HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041222Application.pdfRE CEIVED
2004 December PM 3:07
December 2, 2004
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 West Washington
Boise, ill 83702-5983
Attention:Jean D. Jewell
Commission Secretary
825 E. Multnomah St.
Portland, OR 97232
PA C~A- tJ LltJ
Advice No. 04-10 - Case No. PAC-99-1 - Order No. 28213
Rule 25 - Customer Guarantees
Schedule 300 - Regulation Charges
PacifiCorp (d.a. Utah Power & Light Company) hereby submits for electronic filing proposed
tariff pages in legislative and regular formats associated with TarifflP.C. No. 28 of Utah
Power & Light Company applicable to electric service in the State of Idaho.
Ninth Revision of Sheet No. D.
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.Rule 25
Second Revision of Sheet No. 25R.2 Rule 25
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.3 Rule 25
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.4 Rule 25
Canceling Sheet No. 25R.Rule 25
Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 Schedule 300
Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.4 Schedule 300
Table of Contents - Rules
Customer Guarantees
Customer Guarantees
Customer Guarantees
Customer Guarantees
Customer Guarantees
Regulation Charges
Regulation Charges
The purpose of this filing is to revise the Company s Customer Guarantee Rule 25 and Schedule
300 upon the expiration of the Company s five-year merger commitment on March 31 , 2005.
The Customer Guarantees, along with the terms and conditions surrounding the guarantees, were
described in the above docket and detailed in the Company s Rule 25 and changes to Schedule
300 which were approved by the Commission.
The requested effective date of the revisions to Rule 25 and Schedule 300 is April I , 2005. The
Company is requesting approval of the proposed changes to Rule 25 and Schedule 300 by
January 31, 2005 to allow sufficient time to train employees and make necessary system changes
to reflect the revisions to the Customer Guarantee Program which would take effect April I
~, J
Proud Sponsor of the
200212004 U.S. Olympic Team
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 2
The Company is also proposing changes to both the Network Performance Standards and the
Customer Service Performance Standards described in the Direct Testimony of Bob Moir in the
above docket. The effective date of these changes is also April 1, 2005. A description of the
proposed Customer Guarantee Program and the Performance Standards Program is attached.
At the time of the merger between PacifiCorp and ScottishPower, the Company agreed to
implement seven Performance Standards and eight Customer Guarantees. The Performance
Standards are described in detail on Pages 5 through 10 of Bob Moir s Direct Testimony in Case
No. P AC-99-1. The Customer Guarantees are described in detail on Pages 11 through 15 of
this same testimony. The Company committed to a five-year term for the program and began
offering the Customer Guarantees to customers as of February 29, 2000. Improvements to
network and customer service performance got underway at approximately the same time. The
expiration of the five-year commitment for the Service Standards Program is March 31, 2005.
The purpose behind the Service Standards Program was to improve service to customers and to
emphasize to employees that customer service is a top priority. The Company has been very
successful with the Customer Guarantees as demonstrated by Fiscal Year 2004 performance with
more than 141 000 events, or "opportunities" to serve customers under the guarantees, and only
42 failures in Idaho. In other words, the Company s success rate in meeting th~ guarantee
commitments in Idaho was 99.9% in Fiscal Year 2004. The same success rate was realized in
Fiscal Year 2003.
The Company has also been successful in making progress in meeting the performance standard
commitments, as demonstrated by Fiscal Year 2003 and 2004 reports provided to the
Commission and as demonstrated in the Company s annual Reliability Report. The Company is
on track for meeting all of the performance standard targets by the end of the five-year
commitment on March 31 , 2005. The Company s annual report on performance will be
submitted by May 31 , 2005.
In considering how to proceed after the five-year merger commitment expires, the Company
made the determination that both the Customer Guarantee Program and the Performance
Standards should be continued. This determination was based on the positive customer
employee and regulatory feedback regarding the service standards, the process improvements
that have resulted from the service standards, and a desire to maintain the Company s focus on
providing excellent customer service to our Idaho customers.
In deciding whether to continue the Customer Guarantee Program the Company also researched
what other utilities were offering in terms of guarantees. In May 2004 the Company completed a
survey of US utilities offering customer guarantees by reviewing Edison Electric Institute
catalog of investor-owned electric utilities and obtaining customer guarantee information through
each company s web site. Including PacifiCorp, 13 utilities offering customer guarantees were
identified. The average guarantee payment is $23 and the average number of guarantees offered
is 4.8. Attached is a list of the utilities included in the survey.
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 3
Description of Modified Customer Guarantee Program Proposal
The Company is proposing several changes to the current Customer Guarantee Program
including improvements to the guarantees and the elimination of one guarantee. The intent is to
simplify and enhance the program in some key areas, based on customer and employee feedback.
The Company is proposing a three-year duration for the modified program, with an expiration
date of March 31 , 2008. Prior to its expiration, the Company and Commission staff will review
the efficacy of the program to determine what modifications should be made in the future.
Under the modified program the Company will guarantee the following services:
Restoring Supply After an Outage
Meeting Appointments
Connecting New Service
Providing an Estimate
Responding to Billing Inquiries
Resolving Meter Problems
Providing Notice on Planned Interruptions
The modified guarantee program will apply to residential and small commercial customers only.
Large commercial and industrial customers are actively managed by the Company s Corporate
Account Managers and the Customer Guarantee payments are not meaningful to this group of
customers. The Company will report performance in meeting these guarantees on an annual
basis to both customers and the Commission.
Shown below is a detailed description of the modified Customer Guarantee Program.
Restoring Supply After an Outage - Proposed Customer Guarantee 1
The Company will continue the existing guarantee for restoring supply after an outage, and
commits to restoring a customer s electric supply within 24 hours of being notified, with certain
exceptions as shown in Rule 25.
The Company is proposing to retain the guarantee for restoring supply after an outage and
proposing to change the major event exemption to base it upon the most current Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) major event exemption as developed by the
IEEE P1366 industry working group. Currently, the major event exemption is spelled out in
Rule 25 and largely based on IEEE's 1999 major event exemption.
Of the utilities surveyed, only two in addition to PacifiCorp guaranteed restoration of supply
after an outage. Both utilities include in their guarantee an exemption for major events
.. .
during storms , natural disasters, or other major events outside the company s controL.." or
. ..
serious emergencies and/or storm conditions or when access is not available.
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 4
Meeting Appointments - Proposed Customer Guarantee 2
In 2001 this customer guarantee was enhanced by offering the customer a morning appointment
between the hours of 8 AM and 1 PM, or an afternoon appointment between the hours of Noon
and 5 PM. To further enhance this guarantee, the Company is proposing to offer customers an
appointment within a two-hour time window. Customers rated appointments highest in level of
importance of all guarantees, and the proposed improvement to this guarantee will provide
customers a higher level of service in the future.
The results of our survey show that guaranteeing appointments is the most frequently offered
guarantee. Twelve of the 13 utilities including PacifiCorp offer a guarantee for appointments.
Switching on Power - Proposed Customer Guarantee 3
The Company is proposing that this guarantee be retained in a modified form. When this
guarantee was implemented, the Company expanded the guarantee voluntarily to apply to
reconnecting service that had been disconnected for nonpayment. As described in the testimony
of Bob Moir and as outlined in the Company s Rule 25 on file with the Commission, this
guarantee applies to "switching on power" and not to reconnection for nonpayment. In the
future, the modified Customer Guarantee Program will include a specific exclusion for service
that has been disconnected for nonpayment, subterfuge or theft/diversion of service.
It should be notedthat as part of our internal procedures, the Company will strive to reconnect
customers who have been disconnected for nonpayment within 24 hours after payment is
received or payment arrangements are made, but no guarantee payment will apply for the service
that has been disconnected for nonpayment. The customer who was disconnected for credit
reasons did not meet their obligation with regard to making payment to the Company, and the
Company will not be voluntarily offering guarantee credits in the future to customers who are
disconnected for nonpayment.
In addition, the Company will be providing a flat payment of $50 in the event of a guarantee
failure for switching on power, rather than the current compounding of $25 every 12 hours
beyond 24 hours, up to a maximum of $200. It has been our experience in administering this
guarantee that generally customers who received the compounded payment were customers who
needed the power at some future date and were not inconvenienced by any failure to turn the
power on. In a typical situation a customer may call to have service turned on the first of the
month, but the customer does not go to the site until a week later. At that time they find the
service is not on and re-contact the Company, at which time service is connected. Prior to this
the Company had no opportunity to correct the oversight for the customer.
Of the utilities surveyed, five in addition to PacifiCorp offer a guarantee on service activation for
existing service. The guarantee payments for this specific guarantee range from $10 to $100
averaging $42. As stated above, the Company is proposing a $50 failure payment for this
guarantee. None of the utilities surveyed include compounding in their guarantee program. In
addition, none of the utilities surveyed offer a guarantee for disconnection for nonpayment.
Advice No. 04-) 0
December 2, 2004
Page 5
Estimates for New Supply - Proposed Customer Guarantee 4
The Company proposes to continue the guarantee for estimates but in a simplified form. The
guarantee currently is made up of three components: (a) Contacting the customer within two
working days to set an appointment; (b) providing a ballpark estimate within 5 days of the
appointment for jobs where no network changes are required; and ( c) providing a written
estimate within 15 working days of the appointment for jobs where network changes are
required. In order to simplify this guarantee and address the concerns of employees surrounding
the complexity of this guarantee, the Company will limit the guarantee to providing a written
estimate to customers within 15 working days of the appointment.
The Company will retain as an internal target contacting the customer within two working days
to establish an appointment, but the guarantee payment will focus on providing the customer a
written estimate within 15 working days. For customers who only require a "ballpark" estimate
the Company typically provides this information during early discussions with the customer, and
a specific guarantee for this service is not required:
We have not found any other utility offering a guarantee for providing an estimate for new
supply. In addition, in the customer focus groups that were conducted to obtain feedback on the
Customer Guarantee Program, this guarantee was not given a high priority. This is likely due to
the fact that the customers who were part of the focus group did not see a need to use this
guarantee with.any frequency, since it is only applicable to line extension requests.
Nevertheless, we propose to continue to offer this guarantee in a simplified form due to the
business improvements that have resulted in providing customers with an estimate within 15
working days.
Responding to Bill Inquiries - Proposed Customer Guarantee 5
The Company will continue the existing guarantee for billing inquiries as it is currently written.
Of the utilities surveyed, two in addition to PacifiCorp offer a guarantee on responding to billing
. .
Resolving Meter Problems - Proposed Customer Guarantee 6
The Company is proposing a reduction in the amount of time provided to meet this guarantee
from 15 working days to 10 working days. This will improve service to customers and is more
closely aligned with the service that customers would like to receive from the Company in
addressing meter problems.
Of the utilities surveyed, two offer a guarantee on resolving meter problems.
Notifying of Planned Interruptions ~ Proposed Customer Guarantee 7
This is an important guarantee for our customers although it is a labor intensive activity for our
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 6
employees. To maintain a high level of service to customers but also provide the Company with
more flexibility surrounding this guarantee, in the future the Company proposes to provide a
minimum of two calendar days notification to customers of planned interruptions, instead of two
working days notification as currently shown in Rule 25.
The testimony of Bob Moir in Case No. P AC-99-1 did not indicate that working days notice
would be required. The Company decided to provide two working days notice, however, this is
less flexible than desired and we are now proposing two calendar days notice.
Of the utilities surveyed, three in addition to PacifiCorp offer a guarantee on notice of planned
Description of Guarantee That Has Been Eliminated
The Company is proposing to eliminate one guarantee after the five-year merger commitment
expires. This will simplify the Customer Guarantee Program while still maintaining a robust
Eliminate Responding to Power Quality Complaints - Existing Customer Guarantee 8
There were no failures for this guarantee in fiscal year 2004 or fiscal year 2003 in Idaho, and
only 42 and 46 events or "opportunities" for failure in each respective year. Not only is this
guarantee used infrequently, it is also confusing and somewhat redundant, since the Company
has committed to respond to all complaints in a shorter time frame under existing CustomerPerformance Standard 7.
This guarantee was ranked low in importance by PacifiCorp customers, and only one other utility
offers a guarantee on power quality complaint response. In addition, the Company already
provides a response to Commission complaints that are non-disconnect related within three
business days, and a response to Commission complaints that are disconnect-or safety-related
within four business hours.
Description of Modified Network Performance Standard Proposal
The Company is proposing that key Network Performance Standards be retained after the five-
year merger commitment expires in order to continue improvements in system-wide reliability
and to maintain responsiveness in the event of outages. The modified Network Performance
Standards for Idaho are described below.
Network Performance Standard 1
During the three-year period of the Modified Network Performance Standards Program, the
Company will improve SAIDI results (system average sustained interruption duration index) by
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 7
6% within the three years to achieve a targetl of SAID I of no more than 206.3 minutes. This
target continues the improvement trend delivered previously.
Network Performance Standard 2
During the three-year period of the Modified Network Performance Standards Program, the
Company will improve SAIFI results (system average sustained interruption frequency index) by
6% within the three years to achieve a target2 of SAIFI of no more than 2.34 events. This target
continues the improvement trend delivered previously.
Network Performance Standard 3
The Company will continue to select a maximum of five under-performing circuits in Idaho on
an annual basis and will undertake corrective measures to reduce the circuit performance
indicator (CPI) by 200/0 within two years. The Company will expand the event inclusions to
consider transmission and local transmission outage events, as well as events that meet the
criteria of the IEEE major event definition discussed above. The Company believes this measure
provides an important way to target circuit improvements for the benefit of customers.
Network Performance Standard 4
The Company is proposing to continue to restore power outages due to a loss of supply or
damage to the Company s distribution system on average to 80 percent of customers within three
hours. This is an important way to target both reliability performance as well as the
responsiveness of the Company to restore service for customers.
Description of Network Performance Standard That Has Been Eliminated
The Company will be eliminating the network performance standard relating to Momentary
Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI). The Company has been measuring this index
by breaker counts but we have found that this does not result in an adequate measurement of
MAIFI. Adding momentary detection to each circuit is cost-prohibitive and data-intensive to
investigate using current technology. In the future the Company will manage momentary events
within the delivery system and will rely on customer feedback to identify high momentary
outage activity.
I The target is developed by improving underlying performance by 6% (or 2% annually for 3 years). Underlying
performance is day-to-day performance. Normalizing performance estimates were prepared previously in the
development of merger commitment targets and inc1ude performance which exceeded performance thresholds from
IEEE PI366-2003, but did not affect 10% of the customers within an operating area, and as such, were not filed for
Major Event exc1usion. In Idaho 206.3 minutes is the sum of 167.4 underlying minutes and 38.9 normalizing
minutes.2 The target is developed by improving underlying performance by 6% (or 2% annually for 3 years). Under1ying
performance is day-to-day performance. Normalizing performance estimates were prepared previously in the
development of merger commitment targets and inc1ude performance which exceeded performance thresholds from
IEEE PI366-2003, but did not affect 10% of the customers within an operating area, and as such, were not filed for
Major Event exc1usion. In Idaho 2.34 events is the sum of 2.07 underlying events and 0.27 normalizing events.
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 8
Description of Modified Customer Service Performance Standards
The Company is also proposing that the Customer Service Performance Standards, which expire
at the end of the five-year merger commitment period, be modified and retained by the Company
for a three-year period. The Company is proposing changes to both Customer Service
Performance Standards. The Company is proposing the standard surrounding telephone
performance be changed to adjust the service level for telephone response from 80% of calls
answered in 20 seconds to 80% of calls answered in 30 seconds, and to focus on the quality of
service that customers receive by monitoring customer satisfaction with the Company
Customer Service Associates and the quality of response customers receive. The Company is
also proposing changes to the complaint performance standard to indicate that the Company will
respond to at least 95% of Commission complaints within the specified time frame given in the
standard. This provision is consistent with the third component of existing Customer Service
Performance Standard 7, which requires that at least 95% of complaints are resolved within 30
days. The Company will report performance on an annual basis for both measures.
Customer Service Performance Standard 5
The Company is proposing as' a target for telephone service level performance to answer at least
80 percent of calls within 30 seconds. In addition, the Company will ensure that customers
receive a high quality of response by monitoring customer satisfaction with the Company
Customer Service Associates, and by monitoring the quality of response customers receive
through our eQuality monitoring system.
The Company has significantly improved telephone service levels since the ~erger. At the time
of the merger about 80 percent of calls were answered in 45 seconds. Currently, about 80
percent of calls are answered in 20 seconds (80/20). Given today s environment with more
complex issues within the electric utility industry and increasing call volumes, meeting this
target is not without cost in terms of mandatory overtime and requiring non-customer service
representatives to answer calls during periods of high call volume. At the same time, the
perceived value that customers place on having their call answered 10 seconds sooner is
negligible. According to focus group research conducted in 2000 when the Company s service
level commitment was 80 percent of calls answered in 30 seconds (80/30), hold times were
perceived as satisfactory and reasonable, especially when compared with customers ' experience
with other companies' call centers. In response to the 20 second wait time , some customers felt
concerned that quality of service might suffer in the haste to answer calls. In other customer
research, PacifiCorp s customer satisfaction with hold times actually decreased from 70.4% to
69.9% following the move from 80/30 to 80/20.
A service level goal of 80 percent of calls answered within 30 seconds complements the
Company s focus on quality and provides customers with service in line with service levels for
other electric utilities. A survey of 61 utilities in 2003 indicated that 80/30 was the most
common service level , with the average service level being approximately 70 percent of calls
answered within 30 seconds.
Advice No. 04-
December 2, 2004
Page 9
To complement the 80/30 service level, the Company will be monitoring customer satisfaction
with Customer Service Associates to ensure that high lev~ls of satisfaction continue. Currently,
about 90% percent of customers report overall satisfaction with the Company s Customer
Service Associates. The Company will also be the monitoring the quality of response received
by customers through the Company s eQuality monitoring system.
Customer Service Performance Standard 6
The Company is also proposing changes to the Customer Service Performance Standard covering
complaint response and resolution to indicate that the Company will respond to at least 95% of
non-disconnect complaints within three working days, and at least 95% of disconnect complaints
within four working hours. This provision is consistent with the third component of the existing
performance standard which requires that at least 95% of complaints are resolved within 30 days.
The current performance standard includes three components: responding to non-disconnect
complaints within three business days; responding to disconnect complaints within four business
hours; and resolving 95 percent of complaints within 30 days. The first two components should
also include a 95 percent completion target which will allow for an occasional missed response
within the time frame, but still provide excellent service to customers. The omission of the 95
percent target was an oversight at the time this performance standard was implemented, and the
Company proposes the target be revised to allow for 95 percent completion for complaint
It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and Staff requests regarding this filing
be addressed to:
Bye-mail (preferred):datarequest
pacificorp .com
By regular mail:Data Request Response Center
825 NE Multnomah, Suite 800
Portland, Oregon, 97232
By fax:(503) 813-6060
Informal questions should be directed to Carole Rockney at (503) 813-7408.
D. Douglas Larson
Vice President, Regulation
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Proposed Customer Guarantees
Effective April , 2005
Customer Guarantee 1: Restoring Supply
After an Outage
Customer Guarantee 2:
Customer Guarantee 3:
Switching on Power
Customer Guarantee 4: Estimates
For New Supply
Customer Guarantee 5: Respond
To Billing Inquiries
Customer Guarantee 6:
Resolving Meter Problems
Customer Guarantee 7:
Notification of Planned Interruptions
The Company will restore supply after an
outage within 24 hours of notification with
certain exceptions as described in Rule 25.
The Company will keep mutually agreed
upon appointments which will be
scheduled within a two-hour time window.
The Company will switch on power within
24 hours of the customer or applicant's
request, provided no construction is
required, all government inspections are
met and communicated to the Company
and required payments are made.
Disconnection for nonpayment, subterfuge
or theft/diversion of service are excluded.
The Company will provide an estimate for
new supply to the applicant or customer
within 15 working days after the initial
meeting and all necessary information is
provided to the Company.
The Company will respond to most billing
inquiries at the time of the initial contact.
For those that require further investigation
the Company will investigate and respond
to the Customer within 10 working days.
The Company will investigate and respond
to reported problems with a meter or
conduct a meter test and report results to
the customer within 10 working days.
The Company will provide the customer
with at least two days notice prior to
turning off power for planned interruptions.
Note: See Rule 25 for a complete description of terms and conditions for the Customer
Guarantee Program.
Proposed Performance Standards
Effective April , 2005
Network Performance Standard
Improve System Average Interruption
Duration Index (SAIDI)
Network Performance Standard 2:
Improve System Average Interruption
Frequency Index (SAIFI)
Network Performance Standard 3:
Improve Under Performing Circuits
Network Performance Standard 4:
Supply Restoration
Customer Service Performance Standard 5:
Telephone Service Level
Customer Service Performance Standard 6:
Commission Complaint
The Company will improve SAIDI by 6%
by March 31 , 2008.
The Company will improve SAIFI by 60/0
by March 31, 2008.
The Company will reduce by 20% the
circuit performance indicator (CPI) for a
maximum of five under performing circuits
on an annual basis within two years after
The Company will restore power outages
due to loss of supply or damage to the
distribution system on average to 80% of
customers within three hours.
The Company will answer 80% of
telephone calls within 30 seconds. The
Company will monitor customer
satisfaction with the Company s Customer
Service Associates and quality of response
received by customers through the
Company s eQuality monitoring system.
The Company will respond to at least 95%.
of non disconnect Commission complaints
within three working days and will respond
to at least 95% of disconnect Commission
complaints within four working hours. The
Company will resolve at least 95% of
Commission complaints within 30 days.
US Electric Utilities
with Customer Guarantee Programs
May 2004 Survey
Of EEl's Catalog of Investor Owned Utilities
Utility Service Territory
Central Maine Power Maine
Central Vermont Vennont
Conectiv Power Delivery New Jersey, Maryland; Delaware
and Virginia
Duquesne Pi Us burgh, Pennsy I vani a
New York State Gas & Electric Upstate New York
Nstar Eastern Massachusetts
Orange & Rockland NE Suburb of New York City
Otter tail North Dakota, South Dakota, and
Pacific Gas & Electric Northern and Central California
Pennsylvania Power & Light Pennsylvania
Puget Sound Energy Northern and Central Washington
Rochester Gas & Electric Rochester, New York
C. No. 28
Ninth Revision of Sheet No. D.
CanceJing,!!,ghth Revision of Sheet No. D.
Table of Contents
No.Subject Sheet No.
General Provisions Sheet No. lR.
General Definitions Sheet Nos. 2R.! - 2R.4
Electric Service Agreements Sheet Nos. 3R.1 - 3R.
Supply and Use of Service Sheet Nos. 4R.l - 4R.
Customer s Installation Sheet Nos. 5R.1 - 5R.4
Company s Installation Sheet No.6R.
Metering Sheet Nos. 7R.l - 7R.
Billings Sheet Nos. 8R.! - 8R.
Deposits and Advance Payments Sheet Nos. 9R.l - 9R.4
Tennination of Service and Payment Sheet Nos. lOR.1 - 10R.
Taxes Sheet No. 11R.
Line Extensions Sheet No. 12R.l - 12R.
Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy Sheet Nos. 13R.1 - 13R.
Customer Guarantees Sheet Nos. 25R.1 - 25R.4
Electric Service Regulations are not necessarily reprinted when new Electric Service Schedules are issued.
Therefore, Regulations from prior tariffs should be retained until updated. When a Regulation is updated it
will be given the same tariff number as the Electric Service Schedules in effect at the time of the update.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April!, 2005
I.P.C. No. 28
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Canceling Original Sheet No. 25R.
This Rule provides general terms and conditions for the Company s Customer Guarantees which are
applicable to all active metered residential, Schedule 23 and Schedule 23A Customers or Applicants utilizing
the services of the Company.
For failure to meet a Customer Guarantee for Customer Guarantees 1 and 7, Customers must make a
claim for compensation. Valid compensation claims for Customer Guarantees 1 and 7 submitted
within 30 days of the date of an outage will be credited to the Customer s account. If the Company
fails to meet a Customer Guarantee for Customer Guarantees 2 through 6, the credit will
automatically be applied to the Customer s account. Where a Customer Guarantee applies to an
Applicant, the Company will mail the guarantee payment to the Applicant. See Schedule 300 for a
description of the Customer Guarantee credits.
(a) Customer Guarantee 1: Restoring Supply After An Outage
In the event of an outage, the Company will restore a Customer s electric supply within 24
hours of being notified except where:
The Customer agreed to remain without supply;
The Company offered the Customer ~ generator as an alternative means of supply;
There were problems or safety-related issues with the Customer internal
equipment; or
SpeCialized equipment was required to restore the supply. *(4)
* Also see General Exceptions.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2005
C. No. 28
Second Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
To receive a credit, a Customer must make a claim for compensation within 30
calendar days of the date of the outage.
(b) Customer Guarantee 2: Appointments
The Company will provide the Customer or Applicant with a mutually agreed upon two-
hour window for appointments regarding the Customer or Applicant's electric supply and
will arrive within this timeframe except where:
The Customer or Applicant canceled the appointment;
The Customer or Applicant failed to keep the appointment; or
The Company rescheduled the appointment with at least 24 hours of notice. *
* Also see General Exceptions.
(c) Customer Guarantee 3: Switching On Power
The Company will switch on power for an Applicant or Customer within 24 hours of the
request provided no construction is required, all government inspections are met and
communicated to the Company, and required payments or payment arrangements are made
except where:
Service has been disconnected for nonpayment, subterfuge or theft/diversion of
The Customer or Applicant canceled the request; or
The Customer Applicant's own equipment is the cause for the Customer not having
power. *
* Also see General Exceptions.
(d) Customer Guarantee 4: Estimates For New Supply
An estimate for new supply will be provided to the Applicant or Cust9mer within
working days after the initial meeting and all necessary information . is provided and any
required payment is made.
* Also see General Exceptions.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2005
I.P.C. No. 28
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Canceling Original Sheet No. 25R.
(e) Customer Guarantee 5: Responding To Bill Inquiries
The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact from the
Customer. For those inquiries that require further investigation, the Company will
investigate and respond to the Customer as soon as possible or at least within 10 working
(I) Customer Guarantee 6: Resolving Meter Problems
The Company will investigate and respond to reported problems with a Customer s meter,
or conduct a meter test and report the results to the Customer, within 10 working days. If
more than one requested test is made in twelve months, the Customer will pay in advance a
charge as specified in Schedule 300.
(g) Customer Guarantee 7: Notifying Of Planned Interruptions
The Company will provide the Customer with at least two days notice prior to turning off
power for planned interruptions except where:
The Customer agreed to less than two days notice;
The interruption was due to work on meters or a meter test;
The interruption was a momentary interruption of less than 5 minutes;
Pennanent repairs were carried out within three working days of completing
temporary repairs following an unplanned interruption;
The Customer was notified of a planned interruption which did not occur; or
The safety of the public, Company personnel or imminent failure of Company
equipment is a factor leading to an immediate interruption to carry out repair work.
* Also see General Exceptions
To receive a credit, a Customer must make a claim for compensation within 30
calendar days of the date of the planned interruption.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April 1 , 2005
C. No. 28
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Canceling Original Sheet No. 25R.
Payment for the failure to meet a Customer Guarantee shall not be made if any of the following
general exceptions occur:
(1). The Customer or Applicant canceled the request and/or did not keep the appointment. This
will include the Customer or Applicant notifying the Company they did not want the
Company to start action, or take any further action.
The Customer or Applicant agreed that the action taken by the Company met therequirements of the guarantee.
The Customer or Applicant did not provide necessary information or supplied incorrect
Inability to access Company, Customer or Applicant's facilities beyond the control of theCompany.
An action or default by someone other than a Company employee that is outside of the
Company s control, for example, road closures.
Major events, such as storms, as currently defined by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE).
Instances where resources required to meet the guarantees were re-deployed to restore
supplies during a major event in another operating area or utility.
Safety-related issues which preclude the Company from meeting the guarantees.
Causes related to force majeure, which include but are not limited to: injunction or other
decree or order of any court or governmental agency having jurisdiction, strikes or other
labor disputes such as lockouts, slowdowns or work stoppages, sabotage, riot insurrection
acts of the public enemy, fire, flood, explosion, extraordinary action of the elements,
earthquake or other acts of God, or accidental destruction of or damage to facilities.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April 1 , 2005
C. No. 28
Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Sheet No
Facilities Charges
Facilities Installed at Customer s Expense
Facilities Installed at Company s Expense
12RA Residential Extension Advance
12R.Non-residential Extension Advance
12R. 11 Temporary Service Charge:
Service Drop and Meter only
(Charge is for connection and
disconnecti on)
12R.Contract Administration Allowance
25R.Customer Guarantee Credit
Restoring Supply After an Outage
For each additional 12 hours
25R.Customer Guarantee Credit 2:
25R.Customer Guarantee Credit 3:
Switching on Power
25R.Customer Guarantee Credit 4:
Estimates for New Supply
67% per month
67% per month
Cost in excess of transformers
meter and service installation.
Cost in excess of $90 per kW of
estimated demand.
Single phase: $ 85.
Three phase: $115.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April 1 , 2005
C. No. 28
Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Sheet No
Descri pti on
Customer Guarantee Credit 5:
Responding to Bill Inquiries
25R.Customer Guarantee Credit 6:
Resolving Meter Problems $50.
25R.3 Customer Guarantee Credit 7:
Notifying of Planned Interruptions $50.
Submitted Under Advice No. 04-
ISSUED: December 2, 2004 EFFECTIVE: April 1 , 2005
C. No. 28
NinthEighth Revision of Sheet No. D.
Cancelin~hthSeventh Revision of Sheet No. D.
Table of Contents
No.Subject Sheet No.
General Provisions Sheet No. 1R.
General Definitions Sheet Nos. 2R.1 - 2RA
Electric Service Agreements Sheet Nos. 3R.1 - 3R.3
Supply and Use of Service Sheet Nos. 4R.1 .;. 4R.
Customer s Installation Sheet Nos. 5R.1 - 5RA
Company s Installation Sheet No. 6R.
Metering Sheet Nos. 7R.1 - 7R.
Billings Sheet Nos. 8R.l - 8R.
Deposits and Advance Payments Sheet Nos. 9R.1 - 9RA
Tennmation of Service and Payment Sheet Nos. lOR. 1 - 10R.
Arran gements
Taxes Sheet No. 11R.
Line Extensions Sheet No. 12R.1 - 12R.
Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy Sheet Nos. 13R.1 - 13R.
Customer Guarantees Sheet Nos. 25R.1 - 25R.
Electric Service Regulations are not necessarily reprinted when new Electric Service Schedules are issued.
Therefore, Regulations from prior tariffs should be retained until updated. When a Regulation is updated it
will be given the same tariff number as the Electric Service Schedules in effect at the time of the update.
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1000 06
ISSUED: December 2. 2004July 1/1 , 2000 EFFECTIVE: April 1. 2005,'\ugust 15, 2000
C. No. 28
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Cancelin Original Sheet No. 25R.
This Rule provides general terms and conditions for the Company s Customer Guarantees which are
I applicable to all active metered residential. Schedule 23 and Schedule 23A Customers or Applicants utilizing
the services of the Company.
For failure to meet a Customer Guarantee for Customer Guarantees 1 and 7, Customers must make a
claim for compensation. Valid compensation claims for Customer Guarantees 1 and 7 submitted
within 30 days of the date of an outage will be credited to the Customer s account. If the Company
fails to meet a Customer Guarantee for Customer Guarantees 2 through 6 and Customer Guarantee 8
the credit will automatically be applied to the Customer s account. Where a Customer Guarantee
applies to an Applicant, the Company will mail the guarantee payment to the Applicant. See
Schedule 300 for a description of the Customer Guarantee credits.
(a) Customer Guarantee 1: Restoring Supply After An Outage
In the event of an outage, the Company will restore a Customer s electric supply within 24
hours of being notified except where:
The Customer agreed to remain without supply;
The Company offered the Customer a generator as an alternative means of supply;
There were problems or safety-related issues with the Customer internal
equipment; or
Specialized equipment was required to restore the supply. *(4)
* Also see General Exceptions.
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1000 04
ISSUED: December 2. 2004l\1ay .11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: April!. 200SJuly 1, 2000
C. No. 28
SecondlLiFst Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Canceling First Revision of Original Sheet No. 25R.
To receive a credit, a Customer must make a claim for compensation within 30
calendar days of the date of the outage.
(b) Customer Guarantee 2: Appointments
The Company will provide the Customer or Applicant with a mutually agreed upon two-
hour window for appointments regarding the Customer or Applicant s electric supply and
will arrive within this timeframe keep all mutually agreed upon appointments \-'
Customer or the l..pplicant regarding the Customer or ...pplicant's electric supply except
The Customer or Applicant canceled the appointment;
The Customer or Applicant failed to keep the appointment; or
The Company rescheduled the appointment with at least 24 hours of notice. *
* Also see General Exceptions.
(c) Customer Guarantee 3: Switching On Power
The Company will switch on power for an Applicant or Customer within 24 hours of the request
provided no construction is required, all government inspections are met and communicated to the
Company, and required payments or payment arrangements are made except where:
Service has been disconnected for non avment subterfu e or theft/diversion of service
The Customer or Applicant canceled the request; or
The Customer Applicant s own equipment is the cause for the Customer not having power.
The Customer or Applicant must notify the Company of any failure to switch OR power as requested
.'.'ithin a reasonable time frame. .n affected Customer or Applicant ,-,'ill received a maximum
amount of $200 under thi~; Guarantee.
* Also see General Exceptions.
(d) Customer Guarantee 4: Estimates For New Supply
\Vithin t'.\'o 'vorking days from ~m ...pplicant or Customer
' ~~
request to provide nevI supply,
the Company will arrange a luutually agreed upon appointlnent to discu~~s an estimate. If no
altcration~~ to the Company s network are required, an estimate will be provided to the
Applicant or Cu~;tomer '.vithin fi':e working days after the initiallueeting and all necessary
information is pro'.'ided. If alterations to the Company
network are required, aAn estimate
for new supply will be provided to the Applicant or Customer within 15 working days after
the initial meeting and all necessary infonnation is provided and any required payment is
made \ credit wi1l not be provided v,rhere:
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1001 05
ISSUED: December 2, 2004February 22, 2001 EFFECTIVE: April 1. 200SFebruary 22, 200 1
I.P.C. No. 28
SecondFirst Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Canceling First Revision o Original Sheet No. 25R.
The Customer or i\pplicant canceled the appointment
The Customer or Applicant failed to keep the appointment
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1001 05
ISSUED: December 2. 2004Febraary 22 , 2001 EFFECTIVE: April L 2005February 22. 2001
C. No. 28
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
Cance1in Original Sheet No. 25R.
(d) Customer Cuarontee 4: Estimates For New Supply (continued)
The Company was unable to contact the Cw;tomer or Applicant at the addre~;s or
telephone number proyided by the Customer or Applicant; or
The Company rescheduled the appointment with at least 2,1 hours of notice. *
* Also see General Exceptions.
(e) Customer Guarantee 5: Responding To Bill Inquiries
The Company will respond to most billil1g inquiries at the time of the initial contact from the
Customer. For those inquiries that require further investigation, the Company will
investigate and respond to the Customer as soon as possible or at least within 10 working
(f) Customer Guarantee 6: Resolving Meter Problems
The Company will investigate and respond to reported problems with a Customer s meter
or conduct a meter test and report the results to the Customer, within lQ~ working days.
more than one requested test is made in twelve months, the Customer will pay in advance a
charge as specified in Schedule 300.
(g) Customer Guarantee 7: Notifying Of Planned Interruptions
The Company will provide the Customer with at least two working days notice prior to
turning off power for planned interruptions except where:
The Customer agreed to less than two ,'orking d ays notice;
The interruption was due to work on meters or a meter test;
The interruption was a momentary interruption of less than 5 minutes;
Permanent repairs were carried out within three working days of completing
temporary repairs follo~ing an unplanned interruption;
The Customer was notIfied of a planned interruption which did not occur; or
The safety of the public, Company personnel or imminent failure of Company
equipment is a factor leading to an immediate interruption to carry out repair work.
* Also see General Exceptions
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1000 04
ISSUED: December 2,200414(1)' 11,2000 EFFECTIVE: April!, 200SJuly 1, 2000
C. No. 28
First Revision of Sheet No. 25R.
CanceJine:Original Sheet No. 25R.
To receive a credit, a Customer must make a claim for compensation within 30
calendar days of the date of the planned interruption.
(h) Customer Cuurantee 8: Responding To Po\\'cr Quality CoAlplaiats
The Company 'vill begin an investigation of a Po','cr quality complaint and respond to the
Customer within ~;even 'Norking days or explain a kno\.\'n problem to the Cu~;tomer 'tvithin
five '..orking days.
Payment for the failure to meet a Customer Guarantee shall not be made if any of the following
general exceptions occur:
The Customer or Applicant canceled the request and/or did not keep the appointment. This
will include the Customer or Applicant notifying the Company they did not want the
Company to start action, or take any further action.
The Customer or Applicant agreed that the action taken by the Company met the
requirements of the guarantee.
The Customer or Applicant did not provide necessary infonnation or supplied incorrect
Inability to access Company, Customer or Applicanf s facilities beyond the control of theCompany.
An action or default by someone other than a Company employee that is outside of the
Company s control, for example, road closures.
Major events, such as storms, as currently defined bv the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
Instances where resources required to meet the guarantees were re-deployed to restore
supplies during a major event in another operating area or utility.
Safety-related issues which preclude the Company from meeting the guarantees.
Causes related to force majeure, which include but are not limited to: injunction or other
decree or order of any court or governmental agency having jurisdiction, strikes or other
labor disputes such as lockouts, slowdowns or work stoppages, sabotage, riot insurrection
acts of the public enemy, fire, flood, explosion, extraordinary action of the elements
earthquake or other acts of God, or accidental destruction of or damage to facilities.
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1000 0.1
ISSUED: December 2, 2004JVlay 11 2000 EFFECTIVE: April 1. 2005July 1, 2000
I.P.C. No. 28 Original Sheet No 25R
Major Events for purposes of this rule are defined as:
A catastrophic event 'vhich can:
.Exceed the design limits of the electric pov;er system, or
.Cause extensive damage to the electric power system, or
Result in more than 10% of customer:; in an operating area 10:;in;; supply.
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-1000 0,1
ISSUED: December 2. 20041vlay 11,2000 EFFECTIVE: April 1. 2005July 1,2000
C. No. 28
FifthFmirth Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Canceling FourtbThird Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Sheet No
12R. 11
Facilities Charges
Facilities Installed at Customer s Expense
Facilities Installed at Company s Expense
67% per month
67% per month
Residential Extension Advance Cost in excess of transformers
meter and service installation.
Non-residential Extension Advance Cost in excess of $90 per k W of
estimated demand.
Temporary Service Charge:
Service Drop and Meter only
(Charge is for connection and
Single phase: $ 85.
Three phase: $115.
Contract Administration Allowance $250
Customer Guarantee Credit 1:
Restoring Supply After an Outage
Non Residential
For each additional 12 hours
Customer Guarantee Credit 2:
Appointments $50.
Customer Guarantee Credit 3:
Switching on Power $50.
For each additional 12 hours
Up to a maximum of
Customer Guarantee Credit 4:
Estimates for New Supply $50.
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-10A,ppJication No. P:\C E 02 6
ISSUED: December 2, 20040ctober 3 2002 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2005December 1 , 2002
C. No. 28
SecondFiFst Revision of Sheet No. 300.
Canceling First Revision ofOrigiflal Sheet No. 300.
Sheet No
Customer Guarantee Credit 5:
Responding to Bill Inquiries
25R.Customer Guarantee Credit 6:
Resolving Meter Problems $50.
25R.3 Customer Guarantee Credit 7:
Notifying of Planned Interruptions $50.
Non residential
25R Customer Guarantee Credit 8:
Re~;ponding to Po'lier Quality Complaint~)$50.
I Submitted Under Advice No. 04-10Applicution No. PAC E 02 6
ISSUED: December 2. 20040ctobc.r 3 2002 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2005December 4 2002