HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120510Update to QF Variable energy Price.pdfYHFff^Hrt'rouNrAIN Rrcnryrir 201 South Main, Suite 2300 ?Ul? HnY I 0 f,H l0: 05 sar [ake city, Utah 84111 %c-E,-ore*lD May 10,2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 Affention: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary RE: AltltUAL NOTICE OF REVISION Or Qr VARIABLE ENERGY PRICES Dear Ms. Jewell, In compliance with IPUC OrderNo. 29316, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, is providing the updated QF variable energy price in accordance with the terms of the 1992 amendments to Idaho QF power purchase agrcements. The variable energy rate applicable to deliveries commencing July 1, 2012 extending through June 30,2013 shall be $18.52llvIWH. The calculation is attached, together with the relevant pages from the Company's FERC Form I for yearlperiod ending 20111Q4. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Brian Dickman, Manager Net Power Costs, at (503) 813-6484 or Brian.Dickman@PacifiCorp.com Sincerely, 'qr-.5lL@m.rn/(! -feffiey K.Yarsen Vice President, Regulation & Government Affairs FuelCost ($) PacifiCorp Total Variable Energy Rate for 2012 I 2013 Carbon Naughton Huntington $20,346,469 $ 101,169,233 $ 94,465,053 $ 201 1 FERC FORM 1 - Page 402 Line 20 Generation (MWH) 1,332,218 5,102,251 5,961,371 201 1 FERC FORM 1 - Page 402Line 12 Average Fuel Cost ($/MWH) Variable O&M TotalVariable Energy Rate for 201212013 For deliveries commencing July 1 ,2012 extending through June 30, 2013 12 PacifiCorp/QFs contracts with approved 1992 amendment language Hunter 121,472,568 7,445,083 Totals $ 337,453,323 19,840,923 $ 17.01 /MWH $ 1.51 /MWH $ 18.52 /MWH NaFns ot Respondent PacifiCorp This Reoort ls:(1) finn Orisinat (21 l-11A Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) M|18t2012 Year/Period of Report End of 20111Q4 STEAM€LECTRIC GENERATING PI-ANT STATISTICS (Large Planis) 1. Report data for plant in Service only. 2. La.W plants are steam plants with installed capacity (name plate rating) of 25,000 Kw or more. Report in this page gas-turbine and intemal combuslion plants of 10,000 Kw or more, and nuclear plants. 3. lndicale by a footnote any plant l€asod or oparat€d as a joint facility. 4. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give dala which is available, specifying period. 5. lf any employees attend more than one plant, report on line 1 1 the approximate averago number of employees assignable to each plant. 6. If gas is used and purchased on a therm basis repod the Btu content or the gas and the quantity of fuel bumed convertsd to Mc.t. 7. Quantities of fuel bumed (Line 38) and average cost per unit of fuel bumed (Line 41) must be consistent with chsrges to expense ac@unts 501 and 547 (Line 42) as show on Line 20. 8. lf more than one fuel is bumed in a plant fumish only the composite heat rate for all fuels burn€d. Line No. Item (a) Plant Name: Garbon (b) Plant Name: Chol/a (c) 1 Klnd of Plant (lnternal Comb, Gas Turb, Nuclear StearI Steam 2 Iype of Consf (Conv€ntional, Outdoor, Boiler, etc)Outdoor Boils Full Outdoor 3 Year Originally Constructed 19&1981 4 Yesr Last Unit was lnstalled 1 95i 1981 5 Total lnstalled Cao (Max Gen Name Plate Ratinos-MW)188.6(414.00 b Net Peak Demand on Plant - fvlw (60 minutos)17t 386 7 Plant Hours Connected to Load 876(8150 8 Net Continuous Plant Capability (Megawatts)0 o When Not Limlted by Condenser Water 172 395 10 When Limited bv Condenser Water 0 11 Averaoe Number of Emolovees 6(0 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - KWh ;,xsb-2r1000(2688370000 13 Cost of Plant Land and Land Riqhts 9565,1{2468743 14 Structuros and I morovements 1533848:59823657 15 Eouioment Costs 't0394867t 462802607 '16 Asset Retirsment Costs 667630i 39000 17 Total Cost 12692001(525134007 18 ]ost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 175) lncluding 672.9*7 1268.4396 19 ,roduction Expenses: Oper, Supv, & Engr 44274 2321461 20 Fuel :,aa3/l6,4 54754988 21 Coolants and Water (Nuclear Plants Only)0 22 Steam Expenses 1 62963S 8463931 23 Steam From Other Sources 0 24 Steam Transfened (Cr)0 25 Electfic Expenses 21 1 188C 1143719 26 Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Power Expenses 4213408 167831 1 27 Rents 623 28 Allowances 0 29 Maintenanco Supervision and Engineering 2009197 30 Maintenance of Structures 325434 645306 31 Maintenance ol Boiler (or r€acto{ Plant 248367t 4986755 32 Maintsnance of Electric Plant 623/.77 692107 33 Malntenance of Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Plant 274457 2ffi9412 34 Total Production Expenses 3205271e 7876581 0 35 Epenses per Net KWh o.0241 0.0293 36 Fuel: Kind (Coal, Gas, Oil, or Nuclear)Coal olr Composite Coal oil Composite 37 Unit (Coal-tons/OiFbarrel/Gas-mcfNuclearindicate)Tons Banels Tons Banels 38 Quantity (Units) of Fuel Bumed 622119 X6 0 1525966 1358 0 39 Avg Heat Cont - Fuel Bumed (btu/indicate if nuclear)1 1896 138000 0 9255 130677 0 40 Avg Cost of Fueuunit, as Delvd f.o.b. during year 31_638 127.607 0.000 34.339 68.717 0.000 41 Average Cost of Fuel per Unit Bumed 32.511 127.ffi7 0.000 35.821 68.717 0.000 42 Average Cost of Fuel Bumed per Million BTU 1.366 t2.o16 1_374 1.935 12.521 1.938 43 Average Cost of Fuel Bumed per KWh Net Gen 0.015 ).000 0.015 0.020 0.000 0.020 M Average BTU per KWh Net Generation 1't110.245 .117 11114.362 10506.49 2.772 10509.236 FERC FORlrr NO. r (REV. 12{t3)Page 4O2 Name of Respond€nt PaclfiCorp t nts Keoon ts:(1) EIAn Original(2) f]A Resubmission UAIe OI }{EOON(Mo, Da, Yi) 04118t2012 Yeafll,en@ oT Kepon Endof 20111Q4 STEAM-ELECTRIC GENEMTING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Planb) (Continuad) 1. Report data for dant in Service only. 2. Latga plants are st6am plants with installed capacity (name plate rating) of 25,000 Kw or more. Report in thispagegas-turbin€andinternal combustionplantsof l0,000Kwormore,andnuclearplants. 3. lndicatebyafootnoteanyplantleasedoroperated as a Joint facility. 4. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not avallable, give data which is availabl€, specifying perlod. 5. lf any employees attend more than one plant, report on line 11 the approximate average numb€r of employees assignable to each plant. 6. lf gas is used ard purchased on a thorm basis report the Btu contont or the gas and the quantity o, fuel bumed converted to Mct. 7. Quantities of fuel bumed (Une 38) and average co8t perunitoffuelbumed(Line41)mustb€consistentwithchargostoexpenseaccounbS0landS4T(Line42lasshowonLine20. 8. lfmorethanone fuel is bumed in a plant fumish only the composite heat rate for allfuels bumed. Line No. Item (al Plant Name: Hunfinglon Plant Name: Jim Bidger (c) 1 Kind of Plant (lntemal Comb, Gas Turb, Nuclear Stean Steam 2 Type of Constr (Conv€ntional, Outdoor, Boiler, etc)Outdoor Boiler Semi4utdoor 3 Year Originally Constructed 1974 1974 4 Year Last Unit was Installed 197i 1979 5 Total lnstalled Cao (Max Gen Nam6 Phte Ratinos-MW)996.0(1545.10 6 Net Peak Demand on Plant - MW (60 minutes)93,4 1421 7 Plant Hours Connected to Load 827(8760 I Net Continuous PIant Caoabilitv (Meoauratts)0 9 When Not Limited bv Condenser Water 90(1412 10 When Limited bv Cond€nser Water 0 11 Avoraoe Number of Emolovees 16:331 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - KWh 596137100(8905672000 13 Cost of Plant: Land and Land Riqhts 23ffi782 I 161925 14 Structures and lmDrovomenb 1 1 543958(140256251 15 Eouioment Costs 69803541t 912532257 t6 Asset Retirement Costs 132057t 5049612 17 Total Cost 817',t823ljt 10590m045 '18 3ost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 17l5) Includins 820.4Ui 685.3926 19 PrcdLlction Expenses: Op6r, Supv, & Engr 13687 1il31407 20 Fuel 9446505:205181742 21 Coolants and Water (Nuclear Plants Onlv)0 22 Stoam Expenses 770401C 3732333 23 Steam From Other Sources 0 24 Staam Transferred {Cr)0 2s Elactric E)oenses 15495 26 Misc St6am (or Nuclear) Power Expenses 12330552 -12200227 27 Rents ,00t 227829 2A Allowances 0 29 Maintenanco Supervislon and Engineering 129990t 430025 30 Maintananco of Structures 2441557 8264038 31 Maintenance of Boiler (or r€actor) Plant 12135022 25851801 32 Maintenance of Electric Plant 393498€8293459 33 Maintenance of Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Plant 1146487 3573047 34 Total Productlon Expenses 13il7226i 258800949 35 Eloenses Der Net KWh o.0?27 0.0291 36 Fuel: Kind (Coal, Gas, oil, or Nuclear)Coal )it Composite Coal oil Composite 37 Unit (Coal-lonJOil-banel/Gas-mcf/Nucloar-indicata)Tons lanels Tons Banels 38 Quantitv (Units) of Fuel Bumed 2457036 14459 c f987635 19395 0 39 Avo Heat Cont - Fuel Bumed (btu/indicate ff nuclear)11ffi2 38000 0 )209 138000 0 40 Avg Cost of Fueyunit, as Delvd f.o.b. during year 35.048 35.969 0.000 38.257 117.187 0.000 41 Averaoe Cost of Fuel osr Unit Bumed 37.M7 35.969 c.000 {0.682 117.187 0.000 42 Averaqe Cost of Fuel Bumed por Mlllion BTU 1.611 13.459 1.643 2.209 20.z'.ts 2.231 43 Avorage Cost of Fusl Burned per KWh Net Gen 0.016 ).000 0.016 0.023 0.000 0.023 44 Averaoe BTU oer KWh Net Generation 9629.811 14.058 9643.869 10315.263 12.622 10327.885 FERC FORf{ NO. 1 (REV. 12{3)Paqo 402.2 Name of R$pondent PacifiCorp I Nls KED(1) E(2) tr oll ts: An Original A Resubmission uare or l(epon(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t18t20't2 YeadFenoo or Kepon Endof 20111Q4. STEA]T+ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Largs Ptar:fa) (C,ontinued) 9. ltems under Cost of Plant are basod on U, S. of A. Accounts. Production expenses do not include Purchased Power, System Control and Load Dispatching, and Other Expenses Classmed as Other Powsr Supply Exponses. 1 0. For lC and GT plants, reporl Operaling Expenses, Account Nos. il7 ad 549 on Line 25 "Electric Expenses,'and Maintenance Account Nos. 553 and 554 on Line 32, 'Maintenance of Eleclric Plant.' lndicats planb designed for peak load service. Designate automatically operated plants. 11. For a plant equipped with mmbinations of fossll fuel steam, nuclear stoam, hydro, intemal combustion or ges-turbine equipmen( report each as a separate planl. Horrvever, if a gas-turbine unit functions in a combined cycle oporetion with a conventional steam unit, include tho gas-turbine with tho steam plant. '12. lf a nuclear power generating plant, briefly explain by footnoto (a) accounting method for cost of pourcr generated indudiry any excess costs altrlbuted to research and devdopment (b) types of cost units used for the various components of fuel cost; and (c) any other informative data concsming plant type fuel us6d, fuol enrichmant type and quantity for the repo( petiod and other Dhvsical and op€rating characterbtics of plant. Plant Name: Hunter Unit No.2 (d) Plant Name'. Hunter Unit No. 3 (e) Plant Name: Hunler - Total Plant (fl Llne No. Steam Steam Steam 1 Outdoor Boiler Outdos Boiler Outdoor Boiler 2 1980 1983 1978 3 1980 1983 1983 4 294.50 495.60 1247.80 5 2N 461 1149 6 6932 7880 8740 7 0 0 0 I 269 460 1'147 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 213 11 1613030000 2986883000 741508i1000 12 9688975 10275/,01 2965335'l 13 51994484 91277571 2ffi447852 14 23S61038 4106/10791 c21260382 15 431476 431476 1294428 16 3iJ1775971 512625239 1158656013 17 1024.7M2 r034,3528 928.5591 18 59 101 252 19 25913796 49631646 12141iffi$20 0 0 0 21 2014131 331'1933 8392153 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 25 1773E64 2579207 3221594 26 23/.1 3673 9352 27 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 29 2232392 2136616 6548370 30 8996195 9448392 24041399 31 4119736 1794468 7285598 32 164934 412053 782471 33 41669720 69318089 171754157 34 0.0258 0.0232 0.023I6o"t---_l orr lc"rposite 35 Eoar----l oir lcomposite coar loil lco;Dosito 36 Tons Banals Tons Barrels Tons Banels 37 713870 3562 0 1343957 14267 0 3:t35592 21963 0 38 11577 138000 o 11413 138000 0 t1516 138000 0 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 38.413 136.519 0.000 40 35.619 0.000 0.mo 35.4U 0.000 0.000 35.518 136.5'tS 0.000 41 1.53{t 23.562 1.566 1.555 23.494 1.6'.t4 f .il2 23.sil 1.579 42 0.016 0.0@ 0.016 0.016 0.001 0.0't 7 0.016 0.000 0.016 43 1 0246.984 12.799 10259.783 10270.174 27.6ffi 10297.860 10318.684 17.098 ,0335.782 44 FERC FORit NO. I (REV.12431 Page Narne oI Kespondent eacmCorp This Rer(1) E(2) T )ort ls: lAn Original lA Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) o4118t2012 Year/Period of Reporl Erd of 2O11lQ4 STEAM+LECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Planbl(Continued) 9. ltems under Cost of Plant ars based on U. S. of A. Accounts. Productlon expenses do not inc'lude Purchas€d Power, S),stem Control and Load Dispatching, and Other Expenses Classified as Olher Pou/er Supply Expenses. 1 0. For lC and GT plants, report Operating Expenses, Account Noe. 547 and 549 on Line 25 'Eteclr.ic E:eenses," and Maintenance Account Nos. 553 and 554 on Line 32, "Maintenance of Electric Plant.' Indicate plants designed for peak load seMce. D€signato automatically operated plants. 11. For a plant equipped with combinations of fossil fuel steam, nuclear steam, hydro, intemal combustlon or gas-turHne eguipment, r€port each as a separate plant. How€ver, if a gas-turbine unit functions in a combined cycleop€rationwithaconventionalsteamunit,includethegas-turbinewiththosteamplant. 12. lfanuclearpowergeneratingplant,bri€flyexplainby lootnote (a) accountng method for cost of poiver gen€rated including any excess cosb attributed to rasearc-h and d€velopment; (b) types of cost units used for the various components of fuel cost; and (c) any othor informative data conceming plant type fu€l used, fud enrichment type and quantity for the raport p€rlod and other Dhvslcal ard ooerat nq charactorbtics of Dlant. Plant Name: Naughton Plant Name: Wyodak (e) Plant Name: GadsbYSfeam (fl Line No. Steam Steam Steam 1 Outdoor Boiler Conv6ntional Outdoor 2 1963 197A 1951 3 1971 '1978 1955 4 707.20 289.70 251.60 5 710 279 t96 h 8760 6079 1?213 7 0 0 0 8 700 268 231 o 0 0 0 10 146 65 u 11 6rop251000 145770S000 69094000 't2 1094739 210526 1252c8o 13 f01u7*fi872324 15095198 14 **2876/.391262775 64530281 ,5 14207864 490453 587008 16 631't 16121 442836078 81&4577 17 892.4'153 1528.6023 323.7861 't8 89488 302145 458r'.7 'ts ':".::loltd69289:t:,* 15125639 94t3917 20 0 0 0 21 4470634 13169 0 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 24 11279 0 0 25 13043071 4158309 3660485 26 1243 5701 0 27 0 0 0 28 1343942 0 0 29 1286755 412626 257733 30 10693418 80m379 904380 31 3658603 4195535 1260907 32 1616276 238999 305328 33 137383942 32538501 15848597 u 0.02696it--l cr. I corp""ite o.0223 4.22!A 35 Coal loit I Composite Gas 36 Tons MCF Tons Banels MCF 37 2761016 134829 0 't163685 11714 0 1111436 0 0 38 97e5 1030 0 7789 138000 0 1029 0 0 39 36.236 8.667 0.000 12.2U 131.751 0.000 8.470 0.000 0.000 40 36_21S 8.667 0.000 1't.672 131.751 0.000 8.470 0.000 0.000 41 't.857 8.418 1.873 o.749 22.731 0.831 8.229 0.000 0.000 42 0.020 0.00,0 0.020 0.009 0.001 0.010 0.136 0.000 0.000 43 10557.037 27.209 1058/..246 12435.966 46.577 12482.il3 16556.749 0.000 0.000 44 FERC FORM rlo. r (REV. 12.03]Page rO3.2