HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131218Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdfYPncrFlConp \ A MIDAilERTCAT{ ENERGY HOIOINGS OOMmNY Mark C. Moench Senior Vice President and Generul Counsel 201 S. Mdn Sfieet, Suite 2400 SaltLakeCiA,aT UlIl 801-2201159 OfJice 801-2201058 Fax mar k. mo e n c h@p a c ili c o rp. c o m December 18,2013 VA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: PacifiCorp Notice of Affiliate Transaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Mr. Widerberg: This letter will serve as notice pursuant to Commitmentl 17(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29973 issued February 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14,2006, in the above referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company ("MEHC"), of an affiliate interest transaction. PacifiCorp hereby submits an original and seven (7) copies of the Right-of-Way Exchange Agreement ("Agreement") entered into by and between PacifiCorp and Kem River Gas Company ("Kern River"). The Agreement is included as Attachment A hereto. PacifiCorp and Kern River are both wholly-owned, indirect subsidiaries of MEHC. MEHC's ownership interest in PacifiCorp and Kern River may create an affiliated interest in some Pacifi Corp j urisdictions. PacifiCorp and Kem River entered into that certain Kem River Right-of-Way and Easement Agreement dated September 26, 2002, (*2002 Easement") whereby PacifiCorp conveyed to Kern River an easement for the location and construction of a 36" natural gas pipeline within a certain parcel of real property owned by PacifiCorp held for the construction, operation, and maintenance of high voltage transmission lines, including the construction of a future 345,000 kilovolt transmission line referred to as the Terminal to Oquinh 3-4 Transmission Line. Pursuant to its terms, the 2002 Easement required a defined separation distance between the natural gas pipeline and PacifiCorp's future Terminal to Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line. PacifiCorp, in planning for the construction of the Terminal to Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line, discovered that the natural gas pipeline was constructed in an alignment that did not allow sufficient clearance for two transmission structures that will be constructed for the future Terminal to Oquinh 3-4 Transmission Line requiring the need for additional right of way for the new transmission line. PacifiCorp also has the need to obtain rights of way over and across lands encumbered by exclusive utility easements held by Kem River for its natural gas lines. \!f, . ,ir .*, ) *i, Notice of Affiliate Transaction December 18,2013 Page2 PacifiCorp and Kern River have agreed to enter into an agreement whereby PacifiCorp would acquire the additional right of way needed for the construction of the future Terminal to Oquinh 3-4 Transmission Line in exchange for Kem River relinquishing its exclusive easement rights and allowing PacifiCorp to construct PacifiCorp's future Terminal to Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line. The value of the additional right of way has been determined to be roughly equivalent to the value of obtaining right of way within Kern River's exclusive easements. The Agreement is in the public interest because it provides PacifiCorp the ability to obtain legal property rights from Kern River for the future Terminal to Oquinh 3-4 Transmission Line in exchange for the acquisition of a small segment of right of way that is roughly equivalent in value to the rights obtained from Kern River. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, Vn(,,!LG Mark C. Moench Senior Vice President and General Counsel PacifiCorp Enclosures Attachment A This Agreement forthe Mufual Exchange of Property Interests (the "Agreement') is made by and among Kem River Gas Transmission CompanS a Texas gen*al parfirership (uKern River") aod PacifiCo{p, no Oregon corporation, dlbla Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Powd), efi[ective the - day of Decernber.Z}l3. RECITALSA. Rocky Mountain Power is constnrcting a new transmission liae project referred to herein as the "Terminal-Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line." In connection with the development of that project and the Future Terminal-Oquirrh 5-6 Trarumission Linq Rocky Mountain Power has discovered aned to address the location of Kern River's pipelines within its existing ea$e,mEnts in relation to fhe alignment of the Terminal-Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line and the Future Tfinioal-Oquirrh 5-6 Transmission Line ("Transmission Lines"). B. Rocky Mountain Power and Kern River entered into that cstain Gas Traosmission Pipeline Location and Encroachment Agreement dated August 5,2OA2, that allowed Kern River to construct a natural gas pipeline within its existing transmission line corridor, provided howwer tlrat the alignment of the pipeline was not to intwfore with the identified alignment of the future transmission lin{s) and the attendant structurss. C. During the development and design of the Termioal-Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line, Rocky Mountain Power identified two locatioas where &e construction of Kern River's natural gas pipeline conflicted with the alignment of the Terrninal-Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line. Rocky Mountain Power ssnt a letter to Kern River regarding this matter which is attached as Exhibit "8." Kern River responded by adopting cmtain mitigation and operational procedures which was doffmented in al,ettor to Rocky Mountain ?ower (the *Kem R:iver TAM) attached hereto as Exhibit'0C." D. Additionally, the alignmeot of the Terrrinal-Oquinh 3-4 and Future Temninal- Oquirrh 5-6 Transrnission Linm cross over and tbrough wrtatfi lands whme Kem River holds exclusive easements for the natural gas pipeline. Those locations are identified in Exhibits "A.1- A.6." attacbed hereto. Those exclusive easerne,nts prer,lude furths encumbrances and other additional uses includingelffiic kansmission lines without the approval of Kern River. E. Rocky Mountain Power and Kem Rivm have agred, th*t it is in their collective best interest I) for Kem River to adopt the mitigation aud operational procedures outlined in the Kern River Lstt€r ar:,d 2) for Rocky Mountain Power to: i) modify &e locattan of structure 57 approximately 30' north on the ?erminal-Oquirrh 3-4 Transmission Line proj*. centerline (see Exhibit "D1 to ensure clearance distances between their respective facilities and; ii) incur the cost of acquiring additional rights-of-way and desigu the location of those stnrcftre$ to mainaia the cleara*ce distances to Kern River's pipelines for stnrctures 45 and 46 {*ae Exhibit "E') i$ exchange for Kern River granting Rocky Mouniain Pows the right to encroach within those areas urhere K:snR:iver holds exclusiva eassments, subject ta *ta requirements trrExhlhitn'Y". NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, validity and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Rocky Mountain Power agrees that in connection with the constmction of the Terrninal-Oqirir& 3-4 Transmission Line and to eliminate the need for Kern River to relocate its existing natuml gas pipelines or obtain additional right of way that would allow Rocky Mountain Power to design its stuctures to maintain proper clearacces, Rocky Mountain Power will, at its sole cost and expense: (a) modiry the designed location of structure 57 to alocation that is approximately 30' north on tlre project ceilterllrre as identified gwrc il in Exhibit ooD:" and; (b) modiff the designed locations for stusturet 45 and 46 to maintain the clearance distances &om Kern River's naturai gas pipeline and acquire the additional rights-of-way nece$sary to locate those stnrctures 45 and 46 accordingly. The modified location of stnrctures 45 and 46 are identified generally in Exhibit *E." 2. In exchange, Kern River agrees to allow Rooky Mountain Power to occupy its exclusive easements in those locations identified in Exhibits '?.1. - A.-6." without cost but subject to entennginto an agrd upor €rsroachment agreernent ia the form substantially similar to the agreunent attached as ftfoibi!.]Ip'.^ No&ing herein conveys auy real property rights or authorizations &om the underlying property owner(s) and Rocky Mountain Power acknowledges that it must obtain any additional properfy rights directly &om the underlyrng property owner(s). The encroachment agreement will be executed at a latr,r date, prior to construction of the Transmission Lines. 3. ?he Parties acknowledge that they have inclependenfly reviewed the real property records and land rights and have entersd into ttris Agreement with the best information available. Howevetr, the intent of this Agreeineirt is that in the weirt it is later determined that there are additional exclusive rights needed for the fiansmission lines that were ovslooked in the development of this Agree,rrent that such rights will be deen*d to be included as part of the consideratio n for sntaing inta tht* Agr..eer*ent. 4. The parties warrant and represent and do hereby state that they are not rslying upon any statement or re,preseatation, written or oral, of ury party or agent of any party, and that they are solely relyrng upon their own judgment after consulting with their cowrsel. The parties firrttrsr warrant and re,preserr* tl:mrt they have read and fully understand the nature ead consequsnc€s of the tenns sf &ris Agreexrent a*d ngreetobelegallybavndby it. 5. Each par1y warrarts aad represents that (l) it has the requisite powsr and authority to execute this Agre€mqlt {2) he execution and delivery of this Agreeme.nt has been drdy avthoizedby all necessary a&iotr, and (3) this Agreemort is valid, binding and fully enforoeable. 6. Each party shall pay its own taxabie costs, expenses of litigntion and legal fees. 7. This Agreearsrt shall be for &e benefit of and binding upon the resptive successors and assigns ofthe parties. 8. This Agreement shall be governed aad constnrod by the substantive laws of the state of Utat! without regard to the ohoice of law rules of Utah or of any othu jurisdiction. Venue for any dispute relating to or arising out of this Agreement shall lie in the Third Judicial Distrist Court or {bderal disfrict court in and for Salt Lake County, Uta}r. 9. TO T}TE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WAIVES A}.IY RIGHT IT L{AY HAYE TO A TRI.AL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARry FURTHER WAWES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE A}.TY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRI,AL HAS BEEN WATVED WTTH ANY OTHER ACTION IT{ WHICH A JURY I3'[AL CAHNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIYED. 10. No waiver or ame,ndment of any of the terms of this Agreeineot shall be valid unless in writiag and signed by allparties to this Agreenrmt. ll. The parties agree that should any part of this Agree,ment be found to be void, voidable, invalid or unenforcesble, that determinatioa will not affect &e remaioder of the Agreananlprovided that tbe releases containd in this Agreeinent remain ia effect. 12. Ea*h party has participatd in the drafting a*dpreparatron of this Aggeement. In any construction to be made of this Agreement, the sarne shall not be construsd against eitherpw. 13. Both parties agt* ta caoparate fully and exesute any and ali documents and to take all additional actions thatmay be necessary or appropriateta gsve fulI force and effect to the basic terms and intei* of this Agreernent. 14. This Agreemeat rnay be executed in multipie cormterparts, all of which, takerr together, shall constitute but a single agreement, and each of which shall be deemed an original. Exestted this the dayofDecernbw,2Al3. Kan Riva Gas Transmission Connpany By Robert S. Cttcckstts Titlq Vioe ksid€nt Qrations, ff, & Engineering RockyMouatair Power By Paul Radakovioh Title: Vioe President, Ope,rations AXHIBITS AT -A6 $lkrncrf nf Torufud-0$drr& 3** ad htnr fsmind0qdrrt Sd Trrrmfudoa Lire fi{aturl Gt* @inr Crrrrir$} BrEt Dto'apd''.ly zgp g - 3im s. fmEf,rfidUlalffnlgrnnl EryrrBrr B (Raetry Momtsin Power l,***ar) ROCKY IIiOTnITAIN FOWERAIUMCilIMT l{07lrhcr Hordrtmph Srh Irb Ck1,lr* t4ll6 octob€r l7,20l1 Robcrt S. Chccketts Vise k€sifut of Operafiions, fT aad fasireriog Kern River Gas Traasmissiotr Company 27 5 5 E Cottonwood Parkway saltlrkecitylrT E4l2l DearBob: As you hmw, Rocky Mormtain Power is in the proccss of building a rew fiansmission line beturoerr its Oquirh Substation in South Jodan to its Ttrmhal Substation near tbe Salt Lake Intcrnational Ailport. This poum lirc is being built in oru odsting tan$nission line comidor where Rooky Mountain Power op€ratss otha parallel trmsmissioa lines. K€m River also opcrdes t$/o high Fessur€ gss linos and certain othcr facilities locat€d within this conidor pursumt to agreements wift the compsny. Rocky Mountain Porver and Kem River entcrcd irdo two se,porde agreemffi allowingths Kcm Rirrer gas lincsto be locatd withiu this nansmission line corridor. On Jrme 24,1991, Utah Power &, tigk Compann predccessor in iuterest to Rocky Moudain Pow€tr, and Kcm River entercd imo ar agre€,meot aUowins the first gas line to be locared within tbe haomission line corridor. This Agremeirt povides the separdiou requirc,metrs beturEcn thc gas pipeline aad eadsting tranmission lines. Bsause suffsi€trt land nas acquired in anicip*ion of a firturc nansodssion lirc trE agtEsmcot also ad&,esscd sqardion fr,om that oontcmplated tansmissiou lire. A copy of &ar Agreement is dtached to thi$ Ietter for your conveuieirce as Attachment "A." The l99l aglE@crrt stiputatd thc separation betnrccn blow-of vnlve locations associated with valve sites and the trmsmissioo ftpilitiec as e minimum of I70 foet from the existitrg 345kV tmsmigsion line ard a minir,rrm of 1@ foot horizoutal distarce from the closest mnduc'tor of such additional ngw tran$nission facilitios. Wheir thc sccond gas line was oorctrustd in,2W2, PaoifiCorp and l&nr River entered imo a second agrEemcff allowing Kern Riner to install a sosood 3f'dian€t€r nafifiBt gas pidine ttrough PacifiCorp's right of way (see Attac,hment "B'). Simila to thr 1991 agrcem€rrt sqaration disbro€s bstrreen blowoff rnlve locations associdcd with nalve sites and transmission &pilitiee wue include4 requfuiug 170 feet from tbe existing 345kY Emsmission line and 132 M horimntal distance fiom thc closcst condusbr of additional new traomission facilities. An Arnendm.ent to tb 2002 Encmacfrmmt Agreemed was signed in 2006 excludiag a f-ineh blow offvatvc fiom the separciott rcquircm€ril-the errclusion was specific to a valve tocaed nertbe Lat<eside Plart in Ubh Couuty, see Attachmemt 'C.o' Ibe folloryhg tabb (f*le 1) fovidcs a list of &tEqs wtere the locsliou of blow-ofrloc*irons sssocirtcd with rralve sies nud fre locstion of Ke,nr River's pipeline ditrcr witl the distanes povidd for in tte sgr€ffior*, It is nst clw trom ee informstion rrye hsve if thc locdions rryerr approvd atthetime of aonsturctiofi. Tlhlc 1: Confiie{ poirtr befrvonn Roc}f Mountrh Porcfr nery and edrtbg trrnrmirdoa lim rr pr*rcnfiy doitggd rrd Krm Rivcr'r rrilling gru linor. ConffictNo, Ftrrleture Ho. Lmtion E$ihir Ifemriptior Conflist 1: Sfiretu$c #33 3500 Sorrh uD.l e&,!.lA' The dimnce &om &e poeod€d Oquirrh-Tcrminat corductoris approximsly Ei fut to a l(ern River meter sadm 2.inch blow-off valvg I 5 fee[ &om a 1 - itrch &eilr, md 15 feet from sr/t-itr;h blow-offvalne. The rnalrrc locatioas as govemed by Scetioa {-L of the 1991 Ercroorhnud AgrcemeNrt (Afiaobmmt "AJ. The required sopratioo ig 100 &et hotizontal distrnoc. ThErE is also a separatioa distrnce rqufoocneat with rcrycct to ttp cxistitrg 345 kV transmission liae of 170 f€st. Xocky Mouuain Po$er hss idmtified that a 1" blow-offvalne is locdod 115 &st tm epfianffiission lio3 and a 1" draitr snd /2" blowqffvelve locatcd 36 ftet fiom tbo trm$nission lhg. Cnafli&2: Structures #5 ad#46 4700 SorilL Corgfcllsfiioa EnorgrPtmfi T.Y'gg,ld,D24" 7b cerrrt*liae of Kcrn Rivcr's 3&,irch plpe is approximely t 1 fut eom tho proposed 345 kilsvolt centcrline. Tho ryration ru1uir€rnsut from tho ceoter of ths pipc b &s saffi ofthe ta$missi@ lire is 35<lu- fest as sst foft in $ec'tionll2 af &e 2002 enooachmert ageema* (Altachmffi "8). ConffetNo. $tucturc Itlo. Location Erhihtt Ilacriptktr Conflidt.3: Stnrcfires&5srdffii 4700 turth, Cotrsblletiorl EffiryPlant *D.T',d UD2A:" Ksn River naieins &ree l' blow-offvakres directly below the poposed Oqrrirh-Terehal transanission lincs. The rcquired sepantiou ig 100 fcet todaotal distmp€ pa Sectioc *Loft&r- 1991 Emoac&asotAg:oemgrl (Arnr,hent"A'). e*iid*rtty, tbe locatim of Kein River's eigh; %-itrclh blon off valvcs locded inside the Comsolstioa Eoergy elfif yard ue not cotrtist€&t with tho requird sepdiondifinoe finrntheucw34S hilowlt lire. Ttcrequfued sopardior i* 100 H horiaatal diserce pcr Sectioa 4-L oftbs 1991 Ersoar:hnd *gmeut (Afaclment'A). Roclqf Moumain?av,tsr has slso idsntifid&rf *waarethffil" blowoff valycs roughly 67 M,ft,on thp cxirting trarmission lme, a 7u" blow-offnalve mughty 98 fdaway md eovcn %'blurr-offrnalyes rcrglly 137 M,fum*r* &mmissioa lirc. Ilt rsquired s€Frrem afutaao€ is 170 &et &onr the €rdisfug faosmi$ion iircr pa Sestim 4-L of &e 1991 Encmachmsot Agrwmeot {ilttricfunsrt"X). C.aaflist4:. Strusfiues #50 ard#51 WertRidgn 6olfCoursr, WestValley Crty nI)3 Ths cetcrtire of KenrRivr'g socord 36-irc,hpips follonils tk cmtaliuc fsr much of tk span betwoen tnm propored 345 kilovolt smchrcs br[ avoids thp stnlcfiEe locaCims. Thc scpardim requirucot from tr ccntsr of tb pip to tle pe,r$er of the taamiesiotr linc is 3ffi fost as r€t fodh in Sestioo ll.2 offu 20AZ clrmomhmoat agrcamcot (Attac&ment'B). Csrflict5: $fironrc #s7 V€dtJoidao "DA" The se,peration distarces for Kemr RiveC *2W2 prpline trc nst ooosisht with tte ssrctioa *om tb€ crxter of fu pip6 ts f.b oecrts oftbe trmsmission lSaa of 3548 fee{ as #,f*t+hia Sectioa ll.2 af &e20ff2 @sroor,hm$$ agrcmwt (AtCIr,hment B). ConflictNo. $tructurr No. Locetion E*ibir Ihrcriptbn Couflist 6: $truEt$es #58 md 59 6200 South rD.5" ard,D.5N Ths disilce froe &E proposed O$drh-Ttrminal corductorto tflo trkm Riner l2-inc,h blow*f valyee is approximxely 86 f€6t. Tho rcquirld wp*r*iou dtstarce, is 100 faet" Tlrror?are also two l-inch and th€o yr.itrsh bloq,-of valvee in the sams area- Th6 requircd scpration is 100 foe{ hffizontal distam€ pu Section *L ef W 1991Ewtcra}crrrud,Agr€r,nrcut (Awrfuo,rt"A). Roc.ky Mourtaia Povtqrhes elre ittei*ified &nt thre is a 1' ard two W blow- offvalves 105 fsot fr,om thc €rdstfug fimsnrission lirc. The rnquired reparation dis&co is I70 fsct &om. ree cxistirg treffiissioo lincs p€r Scction &L ofthe 1991 Ensmachffit Aqr€em@t (AthcM "A1. Rocky l\dornhin Poner acks that you awlyze the possible solutions md pvide a ple as to holy Kaa River would like to rcsolvc &is rmfiff. In additio,r, Rocky Mouatain Po$€r has dis€over€d that &em ra locdions orrtside of its transmission line conidor wfu a&iliorcd e*seuxma q,ill be rcquired for thc ncw transmissiog iitrs. h doing the title work for terse p'ojects rw bave discovercd ttnt Iftm River holds eurclusive ers6,mm*s ftn ir fapilities, Yic would like to sat r inb an eircmaslr"€ot agttxmre*.tar tbcsc locations eo thd we sao prcooed with the Oquirrh to T€rminal proj*t, Wc havc not ideotificd aay blow-offvalves 'lnt}rlse lccations tbtr rvould havs similff issuss as ougircd itr this le{tsr. We look forqnard to yorurerponae. $incerely, --te6/*- Pa{ nadakovich Vioe ksidctrt of Operatiomr EXHIBIT C {Kcnr Rlver Lattevl Y$.-f"ffifu' Robert Checketta Vice Presldent of Opentions, lT & Engineerlng October 12,2012 Paul Radakovich Vice President of Operations Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 z,55 Ead Cotb,rrEor, ParlilrEySuibS0 S.i t*t Cly. Ulrh &1t21 P.O. Box 7r{O0 Sslt L.kc Chy, Ulrh E4{7r{'llx} Dear Paul: The purpose of this letter is respond to Rocky Mountain Power'$ ('RMF) lsttcr dehd Oetober 17,2011, regarding parallel offset distances and blow-off ceparation distanccs bctwoen Kcm River Gas Transmission Company (*Kem Rivet'') and RIvIP facilities. In t$o lcupr, RMP identified six specific locations where the Kern River pipeline aligrrment ond How-off ralve separation distdnces fiom RMP power lines are in conflict with the Gas Transnission Fipcline Location and Encroachment Agreement dated June 24, 7991, for Kern Rlver's *A" ;ilpeline(1991 Agreernent") and Gas Transmission Pipeline Location and Encrsactrmcnt AgrEertrcot dated August 5,2002, for Kem Rivet's *B" pipeline C2002 Agreement], Rh{P did nd state if approval was given for variances for these cases during construction. RMP askcd Ifum River too'analyzs the possible solutions and provide a plan as to how Kern River would llkc tg rrsolve this matter." This letter will discuss the six conflists and will identifr Kun River's p,mposed resolutions to those conflicts. To address the blow-off valve separation disances, Kem River corunissioned a $tudy by URS Corporation to identi$, based on three specific site geometries, if flammable amoonB of nffiral gas would be present at or near RMP pwer lines given the modeled metcorological condifioru and blow down assumpions. Historical daa regarding temperaturg relativc humidity, td wind speod and direction were gatherrd to identiS meteorological conditions that may oscur during blow down operations. I. Recommcndrtion Kern River's engineering department recommends the following actions be taken to resolve the conflicts identified by RMP in their October 17,20ll letter. o Relocation of the new proposed RMP power line in the vicinity of the West Valley meter station, specifically relocating new proposed towers 45 and 46 lS-feet to the west. See discussion for Conflict Number2 for more detail.o Relocation of new proposed RMP tower 57 approximately 2!-feel to the north. See discussion for Conflict Number 5 for more detail.r Restriction in use of specific Kem River blow-off valves at Hunter Park meter station (Conflict Numbers lc, ld, and ie) and West Valley meter station (Conflict Numbers 3a and 3b). PaulRadakovich- DRAFT Ostober 12,2812 ?*ge2 II. Keru River's Reeommeudations to Resolve Pipoliue Alignment Conflicts Table I below summarizss the documented RMP conflicts with regard to pipeline alignment coflcems. The srction that follows describes the suggested resolution or commentary for each of the centerline conflicts as identified by RMP. Trble 1 - Summary of Roclsy Mountrin Power Pipeline Alignmcnt Conflict Locetions 'Distanee reflects conflict in prrallcl offscts as defined in the RMP/Kern River encmachment agreements. 2 A region of the Kern River loopline deviates to the cast betueon nerv proposed torrcn 50 and 51. 3 e r4ion of thc Kern fur,er looplino rensitions between one parallel offset location to another. A. Conllict Number 2 - West Valley M/S The locatian of &e Kem River rnainline and loopline in &e vicinity of the West Valley mster stlation are approxirnatcly 40-feet and 56-fee{ from tire existing RMP 345 kV line, respectively. Under the current RMP design, the Kern River mainline and loopline would b located appmxirnately 27-f*land I l-feet from the new pmposed RMP power line. According to the signed easement (signed by Uah Power and Light (UP&L) on September 26, 2W2), the location of the Kern River loopline was known and approved by UP&L beforE construction. Kem River r€quests the relocation of the new proposed RMP power line, including towers 45 and 46,15-fwl. to the west. Moving the centsrline of the new proposed power line 15- feet to the rvpst would create 4}-feet and 26-ferlt offsets fiom the Kem River mainline and laapline, resg;tively. TtE additional separation would help continue the safe operation of Kern River facilities in the areq specifically in the area zurrowrding the iowers. B. Conflict Numbcr { - lVest Ridge GoIf Cource The location of the Kern River mainline and loopline, in the vicinity of the West Ridge Golf Course, are primarily at 40-feet and 105-feet offsets from the existing RMP 345 kV line, respgctively, in accordance with tlre Kem RiverlRMP encroachment agreemants. However, fiere is a region between towers 50 and 5l in which the loopline is 7&feet fmm the existing pou,er line and follows the cenrerline of the new proposed power line. hccor/iing to &e Srptember 76,2002 easement, the location of the Kem River loopline was known and approvd by UP&L before construction. The ccnterlina of the new proposcd RMP power line, being close to directly above the Kern Rivcr loopline for a segrilsnt lying betrrueen towcrs 50 and 51, is compatiblc with the safe operation of Kern River facilities in the arca. Corfllct Locetion RMP Torvcn DlrllDca tlomErirrir 3{!l IV ljor {ft.t Eritlirg Deritt Olf*a tron Nfir hopomd 3{5 LV l-ine llerr\ Kcm EiHsuggrrlcd Ottrcu lbon llcl PropocrdSS fYItn (ft!0 Mrinlinc toodinc Mdnlim Looplirn Mlinlim Looplinc 2 West Vallev lvllS 45,46 40 56'n'll 42'26', 4 West Ridge Oolf Course 50,51 40 1a5,70'/35 35,A',*35 35,0't 5 Keams 57 I05 40 3l 35,22"35 35,2y Paul Radakovich-DRAFT Octobs 12,2012 ?tgt3 According to RJr{P's preliminary design, including the worst case scenario for mg, the minimum oonductor heistra above ground is 39-feet. The data was obtained via email from RMP on f€bnrsry 8,2A12 and confirmcd by mea$rement in the field. The safe working clearance rqluimcnt do,fined in Kern River procedwe 65.00.1I for 345 kV pollrer line is 20-feet. The di&rmce of lhtwt is suffrcient for Kern River rnaintenance personnel and quipment m operate s*fely with the power lines overhead. C. Csnllict Number 5 - Kerrns ThE locatiun of the Kem River rnainline and loopline in the arta of conflict number 5 are both agnxtrwtcly 105-feet and 4O-feet from the existing RMP 345 kV line, respctively. Acoording to Sectiou 6 of the 1991 Ageement and Section ll,2 of the 2W Agreement the location of tolrer 57 is planrrcd in an area in whieh tlrc Kern River ta*ility is &ansitionirg from one prallel offs* to ar$ther. The exi*ing RMP tower 57 ptoposed design is 22-fr, frorn the loopline. As sue!! Kern Riverrcquest$ that the location of new proposed tower 57 br,reloealdapproximately Ls-feet to the north to help ensure the safe operation of Kern River facilities ir the area This will rczult in a separation of appr,oximatelyZ9-feet. III. Blow-olf Valve Locrtion Contentionr Identified by RMP The distances identified in Table 2 below are measured &om the location of the blow-offvalve to the nearest conduclor of the identified transmission lines.t 1991 Agr*mer*o fiAfeetftom existing pawar lines (ccnterline)o l{0ic:fwt fiom new power line conductors* 2402 Agreeinento 170 fx;t from existing polver lines (centerline)o l3?fwt from new power line conductorsc 2006 Amendment raz00? Agreemento l-inch blow-offs at lake Side mcter station ttrat are within the distances destribod in the l99l and 2002 Agrxments can be utilizrd if precautions lised in the agr*m*nt QA06 Amendment, Exhibit A, s$e followed. the valves ere' approximataly 40-fwl from the nearest conductors. A. Kem Riyer'g Recommendation to Rcsolvs BIsw-Off Yelvo $epnrxtion Distsncc Conflictr Table 2 below sumrnarizes the documented RMP conflicts with regard to blow-off valve locations. The "Within Flammability Limit' colurnn identifies which sites, acconding to ttre URS study, would expcct to have flammable concentrations of natural gas at powsr line conductors givcn tlrc modeled meteorological conditions and blow down assumptions. ?he columur titled "Within Flamrnability Limif' signifies Kern River's plan of operation in ar.csrdance with the latest version of Kern River Procedwe 70.A9.A1, Comrnissioni*g, Rernoving andlar Retuming Pipetines and/or Facilities h Service (a eopy of which is atlached heroto). The URS strdy was limited in scopo w wra different sizcd valvcs (l2-inch and l-inch) and three site geometries. These specific valves and locations were modeled based on thsir criticality to operations and ?*ul**dakwioh- DRAFT Qs*bor 12,2012 Page4 maintenance and because they are a representative subset of the other conflicting valves and locations. Figure I illustrates the horimntal distance to conductors frcm a blaut*fT valve to the nearcst caladrwtar.Tha swti*nthat follows de*rtbex the suggested resolntion frr eafixnw@ far e**h af the c,onflicts as id*nttfie"d W RIvt?. Haruantal Distanw to *anducrars S'igurc I Paul Radakovich- DRAFT Octofur 12,2012 Pago 5 Teblc 2 - Summrry of Rocky Mountsin Powcr Blow-OffVrhs Seprmtion Distrnce Conflicts igruGmenB. 2 Use of &is blow-offvahe will be r€slricted due to pmxirnity of blow-offto conductrys 3 Uss of this blox-affvalvc will be resficted duc to potcntisl for ftammability at conducton a Blow'offyalveislwated within the estimald conductnr span. l, Conlliet ltrmber I la\ The UR$ study did not specifically model a2-inch valve, but the l2-inch valve modeling results can be used to predic{ the 2-inch valve concentrations with a Conllict Flumbcr locetion Yalw Dh. IlnchI Velve ID OrtginrlDecign - Horkontrl Dlctancc fo Conduclcrs (fcct) Kcrn Rivcr $uggorted Derlgr - Horiront l Dirtance to Conducbnr (fcct) Wlthin Fhmmrbllity Llmlt? EIi$iry 345 kV Llne Ncw proporcd 345 hV Linc Exirdng 3{5 kV Linc New propoocd 345 kV Llnc la Huntcr Park Mis 2 xl5-020 155 g3l N/A NIA No lb Hufltcr Parkpt/s MAL-t37- w2 g0r 144 N/A N/A No lc Huntcr Park l.tlS xl5-012 xtAL-t3?- 003 l5r l0l NIA NIA No? td Hunicr Park M/S Y2 MAL-137- 00t t5r l0r N/A N/A No2 le Huntcr Park lvlrs I xt5-0r5xr5{r8 t6t 0rJ NIA NIA Ycss 3a West Valley IWS I x33{03 x33-006 x33-009 49l 0r'{4gl 0l'{Ycs3 3b West Vallev lvllS /2 x33-032 g0t l3r g0l 0l'4 Ycf 3c West VallcyM/S ,4 x33-0r r x33414 x33-0t6 x33434 x33-035 x33436 x33-037 l31t 52'l37l 371 No 6a AMLV 142 t2 MAL-142- 00t MAL.L42. ow t57 g7t NIA N/A No 6b AMLY 142 brAL-142- 003 134 g4I N/A NIA No 6c AMLY 147 v, MAL-142- &4 *tAL-142- 005 871 2Al N/A NIA No 6d AMLV 142 I MAL-142- 006 g7l 2Bl N/A NiA No distances locations as defined in thc RMP/I(sl River snctrachmcnt Psul Radstovich- DRAFT October 12,2012 Page6 le]l greater safety factor. The UR$ study predicts that lhe harizantal extent of gas conccntetion above the lower explosive limit for natural gas (LEL) for a l2-insh blow-off valve does not exceed 46-feet for the modeled rneteorological conditions, given a vertical release. The horizontal extent of 46-fect ,is 49Ya {46- ff/g3-feet*100) of the distancc to the slosest conduclor in this case. The modeling indisat€s tlat &is valve will not creett fl*mmable concenhations of runral gFs at any of the considered pourer lines. The URS study predicts that tlnhonmntzil extent of gas eonMrtabove LEL for a l-inch blow-offvalve does not exceed 4-feet for the modelod raetoorological conditions, given a vortical release. The horizontal extent of 4-fcet 'ts 4Vo (4- feetl90-feet*100) of the distance to the closest conductor. The modeling ird.icates that this valve will not create flammable concentrations of naturul gas at any of the considered porruer lines The URS siudy predicts that the honzorrtd extent of gas cancan&zrtton above LEL for a l -inch blow-off valve does not exossd 4-feot for the modelod nrereorologrctl conditions, gsven a vertical release. The horizontal extent of *fcg, is 40oA {4- feet/l0-feettl00) of the distance to the closest conduclor. The nrodeling idicates that this valve will not creat€ flarnmable concentations of natural gas at the power lines. However, due !o the close proximiry of the valve to the power lines, this valve will not be used. The URS study did not specifically model a %-inch valve, but the l-inch valve modeling re$ults car be used to predix ths %-inch v*lve caxr*ntrations with a grearl*r safaty far;tar. The URS study predictr that the horizortal extent of gas concentration above LEL for a linch blow-off valve does not exceed 4-feet for the rnodcled meteorological conditions, given a vertical release. The horizontal cxtent of 4-feet is 4ff/o (4-feetll&feet*100) of the distsnee io the closest condustor snd the valve being considered is half the size of the rnodeled valve. The modeling indicates that this valve will not create flarnmable concentrations of natnral ga* it the power lines. However, due to the close proxirnity of the valve to the power lines, this valve will not be used. The UR$ stndy predicts that the harimntzl exient of gas concenfations above LEL for a f -inch blow-off valve does not exceed &feel for the modeled meteorologisal conditions, given a vertical release. The horizontal extent of 4-feet extends into the qlace occupied by the new proposed 345 kV conductors. The modeling indicatcs that this valve will potentially creflte flammable concentations of natural gas at the power lines, and therefore, will not be used. ,. Conflict lYunber 3 3B) Tlre URS study predicts tlut tbelwnz;rlntrilextent of gas e.ancentr'*tianabaveLEL for a 1-inch blow-offvalve does not exceed 4-feet for the mcd,eled meteorological conditions, given a vertical release. The horimntral extent of 4-feet extends inio the space occupied by the new proposed 345 kV conductors. The modeling indicates that this valve will potentially create flammable concentrations of 1b) td) 1s) Paul Radakovich- DRAFT October 12,2012 ?a*7 natural gas at the power lines, and therefore, will not be used. 3b) Thc URS study did not specifically model aYz-isch valve, butthe l-inch vdvc rnodeling rcsuls can be used to predict the Trinch valve correentratigrs wi& a greater safety factor. The URS study predicts that the horizontat extitrt of gas concr;ntrafion above LEL for a l-inch blow-off valve does not exceed 4;gf *, the modeled met€orological conditions, given a rrertical relase. The horizontial extent of A-fer* is 3lo/o (4-feetll3-feet*100) of the disaanca to thc cloaest conductor. If the alternate alignment of the new proposed 345 kV line is mmp&d, this valve will be within thc span of the conductors. Based on that looation, tbe horizontal extent of 4-feet extends into the $pace occupied by thc new pmposcd 345 kV conductors. The modeling indicates that this valve will potenti$ly creale flammable concentrations of natural gas at the power lines, and thereforc, will not be used. 3c) The URS study did not sppcifically model aYz-inchvalve, butttre l-irch valve can be used to model the Winch valve with a greater safefy fastot. The URS study predicts that the eirtent of gas concentrations above LEL for a f -irr& blow- offvalve does noi exceed 4-feet for the modeled meteorological conditions, given a vertrcal relsase. The horizontal extont of 4-feet is 8% (4-fr/52-ft*100) of the distancc to the closest conductor. The modeling indicates that this valve will not creete flammable concenhations of nsfi.ral gas at any of the considered pourcr lines. Caaflrt&Number6 6a) The URS study predicts that the lrorizontal extent of gas concentation above LEL for a l2-inch blow-off valve does not exceed 46-fffit for the modaled motmrological conditionE given a vertical relcase. The horizontal cxtent of 46- feet is 53Yo (46-feet/87-fect*100) of lhe distance to the closest conductor. The modeling indicaies that this valve will not create flammable conosnEations of natural ges at any of the consideled power lines. 6b) The URS study predicts that lhehonz.ontal extenf af gas concertrationabveLBL for a l-inch blow-offvalve does not exceed 4-fenrfor tlre madeled racteoralogical conditions, given a vertical release. The horizontal extent of 4-fect is SYo (4- fxtl&4-fwtt l00) of the distance to the closest conductor. The modsliug indicates that this valvc will nst ereate flanrmable concentrations of natural gx^s et any of the coneidered power lines. e) The URS study did not specifically model a Yriach valve, but the f -inch valve modeling results can be used tc predict tlre t/z-inch valve concentrations rvith a grentrr saf€ty factar- The URS study predicts that the horizontal extent af gas *ansetrtr,atians above LEL far a |-insh blow-off ,talve daasnot exced 4-taelfar the modeled rneteorological conditions, given a ver.tia"al rel€asc. The horizontal extent af 4-f*t is 20Yo (4-feed20-f*t*100) of the distance to the closest conductor. The modeling indicaie* that this valvp will not crcate flammable concentrations of natural gas et the power lines. Paul Radakovich- DRAFT October 72,2012 Page 8 6d) The URS study predicts that the horizontal extent of gas concentrations above LEL for a l-inch blow-off valve docs not excced 4-feet for the modeled meteorological conditions, given a vertical release. The horizontal extent of 4-fect isZV/o (4-fett20-feettl00) of the distancc to the slosest conductor. The modeling indicates that this valve will not crcatc flammable concentrations of natural gas at the powcr lines. IV. Summary The results of the analysis for the RMP conflicts indicate that there arc tulo (2) pipelinc alignment locations and five (5) blow-offvalve scparation distance locations that rcquirc design or operational changes to cnsurc the safe operation and maintenance of RMP and Kem River facilities. Potential rpsolutions to thcse scven (7) conflicts are describcd below. o Relocation of thc neu, proposcd RMP po\ rer line in thc vicinity of thc West Valley meter station, specifically, relocating new proposed towers 45 and 46 lS-feet to the west. Kern River understands ttris relocation will have no financial impact to Kem River per the parties separatc agreement allowing RMP to cross certain exclusive easements owned by KemRiver. o Relocation of new proposod tower 57 approximately 25-feet to the north. Kern River understands this relocation will have no financial impact to Kcm Rivcr per the parties separate agreement allowing RMP to cross certain exclusive eascments owned by Kern River. r Restriction in use of blow-offvalves at Hunter Park meter station (Conflict Numbers lc, ld, and 1c) and at Wcst Valley meter station (Conflict Numbers 3a and 3b). If these recommendations are acceptable to RMP, the agreements betwecn the parties slrculd be amended to rcflect the changes idcntified herein. Bascd on the past twenty years of operating experience and the rcsults of the URS study, implementation of the recommendations provided herein and compliance with Kern River and RMP operating procedures will continue to create a safe and reliable environment in which ttre power lines and natural gas pipelines can operate. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. EXIIIBITIT (Locefion af fftrucjrrr*S1 af T*rrniixrffiq*irrh} Trrarmirdoz Lins) hgond I PEurdTmrlocdon I xlodfibdlulrLocatrn ? rrbrsdon ForcrUmr lOm Rltrlr G! l(an Rhfi loop Um AlffiF*rrllne Exhibit "D" 0 75 150 25 300 Feet EX*,tBtT E lr*etfu\ st $w*x * 4t &, & *l t *rm\rxl @ulwh *4 T ratwr*Man U*l Legend I HannedTowarLocdon I ModlfrcdTowe locdon ry Metcrsutbn -r.-..+ Porrorlipg lGm Riwr Gae lGrn Rivpr Loop Line Abfitd€ PorrrerLine Exhibit rrErt 0 81.25 162.5 243.75 325 Feet nrl{lrE$l. llo gulGcrrl,tTlBrl3ilr@[Elrlyrl0l3r0rBul'I'I@MTilI i^lTA,NOIEIEMOI'EITTOITIBTDlf,D,pmrD. c@,olntl}uDrroarilorBmrI No.lloElE8DETAilYElItE OI'E.TIIAI{ISATICTMf, rfE E@flJTll.nxrtD vllmr I,t rc EEI(ll ot xE$l r*E GAirl liltElotoo0uft TXHIBIT T (Form of Specific Eucrore.hneut *grccment) rc Wher Recorded Return t0: Kern River Cas Trafseission Company Ia*d and Environmeirt Deparment P.O. Box 71400 Saltlake City, Utab 84l71.A40A ? arcel Nwrbeds); X)OOO( SPECIMC ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT rON THE ABOYEGROUND ROWER DISTRIBUTION LINE EXIIIBIT lIY OF MUI'UAL EXCHANGE AGREEMENT This Specific Encroachment Agreement ('Agreement') is hereby entered into this day of , by and between Kem River Gas Trrnsmission Compauy, a Texas geoeral partnership, vrith offices located at2755 E. Cottonwood Parkway, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 ('KemRivef),urdPacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, d/b/aRoclryMountain Powerrwith anomces locaret at VA7 West North Temple, #1 10, Salt Lake City, Utah, 841 16 f'Rocky Mountain Power Rocky Mountain Power'). As usd h€reb Ksm River and Rocky Mountain Power shall also include their respective agents, contactors, e,mployees, and r€presentativcs. Kem River and Rocky Mountain Power ae sometimes jointly referred to as the'?arties." WHEREAS, Kem Rivs owns, operates and maintains 36-inch diameter high pressure interstate pipelines which transport natural gas frorn southwesteri Wyoming to points of delivery in Utah, Nevada a$d Califomia; said pipelines are generally hried u$dergpo-1qd pursuant to eqs,gll@.6 and rights of way of ' &--*,WHEREAS, Rocly Mouatain Powerdegires to bonstnrct, ihltall, op7at€,'tccess, and maintain a higlr voltage Wwer line (the'?oww line') ovE; under aad througli c4rtain WlWXgpipeline easements held by Kern River (collectively referred to as the *Ksfn River Ealemnerits'\"{K{taa*ires to obtain Kern river's consmt therefore. A general vicinity map slrowing the locafion ofthe power line and the location of the Ksn River easemeirts is provided in Exhibits A.1-4.6. The legal descriptions for the Power Line are ettachedas Exhibit B. WHEREAS, Kern River is willing to perrnit, and Rodqy Mountain Power desires to construct, the ?ower Line within Kem Riv€,fs Easement subject to the conditions contained in this Agreemeirt. THEREFORE, in coasideration of the mutual promises and benefits contained haein, the parties agree as follows: 1. REPRESENTATIONS: Rocky Mountain Power hereby represents and warrants that it has or will sbtaifi *ll apyopnate agrmtmts, approvals, authorizations, certificate*, licenses, zoning aad permits *amarry and all landowners and agencies, public md,prnvate,forthe constuction activities contemplated herein. 2. AIJTTTOXI,ZATION: KsmRiv€rherebyauthorizesRockyMountainPowerto install, construc! ap*ate,acce,ss, aad maintain the Power Line on the Ksrn River Easements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. This Agreernent shall apply only to the two Power Line specifically identified herein. Any additional encroachments are expresslyprohibited unless this Agreement is amended in writing or another writtefi exlcr.o*clunerrl agrarrLent ar enr"oachm€nt pr,rmit is entered into by the Parties. 3. NO WARRANTY: Kern River does not warrart the condition of the Kern River Easements nor its fitness or suitability for anyparticular purpose. In addition, Kern River does not warrant &e Kern River Easeme.nts for or against zubsidence, compaction, or geotechnical stabiiity of any kind includiug but not limited to, faults, siddloles or hydrologic integrity. 4. COSTS: Rocky Mountain Power shall cause all constuction activities including but not limited to, survefng leveling grading, compacting, paving runoval, reclaiming, restoration, revegetation, re- contouring repairing constuction and re-construction of the Power Line to be compieted at no cost or expense to Kenr River. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF POWER LINE: Construction will be performed according to tho Conskuction Drawings attached hereto as Exhibit C. the Scope ofWork attached hersto as Exhibit D, and using onlythe equipment listd on the Equipmsrt List attached as Exhibit E. All constnrctiorq continued and future use of the Power Line shall beperforrned inar,card*ncewith theBncraarbl:,rent Specifications set forth in Exhibit F attached horeta. Any deviation from these Encroachment Specifications, Scope of Worlq drawings and equipment listmustreceivepriorappmval invniting&omKmnRiverwhichapproval shall not be unreasoaably witt*reld, conditioned, or delayed. 6. INSPECTION ANp REIMBURSEMENT: Kem River shall provide at least one onsite inspector ('lnspector') while Rocky Mountain Power is working within Kem Riv€r's Easements. All of Rocky Mountain Pow€tr's work within Kenr River's Easeineots shall be pxfomrcdto the satisfaction of Inspector. In the eveflt Inqpector deems Roclry Mouatain Pow€r's work within the Kam River Easome,nts to be unsafe, ofpoor quality or inconsistent with the tanns of this Agreerrent Inspector is authorized to stop all work within the Kern RivsEasementswtil the appropriate correctivemeasure$ areimplenrented. The prssence or nor-presenco of Inspector shall not alleviato Rocky Mountain Power from liability or damages arising from its constructiou ofthe Power Line andit,shallbe:&ockyMounta$9o'fir s sole responsibility to perfomr the constuction in a safe and d,prkrnaolikq manndi. Kern Rivef;ehall not be responsible to Rocky Mountain Power or anythirdparty forfhe oost of any de16ys $ccasian$tffiz'5iiiork stoppage orrdened by lnsp***r. Kern River agrees not to mar.k ui o1 changd and profit for use ofrthe Inspectors, but simply to pass througlr &e fully loaded costs of the iirspeaor. Kenr River stratt sutml{A,xand6ly invoice to Rocky Mountain Power until the project is complete. Rocky Mormtain Power agrees to pay said invoice within 60- days af mrhsubmittal. 7. ONE-CALLNOTICES: RockyMormtainPowershall notifyKernRiverthroughthelocal One- Call Service a minimum of 48 hours before excavation or gra&ingwork commences on or near the Kern River Easements. 8. CATHODIC PROTECTION AND AC MfflGATION: All metallic utilityiines crossingKern River's pipeiines shall have w*jrradictestleads *awz*tingboth the utrlity and the pipelines. Kem River wili install, at Rocky Mountain Power's expense, such test leads on its pipelines ifrequired. Ifwithin one year from the date of energizatian of &e Power Line, Kern River determires in its sole discretioa that AC mitigation studies and/ar AC raitigation is required, tncluding but not limited to mgtallic or eleetric aboveground or undergroturd lines, Rocky Mountain Power agrees to pay for the studies and/or rnitigation that may be necessary to protect the Kem River pipelines. Rocky Mountain Power agrees that the Power Line constructod pursuant to this Agreernent shall be operated at a nominal voltage rating af 345 kV. If Rocky Mountain Power determines aneedlo increas*rhe nominal voltage rating of the Power Line, Rocky Mountain ?ower Shall first give aotice to Ksrn River and Rocky Mountain Pows agrees to pay the cost to deternrine whether additional cathodic potection or corrosion mitigation should be installed for the prot*ia* of the Kern River's pipelines. Rocky Mountain Power shall pay all reasonable costs for additionalprotectionsfhatmayreasonabtyberqvr&byKernRiver. 9. STREETS: Any pannanent acsess rcute.s consfructed over the pipelines shall maintain no less than five and one half feet (5'-6') of cover from top ofpipe to the finished gade. During construction, any accessroutes utilizedbylarge construction tlpe vehicles orothertlpes ofheavyequipmantthat crcsses the KernRiverpipelines willbec.onskucted andmaintained as directedbyKernRiverand itslnspector. These crossings shall be revie\iled in the field on an individual basis, by Inspector. Any access routes pennitted underthis Agreearentmustbe approved bylnspoctor and corstructed in accordancewiflrthe specificatiors set forth in Exhibit "B." 10. RESTORATION: Rocky Mountain Power shall be responsible for restoration of all disturbed Iand and damageson KemRiver's EasementscausodbyRockyMountainPower, its contractors, agents and e,lnployees in any way related to or arising from the constnrction or mainienance of the Powa Line. li. EXCAVATION TECHNIQUES: Any excavation within 5 fwt of &e pipelines slnll be performed with hand tools and inthe presenceofKernRiver'slnspoctor. Mechanic*I excavation equip,ment must be positioned so that the equipment cannot reach within 2 fee/.. of the pipelines. I 2. FENCES : KEm River may require Rocky Mountain Power to install temporary safety fences to define a corridor surounding the pipelines. Any fences installod shall be the sole responsibility of Rocky Mountain Power and anycosts incured forfenceinstallatioashallbebomebyRoclryMountainPows. The type of fence shall be decided in the field by Inspector after consultation with Rocky Mountain Power. Openings in said fence for road crrossings shall be at locations desigaated by Inspector. Fences shall be continually rraintained by Rocky Mountain Power until zuch time as construction af the Power Line has been completed. 13. BLA,STING: Should blasting be required for the prajeot" a blasting pian must be submitted thirty dap in advance to Kem RivEr for f,rior review and app-roval. No blasting may take place without priorwritten conse,nt from Kern Rtver. ir{' ,i}' l 14. PIPELINE MAINTENANCE: If either piireline is excavated and exposed as part of the activities described h€rei& or at Kem River's reques! IGcrn River will be given the opportunity to inspect andpwfor*maintenance onthepipelines before they wer*wid,. This inspection andrnaintenancewrllbe at KEm River's expense; Wvtded,howwer, that Kqu River shall not be responsiblela Rocky Mountaia Poweror anythirdparty forthe cost ofanydelays occasionodbyKern River's iuspection andmaintenanoo. 15. RESERVATION OF RIGrrfS: KERN RIVER AGREES T0 COORDINATE WTTH ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ANY CONFLICTS THAT ARISE BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FACILITIES AND KERN RIVER,S EASEME}-IT. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, KERN RTVER RESER\rES THE RIGHT TO CAUSE ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER TO REMOVE ATY OF fi{E ENCROACHMENTS IF I},I KERN RWER'S JUDOh{ENT IT IS NECESSARY TO DO SO IN ORDER TO PROTECT ITS PIPELINES FROM IMMINENT HARM OR IN ?HE INTEREST OF PUBLIC SAFETY. 16. RELATM PRIORITY OF RIGHTS: Kern River, its successors aod assigns retain all rights that Kmr River eqioys under the Kern River Easements. Although the Parties foresee the use of the Kern River Easennents in a mutually agreeable maoner, THE PRESENCE OF THE POWER LINE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBORDINATE TO KERN RIVER'S RIGHTS UNDER ITS EASEMENTS. Rocky Mountan Power agrws to ex:,opuale with Kefir River at suc,h trmw *tatK*rnkver accssses the right of way or pipeline fwilitte*. In parttcular, Rocky Mountain Power a$es to mave or cause to be moved any of its or ik contractors'personal property including but not limited ta qaigmertl vehicles, aad tailers thatrnay prevent Kern River fum reasonably accessing the Kern River Easements and pipeiine facilities in a timely manner. Rocky Mountain Power agrees that its or its contractors' prese,nce on the Kern River Ease,rnents shall not; a) prevent the timely and easy removal of Rocky Mountain Power's or its contractors' personal properfy &om the Kem River Easerne,nts, or b) prwent Ka:r River's reasonable reconoaissaoce of, or access to, the Easements by amial and/or ground patol ofthe area. Except in cases of m emerg€ncy, Kern River Lgrffis to glve Rocky Mountain Power prior notice of the areas where urrestricted accsss is rquired. 1 7. REVOCABILIIY: thi* Agr:eerrrent shall be revocable, in whole or inpxt byKanRiver in the event ofmaterial or zubstantial no*compliance with the conditions, tetrms, requirenrents o,r specifications of this Agreement that are not cured by Rocky Mountain Power within a timely manner to Kei:r River's reasonable satisfastion after writte,n notice or, in Kern River's sole discretion, for safety related reasons, Kern River shall provide prior written notice of zuch revocation. In the event of such revocatio& as applicable, the Encroachments shall be re,moved at Encroaching Paty's expense. 18. INDEMNITY: Rocky Mountain Power Lgrees to protect indemnifr and hold harmless Kern River, its affiliates, par€nt corparatiart(s), subsidiaries, officers, agents and ernployees from aad against any and all loss, damage, injury or death to any p€rson or property, including KernEjver, which may arise by reason ofor incident to Rocky Mouatain Power's occupaflcy, use, installation, maiuteirance, or continuation of the Power Line within Kem River's Easements, except to the extent such loss, damage, injury or death arises out of ths negligence of Kern fuver. 19. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Prior to performing any work within the Kern River Easements, Rocky Morurtain Yawer shall carry insurance as described in Exhibit G attached hereto and provideKernRiverwith insurance cstificates widmcing svchcovwago EnwaacbixgParty shall rquire its conhactors and zub-contactors ofany tierto maintain andpravideevidence of similar insurance during aoy construction within the Kern River Easements. Kem River does not repreeent that the required insurance, whether,ll ;scqpe or q!$ounts,of, coverage, is adequate to protect the obligations of Rocky Monntain Power oritp conlractolB dii'sub-confractors, and Rocky Mountain Power and / ot its contractors and sub-contractorsitatlbc sot *y-L*po*iAh foranydgficiacies &ereof. Nothingin this section shall be deemed to limit Rqgky Mciuntdrn Power's.liability rmds &is Agreecrent.t''sqpj;[ i t 2A. AS-BUILT DRAWINOS: Within six rnonths followingthe substantial wmplettonofthe Pows Line,Rocky &{ountain Powelr *b*llprovidewitlwutrhxgeto Kern River aoopy of its 'o&s-built" drawings of the Power Line. 2 1 . NOTICES: All notices to either party hereto stmll be in uriting and sei:rred personally on, or sent by U. S. postal or comme,rcial delivery service to, the addresses hereinabove gven. 22. CAAPERATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS: Rocky Mountain Yawu shall ensure the caapemtran of its contractors und ag*nts with Kern River with respect to lhettrlfis and oonditions of this Apeerneat and their irvolvernent v{rt}lthe actlitres dr;swlb& herein. 23. ATIORNEYS' FEES: The Parties shall be eotitled to its reasonable costs and attomeys' fee$ to eoforce any provisions of this Agreemant, iogether with intsest at twelve prr.cent ptr annum for any amounts owing to Kern River hereutrder. 24. SLiBSEQUENT OWNERS OF POWER LINE: it is the intention ofthe Parties that the terrns of tli* Agrewzant. shall apply to subsequent ownu(s) of the Power Line and th*t arry eubsequent ovmer(s) shall take ownership of tho Paws Line subject to the terrns of this Agreernent. Tlns }rgrwre;nrt shall nrn with the land aad Kern River Easwrertts and shall inure to the benefit of and be biading on the respective succes$ors, assigns, hcirs a$d pcsonal representatives of the Parties and owner(s) of the Power Line. Nothing coatained herein shall be constnred to abrogate, diminish, or relinquish any rights granted by the Kern River Easements or to waive statntory, common law or ofher rights that Kem River may have against subsequent owner(s) of the Power Line. 25. AGREEMEN? SUBORDINATE TO EASEMENT(S): This Agreernent is subordinate and subject to all terms and conditions of the Kern River Ease.ments with the ,artderlytng fee owners and easwttrlthoiders of rwordcn said lands" 26. GOVERNING LAW AND JURY WAIVER. This Agreement and the rights and duties of the parties arising out ofthis Agreernent shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws ofthe state of Utah, exce,pt provisions of that law referring to governaoce or construction of the laws of another jurisdiction. Any suit, action, or proceeding arising out of or relatiag to this Agreement may only be institufed in a state ar fdrer:al court in Salt Lake City,Utah.Euchpxty waives aay objectton which itm*y hwe now or hereafter to *xclusive venue of sur,h action ar procedbgin the state or f&sral courts af Salt LakeCity, Utah and inevocably submits to &ejurisdiction af eny such state or fd*al court in wry such zuit, action or proceeding. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY IAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO VTATYES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OT LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLYARISING OUT OF, TINDER OR IN CONNECTION WTM{ THIS AGR.EEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE AhIY ACTiON IN WHICH A JURY TRI,AL HAS BEEN WATYED WITH A TY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. *** Remainder of this Page is intentionallyl,efrBlark - Signature Pageto follow*** The Parties execute this Agreement on the date first written above. KERN RTYER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPA}'TY, a Texas general parkrership ACKNO\ryLEDGMENT STATE OF UTAH By: Its: ) )$COUNTYOF ) 0nthe_dayof me and being by me duly sworn did say that s/he is the. behalfof s/he, as the personally appeared befo,re of aud that the abovs $pecific Encroachmutl Agreerrteat was signd on and said acknowledgedtomethat signed the sane. ,Notary ,xfilii':' t l/,,,, . 7i1::l;t..t,.'/:.,/.:::.:t'. ACKNOWLADGMEI\TT personally appeared before of of . 1r,.:la /:,?';i';. .r: \l l::.:.,,, . , '', '1., ,, l.: i, PACIFICORP, an $iegdd co$oranaid6la Its: Rocky Mountain PowEr By: STATE OF UTAH ) )$ COIINTY OT ) 0nthe-dayof me and being by me duly sworn did say that s/tre is the. and that the above Specific Encroachmant Ageanent was signed on acknowledgedto methat signed the same. behalfof andsaid s,/he, as the of NotaryPublic EXUIBITA"l-A"6 (Concrrl Vicinif ldrp ffeorfag &e Imfim of tlc Portr Lhe ud &c Locrtfun of trc Ksa RivrEurmcutr) DrddmlFat2m8.-&Srrlrtthtllllr- -bE-FDI13}TIFT-}Ehprr?tsa--Oi;lrp- EXHIBITB (tegal Descrlfilons! Fo be lnserted wlth gach EncruachmcntAdrcememl SAMflPLE ETffiISIT C (Conrtmction Drrri*gr) Note: Consfructiaa Drawinss to be plovided W?eff 90 days in advmce of co'nstruction EXHIBITD (Sope o,f Wort) Fo be inserted wlth each Enqoaduncnt Agrccmsnt) SANfiPLE EXHIBITE (Equipmcnt Ustl (To be furertsd nrlth each Encrcachnrent Agruementl SANflPLE EXHIBIT T (Encroaehment $pecificafiona) KERN RMR GAS TRANSMISSION CO-MPANY, herFinaft€r callqd "KERN B[B':is $rinreElrte-transpprrcr of ;raufti EeS wliimlr r."Colit"a6yi[e U..S., Depprqngit ofTrarppqnatipn O.ffic.e of Pipeline q.afcty,.Tho fo,florOi+g ffiigr"f#"pTpHf"fs'gned b comply mm appxcaEle st8ls anc reoeral reguauons to assure ue sarery or me puDIIc aoc lo 2t Ir$IDSCAPING (plaotiugs that reguire excavating dcees ttan within ihe The followins soecifications 4's minimum requirem€ots for tsiisdndEaffiE[iitslie. Tkca are not the onlv troes of acti' depea&lg.Upop $e"ppposed cncroacbments Plees€ contaclyour rncllvrdual srtuatoL C) Laqrris and veeetable eardens are acc,aslsble.Dl PTOViSiOflS A fud C Ofthc GENERALREOUIB.EMENTS'FpR.SLRFACE ALTERATIONS f,efiain to this type ofplanting. conflicturith thens mav be reouiredt7Y789-8763 to review GENERAL REQUIREME{TS FOR BTIRIED LINE CROSSINGSA)Atl buried linee crossitrs KERI'ehall be installed in accirdanceoEIIGi:*nd reouiB)Al1 :s. droo boxes. on thdright of COMMUNICATION I.INES TELEPHONE, T:/, OTHT,R DATALINES A)Communication Jines shall meet all orovisions of the.GENERAL REQI,]IREMENTS . BIIRIED LINE tfiA)wrthiq the rig[t qf annual surveJls, fi vy ,JJar,J'lenffircefiay 3) 4) 7) OPEN WATERWAYSA) Ooen waterwaw snrall6l thnn 3 feet wide at the bottom ar€'defined as "ditihgs" and must have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover from the too of the oine to thc bottom of the ditch. or the ditch mrst belined usinl an annrorrcd method and material, [,arger open rnqtedfuarry ad-e d€fined as 'tanals" and C) An oooortrnitv will be orovided for KERN RwER to install'gasinj?rld/or dther skuc^tural protectiou prior to canalinstallation B) Nb treer or C)All buried lincs should cross under the oioeline,'However. u&cn obsructions or unfavofable soilconditioris are encountered. or when the KERN RiVERprpeli*e is locptc{.at a dep& gratnr.tharl feet, approvalt0 cross ov€r tne Etre Inav be lrantcd,D)To avoid unsxDect€d setiricc internrotions ofburied lines'crossins over KERN aJyff, ei66linie. s minimrm sf f{ inches 6fcqver (or local r4irdintum reduired depth) mustbe rrovided ovei the cnrasins lire- E) Alf buried r' "t "*geinq tlrcXERN RIVER pipeline' srhall mrinlain aminimrim seoaration of 24 iichesbetween the two facilities. with the same deDth canied E, Ja]l Oune0 Unes CTOSSIAE Ule tLEt(N lg.Vtlt( pIPelIAe' srhall mrinlain aminimrim seoaration of 24 iichesbetween the two facilities. with the same deDth canied asross the e.lrtire risht of urav.F) A ioint trenctr is tlie recorrriended method for multinle' utilitv crossifiss. Undcr nomral circumstaaces ttris ' requires. that drly one permit be obained by the ltotl. CROSSINGS 'r flmmr:s*J*ri#l #mn*m ?{#! n a, o, cr HH; shall be oiaced bv the Rockv Mountain Power at-' eaft_sdlee-of tlip right df way-to niark the underground cablc arigle and palh ofcrosbiag. METAITIC }IPE CROSSING$ l4-inch and lrsermetallic oipes crossitrs KERNVER'S oioelind or anv msfallic uioe trafisoortins.zrdaw'niaterials (petiolsum- nafuial eas. 0tc.). shall ue two cathodic priltection teit leads ifistdllediin the A) 1l),A) l3)A) B) c) ald I of 8)A) B) e)SEWERAND WATER LTNES A) l0)SUB SUP.FACE DRAINAOE TILE {NANNfET 3J-UC) ,d twoon tlie ciossirig pipe B) c)'uioe crossffidC'shall hav€ a Derrnanent orotectivefbr'the ful| udtlth of the righf of way. must install the leade on KERNif necessary will install thei pipelinq(s) a{rd,-ff n ecessary-will iirshlf tliern€ crtssrng prpg. .- - t2\ABOVE GROUND LINE CROSSINGS A)Shail naintain a minimrm of 30 feet of vertical clsaraqce'iicross the right of vav,B) Shall have n6 poles of appurt€fi.eces located on the right ofwav.ClAbbve eround crossinss shall not be above or closer than' 25-feet trorizontally lo-any gas escepp_ veat (4 9., reliefvalve veart, etaliontlow dofrn vent,'block *alft'vent"etc.). B} wilh the KERN RMRpresert. tifl to tisht lines onlv. ar€ not fermitted wr-thin the BLASTING ffit sd aaXEFI}.IIUVER forprior to the aaticipetad start of E}ilIIBIT G (Insurance Requirements) A. Workers' Compensation Insurance and Occupational Disease Insurance in accordance with statutory requiranerts of the state and/or Federal Regulations (FELA, USI*H, Jones Act) and Empioyers' Liability Insurance with lirnits of not less than: Bodily Injury by Accident $500,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury by Disease $500,000 Poliry Limit Bodily krjuryby Disease $500,000 Each Employre cov*inglocation of all work place;s involved in this Contrac-t. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance, writt,en on an Occurrenc,e Basis, with limits not les than $1,000,000.00 peroccurrence / $2,000,A0A aggregaleBodilylnjuryand PropertyDamage, including the following covemges. a Pre.rnises and O .attons Covmge b. Iadependent Cont?ctor's Coverage c. Coatactu al Lrabihty coveriag liabilities assurred under this Coafact d. Products andCompleted Operations Coverage e. Cove,rage for explosion, collapse, and undergromd prCIperty drnage f. Broad F.or:n Prope,rty Damage Liability endorsernent g. Personal lqiury Liability C. Comprehensive Aut,osrgb rteLiabilitylnsurance covering owned, hired and non-owned vehicles with limits not less fham $ 1;000,000.00 per occurrence Bodity Inj wy andErvpatyDrnage combined single limits D. UmbrellaLiability Insurance with a minimum combined single liurit of S5,000,000.OA wch occ:urrence/aggegate where applicable to be excess of the coverages and limits requird in A., 8., and C. above. Rocky Mountain Power shall, on or prior to &e effective date of this agreernent dsliv€r to Kern River certificates ofinsuranc.eevidencingvalidcavaageineffect as specifiedbythisExhibit. All of the above described insurflnce policies shall contain provisions that the insurance companies will have no right of rffiyery or subrogation against Kem River, its parent, divisions, affiiiates, subsidiary companiec, co-lecse6s, or co-venturers, &g€,nts, directors, officers, employees, servaots, and insurers, it being the intention ofthe Parties that the insurance as cffected shall protect all parties excr4rt with respect to the negligeirce of additional insureds listed below. All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to pmvide that the policy is primary and will not conkibute wifh any policy carried by Kern River. Kern River, its parenl divisions, affiliates, subsidiary comprnie$, co-less@s, or co-venhrero, ageirrts, directors, ofEc*rs, employees, and servants shall be narned as an additional irsured in each ofRocky Mountaia Power' insurance poiicies, except statutory lfforkers' Compensation. The Commercial General Liabirity ad&tional insured endorse.ment shall be ISO Form CG20l0 or its qaivalent" There shall be no conditions oa Rocky Mountain Power' polioies restricting defemse expsnses available to Kern Rivsr. Any and all deductibles in the above-described insurance policies or inadequacy of limits shall be assumed by, for the account of and at the sole risk of Rocky Mountain Power. All policies providing @verago herzunder shall contain provisions that no canrxllation or rnaterial changes in dre policies shall become effective except on thirty (30) dap' written notice thereof to Kern River at Kern River's office originating ttre agreement. Rocky Mountain Power shall not cancel or make aoy material change in any such policies without the prior written consant of Kem River. Forthoseinsurance cove,rageswherebyKetrtRiverisrequiredtobenarned as as additional insrd, Rocky Mountain Power shall at any tirne requestod by Kern River prior to or during the tern of the work or this Contract, deliver to Kern River c€rtified copies of any and all insurance policies so requeated. Furtho, should a loss arise after final acceptance that may give rise to a claim against Rocky Mountain Yawx, and/or Kem River as additional ins$red, Rocky Mountain Power shall deliver to Kern River, or shall cause its insurert or agents to deliver, cetified copies of&e policies rnaintained drning the terrr of the work or this Contract, if so rquested by Kern River. Kern River does not represent that the insumrce coverage$ specified herein, whether in scope of covmegeor amounts *f ooverage, are adequaie to protect the obligations ofRockyhdouniain Power, and Roclry Mountain Pgwer shall be solely responsible for a*y deficiencies thereof. Nothing in ttris Agreement shall be deemed to limit Rocky Mountaia Powed liability under this Agreement SUBCONTRACTOTS INSURANCE Should Kem River pernrit Rocky Mountain Power to firther zublet or subcontract any portion of the work, Rocky Mountain Power strall, before permitting anyofits Subcontractors to perform anywork at the site, require each Subcontractat tCI *ffty insurance with terms and limie similff to that specified above or provide evideoce that such Subcontractors are coverd as Named Insureds under Rocky Mountain Power' insurance coverages as required above. Prior to the cotrrmencernent of work by aay Subconfractor, Rocky Mountain Power shall pmvide to Kem River Certificates oflnsurance evidencing that each Subcontractor carries insurance as required above or evidencing that such Subconfiaetors arc *arnd insurods under Rocky Mourtain Pows' insuranoe coyurager,. As with Rocky Mountain Power'insurance covsrage,Kmn River, itsparwt" divisions, affiliates, subsidiary companies, co-less@s, or co-ve,nturers, agents, directors, officers, smploye$ and sen/aots shall be named as an additionai irsured on any Subconkactor insurance required by this section.