HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080122Notice affiliate transaction.pdf~ ,., ~ PacifiCorp Notice of Afliate Trasaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Page lof2 20\18 JAN 22 ..~l MOUNTAIN~"~Ol~ 10: 58 One Utah Center, 23rd Floor 201 South Main Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Pleae Reply To: Jordan A. White, Senior Counsel Direct Dial (801) 220- 4640 Fax (801) 220-3299 email: jordan.white~pacificorp.com DECr::l'\.....,."-= Janua 22, 2008 Idao Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washigton Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretar Re:PacifiCorp Notice of Affliate Transaction Case No. P AC-E-05-08 Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter will serve as notice pursuat to Commtment I 17(2), incorporated in the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Order No. 29973 issued Febru 13,2006, as supplemented by Order No. 29998 March 14, 2006, in the above-referenced proceeding, approving the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAerican Energy Holdings Company ("MEHC"), that MEHC has commenced business transactions with the following affliates: NetJets Sales, Inc., NetJets Aviation, Inc., and NetJet Services, Inc. (collectively "NetJets"). The transactions are supported by the documents listed below, which set fort the terms and conditions with respect to MEHC's purchase from NetJets of an undivided 12.5% interest in an airplane. Rocky Mountan Power curently has no intention of utilzing the aircraf available under the fractional ownership agreement. Circumstaces may arse, however, where the need to transport an emergency repai par or crew to a location that is otherwse unavailable on a timely basis by other transporttion may justify the service. · Fractional Interest Purchase Agreement between MidAerican Energy Holdigs Company and NetJets Sales, Inc., atthed hereto as Exhbit "A." · Fractional Ownership Owners Agreement executed by MidAerican Energy Holdings Company, attched hereto as Exhbit "B." · Fractional Ownership Program Management Services Agreement between MidAerican Energy Holdings Company and NetJets Aviation, Inc., attched hereto as Exhbit "C." · Master Dry Lease Aircra Exchange Agreement between MidAerican Energy Holdings Company and NetJet Services, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit "D." PacifiCorp Notice of Afliate Trasaction Case No. PAC-E-05-8 Page2of2 The transactions listed above were negotiated at ars-lengt as between MEHC and NetJets. However, this notice is provided in the event that Rocky Mountan Power actualy utilizes the services ofNetJets under these agreements and thus, trggers an afliate transaction. Please call me at the above number or Brian Dickman at (801) 220-4975 if you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, Jo2: Enclosures Il EXHIBIT A Fractional Interest Purchase Agreement "Il NI!JET Sym 121 crrAWNXL FRCTONAL INTEREST PURCHASE AGREEMNT THIS FRACTINA INTERST PURCHASE AGREEM (th "Agre) is ma andentere int beee Netet Sales, Inc ("NJSn or "Se. a Dewa coti havi it pnncpal ofic and pl of busines at 4111 Brew Avenue, Columbu, Ohio 4319-188 an th Inviual or entit whose sinare an addres apprs bel ("BrW). WIESET WHREA. SeIJ Is in '! business of purcasing and seng aira and WH, Sell ow th airc equipmen wananty rihts an lobo (th "AI lisedand de on the Scheule athed he (th .Scheule"). The Air wi be so in up to sbee (16) undivided ineres of at le si and onuart pent (6.2) eø: and WH, Buyer desire to purchae fro Sell, an Seer desire to seJi to Bur an und intere in th Aircra as se forh on th Scdule (the "Intt" su to th right of th owners of the rening interts In the Airc as provi in the OperatM Domen as herein dein (th "Adonl Inter Owrs"). NOW, THERE in cosidran of th prmises coind her the par heto, deiri lega to be boll, here agree as follos: 1. Purch.. of Intest 1.1 Coveyace af Jnte. Subj to th ter an conditio he, Seller sha on th Cling Da (as heinfter define), trnsfer, cove, asign. set ovr. bargain, sell and deve uno Bu. an Bur shall purchase from Seller, th Inere in and to th Aircft (and aU airc lo an inio,modifn an ovl record if any. rela to th Aircraft, an, to th exten asignale, all right of seler to sece an warry right with re to th Airc), subjec to the rights of th AdditiIntere Owrs as prid In the Opra Dome. Seler shll delvr to Bur, on or pr to th Closing Dae, a aii of Sae in the fan prrid by th Federa Aviation Admira1i (th nFM, for the Inter (the "Bin of Sal"). . 1.2 Puue Pr. The to purchae prce (the 'Purdse Pri") to be pad by Buyer to Sel for th Intres shan be as set forh In the Sçed. payae as folws (a) A depoit of $100.00 (Incudng, if aplible, th $100,00 prevly paid on executn of a Binder Agremet by Buye) upon the exn of this Agremen by Buyr (th "Depos,; (b) Th balanc of the Purcha Price by wir tr to seler on the Cloing Dat (as dehern); (c) In the event any sale. use, luxury or slmDar ta is as on Seller wi re to the pue of the Interst Buyer hereby covent and agre to pay an amri equa to the assesse ta and any reated penaltie an iner to Seller wiin ten (10) days of reivng noice ther fr seler, and Seller shaD apply such amount to payment of the ta. Buye may proes such taes pred it lully indemnifies Seller therefon an (d) .CIoIn shall occur in a muuaRy EKeptabie lotion which includes Oregon. Mona, Souh caolina, Delae. Conecut. Maacuset and New Hampshire. 1.3 Opve Donts. As use herein the ten Operae Douments shall men th Fractioal Ownership Proram Management Services Agreement 1hAgreemt, th Fraonal Ownership Owne Agreement. the Master Dry-Le Aircraft Exchang Agreem, th Aircraf Acptnc Form and the Bni of Sal. ! ii 1.4 Antiipaled Deivry Date. Seller anates th th Aift wil be ready for deiver on the anti deliver date (the "Anicipd Deliry Dat") se fort on th Scedule afthogh th ae dae fo deli cannot be asrtined at this time In the even that th Airraft wiD no be availa for delivry win ai (60) days aft th Aniced Delivry Date, Buyer may noif Seler. in wr, of Its deire to tennna th Agrmen in which evnt Seller shall propty reun the Depo to Buyr and this Agremet shall be nul and voi an without further efec In th event Seller noties Buyr th th Aircra Is availe fo deer on or be a dae which is no more than sixt (60) days af th Antlcpate Dativ Da or such ot date as Is mutally agreea to Buye an Selle and thereafter Burunreasna withholds or deays Buys acept of th Aircaft or fails to execute th Operat Dome an pay the balnc of th Purchas Pri 101 a peri of ten (10) days af su date th Seler Wi rein th Deposi as liquidd damges, and no as a pelt, and this Ag shall be nuand void and wtut furt efec. . 1.5 Cape Tow Cove. Th Convntn on Internl Inre In Moe Equip an th Procol on Matrs Speciic to Aircraft Ob (th "Ce Tow Coenti,. ef Ma 1, 20. esli an Inerntinal retry ("Inttional Reisry) for it reisn of cein Inter in Aircra. Neitr Sele nor Buyer sha reiser any sale (as dene by th ~ Tow Conen) in thIntma Reis unl such time as Seie pro notice th in SeRer's so discr, such reisran is pessible. If Selr prvies noic that reisration of a sale is pennisslb. Buyer shal havethe opon to registe the sa at it so co and expnse. In the evt Buye exerces this op Selle wi' initiate or consent to th regisn of a sale on th Internaonal Registry as such reistratin pertinto the sa of th Intere in th Aira to Buyr. Z. Repretana an Warr 2.1 Rel8sents an WSl1nti of th SeIk seRe rereent and warrnts to. and cona and agres wih Bu. as foll (a) (i) On the ct Da th Aircra shall be in new codit in go workg or an rer and ha a vali Certe of Airwin isued by the FAA wit all apll airwrtines direivan inspe cure (ii) no deult or coions which. wi the page of tie or ging of noti or bo wold constiute deful exst undr any agremen, insment or document to wh Seller is a pa, or by whic th Airc or th Interest is bond. (b) On th Cloing Date seii sha own, an by this Agrmen an th Bil of Sale shall convey to Buyer, go an markle ti to the Inte free and clr of an and aU le, He clims. ri to purcha an encmbra otr than th riht of any Adtil Intere Ow as provied in th Opra Doumen (c) Ser is a corpra duly and valily organized an exing in go stnämg und the lawsof th sl of It inrptio and ha all power an au to ow or le its proertes an carry on it bines where such prort are lote and suc busies is concted Seller has the powe anauthority to entr int ths Agement, to exute, dever an re al other Insme an do execte an delivered and reiv in coneon wi th tracions hen reerr to and to carr outh sale an trfer of the Inter to Buye and th trct contmplated hereder an thund. Seler ha the pow an autory to exee and deliver this Agreet, the BIU of Sae and an oU documnt and instrment reuire to be execut and delivred by It (d) There is no acn, sui or proeeing pedin agains SeI beOÆl or by any cortadmiisttive agen or other governmental author whi brigs Int ques the valiit of, or in any way legaly or ficially (in the cae of performnc) impairs th execuon. delivry or peifmi bySeller of an Opeiv Docmet . (e) The exectin and dever of the Opve Documents by Seller and th perforanc by it ofit obligtins theun, including, without limtan, the coveyae of the Intert an the acnc of the Purc Pri in exchage therefor, have ben duly autri by aH nesary corpe act of Seler and do not violate or conlic with (i) any pris of Seller's Certicte of Incrpti or By-lws, or (ii) an law or any orr, wr inunction. decre, rule or reula of any cour adminitrive agenc or any oter goermental authori. 2 (t) The Operativ Doum to be execed an defive by Seler consti th va and binding obrigio of Seller enrceae in accrdan with thir reive tem, subec ho. to (I)laws of general applition afecng creit' rits and (ií) jud dision, to whic eqtae reedes are subjec. (g) Sellr is no subj to an reicion (whih has no ben compled wi) or agreen wh, wi or wiou the givng of notice. the passage of ti. or bo, prohibit or woud be vied by, or be inooet with, th execion deivery an consummatio of th Opratie Domets and trthein rerr to. Ch) The Aircraft ha been (i) eir mantined in acor wi the proviio d Fe Avia Reulat ("FARj § 91.405 or main in acoo wi th prision of FAR § 91.1411, an (10either inspeed witin the twel (12) mo perod preeding th date he In accrdan wi the proisio of FAR § 91.40 excet to the ex th Airc is le than tw (12) mohs ol and all applicabl requiremen for mainnanc and inspeion thereunder have ben complie wi, or in in accordanc wi the provisi of FAR § 91.1109, or the Ai Is maintin und a co airwrthines mainenae pram as pred in FAR, § 91.1411. Seller acknle th Bu will reexclusively upo this repreentation in makig a similr rereentio under th Mar DryLs Airc Exhange Agrent date of even da heewl. (i) sener rent th to tie on 1h Airc and its engin is the number of hours lied onthe SCheule. 0) Selle ha no emlo, eng or otherw dea wi any broker Or agen In connnwi this Agreeent (k) EXCEP AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTIO 2.1 OR IN THE BILL OF SAlTHERE ARE NO WARRANTS OR REPRESENTATIONS OF AN KIND OR NATURE, EXPRES OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED BY THIS AGREEMENT. OR THE AIRCRAFT. rrs CONDmON, ITS FITNES FOR A PARICULA PURPOSE. IT AIRWORTHINESS, IT DESIGN, rrs OPERATION. IT MERCNTABILITY OR WITH RESPECT TO PATE INFRINGEMENT OR THE LIKE. SELLER SHAL, IN NO EVEN. BE LIE TO BUYR FO AN INDIRECT. SPECIA OR COSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED. DIRECTY OR INDIRECTY, BY THE AIRCRAFT OR ANY INADEQUACY THEREOF FOR ANY PURPE, OR ANY DEFICIENCY THREIN, OR THE USE OR MAINTENANCE THEREOF, OR ANY REPAIRS, SERVICING OR ADSTMENTS THERETO. 2.2 Reresentas an Wanntl of th Buyer. The Buyer reresent and wa to. and agre with, the SeHr as follo: (a) Buyer, if a corprati is dul and varid organiz an ex in goo stin under thlaws of th st of its incrpti. (b) Buy, if a limited liabilit compa, is du and vaid organize and exis in go stuner the la of the stte of its foratn; (c) Bur ha the po and th autri to entr into the Opra Docume to be execand delivere by Buyer, an to carr out the trns cotempled theeunr. (d) The exeuton an delry of th OpraiVe Documets by Buye, an the peormnc of it obgations thereunder have been duly authoed by all necssry acon of Buyer an do no vi or coflic wih (I) any prision of Buyr' Cericate of Incorati or By-Laws. if Buyer is a co. Gi) any provio of Buyets Certat of Formion or Operating Ageem if Buye Is 8 timitd rialí1 company, or (iIQ any law or any ordr, wrIt. injuncn, decre, rule or regulati of any cort administrtiv agenc or an other goverment auri. There is no action, suit or proceeg pending or thenaganst Buyer bef any court, adminiratie agnc or othe gornental autnty whh brng int quesion the validit of, or might in any wa impair, th executon. deivør or performnc by Buyer of any Oprative Documen. 3 '¡ii (8) Th Operatie Do to be execued and delivered by Bu consute the va an biin oblig of Buyer enon: in acane wi th ree term, su howeve, to (i) la of genel applicati afec creditors' ri and (Ii) judil diti. to whh equitable remedies are subjec (f) Buy Is not subjec to an ree or agree which wi or wi th giv of noic,th paage of tie, or boh, prohib or wod be vilated by, the exec delive an consmati of the Oprative Doumen and th traecns threin refrr to oter than l'eeons and agrent as to which It ha obtIned the necery conts for su execti deli and consmmatin by Buy. (g) Buyer is a cin of 1l United State (as de in 49 U.S.C. § 4001, at S9, as amended)and conats and agre tht it will reain suc for so lo as It rein th Interes and furter covenan an agrees tht th Airft wil be reisred in the United Stes througut the tem of ths Ag. (h) Buyer has not em engaged or otrwe de wit a brer or agnt in conen wihth Agrent (ij Bu hli"by specally ackledg, for the beneit of Sellr, tha neir Selle no any empye or agan of (or cons 10) Selr ha ma any repreon or waty to Buy as to (i) thefuture sale value or rent vaue of th Aircra or th Interes or (i) any ta coneqenc to Buyer of it partcipn in an transon coempled by this Agreeme or oterwise related in any way to thAircraft, the Inre or th puas sale, maage, use or fiancg theo. 3. Indemnif Each of Seer an Buye willnd the other an prtec, deen and hod it hamles fro and ag any and all los. co daage, Inwy or exse, incng, witho limio, rena attrnysfee. whereoeve an hows ariing whic th inemniie pa or it stockher, or any of it or their, c:re, oficrs, age, emloyees, mebers. maner, stckho or pars, may inur byreas of any brh by th inmnJ part of any eX It reentati or obig se fort in the Oprati Doumen. In the evnt any clai for Indemnllc hereunde ares on acunt of a claim or ae ma or ined by a thir pen agat the nolfg pay, the non-inning part shal no the Indnifng part pr afer the recip of no by the noindeifng part that such clam wa mae or tht suc act wa comenc The inemnif part shall be entile to partpain th defene of any such cla or acn by cons of it ow chong. If th indning part shl particpae in the deense of such claim or ac th same sh' no be sø wihout it pr writenco (which consent sha. not be unraso wiheld) unl th indemning part shal dey or failto corm aft wren reuet the othets ri 10 indicion. Ea of Seller an Buyer alo heindemnifs an shll ho th other ha agins any lo sUSed or reasonale exns incrr by the other as th dire reult of or aring out of the impoition on th Aircft or the Interet of any Federal orother ta ~en or the forelosre the by virtue of the falure topsy or unerpyment by th indeni pa of the Fedel or other taes payable by su indening part. 4. Be of Repreenta, Warrie, Et Se hereby asigns to Buyer (to the exten of Buyefs Intere an to th extent assignale) th beefit of aD warrnties. represntns, covenants and indemniti ma to Selle by, or whic Ser is ened to enforc agin th mafactrer of the Aircraft 50 Conditns Precedent to Cloing (a) Seler's obgatios to sell the Interes to Buye sha be subjec to th perfnc by Buyer ofall of it agreement herun to be perfored on or prr to the Cling Date (as deined heren) inclng the obligation of Buyr to make the paymts set fort in seion 1.2 here. (b) Buyer's obations to purcha the Interes from Seller shal be subjec to the performane bySeile of all of it agreeent heunder to be perfrmed on or prior to th Clin Da (as defied herei) and to the satiacn of the folowng coditions: (1) Executin and delve by Selle to Bur of the Bil of Sae; 4 1'1 (2) Arrgemets saacry to Buyer shall have ben mad wi repe to th regisraon of Buyer's Interes wih the FAA; (3) Seller shd pr Bur wi evidence of Seer's tie to th Aircraft to the exten of the Intere sub only to the right of 1h Aditnal Intre Owrs; (4) Netet Avia Inc., a Delaware cooration and corpra afte of Ser ("JA'), sha have agred to manage th Airaft on behalf of Buyer and th Adnal Intere Own pursuato th te ot a Frali Ownershi Prom Managemen Serv Agr tyy used by NJA (the "Management Agreen, a copy of such agrement Buyr acnoedes ha ben previously delivere to and revew by Bir; an, (5) Netet Service, Inc. a Delawa cooration and corrae afte of Seler ("Serv.),shl have agreed to adinier a dr leae ai exhange MTge among Buyr, th Aditna Interest Ownl' and cein ow of other aircra pui to th te of th Ma DryLee Aircraft Exnge Agrement (the 'Exchng Agre'), a CO of suc agrJ*en Buyer acknóledes has been preusy delvere to and reewe by Buye. (c) Buyer agre th at such ti as seier and NJ muly agree that the Airaft Isoperanal, in go workng orr and re to use, Buyr wi execute and deiver to Seller an NJ anAirc Aceptan Form, Fraio Owrsip Owners Agr, Ma Dr-Lease Aift Ex Agreent and Manaemnt Agrment in th fo previously delivered to and revi by Buyr, whic shaI be da th date of such mutul agrement. Bur hereby spciUyappont NJA as Buyr's agent to accpt defivery of the Aircra Buye agrees no to unreasonbl wi or dely acepnc of th Airra Bur heby agre to execute an delir the Aircra Acnce For wiin fl (5) days from th date of such mutal agrmen, and furthe agre to indemy an hold Sele ha fro anaga any an all clms, eha. co or exes arsing ou of or f9ng to Bus faiure to soexe an delivr such Airc Actanc Form. The tra corlplated heeunder shll bedee to comence, and the Manant Agrement, Owers Agreent Masr Oryease Airc Excge Agrmen and oter Oprative Docmen shal be dat as of th cling da spie on th Aircraft Acptanc Form (1 .CIing Date"). 6. Rerchase by Selle (8) SeUer hereby ackri an agres th in the event of a ma deau by Selr, NJA orSeres in th peance of any of it obligati under th Oprativ Do or up any br ofany marial rereio or waes ma by Selr hereder whic deflt shll coue uncre for ten (10) days afer recip of writn noti or in th evt Buye termnaes th Manageen Agrefor any of the event spciied In Se 15 of th Managemen Agret whic enes Bur to terminate the Management Ageemeri thn upon wr notic, and pr no ma deault by Bur ha ocurred an Is connuing uncure under any of th Operaive Docume, Bur sha have the rihtand the option to cause Seller to rerce Buyr's Inter in th A1rcft for th the Fair Ma Valu of the Aircra (deteimined by mut agrment of Buyr and Seller, or ab suc agreem by an indepent appraiser mutu agreed up. by the parts, or, absen such agreent by a mari of th (3) indepent apprais, on (1) seleced bytte Buyer, one (1) seleced by th Sell, and th thrd selec by th oter tw (2)) muhipfie by the percent equlle of th Int, utling thas, in calclating su rerc pr, that the Airc is in the co reir to bemantained undr th Mangemen Agemt, the engin on the Airaft are mid-life (p Ho Sec inspe) and utilizin 'te acual number of hors on the airframe, and wi regrd to or conlderan of any mantenanc reervs establishe by NJA under the Managemnt Agreent Seller shan be ent to deuc fro the amunt paable as th reprce prce all unpaid sum due under th Ope Doument. which sums if any, shall be retine to Seie if due Seller or remitd to the pay to whom suc sums are owing pursan to the Opeate Docment, an in the event th rerchas pr is insufien to deuct threfrom all such sums due and owing, then Buyer shall rema liabl to Seller for the paym of such sums to the extent of the deficiency. In the evnt Buyer noties Seller of it desire to ca se to repurce Buyer's Interest in the Aircraft as _ herein described, SeDer shal have niety (90) days afr receip of suc noce to cause such repurcha to ocr and Buer agre tha upon any such repurchae Buyer wiD trasfer to Seler god and marketable tite to the Interest free and clea of any an all lîens or 5 I !I encumbranc caused by Buyer ot thn mecnics liens to be dischared in the orinar cours ofbus. (b) Sell heeb acknes and agrees th Buyer shaD have th right and opn, upon wrnoice and provided no materi default by Bu ha ocrre an is cotinuin und any of the Opeve Docume to caus Sellr to repurc Buyer's Inte in the Aira at any time afer twent-four (24) month fr th dae hereo for th th Fai Maret Value of the Air (derm by mutual agreemen of Buyr and Seier, or absent suc agreemnt by an indepndnt apiaiser mutuaRy agr upo by 1h part or, abent such agreem by a maor of the indepnd aprs. on (1) seled by thBuye, on (1) sel by the Seer, and th third selected by th ot tw (2)) multipli by th percntge equivale of th Inter ne of a seen percnt (7%) broer commisio to be reerv bySeUr, utilzi the assumpln, in calculng suc repurchas pri, that th Aircra Is In th condn required to be mane undr the Mangemnt Agrent th enne on th Airc are midife (p Hot Secion inspens) and utlng the actua numbr of hour on th airra an wit re to or coidraio of any maintenan re esed by NJA uner th Manage Agreemen Ser shan be enited to deuc from th amun payale as th repurhase prce all unp su due under th Operive Documes, whh sum If an, shl be reined to Seller if due Seler or reit to the pa to . who such sums are owng pursnt to the Operatie Doument, and, In the event 1he reprc pri is inffient to deuc theefrom II such sum due an owg, thn Bur shall remain lie to Selle for the payment of su $Urn to the ext of th deficiency. In th eve Buye notes Seller of it desire to caus Seller to reuras Buyr's Intst in the Aircra as hein descried, Seler shal have nine (90) daysafter reeip of suh noti 10 case such rerchase to ocur and Buyr agres th up an such repure Bu wiD transfer to Seler good an markete tit to the Intere fre an cl of any and aJ liens or enmbrace caused by Buyer otr th rn lins to be äischargec in th otar coof bu 'I II . , (e) Buyr hereby acknowledge and agre that Sel shal have th riht and opn, In addito any other remdies Seier may be entle to, up a maerl defaul by Buyer under any of th Opiv Documents which result in th tennintin of th Manen Agrent by NJA or expiti of th Manaemnt Agreem in acconc wih it te, to reurc Bur's Inter in th Airaf for ththn Fair Ma Val of the Aircni (deerined by mutal agre of Bu and Se, or, ab su agreemen, by an indepnden apraisr mutally agre up by th partes, or abt such agee, by a mari of th (3) indeent apers, one (1) seeced by Buye, one (1) sele by Seier andthe third sele by the otr tw (2)) multlie by the peentage equiv of the Intere in ea canet of a seen perc (7) brerae coission to be reerv by Selle (exce if suh term is as a relt of a matri deult by Selle or NJA In the psnormance of their sutanti oblions uner the Opra Documnt), utilizing the assumpn, in calcg su repurc pri, tha the Airc is In th condion reuired to be mainine under th Mangement Agre. the enines on th Aift ar mid-e (pre Ho Secio Inspens) an utzing the acua number of hours on the airme and wi regar to or considertion of an matenanc reser esblishe by NJA und the Mangeme Agreemen ser shl be entitl to deduct frm the amount paable as the reurcha pri aJ unpid sums due under the Oprati Document. whic surn if any, sha be reined by Seler If due Sel or remi to the part to whom suc sums are ow puruant to the Oprae Docum, and, in the ev th repurcha pri is insuffic to dedct therrom al such $Urn du and owing, then Buyer shal røn lile to Seller for th paymnt of su sums to the exten of th deienc. In the evet Søler noies Buyr of it desir to reurcha Buyes Inte in the Airraft as heIn derh, Selle shall have ninety (90) days after rept of such noti by Buyr to cause suc rerc to oc and Buyer agree tht upon any such repuice Buyer shaU trnsfer to Seller goo and marktable tit to the Interfre an cl of any and all liens or enmbnc caed by Bu otr than mecics lins to be dischrg in the ordary course of buines (d) Notwithsandng the foregoing, in the event sener reurcha Bur' Intrest in th Airra, suc repurchase by Seller shaD not be deeed a waiver of NJA's. Seller's or Bus ri to pursue all remed at law and in equity to which it may oterwe be entited aganst the other partyOes) for any defult under the Operive Doument, each acknoledgin that it shall rein th riht to pro agast the other party(les) after the repurc for any such defailt. (a) If Seller prvides noic th reisration of a sal is permisible) Sell may. in it so discren, reuire as a codition prent 10 tt cloing of the repurcha conempled by this Se 6 i :1 and the payment of the repurcase price fro Seier to Buyer, the registraion of a sa. or a prospee 6 sal, as applable, in the Interntio Regis, reecng the sale of the Interest in the Aircra fro Buy to seer. ln connecn wit such regisn, bot Buye and Seler shaH (I) bear th ow costs and fees, and (ö) ac with reasonable diigence to complet such registr in th Intetil Rery prr to or conemporasl wi the closing of such repurohae. 7. Trarait of Alrd Bur shall not, for so lo as the Airraf is being oprated utr th tenn of th Manageent Agreemen and the Excange Agreemen sell or otrwe trfer Buyers Intst in th Aircra to anyothe person, fi or enit (the "N Purcser), ot thn an affiate of Bur or puant to Seion 22of th Maagement Agrent or to a Ba as secur as set for In Seio 1 of th Ow Agre All of the abov reir prir wrien cosent (except for th chang in contro Dr affia tr as proed in Secton 22 of the Management Agrement) of Sener and NJA, wh consent sha no be unrenab co, deye or withheld, provied tha such New Puraser CO mets Se an NJA's crcrieri or Buy agee to gurant such New Purchaers obligaions unde th Optie Dome an (fi) asum th obliti of Buyer under the Operative Doumen. In th ev th sale or trnsf is toan enit which is no an afiate of Buye. then Buyr shalf pay to Seller a transer fee of $10,00 plancliary adminirative costinClng poitonin th Aircra ("ra Fee") to acch su sa or trnsfer. 8. Siie of Addital Int... Seller hery spiflly reerv th riht to sen adional inre of at le six an onuar percnt (6.25%) each in th Airra for the reinng unsld porn of the Aircaf to such pe, finns orenties as SeDer. in its sole discreon. de accepta pro that suc Add Intrest Ow execute a magemen agreemen subsntly simlar to the Management Agrem às well as exec th Ownrs Agreemet and Exchange Agreent an Buyr sha have no righ to objec to any suc sale by Selle. Upon any such sale by SeHe to Aditl Inter Owne a tenain-como shall ar am Bu and such Addlt Intet Owers. 9. Opn.. 9.1 Train. Seller heby confirm to Buyer that Buyr shan have th opn to tra thIntere for an Intrest in anoher airc ty of eq or greater vaue an interest siz ofere witin th NetJ~ prram. Th trade value proide for th Interes wiD be not Ie than the far Mark Value (as deenrne puruant to Secion 6 hereo, hower, th seve percen (7%) brokera coisn sh no apy. Upon tre-in, Buyer shall tranfer to Seler go an market ti to th Intre fre and clear of any an allins or enmbrnces caus by Bur other th mecha li to be dihaed in the ornary cors of buiness. 9.2 Transfe Furthe to Buyer's right to transer the Intert purs to Secion 7 he an Seon 22 of the Management Agreeme, in the event of suc trnsfer, Sel he conrm th the seven per (7) commission deile in Sen 6 hef shl no aply. 9.3 Registratr unde Cape Tow Cove. If SeBer pr noic th regis of a sae is pennsse, Seller may, in it so disretion, reuire as a conditn preceden to the cloing of any suc tr fro Buye to Selle, as cotemplated by ths sect 9, the registrn of a sae, Dr a prospee sale for the tr-in, as applicle. in the Interntial Reis, refecing th sale of the Inte in the AIraft fr Buyr to SeUer. In conecon wi such regstraion, bo Buyer and Ser shal (î beartheir own costs and fes, and (ñ) ac wi reaonble dRlgence to coplete suc retion In the IntemaUonal Regist prior to or contmporasly wih th closg of suc tradein. 10. Mislaneous 10.1 Survaf. The representtions an warrntie made herein shall surv the executn and deUvery of thi Agreent and the conummaion of th trsactions decri herein. 10.2 Sussors and Assis. The ri and oblgations of the par heunder shall inre to th bene of, an be binding and enforceae upon, the respecte sucesso, asgns and permited tranerees of ei part. 7 1'\ ; i 10.3 Nots. Any notice, reqes or otr comunicaon to either part by th oter herender shl be givn in writing and shaR be deme given on th eai1ier of th date th sa is (I) personlydeliv wi receip ackledged, (ii) telecopied at ti of trsmission by elecro facsmil trnsmision equipment, whic equipmen shall furnsh wrien confrmtion of succsful and comped trisio of aU pages witho erro in trami or (iiij th next business day afer deliveed to a reputable overnht courir for whih It is intend at 1he address as se for at th he of this Agreent and on the siature pae, to wi a coy to any addreee as may be designa by a pa bynot hereundr. The place to wh noices or coie of notic are to be gien to eiter part may be chge fro time to time by such pa by wrien noti to th other part. 10.4 Govemfn La and Jursdtion. This Agent an the other Op .Ooumøn coit the en understa among the partes and thre are no reprenti or warrnt.co, covena or agrements other th as se fo exrey hereln an in th Operave Docen, and any chng or moieans hereo must be In wrg an sine by auri representti of boh partie. This Agreement sha. be governed by an interpret in acane wi th laws of the State of Oh. wi r'Pard to such state's or any other st's cho of law plOYiione. Any acon or other lel proceeding of any. ki, leg or equitble, baed upon or in any way relaed to the sujet maer of this Agr&ent, including bu no limit to th sa, operatin, maintenance, mangement, inpeion, servicig or occupacy of th Airraft sha be brought exclusivel in an appropriate cort of competen juridicon locted in FrankØn Cont, Ohio (if the acn is brought in state court) or In the United Stte Dirict Court for the Soutern Distic of Ohi (if the acton is broght in federal cort). The paie furthe agree tht 8 final judment in any such ac shaD be conclusiv and ma be enforcd in othe jurisions by suit on th Judgment or In any ot manne pred by law. 10.5 Capts. captions us herein are inerd for reer purp only an sha noaffec the intel1ati or coruct of this Agreme 10.6 Count. This Agrement may be exec in one or more cont ea of whh shl be deme an original, but ai of whic together sha cout one an th sa agrment. 10.7 Amdm Thi Ageeme may be amended or varied only by docts, in writ, ofeven or subseuent da here, exete by Buye an Seller. 10.8 Furr Ass. Each pa he shl exece and del all such further insten and dont as may reanaly be requesd by the oth part in ord to fUØ carr ou th innt an accomplh the purpes of th Opra Douments an th trnsacon reer to thin. 10.9 Forc Iisjure. Neitr Buy nor SeDer shall be lile for an failre or delay in peiloiance und this Agreement (oter th for delay in th payment of mone du an payalehereunder) to the extent said failure or delays are proxJately caused by causes bend tht par's reasonable oont and occurring witt its fault or negligenc. prided th, as a codlon to the claim that a part is not liable, the part exriencing the dicult shan give the other promp wrtten noice, with full detail following the ocrrnc of the caus reed upon. 10.10 ca Tow Conveti. If, in the sqle dermination of the Seller, the registratin of an interests in th Airraf In th Internal Registr by Buyer ha cred a clou or enumbnc on the tite to the Aircr Buyr shan be obigated to, at it ow cost and expens, (i exece a subordinatn agreeme prded by Seller, whi sets forth Buyer's Interest in th Aircft (and disclams an other intere In the Aircra) and (ii) takes all actions necessary to initiae or complte the registion of such subordnation agrement in the Intrntional Reglstiy. 10.11 Severbiit. In the ev th any one or more of the prio of this Agreement shlt for any reaon be held to be invalid, iUegal or unenoreabl, the remainin prns of th Agrent shal be unimpd an the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shH be replaced by a mually acctae provision, whic, being valid, legal an enforcable, coes cloes to the intentn of th par undrlying the invalid, illegl or unefoceale prviio. 10.12 Liabilit IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER BUYER OR SELLER HAVE ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILIY WHTSOEVR TO THE OTHER, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT (INCLUDING 8 WARRNT. TORT (WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGeNC OF THE OTHER PARTY), STRCT LIAILI OR OTHERISE, FOR LOSS OF USE, DIMINUAnoN IN VALUE FOLLOWING LOSS, LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFIT OR FOR ANY OTHE INDIRCT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLAY, PUNrrlV, OR SIMILR DAMAGES WI RESPECT TO, RELATE OR ARISING OUT OF OR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR THE OPERTIVE DOUMENTS OR THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. (REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONY LEF BLK) 9 ! ii, . II! . , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partes here have execute this Agemen on th day and ye setfo belo oppoe th sinatres. BUYR: Signature: Nae: Iowa Tä~: SePior Vice President Addres: 666 Grad Avenue, PO Box 65. De Moines, Iow 503-07 SELLR: S SALES, INC~, a Delaare corpti Na Tit: Adre: Davi S. Bech Seni Vic Pres 4111 Bndeway Avenue. Coum, Ohi 4319-188 10 3/15/07 (dae) cotin SCHEDULE Decrpton of Equipment and Intere A '12.5% uncided intere in the fol aircra togeter wit all engines. appurtenanc,appliances. parts, ins, acc, fumishings and otr equipent of whatever nat incorprated in or contained in or attched to th same: Aircra Engln..: M.nuf... Serial No.: enine Seril No FAA Regisb'tl No.: Totl Time on Aircl8ft: Total Time on Enes: PURCHAE PRE: ANTICIPATED OELERY DATE: Cena 56XLS (Citin XL) Pratt & Whi Cada. inc. PW545B 5656n Løf PCE-00036 RJ PC-DD08 N86ias 90.6 HOURS Lef 90.6 HOURS 90.6 HOURRiht $1,43,190 if derivred by June SO, 207. Th purchae prf tor airaft delivere afr Jun 30, 207 will be esc toth Netet Sal Inc pubed pri for such a1r Marc 13, 2007 11 'III . ! . EXHIBITB Fractional Ownership Owners Agreement NETJE Sym 121 crrAnONXLS FRCTIONAL OWNERSHIP OWNERS AGREEMENT THS FRCTIONAL OWERSHIP OWNRS AGREMENT (this "Agreement) is mad and enerd ino by an among the undrsignec indivuals an corptl, partneps, trusts, Hmiedlibili companie or other such enitle whse signatu and seals apea on th signature pes) affIX here (hereinafter coecvely referr to as the "Own" and individuUy as an "O) as of th date set fort beside eac of the signare WIESSETH: WHREAS, each of th Owrs ha a need for th exclusiv us of a corpe airc, bu does no reir the us of such aircraft on a ful tie bais: an WHREA, ea of the Owners owns an undivided intet equato th pege set for betheir reive signaure (the .Inter") In that certin Cena 56XL ("Cittion XLAircraft") airc beari maacurer Serial No. 56S6n and Fedl Aviion Administrti Regstra No. N661QS, equipd wih two Pratt & Whiey Canada, Inc. PW545B enines (the airframe and engins tor hereinr caned th .Air,; an WHRE, each Owner wishes to parte In the NetJet Fractnal Owip Proram (th "Nelebl Proram': and WHERS, ea Ownewlhe to engage Net Aviti, In., a Deaware corptin ("NAi, to prde fract owrship progra manaemen serv to Ownr an to ac as th program mar for the Net Progra to ensure the operaon and maintenae of the Air und the teof th agreement subs in the form preusly delre to and reviwed by Owner as the Fnietl Ownershi Progr Management Servce Agremen (th "Managem Agremen); an WHEREAS, Owners are desirs of eslishin a scdule of use of the Aira to pride ea Owner wi suficie use therf am establisin amon themlv certin terms rerdng the use an opion of th Aircra by, and for the be of, Ow; and WHEREA, eac Ow may deire, from time to h, to use other air owed by oter person, firms or entie in th evnt th Airra Is no availle at ce ti, and therefor Owers are deiro of enenng the Aircra Into the Master Oryas Aircra Exhan Agremen that is pa of the Nelet Program, as th agre was prouly delred to and revwe by Ownr, whic proid tor th use by Ower of other aircraf and the use by oters of th Aircra (th "Exnge Agreeme. NOW, THERFORE, in consiration of th mu covena contined herei and ot go and valuable consn, the paes heto her agre as follows: 1. Ea Ower agr tht it shal execute and delive the Managem Agreemen Owne heeby acknge tht as a reult of each Ow enering in a Manageme Agrement, NJA shal prde fractnal ownership pro maagent serves for the AlrClft an eah Owr agrees for thbenit of eah o1er Own tht it shll mant It Intrest in the Aircra pursan to th Magemen Agremt wiou deault thrghou th term thereof. Each Ower furtr agre for the benefit of ever ot Own that it shall not place or sufer to exi any nen or encumbrance upon it Intert or the Airc throughout the term heref excep for (0 a lea (the "Bnk Lea") beten a renized fiania inutn (or other source of finncing (collti, the -Bank) and it custmer in for and subste actabl to NJA and (ii) a lie (the "Bank Li") in favo of the Bak In form and subanc acceple to NJA which Bank Lien or Bank lease, amng other things (a) is limied to the Intere of such Ow, (b) recogzes th rights of the ot Owers unde this Agret, inluding without Hmltln, the proision of Seion 7 here, (c) recognizes the right of NJA uner th Managent Agreemen an its corporate affHie, NetJ Servic, Inc. ("Services-) unr the Exchange Ageemnt, (d) contin the agrement of the Bank notwithsandin the ocurrnce of an event of default under the Ban lien or 8ank leae, to aHow the Aircraft to continue to be opered unde the Magemen Agreement and the Exchang Agremen, (e) contas the agreeent of the Bank that it wll, up the request of NJA, and In the soe disretion of NJA, make suc registrati In th Intertional Regisry, as defin bel, to claify that the Bank Uen or Ban Leas is limited, as set forth in subection (a) through (d) above, and (1) contins the agreeme of the Bank to file all appropriate releases wit th FAA and to regisr aU apate discrg in the Inional Reistr prompty upon the exiran or canceltion of the Bank Leas or the receipt of paymen of aU ofth indebtedness, liabilities an otr obligans secred by the Bak Lie 2. Eah Owne hereby acknowledge tht, in ord to provid each Owne wi sUficent use of the Aircra, no Owner shall be entited 10 utili tli Aircft in exce of such Owner's availle fligh hors (detennned by multiplying such Owrs Intrest by 80 hours and heina reerr to as suc Owner's"Flight Hours") during any giv ye (wit rect to eac Ower. comening wi th dae such Own extes this Agremet) excep to the exent permed by the Federal Aviation Regul ("FAA") and the Manageme Agremen. Each Owner furter acknowedge tht in th even any Owr fails to ulUze it Flght Hours dunng any yer hereundr. such Owner will be deem to have waied li ri to suchours there except as proided in th Maemnt Agreemen Ow hereby agre th the te of the Manement Agrent shall govm the hourly usage of the AIr by Ower, th ea ha re th Magemen Agrement. is faiBr wit sam. an has no objecns to th ter theo an tht to th extent the terms thre may exd upon or conf wih the ter èontaine heein, th term co in the Management Agreemnt shaH gom. Ea Owner herey fur agres th th Air shH be used an opra on beha of it preminantly in th Coinntl Unte St. 3. Owners hereby agree that thy will partipate In th Netet Prom and entr th Airraft inoth Netet Progrm dry-leas aircra exchae arrngemen by execting the Exhan Agreent for th purp of providi each Ow wit an aircraft as and when ned In the ev the Aircra is acually beng utiized by aner Owner, is beg mained, is bein utilized by NJA pwnt to th te of the Management Agrement or is being utilzed by ano particnt pursuant to the tes of the Exange Agrement oris unvailaeforanyothereandOwner he ag to ke1hAlras pa of the NetJet Progr thou th term he. 4. Eac Ow her ag to desigte pilots fro the pilo apov by NJ, as mo fulydescribe in Sectio 4 of the Management Agreen 5. Owners hereby acnoge and agre th as a relt of ea Owr owning en unded Interest in the Airft and ea Owner being severaUy lia tor the applicble manageen fee payae pursua to eah Owners Management Agr, each Owr is reyig up th o1er Ow to perf each an every obligaion of an Owne uner th Manamen Agre the Ex Agreemen and this Agrement and the Owner heeby agree th in th even any Owner mari deault or fails to perform or 1hro it act or omiion caes a materil deault un any of said agreemens, such Ower shY forfei all of Is right to th use of th Airraft or anhe air unde any of sa agrment untl such fare or default ha been cure. Owers ackle th as speical se fort in the Manageme Agreem. in th even of a faOure to perform or deul and a foeiure of righ to the use of the Airft as a result threo, any such defulted Owner shall be attbued wih a per mo use during su peiod of time th su faure or deflt rens unure up to th Allo HoIS pe mo whic Owne is entitled to hereundr (I.e.. such Ower' annual Allott HoUI di by 12) an th notandlng th cure by such Ownr of any such falure or deault such Owr shall have threfter lost it riht to such Alloted Hour pe month allo and charged againt It during th peri of suc fare or default In addition, ea Ower hey acnoled that it has grantd to Net Sa. Inc., the rihtpursUBnt to the tes of it repec fractional inere purc agre (th "Purohas Ag")wi Netet sales, Inc., to repurc Ows Inter In the Ai upn th tetion (inc teinati becuse of Owrs default) or expation of the Magem Agrem in ord to insre th contnue operation of th Netet Prora, inuding the proisions of th Exhange Agen 6. Owers hereby acknodge and agre that each Intes shall rent an unded Inter in th Aircft, shall be indivisibl. and sha. be subjec to an of the ten an condit of th Owrs Agreement the Manageme Agreement an th Exchane Agreent. Each Ow shall be en to it pro rata share of the deprti gain, los, deduc, crit or an tax benefit with rect to the Aift and shn be severally liable for all costs and expenses chargeable to suh Owr. undr the Managemnt Agreement and th Purchase Agreent and incurr witi respec to th Aircra. This Agreemnt shaU continue In efect wit respec to any Owne for such peri of time as suh Owner cotinues to ow an Interest in the Airra 7. The reionship of the Owners amog themselve shall be that of tena-in-cmmon of a chattel (the Aircra). Notwitstanding the forg, each Owner waive whatever right it may have to 2 demand the paon, or sale tor partti, of the Aircraft und any law of the Ste of Ohio. or any ot juriicon, and hereby agrees th th 80le an adequate me by which an Ower may diest itel of its Interes In the Aircraft shall be th transfer of a seuri intre to a Bank as set to in Sec 1 of the owne Agrement and trnsfer of th inter to such purc as Owner shll locat (in the Bak or Netet Sale, Inc. pursuan to Secon 6 of the Purcha Agrement). prde, hower, that any such purc, as a condition to it pu. shaD exece thi Agreemen and the agremen contemplat here and be subec to th terms th. 8. lt Is not th purpe or intent of this Agrme to cre, and ths Agee shall not be consider as creting, a joint venture, palnershi, or ot relanship whby any part shall be held lie for th omissions or comisions of ar oter part. No parnersip, legal pel'on, asti, or jur enites are inende or hereb creatd by th partes. 9. each Own on it beha repre, warr an coven to th otr ow th (a) Owne is, and for so log as th Agrent rema in efec wil be, a ci~ of th United States (as de In 49 U.S.C. § 40101, et seq., as amen (t · Ac)); (b) Owr agrees that It wl do noting to impair the reisratin of th Aircra in the Unitd Stathugh th tenn of th Agree (c) Owner sha. no utlze th Airc or other aircft suppied pursuant to the Excane Agrement for any illegal puros or for purp of proing trnsporttion of passeng or cao In ai come for compnsat or hi expt B$ per und Sød 91.501 and 91.100 of the FAR; (d) Ow shal no opra th AIra or oUer aira supd pursuant to the Exchan Agrement unles approriate Inse coverage, as detle in the Maagemen Agremen is in efec and (e) Owr agre th. ex for the registraion of a Bame Lie or Bank Le descri in thAgreme it shll not ta any acn to regter, no will it knogl allo the reistin of, Bny Interesin th Aircraft in th interntina re ("Intatial Re) created by the Covent on Intemati Intere in MobU Equipmnt an the Proocol on Maers Speif to Aircra Ob (th"Cpe Tow Conventioj,uni suc tie as the Interntil Re Is moifie to ace hallnterests in airra and/or engines (wheren Owr an It seUer shll be ent to reis thsa of th ineres beeen th partie at Ow's exns). 10. This Agremet and the oter Oprati Docme. as dened in pagra 1.3 of th purce Ageeent. consite the enre underaning among the parties an there are no rereentons or warranties. condit, covean or agreem ot than as se forh exe&y herenan In the Operve Douments, an any changes or modificti here must be in wrg and si by authorized representatis of th partes. Th Agreement shaH be goerned by and interpreted In accorance wih th laws of the Stte of Ohio, wiut rel' to such stte's or any otr state's choice of law provisio. Any ac or oth lel prong of any kind, legal or eqitable. base upon or in any way related to th subjec mattr of this Agreemen, incldin but no limited to the sate, operati, maintenance, management inspen, serving or ocupan of the Aircraft shall be brougt exclusively in an apppriate court of competen juridicn loted in Frakl Couy, Ohio (if th ac is brogh in st court) or in th United Stes Distrct Cort for the Southem Distri of Ohio (If th act is brought in federa court). The parts furtr agree that a final judgmen in any suc actio shall be conusive and may be enforce in other junsdlcions by suIt on th judgmt or in any other manner proided by law. 11. Any notie, reue or oter comunicion to any pa by an other herender shall be made In writg and shall be deemed given. on th earler of the date (i) persnaly delivere wi reip ackedge, (10 teleced at time of transisio by eleroni facsimle trnsmissio equipent, whh equipment shaM furnh written confrmation of succfu and coeted trnsmiss of aU paes wihout error in trnsio or (iii) the next busines day after delivered to a reputable overnight courir at the address set forth on the signare pages affixed heo, toeter with a coy to any addresee as may be deignated by a part beneath its resecive signature below or by notic hereunder. The adre of a pary 3 1'\ to which noces or copi of notic are to be given may be changed frm time to tim by such part by wrtten noice to the ot partes. 12. If, in the sole detinan of Net Sales, Inc., the registion of intrets in Aircft in th Internatinal Reg by any Owner or any person or entity claiming an interest In th Aircaft throug such Owner has creted a cloud or encumbranc on th title to the Aircraft, suh Ower shan beobligated to, at it ow cost and exns, (i) exec and us its reanable eforts to caUSe any person or entity claiming an interest in th Aircrft thro such Owner to exec a subrdinatn agreement provided by NetJet Sa, Inc, which se fort ea repec Owner's and reated pen's or entis interet in the Aircraft (and discaims any other intrest In the Airft) and (iij take and us it reasoable efort to cause any person or entit claiming an interest in the Aircraft thugh suc Owner to take all acion necessary to initiate or coplete the registratio of such subordination agrent In the Interntional Registry. 13. Thi Agrement may be execut in counrprt whh sha~ singly or in the agregae,coe a fuly execed and binin agrmen . i 4.' in th event tht anyone or mor of the provisions of this Agreement shall for an reaso behel to be inalid, illegal or unenforc, the reing prisons of this Agnt shall be unipaired an the Invuc illegal or unenorcable proviio shal be replace by a mutaRy accptbl pro. whi, being valid, legal and enforcble, co clos to the intention of the partes unrlyng th invalid, illeal or unenforceabl proon. (REMAINDER OF PAGE lNTE~nONAl Y LEFT BLANK) 4 'Ill, f IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the partie here have caused thee preen to be excut as of the day and year set fort below oposite their reClive signature. Owner. Signature: Nae: Iowa corporaion 3 15/07 (dat) Tma: SlDior Vice President Adre: 666 Grand Avee. PO Box 657, Des Mone, Iow 5030-0657 Interet 12.5% Coes of not to: Signature: Name: Tit: Addre: (da) PI88 pmi or ty Intert: Copie of notic to: Signature: Nae: Title:. Adds: Interes (date) Pleae pi or ty Co of noties to: 5 'I! EXHIBITC Fractional Ownership Program Management Services Agreement NEJETS~121 CIATION XLS FRACTONAL OWNERSHIP PROGRAM MANAGEMEN SERVCES AGREEM THIS FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIP PROGRA MANGEMENT SERVICES AGRMEN (th -Agreemer) is made and enter in beee Netet Avia, Inc. ("NJA"). a Delaware corptin having it princip of and plac of busine at 4111 Brdgewy Avenue. Columbus, Ohio -4219-1882, and the jndvidual or ent whe signature and address appear bew ("Oer). WIESSET WHEA, Owner owns the percge intere set fort on th SCheule her (th "Intert" in that certn Cesna 56XL aircraft ("Cition XLS Aircra beri 'te manufcturers Sanal Number an Federa Avi Administion Regisration Numr set fort on the Schedule hereto, eqiped wi tw (2) Prtt & Whitney Canaa. Inc. PW548 engin as more particularly descri In the applbl Fraio Interest Purcase Agrement (herenaft calle the ~Aircraft; an WHEREAS. Owner togr wi such other pa which own the reni undivi ineres in th Airc (th lIAdditllnteres Owrs.) have agreed pursuant to the terms of a Fractional Owhi Owrs Agreeme executed amng thm (th "Oer Agreemenl) to parte In the Netts Fral Owersip Proram (the "NetJets Prora"); and WHEREAS, Ow togetr wi th Adiol Inter Owner have agr pursan to the Own "Agmen to engage NJA to proid fractonal ownership proram manaeme servic and to ac as the progr manager for th NetJet Progr to ensure th oprati and maitence of th Aircraft to act as the pro manager for the Nelet Progr an to utifiz th Airra for the beneft, an under the direon, of Ower and th Addit Intere Owrs: and WHEREA, Owr together wi the Addital Intres Owne have agr pursua to th Owners Agreemnt to enter a Maser Dryeae AI Exchange Agrement wit ow of ot aircraas part of the Netets Prora (the "Ex Agrmen); an WHEREA. NJA is deiros of managing th us. mainnance an aU other matters pertning to the Airraft delivere by Ower and th Aditiol Inter Ow to NJA pursuant here, an acng as th fraional owership proram manager for the Netet Pro on the temis and condits se fo heren. NOW, THEREOR in consideratin of the mutl covnts herein containe and otr goo and valuable considertion, the parie heret hereby agre as foll: 1. Ower hereby engag NJA. and NJA hereby agre. to manage for the beef of the Owne the Interes in th Aimr and to proide fractnal ownership prra managmen serv on Ownr's behalf in conecon wi Ownes partcipaon in the Netet Proam an NJA here acpt poio of the Aircra in good workng orr and condition fro Owr and from the Additona Inert Own forthe pu set forh hein. 2. NJA hereby agres for th bene and at the dire of Owr th it sh use, mae anmain th Airaf with all due reonabl car and in acrdance wit applicable insu co an wiin the standard and guidelines estalishe by the Federe Aviti AdminIstration (the "FAA") and sh comply with all laws, ordinans or reulans relatng to th use, opeon and mainnanc of th Aircft. NJA shal pemiíl th Airc to be used only as contte by th maacr thereof as spie In the owners maua and oter technicl maters regarding th Airra provi by thmanre to Own. 3. (a) Thrgh the ter of thi Agreem NJA shll, at it own co an expse. (1) inspe maintin, servce, repa, overhaul and tes the Aircraft by duly copetent persnnel, in ac with both th Aircraft manfactures and the FAA's appr maintenance and prevent reair prora therefor, so as to keep th Aircraft in goo oprating conditon, orinary wear and tear excepted. and in suc conditn as may be necessa to enable the airworthines certicatio of th Airc to be mainined in goo standing a1 all times undr 49 U.S.C. §401 01, et seq, as in efect 1rom time to time; (2) as often as necesary in the reasonale disreion of NJA to th extent requir to keep the Aircra in go comeic aparanc, repaint the extrior and refurbis the interir of the Aircft (3) maintin all re, lo and .11\ !r ' other materials requird by the FAA to be majntned in res of th Aircra and make the same avail to Owr or to Owner's designe for the Owne(s or the OWners designe's inpectn or auditing or bo, as more fully described in paragra 4(t) of this Agreme; (4) act as the proram manager for th Ne Program, (5) enure tht th Netet6 Program satis the definiions of Federal Aviation Regula ,FAR § 91.1001 and meet the applicable reuireme of FAR Part 91, Subpart K; (6) maintain mangeent speifios as require by FAR Part 91, Subprt K; (7) ma the Netet Proram and th Airc in acrdnce wit any magent speclficns issued to NJA; (8) no Owner in wr or by telephon in advance of Ownrs flight when no aircft is avaIlale tht is pa of th dry-lea aircraft exchange arngnt such th a non-Netet Progra aircra mut be prided as a sube, an (9)copl wih all laws of each and every juridícon, do an fogn, in which the Airraft may be operated, inluding all applic FAR, and eah and every other legislave, execu, adminisve or judicil bo exerising any por or juriicio over the Airc and shan maiin the Aircraf ii proroondit for opon uner suc laws and I1les inud, without liitation, al maufctre!'. remmended mainnae. NJA als agrees no to operate or lote th AIraft or sufer the Airc to be operated or lod, In any are.exclded fro coverage by an insuance reuired by the te of this Agreement NJA further agree to pay for the serves of the Admintraor of the Excha Agreent and at Owner's dirion bu at NJA'I sol cost and expense kep the Aircraft inure and mainined as reuire by the tenn of th Exchange Agrement. (b) Notitndng an of the provision of Sectn 3(a) abov to the contrry, th cost of colia of an ais Dr oter clreive or regultion isue by the FAA or ot gol agenc ("Dire' and th co of complyig wi an mandto or reend seic bullet or Iers, to th exen NJA ha no ben reimburs fo suc co fro the manufurer or oter apro part, shall be born by Ow and Additioal Inter Owrs on a pr ra ba exce thfor a perio of fi (5) ye fr and after purchae of the Airraft fro th manufacure Owr's liy uner this Sec shall be liited to its pro rata share of the cost of ooianc wi any Direive that are generi to general aviation turb powered airraft an no solely applicae to Citn XL Aircra~ NJAagre to use it be efort to see reimbur for suc co from the manre or oter aproriate pa. Owr ag to pay its shre of such co to NJA protly upon rec of an apprpriate Invoice threor. In additio to the fogong, in the ev NJA In it reasle judgen dermines that an upgrade is necesary to improe th saet of th Airra, NJA reser th right to see rembursement for such co from th Ow and Addilallnter Ower on a pr rat bais; provided that Owner's pro ra sha of suh cost shaJl no exceed $5.00 per 6.25%. (e) Throughout the term of th Agreeent NJA shall, at It own co an expnse, wo wi an proram mana th has bee deterined by th FAA to be an aft_ia of NJA as dene in FAR § 91.1001 (b)(1), so long as NJA an any oter suc progra manager ar reognized by th FAA as affiled prora manaers, to enure tht any such affliated prom mager comples wit all laws, reulat,and rules applicable to a fractioal ownrship proram maer uner FAR Part 91, SUrt K, and to Owr's use of an aircraft from the afiliated prgra mas fraonl owership progra. 4. (a) NJA hereby agrees to identif and mae availab to Ow at the inc of th Agreemen and on Janary 1st of eah year of the term her, certn pits, fro a grop of proesy quaifed pilo who shn be famHiar wit and licensd to operate the Aircrafl fro whh Owne shan. in it own disren, designate eight (8) of su pil to operte the Aircraft for Owr, and thre su deignated pilo1 shall be Owr's pilot of the Aircraft. Th pilot designation shall be In writg and signe by Owr, which writíng shan be bindng upo Owne. It is hereby acknoge tht Owner Is relyig onNJA's represtations as to eac pilo's quaUfiatios and experienc. In the even Ow fall to designa eight (8) pilo as pro herein wiin five (5) days after reei of the lis of candidte from NJA. Ow agrees 1hat NJA shall be entit to deignat such pilots unt such time as Owr shall make the . designation as provied for herein. (b) Owne shal be peitted to re any of such pUet by proving wren no to NJA anddesignate new pilot, who shall thereaf be Ownr's pilos of the Aircraft. (c) Notwndng the foring, the pilo deignated by Owner shaft be subject to (í) avalhy, (ii) the rules and regulatio promulgated by the FAA. an (ii) stkes and laor disput. In th event a designated pilot is unavailabl, NJA shaN supply a pilot quafie in accrdance with th terms here who NJA deems, in it sole discn, to be a suite relacement provded that such pi me the reqrements of any insurnc policy covering the Aircraft and of the FAA and has no previus bee remove by Owner pursuant to Secio 4(b) abo. 2 ! i\. ~ , I (d) Owr may at any tie provie it own pilots upn twnty-four (24) OOU1 pri noce to NJA, provid that such pilot met NJA's suhalily reuireme and ar qualified and lic in acrd wi the FAA to operate th Airra, and provided further 1h same do not vì th ten and prviions of any inuranc poic cove th Aircraft (e) Owr herby dicts NJA and NJA hereby agrees to make all necess taff. flight andlanding arrgemen for fligh oprated by Ower. Owr consnts tha call beteen Owr and NJA's Owner Services personnel may be monitore or record by NJA for quaUty asranc. Exce as provid in this Agreemen or the Operaiv Documents as deine in the Frana Intst Purcha Agreement (th "Purchase Agremenf) of even date here, NJA shall at Owers dire be respsible. for the operating expense relating to the Aircft. incding but not limit to travel. sala and lodng 8Jes for th cre, hagar an tie-ow cots. domest landing fee. reasonabl infl fo anbeve considering the numb of passengers abord and trip duraion, flht plnnin and weather contract serves; provided, hover, that Owner shal be and remain repoibe for any an ali fedl.stte an locl ta, charg (includng for the avo of doubt user fees, acce fee an simir chares imposed by any goernmentl authri), impo. dutes and excis taes relating to Ows use and the managemerr services prvided to Owner by NJA and with re to flight ou the 48 coguos stes of the conetal United States (th .Continen Unit Sttes") fo foreign pe, comunictin, handli, ovght navigation, and air spe fee, customs, head taes and simBa asesments relati to the ownersip. operation, maintenanc or the use of 1he Aift by th Owr. NJA agrees, at Owner' reque, to cordina all ground transorttion reuire by Ow, whic shaD be at Owner's expnse plus a fiv .pernt (5%) handling fee. Owner shaH, at al reonabl t1ri, hae th rit to inpect and to audit NJAts re, or to have a designe of Owr inec and audi NJA's re,pertning to the operatioal safet of the proram and thoe recrds required to sho copl wi the managemet speifcations an all apUcale regula (including, bu not limit to, the maname speccaions, manuals. lo boks, and all maienanc rerds mantined by NJA) and to vefy NJA's actal frigt hours in operati th Aircft. (1) Ow here designates NJA, an NJA he acpt th Ows designaio of NJA, asthe Owner's agent to reiv service of notices pertining to the Netet Progr that the FAA see to provide to Neet Program owners. (g) Ower hereby authñzes the FAA to send any noties pertaining to the Netet Pro to NJA in it capa~ as Owr's agent for such serce. (h) Owr and NJA eah hereby ackndge the FAA's ñg to coct the Owne dlrec it 1he FAA Administrar deermin that dire coct is nece. . 0) Owner here acknoedge th Ow ha reviewd and signe the Acnowedgeent ofFractnal Ower's Opetional Corol Reponsilities that is inde wih this Agreem 5. (a) Owner hereby direc an NJA hereby agre to arrnge for an ob at NJA's exnse, with insurer of regniz reputtin, reposibili and havig at le an A.M. Be raing of an aN' or beter: (1) aircra physicl damage inura (excluding war rik coverage and other aUie pe coverag) as commercUy avaible wit no deuctle wih respe to the Airft against LO, theft or damge. extnded coverage wi repe to any enin or pa wh removed fro the Aircft. as deed in the terms an coditions of your airc huH and liab po. for the fair maJet value of th Airoraf naming NJA, Ower and the Adna InteresOwrs as named insureds, Bank (as defined in the Owners Agreemt). Ow and the Adltonal Intere Owners shal be nam as loss payees with los payable as their respeive iner may apper in the even of an acl or construcive total lo. (2) NJA shall likewi arrange to proure passenger and third pa liait inranc (excludlng war risk coverage and othr alli perils coverage) as commercly available for th Aircraf which it operate in an amoun not le than Three Hundred Mllßon Dolars ($300,000,000) combined single rim liabili coverage and shaH cause Ower. NJA, an Additinal Intere Owers to be nad insures. . (b) Owner hereby dire and NJA hereby agre to arrnge for an obtain as commercll available, at Ower's expense, War Risk and Oter Alled Peris Coverage for aircraft physical damge in an 3 ! ii i ! amunt not less thn the fair maret vae of the aircra, panger liaili in an amont no less than Thre Hund MUlion DoRars ($300,00,000) combined single timit liabilit covrage an th part liabili in an amount not les thn Fif MiirlOn Dola ($5,000,00) annual aggrete. (e) Expt (i) in the ca of gros neligence or wilfl misconduc by NJA or any of It affilia, emplye or agent, nQ as provided in Secton 20 hereo, or (iiQ if th inure does no pay an claim or porton therf due to an ac or omision of NJA or any of It affiliates, emplo or agents, Ow agre to acep the prods of suc air physicl damage insurance policy or liablity inrance poley, as applicable, as it sole recour agains NJA fo any Jo or damage susained to the Airc or fo anycl under the lialit insurance poficy so lon as NJA ha ob and mainin airraf physic damage, riabill, war ñsk, and oter insurance coverage wit repet to the Air in acrde wi thi Agremen. Wit repe to it (I) an (inì abve, NJA's tiabl to Owr. in any ca, shaU no exc the limits of th insuranc coerage reqre by this Agrement less any amots pad to Ow for such ocur by the insura compie. AU suc inurance shal contn a Brch of WarrEndemnt In favor of Bank and an invlidan clau in favo of Owr and th Addna Interes Ower. In additn, any inurance poicies earred In accrdanc wi th Se 5 covering th Aircra an an poic taken out in subon or replaement for any suc policie, as appHcabl (i sha be prry witut any right,of ooib frm an other insurence whi is carr by or may be lMllaie topro Owner, Ba or any Additnal Intere Owners, (I sha reqire th inurers to wa an nghl of subrogaion set-o or countercaim again Owr and Bank. (i shl contn severbil proisns, (iv) shaD provide th an Owner, Ba or any Addiiol Intret Own wil not be li for any insuranc prium excep OWer an Additonal Intert Owner sh be reible for War Risk premiumspertai to ìt reecve in in the Aira (d) In no event shall eìer Ower or NJA (its parent affes and the respe employees,ofrs and dir) be li to the otr for an inrect specil or conequent dam inudin loof pro, lo of us, depren 'fllowig lo or punlle da. (e) Copies of such poic an certictes of Insran shatl be fumihe to th Ownr propt upo the executn of this Agrem. Suc Insurance shal be maitaind by NJA in full foro and efec thughot the tenl hereof and th insurer shaH proide Owr thir (30) days advanc no of canlatin or matenal aleran. provided. howver. Owner not for War Ri and Oter AlHed Per coverage are as se fort in the terms an condiion of the policy. A sumary of th above coverages and currnt War Ris and Oter AJl Pen1s anual priu is athe heret as Attchment A. 6. At Owner's direcion, NJA herey agrees that it wi prde asstanc to, and coult with, OWer in aU maers regaing th Airc inclding but no Hml to: (a) Administve an aviation supprt serv. inding tho listed in FAR § 91.1001 (b)(8). (b) Acnce of th deliei of th Aircft sped heei; (c) FAA and manufacurers corrpondenc an dieces; (d) Enforcment of warranty clims (e) Enforcement. rrtlgation and sétlement of insurance maers; and (f) Part replacen. service and manten amgemem. 7. As compesation for the serves to be pe0nd by NJA hereunder, Ower hereby agrees to pay to NJA a Monthly Manageme Fee in th amo set foh on th Schedule, payae on th firs day of each month throllhout the tenT of th Agrement (except if thi Agreement start on any day of th mont, other than the firs then th fit and last mont's Monthly Management Fee wil be chrged on a pro-rated bais) and an Ocupied Horly Rate Charge in the amount se fort on the Sched multied by th number of Passenger OCupie Hors (as defin in Section 10) acly flown by Ower during the previous mo wh chrge shal be payae withi ten (10) days af recipt of an Invo therefor. In th event the Mony Management Fee or Occupied Hourl Ra Chage shal not be prmpy paid whn due, Owr shall pay all cost of enforcement and collection of such tees including reasonab atomey's fees and interet fro the date the fee were due at the rate of twelve percnt (12%) per annum (but no in excess of the maxum rate perited by law). Owner herey acknowleges that the Oced Hourly Rate4 !IIt i ! Chae, Suppment Chrg and the Ferr Charge shan each be adjusted on Janu 1, 2008 an on Jan 1 of ea follong calndar yer during th term hereo by 1h percnta etng in th Consumr Price In for al Urban consumers - U.S. ci average, all items (1982-8100) ("Consum Price Index") during the immediately preeding calendar year (compued from Decmbe 1 to Novemb 30) and that in addition thre (ij the OCupied Horly Rete Charg will ince by $48 commencg on the firs day of the thirt-fir (31 st) month from and after th date the Aircft was purchaed fr th manufacturer to rele the exiraion of certin warranty beefit and (II th OCuped Hourl Ra Chrg and the Ferr Charge (as defed in Section 10) wil increase or derease as a reult of adjustnt to th compoent of such chrg whic relate to ful (excluding any federal taes im on fuel that exceed th rae containe in Intemal Revnue Code secio 4081 (a)(2)(B an (C) to the extent th such taes ar critale or rendable to NJA) by the am set forh on the Schdule (the "Fuel Vari") for ea $.01 per gallon that NJA's average co for fuel and the administrati of It fuel prgra in any moth is mo orless per gallon thn the Esblisd Average Rate Per Gallon se fort on th SChedul and (ii) the Mo Management Fee shall be adjusted on January 1, 20 and on ~nuar 1 of each foHowin caendr yer durig the term hereo by the grer of the perctage chang in the Consumer Pri Index or 3.75%. Ower shal~ for flight penonn at Ownets reues, be and remain responsibl tor co se fort 8$ Ower expenses in Section 4(e), oter than income taes of NJA. As additIonal comns for th manen serv to be peifrmed hereunder. Owner herey agrs that NJA shH have 1M ri, ciûring su periods of time that th Aircft Is no act beng utilizd by Own or by an Acl Intere Owner or uner the Exchnge Agreent to utilize the Aircra uner NJAts FAA AirTaxilrcia Opeiato Certic to provid charter air trnsprtoon to the pubic an fo recuen flight trinin for NJA pilts. and NJA shall be enttled to rein for it own accnt any moes acally eamed by NJ in su us of th Airo Upon execution of this Agreeent Owr WIL advanc to NJA a sum equ to one mo's esmated Occpi Hourly Rate charge (i.e., Ocupied Hour Rate Charg x Allott HOU pe yer +12) (the "Operang Fund) to be us by NJA to deiay th cos of maintennc, fuel and mlscus exnses inrre by NJA for opeti the Aircra and as a reul of invoicng Oc Horly Rate Ch in ail'. Such amount shaH be reurned to Owne at the expirti of th Agreme afr payment by Ower of an sums due to NJA a Owner and NJA herey agre that Owner shaH be entltl to the us of the Aircaft an NJA agrees to make th Aircra availle, for th number of Passenger Ocpi Hours ea year se forth on the Schedule (the "Alot Hors") plus all unusd Alloted Hours carrd over fr pr yers (up to the Annal Availale Hou lited on the Schedule hereto) at no cos other than the Montly Mageme Fee and the OCupied Hourly Rat Charge multiplie by the number of Passengr Oced Hours acutilzed by Owne. Ownr agrees and acknowleges that, due to It participaon In th Ex Agreement. Owner ha autd NJA to obain for Owr the use of anth airra pursuant to th Exchange Agreement in the event the Aircraft is being used by an Aditna Intere Owr, by anor participa in the Exchang Agemen, is in maintenanc or is otheiwe unavailable for Ows us; provi, howevr, th NJA shaU use reasonable effort to obtan for Owner the Aircra beor prin Ower wih any oter Cittion XL or Cittion Excel aircraft availabe under the Exchnge Agrement; provided furter, however, tht NJA shal not be liae in th event that th Aircraft or an aircrft unde th Exchange Agrement are unvailble at any given tie; and proided furtr, hor, th in th eve th Aircraft and all airra undr the Exchae Agreement ar unavalable at any gien time, NJA will anange at NJA's soe cost an exense to chaer for Ownets use a compble aircraft, incudng amenitie and confguration, which mayor may na be a Citaion XL or Citatio Excel aircraf Owner agree an acknowled that for the purp of th Neets prora a Cition XLS and a Cition Excl shl be equivalnt aircaft an ownr doe no have the right to rejec a Citio Ex aircraft as.a coparabaircraft When a non-Netets Pro aircft is being subitutd for the Air NJA will adv Owr of that tac and the tact that tha flight will be operated by the chartr opera under th FAR ap to suc chaner opertio. Any aircra so prvided by NJA shall be deemd an Airc when us by Ower tor the purpe of ths Agrement an for asessing Monthly Managert Fees and OCpied Horly Rate Charges Furtherore, in the even Owner reuests the use of an aircra under the Exchage Agrent of a dieren make or model fro th Aircra,. NJA agre to prvie to Owner th same mangement servce wi res to Owner's flght on such aircraft as it prvides to Owr with respec to flig on the Aircraft and in consideration of such additial serv and as adclonal compensati to NJA, Ower agrees tht with respect to suc fligh, Ownr shall be deeme to have used the numbe of PassengerOcupie Hours equal to actual Passenger Occupied Hours used tor such flight muliplied by the percntage set fort on the Scheule ne to th tye of aircraft Ower has requested for suc fliht Notltstandng the foreing, In the event Owner reue and is granted a diferent make or model from the Airciaft owned and the NetJets Program for the aircraft requeed do not Include reaonale catering, 5 II then all cateri and additional inflgh foo an beverage wîl be at Owner' exens exæ fo stndrd stock item. Owner agre that it shall provie NJA with a flht scedule as far in advanc as poibl an in any case Owner shall give NJA the minimum numbr of hors telphonic noic set fort on the SCule poor to the anpated ftight unle th proosed desnaio or depart point is outide the Coinent United States or Ower desires to scedule such flight on a "Peak Period Day", in which event Owner shan give NJA a minimum of fortgh (48) hours telehonic noe. NJA shall be ented to delay or accelerat reuesed departre times on flight. onglna or terminating in the Mexic Cit of Ca San Lu (MMSD) or on Peak Perio Days by up to thre (3) hours. Pea Peri Days shan be as publihe from time to time by NJA and shall not exceed ten (10) days in any calendr ye. In addit, in ord to insure th availabilit of the Aircraft and pOots to Owner and Additiol Interest Owrs aD reues for flht originati or terminaing more than 1,00 miles outsid of th Coinentl Unied Sttes shall be subject to avaDabTit. In addition, Ower agees that it shall proide NJA wi the folwig inrmat for ea proed flight: (a) pred dep poin (b) desinati (e) da an ti of fl (d) the num of anicipated page: (e) the natu an extnt of luggage to be cari; (f) the dat and time of 8 return ftight, if an an (g) any other inmion conceming the propoed mght that may be pene or is reanably reuire by NJA. In additio to the foregoi, in the event Owner shaM reire use of th Airc in an year othe than duri the final yer of this Agrent, in exess of th Annual AUo Hours Ower has agreed to use the Airft for such ye, Owner shall be permited to us the Aircra at the Ocpie Houy Rate Chrg for up to an addiional numbe of hours in such yea (the "Aditiona Hors") as set fo in th SCule, and such Additional Hours shal be charged agains Ows ADoted Hours for th folwi yer dung th term hereo, therey reducing accordingl the Alloed Hours to wh Owr is ened to use th Aircraft in such subsequent yer. Simllai1y. in the event Own fail to use the Airft in any Qln year for the fun Allotd Hours to wh it is entied thn Owr shall be entit to us the Alrc is quem ar or ea n e ter here for the amo n s) ("Ca Ovr urs in addition to Owner's Alloed Hours attiP1e to such subsequent yer or ~. Notwnd anyhing to the contrary contine herein, ,per's to use of the Aircft (..e., Aliôï Hours plus Carry Ovr Hours plus Additona Hors) in any yer of th Agreemen shal!. unde no circmstnc. excee th number of Anual Available Hors šei fort on the Schedul. If Owner sha deire to use the Air Inexces of th lesser of (0 Allottd Hours per year plus Additinal Hours plus Carr Ovr Hours in an given yer, or (i~ tot Annual Availale HoutS or (ii) Allotted Hors available to Ower dunng th fi (5) ye term of this Agreement, Owner shall pay In addltbn to the Monthly Managemen Fee th amo per hor set forth in the Schedule (the .Supplemental Hourly Charge") for each hour of use (as calated pursan to Sectio 10 hereof) of the Aircr in exces of such "mi. Prov th if at the expir, reducn or earUr terminion of this Agreement Owner has exceeded the Alloed Hors to which It wa ent pri to the expiraion or termination of thi Agreement (I.e., Allottd Ho per ye divided by twe (12), mulplie by the number of month th Agreemen wa in efec). the Ownr shan pay to NJA the Supplemal Hourly Charge wi reect to ea excess hor of use and reiv a crdit fo all Occpied Hourly Ra Charges prevsly pad with resec to such excess hors. Furtr proed th, if at th expiration, reducion or ea terminaton of th Agreement Ownr ha no used all of the Aled Hours to which it was entitled to prior to th expiration, reductio or terminatin of th Agreement (i.e. Alloted Hors per year divded by twelve. multiplied by th number of mont thi Agreement wa in efec), the Ower shall foreit all of the remaing hours or In th case of a reducio, the pr rata share of the hors. In the event Ownr elects to trade-n th Intere for an interet in anothe airraft of equal or greater size. th Ower may carr forwrd an unused Allotted Hours based up Owr's pro ra time of owrshi. The hours carried foird shall be exchanged at th approriate exchage rae pursuan to the exchnge schedul for the new aircraft, when applicle. and addd to the tol Alloed Hours ov the term of the new contract. However, Owne may never excee the new contract's Annual Availale Hours per yer witout additnal cost 6 9. For the purpes of this Agreem -year" shall mean th peri. of time beinni on th Cloing Date (as defid in the Purchase Agreement betwen Owner and Neets sale, Inc. ("NJSj) and on the same date for each subsequent year durig th term hereof, and ending at 12: midniht on th day before the same date of the yer ne foUowng. 10. NJA and Owner agr that the use of the Airraft shaD be deeme 10 comenc at th tim Owner ta of on th Aircraft and shaH terminae when the Airraft land at the destination airrt. In additi one tent (1/10) of an ho shal be added to eah take- and each lading to cote NJA for ta time on tae- an landing. Eac such hour of use of the Aircraft (including suc one te (1110) of an hour for eah take- an landing). and ronded to the neret onten (1/10) of an hour shal be defned herein as a .Passenger Ocpied Hour". Notwhsding th foring, Owner agre tht all flgh segment shall be deemed to be a minimum of on (1) houts dura; excep tha for ea twelve and on half pel't (12.5%) Inret It ow, Owner shall be entitled to 3 flight segment per yer which shaD not be subjct to the abe reerence mlnum fligh seent durati and the ab reerenced one (1) hor minm flight segmen duraon shal not apply to any ffight segmen dunng a calendr day during whic Owner's use of the Aircra equa at leas four (4) Pasenger OCpid Hors. Owne acowleges and agrees that on all flight segment originating or terminatng outide the 48 coiguou stes of the Coinent United Stes. Owner shaD be charg a fany charge In the amount se fo on th SCheule' per 16ght hour (te RFerr Chrge") reuir to ferr the Airra to or from such orinatio or terminti point outide the 48 contiguus states of the Conentl United State, to or fro 8$ th cae may be, thneare suiable inerntio airrt wiin the 4B conguous sttes of the Coine Unit Stte. Fen Charg apie rerdless of wh or no NJA shaD actally ferr the Aircra 10 or fr the ContnentUni Stes, bu suc terr hours shal not be chargd agains Owets A11o Ho. Noithsnd the foregong, there sha be no Ferr Charge. for (i) flights originatig or terminatng in the Caian ciie of Toroo (airpor CYV and CYKZ, Windsr (airprt CYOG),Klon (air CYGK), Ot (airp CYOW), Montrel (airp CYU an CYM an Vanuver (airport CYV); (i flight ongina or termin in the Bahamian Islan north of 24° north laitde and we of 76° wes lonitude; and (II flights originating or terminating in the Mexic Cit of Cab San Luca (MMSD) (provided hor th fee descnbed In Secion 4 (e) of this Agreement shaD be applicble regard of Fer Ch war described anywhere heren). For flights oriinaing or termtig in Berma, the Ferr Chae shal be caped at one (1) hour per flight segmnt. In those instances wher an Owers flig itinera bohonginate and terinates in the Conti United Sttes or is deemed to origina an terminat in th Contnent United Stte, as an altemat to the Owner's paying the FelT Char for such fer flight to or from th ContInentl Unied Stes, Owner shal be entled to keep the Airc outde th Conneal United States for a maxmum of five (5) days. In the evnt Owner so elec to keep th Airraft outs th Connent United Sttes, Owner shal be deemed to have used the Aircraf for the grea of an averae of three (3) Passeger Occupie Hours per day (inluin day of dert and day of rem) or th numbr of Pasenger OCupi Hours actuaUy used per day and Owner shl be surharged $3 for eaå night the flight crew remains outde the Continent United Stes. There sha be no charge to Ower in the event Ower is late or canc a scheduled flt; ex that 0) the Aircraft shaD be permitd to leave in the event Owner is mo than one (1) hour late tor 1Ie nigh and has not notiied NJA tha Owner wil be late and (ii) if NJA ha pre-pitioned an aircraft speiclly fo such flight, Owr shall remburse NJA for all crew and aircaft repoitning expenses (no to exce th estimated cos of the cancled tnp) unle it has given NJA 10 hours prio noic for domti trps an 24 hours for intemaal trips of any suc canolation. Th Aircraft may be used at any time dunng any day of th week and sha be availabe at any airrt suitable tor landing in accordance wit th FAR uner which the Aircraft is then being operated and for which NJA ca obtn a landing slot and prode th same do no violate the tenn of applicbl insuranc coage. 11. NJA agrees tht, through th term of ths Agreeme it sh not cause or peit, through any of it own act or failure to ac any liens, claims or encbranc to att to th Airc or 1Ie Interet, other th 0) mechanics liens to be dichrged In the orinary cors of business, 01) the right of an Additiona Interes Owner pursuant to the terms of Owrs Agreement. Owne and NJA acethat Own or NJA shaH opeate the Aircft at all times in accordnc wih applicale FAR. 12. Owner agrees that, throughout the term of thi Agreement It shall not cause or permit, through any of it own act or faures to act. any liens, claims or encmbraes to attch to the Aircraft or the Interes, other th (i) mechanics liens to be dischrged In the ordnary cors of busines. (ii) the rihts of any Additnal Intere Owr (i1Q the Bank Leases or Bank Usns permited in the Owns Agremen execu by Owner wih respe 10 the Interet and (iv as otherWise contemplated by this Agrement 7 13. Owr acknowledge that NJA shll have no lia for dely or failure to furnish th Airft and pilots pursuant to this Agrement when such failure is caused by gomment reulti or auhori, sudden or unexpeced mechancal difficult (provi tht such diicul is not due to NJA's negligen. brch of this Agreemen or otr failure to comply with applicale FAR), wa, civi coio stries or laor disputes, weathr coition or ac of God. In the event NJA is more than sixy (60) min la in fumishig the Airc at any time du to any reason other thn the foreoin, Owne shal be grant additional fliht tie at no additional co in the monh of Owner's choie duri the tenn hereo equal to th leng of the delay, up to a maximum of tw (2) hours per ocurrence. Th foregoing sh be Owner's sol reme for delay or failure to fumish the Aircaft by NJA (except as pride In Sec 15 heeo an NJA shall no be liale to Ower for any indire, spial or consequental daages ca direly or indirely by such delay or faUure to furish the Aira. Own and NJA further agree tha wh In th review of Ow, NJA or the pilots of the Aira saet may be compromised, Ower, NJA or the pi may tanninat. a flht, rese to comen a fliht, or take other actio necesited by suh sa considerions without liabilit for loss. injry, damge or delay. Owner ca also dic lintio of flight. prded, ho, that notwhsng the foreing, any pow of Owr to Umlt or tenate a flightshall be confined to the flgh beng made at the direon of Ow as part of Owns use 01 th Alrcl8 under Secn 8 here. 14. Nothstaing th remedies prvi for in Secion 6 of th Purhase Agement, upo the occurrnce of an Event of Defalt (as hereinafter defned) under this Agreeme whi Is no cured within thir (30) days, or an event of default unr the Owne Agrme or Exchange Agreent which is no cured wiin thir (30) days after wren not to Owner, NJA wi" cease al manageme acivie relaed to the Owr's use of the Aircft. In adition to the foregoing, NJA shaD have all right to bring an ac or claim against Owner for all sums whh may be due and owig herendr and to pursue all other re avaBab to it at law or in equit. NJA hereby furter reserv the ri in it sole diset, to not fumlh the Aircra or any other aircraft hereuer or under th Exchange Agre to Owne duri th thrt (30) day period provided tor curing the default Ower and NJA herey fuiter acknowledge tht NJS. ha the right under the Puroe Agre to repurchae Owner' Interest in th event of a default by Owne hereunder. For pures heref the term "Event of Default" shll mea the ocurr an contuaton of any of the followng event 01 defau herunder; (a) The faiure of Ow to pay wh due the Monly Management Fee, OCcupie Horl RaeCharges or Feny Charges set fort In Secon 7 and 10 her or any other chares du heeundr inluding taxes or simUar asments levie or impose aganst compoent of such fe, as set for In said Secion 7 wih a ten (10) day period of gra after wrien no of nopaymnt; (b) The causing or periting by Owner, thugh any of it own acs or fallure to ac, of an lie. claim or enumbra ("Lien") to attach to or be aserted again the Airc or the Intere other than thoe permited in the Owners Agreemen executed by Ower with respe to the Inerest or th reisratin of anycurrnt or prospectve Lien. internional interest or saJa (as dened by the Conventon on Internationl Interests in Mobile Equipmnt and the Prool on Matters Specifc to Airraft Objec (the "Cape Tow Coventn")) In th interntionl registry (-International Regis) creted pursua to th ca TownContn, witho NJ cons (0) The maeril brach by Owr of any otr material provsion of this Agreem, whih malbreach shan contnue for thirt (30) days after wien noice to Ower; (d) If Owr shal: (1) admit in wri it inabilit to pay, or fail to pay, debt generaUy 8S the bee due; (2) file a petition in bankruptcy or a petition to take adage of any insoly act or file an answer admiting or failng to deny the maeril alations of suc petiion; (3) make an assignment for the befi of it creitrs; (4) consent to the appointmt of, or possesion by, a custodia for itel or for the whole or substantia aU of it prpert (5) on a petiton in bankruptcy fild against it, beadjudicaed or have an ordr forrelief granted as, a bankpt; or, B t i i ! (6) file a peitio or answer seeking reoranization or arragement or oter ai or rele under any bankrupt or insolvncy laws or any oter law for the reli of debto or file an answer admitin, orJai to deny, th ma allegion of a peitio filed against l for any such relie. (e) If a cort of compett juridicion shal enter an ordr, jument or dee appontng, wi the consent of Ower, a custian for Ownr or the whole or subsntial1 aU of it prort, or appng a peio flied again It seeking reorgnizati or arrangement of Owner under any bakr or ins laws or any oter law fo the relie of debtors, and such order, judgment or decree shaD not be vacated or se aside or stayed wiin si (60) days fr the date of entr th or, (f) If, undr the provision of any law for the relief of debtrs, an co of cotent juriic or custan shaH assume custody or cont of Owner or of the whol or any substant par of it pro wiut the consen of Ower, and suc cuody or contro shan not be temiìnatec or stayed wihin sixt (60) days frm th date of assump of such cu or cont. 15. For puipses hereo the te ~JA Event of Defaul" shaD men the occurr an contìnuation of any of the following evnt of defult herender; (a) The causing or permiting by NJA, through any of It ow ac or failure to ac of any lin. clm or encumbranc to attach to th Aircraft or the Interet other th as se fort in Seio 11 here; (b) The causing or permg by NJA, throh any of it ow act or failure to ac. to void thinsrace prvided for hein. (e) If in any year aircraft in the NetJts Proram are involved in mo than thre (8) acenrepoble to th FAA under it rule and reulatons as an acciden an as a reult of the circmsnc of the accident the FAA suspends th NJA pilot in coman's comrnrcallise or oterwe detennin th acid were NJA's falt (d) NJA is more th tw (2) hors late in furnishing the Airra to Owr on four (4). or moresepara occasion during any ye of the term here under cirmstnc which ent the Ow to fr additonl flight tim pursuant to Se 13 here. (e) The materi brech by NJ of any other matenal proviio of this Agreem, which matril brech shaH contnue for thirt (30) days afr wrin notice to NJA: (1) If NJ sha: (1) admi in wring it inabillto pay, orfal to pay, debts generalyas they be due; (2) file a petition in bankrupt or B peition to take advantge of any insolveny ac or file an answer admiting or failing to deny th mateal allegations of suc petition; (3) make an assignt for the benefit of it crediors; (4) consent to the appointment of, or posio by, a cu for itel or fo thwhole or subsll all of it proper; (5) on a petit in bankpty filed agast it, be adjudiced, or have an ord forreief granted as a bankrt or, (6) fHe a pettin or anwer seking rerganition or argement or othe aid or relef under any bankruptcy or Inslvency laws or any other law for the reli of debto or fil an answer admiting, or fai to deny, the materia allegati of a peion filed agans it for any such retiat. (g) If a con of competent juridicion shall enter an orr, juden or dece appointing, wihout the consent of NJA. a custodian for NJA or the wh or substially all of it pro, or aproving a petilion filed against it seeking rerganization or arrngement of NJA undr any bankrupt or ínolvency 9 1'1l i i I laws or any otr law for the reUef 01 debtrs. and such order, judment or deree sh not be vacate or set ase or stye win sixt (60) days fro the date of ent thre; or, (h) If, under the provision of any law for the relief of debt1', any cort of comnt juriic orcustodia shal assume cust or con of NJA or of the whole or any substnti pan of It pmpert without the consent of NJA, and suc custody or control shall not be tenninatec or styed within six (60) days fro th dae of assumptn of such cutody or corol 16. Owner acknowlege tht. in considraion of the mutual covenan set for in 1h Agrent, ai oter Additional Inret Owrs of th Aircra are thir part beneri of this Agrent 17. Thi Agreemen sha commençe on the Cloing Date (as such term is defed in th Aircra Acptance Form) and shall temilnate on the earlier of (i) th fif (5~ anniversar here, (ii) th dat Owner, or on default by Owner. NJS exercises the repurcse opton puruant to the Purc Agreement an title to the Interet passe fr Owr to NJS, (iii) the date Ower elec to cal this Agreeme as hereinfter proided or (iv) Upon a final deermintion th there ha be a total loss of the Aircraf and NJA has not elec to subtitute th Aircraft with a Replacemnt Airra in acconc wi the provions of Section 20(0). Nothstanding the foreoing, this Agreemnt shall automlly rene for a peno of two years on th mosiawre. teJ th being offere to renewin Owne of an equíie SIZ Rar ofsimHar aircra age and ty, unless either part ha proided wren noic nine (90) days pr to exiration th states thet the pary does no wish to renew the contra In the event nether part prvidewrin not of their exress innt no to rene, then NJA wil send to Owr. at leat ninet (90) days prior to expiration, a terms sheet whic wi deta the changes to be efec upo rene. Should Own chooe to no renew, Owr shH have thir (30) days from reei of th term she to no NJA an toma alterte arrngement. 1 B. NJA represent and warr to Owr as fol (a) NJ is a corpration dul and valid orgnizd and exng in go stg undr th laws of the state of It incorpora. NJA has the pow and autrity to ener Into this Agrent and to execute,delir and recive all other insme an document exec and delivre and reiv. in connecon wih the transactions contempated herender (b) Th Is no acn, sui or preeng pending aga NJA beor or by any cour administrative agency or other goernent autriy. or threatene, which brings in quesion the vaity of. or ir any way legally or financly (in th case of penonnance) Impai1' or would if advrsely determin impair th executon. delivery or perormanc by NJA of this Agrem (e) Th execution and de6very of this Agreent by NJA and the penormnce by it of It obligatios hereunder, have be duly autorzed by all nessry corrate acn of NJA and do not violate or conflict wit (I) any proion of NJA's Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws, (û) any la or anyorder, wr injunctio, dere. rule or reulati of any cort administtive agenc or any ot governmental authorit or (ii) any agrement entered in or binding on NJA or it corpor affilites, whether relating to the AIra or oterse; (d) Thi Agrement coes th vali an binding obligation of NJA enforo in acconc wit its terms, subject, however. to (I) laws of general applicti afecng crditrs' right and (Ii) judicil disreion, to which equitle reie are subjec; an. (e) NJA Is not subjec to any restnetion (which has no been complied with) or agreement whiwih or wi the giv of notce, the pae of time, or both, prohibits or would be vioed by, or be in conflict with, the execution, deliver and consummtion of this Agremen. 19. Owner represent and waant to NJA as follow: (a) Owner, if a cooraio. is duly and vallel oranized and existing in good stding unde thelaws of the stte of its incrprati (b) Owne, if a limied lIabllty company. is duly and vali fanned and existing in go stnding under the laws of th ste of it fonatin~ 10 ~ II (c) Owner has the power and the. autri to enter into this Agreement. and to carr out the transactns contlated hereunder; (d) The executin and delivery of this Agreement by Ower, and th peormnc of it obliations hereunder have been duly authorize by all near ac of Owner and do not violate or confic wit (Q any prosion of Owners Ceicate of Incrprati or By-Laws, if Owner is a corpio (U) any proviion of Owne"a certfication of Fonntion or Operating Agreement. If Buyer is a Hmited lillty compay or (iQ any law or any orer, wri, injuncio, decre. rule or reulation of any court. administive agency or any otr government auhority. There is no action. suit or proedng pendin or thretened agains Ow befre any cour administrative agency or other goernmentl autho whic brng into questin the validi of, or migh In any way impar, the execution, delivery or peifonance by Ow of ths Agreement;an (e) This Agreement constites the vaid an bindng obligation of th Own enoreable inaccordance with it repe terms, subjec however, to (i) laws of general appican afecing credtor' rights and (D) judicial discreon to which equitle re are subjec 20. (a) In the event of any damage to or LO, th or desction of, the Aircraft by any cause whatsoer ("Los or Damge"), ncn ìl'Mng an ac or cove (Le.. the Airc canno be properl or economically repaire totl los. al inranc proeds in respet thereo shaH be paid to NJA in trt fo the repair and restoratio of the Aircft to god repair, condion and workin orer; (b) Nothstadlng an event of lo or Daage to the Ain: uner subpragra (a) abe, NJA shan continue to provide Ower with the use of an aircraft In accord wih th tenn of Sect 8 here whle th AIrcft is being repaire and (c) In the evt of an acal or const tol lo of th Airc (rrot Loss"), NJA shhave the opon. but not the ob&gation, to sustitte a Citio XLS aircra rReplacemen Airc"), havi a fair mark value at lea equal to th fair maet vaue of the Aircra immedy precin such Totl Los (assuming the Airaft was In th condition require to be maintine herender), fo th Airc. Such opn shall be ex, in wrig, witin thir (30) days after a fina determtio Is made by thinsurnce company that the Aircraf ha sufere a Totl Loss. In th even 6Uch subon option Is exercised, Owr shall be entited to enjy all the benef of this Agreement dunng th peri fro loss to replcement wiou interrupton and NJA shaH be entled to use the pr0 of insura to purcha the Replaceent Airraft and retain any excess proed for li own ac If the Insurace proce are Insuficent to purchase such Replacemen Aircraf, NJA shaH fund th diferece. Ea of NJA and Owner agrees to execte aU docment incluing appprlae bills of sae. reisraion applicon, pro of LO, an chks to acmplish the forgoing. In the event of a Totl Loss whn NJA elec no to puras th Receme Aircraft Owner shall be entitled to th Fair Market Value of the AIrcaft based on the Aircscondition immediately pri to th Tota Lo of the Aircraft (determined by mutl agrment of Owner and NJS, or aben such agrement by an independnt apraiser mutall agreed upon by the partie. or. abent suc agrement. by a maor of three (3) indeendent appraisers, one (1) seled by th Ower, one (1) seleed by the NJS. and the third sele by the other tw (2)) multiplie by the percente equivlent of the Intere utilzing the assumpt, in calcating such Fair Market Value, tha the Aircraft is In th conditin reuired to be maintained undr this Agrement, the engin on the Airc are mid-lie (pre Ho Seion inspecions) and utilizing the actual number of hours on the airframe, and wihout regard to or conseration of any mantenace reserves estished by NJA under this Agrement 21. In order to insure th availait of Citti XLS aircra to Owr. Additio Intere Ow and paricpant in the Exhage Agreement, Owner ackwlges that NJA may deem it deble to substiute Owner's Interet in the Aircra (the "Releaed Interest" for an intere in anoer Citon XL aircra (the -Replacement Intrest" of eqal value. In the event NJA reques Owr to efecate suc substitution, Ower agrees that it will no unreonably withold it consen thereo. If Owr cose to suc substitut and in conideraion of the coeyanc of the Replant Interes to Ower, Owner agre tht it will take th following acions wiin tsn (10) business days after receMng notice from NJA of it intent to substitue the Replaoemnt Interet for the Relased Interest (a) Execte and deliver amendment to all agrements relating to the Netet Proram, asprovied by NJS, to release the Released Inter from. and subjec the Repacement Intert to. suh agreements; 11 ! ll j i . (b) Execute and deliver to NJA an AC Form 800-2 Aircft BiB of sale, conveying tile to th Releaed Intre to NJA or It asgns or designe; and (0) Initte th registtion of a sale at the International Registr wit regard to th conveanc otthe Relesed Interes by Owner to NJA or it assign or designee shoul NJS, in Its sole discreio 80 rere, as a conditio preeden to the closng. 22 Thi Agreeme shall be bing upo and shall inure to the benefi of th parie here, thei reprsentti, sucssors and assigns. This Agreeme shll no be assignabl by Owner except. to a Bak. as serity as set fort In Seclion 1 of the Owers Agrement or upo th expre wren cosen of NJA. whicl consnt shall not be unrsonably conditioned, delaye or wihheld, provide, hover, tha such propoed asignmen is for all of Owner's Inter and tht such asignee is aped by NJA as 10 creitrtiness and proed further that the Owr ha offere to NJS, a ten (10) day righ of firs real to purcase Ower's Intrest on the same terms and conditons as ofered to sucl prpo asignee. Nothsanding the foreoing, this Agreemen shal be assignale upo pror wren notice to NJA by Owr to any enti to which Ower may trfer all or substantall all of its asse and busness pursuant to a merger, acquition, or other suc reorniza or to any afWate of Owner. Owr agr to pay to NJS the Transfer Fee (as defined in the Pur Agrement) In the even th assignme of this Agrement is not covered by the foreg sen. 23. Neitr Owner nor NJA shal be liable for any failure or delay in peormance und this Agreement (otr than for delay in the payment of money due and payable hereunde) to the extent said failures or delays are proximately caed by causes bend that parts reaonble cont and ocuring witt it fault or negligence, prided that as a condition to th claim that a part Is not lia. th part experiencing the dificult shaH give tha other prompt writlen notice. wit fuJI detHs foHowin th occurrence of the cause reied upo. 24. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PART HAVE ANY OBLIGATIN OR LIABILIT WHATSOEVER TO THE OTHER PARTY, WHETHER ARISING. IN CONTRACT (INCLUDI WARRANT TORT (WHER OR NOT ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OTH PARTY), STRIC LlAJLIT OR OTHERWISE, FOR LOSS OF USE, OlMlNUAnON IN VALUE FOLLOWING LOSS. LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFIT OR FOR AN OTHER INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIA EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR SIMILAR DAMAGES WIH RESPECT TO, RELATED OR ARISING OUT OF OR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMEN. 25. This Agreement an th other Operativ Docment, as defined in pagraph 1.3 of th Purchase Agreement constitte the entire undersing among the parties and there are no representtions or warrnties. conditions, covenants or agreement other than as set for expresly herein and In the Operative Documents, an any changs or modifictions hereto mus be in writing andsignd by authorized reprentativ of bot parties. This Agreemen shall be gomed by an ~nterpreted in accrdance with the laws of the Stte of Ohio. wihout regard to such state's or any other state's choice of law provisions. Any actn or oter legal proding of any kind, legal or equitble, baed upon or in any way related to the subject matter of this Agreement. Includng but no limited to th sale, operation, maintenanc, management, Inpecion, serving or occpancy of the Aircra sha be brought exclusel in an appropriate court of competent jurisdicton loated In Frankin County. Ohio (if the acton is brought in state court) or in the United Sttes Dlstñc Court for the Souhern Dis of Ohi (if the act is brought in federal court). The part furter agree that a final judgmet In an such aenshall be concusive an may be enfor in other juridicns by suit on the judgment or in any other manner proded by law. 2S. Any notice, reues or oter communiction to either part by th other hereude shal be made in. wring and shall be deemed givn on the earlier of th date (I) persnally delivered wi reip acknowledged. (iO telecopled at time of transmission by electronic facsimile trnsissi equipment. whih equipment shaH fumlsh wren coirmation of succesfu and completed transmlsslon of all pages wit err in trsmission or (ûi) the next busness day after delivre to a reputle ovght couri at the addres set for In th firs paragrap of thi Agreent and on the signa1ure page, toeter with a co to any addresee as may be designated by a part by noice hereunder. The addres of a pa to wh noices or copies of notices are to be givn may be change from ti to time by such pary by wren noe to the other part. 12 IIi I 'Z. This Agreement may be execued in one or more counterprt each 01 whic $hall be deemed an original, all of whic toether shall constitute on an th same agremen. 28. In the event that anyone or more of the proions of this Agreement shall for any reaon be held to be InvaJd, illegal or unenforcable, the remaining provllons of th Agrement shal be unimpaired and the invalid. ilegal or unenforcle provision she. be replce by 8 mutlly accepble proision. which, being valid, legal and enforcabl, comes oloses to the intnti of the part underlyi the invalid, inegl or unenforceable proviio. (REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENONALLY LEFT BLAK) 13 II 1'1 IN WINESS WHEROF, the part hereto have cause the preent to be exeuted the day and year set forth nex to their respecive signatures. The pers signing- bel warr their autty tos~n. ' Owner: Signature: Name: T~e: Senior Vice President Iowa 3 15/07 (dae) Address: 66 Gra Avenue, PO Box 657, Des Moines, Iow 50303-06 NmE~~ Signare: Name: Tite: David S. Beach Senio Vice Presit 14 3115/01 (date) corporaio .. SCHEDUL Interest Percntage Montly Management Fee Estblishe Avg. Rate per Galon tor Fuel Fuel Varile Rate Minimum Telehon Notice Alloted Hours Occup Hourly Raté Charge Adit Hours pe yer Amua Available Hours per year FenyChae 12.5% $16,774 (subjec to Annual Eslaon). $1.60 $4.20 per OCcupied Hour per $.01 DIerntial 8Houl' 100 hou p9ryear 50 hOU per fiv year period $2,096 (subject to Annul Estin). 25 hours per year 150 hors peryear $1,467 per hour (subject to Annul Esca)* Suplemel Houry Che: $6,33 per Ocpied Hour (subjec to AMual Escalati). fo the fnt 25 Ocupied Hour per ye flow In exces of the ler of (~ Allo Hours plus Additional Hours plus Cany Ovr Hors pe yer or (ii) Annu Availa Hors per year and $6,96 per Occupied Hour (subje to Annual Eslaion). tor each hour fl in exces ther. In '! even Owr uses Additional Hours in any year, suc Adäitnal Hors shal be subtract from the Alloed Hours availble to Owr dunn the subequent year as se fort in Secio Bhere. Cena 56XLS (Citti XL)Senal No. 56FAA Regation No. N66QS "Annual Eslation. Eac of th applic Occupied Hourly Rate Charge. Ferr Charg and Supplementl Hourly Charge shall be adjusted by the Consumer Prie Inde and the Mon Manage Fee shall be adjused by the greeer of the Consumer Pri Index or 3.75% (on a cumulave bais) on Januar 1 of each year commenng January 1, 20. In additon, th OCupi Hourly Rate Chare wil incr by $4 per Passenger Ocupied Hour commncig on the fi day of the thïrfìrs (31st) month afer accptnce of the Aircraft by NJS. from the maufacure to reec the expiratio of cern wa beefit. 15 ! 11 . I . , " i EXCHANGE SCHEDULE PURSUANT TO SECTION 8 In the event Owner reques use of an Aircft other than a Cittion XLS atr then the Pasengr Occupied Ho applicle for. such trp shan be adjused as foHow IYe of Aircraft Citti V Ultra Hawker 4QP Cittion Ene C~on ~II Cmd~n XLS Hawkr 80XP Citation X Gulfsteam 20 Falcon 200/ Falco 2000EX EA Gulfre IV.SP I Gulfstream 400 I Gultam 45 Gulfstrm V I GuHst sse Bong 737-700 Percente Equivlent to Use of a clltjon XLS 909293100 1300160 170%19525030 39% NJA rese the right in It so discreton to amend th above petages and to add or delete tye of aisixt (60) da pri wrn notic. 16 . ! ~. Aircraft Hull and Liability Attachment A Aircraft Physica Damage Coverage (Excluding War Risk and Allie Penls) Liability Coverage for Physical Damge to Non-Oned Airc (Excluding War Ris and Allie Peri) Physicl Damge Coera for Spae Engines/ar Aircft Boly Injury and Propert Damage Lialit Coverage (Excluding War Risk and Alled Perils) for Owned and Non-Qned Aircra up Aircra up to 40 Seat. Perslnlury Liability Corage Voluntry Settment Coverage for Ow & Non-Owned Aircraf Medl Payments Coverage tor OWed and Non.Qd Aircraft (incuding Crew) liabli Corage for Persnal Effecs and Baggage Carg LIabli Covrage Stated Value - Fair Market Value of Alro $ 50,000,000 Each Occrrence $ 6,00,00 Eah Occurrence $ 500,00.000 Each Oce. Boing $ 400,000,00 Each Oc. Gulfstream IV & V, 40, 450, 550 $ 400,00,00 Each Oce. Falon 2000, Falcon 200 E $ 30,000,000 Each Qo. All Others $ 25,00,00 Each Occrrnce and Annual Aggrega $ 1,00,00 Each Passenger $ 500,000 Each crewmemr $ 50,00 Each Pel' $ 100,00 Eah Pasenger $ 50,00 Eac Qcurnce Liabilit Covrae for Damage to $ 10,00,000 Each Ocurrence Non-Cneeased Hangars and Content Airport Premises Uabllit Coverage Same as Lim for AlTcraft Uabllit Premises Meical Payment Coverage Proucs Liabilty Covege for Incident Opraio and Sale of Aircraft and Part Owner's Ground Hangarkeepers' Uability Coverage $50,000 Each Persn Same as L1mlt for Aircra Uabilit $ 50,000,00 Each Ocrrence $ 1.00,000 Eac OccurrenceReimbursement of Emergency Expenses Coverage "Te tenns on this Attachment A are subject to change, except as set forh specifically in Section 5 of the Management Agreement 17 ANNUAL WAR RISK PREMIUMS Aircraft Type Boeing 737-700 Gulfstream V I Gulfstream 55 Gulfstream IVMSP I Gulfstream 400 I Gulfstream 450 Falcn 20EX EASyl Falcn 2000 Gulfstream 200 Cition X Hawker 1000 Sovereign Hawker 800XP Citatin vn Citation Excel I Citation XLS Citation Enre Hawkr 400XP Citation Ultra Per Aircraft $ 47,2 $ 27,900 $ 23.976 $ 22,530 $ 13,637 $ 12,910 $ 10,814 $ 8,882 $ 11,722 $ 6.830 $ 7,488 $ 6,890 $ 6,445 $ 5925 Per 1/8 Share $ 5,90.00 $ 3,487.50 $ 2,997.00 $ 2,816.25 $ 1,704.63 $ 1,613.75 $ 1,351.75 $ 1,110.25 $ 1,46525 $ 853.70 $ 936.62 $ 861.25 $ 80.63 740.63 l ~ j These Annual War Risk Premium are subjec to change upo th (30) days writen notice to Owr In the ethe rates fro the Insurance proider(s) Increa or derease. . 18 .. .. ADDENDUM TO FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIP PROGRA MAAGEMENT sERvices AGREMT .'PEA PERI DAYS" The folowng days are to be the "Piak Period Day" for the next 12 months. Any chang or additon to fOllog lis wil be published and dletrbut8d by NJA wl subsntia, notce to all NelJet owne Dl Tuesday January 2, 2007 Tueday aftr New Yea""s Day Thursda February 15,2007 Thursday before preident' Day Friay February 16. 2007 friday befote PMsident. Day Monday February 19, 2007 preident'. oay Thursday April 5, 2007 Thuraday before Eatir Tueay November 20. 2007 Tuesda bere Thanksivin Wedneday November 21,200 Wedneday be Thanksiving Sunday November 25, 2007 Sunday aftr Thanksivng Monday Noember 26, 2007 Monday after Thinøglvlng Wednesday Deember 26, 207 Wednesday aftr Christ 19 - I . '~ ,~ EXHIBITD Master Dry-Lease Exchange Agreement . 121 NI!JET~CrrATION XLS MATER DRV..EASE AIRCRA EXCHANGE AGREEMENT THIS MASTER DRY -LEASE AIRCRAFT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT ("'.. Agreement"), Ie made end entered into by. and among Netets Servics. Inc., a Delaware corportion having It prpa ofice and plac of business at 4111 Briway Avenue, coiumbus. Ohio 43219-188 ("Sers. ancor "Administto"), and each of those indivials andor entties whose signature and sea appar on the signature page(s) affbeed hereo (hereinfter colleely referr to as the .Ownrs" anor "Particpant- and indiviuaRy as an .Owne and/or "Partip'). as of the dates set lort ne to thr respect signature: WINESET: WHEREAS, each Participant ows an undivided inerest (th "Interest") In an airc se iort next to Participant's name on the Schedule atthe hereto (all of said aircraft being together reerre to as the 'Program Aircra" and eah individua aircaf as to the paricipant thereof on, bein relerr to as the · Air'1: an WHEREAS, each Participant togeter wih such oter partes Which own the reining unlvde ineres In the Airraft have agred pursuant to the terms of an agreement execte among thm (th"Owners Agreement") to participte in the NetJets Fractial Ownership Prom (the "NtJ Proram;, and to engage Netts Aviati, Inc., a Delaware corpotion ("NAj, to pro fractalownrsip progr managemen servce and to ac as th prgram manager for th NsUet Prra and WHEREAS. each Partcipnt together with such other parties which own the remalnng undiv inte in the Aircra, desre to enter a diyIease aircraft exchange arrangemen tht Is par of th NetJet Program, and as suc argements are.define in Secion 91.1001(b) of th Federal AviatnRegulatio, and as wil be. more fuly d8$bed here (the "Netets DrLeas Aiaf Ex Arrngem); and WHERES, the Partpant of a Proram Aircaf desire to engge Service to prov administtie servces to administer th NetJet Dry-Lea Aircraft Exchange Arrngnt and WHERE. Particant are desirous of participting in the NetJe1s DryLeas Aircraft Exhange Arrngemnt, both by dry leasing thir Aircraft to othr Participnts, an by dry leng Prom Air fro other Partipnt in the Net prora; an WHEREAS, Servces is willin to provid administrativ service to enable the Partnt to participate In th NetJets Dry-Lease Airoraft Exchane Arragement NOW, THEREFORE, the partie hereto, declaring their intention to enter iio and be bound by the terms of this Agreement and in consideration of the mutual coveant, warres. promises, agreement and goo and valuable coideratio set fort herein, hereby coenant and agree as LOI: 1. (a) Participas hereby agree to participa in the NetJet Dry-Leas Aircra Exch Arrngemnt, boh as lesors of the repee Aircraft and as lesees of ot Program Aircra prvid by other Participant in the Prram on an equal time basis, and to be boun by aU of thprovisis of this Agreement, and to dry lease the Aircraft to aU other Particiants in goo ¡taing un th Agreement Each Participa sha. be entitled to the use of another prora Airc on an as avalabe, firs come, firs serv, equa time bais, in th event such Particiant is unable to use fo any reson the Aircraft in which It own an Interest, but in no even shall any Participant be entile to the us of more than the lesser of (a) one (1) aircraft per day fo eah twentfour percnt (24%) or leser Intre owned or (b) five (5) aircraft per day, nor shall any Participant be permitted to use any Program Aircraft outside of the Contínen11 United States, Mexico, cada and the paribbean Island witut prir consent of the Administrator. No charge shall be made for the dry lease of anoter Partpant's Ai under this Agreemen. Each Participan agree to make it Aircraft available, on an eqal time bais tor dry lease to al other Participant in the Netets Dry-Lease Aircraft Exchange Arrangement. In no evt sha Participant be provided wih the dry lease of an aircraf of a äiferent make or mol from the Aircraft it owns unless speclficaUy requeste or aprovd by Partcipnt. : I. II l . . I (b) Partcipants hereby agree tht this Agreent inludes as participnts fraional owership proram own that participate in a frctioal owrship progra that is. manged by 8 proram mana determined by the FAA to be an affillete of NJA, as defined in FAR § 91.1001 (b). incing partcipants in the NetJets Gulfstrem frctl owrship pram, as managed by NeUets Intematinal, Inc. (NJI). 2. Administrator shal manage and administer the Netet Dry-Lease Aircra Exchange Arrangement contemplated hereunder for an annual fee of $20 per Partician 3. Partipa shall be reponsible for the securing of maintenance. preventive maintenanc, and require or otherwse necessa inspions of their Aircraf. Participants may delegate so or all of the tasks asociatd with this responsibirit to NJA. as prra manager for the Nelet Prra. No period of maintenanc, preventive maintnance, or inspection sha be delayed or po for th purpose of schedulin the Aircra under the NetJets DryLease Aircft Exchnge Arragemet Adminitrator and each Partcipant acknowledge th each Particip ha coraed wi NJA undr a separate Fractna Ownership Proram Management services Agreeme (the "Magement Agrement) to secure such maintenanc, prentie maintnace, or otherwis reired mantena of their Aircft and th Insnce reuired under Secn 5 here. 4. Each Partipat hereby agree to proe qualified pilots for eac fliht undertake by that Partclpa under th Agrement. The pilo providd by Participnt (wiD be approvd by Administraor) will exercis their dutie and responsibiltie in regard to th safety of each flight couced herender. in accordnce with the applicable Federa Aviatl Regulations. The Pacipan agre th when, in the view at the pilo of th Aircaft safet may be compromi, th piot may tenninate a flight rese to commence a fligt. or take other action neceitated by saety considerations wit lialit for lo or delay except for negligenc. Further. it Is agreed that Partcipnt shan no be li for delay or faiure to furnish the Aircft to an Partipant pursuant to this Agreen for any reas 5. Participant agree to keep or cause their Aircft to be kep coered by ali-risk aircraft hull insuranc against th los or dage to the Aircraft and extnded coera wi repec to any engin or part whIle remov from the Aircraft, for the fai market value of the Aircraft Partnt shal fikewise ensure that their Aircraft is covered by Uabnity insurance in the for an subanc and wit such insurers as are reasly acceptabl to Adminitrator in an amunt no les thn Three Hund Mlfion Dollrs ($3,00,00). Partcipnt shaU furtr agre to obtain as commercally avaUable, War Ri and OtherAlled Penis Coverge for aiaft phyical dama. 6. Each Participant hereby repre, warrts and covenant to the otr Partpant and th$ Administraor that (a) lt will utiize 1h Program Aircraft only for purpoes authorized by FAR § 91.501 (b) (1 0) and will no use such Program Aircraft for any mega1 purpose or for th purpose of proviing transporttin of passenger or cargo in air commerc, for compnstion or hire except in accrd wit the proisions of Sectn 91.1 005(a) of the Federal Avition Reula; (b) During th term of this Agreemnt it will abid by and conorm to aU laws. governmenta and airport orrs rules and regulations, incding any further amenment thereo, contolling or in any manner affecting operatis, use or ocpancy of such Prgrm Airc or use of airprt prmis by such Proram Airraf; (e) lt shaH reran fro the incurrnce of any mecnic' or simllr Uan in conneion with theinspeon. preventive maintenance, maintenae or stage of su Proram Aircra whher permisible or imermissible under this Agreeent. Except for the Bank Lien or Bank Lease, as defind in the Owners Agreement. there shall not be any attempt by any part hereto to cove, mortgage. assign, lease or in any way alienate such Progra Aircaft or create any kind of lien or security intert attaching to such Program Aircraft or do anying to take or fail to take any acton tht miht reult in such a Den or security interet attaching to such program Airc (d) If Paricipant is a corration. partnership, tn.st, limited libility compny or other enit. sa' Participant hereby warrnts that the person executing this Agreement on its belf is the duly autoriz representative of said Participant with ful authori to execute this Agrement 2 . (e) It will maintai proper Aircraft registration wit th FAA; an (l) 11 shaR not take any actn to regiser, nor will It knowingly allow the registra of, any interest in th Aircraft in the interntional registr ("Intmational Aegistr created by the Convent on Intemationallntersts in Mobile Equipment and the prool on Maters Specific to Aircft Objec (the "Cape Tow Conventionj, ulln such time as th Intemational Registry is moified to aemodte fractio interes In aircft and/or engines (whereupon Partcipants and Net sale. Inc. shal be entle to register th sa of th Interet been those partes at Participnls exns). 7. Nohstanding anyting to.the contrary contind herein. to the extent any Partipnt shall have &mited li nght to utilze it Air under an agreement amongt suc Partic an the Partipant of the remaining interes in such Aircraft, or to the extent Participant shal be in default of any other agreement covering Participants Aircraft, and as a reult thereof, Partic is no permlt to use it Aircraft, then it is herey acknowleged and agreed tha Participant sha not be ent to use any other proram Aircraft hereundr for such penod of time as Participant is not permit to use its Aircraft. 8. In considerati of the mutal coenants set fort in this Agreement Partnt herey agre tht aU other Participnt in good standing unr thl Agreemem $hali be thirdar beefiarie of this Agreeent. 9. In the event any sal. use. luury or similr ta is asssed on Participnt wi re to th use or exchnge of the Interet, Participant heeb coenant and agr to pay an amont equa to th assessed ta, and any related penaltis and ineres, within.ten (10) days of reivin no. Participant may pre su taxes provided they fuBy Indmni aR other Partpant. 10. This Agreement shall commence wi respec to Partican on the da of exut hereo by such Participnt an shall terminate on the sale of Partipls Interes in it Ai 11. Ths Agreemen shal be binding up and shaU enure to the benefit of th parties here, their heirs repenttives and asign. Th Agreement sh not be assigna by Partpant. except to a Bank as secunty as set forth in Secn 1 of th Owners Agreement an excep upon th expreswritten consen of the Administrator and th only if such asgn has acqui Parpas en interest and exected such doument as the Adintrator shall deem necessary to eviden assigne's assumpton of Partcipnts obligaions wih repect to the Aircraft. Notithsndg th foregoin, this Agreement sha be assignable upon prir wrin notice to Administrato by Partcints wh are corprations, parnership. trust. limited liabUit companis or similar entites to an entty to which su Particpant may transer all or substaially all 01 Its assS an busines pursuant to a merer. acquisit, or oter such reorganization or to an affliae of Particlpant 12. This Agrement an the other Operative Documen. as define in paragra 1.3 of th purchae Agreement. constite the entire understanding among th part and there are no repreenttion or warrntie, conditions. covenants or agreements otr than as set fort expresly herein and In the Operative Doument. and any changes or moificatis hereo mus be In writng and signed by authorized repreentatives of the part. This Agreement shall be govmed by an interpreed 1n accordanc wit the laws of the State of Ohio, witut regard to such stte's or any other stae's choic of law proions. Any acio or oter legal proceeding of any kind. legal or equitbl, ba up or In any way related to the subjec matter of this Agreemen, including but no limit to th sale. operaion, maintenance, management. Inspecon, servicin or occupanc of the Aircraft shan be brough exclusivy in an appropriate court of cometent jurisdicn lote in Franklin Coun, Ohio (if th ac Is brght in state court) Of in the United States Distr Court for the Southe Distr of Ohi (If the ac is brought in federa court). The partie further agre that a final judgent in any suc acn shall be conolusive and may be enfor in othr jurisdictons by suit on the judgment or In any otr manner proded by law. 13. Any notice, request or other comunication to either party by th other hereunder shall be made in writing and shall be deemed given on th earlier of the date (i) persna deliver wit receip acknowedged, (ii) telecopied at time of transmissio by eleconic facsimile transission equipnt. . . equipmt shall fumish wrien confirmati of sucessful and complet trasmission of aU pages with error in transmission or (iii) the next business day after delivred to a reputabl overnight couri at th address set fort in th first paragra of th Agreement and on the signature pag affixed hereto 3 .,: I. i together wih a copy to any addressee as may be designated by a par by noe hereunder. The address of a part to which noces or copes of notice are to be given may be clanged from time to tie by such pay by wrltten no to the oter part. 14. Neither Participnt nor Services shall be liable fo any failure or delay in penormnce under this Agreement (other ttian for dely In the payment of money due Bnd payable hennndr) to the extnt said failus or delays are proximately caused by causes beyon that party's reona cotrol and occurring wllout it fault or negUgenc, provid th as a conditin to the clai tht a part Is no liabl. the party exriencing 1h dificulty shall give the othr prompt wrtten notice. wih fun deta toiing th ocrrence of th cause relied up. 15. This Agreemen ma be executed In conterp which shal. singly or in the aggregate. constitue a fully executed and bindin agreme 16. In the event th anyone or more of 1he prvisions of this Agremen sha for any reas be held to be ¡nvaRd, ilegal or unenforeable, the remaining provisios of this Agreement shan be unimpare and the invaUd, ilegal or unenforceable proviion shal be replaced by a mutually accep1e proision. which. being valid, legal and enforceabl, co closes to thìnn ci the partes underlying the invalid. illegal or unenforceable pro. 17. Notin contined herein shal be deem to consit a partnersip or jo venture amog the partie heeto. 18. TRUTH IN LEASING STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 91.23 OF THE FEERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS. (a) EACH PARTICIPANT HEREBY CERTiFIES THAT ITS AIRCRA HA BEEN (i) EIHER MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROV\SIONS OF FAR § 91.405 OR MAINTAINED IN ACCRDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF FAR § 91.1411. AND (il) EITHER INSPECTED WITHIN THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD PRECEOING THE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF FAR 91.409. EXCEPT TO THE EXNT THE AIRCRAFT IS LESS THAN TWELVE (12) MONTHS OL. AND All APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECION THEREUNDER HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WIT, OR INSPECTED IN ACCORDANCE WrrH THE PROVISIONS OF FAR § 91.1109. OR THE AIRCRA IS MAINTAINED UNDER A CONTINUOU AIRWORTHINESS MA1NTENANCE PROGRAM AS PROVIDED IN FAR § 91.1411. (b) EACH PARTICIPAN AGREES, CERTIFIES AND KNOWINGLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT WHEN IT OPERATES ANY AIRCRAFT UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. IT SHL BE KNOWN AS, CONSIDERED, AND IN FACT WILL BE THE OPERATOR OF SUCH AIRCRA. (e) AN EXPLANATION OF FACTORS BEARING ON OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND PERTINENT fEDERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS CAN BE OBTAINED fROM THE NEAREST FAA FLIGHT STANDARDS DISTRICT OfFICE, GENERA AVIATION DISTRICT OFFICE, OR AIR CARRlER DISTRICT OFFICE (d) THE PARTIES HERETO CERTIFY THAT A TRUE COpy OF THlS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CARRIED ON THE AIRCRAFT AT AL TIMES OR OTHERWISE COPLIES Wrr THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAA. AND SHAL BE MADE AVAILALE FOR INSPECTION UPON REQUES BY AN APPROPRIATEY CONSTITUTED IDENIFIED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE FAA 4 .. IN WIESS WHEREOF, the partes hereto have caused this Agreement to be elCeeued as of the day and year set fort nex to thei respecive signatures below. Partcipant: Sinaure: Name: T"~: Senior Vice President Iowa 3/15/07 (date) Adre: 666 Gra Avee, PO Box 65, De Molnes,low 50303-0657 NETJE r,.t.~.: Signature;~ Name: David S.Beac Tit: senio Vice Prent 5 3l15/07 (date) co~ti .. V' ro . I ! SCHEDULE Partcipant: MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Percent Interes 12.5% AIrcra Cessna 56XL (Citati XLS) Manufaet1''-s seri No.: 565877 IlInR Ql FAA Registration No.: NeeiaS 6 l .