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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050215Supplemental Information.pdf825 E. Multnomah St. Portland, OR 97232 ~"'.""'~. .'!r "" ! )... I \.. :\L0i-1 YO=~'1; t!:J ;~!L, . PACIFICORP znU5 FEf3 1 5 Ar;~::33 i,! 'i U tUL)LiL ""'':) -' c'A;,,~!C' " ' t" " "", i lll...'"'-.' '.I~)iJi ,,",VI February 14, 2005 Idaho Public Utility Commission Statehouse 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 ATTN:Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Re:Case Nos. P AC-92- and PAC-03- In the Matter of the Application ofP ACIFICORP for authority to (1) borrow the proceeds of not more than $150 000 000 of Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds to be issued by various Counties, (2) enter into such agreements or arrangements with the Counties and with other entities as may be reasonably necessary to effect the borrowings and to provide credit enhancement for the Refunding Bonds, including the issuance of First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds, and (3) replace or modify from time to time the credit enhancement arrangements supporting the Refunding Bonds. Dear Commissioners: PacifiCorp (the "Company ) submits the following supplemental information with respect to the above-referenced dockets. The Company believes that no further Commission action is required in connection with this matter. The Company is currently in discussions with the following issuers, various underwriters and remarketing agents with respect to the following series of Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (collectively, the "PCRB Series ) that were issued pursuant to Order No. 24479, which was issued by the Commission in the first above-referenced docket: Aggre gate Current Issuer PCRB Series Princi al Amount Stated Maturit Converse County Series 1992 $22,485 000 July 1 , 2006 Sweetwater County Series 1992A $ 9 335 000 April 1 , 2005 Sweetwater County Series 1992B $ 6 305 000 December 1 , 2005 The Company is proposing to extend the maturity date of each PCRB Series to a date not later than the date or dates for which the Company will obtain an independent engineer s certificate verifying the economic life of the respective qualifying facilities. The application in the first Portlnd2-4384914.3 0017507-00027 Idaho Public Utility Commission February 14, 2005 above-referenced docket stated that the "(m)aturity (of the PCRB Series) will be determined based upon an engineer s certificate verifYing the economic life of the qualifYing facilities." The supplemental application in the second above-referenced docket also contemplated the extension of the maturities of the PCRB Series "consistent with the economic lives of the Facilities." The Company expects to receive new independent engineers ' certificates that will enable the Company to extend the maturities of the PCRB Series by up to 20 years. The Company expects to complete the above-described transactions by the third week of March 2005. If the Commission or its staff has any questions about these transactions, please contact me at (503) 813-5662. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, tJ Bruce N. Williams Treasurer cc:Terri Carlock Port1nd2-4384914.3 0017507-00027