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Legal Department
825 NE Multnomah, LeT 600
Portland, OR 97232
Please Reply To:
101 ¡ FEB -3 Ar' 10: l 6 Jeffer B. Erb, Assistat Generl Counsel
Direct Dial (503) 813-5029
Fax (503) 813-6761
email: jeff.erb(?pacificorp.com
February 1, 2011
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 West Washington
Boise, Idaho 83702-
Attention:Ms. Jean D. Jewell
Commission Secretar
Re: Idaho Docket No. PAC-E-05-8
Order No. 29998
To the Idaho Public Utilities Commission:
The Board of Directors ofPacifiCorp, by a unanmous wrtten consent dated as of
Januar 28,2011, declared a dividend of77.017 cents ($0.77017) per share on the outstanding
shares ofPacifiCorp common stock (an aggegate of$275 milion), payable to its sole common
stock shareholder of record, PPW Holdings LLC, on Februar 28,2011.
Commitment 17 of the Stipulation approved in Order No. 29998 provides that PacifiCorp
wil provide the Commission notice when it intends to increase the amount of dividend payments
by 10% or more. As this is the initial dividend payment to PPW Holdings LLC, such notice is
hereby provided.
Assistant Secretar and
Assistant General Counsel
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