HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040311Staff Comments.pdfSCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 BAR NO. 1895 ;-:-lLC, \iC ) - b- It c.. ;\ \- , r:,~l',r\H \ \ l\V1 \0: (I;l) - ! - , c' i \Ll \:~ CO\.~;'t:1\SS\OH Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ACIFICORP FOR EXEMPT WHOLESALE GENERATOR DETERMINATIONS RELATING) TO THE SKOOKUMCHUCK HYDRO- ELECTRIC PLANT. CASE NO. PAC-O4- COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Comment/Protest Deadline issued on February 20, 2004, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On February 12, 2004, PacifiCorp (Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) regarding the proposed sale by PacifiCorp of its ownership interest in the Skookumchuck Hydroelectric Project, a I-megawatt (MW) generation facility located in the state of Washington. The facility is co-owned by PacifiCorp, Avista Corporation Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County, Puget Sound Energy, Inc., City of Tacoma City of Seattle and Public Utility District No.1 of Grace Harbor County (collectively the Owners STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 11 , 2004 The Skookumchuck Project (Project) is an earth-filled dam and a small, 1 MW hydroelectric facility located in the vicinity ofCentralia, Washington on property adjacent to the Centralia Power Plant, a large coal-fired generating facility. The Skookumchuck Dam was constructed in 1973 as a water storage facility for the Centralia Power Plant. In 1991 , a generating plant with a capacity of approximately 1 MW was constructed at the dam. PacifiCorp has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement to sell the Skookumchuck Hydroelectric Plant to 2677588 Washington, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company and a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TransAlta USA, Inc. (TransAlta). TransAlta is the indirect owner of the Centralia Power Plant and the Centralia Coal Mine. In 2000, the Owners sold the Centralia Power Plant to a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TransAlta, TECW A Power, Inc., and PacifiCorp sold the Centralia coal mine to another direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TransAlta TECW A Fuel, Inc. The Commission approved the sale ofPacifiCorp s share ofthe Centralia Power Plant and Coal Mine in Order No. 28296. TransAlta Centralia Generation LLC, a direct wholly-owned subsidiary ofTECW A Power, Inc., now owns and operates the Centralia Power Plant as an Exempt Wholesale Generator (EWG). PacifiCorp proposes to sell and transfer to Washington LLC the dam, powerhouse water rights, land, easements and other assets of the Project, including certain fixtures, contracts and other rights. Washington LLC intends to operate the Skookumchuck Project as an EWG within the meaning of Section 32 ofthe Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA). To qualify as an EWG, Washington LLC must be engaged exclusively in the business of owning or operating an "eligible facility" and selling electric energy at wholesale. If the costs of a generation facility were included in the rates of a regulated utility on October 24, 1992 (the date of enactment of Section 32 ofPUHCA), then in order for the facility to be considered an "eligible facility, every state Commission having jurisdiction over such rates must specifically determine that allowing the facility to become an eligible facility (1) will benefit consumers, (2) is in the public interest, and (3) does not violate state law. 15 USC. 979z-5a(c). Washington LLC , PacifiCorp contends, cannot process its EWG Application with the FERC until all of the Company regulatory commissions have made the three determinations required by Section 32 ofPUHCA. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 11 , 2004 ST AFF ANALYSIS Compliance with State Law PacifiCorp contends that the sale of the Skookumchuck Project to Washington, LLC and allowing the generating facilities to become an "eligible facility" will not violate Idaho state law. Because the Project assets are located in the state of Washington, the Company contends that Idaho s property transfer statute Idaho Code 961-328 is not applicable to the contemplated sale. Idaho Code 961-328 states in part: No electric public utility... owning, controlling or operating any property located in this state which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power and energy to the public shall merge, sell, lease assign or transfer. .. any such property or interest therein, or the operation management or control thereof... except when authorized to do so by order of the public utilities commission. (Emphasis added. Commission Staffhas reviewed the referenced U.S. Code language regarding Exempt Wholesale Generators (see Attachment A, 15 USCA 9 79z-5a). The ownership interest of PacifiCorp in the Skookumchuck facilities are a part of the utility s rate base in Idaho on which PacifiCorp receives a return on investment and is now and has been included in the rate base of PacifiCorp since or prior to October 24, 1992. Based on Staffs review of the Idaho Code, Staff represents that it has discovered no Idaho laws that address the issues raised by this request, and none prohibit or limit the authority of Washington, LLC as an EWG to operate Skookumchuck as a wholesale facility. As discussed in these comments, Staff notes further that although the Project is located in Washington, this transaction complies with the intent and meets the standards of Idaho Code 9 61- 328. In compliance therewith, Staff represents that: (a) That the transaction is consistent with the public interest; (b) That the cost of and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of such transaction; and ( c) That the applicant for such acquisition or transfer has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service. Benefits to Customers The aggregate sale price of the transaction is approximately $7.57 million, adjusted for changes in PacifiCorp s net book value ofthe facilities from September 30 2003 to the closing STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 11 , 2004 date. See Section 2.3(a) of the Sale Agreement. PacifiCorp s share of this amount is 47.5%. The sale price is determined in such a manner that PacifiCorp will receive its net book value of the assets being transferred. After taxes and closing costs, PacifiCorp estimates a net loss from the sale of$68 613. Despite the relatively small projected financial loss on the sale, Staff believes there are other factors that should also be considered. First, as one of the Owners, PacifiCorp must pay its proportionate share of the ongoing costs of the Project. The Company s analysis and market price forecast predicts that ratepayers will see lower costs if the Project is sold because the projected cost of power from the Project substantially exceeds the projected cost of market power. According to PacifiCorp, the Project's bus-bar cost in fiscal year 2003 (12 months ending March 31 , 2003) was approximately $255 per MWh. Market prices are not forecast to approach that level for any extended period of time in the near future. According to PacifiCorp, the expected impact ofthe sale is to lower the Company s future revenue requirement by removing the Project from the Company s rate base and revenue requirement. The Company calculates the expected present value of the future reduction in Idaho revenue requirement is approximately $700 000 on a present value basis. Staff accepts these calculations for the sale analysis. Second, PacifiCorp notes that the proposed transaction eliminates the risk that the Company will be required to fund its share of expenditures for ensuring the structural integrity of the Skookumchuck Dam. The Company believes it is likely that the FERC will mandate dam modifications to meet stability criteria. PacifiCorp s share of this investment is estimated to be $4 million. Third, the Skookumchuck Project has an electrical capacity of only 1 MW. Moreover because the Project is operated for purposes of supplying cooling water to the Centralia Power Plant, PacifiCorp states that it has relatively low energy output. Over the last eight years, the average annual production has been approximately 3 000 MWh per year, and over the last four years the output has been limited to about 1 000 MWh/year. This represents a very low capacity factor for a hydroelectric plant. PacifiCorp s share ofthe Plant's output is extremely small in comparison to the Company s other generating resources. Finally, the Project no longer represents "core business" assets to any ofthe current Owners because they no longer have any ownership interest in the Centra1ia Steam Plant. Operation of such a small plant located so far from any other PacifiCorp facilities is problematic. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 2004 In summary, PacifiCorp contends that the benefits from the proposed sale outweigh the risks of rising costs of continuing to own and operate the Proj ect. Continued operation of the Project as a hydroelectric project, the Company contends, would be uneconomic, and such operation would not be in the public interest. Staff agrees. All things considered, Staff believes that selling the Project is a lower cost long-term option than continuing to invest in and operate and maintain the Project. PacifiCorp states that it is informed that Washington LLC will continue operation of the Project to provide cooling water supply to the Centra1ia Power Plant and that it will produce power from the Project either as an EWG or as a Qualifying Facility under PURP A. None of the electrical output ofthe Project will be used to serve PacifiCorp s retail customers, except perhaps indirectly through the wholesale power markets. The facility is interconnected with the distribution system of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSE) and historically all of the power from the Project has been sold to PSE. Public Interest Standard PacifiCorp contends that the transfer of the Skookumchuck Project to Washington LLC is in the public interest because it will benefit PacifiCorp s customers by lowering the Company cost of providing electrical service. In addition, PacifiCorp states the transfer will give TransAlta greater control of the water flows in the Skookumchuck River for providing cooling water to the Centralia Power Plant, thus increasing the electrical output of the Centralia Power Plant for the benefit of all electricity consumers. As always, the public interest standard can be rather difficult to define, but in this case Staff believes the appropriate measure of whether the public interest standard is met is the effect of the sale on PacifiCorp s ratepayers. Staff agrees that the Company s ratepayers will not be harmed by the sale, thus Staff believes that the sale does, in fact, meet the public interest standard. Ratemaking Treatment PacifiCorp, as co-owner of the Project with a 47.5% interest has been one of the primary parties in the sales negotiation. Negotiation costs and all other costs of the sale are being directly assigned to a work order associated with the sale. Labor costs for legal and technical services represent the largest component of the sales cost for PacifiCorp. STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 11 , 2004 Because the Project is being sold at PacifiCorp s book value, the gain or loss on the sale of the Project is determined by the sales cost and any reimbursement offsets. PacifiCorp does not propose to recover any of the costs of sale, i.e. loss on the sale, from customers. If a test year includes these costs, they will be normalized out of the results. PacifiCorp states that if a gain should occur on the sale, that it will be passed 100% to customers. Staff recommends PacifiCorp be directed to file the final accounting entries associated with the sale within 45 days of closing. PacifiCorp accepts this recommendation. Any revenue requirement reduction from not operating the Project will be reflected in PacifiCorp s results of operation. As such, Staff represents that this change will be reflected in a future PacifiCorp rate proceeding. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Company s Application to transfer the Skookumchuck Project to Washington LLC. In addition, to allow the Project to become an "eligible facility within the meaning of Section 32 ofPUHCA, Staff recommends that the Commission s Order specifically state that the proposed sale (1) will benefit consumers, (2) is in the public interest, and (3) does not violate Idaho state law. Staff also recommends the final accounting entries be filed with the Commission within 45 days of closing. Respectfully submitted this 7f, 1/ day of March 2004. Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Rick Sterling Terri Carlock i:umisc:comments/paceO4. 1 swrps STAFF COMMENTS MARCH 11 2004 FROM:STOEL R lUES LLP 88-12-99FRX NO.583 228 2488 Citation IS USCA s 79z. 15 U.CA. ~ 797.- Found Documem Rank I of UMTED 5T A TES CODE ANNOTATED TITLE 15. COMMERCE AND TRADECHAPTER lC..PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANlES Copr, '0 West 1999. No Claim to Orig, U.S, GOY!. Works Current through P.L. 106-20. approved 4- ~ 79z-5a. Exempt wholesale generators (a) Defrnitions For puI'J)Oses of tbis section-- (1) Exempt wholesale generator 18 : 28~P , e:: Page 1 Database USCA The term "c::tempt wholesale generator" means any person determined by the Federal Energy RegulatoryCommission to be engaged directly. or indirced)' through one: or more affiliates as defined in section79b(a)(1l)(B) of this title, and exclusively in the business of owning or operating. or both owning and operating,all or pan of one or more eligible facilities and selling electric energy at wholesale. No person shall be deemed to be an exempt wholesale generator under this section unless ~uch person has applied to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a determina.tion under this paragraph. A person applying in good faith for such adetermination shall be deemed an exempt wholesale generator under this section, "",'ith all of the e~ernptionsprovided by this section, until the Federal Energ:-' Regulatory Commi$sjon makes such determination. TheFederal Encrg)' Regulatory Commission shall make such determination within 60 days of its receipt of suchapplication and shall notify the C:ommis...ion whenever a determination is made under this paragraph that an)'person is an e:tempt wholesale generator. Not later than 12 months after October 24. 1992 , thl:: Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission shall promulgate rules implementing the provisions of this paragraph, Applications fordetermiruHion filed after the effective date of such rules shall be subject thereto. (2) Eligible facility The term "eligible facility " means a facility, wherever located, which is ~ither-- (A) used for the generation of electric energy exclusively for sale at wholesale , or (B) used for the generation of electric energy and leased to one or mor~ public utilir:' companies; Provided.That any such lease shall be treated as a sale of electric energy at wholesale for purposes of sections 824d and824e of Title 16. Such term shall not include any facility for which consent is required under subsection (c) of this section if suchconsent has not been obtained, Such term includes interconnecting transmission facilities necessary to effect a saleof electric energy at wholesale, For purposes of this paragraph. the term "facility" may include a ponion of afacility subject to the limiutions of subsection (d) of this section and shall include a facility the conmuction of which has not been commenced or completed. (3) Sale of electric energy at wholesale The term "sale of electric energy at wholesale" shall have the same meaning as provided in section 824(d) of ATTACHMENT A CASE NO. PAC-E-04-3/11/04 PAGE 1 OF 5 Copr. 0 West 1999 No Claim to Orig. U.S, GoV!, Works , '; ..' -, " FROM:STOEL R lUES LLP FRX NO.583 228 2488 88-12-99 1 e : 28~P . e:; 15 USCA s 19z-Page 2 Title 16. (4) Retail rates and ch;J.rges The tenn "retail rates and charges . means rate$ and charges for the sale of electric energy directly to consumers, (h) Foreign retail sales Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of this section. retail sales of electric: energy producedhy a facility located in a foreign country sh:1l1 not prevent such facility from being aneligiblc facility. or prcvcnt a person owning or operating. or both ownins and operating, such facilit)' from being an exempt wholes:1legenerator if none of the electric energy generated by such facility is sold to consumers in the United States. (c) State consent for existing rate-based facilities If a rate or charge for. or in connection with, the construction of a facility, or for electric energy produced by a facility (other than any portion of a rate or charge which repretient~ recovery of the Cost of a wholesale rate orcharge) was in effect under the laws of any State a.~ of Octobc! 24. 1992, in order for the facility to be consideredan eligible facility, every State commission ha..'ing jurisdiction over any $uch rate or charge must make a specificdetermination that alloviing such facility to be an eligible facility (1) will benefit consumers , (2) is in the publicint~r~sl. and (3) docs not violate Scate law; Provided. That in the case of such a rate: or charge which is a rate ort:harge of an affiliate of a registered holding company: (A) such det~rminalion with respect to the facility in question shal! be required from every State commissionhaving jurisdiction over th~ retail rates and charges of the affiliates of such registered holding compl1I1)' ; nnd (8) the approval of the Commission under this chaptcr shall not be required for the transfer of the facility to an exempt wholc;sale generator, (d) Hybrids (1) No exempt wholesale generator may own or operate a ponion of an)' facility if any other portion of thefacility is owned or operated by an electric utility company that is an affiliate or associate company of suchexempt wholesale: generator. (2) Eligible facility NoN.;ithsranding paragraph (1). an exempt wholesale generator may o"'n or operate a portion of a facilityidentified in paragraph (I) if such poniull has bt:come an eligible facility as a result of the operation of subsection(c) of this section. (e) Exemption of EWGS An exempt wholesale generator shall not be comidered an electric Utiliry company under ~ection 79b(a)(3) of thistitle and. whether or not a subsidiary company. an affiliate, or an associate company of a holding company, ane~empt wholesale generator shall be exempt from all provision$ of this chapter. (f) Ownership of EWGS by exempt holding companies Nolwithstanding any provision of this chapter. a holding company that i$ exempt under section 19c of this titleshall be permitted, withoUt condition or limitation under this chapter, to acquire and maintain an interest in thebusiness of one or more exempt wholesale generators. Copr. e West 1999 No Claim to Orig. U.S. Go",. Works ATTACHMENT A CASE NO. PAC-E-04-3/11/04 PAGE 2 OF 5 FROM:STOEL R lUES LLP FRX NO.583 228 2488 88- t 2-99 18 : 29..P , 15 USC/\ s 79z-Page 3 (g) Ownership of EWGS by registered holding companies Nocwilbsunding any provision of this chapter and the Commission s jurisdiction as provided under subsection (h) of this section, a registered holding compJ!11)' shall be permitted (\J,.'ithout the need to apply for, or receiveapproval from tbe Commission. and otherwisl: without condition under this chapter) to acquire and hold thesecurities. or an interest in the business. of one or more eAempt wholesale generators. (h) Financing and other relationships between EWGS and registered holding I:ompanies The issu.ancc of securities by a registered holding company for purposes of fmancing the acquisition of an c;cmpt wholesale: generator. the guarantee of securities of an exempt wholesale generator by a registered holdingcompany. the entering intO service . sales or construction contracts. and the creation or maintenance of any otherrelationship in addition to that describea in subsection (g) of this section between an exempt wholesale generatorand a registered holding company, its affiliates and associate companies. shi1l1 remain subject to the jurisdiction ofthe Commission under this chapter: Provided, That-- (1) section 79k of this title shall not prohibit the ownership of an interest in the business of one or more exempt whC'1le~ale generator~ hy a registered holding company (regardless of where facilities ourDed or operated by suehexempt whole5alc generators are locatcd), and such ownership by a registered holding company shall bc deemcd consistent with the operation of an integrated public utility ~y~tem; (2) the o\.rnership of an interest in the business of one or more exempt wholesale generators by a registeredholding company (regardless of where facilities owned or operated by such exempt wholesale generators arelocated) shall be considered as reasonably incidental. or economically necessary or appropriitu:, to the operationsof an integrated public utility system: (3) in determining whether to approve (A) the issue or sale of a security by a registered holding company forpurposes of financing the acquisition of an exempt wholesale generator, or (B) the guarantee of a security of anexempt ~'hnle~ale gener:!ror by a registered holding company, the Commis~ion ~hall not make a finding that such security is not reasonably adapted 10 the earning power of such company or to the security structUre of suchcompany and other companies in the same holding company system, or that the circumstances are such as tocC'nstitute thc making of such guarantee an improper risk fOT such compan)'. unless the Commission first find:; thatthe issue: or sale of such securit),. or the making of the guarantee. would hayc a substantial adverse impact on the financial integrity of the registl:red holding company $ystem: (4) in determining whether to approve (A) the issue or sale of :& security by a registered holding company forpurposes other than the acquisition of an exempt whole:sale generator , or (B) otbertransactions hy such registeredholding company or by itS subsidiaries other than with respect to exempt wholesale gener.ator~. the Commission shall not consider the cffe!;t 1)( the capitalization or earnings of any subsidiary which is an exempt wholesalegenerator upon the regi~tered holding company system. unless the approval of the issue or sale or othertransaction. togelher with the effect of such capitalization and earnings , would have a substantial advent impacton the financial integrity of the registered holding company system: (5) me Commission shall make its decision under paragraph (3) to approve or disapprove the issue or sale of a security or the guarantee of a security within 120 days of the filing of a declaration concerning such issue. sale orguarantee; and (6) the Commissicm shall promulgate regulations with respect to the actions which would be considered. forpurposes of this subsection, to have a substantial adverse impact on the financi.u integrity of the registered holding company system; such regulations shall ensure that the action has no ad,,'erse impact on any Utility subsidiary orits customers. or on the ability of State commissions to prorect ~uch subsidiary or Customers. and shall take intoaccount the amount and type of capital invcslcd in exempt \J,.'holesale generators, the ratio of such capital to thetotal capital invested in utility operalions. the availability of books and records, and the flIlancial and operating Copr, \0 West 1999 No Claim to Orig. U.S. Go...,. Works ATTACHMENT A CASE NO. PAC-E-04-3/11/04 PAGE 3 OF 5 FROM:STOEL R lUES LLP FRX NO.583 228 2489 88-12-99 18: 3 4 P . B 1 15 USCA s 19z-Page 4 experience of the registered holding company and the exempt wholesale generator: tbe Commission shallpromulgate such regulations within 6 months after October 24, 1992: after such 6-month period the Commissionshall not approve any actions under paragraph (3), (4) or (5) except in accorc1mce with such issued regulations, (i) Application of chapter to other eligible facilities !D the case of any person engaged directly and e~clusively in the business of o~ or operating (or both owningand operating) aU or part of one or more eligible facilities. an advisory leaer issued -by the Commission sufIundcr this chapter after October 24, 1992, or an order issued by the Commission under this chapter after October, 1992. shall not be required for the purpose , or have the effect. of exempting such person from treatment as anelectric utility company under section 79b(a)(3) of this title or cxc:mptiug su.c:h person from any pt'ovision of this -chapter. (j) Ownership of exempt wholesale gencraIOr5 and q112lifying facilities The ownership by a person of one or more exempt wholesale generators shall not result in such person being coasidered as being primarily engaged in the generation or sale of electtic power within the meaning of sections796(t7)(C)(ii) and 796(18)(B)(ii) of Title 16. (Ie) Protection against abusive aftUiatc: transactions (l) Prohibition After October 24, 1992 , an elcctric utility company may not cnter into a contract to purchase dearie cnergy wholesale from an exempt wholesale generator if the exempt wholesale generator is iIn affiliate or IlSsociatecompany of the electric utility company. (2) State aurhority to exempt from prohibition Notwithstanding paragraph (1). an electric utiliI)' company may emer into a conrractto purchase electtic energy at wholesale from an exempt wholesale gcna:rator that is 3II. affIliate or associate company of the electric utilitycompany- (A) if every State commission having jurisdiction OVer the retail rates of such electric Utility company makeseach of the following specific determinations in advance of the electric utility company entering into such contract: (i) A determination that such commission bas sufficient regulatory authority. resources and access to books and records of the electric utility company and any relevant associate. affiliate or subsidiaI)' company to exercise itsduties under this subparagraph. (ii) A detc:rminatioD that the transaction.- (I) will beDefit consumers (II) does not violate any State law (including where: applicable. least cost pl:mning), (III) would not provide the exempt wholesale genct'11tor any unfair competitive Qd"':mt:tg~ by virtue of itsaffiliation or association with the electric utility company. and (IV) i$ in the public interest: or (B) if such electric utility company is not subject to State commission retail rate regulation and the purchased electric energy: Copr, e West 1999 No Claim to Orig, V,S, GoVt. Works ATTACHMENT A CASE NO. PAC-E-04-3/11/04 PAGE 4 OF 5 FROM:SToEL R lUES LLP FRX NO.583 228 2488 88-12-99 18: 3 3~P . 15 USCA s 79z- Page 5 (i) would nO( be resold ro any affiliate or associate: company. or (ii) the purcha..~d electric energy would be resold to ;u'J afflliatc or associate company and every S~tecommission having jurisdiction over the retail rates of such afflliate or associate company makes each of thedeterminations provided under subparagraph (A), including the determination concerning a State commissionduties, (I) Reciprocal arrangementS prohibited Reciprocal arrangements amol1g companies that are nOt afnUalt:s or associate companies of each orner that arc:entered into in order (0 avoid the provisions of this section 2Il'c prohihitcd. CREDIT(S) 1997 Main Volume (Aug. 26, 1935. c. 687 , Title I, S 32, as added Oct. 24. 1992, Pub,L. 102-486, Copr. iO West 1999 No Claim to Orig. U,S, GOVt, Works ATTACHMENT A CASE NO. PAC-E~04~13/11/04 PAGE 5 OF 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 11 TH DAY OF MARCH 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. PAC-04-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: ROBERT LIVELY MANAGER REGULATION ACIFICORP 201 S MAIN ST SUITE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 JAMES F FELL JAMES C PAINE STOEL RIVES LLP 900 SW FIFTH AVE SUITE 2600 PORTLAND OR 97204 DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER ACIFICORP 825 NE MUL TNOMAH SUITE 800 PORTLAND OR 97232 E- MAILED TO datarequest~JJacificorp, com ~~~~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE