HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030521Response to Petitioners Reply.pdf\\ECE I\lED \I ;:-' 11-.- John M. Eriksson STOEL RIVES LLP 201 South Main Street, Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 578-6937 Facsimile (801) 578-6999 1J\O3~A~ 20 p~ It: 55 UTll\'TIEs) Cci.~1MI~S'OH Mary S. Hobson, ISB#: 2142 STOEL RIVES LLP 101 South Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702-5958 Tel: (208) 387-4277 Fax: (208) 389-9040 Attorneys for PacifiCorp BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Respondent. Case No. PAC-03-DEL RAY HOLM Petitioner P ACIFICORP'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONER'S REPLY vs. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY / P ACIFICORP COMES NOW PacifiCorp, by and through its attorney, and presents this Response to Petitioner s Reply to PacifiCorp s Answer and Motion to Dismiss. PacifiCorp respectfully requests that the Commission consider this Response in its deliberations in this matter, and states P ACIFICORP'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONER'S REPLY that the need for the Response is driven by new claims made in Petitioner s Reply. In response to Petitioner s Reply, PacifiCorp states as follows: Petitioner s asserted need for a detailed itemization of costs and specifications appears to be contradicted by the fact that it obtained the bid from Arco Electric Inc. which it submitted with its Reply. In its Reply, Petitioner now improperly seeks to change the relief it sought in this case by requesting that PacifiCorp s Electric Service Regulation No. 12 "be amended as necessary for customer installation of conversions." In doing so, Petitioner apparently concedes that there is no reason for the Commission to grant the relief originally sought, because Regulation 12 does not allow for customer-built conversions to underground lines. By way of a reply to a motion to dismiss, Petitioner now seeks to have the Commission adopt a policy (which would presumably also be applicable to Idaho Power and Avista)l of requiring the electric utility to allow customers to construct conversions. Petitioner untimely request in this regard is unsupported, fails to consider the safety issues raised by having others performing construction underneath existing energized lines, and should be rejected. Petitioner s additional and new request for relief that the "Commission adopt such other relief as necessary to ensure that PacifiCorp s monopoly not be used in a manner to inflict unfair, unjust and umeasonable charges and rates upon the Idaho customer" is unnecessary and should be rejected. PacifiCorp is already subject to extensive regulation with respect to its rates and service, and the Commission actively exercises its jurisdiction to ensure that PacifiCorp rates and service are fair, just and reasonable. I It is PacifiCorp s understanding that neither Idaho Power nor Avista has a tariff provision allowing for customer- P ACIFICORP'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONER'S REPLY DATED this 20th day of May, 2003. PacifiCorp A!I~ Stoel Rives LLP Attorneys for PacifiCorp built line conversions to underground. P ACIFICORP'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONER'S REPLY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 20th day of May, 2003, I caused to be served, via fax and United States mail, postage prepaid, a true and correct copy of the foregoing PacifiCorp Responseto Petitioner s Reply to the following: Robert C. Huntley Huntley Park 250 S. 5th, Suite 660 PO Box 2188 Boise, ill 83701 Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise ill 83720 ~/f! kiP/ P ACIFICORP'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONER'S REPLY