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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120217Notice of Affiliate Transaction.pdf~. t r"1 iJ'i.t,. \'..\ Ji~; \ D ¡(\MS' v ~ ri'Ù'Ù \ S S\ ON llT\l\TIE. '",,- Will. Mark C Moenclì' Senior Vice President and General Counsel 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2400 Salt Lake Cït, UT 84111 801-220-459 Offce 801-220-4058 Fax mark.moench(§ ~~l!f9!,RECEIVED 10\1 fEB \6 ~t\ \0: \ 5 Februar 16,2012 VL OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washigton Boise, il 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta Re: PacifiCorp Notice of Affliate Trasaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Dear Ms. Jewell: Ths letter will serve as notice pursuat to Commitment I 17(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Order No. 29973 issued Februar 13, 2006, as supplementtd by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition ofPacifiCorp by MidAerican Energy Holdings Company ("MEHC"), of an afliate interest traction. Rocky Mounta Power hereby submits an originl and seven copies of the Invoice from Maron/eystone LLC, for the purchase of certin specialized pipe used for developing physical therapy apparatus for determinig lineman fitness for duty afer injures. A copy of the Invoice is included as Attchment A. PacifiCorp . is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiar of MidAerican Energy Holdings Company (MEHC). MEHC is a wholly-owned subsidiar of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc (Berkshire). Berkshi curently holds an approximate 64 percent interest in the Maron Group. The Maron Group consists of approximately 140 companes, divided into eleven business sectors including engineered wire and cable, industral products and building wie. Maron/eystone LLC is a member of the Maron Group. Therefore, Berkshie's ownership interest in the Manon Group may create an afliated interest in some PacifiCorp jursdictions. Maron/eystone LLC distrbutes specialty pipe and tubing, including, among other things, carbon steel, stanless steel, and aluminum and alloy tubular products. Among the items distrbuted by Maron/eystone LLC is a carbon steel pipe that the Company uses to make climbing poles for physical therapy offces used by linemen to determine fitness for duty followig treatment for injures. The Company developed fitness for duty tests and will be incorporating those tests in physical therapy offices treating Company linemen in five states. One of these tests involves pole climbing. Because the testing taes place indoors, a pole made of lightweight material is needed to safely attch to walls. The lead safetY consultat for the development of th$ lineman rehabilitation program researched varous companes and Idaho Public Utilties Commission Febru 16,2012 Page 2 determined that Maron/eystone LLC was the only company offerig a product to suit the needs of the lineman rehabiltation program. The Company has the pipes shipped to a welder in Salt Lake City, Uta who then modifies the pipes to resemble utilty poles. Once completed, the poles are sent to physical therapy offces. A recent review of Company records indicated that PacifiCorp began purchasing pipes frm Maron/eystone LLC in 2009 and has purchased two to thee pipes per year at approximately $209 to $354 per pipe. The Company has reviewed its internal processes and made corrections to ensure that notice is provided consistent with statutory requirements and the merger commitments. The Company intends to continue to purchae two to three pipes per year in ths price range until the development of the lineman rehabilitation progr is complete. Puchasing the pipes is in the public interest because the pipes are a key component in the Company's lineman rehabiltation program. Rehabiltating injured linemen. is critical for maintanig a healthy and capable workforce to ensure the continued provision of safe and reliable electrc service. The Company is providing a copy of the most recent invoice from Maron/eystone LLC. Other invoices can be provided if desired. Please do not hesitate to contat me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ß(~f6.~ Mark C. Moench Senior Vice President and General Counsel Rocky Mounta Power Enclosurs (Page 1 of 1) Marmon/Keystone CorporationTH PI AN TUNG PE Inv#: 50-645056 Sold by: MAON/KEYSTONE - 1230 South Swaner Salt Lake Cìty UT TEL (801) 973 2700 SALT LAKE CITY 50 Rd 84104 FAX ( 801) 973 6915 Date: 12/19/2011 Remit to: Due: 111812012 MAON/KEYSTONE LLC P.O. Box 96657 .'. .. . Sold To: 2684 PACIFICORP P.O. BOX 3040 PORTLA OR 97208-3040 Shipped To: (01) COMPLEX FABRICATORS 1620 SOUT AWL CIRCLE (FOR ROCKY MTN POWER) SALT LAE CITY UT 84104 Ship Date Order Date SO Terms 12/19/2011 12/19/2011 5056989 1/2% 10/NET 30 Frt: FREIGHT INCLUDEDVi a; OUR TRUCK Em DEST Cust Order # FFDE-12860 Account Manager I Sa 1 esperson RICK ZIELINSI RYAN AUBREY aIL: 1 CA WED PIPE A5 "* 10.750 x .188 6' 9" 1 PeS 6 FT 9 IN . 1 PC ~ 317.00 IPC 143 ll 317 .00 ENERGY SURCHARGE 14.39 LOT 14.39 Hateri a 1 Process i n9317.00 .00 143 LBS Freight .00 PAGE. : Other 14.39 Discount: Taxes . Totl Due22.70 354.09 1.65 if paid by 12/29/2011 Su to the Coitns of sa se fort on the rers side her.