HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960424_3.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING April 24, 1996 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were: Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Susan Hamlin, Scott Woodbury, Tonya Clark, Jim Long, Bev Barker, Eileen Benner, Bill Eastlake, Lynn Anderson, Terri Carlock, Bob Smith, Ron Law, Keith Hessing, Joe Cusick, Wayne Hart  and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Joe Miller, Attorney at Law; Jeanette Bowman of Idaho Power Company and representatives of Access Long Distance. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the decision meeting to order. Items from the April 24, 1996 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. Regulated Carrier Matters 1. Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated April 24, 1996. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the RCD agenda. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion; Commissioner Nelson concurred. 1A. Susan Hamlin’s April 22, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Motor Carrier Hearing. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the staff recommendation; Commissioner Smith seconded the motion; Commissioner Nelson concurred. 2. Jim Long’s April 17, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Docket GTE-T-95-1 KRPL-GTE (MOSCOW) Complaint. Commissioner Smith thanked the staff for following up on this matter and recommended closing the case. Other Commissioners concurred. 3. Wayne Hart and Randy Lobb’s April 17, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Idaho Power’s Proposal to Discontinue the Ceiling Insulation Financing Program; Case No. IPC-E-96-4. Commissioner Smith questioned putting it out on modified procedure - who would comment? Scott Woodbury replied staff would like to file comments.  Matter will be noticed out on modified procedure. 4. IPC-E-96-5 (0.1524 cent) Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) date filed - April 15, 1996 Requested effective date May 16, 1996 - Discussion re: Procedure - No memo. (SW) Scott Woodbury, staff attorney assigned to the case, recommended modified procedure. Commissioner concurred. Matter will be noticed out on modified procedure. 5. Birdelle Brown’s April 18, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: GTE Advice 96-03 Introducing Caller ID (Name and Number) Service and Anonymous Call Rejection for Small Call and Centranet Services effective May 1, 1996. Commissioner Nelson asked if it was the same technology for both offerings? Birdelle Brown replied that they were different technologies involved. The company did provide cost data. Commissioner Smith asked how it compared to U S West’s number? Birdelle Brown said she didn’t know exactly but thought there was a $.75 to $.90 difference. Commissioner Hansen questioned the $2.00 per month difference between U S West and GTE.  U S West is $5.95 and GTE $7.95. Birdelle Brown responded that the Commission had already approved $7 and $10 rates for GTE caller ID. This is an additional $.95 for name and number identification. Commissioner Hansen said he was just curious as to why the staff would go with a higher number for GTE? Commissioner Smith commented the trouble with all these rates is that there hasn’t been a recent rate case to look at them. Commissioner Hansen asked about cost information? Birdelle said the company has provided some cost information. Explained basis for the fee. Commissioner Hansen said he had a problem with inconsistent rates. Birdelle Brown said we would have to go back to the other filing and do some comparison. Commissioner Smith said these are two very different companies with very different cost structures. Think there would be a difference with many of the services. Commissioner Nelson said because it is an optional service he would move approval and ask staff to look at the numbers when they do an audit. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Commissioner Hansen said he would oppose the filing. **It was approved two to one. 6. Birdelle Brown’s April 19, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho; Advice ID-96-02 to Provide for Promotional Offerings, effective April 25, 1996. Commissioner Smith moved approval; other commissioners concurred. 7. Birdelle Brown’s April 19, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Advice 96-05-N to Introduce Call Waiting Identification and Anonymous Call Rejection, Effective April 25, 1996. Commissioner Hansen questioned the Caller ID and Caller ID/Anonymous Call Rejection “boxes” being different? Why aren’t they compatible? Birdelle Brown said she did ask the company that question. U S West only said they were not compatible.   Since the service is optional, filing was approved but Commissioner Nelson asked Birdelle to get the information for Commissioner Hansen on why the boxes couldn’t be compatible. 8. Birdelle Brown’s April 18, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: GTE Advice 96-05 Introducing New Call Restriction Service Offerings and Restructuring Billed Number Screening, Effective May 1, 1996. Birdelle Brown explained that this filing was the toll protection proposal GTE and staff have been working on. They offered a tariff sometime ago and they declined to come up with an agreeable plan so GTE, US West, Birdelle Brown and Bev Barker met and came up with this filing. Explained total toll restriction. It is comparable to U S West’s restriction. Commissioner Smith asked for an explanation of the $200 charge. Birdelle explained. It is for more than 40 lines Commissioner Hansen said he was opposed to approving this filing. After discussion, Commissioner Nelson made a motion to defer this item until the next decision meeting. **Company will be asked to defer the effective date. 9. Birdelle Brown’s April 18, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: GTE Advice 96-04 to Introduce Single Line Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) effective May 1, 1996. Commissioner Smith made a motion that the filing be approved; Commissioners Nelson and Hansen concurred. 10. Birdelle Brown’s April 22, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: GVNW Letter dated April 1 to Reduce Access Rates for Universal Service Fund Recipients to Statewide Average and Increase Local Rates for the Cambridge Telephone Company in Compliance with Order 26148, effective December 1, 1995. Commissioner Smith inquired about Rural Telephone and Silver Star? Birdelle said she had talked to GVNW and they are working on those. Will be filed within the next couple of weeks. Approved. 10A. Susan Hamlin’s April 19, 1996 Decision Memorandum re: Bitterroot Water Company--Comments on Recommended Rates Pursuant to Modified Procedure. Approved. 10B. USW-S-95-1 Decision on how to proceed after submission of proposal from Idaho Council for Technology in Learning. (Decision Memorandum to follow from Bill Eastlake). After discussion, decision was to go with staff recommendation and send it out on modified procedure for a 21 day comment period. Only affects public schools. Commissioners asked that the notice ask for accountability of how the money is spent. 10C. Stipulation filed by U S West and Staff in Cases USW-S-95-4 et al - what should be proposed scheduling? (Decision Memorandum to follow from Joe Cusick) Staff was recommending a notice of application be issued with a 20 day comment period giving people an opportunity to intervene and also schedule a prehearing conference. If the company and staff are ready to prefile testimony they should do that and everyone who wants to participate would have the benefit of that for discovery. Could discuss that at prehearing conference. Notice of application to go to all the Title 62 companies; testimony will still be filed on May 6. Don Howell commented the signators do intend to file testimony.   Prehearing conference will be scheduled in May. Was discussion on closing two of the Revenue Sharing Cases. Will check on Case Numbers assigned to EAS cases. Will put this on the agenda for next decision meeting. Commissioner Hansen said he couldn’t see any problem with closing cases 95-2 and 95-4. There were two votes to close these cases. FULLY SUBMITTED MATTERS: 12. Case No. UWI-W-95-2 Final Order No. 26367 - United Water Petition for Reconsideration; Garden City Petition for Reconsideration; Homeowner Associations - Response to Petitions for Reconsideration. Commissioner Nelson said he would grant reconsideration in order to give Garden City a chance to participate and bring something to the table that allows us to have a better record. City of Boise also didn’t participate. This would give them a chance to participate.   CommissionerHansen said the concern he has is (1) looking at the petitions for reconsideration it seemed like the Homeowners Association was very concerned about the substantial rate increase and in the petitions for reconsideration didn’t find either party addressing rate shock.  (2) Second concern is he didn’t see any new proposals for improving water quality and water pressure. It is the same system. People want to know about this at the hearing - it was a concern.  (3) It is a time crunch for the homeowners.  (4) Last and most important there is no effort made by the parties to communicate with the customers; should start first with the customers. Don’t have a problem with starting over on this but we are “backing into it” by granting reconsideration. Commissioner Smith said she thought the exchange of service areas is one that should happen eventually. As she recalled, the problems were that we couldn’t find any overwhelming benefits to it being done as proposed. It is hard to tell from these petitions for reconsideration whether if you reheard the proposal it would be any different from what you just heard. If it isn’t any different the answer is still the same and we are wasting time rehearing. But her inclination is to always give more process and grant more consideration. But, the order should state that if the proposal looks the same as last time, they are wasting their time. **Reconsideration was approved two to one. (Commissioners Nelson and Smith voting for reconsideration; Commissioner Hansen voting against) Commissioner Nelson said he thought Commissioner Hansen should put some of this comments in the order. Meeting was adjourned. **Item 12A will be considered in Private Deliberations. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 25th day of April, 1996. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary