HomeMy WebLinkAboutapplication.pdf~t, PACIFICORP RECEIVED mFILED 2UO2€ICT II PM 5:5' fDiUUJ r1uauc UIILH rES COM.MfSSlIN 825 E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 813-5000 RAClFIC POWER UTAH POWER October 18, 2002 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Attn: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary PAG -;:--0 )",() Re:Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Program Application sf///:-# PacifiCorp (d.a. Utah Power & Light Company) hereby submits for filing an original and..B:ine ~. conformed copies of the following application. The Company seeks an effective date of November 19, 2002. An electronic version of this filing will also be provided to Jean Jewell' attention. Original Sheet No. 20 Schedule 20 Residential Energy Efficiency Program - Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Program Overview PacifiCorp proposes to initiate a Residential Energy Efficiency Rider, Schedule 20, to include a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) program. This program will promote the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs by providing two bulbs to each Company customer at no direct cost. The offer will be available to all residential customers - approximately 44 000 households in the Company s Idaho service territory. The bulbs used in this program will be Energy Star certified and will carry the Energy Star label. Program Design All residential PacifiCorp customers in Idaho will receive two compact fluorescent bulbs in a package sent directly to their mailing address. The package will include written information on the benefits of the bulbs, suggestions as to the most energy efficient use of compact fluorescent bulbs, the importance of shopping for Energy Star certified bulbs and details on their two-year warranty. Idaho Public Utilities Commission October 18, 2002 Page 2 Summary A cost effectiveness analysis was performed assuming 44 000 participants and $456 000 total program costs. The expected savings and installation rates utilized in the analysis are included in Attachment A of the Application. The company views this offering as a means to educate customers as to the benefits of compact fluorescent bulbs and will further the acceptance ofthese bulbs in the market place. It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and staff requests regarding this filing be addressed to: Bye-mail (preferred)to:datarequest~pacifi corp. com By regular mail to:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 800 Portland, Oregon, 97232 By fax to:(503) 813-6060 Any informal questions concerning this filing should be directed to Bob Lively, at (801) 220- 4052. Sincerely, j)d~ Doug LaJ;on Vice President /tt~ Enclosures Mary S. Hobson (ISB # 2142) STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 RECEIVED mFILED 0 26U2QCT 18 PH 5: 5' or.iOt\HO PUBLIC JUrIES COMH1SSI€JH John M. Eriksson (Utah Bar #4827) STOEL RIVES LLP 201 South Main Street, #1100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-4904 Telephone: (801) 328-3131 Facsimile: (801) 578-6999 Attorneys for PacifiCorp BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application ofPacifiCorp APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP for Approval of Idaho Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Program and for Approval of Deferred Accounting Treatment Case No. PAC' ~~() i-o1 Pursuant to Idaho Code ~61-524 and Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure 52, LD.A., PacifiCorp, doing business as Utah Power & Light Company ("PacifiCorp" or "the Company ) applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for approval of a new tariff offering energy conserving light bulbs to Idaho residential customers. PacifiCorp also seeks an accounting order allowing deferral of the costs of said program including carrying charges. In support of this Application, PacifiCorp states as follows: PacifiCorp is an electrical corporation and public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with regard to its public utility operations. PacifiCorp also provides retail electricity service in the states of California Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - Boise-148204.100002-0001 Page 1 This Application is filed pursuant to Idaho Code ~61-524, which authorizes the Commission to prescribe the accounting to be used by public utilities subject to its jurisdiction. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Robert Lively PacifiCorp 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4052 Mary S. Hobson STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 Please send data requests regarding this matter to: By E-mail (preferred):datarequest~pacificorp. com By facsimile:(503) 813-6060 By mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 800 Portland, OR 97232 Attached to this Application as Exhibit A is PacifiCorp s proposed new Tariff Schedule 20, Residential Energy Efficiency Program - Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Program, with a proposed effective date of November 19, 2002. With this proposed tariffPacifiCorp seeks to introduce a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) offering to its Idaho residential customers. The proposed CFL program would provide two CFLs, at no direct cost, to the approximately 44 000 residential customers in Idaho. The bulbs would be mailed directly to customers in packages that APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP- Boise-148204.1 00002-0001 Page 2 include the bulbs, information on the benefits of CFLs and advice on the most energy efficient use ofthe bulbs. An order form for the purchase of additional CFLs from Energy Technology Laboratories (ETL), the firm that provides fulfillment services for the program will also be included. All bulbs carry a two-year warranty through ETL, are Energy Star certified and carry the Energy Star label. Energy Star is a certification process sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. Products meeting Energy Star requirements are built beyond energy efficiency codes and standards. Customers will benefit from the proposed program by experiencing the positive qualities of CFLs, including reduced energy usage and extended bulb lives. The two-year warranty will allow for any defective bulbs to be replaced easily. PacifiCorp is hopeful that the program will trigger customers ' interest in energy efficient products and appliances. The proposed CFL program is estimated to save 5 720 000 kWhs annually; fifty per cent of which will occur during peak load periods. The cost effectiveness of the program is addressed in Attachment A, Idaho Compact Fluorescent Cost and Savings Analysis. PacifiCorp intends to complete distribution of the bulbs by January 1 2003. The CFL program is consistent with PacifiCorp s Integrated Resource Plan as reflected in the Company s RAMPP-6 Report, and specifically with Chapter 4 dealing with its Demand Side Management (DSM) planning. The CFL program is one of several measures planned to help the Company achieve its DSM target for fiscal year 2003. Similar CFL programs have been successfully offered by the Company to residential customers in Oregon, Utah and Washington. Results from these programs indicate that customers are satisfied with the offering. Evaluations have shown that the APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - Boise-148204.100002-0001 Page 3 program savings have out-performed initial estimates. This Idaho program will have the advantage of re-using many materials developed for the prior CFL programs, allowing for significant cost reductions. 10.PacifiCorp estimates that the project will cost $456 000., including the costs of the CFLs, shipping and handling, and customer education. PacifiCorp proposes to defer in accordance with this requested authorization, the costs of this program until a future rate proceeding. 11.Deferred accounting treatment is requested including accrued carrying charges at a rate equal to the weighted average cost of capital most recently recommended by Commission Staff in its audit ofPacifiCorp s Results of Operations. This treatment is an appropriate, just and reasonable means of providing the Company an opportunity to seek recovery of its DSM program costs. PacifiCorp does not request a determination of ratemaking treatment of the program costs and related carrying charges at this time. Such determination will be made in a future rate proceeding. 12.In accordance with Idaho Code ~ 61-307, copies of this Application are available for public inspection at the Company s offices in Rexburg, Preston, Shelley and Montpelier, Idaho. WHEREFORE, PacifiCorp respectfully requests that the Commission consider this matter under modified procedure and enter its Order approving the proposed new Tariff APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - Boise-148204.100002-0001 Page 4 Schedule 20 and authorizing the deferral of the Company s program costs as requested herein. DATED this 18th day of October, 2002. STOEL RIVES LLP ~~o John M. Eriksson Attorneys for Defendant PacifiCorp APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP - Boise-148204.100002-0001 Page 5 Blah HIJYM c. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 20 UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY (N) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. STATE OF IDAHO Residential Energy Efficiency Program Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb Program PURPOSE Service under this tariff is intended to maXImIze the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of existing residential dwellings through the use of compact fluorescent bulbs, and to influence their future light bulb buying decisions. APPLICABLE: To existing residential customers in all territory served by the Company in the state of Idaho. This tariff will expire June 30, 2003. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of applicable residential dwellings. The Company will provide, at no direct cost to the Customer, two compact fluorescent bulbs. The compact fluorescent bulbs will be shipped directly to Customers. VERIFICATION All equipment provided under this program is intended to be installed in the Company s service territory. RULES AND REGULATIONS Service under this Schedule is subj ect to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. (N) ISSUED: October 18 , 2002 EFFECTIVE: November 19 2002 ulahnlJB C. No. 28 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. B. Cancels Tenth Revised Sheet No. B. Schedule No. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES STATE OF IDAHO Class of Service Sheet No. 1.1 & 1.2 1 - 6.3 6A.1 - 6AA 1 - 704 7A.1 - 7A. 1 & 8. 1 & 9. 10.1 - lOA 11.1 - 11.3 12.1 - 12. 17.1 - 17.3 19.1 - 19. (N) 21.1 - 21.5 Residential Service General Service - Large Power General Service - Large Power (Residential and Farm) Security Area Lighting Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) General Service - Medium Voltage General Service - High Voltage lITigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Street Lighting - Company-Owned Overhead System Street Lighting - Customer-Owned System Temporary Service Connection Facilities Standby Service Commercial and Industrial Space Heating Residential Energy Efficiency Program - Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb Program Residential Energy Efficiency Rider (Continued) ISSUED: October 18, 2002 EFFECTIVE: November 19, 2002 BlahRLUr C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 20 VT AH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY (N) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. STATE OF IDAHO Residential Energy Efficiency Program Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb Program PURPOSE: Service under this tariff is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of existing residential dwellings through the use of compact fluorescent bulbs, and to influence their future light bulb buying decisions. APPLICABLE To existing residential customers in all territory served by the Company in the state of Idaho. This tariff will expire January 31 2003. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of applicable residential dwellings. The Company will provide, at no direct cost to the Customer, two compact fluorescent bulbs. The compact fluorescent bulbs will be shipped directly to Customers. VERIFICATION All equipment provided under this program is intended to be installed in the Company s service territory. RULES AND REGULATIONS Service under this Schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this Schedule is a part, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. (N) ISSUED: October 18, 2002 EFFECTIVE: November 19, 2002 Attachment A Page 1 of 3 To:Rebecca Eberle From:M. Sami Khawaja Re:Idaho Compact Fluorescent Cost and Savings Analysis Date:October 8, 2002 Table 1 summarizes the assumptions used in conduc.ting the cost and savings analysis for the proposed Idaho Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb (CFL) Program. PacifiCorp provided the figures for the program budget and participation. The assumptions used for the analysis are provided in Table 1. Table 1 Pro ram Assum tions Costs Lightbulbs (88,000 bulbs) Marketing/Education Program Management Evaluation Total $434 000 000 $5,000 $10,000 $456 000 First Year kWh Savings Discount Rate Measure Life Retail Rate 091 063 Costs and Savings Assumptions The program distributes two CFLs to each customer in the Idaho service territory. The cost per two bulb package of CFLs is $9.86. We used an average CFL savings of 65 kWh per bulb per year based on an average of two recent studies: "Measure Incentives and Cost-Effectiveness for the California Residential Contractor Program " Robert Mowris & Associates, September 15, 1999; and "Process and Impact Evaluation of New England Power Service Company s Appliance Management Program " July 1 , 1999, Research Into Action and Quantec. These estimates are also in line with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance assumptions. Two recent studies conducted for the Company by Quantec in Oregon and Washington found average savings of approximately 82 kWh. Results The cost-effectiveness of the CFLs was calculated using Quantec s DICE (Demand Impact and Cost Effectiveness) model. The model takes the first year kWh savings and Rebecca Eberle October 8, 2002 Page 2 Attachment A Page 2 of 3 allocates it over all the 8 760 hours in a year based on load shapes appropriate for each of the end-uses. The achieved hourly kWh savings are then multiplied by the appropriate avoided cost based on the time of day and season during which they occur (summer peak summer off-peak, winter peak, etc.). The value of the savings is calculated for each year of the measure life and then discounted back to the present. Avoided costs are based on both a low and high set ofPacifiCorp s August 2002 Palo Verde and Mid-Columbia forward price curves. The proposed program is cost effective under both sets of forward price assumptions. Table 2a 50% Palo Verde/50% Mid Columbia Low Scenario TRC 11.455,840 098 991 UTC 11.455,840 999 083 RIM 446,719 999,083 PART 990,879 Detailed Results Benefits TRC TRC UTC PART Avoided Costs 098,991 098 991 999,083 990 879 Bill Reduction Non-Energy Benefits Gas Savings BETC Tax Savings Total Benefits 098 991 098 991 999,083 990,879 Costs TRC TRC UTC PART Other Parties' contribution Energy Service Charge Deferred Cost Other Deferred Expenses 455.840 455,840 455,840 Lost Revenues Total Costs 455,840 455,840 455 840 Rebecca Eberle October 8, 2002 Page 3 Attachment A Page 3 of 3 Table 2b 50% Palo Verde/50% Mid Columbia High Scenario Detailed Results Benefits TRC TRC UTC PART Avoided Costs 098 991 669 895 518 086 990 879Bill Reduction Non-Energy Benefits Gas Savings BETC Tax Savings Total Benefits 098 991 669,895 518 086 990 879 Costs TRC TRC UTC PART Other Parties' contribution Energy Service Charge Deferred Cost Other Deferred Expenses 455 840 455 840 455 840 Lost Revenues Total Costs 455 840 455 840 455 840