt hat Supp[or suppil.s hconed or doHh,s llalls or fat! b drliyor ltorre on or bebre lhe dellw'y ddo, or this odor b bmhehd br caus., Compsiry tholl havs no obllga0on to pry r*tookhg or *nllarhcr to Suppller. Monov€r, ln no event shall Curyany be mqdmd b p8y r€st ddng or slmllerfts! lo Suppllar rnlece a mutually acceptaHe fec b agreod b ln a wrlllng .xeoftd by lhe aulhorLad rcprusentatiwr d both partles. 12. CIIANGES. Corparry cl8ll hava the rlght io mak3 champo (lfldudhg addl0on8 and/or omlsslons) flpm 0mo to tlmc in tho llems, any .pecfflcatom ad/or drawings whlc'h are a patt ol fno ConhEct Compeoy shall glve Supplhr wrltten nothe d any auc-h chango. Any clatna by Supplbr for edlustmenta ln pdce or delhiory torms der ib Ecolpt of Company'e dtarpe ordr must bo aEsstod ln wdtng b Company not rnof€ th$ ten (10) days afler gudr receht by Supplh, or slldl dalm shdl be d€€mod b hSvo b€en wslv6d. 13. PAYMENTEANDITWOICES. Unlesg ohomlre spedfled ln lhe Purdure Order or ln a soperato s'dfion lnlbument Blgnod by Comp6ny, no lnrolcc ohall be leeuod by lhs Suppllsr prior to th6 shlpngrtt or pcIfomamo ol tho ltano, and m peym6nt lhal bo mado prbr b rcosipt of ludr lbne and apprcvd of en lnvolce for $rch lbms. Company may wlthhold any pqymgnt olhoruls€ duo undor he Contred to tr odent nm!.ry b ofr€t any da&n Csnpany my haro c aescrl galnd Suppllet, 14. INSPECTION AT.ID PRE.WARM}ITV PERIOO DEFECTS. Company may lnrp.d any lt ms odcmd hcrounder durlng the! manubcfurt, oonstucilon or prcparatut et rcaeonablo [mee and chalt harc th. rlght b hspoc* audr ltoms atlhe tme ol heirdellvary and/or ctfiplcilon, ltoms fumlsh€d horsunder may d any tlme prlor to hc beghnlng of hc wananty p€rlod dEtod ebo\ro ln Sec.tion l0 be t{edcd for defucb rwealed by tnspoc'[on or analyob wen tlurgh audr lBne may harc povlruely been in.poot€d end acoepbd. S.tdt Qpded Itoms may, st Compan/6 opton, be l*rned b Supdlor ,or fu[ r€fund b Compaoy, lndudhg ]Brnonl, lt$pphg ad bensportalbn duqes. 16. PATENT, TRADE SECRET, N.ID COPANGHT $IFRINOEMENT. Suppller shdl Edle or dcrfcnd, at lls lolo o,g€ns6 8nd $a[ lndermifi and s8v€ Company ham{cls hom any costs, oDecflEcs, loosec, and danrgcs rcarffng from any dalmc, aullc, or grcocdhgr brougt( agdngt Compay whldr are baced upon a dalm that th6 ltems, or any ptt thcreof infringp on any pabnt, Me s€or€l or oopyrlglil h oeee he lbms or eny parr hd€ot fumbhod hereunder cons$tute lnlllngoment Supplls chall , at lb adc ergooe and at lta opllm (1 ) pocurc hr Coryarry the r[ht lo cordmr uging &e gpode or pail hercof; (2) ]€dace $e samo wllh subsbntally equal hrt non-infrln$rq ]teme, (3) modfi the ltane so as b become nonintlnglno; or (4) upon urltten apptwd of Company, r6nrow thc ltoms at Supplla/s sola expsree and refund he Purchsse prlce and he fglgporEtlon, hstalla{on, and romoval costB lhs6of. COMPLIAf.ICE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. rplLr wrrrantr thrt all good!, rrrvtoos and l.bor provld.d pur.uant to tfils Purchare Ordor h.vb be€n prwldod br compllance wlth all apdlcablc r and ruguladonr, and all applloeble rxecutlvc, judlclal and admlnlrtratho oderq rs cach mey bo applbaHe to the wort pcrformcd hcramdot, rnd od on totrl rntlclprt d dolLr value of thls Purcharo Ordor. Wthout llmldng th. generallty of tho loregolng, Suppllor lp.clflo.lly waEntr lt npllencr wlth Ore Forrelgn Corrupt Pracdces Aot and the Unlted Klngdom Brlbory rtct 2010, Suppllcr and any .ubaonh.c{or dr.ll also aHdo by tft3 ulramenb of {l CFR Sg 80.1I{a},60.300.5(al and 00-?41.5(a}. Thclc r.gulrtlool prohlblt dLcrlmln.Uon egrlnit guallfted hdlvldualc baud on thslr tus as prolectrd votei.ru or lndlvldu.l. wlth dlllbllthr, and prohtblt dlrcrknlnailon agaln* rll lndlvldurlt bac€d on thclr rac!, color, tollglon, t€x or lonal offi. toravcr, thcrc Egrlaflon! requlre thct co,crod Fdmc conbrciors md subcorttnciott trka ffimauva acdoo to amploy and advancr ,mploymcnt lndMduala wlthoui reg.rd to r.c., color, rellglon, rex, natlonal orlgln, prohctod y.tottn rtatur or dlrablllty, Suppllcr and any ,oontnotora shall rlro ablde by tftc raqulmmentr d Erccutlve Ordgr 11240, a! amonded, to detrolop and lmplermnt a wd$.n dllrmatlvc aodon ,Sr.m 0tAPl.nd Execu$ve Orders 11625 and 13170 (utlllrdon of dl.advrnbgod buslnrrt enbrprl!.l) and the Smell Bu.ln.3. AcL , CoI.IFLICT MINERALS, ppllor sha[ pmvld€ to Company lnlbrmatlon m the conbnl of produc'ta, manufacturad or oonhacted to be manufadurod by Suppllgr for Company, $at uUlE6 or ntaln hc'oonfilct nrlnsrala" wotframito, caeaedto, oolumblte-tantalib (ooltan), gold erd thek dorhdve mebb: bntalum, tln snd tungata. The lnhrmatlon wlll be )vldld ln ! torm lhat wil allow Comparry to veriry oornpllance wllh Secffon 1 E(2 of tho Dodd+rank Ad (h6 U S. Confrlct Minsralc Law) and wtll lncludo evldenoo ho odgln or eourcae of lhe confllc,t mlnerals. The information wlll bo submittod at ot prlor to ho flmB of ddlwry ot producb ln a lom apgoved andlor deelgmabd Company from ffmo to timo. Suppffer ohdl obtaln Companys prhr wr[tsn consent before povldlng any produds to Company lhat lnclude oonf,ld minerale igln#d from he Domocratic Ropubllc o, Congo or the nlne adtolning confilc,t oounbioe; Angola, Burundi, Central Afrlcan Ropubltc, th€ Republlc of lhe Congo, xanda, Soufi Sudan, Tanzanla, Ugands, end Zernbla, Suppter rhall malntaln sff€6'lhre aecoundrq prccedureg, lnlomal controls and eudlt $!c6dwes n€cossary rocord he country and place of origln of all minerals inaluded h prcduclB ptovlded !o Corpany. and to verifo compllanco wfih thls S*{hn, Company shall bc rrmitted to audit sudr reoords ao r€aBonably neoe8ssry to eonffrm Suppllefs compllanco s,ith trts Sdion. Suppller shall lrdomnlfy and hold Compcny hamleoo r dl llnce, penalUeE, expcnses or other loseos sueblned by Company as a lesult ol Supplb/s breaoh ol 0tls Secllon. 3. LENS. upplhr heBby wdvs3 its rlghtg to any mechanlc'o llen or oher llon undor any qpplioablo etatlb8 or olhe]wlse lor all ltems fumlshed ln oquec$on wth tltg ontrad. Prhr b Suppllefs receipt of each paymcrt undor lho Contract, Supp{er shel delher to Company all afldavib, llen l6leaaes, matorblmon't oer0tlcotos nd olher dooumentr ruqulrod by Company undar the appllcable llon lsws. lf et any tlms lhoro sha[ be wk{enco of thg sxlstslco cf any such ll€n or oldm ftr ror* ono or lbms, mabdds, soNiaos or equipmsnt fumlshod by Suppller or any other perty in cmnectm wnh he Contraat, the Company may ulo monoy then due or : bsoome due unde he Conbact b dbcharge stnh lien or satbf euch daim and rE], cEdlt sudr anounls agalnct $e amounte dus or tc b€oomo due io lhs iuppll€r. 9. INDEMNTTY. iuppller Bhall hdernnlfy and hdd Company and hs cmployeos, dlr€o{ors, ofrcera and agents harmleea from and agnlnst all qpons€s, @8, fiergos, d8rna0€8, lakns, eult8, lo!s6s, ftrea, penallbs or lhblliuor (lndudng attoiney's fo63) of ovory klnd whalsoet sr ry r€aion or, erl8lng out of or ln any way oonneo.tod wllh rccidonb, ooounbnooo, lnlurlos, or losre8 to, or of 8ny poftDn. or ptopedy lndudlng, vJithout flrnfta{on thereto, toro of use of prop€dy, whlatr may ooour bofor€ or fier ddlvery of lhe cornpleled ltsme lo Company, or rsullrng hom, h wiolo, or ln part, tho sab, d6tign, prcparatlon, manufsctrre, lahh.tbn, conrtwdon, :omplellon, traneporteton, ddlvgry, lailurg to dqllver, andror lnstalla0on of lhe ttems and/or rorvlcec, excludlng only such ae are caured by the aole negllgence of 3ornpany, but not oxcluding ri.fuatbns Itthere ths Compan/s negllgenco oongigts of failure to deoover e condtlon caused or pemltled to exlst by tho Suppll€,r or rny of lts ulboonlractora, I Suppllor ls not rgsponlhlo for any inetallatlon or eervlcee or eupaMglon re6ed to lnstdlalhn under the Gonbact, Supptlor sh€ll havo no lhblllty under lhb Sec-tlon 18 br any of lho .bo\ro resulting enlirely from ads or ombdons ln ths podormanco of $JoI inghlletbn. Suppller, ln any lndermlioalion dalm hcarndcr, hcrcby expraaly and wflhout reoervaUon wakes any dehn$ 6 hrfiunlty [ ,nay havg under any appllcabls Vtdodds Compcnratbn lawe or any other rhhltc or ludlolsl d€cblon, dlsellowlng or llmlllng gudr lndemnlfballon whore an omployee of Suppller makea a ddm agalnst any lndemnitee herch, and Suppller oonsanb b a carlse of acton br lndemnfty. 20. iN8URANCE. Supplbr thal tako out and maintaln with a canier or canlers havlng an A.M, Bost lmurance R€ports raling o[ A":Vll or bottof ho tollorulng mlnlmum lnsuran6 qrvorags st lts sxpcnso br lho durstlon of tl€ Conkact (includlng all wananty periods thercundef) covofino all of Suppller's obllgatlono under thc Contact (a) Wb*cn Carpenaedon - Statutory; (b) Employe/e Llabtrtty - minlmum dnCe €wnt llmlt of S1,000,000; (c) CommercH Gefloral Lhb{ity - witt a n*nlmum ehgile evont limlt of $1 ,000000 ard a f2,000,0U) annual aggrogato to protod agalnst and ,!om all loss by ltalon of lnlury b peraono or dam€ge to hid perly properiy, indudlng Suppliey's employo€ and all fiird pssons, and property of a[ tthd pqdes ba3€d upon and arblng out of he n€gtrgent acrtg or omiasions of 0n Supp[a/s op€rauonB horounder, lncludlng th€ operauons of lt8 aubcontnolon of any tlcc (d) Poftselonal Lhblllty - coverlng damagee arielrp out ol noglig€nt 6cb, enor8, or omlsElon8 commltbd by Suppll6r ln the performanco of tho work or sorvloes prcvided under he Contrad, wllh a llabiliv llmit of not less then $1,000,000 each clslm. Supdler shall malntsln hls pollcy for a n{nlmum of luo (2) yaers ei€r complethn of he work or senbes or shdl anange br a trvo yoar exterded dlscovcry ga[) plovlslotr lf the policy b not nsnewed. The intent of thls pollcy ls b provldo covorag€ hr clalms arldng out of ho porlormence of work or servloes undsr lhh Confac[ and aausad by any enor, omlssion, br€acfi or negillgffit s{ fur which flo Supplhr 18 held llable; (e) Buslnes Arh.nobllc Lhbllty - with a mlnlmum single limlt of $1,0(X),m0 for bodlly lnJury and property damago wlth rospoct b Supplle/s vehlclos whelhcr oilncd, hhod or non-owned, aealgned to or uBod ln he porformsnca of the work: and (f) Umbrella Uability - wlth a rnlnlmum llmit of $6,000,000 oroh ocourrsncdaggregat€ where .ppllcabl. b b€ excsss of tho covoragea and limlls rcqulred h Emplqgs'usbfllty lnsrranco, Commerclal Gmersl LhHW lnsurance and Buelnese Automoille Lhblllty lnanrranco above. lnsuranoe coverago prwlded on a "dalms.made basis" ehall bc kcpt ln cffect for iho longer ol two yeara from lhe ffia of Gompmy's inltial conrmerdal uso ol the lbms ard lbr aJch olhst longth of tmo neceooary to cover labilltbo erlslng out of lho wort or sarvlcgs provued under the GmfecL Al pollclos rBqulrsd by thls Cor{rad chdl rde prwlslons th6t EJch lnsurancs ls firmry hsurerco with raapect to the lntorasb of Company .nd lfut any other lnsurEnco maifltalned by Company 18 rs and not conulbutory lnsuranco wlth $c lnaurance roqulred hereunder. All requlred lnsuBnce polldes 8h6ll not oontaln arry prorisionE prohlbltln0 walvers of 'ogotlon. l,lone of the abore lnguranoa ooverag€ 3hall bc cancCabla ercopt upon hlrty (30) dryg prbJ wrltten notlco to the Company ard to all otrr lnsurcd ies, ard Suppler ahall provHe Comp.ny wlh a copy of arry tudr canefldon notco inmdlatoly efbr Supfltsfe rccelgt ol lt Suppllcr Crall lrrclude Company ae rddltlonal lneurcd on all llaHllry lnEuranca. lf Suppller ls cubject to arry no lault lnsuranoo requlrDm€nts, lt shall adh.rc to all apdbable tam and F€utationg alnlng b auch no fault lnsurance. ln addltlon to tre prcvlslons of Sectlon 19 abore, in thc went of a larvsult or cldm by an emplope of SuppIe or of 8ny of lb mnbactolB agsinsl Company, or any of Companys ryontB, oficcrs, drec'tots, or employeer lor any lnjury (lndudng, bul not ilmltod to d68h) or dig€aso artslng of, related to, or dalmed b have rben crrt of, or to hrvc bccn rolated lo ho employoo'3 omploym€nt ln th6 p€rformsnco ol he Conr&q Supplhr, on bohdl of lf and frs Workers Compensatlon canler, hereby fansftrs and eselgna b Cdnpany and ehall cause eaoh of lts subcontractors to hansftr ard aeslgn to npany any and all llcns a oubrcgallon rlghte hat ft or thelr lnsurers may have br Wukers Conp€nsatlon benefltE p6ld b th6 employee. On Conpany'! request, rplhr ehall provide adtlflc.bs of lnsuranco and Bnawals wklenclng inslrance, TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR DETAY. mpeny shell havo the rtght et any Umo to tofi{nats, suspsnd, or dclay lhc Conkaot ln whole or ln part by prbr writtcn nollca b Supdier, lnrnodlately afi6r r€colfi ruc+l nollco, Supdler shall stop all pcrbrmncc hcrcurdcl ox@pt as rmy oth€il,b. be dkeded by Comparry, ln lhe case of lermlnatlon of ho Contract, suppfla rll thon transfer to Canpary, ln aooodance wlth Compcnyb dlrccdona, and wheher locaied on the lob elb, ln a rcndor'o or manufactrre/s fadlily or elcewhcru, mabrlals and all Homa0on saqmddod, 3p.dficefly pnpamd or acquircd by fupder br use trr r€laton b fio doslgn, dovolopilEnl, manufacfrro, acaembly, ipmmt lnebllaUon, operalion, rnalnlonanca or opdr of he ltoms ard Ell 8upplles, shop drawlnga, rrork h proocae, cqulpmen! madrlnery or parts pmpd€d, quhed or used by he Suppller ln connoc'[on wlth sudl lt€ms and lor whlch th6 Supplicr lc to bc rclmbuned horound€r, end all working drawlng8, ekstdrea, eclficdons, and olher h6rmatlon aoqrmulab<!, prcparcd or acqulrcd by Suppler wth respoct to sudr ltemr. The Suppller sha[, f dkoc'lod by $e Company and ho extent sEtod ln lhe no[ce of tomhaton, cuapcnCon or dday, make all eftorb neceesary b posawc the uork ln prcgGss end b prctoct th6 ltomg rvhdter Il at Suppllor's msnufacnudng lbdlHcr or In hanglt b Company's fadlltlee. lf Supplior is not then ln default ln $e porformarm of any of lts obl[atlons hereurdGr, rd il guppller has takcn llasonaile stsps b rd&$o lts demages resulllng frcm suoh t€rmlnatlon. Cornpany chall p6y to Suppllor, aE Suppllc/8 rolc and oxduclro medy for bmlna0on under $h Seaton 21 , to tho €xtont not 8h6ary pait b Suppllor an amount equal to: (a) reronablc and docunt$lod oosts houned by rppll.r in 8ccodence rultr tho Contact Elor b Snppllefs' r€colrl d rlo0ce d Lmlnallon, Cur, (b) thc tearouHe and doqmcnbd coeb and draqes inarrod by 4pller h wlndlng up lts sc{vltlos unds he Contrect prlor to lhs dfsollvc t!,rmlnauon datc, prcvlded, houover, that the emounls llst€d ln (e) and (b) d hb Sedlon I plus prior payrnont8 !o Suppfler shall ln no ovont 6xc6d trc Conhr.l Prlae. lf lhe eucpenslon or delay lr not folloured by a temlna0on d th6 Conlract, Company Iall lrave no obllgatlon or make any paynontB to Supdler adter ths e{tucdw date of he su8pcmlon or ddey othor h'|, to ho oilBnt nol dGedy pdd b Suppllor, upplle/s reasanablc ard doarmcnbd cods lnqldbd ln accordance wlh 0r Cfihac{ prlor b sudr €ffocd!€ dste whlch arl' not rgducod or ellmlnatcd by ppropriatr mlqnffvo adon by Supplle. Boion Company reaume parbrmanco urrdor tha Conh.ot follo$lm Euctr suapenslon or dday. Suppllcr and Company nal nego{ate in good hllh on he a{uetnenlr, lf any, whlch may bo rcquhod ln Ffnenb to Supdlor or in hc Conbact Prloo to avoid lnequlter oitlerto Suppllor r Company. 2, DEFAULT. 'the Suppllor: (e) becomeg lneolwnt O) llhr a pcttlon undar arry ohapbr of ttro bankruptcy lawB or lB tr€ subl€d of an hvoluntary potltlon; (c) m.k€s a g€noral rsslgnment br tho bcn€fr of ls orudilon; (d) har a pcalver appdnbd; (e) ehond tril to rd<e prodpt p8ynont to any s,rboontrac'lors or suppleo; or (f) falr b om$y with any ol lts mateld obllgellons under the Contract, the Company rnay, ln addfdon t0 lts ilghls undgr S€ction '13 above, at ib op[on olhor curs the d€fault rt Suppller'e expense or ffir& trc Contred afior ffrd gMng Suppller tl$€€ (3) days wdtton notce to cilt! sidr dchult lmmedhtaly sffor erch knnlnaffon, bmpany may; (l) take pcsedon of ho lhms whsrcr,€r th6y may be localsd and ln wlutaor dato of completlon ttey may be bgelher wlh all drawlryc and other nformgtion n€c€ss8ry to oneble Compeny b have he ltqrs complc{cd, indallcd, oporstod, tneinblned andror fDpelr€d; (ll) pey to Supdlerany snountlhon duo Jnd€, $o Contract aior Akhg fun credlt ftr any oftctr b whlcfi Conpeny rry be enffied; (ll) contact w& or omplo,y any oftor pany or par{e b inlsh $6 noms; rnd (l$ colled fiun hc Suppllcr any addlllond expancc, loeeeo or damage whhfi Company may ouffer. 25. WORK ON PREMISES, Befoe Suppllcr prcvldes any selvbes or work on Company'B prBmls6, Suppllor wlll sxadnc tlrc prmb.s and any epedllcafons or olher doomenb fumieM in oonnectbn wltr fie ltoms ard 8a&ry [sell es b the condlibn of the prambcs and rllc. No allorance ehall bo mrde h rleped ol any ermr a b any of lhe brcldng on $e part ot Supplhr. Supplbr rhdl d all tlmcs k Gp thc promlaes ftee from acanmuldone of war{e matarlel or rubbleh. At the comde[on ot lnshlletlon ot the ttem8, Suppller $all lea,B tho prmlaB and $o lterr8 broom.dean. 24. EUPPLIERS PERSONNEUDRUGS. ALCOHOL, A}.ID FIREARTIS. Suppllo rhall employ h the performance of the work onty peruona prpody quamed for lho Bame. Supplicr rhall at all timos onbrc.6 strlct dledpllnc and good order among ib employoc snd tio €mdoyoes 0[ any Eubsupdlor of any tl€r. Sppller ahall not pcrmlt or luffo] the lnhodudlon or uaa of ily fuoamr, f€gd drugo, or lnloxicatng lhuor upon tle urerk under thb Confad, or upon any ol lhc gmunds ocouplod or oontoflod by Sugflier. Supdhr strall Immodielov remov€ fiom th€ work any penon bund b bc ln vlolatbn of thc aboo rcslricdon and cuch pslon slrel not agaln be €mployed ln tl6 p6r'tbmano. of ttre rvort hoi6ln wtthout lhr sxpr€B8 !ilrltton Gqreent of company. 25, CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK, IDENTTTYVERIFICATION AND RELATED SCREENII{G. lf r€que8tod by $o Company, ths Suppller shall conduct, at Supplds co8t and €xp€ns6, crknlnal b8d(grqrnd checfis for tp cunrnt 6nd part countios of r93urncs on dl rmpby6€3, 8oents, $rboontacblt or indcpcndont conhactorr and [r cmploycct, agentr or nprcscntaflvec of suboontactora or lndop6nd6nt enlr.doE, lhat havc dcobonh or phygloal aocess to wo* or Company sllr. At a mlnlmlrn, a aodal seorrfty number vedfrcdlon end rev€n{ear odmlnal baotgrtund 6eck, lndudlng felony or mledemernor oorvlotons ln\roMng: (a) vblence to penona/prcperty; O) thefUtaud: (c) drug/dcohd; or (d) bafidother are rcqrrred, E nploynenl hleby, ad.rcatloo wriftcallon, and gohrclon.l er{ficelhns may ds be regulr€d by the Compeny. Albackgrormd droclo r,fr bo cottduc'hd h acoodence wlth t€doral, sEto, Eotdncbl, and looal hws, and sublos.t to odstlng colhc{v3 bergalnlng unlt egrgorBnts or olhor agrcemenb, lf any. Supgftcr gfial nc[ allow pmna r*n have not mst Uro Companf! cdbds b porum u,or( unEoe Suppller has Ecoh,Ed 8lscnt trom @npsry, Supglier rhal Npply a o8ltficatlon lhat m€ds Cornpa'r)/B crlbrla br oadl Suppllor cmdoycc, agot or ppruscntrthn and fur employrc!, rocnb or llprllcllHlv.s of arry luboonbac,b or lndcpondcnt contr.dor cmployrd by Suppllcr. Suppllcr ahall enalr thai employeos, agd1b, suboontEdors or Indopcndont oonhaobr! and tho emdoyg€s of qrb@nlradora or lndepoodent onbrdon Cgn an apprcpdate adho&atlon form prbr to crlmhd bsclqround &eckr b€hg conducled, aclnodedging the bed<ground check tr being oonducrted snd eu$oridng the lnfomatim obtalnad to be povlded to Comperry. Supp0er ghall have a$d onsurs compllancg v,lfi a eubdance abueardrug and alohd pollq, that comdbs wlfi all appflceble lbdgtul, 3t8te end/or bcal 8tetul€s or reguleUone. ln eddi0on. f regu€stsd by Compeny, SupDIer she[ onsu]€ a drug tost et Supplh/E o8t and opcnlo, for all emplo],eca. agsds, subconhadoB or lndopondont contr8ciors and fie omdoyBos, agenb or lopro&nhlrvee of luboontradors or lndepen<hnt contact(!, lhat have d.ofuonic or phydoal eoalE to wotl or Coorpany slb has bcon oomplotad prhr b atcignmcnt at Company. grch drug bot lhall bc a fitlc (O Pancl Drug Teot, u*rhfi *rould bc mcogrnhable at tcc0ng labo a a nSamHSA5 panel at 50NG . THC out+tr. Cedfcatlon of a$lgn€d worter complhnco wlh the crlmlnal bad($ound dreck and the drug tect ahall be eubmltted to Compory ar descrSod ln ho Company Qlffi furm. For any asslgned rvorker wto hac had s t€col* backgrdrnd drcdt or drug H, th6n 'rocont' shsll bo derlnod e8 lss than sfi (6) mor&s pdq b the oompllanoe, hdudtng bllt not lhnod b valu ddveI8 llceme, cqulpmenl lnrpedlonr, hours of servlcB and dl appoprlab doarnentetlon br any alclgncd rvorl(rr who may ddro whlle on a*[nmcnt to Company, Suppllcr rvananh lhat Supplier, ite cmploytcc, agpnts, Subaontracbr! or lndependent conhaotoru and lhe omployeeo ol Subcontaobra or indepedfit @ntactoE hew met the Compan/a crlbrla or reoelwd rcecnt hom fie Conrpany end ere ln conpllance wlth Supplle/s stJbfince abuce/drug and alcotrol pollcy. lt b undenbod and ageed lhat Company may mvlew Suppllds pdlcles, badtgrorntd ctredc and related doamenbllon upon rEquod, suqed to applicable tbderal, rEh ardror locel 8hfuloq or r€0ruhtlom. Compmy may also r€queot that Swplbr pro\,tso an flUolrig and updotod lht 0f porsorE hat h6,o bo€n donlod accsE to Company wort or stb. N. BUSINE8S ETHICS. Supplcr, ltr cmploy.ca, a$nts, rupre€cntratlycs and Suboonbacioie eMl at all Smes malnbh th6 hlghaot ofiloal sbndadg and arold onfllorb of lnterest ln he onduot of rvo* br the Company. N, NDEPENDENTCONTRACTOR. Supdlgr B ec0ng aB en lndopondent oontactcr, and $e manner and means of oonduclhg $c r{oil( Tfild1 ls a p6il of tho ltoms wlfl bo undor Supdlo/s solc conffi $rqFd b cornplhnca wlh 8ll d lll€ tems of lho @nlract 8nd b the conllnuhg turt of hepeoton by Coryanfr roplBoontslrv.!, Srppllcr ahall frily comply wlh Cl applhauc omdoycr and llablllty lawr and Worta's Comprnlrtlon ac'tg ol crch rtatc or po$Ucal rubdlvlskrn ln whk*r hc lbmr ar? b bo conEtruoted or looabd, 28. NON-WAIGR The fsluro of Comp.ny b lnabt uprin rhld peftrmmce d any of the pmdshn o, he Contract or b ued.e eny ighb or nmedbr povlded theounder, or Company's dehy in the axedee of any adr dghb or r€medho, shBn nd lBlGse Supplor fql1 eny of llr oaponglblltoo or obllgEtlons lmporcd by law or by hb Purchaso Oder and shell not bc deerpd a w€hrsr of any dght of Company b hsbt upon sfioi perbrmsnoo ot $ls @nf8[ N. ASSIGNMENT. Suppllo may not aollgn hc Conbac-t or any dght hcra.mdcr wf,hout hc prlor wrlttcn ooncent of Conpany and any aaelgnment wlthout suoh oonsoil shall bo vold. Company nuy aoslgn 0r Gonhact to any of ltl parglt, dlvldoru, effihtes, or subldery comp.nl$ that egroe to be bound by he bnm and cqrdl0ons, end apflhaile appendlos or e,(hblt8 set fortr horlln. 30. ENTIREAGREEMENT. Tlta Conf*l seta lbrth the erdrs sgnriltent beturecn SupCler and Compsny on hr lull€do coverod hcreh. l,lo trna, oondtions, und.6t rdlne or agnrm.r* pttrporlfq b modry or vary &€ Hm! d ho Oonhad shall bc tftdkrg udcas made h wrt0ng and adtnowLdged by Srppf,or and Conp6ty. Ary term .nd oondluons any olhor purchase ordsr, rsleaso oder, adoorvladgment, hvoioo or olher fuin leeued by Suppllcr whictr con0lds ln arry way wlh the lenne and oondtons of$ls Contac,t ae $rp€rsided by thb Conbac{. 31. SE/EMB|L|W. ln tre orilt $at any wor&, *tra.o, clauso, sdrbnG or o$er prcylslrn of lho Confact 8hall vldab any apflc&le rbtut , ordnane s rul€ ot lew h any lrhdhlil ln whhh lt b wed, arch ptwblon $all b€ lnsfiodhr to lh6 oxtont of $rdr vlola0on wi[Dut Fwalldatng any o0lcr prcvidon of thc Contact GO\IERNING LAW. ,pt whoro Compqny! lob slte h locat d in a 6iato o[|er Ulan ttlo Stat wi.Ir the goods a€ r€cofuod and XB la{B urlut rB3pact to modlanlcs [ans, rorkcn' penea{on and orher cmphycr-crnployee olatlonr mtb'r eidlor local hra0on oihcilbc nrqulrc, ho Cont acl and dl the perbnnanos thercunder $all bc lrncd by and oonstucd ln accordance wlth ho ha of tra Shto whell he goods ere rgcoue<|, The par0es agro€ lhat tho Unlbd Nathna Oonronoon on ba.{s for ihe lnbrnetond relc of goods Bh€ll not apply b lhb Conmact. TO THE FULIE8T EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACFI OF THE PARTIES rETO WAVES T.}TY RrcHT TT iiAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURT IN RESPECT OF UNGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNOER OR :oNNECTON Wrm THE AGREEMENT. EACH PARW FURT}IER WAt\lEs ANY RIGHT To CoNSOLIDATE ANY ACTION ll WlllCH A JURY TRIAI HAS iN WAVEO WIIH Af.IY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN $'ATVED. FORUM. t looal, otate and fedeml murts hevlng Jurledldlon ot,er $e looeuon wh€r. he ltoms ar. to be uaed by Company rhall havc cxduclve Juricdlc{lon onr slt lltiggtion rted b he Conbrct. ALLOCATON, fic evunt ol a pailal h$trs ol SugDllcd. lourccr ol .upply, Supplbr wlll frrst meet dl of Company's rtqulrcmenb hersunder pdq b any allocaton Emong othcr rtomoE. . APPI.ICATION FOR SEFN/ICES. eee rtsndard brmg and mndltionr slta[ apply to tho prcvlslon of a[ gpod! EM tre pcrbrmanoe of dt aervloeo hduded ln or wilcmflated by trls Purchaee der. Fk*igwt, h he o€il 0lst dry brm or oordl0on of frb Pumharc Odcr oannd reaaonably be appted to lhe perlormanc6 of eny scn lco lndrded h or ntemdat€d by hls Pur$aee Order, EUdr hm or condt{on ahall bc deomod inapp[cablo thorsb.