HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050413Comment.pdf04/12/2005 15: 32 Renewable Northwest Project 917 SW Oak Suite 303 Portland, OR 97205 tel 503,223.4544 fax 503.223.4554 www.rnp.org Members American Wind Energy A~~ocii.'1tion Ci1lplne CorporatIon C~ntcr "or f,ncrgy EUicien(y and Rcnewl!ble Tf'.chn(llogit'.~ CH2M Hili Citiz~nsr Utility Boitrd D;,wid Evan.. & I\s..oclate.. Eunls Energy Arneric::~ FPl ~nerQY, Inc. Gf:othc::rmitl RE:~ourcc:~ Council GI":. Wine:! F.nf'.r9Y Green Mountain Energy Montana Environment,,1 Inform::!tion Ct:nter Monl.1na Public Inter':!st R~SE::;1rch Grvup N;ltlural Resourcoes DefensE Coun~il NW Energy Co;'llil ion Norlhwc~l: Envlronment;'!1 Advo(ates Oreqon Stat':! Public Inlerest "Res':!ard' (".rvup Orion Energy PPM EMrgy, Inc, Portli.'1nd Ent!rgy Comcrv1llion, Ine. RES AmoerlcC1 Developments. Inc, Shuk~;~n Energy Col'~lIlt'in9 Stocl Rive.., LLP Vc~1:a::: Amerlcc!ln Wind To:-chnology. Inc. Washington Environment..1 Cf)undl w.:uhingtol' St~tc: Public Intoere~t RC'.~(~8rch Group Zillthil Rc-.newabloe Energy 5032234554,RENEWABLENW i/1d ~AI1. 111 ECEIVED PAGE 02 /14 A .\1' .. 11 en.(" ,L. (" L) fil ",.._ 'i'..-'4 \\\1/,,,.. )1f\r~pir~~Ui'\ 8:21uUtJ H: I" April 12, 2005 ; , : ,it ( \. H::: L\ C iT i ' ~r.c:'. r ~"t"'11SS1nNv ~\ t f !.,- J Chit Renewable Northwest Project Commissioner Kjellander Commissioner Smith Commissioner Hansen Idaho Public Uti1ities Co1nrnission POBox 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE: P AC-OS-O3 PacifiCorp application for approval of anew , ~. oluntary renewable energy bulk-purchase option tariff. The Renews,bIe Northwest Project (RNP) appreciates the opportunity to submit com,ments supporting PacifiCorp s proposal to allow commercial. and industrial customers to purchase renewable energy through the Blue Sky QS program (PAC- 05-03). RNP, established in 1994, is a unique coalition of energy companies, consumer groups and. environmental groups that supports the responsible development of renewable energy in the Pacific Northwest. PacifiCorp s Blue Sky QS (quantity savings) product wou.ld an ow commercial customers to purchase renewab1c energy frO1" Utah Power for less than the usual $1.95 per block, providing they purchase at least 101 blocks of Blue Sky per month for a year. Blue Sky is sold in IOO-kHowatt hour increments , and this Blue Sky QS option has ~lready been approved in Oregon, Washington, Utah and Wyoming. The quantjty savings option is an incentive for large energy consumers to buy more clean power from renewable resources. Th,e fol.1owing a,re some examples of prOJninent commercial customers in Oregon that have increased their renewable energy purchases as a result of the Blue Sky QS program: Ashforth Pacific, Bonneville Power Administratjon, Columbia Steel~ FcdEx Kinko s, Iiewlett-Packard, Port of Portland, the Oregon Conventjon Center and Xanterra Parks and Resorts. Additionally, the Blue Sky QS product allows custorners with multiple sites withjn PaciflCorp service territory to aggregate their purchases to meet the minim urn purchase amount. FedEx..Kinko s is taking advantage of this for their Oregon and Utah stores. PacifiCorp has made it easy for customers to ca.1culate costs and environm,enta1 benefits with their online calculator and enrollment information. Even the minimum Blue Sky QS purchase ha,s significant environmental benefits: Purchasing 101 blocks of Blue Sky per month for a year offsets 121 tons of carbon dioxide, which is equiva1ent to taking 21 cars off the road for a year or planting 48 acres of trees. Also, wjth every kilowatt-hour ofrenewa,ble energy purchased through Blue Sky, two pounds of carbon dioxide emissions are offset. 04/12/2005 15: 32 5032234554 RENEWABLENW PAGE 03 More and more residential and commercial custo1"ers are participating in utiHty- offered green power 'programs. These programs allow consumers to express their support for clean energy directly. In the Northwest, more than 8 000 customers are purcha,sing green power from their utility. In Idaho, over 500 Utah Power customers are enrolled in the Blue Sky program including several businesses. Approval of this product could stimulate new interest among commercial customers and would provide another opportunity to infonn Utah Power custolners about their renewable energy options. The Blue Sky QS product is a good choice for custO1"ers interested in la.rge green power purchases. It is a simple, effective tool for commercial custO1"ers in other states, allowing them the opportunity to purchase rnore clean, renewable power at a reasonable cost. We hope you will allow Utah Power to offer this product to their Idaho customers. Thank you for your consideration. Dian~ Zipper Ji- Director of Green Power Programs Senior Policy Associate