HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960520_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING May 20, 1996 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were: Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Scott Woodbury, Stephanie Miller, Keith Hessing, Eileen Benner, Rick Sterling, Ron Law and Myrna Walters. Commission President Nelson called the meeting to order. Items from the 5-20-96 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follow. 1. Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated May 20, 1996. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the RCD Agenda. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion; Commissioner Nelson concurred. 2. Scott Woodbury’s May 16, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. WWP-E-96-2 Schedule 26--Experimental Direct Access Delivery Service. Scott Woodbury informed the Commissioners that Keith Hessing, staff engineer assigned to this case, questioned the staff recommendation of handling this by modified procedure. Wondered it that would be appropriate for this matter. Commissioner Nelson commented it ties the Commission to a two-year program. Commissioner Hansen asked why the Commission was just looking at the 25 large industrial customers, if this is a good way to go into competition, why aren’t we going down the ladder a little further? Or will this come about on modified?   Will other classes say they want access? Is concerned that in the electric industry as we move to competition, even if we go this route, would like to know what is on the table.  If that will come forth with modified, don’t have a concern. Maybe it is so expensive that if you moved into other areas, the record keeping would be enormous. Would like to know why we are just looking at this group of customers. Keith Hessing responded - said staff intends to ask some of these same questions and don’t know what time frame the company can respond in. don’t know until we have filed comments. Scott Woodbury said he was unsure what interest we will flush out when this goes out. Might at least require getting some comments. Commissioner Smith said - at least you would know if they want a hearing. Haven’t talked to WWP, but have talked to Idaho Power Company and they thought a commonality could be shown to try one community but it would be difficult to do a flash cut. One thing we could do if we ultimately approve this is to ask WWP to design residential, things they can’t find out from industrial. Commissioner Hansen said if we approve it we will go until 1998. Commissioner Smith said Commission can start with 1998 - she doesn’t worry about that - the dates can be changed. They could start up a residential program later. Agreed with Commissioner Hansen - her worry is if they open it to industrial first they mean not get to residential. Commissioner Hansen said he would like to see if this is the only think they will be looking at. Commissioner Smith said she did think this was a segment of their customers that they are getting the most pressure from immediately. Scott Woodbury asked if the Commissioners wanted in their notice to solicit comments on other programs? Commissioner Smith said she thought it should say this doesn’t mean you don’t do anything for anyone else. **Is to go out on modified procedure with that caveat. 3. Troy Hoffman Water - TRH-W-95-1 General Rate Case - Case has been on informal stay of proceedings. Staff audit was completed 4-29-96. Discussion re: further procedure.   Scott Woodbury gave the background. Case was first filed in August of 1995. Filing was incomplete. Staff was working with the company. It is a 144 customer company in Coeur d’Alene.   Commissioner Smith asked what the current rates were? Rick Sterling responded. Base rate is $4.25 (metered) and 50 cents per thousand. Staff has finished its audit. Company has posted notice of filing. Scott said he talked to Terri Carlock this morning. They looked at this as a case for alternative regulation. But don’t know if this is the most appropriate case to explore alternative methods of setting rates from a cost standpoint of the customers. Notice of Application has not gone out yet.  Commission had indicated to not to that. But there is enough information now to go forward. Asked if he could issue a notice or application? **Decision was to do notice of application and notice of modified procedure and require the company to do individual notice. Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 22nd day of May, 1996. Myrna J. Walters, Commission Secretary