HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030528Application.pdf10/7 825 N.E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 813-5000 ::ECEiVED "._ ~:c f1'!C'-""\,r'JI.~'n'JLJ r". I h. I Iv PACIFICORP ' ".... ' UTiLi'lit:) CCJi"If-1iSSiON PACIFIC POWER UTAH POWER May 27 2003 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary RE:APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP CASE No. PAC-03-~ PacifiCorp (d.a. Utah Power & Light Company) hereby submits for filing an original and eight copies of its Application of P ACIFICORP for an Accounting Order Regarding treatment of Certain Asset Retirement Obligations. An electronic copy of this filing will also be provided. It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and staff requests regarding this matter be addressed to: By E-mail (preferred):da tareclUes t(tl)JJ ac ifi col1' . com By Fax:(503) 813-6060 By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St., Suite 800 Portland, OR 97232 With copies to:Dan Peterson PacifiCorp One Utah Center 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-2798 E-mail: dan.peterson~acificorp.com John M. Eriksson STOEL RIvES LLP One Utah Center 201 South Main Street, Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-4904 Telephone: (801) 578-6937 Facsimile (801) 578-6999 E-mail: imeriksson((V.stoe1.com Very truly yours ~!~~ /4YY Vice President, Regulation Enclosures Mary S. Hobson, ISB #2142 STOEL RNES LLP 101 South Capital Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702-5958 Tel: (208) 387-4277 Fax: (208) 389-9040 John M. Eriksson STOEL RNES LLP One Utah Center 201 South Main Street, Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-4904 Telephone: (801) 578-6937 Facsimile (801) 578-6999 Attorneys for PacifiCorp BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ACIFICORP for an Accounting Order Regarding Treatment of Certain Asset Retirement Obligations APPLICA nON OF ACIFICORP Case No. PAC-03- oJ" Pursuant to the provisions of Idaho Code ~ 61-524, and the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ), PacifiCorp ("Applicant") applies for an accounting order authorizing the Company to (1) record, as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, the cumulative financial statement impact resulting from the Company implementation of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") 143; and (2) record on an ongoing basis, as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, an amount equal to the difference between the annual SFAS 143 accretion and depreciation expenses and the annual depreciation expenses based on Commission-approved depreciation rates and coal mine reclamation accruals. Such an order will not affect the current level of asset removal cost included in the Company s revenue requirement through depreciation expense. Further PacifiCorp respectfully requests confirmation by the Commission that asset removal costs, in the APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - form of negative net salvage, are currently accrued through annual depreciation expense which is recoverable in rates; that these costs are based on estimates of the final removal costs; and that such costs are trued-up for ratemaking purposes at the time the related assets are retired and the actual removal costs are determined. In support of this Application, PacifiCorp states as follows: PacifiCorp is an electrical corporation and public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with regard to its rates, service, and accounting practices. PacifiCorp also provides retail electricity service in the states of California, Oregon Utah, Washington and Wyoming. This Application is filed pursuant to I.C. ~ 61-524, which authorizes the Commission to prescribe the accounting to be used by public utilities subject to its jurisdiction. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Dan Peterson PacifiCorp One Utah Center 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-2798 E-mail: dan.peterson(g3pacificorp.com John M. Eriksson STOEL RIVES LLP One Utah Center 201 South Main Street, Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-4904 Telephone: (801) 578-6937 Facsimile (801) 578-6999 E-mail: imeriksson(g3stoel.com APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 2 BACKGROUND Under the accounting method currently used by the Company for both financial reporting and ratemaking purposes, the cost of removing a tangible long-lived asset at retirement is included in the calculation of depreciation rates as negative salvage and is recovered over the useful life of the asset. Under this method, the accrued removal cost is included in Account 108 Accumulated Depreciation. In June 2001 , the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SF AS 143 Accountingfor Asset Retirement Obligations effective for fiscal years after June 15 2002. Under SFAS 143, entities are required to recognize and account for certain asset retirement obligations in a manner different from the way that PacifiCorp and other public utilities have traditionally recognized and accounted for such costs. Specifically, if a legally enforceable asset retirement obligation ("ARO"), as defined by SF AS 143 is deemed to exist, an entity must measure and record the liability for the ARO on its books. The liability must be recorded at fair market value in the period during which the liability is incurred. SFAS 143 defines "fair market value" as the amount that the entity would be required to pay in an active market to settle the ARO. SFAS 143 also provides that if market prices are not available, estimates of fair value can be calculated by discounting the estimated cash flows associated with the ARO to their present value at the date the liability is to be recorded. Under SFAS 143, at the time the liability is recorded, a corresponding and equivalent ARO asset is also recorded on the entity's books as part of the cost of the associated tangible asset. The ARO asset is then depreciated over the life ofthe associated tangible asset. In addition, accretion is added to the ARO liability annually to account for the time value of APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 3 money, so that at the time of retirement the recorded ARO liability will be sufficient to equal the cash required to meet the legal obligation. In addition to the forward-looking requirements of SF AS 143 , entities are also required to recognize the cumulative impact on their financial statements resulting from the implementation of SF AS 143. This cumulative impact amounts to a transition entry on the entity s books, so that in future years the financial statements will appear as if the requirements of SF AS 143 had always been followed. SF AS 143 recognizes that differences may exist between its requirements and the treatment of ARO costs for regulatory purposes and provides that a regulated entity subject to SF AS 71 Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation can recognize any differences between the two approaches as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, subject to the requirements of SF AS 71. PacifiCorp is required to implement SF AS 143 in order to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Due to the lack of an active market for settling AROs PacifiCorp will use the expected present value method to determine its ARO liabilities and offsetting assets. 10.After a thorough review, PacifiCorp has determined that it will need to record AROs under SF AS 143 for certain generation and mining assets. The Company has also identified AROs for transmission and distribution assets. However, the timing of those obligations is indeterminate and the liability cannot be measured and recorded at this time. There were no material AROs for general plant assets. 11.In order to reflect the cumulative impact of SF AS 143 for past years, PacifiCorp will record on its books, as shown on Exhibits 1 and 3 , a series of five transition entries for the APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 4 generation and mining assets. The first transition entry will record the present value of the liability for each ARO at the date it was incurred, offset by an increase in the carrying value of the related ARO asset. The second transition entry will record the increase in the ARO liability by the accretion of interest through April 1 , 2003. The third transition entry will record the accumulated depreciation on each ARO asset from the date the ARO was incurred through April 2003 the date on which PacifiCorp implemented SFAS 143. The fourth transition entry will reverse the accumulated retirement costs associated with the generation and mining assets that have been previously accrued on the Company s books. The net difference between these four transition entries is the cumulative impact of the implementation of SF AS 143 for the generation and mining assets. 12.PacifiCorp seeks Commission approval to record that cumulative impact as a regulatory asset, or a regulatory liability. As shown in the fifth transition entry on Exhibit 1 , the Company proposes to record the cumulative impact as a regulatory asset if the retirement costs previously accrued on the Company s books are less than the ARO liability under SFAS 143. Conversely, if the previously accrued retirement costs are greater than the SFAS 143 ARO liability, the Company proposes to record the cumulative impact as a regulatory liability. Under this proposed treatment, the SF AS 143 transition entries will net to zero for ratemaking purposes. 13.In addition to the transition entries, SF AS 143 accounting will require two annual entries. One entry will be required to record the annual increase in the ARO liability from the accretion of interest and another will be necessary to record the annual depreciation of the associated ARO asset on a straight-line basis over its remaining life. Since the Company will continue to use the Commission approved depreciation rates and coal mine reclamation accruals APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 5 to determine annual asset retirement costs for ratemaking purposes, these new accounting entries will not change the level of the costs included in rates. 14.In order to reconcile the requirements of SF AS 143 with regulatory accounting practices used in the rate setting process and to maintain revenue neutrality with respect to these costs, the Company seeks Commission approval to record any differences between the annual SF AS 143 accretion and depreciation expenses and the annual Commission-approved depreciation rates and coal mine reclamation accruals as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability. If the annual asset retirement cost for ratemaking purposes exceeds the annual SF AS 143 ARO cost, the difference will reduce the regulatory asset or increase the regulatory liability. If the annual SF AS 143 ARO cost exceeds the annual asset retirement cost for ratemaking purposes, the difference will increase the regulatory asset or reduce the regulatory liability. Examples of the annual SFAS 143 accretion and depreciation entries and the annual adjustments to regulatory assets and liabilities are shown in Exhibit 2. Example calculations of the annual adjustment to the regulatory assets and liabilities for the Blundell Plant and the Jim Bridger Coal Mine are shown in Exhibits 4 and 5 respectively. 15.As part of the implementation of SF AS 143 , PacifiCorp will, for financial reporting purposes only, reclassify accumulated removal costs, measured as of March 31 2003 for assets that are not subject to the requirements of SF AS 143 from the accumulated depreciation balance to a liability account. PacifiCorp has received regulatory approval to accrue these removal costs through negative net salvage and, for regulatory reporting purposes, these accumulated costs will remain in accumulated depreciation. 16.Beginning in fiscal year 2004, PacifiCorp will, for financial reporting purposes only, reclassify the annual amount accrued for removal costs to a liability account and will APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 6 reclassify the annual actual removal expenditures as an offset to this liability. However, the accrual for removal costs and actual removal expenditures will remain in accumulated depreciation for regulatory reporting purposes. 17.Nothing in this application is intended to request any approval regarding future ratemaking treatment. The Company notes, however, that upon retirement of the related assets and determination of actual removal costs, such costs will be trued-up for ratemaking purposes at which time the regulatory accounts associated with these assets will be eliminated. Consistent with past rate proceedings, the Company will continue to seek recovery of prudently incurred removal costs, not previously recovered through depreciation expense, in future rate case proceedings. 18.Information regarding the Company s implementation of SF AS 143 must be included in the Company s 10-Q for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. Accordingly, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue its order approving this application at the earliest opportunity. WHEREFORE, PacifiCorp respectfully requests that the Commission consider this matter under Modified Procedure pursuant to IRUPC 201-204 and grant the following relief: Authorizing PacifiCorp to record, as a regulatory asset or a regulatory liability, the cumulative financial statement impact resulting from the Company s implementation of SF AS 143; Authorizing PacifiCorp to record on an ongoing basis, as a regulatory asset or regulatory liability, an amount equal to the difference between the annual SF AS 143 accretion and depreciation expenses and the annual depreciation expenses based on Commission- approved depreciation rates and coal mine reclamation accruals; and APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 7 Confirming that asset removal costs, in the form of negative net salvage, are currently accrued through annual depreciation expense, which is recoverable in rates; that these costs are based on estimates of the final removal cost; and that such costs are trued-up for ratemaking purposes at the time the related assets are retired and the actual removal costs are determined. DATED: May :2.J--.2003. ACIFICORP ary S. Hobson John M. Eriksson Of Attorneys for Applicant APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - 8 Exhibit 1 Recorded Journal Entries: Transition Entries: FERC Account 101 781 896 230 781 896 ARO assets ARO liabilities To record the liabilities for Generation and Mining asset retirement obligations with an offsetting increase to the carrying value of the related assets. Cumulative-effect adjustment ARO liabilities 121 298 669 230 121 298 669 To record the accretion of interest on the asset retirement obligation liabilities through March 31 , 2003. Cumulative-effect adjustment Accumulated depreciation - ARO assets 37,450 290 108 37,450,290 To record the depreciation on the ARO assets through March 31 2003. Accumulated depreciation - Production 108 16,361 148 Decommisioning - Trojan 228.42 675 000 Reclamation - Bridger Mine 253 108 632 846 Reclamation - Glenrock Mine 253.840 024 Reclamation - Energy West Mines 253.593 658 Cumulative-effect adjustment 163 102 676 To reverse the removal costs embeddded in accumulated depreciation reserve, to reverse the reserve set up for Trojan Nuclear decommissioning of radioactive contaminated assets, and to reverse the reserve for reclamation of the Coal Mines. Cumulative-effect adjustment 353 717 Regulatory assets 182.771 617 Cumulative-effect adjustment to income 434 470 993 Regulatory liabilities 254 596,327 To reclassify the cumulative-effect adjustment to the authorized regulatory assets and regulatory liaiblities. Note: For detail of entries see exhibit 3. Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 2 Recorded Joumal Entries: FERC Account FY 2004 Accretion and Depreciation Entries: Accretion expense (on Generation ARO liabilities) Accretion expense (on Glenrock Mine ARO liability) Fuel expense (on Mining ARO liabilities) ARO liabilities 411. 411. 151 230 473,440 744 155 800 588 018 183 To record accretion expense on the asset retirement obligation liabilities Depreciation expense (on Generation ARO assets) Fuel expense (on Mining ARO assets) Accumulated depreciation - ARO assets 403. 151 108 847 137 885 869 733,006 To record straight-line depreciation on the ARO assets Regulatory assets Amortization expense (on Generation ARO liabilities) 182.410 373 407 410,373 254 409 300 407 409,300 151 141 909 182.141 909 254 582 366 151 582 366 Regulatory liabilities Amortization expense (on Generation ARO liabilities) Fuel expense (on Mining ARO liabilities) Regulatory assets Regulatory liabilities Fuel expense (on Mining ARO liabilities) To record adjustments to the regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities for the difference in the regulation approved accruals and the FAS 143 accruals. Note: For detail of entries see exhibit 3. Page 1 of 1 FAS 143 Asset Retirement Obligation Transition Amounts Exhibit 3 FY 2004 Accum FY 2004 Regulatory Depreciation Cumulative FY 2004 FY 2004 Regulatory Asset/ ARO Asset on ARO ARO Liability Prior Accum Effect Accretion Depreciation Approved Liability ARO Description (1)Asset (1)Depreciation Adjustment Expense Expense Accruals Adjustment Production Facilities Colstrip Ponds 3 & 4 694 (34 491)(227,940)149,027 710 13,186 156 13,959 383 American Fork Hydro Plant 760,010 (760 010)638 190 003 144 937 67,704 Hermiston Plant 674 204 (159 680)127 883)275,910 337,449 66,365 742 519 16,588 Blundell Plant - 31 719 893 (350 218)(1,838,328)450 619 018 034 286 19,457 782 105,961 Dave Johnston Landfill - 6 581,138 (581 138)977 114 42,308 783 Hunter Original Landfill - 5 871 104)(57,998)28,924 21,307 218 338 717 (161) Jim Bridger Plant Landfill - 23 755,010 (355,299)340 495)756 346 184,438 50,575 206 203 578 Jim Bridger Plant FGD Pond 1 - 45 670 586 600 978)(2,699,788)592 846 37,334 015 608 126,623 Jim Bridger Plant Evap Pond 3 - 46 401 (58 248)(421 951)318 745 053 359 009 22,421 947 Jim Bridger Plant Water Pipeline - 34 266,914 (781,713)634,062)221 542 927 319 297,508 26,956 296 951 27,513 Jim Bridger Plant Raw Water Pond - 36 833 (41 898)(292,173)220,693 545 482 496 15,524 1 ,454 Subtotal - Positive Cumulative Adjustment (2)699,554 (3,390 629)(14 981 766)014 652 658 189 672,609 410,085 672 321 410 373 Trojan Nuclear Plant 817 701)675 000 (857 299)736 736 Hunter Landfill - 4 307,531 (233 488)(1,590 371)529 401 (13,073)64,241 46,698 515 39,424 Huntington Combustion Waste - 7 703 881 (39 105)(729 890)436 (10 322)068 105 200 973 Huntington Landfill - 8 110 115 118)(115,749)000 (3,248)922 118 982 058 Jim Bridger Plant FGD Pond 2 - 47 157 011 (610 984)467 799)143 876 (222 104)289 732 197 170 391,704 95,198 Naughton Plant Landfill - 10 886 (19 967)(105,750)85,742 (29,911)620 2,496 289 827 Naughton Plant 1 & 2 Clearwater Pond - 18 123 785 (35 367)(188 857)161 398 (60 959)241 421 955 707 Naughton Plant 1 & 2 Ash Pond - 18 125 732 (321 638)717 499)1,467 709 (554,304)130 205 528 807 Naughton Plant 3 Clearwater Pond - 15 276 591 (79,026)(421 988)360 622 (136 199)882 878 22,243 517 Naughton Plant 3 Ash Pond - 15 1,423 598 (406 742)171 947)856,072 (700 981)117 772 843 114,482 54,133 Naughton Plant Unit 3 FGD Pond 1 - 19 415 716 (69 286)(513,485)281 180 (114 125)27,843 322 065 100 Naughton Plant Unit 3 FGD Pond 2 - 14 547 110 (91 185)(675 782)370 060 (150 203)644 796 35,620 820 Subtotal - Negative Cumulative Adjustment (2)260 956 912 906)(17 516 818)12,021,496 (2,852,728)800 831 437 052 828 583 409,300 Total Production 960,510 303 535)(32,498,584)036 148 (194 539)1,473,440 847 137 500,904 819 673 Coal Mine Facilities Deer Creek Mine 572 867 (472,815)(1,807,138)593 658 113 428 178 18,913 246 000 (141 909) Glenrock Mine -(33 311 017)840 024 470 993 744 155 Subtotal - Positive Cumulative Adjustment (2)572,867 (472,815)(35 118 155)33,433 682 584,421 829 333 913 246 000 (141 909) Bridger Mine 248 519 (31 673 940)(128 463,826)108 632 846 743,599)715,410 866 956 582,366 Subtotal - Negative Cumulative Adjustment (2)57,248 519 (31 673 940)(128,463 826)108 632,846 743 599)715 410 866 956 582,366 Total Mining 821 386 (32 146 755)(163 581 981)142,066 528 159 178)544 743 885 869 246 000 440,457 Total Total- Positive Cumulative Adjustment (2)272,421 863,444)(50,099,921)42,448 334 242 610 501 942 428 998 918,321 268,464 Total- Negative Cumulative Adjustment (2)509 475 (33 586 846)(145 980 644)120 654 342 596,327)516 241 304 008 828 583 991 666 Total Net Asset Retirement Obligations 781 896 (37,450 290)(196 080 565)163 102 676 353 717)018 183 733 006 746 904 260 130 . Bridger Mine - 100% of liability - full amount carried on Bridger's books - minority interest shows 1/3, .. Gelnrock Mine - Cumulative effect will not be set up as a regulatory asset. (1) The interest accretion on the asset retirement obligation liabilites through March 31 , 2003 can be determined for individual facilities by subtracting the ARO asset from the ARO liability, (2) In order to more clearly document Transition Entry No, 5, the facilities on this page have been grouped according to whether the application of FAS 143 to them results in a "positive cumulative effect adjustment" or a "negative cumulative effect adjustmenf', A positive cumulative adjustment leads in turn to recording a regulatory asset and a negative cumulative adjustment leads to recording a regulatory liability, Page 1 of 1 Bl u n d e l l P l a n t Am o u n t t o b e r e c o v e r e d t h r o u g h t h e p r o p os e d N e t N e g a t i v e S a l va g e : FA S 1 4 3 A R O L i a b i l i t y E s t i m a t e ( P V ) : OO O , OO O In f l a t e d D o l l a r s : FA S 1 4 3 T r a n s i t i o n a n d A c c o u n t l n o S c h e d u l e Wi t h o u t I m a l e m e n t l n a F A S 1 4 3 SE C ( R e g L i a b ) 10 1 10 8 10 8 23 0 10 1 10 8 18 2 w/ F A S 1 4 3 To t a l w/ o F A S 1 4 3 Bl u n d e l l P l a n t - 3 1 Gr o s s P l a n t Ac c u m D e p r e e Ac c u m N o n - AR O AR O AR O A s s e t Ac c u m A R O Re g u l a t o r y Ne t Gr o s s Re g u l a t e d Ne t Ba l a n c e Gr o s s P l a n t De p r e e Lia b i l i t y De p r e e As s e t Bo o k s As s e t Ac c u m D e p r I Bo o k s Ba l a n c e p r i o r t o F A S 1 4 3 39 0 , 4 4 1 11 4 86 0 16 4 \ 53 0 , 27 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 4 , 86 0 , 16 4 ) : 24 , 53 0 , 27 7 Se t u p A R O A s s e t & L i a b i l i t y (7 1 9 89 3 71 9 , 89 3 AR O L i a b i l i t y A c c r e t i o n t h r o u g h 3 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 3 (1 , 11 8 , 4 3 5 11 8 43 5 AR O A s s e t D e p r e c i a t i o n t h r o u Q h 3 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 3 13 5 0 , 21 8 ) 35 0 21 8 I Re c l a s s i f y A c c u m N e t N e g a t i v e S a l v a g e 45 0 61 9 (4 5 0 61 9 ) ! Ba l a n c e a f t e r t r a n s i t i o n t o F A S 1 4 3 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 4 , 4 0 9 54 5 ) 83 8 32 8 \ 71 9 , 89 3 (3 5 0 , 21 8 ) 01 8 03 4 1 53 0 27 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 4 , 86 0 , 16 4 24 , 53 0 27 7 20 0 4 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 5 81 6 , 4 9 9 (1 1 20 4 ) 93 6 61 4 ) 71 9 89 3 (3 6 9 , 67 5 12 3 , 99 5 ! 23 , 10 0 , 33 7 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 6 , 29 0 10 4 23 , 10 0 , 33 7 20 0 5 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 7 22 3 , 4 5 3 (2 2 , 40 8 ) (2 0 4 0 , 15 5 ) 71 9 , 89 3 (3 8 9 13 1 23 5 21 0 i 21 , 67 0 39 7 39 , 39 0 44 1 11 7 , 72 0 0 4 4 67 0 , 39 7 20 0 6 39 0 , 4 4 1 (1 8 63 0 , 4 0 7 (3 3 61 2 \ 14 9 23 2 ) 71 9 89 3 (4 0 8 58 8 35 1 , 96 2 I 20 , 24 0 , 4 5 7 39 3 9 0 , 4 4 1 11 9 , 14 9 98 4 ) 24 0 45 7 20 0 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 0 03 7 36 1 (4 4 , 81 6 ) 12 , 26 4 14 1 \ 71 9 89 3 14 2 8 04 4 1, 4 7 4 54 5 i 18 , 81 0 51 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 0 57 9 92 4 ) i 81 0 51 7 20 0 8 39 , 39 0 44 1 (2 1 , 4 4 4 , 31 5 (5 6 , 02 0 38 5 19 4 ) 71 9 89 3 (4 4 7 50 1 60 3 , 27 3 I 17 , 38 0 , 57 7 39 , 39 0 4 4 1 (2 2 , 00 9 , 86 4 ) 1 17 3 8 0 57 7 20 0 9 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 2 85 1 26 9 (6 7 22 4 51 2 72 0 ) 71 9 89 3 (4 6 6 95 7 1 7 3 8 , 47 3 : 15 9 5 0 , 63 7 39 0 , 44 1 (2 3 , 4 3 9 80 4 ) : 15 , 95 0 , 63 7 20 1 0 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 4 25 8 22 3 (7 8 , 4 2 8 (2 , 64 7 06 4 ) 71 9 89 3 (4 8 6 , 4 1 4 88 0 , 4 9 2 1 14 5 2 0 69 7 39 0 44 1 12 4 86 9 , 74 4 ) 1 52 0 , 69 7 20 1 1 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 5 66 5 17 7 ' (8 9 63 2 (2 , 78 8 , 59 1 71 9 , 89 3 (5 0 5 , 87 0 \ 02 9 , 69 3 : 09 0 , 75 7 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 6 29 9 68 4 ) : 13 , 09 0 , 75 7 20 1 2 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 7 07 2 13 1 ' (1 0 0 , 83 6 (2 , 93 7 , 68 5 71 9 , 89 3 (5 2 5 , 32 7 \ 18 6 , 4 6 2 I 66 0 81 7 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 7 72 9 , 62 4 ) 1 11 , 66 0 81 7 20 1 3 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 8 , 4 7 9 08 5 \ (1 1 2 , 04 0 09 4 75 1 71 9 89 3 (5 4 4 78 4 \ 35 1 , 20 3 ! 10 , 23 0 , 87 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (2 9 15 9 56 4 ) ! 23 0 87 7 20 1 4 39 0 , 4 4 1 12 9 88 6 03 9 ) 11 2 3 24 4 26 0 21 5 71 9 , 89 3 (5 6 4 , 24 0 ) 52 4 , 34 1 I 80 0 , 93 7 39 , 39 0 , 44 1 (3 0 , 58 9 50 4 ) i 80 0 , 93 7 20 1 5 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 1 29 2 99 3 ) (1 3 4 , 44 8 \ (3 , 4 3 4 52 6 71 9 89 3 (5 8 3 , 69 7 ) 70 6 , 32 7 1 37 0 99 7 39 , 39 0 , 44 1 (3 2 01 9 4 4 4 \ ! 37 0 , 99 7 20 1 6 39 0 44 1 (3 2 69 9 94 7 ) (1 4 5 , 65 2 (3 , 61 8 , 15 7 71 9 , 89 3 (6 0 3 , 15 3 89 7 , 63 2 i 94 1 05 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 3 , 4 4 9 38 4 ) i 59 4 1 , 05 7 20 1 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 13 4 10 6 90 1 \ (1 5 6 , 85 6 \ 13 , 81 1 60 7 71 9 89 3 16 2 2 , 61 0 09 8 , 75 7 1 51 1 , 11 7 39 , 39 0 , 44 1 13 4 , 87 9 3 2 4 \ 51 1 1 1 7 20 1 8 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 5 , 51 3 85 5 ) (1 6 8 06 0 \ 01 5 , 4 0 0 \ 71 9 , 89 3 (6 4 2 , 06 6 31 0 22 4 i 08 1 , 17 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 6 , 30 9 26 4 ) i 08 1 17 7 20 1 9 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 6 , 92 0 , 80 9 ) (1 7 9 26 4 ) (4 , 23 0 , 09 0 71 9 ; 8 9 3 (6 6 1 , 52 3 53 2 , 58 9 I 65 1 , 23 7 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 7 , 73 9 , 20 4 ) 1 65 1 , 23 7 20 2 0 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 8 32 7 76 3 ) (1 9 0 , 4 6 8 ) (4 , 4 5 6 , 25 9 71 9 89 3 (6 8 0 , 98 0 3 7 6 6 , 43 3 : 22 1 , 29 7 39 , 39 0 4 4 1 (3 9 , 16 9 , 14 4 ) : 22 1 2 9 7 20 2 1 39 0 44 1 (3 9 39 0 , 4 4 1 \ (2 0 1 67 2 \ 69 4 , 52 1 \ 71 9 89 3 (7 0 0 , 4 3 6 01 2 , 36 9 I (8 6 4 36 7 39 0 , 4 4 1 (4 0 25 4 80 8 ) 1 18 6 4 36 7 20 2 2 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 9 39 0 , 4 4 1 ) 12 0 4 11 6 ) (4 , 94 5 52 2 ' 71 9 , 89 3 17 1 9 89 3 27 7 , 02 2 : 18 7 2 61 6 39 0 44 1 14 0 26 3 05 7 \ ! (8 7 2 61 6 20 2 3 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 9 39 0 , 4 4 1 \ (2 0 4 11 6 ) 20 9 , 94 4 ) 71 9 , 89 3 (7 1 9 89 3 54 1 , 4 4 4 1 (8 7 2 , 61 6 39 0 , 4 4 1 (4 0 26 3 05 7 \ 1 (8 7 2 6 1 6 20 2 4 39 , 39 0 , 4 4 1 (3 9 39 0 , 4 4 1 ) (2 0 4 11 6 ) 34 8 84 9 ) 71 9 , 89 3 (7 1 9 , 89 3 68 0 , 34 9 I (8 7 2 , 61 6 39 0 , 44 1 (4 0 , 26 3 , 05 7 ) ! (8 7 2 61 6 (1 ) (.. ) :: r Blundell Plant Exhibit 4 Changes to the ARC Liability Over Time Fiscal ARO Liability ARO Decommissioning ARO Liability Year Beg of Year Accretion Exp Cashflow End of Year 2004 838 328)(98 286)936 614) 2005 936 614)(103 541)040 155) 2006 040 155)(109 077)149 232) 2007 149 232)(114 909)264 141) 2008 264 141)(121 053)385 194) 2009 385 194)(127 526)512 720) 2010 512 720)(134 344)647 064) 2011 647 064)(141 527)788 591) 2012 788 591)(149 094)937 685) 2013 937 685)(157 066)(3,094 751) 2014 094 751)(165,464)260 215) 2015 260 215)(174 311)(3,434 526) 2016 (3,434 526)(183 631)618 157) 2017 618 157)(193,450)811 607) 2018 811 607)(203 793)015,400) 2019 015,400)(214 690)230 090) 2020 230 090)(226 169)(4,456 259) 2021 (4,456,259)(238 262)694 521) 2022 694 521)(251 001)945 522) 2023 945 522)(264,422)000 000 209 944) 2024 209 944)(138 905)000 000 348 849) Assued that the actual decommissioning cash flows equal 4 000 000 Page 2 of 3 Blundell Plant Exhibit 4 Changes to the Regulatory Asset Over Time Removal Approved Fiscal Regulatory Asset ARO ARO in Depreciation Regulatory Asset Year Beg of Year Accretion Exp Depree Exp Rates End of Year 2004 018 034 286 19,457 (11 782)123 995 2005 123 995 103 541 19,457 (11 782)235 210 2006 235 210 109 077 19,457 (11 782)351 962 2007 351 962 114 909 19,457 (11 782)1,474 545 2008 1,474 545 121 053 19,457 (11 782)603 273 2009 603 273 127 526 457 (11 782)738,473 2010 738,473 134 344 19,457 (11 782)880,492 2011 880,492 141 527 19,457 (11 782)029 693 2012 029 693 149 094 19,457 (11 782)186,462 2013 186,462 157 066 19,457 (11 782)351 203 2014 351 203 165,464 19,457 (11 782)524 341 2015 524 341 174 311 19,457 (11 782)706 327 2016 706 327 183 631 19,457 (11 782)897 632 2017 897 632 193,450 19,457 (11 782)098 757 2018 098 757 203 793 19,457 (11 782)310 224 2019 310 224 214 690 457 (11 782)532 589 2020 532 589 226 169 19,457 (11 782)766,433 2021 766,433 238 262 19,457 (11 782)012 369 2022 012 369 251 001 19,457 805)277 022 2023 277 022 264,422 541,444 2024 541,444 138 905 680 349 Entries at the end of Removal: 108 - Accumulated Depreciation - ARO Asset 101 - ARO Asset 719 893 719 893 Retire the ARO Asset 230 - ARO Liability 411.6 - Gain from disposition of utility plant 348 849 348 849 Record the gain on the settlement of the ARO liability 182 - Regulatory Asset 182 - Regulatory Asset 680 349 680 349 Set up regulatory asset to be amortized over a period determined with commissions to account 407 Page 3 of 3 :::!E ...;::(,)+:;(,)(,) III +:; III .....,....,-- CD CD0) 0) ..... ..... cD cDLO LO ..... ......., .., N N '--- LL. :.:.. 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