HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030425Petition.pdf,- 7ft Robert C. Huntley ISB#894 HUNTLEY PARK LLP 250 So. Fifth Street, Suite 660 O. Box 2188 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: 208-388-1230 Facsimile: 208-388-0234 RECEIVED 0 ;:- \1=" '-'- 2003 ArR 2'-+ PH 4: 29 IUf-,) r'UBLjC UTILI! \ES COi,jt'lISSIOH , ..: Attorneys for Plaintiff ORIGINAL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DEL RAY HOLM Case No. Petitioner vs. PETITION FOR ORDER REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY /P ACIFICORP PAc '-F~tI J~(J Respondent. COMES NOW Del Ray Holm by and through his attorney, Robert C. Huntley, and petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for entry of an order requiring UP&LlPacifiCorp to provide cost data for installation of underground power lines and related facilities, and represents to the Commission as follows: Del Ray Holm has an interest in farming operations in Eastern Idaho located within the UP&L service area and desires to install underground electrical lines and transformation equipment in replacement of overhead lines which service irrigation pivots. Under letter dated March 18, 2003, Mr. Holm received a proposal from UP&L providing contracts, job sketches, and transformer requirements, which letter sought the signature of an agreement to pay UP&L $52 364 for those items. (Appendix A hereto. Under letter dated March 24, 2003, (Appendix B hereto), a letter with attached PETITION FOR ORDER REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION- documents under signature of Carl Palmer & Associates was forwarded to the IPUC Consumer Division requesting that UP&L be required to itemize costs in order to allow Del Ray Holm to determine the savings which could be achieved by alternative bids for various aspects ofthe project. Under letter dated April 2, 2003, Nancy Harmon, Utilities Compliance Investigator provided the data set forth on Appendix C attached hereto , which did not provide the required itemization. Attached hereto as Appendix D is Carl Palmer s response on behalf of Del Ray Holm attaching an example of the type of cost itemization previously supplied by UP&L to a customer. Under date of April 16, 2003, Robin Cross, Senior Analyst, responded with the response from UP&L denying the request (Appendix E hereto). Accordingly, in order that Del Ray Holm and Del Ray Holm & Sons Farms can intelligently and appropriately seek alternative bids which meet the specifications ofUP&L for the installation Petitioner respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order directing UP&L to comply with this request for cost itemization, including specifications for required equipment. PETITIONER REQUESTS EXPEDITED ACTION BECAUSE OF THE IMPENDING IRRIGATION SEASON. DATED this ~~y of April, 2000. HUNTLEY PARK LLP~c:~ Robert C. Huntley PETITION FOR ORDER REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION- 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on th~day of April, 2003 , a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the below listed individuals by the method indicated below: G. Rey Reinhardt STOEL RIVES 101 South Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Fax: 389-9040 Hand Delivered ---.L u. S. Mail Overnight Mail ---.L Facsimile David Jordan STOEL RIVES One Utah Center 201 S. Main St. Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Fax: 801-578-6999 Hand Delivered ---.L U.S. Mail Overnight Mail ---.L Facsimile Robert C. Huntley .... PETITION FOR ORDER REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION- 3 Received: 3/211 3; 4:28PM; 3-21 -203 4. : 30PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSOC;1/4 FROM - UTAH POWER Rexlnn'g 5enrice Center 170 wi"" Rexburg, Id4ho 8344/1 March 18,2003 DeJray Holms 2725 E 500 N RobertS, Idaho 83444 RE:Underground Conversion . i Dear Customer: Enclosed are the following: Accommodation Contract(:s) Two job sketches showing poles to be removed and Und rground line route Trenching and Underground Requirements Transformer pad specification Please review the job sketch, sign and retum one copy of the s Itch. the signed agreement. and a check for $52364.00 made payable to Utah Power. An ex '~ted copy of the agreement will be retumed to you at your request. The other job sketch is for your information. It shows where y . should place the road crossings and the number and size of conduits. Gray, electrical , schedule 40 PVC conduit is Tequired. Please feel free to call and schedule a time , hen you can come in and we can g~ over the trenching/conduit requirements that apply fi~. your project, if you have any questions. When 1 have received yOUI' signed contract, check, and sketCh; win nun the project over to Larry Christensen (359-4237) for Scheduling. You will 11 I to contact him to schedule a date when we both can be .ready. An trenching a1Id backfill is to be provided by the developer must meet Utah Power specifications. Utah Power wilt not be responsible for trenches pened without a scheduled/confirmed date or for trenChes in projectS that are n ~, dy on the scheduled date. Treuches opened, without prior approval or in projects . are not ready, may need to be cJosed and reopened at a later date. If you have any questions. please call me at (208) 359-4233 Sincerely, Scott Blackham Journeyman Estimator ~pendix Received: 3/211 3; 4:28PM; 3-21-203 4.: 30PM FROM fDl'lllllQn CtI WOf REQI 11471 002235687 CUSrowER : Delroy Holm AOOM$$ : 7& H 2300!: Roeerts It) =~ CARL PALMER & ASSOC; ........ ... "'00 ~ ~ ~ it! (If, 181 ~~I ~ ~~ !;I- (i) c:,,;: ............ ~..w ass ...... UlOO'" ~:: ~(jj fItIp ,.loll Start Dol. 1/5 Map Siring JIIb CGmfI Dcte 031040J6. CIro::u;t Post Jobs 0 WTK 12 ~.a. il. ~FICDRP Scuf. 1=400 Received:3/211 4:29PM; 3-21 -203 4.: 30PM FROM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSOC;~-- -- ---.-- . _- --23eQ--E"ASr--"'" ~ 1 651 i I'~~ . i ;0 ~ Emp'Job Start DOW Map StrInq Job ComP Dote O~, 04036.eel WOf / REQf 11471 002235687 CUSTOWtR : Delroy Holm ~:~ M 2300e: Robtm \0 116 it-- ..... \ 000ooc~ii "'~- Circuit PGlllt.Job:t 0RQI Pooiod 0 Seal. 1 ... 400WTK 12 Receive~: 3/211 3i 4:29PM; 3-21-203 4.:31PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSOCi 1/7 FROM 1"1 ;:,;:;&:: . ::J ~. . I ..,'"""'-.. -'='-- ~:"-.~ ".'.-=~;::::., 1051ri 'NEST - CROFT ROAD -...-' ..:,,--=~--~ ~.... N IQ\ - ~... \. i niL ;;;~ %~ ~'!:: F;j 't) ~ ~ 00 t ... , onmvn Emp ,Job Stat, Dote CCI '1101 / OtLQ* 11471 002235692 CUSTCJMER : Delroy Holm AOORF;SS : 13157 N 1CSth IdohD F AAIa Id Map SttIn9 Job COf"P Dote 03103036. Cjrwit PoIIt .1gb. aROIl 0PootOd aWTK 12 .-:1 ..~ 2~ loll , ... "(' ". .,~. ~ I -1----1- . . ,"---.'."- -". .'. .-.. ".... , t ~;;.. i \. \. - PACIFICDRP Scale , == 400'!:ST )1 07 :)1 Print D~.03/17/03 Heceived:3/211 4: 29PM;=~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/8 3-21-203 4:31PM FROM P. 8 . i gB2 ws:~ .......~~~ -too""N_'-'m- ! ~ c.lgi S.... & C:f -V ... . i ~. ~'\. . .\~: 1"1 I~:(i) Ii.!il \I: 1"'1 ii) OOGa \""(j)~. ~: F'oremlln Emp ,Job Start Dote WTK 12 Poet Jgba aROIl 0f"oIIted IJ -. PAaFICDRPc.cl WOf / RE.Qf11471 002235692 (';IJST'CINDI : Delroy Holm ADDRE:SS : 13157 N 105th Idaho FAIls Id t.Iap $\t1n9 .laD Comp Date 03103036. CIrcuit "riot DIrl. 03/17/03 " 1=400' , " Receiv8a;3/211 4:30PM; 3-21-203 4:31PM FROM ;~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/9 UTAH POWER THRENCHING AND UNDERGROUN .j REQUtREMENT Generallnformidlon: line EXtensiOn Poficy informatiOn can be found online at www.P$lCificoro.comby .ting as follows; CUstomer to e&D UG locating tWO (2) fun wortdng days prior to cigglng. The numbers 1- (800)-342-1585 The Customer is responsible for fol1owlng the specificationS contained herein as well those tound in Ihe EIecIriC Service Requirements Manual for the appropriate state- These can be fQ4.1nd online WWIIII.oaciIkxxD.com navigating News & Info ;,. Electric SeMce Requirements JoIIII u.. ~ ~~ ~~I ~~::;:~~ =..~ ? 0. t1 D fJ t? ~ ,; ~ c: ~~Oo '(I(? /o i t~~J' ~ C? ~ '0 Y. Ii I. .. ()~ ~.) ~ : ,,~. ~ ! ~/ ~ . 0 . IT' ~ " ": -!.;.', ~;:::,.... .;; . =---- \1 =:;. M ,MIaJ ;:F - -- rc..l ....- Cc:tIIe Co/eI 08pII\ ~111_1IoddI IJI1 U' . ~=-.. Height of meter shall be no greater than 6' and no 5ess than 4 to center of socket. .: ....... .... be pennanenIIY labeled .. _..-ner -..... .. means of . ..... or plastic engraved type Iabef for two or more units. Meterlng location. conduit entrance, and meterbase must be located and installed in pIiance witt! Company ElectricService Manual. Stale of Idaho EIec:trbI Permit (pink tag) must be submitted to the local Utah Power 1 light otf'JCe befOte $E!Moe willbe energized. Trench & ConduJt Non~1ec1riC utilitieS (Gas. W~r. Sewet. etc.) and privacety-owned facilities may not be InStalled in the power b'ef1Ch without prior approval by yOur estirn:ator- Conduit in place OY8I' aU 1'O8ds. ditches. canal cro&Sing$. or OChet'Wise specified by Utah Powet' and Ugttl CondUit installed at proper depIh wiIh conduit ends seaied and marked to prevent dirt, mud. 8CC.. from entering conduit. Sd\edtISe -40, gray, electrical PVC condUit Is required for aft .Uf'Ide(gtound electriCal facilty instaIatIonS. PVC water pipe wiU nOt be accepted. 1'hree-inCh conduits are recommended for all applications (unless incIiceted ~)- ~I etbowS must be long r;duS untess apptO'Jed In. advance. PuB lines shOuld be in$taiIed in aI conduits capable of withstanding 400 Ibs. of tension. Repair or repla.cemert of incorrect or conduit wiU be the responsibility of the CUSU)meI' . MIse.. Where underground transformer$ and primary junctions are located an ~avated 60" wide )( 60" long x 30" deep, from final grade. Sard Of fine &Oillot' shading of the underground cable in rocky areas must be "$pOtt oonstnJCtIQrI $Its. A 1 0.12 inCh layer of sandlflne soil will be required for the emlre backfill procedure to be used. Anat grade established and ctean1d. 20 feet back of curb. (The CUSlOmer wilt be as a teSUt of a change In grade. is required. The dimensions ate . orwor1c.. needed on our facilities Received: 3/211 3; 4:30PM; 3-21 -203 4.: 32PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;"'0 FROM ... DeItay HDIms Work enter... 2235692 CUst. Acct. 622.&61 (2199) UTAH POWER & UGHI" COMPANY CUSTOMER RfQUESTED WORK AG This Agreement by and between PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power & Ugh! Comp 'y, herein called .Company" and Deltay Holms. herein caI~ .Customer", for work to be performed by Company for mer at or near 75 N 2300 E in Jefferson Counly. Stare of Idaho. The charge tor the work specified beiOW is $24 .00 . ' DescriDtion of to be oreformed bY ~rooanv: Remove aU overhead facilities, provide underground cable power to existing pump. Q!!.SCriDtiDn of work to be DfefOl'rned CUSlOmer: , and connections to provide Provide all trenching, backfill, metering, and transformer I*i thet conductors and connections from pump panel to transformer. Payment to COmpany: In consideration ot the work to be performed by mpany, Customer agrees to pay the estimated costS. in advance,with the understanding that mere ,will be no other or refunds for the above specified work. Company acknowfedges receipt from Customer of $24;943.00. as payment i)r work to be performed, which work shall begin in a timely manor and shall ,be completed as soon as feaSIbly possible. Any correspondence regarding this work shall be directed to the appropriate 'rty as shown below: mpany specification. ProvIde CUSTOMER ~m =rw Roberts Id 83444 ~ne (208) 2436311 UTAH POWER Scott Biackham 170 VI r. No. RexbUrg , Idaho Phone (208) 359-4 . , COUP ANY The provi5ions on page 2 of this document are an integrat part of thi6 ~ee DE1.RA V HOLMS UTAH POWER- Title Ti1Je sv-59\81189 PrfnI name at Signi1g 0IIicw Dale !!. 11- L ..J~!j - ~ (!) ';:0. I "1 Received: 3/211 3; 4:31PM; 3-21-203 4.: 33PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC; FROM . , 0 . . . II 105TH ~ST - CROfT ROAD =-., .-~'-~;"'. - -~"".",,-.,. n;fL ... ill e b "0\. 'Pc. ~ ~ l ~CI' 110 I F~Oft Ernp ,Job Start Ooto CCI WOf REef 11471 002235692 CUSTOIoIER : Delray Holm ADDRESS : 13157 N 1OSth Idoho FAlla Id String Job Comp Ooto 03103036. Cfrcult WTK 12 1/11 IlL ii) ::J fOoat JobS 0Rat POlltod 0 $Q:,I. 1==400' 1/12~~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;Received: 3/211 3; 4:31PM; 3-21-203 4.: 33PM FROM , ! ~~i ........ c"at'"N~t r:... ~. ~ ! I ~ ~ n z i ~ (j) Ga (g)~'\.,..,(j)~. !. .,~ . PAtIF1CDRP Job StOl't Dot.Emp ,Foreman Map String Jab Ctm~ Date 03103036. WOf / REOf 002235692 cusTOIoER : Delroy Holm AOOR€SS : 13151 N 10Sth ldoho F Ab kI CCf 11471 C'.-oJit PO$t JoOs aRat Posted 0 SQllII:I , = 400WTK 12 Received:3/211 4: 32PM; 3-21-203 4.: 33PM FROM , ' 7~ 934 CONTRACTOR NOTES J, 8m: pnErAftATJON. /oU ....Ia...-tII U. pod '"~...ual hoe ~eted aM IIIfei ~... M MUtac .. JIOUNIc cH ""d 10 JW'O"fltt .~ll;n" 2, CONCnETF" ~I reiftf_a .hall b8 .4 b.-. plUM IttOrlll"lIi III lb. ",...""n" Th.,.. ",uIt be ""urod ., 1.....1 n.om rll" up priM 10 ..Uhtlli alt.uanar..rmcr, Thl 1I~i8hec1 ...rflce 1\\'* lie mmptetl'l,. not a"d I~el, S.. SIA"d-1'd 11 031 for cPRent."p"IntallolY. J. PREF AnRICATIOH. tit. p." maT .Ialan II. ~on"u..ctod Dn Ih. Ii,,*, .., p",r.~..Lco. -"'" ~ IpcciRcltJo-. 4, CONDUIT WINDOW LAYOUT Low "ClIt.II~ C'..n"uib .1o.U ~ ronnc.l M tlC/lU, .. .,-.lYe ",";MI !he ricbl .ad" ..r Ihe llpenirc .ni! .h8l1 loa ... lCR8a ..."ndtllrlh.... .hAn 20. rn'"" ,II. "1111 ..i4. or Iha cClnth"ltwindo- on l!o. amal2 pH w :aO. "" u.. "'qrlC p,"i. /t.a ehow", ~ o"...Iacll eontl"...,1aI orllCW ateet eOttdlltt withPWt. buald",. al btJlh M6I IIIaII M,.-oriW DO the I~., .,01'1118 Ii'. fa1" m.'crin,. No. -. u.a. cilM ~1'I"u\le wm be II.... ... Ih. 'ow .41111";. alti. (ftDt In~hllll"llh. IMle,lne co.dull), 110 "at ,.1 ....,. ...neff'. 10 or ..,..101' "'e """",II wt..49w. U.. -.M' .rpa....1e eond"Ita, Adl end. "" Rof'iinol tar- alt -181 co",""Ic. b"t not lOr p!aatic co~t. 6. CI.EJJlAl'ICF.!3. Th. ImK of ,1M! tM &hwW a'...,.. rue .."" tn.,.. 8elJ..!:ItII' ,'...ct..,... en. b. fro. IJfflbat....,li....a. i\t I...al ,""", r...., muat .""'PI- .... .eI~ nf I~ l"'eI I'ronl tIn)' ..tj..ao,o&.~ 'I'M u.e pod ......t be lOt 1eato, &eI\ fec\ hm 811)' tflmbuata.14 .'norllmL If IOn adj..eml atrut~ "", any onni!*"III: ... t!Aye -llhhi 2T "~r"cAI foeL or Iha top ot ,h. ,a.Clf.llnI- tnft8\ 110& ftlC!o",re4 tl'CHlll "1& _..1". or lb. o.eddlftj;. Th. pM ....- .cot: be piKed I" .. a..- fct:l ,... Ii~.. ...ilh or 'h1'68 teeL Ia ..llh- .!dot 01 8n1 wind..... III ... ..dj8c~nL ,t"'ctaro (..0 net,," ~,\' C:I,."rllnco ~r" tI..... n"",1 bet '~I, rm I... ISM whb II ..O\d lea r~, Oft Ihe ",.tee t~ee n~ '~").. I'nda mllfOl nDL bo plat.... with/" flAc".. led or ...,. ....J". Of" ...10.1"l...nt)' rnt .r an7 p\tmpine .1' d...al8 raeUlt, _\IIlftine naMMllb8cll'l\.l1dri;lL No wall" ~"", '1'1)' o\bl!l' ob8I.Nctl- ",n bo pia""" "';lbi. tInw (_.t\he liot... ar bark oUlle padJ. OM' wit"'" IeJr I"eet otlbe rI'M' 1110 pw4 (Ie. Detai! .j. The area In ll'Ol'lt crt' the p,," lit"'" blln teft flML or clear, lotd _rki"C .re.. to' n",i..te,.....eo of lb. InIn.rM'lMl', on.. pilei -.1 111ft II. plAtall.. 2i""..;111 ".. "iF intake Milo. 32 "~rdall rC!e& of the lurfoce or pilei. AI" ".nwe"1. It algL not be plec:l!d witbl. 12 reel or .. d- Iff .a...to... G, BARRiERS. Jr the '1'111\11 _Il:ol in arca" labjec' '0 vehirular 'r.m~, (p.rklnjc I""' dnye...1", .....,) .....lan ~11'1t l"9wCT 4 LIcht 00. r... plV\CcU.. btomw ......i_nt&. TffAII POWER NOTE , I. There are " ."'~1 '.'If pI4 nc)'clcd ~..lnl-fGI!c& f'1'""fn~ 10 U,.. .,al- Ih.t will "'" ('9Yft Lbo caN vni"r~ "" t~COI! aIADd"r4 I'""" Jr ono ".( IbcIDIr"iwrror..-- III till"". ..."llhot -ill" 01' UI9 cnble DpCIRidl 10 lit lhe Iruaf""....r ""ins s.lu~ =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/13 (g J;! CI~~~lfl) (CAPf'UI) r'GAlYAIIIZED ...."""" - ~ COtlOlATiuoN"' :'""":"": ';::::::::::::. :0';0':":0" . -:;:;:;;. , ~j;1I~:- ~\;';:,;:,;:, :o .. d M I ' : :\;. ;:, ;:,: :o ""~''.""' Fi~v \.,..;,.~"... ~" "t,. ." ~...;I;,~it'.. ...- ~~~~~t~~..~~~~g~~~~~~Rr~i)t o ~ ~~~;,... ,::'-.t r-L1 rI"1 ,.---1" ~.., 1'_1'=--__ .... WltfOOW HIOIt~T"G'An"' 1.O't'f 'IoqAGI AREA NOI'AO~Tld AREA I b , ..! ~ i~ Ij i~ \to ...." I~ limns"AU ! . I! ~------- - ~' bEr~L~: - ----~-- j --~-----._.__ OCTAL " f1- ------- tJa I!m : ' KEEP :'f11",nU : ttnll L______-------- , T"RAAsFonN ~ PAD DlMEJfstOH CIIART TRANSFORMER DIMENSIONS RATING 75. 5OQ KVA 128"48.15' 750.2500I(VA 132'1(6"60"16"30'"DETAR. "'CoO CII$tomer,S"'l'pliod C~nonte 'IrllnJo~m~.. P.d With CT Motodnc n..or ...,*ni' abot.tld La mpplicd 10 c:ommereial ot' asrie\lt\.ur,,' customer' for con.Lructlon of peds for tbr~.p 'trnnsformcrll wiLlI CT meten",! .L the tra",.rol'11M:r .it.a. It. enould alllO be ullod by line eJ'I!W8 .. " rerc If'meu.uTC:ltMlnls WI'!! in dollbt.. When ~hi. vAiL I. u.ad, Standard 73 O~ must DJ~ be! .upplled.. 1': 73 034 cu S'ro ME RSUPPLUi:O CONCJtETE TRANSFORMER PAD WITH c'r M€'fEJUNG mSER IIti111~~ PJ!.'ltIJJ'c-nN$I"'1C11OII $I...-ntI DESIGNED BY: APPROVED: 0, DATE: 3JULY, BRO9MW HOIUMN ()/j~ EXHIBIT A Utilities Placing Customer Service Above Corporate Profits ;;;,!! March 24, 2003 Idaho State Public Utilities Commission CONSUMER DIVISION O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Ladi es and Gentlemen: Del Ray Holm, a large Southeastern Idaho irrigator on Utah Power and Light (UP&L) has asked our group to represent his interest to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. ~1r. Holm is under the "seasonal constraint" of install ing new underground electri cal line and accompanying transformation equipment..- including removing "old" - and installing new irrigation pivots. UP&L has refused to provide the Holms with an ITEMIZED accounting of costs involved in the electrical portion of his project. ;,; The accompanying line diagrams and "Equipment Requirements " give only a general overview but no costs. The ITEMIZED costs are necessary for determination of alternative bids for vari ous aspects of the project. Please have UP&L forward the ITEtUlED figures to Mr. Palmer at the address below. These costs are available on a simple extraction basis by the power company. so we would appreciate their immediate attention to this request by you and us. Thank you for your help.We wi 11 be in touch with you. ffi Oel Ray Holm Jim Holm Otto Holm cc: Carl Palmer & Associates Public Power Consulting , P.O. Box 455 ; 3462 Chalet Drive Santa Clara, Utah 84765 ~i35)'?)-"16tJ Office: (435) 628-4888 Cellular: 801) 209-JOGO Fax: (435) 628-2008 AppendixL www.cpaimerpower.com Receiveq: 3/211 3; 4:27PM; 3-21 -203 4.: 28Ptv1 =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/1 P. 1 FROM 62Zs2S1 (2199) Defnrt Work Order t: 2235687 Cusl Acct. n3558'758001 UTAH POWER & lIGHT CONI' ANY CUSTOMER REQUESTED WORK AGR This Ag~ement by and between PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power & Ught Company, 'wein called .Company" and Delray HoIms. heretn called ~Customer . for work to be perlormed by Company for Custo at or near 75 N 2SOO E in Jefferson County, State of Idaho. The charge for the work specified below is $27. . 00. DescrlDtion of work to be oreformed by CoIJ'O3~: . _we all overllead IadIitie6, provide Uf1dergfound cable. Ir8nsfG.J. and c;on'-;"ns \0 prov;depower to existing pump. oescriotion oj work to be preformed by Customer: Provide aU trenChing. backfill, metering, and transformer 'pad that mee~:eompany speciftcation. Provide conductolS and conneGlionS - p- panel to ~. Payment to Con1JBnY: In CQOSideratkIn of the work to be per1ormed 'a'/ '. mpany, Customer agrees to pay the estimaled coslS. in advanCe.wilh the uncterstandng that there will be n oth ch es or refundS for the abOve specified : work. T COMPANY Company acknowledges receipt from CustOmer Of $27,421.00, as payment: worK to be performed, which WOfk : shall bElgin in a timely manor and shall be comPeted as soon as feasibly pOSSible . Any con-espondence rege.rdng this work shall be directed to the appropiiateCUSTOMER tJT AH POWER & ~1~'W Roberts Id 83444 RexbuFg, Idaho Phone (208) 2436311 Phone (208) The provisions on page 2 of this document are an integral part Of this /v;Jtee DaRA Y HOLMS UTAH pOWER & Titte 1itle Dale oa PrinI QI Si\.J1ing OIIieer Received: 3/211 3; 4:27PM; 3-21 -203 4.: 29PM FROM Forwnan r:;I;f 11471 WOI RECI 002235687 CU$TCNER : Delroy Holm ADDRESS: 75 H 2:500 E RClberte \D =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC; to - '-401 ~ "It if! 181 ~g~~ ~ ~ r;. (i) ..._- 110,,"01 ........... ...-1.1 1/2 Emp #Job Start Dot, "op 5t""9 oJrXI Cgmp Date 03104036. CIr"'-la Poet Jobs 0 WTK 12 . ROIl Po&tlld Seale 1 = 400 It If O. ""' i ~~ S! jt~ j !.~ -, - t:) \...!1 t "'; ~--------_..~- ----_.~_. s I --l--t~~651 ...OD E ; .. l!! (!)I:; ~ .'2-! 3f1/G-As.NfJ- :~ : "J ~ 1",-ij ! ~ ;It I' ti Coo 94- i ,fS ,JJO9HI I CC Of~ ~ ;tt '"' It it; ~ ~::: It ~~~ \\ ~~~ . Received: 3/211 3; 4:27PM; 3-21 -203 4: 29PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/3 FR()Iv\ r~.EIYIp Job $Wrt oat. CCf WOf Ri:Qf. 1147' 002235687 (1IS1OIoIER : Delroy Holm ADDRtSS : 75 N. 2300 t: Rob.-is ID t.&op Str1n9 -c..mp Da\8 03104038. CRuIt WTK 12 Post Jobs 0RQI POtted (J - PAtIFICORP . . !~'" , ...4-00 Accommodation Contract(:s) Two job sketches showing poles to be removed and und rground line route Trenching and Underground Requirements Transformer pad specification Received: 3/21/3; 4:28PM; 3-21-203 4.: 30PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/4 FROM - UTAH POWER Rexlnn'g Seroice Center 170 wi"" N Rexburg, Jd4ho 8344/1 March 18, 2003 ' , DeJray Holms 2725 E 500 N RobertS, Idaho 83444 RE:Underground Conversion Dear Customer: Enclosed are the following: Please rev;ew the job $ketch, sign and return one copy of the s Itch, the signed agreement., and a check for $52364.00 made payable to Utah Power. An eJl: ';uted copy of the agreement win be returned to you at your request. The other job sketch is for your infonnation. It shows where yo . should place the road crossings and the number and size of conduits. Gray, electrical , schedule 40 PVC conduit is required. Please feel tree to call and schedule a time, hen you can come in and we can g~ over the trenchin,yconduit requirements that apply t4~. your projCC4 if you have any questions. When 1 have received yOUI' signed contract, check, and sketch; Ln turn the project over to Larry Christensen (359-4237) for Scheduling. You wilt 11 ~t~contact him to schedule a date when we both can be .ready. An trenching and backfil1 is to be provided by the deveJoper an must meet Utah Power specifications. Utah Power wiU not be responsible tor trenches pened without a scheduled/confirmed date or for trenChes in projects t~at are n dy on the scheduled date. Trenches opened, without prior approval or in projects . are not. ready. may need to be closed and reopened at a later date. If you have any questions, please call me at (208) 359-4233 Sincerely, Scott Blackham Journeyman Estimator Received: 3/211 3; 4: 28PM; 3-21-203 4.: 30PM FROM farwnQft CCI WOf / REQf11471 002235687 CtJsTCWER : Delroy Holm AODM:$S : 7& H 2300 t Roberts 10 =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoc; EnIp , ... t:c: 2!!i! ~ ' .... "0 "0 ~t:181 \:~~ ~ ~1#!J;1. ti) ;;:it;: ............ N"W 2S2Ga"1J100tJ1 ~~: ~(j) .loti Stlrt Dote Map String Jab Ccmp Date 03104036.~;t WTK 12 Post Jobs 0Rat F"ostad C Ii. ~FICDRP Soul. 1=400 =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC; Received: 3/211 3; 4:29PM; 21 -203 4.: 30PM FROM . ~-------_.__._-- -~-EAST---""' -- tt--- ..... ~ i 6St i ::.. ~ l"oremCll' Emp'Job start om. eel WOI REQI 11471 002235687 CU$TOWER : Delroy Holm ~RESS : 1~ '" 2300 E RobetU 10 t.Iap Str1nq Job ComP Dote 03104036. Circuit WTK 12 1/6 1\1 ! - 1'1 \~ :, g~ ~ III (~~ t! f~ ~- i U---il~;- , . _._._- 5-'- 1:L$ 3f1/O-AS.NP- . '-" ~ DJIIlD ;. ",' .... is N '- -l !"v . 0 t ~ :u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .1\ I ~~~O iii ~t.i """'-~ ' .PAaFICORP OF 2. PCl8t. ~... g ~ . ;, . Seal. 1 ... 400 ~~ ~ .. I ~I loaI 2 ~ ~ "z . ... "j \., '~' . ~e:- ~ '051" """ST - CRoFT ROAO 1J!J .. 2 i . . " t.:, i --.-......, --- -"-- ~--...;""~"""'--== ~."-.. .=-=. =.,.._---~_.. - ---....;:j Q 0 (!) -- '"\ .. \ ~ " \! ~ ) I , ;"'~ \~ \ I ~ l Received:3/211 4: 29PM;=~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/7 3-21-203 4.:31PM FROM ~! CI' ~ .... F on:nwn Emp ,Job Start, Dote 'WOf / ;(EO* 002235692 CUSTOMER: Delrey Holm AOORESS : 13157 N 1C5ttl IdMO F,I.h td Me" SttIn9 JQb CQIftP IXrle 03103036. Cirwi t Poet JIIO8 L1 WTK 12"RQI Po:!Ited CCI 114-71 -(. - PACIFICORP EST :~f07 :)1 Print Dqt. 03/17 /03 Scale 1 "'" 400 Received:3/211 4: 29PM;=~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/8 3-21-203 4.:31PM FROM \J. gSS ......,;:;~~ ... ;:;i0i~ -...", N-c.. a;- ~!i! "'8~S....8 ;:t ... ~~ a , 1 ~. ~'\ . \l . . 1"\ I~:(i) I'. :c.t. !it 1\: 1""1 ii) (i)~ "'" II. F'oreman Etnp ,Job Start Dote WTK 12 Peat Jcba aROIl 0Posted , - PAaFICDRPCCI WOf / REo,11471 002235692 cusT'OtO : Delroy Holm AQORE:$S : '3157 '" 105th Idaho ~Alls Id $\titr9 Job Camp Data 03103036. Ck'cuit Priroi Dot. 03/17/03 Sl;Q/.. =400' , ' Receivea:3/211 4:30PM; 3-21-203 4:31PM FROM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/9 UTAH POWER THRENCHING AND UNDERGROUN " REOUIRE Gertenllinformatlon: Line EXtension PoliCy irlformatiOn call be found online at www.DBCifiooro.CtJm by n . igating as follOW$; CUStomer to caI UG Iooating tWO (2) full worldng days prior to (igglng. The numbern 1- (800)-342-1585 The Customer' is responsible for fol1owlng the specifications contained herein as well those foUnd in (he E\ecIJ'iC Service Requirements Manual for the appropriate state. These can be found online www,CNDfkxJfo.com navigating News & Info ::0 EIedrk: SeIvice Requirements Jc8tUM~ Fr!d~ ~ ~;--IIo.o' ~~-;;..~~~~ ~-...' ,..... ... ~ ~'/'. " ;' Y'(j CJ . . ~ ~~...'" . "' ~ oz v ~q' o- (I~i ~, ':.~~ )r ;-: ~(?~ C)'!;J% " \. is r---. ./ II ~ 4'\.,J.. //, ~ !~ ~ () ~IT~i): . " , A .. z ~;;.; ..~ - ~. =---- \( , ~0at8M I 9Wncot' 8~ ~F-= - ~;= ~ ';;:01 ......, shall be n. than .. and ... lessl11an . to """"" 01 ....... Each metered serviCe must be permanenUy labeled to idently customer addresses J. means of a mecal or hard plastic engraved type Iabet fur two or more unils. Metering location. conduit entranCe. and meterbase must be located and installed in pIiance wi\tI Company ElectricService Manual. State of Idaho EIectrbI Permit (pink tag) mus,t be submitted to tile local Utah powerl . Ught offICe befOf'e service winbe energjzed. Trench &. Conduit Non-etecVic l.JtiIities (Gas. wars', Sewet. etc.) and privatety-owned facilities may not be Installed in the power 8I'enCh withoUt prior appmval by yOAJt estimator. Conduit in place over all roeds. ditches. canal croosings, or OCherwise specified by Utah Power and light COndtJit installed at proper depIh with conduit ends seated and marked to prevent dirt, mud. etc.. from entering conduit. ScheCtISe -40. gray. electrical PVC condUit is required for all'uodec'ga'ound electriCal facility installations. PVC water pipe ww nOt be accepted. Three-inCh conduits are recommended for atl applications (unless indic8ted oU'Ierwi$e). ~ e!bows must be tong rouIuS unless approved In,advance. PuIIli1es shOuld be installed in aI conduits capable of withstanding 400 !be. of !ensiGn. Repair or repI~er( of ineorred or p8ugged conduit wiD be the responsibility of the cuswmer . Mise. Where underground transformers and primaty junctions are located an excavated 60" v.ide x GO- long x 30" deep. from final grade. Sand or fine &Oil (or shading of the underground cable in rocky areas must bs "$pOtt CQnStnJCtIon site. A 1 0.12 inch layer 01 sand(Jjne soil will be required for the entire backfill procedure to be used. Anal grade e5tab1ished and dBarBd, 20 feet back of curb. (The customer wi" be as a result of a change In grade. is required. The dimensi~ are , orwork needed on our facilities Received: 3/21/ 3; 4:30PM; 3-21-203 4.: 32PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;" a FROM DeIray Holms Wort Order #: 2235692 CUst. Acct. d35697S6OO1 622-5z&1 (2/99) tIT Att POWER & lIGHT COMPANY CUSTOM ER RfQOESTED WORK A G This A9"e&n'1ent by and between PacifiCorp. dba Utah Power & Ugh! Camp )y. herein called .Company" and Delray Holms. herein caned "Custorner", tor work to be performed by Company tOl" orner at or near 75 N 2300 E in Jefferson County. State of Idaho. The charge tor the work specified beOW is $24 '.00 DescrlDUon of wotit to be oreformed bv CornP8Iw: Remove alt overhead facilitieS. provide undergl'Ound cable, trans ' and connections to provide power to existing pump. DescriDtion of work to be Dreformed CUStOmer: Provide all trenching, backfill, metering, and transformer pad that conductors and COf\nections from pump panel to transfOrmer. . ' Payment to COmpany: In consideration of the work to be performed by mpany, Customer agrees to pay the estimated COStS. in advance,with the understanding that mere .will be no other or refunds for the above specified work. Company acknowfe(jges receipt from Customer of $24;943,~. as payment i)r work to be performed, which work shaN begin in a timely manor and shall be completed as soon as feaSIbly possible. Any correspondence regarding this work shall be directed to the appropriate .rty as shown below: rnpany specification. Provide CUSTOMER Del . HoIms 27:2n 500 NRoberts Id 83444 ~ne (208) 2436311 UTAH POWER & Scott Bial:kham 170 W r. No. RexbuIg, Idaho Phone (208) 359-4 . . COMPANV The provisions on page 2 of this document are an integrat part of this ~ee DELRA V HOLMS UTAH PO\NER' Title Titte Prim naRIII aI Signilg Olficw Dale Received: 3/211 3; 4:31PM; 3-21 -203 4.: 33PM =~ CARL PALMER & ASSOCi NIl FROM 1C4t , .. ! ' 1\ 105TH ~ST ~ CROFT ROAD '=-~..~~---:-;"-.'~-- --..-~"..-. .....(!)\~~ --,- ._ .;t... ~tL III e ... 1:; ....'\.(g)~ ~ i ~ (Jo III I - F~Oft ErtIp ,Job Start Dolo tCf WOf. REQf11471 002235692 CIJSTOoIER : Delroy Holm AODRE$S : 13157 N 105tl'l Idotlo FAI11t Id Yop String Job Comp 0Gt0 03103036. CIrculi Post Jobs 0Rat Po3f.od 0WTK 12 ill" l~: -J- c:: ::J ...~._ Ii ' I ~ .:~ i ") PAclFICDRP So.I.. 1 ~ 400' Received:3/211 4:31PM;c~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1/12 3-21-203 4.: 33PM FROM , '..-- goo ~..........."'~'" j;~t: 0:... (j)~ C") cg)~ l"1 . ~, . Foreman Emp ,JOb StCl't Oot. CCf WOf REOf Map StrIng Jab Camp Dote -. PAcIFICQRP 11471 002235692 03103036. CUST'OIoO : Delroy Holm C'lI"OJit PO$t JotIS t:J AOORW3 : 13151 N 10Sth WTK ROIl !:J 5~1: Idaho FAb kI 1'00tad 1=400 Receiv~d: 3/211 3; 4:32PM; 3-21-203 4.: 33PM FROM , ' 7~ 934 CONTRACTOR NOTES " 8m.: pnErAMTJON, ~....I"'naRu. tJ", ""d '"~ mu-IIM ~~ aM leNl ~OO' 18 Mil,"", II' pourihc C!HI pad 10 IIf'OW'mt aeHI,"" 2, CQNCnETFh ~I mnr_1 ,hall be 14 b-. pin...! Ittordi"l1 ~ lb. elf..wi"lI. TIIe...4 mU81 b. !","red .1 Ie....' eoytm (1111 "')"1 prillr to .-Uh'lr III."""",(urmcI', The ftjlitobGcl O..ri"R lI'Ouet be comptctfl1 nAL "ad I~cl, S.. StAndard 11 051 rOl' CPAerele.p",nea"olW. 3. PJtEFARRICATIOH. 1'118 pad maT cllbn b. ton..~~ D" tI.. .i... Oft p...c..b,lc.l,ed -.If", apednc.~ 4, CONDUIT WINDOW LAYOUT I.... .o"all. C'~""uita .ltaU t..wnc.l lOa li.:tolJ, a. .,-.Ih&. .....iM' Ih.. ricbl .ill.. '" Lb. ilpeninc anti ,hall. - CU8 ".II1M rurlh.", Ih"n 20. rrll'" III. rilbl "iol. DC' 1',* eClnd'll!t window on l!\. amal! pH or :10. DOl u.. -flEe pad. loa "how It, II o"...lad, eonilrt""~ "rfrid .teet eo"",," with p~" bu.lIi",. 8. belh MellI .han he ~W 00 the)".., yolU'I" aI'" r", mcterl"I' No ' -. ",a. .11Ilol ~",""\lo wm be lIacd Ihe low .oh..,. .,tI. (nDt IJI~ludl... Ih, ",el.rlne ~lIduh). u. nat put an1 cvntt'dC in .r ..,,010' "'e ~...I' wt..cJow. Ueo -"'I arP"...Le eontlult., ReI! end. .~ ~;nCI &or .11 -IAI mft.t...11, b..~ not ~If pla.tie conmt. 6. CI.EARAl'fCF.!.J, Th. INM of '1M p..s 0wW a'..)'f'r~ awlt)' (n'", .clJ.nnl .I",~t...... ud b. t,oo .". .obfo~....clinaa. At I..a"l tl1r~. f-t muat a..P"PI'" U,. od~ rll~ fAd h.... AnY adj"IIOftI..~ 'I'M edcea or Lhe ped .....at he a' kAtolla\ '-' tn.m ."y ~buatib.. a~norllmL Ir..n 8djaeC!Dlab'utlUt'l II... lOftY onorh.1IJC or .."YO ..Ublll 27 .er,~,,1 foet of Iha Inl' or \ha p". ct""nulcc. ""'O, be mea...r" rl'Ofll Ille ol'..icl. or ",. overhllnj;. The pIId iliUM ....: .... pllICI!d I" 84 ..- lea(~l I.. lioo ...Hh or ,l.r68 teeL tu DILb.... ald. at a"1 wind"... I" "" ..dj.e;enl ,t,""..l..,. (,ISOO 1)..1,,1t ~ft.' (:Irnrnnc.o ~, " ""'or "_I bo h,mlr 1m in 11,,11 with I, II \.eft rCC'.\ Of\ lhe.oote. (/lee Uetllil '."). r..... m....' ""'- be pl8C:od within nneen (eel or ."., ..,.J.o w ..ltlJl.. LweI'll, (".t or ""., p"mpl"g or .'On&8 radllly eMuil'ling noft\ll'Vlbatt MIII4riAI. No "."', ro-oc. '" ."1 o\hl!l' obat.,.,.et.I- wilt bo pl.""" ..;lhllllhne r",,\ of \he .idee fIf' bH1r. of lhe pad, OM' witWIl IcJI rl!Ct oC Ib.. (IWII of Ilia pll4 ('co Detail .), Tb8 &1"1!8 III rnlnt of 1110 p.""",",I b"n tcn rHI of dear. l.y~ -rkiooc .re. r"r nlAi"tett.."eo DC' Ibe Inn.rM'MC!l', ".. p.d -,. not ~. plAra! I.. Ii no, ";111 ." fir Intake wi,hI. 32 nrliml teet or ~he /lurfDC8 Dr I"'d. AI" 'yortwall,r. it IIItHt not plDced witbiD 12 fC!ll!!t of.. d...... or wiDdo..., 6, BARRIERS. If the I...""AmrIer p." t. Iq boo *-'1I:fI I" .'I:.~ lubjCI:\ 10 .ehtrillar \ramr . (p.rklni Inll8 d,;.ow,,)'Io, cLe.) ..."lad \flat" t"9w" & i.lcht 00. for "~ct&v,, btlmet' reqa._nt&. TJfAII POWERNQTE , I. There a,e .. n:'f1! f..., old ncy"lcd redlnl-rued , ,..""r..1'MC't'8 10 LIt" _,.at"", o..t will "'" C'Qyft \bit aoND "ni"l:" fIn Utcoe alAod"ni I'"d.. If ono ..t Ibc8O IrlliNIrornla'lll8 UII/Id , """II"e -idea oI'UIo cable oponinc to lit the Lran.r"",qer ""ins 8elu1!le. =~ CARL PALMER & ASSoC;1113 - -,- -- -. - -. -. --.,. ---. .-, --. ... -,.--. ,.. -' I , ~- - - -:- - --i....'... .~- - --:- -- - ~ -- - --_.~... .:-...:. . ~ : MAWR '"'\: "... ,.1.--_.1____1-.-. '-_-- .1.--. \.-- ~ -.--'---- -'-.--t-: I -t rr-.- ~---'~".-:----~---~---~-- :1 ----i---ji--- : - ~ l.YAtIZEII ~- - .. :n.- ~- .- - ~---- I:.--- .:-- -- ~ ti , qrI~Q'. ::: _.. L..J.-- m~ ~':';.~~ tt~ :~j ~:,: :- ' . ,aREA :"" u--------uu_-- -+-.--- .I- .... . ~....-... ....... .- L____ ~_-- dIi ! ~ ~O't'f L~.J r RIOID ~::. J;! Q~~:~ZfDl. (CAPf'EU) I'WmovJ ............... ' , -, ~.I. _,!d".' ' 1. GAlYAIflZEDw"-- ,=' i ~IOUT . "-:,::::'::::::.:-\:,\:":-\:, JlJl .;,..:::;:::;: i; ."."-'- .' ..', ."'.:-',:-\:-':":-' :":0':..:0 ' '\:.:":"::-\:'~\:"':' t.- '.'\~' F;j;~~ \"":"~"",\,,, ~ n n t,. .~I:~W'."""- '~' t~~~it~~t1~~~~'~~~~i~~fJ ,~~,:r.. ' \1. '--' \ III' III'r--1 rI., ,--.... h r- ---- .... 'Mt.oow : Ho~"'1J : ~.. TlI9 AREA L.-~---.---- HlGI4 VOlTAGEAnU DETAL "A'" 10 000II ia I, \~ "Q""D ~ INnnsARU ! ' . l~ ~ --~ - ---- - ~' b~~L- ~: - ----.-- fl--------rJa I!IlJ . , laEP~1.",I\i;A '-CWII L______-------- , T~..usFont/R P At) DIMENSION CHART TRANSFORMER DIMENSIONS RATING 75 "SOO KVA 128"lB.15'20" 750 . 2SIX! I(VA 132"ItS"60"to"':!O'DETAIL "'CoO C&sfolner,Suppllod C~nc~..te 'I'rnnsCo~mel" P.d With CT Motorfnc n..or o' III*nlt should he sul'pli~d 10 commercial 0," a.Brie~l\.unl CUlll.omcn ror cona~l"Uctlon of pada lOr Lbr\!e. p ' 8C tTttnarOrtM:rA wiLh CT ",et.cnWlS ..t U)I! trDI"rOl"'l'nCr .11.0, It. aho..ld .1110 be URIMI by line eJ'C!wa .. "r\lre ~~ If mcaaun:menb III'!! in doubt., Wbon thi. \uli~ I. uaad, StAndard 73 03$ must aJ~ be: auppllcd.. 1,\ 73 034 cus-ro ME It. 'SUPPLUi:O CONCnETE TRANSFORMER PAD WITH c'r ME'rEnING mSER IItnllt~ PJU UPJ'et*$I"'1C11OII $1"- DESIGNED BY: BRO~ APPROVED: D. I , HOf~ ()/j ~ DhiE: 3 JULY. I fir IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES commiSSion EXHIBIT B o. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Paul Kjellander, President Marsha H. Smith, Commissioner Dennis S. Hansen, Commissioner April 2, 2003 Cad L. Palmer Carl Palmer & Associates o. Box 455 3642 Chalet Drive Santa. Clara, UT 87565 Dear Mr. Palmer: I received your March 24 2003, letter concerning Del Ray Holm and Utah Power and Light' costs fo!' installing electric service for new irrigation pivots. Normally the Public Utilities Commission does not take third-party inquiries or complaints. However, I spoke to Mr. Holms yesterday and he gave me pennission to share the information supplied to him by Utah Power and Light Y OUI letter asks for an itemization of the two work requests. First, both requests denote that the company will remove the existing overhead facilities. provide the new underground cable, the transformer and the connections to provide power to the p'l.ltO.ps. On the other hand, the customer is to provide the trenching, back-filling, conduit, meter base and transfonner pad. The foJlowing itemization shows the company s labor/vehicle and material costs. We believe this itemization is in sufficient detail for you to evaluate the estimates. Labor & Vehicle Material Material Salvage Accrued Depreciation Credit Total Cost Request # 2235692 $17,098. $18,955. ($6 394.00) 1$4.716,00) $24,943. Request" 2235687 $17,901. $20.7-47. ($5,813.00) ($5.354,00) $27,421. I hope this informatiOn will be of benefit to Sincerely L/1z4'KA!.~ I Nancy Harman Utilities Compliance Investigator cc:Delray Holms Utah Power & LIght Located at 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone~ (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334~3762 Appendix EXHIBIT C Utilities Placing Customer Service Above Corporate Profits April 2, 2003 :;;j', r~s. Nancy Harmon UTI LITIES COMPLIM~CE INVESTIGATOR I daho Pub 1 i c Uti 1 i ti es Commi ss ion P. O. Box 83720 Boi se, Idaho 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Harman: Thank you for your prompt response and information sent to use on April 2, in reply to our request for itemization of the Del Ray Holm project. The four topics you reference in that correspondance are "Project categories " not Unit itemization ... which is QUANTITY, DESCRIPTION, UNIT $, EXTD.$, for each category. I have enclosed an itemization sheet prepared by Utah Power and Light (UP&L) for another UP&L i rri gation project. We would expect no less of a cost breakdown or Itemization " than this which has been prepared for another irrigation project. Also, Please have UP&L submit their "Applicant Built Line Contract" for our review. It contains 11 pages. An example of that document is also enclosed. Thank you again.We look forward to your ti me ly response. cc: Del Ray Holm and others :i Carl Palmer & Associates : Public Power Consulting O. Box 455 3462 Chalet Drive Santa Clara, Utah 84765 Ap pe ndix.J) (~35) t :?;?-t,I(,t) Office: (435) 628-4888 Cellular: (801) 20CJ 3860 Fax: (435) 628-2008 www.cpaimerpowercom fe:ria.. I. l( L' nL'$ IS e1-11 zaf loJ1 tY"J'l /'v'~e B~ e fz, ""'" J:,tJ..hpr VeJI/I~) 'YV/d.fet',a,1 g~/';41-e J_ /. flccru.eef. ()e recA. '1771 Credt f- ""A~J. terial Sales Quanll.y unitSA..-EA..-EA..- 17 ~ FT -46 EA..-EA-- 3 EA...- 8 EA...- 1 0 ElL.-EA-- 18 EA..- 3 EA..-. 12 EA.....- 6 EA...:- 18 EA-..:.- StDc;k . . Short Desaiption 1580214 fIOO,GRD,5I8"X10',COPPERWBJWONOED CU- 1720621 PAO,BOx.SECT CABlNET.SPH,2S KV"5105151 1950307 IND,FAlA.. T,ElB MTG.TEST PT.SHLD,3OOA.- 42OQ1 01 C ,25KV, 1/0 AL. SOl.26O M 4623807 E.CU, . , 320 D 4730092 XFMR.PAD.~PH.150.2X14.480.LOOP. 546()1OS LOCK.DlSPQSABl.E.EQUlPMENT 6113807 CLAMP .GRD ROO,5J8"CU CLAD GROUND- 6117709 CONN,GRD.BRZ.XfMFU8 SOL-12 6700 146 CABINET ,secT1ONALlZ1NG.25KV .9PH. MIlD 9 6800312 SEAL.KIT ,lJRD CABLE. 200 AMP 6807069 JeT .UG.lD8RK.25K'I,2OOA.3POS,ABOVE GRAD sa10006 BUSHtNG.UG.2ODA.1NSR.25KV,JlDBAK-- 6813703 CAP UG,200A,1NS\A..15KV,LOADBREAK- 6819703 ELBOW.UG,200A.25KV,1AJSTR.W/TEST PT.26 Sub Total Qverhe8d5 Material Total SaleS Tax Total 5aIeB Price IXlBlT D Unit $ ExId. $ 45 $ 38. 227.82 $ 227. 10.24 S 632.1895 $1 625.00 89 $ 86.94 5592 $11,184.65 $ 1.81 $ 4, 1.34 $ 13.-40 656.86 $ 656. 15 $ 110. 129.33 S 387. SUM S 382.08 15.77 $ 94. 29.92 538.56 $30.985. $13,943.36 $44.928. $ 2,246.43 $47,175. 'Noll::: 1bIs tilt iDcluda IllmMttial!bit UP &: L is wiUiDgIO mil appJil:allt ti)r'tbcpurpose otiDstlDlllg1lD 1pp1ic:aDt built liDcin IN: H8JDCI'. Idaho -. Thilidt doa DOt iBcIDck SOllIe miRor JIID1I:riII dBt is NqIIiRd to the iD11111IIiDD otthc di&tDbutioft ba::kboIIc 1IId it is dID fbr 1he appIiaIm 10 ICIJIlre t8d IJII&CriaI. bllhe cvat ap(JIic:.aII( dr.dII D8tC1iaI &om UP ~ L IIIJPIjcB8t wit J2eIIII so Dl81a1 tbat request m wrili8& at such tiJK UP It L will proYide app&am 8 bill of sale 1br matEril.llis1.cd abo'It. ~rucA)(f BUILT UNf. EXH ISH 0 ~ 'J\ \U1IES:::s Q... ;;, FAX Correspondence To:Carl Palmer Fax: (208) 522-8840 Date & Time: ApriJ 16, 2003 (8:46 AM) From: Re: Marge Maxwell UP&L'(PacifiCorp) Response This transmission is 2 paqe(s) includinq the cover sheet. MESSAGE Mr. Palmer: If you are in (daho, you can contact the Commissiol1 by calUng 1 (800) 432-0389. Marge MaxweU Utilities Compliance Investigator (208) 334-0369 P. O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Telephone: (208)334-0300 Facsimile: (208)334-3762 Appendix E - Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 12:02 PM To: Marge Maxwell Subj ect: Del Ray Holm Marge I was not initially involved in tills complaint, but after thoroughly investigating Del Ray Holm' work request I see that he is asking for Overhead to Underground ConversionIRelocation of Facilities. Relocation of Facilities does not qualify for Applicant Built Line Extension as it does not meet the definition of a Line Extension. Definition of Line Extension is located in our Regulation 12R. 2: CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (d) Extension -- A branch fro~ a continuation of, or an increase in the capacity of, an existing Company owned transmission or distribution line. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase or a conversion of a single.phase line to a three-phase line. The Company will own, operate and maintain all Extensions made under this regulation. In any case, we would not be willing to provide any custoroer/applicant with the detailed information Mr. Palmer is requesting. Our policy of providing this infonnation was established back in 2001 after we had an experience with the first applicant bw1t line in Idaho. 1bis extension was for a customer building phase one of a new industrial park. (not irrigation as Mr. Palmer states). After we designed the job, the individual had a contract from us - that we understood he was going to sign and purchase the material from us. Based on that assumption we supplied the itemized material and price sheet. However, at that point the customer began to shop each item and also to modify the design and the job ended up requiring an inordinate amount of oversight and inspection by UP&L. As a result of that experience, and further studyoftbe matter, the Company detennined that we will no longer provide a customer a detailed material price list. When that same customer built phase-two in 2002 a detailed material price list VIas not provided, nor have we provided such a list to any other customer since then. Robin Cross Senior Analyst Tariff Policy