HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020415Senator Hill.pdf~PR-15-2002 12:54 JIR 01/01 ./OID BRENT HILL DISTRICT 27 MADISON & FRIiMONT COUN11ES fIlL E- HOMe ADORI!SS 1010 SOUTM 2ND EAST REXBUFIG. IDAMO 83440 (208) 358-7495 OR 356-3671 EMAlL: BHII.I.OSENATS.STATE.JD. Idaho State Senate State Capitol P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0081 Apri115~ 2002 Chainnan Paul Kjcllancicr Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Cbainmm. Kjcllandcr. As a member of the Electric Utility Restructuring Committee, I am concerned about reports that the Idaho Public Utilitics'Commission has made decisions to award recovery to PacifiCorp for its unanticipated costs. Because this is such a significant issue affecting residential customcrs in Eastern Idaho. I request that hearings be held by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to extend to all customers the opportunity to provide input for these important ncgotiations. To my knowledge, such hearings have not been held as you havc negotiated a senlement with PacitiCorp. nor has the public been adequately represented to insure that conditions set forth in the Scottish Power. PacifiCorp merger are satisfied. I request that hearings be conducted in Eastern Idaho communities to solicit public testimony regarding the appropriateness and justification of any cost recovery. I appreciate the work you and your commission members provide and trust in your judgment to include Eastern Idaho customers in your decision-making process. Sincerely. WWW.STATE.ID.USIlEGISLATILEGISLAT.HTML (!.C.. : 1.. /7LF J)c' dr/tJ 5.5 All ;f~